The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Pif^! | Look at yourself! la vour face | I covered with pimples? Your skin I I rough and blotchy? It'* your liver! I I Ayer’* Till* are liver pills. They I I cure constipation, biliousness, and 1 | dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. *nt vur mou'Ut ,• or Nrr4 baauUfui , brown or rlrh Mck 1f * mr BUCKINGHAM’S DYEMSr. j ■>* IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. *f:w9 A*n vikwh or tiib dai IN TWO fT%Tt:. Mrnni Nrgrn \\n ('hfirfril With • nuU-Mt-n I'lnul for Worklm u *nmlaltrlriit*** Want* Purdoß. Unly Kdlfor for Jrinp-*llnniirf In llrraer*# Wrrlk*— % nrht t'lttb If imif for I*r iionc*>ln l'l>rllu Oranert- otlirr FTorMa N*wa. Jim Aloxantlxr ihr nogro charge-1 with pmimuK upon Mix# I.iimniAa n#*ar Iwcu*t Ofov, wai tried at McDonough nf<i 'lix rhacg#*<l on account of an almoxe a !>*- lute lack of cvldm<*o aintinxt him young lady airora ho wu not the nogro who >Huu'.t**d her, and h further pro\ol an alibi. f lnrrt for W orklng on nnlny. Judgx Rome, in the City Court, at Home on Wednesday, a One of fl upon Henry Blxhf*p. John Dodon and Mrcux Himpann. founded upon a p?n of working on Runday. All of Ihe trw*n are Bevemh IMy Adveneiata and believe It lx their duty to labor upon the (JenUlea* SaoUatli. The <ro*t# w :i amo tint to 125. Fnlr fr \rnnn. New nan ia making exterelve prepare tlonx for a at root fair neat week, to he. gin on Tuesday and l.xr four diyp. All the bext and moxt ierrnt at t nut lone th t have a|>p'ur'] hi (\tlumbua and other prominent (otn - have l*n enK ig *l. and no eff< r will b***<l to make the o taxlon <• euccrg*. Ilr I dicta Want* a Pardon. A ieter wm received in H>m* Wednes day from W M Hrldgea, who if enrlng a term In the penitentiary near MlUedge vHle He was sentenced to four year* for the emh* zxlem* nt of Floyd county echoed funds He says he lx *ufreeing , from kklney trouble and cannot live long i unlera he lx relea*d. He l*s applied f.r i a pardon, nrul etiya he pijei t* hood to l>e a fret* mn. t onfrrrni'r to Mfrt In Mnron. The Soixh Georgia c’onfereme at CTuth bert reccnaidered the vote to go to . Waynerboro n**xt year ard practically unanimously decided to holl their next eeatlon In Mulberry StreHt Church In M- , c*on. The charge waa Inrse y due to the fact that Mu on w# nu-r* central and easier of hc o*#. Again, it waa he nt n tion of Macon to Incite the conference, hut her r* prefer tat vex were ou- of the church when the flrxt vote waa taken. Mlm *frrf an Fdltor. Col. C. C Tir.dall. fddoc of ‘he Wayne County New a, at Jexup. Ikix sold hlx en tire Interest to Mim C’amlll* Morrlx of AtUorn. and wi'l take charge as ed- j Itor on or about Jan. 1. fthc wll In* the only Indy editor n that part of the state Thlx lx Mlm Morris* flrxt venture in newx |wrer work, hut xhe ie a young lady of ability and huslnexa talent, an 1 wll •toubtl**#* prove a xuccea ax eu dl or , The Wayne County Newx lx the !>emn ora tic organ of the county, and ax the |>mo r*!i carried every ofhee in the j county at the laxt • 1 *ct on. the pap-r will receive the support of the county of- ; ficlal*. Ilnl 9er%ed In Three War#. M M Bentley, an scent and re* poet ed rltlten of R ckdata county, expl ed Tues day at hlx home in Conyora. “Rqtilra** Bentley, ax he wax familiarly known by the cfltisenx of Conyerx. wax a well known figure and much be’oved by 11 Ife had reirhed the ripe old are of V 7. and had It not been for the fa t of hi contracting r>n*xim<*rla recently whl h rexulte*! In hlx -*cth. he hi 1 flr to have been allotted at 111 many more years to come Mr. Rentier had the dixflt cl! >n of lelng one *mnc the few survivtm; men In the South who had served t r irh three, wars—the M !<*an. I din an t Civil He wax several year* ago penal te<l by the federal government for valbint *er vices and bravery displayed In the Indian wars. Rnttimolottial Ximtfllnrd. Ptate Kn?onv*loalst P-- tt hax lern sus tained by the Depa tment *f Ag Icultnre at Washington 1n hi condemnation of the trees of the Cumberland Nursery C m j*anv of Nashville. Tenn. It will le le ntmbtrel th*t the company m de a com plaint against Mr P-ott*x eximlnation The hitter agreed to leave the matter with the department a? Washington, and accordingly specimen* of the tr*ee w* e forwarded from Columbus. Oa.. hy a l tnterested part' bth tlie of the company and Mr. P*ott l*elng pre ent w’hen It wax done Tuesday Mr. Scott received a reply from Washington. In which the federal ent<mologl'*t staled that he had found the xp* imer x Inf**, ted with the Kin Jose * .ib as Mr K ott h.S elated. Until the tnfe tlon hax been kill ed all Of the trees of the Cumb fluid Nurtery Company will t*e barrel from the mate. A Roninnre In This Mnrrinue. Amerlcux Timex-Recor ler Frwm all rountx the recent Nopler-Remer mar i ige gnp • doubly romantic one. In that he fair bride had. some time sin • pile- t \ her heart to another whom xhe exi* ‘t ed to wed. when, at the las* mome t the ••handsome cava ler’* who finally won her hand came for a second tlm** ujsmi the sene and brought about a muter* 1 change In the plan*. R' latlve* in Am * i cua had quite recently received In vita* tionx to *h- marriage *f Ml as Clifford Ni pier <nd Mr Frank M. Ktak* e> and •*• Wednday. !