The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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demands of ball players. „Il ll> TH 1 11* r<.-'TIOS TO Tilt UCAGIE maohatml Named lo Consider Their IlmarM— Tbr *• *• *® Makr m.lcltnilr l'%rrH, Nor Do Tbrr Maul to Hr bold Without Tbrlr t onacnt— They Arr Tired ol th p lurinluß-Out Plaa—Other banaea Wonted. Nw York. Dee. 12,-AMer trying for ‘ .lay*, tha National League magnates • .ily go: into retalon to-night. w hen the meeting was called lo order j. re *ident Young there were preaent , j| soden. W. 11. Conant and J. B. ~ lwpl| jioeton; W. W. Kerr. Barney ; yfua and P. L. Auten. Pittsburg; A. j Reach and John I. Roger*. Phlladel ,.n. F. A. At>ell. Edward Hanlon and i , r ;.* Ebbotta, Bro-k yn; Prod Knowlea. York. Jamea Hart. Chicago; John T. 1 i*h. Cincinnati, and F. D. Roblaon and !kao.ey llotdnxon. 81. Louie. X: • commute* appointed by the League to >r the grievance* of the Player*' Pro ,lV* a-sociallon waa In session. The e.unmltte* I* composed of Mesar*. Rog ... Roden ond Brueh. The pluyera' or i ttalloti'e demand that the eexaion be ..ten one tva* accedeil to. Mr. Soden i until had been ap- V ,! to listen to the [layer*. It had no ' ver lo act. but woutd re[>ort the ronfer ' , gack to the meeting of the league. ' [atwver Harry Taylor, for the pluyera. MB I , ,-v only want. In the pre*ent form ,( contract, a modlllcatton of the reserve , .. me entire elimination of the icn.rK out" cdiuee and-the modifies , i ~f ttii: clause relating to the power 0 . ... owners to buy and ell players. ,r oim them without fiiat getting the [layer * content. What the Player* Want. Mr Taylor exacted a promise that the re mittee would report the matter to the leu-.,.- smraidlately. and that some action unlit be taken by the league at Its pres . : se-ion. Mr. Taylor demurred lo t *>ilp with the committee at first, on i . gi Hid that It had no power to act, wanting Instead a full meeting of the magnate*. ].. i chairman Soden and Col. Roger* jifure.l Mr. Taylor that the matter would j mote expedltiou*ly treated If present ,.i to the committee. ■i matter I* a serious one to u*." s ,i.l t 01. Roger*. "Contract* are nlne t.nths of the asset* of a club.” Mr. Brush said that officially the mem h -of the league had not been Informed a. o the purpostr* of the players' organ- Itaiton and they looked uiii It a* a sc ret organisation into which many play i -playing manager*— had not been tak ti! Mr. Taylor denied this. Wt believe," said Mr. Taylor, "that the players and club owners tan get to gethrr aid adjust these matter* without r.-ortlng to war. We are not looking for trouble. We are simply moving with an lira of putting the game on a higher I ~ro Tin salary of a player, we know. • regulated by Ihe law of supply and de mand. If we can make the game more l;. r we make It more profitable flnan t iml ■ and then our salaries will Increase 'lit players suggest that It tie limited a:.| that no player may be reserved by a club for more than five years. t'. - don't think you have the •rljht, merely or legally, to hold a player for h i .1. finite ptrlod. Lot tach club no* t tie more than ten men. Want No f arming Ont, V- so the fnrmlng-out system, we wont i abo.ished altogether. There I* no Jus- In It at all lor the player. If n man i to be va.liable, give him hi* re ts o tli* system of buy ing, selling and flu mlrig leavers Ihe player want* the rt,. i modified so that he will have i methlng to *y In the matter." 'MI I; ger* brctight up the famous eon t . ■: offered to the league of ISA* by John Ward as showing the weakness of Mr. T udor's conn-nth ns. It at I- an Isolated rase." said Mr. 7v|or. "and dealt not with the transfer ef a player, but with ait entire club, e id. in the rouge of cveute, the mag i a*- desire to transfer one entire team at one city to nno her, the plays s "i>ld not object. The players agree with ■ I that rowdyism should be abolished at si v cost. The [i ay era are human, but ' i have the power to discipline fractious payer*. Why don't yon admlnlscr fine#? T*> as we ask and we believe baseball will take on new life." llr. Taylor sutimitted a draft of the ■r* r the players w tnted put In vogue. T-ie committee* promised the players to sid r the matter at once, and give them decision to-morrow. i • league's Circuit Committee was in - •-lon this ufternoon. 1-ater It was an * i.nee.| the committee had talked over l ■ American league Informally. Mr ran Johnson." s.iid Col. Rogers, i- not made any demand* of the Na nai Igapu. nor has he signed the ns nal agteemtnt. Just at present the American la-ugtte hds no existence nr fir as the National I-eague |* eoneeraed.” siHtement of Drmanili. ' m.tnorandum of the players' demand * uhm tted to the league to-day. They Rt*- os follows: F'lrst. Club owner* not to have the r .t to 'reserve' players at a salary less ' an that provided for the ensuing year, " r for more than three year*. •Second. Nc.l to buy, sell, assign, trade. Man. e-rep*. *|*et or claim service of any f- tycr for any period lit any way, with ' '*• his written consent. ' Third Club owners to pay physicians f' for Injuries received In actual play. Fourth. No player lo be suspended * hout pay more than three times a *e -1•' r two weeks at a time. ' Fifth. Committee of arbitration, one n mber to tie chosen by owners, one by l players ond a third by these two, such mmlttee to pass on all different* be -I’sien tdayers and owners ” *Tt BEATS STILL IH RBVOLT. laenlty at Tnaealoosn la Inveaftgat lag the AlTalr. Montgomery. Ala., Dec. 12 —The revolt '■t the students at the Vnlversity of Ala * at Tuscaloosa continue*. The facul *• Investigating the affair, and the >rd of Trustees ha* been called to * her The stinlant* are fighting against * ■ the president and the commandant. Hrant \l onlil Not Flgtit Duel. Berlin, Dec. 12.