The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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VTIIX WORK TCM.ETHK*. |. r „i<l©at Evan •* Preside*t Wla. rlirll drilled That Qaestloa. Mr B. L. Wlnetidll. president of the Ki' -a* City, Fort Scott and MerapMs ou i and of the Kansis Cky. Mem n i iiirmli gham. was in the city yes- Mr Wlnchell was on a visit to ;... tent John M. Kgun of the Central ]; i;i road, ami during the day they spent , -d deal of time on the Central Hall -4 uhar\ea and terminals. j : . two systems of Mr. Winctoet! . lent and the Central Railroad ve long been the closest of allies, and , . are to continue ao. Mr. WtnctxU A representative of the Morning News , r wtt to talk over the relations of i roads with the Central that primarily l his visit to Savannah He was r th assurance, he said, that the re* rrught continue <u amicable as • r/.\ hfi> lieeti. This assurance was gtv n n i;’adly by Mr. Egan. and both g©n . i expressed themaelve* as thorough • .rtvd with the traffic Hgrcpmmtt t , xla: between their respective lines. . inspection of the Central's trml r - , ** gratifying to Mr. WincheU. He rt . j win* for himself that his lines w . f fortunate in having such a oonneo . i the Central. #ni he wl.l continue t ,1 ... * all the business possible toward ,rt He would naturally do this, as get the long haul on freight ship s’ though New Orleans is the pnn pori of the lines of which he Is the f . Mr Winchell was recently ejected i of the Kansas City, Fort f.ii .is and the Kansas City. Mem i | Birmingham and the nnnounce , * it the relations of those lines with •nl are not to be changed will be pit* • -Ming. was expressed by Mr. Winched pro peel that exists for Savannah • . p. vrn an appropriation that will if a depth of twenty-eight feet iM river and hurbor. Should the hopes i it ire entertained be verified, he said. t *. . would be greater opportunity .lfTord ir.i4 for directing freight for the , a -<• and foreign shipment through f n.h. The city could come Into , #r >mp**tltlofi with New Orleans be of deep water facilities. He regnrd* t tiMrnor of Savannah as already excel i but would like to see the increased . .• i that would admit of tha entrance * '*ls of even dee|Mr draught than t . not now come to the port. F. 11. loitl\o* is AGENT. Hr Will Mr present the Southern tin I It* nt at inumnnli. Mr I* D. Rcfblnsoti hi# been appoint©* 1 . nt f<r the Southern Railway at Sa ri. iti and has been installed by a trav . *- auditor. Mr. Robinson will continue •o Id his position as a**lHtant agent , f • . Central Railroad. The work of • ;te t*n< y of the two lines will continue , in- done by the Central's force, the or 1 v ‘•• gresation being In the represema j. u by agents. A Pope. assistant general freight of the flea board Air Line. is In j , i.vllle looking after tho office of the *> stem in that city. Mr Ce ii Oabbstt. division superlntend ,r* .f the fleal>onrd Air Line, was in Co lumbia yesterday. Mr D. F. Jack, freight traffic manager (nr ?:# riant System, was In Jacksonville yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Waggenteller of N v York are among the guests at the j -o*<v They leave this morning for Fi ;la, whither they are hound on a very h ,py mission—their wedding Journey Mr Waggenseller will be pleasantly re member# <3 by many friends In Bavannah. r me months he was connected with • I’, r.t System as chief rate clerk In t?-e p.. -• nger department. He left the I ,r t to go to the I/Ohigh Valley Railroad. FISH HOE I* WAX. Shipment# Abroad Are Made by a *a*nuiial) Healer. \ process for the preservation of fish r. tiait Is followed In Greece. has b©#*i introduced with success in this country a Greek who makes Savannah his I ed'juarters. He Is KM Vertiki, who **inducts a business in wines and liquors. Barnard street. Mr. Veruki. however, t ' important fishery interests, and hi" pi king houses are among the largest i flaras<,:a. Fla. There he packs salt mul • mixtd llsh, salt roe, dried and wax toe. Wax roe is the specialty of Mr. Veru k; s that he introduced from his naUv** i ind Tno roe is taken from mullet, v ’ h are caught in aboundance on the Florida gulf coast. It is dipped in melted • *x. xvhieh cakes upon the roe while <1 ar. rendering It absolutely Impervi ■ is to germs of decay. The roe continues f **>h n#l In as good condition as when was first taken from the fish. It is made ready for conking by simply strip* png off the wax. which peels readily. i' jme of the roe that Is so prepared by Mr Veruki Is sold In Bavannah and other ? :e in this country, the pric* per pound *’ retail being from 50 to cents. Teo- Uf*lng the wax roc. (he say. may be “med of Its absolute cleanliness, as • • i They themselves handle U. the han ing it receives from others being of the '*•<*. rather than the roi*. Several shipments of the wax roe abroad •v. been made by Mr. Veruki. an#l It I brought him more than $j a pound, has shipped to Hngland, to Oree*e, to •n tantinoplo and to Ho far as i knows, he Is the only fish dealer In country who employs the pro. ess. shipment* abroad are made through tfiis port. Up sroi.KA b lIEKbfl RK( OVEIIED. 