The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MANY MAYORS ASSEMBLED. 4H%HLLTO% i:\TKH I %VA LUIUX OF Ml Mi !••.%! II i:. Mrlrnmrd t> !•%. Wr'wrfify and >tmor Muplh lineal In Was OHf of Ilir I Iru fllacaeaed. 14 rr rp I l*u lilirM >1 the 4 Ilf Hall h? (lif l>oTrrnor and ihe H>or. Iflinf of (he Drlfgalloii iitradlßg (br ron%*ufi<n. Omrlr>?on. S I>c c, 12—Th* fourth Annual conenton f the Lcugu* of A mer it, an Muni .f*a!ltir<* met belt thla morning in the Auditorium The mayors wefi' xx. i onv 1 In .'i lr'. k >'' by Gov. M R. M • ad tF Fate an 1 by Mayor Hmyt . nf Chariepton. and the rf-pof.'-e won mad* by • (fc. litM of the l*agm, Ma\or Harry V. Johnson of Denver. The m *rnj c teuton wa> opfnnj by t:e annual 1 tn hnf Pr*sddcnt Johr*on The fir • toji. fur di* uaston wa ■ "Wnat !'• i >• l‘.ee* tu l\* in Fnfor* insr Uw r.Fainlor to Saloon* T* on w in e i y. iyor I'iiapHU of Columbus. Gj . read .in In tare*tlnff paper. M N. Faker, editor of th New Yo-k Engineering News, read a rupff on si* w- Plap al Problem*,” *:.J Consulting Engineer Thomas C. Perk. * of li irtford roan made an addref* c? 'A T*r ti al liluatratton of Muni* r* Owner*Mp tn a N>w Kngln/1 Community of 1* jug irJwb* Manta." Thl* evening the m\r* and civle of fhuii* and englner-* ar* attending a re • eption at a tfv t 1 c\ * 1 v *h*- t • rior of the atu'4f*l th* Ma or of th:a iU> lairge numbers f muni ipa* magnate* h *xe arrive ! * • on every train sir.'* lap* night Afronr them are *he Man r of Ccltmtbua. o Pcona. 11l ; Mayor R*m utl Jone* ( Golden Rule" J Often of Tol edo. O. i party of eighteen. Mayor Woodward of Atlanta with a party ol ’*. Mover Stephen* of t 8* Lo’i!* with twenty-two \:s;r*r*; City Clerk Cra mer of Camden, N J . ir. a -pec:* I ear, e Hh a party of liftmen. President William f Alefar.der of Wilmington. Del . Cl* Conn-*ll with twenty-five n'her*. •* orgt V. Maltby of Jamestown. N Y with a delegation of five citizen; who will invite the league to tr.ert next year In their city, and Alderman Berrv of Detroit. with f.x rltv official*. who will work hard to r>* t Mayor Mayberry of that city president Cf the leagu* *1 tit V V %>T 4 OM PET I TION. Atlanta Mrrrhani* tavat Mowfll** 4 barter Amendment. Atlanta. Deo. 12 —Merchant: of Atlanta mink they recognize tn the opposition to Senator Cl a:k Howell * amendment to th. rpy charter. wbl> It allow* the Ma’-or w right to vote In care of tie* in Ibe Aider rrvar-io Board, a plan to defeat competi tion In electric lighting in the rity. and they (figr.'d to-dax n petition (•• Judge ft T Dorsey to go before the House Judiciary rofnmlttce and mnk •* fight for the amendment as proposed by Senator Howell. The petition was started by Lease** Coley Anderson of the Lvceum Theater. The Judiciary Committee did not m*** to-day. a : cording to the schedul* arranged yweterdav. but will meet tomorrow at 1 o #*lock to hear Judge Imrrey in behalf of the merchants at.i others Uiter<?-ud In the measur * 1 Farted the petition " *all Mr Arder son to-day. "irv my own lnteresi. ae f hr I am paving too mu for llgh - mim! J want ’om|eTitlon to * ii' i*'n the pri • • net * • igv X* i m • * laxe a.gnrd the petition without hesita tion." < OMBI NATION WAS ll \lt 4.1 :■>. Mcr> A\aa Druled by Mr. daVlifcnnn and by (*nv. 4 nnillrr. Atlanta. IK 12 -Th* Journal puMishes a otory Ibis aifiernoon to tin • ft- t t at Hon. Fleming lolUgnon of Savannah n*l Gov. Candler had form* I • • omhinati4i to defeat Joe Terrell, Cl irk llow* ii aid I*op s itrowii for (ovrnor m tt*e i*xt -i* tlo4i. and Senator ('lax for th* Hefiat*. th* ih‘4 > to be that Cundbr w,* to help üßigfion in hi.- race , and i<r|tlKiK>ii help ndltr in hi ra* nciln-t Clay. W'h* artlel • <!* u?* *i a Gti at u* l of * >m * enl. •iw Mr. •luHigiiuti, when tetn at>v*ut It to wetiight. said. “It ie ab w <dlite|x false, 1 know Of HO I neb combinaatlon . " Gov. Candler state|: "It le wiihoiu anv foundnk>n. It 1 a tlor*.4l atory gotun up for the hole purnot" of rnwilng advere* lomment to ward myself. 