—Herr Bello. the leading miinsel for the defense In the trial of the FT. rlin banker, Sternberg, who I* accused "> otTense against morality, sent a *•!' vi to Herr Bran*, the prosecuting attorney, to fight a duel with jdstols at * -her! distance because he i-onsldered *' ' li suited bv certain remark* #. ide Herr Brant. The latter refused to sc L •* Hie challenge because the remarks -'I been made In the tine of duty. Herr ■' H" fought In the Franeo-Prusslan war " I received the iron cross, a decoration Rled after the war anal bestowed on • dlers distinguished for personal bravery "" the battlefield. I'm it isli rd fur l.ese Wnjeste. Iteel'.n. Dee. 12- Max Lrnngmxn. the W ar-oW *on of a Ber In lawyer, has been missed from hi* gymnasium and fo - to enter any other In Prussia for "mmlttlng lese majeste when the prtncl -1 ' of the gymnasium mentl>ne<l to the l' 't>l| the recent xiterntp at Breslau upon life of Emperor William Manley Declined the Ollier. Washington, Dec. 12.-Hon. Joseph ; in, f>' of Maine, has decllhed the Pres ' r ‘t • proffer of the office of commis ol internal revenue. PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY. Andrew Carnegie Present* Some In teresting Points About the ami lu iv||t-. York, Deo. 12.—The neoond annual dinner of the Pennsylvsnla Society ot New York was held at the Waldorf-As toita this evening. The room held fully 275 members and guests. The speaker* included Bishop Henry C. Potter, president of the society; James N. Beck, tests'ant attorney general of the United State*, who spoke on "The f fitted State* '; Andrew Oamegte, on "In dustrial Pennsylvania;'* Winston Spsttctr Churchill on ' William renn." Mr Carnegie sail he felt about Penn, sylvama as Webster did about Massachu setts, she needed no eulogy*. "There sue elands," said he. "Hie speaks for herself. Her peat at least la secure, her present and h*r future are none the less Pennsylvania Is probably the richest territory In mineral wealth upon face of tin* earth. In coal, an thraciu, bituminous and coking, in oil and natuial *s, aha la unrivalled In textile manufactures; there are more yards of carpet woven In and around Philadelphia than In the whole of reat Britain and the State of Pennsylvania make* more steel than the whole of lirrai Britain. ' It I* sad to ace how immaculate vir tue goes unrewarded In this wl ked word. In political matters there is no state that suffers so much from this cause, none la ao Immaculate, so splendidly virtuous as our own state of Pennsylvania. The parly manager* may have doubt* of New York, doubts of Indiana, even doubts of Ohio, but they know th*at nothing can tempt Pennsylvania from the true filth, and knowing that she will do right, they ignore all her claim*, and that 1* the rea son why It la taken for granted that Pennsylvania cannot p:oduca great men. The average great man ts only great be cause of his great office. "I see before me at least two ex-Oover. nor* of Pennsylvania, who would have been Presidents, but for the supremely unapproachable virtue of our state. The constitution of the United Rtate* wa manufactured and Independence ll.m built In Pennsylvania, and It I* there the bell hangs that proclaimed liberty to all the people. That Pennsylvania manufac tur'd that bell and the conetltutlon is the \ work which Mr. (!ladstone pronounced the greatest which lied ever been struck off at one time by the brain and purpose of man. and that ts what I believe. The traditions of the fathers are under trie, to-day. Doubt* are cast upon them. The great principles for the vindication ot which this government was founded, the rights of man, are out of fashion for a time. So lie It. They will come back again in due time, government of the people, government for the people and by the peo ple ts not to perish from the fare of the earth, and the principles which Jefferson ptor.alm.-d In the Declaration of Indriend ence given to the world from Pennsylva nia are to be Immortal, and lloers. Fili pinos. Chinese and all races o< men high and low are some day to adopt and defend the principles that government derives Its Just powers from the consent of the gov erned. The filar* and fitrlpea Which first floated from Independence Hall ami still floats there Is never permanently to float over anything but free men. all equal un der the law and dtls'-ns of the Union, one and Indivisible.'' NEW YOHK VOTE CANVASSED. McKinley 'a Plurality Waa 14.<Wti tide! la's 111.120. New York. Dec. 12.—'Th* State Board of Canvassers met to-day and canvassed the state vote. Only four of the stxty-one counties cast a majority of votes for Btyan. They were: New York. Queen#, Richmond and Scho harie. The Prohibition, Socialist Labor and Boctails: Democrat parties have sufficient votes to go "• tho next election ticket without a petition. Following are the totals for President: McKinley. Republican, S2I.M; Bryan. Democrat. C7I.SM. Malloney, Social Labor. 1.'.<22; Woolley. Prohibition. 71." LT; Pch', Social Democrat. 12.M9, McKinley's plu rality. U3.M. Th plurality of Odell. Republican, for Governor, was 111.12*. ILLINOIS ANTI-ITttST LAW. Ita Must Vital section Knocked Owl by Supreme C'wnrt. Chlcago.Dec. 12 —By a decision of Judges Tuley. Dunne and Waterman, of the Cir cuit Court, to-day. section 1 of Ihe anti trust law of Illinois, which defines what constitute* a trust or combination In re straint of trade. Is declared unconstitu tional. Other sections of the law. and especially those which compel corporation* to file affidavits annually with Ihe secretary of state, that are In no way connected with trusts or Illegal combination*, and provid ing for a line of tSU In case of refusal to file such affidavit, are sustained by the court. The decision I* regarded by th* attorneys for the defense as a dlsllnet victory tof the corporation*, and I* looked upon a* nullifying the anti-trust laws of the state In Its most vital part. TOOiTTp DOLPHIN'S PASH. President nf Telegropher* Had tn Pay Ills Fare. Topeka. Kan.. Dec. 12.