The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 12, 1900, Image 1

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thf mokning news > .hi -lii-iI I*s" • - Incorporated isss J H FBTILL, President CADET BOOZ’S DEATH K.iISB COMMITTEE IIM'OIYTED TO IWESPII.ATK IT. pEMAND THAT HAZING CEASE. I I. |(TN E AT WEAT POINT TO HE I.OOKED INTO. p rull , nr Nrw York YVnnl.l Ini or Ih.illshlng Military Academy if inuiul Practices Cannwl Hr "Mp -,,d— Wanacr of IVnnrhlli Who l p|o*uteri lloo* ImlMfii on lir In * radg*ui-Arndrmr Fears No Investigation. i .ion. Dec. 11—In the House to -peaker appointed the following i to Investigate the death of , at West Point: i. -i- Marsh, Kepubllcnn of Illinois, r ,n; W inger. KepubHcan of Penn , i ants Smith. Republican of Iowa; I*i - Demoi-rat of Now York, and Clay ( etitMi rat of New York. itttute resolution was reiorted f, o Military Affairs f’ommltlee r-- c t,g the Secretary of War "lo report t . r, III! Of the Investigation he Is now , .mg of tile Hour case to the Hotter ( iu resent art ve*. together with such r , ..m ti latlona as he may sec fit to make. r rirlcßw of New York the author of . . Kuril resolution, protested vigorous- Ii ..nst the adoption of the euimUtute , ... •;„n as it <lkl not include provisions i r Investigation of the general sub ., hazing ai W*st Point, n ..,. polling n permanent atop to auci pra lie declared that the prar- I . of infamoualy hating "plehs" at v - Point was notorious. He cited the r of Whittaker, who was hazed In ■. and whose case led to a congression al investigation. Mr Driggs declared that I would be In favor of abolishing the ,\ „ rii\ If these brutal practices could I te stopped. tApplatlse ) tnslsteil on Invest taotlon. M Wenger of Pennsylvania, who ap p ,1 Cadet llonx. on u eon ,i .- .l investigation. The gross oui i known to have been i-ommlitisl at t Vtviemy in the post, he sold, hid n >1 the conviction that the officers e* die Academy and of the > rrr were ao Jealous of the fair name of the Academy that they guarded It as It • reetly as the officers of France d.d 1i the Dreyfus case. Only a congr**slon u investigation would bring out the f ts t: it lead to action which would t :iver prevent hazing in the future. Mr Wagner had read a letter from an offi cial id the town of Bnetol, where Booz r le' which testified to the young r - Ugh, physically, mentally u morally, which recited the charges cf brutal treotment anil which called i r an Investigation. Mr. Clayton of New York, a graduate C V. st Point, said the Academy fetirs no It: \ ciisaiton. Th. . n of a washerwoman and of a t lor Ire arc on the same footing when lie- enter tnc Academy.” Emm his personal experience Mr Clav t* i S lid he knew that the reports of haz- I g were terribly ez iggeruted. Mr. l|y of Virginia favored a rongos i- na: Inve-ligation. liecatise he belleve<! en investigation would vindicate the A i-temy and the csdets. Mi. Hull, chalr n i of the Military Committee, sild he 1 tttle faith In congressional Investl* ui ■; of the War Depirtment he t uchi would tie much more searching. M Wanger offered a resolution for a t i'il committee of five to Investigate Ifi is,-, which was adopted without ill vt don. ( OL Ml 1.1,* i:\TKH* % l)F\Mli. ll#* Urr• That llonat Wa* hoi Mis treated n( the \**nl •••*. 'V tshlnglon. Dec. 11—Col. Mills, supcr -1 ’* n dent of the Mfliiary -Academy. has •<l *-ie broadest dental. 1 is**d upon I full Investigation made ly himself ' the report that the late Cadet y i based and otherwise mistrcat at the Academy. Secretary of War has transmitted ( Mills' rept rt of the House Commit- , ' • n Military Affairs with the sta- < (hat a I ird consisting of MaJ Clen 1 m . Col. Olllsiple, and Col Clous ha < • (.• titcd to meet at West Point ■ f ' <• i h instant to Investigate, not only I* '•/. nisi', l<ut also the methods etti i •J at the Academy to prevent hax- I Mi ls* statement Is In effect that y ' r*Mgnntlon was attribut'd • w*ok nd a poor record In studies Me t* the eaiWs u.udemlc record to l.! ' ’ ‘ • • of mistreatment. The cadet had * * •. I. prior to Auk 6. IV.* when he I f •' flghl. witnessed hv six cadets, •'I whom are now at the Academy had replied to some advice given by ' * f the cadets In a ma iner to Incense I • the fight. Two . .assma’es U Itlfy that the 1 !t< Uiv '•* * *in to attend the fight, and that B*x v n no way Injured or marked. On the rii.| v of the cadets. Col. Mills rej* U * ’ges of hruial |oui*ding by un '• t ht. and that after the tight a fluid * ;• ired down Bk.x'h throat. ll** says t n.irges are absurd and untrue. !mm< Itatsly following the encounter, ic hrg to Col Mills Boos fed lnt. the •me of his fellow cadets. In oi* e • of ai# port that he had been guilt > ' an untruth In contradicting a report ■ orporal of the gu.ind. and a>< Is* ' 1 *■ * he had shown little spirit In his • ' Col. Mills specifl.* illy dentes oile r gat ions. riIIKKUMMiS. ( Supreme Court Holds Standurd Oil to. >ol in <Onten|t. ‘olumhus. 0., Dec. 11.—The Supreme to-day dismissed the proceedings ' J *ht by *x*A torney General Men net i f gin* that the company was In con ~P* f t crurt having failed to com* **tth on order .'