The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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M’GOVERN A WINNER h>OCKKOO\M or BNLTIMOHE OFT IN TW O KOI \DV the crowd was disgusted. . MVlUii n lll*T OA> HADE A 08-1 1 nu ll *TK PARK OF IT. McGovern Srrnicd l Knock linn Iroaail Ihr Hina >n<! Knock Hint lionn nt A\ lll—Klein Will Rot Win ,1,,. Mnllltnorc Man Any Friends, lit. Hod An Eai'atna to OOrr—*lr l.ntern In Ann AVeight < linuiltlon nail a. Chicago. Per. 13-Terry la note th, undisputed light noiiht .tnsmpM,,, of th* world. 11*' , ,-g-d oul Jo* Gans In the second •nr' put *>P * very poor exhibition and * r-'er in Ihr name at any Mage. Mr. , ern ••artel rushing him at the .our I • he goes and never le up until Hans war iuiit*<l out. He never delivered an ,1* ive blow during the tight, and lot a <n of hi* reputation he made a tight . me i will gain him no friends among lov • of iriie eport in Ihe ring. • >eße Wlcr, tlio veteran referee. who I In the ring, anld, after Uans had * ... taken to hie corner: ,h e put up a very poor fight. That a I have to tjy." 'I ejovern put up a clean, fart tight ■ m Mart to Snlati and la entitled to all •he credit of a Victory. He fought hard • fast, hie Mows went home freight the mark and If the ftgnt la to be cried '• at oil It 1* on account of the mit>- . tb. showing made hy Uanr. 1 • . Ing the tirai round he never attempt ed to mix It Ho never made an effort a hta left counter, for which he Is famous. and did nothing but hark o n with a scared look on his face. In or.d round he attempted to light a • • at tho opening, but soon r.-soried to 1..< kw.ird march, attempting no re n blow* and no effort to Mock >ot ones which McGovern sent In on mouth and face. As If He Were a flag 'lan. \ t i?a* rolled dovrn on th© (l<*#r $ iinl again aft©r e very rush M■- • 'i mail*'. h lookel around with .1 t >k • xrrenalon as though h© had no ,*t i whether H wu* part of tho prn©©©*!- r r for him to ris© or r©main wh©r© 1 * On the la*'. kno*k down h© win *■ * i. k for ns aeronde, r*ll©s over I ft*** ros© t* his l©ft kn©© nr.J oin©*l in that position until Siler t,>- I*l him on the shouUi* r toiling him v *t fifth! wa<* over nixl t ,; h- was ll* lift**fl and was a hi* to * * tn (• f*M*hle manner to bh corner. A 'l'Govsrn. smiling en-1 waxing his 1 turned toward hi* corner, hr* was . ;• m the arm* v( hi- mu lager m l < ■ otitis and mrrlol bolllv to his ln an instant th© ring was throng * * with wildly t’bterliif McGovern a*lh©r who jrvtther#*! arottn l the Krooklyn corner and cheered him again uml Mt'CJovem, tMtiting a llttl© from \* 1 lions, l*it wHh no of any * 1 started to put on hie clothes. 11* only hit me otic©.** said McGovern, od that w.ih in the first minute of the •and. !!♦• i*ok©*l his left into m> f :•) good and hard, but I knew 1 had him .tfi the next mdunißc." *;it.-s had no Ix< us* s to offer for his k dtf*.it. Ili second, however, said •at he was overtrained and that his s* ni3* li had be© it bal nil dsty. • ’rr|Mi m lion* lor the Ft it lit. Therft wm* a long delay after the pre h unary tights in or*ler that the ring ■ ant l>e spread with fr**h canvas and * picturrmaking tlrvhe set In operation. •* mu-■ was Ut up hy sixty-eight are i *rhts and four enormous nil*' tors, the v. ah. giving candle-power of 300,000. IV ©’•'© the great haul generate*! by the lamps th* hall was tin omfortalHy cold, ie windows and doors having been o|©n -4 i on hi sides to permit the hr* can to Mow oiigh ami the l&.ftio peopk, the largest Miron* ever assembled nt Tattersall** vi-red an 1 st imtxjd their feet before t * fighters made thedr appearance. iwnny Dougherty entered the ring flf ifen minutes I*©for© McGovern to lIOM down tho chair in the corner tn which Mc- Govern ha# <*!wny> sat during hi:* fight* i Chicago. When MGovern apt*o4red he "■ greeted with wild cheers from the g-i'.it crowd, a much milder rareptlon be li'R given to Guns, who entered the ring . t hefors him. In McGovern's corner was Pam Harris. Danny Dougherty. Jack Dorm hue and Gharle* Muyhood. With '•an# were A1 Herford. Harry Forte#. Henry Lyons and Bam Boian T • re were numerous stories last night anil to-day tha the light was fixed for A! Govern !o win fthd tlie lotting in that direction during the last *wenfv-four hours. Weilnee*lay night It 1 to that McGovern would stay limit. Just prior to the fight ft wu* money that Gan- would he knocked out. The Fight l*> Mounds. Bound One—McGovern led with left He h*i Gant to th* pounding him cry hard on the ,rih* with left. McOov ‘ mlr>ed right and lef- jifcGovern sent Gns hack with m left to Jwa Gans a*t • on the defensive. M. Govern, Unding cht arvi |. f m ril*. (ions uppercut ting "' r r the heait #ns puf right and left '* fa*e. McGovern put left and right 10 Jaw. sending Gana staggering with and left, f .bowing him up rjoaely H 'lh right and left >| Govern sent Ofttta • rope# with