—President M. M Dolphin of the Order of Railway Teleg raphers will arrive here to-morrow at 4 o'clock and will talp* personal charge of the strike operation* here. Mr. Dolphin left Galveston yesterday for Topeka. He had not proceeded far before the conduc tor up his annual pass and requeued h m to pay full fare. It Is understood that all the posses of th* operators' officers have been revoked. JOE JEFFERSON IN FLORIDA. Hr Will Spend the Season at Hla Winter Home. West ralm Retch, Fla.. Dec. 12—Joseph Jefferson and hla aon. W. W. Jefferson, arrived here to-night and will proceed to morrow to Jeffersonville, the winter home of Mr. Jefftrson. on Hobe Sound. The actor will remain In Florida until April, when he will begin his spring tour. He open* the spring engagements In Jack sonville. Erie llnml Secure* 1 nnl 1 'impitny Philadelphia. Dec. 12— A special from Scranton. Pa.. **>' that "Edward L. Fuller, promoter of the Delaware Valley and Kingston Railroad. he Independent coal operators' proposed outlet to tidewa ter, admitted to-night that the Erie Rail road had secured tha Pennsylvania Coal Company property/' Act Was ('nnstttntlnnnl. Philadelphia. Dec 12.—An opinion wae handed down by Judge McPherson in the I'n.ted State* District Court to-day, de ciding that the act of Congress was con stlttstlonal wit's It imposed upon the fed eral judiciary the duty of determining what reward was due Informer* concern ing violation* of the customs lows. Germany Need* Mach Money. Rerun. Dec. !2 —The Berliner TigebUtt basing It* calculation* upon th. figu e of Haron von Thielmann. secretary of th* Imperial treesufY. estimate* that th# em pire needs in the way of loan* *dJ,‘JW,tX l marks. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. lnfift RIDERS IN A BAD MIX-UP. TWO FRENCHMEN CAME TOGEmiEH WITH A CRASH. Other Older* Frit tn the Itwneh. lan tile fin iladly Hurt He Stay Not Re Able tn Continue—l.eadera tn the Stx-Dny Race Are Considerably Rebind the Record— At 1 O't'loek This Marais* 1.420 Miles. New York. Dc. 12—With over l.tflfi miles clicked off In their pursuit ot prises hi tha *tx-day hike race at Madison Square Garden, which ends on Saturday, eight teams were still represented on the track at midnight to-ntght, or the be ginning of the fourth day of the contest. The men hat e not been able to keep up the hurricane pace Jumped Into at the out set. but they have struggled to do as much q- their strained and tired bodies would allow them. For the first two days they kept ahead of the record, but now they arr far behind, the l.fl mils* and one lap reeled off by the leaders being twelve miles and seven lap* behind the record for IH®. Htppolyte Aceoutrler, tho Frenchman, ar.d hla partner. Rudolph Miller, the Ital ian. pulled out of the race about 7 o'clock this morning Aceoutrler was completely exhausted and was un.ililo to continue the awful pace, and despite the Jeers ami re viling* of hi* partner. Muller, ho would ride no more. Muller was heartbroken and wept like a child. Turvtlle a tel Aatoneon have not been able to go bark on the track since they were carried out of a serloua tumble th* riders were mixed up In shortly after V o'clock to-night. The former, the doctor said, my t able to resume hla trick af ter a little real, but It Is doubtful, fihould th!* occur. It will remove two dangerous trams who are now only three lane be hind the leaders. Elkes and MoFarlana and Pterce and McKarhern The Leaders. Elkes and MvFaiLnd and Pierce and Mi Eachern are now tn the lead, each team having 1.404 miles and one lap to Its credit. One lip back came Blm.r and Gougoltx. Two laps hack of till* team are Turvtlle and Glmm. Waller and 8;ln son and Babcock and Aaroneon. Six laps from the leadeis are Fisher and Frederick and Kaiser and Uyser. During the paah twenty-four hour* there were occasional fruitless attempts m 'de by the different men hi gain a lay on their opponent*. To prevent the kmt of * lap. Fisher performed per nop* the hardest task of the race In th* afternoon. He got a puncture Just as the othtr riders were preparing for a epurt. The other men noticed Fisher's misfortune and cried to take adMintuge of It. Fisher [ledailed along with the bunch, however. In npile of the softening tire, and kept up the pumping on hi* crippled wheel for n full mile, at the end of which time Frederick relieved him. When Fieher dismounted his fire was perfectly flat. The accident which may put Turvllle and Aaronson out of the race occurred shortly after 9 o'clock. Kaiser and Ryacr were relieving one another during a try to gain a lap. going at tremendous par- Gougolts and Slniar were almoat behind them with McFarland Just on the Inside. The Frenchmen, who were also alternat ing. came together with a crash and went down on the track. Waller was at their w heels and he crashed Into the fall en Frenchmen. Turvlllfi plunged Into the mix-up. and wae thrown into a box among a crowd of spectators. Fisher followed and was thrown violently to tha board* McFarland and Ryser and Kaiser spurted, hut the referee would not allow their gain. 