>* 19. wix name) it- the weddlTig day Mr. Blakeley lx ci burner resident of Amerlcux. lut now llv* - In Ix>ulsvtHe, K% w'be*#■ h* holls a lucra tive pox It lon On e laxt 'ear their mar riage day was set, but ag in the pr*-- ence of the “hands me ivjllor” wh claim- her further proceed!*.as nx I*, ti ' ! • net But l• -~ 1* cal and the double romance of a year Is resolved Into happy marriage. FLORinA. Fort My*r Prwi Fruli ha h##n pin* at a *r*at ml* In th* *rov*a th* past two wk. and th* loia w-til cut down th* crop In tula county fully lO.Wk. ho**a Th* loan u attrthut*d to th* V.*avy crop on th* tr**a and th* uni* al.y wat w*ath*r that ha* pr*va!lr.t a throughout uh aeaaoo and auU coottn r <*n I n<~ I llr on a Hoorn. Qilr* c|!le Bun There is more build ing and r iNilrlng of hooxr* now going on in tiainesvi !e *h.i. ti • ha- teen at any I-" -I within xe\er i| years (stet A spirit tf ellterprl-e xe mx to have struck oUr cltiienx. at.d a general advancemmit in the direction of improvements s*em highly protmble. There will he n< t*ed ter opportunity to bulid than r w |wr - - nt- it?**lf. a*d t box* who r* me ete*tlon of ( or bustnex* hou.-’** will not ie likely to profit by w .tu g I'uriiK the next year or •. there w.ll la* hundreds of houses built In this city. % l*rofitnblr i.roF. Fort Myers Press Mr W F Harris took his departure Li Thurstay f his home in B*uth Or .*. N J . af*er shi|.*- l*li g over run* in f ■ b> orange * op from his Oraiig.* i\’ gr**ve Thus f t he I).Y.- sh * : *1 " \a*f • rut #*• a 1 there rema.t.s fully iwx of fruit on the tr* wain w,.i be shipped 3.t**r In the srsik*<■: M Harris has ben net ting Iri t.h* *•* ghbortiood of S.* l***r I*“* r I he W! *r k " tbla >eat When tie pir .-•' g-'-ve y year md a hilf ny paying f••• • for the property, many thought that h* was paying t<* *U a p ■. !• n- .lit- shown that he made a tt eat Investment. Fossils ni i.lani Animals. Gslnesvil.e Bin Mr. Ch tries Wynn of Jonexvllle left at thlx ofTlce yexterd-iy р. weighing aeveral pounls. of the under jaw of ’■ a* :roal the f**. iex if w hi- h have par tap- extinct for very many centurue ) *n** of the teeth uf tne spc. .men before us Is In a tolerably good xtw of ires* rvatktn. From what we have learned regarding prc-hlstorlc inimais. w- irnag.i.* this Jaw bone be longed to genus of mammals cloaeiy a I ||e| to but larger than el* j hanta. the r* rna.ns of w hich ar- found in atl parts of the world Mr Wynn save h took about two tons of hones from the pla s w nere tms bns came from ard there Is a very large deposit of the fossil remains of tiiese momten of the past on his farm. To Halid h Isrht Club. Tensacola N* ws Avery large number of members was In attendan e at the spe-tal meeting of the I’enea ***a Yacut Club laxt night, m i a large amount •( imjortant business w s transacted, с. the p rfe 'ting of arrangements for beginning at once the c<aistruction of a lut house, nrel the u auguration of s . •• . * | i amount t building fund. The treasurer's repor: eu,*xl that the fund now amounts to s;•*. aid It w.i- d<ided thftt the same wax sufficient to Justify the commence ment of building r*fejratlons Th* plan for he dub house, ax submitted hy th** Building Conmlttee. wer- examine*! an<l dipetis-'xl. r*l **ii motion were unani mously n *eptrl. A motion was then made and arrlNl that the club house shall he ere - ted upon the southeast cor ner of M tin xtre#t and Ninth avenue, ax extended Into the waters of the bay. Illoxhnm for h-nnlnr. Jacksonville Metropolis: Goar. Blox ham will retire from ihiMlc life next month, for a time at leaea It h. hov ever, whis|*red around that hlx friends may yet make him Senator Mallory's s ic cessor. Gov. Bioxhfim flrat came into public 1 if ** in e a m*'mler of tne Legislature from leon county. In I*7R. when the Democrats rescued the state fr<*m :he Repubil anx. he wax appointed Be* retary of State bv the late Gov. Gee. F Drew In IKBI to IS*:., he wax Gov ernor. iiloxham wax next offered the pos of minister to Bolivia by President Cleve land In lMv>. but declined the appointmeir. A few months later h** was appointed sur veyor general of Florida hy the president, and held that place until the Harrison ad mini- tration cam* In In In IM* he was appointed xrate controller, hy G*“" F. ming. to fill out the unexplred term of Gen Wm D. Barnes who wax m*b ju*lge of the flrxt Judicial circuit. In IR9- Mr Bioxham w e|ect*xl controller fr the full term of four years, and at the expiration of that term he was again el* t*-d Governor for th** four-year term n*w to expire The Governor i* In his 6&Lh year, and hlx health lx much impaired and he proposre to give more attention to tlx improvement after his re leu** next