The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 The Quakers Are Honest People. The Q iukf'r ii>rt It in a nvi re tor women. It Is a purely med .-ine at. 5 >*n {*# takn bv the moat d* i Kl-lfi*’)’ *’*•- wt'‘y Rbe imatlsm a.#d a.i **• Blood. Stoma h <l i>m< soon au* rumb to It* wonderful ef*• * • upon the human •vstem ThouKin<l f pcopt’* In Georgia 1 It. 1 *ri '• I on. QT’AKFR PAIN BALM is th#* medicine that the Ui iak#r r<o--*f>r mad** al. of !.- wonderful quick rtms With. It’s a n*w iM wonderful medicine for Neur ' Tootha-he, Baokat bP, Rh*mw *‘i Pprau ■ Pain In Bowels; In 1■ • t, a*, i* n ran t*e rflkvtd by It. Price J*~ r.l *■■ QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP. a m*-dlcnt*l amp for the --ft n a p add Pn • 10* a cuk- . QI’AKER HEALING SALVE a v^r-- table ointment, tar t. • r- • tetter ♦r* a#ma and erupt i->t •< of t • kj ITi • 30c a box. FOR SALE BY ALT. DRUGGISTS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. M:\ft* OK Till; TWO T%TES TOLD in r %ii %Piia. A Waroa \ l#w of •!* Wtatr Fair. Water fr *ntniniMli Harbor. \fgro Woman Rilled Her II t#*- hand-Hill ProtiiUng for a 4 beck on ftll < mnt) 4>ftl#-ln l#§ - Mlnnk Htorka *tflew—Horrible l rime Near .larkaon vtlle— Other Florida \eo \Vhl • a retrro w .man w •> hand'.lnc a pistol In ar* kl# manner In O Iquitt Saturday. h r hurbu. i, Piimue II- nry. dwnai ltd that -h* e lv* it t‘* him *T*.J iron*- > .i I.i give It to you." lx* Hiiid. ai.-l fir***l. t • wound < .oi'.iu’ hi- b *ti a f#*.w hour> lat*r. The woman • 11 ** *l. but oHirer* are after her. Non Jail for Jones ( onnty. The Oounty CommiMtonm of Jont** t county have let the contract for the ercr tlon of anew Jail, to coat sft.o, and the work will soon h*’ begun. There 1* con siderable talk of building * 22T. fen court house. Tlh* new telephone- line from Macon to Mlllcdgeviile. by wa> of Clin ton, will anon be in operation. The post hole* have been (tug and the pol# * will e.jon b** in p*oMtiof. Killed In llotler I*.* plosion. An awful expl<*idon t- acred .t the wr- Tnill of Mr. R *rt McDaniel. nnr Linton In Hancock county Thurs-la' In whl’.i Bill Pre ott and Horace Ray. two nesrro mill hand were i In-tantl> aid tw.. other negroes wum.i-l M M-Damel escaped injury by the lucky circumsfan • *h<l he was In a stooping p>wttlon. the flying debris peeelng over hlrn. Th* mill is a fearful wr k and will require mu?h time and money to replace. To < hrrk I oimtv fTlelnl Senator Grant land **9 the Twenty-alxth Biitrlet Introduced •• bill In the Ren ,te •Saturday which require# dir rb- an 1 coum v commit alone re i fttrninh to the controller acneral alplut*! •• ll*t* of th* name* of In-o.wnt laxpipi rs ami .♦ r • - ord of their pa • *f r* -iden *• a w-l a* the unvunt of the f| fi* ayalrit them. At i*r-**nt i i\ t-• tm ir** returned to I of Mr Grunt! 4041'* bill i* to prevent *-f --- lei* from defrauding: the *tat4 In hi* county the tax collector and the county comml**l e-r* ha i l*een a f*i*ar*-it!\ In roliiiHon and thouaand* of doila > ad l*4i*4*n ••priated In the form of coat* he raid. Iflrr llrunawlek lawhreakert. Detective Bt unton S-arl4? of Prune wick with the ae#i*tance of Patrolm n M f’.iekUl of the city pf!l ♦ fur ■* and aeveral “•potter*.** mal* a m-t Imi-or tant raki on t larg** crowd of lawbr k -er* Batuiday nlaht .tt.d *s i.-l In land ing eigh' In jtl !fc-| b-* K in dlng, t ev are charged w h running a 'blind tiger. *’ at a con-itb-rMe .antity of whi**ky \\a* i • cocitainlng large qu Hit It lee of etolcn g*wl* were aleo taken bv the ofTh-er* (ff-er Bcarlett al**o captured in another lo - ty a Mgf Johnny Ftt allaa Johnnie J>ne who. If I* alleged, bruta ly murdered another of hi* r •* in the ity market of Macon, ad- it Ihrw* y* Mr* ago Thirty Cent* on the Creditor* of J R Fried A tv> of M % *.m. are recefvlngr proppeltion* for rettlemen* of th* r l.iim- Thirty per cent in offer ed. but it < innot yet In* Mid whether or tot ch# offer will be v pt.d it will lie remembered that the tirrm m ol#, an application f**r voluntary bankrup* y few dav* r%- > It 1h I' t ot th# ptork on hand 1* worth I-'" no lt | c..*t |*rvre*. The r celvenih!p Iwn- b n ll*- •olveil and truet* * *ppolt t I Ju 1 e John P. R - wi- . r -elver, and In* bo* been allowed fl,c* for hi# ervl- , ej* <* euch. He H!*• --;ved the *tppo nt rnetr a# *n- **f th** tru!*t** . Mr S Meyer*, of Augueta. i* the other Iru*- tee. Th* ** two :p;*'*lf.trrint- wer* mod by agreement between red It ora Thur day. Deeper Wnlrr fr ftnvnnniili. Dublin Courier-Di-p itch : There |* no poMPthla doubt but h** it in to •h-' in terewt of every peraon in Georgia k* Savannah be given d*-ejar water fr* the pea Thia city la the hlef np. rt of tip South Atlantic roaj? ir and l? in t*uch with every portion of h* *tat* But for h fact that r.illroad* of Georgia :i i\t t ! )e broad OC4-HH .• a fr* ght rate* . W4WiM be mtjcli higher than they .n . \** • | eide* tl i prl* e o' all of the cotton 7<>ld In thia rtate i> flx-d 4Wi the fate no Lv'r fv>ol via Savannah. If larger bouts could |ly the Savannah river, cheaper rte could 1e had, ard. therefore, iwj ao much taken off the price of cotton for fret*at charges. We hope tlvit the;an river will be given an appropriation euf flr*r.t to *!