••ucd n 18®. directing • • •solution of the Standard Oil true tne grounds that It* existence w;s **• this’ public policy. The six members •* the court divided equally. jlntumnal) iXcius. KRUGER'S LAST HOPE GONE. Dui*h (.oTprnoicut Hefnifi to Takr the Initiative in KlMmlf of Ar bitration tor liner*. The Has lie. Dec. 1! ~Th* !>itch govern men? to-day Anally nnl lefinitfly refused tr take th- hit' v. in behalf of arb.tra tkm between the Trnruivaal and Britain. The *l ifiion of the government mas commumcatevi in an b**tween Mr. Krtigf r and Dr. I.fjils on one ai ie, inl the Dut'li foreign inlnatar and the minister of A nance, N. G. Fterroti, on the at her. Mr. Kruger explained tt the object of hi* Journey was to li. geminate the idea of arbitration, and the Dutch min ister replied that the role of The Neth erlands in'iM be |*m >•*ive. The Initiative belonged to th* per* it I*ow#*n, they d -d*l When lfie Pamirs had reached a •i- Kior. th* Dot* n p*vi nuiwnt might see m il.< it could do. A serenade of Mr. Kruijer by the * h '.ri : \* 1 for to-night has been |*ro hibited by the poll . for fear of disturb ance. MILM.It Will. Ill** \ITMOV E. Ilor* Not I,lli* It rl it tliiit of ifrl- Ltinl*r * onurfM. Pape Town. l>ec. 11—Sir Alfred Milner. <k>vernor of Capo Colony, tinhy received the depuration appointed by tnc rerent Afrikander Comer* -- t* fre#.ent to him for ipotinnHwlwi ii the Ptidsh Kuvaroment, the three re>oluti.i.e adopted by the Con- D reply to the imputation's sjiokesmah. he sakl: "1 shall formir 1 theme resolutions to ♦-* imperial Kovernmru with my stronK die.iiH’iuval. T •> mr* fr hv clever men. how enjri:n • • tho pr*ent iiKlta tlon. nnl evu ouraglhu those m k> are car rymit.on a ho pel- • resistance.” (f the resolutU'hs adapted at Worcester the demands the termination of the war with its untold misery, protests atriiiyd the drva-iatlon of the country and the burnimr of farms which •'mill leave a lasting* heritage of bitterness.” and declares that the Independence of the republics Mill alone Injure peace in South Africa. The second urged the right of the col ony to man its >*n affairs and cen- Min s th* > of Sir Alfred Milner Th** third pi.-dge* th t ”b -l*or ii . r way to attain the • nls *!• fin*sl in the two preceding r* so lutions.'* KNOX’S ribllT WITH l>E WET. It Is Said a Severe Rattle la Still in Progrraa. Indon, Dec. 11—The Evening fhandsrd says the battle between Gen. Knox and Gen. DeWet continue* and that the forces change ground incessantly. L*tt k of definite Informatics) Is attri bu ed to absence of telegraphic communi cation with the scene of action. While the War Ofll e Is reticent there are indie it lon** that the officials have re ceived new* suggesting ocisdderuble British success against DeWeL abandoned rimi to l\ill ItoHerf*. pi it Elizabeth, t ape Colony, Monday. D* c 10 —A numlter *f prww. suspected of plotting to murl'T Lonl Roberts lur ti.zr his visit here recently abandoned their * heme* on learning that they mere shad owed. Roberta Sails for l.nulmul. Cape Town. Dec. ll.—Field Marshal l4Md Rober sailed for England to-day on the Canada. WANT PRESIDENT TO RESIGN. vrn.ntlnnnl Turn In (nw litnin.i viuilrnt. nl Tzwzlno— lor ln- Kiitinrillnnllnn. Birmli:hnm. Ala., I><<’. 11.—A ovia tlonal turn In .iff ilm ha* taken place at the *t.ite unlvereity at Tuecalooea. where th- ftiulent Mjr ha* b.-.-n In open rebel lion ago In fit the faculty since last Friday heoiiua* of eifrlaln rule, laid down which Hie hoy* held to he object lona t>|e The court of inquiry met thl* afierncon Tne preeldent and commandant we e re quested to retire from the room where the Invee'lgatlon w * being held and se vere charges w.-re preferred agalnat the president, whoae dlzmlsaal I* demandol Dll the ground that he h* acted unmanly to the commandant upon whom he I* try ing to ahlfi at n zponaibllty. _ li |* ziatid *n the noys o.lmltteT to Ihe f.ull.ty that they art guilty of gr<es Insuhordlr .itlon. but that It I* n- cm.ary to secure the need. .1 reform*. I* I* fur thei stated bv t •• student* that President Powers was hooted. Jeered and cursed Crldav night anl * pelted with eoal „ri.| I that the explanatory note to the facility Stat'd that no dtarespeet mi* Intended to the otft of the presl- I* nt. but to Power* hlm*elf. Di*mi*al I* , , mal ded by the hoyr who contended tliat he has acted unmanly In making an al l,.gt l , ffort to s! .ft all rent, visibility on (he commandani. Commandant West, who had been pr# louwly rondemiml, was ex . onc rt<<! The nv*t’*ln- i IJurn*l until Ib-merrow morning without reaching a conclusion Neither President Powers nor any m> m iser of the facility will give out a *tate mi nt. THIitTY HOI *l> EYGI l.i'KU. Ilrllgolawd the eene of Another IHnatrnw, l.nndsllde. Christiana. Dec. 11—Another zertou* landslide is o eutTCil In Heligoland. Thirty house* have been engulfol. an I a considerable pari of the island has been for three .lays under water. Thus far |l ha* been impossible lo send uti'f tho losses have not yet been determined. s Hill Fire In *|. I.nuia. Bt. I.out*. Dec. 11 —A