The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial *n %ir i' (nrroK mi rm rill- BI REll RETORT. Ihr Report Canard ■ Decline nl (row 2T In a U Polina—.Spirit* Tor ,,retina firm at MKa-ttnl nod lelrgrapblc Marital*. The Morning New* rtffl.-r, Monday. Pee M. r feature of lha market* to-day war government tiureau raport efttlrnatlng . -orion crap for the raaaon of lIW-ISOI j. a w hale* The effect of It war a , p of from twenty-seven to thlrty-ntnr , in th* cotton fuluta* mark* ' The A ppt market dropped 44H. with the nr quiet and steady. and no trading , r an Tha Biump brought hualnarr to fitndrtlll for the balance of the day. r- turpenilna market closed firm at with an eary undertone re .| after the cloWng Refine , ready * to M and above hrtn a* o K and below K . , r ,* fte. The wholeaal# mnrlceir rtearty end active. The following of the markete will rhow th* totir , i piotailons at the Goring to-day; ( OTTO*. •pot rot ton market dosed quiet and si a decline of \*c, on all grader t were reported Practically uoth dorre Ip nnlldpaiton of the bu ,nori. and after |t wae received ~, k - .imto a rtandrtlll The rc -4,971. a*aln*t 6.431 lad year, t* year before lari. <Ai;owmß wrc the official spot quo n< the cloaa of tho market at the Kx ane to-day: “ IThte | Lari | .lay | year *o mtddtlnr •'* fa* M'l-t.tnß **• r * . middling **# *' '* M„ --I quid and eaev. pair#. non# #-,.*t, Receipt*. Eiporta and Block# - , thla day . ■ **•* r. -Iptr thla day Inti year * tt da' rear before last 6M" i vnee Sep' I. \m ... mm d-v leaf year :03,910 ~ . xporle 1-939 I MS' nxporlw •-** * k , lend Ihl* day IJt.Sil - i# day laat year lH Cd ,-t* and rttneke the Port *— p. . .pt* ih: day t-clfl . ,■* thlt day laat year 2-*K n. *pi * thl# day year before last.. 64 313 I I.• eipls since Sept 1. I** 1 '.,*47,190 * in. time last year .3.942.146 Veer l.efore laM t.RU.JiI * ar .nl porte to-day tIs.JC k .am* day lari year 1.074.962 Movement# a* Ollier Port#-- 1( ##tou—Easy; middling. ft 4 .. net re , 11 Ml; sroef. 11.549; slock. 191,140. \>* i >ileans—Nominal; rnnkllina. 9 11-16; I. re. eiple. 17.543; gross. 17.543. ealee. . it. 311.4Z2. I je—Nominal; middling. 9 11-14; net • groae. 2.3f1h; stork. 31.0*'. arb-eton —Quiet; middling. ft*,; net rc l 79. gross. 379. stock, 16,710. w , , kion—Dull, middling. 9*.. net r*- <l9. groe#. 3,569; Modi. 17.213. •. ...h—Nominal, middling. 9’*; net re -1.31.. groa#. 1.313; sale*. 424; stock, Hs .more—Nominal; middling. B't. 4_.. slock. 7.4*9 S. Voik—Dull; nil-idling. 9-.; net r*- . r> .71. gross, 1.234. rale*. 123; stock. M tit i- Quiet: middling, in l *; net re > 1 v>; gross. 4.299. ■ :lad< p.ila—Quiet, middling. 1“'; net , ,i* m, gross. 90; stock. 4.474 Movements ar Interior Town*— Augusta—Quiet. mlddting. net re eipt., .t2|; gross. 2.124; eales. 196; sto>‘k. i- t]4 A|<mpe,s—Quie*; middling. IS; net re ;p's. 6,t>*4; groes. 1".552; sale*. l.*>o; >ia k. U 429 *■ LouP-Qutet; middling. 9\: net re •pis 2.297; gross. 2.297. sales. 4B; stock. 17 77.1 c uiiiati-Easler. middling. 9'*. net re •’ p’v 1713; gross. 1.111: sto. k. 9 559 M"u>ion—Easy; middling 9 9-16. net r -14,93'.; groes. 16.985. sales, 391; stock. P S‘s. svllle—Firm; middling. 9V I xports of Colton This Day— . live-ton—To Ureat llrltain. 17.114 roi.linarvt, .7.739. *."W Orleans—l'ranee, 3,*K' l**\aniiih—Continent. 3.241; eoostwh*. U'.lmmgton— 1.990. Verb Ik—Coastwise, 2.70f, ' • York—France. 3t>o. oonunen*. tat 7 i>l fnp lgn *gdq[t* from all ports ’7 la.\ To Orest tirltaln, 17.114, lo Fm re, s.9m. to th.. continent. 11.476. f ■ i*l foreign exports from all ports far tills week: To Oreat Britain. * io France. 7.616; to the continent. fal foreign cxporis dnee Sept 1. 19#n ■ re*t Britain. 1.411.979; lo Franca. 311.- t- v > io ihe conilnant. 9(1.549. ariestoti. Da-'. 10.—Cotton nominal. *'• none, quotation# omitted. 4 1*1.4 90 COTTOA. Pri es ahnu! as followa; Ti'ra Chol-’C Florida# —'j Ttf V tieorglae *l'e 1 t'ra eholce Georgias SI rhei-e Georgias 19'j Eiira Ann Georglaa 16 4ll®H Tie# Georgias 17 *>• eipts md Stocks— |9tt-ni 1999-iv l >'i|'ta nat week 1 3.l#C td7o " rport. pat! week f ! I.hRI 1.375 • I's this season 0.707 14,795 patl week *.942 4.431 on hand ..j 24.243 lOTTOA FtTfHES. The Market ( loaea at a Decline ( 27 to all Point# ‘ ' 3 ork. Dec. io.—it has been msny " th* since fluctuations on the New 7o < otton Exchange hate reached |h and since specuiailon has equaled 1 i • corded -to-day. From opening to 4 >he seeslon was one of great In- The constant liobblng of rumors the peer two week* to the effe t ■ lain par'.lo were in pos*e#lon of - eminent report which was regu haduled to make Its appearait o Itirt lim. to-day. had led to prr -1 unary evening ui> on the |>ai tof ihe •nd liad greatly dlaturbed the ' of Ihe trade The market opened p*. eaoly enough, with prices 3 points f • ’ r to 5 points lower, easy as to tone. * pause for hearings and then a drop # -uie in m 12 points occurred under ml outside selling, precipitated by '• ngly luigr receipts amt gloomv <lish market news. "i am* a sharp rejcllon. which car 'd price# up with • rush It to 17 points r fr#sh rumors that the bureau report *' out through a "leak." and was 'fly bullish. Shorts lost faith In their ■on; number of room traders were " l-rnly Impress#!] with the stories the long side The close cl Iho "ur us the market decidedly 1 and a shade above Saturday's ng figures. For tha next half hour iporiant variations occurred, and but ’ i’seame quite sluggtsh. But a mtd drew near both faction* bream* **- '“•do fly nervous and fearful that thsy overahol the mark A scamper for giound resulted In feverish trading. > n erratic movement In value*, though u 'lock prb-es were nearly even with Ming of Batunlay. bureau report cum* over the wlra '"!