right and left Gans wa n.? y floored with left to face Gan# **' knocked down with left to jaw ftp *• ihr* count of seven. Gans was knocked again a second lifter the bed rung *us taken to his corner In a groggy '•ndltiun. No claim of foul made by Han*. Hound Two. M< Govern 1 in*led left to f • knocking G ins to the floor. MoGov ! landel right to Jaw Misgovern land * I light to ear and left to mouth. M * Mwrn landed two lefts to !he fa'e 1 ' was kiiox ked down with a right to cr j.,w. taking the full count. The min “’e h*' was up McGovern rushed. kno*k i" him down again. Uum was kno* kei again. Gans w#n kno*ker| again u,, h a right to tha jaw. (laps was kno Red nut. Mu r ilie fight, which wa- under strict v *an#berry rule: there wer* mam vig cj„ cxpr*esk> of tlissatiefsetion * r nong the crowd 11 being openly rw**aru*d * many that Gans made a deliberate fake of hi# fight. * sur* !<ico It is a good soap. It is kept by all the leading grocers. Florida "oap Works, J.-< ksonillo. DREYFUS AFFAIR AGAIN. Mr%rrr I h.ran tn tbr Frrnrh < hnmbrr burin. on Am nr.t,- Hill \\ lilrh f* Paria, Dr '. M— In Ihr rhimlwr of l). 'l tm lollay thr ft rat pji.igrnph of thr am n.-|y Mil. which drain with c i r ari.ln., out of t|i Drryfu* affair, wnn j>l p'n| by a voir of 539. nsalnnl 3H .An amrnd tnrnt rxrludlnif cart, of r.plonattr and irrifon from Ui trraty tu adoptrd by a voir of >l, asofoat Thr \otliu: wa* fw-erdri by a lively ir haie cron ins out of a aorl of imllclraetit rd by M Kmr.t Ht.-'on. HocUll.t, apiln.t KMorhezy. llrnrv and I>u Faty Je I'lim, who. h.. raiid, w u tho real traltoir. L’raplte lb* approval of >1 Taul Pr channel. prr,i4rni of ihr Chamber M Bre ton procrede.l to denounce the various minl.tera of war who had refui-ed revis ion—Oene. (Jona* drßoifdrffrr Mrrcter and Billot, ar.d to acruar Oeu Billot aiut M M.lloe. former prrmtrr. with having been ,'ogi.laar.t • f I—l r.jt Col Henry a forcer)', r.otwlt:—lauding their denial. M. Atelinr. rrplvlns. prole.te<t j,,lns( tha r)targe a.-.d -eld rhal under hi, m.n latry no new focta came to light to Jw. tlfv revlMon. .\l Brlaron. former premier, raid that when he no apprtae.l of the fact* of tho Henry forgery, tie Je. Med that rev I, 100 wax iwceaaary, awi he. honored him,elf for thla decision. (Cheers.) ,\l. Mellno denle.l that tfen. Diilot hat protected Ketcihazy or was aaare of Henry'* forgerv. M Lucler. Mllleioye. Republican Na ttonallM oppoaed any amnesty which ex cluded thoee persone who were defend .lit* in the pro i-edlngi. before Ih.’ rt.* rlt tlUK a* the high coutl M. AAaldecK- Ronhiotau. premier, retorted "The chamber ha* already refused am nesty to those persons. As to the Drey fua offatr, the chamber ha* manifested i desire that it should he forever buried. The government now look* to the future and present* thla measure |u order to prevent a renewal of discord. I ask the chamber io put an end to fatal divisions In the country hy voting ihe amnesty.” The vote* were then taken. REI'EHIIEO 111 THE Till ATEBA. I.iveatfaatlon of the *ti..lenla* Revolt nt•. Tii*eak>oa. Ala.. Pc-. 13—The 111 vest i gntton hy the faculty of the I nlversliy „f Alabama Into the revolt of the students whs finished to-day and the nutter re ferred to the trustees. Tha meeting w* called to Investigate :he choree made by the HU> - that Com mandant AVert was too severe, but the students who were called io testify, in stead of availing their superior officer, brought charges. It I* alleged, again*i Ihe president. and asked for hta removal. J. K. Webb of Birmingham and T. C. McClellan of Ath< ns. members of the Kx ecutivc Committee of the Hoard of Trua sees. are here. The other member of Ihe Kxmutiva Commiti.-e, Itaniel Pratt. I tu Floral., and cannot reach tv re. All the members of Ihe Hoard of Trustee* have been requested to come to Tuscaloosa to confer with the numler* of the Execu tive Committee n.w here. AAII.I. HEAIDIIK THE fKHA ICB. r fast Alntl Krotn Allnntn to Atonl (OSirry by AAn* of Huron. Wsshtncton. Dec. li.-H.prasenUtlva Or Mg' ha, succeeded •<* ttonvlnoliy* Ihe poslofflee aiuhorlilew or the necesalty of restoring the full mall car service to run from Atlanta to Montgomery by way of Macon. This sertlce wa* put on some time ago and afterwards discontinued. Itepresenta. live Griggs received numerous request* for the rewloraslon of this service and he presented me aubtaet before tbs Sec ond Asst*lant Hosimastac General so forcibly that ihe mail service between these points will enjoy ailequeie facili ties In Ihe fillure. *EW TIIKUt WITH KMiUMI. II I* n Inirnilntml In tlte Present Extradition Trent). W.shiiigton. JI—A treaty has h**n concluded he I tvoeti the Vnlted Slam' ant tirrat Britain amendatory of the existing extradition iraaty. Tlt chief Hem Is a pro vision r|assif*tnr a a i ctini* sub)e. t to extradition ih* obtaining of money unVr fa I ** fireterne- At present the Imat) make* exlr . Mlon ahle the reception of money obtained un der falee preleneee. and. on account of the. omls'ion of the print l[l in the crime, constituting a manifest ab.urdlly. the amendment t made lie.tTH OK J.IHE* IH." BltOl*. Prominent Beal Batalr 'lttn Whn Una Kroin f nlninHoe. t.n Newport. K. 1.. War. U—Jamei Defiles, senior member of the real etrtaie firm of Deßlote * Eldrldge, diet! In this city thin morning of oontmmpllon. Hr was born ! rolitrthue. Ga., In lt*d. atxl a .l .