The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 12, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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FINANCIAL and commercial (..rrn* Ft ti ke* market ha* . FIRTHF.II DErUYIE. v ,1, lr and 'k* Dr*Mlf Ker of the lloreuu Report (•■ Heavy fort Rfffltli-Rwftßli an.ltrul \tnrr for thr !■ y Than Same Day i a ,t Vrar *plrl* Torpcatlne <lra fr ■* Firm. • took* Sironger—l.ornl and Trie |.lilc Market*. Tlia Morning N<>** Office. Tuesday. Dec. 11. *r th* piwclffltou# drop of yesterday •hr cotton futures market It was . v to he exported that the market .. t rally sufficiently to rloaa without Bt c further loaaea to-day. The cloa w,, steady and unchanged to X point* ,*r Nothing rottld have been more fa il.!• ta the bears In the day's neats ■i, e receipts at the ports. which * , . 'iioo ahead of last year. A piling tl f cotton at this rate following the . . . Is not calculated to help In check , f t; r downward turn caused by the bu ,,, report. These receipts did not come , , .urprlre to many, who look for them full for a short time yet. The kv * pet market closed easy at a decline , t,- and with sales on the spot of . t.t>-rwo brier. The demand was light. ~ i very little business was done during , day- Buyers were a little dtsap- I nled in Liverpool'* opening, ae it waa , . • illy believed among them that that ~ , K et would respond In a bigger drop, i jrpentlne market dosed steady at with a talr demand prevailing. . .. .h there was not a rushing butinexs rm< t at any lime. The roaln market , osM firm, with no changes In quota ,,, . in* wholesale markets closed ,and active. Blocks showed e de. i ronger tendency, and the advances , -* day. particularly In Grangers. 1 , ) many to believe the opening of sre 1 her bull boom Is at hand The fol ■ ,* , * i-muss of Ihe different markets ■ the tone and quotations at tho . p*,i k to-day: t OTTON. • . ' i great tp-al was domg In the spot market to-day owing to the wt . k .used by Ihe bearish bureau rc i Ihe failure of Ihe trade so the i ... • to recover from the effects of It. wing w as easy at a decline of ! % r , riik.r g a dl< line of 4r. so far In response * i the bureaus. Sale* on Ihe spyt were il-. The demand did not seem to i- improved any over right, and tha • that there t still much tadffferene* m * both element* of the trade leave* ooih’ as to the future .-ours* of the The day's receipt* were <.737. against ia*t year, and 9.688 var before-last, receipts at the port* were 71.905. -s M. 714 last year, offerings from * - . ter!or were light, with no apparent motion to yield very much to the de citn- l folios ing were the official spot quo. t. - at the < lose of the market at the * otter. Exchange io-ila> : I This ~Loat i day. | year. t >cd mtld.lng ,% * ‘*4 Middling >‘a 1, tv nn.ldling 'Sh* 6 Market easy, sales. 22. Sat unti l Receipts. Exports and Stocks: tie* pis this day *.737 I • < • this dsy last >car 7.MS Th.- day year before last 9.596 n* eipis *lnc* Hep:. 1. 1900 6)tft,659 Htr d.t last year *do.r..:t , h’o kon hind tills itay 131.2*1 • .-*n dt< last year Is7.firi l > inis ami Him ks at Ihe Ports: t.- elpts this day 71.*)’. ':•*!• this day last year 51.714 l: npis hi* .lay year before last.. 71.6U6 ■ • tl re- *tpi* since Hept. 1. 199 ft ... .3,319.03* Aims llm last year J.MB.MO dsr Is-lore Ins: 4,931.957 't'vk nt all ports to-day 8r>,<759 <’■ k rlnt* day last vewr 1.103,999 Itally Movements at other Pord*— . ilvcsion--Nominal: middling HJ. . net 1 apt- 23.1-6. gros*. 23.126. s<ock. 217.214. New Orleans T’n*etll*d. middling ' 16 net rerelpla, 17.361, gross. 19,101; f• - 1,150. Merit. 320.622. Mobile Nothing doing; middling 9'*c; ’ ••• re-elpis, 3.1*4. gross, 3.1 M; stock. *6- ‘ I irletdon—Nominal; net receipts. W>o. - .. an. siock. 17.212. Wilmington—PYrm. mldtlllng 9V'; net re . 7. groe 327; stork. 17.742 Norfolk—Nominal; middling 9V. net re * .ids. 3.010. gross 3,011); stock. 37.613 Ksitimore—Nomlnal; middling 9’o; gross V stock. *.172. New York—Quiet; middling 9*c; net re ipts. 3,233. gross, 11.6*9. sales. 4.075, stock. t 112. Boston-Quiet; middling 97r; net re -7‘ PIS. 2.02; gross. 12.190. Philadelphia—Quits middling I*c; net n stpts, <3. gross, S3. Stock. 4,537. Brunswick—Net receipts. 7.W. gross, 7,- *- -ock. 7.322. '•ally Movements at Interior Towns— \;K iris—Quiet; middling 941194#: net ’* etptf, 2,815; gross. 3i>49; rales. 412; stock. 17 It* Memphis—Dull; middling 9 11-l*c; net r -4 n 2* grot-. 4 *79. sales. WO, atock. I" 53* hi 1-o ils—Quiet; middling 94'- . n*t re ■•'Pl. 2.211; gross. 10,162; atock, <7,919 ■ Incinnatl— Steady and nominal; mid dling 9,r; net racelpls. 1,713; grors, 1,713; R k 10.(72 Houston—Eway; middling 9>,*c; net re " cs. 27. 573; gross. 2e.972: sales, 135; lock i0a.615 l."'i4vHle—Firm, middling 9,c. 1 i>oris of cotton this day— • Ivesion—To ihe continent. 2oil Nw Orleans—To the comment. 7.750, f'sMwlaa, 1.954. Ivbllo-Coaatwlse, 1.560 vrlealon—Coastwise. 9* r folk—Cooat art ae. 1,9(7 Hovtnn—To Great Hr.lain. 4.99 1 ' run** |ek—To Great Britain. 70* si foreign exports from all ports this To Great Britain. 11.995; lo Ihe con ' • • nt. 9*ol. •l foreign exports from all ports far this week: To Great Britain 73.- to France, 7.016. lo the continent. 24.- tfc '’ —ta 1 foreign exports since Hept. 1. 1900. v-, < ltrllaln. 