The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1900, Image 1

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the morning news r, h'J lSu. • - Incorporated ISSN J H. EBTII.L, Pr#sld*nt. II IB HI i ' —~ Senate Adopts Davis Amand ment by 65 to 17. tIVES RICBT OF DEFENSE. Ten] r ol Senate Seems Against Treaty as Amended. IT MAY STILL IE DEFEATED Xluacy Now Wants to Abrogate the Clayton-Bnlwer Treaty. Prediction Frrrly Mode TRnl Ihr Treaty Will Kali Even With Amendment l*nn in ana f.rr Our SI.- Anna tor Elkina Wnnta to .trlkr Oat tcctlonu Prohibit I nit I 'orllfle-**——<l<*e-*nn la Not I*o - nml Ikr Stnalr S##m l)r --tcrniIncl to I'rorrrd 11 Itliout Me* aard to Knaland. Wirhlnglon. Dee. 13.—1n Mnatotial clr f,„ th* [irrdtcllon 1* freely made that the Ha. ! aunccfote treaty tnay tall o( ratifi cation. By vote of Sto 17 the Senate to-day . <( td the Pavla amendment 10 Ihe tr.i; Immediately after the vote tine t.ika> th> Senate adjourned. Th, f.r tn|.t adjournment war due to fir *.n th* part of I hole In charge of t tn atv that If a vote on that ioou tn.!.t a ere taken at this time It would ftl. to secure Ihe necewsary two-tnird*, for tt ass clear that she temper of the Seriate was In favor of changing the treaty materially, or rejecting U. Mn who are In favor of the ratiflea t .(i of Ihe treaty and those who are op* l—d to It voted for the amendment and ire vote la. therefore, no criterion by * hto judge the fate of the amended 6.. ument. H I* no secret, however, that Senator J •■. and other administration leaders f • I that the chances of ratlfleatlon with tt- addition of the l>avis amendment are it h lies than they have heretofore i -1 They have taken It for granted up t now that the Duvls amendment was tt. tdy thing necessary to pacify Ihe ■ i--l;lon, and that having been adopt n. tin treaty would be promptly ratilled I. Its am. n.led shape. Now they fear that they must consent i th. adoption of a number of other am, nlmrntu, If they wish to get the treaty t • igh at all. In o der to secure ratlfl c.i iin they must have llfty-elght votes. Senate May Nut Utility It. ' • temper of the Senate ns It waa dt<- \ "I by the vote to-day, and lit the de b which have taken place In exeeu- P -slon. seems to he In favor of sev i 1.1 ra II al changes as a condition to rutl l i--n. There Is no question that a good i any senator* would be much better sat is l to see the Clayton-Bulwer treaty sited, and to have this rpuntry go >1 .-I with the building of Ihe canal. * out consulting Gieat Britain In any Way. • r.- Is no polHlra tn this oppoelilon. I prominent senators of both parties t that stand. Sb-mitor Elkins, who Is fa- of the strongest Repultlcans, ts of * at mind, and so Is Senator Bacon, who I* in of the most a,Wive Democrats on ' Foreign Relations Committee, and * such has taken a very prominent I In the tight over the treaty, which I ’— -n behind closed doors. nor Bacon Is willing, ass last re i to vote for the treaty with Ihe l>avls n ' 'merit, If he ran gel nothing lielter, li rdcr to facilitate the construction of 1 until; but he will vote for several '• r amendments which have been pro r t—all of them In lact—that he be * Will complete the Amerlcanlxatlon '• he canal. He thinks It likely that treaty will be further nmrnded. and * the administration Is wtlllng to * ept It with further amendments. It will * extremely difficult to secure the n*c ' rv two-thirds vote In the Benate. I• Kill 1 layfon-lliilirer Treaty, •itor Money's resolution reeommond *' *° the l*resldent that negotiations be ' 'red into for the abrogation of the r I' ton-Rulwer treaty, and assuring him 1 it such negotiations will meet the np -1 ■' tl of the Senate. would probably se r -re * majority vote were It not for the ' re of leading Republicans to support 1 President and Secretary of State. tutor Elkins has Introduced an ' ’ 'lntent atrlktng ou! the seventh see n of the second article, that which ' ’.lns the no-fortlflcatlone provision. " I also striking out article three, which I •-.lid m a t other Powers shall be In* ■ to signify their adherence to this I at,. 'era! other amendments have been , biltted by senators, all of thelm de red, Jjj the opinion of their projector*, make the treaty what they consider r " re coneleteiktly American. While It * * thopght that the adoption of the 1 -'vie amendment would pave the way early ratification. It beglne to look •' If the fight over the treaty had Juel Mufning ft.cto& THE AMENDMENT As AJMIPTKO. Gives the I lllleil Stairs the Right to HeIV ii.l Ttieniselves. By Associated Free*. Wsshlngton. pec 13.