The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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handling many oranges. II til. 4*n ITCIMOHIP I.IAE" IIIK 111 *3 WITH THK rat IT. Mn ,,n,riil Onl nl Florida is Alxtnl ii or iS cr m Day—Moi'll of Ihr Fruit ( uiura Thruauh .Savannah, linllrond Men Expect fin- Crop Will Ituu to I.OfMMMHi Mutes—Flnr- Iriu Is Heeuveclno Frtira Elrrla of fhr Freese— More Florida llrauiin i.n to Western Than fo Eastern , ulrs—lll Tills Hr spoof OraaKl-s IHtfor From Vegetables. The transports!.on linee are In the mklst „f their orange buaineea. The season Is j -,f about at It* hlglit. anti the movement ti lIMV is Urge. It I* understood that tnte are from 20 to Si ear* u day lear ns Florida lor point* easl and wesi, and ,y rood price* are obtained for the fruit. Ki in Information received from various s ..r■ ■ * by the railroad* or- most diepty interested In the movement of orange* they llx their estimate of this I. irs crop at 1.1U0.0U0 boxes If fife c*U j,,,te I* not too large, the season of last v. ir will he exceeded In It* production .y. ally. As the years |U.-s the disastrous , fle (.- of the great freexe of I*9l become I, apparent, and It Is thought the y.eUI „f the fruit In Florida will soon become s.- as It was the year Just before i . f.t ic. when more than 5,000,000 boxes wiiv produced. nne change that will b. noticed, how i . will be the sblfi ng of orange pro d.e'iion from the middle au-l northern Miltons of the stale to the southern. M •(>>* grower* established young grove.* in the southern seotlun after tlMi freexi and siring to In* below the frost line In ( s-t there sfhiUld be another sueh rot.mi j.There will be Just a* many or mon oranges raised in Florida In years to .iiie- as there were formerly, railroad t'.isht agents are assured, but the |>ro eon will be confined to a more llmlieu Both railroad and steamship oonipanle hsve i part In the movement of the or i rop. The fruit I* shipped from J. ksonvllle and from Key Weal hy ,;t tm-hlps to the Northern port* muon .’ thai de timd for those Northern point, being sent by water.* handle the larger | irt of • ilr orange shipment* to Western points. The proportion Is about flo per cent- to lb. Wml and 40 per cent to the Kan. i proportion noticed In Ihelr handling of vegetables being reversed. It U found • || m Northern citing demand more tin, k from Florida and Georgia than trie in (be Wist, tilt 1 I ll ..SB - • being that the Western ebb s ob l ,tn their vegetable* from along the (lull 1 ii- ehipmeiK* by rail of oranges re |, .. to ;he Kant than lo the YVe*t, !**- hum* of th fa* t that meamer* t ike fru t i . New York ami ©;her Northern fort* f,om the W*t Indie*. th* Bermuda* and Ir.*- fmtt-ralefng countries of ;h* M dlie r*nin rea. thereby to aupply the A.m.iiul and forcing *hlM**r‘ in I*l -r.da to f * -1 their orange* to the West. M’; *h of the orange cr- i> of Florida j,,,v.v,g through Eavannoh. Ti>e I’lar.t S **• ttin ml the Btaboard Air L:n*? handle a number of can* every day. The fruit i jtaifne.l in carload loti*, the dlutrtbuG > t the trade being wade from the Ur * c ue* to which the shipments ore made. ]n Una respect there haw been a champ* itf late year*. a** H wa* formerly the rape that the fruit *** hlf>ped in le.-s t in carload late. pent direct to commippion hou*4?a t at ban'll* •! cofiiiar*- llvely small quantities of i A Itrlght outlook for Florida orane* rxUis. railroad men declare. One ■*>*! t.*rday that there I* no queatlon that tr. htate producer the fineat oranges tha? can l had in thl* country. Those*'. in tUfornla ore Inalpld. while thoec tm |M>rtel from distant land* have to U I We*l green In order 4o admit of their rtu hlng market before they are sjioiUd 4. BEEN (iOT FIVE III\UHEI). tiun rt %'erdlrl Vgalaat Virginia* ( nrnlitui ( hrmleal 4 ni*nn>. Solotnn Ore n rcovered o verd'et and Judgment for S6(O agalnat the Vlrginla ( Hrolli.o Chemical Company In th* City Court yesterday afternoon. The evi leuce for plaintiff and defendant w * <* mj 1 t* i on the prt edlng lay and r l.iy after noon the argument* were made and Judge Norwood charged the Jury. The plaintiff aued for I'.dOO*. though, sip egplainrd In the Morning New** yesterday, ;t wht poareely possible for ekher he or Ida counsel to have a verdict for anything like thl* amount. Green Ip a former employe of the company, who fell through a trap do-r in a runway.gabout eighteen mon*.he ago. and sustained rather •ertoiM Injuries. The arguments yesterday were made by Mr. \N r. liftltoche for the plaintiff anl Mr. livis Freeman for the defendant. It w, contended hy Mr. I*.Roche that for th- company to leave the trap door un and unlighted. In a dark buildo k'. and then permit Is employes to make use i t the runway for the puriKW of leaving the works, wio such neglgenc a W’ould entitle tlreen to recover. Mr. Freeman contended 4ht there were other ways of leaving the works then that ♦ levied hy Green ami that these other ways were less besardous. He contended further that ll was Green’s duty to select one of these.less bazankHia routes and tb*? when he adopted the dangerous on* If took upon himself tin* rl.