1.431.377; lo France. 311.- ** 'o 4he ronllm-nl. 971.349 IM.tMI t OTTO*. l’ri-es about a* follow*: ' ■'r* choice Florida* 22'i I iticy i;sorgla* Sl’.a '■ta choice Georgias 21 Mica Georgia* 19* "a tin# Georgias 1* Cl* 1 ! line Georgia* 17 Hs <lpt* and Block*- 1900-01 1*99-00. 'V past week 3.10 C 4.170 ; 1 ’porta past week ! 1.061 l.* ' '’■e!|aa this season 33.707 46.797 p past week I .M3 •> f "k on hand I 26.24*1 31**> ! —i l OTTOS Ft TV HE*. I| "' Market Closes Vaeboaged to * I’ulnta Lower. v Tork. Dec. 11.—The cotton market ( np*ned at an advanca of point# and I ' 'notuarlly ruled firm on lesa of break * I-" rpoo4 alien had been expected. w on after the opening call, however. ' re as an easier feeling under ranew ! selling, led by lorwl traders. Belling ' be, ame quite general and the market * -c .-ft Kfijk points from top prices, af w hich there was * few feeble rallies ®n covering and profit taking. The gen- MURPHY At CO., INC., ard of Trade Building Savannah Private leased wires direct lo New York. Chicago and New Orleans cotton, stock# and (-rain. Now York onto*. No tl Broadway. Ofßcea In principal cltlca throughout tha Boults Writ* for our Market Manual and book containing Ip.' . ■ ■ . y,t rl eral trend of the market, however, wn* weak, chiefly owing to the li-avy move | mete at all porntr in the Houth. while the [ Bout hern *pot markets thawed signs o( • giving way and private cable accounts ! Indicated lack of speculative support In England and on the continent. The gen | eral weakness waa Increased by active | liquidation of certain New Orleana ac. I count*. Not only Is the current move men* heavy, hut all Indications point to continued large receipts. The market j closed steady nnd unchanged to S point* ! lower. a FI-VTTt VTIONN IN UTI hi,* New Y'ork. Dec. ii.—Colton futures opened Arm and closed steady. Trice* ar ! follow*. Open High 1. j January 9*3 9.36' yna 921 February 936 •96 '* 19 :• :j March .9.23 9 22 9 no p lit i April 91* 91* 900 97 May .9.13 915 * 97. 901 June 9.12 912 *97 9 <l2 July 90* 9,09 *92 900 j August 1.92 *92 *75 X.ll Hept ember *3O *l9 *2O • December 9 12b 942 925 9.16 UVnrMl inirtiv MAHKnyr. Liverpool, lir 11.—ripot quirt. prl< e. ’ 'sd lower. American mMitltng. fair. | 5 25-S2d: good inaMMng. 5 17eJ2d; mhMtln*. • Hd. low middling 6 3-l(d. good ordinary. | 4 15-l*d, ordinary, 4 11-16-1. The sale* of ihe day were 7,®tn bales, of which 500 were j for speculation and export, snd Included j < 600 American; receipts 27.000 bale*. In | eluding 25.100 American. Future* opened quid and clo*ed easy. American middling, low middling clause: i December, f Utl IM, value; December. January. 5 lOdi.iid, buyer* Januarv-Feb rt-ary. 5 ooid buyers; Fehruary- March. 5 o<d. buyers. March April, 5 04d. buyer*; Aprll-Mav. S 02d, buyers. Mai- June. 5 ood sellers. June-Julv, 4 6)414 A-’-t, buyers. July-August. 4 M, buverr. Au gust-Beptember. 4 47d. New Orl*anr, Dec. 11 —Cotton future* closed quiet. Deo. bid 9! April * 924!* 94 Jan l.9Mr* 96; Mav *.9271 K Feb * Mill t'CiJur.e * 9141* 97 March * 9So* :u July 8.9011* :tl 4 OTTON I.I7rTKRs. New Y’ork. Dec 11— Murphy * '<* *a> Totton In Liverpool closed about <-6d lower when our market opened, but dosed about 10-6ld lower than yesterday. This market opened about 5 point* high er. but reacted on liquidating sale*, awing lo large receipt* ot ports and prospect* of a heavy amount coming Into sight this week Cotlon In this market showed somewhat a depressed feeling Just before tha noon hour. January soiling at 9.<sc. but reacted, and at 2 p. m. January was quoted at 9.18 c. Bpota came In at a de. cllns'of l*o from yesterday, middling be ing quoted at 9\c. Port receipt* to-day may exceed 65.000 bale*, against 63.0U0 last week, and 52.000 last year South reported great anxiety lo tell spots. Europe sent seal* order lo buy on de,4lne*, which sus tain* tho market, though the feeling Is weak on account of the bureau's estimate, and large movement and heavy long In terest still hanging over the market New Orleans expects to-morrow 17.0n0 lo l*.uoo, against 17 ie< last year. Houston ll‘"0 to 15.000, ugnlnst 3.502 last year. New York, Dec. 11 —Hubbard Bros A fo. ) ; Livrrpol did not decline as rap idly a* did Ihe American yester day. therefore our market opened at on advance on Hi* buying for European ac count. Liqtildolioti began again Immedi ately after the call, as Ihe movement be gan lo show a very heavy rc.oparison with previous year* This liquidation was absorbed by Liverpool buying against ar bitrage iransa,slonv which caueed an easier closing abroad From Ihe lowest point a sharp rally of 9 points naturally followed, both In our market and N- wr Or leans. The local trade have bought free ly. expecting a sharp roily would follow this serious decline of the post two days, hut they- tio not like the large movi ment, whU h Is now greatly ahead of lost week. imiy t.oons. New Yoik. Dec II Business In tha dry good* market was on a qule* .scale In all department* to-day. The drop In cotton caused buyers of cotton good* to a* t more conservatively Uion before. The market Is rasy In brown sheetings and drills and ul.h- print rloth fabrics. Bleach ed notions sell in small quantities a pre vious prices, t’oame colored cotton* un changed. Print* steady but quiet. Ging ham* firm. 946 AL ITORR4. Tuesdav. Dec JJ, BPIRITrt TFRPENTINE-Th. turpen tine market opined steady nt 3* 1 ,-. with sale* of 6.V1 neks, and do#ad steady and unchanged, with no further sale* rcjvirtcd during the day. The market did not show any great deal of strength at any time, and during most of the day trading was on a moderate seal* The day's re ceipt* were 1.972. and Ihe export* none. ROBINS-There wa* no . hangs In ihe rosfh market to-day. which opened firm and featureless and remained *0 through, out tho day. The m.irket sh-.we,l consid erably more strength than It did yester day". however, and fa.