* m* in ner of a prominent family of th Huth I!.- was In hti*ln.--- n Boston an t Mn- M!e Ala . before lIW. when he returned to N. sport In the last nfteni > he hue negotiated all the Important real es tate sales which have made In th slimmer residence section of New|iorl. HiniMirm u:w t ipitoi.. Contract to Well. A Well. l I lilmuH for *<IUNNt. Ja<kon. Miss.. Dec. 13-Tfie Mississippi Cap!lot Commission this aflernoon let the contract for the new state boo.e to Messrs. Wells * WHa of Chicago for pxJl.rtX). The next hid was that of too*i; 1 - Pagan of Kansas city, who bid :. *• Ths sttersssful contractors ague to r.tIK nisnee work on Jan. 1. an*l complete i/<j work *tihln twenty-tight month.- / tiaii.tns t lark Hepkla* Id" ntl. ,\>w York. Dev. 13.—Gustr/ue Clatk Hopkins, an ex-president e'. the Cotton Exchange U dead. lie e horn on Keh 29. I*M, In Mobile Ala . hut removed .nntlford. Corn., and in I<7* became n partner In the Orm of llo**kltis. Irwlght .* Cos., cotton merchants. He terral for a number Of >mu- cn the Board o' Mate avers, was vice iweeklcnt from 1391 10 lIK hhl then served two IvrinJ as pteskHnt from IKW to \ THE MOKKING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14. mnq DEBATE ON REVENUE BILL R%KTHOLDT W IVIS % TILL LOW- F.II TAX M\ IIFFH. Irllnn of i ork W muni in 'ff Wlmlr Hrhrittv of lutrruftl llr\rnu* li%uiln llriurui*d-lrni orraflr Mrmhrr# Hrll Thil thr llrlu*tlon Hot*# Not Cio For Foiiftli—l'lrtltfr of Ihr Hvpuhll <n# fo pen I War Tfti+ft Ought •o Be Hrpt. W l'hinfinn. Dr* is - Th* upon •hr t\ar r* vt ihic rnlui'tlon bill conimurd m tho ilou- to-day. It \*i dull ftrwl f<*Atur<*U Thotft who |>k# wrrr Mr.ui!* Grosvruor of Ohio, Martholflt of Mlfpottrl, Hill Connr tlent, of lllitioi#, McClriiati of N>w York* Nw laad# of Nv#iki. Lrvy of Nrw York and I*ndrrwkMl of Alftbinn Mr Btitlioidt iritit'Jfod th# action of tho Way.** an*! M-mr in rot making a till in th#* fax on brrr • r.<l g*\e notico that mould offr an • to rwliu'A it fo $1 W barr*!. at n . f<vk to* in or ro a' ani Mr Payna. tho fVor Iradrr of fh* majority. #xpact# th#* bill to pa brforr adjoiirnment to morrow. Mr. Mc*'|o||un of Naur York th* flrat #Trkrr. naii h** rrgtrttr*l that ih*' ma jority h#<i not t krn of 'ha prr-rnt opportunity to reform out hoia a-'hrmr of intiinal tuxaiion Hr thnuah< thcio n general agreement mnofi? of ail p.irt|e that Internal tax ation rhoti!4 be levied for rovanue pur pore# only. A correct echem# of taxa tion wotat lncluda n pro|rrK|ve exciw tax upon certain O'cupHtlotw. and an indirect tax of dint Hied pint a. beer ivl toharoo at a rat<* eomewhrt below the maximum i• \ evitio-raieing ioint. With Mich echenK* it mould Ik* fsoeelbir by .*i plight in* reiM or d* - rvi c of the iuo of on© or more of tin a taxcp to g.ratly In trr er og d© *•#?*© tto revenues and that for emergency purpoee# ConrrwK always . otiM fall ba< k upon the etamp lutle#. Mr iJro'Vcnnr. of t>hlo. fuilownl ll i* alle*i the etsitem-ut of ex i'rffkhiU Cievcian*!, tliat un*-< ewi* iry tax.itioi wi> unjust taxation. II- planted hhnneif. in* paid. upor. that thKtrin- oiel pro'fedid to argue that the |M'ii<iitig MU was framed on it. Tho party, he said while l?t power, bad never shown deficit on the treasury* ll*liM’tlon lw lu*utM’lenl. Mr. Newiande. of Nevada. p#WI thd Juptlfb aiisti of the retention of any fea ture.- oi the wai revenue act rested upon tu* fact that another v* ir had follow* I the Spallish War. The Spanish \Nr ha*l l*een fotmht in \ indication of the rigbte of man. ior fre* government, and to fre* h pMp,** from oppression. The present vhi wh f**t th* t.f Mippn- di g the aeiiirauon of .1 for livt* - pendence. While the minority protest* I MKainet thie war it realised thut mt tt* result of tie n- pii election th* pras nt laolloy of tin* adtnlni#(n#cioii won A* I contlnua with it# triin of exlraonlliMiry* exp* > n.'-e>. Mr New land# then pr****eed**l to argue that th* profiosed redtjciksx wu* ititAUlhcient. Mr |<evy of New York argue*! that Hie |m nding hill -H-l not go far t notiKh He was In favor of wiping out surplo# reve nues. Mr Hlli of ('oniieitkut discusseil at length ome pro|*o:t*d amendment# to the present currency krw. Mr. l’ndr*rwoo*l of Alalum sa.d that th* preaen: wax an op|s.