> and estimated the present crop .•••••* bales from an aereoge of 22.- 1 or about the same as eatlmoted on ** " reage by Liverpool Cotton Bx- MURPHY flt CO., INC., Board of Trad* Building, Savannah Frlvata leased wire* direct to New Tork. Chlcagro and New Orleans COTTOM. BTOtks AND OH AIN. New York office No. 41 Broadway. Office* in principal cma ihtoughoul the South WrM* for our Markat 3Unuat and book contalnlnr tnatructlon* for trader* change members, while bring close to In execs of local rxiieciailotis and some 6WU#ti bale# larger titan ilgurc l by Nelli. Terrific selling Immediately sit In. and amid unprecedented excitement Pib'es fell vertically S* to 5u points, there being individual declines of 5 lo 2o point# at the time before tha crash was over. Blop-ioas order* added to the confusion, which ws unavoidable. Commls.don house* found It almost impossible to e|| ■ olton there ap|iearlng to bo no buyers for a lime at any price. But the etuir mous profit* within easy reach tempted ahorte to cover, and soon a rally was In progress, whlcli steadied Ih* market 15 to 13 pulDls. For the real of the day the market was very Irregular and subject to violent fluctuation# and spasm* of buy ing and selling Near the dose (rush drcllne grew out of selling prompted by fear that the weiknet* here, the big re celpls, the bearish government report and the easter spot markets would stampede Liverpool 10-morrow and bring about a smash fheie. Al tho dose Ihe market was steady with price# net 27 to 39 point# lower. FLICTI ATIONS IN riTIREi. New York. Dec I*.—^Cotton futures opened easy and dosed steady . Price# a - | Open.| High Low. i <’loe. January .. .., 961 | 9.39 9.J7 Kehruary ....] 9..’A 9,:.* !• 16 9 2ft March J 9 m :• M 9.‘*t 9 16 April | 9t2 9 43 9 <l7 | 9l| May 9 t;. .f> ft •j 9 o 4 June i 927 9 12 900 9<*i July 9.35 I 9 St * 9ft 9<W August I 9 15 9 17 * 7* ! 993 September .. *4sj *52 * Jft i* December . 9 7ft 9 73 9 * 927 LIVER POOL COTTON 61 AHhUT. Liverpool. Dec to—itpoi. moderate bus- Inese and price* l-32d lower. Ameri an middling fair, 5 29-22>1. tool middling. 5 lft-33d; low middling. 3 5-14d. middling Siyd; good ordinary. 5 1-I6d. otniiiary. t 13-14d. The sales of the day wen 7.(401 bales, of which 'All were for *teculation An>l export, tndudlng 6.99 ft American. Re ceipt*, 1.1M6 hales. Including, 7,9#> Ameri can. Futures opened and closed quiet; Amer ican middling, low middling clause, I>*. cember, 5 23<5t3 '24d eUcni: Dcccmix r-Jan uary. 5.21d sellers. January-Febriutry. 5.19.1 sellers: February-M irch 5.16'd5.17d eellers; March-Aprll. 3.llfff>.lsd sellers; Aprit-May. 51203.13d sellers. May-June, s.lfts.Ud sellers. June-.)uly. r.'Ad buyers; July -August. 3.05,i7.06.1 seller#; A igu.iit- Sepleml>cr. 4 3d buy er*. NEW ORLEAN9 OTTON MAHKF/T. New Orlean*. Dec. Ift—Colton futures steady December .9 1009 l: April ftfttflftft* January . 9.U6OMac 9 03419 04 February . 9ftS4j4ft7 luti. 9 02u90| March 9irdl9 '#, duly 9ft|fl*o: I OTTtIN LETTER 9. New York. Dec. 10.—Murphy A Cos say Colton in Liverpool was very irregular to-day anil after declining about 3-6 H re acted and closed about 1-61,1 tie# decline This market ruled feverish and weak ow ing to general selling In anth lpailon of a bearish report by the government hur. au The bureau eetlmaies Ihe crop at IMOt.lift hales, which caused a stampede to sell and broke prices from nfteen to forty points between sale#, owing to heavy sel ling iiresuro on account of largo crop estimate. It# estimate a year ag<> was I*4 pounds lint cotton per acre, aid a crop of *.4ftn.ft*> bale* The commercial crop turned out 9.tdi,'6> of which about 9. pm.!**) was considered es grown during the season and the bulance from pre vious crop carried over. The government report says the same methods and agencies were employed a# last year, except thousands of glnners made reports for first lime the estimate I yields of lint cotton per acre a follows Virginia. IN>. North Carolina. 199. South Carolina. 147; Georgia. 172, Florbta. 151 Alabama. 131: Missiaelppl. 159: Isoulelan • 15ft- Texas. 224: Arkansas. 223; Tennessee 17i! Missouri. 273: Oklahoma. 31*; Indian Territory. 2*9- lAcpeage estimated at 2-.- 024.Uk> acres, crop estimated at lft.lflO.iWu hale. The market Improved eight to twelxe point* from lowest prices of t >< day. The South l-ought moderately an i shorts covered Liverpool Is expected to respond fully to our decline. New York. Dec V>-Hubbard Bros * Cos r#Vi When the bureau report was read the market tor ,a fow minute# was A scene of great excitement and U was nearly impossible lo exeeme orders to aelU Large lines of long cotton were thrown upon o market In which the stem interest *.