-tor* wer less In. cllned to sell at concession* A better ion* prevailed a* to all grade*. The receipts were 7.37 R. and tha exports none, prices as follow*. A. B. C *1 y> 1 tl 6$ D 1 K 1 <n E 1 40 M 1 70 F 1 43 N 210 G I M W G 2 ISO H 1 55 W W 3a5 Receipt* Tuesday— Spirits Roaln r. R r 111 544 H , F. * W 1.007 .1.5*2 B A L mi 2.BJJ Steamer Day 61 230 Hleamer Murchison 11 29 Flat <** 152 Exports Tuesday— Hplrlt* Rosin S H liematl*. Cleared Should have been 2.*<7 Difference 333 Naval (More* Statement— Hplrlt*. Rosin. ! Biot k April 1. 1900 2.197 142 506 Receipt* to-day 1.972 7,375 Receipt* prev!bu*ly 301,316 TWV<9I Total since April 1 9io.iit Export* 10-<tay Export* prcvau*ly 2<,17* 766.924 Exports sine* April 1 .... 3*9.17* 766.921 Block on hand to-day M. 307 143.460 | Stock U*t year 2<-79 163.377 ) t'harlesion. Dec. 11 -Turpentine firm 3*,- Rosin firm, unchanged. Wilmington. N C.. Dec 11.-Hplrli* tur pentlna steady. 37V43*... recelpl*. •>. Roaln firm. *1 301.25. recelpte. 595 I ruda lurpenllm steady. 11.40fj2 10. re celfits. 164. Tar steady. *1.40. receipts. 267. New Orlean*. Dec. 11,—Receipts, rosin. J 95, turpentine. 21 barrels, expori* none. FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock aad Baud Brebrr. AVGUSTA, OA. Writ# fa* M#L lllF. .MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1900. KIN ANC 161.. MOl.'EY—The demand keeps fairly up with ihe supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Market weak Commercial demand. st*3S. elxty dav*. ** 79V n!nc<y .lay*, 64 7*'. franc*. l*ans and Havre sixty days. 6 22'., Hwies. I sixty days. 5.2*14. Helgisn 62t 1 . mirk* 1 slxtv day*. :•!*,, ninety dav*. 939* DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady, bank* are buying at 1-16 discount and 1 selling a* follows 327. and under. 10c pre mium. 125 lo 670 16c premium; 399 to 1109 3e premium; 3100 to law 2*o premium. 3*o 10 |1 .'Mt, > premium. 11.00,' and. over, 75c per M premium HECI7RITII7H The nvark.-t does not .-how any aiumaiauv Heavy dealings In | Central securities at ruling uuotatlone. atock* Bid. Aak. August.! and Savannah R R IPX, 111 Atlanta and West Point 130 . . do 6 per cent certlflcates 10* : Augusta Factory *4 M i Cltlaen*' Rank 1M ,< hariiam Bank 11l 113 | Chatham R. E. AI. Cos.. A 57 5* , do do R 66 S7 | Eagle and Phoenix Mfg Cos I<>2 106 Edison Electric Ilium. Cos 107 11> Enterprise Ml*. Cos bn lu3 Germania Hank 131 Georgia ami Atshama 26 29 Geofgla Railroad. <-onimon 216 219 Granllevllle Mfg Cos 160 170 J I*. King Mfg Cos. 103 MS l.angley Mfg Cos lti I*> Merchants' National Hanly ... 116 ll* Nailonel Bank of Savannah ..113 I*7 Oglethorpe Having* and Trust ...112 ... People's Saving* and Loan 101 IQS H> aboard common It 12 do preferred 29 30 Houthwestern Railroad Cm 11l 112 Savannah Gas Light Cos -4V* 394 Soulhefn Bank ,I7 161 Savannah Bank ami Trust 119 . Hlbley Mfg, Cos.. Augusta .... .. 85 86 Savannah Brewing 103 10G Hoads. Bid A*k Char . Col A- Aug Ist 5s 190' |. 110 Chat & Gulf R B 5 per cent, let mortgage 102 101 Atlanta city 4e. 1922 107 109 Augusta elty 4s. 1927 106 l l ® do 4’u 1925 11l do 7s, 1903 107 .... do 6s. 1913 122 Ala Mid m ind and 192. M A N 1014 1024 Augusta Factory. 6 per cent . 1915 111 113 Brunswick A- Western 4s. 1938 .. A1 6S IT\ p ft. 4 Banking eollalerol 5* 95 C of O Ist motg ss. 1945 F . A A 120 1:1 C. of Ga. con. s*. 1945. M A N .. 96>, 97'* C of Ga I*l Income*, 1945 53 1 ,1764 do 2nd Income* 16 17 do 3d Income-. 1945 7 8 C of O (M G A A Dlv ) 5* 1947. J. A- J 97 9* C of G. (Eaton Branch). ss, 1936 J. A- D 98 99 City A Suburban R R Ist 7s—llo ... Columbus City s*. 1909 107 —. Charleston city 4e, 1969 100 103 Engl* A Phoenix Mills 6*. 192* 10* 110 Edison Electric Illuminating 6s 106 Enterprise Mfg 6*. 1902 103 Georgia Raitr.wd *. 1910 118 117 G. 8 AF . 1945. J A.l 113 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist ss. 1945 106 107 Georgia state 3>t. I*3o, J A J ..BO 113 do 34*. 1915. M AN 106 107 do 44*. 1915 119 130 Macon city 6*. 1910. J A J 116 11* do 4!j*. quar . Jan 108 10* Ocean Steamship 5. COO 104 FA Savannah city ss. quar. January 1318 110 111 do s*. quar , February. 19>w ... IfltHi 10914 South Carolina elate 4'**. 1933 ..117 119 Sibley Mfg Cos. *. 1903 103 South Bound e **H I*4 S . E 7 A W. gen ml'*.. 6*. 1934 125 lIH il.t .In let la, gel t. P. 4 113 114 do St John Dlv.. let 4* 1931... 98 96 MONEY MARKET. New York. De- 11-Money on rail Arm at 4'j*t6 per cent ; last loan. 4' per ceeit. Prime mercantile paper. t ! rbs per cent Sterling exchang* weak then *tea,Rer. with actual bualne-s in hwnkrra' hill*, at tl 84H4M 81 1 * for demand, aisl at 34 8*.4 for sixty dav*; ported rate*, 31 Hl'ieit S2, .111.1 34.*e' 3 pl *6 commercial bljl*. 34 *OV 4 *o'i. Silver certlfl -ate*. 644765 c. Bar silver. 