'lon With a Cow Sent In aa a Sus picious Chirsetrr. ' negro boy about 8 years old stole n • •<i yew:erday afternoon from a store “ n Congress street, near Whitaker. .tNr on he w as found in the neighbor* 1 of tho Market trying to ride It. II Motions excited the suspicions of a i -man in the vicinity and he arrested '■i *r.d sen: him togetner with the wheel • the barracks, where the wheel wos rward klentilled by Its owner " • live J. J Murphy arrested Tom b-M*md. colored, as a suspicious churac ’*r huvlng in a jiosseaslon cow tha f ‘ was trying to sell for $12.50. The ant* n, il which |s of a red color, was probably f, n from some place in the Immediate VI Uy of the city. 1 Elective Murphy, yewterday. also re '••fe| a wheel that had been stolen a time before from Mr. E. J Kieffer. r T;ie n‘gro that stole It had taken to Meldrlm. where he endeavoresl to •i it. The person with whom he en •l‘ ivored to make the trade suspected ‘ V the wheel Had been stolen and so graphed the authorities In Savannah, •t>while keeping tne wheel In his pos 'H IT He was‘wired to hold both wheel ~i man, but the negro In turn became ‘ spl* ious and took to the swwmp. leav c the machine behind. CASTOR IA For Infant, and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Its ssSS i All the goodneM that i, in \ a biscuit when it comes out °f the oven goe, in the _ " In-er-seal Patent Pack- jftfwM VfJ> All its delicate criap- y* It W ness is there—and it stays yffliW *,cV Bi- * there, nght and tight, until y^fw l '' y° u eat the The "In-er-seal Patent Package" is the only known method of ytffflw m keeping biscuit fresh and t C ' crisp. Get it when and where y^flr,! ll A J, jjjlr yon will, you’ll find it yfMI fi 1 P roof . a * ra,nst damp. y*i‘ ■ Ste; readily and tan m i , '' guish thr package Safe, m- hv j,a,k de b*“ Q < /national biscuit company*! CAM BIT PROS rill: STATE. OHnsnof nml (| m*rf#• r inn■•#*r atorca Will Coat Military Fra*. A letter has been received from Col. W. G. Obenr, lnsp - lor general of the Georgia Slate Troops, announcing the price at which ammunition for the com panies In the service, oon be securet 1 from th atate, the state hiving received It from the government. The in formation will he publlshe 1 later by O.ipt. W. E. Coney, adjutant of the First In fantry. in a circular, but It will l*e of interest now to military m< n who frequent the riff#* range during the season. It will be found upon comparing the price# that follow with those that have been paid th retail dealers In the city that considerable money will be saved by the companies that purchase the ordnance and quartermaster otoree from the stale Tho difference in worn#; sorts of ammuni tion Is great. Rifle ball cartridges. 45 caliber loaded with black powder, can be obtained from the state at $18.60 a thousand; revolver ball cartrldg* s. 45 caliber, wlii coat $8 a thousand, revolver ball cartrklges. 38 cal iber. will be sold at $7 92 u thousand, rifle bullets. 45 caliber, sun grains, will coat $5.45 a thousand; carbine bullets. 45 #Hiit ber, 405 grains, will lewd at $4.€7 a fhon sand; cartridge primers will cost ♦> tilack powder for small arms* will cost 18 cents a pound, nnd smokeless powder for mall arms will cost 85 cents a pouml. JACKSONVILLE TEAM MAV COME. The Prosper! Good for Another Go at Jacksonville In This City. A meeting of the fl.-ivannah football team has been called for tonight at 8 o'clock to consider matters pertaining to the Christmas game. It was the expecta tion and Intention of the t#wm to play In Jacksonville the team from that city that played here on Thanksgiving, but yester day the manager of ih* Jacksonville team wired the Savannah eleven that the other local train had *#**'ured the Jacksonville grounds for Christmas. This leaves th#* matter open so far as the Bavannah team Is concerned and at to-night's meeting It may b# decide! either io have the Jacksonville play again here or to have a team from Macon, which Is very anxious to meet the Hvtn m,h team, come down. There Is also the prospect of having a gam#* her#* on New- Year's day. and the probabilities are that at that, time the Havannalt team will play either of th- two teams that Is not given a gam** on Christmas. At the roni-lulon of the mectin, to nlKht there will he the ueunl praetk-e at the Hussar* - Club. A number of nw players have become tnemle-ra of the team since Its Thanksttlvlnfi sank, amt as all of the players have luul morA practice, particularly In team <>rk, there Is no doubt that the team will put up much more scientific (tamo than was payed be fore. AT THE THEATER. Southern Stock In. the Meet of the tt rrk. The Southern Stock Company and Miss Mabel l’al*e gave two performances nt tbo theater yesterday ami last night o good houses, despite