1 have entered int no such agreement, and will shv further that the article in the Journal t* untrue " HILL lit ILD MIFF AM HOW. 4 oupaur H 111 i:rc*f Hi Hunt In iApltr of Hr>Mn‘ Kailurr. Atlgfllg, Dec. 12—" Your relecrnm re. reived. I thank you for the assurance which it give me of your confidence aid aiPr*rr, ami trust you may be able to • on tin u* your entorprt even tlmugh th** re*ult Is nor what we expected or desired." go wrote Coi. W. J Fr>an. lato en<l(- fla- for the prtidn*y of th< I’nited H’ ita. to ,'lr .1 Fred Allen of Warren ton In arswer t*> •% *ent him by Mr. A4|er. a pr* idem of the War rer no Cotton Mills. Just before the ele*- tion was held, wherein Mr. Allen, said that the dirertort of hi- i-omiwny wisne.i fer M r . * I* i tinn snd w*>uLf erect a half million dollar cotton mill If he was elects.i. In keeping with the hope Mr. Bryan egpreeeet-. (he Warren ton Cotton Mill company announced to-day, tnot it wdi Fund the half million dollar mill anyhow T lift FI. Will II: MI’.M KILLED. A Day of .Irrirtrnta on (hr (*rorftko att4 Alabama llnud Amerlrur. GA. lie:. 12—The Timee-R#*- <or<ier learnx to-night of thre* tragic deathff at point* on the Seaboard Air Jaloo Railway liotwevn ihie rity oud Sa vannah, though tha name* of none of (hr nvn killed hi* obtainable. Near Dc Soto a section Fireman a**-I -dentoJly killed gun. At another point an employe work ing a pile driver w ip rruehed to ieth by the hra' v Itammer. while at Mill anotht r point a man fell beneath th* wheels while endeavoring to board a. faat moving ju •enger train. All the killed were white men. WAS TO li m: BCKN M %l 111 ED. (•olf l'rnfeiional llulrhißaon Klllel al llunpf mi*. Femandirui Fla., Dec. 12— Mr. Thomas Hutchtnaon. tie golf profeaalonal who met *u h an untimely end at fiungrMM. the winter home of Mr* Lucy CamegU wp ahortly t- !a\*- t-n married to a young lady In S oFand ll Ip paid of Mr. Hutchinron that -o exi>en w.* he at driv ing s ball that a bull*t placed on tha < ryvUU of an open faced watch could be knocked off by him and tha vryatai re frwiln unbroken. Mill Meet In Jai*kut Ilk. Jacksonville, Fla.. Dc. IS.—Tlie ilnuth ern Grocerp' Amo-,-iaiioii hap a *ctpt**d Ja. kionviil* r invitation 10 hold tta an nual nooventtoii hero In January. Tae mats will be fixed iu a day ot two. Every Exertion a Task i * Every Care a Burden There is failure cf the strength to do and the power to endure there .1, weakness ••all over” that is persistent and constant The v.tal functions ar- fr—paired, food does not nourish, and the whole system is run down. A med c:ne tha* strengthens the stomach, perfects i gestion, ir.v.gcr ates ar.d tones Is needed. Hhat Tlood't Stnapari! ad.dforMr* L P Garland. >ha !y Tnxs it baa doo** for /■ thara t/xxk it wh*c aba • all no down with out appetite, loainr and unable to do ter - larrraxed her weight, ar.d made her well and strong Thu U her own unsolicited statement Hood*a Sarsaparilla Premises to cure and keeps the prom ise. The earlier treatment Is begun the better beg.n It today. W.UIROSI DHI MHI.II I>MM. Kounif Strr.i.rr in Pnl Mntd In -fall at Talla linsarr. Tallaha* *rr Flu. D . M T Word of Wayrroe travCir*- e;lr-man for n Way. rofi drug hou* . i- in jail hero (bought • • Ik ti-rn; . h . In sin Word wa - found m a dated condition at llantorka More at Claire:* Statlott. twelve mii'a f r of here. \e*rerdiv morning He had left ih* hotel at L.oyd at midnight Monday and walk* i eigh* mile* to Chaires. Icayii.g hit* and bigg’- arid tome other property at LlovJa When Mr Hiiuxk k fir: t foun 1 W ord he was quiet but before long became ex It. i and . ombatlve and tl mortdr.g Han o k brought hint to Tal.aha- e* turn *1 him over to the authorities. T. i afternoon Turner Brewer wno travels Houth Florida for the *mv- con cern Word Mprc -rnb In \V< x Florida. r uhr<l here ij I<k>K after Wct-1. Th* Wdp rovi bou?* lei i heard from Word in f-om* bix .s . * i.t !4rew< r into thin territory to InveMigatf Brewer vic it'd Word in Jail 11*.. ift- u and r w"s * dc de l t>e.-t * keep him taniiu* . there to-n;ght. If Word 1 ae mu* h out of hi? mind #**-morrow i now. luna y proceedings muy be liufjtutej. W’ord i: atc*ut forty-five and hi fami.y In Way crotA 1 eaid to tan*) very high there. HA'MIMiTO> (4. %.| MAIN Arrival of Nrw Mmiulrr-Rrsult l (hr Municipal I.lection. Wa*<hlrc*or, Gn Dr*'. 