six-story hull ling it No. 717-711* l.ueH, avenue, Otcupled by Julius CMoser * 00.. Importers of laee :uen Thread Ci mpany, Bi. I.ouls Pants Manufacturing C miony. R.val h r lanufa- tur ng Company; Agttein Shirt n r>ar.y end Bohm Bro A Cos wa icstroyed by fire last night. Lost liM.Wft A mbs.sttilor to ttniy. Washington Dc. 11 -The President fo- I iy sen: io the Berate th* Mlw of tieorge Von I. Myer of Mosnachuseits, to he am- I bat,odor of the Luttwi States to Italy. SAY' AMs AH. GA.. WKDNESUAY. DFA’EMBF.K I” 11*00. AGAINST SUBSIDIES CIaAY or fiFeOHGU M%KE *OHE STKOHO roiXTS. MEANS LOOTING OF TREASURY. RILIs INTENDED ONXY TO RENEEri MIII'OW M lia. Nlr. € It) Prearutrtl Ihe *!tlr f Ibtr Mlnorli) of lit*- I ommlllrr on Commerce—Yeaaela i urninu Uiru ml l Would <•*( *iiulira( Atuoitnla— Mrioiiirr Would Not lt -erraar Itiitlrliua—m-t inn <l tbr Rill la N It'ioua in I'rinrlplr. Washington. Dec. 11.—'Tb** firnt s h in fu the ahlp *ub- iy Ui in Serial*' ma* delivered to-d y by Mr Clay of tieorgifi. He i* ont* of the minority member* of the Committee on much run durted th* harinif> on the m*a.ure and reported it to thi* S-matD .Mr. H.u.uu. mho expect* to reply to Mr Clay'* argumon*. ith\> him a pirn uiariy tttirntlve boAring S nator '‘‘a'. eiv *eti by Ihe miior -It> of the Bvnate Committee on Comm* r e to make a minority n*i th* •l ing apoech, aaainat the bil. ll** lr> <*laindnK that a dear onalyei i the m-fsur vuHtld damonatiat* • ti* un prejudiced mind that th* re up*- by it* frJer.d* cx>uld not ' f> lm Ther* %\u* but *ne point, h* 1 t. uion which all men would agr#\ ind that aa* that If the* Id,l wer ei.n tel into law It would f.ike from the public treasury money collected by taxation fr>rn th* pl* of tlu United ttto*- t< tne am*unt <f R(Kfi.MD per year for the period of twenty year*, a total *>f |ii** o* ••*. .*nd lh)t it would donate thD u.e * um * ihe owner* of *h!p. engagt and in arryina f*>r lgn tnd** to aid them in making i.vir private hualneen more profitan.e. He said that every member of the min ority membership of the com mittee voted against a favor able report ami will vote igalnut the passage of the bill f| prew* r.*d hii ♦ livl orite ana>sis of th* provisions of in* meawun H* show*a that f.r ten years all vesswln that have been completed ami w*re in ••xl4en<** n Jan 1. r.**** -hall have tb* benefit if th* subsidy u and tiiat all rompleiiil after fhHi late shall have the benefit for twenty years. To llendlt W|1 1 %% n-r. Ho >1 timed that It w.m r i th< principal purpose of the measure * increase the merchant marine, but to make a large donation to and greatly enhance tho buxi nes* and fortunes cf the shipowner* now engaged in the foreign trade. First, he pointed out. there i* a specific subsidy covering all whips steam and sill, without regard to speed or freight capacity and then in a*idiri *n there is extra compensation to be pall vessels of gret*er speed regtrdle**e of freight capacity. From fheee t ibles fie figured that a vessel of twelve kncis speed—one of the kind that ratify ca-rlee com. cotton, oats and f;rm |* oiucte. one of the great freighters would i* iv ! a little m ire fhan one- hlrd of r ani 'iirrt |wU to h swift passettger steamer never known to carry any freight #*x. opt fine manufacture*! good#, lie present***! a table showing that ten-kt.o -thlfo* travel ing two hundred and forty mlU* a day would receive an annual *ui*dd.v under ihis bill of 148. while twent)-*me-knot ship-*, will h travels on in average f five h unit red and four miles a day wul I receive an annua! *ttbi v f Jts) The slow* et**.mer. he argued. woiiM in a year carry, in all probability, more tuan a •loxen times the amount of fo elgn •o'*- ducta an l heavy freight that w. uld ioi carried In a fast steamer which Is run particularly for the |ms e a*r trade, lie presented a study of the manlfes's o{,tw. steamers, one of the slow f ei-ht* r lig and one f the fast claw** to il lustrate his point, ami sal*l that h* w. i at a lo*s to kn>w how th*- friends of the meisure would possibly cl ilm th * his Mil wa frametl in the Interest of tho farmers and the producers of ihe country. '!• Hiiain 4 nrry tle I'rein lit. Senator Clay p-e-enlel other manlf'- ljs lo prove hi, cootontlon tha' It I* tee slow freighters which carry the firm po iturts, not th* fa t llnei*: and that the hill Is so worded iw to give the great bulk of the subsidy to th" fast line* Senator Clay went et I'ngth Into ilc! ill* of hi* cone niton that the bill 1* ao shaped a* to give very Ill tie comparative benefit in the eta** of ,)iip*. which really do the bulk of the car rylng business. He point'd out the differ ence In the cargo raistclty between the sht|M* of the two classes under considera tion and the consequent exorbitantly high rale per ton of freight carried that the swift liners would rarelve. lie showed that practically all of thi foreign pro ducts of Ihe l"tilled Slates are carried hy the slow steamers which would receive Ihe minimum of henetlt under <hi, hilt and riddle.l ihe claim ef the majority that Ihe hill was essentially one to promote the exports of agriculture. He said he