—The Senate to day. by a vote of So to 17. adopted Ihe Foreign Relations Committee amendment I to ihe Hay-Pauncofote treaty. The amendment follows: Insert at end of Section $ of Article 11, ! the following: “It is agre. and, however, that none of the Immediately fori going condition! und stip ulations In sections numlsred one. two. three, four and live of this article shall j apply to measures which the Fulled < States may Und It naeessray to lake for i securing by tls own forces the defense of the Foiled States and the maintenance of public order." In accordance with previous agreement the S.-nate In executive ee-elon Ihe vote at 3 o’clock by yeas nml nays. The negative votes Were as follows; llnlr.l. Beveridge, Frye. Foster, Hans brcUgh, Kind ay, Mason, McCumber, Mc- Knery, Mcßildi. Morgan, Money, Stew art. T-liman. Wellington, Wolcott and Gitlllngv r. After Ihe vote other amendments re celved the attenlioii of Ihe Senate for a brief time, but none of them was acted 1 upon. The amendment which prohahly attroct te I moat attention was offered by Sena tor Elkins anil Is as follows: "Nothing In this treaty shall be con strued to prevent tht l ulled Siatea from acquiring sufficient security and sover eignty to prevent it from building, ope-r --ailnjt. maintaining, controlling and de fending the sill .anal (referring to the pro|*oe. I Nicaraguan can.ill. or for any .dher ptirpoae that the United Slates may deem for Its bed Interests." Other 1 •uenilnietils -uurteeterl. Other amendments were suggested by Senators Tillman, Allen, Money and Thurston. Senator Thurston's sugges tion provides that the United Slates may defend the canal and Senator Tillman's makes Ihe committee amendment adopted by to-day's vote apply to all the provi sion* of Article 11. This would hove the • IT. ct. tt is believed, of nullifying the pro- Vl!ion of Section 7 ~f llk- article providing against the foriilb ullon of lbs canal. Other amendm. nts were offered, strik ing out Section* 3 and 7 of Artel# 11. Sen ator Teller said tha* If Senator Elkins' amendment should lie adopted he would not press his amendment for the modifi cation of Section 7 so as to omit provi sion against the fortification of the canal. Senator Lodge, in charge of the bill, when all amendments were submitted, moved an adjournment until to-morrow, which motion prevailed. Elkins Wants Hndlcnl Changes. Previous to the vole Senator Elkins made a speech advocating radical altera tions of the treaty. He favored th* com mittee amendment, but said It did not go fur enough. He believed, be said, if the canal was :o be constructed by the gov ernment of the Untied States the p*ople woulri demand complete and absolute con trol over the canal Itself, and also the right to exercise their own judgment, as a nation, not only In acquiring property In connection wlih the canal, but If need be. In securing sovereignty over It. He contender! that to pursue this course in volved no violation of International rights, and In defense of this |*dtlon said the United States had made an offensive and dcfcni-lvs treaty with France In 1753. and soon afterwards had repudiated that obli gation. He also cited other precedents and authorities. He argued. In short, that changed eomllllotia warrant a change In conduct and In position. • Later the Republican Committee on Order of Business held a session to decide u|K*n the future line of action with ref erence. to the treaty as amended. Subse quently Senator Lodge, who was with the committee, stated that the Senate would proceed with the treaty and that he would continue his efforts to have It ratified. MOSEY WANTS ABROGATION. Thinks the < ln> ton-llnlwer Treaty Slio a lit lie W I peil Out. Washington. Dec. 13.-Benaor Money to-day Introduced a resolution In the Sen ate providing authority for the abroga tion of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty by diplomatic negotiations CLEMENT* I** ME APPOINTED. Yirkra Named for t ommlaelooer of Inlrratnl Hevrnne. Washington. Dec. 13.—The President to day sent tlte following nominations to the Senate: Jutleou C. Clements of Georgia, to be an Interstate commerce commissioner, a re appointment. John W. Yerkes of Kentucky, to be commissioner of Internal revenue The nomination of Mr. Yerkes to be collector of Internal revenue for the Eighth district Of Kentucky #-• withdrawn. I Rtllll ESCAPED PIHSIEH*. Early Termination of Colombian Revolution Espeeled. Colon, Colombia. Dec. 13, via Galveston -Gen Uribe Uribe, after having been de feated at Coroaal. escaped his pursuers. Half a million dollars had Just been shipped to Europe and New York from I the provinces of Antloqul*. where quiet IS restored Everything |lnt* to an early termination of the rebellion. m W • ■ ■■—* PENSION HILL COMPLETED. It tarries an Appropriation of *14.1.- ilMMSttl. Washington. Dec 13.