644 c; Mexican dollar*. SOLe. Gov ernment bond* firm; at ete bond* Inactive; railroad bon da irregular. rrot K 8 AND BONDS. (ipnrral strength Looks 1.1 Well sneer ed Halt i anipatgn. New Y'ork, Dec. 11.— Th* demand for stock* to-Jay was *0 large. *0 urgent and so widely distributed a* to suggest a re crudescence of the bullish enthusiasm of the period Immediately following th* election. The motive* of ihls buying and the strength of the whole market was somewhat mysterious Tha anthracite group had It* own par ticular cause of strength In th* circum stantial assertions of the passing control of Ihe Pennsylvania Coal company to the Erie Railroad and the consequent frustra tion of the plan for anew railroad from the coal region* to tidewater to satisfy the Ideas of the in lepend.xil operator* regarding transportation rate*. No au thoritative continuation could be had of the reports current, but the record of the tape was atrongly confirmatory. New Jersey Central was an early ex-ep<lon to the strength of the group, but recovered laier. The Erie slocks and Ontario and We*t ern. as being most Immediately affected by lh thrrtitened comps tit ion. led off In the movement lestar in th* day Uie Reading atock* assumed th* Iwsdershlp and wer* absorbed tn enormous block* up to Ihe . lose of the market, but th* general strength was too striking 10 t*e explained as a sympathetic movement There was some demand for !x>ndoii ac count on th* opening of anew- aeeount Incident to ihe settlement, hut thl* buy ing Is called professional arbitrage oper ation and may originate either In New Y'ork or London The most marked effect was |aodu.-d on Southern Pacific, which opened up I'-* and advanced later to 43. closing at fhw highest. The belief ha* prevailed In YVall street that there was a very heavy short account In some of the rtllroad stock* for which Wc*tcm spectator* were liable, the y)e,ula!toii extending also In to the steel stock*. The hoar account In the latter group has been aimed at by the advance this week and may have been reached In the railroid groirp to-day The money mirket outlook continues thi ealentng so that the supposition 1* aroused that to-day'* buying Is for th* account of financial Intereaf* which are Independent of the ordinary resource* of Ihe money market The transfer* of cur rency through the sub-treasury lo New Orleans reached 3559,000 to-day, the largest sum of any day In Ihe recent movement. The sub-treasury ha* already taken from the market thl* week the sum of so that the Inina.l on the re pnurve* of Ihe bank- p omlse this week to equal las* week. The Lam.lon exchange rale* a further fraction. This ma> fore *ha<l art acquiescence In Ihe New Y’o-k demand for gold The shipment from In dia to Louden of 32.5"6160b I" gosl In pay ment for sliver may he Intercepted and diverted to the New Y'ork ma-kat. a* waa done with Ihe last similar shipment. The strength In etocks w 1* well maintained lo the Close, except in Ihe steel gioup The bond market was Irregular. Total sales par value 34.04*000 I'nlted Hlate* refunding 2s coupon advanced • per cent, on the last call. Total rales of etocks to-day were 111.- TOO ahares. Including Atchison 19.336; At chison preferred, 19.350; Baltimore and Ohio. 6.166; Burlington. 6,530. Rock Island. 5.J00; Delaware, and Hudson. 12.1*0: Erie 13.174); Erie flt-t preferred ,W.S9: Louts- Mile ar.d Nashville. 5.56 Manhattan 9.- (60; Mexican Central. 8.660. Missouri Pa .flc. 17. 6.. Ml-aourl, Kansas and Tex u preferred. 19296) N.w Vo-k 1 'entral. (.018: Northern Pacific. 19.100; Northern Partflc preferred, .t4t; Ontario and YY'eslarn. 84.- 515, Pennsylvania. 9.681: Reading 24 J* Reading mat pn ferred 116.150. Reading ae ond preferr,d. 1M.791. HI. Paul. 12.a> Houlhern Padfl. 4! H.iulh. ru Rill way. 17.310, Hoothrrn Killwav preferred. I. .w. Itnlon Pariflc. 16 bn, Hmelllng, 7,- •95. Hleal and Wire. 16,975, Tin Plate. *.- 905. Tobacco, 13,159, Brooklyn. 32,7, Col oialu F'uel, 5.7461, I'ontlnental 'lYjbacco, 8 4*5; Ke Hteel. 37.77*. N.rlli Ame I can. 9.550, People'* Gas. Il.|; Sugar. 17.- *6). Tennessee Coal and l.\ai. 19 7s>. Rule bar. *.9h. New York List. Atchison ;I9\ Wabash 9' k> pref 84 do pref ....... 23 Hall. A Ohio . Me* Wheel, .v U 1d... 14 Can Pac. 86\; do 2nd pcf. ... 27-* Can Hu 4x4 Wls Cent . 11 I'hes A Ohio .. Thud Am me ..116 • hi. G. YY' 114 HAn prof ... B'* 1 hi h * y ; g.. Natl Taka 814 ! ''hi. Ind. A L,. it do pref. w, I do pref 47 Amat Copper ... 924 'hi AE. 11l Adam Bkpp 1 • til A Nw IC*', Am Express! ....16- C. it J. Ap. u(Bbii * Kgpri -- . 1 • C. t AHL 1* 6*4 Well* Fur go Ex.lXt Col (4o *", Am. Cot. (Ml .... 8| .to Ist pref. .. t: 1 , do jiref 91 do 2nd pref.... 17 |Am. Mailing .... 5 j I Tl. A Hudson 118 I do pref 2< Del. L. A YV 1*44 Am S A Being e-4 |)en. A It. G.... 27.S do pref 974 do pref Nl4 Am. Htdrlts 2 Erie ITS do pref 17 do Ist pref .. 4*4 Ain 8. Iloop ... 29’ 04. Nor pn f 181 , >o |ucf . !.. 77 Hnx-k Coal 16', Am B. A Wire.. 42Q Hock Y'alley... :4' do pref B.V* ; Illinois Cent 125 Ain Tin Plate ... 4?4 lowa Central... 196, do pref 89', do pref. ... .It Am Tohacoo ...1074 Is Erie AW do pref 139 do pref 168 |Ana Min. C 0... 475, lik Shore ... 211 (Brook. R. T 724 Is* N 834'Cal F A 1r0n... 524 Man 1 lo94*_'ont Tohocco ... 3,.' M*a 81 Hi 1(7 to pref ■ - Me*. Central .. 15’sFaderal Hecel ... Minn. A 81. 