could ms see how If the hill was tiMcte.l into law It would result In any material Increase In our idtHmiii marine. If thos:i favoring this mi tsure had honestly desired such n nils, why •lid they only reuulre rtir owners of ex isting vessels claiming such sulydJy to. build new vessels equal to 1- r cent nf the vessels or vessel sire ,dy receiv ing Ihe henetlt of ihe subsidy ’ Why. he ked. If the fnereis of th' Mil weir honestly In favor of encour iglrvg ship building and Increasing the merchant marine did Ihev not require that the ■ w,:ers of vessels desiring to avail inem sclvr, of Ihe subsidy lo first obligate themselves to build an equal number of near ships ’ Then every owner of a ve,,c| applying for subsidy would mtve been ■ (impelled to double hi* pres <ni holding. and the result would have been Ihe increase In (hs merchant marine aid a great silmu lu* to ship binding, bin this legislation In Us present fotm. would, he contended, produce no such result, Plan to Loot the Treasury. It looked to him like a plain proposi tion on Ihe port of the shnsvwm r ihai they he allowed lo go Ido th treasury and lake nine million <’.o tars annually to divide among themselves The decadence of ihe merchant marine during the pas! flfiy years lenn a-ni lor Clay olwlmed. with ihe substtiutlon of Iron ships for wisslen ship,. *> long as ships were mode prln' Ip iily of wood !hl* country enjoyed a natural a Ivantage When, however. Iron b 'k Its place, and the Iron Industry of th. I 'nited Btsirs had no* been .teveloped Am. rlcan *iil|>- bullders coxi'd not compete with the ship huildtr* at Eng end We ought then, re ■aid. to have availed ourevive, of the r-eults of British ski’d, bv sdml ting fos • "Ign twit and veesete to Amerlran reglstery If ns far heck a, IK ll had been po*|ble for an American citizen io a-quire for- gn built vcsse.s. there never would have ta-en Cootlnued on El*tah I’age. SAYS STRIKE IS A FAILURE. beaeral Manascr Mmlgi* of the Santa Fe fka> He Mss me iMineulty tietttua Ogrrmora. Topeka. Kr. . Dec 11.—General Man* g*\r H V. Mulge of tne Sara Fe to la v **. | that the telegraphers strike is a complete failure, and that the road t* findii!g no difficulty In filling the place"* vacant by the operators He Mill retain* lit* place at the key In the goneral telegraph offi *, however. Mr. Mudg* said to-night: “Our Imslness Is running normally ag iin We have kept train movements steady nr l r the train order system It Ims licet) satisfactory enough to run the trains in the *.itte way t.tat other Wt* ♦ r ro-tds rui t .to The 8 tr.ta l' tva Mook signals, widi*' the others have not \\ • are using th* Mock goals from Cti*- to New ton again. I an\* the oni*’t for r* • unpt: <i this marnitig Th bogtis me-sag*- for operat-wa t<> go •*# k io work to which J A Newman mvh ?• s minis was ftirged went over the wire-** sure cmuigh. It wa* taken *ff 'he Wpe 111 I tie gene; ft! office lt the *h<H ld nt H* i lda> Where it originat' and I d>n l ki *w All the striking operator* receive*! no li •* to-.I v tliat their servi- es so lid no longer * reciuiied by th** •'ompiny. Buperir.tendent Bli**!**** c alms that there are <miv 1* va ;cie- on the for. *- of lele grapher* ve to fill and that they will be filled in . short time The comp.iiiy claims to lie able to re ceive and care for all the ordinary bu*l n<‘v ii.d that the road heed not fscog nixe th* existence of the strikers. A I II.LIVi OFF IN lit NINA. SMiita Fe llnttflllng Fewer Thrusli hnporin, Kati. Emrx)rirt Kin 11 -t’halrmai) N* w nuin *f toe !>a **rn division of the Hants F** t|e io!irs. to-night g tve out u state ment of freight fr.iins run nr*l load* and empties haitdie*! through Emporia, whten h*4 say* shows tne great lops the company is sustaining by the strike and shows that tiie company is making a losing • The strike occurred Dec H. Car* through Emporia averaged dally leforn the 710. after the strike. 4* far* sfmk bundled through Emporia, ffcmday. D****. 2. fur Kunsiis <*ity market, bw. Hvin dav I• . ** ofiiy 13 .ire fir rnarke*. •Silv on** k train hae been r*. lvid from the Oklahoma division since the >trik** wii - sllel Nothing iut througlv fielghte are running. nnl they art* badly *l* iv* ? K*rt> trains were handle*) ? uough Dtnjiori*. Dec > 41 on ih© 7tl, ID on the 9.h. and 17 on the lhth A 9VHFATIIEII( STRIKE. in otlierhood of Hallway Trainmen Are f nst4eriia It. Denver. Col., Dec. 11—The local com mittee of the 13rotherhoAjd of Ral.way Trainmen held a score* meeting to-day mil discussed the question of aiding the Santa Fe telegraphers by means of a sympathetic stnk* li w saUl that It was practically decided to submit the question to a vote of the body immedl itely. The result will b* known to-nar row Four new operator* it Is claimed by the istrlKei-, walked out to-day at office* be tween Denver and Pueblo. Tin* n* w operator at Castle Rock dis appeared fhi* morning and later In the lav h* walked into the station at S*- •io ia eight miles south of Castle Ho k. H* aald that a crowd of mMFk><l **rike ympathlser* entered the ssatton, rleie-1 him to hold up his hand**, piacnl is rope around his nt k, tied his h.mis behind his li k. ther. marched him down the track a f.'W miles **at and left him. with 1- structlons to k * p on going. REQI KATH FIIOM OFEHATORff. w - IHose an Northern l*ne|flr \%nnf Wome l tiit>m*•• Mrle. St Pnul. Minn.. In-. H,—a committee of Nort * m I’acific tel* gra|4i*rs called *o day unori Vice President and fisnertl Manager J. W. Hendrick and present*’*, ih* first of a number <A reqtieais r*‘la*lng t*> wag**s. working hours and other mar ters. There an a!out !.