The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 -3L TWAPB MARK **“ XbT At* (Min u r m 111 lull ill. iCr.vss Away Frowns. Jos. A. Magnus Cincinnati, O. IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA NEW* OK THE TWO <T%Tt* T<LO i\ riHAMt trio. tavannah nd Ike w luir-tnm lr>r I mib f y \boliahnl. (HIM Humrt] • r>f*lh-4 olfon Hyar Who l llllairt—Ami to rkiUauin*-l'lrlHaa *ln©pi*l© (iraiH'ra l form • 1 rual —Mbb Bwrnrd to Draifh nl i'nrpn *pri•* m • ■ En<|Uirar Bunj SiviiuiAh win-a *h© r* x• State F air • 4ls putting her har.l <lorr In fc*r jh> k©* In her effort to get I and ' will equal or •'irjmw tr on# evar hl<S. iptnnnati land the I nir. SylTirU* P©ojl# s rr#*9 H©vann*h I* making trrnuo * * fTorts to have th*- State Fa r *© o-*<i ? *r rtr*i y- ar, at •! it Ilk* *h* m* I* < • It 1* . . * ihox P t©v<pii ounty will do all 1' *an to make the fair a su ©*. I'oaloltli'ra %lo 11 •Itr f St* Sumter county pot-fflc*© have been abolished by order of the jn9toffc au thorities ai Warn.r.ftoil Tt©y are Prov idence, Tropic, Jordanvllle. Hudson. Yaw and Ogden. The order went Into effect Saturday, and the territory of the and **•**.- tinued offl' o wi.: >*• oovere,| by free ru rai mall delivery, the carrier* going out from Amen. ms. farmer Mnkea a llecaril. M Use Telf: :r Knterprlpe: J W. Ryal as a!rr.*># fr ’-:••> ’.'.*• r* ord .** a pot to grower. Tbi* year, at hi* place here in lowr, on a smai pe.’e of grmirvl. ?w< *<’re* probbiy. he has banket gt.Wi buabeia and bis hog* now hive left more than they >an eat This is a productive soil and only nee is tne attention of thrifty people to make It yield an abuiviant har vest of almost every kind of vegetation Had to C loe* kchoole. Washington Gagatta On account of the aslatence of aever*. a sea of scarlet fever among the chi.dree in thia place, the pub lic whoo. ais * wpended on Wednesday for the baton©* of tne term. This I* • the entire immunity. The physician*- pronoun* e tn-e d*. 1 1 and *** of * ar.ei f#vrr, but so for they ore ©f a mild tvj P m© b*ldren wno hav** sick with !• have entirely recovered, and are out agair. Child ftnrf*d to Tlrath. ®tralr.e'x>r*j Wlregrasa Blo*ie: Report has r*arhed this off. -© of the burning t* death of the little *-y#*r-o;d daughter >f Mr* Daniel f Joh neon of Thrift. l**t Ba’urday It **©m* thit tne little one spilled nme syrup on her drees, had It washed away and war standing b*-fo* the fire for vr to dry when h* r coth ing tt. : * r y ignite.; Her wreanit brigh her mother who wiw near by. but wnen ahe arrived her little daughter was In a dying It * t at I *xpir*-i shortly f -terward \\t extend aymi thy to the be reaved An I nrH'irillnnri The * by Judje FVRrn in the p.ilrf-f-.r c* rt In M-> n of TtUmin Pharr to twelve months on rh© • ha:r-fr me cion*— m easy of more than ordlnsry In terest, In vlr*w of Its ' irtou* development. Pharr a y**r no be it th** womnn h* k then Wl*'l hll w.f** and th© mother of hV> rhlMrer so eevereiy Iha* hr- t*-*th fi"u ’ V* * *' *;rn© *h© neighbor* is© © not fully ownr© of th© rauw of death ni <l the i*u r woman was bur and without examination of the* • © by the coroner. an-1 It w impossible to establish the f i t r ? n Mial murder. Prarr wis ft ward arrested for wlfebostlnx and In the course of the trial he set up that the woman sa- not his wife, but only his mt**r*#. hm| tha* the ohWdr©r w* re fheref 'f * rn out of we Hock Ills de fer*' •••*!'*'! i -on thi cx ? • dlnarv t in* ai> * tt... * rv ws romi* Hr I to flti 1 him or.‘\ <! i ul! mid The )•!#• m*d© *he hr of tb. matter by irlvins !' nrr the hlfrh©t p. Ible senten-e under *h "r >!' i' twelve months on th© Irens at hard labor. % Mllml 4 tion Htiyer. Mxron Tp-lpemph: A man who lx ron- © proUm* In that h< hae math* a |Oo<l living nritl h im ilare.l |>rof>tr:y I>uylr.g oottoti ini merrhantilelng at Ju liM. Oa.. althougTh he 1* no blind that he cannot fell nixht frm 1- Mr B II Mitchell, who cam** down t Macon yea* terday and dlaiK#e**d of an r. mnul ci v>k of t> W A I>iv. Ar Cos M- MfcheH li* no' eiitlrely re|e nelhh for *l Btjhowove;. i>d he .S t - not l* ire the credit f'-r It; but when ‘kp I aUmt It. piara hie hand affectionately on hie wife * arm and rave: “Th* • 1- the . • i of It ’* Kach year he *om# i< M on and gete Card Davl* t* fix up what *ot ton men “tvpe “ w Ich le n not her wav of ©eying **witnr>b‘*.*' hy whl h tie can *>e governed 1n da.**tfylng the d|ff* r ent grwdee of cotton. Theee -are placed in a flits cage. erh g i*!* In a epArate ncctlon. When Mr Mlt 'hell Ik at,oik lo buy a bal** ct cotton he g.