-The pension ap propriation bl'4 was complet'd to-day by the House Sub-Committee on Appropria tion*. It carries shout H4MIMOO. of which it->t.i gHi.ow'Hw I* ? <>r pensions sod the balance lor administration. A Hall of Records. Waahtrgton. De IS—A resolution wwa adopted tn the Benate to-diy directing the appointment of .three m- mbers of the Senate Committee on Public Buddings and Grounds and five of the seme com mittee In the Houae to -polder the lo oatton and coal of a hag of record* la DU* SAVANNAH. C.A., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1000. BOLD MAIL ROBBERY THAI* BOARDED AMI RKOISTKJIKO MAIL ( ARHIRD OKI*. MAIL CLERK ALMOST KILLED. TKIETVB9* MIG II %I'L ON Till-; LOT TO* KELT II ULAN %\ . Pfllrd Mali C’lrrk IhMinlß to th© Floor With n Jlhoirl nml Took Pouches < ontnlulag Mini* \nlu nlil© Pn<*ki>K*— Dpniil* \\ no lu riurinnii \\ h*n flir Tmln llnn lird r l>%nrknnn l.lltlr I Irw fi llr Noli Ik*ra. Tex irknn.i. Ark . Dec. 13.—A hoM rob bery on the Cotton Belt Railway occurred to-rirty .it Bav** t’n, Tex., thirty mJU‘ ootnh of Tex.irk.ina. on tlc train coroitif north. In which !Vtal Clerk John N Dennin w'i*n almoet killed and Ihe mill pouohe* of hie (r rifled of their *’onten!*. The* amount xtolen i* not kiu>wn. A> the train left the liasaatt'a water tank at <i a. m. ihe < and m til w**re aerarate.i from the train, but the train crew anon had them coupled amln. In he run from there to T x irk na the roaches were uncoupled twice in a very mvateiious manner. On arrival of the train here the United State* transfer clerk kno ked at the and -or of the mall car. but got no repon*c f -flclala then forced an entrance anti found the clerk. John N Dennlf, utret he l u|*on the floor apjMrently dt>. L A hurried ex amination pho wed that th<* register'd IMck.igee ha! teen ofM-ned and robb*-l of their content*, the moet valuable of whl h w.ip the M* nr.ihin through h. oontaiitlng a laige num'xr of valuable package*. A physician waa sent for. and it was four.*! that Dennis was alive, but unc*>n •clous. An ugly wound In the top of iris head told the story. Two hour- after ho was l t*en to the hospital he revive I ptif flctontly to give the detail** of (he rub bery. Mall Clerk'* **t*ry of It. Juat as the train |*rted nt tank Dennis w*ni into the vestibule of th. car to stir up the fire. Wh*n h* ojiensd the vestibule door he saw two men standing by the stove, one of whom dealt him a terrible blow over tha head with a heavy Are shovel. The first blow felled him. and he was then quickly l*at en Into an Insensible condition. He knew nothing more until he was revived In the Texarkana Hospital. He Is In a critical condition. * Examination of the car showed thcit the robbers gained entrance by crawling through a small trap door In the floor of the vestibule. In the vestibule is a crank with which n permm an uncouple the car from another atnl It i* believed it w's** the intention of the robbers to disconnect and get * witrol of both cars. It Is impossible to tell what the robbers secured, but It is believed they a goKl haul. Officers are on the case, hut there is little to work on as the men could have left the car at three different places be fore the train arrived here. Word reached here at noon two suspects have been nrrestd at Napl* s. near the acme of the robbery, but none of the stolen packages were found. Den nis Is (in okl and trusted mail clerk. in:i.t> 11* nv*: rohiihr. 4 Mall (nr Mobbed nml Conductor •Ihot nl !(ew Orient**. New Orleans. Dec. 13 The southbound Illinois Central fast nvill due here at 7:15 p. m. was held up and robbed by a lone train robber about one mile outride the city >-nlght. His booty consist* of one reglsrered mall pouch from Durant. Mias., and six other registered letters from |<oints between Cairo and New Orleans. Conductor Klnnebaw was shot in the groin, and J. C. Parker, railway mull olerk. hod his left eye powder-burned by a shot directed at his head. After passing Kenner, a small station, the robber climbed td the engine, covered the engineer and fireman and brought the train to a standstill. When the conductor came forward he was shot by the robber. R. E. Goklsby. one of ihe railway mull clerks, waa ordered to get out of hie : car. The robber led the engineer, flr *- man and Goklsby toward the express car and made one of them blow the •wife open with a stick of dynamite which | he supplied. No money was found here. The robber then made for the mail car and there discovered Parker, who had , hidden iho registered pouches. He sho* at Parker and then one of the pouches was produced and he made off with li He uncoupled the engine from the train ar.d ran it to Carrollton avenue, where u was abandoned Two suspects were arrested to-night, but the railway mall clerk did not iden tify tnera. # HELD THE PEOPLE AT BAT. Robbers Dynamited a Rank \aolt •ml (iot P4,(SM, Sharissvlll*. 