'turvllle Radiy Hurt. Turvllle was picked up bleeding and un conscious and with a growing lump on one knee. H* had sustained had contu sions of the right thigh and many bruise# of the body as well as a shock. The doc tor brought him back to lOnariousneaa af ter a time and said that Turvllle might be able to go on after a rest. Aaronson had a badly- cut eye and face and bruises on the back. Fisher was bat tered and shocked. The two Frenchmen escaped with only a shaking up. Usher had lost a legitimate lap anil he Imagined soim- one had tampered with hi* wheel tire, so he wrapped It up In blankets when he went off the track, put tho wheel un der his cot and went to sleep. About two hour# later he came back and relieved Frederick. The t o'clock ecora: Elkes and McFarland. 1.430.5; Pierre and McEacliern, 1.129.3. Waller and Stinson. i.4?’.2; Fisher and Frederick, 1,420.0; Kaiser and Ryoer. 1.419.9. New York. Dec IS—Aaron sen wax ne rlared out bf the race at 1 o'clock this morning, thus removing Ihe team of O. V. Babcock. New Y'ork. and Oscar Aaron son. Brooklyn. Aaronson was In bad con dition from hla fall. TWO NEW COTTON MILL*. Oaj( for l alon and 4.a* for t'arllsle. Other fnrntlna New*. Columbia, 8. C., Dec. 12—A few year* ago Union was considered one of the dead towns nf the state, but to-day M prom isee tq rival Spartanburg, for Union ha* grown despite the closeness tn Rpartan hurk and Its practical Isolation so far a* railroad farllltle# ar# concerned. In th* last two years the wealth of Union, and It was a wealthy old town, has diffused Itself, and the cotton fields around are dotted with eextages belonging 4o three of the greatc*4 tn lie in the Houth —she Union .th* Monarch and the Buffalo Y'rsterday It waa announced lhat a fourth mill will he built at Union, while at Carlisle In Union county, still mother Is tn he built by Union capital. Th* n*w mill of Union will lie managed by W. H Asrtor, and will have a capital slock of 1123,W*>. Th# mill at Carlisle will he capi talised at 210U.0U) and will be managed by J. C. Wallace of Union Hamuel M Evan* of Newberry, died last night, aged 72 He wa* the farthe* of Hon. H. H. Evans, former Mayor o Newberry and now director of stats dta pensary. The State Baptist Convention ahjoumrel last night. Tl.e Baptists hare ISSi.nno In vested In educational Inatltutlon* In thl* Slate. The meeting at Greenwood wae pleasant and harmontou*. Florence le the pext place of meeting. MeGOVRHN ready for n. Hr la In Good Shape for the Fight tn Chlras* To-night. Milwaukee. Wle.. Dec. 12—“ All I ran say la that I will do my best and th* beet man will win." said Terry McGovern to-day. regarding hi* light with Joe Gan* In Chicago to-morrow night. "I do not want to say anything lhat I might not be able to make good. I am In the be* l condition, as you all know here, and there can be no misgiving on that score. I will do ray best and the best min will win." M.Govern did a lot of work to-day. but feel* very well. He took a run out White Fish Bay r-'ad and did (he fastest work he has tried. In the afternoon the "Brooklyn Terror" punched the bag at * local gymnasium, then played basket ball and finishing with light work on the ap paratus McGovern will leave for Chicago to-morrow afternoon. Stakes far \Aa*hlatn I’srV. Chicago. Dec. 12.—Stake* amounting to JC.tdO were mad* hy the Washington Park club, for Its meeting to June 22 ML*n t continue for twenty-ffvr days The gres race of the meeting will be th* American Derby, which will have tXMXM added money. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. What suffering frequently result* from a mother's ignorance; or more frequently from a mother's neglect to properly instruct her daughter 1 Tradition aaya "woman must suf fer," and young women are ao taught. There ia a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this. If a young woman suffers severely she tireda treatment, and her mother should see that she gets it. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughter* to a physician fur examina tion ; but no motiier need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs I'inkham ami secure the most efficient advice without charge. Mrs. l'iukbaui'a address la Lynn, Maas. Mrs. August ITaligraf, of Knuth Bvron, Wia., mother of tlie voting lady whose portrait we here publish, wrote Mrs. I’inkham in Januam-. l!W, saying her daughter had suffered for two. years with irregular mcn*truation had headache all the time, and pain in her aide, feet swell, and was generally miserable. Mrs. I'inkham promptly replied with advice, and under date of Mnrch. 1H99. the mother writes again that Lydia K. I’inkham'* Vegetable Compound cured her daughter of all pains and irregularity. Nothing in the world equals Mra. rinkhuiu'.•> great medicine for regu lating woman's peculiar monthly troubles. CENTURY HAS PASSED. (Continued from First Page.) Seat of Government In Ihe District of Co lumbia.'' Hamilton's financial measure for th* aarump'.ion by the nation of h* debt* In curred by Ihe state* In tnalotalnlmr the Revolutionary war had failed, and Ham ilton. betlevtiig that the very exlatence of the Union depended upon Its recon* der ation and p.i**.i wa* m iklur atrenuou* endeavor* to accomplish tha* result. Vlr- Xlnia and the fiouih had voted aKalnrt It. Hamilton proposed a compromise. J. ff'-r --#on should help pass the assumption act and Hamilton a* a quid pro quo should bring over enough vote* to put through the act In. sting the sea* of the capital on the Potomac •'This lucid, nt." Mr. Payne concluded, "remove* some of the glamor which lime ha* thrown over the oat* of the 'fnlher.