The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 WAY GIVE UP TO VALDOSTA. Mil. join It. Mil'SQ J%V* \ Klim i.i) mi: run. SM%nntiMh >o( Intaionlif 1 llrr Frlrndt In Ni>lhw*l OrorKlii. | Preside•l 4 rii**l •• •* H rll' Mr \ 0111114 lint I \ raldosln \%nnl the ! I nlr nuil U mil* ll llml-lack f'.iMMt n Praying Out I In* A cur mml I A|m < i in htm up Next Acar. liimb in lll**** ime n In Hr l railed Til* grfhrr Momln> 4|iicat!®ti l Whether lainmiNh Wants (he l ulr Hum lit* Decided Next Week VaHoeM w nt> the State Fair, nn l vai:!' It !m! TM- I- Ihr inateinent* t)> T. G Cranford *f th* Yal •l*m* i a imi .\ i.*n In • I* t t tn Mi .h i, K Yu i of Savannah. Mi Young ie a urn*r r* -i lint f Vuid rt.i and ‘•til j. ■#•!.- otitdAcrahie Interest In hln l*l hom-. Jh I* now *>m* of Savannah*# moot active l u-lr . mill, .tial alw.n.* take* a haul • n tin:* 1 anything to Ik* a omp.i'di I (or ti.* city * welfare. i have a I way* . Imwi my wtlllngn*** to 1 ; I iv\a i * I any inovt tneni (nr th* ).• n* a of S. v.iiiuali." said Mi Y'onat l > a M. unrig Ni n reporter. *an I ha** i \* r h • lin k whi n I I'ould Inal hr)(itnt ha; 1. At the .-ram** time then a•• Inin, which nr** not t* helpful at nr t fc.ueh i> they might * *'in- Wl**n I raw 11k -! 11 • m*i t mailt- taut tin 1-x• • > 11 *v • Cotnroitt** of the A ribultu at Si t :> wa> unxlOUK to hav* the lair come to F v .ii.naii. i * itlnl t‘ vs, i• • my f* lend. Mr i’i in.lord, wiio > • ra |n <m.n* nt burin* i* niau Yithh' -ta and pi* -I* tent •( the I* rah Association f that >ity. ami InqulM- how Yal-> ,a (lit u.oiit It. Her.- I* hi* ~ ply." U President I'rwifonVn letter l** uldr**-and 10 Mr Young, and r a il* it" lohmv . *‘ln reply o soar *•*• nt *' ’ *K\ thit# Va l him st ar t tin State Fall In xl y* ar, ami want.- i' tm*i w wr ‘ '* *> itnx!• i*it; lo M- ur. ll l*>r •* > realms Tiu- tlr*i and in*wt important reason > that a* went t* <'om 'd ioFl * xpen** Ind.dlni; hotiMs at tin fair ground* Mtfll i' I i'ii t tnk< •m- of Ihe fall 1 1 . * s*ni nnd whih' w< -*. • a * *>d fair, and h i H fains g*#*#** Ultinilama. lit. Kate re ceipt x win 1 not kufll'ii'iu to pay the • x l< nsen of the fair ami reimbut u* for t in building* nnd other pre|a ia:l oi nry In fact. w. ale .*b>ul j.imi behind on (he venture \\. now have nil the-* h iding* ready for in xi year and we think ** > hokllny i*u* more S' ate Fair hr< that w- ear* i un out even. We do not ‘X|*ert to b* tohio to make any out of it. hut we 1 dn‘ Hhii Valdoxt.i and the adjoining i.Hini 1 w II *< amply npaid •*! have noth * and In the paper* the ef forts of MnJ. It s a sand others u ***t th State Fair to go to Havnnn ih W* would i. gsd if you - ould fbo p m the -'heine to wlihdi.iw from ih# *on tet and kt ii* have M one n*' year (hi if Bavwnmih want# t we will not be In her sxas. i*ui. on the contrary, will utisist them to get ii if w#* cannot • t thi Hfatv l dr in \t year, w would h* glad t ► e Savannah hav it If she want*' Jt. for sve would like the fair to be held In BoUth (leorgia i* xt > sr. I regard thr Suite Fair ns being gi • at develnpmint of th*- in t* rent of tle country Our farmer* and the farmer* in the adjoining counties an taking a very lively Intcrext in th*- St ♦ J air for next year, and w feel that w* tan f. ve i better fdtr f rt t.cxt vrar than couki i*- dbly 1h given ly any ii In Uecrgla. fr the reavot th u h:f doxen countle- want It here ami wtl lo th# ir beat to show up their couu tie.* t* gr 'll a IvaniMgc "We feel sun* of securing the fair, hut would ratlur have Savannah uui of th* coniesl If the Agricultural Society wen • -oil tile fair to th* high**** hkkler. Sa vani ah, of course, would outbid Valdosta fut ti.o %\lll not !.■ ih** case; the Agri t*ultura. So nt) t not running that o defy n> a money -making tnu* hine." *'/ t.'dnk there ore nvixl k**si reas*x, why Has mrah *TmuM not seek to tuk* th. Ftaie Fair from Yokkuda next year." thi Ml Young Mr I’twiiford stales ►om* of tmm In hi- letter." Yaldoeta )as held one Stale Fair and made a eu<* ri of it Her people !v\* gone to con rideraide expel. |n pr* paring the t r.nisi *iil erecting tin pKi-earv buihllngs. They base th vround him) bulkdiur-v h.u t!.-*• are of ;S;le value except |*r th** |oirj*e- j fi*V whi n they were prepare*l As Mr. ('ranford state*, the a eo ration •* me out Severn I thcuHaml !>• 11 ad Would Ii .f irails Ih eX|N ied foi tl* first yer With another fair an am ate cftil as the In they may expect t>> come out oven. Tin* being the < % e It ( s o ily Juki and right VnidoMu should Im- given ttu* opportunity of r* m uting (he e • o of this year. I *r at* o(hr tensor why Yahlcr- . naotikl hav th** fair." said Mr Young I h* State Fair I* atrlctly un agricultural Institution, an) is held for the leiient of t*• igrkuilttirl' l- und ti** devek>pinen *f Mgiiiihtinr Now Yahlostu is situate*) In ta*- • enter of th* h-s*. agrlcultura, territory of South Georgia. There ate half a doz. n rous agricultural conn • In that Immediate section. Low mb - r J homas. Hrooks lJet utut and others T*m people ( tll* *<- colinth s will til !*• dir# :|y kn> Ut..| by holding th. fair ,t Vahkista aid they are entitled to comml rratiixi in : • e matter. "AimiUu'l very tinpoi tant .*n>|deration," *al t M Young “is that th*- tlon r.- l**n* I t. l- in Savant; ih’* t* rrltcry. T ’• Pi of Hi,.-, cninth - trxidc with Sa vunnah and they are all vety frhndly to tlic city. In fa i. it is ..nil the in *t territory to which the Savannah mer chants hM\. a . . s h . It would le v.