0.. Doc. IL-Four nak*<l mm. discovered in the act of dynamiting ih<* vauil of John Doera-hu. k a private bank early to-day. drove off all who at tempted to Interfere and go', away with between *3. a tel H.W. An explosion of nltro-glycertiw about J a. nt. awakened John Rhodes, wjho lives opposite the bank. Rhodes saw two men working at the vault doors, while two Other* stood guard at the main entrance of the bank building Rhode*, revolver In hand, rushed Into the street and wae met by a volley from the sentinels. Doaen# of the InhabPants appeared, on y to be greeted by a tbower of bullet* rile robbers removed the doors of the vault and pried open the money drawers. Dumping th# specie Into bags they backed to the railroad tracks and disappeared on a handcar, which they abandoned be tween here and Baltic Bloodhound* were secured and a large pot,a at once started i.o til* Dali. ENGLAND WANTS A CHANGE. Hat She 11 ill litre# fa the Nate to t Itlna t'raettratli as the Minis ter* Have Drawn It. W i-hlMKIen. l<ei 13 —The '.steal advice from lYkin, from sour, es, is that England hr* slgnltt* Ia willingness to • cn the agreement reached by the for egn minlrtera with a slight amendment, which Is said to be rather tn the nature of a mere cb.toge at form. It - the under-t. Hiding that England was Ihe only power that was bolting Iwk. and. according to Utese advice*, there sc- ms to lie no substantial obstacle io an almost Immediate closure of the nc •otlaMon* concerning the preliminary agreement. . Mr Uiaiger's tat ndvtrx-* to the State I>t r*arttneiit Indlc.ited very .dearly that th German minister at Pekin, Mumm von Hi bwartsta ten was living up to the spirit of the |rom>e of 'he German goi emm- ii* 'to abate Its demands for th,- Im posttlon of the death le-nalty upon Princ. s Tuan and Chuang, Duke lao. and other Ib-iiiT rlngl.-adrrs li was \i|>on this very (-•ini that th. United tt ales made the .ssue w ith Germany and England. PUK E TERMS KISH ITIIII. • t,|.,tried Conditions That the Kni |.re* Hill lece|iL Indon, Dec. 14.—" Information has reached the IVu Chang vk-eroy," soys the Shanghai correspondent of the Standard, "that th.- Eni|-es- Dowager has agreed to accept ihe following peace conditions: ' The early return of Em|*ror So m P.kln. Indemnity to the amount of (40,00.0-i. th. right of each legation to maintain a guard of I'. l '"' troops and the ,pp- Ir.tmcnt of .. foreign ad visor to ench province f the empire "Director General rihettg lias re five Ia le.egram fr.,m Sian Fu, a-verting that the Empress Dow .g.-r is about to start for i’henrr Tl Fu In the (wovlnce of Sx t'buen 1.1 Hung Chang and Princa China have r.-.-eived the Empress D.wa ger s permission to take the Itnpeila! *".il from the I . r 'i.ld.xi Pala e and io u* It tn the negotiations. I>r Morrison, wiring to the Times from Pekin, says "For tl..- second time Russia has ofll lally not fi.d Cour t n Waldersrsi of her Intenti.s, to withdraw nil her troop* fr,.m ihe province- of Chi LI and to restore the railway to the allied forces I-fore tlin ■ > ti North of h, -I wall 111.- Burst.,n- will retain the Nlu Chwang Railway, pending a settlement of their claims t. .-.anpeti-atkHi for expenses slleged In have ts-en Incurred w hile liokl- Ing the railway south of the wall." Tli* Morning post publishes a rltspat, h froni Pekn. dated p,-c. 12 which says: •',\|. plchon, French minister. Is most strenuous In demanding the punisnmenl of the guilty officials " Th.- pollde* of Franc* and Russia are by no means Identlca France and Ger many seem to be a-tlng more nearly on th. same lines, although entirely inde pendently. The Pntled IP ate* are also acting alone. Russia. France and the Untied States, while United generally, will In (a s act •eparately on certain points. AGREEMENT NDII TRIPARTITE. Japan Mas Joined the Inglo-CJerasan t atlerslaading. 1 gtn.lon, lie.'. 13. The correspondence relating to the Anglo-German agreement ha* been laid before Parliament. It re veal- the fact that the agreement Is now tripartite. Japan alone of the Powers Invited to Join made special inquiries of Germany and Gr.ait Britain concerning Ihe agree ment. Japan then replied that “the Im perial government having received asur an .s from the contracting parties to me effec: that. In adhering to (he agreement in question they will !h placed, in rela tion to such agreement, In the same posi tion they would have occupied If they had been n signatory Instead of an ad hering wale, does not hesltsl* to formal ly declare she will adhere to stirb agr-e. ment and will accept the principles em bodied therein." The assurances of Germany and Great Britain allude,! to are not given. The re plies of the other Power* do not differ from llie previous announcement*. 