-k of r ceiving the injuries of which he rompl * nd. Kven arter selecting *h* % dangerous route. Mr. Fr*eman contended. Green could have avoided the a eld* nt by tli • terelae of reas nable and proper precau tions for his own toifety and that In fail ing to do so h’ bet ume gudty of contrib utory negl gence and. ther* fore, could not r* over a verdict against the company Fnder the charge of Judge Norwood. •he jury disagreed with Mr Freeman and returned n small verdict. It wh* quite un • xpected. WOOnMKV RIxECTRO OFFICERS. '• tubers of MistletlM* I awp Enjoyed Themselvea nt Supper. Mistletoe Camp. No 4. Woodmen of the MorM, held its anmuil election of ©Ulcers I**l right. The ofll *er* chosen will a uwle the destinies of the c Sip during the >#*ur Ifoi. They are aa follow*: c*>nu| Commander —W H Murdoch. Adjutant Ixtoutenant—H. V\ . Clarke. Hanker—Percy Bugden. clerk— R. J Stewart. FV.-ort—A. J. Hnedeker. Jr. Watchman—A. B C’roshy. Gentry—D. K. Wlneianley. ? hysiclsn—Dr. T. H Clay. Managers—Messrs. W. 11. Fifer, W, I*. Pthlth und Frank ktewart. \fier the election of Hi ers. the mem uf (hr camp repaired to Helmken'a • fe. where •iclightful supper wa< •rrved. The evening pa w ***l merrily, slid b vi* a Jody lot of Woodmen who left f he table* shortly befon midnight. %T THK Till. mm. Southern Stock Company Kads Its I numn iiM ru To-lay. Mia* Mabel Tatge and the Bout hem' Company w.ll close their engsge r, *nt at the theater to-l iy with two per formances. both motlnee ai>l rdght. The company gave two j*er for malices yesterday to fairly good audiences. PLEANKO WITH TMKIH VISIT. So % a min las Ottti tsl Parly Delighted j %\ilh tlir I harleat4n I rip. Ylayor Myers ami the ofllci il parly, which spoilt Thursday In Charleston and took In the meeting of the League of Mu nicipalities thir*, returned to the city early yesterday morning As It was Hill dark when they reached the city ami the rain was |>ouring down in sheets most of the members of the party remained quiet, ly in their berths m the Pullman which had been iiS4*d for th* trip, until a more r* asonable hour for rising The Havannaliiatis are. without excefv tlon. delighted with their trip The weather might have been better, hut (*harU ston’s ie'pilot! wos *o ionllal ar.d th welvom. of her people so kindly that littl.. thought was given to the weather owing to thi* large number of muni ipal visitors In the city the Savannahtans did not expect any special attention to J>e I* ud them, hut Mayor flmyth called upon Mayor Myers a soon us h** learned of th*- lulter’n itresence and assured him of hi* pleasure at the presence of him** If and his party, while other m**mters of ;n **it\ Council showed a special inter ’ '* In tin* party and made it ph a-ont for th* m In various ways. There w is itonsM. rable interchange of I '*din.ig* between th* Havanuahians and •> to the claims of th*lr respectiv* *ltlei in th* matter of deep water, lb*. l*ots Hoyal mival station ami matters *f rivalry that have t om* up le -tw*n tn* two cities, but all In the mo.n pleasant spirit. The Charles. lonian* rook pleasure In assuring the Baviannahlane* that they need not worry ihennelve* any longer übout the navi* ’a ion. as this w th it*>w t sure thing fr ('notlesion. They seemed to he unable to understand why Savannah should put In *nv vtaiin (or tne htotlon. which the> evtikntly regarded as entirely a South aro.ina affair. At th** earn*- time th harlestonians readily almU;e<l the al -. antagee which Savannah had gained ' • r them In it commercial way. ami also hot the city’s showing In tne recent nsuh wa> far from satisfactory to her w. ll Wishem With the gain of the naval a tlon and the great* r attention whlcn ney *'lp t t will he given to the harbor h ion>equence, they c>nfldentiy look for •vard to a much better showing next time. The Charleston harbor was a revelation to those of th*- Savannah party who h:d Im n on it In-fore and oil praised it as on** of the int magnificent on the At i.intlc coast, some *i** laring It to be se<-- •nd onl> t* that of New Y’ork Itself. The fa* t that the grt-af extent of wharves was almost urns-i up!* <1 was omy to* obvious a, *d *iid not ne*d any *.broment. In one hlng * * hat l s ton appears to have the b* **t of Savannah und that is th** fom* ami fortification* whi h the government ha (>rovlded for th* defense of the har >(>r 01*1 lorts Sumter and Moultrie were -•‘•J.-* ts of great Interest to the Northern ir.