• ,*pen the river an! hurbor n* 28 fe**t Tlir ftmfr Fair. Macon New AHiiough Macon ha a conten t to have th*' State Fair h* U\ here each alternate year. Savannah la making a big effort to ge It m‘xt year. Of re cent year* the cl*y hae related the S Fair management from holding the fair here, but it ia aald tiat the Stale Agri cultural Society l*e hed to the con tract If the City of Macon *l* eirea But. the question i*. do** Macon want th** fKf? A great many people think It la beat not to have it •* it It a ba k num ber and the carnival* in! street faira have proven much vnorm auccecrful Val doftta. however nw > a aucceae of it last month, but the‘gen*-ral ImjT- • on la the agrlcitlturfU fair* n* \ot a r prove gr- at drawing card* Bu: bavantmh doe* not pq*tu lo Hunk FLORIDA. Jim i *.t k diiver. i* In * Jali n Jac!. * *t-\ille haU and with rr . * nal v aj .iijpl!.- Kim N'4i, an lk-ycur-o 1 o* **- gr w *rrlv*l there itj.-uy frotii Hrunwjck. ItlnnU •inlrn. J T B.andfocd nf New York trrJvH In Jack**-rvlb% Sunday night l fqoftel that on £■;■ w*j* Bouth. r*r Codum^ta, S C grip t\ j* r*.f-d ♦?! (*rt>-f. ur thouMr#! eharew. aggrr-* 11 ;r,g over f* ;r million *loilar in va toler. T o robbery ta* reported t* the ;f i * The itoeka wer*- not int-i - t ai*\ n be of no value xumiut for*.. *y. I one staple t ottwn. I>ecabirg I’omf?.- r T Te ta ***mr talk 4>f t*iat■ ’ i>k- -v. •' f-i- ■*'• nln tht* auction. CtCi*. l* ra ** of th.* wa grow n • *>n and l • irg *w • ■ 4*r , nmi prov and i tee profitable to .* rv. If i not oi engage) In It* culture. Rome fv'ir ha* b n exprer-od ay to the I eatahli-bmer.i i*-f 4 gin to Ikindb- the < *>t- I ton jr i-e it wa- grown Th#r need le. r* four on that .? ‘ If thev grw the! • toa a k.i* wtl. he forilicoming to ban- 1 Old 4 uaOtnt 4 hanged. F* Aik.Plr.e Rear*! Ohr.ytnvaa w 111 I i*' h* . * *..l : r wit* : 1 uei: | ..t t .. ' 'dra'. a- t ' oeefi the euetom *• * • ptit.g In*: <i;rli nu* *. 1 t iu.l' • >• • H*w. \* N*-w Y' .c **v -• mae wilt • .Ud rat* l commit .>< *t mldnicM ir i wii take th* p a of • lirinni c 4 midnight m-- T*i* vtr ait'** f-m 4>kl i-tom I* dU4 In a gr c m* *- in* to the dawn of the new* - mtuty. w-h *h cannot b*- begun In a tnore lilting nuih **r. Pontifical high man will * ro.- • tnnli* -1 on !ua o- caeon 'ltirtlrr nnd Inmullnr). Ja kWH Vllle Metros* .1* The i;**wa of w appear* to have t*een t horrible crime m** from M irl- i*a. h *m.ill town afM>ut • mil*-** w—t of Ji'H n\. I* N • #terdan morning >t an early hour John Nork. *i n**gro. 1 t .* non* of anotner • o.orei man. named Bo > W 1 *on. i * r tfii -nl • ard wh* <m (r .1 to fin * that 1 th* hoxiee had b* hi re*luel to n*h - H • il. i: ;n\-'Uigiition .in l ft* iii I the 4 hair* and odv *f h H;-4ii In the iu i Tl>* tx*ly had I . appearan • *>f havuijr l*e-i* mutilu- i lf.* irmi wr* itiD.itr.g and th* #k ; I t*adl\ '’r"kdi. York lmm*Uate h ii.<l the ,•* pi** of Mar Mia at. 1 Deputy Sheriff Murray in turn notlfl* I 1 Jiietir** .f th*- IVu •• K K Willard, who it on w* h? t** tn* > • ■•• rr.l the body mii- r ogn;z*--l §♦' that of It** \Vll#on, i negro who I**re *• g<*t reputation arourel Marietta ate! vi *mity. UiURG in I * 11: ■ CtHTTY. Hud Carter *>hot I*9 Jim t'orhett. The Nrw Hi \nldn*fa. Valdoata. Ga.. D* - . 11.-—Newa waa re celve<|yhere thia mirning of th* killing of Btnldle farter, a young white man. by Jim forbett. another >ung man of oLfoiaC the *>4im** age. The tragedy ocourre|l In E *h*l. county, mrr the ||n< from I-ak* Park Th*' killing *• urr*d at the home **f a w*wnn tear Mr. Jim t’anf# pa* - Th* tw* m*n hud h* * n enemb f**r a long time and when they it**t at the h>-!•• the row wax renewed. Carter l*e|ng atabhed by Cor b* tl. farter received ga.*h thirteen long, ranging fnm hl *hou!dr !.i**wn toward hlw - tom*h. He waikei a quarter of a mil* toward hie brother * ! houe* and fei by the toad Hide. He waa \ found about 2 o’c'.o k In th** morning by i M w*nv .. wt " nad g -i • t** l**k f*r the hi- el *>f their hout*> hi- mule return ' ing without him early in the night When firtiixJ, ♦hirtir tan* anff**iing ter rlhly from col ! a. wed a- from hie wound A plndclan way numrnonetl and the wound wita *li*4aa-I It wa** thought that In wxMild r-) ov**r but later Information mv* h ti* and W*4t nlaht. t w**nly-four houra after r* elving the w.imni The a layer !• aid t-> have *klp|*d to lurta unknown. l<‘fr dying. 4jart**r eald thit h* waa in 1 ■,-*( h-v* t a tlmcM after h h I fainted In th* r**a 1 on hl way to lilt* brother*a houae. Tin* (M'W'erage K-inp which lia* been buay her* fir th* I***? aeveral montha or** x -l* ted to end th*dr work In th#* . My t<v morrow and w 21 then begin work rp the outfall leading to the river Two nr loiiie of heavy iron piping haa hven re •dv*> I for nee in C*otiver*ie branch The a. wars wall be elevated at thta place. Jhua wiving th# enormoua anv>uni of flit- hlng tlut would Im* r**qitr e#l it dig below th* level of ( the cr***k. About four th4)U-ai)d feet of la yet to ie* laid on the outfall and the dlfch.a for tha will lx* nlwut .-ight f*^- 1 deep, ro ,t li* # x|* t* and that nil of the work can le fit .-: * i by he flrat 4>f February To-day Hue been trred-letter day ana>*ig f he real *;*te men of th* city. The nab, of town lofp tn the northern i.rt of th.* city b attract#*! a , large crowd an-l come fan- y prlo-i have been ruling at the aale Moat of the buyer** to-day bought f4*r th* of bull-ting, and the out look l* that a tegular loom ia going to •trike that at-4*4ion **f the city.