1. .. A*) 3 j do pref 7<4 do pref ill joan Morirfa . . .1714 Mo Pi. iflc Hi>4 Glucose Hugar 2. 1 Mobile A- Ohio 49'* do pref !' Mo K A T ... H 4 Inti. Paper do pref 3*4 do pref 7.’4 N. J Central .. 1414 La.-ledo Gas 7" N. Y. Central M2', Natl Biscuit ... 334 Nor A Weet. .. 424 do pref ... ... 914 do pref *l4 National Lead ... I*4 No. Pacific 71*. d<> pref do pref *34 National 4 .37 Onl A W 2<*. do pref ... 9V, Ore R A Nav . 42 N. V Air B I>B do pref 76 ;North Am 194 Pennsylvania .142 4 Pacific Coast ... -'.74 Reading 214 do I*l pirf .... *■• ilo I*4 pref ... sx4 .1.. 2nd pref. ... 6'. do 2nd pref. .. 344 Pacific Mull H'i Rio G. YV 65 |Peoi>le s Ga* ... 9*’ do pref. • 6 Pressed p. car .. 4i4 Hi L A 8 F 19'! do ,aef s| do Ist pref ... 7S FPIIII. Pal Car.. 291 do 2nd pref. .. 494 and. Rope A T 5 HI. I* Hw- 15’, ilugar 12*4 do iuef 35 | do pref 11&4 HI. Paul 127', Tenn 1.7. A 1 .. 624 do pn-f 1794 s'. H leather .... r,4 Hi. P. A 0m....13) do pref 754 Six Paclflo 424 C. 8 Rubber ... '2*4 So. Railway .... 1641 do pref **4 do pref 6*4 West I'niou .... 824 In A Pac 2is>.R ! A H 15', Pnlon Pac 724' do pref <5 do pref SIS P. C C A HI. I* -o'* Bonds. I* 8. 2s ref reg 1044 ,N. Y'. C ]*l* lfl#4 do coii ... 104479'. J c. gen 5 1274 ,lo 3s. reg. .. 1694jf0. Pa. 3* 7i4 do 3s. coil ...Itl'i do do 6* 11154 •lo new 4 reg I.!S / A O 4 . B*4 do new 45.c0u.13* J*'. Y , C. A Hi do old 4s. reg 1144 *" Uff\ do old 4s. con 1154 ,N A YV. i-on is 9'*' J do o*-. reg I!.", yu No* Ist . 1"* do s*. .mu 1128, itre Nav. 4* Id D of C 3 C>* . 1244,tire 8 Line 6* 128 Alcli gen. Is .. 1694 do do con. ss. .1114 do adjt. 4* . B*', Read Gen 4.- ..92-, C of G. ton. 5s 97 It. G YV Ist* lu>4 do I*l Inc 534 l't- L. A Ir. M do 2nd inc. ... 17A, eon. 5s 113 Can. Ho 2nd* .lOS4W- L. A 8. F C. *O. 64* ... 194 gen 6* 129 do do 5 I*> lit. I*. cions 173 C. A Nw. P. C. A Pa .10 do 8 r IMS 1394 15,-b. 5s 121 do do 5* 122 phi. Term. 4* .. 93 Fo. I"a 4* K-4 Col 80. ts *34 Hu Rv. 5* H3 Jt. A R U. Is loi’.H Rope AT. s 79 Erie Gen. Is 834ft' A I", lot* .-..111 p. YY'. A D C 1 do do 2nds .... 78 lata 7*4l'n Da. I* 1*1)4 lien E7IH.'. 5a .. 112 jYY'abuah lla ...116 lowa Cell lsls 117.4 do 2isls I'B'i LAN Fnl Is Iff** YY'eat Bhor< t q 113 (|o . K. A T. |YVI Cen. Ists , jnds 72-Y, Va. Centurlea .. 9t do do 4s id New Ywk Hi and* id *>ll. 7V/U7V New Y'ork. Dec. 1! -4'onsolldated Ga* , losed 1*94 Haltlmore. De ll.—Seatoard. common, lltillSr. preferred. 28Y,#i2*V. Murphy A 1 o.’a block l.rtler. New Y'ork. Dec. It -Muiphy A Cos. to day. say: The drstlliigs begin In to-day aloek market wlih the trading In exceed ingly arrive volume and with substan tial advances appearing In pra<'U.-ally every quarter There waa revlly nothing rtiat was new over-night bearing ii|mn either the gen*r*l market or (articular storks, but specolillvc sentiment was again encouragid by (lie advance* slaswn tnnc Ixtndon market for American slocks and by the renewed buying tier, for for eign account. II wa* owing to this iatlet circumstance that somo lartlcularly sharp advances were scored In the rail way list, notablv In the Reading shares. Southern Pacific. Fnton Pariflc and Ihe Atchisons Tho railway list common ly strong unusually large dealings In the Granger - vires In the Industrial purler the trading was also arumai-d. Federal Steel being |asrllcularly tirong. while Tennessee coal and Iron advanced sloirplv. as dal Hugar and American (melting American Steel and YY r !r* was actively dalt in at about yeaterday'a clo* ing figures, rile trading In that Inatonca refle.-llng the confusing notions derived from xesterdav * meeting of Ihe lioard of directors Among th* local tracllon anares. Third Avenue advarged sharply Oil What appeared to tie Investment pur chases atsl both Brooklyn and Manhat tan w-re decidedly strong As wa* th* .are yesterday. Ihe main Influence In Ihe trailing seemed lo Is- Ihe more views as regard* Ihe monetary outlook, rot withstanding the fact that aerive . dillons there seems to be virtually cer tain for ihe remainder of the year M 164 EII.YYF.OI H M.YHKIYt'6. Note-These quotation# *r<’ revised dally and are kept a* near a* ptaudbl' In ae-ord with tha prevailing wholesale prices iiffl. ial quolatnms arc no! used when they disagree with the prices whole salera osk cuntr* end horlhern Prod are. POFLTRY—The market |* steady. Qno tirione Broiler*. *035. |ier pair; half siowr 45(1 r/v- three-fourihs grown. 5769 *e. hens 656175 roootera. 40fl.'6*'; y7sc; geese. 7’.fltl <*<■ !*<#<!** Krrvh dn*li'<l. 23vi2i<", col*! ftor age 21 Si 22' HI'TTER—Tne torn of Ibc market la Arm Quotation* Cooking. 21c; tmlu rions. a. . New York slate dairy. 214 . extra EJlgm*. 27-. , -11EE8 M a rke t Arm. fancy full cream . hee.e, UV for 29 to 22-pounJ a verage. 2*tiJ<>-Pousl averages, i-l- Early Y rgrtsblrs. IRIBH POTATOBB—Northern. *1 9PSi2 99 sack CABBAGE- 'dt*c per head ONIONS—YeIIow, in barrels. *2 25612.'61 crate* **911.60; red. *2 25492 5. Breadstuff. Huy and Grain. FLOI'B-Markei steady; patent. 1125, Straight, *1 75. fancy. *3 69; family. $3 40 MEAL-Pearl, per barrel, |r eack, II 18. city m*l. per *ock. boiled, |l 074. water ground *1.124. etty grits, sacks. *1.15: pextri arils. Hu-hiut*. per barret. *2 •>; prr s i k. tl *9, sundry tsraists, 11. CORN Market firm; white. Job lots. (3r, carload lot*. 60-. mixed torn. Job lols *oci cor load lots, 58c. Southern Railway. Trail).