-te the f ami n-k. hla wife ro eee to which * law It belong*. She loe ao. and 1 r the ver It* proper gTHh Mr. Mttcheii, knowing the locatloi) of the grade’ tn te;i instantly whenever he nei •!) t' know what rorton he t handl* Ing ll* e r flyu e accu ately on pap*’*, kb h# cannot ace the aheet on wmch he wrltea. FLORIDA. It is said ths" the Executive Committee of ih# Tallahaase,- CapKal League, after making a successful and clean campaign, t* In a financial -nd'.tlon which will *n- M A to return to the Individual donor* 75 per cent, of the money contributed for tb* capital campaign, after paying all obl!ga*l<m* Ulcurrai! "Dlls m In condition unproad*rai*d In t he management of cam paigns and campaign funda Meek • WKlpnemß of (1(ao. P .lpmartJ of cigar* from Tampa during • e ;-a** week amounted to kd diet. CT ttfb i*ar The aMpngntf for the - .me week feat year were 30 cases or l; 1- gar*—an tneraane for this ear * 1C aws or cigar* npmeist* from Tampa from Jer X to to© amoun** to 21 9t rases, or ‘.2F4T W ;gam For the eame of iast year the ahlpmen** were ‘.4 *-T. case*, or r.gara—an increase tor thit year cf Mk*2 n ca;a. Hods Rowed In the %ake. The trnl’.d g at the wr-* of Tarpon I Pafford avenue, et T•• p-w, Bpr*.ngt. occ*x*piei b> poc. room, avight on fire T ;r ? 1 * -and was b jrr *d The fire apf+.'j ic >* bulling of Mr. Martin ad) rrg a. 'h waa burned. The buildngs were % am but it Is up pri# ! * p * * ,f ger* Wert Into th* fr sr t . ,r ;■ .e- ■• in *.:>* *„ i ;.e ;* , . The btdy of or.e of therr. • t; t l. 'arey of the s 'hoorver Frankllr wa* fmjrd :n :h ashes \\is I* itr Pa atka Advert er. years ago ■ , f.jk* ri> finite a pretentious and r*tr. r*ram industry on the pt river at PKlatk* numbers of and • snarmen were required to *ake care # t,# • *a wirier 8n e then f r or). unaccountable reason the run* 0 tbe r i > beautlr* have graduall) *• wn sn. >r until HT*orit ha;f -he for-e of arglers ♦mi/ioyed In former year* e** v jerform th* work Is tie *ar Ity of t e fin:, iue t. their aban.lot.ment of the wa*ers I * real its. or u> the lrevlty f *h* enf r * men* f the law that i i; - ito i*r.’e't them? (liar I.Rnguagr In Florida. Ore of the rre -t rem/irkable caeea tried kr* the Cirnitt Court at Jacksonville In years w is for defamation of character In w b a we],-known lady of that city was left: <! .m The plaintiff, J. Mur phy barged Mr* Leonora Jackson, the w I>w r, f ibe :i* Thotn-is Ja< kti. with referring to him s robbing her. and he on- |er*i r nt ne <ssary to repair the damages *ucf alleged statements bad ln fl, te j Th* Jury to*k !he •***• .t 4 o’clock and returned a \erdei at 5 o’clock for the p. • *rtlff in she sum 1100 The full sent* r• e alleged to have lem uttered Kwd:>t the plaintiff consixtrd of Jus: teti words and the Jury figured it out at 110 a word. Pineapple Grosser*’ Trust, Timja Tribune r>n Wednesday. Jan 2X there w II meat in this city one of the most Important gatherings ever held here All the pineapple growers of Houth Flor ida will g“vmblr here on that day The purpose of * e gathering will be to form what will be. practically, a pineapple growers’ trust, which will control the product of tihtdiil pineapple* in Florida The movement got It* first impetus from tna*a f ion of the flouth Florlla Pineapple a > <oriation. of 8t Petersburg Seeing the benefits air* ady derived, the organisation w li be *xtended to Include 'bo * wner of every pineapple shed Ir. th* state The same method of consolidation war affect**! last vear bv the fishery ln * reats of the *f t* % . and the Florida Fish *nd Ice Company was orgsniae*!. eontrol ling the r.t h of the-. water* When the pin* ipple trust Is fv*rm* !. every man who raise- a pineapple In the state wll! - lip hi* product to the central depot of the company in Tampa, n*i shipment* . th.- market* will be made from this 1. jot egciuaively. kutldem Death of F. F. Hendry. Frederick F. Hendry, a aon of O W Hendry. one of the early aettler* In Polk county, wi, found dead In one of hla lioure. In the rear of the dru* xtore a Fort M*wde on Saturday by J H Hunter. -ho keeje. a dniar .•ore It appear, that Mr l*- n ‘ ;i> was taken til In the nl*ht and called ~r help He *•* found In the rove tn f r. nt of the houae. and had been tryln*. . ntlv. to K et water, hut. hi, ,ir*njrth Iltvlnis out. he fell and called out Mr Hunter and F. E. Ernest, who live, near 1t..,n responded, and a„l*ted the lck man to bed. ltd made up a Are. loawnk , m very fairly comfortable ThDwa. , . It 3 ~ .p, k In the mornln* A, ->on Mr 16;..'ter could Ket away from hi, after breakfat. te went oter t„ he house where Mr. Hendry wa, to .... if h- need-d anythin* end fotind him alttltut on a trunk In the tuH with otie hn.l ov.-r hi, heart and quite cold and -tiff He had (•< numably been dead aome e.ur. He had h.,n in 111 health for tom. M and with hi, family ha-t been llvin* n siuiberrv hence hi, -taylnk here In hi, • miay ho me He leave, a wife and ~i:e little ri to mourn hi, untimely end. lie,ides numerous relative. THi; \OTK Ih I'MIHIHb Democratic V... Fl.C—ted. Illhrr Tallahn**** Tall.)