the bad weather •■The Prlaoner of Algler*" the nets bill and “Jack's Sweetheart -- w.u prmluced t night. The com [Mr, y present ed both bills creditably and the spocijl- Itea were wel. received. The bill at the matinee this afternion win be "The Captains Mate -- and to night The Peat 1 of Savoy.” The advance sale of scans for the per formance of the Hussar -Minstrel Com pany. on Monday evening, will open a*, the box office to-morrow. Those who hava purchased tickets from members of the King - *' Daughters or others may exchange throe for scat tickets at the box ofllce. THEIR 35TH AfcAlt EHSAItt. Firm of A. M. A C. W. t\ eat Over a Third of i Oatary Old. The nm. of A >1 * C. W. tNest. cele orated Its 35th anniversary, yesterday. Thirty-five year* Is a lon* time for a firm to continue uninterruptedly in business, nml the Messrs. Weal ore one of the o des:. If not the oldest firm that has been in business In Savannah unchanged Mr Ctv At set. Jr..has for several y,a-s a member <-.f tho firm, the otner members of which are Messrs A M West ami C. W. West. r . but other wise the llrm stands aa It did over n thirl of a century ago. ami Is doing hurinetw nt the same okl stand, at Überty and Whitaker streets. The Morning News, with many others wishes the firm a sue ressful rounding out of the naif cen tury longer. _ HASKP.T HAM. UHIK TO-SIGHT. Will be I’layed at the V. >l. C. A. Ilrtween tlie lleda and the fllaea. The regular Friday ladles - evening will be held to-night at the Young Men - * Christian Association at o'clock. The basket ball garoa will bs between the lleda and Blues A cloae and exciting gome Is expected. The teams will line up as follows: Krd* Positions. Blues. Rot ureau forward Courvolsler Patterson forward Hweat IJoty. W.II center Elton. l. 1 tight on guard , HUn .! Chandler guard Lovell THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14.1900. MM'AI. PBRWItAL Mr. Taylor of Griffin Is a guest of the [hilaskl. Mr. H C. Foy of Woycrose Is a guest of the Screven. Mr. D E. McQaw of Atlanta Is a guest Of the De Soto. Mr. Porter l.ansston of Atlanta Is a guest of the De Soto. Mr. August Schmidt of Darien Is reg istered at the Pulaskt. Mr. I-eo Huberts of Montleello, Go., Is H guest of the Pulaski. Mr II C Butcher of Philadelphia 1s registered at the Do Soto. Mr. J D. Shaw of West Farm, Fla., Is registered nt the Scraven. Mr. F. Spiek was a ivissenger of the Plant System's yesterday for Philadel phia. Mr. tV. Templeton Johnson left vis the Seaboard Air Lin* yesterday for New York. Mr. E. H. Middleton was a passen ger of the Plant System yesterday for New York. Mr and Mrs. G. F. Thorne were among the passengers of the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for San Francisco. CITY BREVITIES. General Superintendent W. B. Denham of the Plant System has gone to Cincin nati, having rom-ti-d <1 ,he business of tho conference that drew him and other I\ant System and Louisville and Nashville offi cials to Montgomery The holiday trade that the merchants have enjoyed for some days suffered a deckled fall mg off yesterday on account of tlfc wel weather. Those who would have done shopping doub less considered that there are days enough between thin and Christmas to admit of their getting what they wanted and decided to watt until fairer one VERDICT tG AIWT n tiI.WAV. Charleston Jury l.nve Attorney llnuimoml glut* llninnae*. Augustu. Lee. 13 —Mr. Henry Hammond. ,i prominent attorney of Augusta, received a verdict for 1100 to-day In Charleston. In a suit for Jlu.uou, which he brought against the city railway of Charleston. In I*OT Mr. Hammond purchased. In Augusta three round-trip excursion tlck els to the Isle of Palms anil return. He carried two friends with him as his guest* on the trip. Returning from the is,nisi, the coupons were ail removed from the tickets by the ticket-laker on the ferry boat, who assured Mr. Hammond it would be all right on the car from the boat io the depot as It was all under the same managemeirt. The street ear conductor, however, de manded pay from Mr. Hammond which he refused, ami after much argument. Mr. Hammond and ills frleml* were.finally arrested by a policeman t the Instance of the car conductor, charged with be ing <b id beats and driven to police hnid qt:[lcra In the Black Marie. Mr. Hammond entered suit against the street railway company and regard* his verdict as u moral triumph though the amount of the verdict la trifling. It It very unusua* for Charleston Jurlee to give verdicts against the cliy railway, even In favor of Charlestonian*. Mr Ham mond made the light In the interest of the public to make Charleston railway conductors and tlcket-t.ikers more care ful. ( Hit.ll 111 HVKU TO DEATH. It Had Urea Left b, Its Parents hear a lllti Fire. Beaufort. S. C.. Dec. 13—A 2-year-old negro boy was burned to death nt Dixon village, a. suburb of this place, yesterday afternoon. Mack McKinley, fhe father of the un fortunate babe. Is