-rv Isir policy. Inde.*l to intagoidxe them nnd t give them any c;ium< f ,f giievan - ugainst Savannah. They are our friend nnd neighbor ami wnat helps them help* u- if they d*-ire another fair at Yl -ri- i It I- to our Inter* st t*> concur with them In the matter and not to ntago sU* them There is tut ii very In liff* ent in t r**st In Savannah toward tne fair, whll* VaidosUi's heart is k i upon | . ml th |H-opie of Southwest (Sorghi are with Vald.**: ifi tnli mu .'ter "My idea is this." raid Mr Young; “Jet Bavannah retire In Vaklosta’a favor, Witb the un rwrandlng that wi have tin* fair thi* following year. 1,-t *h- Sav ani-ah hustnegs men go ahead an i form th* ir fair *.atlon. Tc v wll then Lav* 1 I line to get in r*adin* f r the fair wh n It coin#- to th* m. *tni with ; mph* tlnn- then* will be no diftl ulty In r* urine the full amount n* **l-<1 to give a fair, which will Is- a credit to the city *r,d a drawing aril lor th* peofrie of the • nllte sun * T . inter* *t in the fair In Savannan at pr*-** (it l- ut such as to warrant us in an agonizing our friends In South went Georgia." M*. Young' p hlilon on the gu*stk>n l> I iven .i> a rnttt* fof falrti* •** to VmM*** a Tlioif inter*- i* i in the fair tnov* tn* ut *m give it their consideration ond w* lgli it In th* hal.m • with th* arguments of tho e v o f. v r brutgii g :hi next fair t* Sivicrwu. Minor Myers said iliat he will pro) *Mv # all o me* ting of ttu- cunvi • 1 *f;mlttes-s for Monday , eof m • inine wh prog r< s ha* I won mil* As Already Indi • **d bv rh# Mornlg N**ws th* re option th which the c.mmd*e* hove met has .ot been doge*her cnc*urMg'ng. While ii coti>lderile amount of Atjck has been rj' ribul th** KUb*-' rlptlon?* do not y 4 at>- proxltnatt* tte figure if $.V* * w hich was famed a th* * tpl i| #.f i. prnpo**-d a-- **•' tc*n The Executive r*omini t-e of ’“•c State Agricultural Society m* t- next S‘*urd >y to d* de tirm th# place of hold v th- next fa r and Savannah will have 1 f,il h decision in th* rna vr Im for* that tim*-. towtrui lu,u,vm oku wbo wr* **u, rne of whom have t <ket) an active par* in th* movement f**r th* State Fair, sail • : ii* y lM’l.ev**il Savant ah siumui let hav* the fan. Th*- South G***rria |*e*|ge, they ►aid. are fUtitlnl to t aid e i Ahoukl not stand In th-ir way f g* ting it It |v i t ,a at all unak* - Iv flat when the • <*tnm.t •• Is ill*.l to gether it will take t,*: view of the mat ter. Th* Macon Rvenlng N* w i, * - f< lowing note upon 'he meeting ?;♦ lii • utive Committe< \ m*ctng *f ttie l x*cutive rommUt *f the Slat* Agrb’ultin il S>* ;*!> wtii t* f* i I a? the )(,* * I laoi' t .* a*.<rdat •* tioon (**r th** |Hirp*e of *1- -do g w • • uuj Where to hod t k i* nrii S *t>- la S* veral towns hi <1 # iti# s v* t tc I * but S*tvaniMh m* '* t- in aka k Ml digest effort to get It. Mu *i ie * (ltle*l to th* fair, -it th*r* r only • tew pe*(*le hlTe WOO Want |t MS It been clearly <lem<o sti a ted t?. ? Sta ,! I airs, so tar as M * * n is ron rm*l •!** i *t p\ it i- th* ignt that th* **uinu lee wdli decide to l‘t Sivuitnah have ta f.ilr." ruoMH xiiir *>i iPtoii v lint Mni nr Mn r Does Not T liinU the llnuiin Hill the Thing. Mayor Myers said yesterday ta* t * Mivo: n*l A,*l. rrn*t tai l r ivi ro* vlt.itlon t< in*cd th* .Viilotu. Mafitlm* , ' 1 " -albd b*. Gov i'ai*l! * * rn * .1 Bl me w; k Jai : lnVit Ia ll h:i*! probaM> bn*n rot >r; t** n .. . a ** 4 tin *■< .t*-". being purely * mm* t (tal. "I trust that our rotnitv r lal txnii* vv U take an In’ m the matter > • I wo i*l gi'fMl l< .• m - to th# I'**- •Id (ii* Mi\ or I -* !i y t'u .SI, ai N*w- that the rpirMion of shif* -u**i#lc i- ilk* \ j pi*.mlt * titiy bmiig i: b* foie f • i ongM >• at *1 art Jli.lot ~* m • •on for th* fl.-inna lul; i*.w i- *f♦ • # tt.a f ‘*' r, * , b Ae thl. h a mit i w :)• u - v t* b* r. pr# n*| " w and ■*• i* in* inhered t o*t in Mmor My* re p* * h at th* *lir n* rof *♦ S* % i*ai#l iin;iu s • umpai I,* * an m.aitii* i_ . l*iu..i tum-*lf - rung* Ft favor still -u •■iit*s *.- m rneai i itu r- .iMing to*- • *iiiim*Ti * of tti • country generally. m>*| • \ a'.\' *( t!* H**ut /* tn port- Hi w . asked y ierdav if he In •to i eed th#- l Finn a J-hS. I itn not t in t ir with the b-tail .f th- hlb." he i* |di*-*l "hut fr<un the- if* incut of it which I -*. in th* M.-inn . 1 iNitli f\or As near us I can Juig* tne H.inna hill. If u | M * ~m* a law. wouM * o ow fh# . hu,k of the U|on th* '* alreadv . i- t ,i*-d I (ail to - S'W t nit, w*ul*| ii, mi \nt n< i?-, h *’*ng or itinii’Uitliy t**#i* tit our *•■ mm* r- * I*k n*t s*. why tii*-• Urns should - (•iv** any subsidy at all. They at* ai * a*ly ceffih)i.*(hed anl are *l*.. *t I*-s t> * paying basF. ,uf money iw ri* ,| t* ? *m woul.l in* MiTipiy u * **n m* n from the government. M s l lea in regard to ship euhildbc and my puris>* in favoring them •• nak| Dm t,i. tf * •st i ciiMhtii* i ; .f n# *v lit..-* i,.| th* aalidlng of new hips This could t,. .• - ‘•mplishfsl. I hunk i*\ granting fh. uh 'ili*- t n# w lin*-f* an*) new -hips for a -h i,nil* {• rfo*| of film a\ |*-u r.. This woukl give anew lin time u> K ,*r on * paying basis An entcr|r!s< Ilk* i lln* *•( ships no hardly I*#* . X|a-. r*d lo get on * tying Ist sis in the first or two. It ike- lime Jo build up ira 1* I think a Mil*i*|*|y act on these line*, would benefit Savannnh and other S>u*h. t n ports." said the Mayor "It w*aii t .*roi>ahly Jea.