12.—Rtv. Fill on I'. \ok. i. 1 newly ai*p*rln(-l pu.vur of the Method! t Church, irrlved to-diy The former parlor. It* v. \V. 1 . ‘oc*k, th fit: • P of tpr< .-* lit ii.< ;ml" Id v ve • i:*- erwnnuated a: hi - own i*<iu* i it the h t M-.Hlon of the North Georgia Conferen*.*- and Wi.l make Fj- home with In.- eon Rev. IM. F. Cook of Savannah He Hid b: daughter. Ml e Margar* ( (‘o*k. Hil ,* UroGi tiou to at v (vmiiiuiiilty. T:.* re i rune anxiety It th* town on ii ** outd of u <■**•• *r tw* of i rl t f* v*r whl< a have developcrl here. Kvcry pr* xutlon J> being kn. and then* 1 iiu probability tha? th* *1 i * will sprcod Th* 1 ni li h i ik* * i ro light, 1* h little to he ilrcH*kd. Th*- munit pal *lc* tton toc*k H i <• yes •rdav, h*l neullid In un nlmo-t entire httiig*- **f town *fTs* * r Joeeph It. I>y h* it * lahicr f i•* Wufhingion lix tang* lunik, w l*ef**l Mayor, ll |. Arno*l I' J. Bmith, T. J S. II Hardeman, T. M. Fttx|#atrick al M. A Pharr. Or*at *1- m f) tir.n 1* felt fvith th* prcn*m high r.n** <*f Ihximihi. and It Is hof** and that the ~ w lounl will take meab uu - for n tri n* hni* ut. JIOITII 4 IKOI.IM'V MtMtNN OHirer* of llic 4*rau*l 1 mlkc Flvctnl In 4 harlfMlnn. Charleston. 8. c.,DDi.o i . 12.—The ee< ond day's re**elon of the Gran*l Fudge of Bouth Carolina whi h I? now a.-- - mll*d here oi*en* *i at 12 o’ lo* k at tl*- M M*ni Temple. The bindnr** trantm* ted war fur the moM part of n routine Uara 4. r. The only r.iaio-r of gen* ral inten t*t dte- JKJctHI of VX I the <xl *'t|Oll of offi fl: for the cnbuni* year. Tin roultcil as fol low i'; Grand Mi.der. Orlan.lo Bhcpp.ird; le -puty Grand Master, W. M. Whitehead. Hcnlor A irrwl Warden, John It. ]• r. Junior Grand W'ardeii, F. \. lia-rlson. Grand Treasurer. Zimmerman Davi. . 4*rand Be*T*tarv. Chari*.** lngle**hy; Grand Chaplain. W. F There. '1 lie Grand Mah ler. Deputy Grand Ma ter. Grand Treas urer and Grand B*<*r*?.iry wcr- rcelecUvl by unan*moue \*tt The (irand Senior Warden wo lex j ted by unanmious .-utr from the ? tat Phi and Junior Grand War den. and the Grand Chaplain wa unaid* moualv p!m*l t* iniuin in the office to w hich lie had be* n up|olntedl by the Grand Master. Th*’ only .out* t w.ib foi th** office of Junior Grand w urden tor which there worn two nomine*, F. F. Harrleon and A S R.iwall. Th* former ft oivt and 4‘C out of 492 vote* * a t. 11. J. M il AM.F KILLED. Jumped I'roui a Mux lug Tralu and MriicW a Pile of Ties. Statepboro, Ga . Dec. 12—The town wa. Phoikd by a teiephom tneewage from M* idrlm announcing the tragtc death of David J of tn; place. Mr. Strange left here thla morning on the Sa vannah awl fftgtepboro road to *lo eomc xsork oi th* line near Meidritn. It aj.- f.e.irp hii he jtimpc<| from th* train whU* it w* going at (or * i*l< rahi* pp **!. and fell, pttiking hil head agalntt a pile of crop.'tiep, kliling him instantly. ll* xx.mang*r tf ih* te.* phone lino fr**m l,ere to CuvUt. 11• was an energeti young man un-1 w ell lik**-1 14ir- iPter and brother went dow i to M* idrim thie even ing on*l ii ompaulcd tn* rcnuiitiH to Hwaineboro, hi.* i"tnr home. Tlu body will I Intern *1 to-morrow Lon Love, colored. **f tin? place droppe*! dead >* rterdtt.v (vn ;,i : vxiule it work lie w • aerkm|y h.irt while nr work on a freight train on the Haxannah and r H** fi.ed Mdt again 'i th* r*ad foi |l,*o (hiußctr, which miii i•> now pending in the Supreme court of thh count >. roßDiao iii i.u.t rio.A, C. C. Cltti M■ Hei:lr'trd Max or Over J. M . Bivln*. Cordele, Ga., Dec. 12 —ln the municipal primary election to-day C. C. t*u4tß. the prepent Irwuumhent. war. fleeted Mayor. R \V. - le* t**l aid R E llarrtP. J A Fa iter and R H. Scar borough elected allrmn J. \V. F.lxiim nppoaed C. C. t’utfp F* h Alderman ejected wop ale* opto.-• I The vlcvtloa , a > ar.d good natured* THF MORNING NEWS: TITERS DAY, DECEMBER 13.1000. THE WEATHER. f r .a?: for Thursday and Fridays >* rgia and bouth Carolina.; Rain .u ar,*l ( ro; j .)• I'l . ~iy; frejh iu brtirk n: :erly wind." Fufttein Florida: Partly cloudy Thnr <i f • : . j: i. rail, .n l**r i f rn i.*l < i-*:ti* : ; Id *. i wind*. W*>um l ort'ia: Rain Thurwly, with • '•■k t high t .uuth winds*, t-hifl* mg > weeicrly. FrM.