*rtur** time for in Hiultabln #iju#tm< m of the burden# of taxation so that one intercut #houid not he unduly oppressed Had he the power he mid lie would dtacrimliiMt* . if there was to be rilncrimination, ngalnet the Idle hokJer# of Idle wealth, not against productive wealth and enterpriee. In the lauding bill, unproiiuctivs wealth wu ab solutely untjxe*! Me ftartlicldt of Missouri arsailel the proposed reduction on b<sr. whhh, he on* tided, wax not sufflclcnt. lie gave not h e he would offer uii amendment to reduce the tux on beer to fl .Vi per barrel Mr Borne!! of Illinois also criticised tie bill. H© dfsllke*! it, te said, not eo uiiu h ior what it did * for what It failed to t|o The pledge of the Republi can leader# that the w.r revenu- act -vh ’•trh'tly a war measure .111*1 would b© re pealed when th w ir was over should bo redeemed He thoughi thl# could bo dono by abolishing the isxe* one-third now, one-third July 1 l>d. and one-third Jan 1, W!. s\t r:Kt | m the House idjourned. ALLF.f.FU OILHI< %!N IICI.H. fliurgiU %% Itli Fomenting an %frl t*nn*l* r Helielllon. London. Dec. 11.—The Tape Town cor rr;>**i *ient * t the Lailj Mail reporte the arrest at Won - e'et. Cape Colony, of Ilsr old Darrin gale. a!lege,| to '<*e an Ameri can. on a charge of fomenting an Afri kander rebellion. Th arrest." w>s the dipitch. **ha# mad*- a great sensation and startling di^- • losurer are promised." r m 1 Hiu *tilt §• ll**l in Klnriiis. Jrt*'ksonvlHe,Fla..Dec. 13—In the Circuit Court Übday* suit was trrstltuted by James I, Gat* # of Milwaukee. Wb , igatnet Join* Taul of Lacrosse, Wl*„ tie Last ('oust Lumber Company, and the John Paul Lumber Company, having their principal * flic#* iti LaCro***\ \V|a. This is an act on of coportnersblp of the above part lea wherein • **mpiuinatit wants mn leyed 10 him anr-dxth titerct in certa4 ii*r.*!- and t:ml*er uvl p oll*# thereof -: 1 ‘C the formation, *f tfw' partnership. The land# *<m#l* .. G s-itnc 234. f 52 acres In iYorida Mhd G* it'd* - _ Doctors and Midwives Recommend S 11 ,£5% W “Mother’s Friend" *f. 3* because ft i* used externally In eases of th.delicate \Trtv Tw/ .Haation of expectant mother.. It W a constant re- ' 2£. . *wn .Vb fi/if lief, robbing childbirth of It. terror*. Internal rent*, "r £ fcf S*‘ V die.are dangerous. "Mother s Friend" la a blessing ■ eff • Aw In a bottle. There i. noihiox like It. m *2 *■ Thm nofVf *4 tbt— rtlMwi, wSo tdfffnil *••*;• t **• ***** f flr ‘ 3•• v . r | r. • gfc K we , *.f nsrt!, and r*4.o>e i <*K.k\y. All atodtttt w%© h*’f *• w tMr U!w mt %<*rtr 2? idlniflintal. ‘ JOMU C. fOUtIIL. Jr- Seal i>yctpt*a e rtuJpl <-* pri. 01 jM*r liftlilf. t V** Bailed ft mm to U4ki. . >cutni* **m: 1- • twi a *rwl umhmrMl. S' ZS solo it ALL DflMIUt. TUL BUiillll.l-l* CO . AttoaU. . y WANTS AN INVESTIGATION. <Continned from First Page.) km and ilw* convict* are worked by the Jam©# Lumber (Ynpun>. wtuch la also one of the largest lunibvr comiwtnies in tin- state The official# of the Prleon raniMMlort state that fhw < amp is in good *ondttl*ui and that Ut© chargee of cruelty were mad# by the convict# on account of anew diaKipitnarisn being in th* • amp Ktat© Warden Moore reported the the build Hkg*. while old. war* In good uvlltioa and that ihei*' was n naw *wie 10 be *on siruoted soon He also say# that the hoe pjtal is not occupi*,i hctl by negr*ee and whit*, mn ther# are |wimte apartment# for each. The report of the rommtti** did not make any spw'thn charge- but intimated in a general way that condition# then* were bad Mr Jam## i** angrv and wants n full in vestigation. It is rumored thai th# c*fn mltteo wna piqued bwwiH*# Mr .lame#, who owns tiie ra!lrw‘i which run# fn#n. WaUey to A*lrtan. would not furnish pa##e for th*- committer Th* roi I#- me* passes to nobody it ! an*! the fact that ttie** iegtilator# who had been riven annual- over neatly ever> io'| in th# state, were turned d.iwn by the email rathoftd when thev ;eted rtp iwm** 1 ' le said to l#\e #tuter**d them This l# only a rumor but It wa# talked of a grT,t deal at the Cap tr*. to-<lay Mr Franklin, who l# chairman of the rommttt*# which ma*tr the report, stated ♦ hat the rumor w#* not true He take# ls#ue with the official* of the* Prison Com mission when thev say the camp 1# in good condifton non king on %i*pioi*m iTioxg. Senate Make# < hungra In Inmnnla Given lasittullona. Atlanta. Dec 13—The penate fo-dnv a portion of the appropriation bill sent o%er groin t ie H*ue. #e%eral days Ago Only or 1# change war nu*V nnd tngt was in raising the salary of the ©p* ml attorney of fh# VVatani and Atlantic Rail wav. from M-tnO to |2,hPi An effort was nlao made fo the public tchooi fund frn ®W.fifth to |!.- OW.tNo. The effort was defeated by the cWmo vote of Ifi to I! The appropriation# for the existle# of the (s<*vern*r. stole house officii 1* mefn hers of the and other tn !- deu rU expetisea are the same The only mange* mad** were #*>m# of th amounts given to the school* and public Kiauiutivns In other install* c# tho ansvjtits remain the same Tn© foilowitiV are the Mt*pr**pitatio;.s to the sotiool#: School of Technology HA.Ofifl. Georgia Normal and Industrtni College. s22.AOt' North Georgia Agricultural College. 