a laborer ami was ab sent from home a; the time of the ac cident. The mother was a.t work In a held a few rods away from the house, where she had left her baby playing In front of a huge lire. When her atten'lon was attracted by loud screams from within the shanty, hastening there she found the child enveloped In flames, which she extinguishes! with a bucket of water. The child was clad In a k rig cotton garment, which had Ignited llko tinder. Medical help was summoned, but could avail nothing and the Infant died In great agony a few hours later. Coroner It H Hims was summoned and held an Inquest, verdict In accordance with the fact* as narrated being returned hy the Jury. THOMAS BOOSE FRASER DEAD. IVrll-Kaenn and Prominent Cltlaen of tooth ( nrollna. Columbia. S. C.. Dec. 13 -Thomas Boone Frexer died at his home at Sumter to day. aged 75 years. He was one of the Judge* of the od regime, being displaced In lt by a Tlllm.mite. O W. Buchanan. He served In the legislature eight year*, being a membrrof the House which called She secession convention.' He was on th# stafT of Gen J B. Kershaw, and loter served on th* ben ti with him. In IX7 he we* senator from Sumter county and member of the State Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, doing no little so pro mote th* victory of Wad* Hampton In IST, he was eHcted Judge and served sixteen years. He a a member of the constitutional convention of IDS and chair man of fhe commM'.ee which revised that instrument. He was for long years an eider In the Presbyterian Church, a godly man. and a* a Judge, was regarded as faithful, careful, boneat and Just WANT GOVERNMENT E\III HIT. C linrlfston E\|ottlon I* *rekins nn 4|lr*|r l#%l lun, Washington. Ik*. 13 —A 'Miration of rßUcrii from CtvarlMtdO wa# h**r' to-#fay to uric* upon Comcrri*# an appropriation of S2Sm.(JOO to cWray h* expenses of a xrov ornm* nt exhibit at tho com In* exi*a*RJon to be heltl in Charleston. Th# delegation w.* composed of C*apt. F W Winner, premie nt of the Exposi tion; J C. Hemphill. Mr. Whitney and Mr Lebbey of tho local commitP# Th ,i ee rentlemen eonforrsd with senators and reprfM'M itive* from South !*arolha and ii#*orxta on the subject, and alno with members of the Cctnminee on Approprla t.ons, who have tlic matter In rhorfr. The hMI has alrea lv psssfd th#* fleri.ite at the Inaiarvco of fl rio or TtliniMn and now awo t the cocurren>e of the H use. There sos mr to In* a frtewlly ihapnMtn on the t>art of iKflh hausws of Conare** towards th# Charleaton ente-rprlse. and It i* probable that the <le*lre#l appropriation will be rn.i-l** bef.ire the end of !h** pres ent session of Conicre.** Capt. Waicner an l MaJ Hemphill re turn-Hl t< Charleston fe-nlxht. Istvlnir other meailier-# of the !<•!♦ *ctun here to aid the South Carolina eouiireaatnen In looklnfc aft#*r Charleston’s lnter#*st*. NKIiNO II %IS BNlblf*POX. Fioatnore Merolinnf llld Not \%nnl lllm or Ills lotion. Beaufort, P C , Dee 13 Mr. Georpe W. WHk ns of the Arm of M Donald, Wilkins A Cos., cotton factors and seneral mer chants at Frognrw-re. 8t Ife) na Island, re lates the following inci#lent which oc curred yesterday at his store. A neirro man. accompanied by a small urchin, approached him. when to his dis may he perceived that the former was sufferlnc from a. malignant type of rut i|l |wx. his fa*’e literally resemblln* a wet sponge The merchant ordered him to halt where he was and not venture an other step towards him. The ti#*gro obey e#l, muttering s#me*hing about having cotton to hnU. Mr Wil iam** Informed him • hat he did not want him or tile* rot-on and told him he muat return at once wlrrs he cam# from Cpvn Inquiry It de veloped thoi the man had come from a penthouse near the flstferthw ilte place opposite Fort Royal. There are several isolnt#*d rae at the disease on At- He lena and Far * Islands, an 1 the man had In s>me unaccountable monner evaded the vigilance of his custodian*. Hu was promptly returned to the per:house. AI til m HOOF sqi \IIIII.II Grand Jury and Hoard of Education at l.oa**rli#*nd. Augusta, Dec. 13.—The last present ments of the Richmond county gr and Jury called upimi the Board of E lucatlon to change the sewerage arrangement#* In the Central Grammar flehool In this city. The Hoard of Education decline l to do so, denied the* right cf the gr ind Jury to give directions of the kind and also ques tioned Its competency to Judge of such m liters. At the same time ITesl lent Fos ter of the Board of Health was rolled on by the Hourd of I>lu at lon for hi* opin ion and de aped the system of the Cen tral S Pool thoroughly .