| to the esjab:i-*htn*-nt of line. f H. amm from thi port to >| Nassau and other jx*rt> to the south of *- The subsidy would h p th#* new lines '* Imi \ o|h n**r for iie first few y as r> whil#* they were building up a trade which would maintain them thereafter Com merce “ f *hls kind would n*t only .**;,. fit the port.-, but the farm, r- of the < ountry '* Wi I* The people of the <*. inirl - to .* soulh of us want our neats, buy grain, fruits, vegetab* | T-shirts si I •t. tH-! gooti- Th#- sh!t*oi. in - W'hb h an OW tM*lne made (O Nil- 111 by m.nmhm ar# Rlmoii # ntlt* l> in the lit . s , U m* j ' F)l\ui.t\> M \ i wii u. Pnpilft f High %> *liKl and (irninnisr xcHooln Will II *%(*%%. The quarterly *x ami tuitions In the pulv be schools will be held next week. At the m* *'tii gof th* ii iimal das v* -lerday a fur noon it the School. Supt Ml Ashmir nnnoun* • 1 th** programme of ex iminatliM.s for th#* High S hool and the grammar schools, at the same linn* - ly ing the teachers a talk up c the subject of xiimlnatlons, showing their * and an I purposes, their uses and abuse-. Cau* (tow and advice U|***n th* conduct of ih* x mlliatbui- yy r* aho given : v l u -|H-tlntei ii n . The programme as arr;nc< a *l Is for ex aminations In history, rhet.xic. ilici pu,.* • n*i spelllvn: In h IFgh S his>l on Mon day and l>r **ia-IHng in the grammar schools, on TuiK*lay thiue will b* tlgcb i and genmetry In th* High S hool. ml Knglish giammar In the grimmar s ,k io ds. on W * In. * !i\. phy-lolngy. pay-). -a *1 neniistry in tn* High r* n oi an.) gegiw phy In th** gi.unm ir schools; u Thurs* •lay, laitln In tn** High School ami a it ti - m* tl' in the grammar s hool- an I *n Friday arithmetic in the High School an I spoiling In th* grammar sen >ols Hurlng th* s Indastl year there nre three series ( examinations In t #• *-ch*ols The first is hc!*l inim* llately p *•- .-•-ling (he Christma- tioll-lay" th* s • 4i*l I h- I*l tin latter pi f Match and the third F held in June. Just hefojc th -ummer y amthat Tne tlir*-* * xaml.iatton then serve to slmiw the s’lin*! ng ot the pupils r*.r tht year Ibi avera - marks iM-lng oh iiii**l. %*:\\ jiiiim \ vim ions iii;hk. i it > Mini ( uut> iMlit'liiti of l imiilett Hfirnl I)n> In '•m %hii mi It. A party til fourteen l y and county of fl i.;i!n from (‘ini'lfii, N J . spent yestcr duy In t *k nk' in Hi* c.ty. T • party rame ovi r item <‘hn I* *<on, where they had at tended ih*' annual nu*f(liik’ of the League of Muniripalltii.'. Thur*ky night. The tii'mi"-rs of the party are It K. Milter, president of Council; A!* -ara. tt r. A C Abel*. Ii l‘. Smith, C II 111- )!•*. Jr.. K. 1.. Stephen*. I*. <l. L‘ , lien >min Lpwton ami H. F, Silvern of tin City Council; II C. Kram- r, city *|crk. J \\ F, lilenkby of tht Itoanl of Tag Am* donor; F W. Toms, chief of th Water I icpiirttin nt. aii i County Sheriff Htvld Baird. The pariy wan not looking for muni ijMl entertainment aml <il*l n t t *k* th ■ trouble to look tip th* muni ail authorltl v c im <len l* a I'wjtort t*. If aikl several of th< fine tug?* which ply on the Savannah rlv< r wire built th*t * Th members of tin* party took con* Merabi* Inter* -t in v *l*- Ing th* city's do k* amt wharves and ix prer** and tir|rl‘ at the extensive wharfaee facilities afforded by Sivanann. an well a** the large bualfie**- of tie port. The |rty I* reglate*ed at th* !e Sdo ai i expect* to leave f*r th*- North morning. When you want ep.irk!lrk' wine gel Cook’s Imperial Kxtra Dry Champagne The purity and del.clou* flavor commends It.—ad S|eel#| Mill *fllr. To-dsy. at Kr<*ukoff'*, your choice of the finest French f-It walking hats at ti ll*; others ask 92.26. These are luathei lined. *-llk band. ad culoltf, luciuvliu.' *.ae lui a lid gray.-ad. THE MORNING NEWS; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1900. CLERKSHIP BILL PASSED. rt*lt #i(l\ V lN#ll TO IF II -ll %1.l Hid tdlb % I GF l‘r**t-t of ( amhl) I omntlsslwwePS In •He tiovf rNiif'i Hills i Im not I (IK the He as inn I I(K (f ( *••- I iunmlsiliuirrs Terms •( OHlee and VhollshliiK w •> # *rt (.rand Jury Visa %a n •(•!•* In * I lection Hills % Iso Went Ihrowgh and the 1,00 rimr Signed the ( if> II eg Is Irn l ion Hill. So far a- th* G* n* -al \ssemhljr If con ferred county T t urer Waring Husk* 11 iijthoriz* and to *.tnpl*V a ‘ lerk. at a s l nry *.f pr y.-a* at tin* ex fieri se of c atb im ••'Minty T ■ cadv choree of the r, ll falling row to b* • Mite alw I- In the veto of tin Governor The bill pa *ci (h* House some tlm** ago and 11>* niglit it w*nt through the Senate If Senator <'ann received In time the pr#dst **r tne County GorotnF'doti* t.- i; ■iins t (he p -• Of t.* Mil. and would *rn that h*- vv*i not • to mak* an • ffe tiv* h,:ht Hciii,lt In the Senate A c.-py of the r- >olut,*.m of protest ,i I,} #h* * mmtsioien* at their n,. . fir..- an *1 tn l\ la -t wi --nt to G*o * r i. r >t> that f in thought they ~f ■ , |,, . j ,if th* 1 county favor* 1 th** i, ; ii. rn:gh* l in i position (* t i lhp ntl> Tne i mmliloni’ia probably ?< ;* that * Governor, making his *l* i|n t . n frnn Ft!*- la* t that no effort h.c t n* to pr* v* rn the pa- ag* of the bill, tmg tt *v• tax- imprtvdon they *l*- - r* *1 ti# iwrid The .**• i a al-o pa-- *d the bill chang liif. ti.- tim* w ii* ti the C* jnty f **mmi -1 J . i*. in ti.* ir lerms. from Mar i 1 to Jan. I, k* that their terms correspond in ttiis re jn , t with th* term of other county offio r> This hill iia* exclt* and n** , |.