*y fair. Storm warning- ar* dlapiayed on the G -if • o.i i from I** ru i o*a to Urownnviita. Y* <erda> ' Weather at Savannah— M ximum temperature :i p. m. ,. W> degree* Min.m im t mpvrature s a. or .. .i*kgr* * M* in um|.* r.sture 4T degre* Normal tetnperature ..C*4d**gr* I* 1 • i > . A umulatrd <l* 11 Kit y am. !**■*■ I ....IS degree* A UQUltll t*i * A A i J ill 1 . JSKdegre*: Itainf til •in* h Normal le Inch Defn ietn y fin** l>f . i & in* l Deft den, y ...n<; Jmu l 7.7.** Inch*; Rixer Ilcp*./r T m hliri • jf the S*v.m nh flv* rai Augusta at a. m. (7&th m* * i.*iur tsmei y*-t*rl-ix. wa *0 feet, a fa IA .f ? fool during tne pm* ding twen ty-four houfM. O'.str vat ion.* t*ken at the ?*nn'' me merit of urn*.- c ail nation?. Dev, F’, 5 i m , 7T*th meridian time. Nam*- f hfat;on T V, Rain I ’ . Icar ,* j .<• N*. w York city. < lear ....' \ 11 “o Philadelphia, • lea: 22 | !• ' .Oi V. a nngtem eity, i loudy . .and F 'o Nrfn.k, cl ir j £ in II ittcra**. lear 4* j f. .** Wilmington clear 4 | *. .*t 1 'v ;*.?i . l ady U F no Raleigu. • lear L ft Ch irU ston. pr cloudy .. 4< Itl Atlanta, cloudy 4. in .<n Augusa pi cloudy 4*x F .‘d Savannah. rl<ar ,v# t* .o*i J kaoiiviile. clear M F *0 Jupiter. <dear 7 IJ .* Key West, clear 73 F •’* Tampa. Clear *d F . f^ Mobile, cloudy .*d 1# * .*•• Montgomery. dou<!y *•-* F Ai Vi kt-burg. raining F> ll .12 New Oritur.', r.lining * * T Galvr-roi.. * loudy . r .J ro /n i v rpu * ’.jri-t., i ?. . ;> t l' * Pal* Mine, cloudy i* s j Mrtnphi-* raining ........ -44 ♦ T Clr.> innatl, 11 ar Je I# J .*• Pttteburg. char | 1 F Buffalo. * Par j * 2 *2 d* DcF-011. elar | 32 l | ,l " ( hi-ago. pt. • >udy •' -*2 M irn'i' M*. f now In* 21 24 .**l St Paul, clear * F Davenport. •■!*■-ar - •* v fn St L*ou.•. clear I 44 io | <m Kalita: cr.y. C! ar Art * >• Okla . * i. •1* .* U F T 1 dge City. i* ar 3* ! F North Platte, clear . 42 F .'•> IT"ST Boyer. ~ L/al Forecast Official. A I*l 111,14 INSTALLATION. Prominent Mxannab Maa> Will Speak In llnrirn. loarlen Ga Dc . 1- —Th*- Five r>nk Fodg* ol Mi cm **f this* city will hold a public Installation of officer.* on the even- | IrMt *' t: * 27th Inst lion W*. G Chariton Col G T Crtiui Mr P A. Htovali ai*l \ IHMrlet Deputv Grand Mawler ('. C. Ful- ] ion have been invlt* l t* deliver a*wlr* >■ > on th*’ *•'u-ion. ml all or them hav* .igree*l t*> h*- present and epoak ujon tha p?in lpb -of Free M nonrv. The officerr to b** are n to low - I’hom. A SmiM* xvor htpful (n t. i . Al* xander llh.l* >, t*eiuor ward*n, JanuA Walker, junior warden; If. T. Tay lor. i*(arv. John S Fan*, tr* i ut*-r. Arthur Bailey, tiler. After the pualtc ex ej i-r- i aui>er will \>* m rv**l aid the of th*- M iscrd* fraternity will roin g> In gcxM f l*ow ht| D.t.ti Methoh? t"-. anti Iridecsl al w!* have * otn<* In contact with him. regret that Rex Franel* M* CuUough ha- been nerd to unudi* r .tarn* for th* new year H* ha innd* innuv in*tvi -Inm *1 out of th* * hureli. n*l hln >. r h* r* xx. on*- f pleasure and profit to hi?* < nufeh. 'The row pracfi**r R*’v i li T;i4na i ; *l*l t<* l * mm of Ukju* is* • and li* wifi Im< orduilly xx**leoni*el. 11. followiriK offi* ♦r: of St An-Ir-w'V Ptirish hav* be* n ** (• and fr the < n>uing x r: Pi K-nar. senior w *r l*n Ca I*4 A C W xfily. Junior W d* I W ' c rk. R. D. box. J. M. Hophlu . John T Clark*. F Ktn.m. T. A. Stubo .‘Arthur But ley i ii-I T. J. Meldrlni. v-trym* u. Th* lali*‘H of lAtrirn ail In** Itldge nr* {.; at.idng t* six* an enlertalnm* IH at hi. early date for the hcnrlit of the Golf Club n * U*li - arc growing inter* -to 1 In this fa-* inatiitg game. Mi.d many of th* m ,i• Mn on th* link:" on pretty afternoons Th* object of th* id* rialtunent ib to a fund for lm:tovti,c the 1 ytk.~. NORM % L M lIhUL i;\lJinfi>. Diplonin* l*renrn<c(l * (•rndnntea by I'rcaldcnf llrndxxell. Athens. Ga.. I**.. 12—Tha commence ment of the Georgia State Normal School w i hM in th- auditorium of the ?jhoo'. thl mornn.u. A line j-iogramme xxos nr* *1 and * w.gya acre read by different tmmbei of th* graduating ia. At the x>n ItiMon of th*?** excrcleep President Ift *dwe|| In trod need State Svliool Commb toner G. R Gler n. who mad* on ahl* adlre? on eduAit utrwil lln* lie g.axc the t*a* her who are Ju.