17. 000; State Normal .School. s3.’ Fnl wralty for ••oloreij people SS.fthi; interest on Winl scrip? fund. K*3l4. common sc boo;#. JftOU.WXi; State Cnlversjty *l' Ath- 222.fag>. Academy for the Blirsf. 000, Bi'huoi for the Deaf. |JkOW>, Sur.itnriutn, s3fth,ort>. I.ltlle Hone Loaf Malif Atlanta, De**. 13 The Senate adjourned it# #©#dno to-night The House he!*! .*lort session. 1 iking up Rdiitc bills for second reading. TO HKOKMI FM>Rlf> Bo\nv Slate Treaaarer NNhltflrld Gives N tlee to Holders. Talnahamee. Ila . Dec, IS.—Hon J. B Whitfield, Rtat© Yn-tieurer. li# given notice to the holders of Fhuela 7 p^r ♦ nt. state Nuids. ;Mued In 1*571, that they will mature and are r*aat*le at tlie offl © of the State Treasurer, in Tillaiiassee, 00 Jan. 1. IWI. Holders of such imnds are ilso notified that no internet will be paid on said bond# after the date of their maturity, oe the Treasurer i* prepared to take them up on presentation nt Tal lahassee m nt th© National Dark Rank in th© City of New York. Prttf. Paul I*Ar,*y l’arham. of the Weal Florida Hem!nary. I©©ture| on T* nnyaon before the iaalles’ Uterary Club at the residence of Mr#. Kllsn Cali lewig A U.rg** aiai fashion tol< audletu e waa in illeiiilance. A commission was to-dat Issued hv A!Jutant General H#u*toun fr Jam©* Stuart, to be First Ideutenam of in© Pc.i-•* ola IJght Artil|er> . Vice K. L Van Horn resigned D. B. Hardin of Palatk# has I© cn com mlseionol s‘**oit*l lieiff*na* l of tlie Gent City Guards, vice Dan G Hanf<n*l, re signed is already putting on holi day attire, the merchants nviku g lund fonie display# of Christmas g'w*ds for th© holiday# trade, which lias atarlcd off orikly. Sheriff Fearce has captured Charles Du rant. a strange negro, who store a horse about ten days ago. He also recovered the anim.ii, which had been sold forty*# frrm Tallahassee. AT KITK.Y OF M**KINI.F.Y. ■itirnnl b* an Italian to %ena© the Dead* of Klnisinn. Ixxrion. Dec 14.--The Dally Kxprcr# publish©# th© following "An from Boho. London, bum© I .1 pin-studded wax ©fligx of Pr©.-kkii( Mc- Kinley on ih© doorstep of Ih© l’nh©d States efnbftftS) l#t evening 11© said l© wa> a brother of Guido Masaio. who wa# |>iih©i in and wa# avenging the death of his kinsman " lleh©arln "as IPitlril. , Jacksonvlll©. Fla D© 13.— I To-day at torn# vir hara received official nolle© from th© clerk of th© Hist© Bupr©m* LN>urt at Tallahass©# thsi th© court had denied a rehearing in th© fi. Auguwlin© a**© r.f MMdletoo et si., vs. th© city of 8f An gutine. On March JV I*F the ja*oj*le *f Si. Augustine voted for s3o.<h) worth qf bend# to la* isAued for tl>© e*tel>li-‘im©nt of an electric light plant in that city The complainants. W <\ Mldd>ton. It. A. Master#. H. H "i Ilia ms, Krakin© Reyn old# and Lyon* Jr Cos. In April ltj©> insti tute! action in chancery, pra>ing for a p©rs*©tusi injunction restraining tii* city of Ht. Augustin©, through l© offV U'#, from of Ih©#© tsuid- Th* matter cam© up before Judg© < ‘all her©, and h© #ustsin*i Hi© demurr©r to th© bill and tl©n it wnt to (he Hupreme four! on © writ of etror. |,aru‘ nrh'l* V'lanf Httrard. Va Dev 13.—The Buena Vista fir© • lay brick plant was destroyed by tire to-dsy. A roof was being put on • new* kiln and caught fir© winch >*®on irpr©ttd to th© ©ntir© plant. Th© machinery works, th© valuable r©re of the plant, w.*•. a tot il loss I#o© . 130/XW. insurance. uun Tlie plant i owned by tn© Houth©ri Clay Prcdtnt Company. whoso ovnsfi* mostly reeidc* lu rhilodelphki. RESOLUTIONS VOTED DOWN. FFDF.H ATION OF LABOR hll 1.1.1 l II %ll( A L Ml AM Hl.#. One \N as a Pruniti'iatlon of %l| 1 rusts and Mtmopivllrs. and the Ollier a Her la ruiloii In Fnvwr fa i o-ojerollse I >wisi**nsrslth % Mild #ul*tltule for Hie lattrr U a Ndopteil After a Miatp and Acri monious Debate. I/ouisvtilr. K\ !#’ 13 In th© Ameri can Federation of labor ('otiventi*m to *t.v two rreoiutloA© cliampione,| b> th© tevtira* element were vue*t dot# u by over wheimlng majorities. <>n# was a bitter pronouncement again*! trusts and nsMiopolbes In general. #k| th© other h <V* Wtr;HUi in tavor ti nr co operative common we* Ith and government wi.*r#hip n*l *x>ntrol of .ill m*stns 'f productkvi and Botiibuttoi l*r l>*tli of them much more moderate sut*Mltuiw w.