- small, aa all bad become alarmed .1 the rumors the bureau report would be built#h. An laUnutc ot lft.lW.Oflft Wdii r< Indicating a iofn - what larger yield, aa lb# governmetw ha* seldom. II ever, underestimated the • top. Uveriaiol had rallied on a weak opening on the steadlnees of our market during the morning hour# On the break order* to buy were executed which rallied price# and enabled many to sell w hose limits had been passed over In the excitement. The movement I* on a very large scale and calculated io confirm the bureau rc|rt DRY GOODS. New York. Dec -The week ..pens with a quiet market In all departments in cotton good# lb- decline In raw ma terial has had an influence over buyers but there hat been no noticeable change the all nude of sellers Brown cotton continue alow and In bleached colored good* business has been ln | l'' r ' ent Frlnt cloths *low Prints and hams unchanged. White goods qutrl. but steady. NAT AI. StTOHK*. Monday. Dec Ift. HPIRITB Tl RPE.VriNK—The turpeu lire market opened Orm at 3>,p-. with " „f it*, and dosed firm and un “ Jngwl with fur*her Mle. of 94* 1. wa reported that after Ihe etoalng "r under tone was ea.-y. It understohl hat anything *i *o|,l on a lower b*#l# than the quotation# Tha receipt# were 1 HI and *he r*|*>r! -.#...3 RORINB-The rosin market ■ oe#d steady .• I" >1 ft"' l ■‘ ,ovr . ** l ' l " r,, ’ *" to K and below Th. only price change was a drop of 5c In K The demmd was goo.l throughout the day Hales al the opening al the Board of Trade wer.l,4* it tl)# clowing 964 Pries* as follows L : i to m 170 i ts n si 1 5.1 WO I* „ IV, W W >95 Receipts Monday— -1 1 Spirits Rosin /.ru V! U S., F. and W S A M ‘ 1 759 Exports Monday— S. S D. H. Miller Baltimore a a Berkshire. Philadelphia 19u 233 Aimt. bk. N'lal. Trieste •* Nor. bark Pahaw, Hull -.649 J* H.g. S. g Clamatt*. Antwerp 3.900 7X> FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY. Block and Bond Beaker. 4104 IT A. OA. Write far Llel. I’HE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1000. Lets error. Iris. Nov. 19 56 ..... Total 5,95# 12.3ts| N'aial Stores StatemenJ Spirits Rosin Hto. k April 1 liakr. 2.197 MI.SA* Receipt# 10-.iay 1.111 5.JV5 R<cel|ft* prmou.-ly 734.99* Total sin te April 1 3U5.513 9ft3 199 Exporla to-day 3,653 12.#! Export# |>revkijft|y 2*3.93* 754.6 Export* 4ner April 1 269,511 766.924 Hio k on hand to-day Itt.Oflt 13*,27a Slock last year r. 357 151.99* t'hatlesion. Dee Ul —Turpentine market firm 39. Rosin Orm. unchanged. W limit.gton. N t*.. Dec Ift—Spirit# tur prntine steady. 37'jli.*.': rc.-eipt#. 33 ra#k* • Rosin ftrm tl 3ft and II 25. re -eipl# 675 . rude lurpeu'ltW' steady, tl.lft and 12 40 rc.-elpl#. 133 • Tar steady, |] |ii. receipt*2l New Orleans, Dee. 10.—Receipt - Rosin 29ft; rxporl- none FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply FOREIGN KXOH A NOE-Market weak 4'ommercial demand. M K3'j: elxiv days. It 79'a ninety .lav#, *4 7*',, franc#. Pari# ami Havre, sixty day#. 5 225. tiwl#s. lxlv days. 26*. 14. Iglan. 3 24' s . marks, sixty days. 93’,; ninety davs. 98N IKIMEHTIC EXCHANOB - M-ady. bank# are buying at 1-16 dts ourit aud selling as iollowr# 125 and under, lftv pre mium 123 to iso lSe premium VA to lion 3ftc premium: Ilftft to 130 25e preinmm, I2ftft to H premium; 11.000 and over, 75. per M iMemlutn. HECM'RITIEH The South atq.ears an he selling t’ securities. New Tort, paille# buying them atocke. Bid Ask. Augusta and Savannah R R lift Utl-t Atlanta and Weal Paint 13ft do 6 per cent certificates, ID* Augusta Factory *4 ** Citizens' Rank I*3 f hat ham Bank 11l 1U Chatham REA I. Cos.. A 57 5* do do B 56 57 Eagle and Phoenix Mtg Cos ....102 105 Eellson Electric Elum. Cos 107 110 Enterprise Mfw c.> lfi 103 Germania Bank 131 Georgia and Alabama 36 V lieofgia Railroad, rommon -IS 2!9 Uraidlsvtlle Mfg Cos. ISO 17 J P. King Mfg Cos. 102 105 l.angley Mfg Cos 115 l*i Merr.ianl* Nal'.ooal Bank ... 113 116 Nailonul Bank of Havanuah 153 157 tigleihorpe Saxings and Trust 112 113 People’s Havings and I<oani 101 103 Seaboard, common 11V4 IT* do preferred 29 30 Southwestern Railroad Cos .11*64 ill Savannah Gas Light Cos 24H rtoulliern Bank .15* 160 Savannah Bank and Trust ..#. 117 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta s'. ** Savannah Brewing 103 105 Halida. Bid A#k. Char. Col A Aug Ist ss. I*oo 1*49 110 Chat A- Gulf R R 5 per cent. Ist mortgage .....102 104 Atlanta city 4#. 1922 107 169 Augusta city 4s. 1927 106 10* do 4>,s. 1*23 HI do 7s. 19U3 107 do 6s. 1913 122 Ala Mid 3s. Itid and 192*. MAN 101', 102'j Augusta Factory. 6 |o*r rent . 1915.111 113 Brunswick A Western ts. 193* *7 *5 C. R It. A Banking collateral 6s *5 C. of G Ist motg 3*. 1943 F. A A 120 121 C. of Ga con. 5s 194'.. MAN 96 9ft C of fla. Ist incomes, 1945 5*4 MS do 2nd Incomes 17 1* do 3d Incomes, 1945 * * C of O. <! O A A Dlx > 5s 1947. J A J 97 9* C. of O. (Eaton Branch). s#, 1926 J. A- V 96 99 City A Suburban R R. Ist 7#....H0 Columbus City 6s 19ft* IU7 Charleston city te. 1906 10ft 103 Eagle A Phoenix Mills As. 192* 1* 110 Edison Electric Illuminating 6e .103 Enterprise Mfg (# 1902 MH Giorgia Railroad 6s. 1950 115 117 G. 8 AF . 1943. J A J 113 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist ss. 1915 105 lid Georgia >tle 34*. 1930. J A J lift 112 do thus. 1913. M AN 10* 107 oo 445. 