month from oftl* lal duties. W %nu tail Ml PAi PKM FAHM. 4• ***d Crop Waa 'lrid*—Oilirr Nm* From Wa>craa. Wsycross. (la., Dec. 13 H V Jeffor*lx. ' a white man living near Homervllle, Clinch county, wax arraign**! before United States Commissioner John T My ers. on a charge of making “moonshine** whisky. After hearing the evidence. Com missioner Myers dl*mi-~ and the case. A fine crop wa made thlx year on the Ware pauper farm About eighty acres were cultivate! The yield amounts to neirly -•••> ponds of oats sft) bushels orn, bushel,- *weet potatoes an I enough -yrup to'do the Inmaten another year. In addlth n t* this, immense crojm of bay, peas, fenut*. etc., have leefi raised, and In a few weeks thirty-five fine m**at will l*e xlaught* r*>l. Knough in* at wa- mixed I i-t y** *r tt run the farm til! June of the present year, and enough lard und syrup lo last the entire year. Tne firm has been in operation three years, ami lx g> ttlng now to a point where U la k- but lift!* of bemg pelf* suxtiiinxng There are 4* acres In the county’s tract known ms the old John II Cason bometad, nine mile* north of Wayerosa, on h** public ra*l Waycroos to Douglas. The Baptist |M-ople of W.iycroxx are ust now •omplettn*' a <*>• little chs(e*l. 21x3*5 f e** t, iu the w extern part of the ity. They have a live Suiklty school in operation out there. In charge of Mr. M J. Carswell. The Archdeaconry of Brunswick will hold a tnetlrig m li a* * Kphcoiw; Church beginning to-morrow night. The veil*r *!!♦• Baity Ca>sl s. archdeacon, will pre -!*)• •n Baturdny mmine it 10 o’c.ock Bishop Nelson will •lliv-r an aldresa, tnl at 11 o’clock Hurvtay a large clues of .*lt>lli ants w i I be eonfiremed Coroner Grim*-, wgo wax recently thr wi from a and so piinftrily l rttlxe*!, I- on the road to recovery Mr. U. F. Cos Hugh. in) will move to hlx farm. Just • u , -.b* the city limits The Folks ton Bohool doses Its prevent term to-morrow. J S Miiell will open a turpentine bus. me** at Tiuderx* Hill. 20 YEARS A SPECIALIST. During my . ar-er of twenty years I have devoted my-eff faithful ly to Hu -■ '* tr. 1 hront >l’xi-asi>fi ~( men ami wom. n v.lth which x<> m.s ; v ■ •' #• * A i r*—Mi* I Kivt jMTft Med a system •' y •*> " H I have jirxl more ot*< < n i*,v xn\ oi **r f \ . mx In th- S. uth Kvery f rm ..f | - sffu $ unde s o.| hv in** and t'-c pro|ier treatment t4-> promptly U 4) * rH l h M •r . UI’O? h. '.'tern lx given, ac v.i| ~ Jk La M " *' l,r# lh *' disaaog Itself. No physician is catnpetrtu to '-'J • " of Manly Vigor. Stricture, tarleurrl,. Blood JBkiy and 9ktn Kidney mrm, llte, b■* other prpate or chronl ill**#.** of men ari l men _v,. iv hn bus rot de\ ur.l himself exclusively to their study JrtC'' 'truin'. Tbl* I hgv.- ton.' fuMhfu ly. at I m |i irkuble *ucce-s trove* my unequal, and abitt\. My meth 4rN "d* are trlc'ly up-to-date und I rely ,oi:y upon th iHilMKir.H.D latest dl-overle* of science combined with mv ski'l. I do not resort t > any fraudulent "free sample" scheme* so commonly practiced hut deal with my patient* in an honorable profe*. oral manner. I extend a .or dial Invitation to consult me, either Mmy office or by mall. All correspondence strictly confWien:lal Office hours—9 to 12. 2 to 5. 7 to * p m. J NEWTON HATHAWAY. M D., Bundaytt Iu a. m. to 1 p. tu. 2A Bryan *u*ot, BavanoaJi, Ga, THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, liMX). A TFXAS WONDER. • ImlFs (*ret Placnvxry. One smail bottle of Halls Groat Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder trou bles. H-movM gravel, cures diabotos. §ei* insi emusi ns. weik otJ laiuo Uack 1 * riaums am and all *rregu.aritlea of th kl.t. )• *r.d bUiiJsr tn Loth men and wo men regulate* b.suur troubles in coll uren if not sold by your druggist wnl t * *nt by nail c n receipt of Ji. vn ana. bettie a two nvoi.ths' treatment, and will core an) * *ee abo.e mention’d Dr, t " Hail, sol** manufacturer. I* O Box tt* Bt Loula, Mo. Bend for tes lmonial* Boid by all druggists and Co. ba' atinah, Ga. llrad Vhl*. Dothen. Ala July 13. I**® Dr. K W Hall Bt Louts. Mo-Daar K r We have t*een selling your Texas Wonder. Hall’s Great Discovery, for two '••ars ami m'ommsnl i: to any one suf fering with *••*> kidney trout* ** i t*allig tne lest remevly wo ever sol I. Yours truly. J R. YOUNG. THE WEATHER. Fore f*r Friday and Rattirday— Georgia Rain Friday Saturday fair, brisk to high ea-t to south winds on the I ost. Li-tern Florida Ba n Friday and Sat • ay pi fsw in extromo southern portion aseder rt*4turday In northern and *• ntra \<< t -n. fr*ah to brisk southerly sir-> shifting to westerly. \x extern Fftorid.* Rain in eos'ern. fair in western portion Friday. Baturdxy fa.r. fresh ’o br.xk north* riy winds on ti) • coast Houth Curofcna Rain Friday. Saturday fair in western rain In eastern portion, w mils bscumlng brisk to high north**.-! erly Ycxterdsy’s Weather at Savannah- Maximum t* mp* ramre. 