-rc ©loj* r.d after long ind a* rini uikuia lebate. Th** substitute for th© three reMdutton# f \*ring tin co-operative < >mn*n # <sli h w a> as follow * V\ a cheerfully a* * • pi snd.lrsu- all th© assiatata# and usedftines* which mav* or can h# given th#* tral© union movement t*> all iioim force#. The a spiral ions, hope# and aim# of tic trades union nvin ber# ar© %ery similar to tiio expre#>xl wlahe* **f th*- gr*dter h*xly of * iciaUst©* namH' that th© bimloue of tott may l*© mad** lighter >r*d iliat e.trh w**rkrr shall eryjov fh < *© benefll that fhlch tv* produc*i. That men and women shall re eiv* a greaier Niummi of liberty, ttut the years to com'* may be mule brighter than the or present are the ideals of us nil Hut w© *k© th© position never theless because of )*ereoiMi local natlon al or oiher reasons th* worker* of our country t.och *llflf**rent conclusions as to th© methods of reach ng the denred er.d. ©ven though there may desirability of rso'Mlxr that end W© as eerf a forcibly a * we are rapablc of as serting tha th© t tad ©-union movement s th© true and legit. mat© channel through which the <oilers should #©ek not only present amelioration, bin future *manci patton Wo hold that the trade unions throughout our • % nimtr> an*l Canada *|o rot now. nor do w© l*elieve they will In th© futur* . d©*'lar* the *ils<'U#sk>ii of any qu©* mn in their meet lags, eklvr of an economl or a pohticul nature; but tehy ar*. .md w© think Justly, committed .giinst th** iul*rsem©ni r in rodu tKHt of race prejudices, rejig ioiiH JlfTeren* ** or |*or!lan pollli s IV. d© lar#* It to be th© inherent duly of our several union- to publish In their j •tirnals, to die*mas in their meeting# and th© mom her# there! t* study In their home# all question.' of .* public nafnr© which hav© reference to their Indus I rl;i 1 or iMilitlcal liberty, #• firmly d* lure that it I* not within th© power of th© Ameri can Federation of l..ii*or td legislate, reaolva or sp * ify to which political party mem bers of our union shall Iteiotig or for whk*h party they atmll vote." Fpon otHurreo* *• In fbl #ubetltute. *lo bat© wa*> long and acrimonious. I*re*ld'it Gomper# ••l*#(*| th© debate. #1 ©aklng for th© contcrvatlv# *•. those w h* w'cr© apposed 10 h© orig inal reaeAullOfth If th© resolu tions were to be iased In their meat radii ai form, h* said It wmM not irceleralo tb* tuogrea# of Ih© iaitor cause, but would onh invite *lr •(!* 01*- |K>#ltlon Ho claimed thnt stien m©n I iM-com© iml'U©! with th© prln -lp!#*- of ##►- ■ ia'.tsm they uatmlly lose their interest In trad© unionism. The piibstltute of th© committee w.** ; ©dopted by l.lftft affirmatives t nega tive. Tit© special committee on the eluht iour law ttime*l oxer all resolutions on | i hit subject to th* in* oniing cxecutlv© icitmcil. Th© convention adjourned aaitll to morrow vntihi; on tiii: 121 l>ol|*ltiii ©o *u*Te*ni of fhe Telegra phers Serins rrlwln. Topeku. Kn . Dee. I’. I’r* **il nt M M 1 Dolphin of the Order of Riltway Tcb** taphtH, arrived in Topek 1 toalay and ; took ivrdonal charge of th© #trlk <a devel * 7g>mrnt- ov*r tin entire Hant*& F *j j<* I tetn. Mr Dolphin .**>#: **Our su* *l**-. >ceffij# certain. It should i© (inl*retorMi that th© last endeavor of ths men on the Oulf lln*H t< avokl the < xir*ting (onfllct was io rarnostly requco# urhitritlon f differences, tut President Ripley nii'l Vl* © Prealdcnt Harr perempt * totllv refused to arbitral© or to con shier tip* rtile© governing conditions of service. "il*'*pertinsr their claim of had faith un der nil© An. that article ha# no hearing 1 whatever on the trouble. Under the com pany’a construction of th© agreement, ail I • • n 1 1 and wage# reduced by taking *ne portio i of th*- system at a time, holding th© em ploy*# on other lines of the system In ; Involuntary servitude while they trimmed * their 0-emsdoyea 011 another |art of Ih vyatfin. Rule -T> doe- not t <mfemplat© that i an employ o shall give a mon-th’s n*l © ; N fot* |j- quits the servlr© nv more than ; It require* the ••jmjMiiy t give a month's j nolle© before dismissing an employ# for | jus* or in redm ing Hie force.** TII AINA •< I NNINI. ON OMiCRI. Oklahoma Division of banta Ir Supplied \% Itli Operators. Arkantas City, Kan , Dec, 12—To-day at noon th© train dispat, nr#' offl ** in thl# city for th© Oklahoma diviidon of the SantA Fc began han lllng trains by orders the first time sine© the strlk© began. Kv* cry station on Ih© division is with at h-ast one oj*r.itnr, and train# r rum ir.g a# Uf *al Kxtraa will be ordered •nit to-morrow invj/ning TO FHillT 4 OHMIftNIOft MIA. southern Aplnarr* NVIII open helling Agencies. * Chariotte, N. C'., b© . 13.—The board of governors of tu© Southern Cotton Rpin rers’ Ai*#o la Hon met in se* ret ianon | here to-night to receive the report of *h*- I committee Appointed to se ure sel ling agencies In the Kastern nxirkets, after ihe concentration plan r** cntly sdopted. After th© meeting It wa# said that th© 4r*o< iation had no: oidy secured s i the money It t>eed©l for the tarrying out of its plan#, hut hud secured reliable rn u to take *hng# of |# ' lllng .khi l* All th© m©mier# ar© yet und* r the nun *>f .©■crex y. but liny ure free to #P Hist they will n- Itti* r give n>r .* k quarter. 1 hey ar© in for u tvar to a finish. It I# understood thut th© &anterti *;otn miMxion honor.