-.*—. H. I-c 10 -The M\<~- nr „ th * vot for the Democratic randt ,,.* for Governor in ih* v*' nam "' is 7. 23-M: ino. .*: . n.<; i*. to.- 1 IKTA. KOM. im. 27.171; I*oo. .• It will hr noted that. beginning Uh I*9! th- Democratic vote hn* decreased. In Id* th* content *** between the Democratic, and Doputlat l-rlle*. the Re publican, making no nomination In 1 Irotlt 111* Republican and ropullat part lea ~„i full ticket* In th* field, and tbdr can .lktatea canvasses! the state. In !9f th Republican ticket a the mb one trial i-ra. confronted the Ilemocra. > .be Iv-ultet fadtnk away Don mile B*> \otr* In former yenr* 10 *ai vote* In the entlr. elate In I!**> It le Well known tlia. Florid* * pop”-a rion ha- la.lfev Increased during the last two decade* In WO It amounted to >b - ~ lu f*U It Incre.iod to 391.1—. and 'n ■., it ha. gone up to 528.000. In ]Wt, with population of about 3** - ... the Iwwnorinth party . polled 40.2.a, i vote* In HWi. with a population Increna i .1 to 101.000. .he vote ha* to -9.73d. Thte l more remarkable when It l re nrenbered that a strong Inducement i ,eld oul to Democrat* to vote In Ihe .) lection. by having primary electiona at j ,hc Itw lime for County Commissioner* In every county. Tht* decrease- In the Democratic vole of ihe Bi ll.' hu* no personal significance, for Ihe i arty ha* always put forward worthy and strong men for stale officials An effort l* being made al HI. Angus ' -me lo form a dlvl- on for Ihe Florida Naval Mllltkt There la a vacancy m ihlr branch of the slat* service and a* .rein as the proper petition I* forwarded i 10 Adjt. Urn. Houstoun. the division will A Word to Weak Men. The first Indication of a loss of manly vlgor-th* slightest weakening of your m , n iy (unci lona—la a warning which ahould be promptly harxled. 1 cannot t>o strongly Impress upon >ouhat dlatreastng comillions rfl arc Mire to follow unless you ink* prompt s'*o* . ■ or reel the sllghlest trregu trlty of thla kb-I tt;.i s beftsre a , your e> ** falling mmio-y, pimples. rik hack. etc. f., X „- ■( appr.M i ft. ws -\x.-,1,-h P result In com|>.els bass of manhood. I have , u-*-l mom * non in.) restored them to th* full strength and jJk vigor of ihelr vouth fun any ten other p vs-, i.ins In Ihe Mouth I give ea.h . •** th* careful, thorough att*n ws4* ,!on necsssary, *i*l my U almeni never fills lo effect „ perf*ci cure of young, 0.1 or mbldls-uga.l n. :. I treat -ifkf with perfect sure**- al. Chrot I l -i-ea- f men and 4 v jgßk ,l! women, su.-h a* tttrlcture. VaGeoct i# IKood ar.d Bkln Dls.-as-a Female WeakroM. e'e I inv !ie everyone to con 4|^^M|ff suit tre fully about their ‘ass, or wrbs m- for symp n 1 ’ tom blanks I will also send my new t-pae# book, which ~,- Is fuli of plain fact* that every man should krom- All J,Newton Hathawra? nu corresiwidsnce strictly conildentlal. Office hours tol2 a m.. and 2to & and J NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D.. 7 to Vp. m. Hundays 10 am to 1 p m. 25 A Bryan street. Private reception rooms for ladles. THE MOKMISG NEWS; ILE>DAY, I)ECEAI BEK 11, U*jO. Yellow Label >od Rve is soothing —that’s 1 Whiskey . ellow' Isabel It’s mellow, old FOR IT | and oilv—the ideal stimulant and WHEREVER V ini GOOP LIOUDR M’LL TRtAT. IS JL^ r. ,r * “ ■ X" Ihow t il r-o-* O fj) j cf i *miw* f -, cyg "X 2 CMAS M ’ ****•**<• -co.. “ 4 7 Mam St., Cincinnati, O. \ V. , \ V. . X he received and mnatered into the service Ocn. Houaioun ha* shipped to Battery B, Pensacola Light Artillery, uniform*, ammunition. Tex,is revolving target and other supplies. WEPT WHILeToN WAS TRIED. fContlnued from Tenth Page.) ant of the state’s witne*es was F.llsi Black U* nw**her of the de-ad boy an I an eye-witness of the homicide, fthe l< a small, eh irp-*q-ken woman, wl'h the mark of fixe-i determination and unre lenting disposition in w r snapping eyes and tightly compressed life*. I’nder the qtieftlanlng of the an i-itor gem ral. the witne-* t*.d of her acquaint ance with Mel| and and tailed tba p-lnclpai events leading up to and imme diately preceding the homtcl*le. The homicide had O' Mirred at Twelfth and West Broad street*, on Or. 2 The wtrne*>i sM she had lived In Havun rh>li four or five yearn before the -tn mlsstoi of the homicide ller son would have been IB years old Hat July. Her daughter. Annie, hid mar ried Mall. Before the marriage h**r •laughter had adopted a little girl, whl b she g..t fr..m th* City Exchange. This little Kir) lived with the M< ll* at the ilme of th* homicide The witness said the child ts aiiout 3or 4 old ller name I* Anita. About 3 o'clock. on the afternoon of the