3 p m... 53 degrees Minimur.i temperature, and am.. 41 l*-g;e*- M*.an temperature degrees Normal temperature ht degr* s l** t, i. fic* f temperature 6 <l* gr*(w Accumulated defl.fency since D*t 1 24 degre*‘a A* timulate*! excess since Jan l 362 degrees Rainfall H inch Nornraa I 10 Inch Deficiency sin e Dec. 1 tt lnrh Defldancy since Jan 1 T6* Inchos River Hefiott The high! of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at k a m (TMh me rl llun time) yesterday, was 7.9 feet, a fell of 0 1 foot during the preceding twenty four hours Observations takn at the same moment of time .It all stations. Dec. 13, ISM), x p m . 75th meridian time Name of Station T V Rain Boirton cloudy ¥) IN .00 N* w Yrk city, clear.. 44 2k .00 Uhitadelphia. clear j ¥i J 10 | .00 Washington dlly, clear., i s* J 6 u Norfolk, clear 60 12 | .00 Ho(eraa. loudy j fO 6 j 0 Wilmington, partly cldy 52 L { .tio t'harkute, cloudy 4K 6 j JO Kaieigh. clear 4K J L .00 Charleston, raining f 52 | L .01 Atlanta raining 4H j L j .10 Augusta, raining { 4k j L j .no Savannah, raining |52 L .16 Ja kxonvll>. raining 64 12 j .1* Jupiter, raining j 74 12 .01 Key West, clear |74 L | .01 Tampa, raining j f,4 | 12 { 36 Mobile, raining .....j 5) j 12 .24 Montgomery, raining [ 50 , n | ix Vicksburg, cloudy jBO j 4 on New Orleans raining ... 80 22 | 54 Galveston, cloudy |52 14 j .00 Corpus Christ 1. clear 60 j Di .00 Palestine, cloudy | 50 L { .00 Memphis, clear { 52 | I* f on Cincinnati, clear | 34 | 12 J .ft> Pittsburg, cloudy 34 10 \ .no Buffalo, snowing !18 88 | .08 Detroit, clear |!* 12 J T Chicago, cloudy 24 J 18 { o Marquette, snowing j 12 | 12 | .20 St Paul, cloudy | % j 8 on Davenport, clear j 24 J 4 St. Louis, clear j 38 | pi } .00 Kanxa- City, raining j 42 | 8 i T ok<ahoma. clear | 44 8 .00 Dolge 4'lfy, clear | 4s j | North Pkitto, mlxxtng H H Boyer,' Ical Foreoast Offl ini PROTEST %.%!\vr GE.\. I.EE. Iluf Yew York 1 olveralty Kenote Did Yof A are* 10 It. New York. Dec. 13-The New York University Senate recently received a pro test from the association of the survivors of the Sixth Army Corps In Washington. D C, a gains* the placing of Gen Robert K. Lee's name In the Hall of Fame. Gen. Le’ mm* wti* anu*r.g thox‘ selected by fte judges Th** protest of the Sixth Army Corps Survivors was that Gen. I>*. who wax an officer in the UnPed States Army de serted hlx government in the face of the enemy, and wax not. therefore. ,n *xam p’r worthy of emulation The Univerx ty Renat** announces that it lx too late to make any change in the Hot, and more over. that the Senate agree** with the de id"i) to Give Gen. Lee a place among the American Immortals. VI it lH:It %Mi si it idk. Vlnxlneaa Hltnlry Caused Death of Two Friends. Chicago. Dee. 13 Tltixinexx rivalry cause*! the death of two Hyde Park c-ial merchants to-day. Joseph Huffman shot and klllel Thomas Meltan. then turn I the revolver upon himself and fell llf*- 1* xx over Mehan x del body The m *n. who t)al been friends for years, recent ly quarreled over a buxines- transaction, .itel to-day’s tragedy wax lh? reyolt. nflieers IBe<*tei|. W<iycross. Ga., Dec n Deltx En *im*- nient No. 3. I. o. u. F. held a m*-- ting 11 -1 night jtrvl elected off! **rx as foikwvx Chief Patriarch. O J Allen. High pries?, J l\ M- Gm Senior Warden. J T M Gee; Junior Warden. T J McClellan; Hctlbe, J t". Huber; treasurer, J A J*n ** This branch of Odd Fellowship is increas ing rapidly in Wsycross, and ax noon ax a club of twenty-five lx so'im-d a from Magnolia Encampment of Savannah will come down and an*d-t In conferring the degrees. I'm tne Defeated IHllffer. New York Dec. 1.1-William False of Boston defeated Frank Rllliter of Minn**- apod- in to-night s billiard game by 4.1 t>otntx Thlx Wax Paige s last game In the final series, and hi* work w s gUt-^L* BICYCLISTS ARE WORN OUT. Elk •*■ nnl Xlcl-’MrIMMd, Pierce and Vrl Hidirrn ••till In the lead, hut •tflilnd the Record New y *rk. Dec U- Narrowed *V>wn to six s<>r. ijuttered atid at rail el rlderw. the ► u day blcyc * r * in Madison tkj jare Gard* n ha now letom** a contest of the nations. At midnight P*-ntght only one United Sc* •am ir left in the twee Elkes and M Farland. Kk* an*l Fierce are the fr* xht-x? men of the mix but they are snowing wekenlng signs McFarland Is a.mest wreck. T i* doggd determination and frightful hurafx of speed of, the French matt irulb lots of \ltahty for the final warding up. Aft**r ti.* Frenchmen come Rywer and K **r of Germany, Fisher and Frederick, th** Swiss team Stinson, the Swede, and Waller. th* German, who had previously kept to th* thre* leading teams for miles, lost two lape thlx afternoon and ar- now ha g of Fisher and Frederick and K !*er and ftyser. Hr* •<'•> k aiul Aronson and Turvllle and dimm withdrew x teams this morning on a ount of the H*rious Injuries received *y Aron*./ii -* 1 1 Turvllle. The scores .if 1 nviork follow : K!k* -a 1I McFarland. 1.847.3; Percw and M 15 hern. 1.847 3; FMm ir an*l Gou gohi 1,847.2; Fisher and Frederick, 1.3447; K t-i r an 1 Ry.-er. 1 84. 7. Waller and Btin* son, 1 'l* liab<'o< k .md Aronson. 