*' and reveal* them to u* as human l>elitK*. no tv-eter than Ihe polkleian* of to-duy." Senator McOoma# of Maryland followed wltj* an addre** on "The History uf the First Century of th* National Capitol.” Senator Dnnlel'a Eloquence. The fervid eloquence of Senator D.tnlel of Virginia, who spoke on "The Future of the United State* and It* Capital." repeatedly evoked applause. He said: "Ancient history had no precedent for the United Hi.itr* of America and m<-v ern history has no parallel The United State* contains the most diversified an* assimilative element* that ever composed a great nation Our domain Is the best to rated. Our longevity projects Us. If to th* furthest reach of human speculation, and the of hope and courage." The senafor referred to the hearty fee - Ings of friendship the peop'* have for on- another, to -the v.ilor of the American soldier. :o the strength of our e|e coral system as exhibited by the experience of oyer a century. Our only strife, he suit, was over the heritage which empire foist ed U|n our ancestors against their will and which lh republic has removed forever We are the foretm-et nation of Ihe world, said Hie senate-. If our prob lem* tv mighty they grow out of our mlk-ht aid have the mighty to deal with them Kind words were uttered bv the senator In behalf of the proposed en largement of the Whit* House. An elo quent plea was mivte for anew bulldlnil (nr the patent offi-a. tei stand on < .iplt" Kill fu'ln* th* Btntte hall. •* * com * patilon*piece to .he Hon,re 510t,.1 library'. Senator Hoar of M'S.achu ett. con -hid ed the exercises with a finished and scholarly historical oration Th* mwHw n t 6.15 0 - c |ork Af#r tli* Joint *** alon Senator Free turned the tsvr over (o Speaker Henderson and the House tm was a reception to-night •< the ( orroran Gallery of Art. from R t" H o'clock, at tended by the President and several mem ber* of hi* cabinet. Governor* and thetr staff*, and a larc contingent of offi< U. and resident society. , One of the meet distinguish'd - n the history of the White House was t " luncheon given Fy Ihe President at uoon to-day In honor of the visiting Governors There were several hundred gno:s President ard Mr*. McKinley. Ihe cahtn-t and the Indie*, together with other spe cial guest*, were served with luncheon |r the private dining room. Too other* were served tn the stateroom. Th# Mirlne Band • rendered A special programme. DID NOT STATE THEIR VIEWS. Beaufort Committee Take* Hie-V - tt*M In nn Artlrlr. Beaufort. 8 C.. Dec. 12 -At a meeting Of the Beaufort Naval Station Commit tee. held yesterday, the following resolu tion was adopted: “Wlwrtw. we have read to-day tn the News and Courier, an article signed T O. W which question# the commereial value of a naval station, snd stta -ks the standing of the officers of the navy. "Be tt Hraolved. we deny most emphatl eally the statement* there mode, and de clare the sentiment* expressed to be those of the correspondent, amt lu our opinion, not shared by any individual of this com n unity." Wm. P. Wtt rhou*e. Secretary Commute*. Beaufort. S. C., De-. 11, Ike. How Texas Anted. Austin. Tex., Dec U.*-Th revised list of vote* cast at th re-ent election for prestd' ntlal candidate*, shows (he follow ing result Democrat*. 247.422 v.stes; Re puhlk-ane. 13Mtl. Populists,, pro hibitionists, 2.M1; ftoclal Labor, I*2; So cial Democratic, l.Mt —The Moselle v.neyards, tn Germany, h*v* Increased enormously In value dur ing 4he |t few year*, owing lo the growing popularity of M- elh> wines. The celebrate.) Doklor Vineyard, at tel, has Ju*l been sold for sUO mark* a aquare meter. It wa* purchased tn ISM at gi mark* * aquare meter. A few years ago the usual price In the Moaelle dis trict was two or three marks a square water. FLEMING ON IMPERIALISM. BOA Elth WENT Bnrwr.EN TWO taOHNS OF A DILEMMA. An*t Raertflre Either Colnmlal Im perialism or Protective Tart*. Tenth District t ssg rrsam*n Make* w Stroua Ska wing—Some latereel ln* I hat of the Statesmen at tke I upltal and Thetr l>olna*. Washington. D. C., Dec. 12— Advocate* of anll-lmpcrlallam are looking anxious ly *ml hopefully for th* Supreme Court of the United Stairs to sustain their po sition In the forthcoming decision tn the fir to Rican case*, to be handed down next week. As three cawr* Involve the question of whether the constitution fol low* the flag, a decree of the court In support of that theory will. It la believed, go a long way toward* Inducing the ad mlnlstiation lo reverse, or materially al ter, its policy tn the Philippine*. It |a contended that tha Republican party la brought face lo face with the alternative of either abolishing the high protective tariff system or abandoning Ita co.onlal policy. Congressman William H. Fleming has. from the first, been a pronounced oppo nent of the administration'* policy of Im perialism, as developed In the manage ment of the Phlltpptns question He says w, should have aimed at trade expansion without political subjugation, and that e can obtain the former without the latter. Hi* first speech In Congress on the subject dealt chiefly with the legal anJ economic aspect of the problem His second speech was on the moral a*i*ect "f Imperialism, fiuhsequently lie wrote alt Article for the Conservative Review entitled, "The Question of National Hon or." he also contributed to the Chicago Record a paper on "Our Duty In the Phil ippines. " Hi* |* ( ( contribution was on "Imperialism and the New Ethics." Bpeaking on this subject to your cor respondent Air. Fleming said: This question of Inipcri.ilt -m Is not set tled yet by any mean*. There were ao mny eitee--Usues in the last campaign that It cannot be amid even now that the people have ratified th* policy of the ad ministration. But we antt-tmpert*li*t* are looking with strong hopes to the Supreme Court which will soon tie calied upon lo de uhtro the law fixing the statu* of our new [mssesalone in their relation* to our Federal Constitution, especially