1913 119 120 Macon city 4s. 1910. J A J 116 11* do 44*. quar . Jn ID* '* Ocean Bteamehtp s*. 1920 104 109 Savannah city 3s, quar. January 191* no m do Se. quar. February. 1*49 10**, 10*4 South Carolina stale 44*. 1*33 117 119 Sibley Mfg Cos 6*. 19ft* 102 South Bound 5s 9*4 1904 S, F A W. gen mfge s, 1934 125 136 do do Ist ss. gold. 1*34 IIS 114 do Bt John Plv.. Ist 4e 1994.... 9* *6 New York. Dc lft -Money on call ftrm at 441)6 per rent.: last lean. 4’i per cent ; prime mercantile paimr. J'.iia per cent Sterling exchange weak, with actual i.iisi ncss In banker'# lull#, at II *l4 for demand and at !l siv.ftl M for slxly days: posted rates. f1*140t93 and HIS4RU*t. eon merrlil bill#. It WPyflt *1 Hllxer . erMrt catea. 64063 c; bar sliver. 64V'; Mexican .lollars Government Ikmkl* Irn-isu lar; slate (Kinds strong; railroad bonds Irregular. • 9TOCK4 AND BONO*. apart of Bnyius Imparl* atrenth • to the Market. New York. Dee. io —The effect of Ibe doubtful outlook In the mottev market was Hear to-doy In the small vot.mie of burin*## In stocks. The money market showed no sign of stringency and no liquidation was precipitated. In fad. th* buying overbore the selling and there are more net gain* that* loss** as a re sult of the day's operslions. The buying seemed lo com* from un covered shorts. Judging from the fa t that those slocks which have suffer##! most from recent depression wer In foremost demand to-div This was notably true of the steel group, led by Tennessee Coal, which has been tho object of a prolonged raid by Ihe bears, at ail expense of 20 points in the value of the stock A ral'y of 44 points at the extreme high paint to-day. therefore, enema moderate. Other members of the #teel group moved In sympathy and gained upward of a point all around, with the exception of H'cel and Wire The litter stock was unde pressure While II rsi-ovcrcd at one tlm io above Saturday # level. R dorod weak and affected the whole group No action was taken on ihe dividend by th Tennessee Coal Company to re fute the recent rumor* that H would lo> panned. The Steel and Wire dlrecto-s or dered the payment nf the toist Installment of 'h.- dividend .te larrd last RM The rfrenglh of Sugar was attributed to repute of an oversold condition In Ihe trade, ar Indicated In an advance In Hie selling price oft sugars by the In dependent refiners. Other industrial stock* showed shatp re.x>y erics with no news to explain the movement, beyond the obvious fact that they have been re cently raid short by profession*! op*r t#r. The movement In Ihe railroad list seem ed to ts# due to the same cause, hut was much narrower. There was no evldenc* of the large organised buying al nv point that has occasionally letur*d Ihe market. Th* Erie slock* w*r* much less active although tho Ural pr*f*rr*d and th* #cood preferred were at one Urn* Pittsburg, cinelnoatl. Chicago *nd t Louis siock* rose 34 anch on the demand which, however, brought uw. vary 111 lie sun k. To* minimum rate for oal! money w* advanced lo 5 per cent., and ruled from that to 6 per cent. There w# no sign cf Stringency and renewal* were easily *f fe ted. hut all lender# held stlfflv for the advanced rotes. Th. oplnlei has been In Wall ha no relief u * to Iw Ikh'lml b> iul Utipnrtp. ovktnc to th of foreign money m*r kie but tile violem kk*‘ltn# In litre4. • exchange ttHlay. Iwih In IjOh>lou <uul on f'onllnrnl*l im.. at,Mi'..i iend .x.u- Jecture nn that p.lnt ported rat,# lur sierltng were mat bed down a lull cent In the pound, and the actual rate* lor short and long sterling tell 4 . ent. and tor ca "* ir '" Th.' responer of to mu, r w a market in la.ndm, to thl# dcvclop inent is awaited with Interen Erie bon '* •‘Kitlnued tn large demand and were the feature of the luvnd market The price movement otherwise wae !r --tcgular Total Bales. |x>r value. Ju.l.'..tie t nlted Hi ate.' refunding and old ta declined 4 and new t# advanced 4 .air cent on the last . ,11 To-day's total aleck s.les were 347 26.) share# Including Atcluson ir 71m \t. hl #O,l preferred and Ohio '. Erie. 1t..... |; r ,e nr-, ferred, 22.7 ft. Manhattan. 9.3un. No. m rilflc. f(t'4• ill ritvj |tl, Heading sr-ond preferred v:. Pennsylvania, 11.7.,**. Hou,hen, Pactttv. y <***. Hi Paul. 1 •,. | „|,a, I’a. m, ill##. American Hm. liiru.- and lisi,„i„c n i„, American Hi eel ~,„| \\ , ri j# lu , Ameri can Tin Plate, 12. An. Amrriuan Totvtxvu Ji’™*. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Federal Hlee],,... s i;a, n .... Husai . 23 7ftft. Teem. #•.. c.sil and lion 21 US’. I nlted Hiate# Rubber. 6.10. New loik Husk LJ#| AI Maott 25', and.. do pi, f ul 4® PR* *3\ R'aUul, ,? B * O 79'# .io , Kr f do ,lo pref kt’, Wheel a I- E km -lan Pa. ,t|c ... *34 ,l„ j, M j p r ef .7 I*n Houth .... 2*4 tV|e i . ntral 12 r * 0 374 rhird Ax. 116 * "hi tii West . uvAmal . ..,.po, : c , * ■ 1- A V ...ITT.', Adam l-Txpresw lid Phi ind al, zi jQsrkta Ex |.; • do do pref >. •' H. Kxprvs .;d f ftl A K 111 W F 17*,.ness.. 1 <hi A North* i<T7 Am < *>t n|| •! 4 ,It ] A I 1 11JL| .Jo lo pref ha 4'. r. r. A Hi. L 664 An, Malting ,1, I'ol. Huutt, .7 do do part do lit pref i; ! . An. s 4 n 410 2nd pref .|7 do do pref 4- D. A Hudson ||s4 Am Hplrli* - P L A W. 1624 'l** do pref 17 Den AR. G. 23< a Ala. H 1 loop jii do do pref 79 . *lo do pref 76 Erie -Am R * Win ' , do Ist pref .... 