*l \\ * Mern visitors. Both ire now fully fortified and equipped with modern 13-Inch guns of the disappearing pattern. Fort Moultrh- iquit* un extensive work, niu / •*f lh- work being evidently new. There are other lotteries on iSulllvan’a Island in connection with the fort and It was stated that th- govt-rnrn* nt practically <OMi-ols the entire Island. Another thing for which Savanna hi an** cave Chari **ton full credit is her excel :* nt stre* t railway system. The system ••ut only s. ms to reach all parts of the itv an t the seuddf reports as well, but makes *u> *1 scficdul*s with smooth, easy mining curs The e4|Ulpment is first-class, it! the s>st*-ni has a complete and mod ern appearance. Charleston Is also wll provided with good street pavements and though ni asphalt or vitsifled brick was s , the bio* k pavements were very well a'd. and on th** residence streets tlier** was cons.dorable mutMtUht paving, some f it only recently laid The Lv ague meeting Is not only well attended. Iti4 Is composed of an able and earnest •> *ly of men and the to;.-. *1 sc us sod are ably ami lnt.-lHg* nt ly handle*!. The majority of the ilelexates are from the Northern ami Western utes. i here being a number from the f. r West. All seemed very much pi ease* I with the re* ption accorded them in • harle**ton. and were l**ud In their praises of the city’s hospitality. The Ba\annahlons only regrett*l thal they *ou2d not mak** their stay longer. "We should make these exchanges of vis it** oftener," said Mayor Myers, in S|sak ing of his trip, "and thus keep In better lou h with our sister city. The rivalry ♦ tween Sivannah and Charleston is not of the hitter character which some |h-o p.c M*m to Imagine, and there Is no reason In the world why the people of tile two cities should not be the best of friends and nclghlwrij. Our visit will, I think, bring. good results, by putting ua in closer touch not only officially, but personally, with ru* city Fathers of Charleston, und their onstltuents." Most of (lie S*vannahi ins brought back the handsome badges which were distrib uted to them at the convention. The *dgc- were In different colors for Mnv (U, Aldermen and city **ftlials. red. dive, green and blue lelng the colors used n the order named At the top of each badge was a celluloid placque containing t. I . Beii*mt hw. print • I In large gold letters, the title of the • /Tick*l for whom the badges were Intend 'd. and in (he * enter was n little palmetto tee woven from the f|ier of the (alme:* to. The badges make very pretty souve nirs. and many of them will be kept a* such. OirVf’LlkT HIO % H %l> FALL. The Wei Pavement I nnsed Ills U heel to Hllp From I infer Him. Richard Maher, a 14-year-old white boy. had ti bad fall yesterday afternoon about r,: 15 o’clock, ll** wms riding a bicycle on Hull street and while coming south on the w* st side of Johnson Square, the wheel, owing to the damp and slippery pavement, slid from under him, throwing him to the pavement, where he struck on his head. A companion seemed to think there was nothing much the matter with him. and made no effort to nmtei kkn or <> ascer tain what his Injuries might be. so he lay on th*- pavement until a gentkman who saw th* accident put him into a hack ami took him to Livingston's Pharmacy. The hoy was still In a stupor when taken there, but cam** around after h* had been treated for a few minutes. IBs only ap parent InJuty wa-* a bad bruise on the left side of his h* ad. but he bad been pretty badly shaken up Maher iiv**?* on McDonough street, east, when h** w;*s taken in aha. At. ■ >©> 4 HOIIHKU A CHtOCBKY STORE. Tun >.-ro *cnl In flie (Tty ( onrf (nr Itotihlna A in. Here was only a small dor ket In <ha icecordeFs Court yesterday, seven pris oners ap|ve<*rlng on various charges H*n Lumpkin, colored, who robbed the store of Mr. Howard Scherer, at Harr!- .on md West Broad streets, by for lag open the rear window, was remanded to the Superior Court on the charge of bur glary. Two iiegro**s. Dan Walton and Petr Giving 4, employed by Messrs. Bwlft L Cos., were up on the charge of robbing the *lrrn uf meat* and other articles. Thay were to lh* City Court on the charge of simple larceny. Al**it Hall, the K-year-old negro tint stni* a wheel from Mr. D. 8. O’Neal day iiefore yeiWerday. an account of which was published in yesterday's Morning Nw, was sent 4© iht City Court, THE MOKNING NEWS: SATCKDAV. UECEMBEK 15,190a THE DISCOVERER OF Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vcictahle Compound The Urcat Woman’s Remedy for Woman’s Ills. V r>, ■ \ / ..-V ( '■ | No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends. Do not be persuaded that any other medicine is just as pood. Any dealer who asks you to buy something else when you go into his store purposely to buy Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, has no interest in your case. He is merely trying to sell you some thing on which he can make a larger profit. He does not care whether you get well or not, so long as he can r.takc a little more money out of your sickness. If he wished you well he would without hesitation hand you the medicine you ask for, and which he knows is the best woman's medicine in the world. Follow the record of this medicine, and remember that these thousands of cures of women whose letters arc constantly printed in this paper were not brought about by “ something else,” but hy Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, Tho Oroat Woman's Romody lor Woman’s Ills. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want —a cure. Moral Stick to the medicine that you know is Best. When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health more than a million women, you cannot well say without trying it, “ I do not believe it will help me." If you are ill, do not hesitate to get a bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice. It is free and helpful. ARE PLEASED WITH JORDAN. It III.HOAD MK% lITIKIVB III* AP POINTMENT 11% UOVKRNOR. tteleetlon of the (olumbne Vl*n W Hatlalarlnr) to -nvannnh Hnllruatl otllelnla—They llelleee the <itv erutir Made Excellent ( ktnr*. Prealdent John M. Ksnn of *he Central and Mr. W. H. Maekall ot the aea hoard Air l.lne Anittna Those Who Expressed Their Ap proval—Mr. Jordan fan l.noh One tor Hallroad** ad Shipper*' I tt trreal*—Will Prohahly Me.lnn IM reetorsblit of the Central. Railroad oftlrinl. In Savannah regard the selection of Mr. (S. Ounby Jordan of Columbus aa a member of the Georgia Railroad Commission a* wise, a* they b.*- Iteve Mr. Jordan will again prove ldm*e|f an excellent and capable eommlas.oner They say he as a success as a commis sioner during his former term, and they are convince.! that he has lost none of the ability that he then demonstrate!. Mr. John M Egan, president of the Centro! Katnrad. expressed his sati-fao tlor In the Governor’, apitolnttnrnt lie said he has always regarded Mr Jordan as a very able buttlne-s man and believe* lie will look to both the tut. tests of the state and the Interest* of the railroads In his position upon the commission. He was ai>polnted as a railroad man. the law being that the com mi'-.aim shut! he made up of a railroad man. a (arnh-r and a lawyer i Mt W W Maekall of the Sealtoard Atr Un.. was anoltier to indorse tm- a|>|s>lnt ment. He said mat Mr Joidat. Is a man who can look well lo lit* Interest* of the railroad* and to those of shippers, as he I* hoth kirge,y Interested In railroad property and has extensive manur*Tur ing Interests. Among other fa.lories with which he Is connected Is the Kasle and Phoenix Mills ai Columbus of which he Is the isesldent. tie Is thus In a position to seek the very best anil most equitable rate* from the railroads on behalf of the shippers anti Is so connected with the railroad* as to consult their Interests when matters are brought brfore the com mission. Mr. Maekall did not hesitate to sav that he did not believe Mr. Jordan would be swayed by his connection with the rail roads In his official work as a rommi— sloner to the detriment of the people's Interests, hut he thought that It well enough tor the public to know that h I* m concerned for the welfare of Industrie* that owe much of their continued sue ■., to satisfactory rail rates a* to make tht Ir Interest* t>f areal moment to him Mr Jordan Is a director of th,* t'.r trwl Railroad, having "rv.-d for a tne three year- ll Is thought probable he will re sign his directorship on oecount of hi* new |M#ltlon. though ll I* not known that there Is any law demanding that he da a. OVEII THE PEAATW THICK A. Southern Will At tse • entraPa Passenger Terminal*. A rumor was floating around yester day to the effect that the arrangement that now eaat, whereby the southern Railway brings tt* freight trains Into Sa vannah over the trucks of the Central Railroad would shortly he extended to It* passenger service. This rumor was rath er absurd, as enough has been published hy the Morning News In the way of state ments from leading officials of the Cen tral Railroad, the Southern anil the Plant System to snow that the present pass* ti ger arrangement of the Southern with Ihe Pi.tlif System will be continued until suoli time as the Colon passenger station has been <-omp|eted. President John M Kgan was ked for ontxher denial of the rpmor. and It was readily forthcoming He said he would authorise the contradiction of the report, as the Central Is to handle only the freight business of the Bouthern at Ha vannnh. No deal 1, afoot whereby the passenger terminal* of ihe Central are to be used by the Houthem. At one time or another of late Ihe Morning News has published interviews with President R. G. Erwin of the Plant Byst.m and Third Vice Persldent and General Manager F\ H. Gannon of the Bouhern In wnlrh those gentlemen de clared bai the present trackage arrange ment of the Bouthern with the Plant Hystem I* thoroughly saslafactory and that It will be continued. 1-ltlle room was left for credence of such a report a* was circulated yesterday. The friends of Mr E H. Hinton, •raf fle manager of the Central Railroad, will regret to learn that he la 111 at his home on Whitaker street. The Plant Bystem will run a special car on Its train No. 33 to Charleston to day for the accommodation of the (sirty of Camden. N J , cltlxens who came from Charleston, where they had been attend ing Ihe meeting of the league of Munici palities. to pay Savannah a visit. Mr W F Donnelly, soliciting agent of the Georgia Pine Road, left via the Plant System last night for Jacksonville. Mr T C. Tipton, commercial agent of the Choctaw Oklahoma .inti Gulf Road, with headquarters at Atlanta, spent yes terday In Bavsnnnh. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Savannah. Florida tusl Western Railway will be held In Savannah. Jan. 9. STURM DID AIIT COME. i.inirnllY Fair Y%ralh#*r I'romiani for ToHlif and To-morrow. Th* emptied hljrh Wind# did not wtrlkf- Savannah ihe atomt evidently bavin*,' na**Hl off lo era Xevertbelwi It wi# a very dUnjrrreabk* day. rendered #o by tho cold rain that continued during me morning, and the greater i*rt of the aft# rrm>n the total amount of the fall being 42 of an inrh. Th maximum (emporature yeoterrlay. which oreurred at 11:16 o’clorg a. m . waw 53 iiegr*-er. The minimum, which occurred ,r 11 f p m . watt 49. giving a nuan of SI degre***. 2 below norma) Thl** given to the month an accumulated deficiency of 2* degree and to the yat an a* • uninUt ed Htirpltw* of Ito degree* The a* umulaD and deflciency of rainfall for the year 4* Lift Inchew The Washing*on forecast for to-day and to-morrow le for generally (air weaLhcr, with light aorUKoai wiode. CLASSIHfcJ AbVtKf ISEMcMTS. ITIIMO U.. ,il* 0' it T r~~ BETTEH GET tin- mix trotn 11l ttot till-!* then. 12 y.-ar. nyo. ai .l il I* a. >! a ihk mm uni .In an.l hrr liu kihl have b***n 4u**kv rver Ml Tl* nuin iM’j f itiv tin**; i- II ir J*afflt> r.*l Hhavinx Hupplj lli'.i-'- J< Ka**t Hrongutai Th pi t ** a <t*r* hair, plat*- mini. n'*l gkl. *itl ullvfr al ** <1 at tukeit an tab. mail or*i*t>* for birthday, utikiing .411*1 |t* -**ms promptly tilU-tl ADVFRTIHF.\I I'NTS BFT IN CAT IT A I*B WILL HK PHINTFD IN C’LAH YI'VBRTIHEM N1 OW? MM FOR two *I NTH A word no ad VKRTIHFMKNT TAKHN FOR LI.BB THAN Srtt* KKK t'lll MO I FO COHNKH WHIT, akf-r anl IJlwrty li**a*lnuai t*ra tor Chin***** m*l Japan*-** fancy I;'**!* I* 4*tc . at loa price* Oriental ami Turkish **|nail* lits is’lw cuat pH • ihitne and visit US \ cmuihtm vs i*iii:hfn r fou mMi: t*i >iv’* wtf**? w*- have ina*.** up a tnattre*-* .nd tiir pillow that aot)i<i gta** ‘ QiM-r-n’it chani!*ei . pn**e ••* th**m to dav . n*> iliipllcal• - Nathmal \4attr'*!*-* und VlenovatiiiK Company. 331 Drayton. tOV WILL LIKI PRY MILK Spring Reid Dairy; It * rich and pure, try It. HOLIDAY RIGS. CARI*KTB l*tL! tl**r*s, lace ctirtain*. and *• thoueaml t and article# t* i;la*i*len the (•*■! a If* heart t* I*. Miller, agent. TOY 8 GAMES POLISH WAGONS • 101 l carriag* s nn> \nt- h:*ki*l g*’it**r *Mv, at Oppenbelmct. Hl*.it ’* 13 Bfouglßon street. • RLIaA NT BKDROOfM KI ItNITI’RK • ttnlnc room furnltur* • ilna * los. > Oli ver car** . ►.d* , lHati buff*tH, mlrror-*!o*H vardrobt * t tr imitt* tie* attack must i** neeti t b* l a|*pr*- iat* *l. C*. I*. Miller, agent CHOICK LINK OF WILI/>W AND obblt •* tor II it il ay . a’ Tee*le a 317 RroughUm. "t. ! AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton. ting up lltt if you want to have y*ur fund tire nt.-wd or pu* ked for shipment or M M** 1 guarantee pricea the earn*- m 1 do the work thal't given io m* A S Orlffl* . 414 Broughton itmi, wa ft, matlre-e. a ltu<l* to or*l r MV.ILL!S’ LA* ’K TFUTAINH WILL beautify your p*Gor. META L MEMORIAL' W HEATHS; It tiidsom*- and durahl* . sh* \ o * tent, juft receive*! at Op(M*nhelm*r. Hlout At Cos.. 12 Broughton street, *ft. KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN furpaoicd for liohnaan; delivery • par f>rt, phone. 2.^46 IF ITS RUGS Yol* WANT YHJ~CAN g*t them cheaper from M' GlTIa GILT CHAIRS. TABLES. CQVCHKA , ux> l ornt-rp, reception chairs, leather hairs, an Immena* uiwfinwnt ut rea son able pilros. C. IV Yllll* t agent WHEN YOU SHE M GILLIB* SlXTY inch W-cm ruga, you will buy thorn. Just can't hc.p It; will aell In r.ny quan • By- SI'NKIDWKH AND FANARY BEEP. m*> kirn; blnl fool; flali food; Bel* X.**•♦** *nl birl cagen Oppenhelmer. Bloat A Cos.. 12 lliouKhtun street, east "FFRNITFRF MOVE!* WITH CARE.’ in * specialty with McGlllla. TFISPLB IS SHOWING A NICE LIVE of carpet r matting rugs, shade-*. Ino burn; cheapen! in town IMMENSE LINE OF RATTAN ROCK •re fr*>m sl.4* up •* fla. C. I*. Miller, agent. M OILLTS IB CHEAP ON RFOS. NETS lace curtain*, hammock*, water codare | pi.low*, pb’turee. atove*. *ult*. and furniture of every de-crtpHon. ~V* AN A 111 liS AND 4IOLI > FJ SII. J Gardner, 12 Broughton etreet, ea*t. MILLER’S HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR brother* and other fellow*’ brother**, you will have to rail and examine our immenaa line in order to thoroughly ap preciate the aubjoct. C. I*. Mtlicr, agent. FOR A PRFTTY RFDROOM SUIT twiror and dlnlng-rocim furniture, vou nhouid go lo Tee pie’*. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN eiavatlon in .he country fre. from city drainage Iri|K>aail>le for ml k to heroine • ontamlnated, by Impure odor*; If you want pure Jert-ey m lk. phone 234S Do livery prompt; eatlafactlon guaranteed. M’GILLIH MOVES. PACKS SHIPS and afore- plan** ad furniture, beat work only; no "Cheap-John" prlcee-no "Chaup John’’ Job* LILIES OF THE VALLEY. MY own importation!; In <oM * tor age. reed, to deliver pip? every Sattmliiy, b-me or dera with J Gardner, agent. 