homteid* her <t*ughser, Annie Mail. had , ocn* to ler house situated two *r thr*e bio k from the hou-** In v.t b the Mills lived, and asked her to go with h*r and get the child, wh h M U refused to give up. Her aor.. JlngnU l . went on ahead, and when th* wltnea* aid An nie M* tl reached the house, they found the boy already there. Annie Meil oj>er.ed the gate and arke.i them ail to come in At the time Jlrnmt* was In the street, in front of the gat*', and Mali wh* standing on the porch raised about four feet above the ground , The chid was playing about on the Mteja* that lead from the gate to the jor h Lula Taylor. a young woman who lived in the house with the Mella. wh* looking out ># a window, to the right of the house Wr. When Annie Mell invited her r' .th*r and brother to enter the house, neither of th*m accepted. Mell aaUl, w*lth an twiTh. Iht he did not want either f them. The wdtnea# then said she had come for the babv As she *ald this, she reached over the rate and picked the baby up off the step* She placed the little one down In the street ar and Jimmie picked her up in his arm* "If you don't pu that child down/' the wtinews swore Slell said to Jimmie. "I'll shoo, you." ‘ Shoot, then." th# lad responded. "I am not afraid of you.*’ As the boy made this response Mali Bred the first shot The baby was attll In the hoy's arms when this shot was fired. It went wide of Its mark, and ihe wltnewe snatched the rfilld from Ihe arms of her son. Then Mell flrr-d the second shot and Jimmie fed, bleeding, to the ground. The witness said that she paid no fur ther attention to Mell. who went awty Immediately, bur devoted her time to car ing for her wounded hoy. Some men came up at about this time, and with their assistance the hoy was placed in a cab and driven to the home of the wit ness Slie wild that he lived, ehc thought, about an hour after he was shot. In response to quest ions of the solicitor general, the witness said Jlmmtg had started that day to attend the H*n y Street S nool and when his sister rime to her house, the boy was showing her his school book*. The witness was rigidly cross-examined hy Mr folding After long urging she at last reluctantly admitted that before her marriage she was known as Jennie Ituzbce. Hhe confes-ed that on the last trial she had said that *h was never Known by this name, and explained this lapse from the truth by saying "she dll not see what It had to do with the case " "Hi t you ever run an assignation house In Savannah?" ashed Mr Cokllng. "No." said the mitr.ew*. 'Didn’t you run one In Augusa. be fore you ame to Savannah?" "No. ‘ sal.l the witness, "and If I did It has nothing to do w Hi this case " "Wasn't your daughter an Inmate of both of these houses?" Mr. folding queried. "She wan not." the witness answered, "because I never ran them ', Another Important Witness. Mr. Osborne next introduced the evl denoe of Mrs. Lula Smok* Mr.- Hmok* was formerly Lula Taylor aid was llv- I ing with it>* defendant and hts wife, as i a sort of companion to the latter, at the time of the homicide. Bhe was the most ln|>ortant wline-s at the last trial, and she proved lo be Jtutt a* valuable lo th* atate at the on* now In progress. Bh* Is one of the few witnesses w bosn the de fense mini* no effort to discredit or Im pend). and she told *er story with a simplicity, clearness and fulrne-s that rned* a most favogable Impression on the Jury. Bhe said thot at ebotjt 3 o'clock on th* afternoon of h# homicide. Mell came to hla horn* Th* little child. Anna, was playing in th* hock yard and Mell hud picked her up In hi* arm* The child began to cry and Mr*. Mell asked her husband to pill her down. M>-ll refused this request two or three time-, and then Ann)* Mell lefi the house, saying tho- -he would get someone who would make him pill Ihe - hlld down In a few- minutes Jimml* came up He told Mell that be had come for his sis ters child and Mell. with an oath, said that neither he nor hi# sister could get ♦ha child. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Melt reached th* scene at this Junc4ur*. An me Mell invited her mother and brother In. or l Men, with another and viler oath, said he would not hove cither of them in the house. Mrs Black rearhed over the closed gate an 1 pickM up the child, whom he gave to Jimmie The Incidents of the homicide thit was then committed were toid by the witness Just as they had been by Mrs. It i k M.l had fired the first shot when the kd had the baby in his arms and tn* b* 1 I after Mrs Black had Hitleha) th*- child iwav It wat the second shot tht had taken effect. A wording to the wltnc-s it* only provoia’ion given by young Huxbee was the statement lhat Me.l could shoot, "he was not afraid. ' Mr. Folding's cros* examination had no rffe.