-anltary. Th#* member* of the grand Jury have l**en called together to-morrow by Fore man H. 11. T>‘Antlgnuc. at which tlm** It |s -xi*e< -#i they will reply to the posl i|cn .n-1 criticism of the Board Edu cation flom thing raey l* exp* t#v| by the public. Th** grand Jury Is not called together by th## court, however, ami can take no official action to-morrow. WONDBRFY CAN RIDE AGAJN. Four Favorites U on In (lie Hares al >rw Orleans. New Orlean*. Dec. 13. -The steward# this morning lifted the bun of suspension of Jor key Won#lerly for hla riding of the horse Jessie Jarhoc on Dec. 6. and Kp* sen Ixc. 7. accepting hi** exobmailon. Four favorites won. flummarles: First Race—Bel.lng, sevrn furlongs. Dave Waldo. 3 to 2. won. with Olekma, 8 to 1. *#* ond. ami Onoto, 6 to 1, third Time 1:35*4 flecond Race—Belling, five and a half furlongs. Dlvonne. r to J. won. with HeUe of Elgin. 9> to l, second, and Orrt** Goan. 6 to 1. third. Time 1:13. Third Race—Bering, five and a half fur longs W J Deboe. 6 to 1. won. with Hylo, 8 to 1. second, and Matin. 4 to 1, third Time 1:1186 Fourth Rac#* pelltng. on© mile ami a sixteenth. Monk Woman. 3to 2. won. with Fhldtas, 7 to 1, aer-ond. and Helen Faxt#>n. 15 to 1. Ihlrd Tim## 1:56 Fifth liar#—Belling, one mile. I/cum Blossom. 3 to 2. won. with Bauber. 2 to 5. second, and Col. Cassidy. 30 to 1. third Time 1:48 Sixth Race—Helling. six furlong* Scrivener, even. won. with Jim W.. 3 to 2. s*#'omi. and Brown Veil, 10 to 1, third Tim© 1:18. HE ftftOT HIM NEYENGB. (iolngk, lllseharKed l*> Splnwn, fterl nnsly W#unls Mini. Columbia. B C.. T>ac, 13 —At I‘nlon this afternoon J 31. Bpiawn, spinning-room boss, was fired upon three timet by Tom Oolngs. an employee, whom ffplawn hid Just fci„ t o~> k effe t and Bpiawn Is dangerously W'OundeO. Goings has not been captured. Hitt Wauls to He a trnator. Washington, D©e 18—Representative Hilt of Iff! no la to-day made formal an nouncement of his candidacy the United State* Senate. CLASSIFIED ADVEKiISEMENTS. PEItauNAL. r ihetteu uiTr the ring—from Fegta** My eiter got hers tnere 12 year# ego. amt it \> an g<**! as new now. ai 1 she aut het hu*!ai-1 have hrrn lucky ever sin • The sum b**r of nn finger \* B* s II 1r Jewelry aid Shaving Supply lion*-* 28 East Brought*** Th plat •* where hair, plati num ■ *!! gold, old stiver amt ol,| coins ara taken a* a eh. mail orders for birth.lay. ee*kling and Chriatnaas presents promptly tub'd AT*\ ERTISI-MENTf* SFT IN <\\T ITAIbS Wild, BE PRINTED IN DRA* BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT t’OId’MN FOR TWO t’ENTB A Word No AD VERTISF \1 ENT TAKEN FOR l-ESS THAN 300 K EE I’lll’Nil A CO.. CORNER WHIT ak*r nml Überty str#>ets. hea*squarteni for Chines** nnd Japanese fancy g>sali*. less, et** . at l*w prl< #*s. Oriental and Turkish ornstix nts b#dow cost price, i tne and visit us. HOW ABOFT TO VU WINTER clothing' let us put it in shap- S p r month Sterling Pressing oiub. lit York w TRY lIETTFRICH’B CANDY. FOBI lively pur#*, cry st tilled fruit *aortel is" pound, cherries and ginger, same p i-; chocolate, assortesl, Sh* pouitd; sswral line candy. 25*' pound. ll<> fliaie. wo.*t. YOr W 1 Ft* DIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It s rich and pure. ir> it. "HOLIDAY Ill’Gfl, OARFKTfI. FOR Here*. e curtains, sn.l h thousand ami otie article# t* gladden th** g****! wife s heart C F Miller, agent. HYACINTH tVP NARCISSI fl IH’LBfl paints rubber plant* nit flower# and floral designs from Dels# hlg s Nursery. optKvite Catholic Cemetery J Gardner, sgent. 12 Hrougliton afreet, ess* ELEGANT MEDROiKM FI RNITERE dining room furniture, china rlosern. si. ver cases. *ik*hoanl.H. buffet*. mlrror*BV>t wardrobe*, etc.; >ur Inim* nae st#>* k b>* seen to be appreciated. C. F Miller, agent CHOICE LINE OF WILT/>W ANT' cobbler scat rocker* for th* - h 11 lays, at Teepla'a. 317 Broughton, west. I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEfl* r Broughto#!. ring ip 11 as* if you want to have your fund nr# m*v*d or pack# I for shipment or stnrtge, I guarantee prl e# ih# same aa ! do the wrk that's gLen to me. A fl. Griffin. 414 Brought on etr#l. west, mattress*# mule l oni- r HOW ABOFT YOITR WINTER clothing** let u put It In ship . $ pr month flt# rllng Dressing Club, 1* York w GO To HETTKIUCF S FB CANDY mint wafer*, clnnnruon w.if rs; ikliclous for the sick. Ilatterlch's. HO Mt*ie. wi. MGlLLlfl' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. KENSINGTON FARM MILK IB UN* surpassed for rtohneas, and livery la per f-ct, phone. 2 46 IF ITS REGS YOU WANT YOU CAN get them etieapar from M•■Gi;lls OILT CHAIRS. T A BLEB. cot’CHEc iHYgy corner*, reception chair*, leather hairs; an Immense assortment nt rea sonable prices. C. F Miller, agent. WHEN YOF SEE MGlLLlfl SIXTY. Inch W-cmi rtig*. you will buy tham. Just can't help It. will sell In any quan llty ••FURNITURE MOVE!* WITH CARE/' la a specialty with M** 4 dills. TKEFLE 18 fl HOW ING A LIVE of carp#*t*. matting rugs, rhade*. Fno leum; cheapest in town IMMENSE LINE OF RATTAN ROCK #n* from sl.4* up to sls. C. F. Miller, agent KIMBALL s ANTI - RHBUM ATIC ring every rheumatic ought to wear. J Gardner, agent. 