4flx, do do (.ref , *■, Gt North pref ten Am Tin Pia#e ,f,i Hark Coal i\ *l.. do ~r. 1 ,n Ho. k Valley .. 0* Am ' en imi* 111. Central 1244 do do |.ref 1.111 la Penlral lft', Ana Min Cos <lr. do pref ||u Brook R T 7P, L E A \\ X.idCol I' A 1 lo do pr. f.. .106 11 *Oll. Tobacco n>, I- Bhorn 3ii do do pref tg. L 4 N .. X2S. Fttd Si. ej Man. 1< HR, 1 do do pref 77 Mei Hi. Ity 165#, Gen K6#*ntri<- 19. Mex Central 13i, Glucooe Hugar M Minn. A Hr I, . 611, ! do do pref |m do do pr. f 991, Ini'n't Pap.i 22'- Mo Pacltl.- do do pref 731, Mobile 4 Ohio *|4, l-a. lede Ga- fft M K A T 13H Nat. Rlseult 37 do do pref 37V 'l** do pref .. | N. J Central 144'. Nat Lead I*4 N. Y. Central ill . <*.. do pref 924 N A Western lit# Nat. Hteel *4 <*r> do pref *1 do do pref *3 N Paelttc 7o N’ai Tub# 6.14 •to ilo |Wef *2*l *l*4 .5. pref Drrt K Western -V, N. Y Air Brake 16* Ore lly A N..42 N '- American do ilo pref . 76 'P Coast ~ ... Reniu>ylvanl, 142 do Ist pr.-f r . Reading <lo Tnd pi.f do Ist pref . 1.44* Pacltl' Mall IP, do 2nd pref ... 324 People*# Gar hi# I? G. Weatern 6. 1’ Sie.-I Car '9', do do |ref 9*. d*. .to pref V. , Hi L. A H F 19’, Puli Pol. Car. 24 •to do l#l pref 7*4 Rap - AT do do 2nd pref I'l Htiaar 121 , 81 L. So.ithw, I*. do pref IIP, do do pref .37', Tenn CAT 61', 8, Rail I 1*64 I'. H t.ealher l'-* 7 # do pref ITT- do do pref 74 : ', gt r A O Iju C. S Riiiftwr 25** 9 Pa. lflc tl', .40 do |.rer 73 f Railway .... I7>, Wert. t'nll <k> do pref 'la's. R. I- A H. T A Pacific.. 2144, do do pref 95 F. I*ac|tle 71 |P *' c * 81. Te 37% Bonds. V. 8 2s ref. M A ‘ > 4< }*P reg utt, Ho K A- Tex. do roup It 4, 2nd- 71^ .lo 3r. reg . ina>- do ts .93 do 3s. coup lftH'f N 5 1’ Is,# !*• •lo new 4r. N. J. C gen. 5e 1274 reg 13g *N. pH>*tllc. 3e. 7*6, do new ts. **'* 1# ■ ■ l*4<4 coup .136 I’■ Y . 4* A Hi. do old 4r, 1-oul' 4s lirri t rrg 114, N A W inn 4# •', do nld r. Oregon Nov. Ist.lll roup ll* 1 *' H 429, do 5# reg 1134, * P ** *# . .1291, do s*. roup III*, ,Jo ' 044- bd ..1179| p of C. 3 A'.# 1944 Reading G*n ArrhlMMl. gen ' ** E 9, 4- 1 n-l. It IV. late IH) do adit 4s ' * * M C of Ga eon. ro "’ 1,1 5, 97*' *• * Ran E do Ist toe... S*% °*' n ** *2* do 2ml Iftc. 164 <• Paul < on* 176 y'alt BftU. 2tslr 14S.X|4l I l- P, < A P C A O. 44# ..HR9, I)t* 121*4 do 5s l'i *2° * IZJ f A N con 7r 199', D u Pa- lltc 4# 3 do 8 F I* w121480u Rv ••IW Chlo Tern, Ir 934 P K a,id T 6# 7 rCol Hoig 4 l*44'> * P *'“ I'* * R G. 4, JOIN xk4 2isW ■hie Gen 4r xii.d'nion Poe 4r lftT4 |- 3y g p 'W.sha.-h Ist' 1164 jat 794 do 2nd* W Gen Klee 5r..14l W BW. t' lowa Celt. Ut*.Us4 Wls frti l-t# 1,. A N uni |#l*9,!V*. Cent,iris* 914 weaboard fteeurlllea. Rallimore. Dee. 1ft —H-■*,is>*rd cotnuion llffll'a: prefelred. J3’,Q29 iiondp. four**. "3 New York. Dec lft -9' , onsolld*led f.s d.ikX] |h Nfw York. Pe< 10—Atandard Oil. _ Murphr * *'• ■••••• '-eri rr New York. B*o- W-The weakness In * s'— <lO. k market tqiened with the deal inx* in l*rg* volume, wi-11 <f!#trlbulM for the* most Mri rewtUtoff "* tl.l .dvanv- The latter were pro nounced 11. th' instance of Tennessee t oal and Iron ail Color**k> I uel and iron. An aconda and Federal Btel rtu * ar ** f also heavily dealt 10. but the .u# k hd , -miewhat uncertain tendency. In the railway list the Atchisons were severely depressed on lb* announcement of threat ened Islkh* troubles on that road Among the high-priced TVnnrylvanla war a feature In a material •dvanee (or the most part til# t.adH.g ft. 1 uv ernad by th* more ~ie*tlu. view# regard mg th* monetary outhiok Th# .hang In opinion In thl* r,spent l*d not ,mly to new investment buying, but uiao lo ,uy erlng f abort contract*. Ikm,don for Ameri une -tiowe.l gmaval advance* above New York partly with Saturday ilnal pricer and foreign hou-er were buying her. ;i|r>n the opening of Imrinee. Apart from th# tlires'ened latmt tro.rtde# on lh< vt.hlson Road 'l'er# was virtual *■ sence .if news over Sunday hearing upon Ihe aiock aitarkel MItEI/I.4>KUI * MARKETS. Not*—These quotation* arc revised dally and are kepi a# near aa posslbl* Pi accord with in# prevailing wholesale nrtcet uffi* tal quotations am not uJ whan they d.sagra* with tit* prtcae *H*ol salers ask , oaatrr •“<* Norther* Frofiuoe. POULTRY—Tho markoi Is atoady. Quo rations Rrollar* MO9S par pair, hall grown 440341 c: thrsa-fourth* grown. 4fcrf fific. hen# 65075 c. rooalora. 4OOS*-. duck*. 60075 c geaae ”seo|l flft Kaon— Fresh candled, SHIS4c; cold stor age. 214122'. BUTTER—'The lons of the market I* Arm Quotations: Cooking. *le; Imita tions. 23c: Ne* York atate dairy. MVic; ex tra Eiglns 27, CHEESE- Market firm. fat" V full cream che#*< 114. for to 22-pound average; *9tt*o-pound averiges. lie. -5R- Southern Railway. Ttaint Arrlxr and Depart Havannah on Meridian Time—On* Hour Mower Than City Time. Schedule in Eff'st Nox 25. 19c ftSAil DOWN Tt> , iIF. EAHT , READ IIV Na 1 N.i ,< ,1 en, a No 12 55pm 12 J'.tm Lv Savannah Ar 1 5 iftaini I ftpm (Ehalern Tuna I t 2ipm I .ran, Ar Bla.kvlU* Lv,, 3 i>x*m| l tffpm 9 05pm 6 Ar 1 olunibia /.... l.v 1 ..,11011 iam 9 lupin 9 45am Ar Charlotte Lv J 6 W>pm 4 Iftam 11 ♦,,*. -ipm .Ar Green.taxtn Lv; 7 30pm} .