<**) ape rotors in the employ of th# 1 Northern l*a< Iflc Rah road Company. Alsiut !*• *f |Fm ar member- of th*- Order of Hallway Telegra phers The I'onimittip say* their relations \ith the (ompanv are pleasant. *a * Opera fora Are l*lentifup. ls Angel**?-. Cal,, D c 11.-Hanf-i Fe official* say tin* • ntir- *ytem from Albu querque to San Flan* Ib.-o Is amply *uje piled with operator* and trains practically are on tlm* laf*t night the op*mt*ir* *• ’Danby inl Blake were assaulted by a former ag* nt •* D.inby and both were *e rlous(y Injured. A warrant is out for thli assailant. 11. tlv is IMDHIIIIILF.. Hlnllaflelan llinle’s Eaflmnle hint llf-nd I nlll Nmo. New York Dec. 11—William V. King, superintendent of the New York C a ton Kxchat go t t-.iav the following letters from John Hyde, rMgilstlcl *n of the D:>artmen* *f AgrlctiUure. date-1 Washington. Dec. I<Y. reladve to the al legcd I* ak in th** cotton government re |K*rt: "In an wer to your inquiry I have Just wired th** s ip# r lntsn!eid of th* New Or leans Cotton Ex hinge t tat I shall be im -t happy to hav him make public ce - tain lelegram- that have tieen passed be tween us thl afternoon. 1 w.tuld send you copies of tMegrims In question, but nt this hour I cannot get arcesa to them I can. however, give you the • of tl ■in Mtid shall l>e glad to have you mk* whatever use of this l**4- or you may think fit. Col Hester t*le. graphed me to Um* effect that tome time before th* Issue of the official cotton re. port or n**> t lay a private dlsnatch from New York to parties In New Orleans m .f*<l that nv ret>ort would Is* 10.flD0.fW) *i tif*wH M> rcsfone to Col. H*iMe w - that r.o matter how c|*.e* this alleged ndvar - e Information was to my estimates, It was abfOlutely Imp*>eslble that ther* should any l*k It was all I could do aiei nlmoee more th-n 1 could 'k>. f> h ive my *-* mates ready by no*>n. an#*, neither on Saturday nor even yesterday c uid I myself have guessed at the esti mate within several hundred thousand bal*. 1 had r. (previous opinion *f my own and not * von my trusted clerk waa In p fi: ti up to noon to-day to forecast | the estimate ”1 have beer, priding mytelf on the vtoppsge. not *nly of any possible leak, hu? of •‘A clam of pos-eea or of advance Informa'Rn. and however, positive I may be #ha! th** rreoent claims arx firtHl**!* they are exceed ngly annoying and ! hope that f*r*s l**nt Hubbard will *u :-r'd in following Uieoi up to their remotest unguu" TO TALK TO CHINA MINISTER* % fifM Y It K till TO THE. SENT imHtMh? WAITING ON BRITISH REPLY. PROVISION AI. tkfihHN)|| >T IS |ir- IN. Alt It \ NCt ED. I omniiMlAu I* 4 omps*<l cf %rm> ofllrer*. hnt ilr bnwrsnirni Will llr a* Nrarl% fA% 11 life It In |**tllr *> MnLr It—HrKlsli *.ol Ci.*t,fNN) Oaf nf I'm* 'ling In I % |*r *4 It ln—l I llnng 4 Imiiu vnjfe Hr lie* Full I’owrr 4n N anlia4e. Dekln. 1h io -The ministers m**e to day to const l* r th* matter of th* or** dentlals of fh* *’h tiler#* plenlpofent inr i * There Is every pr.r p* t that definite sicp* will t*e aken f*r the arrangement f n isrejimin ii v ettlenient wi'tiin a r#*as*n ahle time, and this gr atly relieve* ihose who realiz'd th* dang* i of proionge*) d**- b In opening n* got I itiona. rt#ens f the ministers stated that they were autiuwticHft to tr• at with them ** repreentatlv#*e of (Tilna whlb* others. In .leiing th** titrinan minister, hid i* * lv*d no lnstri)’th>rm in the matter. AH dr* l*l ei, however thut as -min as Sir Ernest Mason Ha tow, she |irltl*n minister, shall re-eive word to agr**' t th* Hnt t te the) will romm nee t i •tMtion* with 1,1 Hung 4*hang and l*rm# ** ’hlng, unless otherwise instruted by their hotm gv ernmenf s. At the me ting of tin pr \i-i.,i l gov ernment held to-day. the Fnild Htatew was represented by < .pf D -V- *f the Ninth Infantry. All of the governments havo entered Into the plan except France, whoso representative* Insist that tne French territory shall be exc!ud*sl from the rule of the commisaion aiqiointed. A number of suh-commit tee* mere appntui e*L I'rneflenllv Civil Hale. Beveral high Chinese officials. oi being asked, army offi<*rs hive l***n appointed mem ber* cf the <v>nirni*-'lon, It i the dsire of the general* to make the rule civil an f*i w tosedde. Ju(>un whs placed on the t'harity Commi4ts*. on a*-rvMmt of the amount of rice she • omniande# r*l In August, mo*! of which ahe ha* now. Count von Wakleraec h.w# turned over HS.hOO a* the British share of the remtilt of the Pan Ting Fu exj**dition •#> Gen Ga*elee. who in turn gave the money to Minister Batow to be used for the U*neflt of Chinese who may need help during the winter. Li Hung Chang visited Gen. Chaffee to day. He ways t hat him power* to negoti ate with the foreign envoy*, though con ferred by telegraph, are absolute and complete. Th*' railway between ih * Mty and Tien Tsln is now opwi and a train <otislstlng of four carriages arrived her** without u - .