|fc . act p|.M*ab)y W .11 e.u*H* 1 i •-1 illy b> th* iSov-rnur. in* ~il ib<*.ishim. tl* grant Jury Jh* Civ I'o :* t *>( Savannah ab* pa- -* ♦t,. s- I at* Th - i.h t*o. ha ••• * ( al r> v |at-d by th* llouc tnd m*w i qulr*K on y th* k‘, gnu lure of the (**y or not • |*e**>ii)*- * law It i- •!* v ret t Gd fa*- i,l‘ iai m* • m * f Savaunail *>l ir vein>ii>rm app* ndix. A f. ,n**i>* me* (rr#n Senator (’ inn .* t ivi> , , tbm lull- ta*l |*- **l tto* S ~*■ .. nik*r,t ind (ha; Gov. **o .Her ha.l aigi.l th* city i egistrglioii unendment bill. All three bob arc **f tn t, reft I*- illy, *aaliy In |sUth a! cir ri# though i( w I.** expected rat all would pa-‘- Of th* iwo election bids on#- ehnngrs th - tlm* of to* city el**-tion trom th - tourth to ine •**•<*ood Tu* • lay In Jsihwiy This tv ,| mike tne n* xt city ele<-isn take pit *• on Jan. x Th*- other hill H*o ih* election *#( city otfb *i k f*#r the Saturday fo|lwlng the city *-•"•’tion. and , ra mu now ippointivi bj the Mnvor elective by (Vui 11. Th* am* > • linent t** ;h* city registration law r* llev*e v*t* i who re r#*i**t* r*-l for in** state mid .* intv *|ectkai #( th.* ne.-c^sit\ of isiyilig <dtv ftx*-s in r*ier t. vot** in the stjci-reting dry election. ||*i .*‘*#r.‘ \*t yvh< w**r# r*■: t*-i*-*l f*#r t'M county election, but who found U It*' .giveident to |*il\ tru ll I **t (|U.rt rV *x t* tin* city*, have ls**n *l* i*ri*.l from voting in th*- *■!> election. With th# imetyjmeix which has Just be ome a law it 1 only necessary now for vot* r- k 1 * are on the county registration i-t and wh* are residents ot (he <dty. *• puy th* i ihi| tax for the pi* “"iit year. (f th* voters whose names are on the county registra tion list only about 1.000 have paid their poll tx •*> (ar. Leaving out Sunday and holiday* there are just eigh teen d#i>>. Including election day. n > in pa poll tax \t the |a* -• nt rate *! about luu dally • try nbotit half thi* numlier will succeed in qualifying. With in pir>sltio( ,inll • lit* in ih* fleltl. hOWevi. It woukl be very • a*\ to increase tin number ot pol.s paid should (tie |Mi)ittc):ii -* hud it worth their whik to *!* m In th - case th** **>!i. of th#* r* gi-t ra ln twoks prior to tl * el*-*'U>n will not effect the voters who are **n th** registration list for HAD. pro y,b*l they hav ih*-lr |*oli tax recdpts for IJUU. FIIUIFI I. OF IIILI/9 %•*:. ()(Hcer* Fmr Itimti f I.u Islntloi* Will yiilrtrsi'lv 4, un r da* Hill. From th** point of almost positive assur nt r lo the verge* of alm*#Ht absolute •lla- j pair would •!*• < rd* :;*• change that ha cotnc oyer th *#fll* * ts *#f tin* Guard*' opin ion *j- t* the fate of the bill t ansfrnitng the bat tali *u ln:o heavy ai tilery an I thi restoring it- lod Pbntlty. It i a iay t two ag<*. It wu- g morally fdt that the fate of the Dili had ceased t< Ih a qu*-tl ii of (Iviilbt. a(1*1 that 11 w*c Id |ma th*- House wi h tin* name fa * i Ity with which It reoc|vxl tii** un ltd mound favorable r-|s.rt of the (*mtiilt' •*• •*n Military AfTalts Even now tin r- is i * r.■ in I thiiik that if it i- pla* • lou and- i*u -ag*- It will fail t* s* ur** th* con > lt*itioiai rrajorlty and have plen.y of votes to spare. Blit yy ill It !"• ti n I on Its *. * i T‘n- i- th*- que-Mon tt** * til • rs and inrm l#*rs nf th* **orps were <1 s< usslng *rn*ng tb*-mselvs y>trl i\ anl grave fear was expr* **i (Tuit it would r.*t Tht- Is tin* la l itiv of th* <"**>|i'ii and th* re im probably hunlreis. certainly do a** ns. ot bill *, yy h -!i their uiithot> and sui*purters \y til HA>k to ru**b through at th*- lad m.#ui*nt It mav ie tha( in the turmoil md i-x* tefmmt of tin* closing day, and tile la*t hours of tlie s# ssa?i tills bill of th* (Sun i- u .11 Is* lest In the shtiMb' i hIH lut| ilrcttl) bran ptwu Iby | Senator ( ann. by whom tt war* introdu*uui, I t at h* would ugn ic when it w * pr*- sen ted If the I at*s perm.t It to he j*hov*l through ti*- Houae to-day, and wit it a long Mk#Vc •: *1 a hard shove and a nhoye toy* ther, fids ought lo Is- prod • a . 1t W '.d l* a law al*out as sOOtl us it < an Ih- < arri* l oy**r to the Executive He !. rtni’-nt ami the Governor can sign iiis I Util It'. No . (Tort- ay l. n to have h.- bii i o< el on ll- i* *ag* anil from ;His end *f the line many appeal* have ; |mi n nta.,* to tuv**-* win* * an Influence the ! drift of legislation t# e* * t it that th* bill js i't overlooked or slighted. While the titl*#*k is not a.** rosy as it was • il.iy **r tw# ago. there is still u strong hope t at In *mi> yy •>. known to thcugii h >#ii (t;e k*n of trie ordinary i m*n , th*- Mil wii. have posse,l th*- llouri yy tied Sp akcr Ultle declare* it adjourn*-*! to-night. The ;*itl m* an* much for the Guard* md !•** memliershlp. a live and redired i- ..dblly array-vl tn favor of Ms passage Th* ■■-*'p* v*w.- • large 1 • t #n the Arm ry buisilng. which it is trying in every way tv* *h- ir-.* and th* ; i/raoge of tha • I. wurab! l*i much to subserve this am it ion There H i,o doultt ai*#Hit t lie fu> the restoration of th* lt*nUty of the *rps woukl giv* It ra prestige it could , in t o other way. The beet (hat money ran buy shoukl s* your slm in a mraltdn** and this i Hood s Srarsajrairbki. ll cures when others fail —ad , kelrrt 4 hrlsfinna Present Tixlny nnl this evening, and hav* them reserved for you by tuaking a small de posit. Sternberg A Co.—ad. ( Irsrlnu Out Fur Osle. To-day. at Krounkoff's, about twenty, flv*- fur collars, collaret #•* nn*l !<u boas, i rat groat I>* reduced ptiegx.