-t upon the testimony of the witness, that came through the ordeal strength ened. rih*'r than weakened. She said that she wu- aitllrig at the window when ti * quarrel begun and saw Its every inci dent. With great |oeitivnesa she swll Buxliee ha*i no revolver or other weajon atel thit if ha had had or.e, she would have seen It Mr. folding a*k*l her If sha bad ever refused to fell him what she knew about tle ensr Than. In response to this quee thui. the w itne ss loid an interesting story. She sai l that one day she and Annie Meil w-re answering advertisements for • mployment. The witness knew nothing iiei it th** streets of the city, and was pl k>t*d 4y the *lef*f)*hnt's wife to Mr. Foi l ing * rt vikn e. on Jones street. Annie Mell *n*-nt Inside, arx! tW* n ame out and o ft Iht Wltnaaa 10 < HTU in Hhe sat In the iwirlor until Mr. < 'okling sutVfteoly arrived .m the scene, when Annie Mell left the room. ’ You asked me.” said the witness. *Tf Jimmie had a pistol, and I told you he had not You tnen **kti me If I had **\* r told any one th*? Jimmie had a pls rol. and 1 told you I had not. Then I got out of the house.” At the conclusion of the evidence of Mrs Stoke* the state rested It* case, con suming about two hours and a half lr. presenting its contentions to th© Jury. h Idi-urr for the iSefenae. The f.rwr witness for the defendant was F°dce H rge<f>t \v. H. Fleming. The wltne** said he knew the witness Fits* Black, and had known the dead boy, James Buxbee. In life He said that the worn in h -ft kept disreputable houses tn both Augusta and Savannah, and that the boy was tough, bad and very stub born. Here began a string of youthful wit nesses Willie Hugh"*, a Betheala boy. was place-i on the stand to show whit was young Bit bee's charter (or peace ableness or violence. He didn't know Rudolph Ltannenfelater. who had alei been with Jimmie at Bsthesda, also lack ed Information on this point. George Radford was a more Intelligent ind i more profitable witness for ths de fendant. The lad sold he had met young Ruxhee on the day he was shot, both of Hh-m having attended the opening ses sion of the Henry Street Bchool. They started on their way horns together and Hughe*, the witness said, had exhibited a pistol for his admiration. The witness sabl that young Buxbee had fixed the weapon, which appeared to be broken. In his sight. in response to n question by a juryman, tho witness said ib* weapon was not loaded. The solicitor general or,** examined the boy at considerable length, but he stuck to hla story. The only weakness the so licitor could discover was that there tra< •t dlscreponcy bee ween the statements of an affidavit made hy the lad and his evi dence at the trial. In tho affidavit h* said that young Bus bee w-* playing wtth ihe pistol: In giving hla evidence he said this whs no< the fwet. Then came another string of witnesses, voung women who said that they knew that K.ixa Hl*ck when whe was called Jennie Hughe* and that she then kept a disreputable hou*e In Bavsnnah. With great fmr.kness they all declared that th. y had personal knowledge of thht fact. The Prisoner's Statement. "Gentlemen," said the defendant, when he was placed on the stand to make a s'atemetu In his own behalf. "I will tell vou th* truth In this rase, and that's what you have not heard." Mell s-vld that two or three days before the shooting he hod seen Jimmie Ruxhee with a pistol In his hand and tobl him that If he did no* atop carrying the weapon he would get himself In trouble On the morning of Oct 11. !*. he had a lit:!# quarrel with Ids wife before he started to work When lie .-ame ha** In the afsertwon h* found the child. Anita, had quarreled with her playmates and they had gone away. ll* plcki-l up th* child and hi* wife told him to put her down. ll* had refused, and hla wife had gone away with the threat that she would get somebody who would make him put the child down. 11l a few minuirs Jimmie Ruxh** cam* up. The boy asked for the child ar.-l th* defendant said lie told Jlmml* that he could not have her. hut that when his sister came, she could. •' 'lt's not your chi d.' Jimmie said. •' ‘Well, certainly, it la not yours.’ I answered. -That's all right; I*ll get even with you, you nasty puppy.' he said, and wua turning away, when hi* mother came up. Bhe Is the cause of all the trouble; If It had not been for her, I would not have been compelled to shook Jtmmle." The defendant retailed a scrap or two of Miilr.gwgate that he said had passed between hln.seif and Elisa Black ll* -aid that Jlmml* had resented something he ha-1 said to hi* mother and picked up a rock "t i.std him to put the ro-k down," said the defendant, "and he said that he did not hove to use th'- rock. With that he pul ed hie pistol, and as he did *o I drew mv own and fired. I was sorry to have to shoot, bul I had to tn order to save my life." The defendant then told of hi# flight from the scene of the homicide and hi# surrender lo Patrolman Meklrim. when the latt' r nano- for him at hi# mother's home. "If 1 fell that I was guilty of any crime." he said. "1 would have run * tel not surrendered." Again Mell repeated the statement that hla mother-in-law was responsible for all his trouble*. He had met hi* wife In the disreputable house thai Jennie Buxbee kept, th* girl had expressed an appar emly sincere w sh to lead a better life an-1 he had taken her away and married her. It wws her mother that was con stantly trying to atlr up strife between them "I have told you how the shooting was don* snd why." said Mell, o the Jury, In conclusion. "I don’t know what became of the pistol that Jlmml# had. bus I kr.ow he had one and Mr*. Black and Mi** Tay lor would aay *o. too. If they would tell the truth. Thwt * the whole truth, gen tlemen. so help me God!" The State In Hehutal. lullia Black was re ailed to rebut the statement of the prisoner in to the piMOi She said tnat Jimmie d.d not tave a weapon, and that there was non* nvwhere about the spot after he had been shot. A. J Reynold*, who reached tha *r*ne a few minutes after the trag* ir. tea it fled that r*o pistol was to be se* n when he *or there. Ho did Fatrltk Buttlmer Bo lid Mrs Christina nroeder. shoe© evidence, however, was read by the solicitor general Mr* Bchroe*|er is now in Germany. Coroner Goette testiAed that the d**a I boy was about the six* of one -if the lads who had been on the stand The solicitor g**oerwl irtroduced a portion of George Radford * qfti mvlt and a imrtion of the defendan' s statemene. delivered at tha last trial. In lmpea iiment of their tet.mony. Mrs H Y nr.* .1 test.r el that * came out of her house Immediately af er th shot ting She hud sc* n no pi*->i She would have seen one if It had been about at that time At this siage a recess until this morn ing w.*s taken When court c-. ven* *< a’ 10 o'clock. Mrs Smoke will be placed on the stand to test.fy there wu* no ru-tol and no threat on tn. i-t lee. Jf there 1 no further evider.- e for 4he defena**. the arguments to the Jury will than be made MUtltb INTELLIGENCE. Matters of Interest to tblpplng Men Generally. Tha largest American steamship whl h was officially numbercl by the commis sioner of navigation during the m >nth of November was the Sonotni. the s nd of the new Oceanic Steamship Company fb bulit at the Cramp shipyard. Bne i?* 8.J4 gross tons. During the month a total of seventy-five new vee -c!s of all elit e* were put In operation, forty-nine of ?!.*>• on the Atlantt and Gulf cis - six n the FNiciflc. seven on the Great Lke- *nl thirteen on Wextern rivers *r 22.811 gross tms. Of the total num •* r no less than sixty-nine w**r* i*r aels, to six built of '*■ boats one wis a Ll2O-lon schoont barge for Atlantic coast work; th:**** •*. steamer* for the same service, of a tot and of g.B3T. gross tons, and two wer* lke steamers, aggregating 2.31*4 gro* a tot - Thirty-aix sailing wesels or. tin- Atia:.”. four of the same character •*.► th* I* * it 1 - an*l seven ca Western rivers. w*-re of wood, of an average t>nnag*- of • g: tons—although In the case of one schooner, the Eleanor A. Percy, the gr*-< tonnage was 34**1. There w- ** ?wintv two wooden steam Vessel*, of a t-i*l <f f73 gross tons. It is report ©il that the Hegemin-M Caflferiy Compiny. w hich has I>een a- • c considerable dredging In the Savant * 1 river, baa secured a government co: :r;i * at Porto Rico anl will move entb** plant there the latter of the month. Anew shipbuilding company his beer, organised at Pensacola. Fla . and wl l erect a plant there. Passengers by Slssnohlps. Passengers by steamship Pity of Augusta. New York for Savin nah. Dec. B—Mis* M B. Orr, Mr- T I Miller. <! B. Wlftsle. C H Howell and wife. Miss J C. Run-lquest. Mr Kuri l quest. Mr. M Rundqui at Mr Millar. Miss H Ball. Miss R >' Hal! G M MePeck and wife Mis- l-i iiin Alien. Mrs F. C. Allen. Ml-s B Alisa Mr> R W. Plrr.ras. W A 3t*l*y Miss Carve Miss Johnson. M F DevetyWf. S A Peas* Mrs. A T Bhove D. R. Panic'. Miss M Wright. Fred SK Georg* N Dong, M Brlgg- H Wilson. F. Conwoll. N N. Bussoo. C. Mayew. L Weinberger Miss M. McCarthy. Mbs A McCarthy, Mias A M'-Cue. Miss McCue. Miss P. M-- Donnell. Mlws M Gallagher. Miss M Iwwlor. Visa M Nonan. Mis- M H -**- han. Miss J Polllns. Miss M McDom - 11. Miss N Frye. Miss A Dcvereaux Miss F DeverelJX Mis* K. Dwyer, Mis* .1 Greene. Mis* Weiton. A. P. Crockett. K. Rat**. I* Sil*r. <B. Russell A Johnson. I-. I-ogendo. J. le*ach. T. Daley. J Rut. J. E. Whaley, 11 Wright. I* Wlcher P F Wright. P Wilght, It E. Porter, O Moiatead. 