as te gartl* our tariff laws. Argument Is set for next Monday, the 17th, on a case In volving the Porto Rican tariff The Court may have a great surprise In store for those who think colonial Imperialism can la- engrailed by Congress mi our cons I tut tonal system w ithout amending Ihe i one:ttutlon as provided In that Inetru mnt "If the court should hold that the Von eillutlon goes with the flag.' tlie Repub lican puny will have to sacrifice either lie colonial Imperialism or Ita prevte live Sailff. The open door In Ihe Philippines will make a breach in the horns tariff law* through which foreign tmpnrta will pour Tlie truth la that many adherent* of the admlnlMratlnn are. tn the emphatic language of one of their number. "<i IlK'l of thl* Philippine business." "You may lie surprised at the etate nieiit." Mr. Fleming cvMitlnurel, "but 1 have heard by a sort of grape-vlne-tete trraph that some very Influential members of the administration would hall with delight an adverse decision by the Hu preme Court, because In that event the administration would be able tn extricate Itself from the consequences of thl* mis er* Ide blunder In the Philippine*. Re publican voter* love the protective tariff more than they love colonial lin|M-rtalli*n, and under Ihe compulsion of a Hupretnc Court decision the administration would have lie best excuse for reversing ks policy of subjugation and adopting anew policy Poking towards the tre-hntral In dependence of the Filipino* under close trade arrangement* with us. as ought to have been done In Ih* first Instance. "Home persons go so far as to say that the President himself would lie highly gratified at such a declxlon of the Bu pre-me Court. This may not h* true but stranger things have happened, and the President Is one of the heat politicians pure and simple that ever sat In the White House No man could reverse him self more gracefully thn the Preaident. "The Supreme Coyrt bv a decision on ill' civil right law -avert the South fnm Hie fanaticism of Kepuldi'-an partisan- By Ha decision on the Porto Rican tariff law. H may save the whole country from (he disastrous policy of our colonial Un der .al tat*. Not All Plain Wallin*. "Danger rlgnala arc being displayed along the pathway of the lianna-Payne ship subsidy bill. Although th* friend# of lb* measure are confident of Its passage through the Honale. Benator TeMlgrew claim* to have orepvotaed a formidable op position which may delay It If not defeat the final passage of the bill. Heveral D*m. re-ratlc ttenaiors who flinch at the w-ord "subsidy." are cowvperetlng with Benator Pettigrew to prevent the pnsnagg of the Mil. It te also asserted bv a Republican senator that a number of Republican# are lukewarm In their advocacy of the bill Not only because they have no speclaj In terest In tla provisions, but because they are disposed to resent wha' they conceive tn he a breach of senatorial courtesy and dignity by Benator Hanna. "They claim that In his effort* to putth the bill forward, he baa Inceneret many senators by writing them a dictatorial let ter. practically commanding them to be In th*lr seats on a certain day to expedite Ihe consideration of the ship-subsidy bill In any other bodv but the Senate such a communication as Benator Hanna address ed to hi# party associate# would have oc casioned no unfriendly feeling Pertain senators, however, are quite sensitive on th* subject of aenatorlal courtesy, and Benator llama's assumed leadership In Ih* Benate has given offense In quarter* A WINNING BOY^ Ears* Hla Medals by the Use of Good Food. A Vicksburg. Ml#*., boy. J. B, Smith, corner Orove and Third alreeta, aaya: "I have been studying very hard lo try and heat my room In examination. I have been eating ornmeal and cream for break fast all my life, l-ately when the hard study began I did not feel well enough lo go to school, amt there wae an esamtni tlon ahead of me and an eahlbltlon. too "1 wan determined to go through this el imination, but felt so sick all th* Dm* lhat 1 didn't know how lo accomplish It, Well, mother saw the Grape-Nuts food advertised, an she bought some and gave It to me for breakfast every morning, and you Juet ought to see what thl* food did for me. , "I began lo get well al once and grow hearty and faf. In spile of my hard work. Above all that. I did beat my room at ex amination. making a general average that waa th# hlghewt mark tn the room. I am also able to take (art at the military drill to-morrow night a' th* exhibition and will try for the gold medal for general excellence If you think there la any question about thl* you can write to Bro. Oarbrtol. our principal, and he will le.l you lhat It Is true." It la of th# greatest Importance that parents feed their growing children dur ing study, mi the m*( nourishing food possible to obtain, ami there Is no qu*w tion on thl* acore regarding Grape-Nuta, for fhe food I* compounded of ihe ele ment* selected from the grains go lo quickly make and rebuild th* brain and nerve renters Any yarent can prove thle statement hy feeding Ihe children on Grape-Nuta. obtained from any firet slaea grocer, wh#rf a p4rtt of nhoulrt pre vail to Irutura favorabta action upon hla bill. “It I* akl that Senator* Altt*on, AM rich. l‘iatt of Connecticut, hiw! other prominent have aeeittntM an unfrtenlly attitude >*ar<t th* bill. A* loo |f an a final vote ran be stave*! 4T. th% Kepuhllcan oj>|w>eluon need not !• illai'lt>M'tl lu the meantime the tih*ldv MU bU* k the way of tha Nicaragua caital bill.