11l NTINU ( II IN Bat THE 4*l RE. Ilrlliah Soldier- trier Valuable* 111.1, 1eu by the four*. Pekin. Dec. 13.—A few daya ago ihe British troops were notified of the eg. iatenco of a large amount of treaaure tentity miles northwest. Col. Tulloek and a hundred men left to-day to investigate the truth of the report. Col. Tulkwk requested, however, that fifty extra men be detailed. It in believed that a large amount of gold .and valuables was burled at that (mint by (lers-ui* connected with the Chi nese court ,luring the recent flight. The tr format ion regarding the treasure was r. elve.l from a former court official. A NTf-KDHKIGN mrtlllb. I*r ate.l In Hong Kong hut There lit, Been No Hlotlna. llong Kong. Dec. IS.—The rpy waa pla carded to-day with statement* in lilng the people an I the members of the secret societies to unite and rise during th* month of January and drive out all the foreigners. Crowds gathered around the placards, but no actual outbreak Is re ported. lteiorts have been received from Can ton io the effect that Yeung Bung Po, Ihe reformer, h.s been horribly to-tued. T.sigh he was strung up hy the thumbs and ihe toe*, he would confess nothing. OYER 300 IVI.HI. DROYA NED. Hush of Paasenaer* to Side of Ve***l Mud* Her Mink. Canton. Dee. 13.—Th* fading overboard of a man from a passenger boat on the West river, near 110 Kau, led to a rush of some Id' passenger* to the side of the vessel, which caused her to sink, over M person* being drowned Limerick Free Is. Kruger. Limerick, Dec. 13.—The corporation of Umertck to-day conferred the freedom of ihe city upon Mr. Kruger. The two mem. hers who opposed the proposal were how ltd down. Itedmond Again Chairman. Dublin. Dec. 13 —The member* of th# Irian Parll.mentary party to-day unani mously re-elected John Redmond chair man for the present and coming session. Messrs Eemonde. Donelan. Pairlck i O'Brian and llarke were appointed whips. OFFICE FOR JORDAN M:%\ KAII MOtll i It IO h| t i l i lt < ItEAMI VVN . COLUMBUS MAN GETS PLUM. MTOI.MMEVr IS % MR I*ll KM; TO THE KOLITIt I %>V (auvemor Arui III* \ninr in (lo* M*m- Mlr 1 fklrrilNi mill li Will I'roli nltl) ll* ( Hr Will lit* do* Itnllroinl Mrnilm f do* I om mi< Mini Will (rro for %i% irnm. Miiim lldirr (ivnrgUu ll.itl llt*rt Tnll**l uf. AtUm t. IV lion. <1 Ounby J*r dan of (.viumbiKt to* lay i mllrouil >*mniS‘f‘lorw r f <r u t*rm of mx yoni ir**i 1.. l>i by Gov. CxttdiiM The uniu'uu. cnicnt w.ll no nd f comnunt in th** boiu.. j o.i u*h of th Plnt*. v* it w is not uxi>< tfsl tb**t (lo\ Cndler wulci nuk<* tin? nnncun env-tit until mxt >• •! Mr. Jinlan will fni- • * 1 T ('. Cmohaw of th* liiiilfxmd ('ommi'Hlun, whom* term expired dot 1. of n\( wr Oiuirmnn dr.^in*!uu w:*n n nppllount for i'<-.||Mitiit tnrnt, nl prvnrai ot!*r promlnrni lit < im - t>f dk *• at# wnnt* I tl* Tn* rit*tion of th k Governor to-duy will. thrr**foi#*, lo a fuirprlsM' to th of t*n well a* thf appllnnb thi*m Th* rutin* of Mr. JonUn had lwv*n tuir (C**;<toi ns mull t mi* •• ♦ I Chalrmnn (*rrnliu. hi.l it w < known that h* <! Gv. (’.mdlfr w. • very clone fri**n*b. nwirttem r , renntv f w‘* frlrnAn, howovrr. wore <*o il*lf>nt thut liu would •* nppoiniMl t* ■u .i.l htnoflf. <ommli*!orrr of Agriculture st*viM h*l oiiM> tnlkti of for th‘ pukiioii. but he wm barred out because h* w.n not n railroad man. and llo* law requtr*** that (hr oommiadlon i*hnll conaiwi of a lawyer, ii budlnriiH man mul a railroad man. At preiu-nt Mr Crenshaw I* ih- rallr**aii man, Jiulg** Atkinson Is ih<* lawyer anl Hon Fop* Hrown I?* the bualn* v inun. Mr. Jordon U w* ii known a-* * r.iliro.n| man throughout tl** ll*- (a ron noctrd with tho Georgia Mid In ml and (Julf UallKMid fr a iiiimiter of y* arn. and w** formerly niunlirr of tiu* Mtat*> Uui;- roa*l < Vwi.miPdlon. At pte-ent i.e !•* *on nerted wltlj the <*otton tnil.K at Colnmbin* and owim Inttrtftii in several r.lir**o<ln. The w sent in to th* fkn. ate thi?* morning, and io morrow morning the donate, in ex*s-ultvc* iomud, will, no doubt txuiflrm the eirtioii. HAH AL MOW'I AN IdAt (HATER. Mot W r*la ll*-in *-rn tliornr) W|nlil> Ink anil Hrar> Grady* Atlanta, 1 e**. 13.-Counctlmnn H**nr>’ Orady and Attorney Ja< k Statbling en gaged in p*reonil remark** before th* Ifotiw** Judiciary CooimHie- thla after noon during the Hraununtj* on the cdty utnendmenie. Attorney Hpul lii g who (iddreeeed the committee in the lnt*Tu of the Atkin son coriore4lonp, tcfc*rre*l In hi nnurk* to Coinftiman G udy’t vtc in Council Monday, on the resolution unking the I,egblattire io kill th* Howell amend ment, and ihe rounciim -**' o ranee in the committee r- m to-day to uji*ort the Howell urif n lment. "I hove always hH l the r**wl'man In the frighext eierm. Mr H|*tidit g x.ii t "And there hi uniaher Grady who***; nun** I hav** esteemed, the father of the young man. who. I know, would never have *mde auch a record as thi.