- Arriyw and Daport Havannah on noth Meridian Time—Ona Hour blow' - Than City Time Hchedulc in Effi.-t 1< 1 •■ ffEAli DOWN It* i It I. I IST HIM. I I" • No .... p mi a I I in.. 1 1- eojnn ITfiani i.v Bu*ai.uah Y- I || (Eastern Time ) | | 4 34pen I 2Uni Hbu-kvlllo lo 2 (Asm I 10pm < WtWn t iWm Ar r'olunibia L\ I l'..m It oni J'pm 9 Ar Charlotte . |,\ '• ~ptn x ‘.am li tipin 12 23|.tn Ar Grccn.-lsao I.v 7 I*l m ~ laaen *69*l Ar Norfolk .. Lv V nym 4 \ ( :.* 1 1 . m 4U..1111 6 Ar .. Id hmond .. I.v 12 #'pm H '•9'.) 2 69am I 43| n Ar fagnchburg Hv . % *Spm •’ •> m 4Am in 8 .V.poi Ar (Tiarkrt tc#> llle Lv 1 twpm 12 Mian 7 35au. I Upnx ir Lx 11 Kant • -p 9 18am 11 Apm ;Ar Hollimor* I.v|| 8 32am I 3.'pm 11 35a in .'Mini Ar I'ldt .delphu Lvj| * 50>m| •> ItP'n 3 idpm x 2Um Ar N.w York ..... ..I.v 13 loum 8 35pn 139 pm 3 o-pni ,\t . Ho i,>n I . wtp.ll lo loam HT! Tl) THL N..RTII AND WBOT - s (Omni Ims 1 12 39am Lv Havannah ' I.> 5S (Ba tarn Time.) ' ni **' Columbia Ai I 18*m l; - Is* Hpartaninuc U 8 Upaa * y* l,v Lahevltli Lv IlCpmlAr Hot Spring* In ri 8>" 7*8.01 Ar Knoxville I.v : 8 31am 8 loom Ar Lexington In *n> n 7 45pm Ar Cincinnati I.v i 1 nOpm 6 (k>pm ,Ar Hi Louis Lx .aotn * * < Bm Ar . Louisvlll* . . !■', 7 45ain All train* nr run and depart from the Plant System Station. Tlllim oil CAR BERY ICE. ETC TRAINS 33 AND M DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vaatl buled limited train*, with Pullman Drawing Room Blee|*ng Car* between Havan nah and New York Connect* a> Washington wuh Cdtunlal Lxpres- for It • ion Pullman -fie* ping Care belween Clmrldte and Richmond and Charlott* a1 ,and Nor folk tlining Cara Serve alt msals between Havaun-ih ai*t YY ashlngton TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY. TIIE IN I TED STATES FAST MAIL VcaUbuled llmllevl trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Havannah and New York Dining cars #er\e oil meals belween Ha'annoh and YY'aanlng:n Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cats between Havannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and Tha Land of th* Sky." pot complete information ea lo rat-a. ecl.od 11 lev el. applv lo F 8 GANNON, 3d V. P. r G. M J. .'I CULP. T Yl . YV. A TURK. O. P. A , YVashlngton. D C 8 tl HARDWICK Asst Gen I P** Agen) Allan!* tit n < RLATTNER. T. kef Agent. Plain HVaiem Station JAMES FREEMAN. C I' A T A HI Hull street Savannah G* Phone* Kft RICE Market ateadv: demand good, fincv 6. , fancy, 54c. Prime 5 lioixl t‘-6Y4 , Fair "* 6* - Common . 3'i OATH No 2 rnlxe.l carload, 4 ; 10b lots, 35t|)'. whll<- clltflted. cats. 37c. Job, ll' 11HAN Job lols 9 . ratio*.! lot*. HAY Maikn -Pad' NO 1 ring 324 c. Job. 9.V, No. 2. tas left. *7>p car*. hugar und I offer. HI GAR Cut B>af .. ' 6 19 Diamond A '• *1 Crushe<l 6?I Confectioners' A '.<4 Powdered 5 94, Whll* Extra ' <3l X.VXX l-ow'd .99 Extra C r * Granul*i -l ... .*4 Golden O -* I'ube* .99 Yellow* 18 Mould A 699 tIiEFEE Mo. Im 26 C Trim" No 3 ... 19", 1 t 26 c tteaai No 4 .... In**-- I'eaberrv II . Fair No 5 1° r Fancy No. 1 ...tlViCOrdlnory No. 6 . 940 t.'holco No 3 ..10*i-,Common No 7 < hall. lll<le* and YY oetl. SALT Demand Is fair and Ibe market steady, carload lols. luo-pound burlap sacks. 17c; lies pound rollon *.-ks. !' ||ii-|<oiind burlap a. k-'. f>l‘ve; 110-v>ound cotton -a. k- 124.". 125-poutal burlap sinks. 7i6V. 125-pound COIIOII sacks. .24c. JH>-pound burlap sacks, tie HlDES—Market Itrm. dry flint. 13’v, drv salt. 114 c. green swlleel. 6. YYTHlle—Nominal; prime ‘ieorgia. fr>-e of si ltd twirs and Ida. k wool. I*. . black. |6c; burry. l*v Wax, 25<-; lallow, 3c. Dffr kln. . 3^ Dried mid A prLKS-Kvi|wnitfd, pun rl <^*9 APRICOTS —Kvnporalrd/ 10i imurul, urrmrlne* 1 . _ . . I<Al HlNi+ l*U. 12 75; |tMI*'’ 1 *'’ pour>*i Kv|wr*ted. p**tr<l. 17V. unpi'*bsl. I’ICARH Evaporated. V Hardware aad Hulldlug kapplle*. LIME, CALCIUM. PLABTKK AND Cement A lab* mg atsl Georgia Hmc •" fair demand and sell • "• ,M,rT ' • special calcined fdaster. ll' per banel. hair 4h7s Ibsseaiale ceanent. 81.288M8. carload kn-. sp*.dul; Portland cement, re tail 8245; carl.jud lots. 32 9U1J2.39. LUMBER. F. O It Y'EHHELH. BAYAN N’AH Ylinlmtim yaol star*, tio.hflll ,-ar rill" *l2 KXMI.W. difficult ri*-s, 11® yslK.nn. sltlp *m<-k I16)9!l* 99. sawn H'"*. Rtoff*; hewn te*. 35*138. OIL-MurkH nal 4.V.1 Us-, West Virginia bl*. k. 9*|l2c: lard 88c; nealafoot. V*u*>- machinery 14 t)27- llnse- *1 oil. raw. 76V. hot led. V • kerosene, prime while. 12c. water white, 13c; Pratt * ...irah l*c; dmdoriaed *tov* gasrdtne. drum:. 114 c; empty oil barrel*. BJIDT—Drop. II 59. BB- • n< * l* r (r, 81.7 G. chiliad. 1171. ' . IRON—Market very ra-dy: Swede. S'V NAlIJf—Cnt. 82 30 ha*-; wire. 12 69 baa*. BARRED YVIRE-63.M per 199 j.unds GFNPoW'DBR—Per kg. Ausltn crack shot,' II 9.; half kegs, 12 25. q'lgrler kegs. 81 25, ehamplon ducking, quartw hegw 12 jr, rmpont and Hamrd smokeless, half kegs 111 37. quortar kegs. 15 75; 1-pound, rani.-ters. 81.®: less 25 per cent.; Trots dorf smokeless powder. I-pound can*. 11. |9-|>ound cans. Ws pound. (,otln Nagging ond Tie*. BA< HI ING-Mgrkat firm: Jute Pi potjtvl. 8V ; large lota, *4''l small lots. 2-pound. 74c; sea Island bagging. 124'-. TIES-Standar.l. ta-pr.und. arrow, large lots 11.*). small lota. II 33. Fruits and !Yut*. APPLEft—Northern variety. I2 7MS3.M). ftRANGEH—'FIa ) 82 75/83 50 PRUNES —49s to V)s. lb ; !