1.4445. Turvllle and Gimm. 1.454.8. The leaders were thirty-five miles and on* lap b* h ml tho rev*>id at 1 a m. N* s York. Dec It -At 2 o'clock thle morning ih* t- rare in th# bicycle touma ment at**.! square Garden was: Elk* Ar McFarland. 1.845 3; Fierce and M* Eachern, I,P 3; Himir anl (Knjgoltx. *.*45 2. Fisher and lYrdtriclt, 1.844-7; Ka a*er and Rv*er. 1,844.7. Waller and Kt.n -!*n. 1.8444 H.iheock and Aronson, 1,444.5; Turvllle and Gimm.*4. WEDDING AT <!( mi AY. Mr. Charles F. € mtrr and Mlm Rachel It. Met all Married. Quitman. Ga . Ic 13. —lasst evening At 7 .10 o’clock, at tha Baptist Church. Mr harie* F Cater of Macon and MU# Rachel R. Mrx'all of (Jultman w*-re fnar rled. Rev C. A. Turner of Macon ofTiri atiiur Th** church dexorations have never been surpassed h<*re in beauty of doalgn md general efTect. The utten*lantx werv. Mr** J . Dwl*, Ml*rr Eddie and N.mi.ic McCall of Quitman. Idlxs McCall * f Maalis*n Fls.; Mlxx Stripling, of Jsck -onvllle, Fla . arui MU* Cooper of Perry. ; Mexsr- Moxxey, Dunlap. Noftlng am. Cat* x aiul Uttle of Ma'on. Felder M< < \li and Spain of Quitman, and Brooke of B*et*n After the church service an elaborate recaption wax given at the reoklen*'** of f 'apt J G McCall, the bride s father Mr t'ater Is a m*rnl*er of the Arm • Massey A him her broker*, of Macon, and is a successful and popular man In both business and social c Ire lea. Mr* Cater a- Misa M Call, has had a "bong hol*l n th i*afT* -?lon of a large number of friends In Quitman and eise where in tti#* xiate. an*l carries with h**r to hef new hom<> the be<t wishes of m.m. woman and child In her native P a e The bridal party left this morn* Irg for Ma on on the South Georgia R til road. CHOfE.Y FHIEYDB II %Mv H t FT. IVfltlon to Bs Filed To-day Asklna for a Receiver. Indianapolis, Dec. 14 —Ths Sontlnol oays: Attorney GensroJ Taylor, on boha4f of the sfate of Indiana, will file suit In the Superior Court of Marion county this (Friday) morning, asking the anointment of a receiver for the Order of Chosen Friends, one of the largest fraternal In surance asttoriattonx in the United States The filing of the suit wjll affect thirty stAtes of the Unltm. as the association Itex been authorlxed to do business In that number. In the application f**r the receivership, which lx a voluminous document, the fact i* set out that the association lx Insolvent and unable to meet the death claims now outstanding. The.-e claims aggregate about s3ft\ooo a?)d came to light through an examina tion made by George U. expert of the Indiana insurance department, last week. Immediate!) upon being advised of the condition of the a*so< iatlon Auditor of State H.irt notified T. R. Linn, su preme re*‘rUr of the Chosen Friends, that th** order ku insolvent and that tie would at oiv make application for a re ceiver. Among the xt.i’ex in which there Are 'ouncl.x of the order are. Color Ado. 2. Georgia. 2; Kansas. 3; Kentucky, 17; North Carolir.i 8. South CaroHna, 7 Tennessee. 1; Texas. 33; Virginia. 9. Orler of the Holy ( roes. lot Billie, 111 . Dec. 1.1 The Rev. Dr. B M Bhulick. retcor of St Hyacinth Polish Catholic Church of thlx city, has been honored by Pope with the order of the Holy Cross Father Bhulick lx the first Catholic priest in thlx country to re reive thlx distinction. % BIFUMHIM Eire In I inelnnntl Cincinnati. Dec. 13.—T!e building, foundry and machinery of the I*ane & Bod ley Works, a? John and Water streets, were burned to-night the t>tjl loss bo lug from s2>i).oft* to s2ft>.*•. MurrUtin .fury Mill Oat. Eldorado. Kan.. Dec 13.-Judge Shinn ** n Di*- Morrison Jurors to their hotel again to-nighi irnl Instructed them to re sutne thlr lelli*erallcins at 8:30 o’clock to morr*>w morning. II AT II Fit 111 It > THAN GET IF. Firemen Compelled fn Carry Wleepy lt*Mnirr From lllta/lng lloase. From the Washington Fool. An overturned oil stove, kno* ke 1 dowrn during a flglit In 11 restaurant for negr.iee at 1106 K street, northwest, about 9 o'clock last night, started a lire which caused $l5O damage. A pugnacious negro wax not pleaed with soup furnished h.m and started to chasi 1m the cook. During the scrimmage which followed the oil stove wex kicked over, and in an instant the floor had caught fire. An alarm was turn* I in from box 172. and the department was on hand In a short time. A number of lodgers occupied room* on the second floor of the building, and one <*f the firemen hastily mounted the stairs to alarm the sleepers. All were xoon hus tled from their l*edx except one very drowsy Individual who refused to get up. The fire laddie shook thx sleeper by the shoulder snd shouted: •‘Get up. the houx* j on fire. Get up. or you’ll !e burned alive.'* “Lrt the blamed th ug bum Up.’* wax the startling reply. “I'm going to sleep. ■ # • Th** firrman f. r \ t n* -.