** Ihtllhfr Jokes III* Irirml*. Benator IMllvtr of lowa who wwe re cently tranafornd from the lloumi of ltepieaentatlvea to Ihe Senate lotn not appear to find confenuil * nij*inionhh. In lh nartli wing of the Capitol aa he epends* iikm of hla time with litA old ae- MK’lutm In the llouae Yeeterday while the lefflplatlve. eaet'UtUe, and jutll Mal ap propriation hill wae under coneUleratton. Benator lK>lllver etrolhd into tho llouae ('hrtlrman Cannon lu char* of the hill, waa at hie old eland lighting to keep down public expenditure* He.Ked near him waa Governor-elc< l>d'kery of Mii aourl. who wae formerly leader of the lefncw'ratlc miia>rlty on the approprla tlone committee Th** latter le lier In the Intereete of the St Ijoiilm KaiHaaittmi, tind alw> delight <o mingle with hi* file tula In the llouae. Senator Dolllvfr. after greeting Mr. Do- wery good tm I u red ly, proceeded to chaff him nboul hla le rlarallona of economy when mem!er A*f the llouae Said Idolllver: “Y‘oi and Joe ( 'antion are tl> grandeat pair *f t*luf fera In public life. 1 have aaen you two •crap ikml flgfit o%er cutting down ex|*n • lHurea and tlieti turn around anti eon gratukite each other, on the quiet, for hlie*-cawfully getting away with your re spective btuftr" Mr Dockery l.*ghel. hut tha remark waa too true to bo funny. 4l|rmrn 4 W holtrri. Berretary Hoot uri Attorney General Grlgga are lath •ntbuelaatle gtlft*ri The latter h.*a in.-ome quite ex|Mrt In hand ling the rluhe and he Iwia tle4 con clualonai frequently with aonm of th** lw. t plavera In the rh#vy-CTu*e and Waait lngton golf cluhe A few daya ago an interstate tournimftii was given by the Washington Golf CMub and one of Ihe entrlea waa “William ratteri*>n.** Ho drew ii* hla competitor a well-known lo cal player of the t'olumhla t’luh who ti-ip peried o bear the min*- of “William II McKinley. ‘•William l*.tteraon“ was simply an alias for Attn ney General Grlgga. McKinley won eaally. •laittMY IH IDIIBAH. Ulrla Bfolen D>apit- ihe Vlgimnce of Itrlflah fr• laera. Allen Sangrea In Alnalgg'a. “And yet the anti aocletlea cry wildly lluit alaiery mut eradicate! at Zaiislbar. and the dvlllied world, lie tween war, re-echoea ihe cry. ao the British consul and hi* officers work In dustriously to that end It la not an **aiy task, either, with the number of cruisers supplied. The territory o le watched 1s SO Wide that the consul could make use of a small tleee. Instead of which he usually has one *hl|. When I wus lh**re last summer, the Haroitaa had the sta tion, but two days after ah# nailed north to Mombaesa courier rushed into the conaulut* to report that two dhowa with twenty girl* had slipped f*w.*y to Arabia under cover of s moonless nlgtd, and there wa* n ship to make pursuit “It Is thl* sea-borne tfwf!l' that Is most difficult to suppress. Jurt now tin !•- <cuitM’i>, when ihe southwest monsoon sweeps the Indian ocean. It la active. The lean dhow* frmn Mii*t steal along the coast, ami. concealed In many a creek and river mouth, wait for their agent* inland to bring them a cargo. Then. -*• Inga moment when the warshln .a guged elsewhere, they slip at dart eastward The favorite girl* are those cap tured from the Masai and the lioran Gal ina. whoso charms appeal to Arabian Ms lema somewhat as thou* of the dresa sian women lo to the q'urka. The Horan* hk, |tarticular ly renowned for their beau ty. and a slave thief will risk Ids life to obtain one. This tribe, which occupies th* northernmost district of the Protectorate. I* altogether swathed in romance. White tnen have never reached Hs capital where Ows stockade of the royal palace Is said to be of pure Ivory. The Hot an warriors are the only ones In Africa who fight on horseback, and such i* their valor that 1 hey have tftne and agsln repulsed the fh fee Horn nils from the bonier “The Masai girls are .on sale red the equals of their Horan sisters In attrac tiveness. hut not In refinement; the Ut ter. rumor has tt. practice the rites of Abyssinian Oirlatlsnity and the lost arts of centuries past. Tlw Masai girts ar* easier to capture, and are. therefore.more common The tribe was formerly celebrat ed for Ita vast flock* and herds, but a de vastating famine some year* ago left It slmosl deslltW' Tne warriors thereuiem lu-gan a aysl'-m of rwlillnf on *ll sulee. ai.A anolhsr Heir* tribe. Ihe Waklkuyu. took afivantatte f ibrlr nbeenre lo <l#- .rrnfi , .h- M.iaal, kill •,h --and stral all the women and girls These ,a.w la-ln* dls.'d of .1 ' O*"**™; llevly low Wm tea to |o.-el Arab or middlemen, who retail thorn * • profit. M _ t ( Hit AI.O FOOD THROW* AWAY. Oae AAeek's AAaate A Feed Thousand* “f Ik# I’oor. From Ih# fhlrago Tributw Th* proportion of waste In Chicago, especially In articles of food. Is exceplkm *||y Urge, not because thl Is an ex travagant community, bul through Ihe absence ol any organtged ayatem for util ising wurpiue pro-lucta. By ihe rich food M wasted; by Ihe poor It Is wanted Yet there I* no willful waste, merely a lack of the mean* where by what Is HOW thrown away may be collected and distributed among (hoaa wlm need It. No estimate con be formed a* to th* wa."