* dam ' • A1 . .. N.' Lx I 9<■ m 13.1.1,1, 1 35|un Ar .... Dan villa - .7.77' l.V| I. kh'n, t 39am 4 OOan . ~,, Vr 7777. R 1 h'l l.v uoipmi: ay,n 2 40am .; 49pm Ar l.y hl- i-a -• Cv 3 S9pm : .6>m * i '**n pu, Ar l liarkMleaxllle ... Lv 2 ftapm U 54pm ' l '*m x .Vipn, ,\p . W.,*b>uglou Lv Ml Is*nii 95f ii 9 15am I' \r Halt' ■ l> 5 Dam ' • 11 Ai PMltMgih ... . I.x l : J &fi*m| * 95pm 2 o;i|.m Ar N m York Lvj.ll 109 m I 2ipm ' ■ " - . x i.. , 1 Mn 9hwt N ‘ To thi; NORTH 1(16 wehr No. ft (Central 1 |9M 1 .1 ‘"" *H*x .1 rial. . . Al 3 at. 1,4 , I! (Bastarn Time ) * Earn l.y , 0 dub,ia Lv ( > 35*m 9 5,6*m l.v ........ ..... epari*.iibutg Lx 14 13pm I- Iftprn l.v A'b- ' tile Lv. <*pm t U2|>n> Ar not H..rings Lvj 111 a. ,n 7 Mpm Ar . Kaaxxilie Lv * 25am 5 Iftam Ar . Lx 10 3ftpn 7 Earn Ar Cincinnati . w Lx flOpm 6 ftftpm Ar H, I amt* Lx iO*m 7 Iftam 91 Lcutavllla Lx 1 In All train# arrive and dep,,rt from the l’lgnl Hxatem Slatlott. TIIKOtOII CAR HER VICE. ETC TRAINS St AND 34 HAII.I NEW YORK ANl* FLORIDA KXPREHH Voatl huled limited train will, I'utln,an Drawing 11, aim HU-plug Curs between Hv ,n --•ftfh and A, xx I..rk t otimvta a, Wadilngtftu with Colonial 1 pr*s . tot Rnsion I'ullma,, Hie. ping Car belween Chart die and Richmond and * 'I, a riot tc atol Not • folk Dining Cats Serve all nteals E tween Haxannah and 99'arhing,on TRAINS 35 AND M DAILY THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Veatlhuled limited trains, rarrylng Fullnstn Drawing Ilonm Sleeping Cars Hivannah and New lurk Dtnitig Car, serve all meal between Haxannah and IVaanlngton Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cats between Havannah aud Cincinnati, through Asheville and Th# land of tha Sky." Par romplsi* Information aa 10 rat,* wcbedulw* #1 spidy lo F H GANNON 51V l'A G M .1 M CULP. T M. W A TURK. G. P. A. Washington. D C H II HARDWICK. Asst Gan'l P* Agent Atlanta. Ga It c. MLATTNER Ticket Agen', Plant Hysien, Htatmn JAMES FREEMAN. C I' AT A. Itl Bull lree|. Havannah. G* Phone* s*’ Early Veaetahlea. IRISH P* *T Alt )EH- Not them C 100215 ra k > A RIiAG li- 361* per head; I-' *• Iter la 11 el* ONION'S Yellow In hirrels. 12 2502 544. .-rale- OIV-4VO] cw; red >2 25(13.90 llren.l* 1 „It. Hay nnal drain. FLOITI Market Heady, pale,,l, tl <l, • traighl. S3 55. fanry. 13 63 family, *3.10 51 UAL- Pearl, per barrel. $2 sft. pe, ud. 111. city meal, per pack, trolled, sl.#6. wale, gruiind, |l 124. elly gtilr. aaek#. 41.13. ya-arl grii *. Htidnulr. pe, barrel. $2 60. per -a. k. II.9), sundry brand*, tl 15. CORN-Maiket firm, xshlie. Job tola. 92c; carload loir. ,c . mixed .-ii,. Jol. lot#. 60,'; carload ktr. <5, lUCE Market elcady; demand goral fancy head. 6c, fancy. s'yc- Vitine 5 44t\ Fair * 044 Common 34 OATH N>’ 2 mixed, earload. 24< F>b 31035 . white rllpp- .1 cars 37c, Job. FT I IIAN Job lot* He earioad lor*. 95- IIAY Market steady; 80 1 nmothy. 92'.' . J.d' 9,5 c No 2 ftts■ Job, ear#. Sugar ami tiotes. BUGAR- , Cut to if 6 19 Diamond A ...5 94 Crnali.-d 1 <124 Confectioner# A '-tl Powdered 9i|White Flxtr. C.. 5.34 XXXX pow'd . 1, Extra C 979 Granulated 5-4Goll*n C. tr* Cubr* fed Yellow* 4 94 Mould A ft 0* COFFEE Mocha ~2* e Prime No I .... lft,e Tavn 36 e|Goo<l No t ... 10%*. Peaherry ;.H r Fair No 3 It, c Fancy No. I H4cjf>rJlt,ary No. 6 .. 94c Choice No. 2 lft4c|Comrooi> No 7 9 c hall. Hides and 99 oal. halt—Demand 1# fair and the market aieady, carload Ms. lflft-|H>und burlap s ke. tie; im pound .offon aorka. ta-, UO-|Mund burlap sacks. 51 Vw': 11-pouni cotton "*• k. 524 c: 125-pound burlap sacks. MV - 1'25-pound c>tion Hacks. 594 . Aii-pound burlap ♦*<**. 91,- IIIDKfF Market firm; dry flint. 194 c. dry sail. 114*1 9r*e„ Halted. *, WOOL—Nominal: prime Georgia, free of sand burr and black wool. 19c. black. Hr. tiiirry. li Wax. 23. . fallow. 14.-. Deer wkln#. 20. Dried an.l 9-i aporalral I rails. APPIJSB— Evaporated. 707 V. Bun drl-d. 54*16.- APRICOTS K\ .ipnrated, lOe pouad: he. larlne*. IA RAISINS L L 12 10. Imperial oablnats 0 7*. 100--# 5,-fO'Hat loirs **, pound PEACHES Evaporated, pealed. 174-; unpeale.l, 994 09c PEARB- -Evaporated 9,c llardnsre and lit,ll.llna *nppllrs. LIME. CALCIUM I'LAHTEIf AND Cameg.t Alahanva and < ieurgla im- In fair demand and #• I! al *f> >*nl a barrel; •pe ,al calcined piaster >1 u 0 |er barrel; halt. 41|. RoacLile cement. Il*<4|l.M; carload lot*, aprolal Ponlaial > ament, re tail 12 24. carload lols I# 5042 2, LUMBER. K <4- II VEHHEI/8 SAVAN NAH -Minimum yard die., $lO 30011.(6); car #lll- |l2.b l 'ill' -hBL-jlt *lxe, fit id 01* ,#>. ship "to. k 1)4 ftUQ IS Oft. *awi, tie#, JSnoi*3ft. hewn He# 356199 c 011. Matk't #t. ad>, demand fair Ig rial 4.v<jjoc. IVe*l Virginia black.'9*flJc; lard. s*c. neatgfoot, 6ftfi7,-; tnachin. rx. 16 OJV. linseed oil raw 764 . bolle.l, 794*; kcro*ene prime white, ljc; water white 15 . PrgU * astral lb deolewia.-d Move gasoline drums. 114 c. empty oil barrel* delivered. 93c SHOT—Prop. II M, H It and large. 1 71. chilled. $1 73 IRON-Markei very steady; Swede 44c NAILS—FiII $2.90 bare. wire. I2> laa* HARMED WIRE—I3 30 |ier 160 imund* GUN POWDfctt-Pr keg Austin crack ahot. It flu. hall kg. 12-23; quarter keg*, tl 25. rbamplon dii- kln*. quarter kegr. 12 2;,: Dti|a>nl and llainrd -mokelewe, half kegn. 51195: quarter keg#. 55 73, 1-pound, canister#. $1.09; lee# 25 per cent.; Trola dorf amukeie*# powder. 