11 Fihlerw. Savannah Almanac. Bun rises at 6.53 a. m. and sets at t S6 p. m. High water at Tyhee to-day at 11:10 n m an-1 11:17 p. m. High water ai Savin nah one hour later. Phaeee of tbr Moon for December Standard time—b-lh mer. D. II M Full moon S t 38 morn. East quarter U t 43 eve. New moon 21 8 1 eve. First quarter 38 7 ts eve. Moon perigee. 3d *r,d 30th. Moon apo gee, IMh. SRHIVAU AMI DEPARTI RFd. Vessels Arrived I'rstrrdsy, Steamhlp Chatham. James. Baltimore— J. J. Parolan agent. 6-hooner James Boyce. Jr.. Allen, Phll ade Iphla—Mn.-trr. S -hooner Rebecca M. Wall*. IJttle. Philadelphia Master. Schooner Maggie M. Keough, Fllton New York. Tug William F. M,-Pauley, Van Avery, Havana—P. T It Cos. Tug Abram Minis Frank Avery. Phila delphia— P. T. B. Cos. Unknown bark below. V easels Went lo Srs. Bteamshlp City of Iturg- New York. Steamship Clematis (B*lg>. 1-eenaers. Antwerp Bark Pallas (Nor! Johnsen. Hull. S-hooni-r Jennie Thomas, Young. Balti more. Shipping tleninrsnds. Fernwndlna. Fla.. l)*c. Ih—Arrived, steamer -lam; schr* Gretnleaf Johnson, Woodruff, Providence. R. 1.; Raymond T. Maul, Smith. Mayport. Clear**!, achrs Viola Reppird. Bar er, Boston; Dewanlka (Br). Williams. Curl clo. Port Tampa. Fi* . I>ec. 10-Setlrd. steamer Olivette, Smith, li.ivatia. via Key West. ! Jacksonville. Fla.. D* ia —Entered. I schr Oliver B Bar ett. Oiol-t. RiMmore; ! Prarllne (Bri Berry, Charleston Cleared, achr John H May, Burrow*. ; Wilmington. Del Pensacola, Fla. Dec 10— Arrived, rtswmers Castsno (Br). Pen well, Galves- ARE YOU • BANKRUPT in health, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute cure. Cigar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke Old Virginia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is “fixed,” and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Tiiree hundred million Old Virginia Cheroot* smoked this Year. Ask yoor own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NEW YORK. BOSTON AND THE EAST. t’nurp>r<l cabin a< omnvla!ton* All th* comfort* of ■ mod*rr. trie lirM* Unexcelled table Tlckctl Include meal* and berth, u •jr PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. TO NEW YORK—Flint Cabin. FJi'i Klr Cabin Kouiat Trip. : *rr ,_ . at* Cabin, 11500. intermediate Cabin. Hound Trip. tiil W Steerairc. sl# TO ROHTON—Fir*; Cable. S2S. Flrxl Cabin Round Trip. P't Intcnsad - . i *l7 ~.i. Intermediate Cabin. Round Trip. IRLDb. Bteera*e. *11.75. The expre.. .team.hlps of this Una r appointed to tall from Savon C>a. tral (9dth) merldan time, a. follows: diy.ixkah to hew vork. •CITY OF RIRMINC.HAM Capt. Br. TUESDAY. I>'. 11. 00 p. m. TAI.I.AUAfISKE. Capt. Askliw. TUES DAY. lav. 11, .0 j>. in. •ITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. D.(r(ttt. THURSDAY. I>ec. 13. 10.00 a m. NA■•OO-TIKK. ('apt. Smith. SATURDAY’. 1> 15. 11 JO a. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. TUESDAY. Dee. I*. 2:'<) p. ne •NOTlCE—Steamship City of Birmingham will not carry pa„en*r Steamship Odv of Macon. Capt. Savage, will ply between New Y’ork a- Pet ton on the following schedule: Leave New Y’ork for Boston (from Pier SS. N<vrth River, at 12 00 noon). Dec. 12. 17, 21 2 31. This ■ nmpany reserves the rl*ht ,o chamre Its fuDUnpt without non a 1 without nubility or accountability therefor. Salllr.*, New- York for Savannah Tuesdays. Thumdiy* and Saturdays. 5 p tr. VV <i HRF.WKR. City Ticket and Pa,render Airent. l'ff Bull street. Savannah. Ga. R G. TREZEYANT. A*, nt. Savannah. Ga. P E I.EFEVRE. Manager. New Pier IS, North R!v*r. New Tork. ton (put tn for bunker coal): Ramleh (Br). Dusting Port TampG Athalle (Nor). Wel hui. Newport: ship Prospero Repetto iltal). R.-hD r > icassee. Genoa; achr Davy Crockett, M> rltt. Meddle Billed, steamers Pensacola Blmmon*. Galveston. Chatham (Br). Hill. Bueno* Ayr*s. cleared, steomer Pensacola, Bimmons. Galveston; schr Cheslle (Br). ttav ■ r Fort de France. Martinique. M ,1 h. ter. Dec. B. Sailed. Yester. Sa vannah. Rirj Dec 9—Balled, steamer Aureola, p,, sacola. Genoa, Dec. 5 —Sailed. *leamer Ran. Pensacola. Arrive!, steinwr Berlx. Pensacola: No It-- Pen-a ola, via Norfolk , 1-ondon. Dea- 10—Arrived. Iris. Savan nah for Antwerp. Bremen In . lu.—Arrived, ateamer Hur wnrth. Savannah. Liverpool, Dec. B—Arrived, steamer I-a- Onora, Pensacola. Manchester. Dec. 9—Arrived. team*r Salop!*, l’ensa ol.f Key West In- 10— Arrived, steimer Ma-cott*. White. Havana and *alle<l for Port Tampa; Fanlta. Tuomp-on. l’unta Gorda. and sailed for Havana, tug Dew.-y, Hyer, Punto, and sailed for Havana. Charleston. B C.. Dec. 10.—Arrived, steamers Algonquin. Plait. N-wr York ant pto so.te.l to Ja ksonvllle. lroquots. K-m --ble. J.i-'ksonv li.e. and pro-ee-led to New York; s.