*The aale wilt cYintlmie to-mormw. ar.d aome of the moat valuable lota are yet to he aold The Georgia Conference of the A M I* (‘lwiri'h will convene here to-morrow with Blahop H M Ttiri>er prealdlng It la expected that alxnt .tai ct>i<*rel mtnia tera will In- In attendance, an*l th* local tt.i rnlM-tn of the church ar*- making big pHparatJcviM for their entertalnnumt. Mr W It Frier haa hied a notice of xnt4ft in th- e|. tkon ftir Justice of the |w 1 . here )-1 Saturlav w—k He v h defeat cal tn tne vot* by Mt T M C’o'k by \9 majority, but ht- ala g**e that a*ven ty-tw#* illegal vot* * w*r* cast. lie will moke n effort t* have these votes thrown out. H* 1- ided in th* ciifitest bv A tornev** Whitaker and ' L Smith, whlb* hlr opD*nefit. Mr r l* M Fook. ia rapre *•*?♦.! by Denmark. j\ehlc> und Wood ward Fanla are out announcing the marriage o- Mr F M White of T,ak* Park, to Mrs Jennie !*ow*l of White Spring*, the ceremony to occur at W;dte Springs on Thir>*lav. Dec 20. at 8 o’clock f m Two little nrg roe** managed to eacaoe fr*m Jail rhle w** k by raw di g through 44 -mall |ole where the bars were bet t T *• father of *ue of the votirtgatera promptly ret)irne| him to tne jal’or. though th*- oiher has not been aeen e’n .* the f -iipe tv c effected f|- will prob ably l>e caught, however. —Senator Davie had a libtarv of about 8.000 volume**, tn| it form i large jar* of his comparatively email estate. Despondent Women. Years of ex peri rive in treating 4li-<e3w*s peculiar to women, tlurlng which ttm# tl hav *• given each * *e my flosat atuly and attentlxir enoblr me to promt** rt*lief to the IbotiMniM of women who are constant, (xitlent aufferem. Every woman owes It to herself and family to b* robust and well, yet many of them from i sense of fa e modesty continue? t* suffer In siience rather that take advantage of expert, skillful treatment which will restore them to perfect health. My patients nr*- among the b--! peopF of *his ■ Ity and sta 1 - end 1 * wofiuMt need h* .* ■* *- r# place herai f ttndei stml m as I k> I hove |v*rfe cel an entirely new and original m*thotl of treatmert which has proven uniform- ly succefu!. even in the moat stubborn cas**s I have r made a apecUlty of the#* diseases for twenty year*, ar.d can give the beat professlcna! and financial reference a. I Invite every' one to consult me without cost either in per- J Newton Hathaway.m.D or jitter All correspondence confidential. 25 A Bryan street, Savannah. Ga. Office Hours—s to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to $ p m. Sunday a, 10 a. nv to 1 p. m. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1000. LIVER PILLS. I>r Kadwa> A Cos . New York ]Var Sire—l fwive t**en gtek for nearly uo year#, and hav* been k>ctoring with of ih* nv t export dm tor* of ttw T f..— l State* 1 have te#n Mining In and .ir kt g n.*t warer at tue Hot Spring* Ark but it ee*m*Al everything fai.ed t** do rr.e gjod Vft**r 1 mw your adverttaemeeit I th- ight 1 e a I try >our pill*, ikl have u*d tw b*>xe*. been taking two .it •- llline aid on# after breakfast and tr. > : ,04 *Wr *• me- m**r than any* thing *■ .**• I have u*e 1 My trouble hae -ei. with th- 1.. r M\ *kir. and eye* wer- **.. >e.k*w , I had laepy. drow*y f***-l iry- f• It ake a drunken man. pain right if ii v* i top .f tne it-mw h. My bowela were very jgtive My tn at- and 4or.g(*e **r* and * of the t;ne Appetite fair, but foxl would n:t dlgeet. hut w*" > heavy cn my et**rn •• h ar.d eonie I w neaithful# of t-I . me up again I doubt only eat light food that digest* i , -*ai!> P.wee end "Book of Advice.* Reap* * fully, HEN /.AI’GG. Ho? Spring*. Ark DADWAY’S *> PILLS, Pn'e. 2Sc a box Sold by drugglet* or rent by mall. S**r.d to DR RADNVAY A CO., i> Elm *treet. New York. f*>r B*#*k of Advice THE WEATHER. r< n- wt for Wadneaday and Thumday: Ge*rgla, K*uth t'amllna and Ei-tern Florida Fair W#**in**wday and Thursday; lig'.t north to nortl*M.t wind*. Western Fl rilt. Fair Wnlnwday on 1 Thuie; iy. nrh*i*t to east win-la. Ye*tcriay'* V\ * ather at Savannah: Maximum temper.iture 4 p. m . *1 d-gree; Mu Imum temperature Ha. m .. !b lgree* Mean temi ruture So degree* Normal temperature .... fd *leg ee* leti. j*-nc> *f t< rniHfuture 4 legr**CH A umulated *b*flclency #ln*'© I**i. 1 11 degrees A i j mutated ex •♦-*• since Jan. 1 2.75 degree* Rainfall • In- a Normal in Inc i Deficiency slrvre I)e\ 1 Deficiency elii**#- Jan 1 7HT 4n* he# Rlv*-r Re|K>rt- The high! f the S.v'in nali river 4' A-u at s h m Gath me* r*-<ini t.rn*( >•—terday. was # J f***t, a f*ill *.f 4)2 foot duilt.g th* pr*u4#ilng twi-n --ty-four himrs. Ot**rvilloDß taken at the some moment of tim- ut all mi a lion*. Dr- . 11, 1800. 8 i p. m , 75th meridian time. Name *f Station T V. |R*tn RoatOfi, snowing ? 3S j 8 j T New York city, clear ... 2ft | 20 hi Philadelphia, c lear 2ft J 12 j 03 Washington city, clear .. 32 j 12 j T Norfolk clear j 3ft 14 | .00 Hattera*. clear j 4ft 8 | T Wilmington, clear 4* j ft on Chariotiw. clear 42 ft .00 . Raleigh, dear |44 ft j .no Churl4mton. dear j f2 j ft j .*■* AtUnta, clear ..j 44 I 14 | .th) Augusta. 4‘|ear I 50 j ft j ,'i Savannah. *leir | 52 j ft jMck**nville, clear M L .and JupitcT. ptly cloudy .... 02 L i Key W- t dtttr j ftft j 12 *•) Tamils, clear | 54 ft *to Mobile, clear j 54 L .'O Montgomery, dear | 52 j L 1 ■* Vicksburg, clear j sft j L j 'h New Orleans, clear j 54 J L | on Oalvewton. dcNldy J ft* ft no Corpus Christl. raining ..| ft 210 04 Palestine, clear } sft ! L b) M-mphlu. clear ! 44 10 J on tinclnnatl. clear j3O 10 jon ITtteburg. snowing 2ft ft 04 Buffalo, clear f 20 24 01 r**4rolt. ptly cloudy 70 1 lft T i'll -IKO, 4*lear 22 2 j T M rqu*tte. clear j ft 1 12 j T Fv I*ml. .dear {lO L j I>avenf rf. clc r 2 1 * f ft | Of) Ft I .out*, cl.or | 12 j S | 00 Kansaa City. c| u*r J 9* ' L * on Oklahoma, dear j 42 | ft j .00 D**lg<- City. ptly. cloudy. 