1-pound vans. 41. 10-pound .an#. 90c (murid. l otion Maagina aud Tie*. BAGOlNfl—Market firm. Jule. pound, ft' : large lot, 64-. amal! lo*. I-pound. V4c. #e* Island bagging. 12V TIES-Biandrd iS-i-ound, arrow, large lot*. 91 30. small lot*. |l tl Frullo i#.l Aula. APPLES Norlh'-ru variety. 12.7303- < IRAKGEB- (FU 1. 12 7 -1,3 20 PRUNES -4ftr lo Me; 3ft# lo SO , *4c; 6ft* to tOr. 7. . "‘I" to Sft. a l ,- . lft* lo 90s. 6c, 90# 4o 10ft*. &V HA NAN AH %I.WILV> bunch. LKM'iNH Market piraiy mi U < , nrOANrTB-li rt hM B PtUNI-TA-Ampl* l fair -Hnvini ftrm. fan. y hn<f-pl k|. per I l .* hsifKkptckH \’Jrxlnia rx - lr*. 4* ; S' * *• p**nnip f iNI'TB-Almonds. Ti a#o n 17* . Deft * 16 . walnut. - pt< *n . Hrxtl. 12c; filbert*, 12 . as sorted nut#, fto-pound anti U>xe, Wic. Him ni. Viaa* *Md LwrtJ. HACOK .Market Urm; 1 ft C. R. tidaa. 7S*. TANARUS) H Be|!r , ii. **■ a< oM- Ing to ivtriß vm*. r> R bailies. ||c (Waatafn), amok u C fi tW#*. llAMfi—rurM. LARD-Pur*, in tlarcaa. m - pound tlna and *>-poun<J tuba. compound, tn 4 l 4 f : kvpound tins, and •>-pound tubf. %f V9CBLLA IWilVff KIRI!-MMCkrrel half-b-rrala. No 1. n No 2, 17 00. So 2. 12.75; kit*. No 1 $1 T. So : JT 1". No. 2, r\ 1-pound brlcka. # ;'*poind bricks SV: Hm*k'd h#rrln*. ho*. i7Rl9r- Dutch he nine, in k**g*. sllO, ne* mullata. tiilf bsrrrlf, M 75 BTRUP-NirM qult; <%•! Kioriiiu nyiup buying at y<v.n ■ tttiiK ■ 3247*159 . Mi*r houa* a* ldbUr. HUNK) Kali d^m.ind*i*traliiud. In Übiin. aallmi lligli aliica km-i*. $1 71 ATKIN fßintlTHs I (X)TTON-Mvannah ia lioaton pac 2.--. iu Ni- w Yirk. iht rat 3ic, to j Phllad* |rr 1 >*ol * , sl, ltnirinii’M* $1 rORKION DlßKi'n' Hrrmcn. |#lv rrpooi. ** . ll imburc. i&>-, orv>. 58*. Hanlon. 55* . Manchester <. Havre, to* Antwerp. k*i*; Reviil. &tk*; Itolterdiin. |kx . Tliaate, We. INDI itKCT- Uvcr|aj4. | 3>ii.J'- . Hamhurjr hn*. ioth< nliur. fait I.VMHKH H> Hill- I'rctghta ftpsilv ; to Haltlvnor** and caatwaid, $4 50 to sf* 76 |ar M im lutJiit* Portland. LI Mlilalt Hv Hisain Havannah u | Haiti mo r ssnr>, i 0 I* R H or It and O. •k> k* $5 s>. to PtillMilalphla |>ar •at <♦ pound* to foon ti> New Yorl*. $; 50 |>or .Vl $7 A to uo k; lljfiit* red to [ li<Ntoii. $8 firfV % NAV'AI. OTORKA Tlie toirket 1h firm, medium at*- veaeoia Rohlii fork, for oilers, .la rtd barrel of 310 pound**, and 5 par cant |>rina*i Splrlta. 4m M por 40 gallons groa*. and 5 |er rent prlmiv fearga vaaaala. main. 3>; aptrlta i., 21. Rtaam lie per I*> iiotindM ofi roaln; ?1S on apirlta Havannah to Roaton. ami on rndn nd Ike on aptrtt- to N*w York GRIIN. rHOVIIIAN*. KTT. N**w York weak mid 5 to 15 uenta lowcc to nHI, with* *Uf mn')i d* ni-iifl at t*M’ de<Slne. Ily* flour *.y f.Ur to gu<j(l. s2**fti2 lA, rholca to fancy. SUMI3.I& Him kwheal flour dull a $2 \<Wl2 15. Hu k wheal iioniintil mi oNit2<' c. I. f . New York Corn m-al ea*y; yellow Wontern. 87c. live aUw-ly; No. 2 Woatarn, f o I) fh*it Hartcy quiet; Lrly malt dull; Wtfltnt, * Wheat ray. No 2 red. 7S<* f. o. 5 afloat. OpUon dbiplayed iwnakleraMe wakneaa early In tli ikay from liqukta lion ivromfdcd by lower I'.iNri, fair world'* siiudi' us, Islh i'mi NorthwHft re ceipta inujtfmmll ** (board **barau4(A and aul*aM|tM*nf linespN'ted decrcaae lit the vhilblo birtl a e)iar|> rally through cov aided by lutnors iimi *|irina wheat ar rivals woiUd hoou fall ofr Finally ylsdd- Ing to local ealea for hmff acoouiit Wi>* innrkr t i-lopwl m*y at n*( dedlhe Hiil**a Included No 2 resl Jamaiv cloaed. k 77c; klarcb. 7*fcc; May. TfMkc. Cum Hpof weak. No. 2,45 V; elevator, 4514 C f. o It market w.m hi tlrft cwy wlnir to lower rabte* and fin*- weather Wait, but lat**r hardened on heavy clearances, coverinir any the iwlly* in wheat It finally ylelde<t to rewllglrig and rtOM*d weak mi love Jan uary Hoard. 4*l V 1; May, 41\c; Ite i-mlMr, 4-Cio <i*te- Hpot firm. No. 2. 27 (tpHoiu* mh*nit Mt-M*ly but featurcleeM form a apec utnilv e tand|M>lnt. Keo| 4t-Mdy. If Mei* firm Cut mat rjuiet atkd -aay; jl* kled t*el- NuAHp'. ph'kies iikouMerp, l.anl ateady. Wi Mrrn e<earned. |7 Idt, De • imtHf clohnl, $7.76 nominal; ref!n-d at* ,*dy Hoi k qulei. Hotter firm; * rearoery. fnctory. 12f]frV rial- dairy, l*sft2k c heev. ftrm, tiuny iarg* falHmade, IHge- • '•<'> fall-mad* s*mall. l‘#vg Heady, mate and iVimsylvanl.i. 21u>‘ WeMrrn, regular packlug at mark. 2t097c I'otatorff *|Uie(. Tallow dull. Petroleum dull Rorln qulef Turpentine quiet. Rice ftrm Moiaeara ateadv. Catd)4ge quiet Cotton !y atearn to Liverr>l 2ftc. Sugar-Raw ftrm but quiet; moUaepi Sugar S It-Mc; refined steady Coffee, xpot Rio barelv steady. No. 7 In voice. 7! ; mlkl quiet ; Cordova. Coffee future# opened gteady wWh prh'en unebanged fo % point* axjvan'e Trading was very' tame. Sentiment, however. wap Kegfijrhly ln<’tlned on big c'rop talk The -iioi market whp dull and* barely •teady an*l the public ptIH (tolling % oft Till close WHM quiet .it !• t un- hanged price at ?. pnimw decline Total M*)e*i. 11.* bag*. Including: March at 115 c; May. $ 2M|A.We 4 OTTO* IIKKII OIL. New* York Tree, in— 4 "atton need 011 re flecfed #*ri ai*ler tone .• the nut* , of |e*t!*eoi*d demand an*l further prewttre of oil on the market. Crime crude, barre|. BOAVc. ixlnu- punner >allow. 31041 1 $• ■ off summer yellow KHyfiSlc; prim- win ter yellow 37u37V; prime white. 