-hrs Victory (Hr) Munro. Bara roa. I'mma C. Knowles. Rodgers, Phila delphia. 0 * %otlce to Mariners. rilot charts nn<l all hydrographic Infor mation will l>e furnlehe-1 masters of ves -cl- free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custum House Cap. toin* ‘are requested to call at the otfl -e. Reports of wrsks and derell-ts re*-elve.l for iransmlsslon lo the Navy Depart ment . Const wise Export*. Per schooner Hilda for New York. 430.- 883 feel yellow pine lumber—Cargo by Hunting A- Cos. Per schooner Ida Taxwrenc* for Balti more 383 71- fe-t yellow pine lumber— Cargo by Hunting A <>k Salesman Wanted to f©r. r line of well established, well * - • '*• and hoot* and sboes on rom< ri Must have had ro®d ex* i*rlert a Address wiih reft micas, Hox Button, Mass. A PERMANENT CURE of tho *TK*t ohetlnate ras* of Gonorrhoea I •>*• ci ran tend In from ;{ to tt i days ; tm other treatment required. H !d hy a]) driftjists WWSAAAAOOAOAAAAAAAAAJI JOIIN (i. BUTLER, DEALERS IN— l’Hinta, Oils and Glass Bash. Doom. Bin J- and Builder*' bui-plu-a, Plain and Decorative Wall Paper, Foreign ad D.- mcsilc ,'emeni*. Lim*. Plaster and Hair Bole Ag*nt for Abestln, Coid Water Pa *i. ® Congress street wist, and 18 St Julian si reel. west. w. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Aqent, RAILWAY AND MILL BUPPLIBB. rrovldent Building. Savannah. Oa. TAI.I.AHA3SKE, Cap*. Aaklna. "Urns. IXAY. !*•. 20. 3:l p. m •CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. i FRIDAY. D*.- 21. *OO p m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Cai I . , SATURDAY. 1— 22. WAC-OOCHBKX Copt. Smith T - D—e. 25. 7:30 p m KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fl.h. r, TH VA DAY. Dr- . 27. .<•> p. m. Qapt. Arklr.s, SATYR. DAY. Dec. 2S-. 11x11 p. m. Leave Poston for New York (fr- 1. v c Wharf, at 12.00 noon). De It. A 24. 28. B W SMITH. Consractinit Fr*lrht Aeent. F ivn t WALTER HAWKINS General Aaeni, Trnffl I>e(>r!m,:’ 2.1 \\ It iv Si .Ja k- W H. PLEABANTh General Freight and Passe -c r Arc; New Pier 33. North River. New- York LIQUOR LICENSES City of Savannah. Offlc- Clerk of ' -n. Cll. .Savannah. Ga. f Nov 3 IS lowing application* to retail liquor • the year I*ol. were rea.l t m--' r Council. Nov. 28. 1> ir.d r-h r- Ito th, Commitie of the Who> W. P Bails, Clerk of Ca-r. . ' Anglin. Tho* . 138 B n ' Anderson. Joseph N . No. S' Kaodopl *1 rest. Abel. Che* , southeast corner lUy M Al>ercorn streets. Bewan. J. 0., comer Bull end E<S streets. ltadenhoop, J. H., No. 523 U sst 1 *' street. Bohn, H. N. C.. No. 135 Tap. •tre©t. Connery. C. P., No. 110 8:. JuKU Street, west. Denmark. J M.. No. 147 Farm Dlerk*. Wm. C.. No. 331 W •treet. Doyie. M. J . Market Bqnsr* Derst. George. 79 West Broad sirs' Iner*. William, northeast corner !- t> and West Broad streets Entelman. A H., No. 7 street, comer Gwinnett street. Eichhols, E . aouthwest c.-mer street lane and East Broad Etc )hot# Sells. No IMS C Groves, W. C.. northwsat oorr. Itanwr and Bryan streets. Glides. Ned, No. 120 Brought u *" ext. Galina. J. A . No 9 Drayton Geffken Harman H.. No. 13- 13r u ur.-a atreet. east. Helmketi. J. II . southeas* com -r I-.t-r --ty and Whitaker etreets Hart. Francis. No. 11 Jet" Ht liman J F.. No 3t I Hermann & Perentheim, No atreet Klene, Herman. No. 134 Bryan 1 Kelly. A T . Ray lane, neor p Lyon, John A Cos., nor Broughton and Whliaker sire-*- lam*. N . No. 18 Broughton la-van. cha*. H., No. street, went. . Melncke. P- A.. No. 583 Bn an i * M inning. P . No 3 Bay r' Morrison. Baruh. No. M 9 1 ivnu(, ■*( M©yer. J. P. # No Ml fMm* MeAlp.n. T. E.. No 81 Prr- "'re t Nell. Otto W.. V* Brough . r west. . Onstsk. Cha*.. aoutbeast thorr*' avenue and Reynolds -tr- - . Ohslek. John, northeast and Weat Broad atreeta -J Petrrs, Fred, nor'lteast cor toughs and Park avsnu* Reilly. L.. 13 Bryan street s • J Hoentsch. Martin A Cos.. N< ton atreet. weat. m RegepouoloX. A. C. A On.. N an atreet. west. . , Rehm. L. C.. northeast corner J • and Alice streets. Rcpke. John. No 229 Drsvt- . Ro,-ker. J. W Bro.. sonthw-e lt> Broad and Joses atreet* , Raskin. 8. corner West 1 Gwinnett streets. , B.imp*on. r . 302 Bryan stree {A-nwarz. George. 217 CongmG *Hhelnm*n, Br>., N- 44 " ' **Steffens. Harry. East Boo’ l " I °* thorpe avenue. Bchwarx. Georg* C.. comer < Whitaker atreet*. Bchnaar*. H J . So 401 W > Bchultes. H No lt Prl' ' ■ Bohrver. J H . 127 West ' !r ' Btahmer. Johti, 52* Hryn- ‘ A Tauasant, Chaa.. No. avenue. _ _ __ T ik r-v Tlenken. Fred J . No. 38 Lib east _ . ~ rest Vartlki EH. No. t 2 B*rni ■) IjT , Toilers. W.. soulheasi v and West Broad street. gI J Web*. B . northwest comer t > - and Harris street* , gr J William A Grice. No. 249 street ——* Empty Hoqsheafta Empty *l*>w 1 * "** C. M. GILBERT & CO-