12 llrouguton street, ea*t M GlLLlfl 19 CHEAP ON RUG*. NETS lace curtain*, hammocks, wafer coolers plitows. picture#, etovea, suits, and furniture of ever# #le*crlpilon. HOW A ROUT Your WINTER clothing'* let u* put it in nhap' ; $1 per month Sterling Pressing Club, It* York, w. MILLERS HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR brother# and other fellows* brother#, you will have to call and examine our immense line in order to thoroughly #*p predate the subject. C. F. Miller, agent. FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM SUIT parlor and dining-room furniture, >oj should go to Teepla'a, KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN •levgtln’t in the un ty fr# from city drainage lmpnsalH© f r ml k to ktecoiiie contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’GILLIfI MOVES PACK 9 All IPS and store-- piano# nr>d furniture. Peat work only, no * Cheap-John" pi Ices—no "t heap John" Job# CANARY BIRDS. GOLD FISH W.C ter gme bone flour at 12 Broughton street, eaat. MILLER'S HOLIDAY OIFTB FOR sisters and other fellows' sisters; t>ilet tables. Indies' desks * hlff#>nlers. pictures of all kln#ls: come and ©e. ii*. w- mil help you out. (’. P Miller, agent. M'GILI.IB fIELIJI BIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for rents. TREBLE FAN HAVE YOU MONEY ON at ova#. st#*el rune#*, ell heaters and hot* ■tuff heaters 317 Broughton, wegt. MILLERS HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR children; dolls an#) toys of every descrip tion; chairs, baby carriages. g>-cgrt*. velocipede*, tricycles, expree* wagons, pi trol wagons. F. Miller, agent IF 501 WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, ord# r your lithcgra(>hed and prlntel stationery and blank books from Morning News, Savannah Ga. PHOTO bit A PHY. FINEST PHOTOH MOST REASON* able prices, one with a.i# and x-n cabi net# mounted • n a lovely Xma and New Yeara card, I am making * #p>cll run on crayon, pastel <ind watercolor In hji l sotn#* fram# s nt very low prl* <* f o r th* holidays; a fine present. • *♦# l#ty e *gmnt line of frsm*s, etc. Wilson's Studio, 41 Bull street. M EDI CAL. iIOW ARK YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, cad on me and I will give you relfef. ! cur# Ingrown.g nails, corns and all d!a es of th# frei witty>ut pain. < barge* reasonable. an give t>># best reference# In th# -I*y; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Llvtngston's drug store. Bull and *origr - s" streets telephone 293 Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist HELP WAYTEBB—MALE. BRICKLAYERH WANTED, 10 GOOD men. at naval station. Fort Royal. H C.; elgh-bour work. Apply at station. Charles W. Noble. WANTED. A YOUNG MAN 19 YEARS of age, terni*ral y pMSitf#>ii, to do city o - letting and n--i*t .n >ffb#. must !*• n curate in figures, thoroughly h>n-*i; sal ary s#; a week. Answer, with reference. Address "Honest,** e*re Morning News. WOODSMAN WANTED WHO CAN furnish good referenc#* and plenty of tur r>er)t|ne hand* Apply at once, it J Bishop. LMridge. Fla “WANTED. A WHITE MAN (MAR rled preferred), to care for n place on the salt#, near Havurmah, must understand gardening and cure of cows and horses; pay SBO per month ar.d a good home to live In A#idre#v with references. Jasper, care Morning Ntwa, Savannah. Ga. HALEBMKN WANTED TO BELL OUR goods by sample to wnote*ala and retgjl trads; we are the largest and only man ufaettirera in our lire in th© world, liberal salary paid. Address, t n-i>ex Mfg Cos., office, 28 Board of Trade Building, Bavaa nab, Ga. •II I P U OTF.I)-FFHALE. \\ INI I I ■ A w < *\i v \ t- > COOK AND do gen*r;il h<Misewvrk Apply at 887 East Bruughtwi street. 11 EMENTfI BET IN CAP ITAIxS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAfI HIFIKD 3DVERTIBEMKNT COLUMN FOR TUC*FNT9 A WORD NO AD VERTIfIFMENT TAKIXN FOR LE&9 THAN KH' BMPLOYMEYI WA9TBSD WANTED. B 1 A YO N tbm as clerk for whoP-th* house. be*t of referen <Addrvs X Y. M#>rnlng Nvw* WANTED. TO TR.WEI IIAHHDA territory for wholesale hardware house; small -alarv and commission, he-t >f ref eren* #-. Add##*- # llanlwaie. Mot nn News. U %XTF.l>—Mist !•;Ll.AXkbit s. WANTED. FOR CABII. ImhlWimiD and iH'ivinun lg“ Southern llardwnr Company. F * iu*x t'harb t*n. fl • I WANT TO BUY THREE IIOUBEB fr*m tw t# eight thousand lolla>r *•- trllv Address Investor, Nr*- offloo. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DU 811* earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc fr#** of charge. Just at city Until*, hauling over hard road wilt© w telephone Brown Bros . corner Andeisoo and Last Bread street#. IF YOU WANT OOOD 31 ILK. GET IT frsn S|# inghrUl Dairy , Its rich, pure and whuk M>me. ADVKRTIBEMENT9 AFT IN CAP IT A1 jfl WILL ItE PRINTED IN CLAfI SH IED ADN ERTISEMKNT COLUMN For TWO CENTB A WORD NO AD VERTIfIFMENT TALON FOR IJSBB THAN 88C I'illl lIIAT-HUUMk. IB HMS !’i R RE Nl' A T~ TWENT S West Hull sir<*ei f-ar Ifloto. F##*l offU*e, High fl> hool and Theater. FLATN FHIt ltn\T. KUT.VNT BIX Ru.\l I'bAT IN g 1 loa(U>n, furnished or unfurnished, prlvit- bath Apply :*t\ Aib i *n w*st. FoR RENT A FIxAT OF FOUR rami with use of hath. 313 Prl- e .