12 Brough ton atreet. eaat. A C. Oelachlg, nur**ry oppoflte Catholic Cemetery. MILLER’S HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR ) •‘later* and other fellow** elnterx; toilet table*. ladle*’ deek*. chlffonlere. plcturca of all kind*; come and eee u*. we will help you out. C. P. Miller, agent. M’OILLIS BELIES SIXTY-INCH VIUOS -Smyrna pattern*—for W cent*. TFEPLE CAN RAVE YOTT MOS T ON irtove*. *teel range*, oil h*>ater* and hot- Btuff heater*. 317 Broughton, whr. MILLERS HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR children; doil* and toy* of every dejwrtp tlati; chair*, baby c.irrl ig. gpo-cart*. velocipedea. tricycle*, exprre* wagon*, p*- trol wagon*. C. I*. Miller, agent. XMAS FLOWERS BOSES. llYA cinthx and Lille* of the Valley; will It* ready: order* aoUcßed J. Gardner, 12 R rough ton etrect, t*aat. agent for o*l - Nurerry. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work order your lithographed and print# J Ntatlonerv and blar k iiouka from Morning New:-. Savannah Oa. PHOTOUR APIIY, •TOH MOSTi REASON h each A net* mounted oti a lovely Xrna and New Year* card; I am making ©petal mn on crayon. p**t*l ami watercolor In hand *ome frame* at very low price* fo r th* 1 holiday*: a fine present, fee Uly e egmnt | line td frame*, etc. Wllwn'a Studio, 41 | Bull street. SMMOAL If^yofr feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relkf. I cure Ingrowing nails, corn* and all d!seaeft of the fret without pain; charge* reasonable; | give the te*i reference* In the city; ia tienta treated at orders c*n He left at Uvlng*ton*N drug store. Bull and Congrea* streeta; teleptione 293. Lem Davki surgeon chiropodist HELP WASTED—HALE. I wanted, two good solicitors. ! Apply 10H East Broughton. 9 a. m. •Wanted a first class black Mn|*|i. lor**eho4T and whee*wright; Mat* age and leust salary expectad. Addrrea Virtoan Smith. Morning New*. Tv \\ ■ ED BA KATE •t* nogr.iph* r. familiar wih geo* lal e work; men only need apply, lxxk Box Ml WANTED A COMPETENT WHITE bak' i Apply t 331 Whit ker atreK. BRICKLAYERS WANTED. 10 GOOD men, at naval -tatlon. I’ort Royal S <*.. •dgh-hour work. Apply at station Charles W. Noble. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OITt good* by sarnpi* to wholesale and retail trade; w- art* the largest and only man ufacturer* in our line in the world, liberal i salary paid. Addrr*. Can I *ex Mfg Cos., ( ■ nice. 2fc Board of Trade Building, Savon- I cah. Go. ifCI r \\ %ATKD—MALK. \NhdSM \N W ANTED WHO CAN funiis t good reference ami plenty of tur (*Mit||a* ’il l Apply *t MIH v, It. J j Bishop I Id ridge. l <a WANTED. LAUGH 11 BUSHING | romp tu rr|tr<wni:itivv* in each town in Git stat*-. it iHjAtml with u* ni'-an* *!•♦*.r to you. ouv |4*o . 111 1 *.tii*f\ your -It M.uuKi*r, I*. O. Box ;k>v Macon. Ga. WANTI.D IION 1 ST GENTLEMAN oil lady to trwvi-i f*r u> alary sl. per week t and ups lutely no enrlo*** self-ad iln-' -'d Mump 1 t-nv* ( ulonlul t’o Chi* ago. Mill' WASTED—ricMALI 'Advertisements set in cap ITAL> WILL 14$: PRINTED IN CL\ ’ SIFtED ADVERTISEMENT COLI’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKRTIHEMENT TAKEN FOII I-ESS THAN DC. i at w %\ i.i. W AN PI.IV BY A YOt'NQ MAN. I*oßl lion shipping enrk for sitenw*.*- hoic< . beM *>f referen*-4*. Ad-lt* n X \ Morning New; WAN’TKB \ PtiHITION AH BTKNOG rapher uiml typ* a wm* l>> .i young lady \\ ti tne axp**rieme. trtl (worthy and tellable B 1. N-w ofll* •> WANTEI * TO TRAVEL FLORIDA territory for Hh^catb 1 hardwire house. HtiKkll • tl.nx ind comml***on. be*# *f t**f in w - A Mi- a Hardwori , Morning New UIM Klt-MUM I LL % MSMI * WANTKb. FOR CASH DOGWonD and pet jtlntnmn logo Southern ll iidwar. I Coin|Mitiy, I* lu*x Charlea*ti, H * I \A \NT To lit*Y THREE IIOFBKH from tw* to •• ir l thiM.-iind i|o| .* - ••■!- trally lmwttl. A . Invi. bii, N* w *)(n*r. IF YUD WANT A l TO It Mi earth, dirt. rend, manur*. ft* fie*- of • barge. Jut at city Until . hauling ov- r hard road write or tdapbona Brown Bros, ‘orner Andaman and Lam Broad trets. IV YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from H(n ingtlekl Dairy, It a rich, pure and wholesome ADVERTISEMENTS SIT IN CAP ITAI<H WILL BE PRVNTBD IN CLAB SIFIISD ABN FItTISKMFNT COLUMN Foil TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C I IA D l 01l It EAT. KLIOGA NT SIX-ROOM FLAT. IN god lo>ailon; furnDh**l or uufutnlahe<l; iNivati bath. A(*ply .law Aiulerson. west. I'OII Ks:*T—lltll'MM. FOR Bi.Nl. CuMFuIiTABLE HOUSE No 217 V\ .