-t about to enter the bread Ii !i of 4* i filing N)QM pouml advi* r ( haneellor Hill of th* tmlver-lty then made in .••kir* giving the r*li'ioi ot the Normal School to the patent institu tion He then gav< . brief hl.-tory of the rnlveralty of Georgia, which !*d him to ►p*-k of the err at centennial commence ment to he held here next June, to whi< h h. earneatly Invited the graduating clan The diploma wie then delivered by the president of th* Institution, Dr S. 15 Bru dwell. Following are the gradual*? of the cl Mi.hki Mary Bailey f Mii,, Daley Bayard of Muscogee, Llih* Brut of Crawford. Annie Curry of Ixmiur, Lilly Dodgen of Harlow. Marccil.t (irlf flth of Chirk*. Llia M Daniel or Mitchc.!, Mary W iurham of Worth .Mr Ma> Mar ten of Randolph, Cornell* Mims of Ad* pltng. Lu y .M iiclr of Fultin. Florence San del.' *f Hart. lelna Shelley of Thomas, Mary Shelhy of Th mas*. Ger trud* Taylor of Rii;dol|h and Maude Waik**r of Screven, Mesur.*. Robert Brew ton of Tattnall, John Carswell of lilch mond. Edward Gun by of McDtiflk and Jam* )|nc*'of Marlon. Bishop I’eterkln of W r Virginia has been sWvtrd to over-e. the work of the K, al Church l> Forto ?. and w:II miK mi tfTU i.l tour of that hiaixt i xt January. to ci am % culd i\ ofiß day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggr u refund the money If it fall* to cure, i; W Grove's aif nature is on each i*3x. 25c —ad. spcm i \ i None sb. roit MUJ. One 10-Inch Steam Shot Gun Feed, 3 2 feet long. one Hill Oscillating Steam Nig ger. A and 10-Inch cylinders, only used about thirty days; one flier and Htowell Gant? F.dgvr. with three saw*, one full set of Filer and Htowell Lathe Machinery, consisting of boiler and gang lathe saw mill; one set of machinery for making rosin barrel rtaves; also a lot of Circular Haw* from lt to s* Inch#* diameter, from the mill of If. P. Smart & Bro. In Cmanud county. The above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFC. CO. Ua, A TLXAS WONDfcR. Hall • Great Uiatomr, One small bottle of Hall a Groat Dto | covary cures all k Jury at.i bladder trou i Car. remote* gravel, turev diwbeto*. rem j tool tmu.'.oloj. weak and .*mi ba w haui .a .iin aid ail irroguiariuoa cf t.*t ki.l.-ya nd b.adder iU bO.l* met. ai'd w, | loot*. r* (ui tifi biooucr trouble* cid*- ; entfc. if no: aold o> your druggist l*e rent by tnoil cn receipt of F- ou* atna ■ bou.< ji two r.c trram** ’ at. i w.*. i -re any uut abox* in:*uned. Dr. L W Hall. ie imu ufo.luur I’ O Box O S* Lou;*. Mo. Sr&d for te? lmotllab Sand by all drufc*.s’a and tk.iutn.4is Cos. fcu • atitioh, Ga fl<-ad Thla. tkdhn. Al. July r. tv* Dr. t: W Had. St D* .. Mt*~D*ar Sir \V. tax e selling >'ur Tcxa. W i,dr r 11. * Jr* at, 1 ox* rv f.- two yrarr .<n*l re* .•mni'T* it: to nny on* *uf fr■■ring with mv knit -e>’ trouble t’eing t! *' t im< iy wc .vi ec>.d Yo tu ■ trul>. J. R. YOUNG. MIXHV.4. /.lint tf IIA DHL LOfM.L Ml. 15, F, A 1 M. A H* V * *" ’ Fb tion • f cffi.iri* for the ensuing year wifi 1* held Members yf sifter lodges and transient i re? hr* n .*r- frt r:at*iy u. • ted to meet with u. By order PL FAB ANT A STOVALL. W. M. J A. IIF RSC HIJACK. S* nury. a 1*1.4 IAL %OTIC 13S. \OTI4 b In to the Ai**etmsnt o? Real in th** City of Savannah for T%xali n f* r the Year 1 Offlt* lax A?se*teor? *i i Receivers. Sa v*r j ; ah. Nov 2*\ 1900 —Under a resolu tion of th.s t*c*ard tax payers are hereby poll? ed ?hat t rie asi . emmt and valuation t f property f- r ih* year l'.<w tn the ab s* iu'e of objection*, will be eonttnued the basi* of taxation by the city of Savan tab for the year 1301 as to real estate, including improvement* coverad thereby. * x* ent as to Washington. Warreti. Rey nolds. D* rh ■. Dcckcy and Franklin wards, and ru h other ward* as may be • -eel. *lue noil *• t f whi h will he given : ugh •t a pros •i. Jau * I 01*1* if any. must N- mad* 1n writing and filed in the offi r >f t'.e Board **f Tax Asses.-ors and Re* c-iv'ers wilhltl FIFTEEN DAYS after the date of the publication of thl- notice No ehjf.