- having declined to mako j any concession#, the ffouthern spinners have arrange! to tnelr selling house* i Philadelphia New York. B<**to*i and j <‘hlcfigu. or *n c Louis, ;om* titii** dm * ! ng next January. Liverpool < Alios ©taflallra. L*v©rpool Df 14— Following ar© the sraokty cotton atatlatlcs: Total ©aies of a.I kliKk. 44.0hn IxaiCK. • sal*American, 11.000; Fngiief* spinners takittgs, ro.’al export, 15.4k#'; inif>rt of all kinds 1 ijo.ooft; Import. Anu rban. s* W; st*> k */ ; ill kltnlp, ;-©**•' MO. h. Altert'**u. M2.*Oi; I quantity a flout. sll klieie. alloat I Amerban. 224.0.0, total sales tsi specula- I non. |uw; total salt# lu expoitcis, I bftlcte ,| J§k Own a TJJ Fine Overcoat Ifi 1/111| il|u|B| a I ( you come to us for Ml' | ! UHH ?W yoar overcoat the price | tln , IJsiff'WW won * Mind in Ihe wiy of ; 'V nur hsvinß the best cost Ml nude cosis no more here WIUJ qjVfw than you'd hive 10 psy for 1*41’,. ;[ii j Wfopm ordinsry qusliry Hll| jffl. • ‘Kit/ somewhere elxe UnitfUflli ' il lii Ml ftflSF chirß< ' f ,ir .rvinß on lliHllnh ihe new style* snd inqulr rß inU ! fiIJIHM the prices. Te ire „ . uur |M Every garment made hy BS HQ Hart. Scheffner & Msnr |H. is sold under the makers’ fB/v guarantee of satisfaction. Crrri|M I#ooSy #%-* bnft© • Ktu B. H. Levy Sc Bro., Sole Agents for Savannah. PObinß IN THK I’ll 11.11*!'! NF©. r<*roini*i<>n I'rox lilri for Ile ooit I*a**‘ Other lot***. Manila De© r Th© Taft c.>(nml*-**l*n ha# passed an acts authorising Gen. M**- Arthur to *t * *l* h I*.* ©in th*' ‘ itli * l 1 own© anl .i*pr*>|riating slf©*.* ***► for their maintenan* © Com mis© loner WnahL w!k is ‘*igi©'l to #ii|N*rvlso th© ©slahllshnient of eon stabniarv, anuou; 01 l**r dutlo said lb© establishment of a h* *1 poll ’** fore ©© n t> --r-SHry feaHura *f ©ivdl govenumnt and was approved by th** military gov ernment. An art ((•> also piiwl provHUm for ih- m-n*lo* Io offl-- * li*. munlrliMl COUtii lllorH ll un.l-r or.lrr of Ih- mll -I(mi’> ov< rnor. ni.UI B-K-riil muht-llnl Uw tu pMMd TIM (W*M f It,*l .•uiiu.llloiH <xpti<- Hi Jamttry Th clrrtlona fcr coiinclllora nr- wi*i>-n.lNl Ktimlly, l,ll| , pr'l ffir-lllW "ic civil **rvlv* i.t.o'l to ,'XomliK- and '• • !•■! on ihe rcartJifc-Tmcnt of **>•• mlhil. ■< of civil employe*. Hot,to. with It" 1 TnenlV-elfthlh Voliwiieer ReKlimnl. Col Blrkhelmcr < <>mn,„,.<linx teiwh'l • K<>*'>■* ll oi> *l>* northern cmM of Mindanao. MoivUt. arel reinforce,! the 'U rompantee of the for tieth Regiment etatlmierf In the town. An ■intrcoWr nuivoonent 1,,*.• Im,o planne.l From Iloilo U l unom Inllv reported tIMI lt,e Ineornente In that ,wrt of tt>* t'l and of I‘anay are earing alleg*ai > < at tin r.Hc of n Ihoneainl n ilav The or k ste of nrotiy prominent Inaurgentn elail e.| Ih.’ movement, wluch eeeniK to t. le— xaiilng uulvereal ot Jaro, Mob, Mm tit rlaof A rev, to aml Iloilo. Cot IN, rnh e ei,roe of money large ,|„ii,itltiee of ■uppll, e Ikive been capluicl t>> the Ainvr* train,. Klllli UETN Ntete *ll**l*. I'enne, Ivanla • oat „n,|>n> , a l*rop rrl) la I’nrelmanl. tleratvlon. Pa, l*ee. IS VI,.- PreeblrnlN Thorn, and Smith of (he Peimeylvanl* ( - oal Company to-day go* l ' uffielal ••oovflr mation of the ra ■ of all the mining prop erty f the IViui'V Ivanla fail Company Hint other nl.le,* >-,al prod,,, In* title reel. K.rie llallro.xl. tl- <*e ,1 lor lilrh hue teen p, nMliqr for WHIt |IV*- The [a-tqwrty Involved Ineludee 'SI mine worklnge In Ihe H ,anion a,el Pit'non ttejile. pro lie Ing lone of coal ttikl , tnplovlng UM) men ami la>. mi. phi* K fo ii no**, vrmk. M„m * * • Roaght M* aharee a* I a,,-Ii Nee York. I*' - . 13 In a eVateroen* by j p. Morgan Ar 'T>,. thla allernorat to the atoeklioHer, of ihe Penneylvnnia <Nwl Company, and algmd by leading rttre. tora and -to khoMern. II la announced that Ihe signatory partlea have wold all ilklt gto-k to the Morgan Company and recommend . eptance of the <ATer hv remaining rtockholder*. "the under,tgenfl te Ing un nllllng ■ *o cell nipeea an ngrectnenl that Morgan & Cos. purchaee on th raw term, the ,to,-k of all the other, off-re t on Jan. li. next, or within thirty day* there after The eale of nock doea no* carry with t* any tmereeta tn certain t tea miry •er'i of the company. Which trace te-en reaerv >d for diMrlbutlon u• a dlvld-mt among the ato khotderr of r< cord at the of the iran-fec book on Jan. A, 15WI, at 3 p, m The atatement aaya: "The** a.**** have a value r.f at |e*t jßMin.on. equal to a dividend of at lenM ?, per cent., 'hr equivalent of tli je r hare. wh.oh. riddel to the prbe of W3 wr cent eqtjal fr, CM |vr ,luire. to ha paid by J. I’ Morgan * Cos., would mike the nggregate amount to N received by Ihn gtockhutdere. on ogle of their aio,-k at Icaot ili per cent., equal to *371 per ehnre. rh>- par value of r.,ch t,are being only $50." I'urrhaae nr foal kloek. Cleveland, o, Dec. 13 The leader will ,„y to morrow *hnl tha Erie. Philadelphia and Reading. Nw York. Ontario and We.tcrn and the Delaware, Uvkieann., and \Vextern R'anlr have pur<tiaaed the Penn-ylvanla Coal Compnny elo,-k. • WENT t lt*ar ll\ll.