- In private Households lor II veri'-s according i" ihe means iH hahlta of me member*, tail in ihe homes of ihe wealthy and well-to-do the loss of food I* often sufficient to feed another family of equoi owe. But a* suggestive of the loess* between the dinnlng-rooni*. kitchens and garbage boxes of the AMr.'eXi families of Chicago th# low average of 10 cents a *lay show* a tremen.luus total. At this rate |4s.'S>i a day la thrown out, and In one year goes lo wnsle "Thai estimate, I should say. Is sxireme iy low." said •• Madison * I rest provision men hant "For each family It would menu only I 1-2 cent* a meal, and It muat b- rememi>erel lhat Ihe extremely poor are wasteful perhaps beyond their pro l*,ri Innate share when romp arret with the rich. They do not buy with Judgment as to the nutritive value of foods; they rook them iorl> and at any time when there |s .1 seeming surplus of food In such a household the lemp'aiio'i to shocking waste Is apparently Irresistible. "When the hotels, restaurants, hoarding house* and the myriad houseaobls are con sidered. I shoubl not be surprised If 1100,- MIUOOM worth of food goes to waste in Chicago every year. Thl*. too. I* not ronsbb-rlng Ihe perishable stocks tha’ apoli in the bonds of th* dealers." —The woman of Wyoming exercised tbrlr right of suffrage to a greater extent In the recent election than ever before, and It I* estimated they cast at least 1.000 ot the 73.0 bi vote# polled on Nov. A BEAT-WELL [| GELATINE R Is used by the best cooks | ICATARRH COLDS fSS§]GRIPPE COUGHSLiIAVICROUP THROAT/fvlflP'BSS pHi | 'MRS. QEX. LONGSTREI2T I n Ssvs -A*' a I H xihml tonU Peruna Is an et- |i J| feettve cure tor catarrhal j I! re. onunenJ your+regwdjy, 1 j ll XL eT actual! WORK OF LABOR FEDERATION. mens TO BE T4KKN IN HEIINMC OF PORTO RICANS. Smerlean I atoas to lia.e Thetr liat ernltia ten. 'Lranslalcd Into the Spanish l.anauaae *— t tutieiillnn Declares Its Opposition to the tll tl-Mralptna Hill—Deleaatea ttefoseil to Limit President's Term or tittle*, (jttmprr. Will Probably It.* Re* eleeledf lewlsvtll*. Dec. 12 —At to-day'e seaslon of the American Federation of latbor Oon vnitlon Invitations from Washington, D. C , Ih-ranton, IN . amt Niagara Falla. N. Y.. for Ih* convention next year were read No action waa taken. The convention Hduptrel a declaration recommending to all affiliated unions whoae trad* or calling Is pursued tn For to Itlro lo promptly disseminate Information necessary to give I lie Porto Ricans ofi portonlty lo be ome allied with national or International trade associations tn x America It was also recommended M>et the Amer ban Nallonul Unions have their const I tut lon* translated Into the ftpanlah lan guage; snl that the lie .imtr g execullva council of Ihe American Federation of latlxtr lake a<-iloii protnplly lo carry out llie plans and purposes of Ihe Am'-clean labor movement In I’orlo Rico An appro priation of s3.'xw # made tor thl* pur poae. 'lNe con veul lon concurred in reeobnlons oHselntr Ihe anll-scalpbiK hill. Itcsohi llons favoring a 101-rr port folio In ihe cab inet evoked an animat'd discussion, and was killed by a vole of 7* to 47 Resolutions advocating a rchictmti nf llie tax on beer were non-concurred In. Ilesoiuilotia were iidotded favoring only one class under which men shall be ctn ployrel In United filates navy yards at the standard rat* of wage, a* received by tha various unions In Ih* district 111 which navy yards are situated, and denmndltlff free school hooka in all th* public scluio.a of th# country. • An unfavorable report wae aubmltte I on a reaolmlon presented by the Central Trades and Labor Unton of Bt. lead# providing for the creation of a general strike fund lo be used only In >-** of urgent necessity A resolution providing that no peraon be eligible to the office of president of the federation In the future for more- lhap two sucneaslve terms was ouanmtoi’kly rejected. ’ A resolution offered by Ms* ltaye pro viding that the officers of the Federation of Labor lie elected each >wr by refereu <Juiti vote, said vote t> be returned by the affiilxtrel national aivl local unions on or before the last day of the seasLn of iha convention, waa killed To-day’a proceeding* disclosed that there will be little or no opposition to President Gompers’ re-election. The Power of Ihe Balcslaa- From the New York Butt. There l gloom In the Boeton hoi els, and all liecnua* of a wretched lutle e*mi-colan. Nobody. not even a guest, can get a drink In a Boston hotel after It p. m . and all on account of a miserable Utils earn colon Theater parties, after the show, all sullen snd thirsty In the rea tauiants of the Boston hotels and abom. Irasie a peetlfrrmis lltlle eemiooloo. Th* hote.keepers, who pay S2.W for their Ibensee. are thinking of calling on tho Legislature to extirpate that deceitful IH tle semicolon. ' ... Thle k. Ihe elory of the semicolon: In IMS Ihe Ore#' alyl General Court poesed this etatute: "No sale of eptrltuou* or tntoxlrailng liquor shall l>* ma<b- bet worn the hours of 12 at night and 4 In the morning, nor during the Lard * day. except thai If tha licensee is also licensed as an Innholder h*- may supply such liquor to guest# win. have resorted to his houae for food or lodging." Give heedful note to the comma afie “morning," • kindly and hospllaole com ma which pcrmltl'd the “licensed Inn holder." at least, t" comfort Ihe paroh'-l tn rusts of hla gin-sis between 12 p. m. ami * a m In tS*t the statutes were >-on soil dated un.| somebody, careless copyist, humw yu or sea tons f'mhl billon Ist. [ducked n#y the innocent comma and aet a blis ter of a semicolon there. Notice the difference: "No sale of spirituous or Intoxicating liquor shall be made between the hour# of It at night ami tn the morning; nr during Ih*- Lord's day. except that if Ihe licensee t also lleenaed as an Innholder h'- may sur-ply such liquor to gueata who have resorted to hla house for food or lodging." In UKS the hour was changed from II to 11, but the comma wa* not restored. Obviously the fans! Illlle semicolon *hu:s out the Innkeeper from hi* former right of selling liquor lo guests between II |>. m. and 4 a. m . and merely permlut him to sell on Holiday. This week the Pupreme Court of Maanachiisetta ha* so tonstrued the statute. The semicolon hau overruled the Great aid General Court. This anecdote teaches us fhe moral and legal value of punctuation, which sums of us were Inclined to look down upon In ear younger day*. 5