-." When CcMincliman Grady aecured the floor a few momenta later he prefaced his wltn a red hot reply- to .Mr. gl*uid!ng‘x remarka. "I Old not Intend to add re** the com mitter* loniay." h began, "until thi hired attorney for a corjNrit|on came here and without warrant draw* I my n-ni I hop* thin committee will hold him re mark* in the name contempt that I hold thren." The taxt nentrn*e of the rntm w re ply wax made In th* most rmphnlic man ner and he ahook hi* hut at Mr Ht.4ld- Inx. t'hairmsm Ja'k Hiafon, of the committee, immediately called fin* co*in- i in<ii to nr der and he f 4 >r t** |e'*oun| reninrk.*. lie then wnt Into hln argument In favor of the flow* II ameminvent After the *-ommi' t** adjourned Mr HiMidlng 1* ft the • upitol In • untiMriv mitre •ever*l of Nn frleruie ami Mr Grady f*d lowe*| n short diatance l*ehln*l with sevara; of his friends. They K<l not m*e, un.| it Is exi*e< te*l th** incident wild lead to fur ther trouble between them. H % Ll# KILLEfII DEPOT HIM.. Nlot lelkely Tim I It N\ 11 ( *rtie Ip nl llir >•( lemon. Atlanta. l>#c IJ-The Atlanta ande f t Ikll In dead for this session end It is very probable tliat it will not be re*urre**w | next year, os It In expert el that by the time the legislature rm**ts* again there will be anew passenger station on Ml* h eli street, erected by the Southern Rail way. The bill was set for to-day bv the fWerlng Committee, out after continued filibustering in the m*rntng. It w m se#n that (here was no hojx for Its i>te-air* The bill wan killed by Mr. Ilall of lilbb. leader of the filibusters Nine Ropuilsts, (wo white Republic to** and two mgrne* w-re Mr Hall's ns.| t ants In the execution of th*- depot bill. Mr. Hall of Hlbb, In order to df**,*t a measure whi Ii h id been by the Governor ii*d w hich was fav-red by sn overwheimlrg majority of his party and wi leb would have meant an of 14 1 ftp* n year to his state, forme Ia coalition .gains' his com < !*s with Ifi *• mentioned, and w.fh t)*ir assist/trice. mar.ugiHl to defeat the bill. 4VAVT* AN l\% MTIiaTIOL Jmiiea Is Indignant Over (hirgei Aeln* Ills lamp. Atlanta, Dec. 13.—The charges which wsra preferred against the James oonvkrt camp at Adrian. Gx. ■svrrsl day* ago by a legislative committee, have roused up tbs owners of the camp, and a demand have been made on she Prison Commis sion for • full investigation of the fa^ts. The camp Is one of th** larev In U*or- ICooUiiued on FifU) i agc.J TYPHOON SPREAD DEATH. Iln iitlrcd* **f l.hra !-•( al Hnny A *•-1 VV rn knl (*alr Off (lie ( •** *f (*b I iin. Victoria. B. . Dec 13 - The steamship Kinjru s *f India, whi h arrived yeeter d•' .(ft• r rmy ■•**, brought u a if u - ’*! ivpinsui which ravsg * I I long Kong *u Nov 10. causing heavy lose of Ilf*- and •'hipping. The It: 111*■ h nmi ffan.lplper fminder •it l .in.i -om** i-f her e.imen were l*at The Ann-rI an ship lienjamin Howell went aehon*. and in all s*ven steuin I.*ui.cli4*• were wr k*-d end over l> m tß< w*t* drownel A* KU>wU**n **(*! other |*int* there was also a heavy low*. The Enu re** of India was at her wharf at Klowhn .in*l she was Im*ll\ shaken. Tilt* tr*M’|* fare,| lall>. A sh***i and tein lrar> barr.i k- c*llape*' 1 <Hmpletely and the liidisn . I uiu| . .iii tro*i' < had to seek refuge wh**r<*ver they c*uli. in Klowluon pro|er a number of hu s were bl vm k>wti, others !*•' their roofs .out sen' utherwis* lam*igsl. A stone block n* hr the torpedo dejiot was |r n - *ll> laid in ruin- The whole Upper prt wan hkwn down as was also the up|e>r story >f the telegraph exchange at U Uw looiy f iue British warship!* anchored it Ktowioou. t ‘*> giidlNWite Wlveru. l.i Mid. Tweed and Humtpipsr, were drag ging their NH'-hon* Those *st shore couM do nothing lat - end bv with buoys and lin* - to r*nder .<sij*t in* ** shoukl the vie- N.*ls lilft nsfiore The vessels Hr*-i *- it* ss sign ilh. and on*- or two flew their (H-nnamr* .it Imlf-mist. The gunlsvit S..nd;dper wc m the worst fix as sne was itipUily filling Then from llong Kong way came II M H Otter, the errev oi which, at great risk, rescued th** whole lew with ex * ptlofl of one man. \t dai'ight list urdn v the |*>w erfut dn-dger Cart ton River whl-h re inly r -rlv.d tier*- ft an Bald* y. aim.nt without w *rnliu: llst**l to |**.ri and cii|*s|xed A* o th p*e mimis-r of those n Inuird it the title. It Is impossible t give any* figure • Th* • In authority at ihe dockyard extension say tluit fifty vsuld 1*- ti e number it Is known ihat <*|H H**ott. who was In command of t*cr. was a retard, aI- Cblcf Eng in ear While aixl S 'on*l Engineer Thom|ew. t nrp-iihr