2ft | ft j .00 North Platte, clear 3ft j ft .00 H if Boyer. Forecast Official % RKVOI I TION VHI t %\N4)ftf. tdnin* lief* ft ppsst t* t m-ti t in '•pit#- *f 1 onth-lttihlln ftrws. Dublin, Ga Dec. 11-Mr W O Webb has brought to the city a cannon th •• w is usd during the Revolutionary War by Gen. D.'ivld Hl*- kshear of this county. It w is t the basement o' the okl horn** of Gen. Bl< k-heerv now In ruins, In Buckeye dlstri’t, this county hy Messra. Webb and T Murphy. It is a very *mall one and in perfe-d order winiid be a very tnsisnifii'ant wetpon #.s cnmp.'red with those now in use Judge John S Adams has been appoint ed Judge of the new Court Ilia age waa urged against him. he being only y* years old and having the ap|>carancc of a boy of Ift years. It is probable that Judge Adams wll appoint the old clerk anl sheriff of the City Court of Liurens. Messrs J F M<>ore and E K lllcks. clerk *n*l she iff of tht new court, he having the .ip|olut ing powf r. Yesterday afternoon, at the resi ! nee of th** brid- ’s f ither. M Lewis B. Under. Miss Nannie Bell Under an-l Mr Jos *ph W MDaniel w*re unite*) In nvirrl.ote. Rev H B SeaN officiating. Mr Mr- Daniel In age n nt 4'**n*lor for the WrUrhtevllle and Tennllle It ii roa<l. Mr. W <* Mv 1 > who some weeks ago reigned he nNlsiant J-lnt agency at H wktnsville f*r the S-uitbt n ml Wilghtavllle and Tennllle railways to me c#'j*t the agency in Dub In for the Wrlghtavllle nn*l Tennllle Road, which place !)• su'*-i*quent|\ d* line l ha - le**n tend* red and has .1 -cepte I his old ig nition In Hawklnsvlllr Mi* hievous persons visited the dairy farm of John Ans**hutx. . Stowe town ship. Pennqlvtinia, farmer, and adjust ed n fai r of red spectacles over tht* eyes of his cross white bull. Dexter. When this an-m tl snw lh* whole world dot • In <'rlmson. he nude . wild charge to innl hlln’e It The side of tht* bam was k) * k**d In. several lengths *f fen a pri*s trated and milkmaid barely escap-i with her Wfe Tlie hull is now laid up f>r r* pairs and Mr Anschuts Is offering u re ward of I’* for the arrest of the guilty par tie*. AGAINST SUBSIDIES. (Continued fr ra Fuwt Page.) so- h decline. l’n*4er oir MVlgitinn lawr* \\ .• t\e ed Other IJktHHm to go into r# . nwa|*ee* atel market* atd e..ipa to *-nga* In our foreign cgn n r e whl.* hav** denied t*> our citi- M*r thle privilege That cindl!ton doe* not now exiat . 1 1 aui eteei can t** d-tained in Ei.Red S’i#n- m+ cheaply a* in any .ii :.**> r t *• w..r!*i. and r**grdle# of ar - r iviifation LiWe w*- will become at r*i and; *arit m> the ehtp building nation of *# w *r|rl <* .r ship y.rde on both :**• AtLnti and the Padflc. are r.ow on joy:* g i *l* gree *f prixsperlty .*n*t a period of u* tlvlivi ur|railed In our lle?or>’. li* 4)u*te ! authorritlee to show that our aria • an bul.d ehtp# n*i make nxnney m' Bri’i* . pn-despite th** dlfTorenoe in the wag** scale Hill !• \ icio In Principal. In conclusion, Senator Clay said: “Thus fur. Mr President. I have en d* avored lo point out th. irvt-quektiee and favoritism runiifntc through the entire iHi-a-ure. but my objections to puch legis lation go still further. In my opinion the bi 1 is v. : uh in principle Bounties have .iiwa>s b-• t repugnant to th* spirit of •ur fr* * institutions Th* nine millions f <l.. . *1 ua.‘*l r> a certain class of si.:, sn* rs Is n*-* t-ss.irliy taken from the petjfde by taxation. If the shlp * .. r h Kitlllel to a bounty to help him ir hi privet- i.Hln**. cannot the far* mer. equal Justice, demand a bounty from ! • 1 nblt • treasury on his corn, hlw wheat, hi- cotton or other products? rn -no? we take from the jajhlic treasury 3f> r ■*- a u.-*hei tor ad grain raised by the farmer and donate it to him as a bounty w: i • qual consistency a can make this* d*r atlon to the shipowners* It iw *; manifHcM.Y ure qmil and unjust to tax f rtie*rs. sh*>cm ikers. carpenters, blark mlth masons, dairymen, miners and r.*l road men to a h,unty to whip own er** for every mile they sail upon the aea unless you go into th** public treasury and give h bounty to all forma of Indue tr-. which Is Impossible. “In •he I'nitcd Brat©*, with our free It ■**mutlons, th*- |M*<*|ke have a right to * legiOl fetk B wi.l lend to •‘qualtge the ■ ondttkms 4>f human life. Thlw bill If enacted Into law will t#n*l to bulk! up a mbneyed arisfoc r* > and to re prod tc tr* the l’nlte<i >t-*te* t:.• rm*tb. t of government which bas. for centuries controlled Rtirope Our r*‘t*ubiic ha* always stood for equality of tights and agMnot discriminating leg islatk'b. Th* government* of Europe seek t.trough unjust legislation tr hulftd up ‘■feat -* at*>. and have little reganl for an lmjsverisherl and helpless (teofde. Is it that we liave ani\*ad at a P* ri* l In our history when we are willing !•* forsake spirit of justice anq c*iuality which have rharac<orlsed our r#*- r ddie in th** past, and follow in the footsteps of the monarch* of Eurr***"’ Hh*iill flint Follow England. “We are constantly reminded when we undertake to legislate for the* people of t ie T’nbcl States, that we are Justified In pursuing a certain line of poMry be * ause Knglati-I has pursue*) tuoh a pol ic\ In the argumrnts thus advanced w* lave already l# n told that England sub frid z*s ships She subsiilixes lines of ships connected with her outlying |*oesesakgu*. Jttst aa we j ny for star lines f our io. ta 1 system to deliver mall wMhln our ter ritorial limits There in m difference be tw* -n our s\*t**n of gov- rnment and that •f England. t*l .1 differ once between our territorial poi>-e*atone Eng kind‘a territo rial posse -K*n> extend around the glob# ind >he ne.