/ to 6ft*. 64c; 69* lo 70s Tr. 79s to 89,. 84c, lift* to *. 6c. *1 to BIS*. &v. BANANAB-I1 9061175 bunch l.l'.M'lNH- M tfket -4early-, at $2 3ft I I H.'GA NI 'TH—B4 <dM 25 per 1< Pi:.\NI'T(F-Ample stock fair demand, market firm, fancy hand-picked. Y'rrglnla. per pound. IV: hand-picked Virginia, ex tras 4c; N ('. seed |>eaiiuis. NUTS—Almond*. Tarragonq. 17c; Ivl~a, Iff.-; walnuts. French. 13c: Naples 13Yjc; pecan*, li . Braail* l£c, fllherts. 13< . as sorted nuts. 60-pound and 25-pouml laixca. 12>c. Macon, llama nnd Lard. BACON—Market Arm; r>. 8 C R side*. 7>v . I). 8 Bdlt. . 84c <Easternt, a< aid ing to averggo slae; D. H. bellies, tc (Western). *mok"-l R slc-c. BY'7. !lAMß— Sugar cured. 114|12V. LARD—Puny In tierces, BYjc; In Vl pounds tins and Bn-|)ou!id tuhe. B'jc; compoimd. In llerre*. *V; M-pound tins, and W-pound* mbs. 84*. vital ELI. % a. FI Hll—Macke tel, half-barrels. No. 1. 8". No. 2, 87; No I, 85.75; kit*. No. 1. 81.39; No. 2. 81 19. No. 3.85 c. Codfish. 1- tsitind bricks. *> . l-pouisl bricks. 84 Hm..ked herring. I>er ta>*. 17ttlh- Dutch herring, In kegs. II 19. new mullets, hals barfels. 13 75. HVRUP-Market quiet; Georgia and E'lorida syrup, buying at 2Yff*9c. selling at 32113,V; sugar house at 1<*)l8o HONEY'-Fair demand; strained. In bar rels. 56ff69. gallon High wines basis, If 27 IHK4Y t'H I: Ix. COTTON-Havannatt lo Borloft. pet 1-wt.. 25r; to New York, per cwt.. Jftr; to Phlladcipltla. |o-r h.ile. 11, Haltlmore. tl FOREIGN DIRECT-Bremen. 49c. Liv erpool. 40 ; Hamburg lc, Getiw. 83c; Barcelona. He; Manrhealer. 17* ; Havre, , 40c, Antwerp, HE, Rival, ifti. Rotlcrdam, 4U Trieste ]N|Mllt>-r—Liverpool. ,;s ' Hamburg, Pi . Gothenburg, v LUMBER By 801 l Freight stead to B tit hiil < a-l ward. II .*> to 17. pi M Its Itallng Purtlund LI MIIEB Hiram Savannah to Baltimore, |5, ,> !■ It 11 or B ttral It. docks. I* ;2t. t.i Philadelphia, 16 3*3.- |*-t •t it pound- to foot), lo New York, y -I pet M. 87 25 lo duck, llghler.d l.i Boston, it 50 NAVAL HTYtRI'iH The mxiket D Arm, medium -Ixe vessels Rosin Cork for or *|err. 3s <*l |ier barrel of 319 |*miiul: and per . .nt primage Spirits 1 91 | r ri gallon', gro and 7, |ier cent prlutag. 1-arge x 1 tosin tr, sptrNs. 4s .1.1 Ht* am. lb i* r 190 |*.nit'ls on rusln; 2l l v** on s(grits. Ss .an!..ilt lo fioston. atsl 9'x. uit losln atsl 19. on sidrlt to N.w York* UK YIN. I'HOY l*l'>6 FTC. New York, lie. II I Tour tnatkei quiet, uiml .i little steadier on the improvement In Wheal live flour easy, fair to gm*l. 12 9utt13.10. ebotew | faney. 8t 18(113.45 1 'em meal dull, yellow Western, gj. Bye steady. No 2 YY extern, 56V Barley dull Barley malt dull. Western. 67.1/72. Spot firm, No j red. **4 Op. llt.m w. re extremely all day. bu l.rtnly suet ilntsl on light offering*, steady English .wl.|e*. a lllwral deereaaw In world a slocks nrul *m*ll Northwest re eelpta Cloned Arm at 4''l 4' 1 net xtlvaise; silt* Included No 2 red i-kxml. 784'. May. 79',. 764* Con. H[sg stead) . No 2, 47. 1 ,. , option ewirkei waa loa. rive, hut ntea<l> lit line with higher rablee, eonriniud |*>r gra<l utg of Western arrivals, the rise In Wheat, smaller < ountry acceptance* atsl he al covering; closed sl< aly at 14c ,|. • ■line on Dc. entber and 4c advance on Muy; cloeed, 42. ; December, ITh\ Dali S|su firmer; So. 2, S7u; <g>t|ua quiet, but steadier. Beef Arm Cut meat* easy, plcklcl Ivelliea, B*|V. pi. kled slmuld.-r*, fd 4 i6. I sir. I easy, Waatc-rn sieameil, |7 40, re hnid quid Pork steady. Butler Arm, creamery, 14136 c; factory, 124/ 15 V- Chd-ee Arm; fancy large fall made. IPxff LV-'i fancy small fall made. ll*,filZc. Egg-, Arm. slate and Pennsylvania, 37U •><•; Wcsit-rn regular lucking at tuatk, 12b 27c Potatoes quiet. Tallow easy Petrolcum .lull Rosin quiet, rtrulmd common to good, tl 7b Turpentine dull. HI. * Arm. $ g• , Molasses steady. . rtl.lsi*. quiel Freights quid .sdton by steam, Jftr, Stain by steam. 2‘d t offe futures opened steady ala de. I'lliie of 5 (wili.ts anil furihex- .1.-. lln. .| 8 points under h* al liquidation ami foreign selling In keeping with lower cablex.heavy receipts. 11,Off).090 to 11.59ft.nn0 bag* esti mated (or both growing crop*, ami an en tire al.neft. .1 of S|e-c!)latlVf: • uppori Th)' close was steady at a net loss of 4 to |ft points Total sale 17.770 baas. Including January at March. KVmn iO': Mav .', )s(B< JIS-, qa.t coffee, Rio Idrely steady. No. 7 involtfp, 7V; mild qtist, Corilova, S'irbUY*' dugiar-Raw steady; fair refining. 315-16 r. cenlrifugal 9-lest. 17-16.- Mo hisaes sugar, 311-16.:; refined quiet. I OTTON NEED OIL. New Y'ork, Dec. 11—notion seed ot| was neglected ond easy. Prime crude barrel* 88c. prime rummer yellow 31.:. off summer yellow *>v. prim* white 38c. Prune wilder yellow 37|574-; prime meal 825.® CHI! AGO MARKET*. Chicago. Dec. 11 Wheat wa* moder ately active and Arm on a herferwxport demand, decrease In Ihn world’s visible and smaller Northwest receipts. May closed, 4®%c over yesterday. Corn clewed • shad* to 4. higher and oats urn-hang ed provlalons at Ihe close were .vnin, lower. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening Highest Lowasl Closing Wheat, No. 3 Dec. ... 694 K>4 694 704 Jar 79K0704 794071 70S 794 Jlay 73®73'x 73", 73 734U73-. Com, No. J- Dc ... 