*iler>t yegterday. Regular traffi will l>e resumed Dec, ifi. fl A I’FKK Mim: % I*4) I,4M* Y. 4'ourtf Non \\ aide rare Then In* tied lllm f< ttrenl f na|. Berlin. Dec. 11. The German foreign office authorize* the Asikh l.n* *1 f*r**ss to mike the foll*wliig statement reganllng the \Ya!dersee-<'li.iffee Incident, bi-e<l U|sai .1 ruble dispatch Just receive*l from Field Marshal von Waldcrore: ”G* n Chaffee wrote Field M irshal v#*n Waldersee n letter in n rough t*n** Field Marshal von Waldersee refused to receive It. returning the same to G-n Chaffee. The latter then wrote a second letter a(s>iogtxlng for hi* objection -Ile expressions, whereupon Field Marsh I von Waldersee invited Go* Chaffee to br**jikfa*t and the incident was amicably r|o*e*|." 4 II irFKK'9 % li.Oßoi h LETTER. led Utroii* I.niikunk*’ In f*rotrf I Ma Aualnsl Dinting. Washington. D*■* 11 The War Depart ment has receive*! a report fr*m G**n. Chaffee of the Wwldersee incident. It n|e pears that Gen Chaffee did umc some pretty vigorous language In protesting againwt the thieving ur. 1 looting of tne foreign troop* What particularly hurt the feeling" of Waldersee wa- a pointed refer* n- *• !>•. G n. Chaffe*- to the fu t 41ihi this imgra*eful at id unmbitary pratin' of looting w is being InduEr# and In bv the .ate f-*mer*. who had born** none of the brunt of conflict and hardship. Freaeli Will Noi I*ar4leipate. Inlon. Ih*c. 12—The Morning Poet pub llshes the following fr *m Its Pekin corre spondent. dat*d Dec. 10. “The French have refused to participate in the scheme of a po,i e >*mmltt*‘* f<r IVkii), formal nn#l*r tne 'ir ction of cob Baron (Say!. In which th* American mem ber I* Cap!. D*ld Th Russians have been excluded because th* > no longer ex ercise control.” More 4 HI near 4il la-n ry. Canton. Chi.*a, Dec. 11. —Outlawry in Kwang 81 and Kwng Tung Is lncrea*#lng. The official* appear to )*e losing th*dr hol*l of the Vltuailon an*t ar*- powerl**** t* revtore order. Pirating' on the river (the West rlver> la in* *•* sing 4FTIA 4N THI. PHILJ!*PINEA. Ilelle* re Tle* Will *<M>n Pre**a 4 a Fertile Field. Chicago. Drc 11 - MiJ (Jen. El well ,w Otis, the Department #*f the Lake.*!, and formerly < anmaieiing In the Philippines, was the guest of honor at (he lianquet of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Aflsoolation last r* fht “The mase * f the K|"plro'," said Gen. Otl*. ”ar- ign rant si* i fiped with super stition, only j minor fraction i* able to read and write 1 any language They nr* 4# at viewed frm. • ur ?andr*ol •*. 1 w:h to be understoed n detcriMnr the Filipino* that exceptions are rum* root I believe the island*, under a revised tariff, will in a short time present a fertile field for many of our manufacturing Industrie’s and for considerable of our ar ticles ef subsistence.'' FIGHT WITH INSURGENTS. Iletavlintrnt vf I IftH I *ir) Hunted Mia Pfeirn. Kllltna I'unrtern. t'li 111 1* i*i*• land* Manila I< U A driscniurnt of tti • Fifth Cavalry bad • fight nnh a aun dr*d ineurgrius *utrth of Hmi la ( rut Sm kv. Th liiMirgct)!* w*rc chisel f*r four mil* " Fourteen >f them were f*unl dead Ta.-re were no American *mj 11- ties. In a#ldttion to thl* engagement there had been several minor etifounter* be tween Hie troj*- and th* Inaurm'tloti ist*. i i<* 1 State* hoq>ttal ship B*‘U e li*e arrive*) at Cavite from Han Francisco. Her *ffii er* sa> the comfit ion o t affair* at th* 1-land i*f Guam hae coi f*t*ierabl> inpr*iv*l sinco .* week ag* Dwelling'* *i- rM**r* I tn*t the |ir*>p|e mre reeunfing their • hi-it pa Hon* but the crope nt** | i i-Really m, <t* stroy**l. ituaigh •here i> i.i Itnmediate went The Kola *- let ■ -*.(• | * 111 - flier* am) th*- \r*t'Ue h* taken a brittle quantity of sup* pile- 4 t. Guam Irom #‘.vn* The reporti h* to the nuinu-i f deaths are un ■ i.ngel The I'nited St ite Philippine C mmD sinn ills* us **l to.lay the prelititlna y ortlnnN of the tariff bill in < a ommitte* of the \\ hole Mer.-hant • itiml*- a f*'vv Th*' a itn|Hrt**r** r** w lo'hlng f*r tin* ■!*■ l ion of iij Hui*reme (Vxirt *ti •he Porto Rican tariff They say tint if it l* !e •)*te<| to be un* oust ■t ul but a I they will claim a return of alt duties |.| I on g.*Ml* fi.-m tin. fri|e*l Htates Mine tho • iat* of the l ari* treaty and will aDo claim the return of m*ri . mov..** *t* v CU from l*ie I 1-11*1 Htates I’p to the I* -*it. him a -upei v** ling law. HpantMi tiu len*- Iwen levied whl t Impos* ltn|s>rt taxes on goslN from tho I iilliml S ate*. I pward- off havo accumulstod in the Phliii-ptfi.* from cusluiimi juid other taxes. OTHER SIDE OF NEELY CASE. Aaslstant Atlorur) (trarrsl t*hou Wherein We Have Hie Right fo Return Neely f**r Trial. Washington. Dec ll - A.