-tion will b* n>M*r*d nnle*H verified bv a * affidavit m** by t • property owner o h; ag*t:t. that the property ha bee ti i ; essed higher than It- actual nnr k* t \aiue In th*- absence of objeetDr.s wlthl* f he time t-fw* .tied th- s 4 ****Tr**nt and valua tion will b* rant l* r*-l as satisfactory, atai will b* bl*:d r.g for th** year 19hl J If If OSBORNE Chairman Favanns h. G.i . Nov X*. 1900. S| I I I ftlJ) WITH !IYxm’4|\. Having sufferid with *lys|jepsLi for a lon* lim* one week* stay at Suw-anc* Spring* h * entirely ured me. ami I may eat food that I could never think of . t -ing before. n*i I feel better itiar* 1 have for year 4 * I al.-c* suffered with * atarrh. an*l from th* effr*. , of the wat**r and Min. I know that if I could have remained three w'ks .*nl followed l|re*-(ion.-. ii wcwid have cured in*- of tl entirely ,il.-* and I take pleasure In rrcomnHtiding th** springs and its wonderful water to those lifferlng AS I have. If they will only foiloxx directions. ar*l tie** the wafer freely, they will h ur*-i. 1 have gain*-I * veu pound' in ihe wrek. and ehall never lorgct Hus in* e Stain*. (W H I DONNELLY. Druggist. Liberty nd Price Sir* • t.. Savannah, Ga. All you can drink for Lc at Living' ton’s. I'HOZLN men BIRDS *< IIW ARZ’9 CAFE. ! Grctral dainty of Uic rcaton. Oyster.. *crwd In every st>le—prepare 1 by t!i* most noted c< oks tn the South. Coneree and Whitaker ,trccta. Open Day and N:ht. tu: imt. tiii: line of |i>* Paper, Perfumery. I’ocket tok*. Lap Table S it or. on.l S :ls :ors pi tf, Mnnt ure Set-, Ladles’ nnd Gents’ Dressing Cases ever abown In thla city. Please call early and leave your or d-r* for 111’YL.LIt S C.VNDILP. tn liasketf. bojtes an! rackases. SOLOMONS COMPANY. SO TICK. City of Savannah. Office Klro Department. Savannah. Ga.. Dec. 10, uno. Scaled to ts wi:t be reielved at the offi' • of the imdernKiiv.l until Friday. Dec. i’l. for furnishing m.vurlal ond lav ins cement floor tn new engine house corner Tlurty etshth aid Barnard Mreet.-. Plan, urel speclfl. attons in exhibition al the offi. eof the tire deivtrtmenl. The t'omenltiee cm Fire reeerves the right *o rijeu any an.l all bnl JOHN L MAGI iKL Superintendent. TUB WAY TO CLKA.N C.UU*KT9. The only any to set your rarpeta prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the aumnior. ,■ o turn lh- Job oyer to the DUtrtct Meaacnger and Delivery Cos. telephone J, s>r call at S Moritsocncry •treet, and *hey wIU make you an eeti nwte on the eoet of the work Prices reaaonnb'e They elo pack, move and .tore fumlttlle and pianos. C H MET LOCK. Bupt and Mar vrenAL soticb. We are no* slvtrg attention to house pointing, kalsomlnlng and paper hanglrg. etc. With a corps of only first class workmen nd a competent super- Intednent '• enn do >our work promptly oral satlsfaceorlly. Get our estimate on anything In house decorating line end save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. SPECIAL AOTICE. Now la a good time to select rose plant, to plant In your garden. Como out and see them at JOHN WOLF S NURSERY, OM and Anderson streets. ’Phone 6M. PLASTER Ell** OH* MISOSV *tp. PLIES. Cement. Lime, piaster Hair and River Sand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO Corner Drayton and Congrces. I’lvone St 9. mm* e. Neither the master, owners nor con stance of the German steamship Ldlse will he responsible for any dcMs contracted by the crew ALFRED .MENoLLL, Matter. KODAKS and GRAPHOPIIONES PHOTO. SUPPLIES and RECORDS EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SFOO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^- Cures when all remedies (all. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch .(o** Bull st. Phones 2*>3. Phones .182. Superior Laundry Work SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street. West. PHONE 383 >orirr;*<. WINE for the HOLIDAYS Ilfra you have* it. 014. m* How. dchg.itf .!, u:*i at r a:onable price j SHERRY, GENUINE SPANISH, G li!- r. |J; quart b> SHERRY, CALIFORNIA. Gilicc si. q url Z BRANDY, CALIFORNIA, Gallon It q' F rt . A Urge le! of Pure OM Wine?, Whwktes and other hquors. 18. W. BRUNCH CD.. Cor. Broughton and \\ hlixJ.- ;. Phones 7*>. r=? -J^&l —5 Just received S LIGHT TROTTING ! EGG IKS. Call timl .