36403*** 36'* 3*4 364 .1 111 . -4 ■' " ■■■ * May J84H38 36', X. 44)36 36V(.W, Oats. No 2 Dec 114 *l% *l4 214 May ... 3IS 234 av 234 234 Mexa Pork, per tstrrel— Jan .812 r. 812 *5 812 15 812 T> Mav . 11 18 12 I'. 12 ot> 13 (ff'j laird, t*ei' 1® pound#— I*!-. . 7 39 7 324 7 15 7 29 Jan . 6• 695 6 824 < 874 May . 695 7 Ot) 699 6 *24 Short Ribs, per 1® pounds— Jan. . 6 324 4 224 224 May .6*l 6 Ift 639 6 324 Caxh quotation# wer* a* follows: Fknir quiet and easy; No 3 spring wheat. <*b 72.. No 2 red. 714(rH4c; No 2 • orn, MV. No 2 yellow. M\r , So. i oat*. 22V . No 2 while. 2b'26r: No 3 while. 214 ft 26c; No 2 rye, ia®sor; fair to choice malting harley, Miffsß< ; prime llnyolhy seed, 81 ri; nvxws pork, per barrel. 811 866/ 11 04. lard, per 1® pounds 87.124 ff? 3°: abort rlh ride*. 1 loose 1, 3ff( 59. try salted shoulders, rboxsdi. S’klffl's:; short . leer side*, tm.xedi. |6 6'di6.7i: stigaQt. cut loaf. 6.22 c; granulated. 6.79* . confectioners' "A." B.Me; off .Y . 5 g* ; . lover, contract grade, s!<• nti 19.27. —Tho Queen hua sixty houaemakls at Windsor castle. j Plant System of Railways. l*t ttltm o|ißtri|pi| fi\ '• j r it I'.i.m :ru#" <Mu hour **kw#r ihan *iv time, hi rffn t Im • ** MWfi All 11 I iis ““ I.y I*.il\ Ar H\ inn ih. UttWNI! S.i\ inr*>* !.* .irr • 10 am \\ i\.... I > n % 10 am I t< kM/itv ;! • 1 a *n •it • r M*i • ' 4 pm I■ In 7 pm • V .81111.1 r itlO • *n i *n.i r J .in ,nt .• I I' 1‘ l K .Vi |wtk I. Ifmi -wi k Ar. HriiintWicko Hi i*t '1 •f< k ••! i m J'■ up H pm r* i 11. 8> it I* 7 15 4m .1 > n\ 111 > Vi pill * ' '*••• ti-’i I' rl I tmpi Hh P*nfn ni.i- > l • it 1 nn#r l.\lnff fr *• lUvuik r.<Htlri>p, Tliur** ilalkb 4*l Hdtur Imn || tO | nt 1 '..r* IIM t 1011. * J. II I*ol,ll i:\tl S T I’ A U VI:l <1 \HK • T. ki*t Af#nf. I*® S#tiii IlffiKl I'honff Tt II U " IIKNN l i • rTf ilflc Man* Auer. Ha\ aim h. * I t ijfP? KfT-rtlva Sapt 10 I^. 'I <ai tj* arrivr at and depart from Om rat Hf Alton. W ent |<t aad. fo.'! of UrxTly Atrarf Wh MirUliitti I tfi* im ® hour blower lhAil * 11y llmr I** av® Arrivo 4f>imh: B4VAimah: 'uiujil*. Maroii. AlUntN.I •* 4km <’<ivin on. Mlllst|[evlll* • oopm And ali lnlrm*dtat iar>tnthj Aiicutla. Mflttx). Ailanli.| jAthww*. MoniKrnry, Co-| ** W'pnt Itirnhu Kirmlnftixm. Am •** OOaiii rrfmm. RufauU and Troy.) hfpni| Uivpr A -<Mum.idrtU.Jn jf.* HUim 12 tf*pm UuMon Ihnnrr Train |f4 k)pro *l 1 t!l . , bktwkkm SAVANNAH ani> tvhee. 75lfi nifrltliun or H.i ai nah *liy lima l-KAVK HAVANNAH Morkda% only s2a M tit Dally Monday P.,To . m Daily %0U p m. LKAVK TYliEfc; MondtY only 7 16 n m I‘ally Apt Monday 10 24 , n - Dally 630 p m. # Conn*' (turiM mail® at terminal potnlfl llti ail (ralua Norlhwrst. Weal nj Houlh wr-at. SUuplnu i4it on nlhl iraina l Havannah anil Aiifula. Ma on. Atlanta and Iflrmln^iiam I’arior tarn on diy tralna brtwren Sa vannah. W.ooi and AiUnia. I* ot rom(tlH* Informal lon. •< hrdulaa# ralan and apply 10 W O liltK\VKit. rut Tlrkal and Paaa •n*rr Akil. 17 Hull atrval. nr W It JIoINTVHK. Depot Ticket A**nt. J * ilAll.F,. (tanrral AganL K II HINTO.N. Tiafllt MnKtr. TIIKO. l>, KI.INK, Get* Hiipvrlnfondant. # Savannah, Ga mfe [IMITEO Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Waahtugtoo. Baltimore, ritlla.leiphla, New York and the Igxt. c ARRIVAL OK TRAINS FROM No 27 North and East 800 am No. 33 Denmark and Lor al Sta tion* 10 30 am No 31 North and East ..13 10 pm No ii Jacksonville and Florida... 1 8n pm No. 73 Montgomery and W eal 8 28 pn, No 71 H* lena nnd l*s al Point*... 8 45 rth No 66 Jacksonville snd Florid*.. .11 SO pm DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FOR No 27 Jacksonvllt. and Florida. 808 am No II J. ksottvlll* and Florida 12 1* pan No It New Y'ork and East I 58 pm No. 84 Denmark and Augusta 3 86 pm No 71 Montgomery and Weet 7 28 am No. 73 Helena and laical Stations 6 89 pm No 66 New York and East 11 80 pm Magnificent Pullman buffet J • ping car service to Washington, Baltimore Phila delphia and New Y’ork, also to Jackaon ville and Tetntra Dining car* from Havannah to It .rnlet and Richmond lo New York Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Sloot gomery. For additional Information apply to Tl.-kel riffle*, Hull and Bryan atreels. Phone 28. 1 OA C44ICM(#T(U' CNOUas Pennyroyal pills ■ fflil Otklf l.r#l*ie Vy7>KArK. . -a., teak . 1a41848H hr|M V ** C IIH HKWTKK S ENOIiIH KKM 6*4 BMIII* Wim wel •(8 icaoethlßM fake >• olkffr llwfooff An av, *Vf Dtkf*fM hali*lltati#64 m*4 lalu j J lltSB Bmf fff 8-988 Hra U ai or Ml 4 W I C Jr MBBM *6t CartleulirY. TastlßMlffl* Ifl D 66l‘'liIUr^l^^. s t#kiMr MBB. 1/ i a r Mall. IA.A4NI Inublß.i M Bi: DrgfßMf. <kl(kßUf fkWfflel u, ikßpaiaf NBm, H 11.A . HA, SA4 b/ I*. J* tomMVl A Cffw t/f MUU, >!• O-.i—Mk cuhe rouiiEin X I In flic 4! for inoAtanl f /liitaiiifAX I dlffcbariri*. InttAwakAUoaa, La./ \J Irntali m or uU^ralloat fo¥ ** wrbffaßTß. of b, ueB bypim! 'Niiia. PtmiMi. tod m-l Adtrta- #••* O' \ —\ **•< kj l>rlHia \ I hr rrfMfiLM j' ff. cr JNfflllp#, I,lk, * Circulßr *cn| on rwioflAi FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. OXH 13 TOW LIMA MM OMOTIVK % bKißnn vawms to en kbd ON WOOD TH % B APPLI TO T. H. WVfXV A • .. 9AV\K!UB, OA. We Save You Money -ON Fir# YVorks, To)# and dolls; see tit quick. 'Phono 67* DONNELLY DRUG CO.. Liberty end Price stroatx. J. D. WEED* CO aa. Leatbtr Belting. Steam Packing & Hose A gouts for NSW YORK BUtUUCM BJ6I.ILNQ AND PACiLLNU CQMJCANZq 9