•'wn- to car the fellow downstairs In hie arm# When he deposl e 1 his human freight on the fide walk st the foot of the ss rs. the etili half aeleep man surrounded by * crowd of curious spectators, slipped on a por tion of hlx wearing apparel, which the fireman had brought down with him. and said “Wail, Rial's a of a lodging house, ho shambled up the street, * NEWS FROM THE WATER FRONT HIU CiHOO Ot 1.l llliKH Ul-IMi ixj vi)i n ron u>ikm. Tl, Hrlll.l, hi|> Hnrl Qnrri to Take 1.-UMMMmi I rrt of ollow l*lnr l,umhir I titter llrrk—-aanuah'. I.nmlier Trail. With Howlh Aiaerl naa fort, (.rnttln,—l'ruprrt)’ Hr t'overrtl from the Mitikett Steamer TV. A. t 00k— tiattera of Intereat to -hlpitera ami tlarlnera. Tllo Britlah •hip Harvest Queen, will clear In a f-tv iluys for l/>nkm with on* of tho lar,eat carKoe* of yellow rln* lumlter *hlpi>e,l front Savannah In yeara. The vmael wlil carry tn the neighborhood of J.oo.ooft feet under deck. Hrtltah mari time taws provide againat the loading of deck cargoes during th* winter month*, probably to tnsur* th* safety of th* ve*- **L If the Harvest Queen were to take ■tn a deck toad th* shipper* say she would carry about 1.MQ.000 feet. Owing to the rough weather ther* ha* leen aonw> delay In loading this big cargo which cannot he done during wet and rainy weather, becaure the lumber must he r/wsonakly dry. B B. Hunting At Cos. are th* shippers. Aa previously stated In the Morning News. Savannah Is hufldlrg up a good lumber trad* with South American ports, the present orders to he ti 11..! being with th* above hrm The twrk Haohi Madre will, to-day begin loading nt the .-tea. hoard terminals, a million ft et of yellow for Huenoa Avres Th* harks Stella del Mar* and Veronica, nr* bound for Savannah, amt will each load ul.ait a mil.lon feet for Bueno* Ayres. Hereto fore most of thb< demand for (ieorgla lum ber was supplied through the Oulf port but It seems that lmpor:er decided to give Savannah a trial. Saved Front Steamer Cook. Th* wrecker* of th* river steamer W P r-ook. which went down opposite Ih* Ocean Steamship wharves, have re covered two boilers, an engine, und t.te wheel, which were brought yesterday, to th# Southern Transportation Companys wharf, foot of Aberoorn street. The ma chinery Is to be put In the netv #l*am*r the romiany Is building The Iron hull for th* new b,et waa recently bought at Jacksonville, by Capt TV T Glnaon, and after certain changes are mo Ie to It. It w ill ell her be brought here for comple tion. or the wrecked boot's mtchliyery will be taken to Jadcaonvt.le. f'ap tllb son has not yet <>. Ided which he w II tlo. Galveston', I'.rportt. November was a banner month in re gard to the value of the g -.te carried from Galveston to foreign rountrie- T ie total axc*wl*. by almost U.iNO.oVI nv other month on record. The total eg porta for November were valued at 119 Oh 4M Th- neat largest month wu# De cember. Die, when the valuations amount ed to $17,199.PC1 A good h-ai of uds It* due to the high price of ration, the e*. I lorts of that product alone amounting to nearly as murn a* the total of Decem ber. IS9S. or $16.769.22.7. The amount of comou /il'gbd was 336.3<8 hale*, weighing 17k.f176 ?j! |a>unde Tew I.lne ef Stennicrs. The VI rgl nla - Carol Ina Chemlal Com prny. known as the Guano Trust, is to oferate a line of *tnm>hlps between Norfolk and Tampico Mexico. Tne com pany has recently a-quire- 1 in Mexico a Ir.rge amount of mining property, some jo.nnn acre* of which contain rich anti -x --[ tensive deposit, of sulphur. In quantities 'hat cannot h* found at all in th* stat-w 1 These d*po!ts will he worked hy a com P*ny and the mire* deve.ope.i Hepre sematlve* ot th* concern say that the plan* for a steamship Mne between Tam pico and Norfolk are under w iv. Beaufort. 8 C. Dee l.t _Arrlv<M noon, ftair-masted schooner. lamgfellow. to V.r glnla-Carollna Chemical Company, with I. tons kalntt. i'Mssengers by hteamahlpa. Da set ngers hy steamship Naraoch**. New York for Havnnmh, Dec. 11 Tiles ft Harkness, Miss B. TV. Dorter. Jllo M TT*. Atthop, Mins >| K Clay K Barnes. Mr*. J D Davis, G. If N.>h:.s, A 1. Mun-h and wife, TV F Davis md wife. G. T. Durant. K Morgan. K Hu ger J A Mahoney, T. TV Beach. Mis A Ron-lctio. Mim A. Ksloppey. y Derry. Mis* Terry, Mr Kunt- nn<l wi'e. C. Sutherland. TV J Fuller M K Dun B. II Clark. D. Rchnefer, TV H ptoe- Mr McDachlen und wife, B. Bennett. F J Bruns. C, Taft. F lo|m-x |j Miller J. A. Hunter. K. Ksloppey, Mrs. Mam. llton, Mr. Miller. Mr. Owen* Tlr* \| DeGoutte Mrs M Farrell. F Chi;inkv D. Farrell. TV. K Webster. Mr Moato wlt* C Ilussev Mis* M Kehlery. M:s laivln TV. F Thompson. TT 8 Downsv J. Holen. T I.a-ev. A Nsdo K Hon T. Bonfaol. M Maldlnl. K Hansen rasseneers arrived Inst night on steam ship Texas. from Baltimore Dlalchek. Mr. Jones, Mr Itatl|, k J J Hattelck Miss Higgle Schultz J Cos lick. Mrs A Smith. Mrs. Cotlick Ms* lx>t.i -. TV Maltlsko. Hntl.i k Tom I-aback. K. TV |i|>lo<-k. Mrs. Uatlslcg i.izzic RatMck. N Schuiti. f. Fltagate* A Smith Mrs. Catli.-k, J |yi!