Me limy and the majority of the crew The men clung t< the upturn*-! vessel where they w**re seen, nisi twelve were u**d hy th*- baste from the stejim • r Tamur arwl H M H Asiroea The Beniamin H v\ ll w* nt ashore ire i -Be ih* urn* rvtl yard, but g*t off later, t dough • .iking b i.tiv. H* verul bulbiliwi • (•U.i**is**l at Queen* Hoad, killing eight <'hlric*e an*! Injuring eight. HORSES SEnTtO AFRICA. latler|ellM(l>n to Number of %wes s*ut Uo Nol tsws ere4—More lli-linl** ou the War. Indon. Dec. V, -Powell Williams, (he former financial se* rerary of the war of fice. answering a question, said 1K5,460 horse* and mules had Iwren landed In South Africa during the war. Timothy M IBaly's Interpellation ss to th© number of asses sent to South Africa was not answered. laord (’ranborne, reverting to the sub ject of th*' oiitra* t* for the I ganda Itnll road bridge going to America, said the A met l an Bridge Company wyuld build • hirty bridges, using 7,(W0 tons of steal. The contract* totalle*! up tons, lie -aid it was not fair to the i*w*>*( bidder to Invite other lender* to revise their bids During Ihe se.imd reading 10-day of the l*an hill Hir Wlliiam Vernon liar* • ourt criticised in detail the givernm*-nC* fl nan* is I makeshifts. He said the minis ters would have tremendous support In making the Transvaal share the coat of th© war. Rut, he (minted out, the gold mines were #h* only source of revenue, and the mine-owning • upßalPts would not pay f**r the war ex* ept on * omfHiislon and the cupit.ilM* w*-re misters of South Af rica. • out roll*-*! Its politics and would be supreme In the colonies. He contend©*! tha’ the cost of B itlsh rule In ttie Tr.'insvmil and th** Orang© River Colony would be fur greiter than IWbr ml** had lieen ll© ©stlnyit©*! that Gen. Bi'leii-Fowall's poll *• would cost .i year, a sum ejual to the list Transvaal budget. Hlr Michael II! ks-Reirh said that pos sibly the new colonies could not bear nny part to the cost of (lie war for a year or two after the war ended, but he had In mind the future development of th© Transvaal's vast wealth and had mid© the falling in of ih© various loans at sii -h periods as would enable the govern merit t<* see wtut burden might Is* imposed.on •h* Transvaal. In any event no unrea son d*;*- demand would b* made. Mr. Brodrick. H* re-tary of Htate for War, announce*| that th© pillcy of th© war oftl e wa u not to #i\* * <>mnviri*ia to some of those who h and not su*‘ ©•*!©*! with commands In the field The suppJemend ary wir loan and Mila were (hen pa -*'l ti> a serond reading, MILWEK GET* NEW TITI.K. Rllehener Usnti I omslrffesst Aua- Irnlluns ft*ul Ra*k. I Tape T wn. Dec. 13. fllr Alfr©*i Milner | lias been g*x©tt©d administrator of the orange River Colony and the Transvaal. ! Gen. Kitchener has cabled to the eu- I thoritles of H*/uth Australia asking that h© woumled imperial twiehmen who ere • row conva.*w©nt. he returne*! to South Africa, Another r.tli gent of Canadian troops stared on their way home to-day on board th© itoslyn Cnstle. DfXAkTKJI TO THE IIRITIkIf. line r • Xslil Io Its ir fa pin red and Killed a ! •• NMHibrr. Ixindon. Dec. 14 —The Dally Express publishes a rumor of a serious disaster j to lh* llrttish arms. A- cording to this report the Boers at tacked th© camp of Gen. Clemente In the Itarterton district, capturing the camp. kiMtig a number of British officers and taking pri-oners all the British troops. In cluding four oofnjwmiea of th© Nonhum* her land Fusileers. The story is not ©onflrmel In any quar ter and la not generally bettered. An Anlarell© Expedition. Christiania. Dec 11— An Antarctic ex pedition headed by Dr. Otto NordentkjoiJ will leave in August. Statistician Mnlhall Bead. London. Dre. 13.~ Michael O Mulhall. (he statistician, is dead. Me waa boro In DAILY K* A TEAR. CENTS A roi*T WEEKLY 2 TIMES A-WKEK.ft A YEAP HANNA ON SUBSIDIES KHIITI Rtl.l. l<* I’ItOHKTED HY I'YTNIItI'H HOT I VIS*. SPOKE IN REPLY TO MR. CLAY. Mil. iI.W I>l*4 L4IMED ANY IM inttiPEß IMI*I TATKIN. Hi. tana tlniniNiiiril Becadenc© of American s|||,,,,| MU ||, Klin tn moo. I set! Ills Own ElttUrea In xiatlag liat (lie Hilt Liners Wonld Re - *r I% e I ntler (lie Hill—Wald the '•ensure Kllracl I splisl nnil llull*l I p Great ltilns|ry. Wsshlngton, !*• 13 For n* irly three hours <-*iav Mr uf Ohio ad •Ir* ss*i the rtenat** upon th© i>* itUtig anip aubsldy bill. Tills was really his first formal sp*eeh to the body since he be came a mrmlK*r of It. Bine© his advent Into the Senate Mr. ll.iiinn h.