*i*tftnt Attor ney General Jam** M Beck argued f#>r tiie govei nmetß In the Neely (■*)*#• in th* Stipremo Court *A the Prilled States to •lay. ll** Mr Uvxlaiv's conten tion t' m* irdng burl' illy that. If tin Aue r■ an eltiion sh**ull iq*lv tho torch • f th*- Imendiary to tho hum** #f the Cuban ie*plo un*] assaa tnate Its citizens. oii*l then fi*'e to this country, tho 1 tilted States, although pledged by tho treaty of Paris to protect life and property In Cuba during tho period of its occupation, were in/werbss to deliver such fugitives to the munhinal authorities of Cuba Ha clulmed fh it tha true position was that tills nation had tho sain#* right as #*hsr tndeptndent nattona to surrender fugitive criminals where It felt railed up on from constderallone of .omlty or pub lic policy to do s*>. Morwvtr. he claimed that It was an Inherent attribute of *ov • reignty. being an International obligation wlih-h each lie)* i** ndeut state muet. In the comity **f nations, fulfill lo another lie . la mir'd that Ihe government, prior t# ti* declaration of war against Him in. had untfounly refused to recognise the ('uhan It* public |fe claimed that there wa** a wide dist t not ton !ew**en the t#r m ‘‘pe<,■•* at)*| the ex(r*sslons "state” r n # The kingdom of Spain ha*i ex ecu! , treaty wNh this country an#i tiiat ll** th la country held Clfha 1n trist for the Cuban profile until It hal fulfilled the duties of such trust and ja lfie*l the Wland the finltal Hlaten was th#- only def. to and de Jure government in Cuba. Mr. Beck argued that, even if a sub***qu4git military occupation cou>l not l*e justified by the war-milking power, it wa amply juattfled by tiie treaty-mak lug (ow#-r. ll*- argued hat. although (Nib. was foreign t this governmen# In the sense that It wa* not Incorporated .* |*ermi neni lom*-*ti territory lnt* fhe United State • ahje -t to our Jurls*llrtlo) an#l to our rights as the sovereign power, the I idled States, acting through the r'cn mufid* r-ln < hlef. had full rights to ex**r cl*-#' ill executive, legislative and Judicial power* In Cuba, With referenda t# the constitutional guarantee a* to a Jury trial In the bill of rights. Mr. IWn-k contends#! that they had no *ppli’*atlon o Culm. The cnirt. after • reply by Mr IJii!**iy. to#k the ca.-c under u*lvlsenK*)t. 4 4) >1 RUNS NOTE W \lt FI NI>S. llbKlniid to S|M*nj 11 ii. 000.000 fire In South tfrles, London, Dec. li.-Wlwn the House of Common* went into committee of the sup ply to-day, William 81. John If rod rick, the Secretary o 4 State for War. Introduc ed the supplementary estimate* of Cld.- OuO.QOO for the army lie a Imlfte*) the government's exiect tions had not been over sanguine atsl 8 w* xfM* <##l that th*- sxpenditurs to Mar* a 21 would in- Id tie elert of the out lay the government had b#**n IrK'urrirrg during th#- whole financial y*ir He said tliat the government's policy was t#* pur sue the war with the strongest possible force and a continuous stream of supplies so that pea# • may the more quickly be achieved aisl t!at the government was it vv ng for the final sum required for ih* ai*iKrmal war. Mir Widlam Vernon Harcourt, Liberal, said th* Hou'c had n*s heard tisire de (irefmlr.g; conf* “slon Th*- whole s* 'ret of the governtncrK's miscalculations, he add #d. was this. It wa* In n> wise a warfare of governments, hut a onfllct of ra*es. They shouM deal with th** brave burghers remaining by u policy of reconciliation. The nuppi* memory e*nmtes of £11,090 • <nn wet* then ak)|*ted by a vote of 2*4 against H. Th* H#*use having gone Into Gommlt tee of Ways *nd Means the chancellor of the exchequer. Bir Mi* hn* I Hlcke- B# ii •xp dnad that the existing hoi r< y. .t e |swera of the chancellor oi Iv amounted *o £2.000,000. He moved there fore a resolution authorising him to bor row by wir loan, exchequer )on! or t>.usury bills of fll.OW.OOir He said *.e •i• I not expect to use his borrowing P#/Wrs until February or March. Tho reaubjtlori was agr*-l to. Con trace for 4 sip IN*fetMler. Boston. Dec. 11—A contract was enters.) to-Jay by Thomas W. Lawson wl4l> (Jeorgt W. L<ws*.n of South Boston to build s cup defender Crownmshield w.U her Want etock Exchange to Close. New York. Dec 11 —A petition reouest- Ing the governing *omenlttea to close tne Stock Exchange m Monday. Dec. M, has been puasvd unanimously by tha members. DAILY Ul A YEAR. h • s.vrs a CODY WEEKLY 2 TIMES-A WEEIv.fl A YEAR AN EXTRA SESSION <l*l BR 'Min; MY IY*"— I.AY IY Till; 1101 zn, FILIBUSTERING IN ATLANTA. lA* \ l'l:\T IY l> KIM TIC ON A roiYT o- oh nran. llnll of nn.l. dhrtl Trnro.Hr 1 Ir. ■*!nrr*rl Hio 'hnnrdr nbottlil llnlo. I*r|inl Hill Itrfrrr**| •, , i .■ nimll - li Hu, —ll ui I h.nrrr—lf T’hrrt- I* nu I nlrn Yo,*loa lint. < nmllf-r *■,. Ii i on I <ti.i,|iinlr fltr* In i lull. All.ilrtn. I r-. I) . Th, >< i nlul o,y vnir pla.vnl n promUirn |,. ( rt m ihr> l|..u-o 10- , * tilt'd Ir'Uilol H' I Ihtl.K IrOlllff rtooo until I lio nflt mimn nooMoft Tdo Hf-ortin * 'ommirirr wan (or* to bring up Ido 8..,,1i0r' llomo bill ih" tlrxi ihliiif ililn nninilnv. anil ,ifirr that tho il"i>ot hill, but 11, i, j,„ Hall an.l hi lolh wora linl nol ,ilit I boor hllln lo , om. up m.J Ihor bn,.in lo ItHbiinirr. ■'lf- Torifn or of \\ nrr "Trinity tn-nlo tho of or>hr on tho ,al| for tho ayoo ati'l myn to ,iihn o man to ozplzln lit, '*iti*. ( iai Iho irtll wa, out trf or.lor. aii* Iho "OOMttlltlon Of tho HUttO .tl,I not Ilf '(•..