„ Mrw lailwc. Mary Ho*a I*oha k. Miss’Mary taobac. Savannah Almanac. Pun rises ot 6ii a m and sets at *76 P m. Might water at Tvbee to-duy ot I SO a nt and 1 til p. m High water at Wovati nail on* hour later. Phases of tlie Moon for llrermher. Standard time—,oih met. I> II M Full moon a 2* morn Hast quarter |$ f 42 eve New- moon 21 , ) , v . First quarter 28 7 4S eve Moon i>erlg**. $d and 30th. Moon a|>o gee, lath. ARRIVALS AMI DI'.DABTt lira. Vessels Cleared Vratrrdav. Schooner Fre.l Jackson. Halt, port Hat-ting*. N 8 —John A Calhoun Schooner John Bose, Vann.iman. Phila delphia. A’easels Went to Oca. Steamship City of Augusta. Daggett New York Ptramshlp Chatham Jam** Baltimore Steamship TVlnnle, (Br), Spleglehurgi Bremen. Steamship Florida. Allen, Baltimore. Schooner TT llllant 11. Shuhert, Doughir Philadelphia. *lii|p In u Memoranda. Hamburg. Dec. ID—Sailed, steamer At lantlc Savunn.ih. Hallimore. I>e -. I.l—Arrived. s|e Im er i Itasca. Savannah: schooner Sallle Don Kernandltta Sailed, steanwr D || ,j||. ' ler. Savannah. Candy Esculetts Cares PILES or Money Refunded. WHY SUFFER? Sold under guaranta, at foJotrtng ■to'ai; Howtinskl a. Jon*a . Ma#<nlc T-mpi, Knight's. W. F. Reid's. Marlow * c,. vw land *. lionnelly's. and TV. A. Pitman 's Savannah. Ga. DIPDMAN BROS.. Savannah G*. and W, F. RSJJj, bavtannab vja., Diatnbutora 1 OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NEW YORK. BOSTON AND THE EAST. Unsurpassed cab.n arrommodattons. All the comfort# of a modern hotel El- * trie Rffrrtx. Unexcelled tAblc. Ticket# include meals and herthe aboard hip PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. TO NEW TORK-Flrst Cabin. s>. Ihrst Cahln Round Trip. $32, Internwdi. ae Cabin, $15.00; Intermediate Cabin. Ilound Trip. $24.00. Steerage. $lO TO BOSTON—FIrat Cabin. $22; First Cabin Round Trip. $36. Intermediate 1 ■ , a $17.0h, Intermediate Cabin, Round Trip. $38.00. Steerage, $11.75. The express steamship* of this line are appointed to iatl from Savannah Cer.- tral (Wthl meridian time, as follows: BAVATT All TO NEW YORK. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith. SATURDAY. De*?. 15. lDSua. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. Tt'ESDAY. Dec. IT. 2 00 p. m TAL.I.AHABSKK. Capt Asklna THURS DAY. I '** 80 8 p m •CITY <>F BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg. FRIDAY, Dec. tt, $:0 p. m. •NOTlCE—Steamship City of Birmingham will not carry passengers. Steamship City of Maoon. Capt. Savage, will ply between New York and R,,|. ton on the following schedule: Leave New York for Beaton (from Pier 3i. North Illver, al 12.00 noon), Dec. 15. 22. 29 T'ni* company reserves the right *0 change Its sailings without notice j without liability or accountability therefor. Sailing* New York for Savannah Tuesday*. Thursdays and Saturdays, 5 t m W. G BREWER, Ctiy Ticket and Passenger Agent. t'7 Hull street. Savannah. Ga. H. O. TREZEVANT. Agent. Savannah. Oa. FT E DEFEVRE. Manager. New Pier 35. North River, New York. LINDSAY & MORGAN Are Headquarters fur Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Vestibule Lace. Folding Door Portieres Lace Curtains, Siik Lambrequins, China Silks, Inlaid Linoleums, Straw Mattings, Carpet Size Rugs, Window Shades, Table Covers. BRASS BEDS. Ilnre Jaxt received minr elegant one# xltli eano|#lex. Worth looking al vtru If >OO do not want to buy. Won't rlmrgr you n rent to look. DINING ROOM FURNITURE. WV Imve on iltaplny the lext nvortin il of XltlelMtartl#, t htnn (*lox etx, Eilritilun Tables and t'halrx that > <ti will ever have the clianee to look nt nauln. Buck’s Ranges and Stoves. 2.% PElt CtlVt. OFF the regular prices thlx creek. Kuthlng off th# quality. What we xny we do—we DO DO, and we mmy that we sell oar gooil# *‘\ot how cheap kind. Hat how good kind," at the same price and often less than you get the Inferior grade at other atorea. BEWARE OF BAITS. One thing cheap, ami make It op on the next thing yon hay. We da not sell good# for cost. Can’t pay expenses if we did. ho one else ran either. *ee the point? If yon don't, come and aee us and we will en lighten yon. NEW STORES, BROUGHTON ST. McDonough k ballantyne, V Iron Founders, Machinists, a f It 1 11 <-L • 111 I'll.. 111. 1 1 ir mu k ir*. niitsiifai-larrr. of .(niton ir, nml Pori n hi# I nulnra. \rrtlpsl amt Top Rnnnlng torn Mill., Mpr 'lilt anti Pan., Mia fllnu I'iilli-t. „ P . K LG TELEPHONE NO. 123. # P Ap'achlralg. Fla.. Dec. 13.—Entered, schooner Mary Sanford, Rutledge, St. Pierre. J I'-ksonvllle, Fla.. Dec. 13.—Entered, schooner W. B Cha*e, Tomlin. Provl ib nee. R. I ; entered and cleared, steamer George W. Clyde. Chichester, Boston. Charleston. S C„ Dec. 13.—Arrived. .Gamer Comanche, Penningtno. New 3‘ork, proi'ee.led Jacksonville. Oared, schooners Suele H. Davidson. Doughty. Baltimore; Island fTty. Hunder son. Phlladelphlg. I‘etisa da Fla . Dei-. 13 —Arrive,) bark. Yaiuluara. (Ital), t.'aslagnola, Cork; Anolfo. (Nor). Ar.ilerrefi, laxt don. Cleared, bark Sclliln. (Dull. Paluzo Genoa. Port Tamim Fia . Dec. 13 Arrived, •te.inrvr Aqullejil. M a rich. Nev dork; Olivette. Smith. Havana, via Key West.’ Sailed, steamer Thomas Melville. Scott, llolsinghorg; schooner John W. Unnell. Hull'll, Philadelphia; hark Dixon. Uhite. P- I. New York; Olivette. Smith, Havana, via Key West. Key W|, Fin.. Dec. 13—Arrived steamer Mar'lnkiue. Dillon, Havana and sailed for Miami. Salle.l, schooner lljalmar. Pascagoula. hi offer l, Mariner.. Pilot chart, and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnlnhad musters of ves o.l' -• 1 1 n l lilt'd States hy drographlc office In Custom House Cap. tntn# are requested to call nt the offl, e. Reports of wrecks und derelicts r#cetve.l for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. Foreign Exports. Per schooner Fred Jackson, for Port Hustings. N S 19*79* feet yellow pine lumber. $2.7m 37-Cargo by John A. Cal houn. Coflttirlir Kiimrla. P<-r ateam.Milp City nf Auguata. to New "•! bale* *c.i, 1 coiton. 23 barrel* lAftn oil. IV. barrel* pitch. 219 hale* ,| a . mMi •*. *3O iwrrels cotton *ee<l oil, 3fti |,, r . rel* rortn.l23 turpentine. 100.091 feet lumber, 1 1, bale* wraplng*. of! barrel* tl*h, 2* ■e. clear* 2.213 bone* fruit .1H crate* vr actable*. I Mm. glee, lftt bun.||ea box material. 2"7 pa. kage**,. !Vr ateamahlp Chatham. for K.ililmore - 7 Italic upland cotton. 243 barrel* roeln *> barrel* turpentine. 127.; feet lumber' .20 boxC* orange* 23 < r .tee vegetable#! . rle to*ln on. 50 barrel* lartl. 1* . t <* clay. T 9 pa Icage,. m*r han.llae 23 I*, kiigv* <lome.ii, * tin.l yarn*. 132 hale* hlrim* 180 ran K aU IVr rehooner John Hone, for Phlladel phla -WT.4M fee; >c||ow p|,,e lum^f.- Cargo by B H Hunting * Cos. Woman Kllle.l Heraelf. New "lork Deo, 13 —A woman regleler ing aa Pnuilne Fo*ter. of Hartford. Conn k!lle<l heraelf to-night at the Oran.l Lrlon Hotel with a revolver The police too* po****|cn of three letter* which were found aealed and adlre***d on a able ln the room. They were n.Vlre,,*.! '® Mr Brneet K-*-e. i line,,,,* *,reet " n l Air*. Uuasla Pollock Faun, trance. •• ” ' CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Da £f ,., BATI RDAY. Dec. 22. .VflO p. m . ’ NACOOCHEE. Capt SniPh. TI ES a! Dec. 25. 7:30 p, m KANBAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. TH R&. DAY. Dec. 27, 9 00 p. m. TALDAHASBBE. Oapt. A.klns, SATt R. DAY, Dec. 29. 11.00 p. m. Ueav# Boston for New York (from Lew,* Wharf, at 12:00 noon), Dw. 19. > E. W. SMITH. CoMri'-ting Krelyht Agent. Savanna ru WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent. Truffl- Departm. 224 W. Buy Bt.. JackaonVlll. p;, W’. i! PLEASANTS Genera] Freight and Paaseuger New Pter So, North River, New York. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Continued from Seventh Put.) Leading futures ranged a* follow* o|nlMK. Ittjgne.l. Lowest Cloauvf Wheal, No. 2 Dec 704 7h‘i I" ' 4 Jan 714 714 704 7>^.\i'S May 7341i7 74 73', T3S Com, No. 2- Dae. . 3;>'t(.374 $74 3*4 s*** Jan 3%s r. 4 .•..>.<* *%QM% . . • Oati, No 2 De •. 21VM14 214 214fi214 21*4 ■May .....ST, 234 234t>23\ Me** Pork. per barrel— Jan sl2 an *l2 27', sl2 3 sl2 May .... 12 124 12 1$ 12 124 12 15 Lard, per WO pound*— Dec 7 174 720 7 17', TS' Jan 6U >l 4 M * ~'i May (i * * 90 M‘ Short Rib*, per 100 pound*— Jan f. m 23 224 **• May .... 324 35 324 *■ r ' Cash quotations wer* a* follow* Pk> r qult, *•>*; No 3 oprinf? whwt. J No. 2 red. 7*!Vj74V; No. 2 com *V\ No. 2 yollow corn. :*;%fi37*; No 2 mil* - v • No 2 white, 2r\ No. 3 white. N * l*y, fiOUOV; No. 1 flaxvecd, $1,624? I .*‘ > N ’• 1 North wontern. (!**; prim* tlm lhv e*l, $4.40; mees pork. |**r harr* ! * 11.374; lard. per 100 jv>und. f7.1T 1 ; •- • ehort rl*>* ikW (loofd, s♦>**; <lr> i thou Idem boitd), SMNRt* vi.leu (boxed), s*’> t£4j6.75; wht*ky. * * htKh wlnen. $1.27. A. M. Ik Confernire nt %’aldoata* Vldo*ln, 00.. Dec. On WedneeMV ngbt. Rev. H. B. Dark*. D. D.. of N * York eMjr, aecPrtary Mt**lonsry D*. ‘ rl ' ment. delivered a very able addre** °h Christian mtwdons. Bl*hop Turner Tur ner made a very urirent appeal In b of ml*ion, after which a collection ** taken and a neat mint was reoltged 1 !>• A M. E. Church ba ml*lottarle* In l*** berlß, Rlera Leon*. We*t Co*t of A' *• the Trnn*vaal, South Africa; Cub ■ . America, We*t India IMiind*. and l l ' 1 Rico. The church I* progr* ™ Ihe way of maintaining the** tin and la planning to end ml**lonr! ’ the Philippine I .land* and other i ■ ■ T!iur*'lay morning the Bl*hop d* *om* time to ln*.tute work Q 1" 1 on varlou* *ubject, were a*ke l and 1 *wered. The time wa profitably *l" The Rk*hop la anxious to el ■** the brethren toitelleetually. The rrn ’ of the Aral day’s *e**lo*i were read • approved. The conference I* r * r *''.L. „ the report* from the different P*"' ‘ . elder district* Rev. J. T. Thorn’* Waycroa*. will deliver tha annual * mon. Applleanta for Postmaster. WcycroM. Os. Dee 13.—1 t i pr*tty r ’][ •ettlad that Mr E. H. Reed, r*l : Mr. D. Sall*bury. will be appll *n'* •he po*tma*terahlp al W.aycro*- , ( present eneumhent. Mr. W. A ' will alto probably nak for reappointin" ■* •1 Um expiration of bis prtM