*s devoted much time and iebor Io ih© preparation of the shlp-su>sidy bill. Ender a *|*©c|al order the H* nate met an hour earlier than usual to permit th© speech ( he mad© re*for© taking up th© Hay-Pauncefote treaty in exre utiv© aes slon. Mr llanna's speech waa In the natur© of a reply to the op©ech of Mr. Clay of Georgia Mr. Hanna said (hit the remarks of Mr Clay had brought into question th© motives of those who hud a- iMed In th© preparation of the pending measure. Aa a member of th** Maritime Committee, aa well as a m* nd* i of the Committee on Commerce, Mr. H.inna a.ild h felt It hts right and duty to explain the work of those commit tees "For myself," ho declared, "I resent the Imputation that any other motive tiian thos© of Interest in our country and grod public policy actuatrel the commit tees " Mr Clay disclaimed any such imputa tloti. Mr ll.intia maintalne*! tluit In order to bulk! up the American merchant mu rine |t w.© fiecreMtry to have, tad miy capital nml experience, but It was nr - ess.iry likewise, "to afford our foreign carrying trad© protection some kin*! of Inducement—by law " %\ heu the Ibellnr Regan. Mr Hanna declared that the begin ning of the dechn© In the industry was < oln< W*©rt with th© outbreak of th© Civil War. Mr. Vest of Missouri, challenged thla statement. He declared th© d©lln had r©ggn as far hark as 1*66. Mr Hanna reviewer! the history of the American merchant marine from th© ••atabilahmcnt of th© nation until th© preaent time lie maintained that th© -|e iiilrniv |ti Am* rican shipping had tegim m ISGO. "This marine in*lustry," Mr. Ifnrma sakl. "la promrtlv© of our national pros perilV and at the aam*- fltro* is one of the bulwarks of our natlonai defense. The foreign commerce of the l?nii©d Htates Is four time© larger to-day than If was in lAtfn and yet the proportion of American touring#* In th© foreign carrying frad* y now less than on#-third whm If Was tn ld This te w m*mi humiliat ing l©< line 111 .1 great national indus try." lie declared that the four ©hips of th© American Line, which are c-irri©rs of m©H. hod not mad© a n#%t lol|ar sin*© Guy cam© under the American flag. Ilsnns I sea Ilia Own Elgar©©. Mr llaiin# rhuliensr**d the assertion of Mr. Clay thnt each of th© fast vanslt of th** Ani' rl- tm L n* would dr <w 13fM.(H0 an tially fr**m th*' proposed subsidy. Mr Clay quoted Mr. Clyde, a steamship owner, on this point "1 am not using Mr. Clyde's figures," replied Mr. Ilonna. "big try own." Thereupon Mr Vest called attention to th© fad that Mr Gbsml*rlaln. the com missioner of navigation and one of tha strongest advocates of the |>©r*dlng meas ure. also had salil the Amercan I An© ves sels would receive S3M,O!X> annually from the auhs.dy. After asserting that his figures showed that th* American Lin© vessels wmrid re ceive less than 179000 b a year each. Mr. Hanna declared that with the subsidy tha v©a-le of that line would not <*am as mu ti ns w is earned by the vessels of tha Cumin! and White Bt*r Line©, under th© mail subsidies received from Grant Britain Mr. Ilann© explain#**! th© fundamental principles of the pending measure ll© dwelt at lengih Ufion th© desirability of having a large merchant marine to draw upon for Auxiliary ships In caae of war. EnnMdnflon tor Great Indastry. After dwelling nt length upon th© efforts of the maritime nation* of Europe to pre vent th© Investment by Americans of cap ital In the uptmlldlng of an American ma rine. and urging that the proposed con struction of th© Nicaragua *vmal was. to gether with the rehabilitation of thla country's marine power, only a part of the great problem of transportation, Mr. Hanna aid that the pending Nil would attract capital and lay th© foundation for a great Industry. Mr. Hanna contended that this govern ment's recsent achievements had placed it In the firing line of nations, and argued that Its rltlxens shou and not shrink from availing themsetves of po*:*e©*fng their **har© or more than their share of th© for eign markets The m#(iurt, he conclud ed. was not designed to benefit any partic ular class but to advane© th© int©retH* of the whole country If we *ll*l not seta© our advantages in th© Orient other Pow ers would. In event of war among any of th© great maritime Powers now carry ing id per cent, of our foreign commerca Mr. Ifanra asserted our Interests would h© paralysed arid the situation be ruinous. At 2 Of. p m. the Hcnste went Into exac -1 utlve •••ssla. and at 3:3T* o'clock % ad joumsd. €4En. (HirKßHi ij;rn. Itrqneat for Information as to Wtl derser Incident, Washington. Dc. lX—Repreaentatlva DeArmond of Missouri to-day Introduced a resolution requesting th© Secretary of War for informal .on ss to the reported Inc dent Mwen Otn. Chaffee and Count von Waldtcm. England Wants Cheaper Postage. London. Dec ll—ln the House of Com mons to-day Mr. Chamberlain said Great Britain proposed to establish cheaper postage with the United Stats©, but Washington waa not prepared to enter tain Ike matter.