-> them, liny me t uutlful. ohcn-Kulnwm Garrlitrc ami Wigon Cos. Broughton ami Witil Broad Hrwto srcn \l v) runs, m mm umshi. Tills celcbtra rd f imou* nli] -.nocl Highland Win hy m imported dire.. t from the dlsti.Jery by us This Gr< r li Whisky Is guaraip,. -I lo I* batik and l■: al and Is ■ on lgt,- l to us Com Gl is* gow. Scotland, and Is m bond In the l ulled biang Custom House In this city. T:ds grand old Greer S -oteh W hisky i. Is dutifully mellow and nn.d to a decree urui I, soft to me palate as me could pos.'lblj- wish. there Is n nuttlness about tt that Is e ape ('tally pleasing. Wr are glad to let ihe public pur chase aa email quantity as they wish. over, ore bottle, (or the pip. pose of Introducing the beet brand of Scotch whiekv extant. LirrMAN m;os. Wholesale Druggists, Ltppman s Block, Sole Ag-nt. for t.'-.e Gree r Idstll leriot. G.asgow, Scotland. ar.l Dub lin. Ireland, lor tftur S oich uni Irish Whiskies I mammmmmmmmmmmmmam 111 Y OILY 1111. UI.M t,l M.ftllt ALU. The besi I? ihe Wheeler Brand of Be fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos. of Bellas!. Ireland, from (he celebrated Cromae Springs of thal city These springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos. ben. e no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland has those enters but them wives. The W heeler Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamal a Ginger Boot ami not from Red Pepper, as others are, one .a deleterious— •he other ta u tonic For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger AJe la Ihe best UPPMAS BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents, Savannah. <Tea. HEADS hi - HOME*. HOTEL k >|> HOSI’IT ALP Has It ever occurred lo \oti t ,- nearly pi.e.ball your life |S epent ti : 1 ■ X 1,,. nwtresa is the mot abused aril |< of furniture, nnd should be wed m 1.1. ,r>-l of gooil. clean material |t should be r , (- M and- leftneed at least once each thr e yeara. We make new ones to order, an I hive Improved machinery to .„n.. . and p.. k old ones. Our m-.lanj | work, In of tl-klncs and muirin; f*r hi a c rlrsi- I ■1 ia Medicated Steam R-i i., of Feathers Hair etc. NATIONAL MATTRFSft AND renovating < - o Re-1 Phne 11. Drayton. Is M ANN’S , All. Whitaker Hire. I (..11111X1.1 F-u k lai s w rv and any time lo order. Air . game of a j. kinds, and only the best meats r, pre pared IU the best atyle Gulf <oa-t Ova tera reclevad do' 1 !. Wucui rg r |i o <j Brau on drauglit. phone 710. I-ASU TITLES*. Ahalracts ot the recorded land tit ea • r ’■ Savannah nnd Cnatham county from I • settlement of Georgia to date. Money loaned at low Interval on city real estate. ROCKETT A BECKETT, m dvt.vv KoTire*. CCKCt ..... Ml. run . ..I-I.EMM The abov. 11l ,-trates the gr.ate-* In . ovation in V. 1. ImlMlng tlnce the Inlrve pneutnatl ltr. Thcea •••' be her.; In the 11. \t f, • .1, > nr I vv. prop i . to "Icnior,. rate by actual * .! Tin: pier 'i: Ct'SHION FRAME . UAiNLLSS i the IDEAL BICYCLE. TJ p YALL JFYLNILEB were t*hipprd on D* 11. ar.d will a here about tho *" r built tit. I ar. in nd tail h t*> • high** s *! pri r<! bicycle**. Our I‘ ri ' v I*- •! j f.. *•• Jh> not dc. 1* up*-*!, * w he* j for your boy or girl uuti! you have m-cn •the "Val* " \\ t- hav • tfi* largtr*? 5 ’ and bc:*t a. rr4- m* nt of*adult Ricyißa iU tlks city from s# .•** up \\ * SJ GOODRICH and PALMER 0 ■ t 1 RJ.PAIRING i.< J't by expert nicchan ai I iii *i m h n*' hop * x ;j< Jby none fr U|>-to-dji* appiiaru*.-. R. V. CONNERAT, B<!1 I’;i . e No nt.. IWi-3** Rail St. #gif fj / J J Q V/ >S>s Sw _ iTM>r nitMiN, I IM>T i.k\m:v Our **oo.t lire the finest In the Smith. He the nl> Optlcinas In 4>nr fi *irk *hop <• Our j Ntrantt fen lure. He crlnd nil fire, j serlptlon ~rk on th.