*ar*ev Foil HFAT-IIUDIKA. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE No 217 Waldburg sir eel. east, be tween Abe room and first-<*4.ise order and condition; everv eonvnlenre Right rent to right tenant Estate Hal>mon Cohen. West Broad aid Bnmghfiin streets FOR RENT 221 DUFFY STREET *' • **i. i new' hou*. . gvas. eu-.-tric light jw.rcdain tub aid all convonleneei>. Apply 310 Bryan fr**i. west FOR RENT. NIUE TWO-fITORY COR ner him-**. Ainlerson and L nc*4n, $lB D. R lgfltsr. FOR RENT OR fl S LK. THAT MAG nlrtcent residence #>n the oiith#‘4St corner of Gwinnett and Barnartl streets 1 D Ia Roche. I-VR RENT SEVERAL DESIRABLE residence:*, thoroughly renovated A;piy A Wylly, ag*nt. 12 liryan str*--t. #si#t FOR lim r-ATOItK*. N 2fi BAY. WEST. SUITABLE FOR grocery ami bar r *n i gr<e*ery. In qull f<r key No. ♦VJu flay, west FOR RENT. THE TWO MOAT DE. slrsble ofores In flavannab, rorm r of Whitaker. Ht*t< nr,l Frealdent streets, opposlt# n# w PoaßHth #*. W 31 A W E Coney. I (HI HKNT-HIV LT.LASI.Ot S. LARGE WAKKHOUBK AND OFFICE FOR RENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. II F fl MART FOR RENT oil SALE. THAT ELK gam farm, four mile# n the Augusta road (paved), containing two hundred and ihrru acres, fifty of Which are under a high state of cuiilvution, there are on th plac* three lwetiings. twu kirg#* laarns and packing she-1 a fine arteeLn well; everv thing In flrst-dasa order, two mil roaua run thiougn th© land. 1. li. I-* Bo* it# . FOR RENT. ON THE OOERCHEE rcM-l. Ik tween thr**© and fom-mll# po#te (trolley car* nearly t tw< mile post), land in Ids from one acre to on© hundred; asm# can la- bought In large or small lots on e*y terms. <* H l*>ra©tt. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA IJ4 WILL ME PRINTED IN CLAfI fUFIKD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO UK NTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30U. FOR # IIK %l. KvrtTK. AiiV LRTISKMLNIB HET IN CAP* FIALfI WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAfI SIFTED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKUN FOR LElftfl THAN F8 FOR HALE TIIE UNDIVIDED HALF of the plantation known a* "Sharon." sit uated llv tnilra front city Court House. For terms, particulars, et#* . apply or ad dress It. H Richards, Southern Rank building, city. TURPENTINE LAND LARGE tract f**r sale. Gifford At Cos., Ja ksort ville. Fla. FOR SALE THOSE LOTH ON NINTH atreet, near East Broad; hav# only been sold to fir nt-< lass |Mrtl*s. who will make good nelghlors; an#l none others can buy Th# t**rrns are very eaay. ami th#y r© cheaper than any others In th# vicinity C If. Dorset! FOR SALE. A Ifl>T FOR TWO HUN dre l d-tlar*. easy term*, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. If. IKnetl. FOR SALE l-OTfl ON NINTH STREET n*nr East Brood, no city taxes, si SBIO • n ti; twenty-five do.bus < ash. and easy monthly payments, c. II Dofsett. FOR HALE. LOTH ON NINTH. NEAR East Rrosd. # I7'*i © b will soon te idvancel to $236. whan a lot has been |m and for I ran arrange to g t a hun t built. C. If Dors* 11 RESIDENCE AND BUILDING* LOTS |M kti all over the city. Robert II T itern, real estate *1 aler. No. 7 York street, watt. TIMBER. TIER AND WOOD—FOR sa.e. 6.300 *crm. on S#*ah#>ar4l Air Lin© Hutlroad. about seventy-ffv#* ml!#** from Savannah, and will cut about a# follows: 3.W.OW> fet mill tlmer, 36,000 r>*sties, 25.000 <ord wood. Brobston. F*en<llg A Cos., Brunswick. Ga. ADVERTISEMENTS RET IN OAl” ITALfI WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAfI RIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT 1 TAKEN FOR THAN 80C. FOR SAMC*-Mh( KI.LANDOt 8. A FREE SAMPLE OF BENZOIN Balm f#r v-haps and rough skin, given to any la#ly calling at Perea#'# drug *r#>res. Henry and Abercorn, Tay.or and Whita ker. IF YOirVH <HIT TWO LUNGS LEFT. S*#v Item will cure your cough, a dollar bottle guaranteed to cun* or money re funded Fersse’s drug stores. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH buys the only factory In thl# city, worth $15,000. Address Box 129. ADVERTISEMENTS RET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAfI SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOB TUAN 80C. Al mo* %AI.ES Till# DAT. AUCTION SAuf TO-DAY II a m w# w:ii sell fV Plano, Mason A Ifamlln fl rrling organ. Ladle*' Suits. 11l v b* Skirt#, cloaks, •I i* k - - Bilk Watts, line mat# rai They MUST BE SOLD. Limps. Furniture, Carie!*, Machine#, Stoves. All without reserv* A WINERIGIIT, Auctioneer. SAVANNAH AI < TioN AND COMMIS SION COMPANY. 11l Whitaker street. FOR IAUC %S!%('fta.I.AAIOOI fl. TURPENTINE FARM. IN ACTIVE o|>ration. f'*r sub - itnmoliAle delivery; pb-nty of hand* nn*l .•# freight For par ti mar# Apply to i'lu snutt A O'Neill, fla • vanuah, Ga. • WITH YOUNG CALVES. FOR © tie ‘ a.j 47i w. i Rouialary street, sea them FIR? Fit uF HAITI WR CARRY A fine line .