•I t.ini Iho rail .liouhl iin oii,trilti"i* or own arlnri for on oollaloral itimationa ?r 1 1* ‘ IK' 1 f UrilO Ihit HOI . r,rf th" |,Htlt of fiirtor. atrl iii a vory pollio ti) tnnor Mr. room*" np|i...t|o.| frian th.. ,t, |..,ai of tna ii-ilr I tir apt" ,tl Irrouaht on a ,r*‘,t ■li bat". I’mmimfil monilirr, of tho Homo. liartl. lpnlo<l tn tho ilbM iiooion. atul tho l.irtlni". arlai ni" osl t*io gtioatlon frnvn rvorv t.rlni ..f vir-w Thi aali.rlc* worn PO'Ttorf to tholr UlreCHI " ll'U 1110, Mi I "*mho! nnolo iho lomtlng nrfumrnt. 11- l' r "O"0ti l hi, ,|i|o of iho qiiNotlon In n a bio manner an,l on, which hart real drml of effect. Mr. llnll Hiod Trnra. Mr Hall a|ipr i|„| to Orel to rlnfeat tha ai**)4,ij ao 1., |,| |t waa hihlna away iho lllTorly of C otirUn. iMirln, hla upeoclt Mr Hall, lot tho mat time iluiliik hla '"rni In the la*atl,.titr*' oho.l toira. Ila olti.-r-re In bin remark, uinl hi. artfii* tiicnl wa \ory forceful aaainal overruling the Hjieaher. *l<*> Heahom VVrahl t Vloyrl mail* i* l ' l **f *he fin. t ,|MI hea on Ihe ipiealbin e'.-r lieanl In the llouae ||e nakio* Mr. Hill If Ihe major!'y *h il>l rue and 'hat Kent|. moil rail) no lie raked him ir the minority ,tinukl rale, and that gentleman .aid yea. Thin ezpreatdon from Mr trail caneed Hatonlahmeiit even among hla fol lower,. 'lr B’tight then prueeeled to giva hla view. So elcrpient wa. hi, aoerv-h that the callerfe, frequently thundered with applan.e and vtn memliera of itie ml norli} !yt-l to join In Speaker I.ittie annoimnetl that ha would allow no flllhu.terlng on the motion to HPfiea] and he p omtplv M|urlchml Mea.ra llill and FVlder of Bllib comity when they atlemplod to delay the vote The choir wa* anrlaliied by a vole of 79 to 7t and Ih" fllliiueterlng eimitnued. To t irufer uu Iteprrt Hill. At Ihe iifiorn,T.n nemlon the flllftoefer- Ihk canie up aaidn. Mr, iMlller of Mua 1-oKee Infrmtucrrl a resolution to alarlleh rule tl of Ihe ll Hi-e which alkiaed a mean, tier lo .-zidnln hi, vole If Ihe rule la ahoilahed ll will do away with nilbimter ln The rooojtitliMi had to lie on Ihe table one dav before U lnr taken up. A the flllhuaiorttiK onntlnuiit Mr. Park of tirnrri" off reed a nwoltMlori that Mr. King of Kutton, Mr HtKo/ of Wawhliw ion, Mra Hall of Itlhb, air. Miller f Muarogeo. and Mr. \\ rigiil of Floyd, and Mr Mitchell of Thomaa, lie aptnitnted a a a committee to confer In regard lo the depot bill and reach Min.- agreement aa to how It eltould be pul mi It* |ia*aage. The renriiilloti wa* ununlntoualy adopted atal Ihe cohitnlttee will meet early tremor row morning. In ihe meantime the laz act waa taken '(> H WMM read Until the hour of adjourn in'nt ai rived It will be completed by 9 o'clock to-morrow and will N- arm trnme. dlately lo the Sena le. If no more ftithustar tng oecura. Talk of an F.atra Yeaalon. If nillbualeringoreiirtt, 'h*' fl"vertior will luive lo call an extra ac-elon and he baa ttaled If he "all, an extra eemlon he will have to limit the H'mtie io the dt*ciiaalon of Ihe lax act only. The fate of Ihe .U'laa bill hang* tn tha balance and the Indication* now are (hat It will nol ti*- To-morrow I* the la*t day on wlm It It . in pa*a Ibe Houae m lime lo he dlutwwed of hy the Senate. There ore about noventy-flve Im-al htlla I lending which will piobably not be reaeii ,d. Mr Hardwick of V.'a-ninginn morel tlnt night *eaah.n* tie h‘ld until the cloae of /the * *!on The motion twevalled. The I ll.' mil. The Military F inmiltee of the Tfonee will tiemorrow morning cutmiit a favirriu hie report on the blit to change the Ha vaniah Volunteer Quanta ftom a battal ion of Infantry to a lit'ry of artillery, deepltc the fact ttail W H Olwar la op|io*od l It. The hill ha* ra**rd tha SiWMle and. If po.alble, it will be brought to a vote In the Houae. MIYOKM THIKD YIICTOK. Ytan on Trial for Iturder klwahed Him,elf With n Knife. Mat on. Dec, ll,—l Minder, who fa in Jail charged with the murder of Andrew Mahoney In a tailor estahilehment In 00. lober, and who, only plea of derfenaa la that he wa* Inmnc with anger, atabhed him,elf eighteen time, tn hla cell at h* Bibh county jail, during the noon recaaa of court. Hl* trial had been begun In the morn ing. ami the evidence *• * nearly all In. Ir. Home unaccountable way, he aecured a email knife, and afier eating a good dinner at tte jail, during the dinner hour, he Mtedicd a -tgar. Suddenly one of the priaoner* began calling for help, and K waa found that Minder wa* plunging the enntll hlada of the ktdfe Into hla left bream In the region of the heart, he alao ,la,hoi hla right WTtat. aa tf trying to cut the art tery. Phyilclana were summunded. and 4hey pronounced the wounds rid dangerous, as not a great deal of blood waa spilled. Take, In I’arlUe Oil Company. Bon Franctoco, Cal., Dec. 11.—A special from Los Angeles say, the B andurd Oil Company has acquire! nil of Ihe Intsresta of the partite Conss t>M Company. The pnrrchase price 1* , ltd to be in tha neigh borhood o l tI.UN.OUh