*ls speedy and irr>mpt postal communication w’.th her outlying possee. slons The United States, notwithstanding the fact that we have made departur* from the teachings of our government, is st Ia compart nation with but a few out lying possession* An examination of the expenditure* of foreign nations mer ( t*nt sii|i*iiK will shw that the •mounts contributed by each are for the piirpi>st- of 1 laying for carrying tlie mall “The last few >**ars Providence ha.- blessed u with plentiful crop**, bountiful harvests, and. In oonaeqiience, almost un. parell* 1 commercial activity. Congrsfrt in**:- surroumUil with these favorable condition?- U 1 us not mttk - thle occasion f.r Uie t>* winning t>f a carnival of extrav agance and of the pro(tlgutt> and slauneful Mjuufidcrtiifc of pulsltc money. l#et us not make it the b* gliuving of a ptdlcy foun led n favoritism In legialrflion. with subaUlles to f*uur**i classes. I> t us not crush the farmer. i e- Mnlmi). ami tht* plowman b> plating upon their shoulders the bunfen of tsiunties grante<l to others. Thee** daass - are entitled to as much oonaidera lion at the haiela of the government a* are the ihipowtra. Irene ftll %llke. “If the shipowners by the contribution of th* taxjmyers Is t< enlarge his busl n -s atui im rei>. tils piMflts. why are not the cotton arwl crain growers entitled lo ttjuil conslderaikMi. Is the HnaiK'lal s)c •ess r*f or,** a-e f our |*-opkp of gre.ito ornfii thtt th' of another? Whnt sp dal a* 1 vice haa tho shipowner confer r*l upc*n his count iy that he should ha\e the right to txx th* farmer, th* nvrehan r the laborer, to build up his private bus ine-- and to enhance his private fort in*-” “Tlie prln iples of this hill are unjust, undemociatl- an) ahaolutely IrvlefenslMe Th* Demtvratl party stands for .i gov ernment that ahal protect ill inti grant favors to none. In the history of our country have seen |*oliti-al parties ri?** ar.d fall and wa ctnnoi always point out the fonss that control results No l.:itt tl party can affo and to f* sake prln rlp'e in order tt> obtain vloltjry. The D-m->cr t|c party will remain true to the principles of our government an#l will ral y uround Its atan-lard. the nspirntlona and ho|>**s of ad men who |o%’e liberty sn l justice The I>**nio*'rntlc party sym pathlses with all men in the har*i strug gle- of life and will never oppose one lass to et rich another. The pa ty stands for ib-lute Justice, equality of rights. a*, and honest government, an-l oquul . p?ortur.lties for all men untler and t*efore the law Ili\ K MTtlltlKft Al W4UIK. The Tnmpn 4 lnrnaker fltrlke la About nt nn F*nd. Tampa. Fla.. Dec. 11.—Al! of the box factories in the city work to jay the union’s men having determined to return to work The strike ha* been forma.i> cull* and **ff In returning, ther* ippl fa tor lea workiftf Realaten u uaftoo tgarmak* rs. and with the exception o! 1# - than I*4l International men who are y.i out. th‘ last vestige of the recent g n-uul strlk# has disappeared The strikers failed in tht* effort to pr*- vent the tmns|w>rttlon of boxes to the cl tv from Eastern factories and the Fed eration of Labor decided It would he use less to keep local factories longer closed. \rs Orleans liner Itennltn. New Orleans. Dec. 11.—Midsummer waa the *il\ whining favorite here to-rkay. Summ it he pin- Race -One mile, selling Petit Malt re. 7 to 2. won with Isx'uat Blossom, 7 to 2. second, and Heroics, 7 to 1. third Time 1 A. Second Hace—Rix furlongs, selling Add. 5 to 1. won. wKh Ms Ho. 20 to 1. secimtl. nnd Graydilly. sto 2. third Time 1 13H Third Ba- e—One mile and an eighth Bean a. 15 to 1. wm. with Gov. Boyd. 15 to 1. second *rl Bert Davis. 20 lo l. third. Time ! sft Fourth Race-Six and a half furlongs, handicap Georgle. 7 to 1. won. with Se voy. 11 to 8 second, and Aloha 11. 8 to 1. tnlrd Time 1 21. Fifth Race—One mile and seventy yards selling: Dandy H.12t0 1. won. wtth Jes sie Jarhoe 15 to 1 second, and Belle of Orleans. 11 to 5. third Time 1:4714 Sixth Race —Reillng. six furlongs Mid summer. 7 to 10. won, with Fieuron 3 to 1. second, and Diana Fofmo, 30 to 1 # tnlrd. | Tl®c 1:14 u. i MUNYON'S COLO CURE When Prof Munyon says wnai his *‘ ’d Cure will do he only ay* what **.l 1 • world know* Nearly everybody seems •> be taking fhi* prmeuy wher.evi-r s cold appear* It relieves the head. no*e. throat and lungs ** qus k.y that t c*i!d ncei r.* longer be a forerunner of grippe, diph theria or pneumonia. Every one of his remedies I* as sure All druggist* mostly £’>• \al Oud* h* Health fre#- Write 4*> Hr itway an 1 3fttn t.. New York, for medka. advice free I! 14.1 t Ml t:\4K FOR 4 IR< I E*. Two of Them. However, f4t tint l.lght in Florida. Tallahase— Fla . Noroity Hhow was here on Motxlay. When the manager called cei the tux collector to sea .Pout the license for hi** show, he wa* informed that the license was ?•-*•> for the state arid 1100 each for county and city, making a total of Ikv. This announcement almost took hts breath. The showman then called on Controller Re>*t)oUis. who read the l.w to him. Bo the manager concluded to ab.ndon hi* tent and ;t performan e in the Opera House. It Is said two clrcuaes made* the tour of this state without paying more * 95 for a license. There Is trouble In Tump* n*>w over the matter, the Council having lemanded the - tty lloen*-*- .f ?!