—uL Till; VI %TFI W OKK V Jaliel, 111. I iiiiiHilller *• a 1 *ur of In x(•*! tg*itiMi. A commute*' (r**m h* Cl!y Council of Joliet, Mb waa in th* c*t> y.wterday to lns(#ec; the waterworks system her#*, and #<> .. *• •* n h information a* n.ay i#e *#f oil j* in i • i*i -i ext#islon of the pr*nt \ >m ot Joliet, whhh is .*n r -ii supply system u? ? nf In Savannah The com mlt tec Is compose*! **f AM* itnan J < H*#;gt* and A I* rmah M :th* w Haria-y oj Pi* W *'*-r < t* * of th#- Joist Council. Moor John Mount of Joliet .a anpanw-d ihe com n it tea- to Charleston md rm . f a-1 tiwr*- x l.i * the Aluirin*#* ran over to Sav an i h *1 ne visitor* called on Superintendent Kinaey **( tn*- watt rworks 1* partment. f*l iff* ohtalnlrtg all tii* statistical in formation they *!**ire I. they w*r# taken out (o h* works wh* r* th# y mad* a thor ough inh|ie*tioi> of t*e plant, the ma h n er> a# *1 the w<dis. The Jo.iei >“t*ra in similar to that her* though ip* w iis ;r* much *ice|er. ranging m r up to !.::#• f*' - 1 . and tn* water is r .iM 'j t>\ r* n* o; * ompre -••l air. The pply i u.* • that; one-.ailf that of the Savannah yw t•* Th* Jodet iutiK#ritle* t< ii> r*-ase thi- supply *• hi I*-ast • • * . ,id \ :•**,*** (loti was i.a*l* -m* years s~# Engineer John cl ‘M c**. >nsultlng ♦ ngin* * r tn large >f the onst t u tlt>n of U" n -i. iii plant, to iM’ofl‘ tint" th* Joliet plant, with i view * # an in* re.*sd supply, but ih* [#rofNelt*on not a* r**i*t* #l Since then an lropeiallv*' r* ---ltv has arisen for n*r* wat**r at i the ltv (Mum tl is in\*.- ngating !tie plant* *f varb#u* ilb - wph a view <* -M-curiii( Fie hr-sl there i- Vbb rman H*-ggl*‘ s>*l Fiat Ski annuh has by fur th* besj system that he hits yet seen. The commit!#-** took a dlivt over the eltv tn the Afternoon an 1 reiurne*! to Charles. •*n at i ctit Alderman lf#gl*‘ said that i,* y >lt*>r t* Savannah could fall to )#•■ !m --wltli ip iff* •omnvTf i;il advan *g#* and the extent of Oh- busn* thin Is han*lied here WITH TI Hnx ON I MF. i.Wii. .Itnlgr Vnni nml I*it ni Ii -*t tle Vflsde i**nir UflrNder* *f the Week. •Yudg* Norw •■I d* alt with a numerals bunch of mb l*(u*’ni"jr ofTerulerp In the (’tty Court yesterday th** occa sion Im Ing the JudiP -• regular Weekly re. • •ption in h<nr of (ii* s gentry The de sire to lay in a r*. kof good things for G. holld.i\- *•m* *1 to hav* stimulate*! the spir t of ttieft. and m .st of those who wore introduced io the court were charg *l with some grab* of larceny. K*lnn Kurd n*l Bertha Smith w*-re * sent t* the gang f*r twelve month**. Itoth th* women ar- f l>al char ** ;* r and ••vll reputatl n and the former has m b her a||*e,iri‘ *• before Ju lg- N* rw"l *>n a number of previous *#* . a-i tn* On t;.* -• • > aslor s. how* ver. she always manag***l to e\ade conviction, li.iving laid h**r plans • ch*y* rly that the evidence to convl. t yy a- la* king. Yesterday she and the Hrnilh wi#nin r. *r* charged with relieving Alvin Wil liams. negio from the country, of IliJ. avid (h* cy *Uiec was s** dear mat any thing les* t lum * convl**tlon w is imios sibl* Judge N rw.Hd nten< l th in to (my a fine uf I!"*' and c*.'-t> o:. In lieu oi lie tir. . t* - rv* twelve months on t * chain-gang of the county Son Gr uit w .c- f.u< i guilty of assault an*J battery, committal upon I*trolman I. H W I mlxt h Tne oth-* r had rn- I*rfvored to arrest th# negro for dlsor d rlv conduct. an*l Grant mar cl to use ills knife. He cim the **lfi er* coat ile open, hut friiMi.t*-l di*i no further dam* nr II was prevented from doing more l> a at! from Fmhach - revolver. whl-*n through hk* shouMer Judge Nor woo*) gave t.* -orivlctexl defendant his noice of paying a (Inc of !.■•• or spending **l*vcti tnoni s #*r :li* gang, nnd I-aura Bellinger, the foster mother f Grant, and exceedingly wid* known lixiut town, came across with the money. W ll W- 1 ' 1 ct ll >f ih* anitnrv in-p* - torn was tin*->i |. without * by Ju|g* N*rw*#***i for arrylng concealed weapons. F.*t the same off*-ne*> William Jore* wa-# senrenc*-*! to pay i fine *f PJ* and 00-ts or erve twelve months on the gang. FOH 111 Hlt* I licit** It 1.1.1; % Mu. lien 4. \\ ill in in Mill Intercede Willi •limlm*- F.mnry *|#**r. Ben P. Williams of Brunson. S C., |wism and through Savannah yesterday* on hi-* way to Ma* on. wher* h#* g*‘* - to in ter*. de with JU’ig* Speer fr the relens** fr#tn custody of hi- brother. G. \Y. M Williams, who 1 * now conSned In the •oimiy Jail h*-r*-. un*l* r ; Fnlted S at s w urritnt ch *rgii - him with a violation of th# |K#stal regul.itsms. At < rwrm term of the Court of • Judg. Ferrill, from the!, on a warrant barging him with lutm y and h's men comllt on • -xamlne 1 by physicians m*l a jury Th* jury pr*n**tinc* I him Insane and Ju*lgc Ferrill <Urcte*l that h* be turnetl ovr to his brother *inl by tie* Ut (**r placed in a private minitarium for tr*;itmcnt. Thi* ord* r cannot become operative without the r*ns* tit of Judge S|H-er and Mr, |t* n S Wdliarn - yy 1 * nl* t* se > nr*' Gils consent. He •-Mr:i! with him to Ma> ■ n lst night certified copies of the lunacy proceeding* n the Court of Or dinary and strong letter* from M Swe* ny. of South (’arollna. and the con grc>-min from hi- district It is un I* r t* <-l tinit G W M Wil liams' health |s shattered ran*l that he is a physical a wadi ra* a mental wreck At the hearing before Judge Kerri!! pby sl 'tans test lrt*a| tiit It woul.l l#e neces sary to rctuove him (* place where ho could receive skill* and treatment for his several flrinitl y Ills brother entertains *-tr<lige h*q** *f bring able to present the i . to Ju lg*> Sr** * r in -nch manner that iii<* relc.i-** from jail ( t!