*i*iburg slieet. east, between Al>ercorn and Uncoln, firm clana ord*r and cn<lltlon. every convenience Right rent to right tenant P'.ataie Salomon Coiien, West Broad and BrongMon atreota. ‘ FOR I4KNT FROM JAN 1. &D MONT gnmery, near Huntingdon, (l. H Rem*- lain To RENT THE NEW 2-STORY IkOUee, 215 T.drfy-clgh!h -ire#-- west, near Barnard. fumiah* > i thrmigltoui, will i*e r ne*l for o year. • term of yrer-. t• a K*mml tenant It ha* u parlor, dining room, klti-lien and storeroom. on first floor. wnd three and bnUimom hhil water 4 at *4-4 catd floor. Also hot ami roll Wa4<r, gas • unking range utul ga** stove A large \ard wßh fruit tre-. Ap|dy on premise*. FOR RENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE residence*, tiioro!ghly renovatc4t A|*t!> A. Wylly, agent. 12 Bryan street, east FOB III.AT—MIA# LLLA ALOt X. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFSTCR FOR RENT CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS. FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY Till: SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. 11. p SMART FOR RENT. WHARF WEST OF MAH k-i dock (find of Barnard! from A|>rrl 1. 1901. G. H Hftnuhari. FOR RENT. ON THE OOEWCfIEE road. Iwtwean three and four-mile post* ttro ley cars nearly o two-mile |jost>. Liu, in Ms from on# acre lo one hundred, sain* can he bought In Urge or small lots on easy (erm*. C II liorsell. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS FOR • ALE—HEAL MT4TK. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN ('LAS HIFiiCD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN DC l OR S ALE THE I NDIVIDED HALF of the plantation known a H winin.' sit unted (tv* mile- fnm city Court Houre. For terms, parllculara. etc., apply or ad dress R. K. Richards. Southern Bank building. tty. FOR SALK TIIO*E LOTS ON NINTH street, near siast Broad, have only been sold to flrt-cUi*a parties, who will make good itclgfibo.s, and none others can buy The term* are vary easy, and thay are cheaper than any others In (he vb laity C. 11. I>oraatL FOR SALE. A I/>T FOR TWO HUN .lred ijoliars, easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no cily taxation. C. H Dorsett FOR SALE !,OTS ON NINTH STREET I near Boat Broad, no city laxea, at $390 each: twenty-five dollar* rash, and aasy monthly payment*. C. 11. J**rsett. FOR HALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR Fust Bros#!. • will aoon i>r advanced to $22&. whan a lot has baan (Mild for I c.n arrange to get a horn# j built. C If I>orertt RESIDENCE AND for sab all over the city Robert 11. T.item. real etiate dealer. No. 1 York street, wet. TIMBER, TIES AND WOOD—FOR Kale. <5..100 acres, on Bnab*ard Air Line Railroad, about seventy-five miles from Savannah, and will cut about as follow* 2.OO*. <JUO f*-f*t mill timber, 3o.<JUO croretles, 25.00 U cord* w*x>d lirobston, Fendig A Cos., Brunswick. Ga. ADV KRTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA IX WILL MW PRINTED IN CLA IDV RRTIBISMKNT • *ou:MN , FOR TWO CENTS A word NO Af ! VRRTISKMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 90C. FOB SALK—NIACI&LLAYIOOt'P. FREE^^sXmT^BENZOIN Balm fur chaps and tough skin, given to ! an> lady calling at Persse-’a <lrug store*, i Henry anl A her corn. Ta>,or and Whita ker. IF YOU VE GOT TWO LUNGS LEFT. Hov Rem will tnirc your cough; a dollar taitlD guaranteed to cure or m<#ney re funded. Parma's Irug stores. FOR SALK. CAR HORSES Jt 'HT AR rlved; auttabie for the* . several nice ponh s. S. 11. Zouck*. manager TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH buy* the only factory In thh cMy, worth 515.000. Addrees Box 12*. COWS. WITH YOUNG CALVES. FOR sale Call 471 West Boundary street, me them. ADVERTIBEMENTB SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTiSKMKNT TAKEN FOR LttdS THAN IOC. FOR M ALE—*ll*f S;LI. %% WOll. C A It HY^A fine line of fire proof safe* In stock at all time* The ion ilea can see exactly what they are gritting Our prb'e* are at low a* manufacturer * w-li it. stih freight add ed Parties intere*te). who wish a good fire proof safe, will do well to Inspect mi,* *Um k IJppOMM UpfMME Nock, arenta fer manufacturer*. ■■■sm HO AUDI At. ItEFIN EI. tYRTPLB •!< G ENTIRE nun can g*t Urge room with (tret • lama table lioanl. Address Reilublt*. HI tIM M 4 H4YI L;jl. ~~TdVTg777si^m'Pnth ITAIM WILL HE PRINTED IN (*I-AS SI FI El ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN 1 "it TWu CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJBSS THAN 90C. HIM KbLtNKOUa. HOT AIIC AND I^^PsTvPE^iTpßA?’ IPS Al-St GRATES AND PARTS I*l T IN AND REPAIRED P II KIER \ \ \ lo ST ATE HTWtCUT, WRIT. WE CAN REPAIR ANY' STOVR ni.ub’, all work done by expei|r*nced workmen md guaranteed; will take your obi *tov in 1 v tan.." isi anew one A. C. lYit •• v •41 Stntt* tuul JcfftMOOn streets, ’phone* WE ARE 1111A IQf • a RTEHS FO’X sewer pip. !ir brick fir* clay, od* ant varnlsbt t gi\e us a all Adam* P |nt Company DON'T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your lurnltim relaying your car |ieta or matting Perry \ B* nton will re lieve you of all thal trouble OUR GERMAN HEADY MIXWD paint i* ** Id under a guarante*'. hsvf vour liou-. imlttted with It Avj ii*4 Paint Com pany RING UP GEORGIA OR BELL ■phone*, for gl* m intel '. 4'bimneva. etc.; • will d<* (In rest, inante; 10 15. 