•* ♦.* f.r these shows fr>m th# nolle, tor. Tne Governor's Guards at u meeting held Monday night, el***t4-i K! A I>l* k* > captain \N A Markham first lt#'Utenant and T O. Othha second lieutenant. Nine teen appilc-wTtons for membtwship in the lomptny were a.'-ep* ! A PVLI3 FOR CIDER. Ife Ylrtae* Finlted, %prop*a of n (irrmt 1 b*ld In F.nxlnnd Thl Year. From the Indon Fall Mnll Gaoette. The last year of the century h*s so many titles to distinction that the mln r claim of Ite having ls**n a gr*\t one f *r wine Is apt to pass without non- e It Is too early to prophesy that champugi.* will rival that of IWC and 193: btit a fine season and a glori.His vintage are m ill prc|aratltj for that result lAght wn * are almost too abundant. Am -r.c our home-made drink#, cider owe* Its gr> w ing iiopularlty to a variety of dr.-um stancea Agalrat mineral waters the pres ent deponent lift* not up his voice fur ther than to say that, till blended with alcohol, they never seem quit# at th*r beat; alone they lack body, they are not “the meat and drink" of wrlne and be*-r Cider Is not a teetotal heverag** but its *-nt declare ihsit e%-n he who noon U> esccsa with it Injur* # h;m***! r less Then he do#s wlih any other int-.xi -ant. He who "makes a toast of liim* f wd.\ - ider. *0 runs the nrg im**M. Inj-irea soul *nd body less than any other drunksrl. and in truth you may In the 1 -tder dis trict* often me#: with an an lent wti . af ter having been for the length of two generation* * victim of this vice, retains a clean tongue, white t‘*th. bright eye#, a good complexion, and a hearty nppr tite. none of them a mark of him w Is a glut ton of four al*- or a tippler of Scotch. It may be avum**d. however, that the number of unfortunate# who. Impelled either by habit or t**mM-r.m*-nt, drink t*> excee- is steadily dwinUlnir Only little while ago Thackeray. Dt k en*. and their cofffsmpvrarl**# f*-un*l an endless 1 heme in contrasting tre hocv drinking of :he preceding generation wi:h the coinT**ratlve sobriety of t-'*-ir •wn. are! since then a great advance h is im * n mad** In the cause of real t* min ,u Intoxicants ar# taken m*>r** wliwly, a th**re Is certainly drunker..-- In the working-class population. Th* v r*> 1 >nger sit "bousin’ at the nappy" till they are "fou and unco' happ). but u-> drink only for its legitimate purpose of quenching thirst t’hler, Good nn*! Ilad. Odsr, clear 41s nm'rer. st>aikhng. bright -who shall name a better drink. ea\. f r the hot cycllet pulling up at the wayebb* Inn In summer'* Drink It UHd*l greet houghs, with the temperature : d* - tcrees What Is g##l for the athlete is even better for the Inuorer, only It h inserted that the latter prefers .* Tht* however, is open to explanation. Far mer** elder Is. like homebrewed beer, th subject of much sentimental and unde served praise. It is very often made of refuse and windfalls, and tv tiered ’ hot. with <4 gr#il: deal of refuse i**vel and Into the cider pre# to promote f rment - ;ton. Now. we are rot greatly in favor •*f what Is new-fangUd. m*l would be the last to rtm down without g*>of r#- *on, any ancient article of diet; hut cor.- icrvatlsm Is carried to the |H*int of ab surdity when It leads :o the rejectkxj of scientific improvement What h b*n say* about *ider is tht \oti cannot goof liquor out of bad fruit, that the mnsi absolut*- and perfect cleanllne**** is essential to quality, and that by fl f d destroying the natural f rnwnt you c.ti Introduce n artlrt* ill otic that will en able you t* have the process under per fect control. In the result compare the cider of any crw-i manufacturer from Norfolk. Kent. Devon or Cornwall w.r 1 •hat produced on an ordinary* firm, ar-1 it will no longer he a mystery why th.* ’whoring ewaln reefers beer He would not to put too fine a point upon |t, he an a** to do anything eise Rut there is proof enough that the tables are turn'd When the article Is gm*l gome enthusias tic men of Kent in the year lftTi took It Into their heads, out of local pa!rb>o*m b* It said—thoe who advanced the funds have not asked for tt firrhlng of the profit—to revive this ok! Industry in th' garden count v As far back iftTh ahr 4- hnm Hill had d and planted r * ir Hartford choice varieties of ~|,r fruit Drives A way tle f)o*tor. Of the success of th- undertaking and the compel" clearance of the stork it u unnecessary to speak; hut a po nt .f in terest is that the prime mover in it r ,.. l>orts a* follows to the present writer “On.* remarkable wav in whi h laboring men who have scarcely ever tasisi 1 j*s of genuine cider t *ke to it t on. . prov ing that the popularity of pure i>w will again assert it*clf if afforded . f.*i r oppor tunity." Of cider drinking generally h** say* "dry” cider is splendid fur rh im - tistn and lumliago. and “then * and ibt I that the tonic and diuretic prop,- r ii<* of cider, due to the presen -e of mail. t - j • . 4he system th*' impurities that wwild < erwlse set up rheumatic symptom* “ ,\n old saying has It that “,n ippj. , . )V • _ bottle of good chief t k©n regularly at luncheon should make th* rn*-i J profes sion superfluous. Without being ibl# quite to r! * to that lyric fervor, one may v.