** unfortutwit* nun may be secured. It is un#l**rst*s>l that the offense with which he Is charged lx mt very serious %t % I 011 % 14. UN IMMtllM’n. • 11 ra Joltil l|<*eiliiK of ( oniniltfeen I rout (lie I ur t Ity l)ltri*u. A meeting *f four commltte*'*. * a* h of tyy.lve men, and repres* ntlng the Fir*. Sc' oml. Third nnd Fourth Districts, was held at the offl* *• of Mag strata' 1 It N than* hist i lgiM Mr C. H \Y**stc*t( wus elicited chairman, aid Mr. Frank Me* I* rmot t, s* . r*! ary The meeting a* ) >rs* 1 the candidacy of M vor t. • ,*1 h4m< If ■, M,iv .■r, rw| ii|,|mi|iiml m c-mtnlu*, of mxV' -n, It.ur from .-Mi’ll ,11'ir)' i. to nollf> tilm of th, acti, n of h* nu-i tltiK Another com mlttcc ’>f thr.-c .im ,ii>i>olnvwl to orranK,* •vf h th, Mn> ,>r for n t-m.* ,in,t o |.l-cc thol will i-nlt *r'n> to lie.,r fhe r<i>ort of ih. committee of elxt . ti The “Itirraral" to He l , rotrrt,il. "A wilt turn Ix—ti commcncc.l In the V'nlted Unite, Court tor th. Northern Dt*. trie of t .hlo hv th, N-itlMti-il nt,. ult Comptvny a,.i!ti.“t i Infrinttlnir their 'ln*r,er tr-ul trxnk. which Im, tv-.’n i— widely oilvei tl,. I in ncw,|i.i|.,r, throutth out the country, and u rwtrilnlnf order hu* hen !iv tn, .-.jiirt n-. Ins anil enj iinln* th. defendant*, their rrr.t*. *rviili and rf M from n, tm ufm or Ar *t-p!>!nu to their ■••r lon, or tuickuKc* contalnlnK bakery t.r*- <1 1 t, *ny real ecu. Rynibol or mark IW like, or auhatantl • ly like 'lrwr- ai trade * or aii, uuUeUea uiwtvox." PLUNGED THROUGH TRESTLE. TUKVrI •*!:% \ I 1 \ l < %H 4 IN w iTKlis oi im ( %nnmhi:e. \\ reek Oeeurrc*! \*-ar liMiodiintl on • lie 4,erj& i a HHii •John s|ir |li •• rl. ra While I rahuunn. Wa* Injured nnl Wa* llrooiiht l* (he • i> n h special —He is al ll ***•••- llarlHM—l'lniixc *• (r*yle, Brake Ad ( tur*l (be M reek- 4 * p*rintendenl ( e%*ll (•ill* ll And U rreklnx I'uree Hurried • Ih*- Vrmr a* koon • Ne* ba* Itr rel% t-d, TeM> -seven cars F i i With 1 ;ml* : went through • tr* -tb *-f f *•# a *i . Alabama Hrailroud > • *t# fa v U. o t.* Cannochce river. Tl:* dept <*, urr*d rxar Grove:.*ml. #*L ll F*' > n f: u Savannah, and ir ft' .i- uri#* b i until • late hour ia.-t nigh! Information jlh at 1 * wr* kw *l *t cult to obtirn. a- Su * rlnt*-n lent <’• Gabbett left for th* ren- upn th- r i-eipt of the news and detail* r* Nardil - i( were very ni*ug*-r Th*- - :;** r*i *■’'F nt was on the geene and •r* ;#or; of u r * in <ietall was hurfi*-d t* hi* * 111 ■ *n that account. I*u4 in on* way an 1 <• tier .* - count* of the dlsav’* r c r* • v**t '•> th*Hu cmjHct*u| wail th* *j ratiy *1 - jrirttneni of th# S aboard Air Line, by which in#- (Jeor a und Al tfuma •* *#(** r *•* 1 John Shcphcid a white nun at *1 pr * ably * hr tk* mar; on the train yy.* as far as coual I##* bam-d. th* ** ' *• •* in jured. This seem* rtvn.irkat#**. warn 1* is uti*ler*tood ttiat w*i. ■* ■ *rs plunged thFuigh t * tr* t* t* w thirty-five fed b* I*w The • " n-itih was made, bw*y# i. that *ll tu u y flat* loaded with i<l r - * * customary for brak*-fn*-n to i*- o:> u other than loxcars Sh* ;#u id ar■; ur.-u - vraa the only i wYth the falling a: - Tin* injur* *1 man y\ hr* ‘ * in * n a *)*■ u*l that wi run ft**i tm f. . • s the wre*k. The imbulan e net him a* the d* |iot an.) h w*s driven * th. a itarium on Diayt n s;reet. wu* i n Juries wr* ls#k*.l t*# b> 1 * AM 'im min>. The principal hurt was au *ui t* side. It is not iegark-d • -u-n .* I # InijM-nl tb* tr ii mm lit* , a I ' F thought h* will s*rf>n i* out *f ■* d* tor * car**. ll*- wa i*|#rt *l 1 t nig : a resting easily. *; ifi ,-harge of <‘or*iu' t*r Jomi u was tle tr ain that no t wt u th* • id • No. *1 i* a b* *1 Ha ight <nd i >. to i rive in Savannah at J uin the aft. rn n She was behind in** .' •• *- *V ua* . r !• i, often tb* ■ with and 1 and Ij wa* - *# • • k übn Me Gam river was rea* ’•*!. The • ngin. and * number of the * rs hed paired Fie #< M#-nt * * ur***l that ,r ■ u* •* . . irs Into the wa*r clow Tm *xi t nature f the a< i*l*-n! ;*l not b bx;* bu: it wi- Mat* Jt‘ • fi* ft at . * on#* f the far \vh . br*k*-. ur.ii g (t car agttlnet the Iron work >f n< **f (i* • pans nnd breaking It off Tin- 1* ft ■ wide passage way for th** •• th at f‘> the on#* that was derail**), and *•• . ipKl order they fouul t • ir way throug he break. Far a; ■ r car (#a*.-**l until ■ wenty-seven plunged from tl. b l*lge Newv of the wr* I; was w ri to Say ni nth at once, and Supt. Gabr* it left w*u i the wrecking <r* w It y% i- ( ind on tt arrival of the crew th* th* di-aister h* .•eeii a **-rious oil*. the **ars being \ ■ • t m a great mis* in te river and T w a ter, f*rtunately. yy id *1 • p *u ii*t more thn six feet urul* r t .1 md t • w#rk <t h. vvr* king (< ■ • w Im* *-;*‘l#| on t'Viit u> mint Ha*l depth been greater the danger Ml and dllK ■ ulty of recov • ring tl • *r- and r •. n: l#*r fmni th* wat**r wui *1 l* * xr.n All the cars t. i! were I** f t* * whi h met with fu* a •*nt to w and: 1 not gtu rough til** tr* sfle Tu* •r> an*! th*- caboo-c r-mim*d #mi tu 1 1 rack, the Imx * ar# l>eiig made up at rear of tne train. Mi.iri iiai - wti.i. I'.glif Rrtnr*‘ii l’ tafherxvelaht* lln Keen % rrn ii;*'l for Dec. U 7. Peter Porn*tto #f New Ori* ins ani Ansi in Hie- of N- v% Lon Dn, Conn . (\v** frath* rw* ights. have b* n mat !