***. It ** 111 Halid Dow A'lnrlda'a *Vr,t I nnat In Tampa. Tnllahas>e. Kla.. Dec 13.—Letter* pat ent have been grained for thr In.vMvnrß tton of *h* Weat Cnaat Hallnay Company, with hendquartrm at Grrrnvlllr. The cotn|>.iny l* ln.<>rportl with a capital of which may he Increased to SID.WO.OOO, to build a ralltoad fffim game southward through the counttc- of Madison. Taylor. Levy. Eafoyelt*. Citrus, Hernamb, and Hillsboro, to a imlnt ear the Gulf roast, at nr nrar Tampa, a distant, of £k> mtl-,. In . onvry tetvai, and pron ,.rt>. The t-ompany Is vmiHiwerrd to i oolel hraneb roads. ! J. W. Oglesby Is prealdrnt; It C. Mc ! I most,, v Ice president, C. T. Tillman, see* I retniy and treasurer. PLAYERS’ DEMANDS REFUSED. II KII 111. II t,\ M ri IIKI LIIKn Til 1.1 l IRT Til KM. I'lnirrii l.spcct n llrr<tnhlf rmlnii mill Mclicvc Thr) II 111 lief Wlial They VV iinl l'lnirra 1 haa Will lll** t.nuie —W 111 liil lii'arta Iniart chn l.rHaiir— liiimil to tl>>‘ liinlli In Mr ihnnduued. I,CM 14 11 •* Inn. I linn*c,l. Nr* York. Inc U —Tha National nmguali • lirUl Iwi> sesslnna to il i> The lirrt session <* begun about liufm with th- following present: A H. Hoilrii, \Y. II Conant and J U Hillings of It.minc. W. W. k-rr. Philip AlSten iiiial llitrney iMeyfuiw <if Pittsburg. An drew Freedman, ~ew York: Charles Kb lirtta, I*'. A. Abell nrol lidward Hanlon, Itrooklvn; tnl John I Roger* amt A. J. It. ... h. PhllHdelpm*. James llarl, Chi cago; John T. Brush. Cincinnati. F. De- Ikan KnlilWn and Hlanlry Koblson of HI Uun Tin di-rnanda of thr Flayers' I‘rotrrtlvo Asm, ml Inn were llrat takon up and Ihor* •Highly (Him iimbl. Afli-r thr nuigiiiites had l*rn In #**- alon for abott' an hour word reached thu corridor* down Malta that Iho drmand* had hern thrown out. part and ptrwl. There iii a hurtled mtiferenco tKtwaon ilrf* Zimmer, Clarke (IrifTVtb and Hugh J.-inln*:-. r|iri'rntlti|t thr piay er*‘ oikanlaatuai, with thr result that i not** an rent up stair* asking another onthrtu*e. Tint niMKitairs received thr not* anJ laid it aiititr for fulurr action. Helices Thry Will Reconsider. In ilixruiwiiig thr refusal of tha mag i .i ll* s to grant lh* original ili’ni-uals mado by \h* player- Clarke tlnlflth, Ihe •*tn pitcher, r.itd. "Thrr* Ih a mtetake rotnrwhrre. Tha b ifile ia i* ted ution thr memorandum presented to tlirtn after the ronfrrettea liy Mi Taylor. inrmoramhun ’• list sweeplttk. It coni.lined much morn than wos dor taiard at thr i-onfrrence. I think tin* Ici it to* will give us another h< trine and finally grant our requasls. Tim player* wdl dir name. "There would be no effort on our part to i.ikn away thr tdaces of the American League t'liyera. If Iho player* rhoukl m riki. matter ha* been looked Into und set I lip." Harry Tyk r, ihe phtyrra' lounsel, dis appeared Wednwday ninth Ilia u tisane* save rirr to many vague rumor* aa to conference* with Hon Joluwon. President Young verlllrd the report that the original proi*o*l lota submitted by tha |.livers Inul hern turned down by tha rnaiinate*. "After dl-russli g our commlttre * ra. port." raid Mr Young, "the league dis charged the committee." t hnnalna I.ensue I-a as a. tine of ihe result* of'* earlv aas slim mi the passage of an amendment to Ihe . ondltutlnn reducing the number of directors from six to four. Incidentally anew board was elected ami for tlye first time In mnny year* New York I* repre sented on the new hoard. Andrew Fraad itnm, ihe heal magnate, wae present at the election Tit* now hoard now arid consist of itmlsn of JtoefoM, it rush of Cin cinnati. Dreyfus* of Pittsburg and Kread man of New York. The entire twttkvinl hoard of arbitration, consistlng of Young. Hoden, Unudt, Hart. Robluaon and Roger*, was re-elected. Tha Committee mi Constitution will ba < orn- I sis' 4 of Rogers, Itrnsh and Hart. The tnagn.tles unanimously decldad *0 •In away with Ihe custom of an early .-firing practice trip lo the Houth. The awoml **ton finished without anything of Importance being acc**a pllelii I The umpire question wa dis cussed thnroiighlv hu* wan pit over un til the annual spring meeting. The magnates ,I|<J not consider Ih* play ers' demand for rehearing of their rasa at the evening seatdon. It probably will be taken up to-morrow. At the conclusion of the regular session the members of th circuit Committee heU another Informal conference, but de cided to make nothing public. To Take I p I lark's t ass. Washington. Dr 13.—Senator Chandler, ■ h.ilrman of Ihe Senate committee on Privilege* and Eledlon.. ha* railed a meeting for that commit!** for to-mor row. to take up th Montana senatorial ca*e. I ongrea*' Holiday lleceas. Washington. Dei*. U—The Home to-day adopted a resolution tor a holiday recess from Friday, Dae. 21, to Thursday, Jan. 3, 1301. TO LIVE WELL IS TO EAT WELL. Your Grocer Keeps It 5