-ntur* ♦ the mod erate atatement tha* pure -!i, r ,f made Is pretty drir.k ng it is at je.i much better than ch*ap champarnc t n w’hicb form cons.leraM q nrp consumed and that It ,* far from being Injurious 10 health \w r . ►>. f MCt i duly appreciate*! every maker Jn Enrl nd would All his cellars this year, for arn'r* are *o plentiful tha* they ;l *ve he^ n s. ’ 1 or. rather not sold, hut riven away at 3-1* a ton lees than the m e of h. .- h.qd coal. Over 70 pounds for a shilling If you IMnk of tha* what n#*d to enlarge on the fact that thi# ho* U.en * year for elder? OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST. I'nxurpaM-d chin r.-omtnodtlon All th- comfort, of m mo<l<*m hot. irlo n*lHp rncirrllwl iml>lr. Tichrl, Inolurtc unj b*rth aU>r ,-i.ip PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. TO NEW YORK-Fln>t Chin. *3O; Khr* Oabln Roumt Trip. *S2; I: - . Mr Cabin, I1S.00; In.rrm-<lll* rbln. Round Trip. *24 00 Ht.rr.K- *lO. TO HOSTON—Fim Cabin. *22. Firl Cabin Hound Trip. **; lnt-rm-*. , , *l7 ri ; Ini-rmrdtatr Cabin. Round Trip. t& W SiM-ra*-, *11.75 Th> npr-5 it-.imiiilpa of .hi* llnr ero appolntrd to tall from Bavai.i tral (9uth) meridian lime, a* follow*: HAVAS* AH TO NEW YORK. CITY or Al-OCSTA. ‘■'apt Oawett. THI KSDAY. Dee. 12. >0 < a. m NXI'.IOCHEE. Cap.. Smith. SATURDAY. t>e<\ li. U;JO a. m. K ANSAS <-|TY Oapt. Ftaher. TI’ERDAY, Dee. I*. 2On |' m. TAU.AIIASSKE. Capt." Aaktna. THT”RS- I>AY. Dao. so. S;3O !> m. •CITY OK BI KM INGHAM. Oar I. Ber*. FRIDAY. Drc. 21. J p. m. •NOTlCE—tcam*hlp City of Birmingham will not carry po***wc<*T*, Steamahlp City of Macon, Capl. Bavase. will ply between New York arl lon on the followlnK achedule: Ee.ive New York for Boston (from frier r.. North River, nl 12:00 noon). Dec. 12. 21 29. Thl. ompany re.ervea the right to chnnare It* Mlllnsi without i Ia: l without llubllliy or accountability therefor Halllna* New York for Savannah Tue*da>H, Thurdny and Balurdv?. r B XV a. BREWER. city Ticket nml Ptvaaenirer Agent. 107 Bull atreel. Savannah. Oa R G. TRIVETS’ANT. Axent. Savannah. Oa. P. E. LKFEVRE, Manager. New Pier *5. North Klver. New York. MAHIXB IXTHI.IKiI.MT. Xlntlera of Intereat to Hhlppln* Men Generally. , ‘apt laindry of the Britlah hark IB r:e 'Airry leave# to-day for New York. Where he will take command of a Inrge •prire neged .ailing veaeel. The enp- Mln received a telegram yeaterday dl r, tine him to proved to N-w X ork and rejairt at once for duty. The varloua latm* again*: the Curry, one of which wa nie-1 by <*.ipt are nt 111 In ■he I'niled St.atiw Court, th.aigh he hopped they w.aild be adjudicated before he lep. A* prev toiiely *tte,i In the Morning N< wa the cargo of lumber aboard Ilia Curry ha* been dlwharged at the Gordon wharf It wUI be loaded b>- nhe achooner Henry P. Maeon. which arrived veeierd.iy from Norfolk, and taken on to tt* de*tt ontlon at Victoria i'ove. Canada Th Maaon ha* coal for Taggart & Cos., and .. *oon aa ehe dtnrhargee will shift to 'he Gordon wharf for the lumber. The lumber wa* originally ahlpped by t'l a*.. •S llire.-h A Cos. The German government to In •dltute a *pecial department for -Bottle \i- ig.eafter the example of the Fnl ted State* They nre to be u—l foe - ■ ntific ptir|>neee. e they have proved >f the great-at eervFe for navigation. They were ft ret employed for thl* oh !< t |r. 19'2 for the mveetlgatlen of the a; eat current* of the ocenn, irtlcularly he Gulf tream Berghau* <v>mplied a hart of 14 hottlew found on the North Atlantic roa*t In IHI Belcher publlahe.* he ftret i-hart conetructed on 119 find*, •hi tl liottle* are now protected by Inter i.itlonal law A oyatematlc tily wa* )r*t t>egiin by the United State*. Sw.-.n Y 95 bottle* have been thrown out by •pe tal governne-nt ofH. Ul* un.ter the auper tehat of the Navy Deportment. Hen c.ip *in are given form* ontalntitr the foi >*ing Item* In eeveti language*, "t’ur titt* name of chip, name of captain, day I .Jl*patch, name of Under, day and place of tit.- lliid." The captain fill* up the rwt part of the form, olid throw* It over iir.i In a carefully *.ale.l bottle. Ilav ig tllie.l up the *e,a*i.| part of the form, :0' *i-nd* tt to the hydrographic office tn Washington, or the tu-arewt American con - -ulate. [gint year 1(1(1 bottle* were pb'kol up in the Atinntlc, 1* In the Pnclttr and two m the In.lliui ocean The length of the bo:- tie * voyage varies One wa* thrown out tn Sept 13. 1*95. between Newfoundland and Iceland, nnd first recovered on a ean.l ■ink of the Bahama Island* on May 22. 'C*V It had made t kilometers at the mill veloetly of eight kilometer* a <luv. Ihe quickest voyage that ha* yet been erved wn* made by n bottle throw,) on* on May 7. I*9*. near the mouth of the irtnoco. and found on the 13th of the name month 190 *a mile* to the north wet, having i—on driven at a speed of V, kilometer* dny. The leader of the Marine Band at XVaahlncton, D. C., get* *1.300 a year and the tirxt and second ela*e must-lan* (O) ltd r*' a month, respectively. They are allowed ration money In all case*. "So you are Interested In aerial naviga tion?" What's that?" ea:d Mr. Cumrox. "I mean you are looking for some con trivance that will rtoat in the air." "No. Not tn the air. <m the market." I'aornger* l> Hteamahlpa. Pisscngers by steamship Tallahaseea for New Vivk. Dec 11—Miss Eul* Shup trine. Dr. XX' H Park. A. J. p. Murphy r*. P Bull. C. O. Smith. J n Beull. ('apt. Joseph J C. F oit-r and wife. George Lanes. Mas Adeii.l Berg. Snsnnnnh Alumnae. Sun r!