3fft3sc; prim** meal. S2T SOtj2*> no l MH 400 MAHKISTV Chicago. Dec. 19-4 d:reaae In the vis ible od V la<-k of cpytsHe >upjor' w* e (*ppo*>lng influance* In wheat Lo-du> with th** result that May closed barely n-s*Jy. ! t 'a‘o r uudei tiaiurday. Corn cWI *dV' and oats V lower. Provisions at the t-ioaa were a shade to lAi*. higher. Tha leading futures tanged se follows Opening Highest Lowest.t'loeing Wheat. Na 3 D#c 7AO^S Jan 7A*. 7T* May 73 ©73‘a TP.4 72$* 73 Corn. No 3- fbi Ps 35!*3. 3s* Jsn 7- 35!t May *i KU *i ? * Oat*. No Tr dw am 21k. n% tin May 23598M1 T3\ 33S ( Plant System of Railways. Trains *perated mtn m-ndm f ina* Une hotir low-r than **liy iliac. In Hfact lC4*. S IfM* mi traliif Lv. Havannah. Dally. ArHuanmh. Between i - • *m h*i\ uirah \l2 iam • I*' *m VN .lycroes ) <i uni • Fun Jacksonville...... HI 1A am ' I • P*n .. .()•! Florida 12 45 pm 5 |m point* ~f. 7<s#pm Bet ween • * •*** ston 7.> am 4> * i: t t, .V, pm L\ Hr 'He wli k Ar. Ilrunnwick. Itfi'iwren. H ‘in w i k im Jcsnp 4 r pm t- •v.nn in uml j 714 am J it kMilvill#' h X* pm Conn,, tint ,t Hurt Tamiwi wkh Henln *** * t i u dm -ii i. miei leaving for l\ 9 U* Mill l|. si I I tael a vs. ThiSfg dah -00p*l Hatnr.ii\) li.onp ni < ill it 'J !< k < *fti for fuMhar infor mation J. II HULIIKMI h. I V A VN AltD t l .MtK city Tk ket Agent. In Hofo 1 lee*• -I ’Hfmne 73 H W VMU.NN l . , rnfftc Man ager, H.i\ .inn h, <la os{ t 8-haffula Fffaollva ffrfxf Ift, tftftft. Trains arrlxr ai an.l 4-p.irl from Cantral rUail.u, IVr*t road. '•'! ot Llbr-ly !i!! 9ftfh M*-GOI all Tim.- <in# hour #l,xrrr lhan lty llmr l*av* Arrlxa ‘ " Bavannai,. lugu la Maron AiUuiaO ** 4i,r ' t'.n'niron, MlUrla*vlllv *6 flftpm jand all Inlmii.xllala i>lrrt| ; AuruMfe. Minn. Allania.j" lAlh— r*. Mnntx.nurrv. Co-j •9 Ofti.niflumhii., Ulrmlnsbam, ,9m •*'. ftftam jarl.'H#. Eufaiila and Trojt f 16 w>nni| Dover A.-ronamodallon 7 49am 17 4*|M4l iJufloo Dlnnrr Train ,148900 •Dally 11-lx-rpi . BETWEEN HAVANNAH AND TYREE 75fli marldlan or 44avannah cltjr tlto* LEAVE HAVANNAH. M.uabix a,ly 623 a. it Dal.y rxcapl Monday 9..4U . m Dally s.dr p m, LEAVE TYUBE Mond.. > only 715 a nr Dally apt Mon,lay 10:25 a m Dally 6JOp. m. . onus, iiun* mad- al t-rtnlnal polnia will, all train# Nurtbnrcal, Weal *)M Southwest. Rleeptng r*i on night trains between Mavaiiti th and Augusts, M i on, Atlanta and Rlrtningiiiim Hsrior mrp on d*y tmlus between 8a- VNnnan. Ms.xe and AtLnta. |, °r rnwplflU) Informailon. irhtAilea, rates and ><nnridots spply io VN ii H|{ liWKIt. liy Ticket and Pass engcr Agent. 107 Hull street, ur W R M-INTYRK. Depot Ticket Agent. J C IIAI LB, (leneral Passenger Agent I. II MINTON, Traffic Manager TIIEO D. KUNK. Oao. Rupert mond ent, Havannah, Ga Double Daily Service The aiiort lln# to Norfolk. Washington, ) tali Hourl'htiaddli/hla. New York and 1 ft- Last. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS FROM No 27 North and East 3on am No 23 lu-nmark no.I laa al Hta "®n 10 3ft am No 31 North and East 12 3ft pm No 44 Jackaonvlll- ai,d Florida... I h> pm No 72 M ni"ino, and W-rt ... 926 Pm Nt> 74 Hrimia and |y* ~1 I'olnta *43 am N 06 Jarkronvlll# and SO pm DEI'ARTURE OK THAI.NH For • No 27 Ja. kronviil' ai„l h lorlda Dkim No 31 Jackaonvlll- and Florida 12 II p,n No 4! New York and Karl 1 M pm No. 31 Danmark and Auguata 3 6- pm No 71 Monfa-anyry and W,*l ... 7>3 am Nn 73 lleln,a and Ix> a I ft,at,on# * 3ft pm No 46 N>- York and Kant It 50 |>m MaciiHlcrnt Pullman huff'd •I'-aptnc car service lo W,htn,loii. ifaltlmora Phil*- dvtphta and Naw York; also lo Jackson ville and larnfM Dlninx car* fiom Havannah lo Harolat arel Richmond to Now York Unffei foirior cars Savannah to M at (oiirry. For addltioiMil Information apply In Ticket nfflca. Bull and Bryan atroal,. Phon* 29. Mesa I’ork. per Uarral- Jan ... sl2 22'# *l2 4ft *l2 23 >l2 29 May 13 12‘y 12 5" 'l* l2 l$H laird, prr 10ft pound*— Dor 7 13 7 'Jf 7 16 7 Jan 9U 6 976* • 6 92<J * Hhort lllh# per iftft pound#— Jan 6 35 6 3TV* 6 32', 4 IT, May 6 at 6 43 6 4ft 4ft Carh qiiol.-,llona war* a* follow# Flour quiet and steady; No 3 spring; whaai. *V -'. No. 2 red. 716,ir/74c, No. 2 corn, **V; No. 2 yellow. HflSc; No 2 oa ta. 329 y; No 2 while. 26026 V No. 2 while. 24'#t2*", No 2 rye. Mr-; fair to choke nailllUK loirley. tWilii-. No. 1 n**reyf, II 50; No I Northwestern. 11.6 ft, prime flmotliy reed. 14 40 mrr# pork, per barrel 111 V <* 11 62',. lard, per lft* ri7Vi7 alror' rihe -Idea (looee). >6.25n6.624*; dry -ailed ehouMera Ihoxedi, >3 #7i*o.; I J l ,. eiiort .dear aide* Iboxedf. 96 Pap, a*. wk4Jiy. Ixaala of htfh wine*. II 27 vie. Deni nays, ••Ornvlreard hr# well nigh cured Ml. of rheum.G#ni from whl h I Tiave been a great sufferer Ihe la*l fifteen year*.” Mr. Denl'r fouaoffl- " in Ht Simon* Island. Ga. Rev. John c'hrl#*lan of Pteree. Ala . ■ayr "Graybea/d hoe cured Mr*. John rmildr-a* of Baldwin county of rheuma tism In February heforn alia began to take Orayheard rh w* given up 10 dt Hhe I- now sound and well.” Gray heard I* made only hy rLp*. Drux t'ompany sole owner*, and sold by drugxiata for 4U a bolUa. Every family should have a box of Greybeard Fills and Grayheard Ointment —ad. We Save You Money* -ON~ Flrc Work#. Toja and dolls; #e u> quick. Phone 4TB DONNELLY DRt O CO., IJbcrly and Price tlraili 9