*f ffr** |f f- fes In #to<'k at all times Th# part lea in see exactly what they at* j. taig Our pn •*# ire ta low a*- mamif.i iur**r #e|] st, wlii freight aikV e<| Parties int#re*i©d. wh*t wish a good ffr# pr#H>f sa! will do well to Inspect our stork IJpprusn Bros , Lippman b4> k. agent# f*r mmufu turers. •II #l\l:## ( II •%( E*. ADVERT Ifl LAI K NTS Si T T\ IT At At WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD no AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 800. •!%< KM.AMKOt #. w a^'TttpiTev? - ERA. ALflo GRATES AND PARTS PI T IN AND REPAIRI I P II KIEK NAN, 1 STATE STREET. WEST WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish, perfect work Forest (.'My lei undry. Park avenue. Bi:E*RE YOU PERCIIAfIE WALL paper, don't f#>rg#*t Taylor, hi# new stock and low ptb*. will p|eis you, 141 Bar nard. TIIE ItESORriNE ANTTSEI'TIC PRO’- *• *# I© th most safisla* mrv to r)©an cl flhee. don© nly by N**w York Steam Dye Work** Whitaker ami State NEW DOMESTIC WITH BALL bearing** on **uv t#- mi. try on#, buy ont; deal with your 4>e<*ple Pet,(on A Son. FOR FISHING TACKLE. NETS. ETC~ c (o Cornwall A Ch pman. "WE CAN REPAIR ANY STOVE made. #ll work doti© by *ipei Hoiknifti and guaranteed; will take your <dd stov# in ex< tang* *<n a n**w on** A. C. Price A- Ct*. Siaftt and J* fT**r#on streets; phones fi# WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR sewer pi|© - . fir** brick. Mr** clay, ol* snl varnish* gtv# ua a call A lams Paint t'otnpany JMIN'T TItoUMLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car pets or mstting Perry A Hentort will re lieve you of all that trouble. OUR GERMAN READY MIXWD paint Is srvll under a guarantee; liave your hous** isilnted with it. ALms Paint < om pM]f . PHONE 1576 FOR FOREST UITT Laundry They will call for your iinao Immediately LARGE AND NEW STOUR OF WALL paper. Just arrived will make pr! •* to suit you William Taylor. 141 Barnard NEW DOMESTIC HEWING M A CHIMB wifri ball I*# a ring * lo* # #1 * tialn etlichj two machine* In on** Panton A B*n. WE ARE DYKING NOW BY TUB n*w oxsdye process; especially adapted for ladle© fine crepon and talktr-mada dresses, send us your w'ork and you will tie pleased. New York Htcurn Dya Works. Photie 843. KOR HARDWARE AND TOOUI. GO to Cornwell A ChlptiMH*a ir you Vant oood matkiuai. •I.) work, oruor your lllhogisphad and printed ,utlt>nrry and blank book* (ran Morning Now, B-vunnah. Oc hi no rr nnoßiiiA or hri.l. ■phono., for gut m.ntol., • hlmnov*. ole.: . Min M Mm root, m.nto!,, 10. IS. 10. ■ ltd .1. ronl. AC I’llco A C'O.. Htnlo an 1 JofYor.on atroola. MURK THAN ONK IIVNORKD CENT* in .very .lolbir of your bard~oamod bard rath at the Hmilharn Oroc.ry t mpany, lit (larnard atraat. PERRY A BENTON 5 STATE atroal. wo,t. will movo. park, ahlp or atora your ftiriilturo at abort notk-; 1.0 ran oval.- your old maltrruaoß at IK Ha cod. Ilcli 'phono 1124 ______ WANTF r>. ONK TIIOtTBAND IICN: gry p.op!o at lha Southam Orocary Coat pany, lit lUrnard atraat THE M'rtT I*P TO-DATE WORK Id bring lurnad out by Koraat City I .aundry. •|’hnr ISTS • FOR THF. MOST SF.t.KCT AND largost atork of wall paprr In tha eltjr, g to Taylor. 141 Rnrmrd. FENTON A RON. WJI.T. HKNOVATH your ma-blnr md guarantra 11. Bril naw or old nrarhlrtaa. FOH HANOF.R AND HTOVKW. OO TO Cornwall A Chlpman ADVKTtTISKMFNTR BFT JN c Ar- ITAIJ- VMM. HR PRINTED IN CUAB ftIFIED ADVKRTIHBMKNT COLUMN FOH TWO CKNTH A WORD NO AD v RTMKMENT TAKEN FOR LM THAN KIT A LINK OF OItATFR JIIBT ro< alvrd will aril any of thr -• pi-ain parta. A,lama Faint i otnpany, 101 C'H girr atraat, want. DON'T FAIL TO BF.K OCR LINK OF liathtuba; they arr up to data; railmatra , hi—rfully (urntabwl on any kind of plumbing work. A C Frlra A Cos.. Htxta and Jefferaun atrrot-4 'photiaa <M. RBDL'CB YOUR LIVING KXFKNBE* by Invratlng your hard-aarnrd ban! cash with tha Houthern Orocary Company, 114 Barnard atraat advkrtiskmrntb' bkt In cap ita I/t WILL HI! FRINTKD IN ''MB BIFIBD ADVERTISEMENT CrtI.CMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VEKTIBKMENT TAKEN FOR 1.E311 than wit IF YOU WANT - GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your llthogriphrd and printed alntlonery and blank b oka (maa Morning Nrwa, Bavinnab. On. NORWOOD'S BOOK, “MOTHER GOOSE CMED,” For aalo at ail Nrw> Btanda In Savannah. MCGAL ttOTIIRI. t-TiatiTTm corNrP Whrruu John R. Fennell ban applied to irdlnary (or lett, m diamHwory ii,, admlalatra'tor on the estate o( Mary II Fennell, d<<*aaed. Then* art-, then-lure, to dta and ed monlah all wham It may concern to he and appear before said court to make objec tion (H any they have) on or before the fifteenth day of March. 1901, otherwise said letters will he granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Ferrlil. ordinary (or Chatham county, IMS the thirteenth day of December, 1900. FRANK F. KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. C. ir YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your Ilthogrxphed and printed stationery and blank books (toot Horning Naves, Ua varnish, Go. 3