* 1 ta 1 light in S.iv4nnah under the unp. of the Austral Athletic Club. Th* conta >t is to b* p'alU-d off at the Savannah Th* - ater on (he night >f l*. i’7 anl wdi b on for twenty-five rounds. Featherweight ecu * sis have Den f .* in Savannah. Formerly one was • n now aid then, but ii has a Tin n •*1 .• netirJy ail th- fistic iiouu hav* i**n tween welterweights. Som* of ttu little! fellows rar* able to put up v*ry ;*!•*:> exhibitions. anl some of th* hard* si. j * t :>c*n tlxs in will ii th*- youngst*rs wu ighlng from 1 !•* l* L‘J hav* in* Tae contest yyill I pulbd off Ju.-t after Christmos. lut the management of th* 4*lub f el*t that this will b* no itiii- Urn* nt in the wav if a hou.'* . It i- *x- P* * ted that tho* w).l i* i crowd out ir the tight, rand the fc 'Ords *t tiie m*-n >•- iur**d ras i>rinj|Hi!s woukl indn at* that - *ni thing interesting will .*en. In their they r up among tu* good ones. HE %T THEM 111 u\E ••l>T. Hells Herat (I*** Hlue% rat llmakef Bull l> ii Score of 1.1 io 11. At the You rig Men's Christian Associa tion lim night i *• It*si - def- and th. Blues Ju a game of Hi-k t ball by the narrow margin of one p*dn:, the *>r br ing 1.1 tv H. Both team- shi>w<d eon si*l* ruble improvement In t u.-.r play oy . r that of former games, and play w as fu t* r I list rrv!#r. racdnitlfl than bus lcn the .-* | tor m#n*‘ dm* . The tmprovunieni in tD: r* }*• i w.s jsirii i .iiiv i.*> , t> b arn work, that ot ihe Hed - being ex * t*- tlonally giksl. Doty und High ton of the It.-I i*id Hum of the Blue- ma Ic the l* t -or* *-.*• h tlwowing three goals from ih> Held. The line-up was * fo.luw-. Beds. Pofdikma. Blues Doty right guard ... Hunt ('handler I* ft guard L-y-ll Rottireau ... r.glit forward ... Courv i , r Patterson left forward Sw**t H.gliton center Lion Mr. J (* Blik*- umpir*d th** grim*. WILI. HO (* \ UUG K FKATSI. s*n%N ran rail '*chMrl of Phy alera I Train ing lo** ran I xliilililfin. The S.ivmiah Hchool of Physical Training will give its annuo) • Wc.lnradity night t tiw* Y M C. A gym* nastum. The w rk will *#tiM-t f isyly building exer<*ls.*-, drills, horse aial bu k work, and Jumping, and will be conclud ed with a g*nv*‘ of ba k*d hall between fhe lied and Whites, nnd the lilu* and Whites Th*' school is composed <f a number of young ladies and boys under the tuition of Miss Charlton and Miss S< IW. Tnelr former exhibition, given after or ly a shewt court* of train ng will !♦ pleasantly rem*ml#Ted by all thra attended. Admission WeJneiKtaj nigba wmJ Ik by i 4uviuuion only. 0 ( 1)1 \h\ %NI) U%t’O.V li.|*rrl (or Mwyor raad .IldrrMt* li> xuullitlili* I tub \* cr.* usd aet u meet it 4 o? tne \Y. \\ . . roe Sou: raid*' CTu* , l at iKireey Hail iait night Tne . a 1 Hon. Mayor Myers f<w I, nt ...j lion. James M Dixon und i! r Hal 11. Bacon for Aldermen. . VV M Alien pr#: kxi at the meet rg a. t •* s* r• ♦ of pr lent tVrowell. in • if Mayor Myers and the two* \|. : * whom :he elub italoraed. were a i .il% n # r**i * 1 the follow a t # ii*po.nte*l t* notify tn*rn Ink w M A * J i* 7 aly C O'llcar, H. Curtis ♦ I. A <*olHnl. vt* mg- of th* |u' yv 11 be held each i.-'t . iw*n th*- |re>< nt time •• inayomty el * a* next mont i. ; lirM :*', <■ the mayoralty wu- y l*-rman D*x. , but ow that n* • anr->'U! . *.l he w . no. b* In the race. - !*■ i to M ivor Myers the cluo ra l with alm<* *t|urai enthusiasm to the Mayor. *HtFT IIROKi; 1114 It 1114. J. Fred \\a* lnjnrrl In a lllpyrlr trrlilrnt. Mr J F • *1 Monroe, cicetrl in. 3S year** I was r ther seriously Injured yestsr s * ift* riHkiij at .* #oat k *'l> k in . hl ■ * * n 11*- was ri I'mr hi** wheel Li "y a (re* r. w * h* -ol .*1 * I '• " • - v at the inte sx *ti*>n of Dray ton th* buggy tradng driven by a eolorsd man, *• Ft #>f *> b ;gev st ruck Mr Mon (*>* In the I**ft side, puncturing it near • b* art and breaking thr* of his ribs H w taken to the ofWc* ,*f Hr \V B F: h. N" _M Ig rtv sir**:*!, east, near at*l iti and Hr. Fitch dir* ted that he be taken in th** imbulan* * to l*ark View rium T’ **c tee young man -hu t-* \y*r- *lr* .->* i md he was r#**>r **l H * * M'ting a quietly is could h* x,* *d urulcr th* nature of his Injuries (it win.:t nmii.cidA hem: wed. Gordon I'r**** lneirpornlel for \ia*lii*r Tertn •( Txxenfy Y rar, J. Fauigan? p.i-'t-.! m order in the S ,** For (' urt >e.t*rlay morning con tin g th* ar*-r prlvi *-g* - ot th*- G rdor; If U . 4 I rni of twenty years ftom F* IT * (n 'Vat *late t’.e fir-t cha - ter granted expired by limitation. T • r*n*w ! •{ tiie charter was gran?- • ia’ and I n.-i i of the eorpo: a* eH m*l f M I. r. Hsnsoi Jo! n M Egan and others. It provid s that • njeved \ th- *4 r! u Pr*--- under h original charter and its -meitdm* n -nail ta* enjoy*-*! hy it In th*' t : ir* an I that th* o#ler shall ofierate wilh tii* . im*- f*r**e md effect .*•* if it ha.l t*-en gi tfit-<l on or i>cfofe Fc . 17 I( GIVE TUB € HII.DREN % THEAT. Mem her a >f (he ( otincll of J*-nlli Wiimi-n t % Inil On T;,at-day yy ?ih h Is t:e Jewlsu F*-aftt -f (';i imika, commemorating the r*- .;.*!. -if.ut *f t!i* T-mpi at Jerusalem. Illrlllii* > of the (’ouncil Of Jewish \Y.m. i wdil make gla*l i- children ot i md ii *f * I*.l>. toy.- and *uixlv. T • ** * yv.ii' h h *been growing constant#;. . * . large number of pupils, wr.o uro suu* to appreciate the treat. Itrafes tin Central of G**rs;!A linllsa*. Ticket w .11 in- j-ol*i at rate of a fare *t.d a t .r i r * ii.d trip r. Dec 22. 23. ai. . " ui.*J . !