- same | linx r•*•• t % ct|. Repnlrtn* done nhile yoo wait. Efes examined f,ee. III*. M. M IIH Wt A MIX. *7 •*“** S. lia. Phone 11!,4. GIFTS for ChriMma* will ho { ai.iJ fli llvcri if uh it hanted. Hunter & Van Keuren. Diamonds. Wativ- Bronzes, Cut Olive Je*lr>. c/Joi'k®. SILVERWARE OLD ABE WHISKEY IN' HALF PINTS. -> CENTS EACH. s °i-d everywhere. FRANKLIN CIGARS. HENRY SOLOMON & SON . ' ■ AGENTS Georgia and BELL AIT AH I. NOTH l>. HOADS ElkCtTEo! By th Amere in Bondii.g and TruM Company of Ha.tlmor- We are author- Uel to exe.ut- 10 ally (immediately um application) nil bonds In Judicial pr eceding. m either the siaie or United states Courts, and of administrators and guardians. DEARINQ 4 HULL, Agent*. Telephcut 3*, JTwMant BulldlDg. THE CHATHAM BANK. SAVANNAH. LEOPOLD Alil.Lß, p!,,1.1,|\t C 8 ELLIS. Vice I’re ,d.r, JNO. It DILI/5N < ’ashler ”* *’ BARRON CARTER. Asst. Solid., the account* of | t .dlv flrrn* hank*, atsoclntlona at,.) ~ tlotia. "rx.'k- Übcral favors egtende.l to cerresn,. . mg burke, ns our uniurpa*r,| , fo. colle. ing insure prompt r. i , * HI TS AND SKLIjj KOREIov ... CHANGE. WRITES LETTER e ' ‘ CREDIT AND ISBUK® |u\K ! c ORDKRB PAYABLE IS m S ' . A K OF EUROPE. ‘ u 1 ! Interest compounded quarterly , po-tt* in the SAVINGS DEPaRTm - S.'fety Boxes .n*l \' ’ T rent. > * . j The Bank CAPITAL 5500.000 n Gene,,! B.okls lll.stness. °Alag bollell. Aeennnls of lndU H „,. Ilerehants. Hanks and other ' railuna. * > ' H Colleetloan handled with ffnnamt and dispntrh Interest, eompouuded allowed on deposit. In on, flepartmenl. ** Safety Depo.ll Boxes Vnulla. * ■BARTLEY A. DENMARK MILLS B. LANE. Atee Eee.t.ten, GEOItGB I . FREE MAN. t a.i... r GORDON L. (.HOOVER. Asst. ( a , hUr southern Tank Mi tno Of Geors.. 11 Capital _ , Surplus and undivided profit a s’? DLFOSXTORY OF THE BTATeS GEORGIA 09 ftuprrkr faciiitiew for tranrtf r , c a • ' ma iii ..t; ii] poinu bank ind btr.4* ri A ■' • * ntMi others boliciicd. bafo Deposit B>x*i for rent Department of Savings. Interest payab quarterly. b* ;is Sterling Fx Iwmgo on L r.lon and and upward}*. JOHN FLANNERY. PrasirtenF ID'ißArr A CRANE. Vic# rrrstd*t JAMES SULLIVAN. Caahier. DIRKi'TORS JNO. rTANNERY. W>! TV GORDON E A. WEIL. U W GORDON. Jr. IT A CRANE JOHN M EGAN FEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERPT If P SMART CHARLES FI.UI EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRRT MHiIKIII CAPITAL, $1150,000, Account* of bank*, merchant*, corpora tions and individuals solicited. havings Department, Interest peld Quar terly. .Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults til rent. Collection!) made 00 all point! at rea sonable rates. Drafts told on all the chief cities of th world. - - a<( Correspondence Invited jAsEPH IV WEED. President. JOHN C. ROW LAND. Vice President W'. K. McCAULEY, Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, ga. Capital **"• Undivided prolU.-< ■ Tula bank offera It. service* to (Oriwr*- Hop. ip- rehanle and Individual Ha. authority to act a* ear utor. ad ministrator guardian, etc. ISMie. drafts on the principal cities 0 Great Britain and Ireland and on ih. Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposit* in the Saving* Department. Safety hoxe* for rent. HENRY BLCN. I resident. CBO. w TIEDEMAN Vic* rre-H-nl JOHN M. HOGAN. Co.-bler. W ALTER F. HOOAN. Asst Cahler. No. IMG. Chartered '■***■ -THE MIS ill Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, toov.-xu. pi rtPLUS T.WIW UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A G CARSON. President. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President W M HAVANT. Cashier A. ounts of banks and barker*, mer chant* nnd corporations received urotl the most favorable term* consistent with safe nnd conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BIII.DINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ii YORK STREET. WEST. - PER CENT per annum allow'd ea O deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6" PER t ENT. per annum al.owf! "a deposits of even hundreds, withdraw able at annuel periods. GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. R H. LEVY. Vice President. K W. BELL. Secretary. C G. ANDERSON. JR . Treirurer I mm men For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder: will fold gheet Z!xO. It la In gal o"**' price MOO. It coat originally wo have no uee fer It and want the rso* It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to * newspaper 001-e. , Addreaa ’' *U. MORNING NEWS, ffaviiaoib* The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms- IF TOU WANT GOOD MATER!* 1 and work, order your lltkogi apt*J * 1 printed stationery and blank bouW Morning Ne, Savannah, Ga-