-<v at t ">4 a. rn and set* at 1.9> p m. High wafer at Tyl-ee to-day at 11 rd n m arxl 12:39 p m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phase* of the Xlnnn for December. Standard time—9ith mer. D II M Full moon L. quarter .1* 4 4* eve. New moon 21 6 1 eve. First quarter 2* 7 41 eve. Moon perigee. 3d and 30th. Moon apo gee, 15th. AHRIX Xl.e AMI DKPARTTItFJI. Vessel. Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Alleghany. Foster. Philadel phia —J. J f trolitn. agent. Steamship l.uiee (Geri, McKown. Port Glasgow A I* Churchill. Bark longhorn (Non, Knudsen Havre -Chr G. Dahl A Cos. Schooner Henry P Mason. Frost Nor folk. -Mssier. Arrived si quarantine. Bark Union tXor), Aanonsen. Barbados. Vessels I ten red Yesterday. Steamship T.vnagni (Br). Masters. Brem en.—J K. Minis A Cos. Vessels XXent tn Ses. Steamahlp Itasca, Billups. Baltimore Si earn* Ip City of Birmingham. Burg New York Steam:up Tallahassee. Asktns New York Schooner Ida Lawrence, Campbell. Bal tlmore Shipping Memoranda. Norfolk. Dec. 11.-Th# schooner A A M. Carlisle, light, is ashore In seven feet of water, near Hunt* Point, al the mouth CITY OF AUGUSTA. c*pt. j* SATURDAY. It#.- 2. S: pm.* ’ NACOOCHBB. Capt. rin.lth. T , v Dec 22. 7:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, i 1,, DAY. Dec. 27. 9:l p. m. TALLAHASSEE. <Tai>t Aklru>, c* \ r ’ l DAY. Dec. 29. 11.00 jx m. Leave Bouton for New York (?- , r Wharf, ai 12 Oh nocm). Dec, B W. SMITH. Contractinir Prrliht Fiv rt j WALTER HAWKINS. General Aic*ni. Trnfflt Dej-d —n 224 W. Buy Sr . W. H PLEASANTS General Freight arui Fjo#- r • v New Pier 3f>. North Rlv#r N > . of Foooftln river Wrecker- v off to-morrow. Fernanltna. Fla . De*. •fhooner Julia A. Tru'* - . *\! i York f’leare<f. achoonera Helot* L Mir Fountain. P c Darker ißr). < rier. R:. Dien nlque. Kalle<l. schx)ner Viola Rerpar*l ? Ikwion. Dec 11.—Arrr.e*) Decatur H Miller. F*ter .•*. j • Hi.**al, eieumer Stat of To.i nah. Phllatlclphla. Dec. 11. Am*. ■?’ Wftover. Jackaonvllle !?• i nah. iH'hooner Anna L. M .1 ton. Key Weot. Dec 11.-Amv Olivette. Hmlth. Port Tnpw m i for Havana Sailed, schooner Me!r4>ie (Bri I froula Steamer Eureka, reported •> * r# Roliecca ehoai light, float-1 .•! n In port. Charleston. Dec. IT.—Artiv* -,• Navahoe, Joh noon. Boa ton. i* •! Hrunewick. schooner ll**- U- \\ i HiTKiOiu). Netv York Carr**belle, Fla , lh*c. 11 \rr, laxuie French. Provoot, Di t i ; Penoai'ola Y)*., D(h ateamer Ruth (NyD. H**iif •< - - SaUe<l. eteumer C'ukUUlo l< • which put in f4>r bunker <►**' Cleared, bark Marcluni (It * bon S-'hooner W H Sumner. Smart.,. New York, pllirift. 52,40. |ou* l */. charire.l Brhooner C. L. Mitchell. Sivar.:.** P*rtlaiwl. lumber. I*. 87’. Rotterdam. Dec. 11.—Arrived ► ~ Melbrelge. Fernandin.-) Rwlnemunde. Deo. 11—Arrival Eton BrUiac Savanna!) Port Koval. S C Dt-c n -4 i-., . e*hoon<T Josephine for D. ill • Dale'a Cr*vk. S. I*• | a Ai|f it etiamehip Thrift i.N.-r- KtiiKdom Port Tampn. Fla . I>*c. 11. \r ateamer Maocotte. Whi - li t. • * . Key Weal. Salle*!, echooner John W. L:rr llaixly, PhilfHlelphi i Notice to Mariner*. Pilot charts and all > •' mntion will be fumlahed m.t*** of . rela fre** o| charge |n Fnlte*l S* • dro*ra|Aic otfli'e kn ruetfmi H . ( taina are requext**! to call i Itejiorte of and *ler il tn r<- | for tramtmlaaion to the Navy 1-, ment. Frelan Fxporta. Per British ateamahlp T.xuct* f Bremr-u, 2*i4* base e**i tal.ind •• >lft. 100 halee cotton f -• btUea cotton. $430,307; 871 aa k“ • • •< • 21.100; 2.502 torn phoepaate r* k J ! <*ro varloua. Cnßatnißc I'.tpurl*. Per ateamah4p Itaeca f4>r Ba-’inv-v barrelf* roeln. 100 barreie turp i feet luml*or. ft 29 boxe* oram;* • • nr. 2.44.7 aucke 4Vtton iee*l. s'. p K md.*e. 2d |v), ka<>.4 domeaii m l > 130 caeea cm froode —-Tlk* tfthanirc in the characi* r dn r ode of naval warfare baa hrou. 4 i the aer\lce a cl aan of men entir cfH from (lKM*e who uel t> * 11 ml >4vr a” and “eplU'e the man '*r • our men-of-war yearn atr** l ;, ‘ crulaer*. runbraitM aiul torp-l *• now enormoua engine.- cimq m*wt dell. at* and ootnHicfttel tna * * The miilor of to-*lay la an a nclentm!. He mua l*o4h a m* aj)4i an electrician, and th** * ' ment* have brought Into tie < high cluast of men. i t OAL WOTI4 i * notice to dbbtohb^and oKS ! GEXJRGIA, CHATHAM < ' NTX Notice im hereby given to all |* r*'' 1 Ing !en>t*nda ag.nnHt Pam* ia F.'fteln* lute of sukl county, to ; • them tome. pro|ierly made out. w time preurribyd by ln%v. to n •* * their character and amount, ai • - * -‘ •one lnl-bt and to said l. * i qulred JO make immediate |*t> n r BDOBNIA CLARA FCTY.SLMM ,vJ Ex ' :i t'nre of O’Connor. o*Byrne A 'Or' Attorney*. Savannah. G.. Oct. 1. l*n> GFNIRGIA. CHATHAM rr.f * r T Hattie Greene Water*, ha u *• Court of Ordinary for a ta • 1 •upport for herself and miror out of the eetate of Rev lu> 1 u decMai4d. AppraDers have nt ■ allowing eame. Thmc are. therefore, to **he n It may concern, to tipper ’ *■ crwirt. t4i make objection on or ' flrat Monday in J intiary. 1901, n wi**e a.inie will be grante*l. Wltneea. the Hon. llamp’or Ordinary for Chatham count' third day of December. FRANK K KEIEF X CTerk, C. " 1 GEORGIA. CHATHAM Whereas Otto Seller p' of Ordinary for tellers <li-' guardian of the property of E minor. These are. therefore to rite leh all whetn II rtiny eoneerr appear before said court -o'* Jectlon (!f any they have) or the first Monday tn January wtae said letters will be gran- ' Witness, the Hon Hamper. I- . ordinary for Chatham eeuntv 11th day of Deremhsr, IW# FRANK E KPri PA ' Clark Cl. O; c