>**. .to Jar 1. I#l, final umit returning Jan J, 190!. In iid.utbin to the -i ive. tbkets win foi 1 t> students of h*s s aisi r*|- .* g* - ~ri pr* - r tatt *n of * #-t tift* ate* signed by -up rtnt* ii 1.-nt. pr*-.dent or prlncipu. tn* r*of. n H • 1T to 2\, inclusive. Ana limit r* turning Jan x, 19**1 Tick* t otb • ’O7 Bull sr* el and Central I* *iig**r St.!ii r ,and ( hiliiri'n'H Fur x'i*. For ho i lav pte-* nls. nt KrouskofT's. full lln* f children's fur fLv collar.-, col laretP’s ai I muff Krouskiiff's.—ad. Open Idle 'llils lariiliiK. Com** ir; ar and 1* k over tae largest and haiubomcM Fhri-dmas sio* k in Savannah From i solitaire eumiond to a -liv* r trmk. • t; from a co-st of sterling sliver to h pt ••• of fin* cut g|u v\ ir* Sternts-rg a CO.-4M*. ** mfl •• r*l nr, % mri. “GrayVM r*l urcd me of . i*arrh from whi 1 I had Huffrrl thirty-live y,. irv Nothing on earth mj fur an I wax able to obi iin (j.vo m<* relief. Sine** taking tlmyln .ii-l 1 im oh w• 1| bn ever. I itarrh <f the head. Mm. Khoda i> ian Huliingcr. Tex. <lr iy!M*ari l made only by H. Priiir I'ompnny. *ole owners, ,*nd is told it dru-*-*‘i s for II a bottle —d. The 'b*xlrmi i ltlll* lint. In ill lolorN hunks >mely trimmed. wor h II >• S| 'ial tl<* t -.lay at KrouttkofTN t . The-*- In all colon, KrounkofTit -ad. We h.|| lliniiinntlti A r> Close, S . Hof. that >%• in afTord to buy them .• k from ><wi it n dis.'ount of ten |**r cent, from c**M Si- rnlw rv & (Jo. -a I. % DellelfMia Htitoke. The Herbert Sp. n.-er I* itn elegnnt elgar nd I! Is truly a d* llchtful enjoyment to 111 hole the fun-., i- of ttil fine tobacco; it |, exhilarating anti 4< llclou*. Bee that th- i im. of H.rb"rl Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out w i.t> h mine ore genuine. The ll.rt.ert Hp n , r riKat-s are only sold by til l~.x of it Con. ha. m s3.,..irid Perfect os, 11 > n I.lppman Bros.. whole. tie dnicKiim Barnard an.l Congr.-. t'r.t'ij*, of thin cit> Htl. Ilnn'l-Vnnr Old hnld Throw t na)i Bt.-mberg A. i o. n.) presented, tit (till value oiii go. you in exchange b'tv roods or o It u yon will—ail. Mr. Deni Wny, “Gray heard ho n, !| nigh eure.l me of rheumatism fr im which 1 have loen n Kr.stt stiff, rcr lit, lii-t fifteen years." Mr Dent'* poMoHI , m Hi Hlmom Island, tit Rev. John Christian of |*|er. e ,\j H s tye; "Orayh. ar.l lias cured jjrs John Childress of Baldwin •'ounty of rheuma tism. In Kehr . .ry before .he began *n ike Q ray heard he waa given up to .in Hhe lx now- sound and well." c.royhe ird Is made only by |(espe*a Hrug fompahy sob owners, aiid sold by druggl-ts for II m a t~>ttle. Every family *hool*l have an,, nf i ireyheard Tills and (Srnyb> r<l Ointment ail. Handsome lint Tor n t hrltlmst I'rrirnt. k- ukofTa offer* a *•., :i line of par Pattern hita for the betid , v Ira le fr m T. to 111 Theee make rich Chrlsimas gifts.—ad. Handsome Batty Bonnets. For holiday p.sents. Just, received a KrouskofT's, the handsomest line of baby can. and bonnet* | n *|| color*. at potni lar pi leva, tU Kiuuskoft ad. ■■■nil 113 Broughton Street Wes* Bone f^ieal For Chi ken !*• • I md I * • 1/ NITRATE OF SODA Invalunblt for •no:n-mjx, i 1 ;, r Th, -h, a| e-1 nn.l m,t ->i oa Ih, ma-k,' lor i , I ■ , HAV. .fl VIA. * OVA I 1.4. U. III! VV. (*|, _ SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Thona Z2X US Bay BRHNNAN BROS, MOLtSALD Pruif. Produce, Grain. Etc. HibAV STREET. Was*. Telepbowe***. ORANGES. Head<iii3rrs for FTNF. FLORIDA ORANGES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES o. a I kinds. SEED RYE. SEED OATH HAY. GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR. CHEESE. BEANS, l eas. lUe Sira*, c W# 1). Smikins & Cos, We Save You M ney -ON Kirn Works, Toy? oil •I * j 1.. • Phone t>7' DONNELLY M ; Liberty an 1 Pr lolwledTco ui axaait Ut Leather Bellini. Strain i S is e Ajrfnts foe NtVV itel Hiiua ktedTLNu PACteUNO tUtUi'A.U. MI\(iLEI)OKfi ; & CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOll.EltM '1 il’.A Telephony X3. | r.l Indian street. Sju. na 0. JOHN (i. lil TLCII, —DEALERS IN lNur.ts. Oil* jiu liUta. .-.i h •' ' * ai.d ru,vl ** l’ n - ial Itecorativ* Will i ,ip. r. Hr ad !>*• mettle iVmeni>. I. in '1 • Bob- Ak'Cl for A!'' stlne dV\ v n*. 'Mi CongTet* w *i an 19 J •mreel. w. jm. W. ROSS GRAVtMiR. Manufacturer’s Aflcnt, HA Ila W U AMi MU.Is HI ITI H V ITovldent Ruib.lnx, Bav *niaM. < These liny Captulcj;: . : ■ .ad |\l to tialcam of Copa I A 1 Culiebso'Tniect i'f.DrH IfJ CUKE IN 48 HOUitSV —'J WJ t'te *amc diseases vit •-■fl inconveniem e. fB CMICHIITin S KNOLIhM Pennyroyal f. ui P'ViC ‘..tri ”' 1 * *“■' "r.'u. . • C|( p.Vy ■ run 111 STI C ' IN. i- I “t-h --* •% “si Wssaeonss *se.lHstl.s 1 *1 “ / nr limit, h • * ■ • ■ •* f D •! ••Ilrlirf fur l.ntlirß. - mX f/ turn Mull. IW.otMi • HI Ir -dd'tts Ifclf ", '* ' N'i'l.lMl W rf NUtilton •*gOBF*-. 1 •otti 11 L. N br .ut 14 4 ■ H Bv.a. ' s * u '' BHAIH R KALSAM a Ml*ti. Jtt V\\\ll THE \TI U. M Mil I. rIIUK 1 Atwl the H"Uthrrn Stuck C m Presenting at the matin*.' u>- "TOM SAWYER." TO-NIUHT. " rill: BRAKD OF CAIK." tJVV t\\ 111 THE All I* • ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY. DEC. D ..■ • X Hv nmnyt-nwni with tnc A KiMult* an fUibora -o pr*l imwctvfiil muolcal com “A Runaway Girl. with Mr. ARTlint DI’NN *nl ' % !>• In Ihr rANt. Th* m^rr of al'. A Iboroiifhly ctxpn * mafnlf)crit chorus anl J 1K ! r picturesque cottumes; c*l cm* J iM'.llthrnent*, and dllclou. • ciicny mualc , PRICES—SI.SO to Me. „ - :g •! ; old) newhtaterh. r < or - | Buili.tss Ofllcc Morning N