90, 2ft and .: 4 nth A •’. Price a (*<, State an l Jefferson atreetO. M *RK THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS .11 every dlP*i <f your harl*earnrd hard cash nt tlie Southern Grterry Company, 111 Barnurd atrnat PEI4I4Y A BENTON 130 STATE street, west, will move pa k ship nr atora iour furniture at abort notice; lo ren ovate your old niaurmsea at IStla coal. Hell ’phone 1124 WANTED ONE THOUSAND HUN gry (eople at the Southern Grocery Com pany, lit Bernard street A FULL LINE OF ORATES JUST received will sell any of the * pv*i# part** Adams Paint company. 101 C< n greH street, west. rON’T FAIL TO SEE OUR LINE OF Bathtub#: they are tip to date; r**tmate* cheerfully furnl*lud 4n anv kind of plumldng w rk A C Price A <Y>., State and Jefferaon etreeta; 'i*hon*# RS. REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES *y Investing vour tmrd-earnrd hast cash *!th th# Southern Orocery f*om(jany, 114 Barnard afreet ADVERTISEMENTS BFT IN OAP WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAff STFIBD ADV’RRTISE.MENT COT.UMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR Llflff TR AN Vic NOHWOOD'S BOOK." “MOTHER GOOSE CURVED.” Fur sal# at al! N* wra Stand* in Savavmali. bKUAb NOtlt US. NOTICH ($' FIIUIT MEETING OF Creditors. In the Diet net Court o(f the United Stage* for the Eastern Dtvteem uf the Southern Ik strict of Gecwgia, in Bankruptcy. In tin mutter of J L Jay and D B. Jay. Bankrupt, tn Bankruptcy. To th* ('redl tors of J L Joy am! D. H. Jay, li iving t*en pattnore under the firm name of J L Jay A Son of Fitagenald, In the county o' Irwin, and <i4etrict afore said, lankM|ite: N<#tk*e la hereliy given that mi the 10th day of I>4***mtM*jr. A. D , nso the aald J L Jay am! I>. B. Jay were duly adJudloMed hartkrupUi, and the first m.-* ting of their cradttora will ta held at Italnbrkftge, (la., in 4'oiirt Hmrwe, oti if*' 21th * lay of l#*-4*fnter. A 0.. 1900, at 9 o’clock In the forefi4rn. at which time the aaid creditor* may attend, prov th**F claims. M(*|Milut h trust!**, # xutnii v tlx lMinkru,>t.. xiid tranintci mirti irt t>u*l- Hi. may proprrly <*mm twfore wilt, m-tlm; J. D. IIAHKKI.I., Rrfmt In n iiikruptcy. Haliihrl.lj;*. (ta.. ra..-. ,0. I*oß. (SK< )l(< iI A. CHATHAM COUNTY.— \ltv iKimlhai Miirk-n >ia appli-A to th- Couri of Ordinary (or a tw.lve month. ■Mimiuri for hoanlf aiwi minor chll.h'rn out of tlif. ralHtn of John Murk*n, dr. I Appralwr. havn mafia mlurna a)k>wln Hffl' Tlifw are. therefore, to dt. all whom tt may fxmeern to a [i|>f-ar 1 a- 1 < rr. Mild t’ourt to rrHikr ohjertlon on or before the ft rat Monday In January nexi, othmalae aumn will be •rano-l Wllneaa. (he Hon. Hampton 1* YerrtM. ordinary for Chatham ifounty, Ihla the 3<ilh day of Novernlu-r 1440 FRANK K. KKI I.RACH. f-lerk (7t Ordy . C. C. OROROIA. CHATHAM COUNTY*— Whurnn. t.avlnta Wltllamn hae aitflted lo Court of Ordinary for letter* of ndmln- Iteration on the relate of Amelia lfOdunt. deraaaad. Tltee are. therefore tf> rite and ad monleti all whom It may concern to be and appear hr for. .aid court to make ob jection (If any they havel on or before the first Monday In January next, other wise .aid letter* will he cratMed. Wltnee*. the Hon. Hampton Lf. Fetrlll, Ordinary for Chatham County, thla the *)ih day of November, 1400. FRANK K. KKILRACH. Clerk Ot <>rd'y, C. Cos. OBOnOIA. CHATHAM COINTY.- Whreeue, WMilam M Davldnon haa ap plied to Court of Ordinary for letter* of mlmlnlMratton on the ealate of K Ichard Tfirner. decenaed. These are. therefore, to elte and ad mon lh all whom It may concern to tie and appear before paid court to make objec tion (If any they havel on or before the ftrat Momlay In January next, ottiorartap wild letter* will be a’anted. Wltnei—t. the tlon Hampton U Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham County, thhi tha |th day of November. l*oh FRANK K KKIUIACH. Clerk ft. Ordy. C. On. oioBOIA CHATHAM COUWTYe- When* William I. \Vake4ee ha* aiipHed to Court of ordinary for letter* of ad min!*! rat lon to !*u* to Jordan F. Hraoke. county administrator, on the estate of John U. Carter, deceaeed. Then, are, therefore, to elte and ad - monish all whom It may concrn to be and appear liefore najd court to make objec tion lit any they have) on or. before the llrut Monday lit January, next, otherwlee raid letter* will lie (ranted With.-**, the Honorable Hampton I, Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, thl* the Kkh day of November. I*oo FRANK K KBLBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord - y. C Cos. NOTTCK TO DRBTORS AND ( R*n. ITORJ4. OBOR<IIA-CHATHAM COUNTY - No tice I* hereby Riven to all peraon* h, 14 denwnd* attain*! John Murken, late of •■ltd county, decea.-ed, to prteent tnam to me. protterly made out, within the lltrta pretwrlhMl by law. no aa to how their character and amount; and all ie. na tiHlehted to *ald deeen*. .1 are r-quirt and to make Immediate payment to tne. , MRS. DOROTHEA MCRKRN. KxtvutrtK •availnah, OA, Nov, 16, IW, 3