The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gTfjc fftofning | Kcto§. rntaig >••• HuiiJla*g nvmnti>h* On, .©%TI 111* %1 . OKI CVHKN I.V I MOO. llfflitirrei) at th© PottoM t* In I 441. MOM MM. Ni;n and rvrr> da)' in the y<ar, and *r©i t-> t\l>er* • the city, or tni by , cm • moot;., M) fcr *.x fnoiitlu, ®, a (5.420 far ot, year. int: non mm. >i:h h, by nxill. *i* times a twiti.oul HanUy U*c). mite month % |i >*. U taontui, on > t ar M 00. tHK wekkm two toiaw • iMonday aid Tfeu;*lay) by mxl, u p year. It U). tsuoarrtptions piyible In H*** m.t t • mwi. v order, ohftt'k or regtit red Je.t* :. t’u.'ieney tent I>f mall at rt-*k of render. Transient advert . othtr thvn ft ial eolumn. local or readlOK nolle#*, a ' n ents .tii I * heap or aat.t damn, it a Lr.o. Fourirtii ll*.e of a;ate typo equa. to orp md h In depth—l* ‘b aixi.trd of m* a-iirement. Contrac r *’eo . Ui - ount)* made known on ar pleat lon bu. nos*. fTi * 4rdeis f r delivery of the Mora n Nw to i!h* r residence or rlsce <*' I u.-dnt *an be mad# by mU or 1 y tele I hor.e No 2!(>. Any Irregular ! In daliv- > should be Immediately reportal Letters and telegram# should t>© ad and er-t l "HOKKhti MJgH, H# nsh tia UAtTF>H\ OFFH F, 23 T rk U w. New York city 11. C. Faulkner, Manager INDLX 1U MW ADUKIISEMLXIS. Meetings—B toi’k holders Savannah. FI or- 1 )<b and Western Hallway t’omiany, n Chapter No. u. H A. '* Special Notices—Election of City Print er. B|wcUl Notice a?* to Street Hallway Kranchl'* A Feiv B.aats on Our Own Trumpet. John T. Evans. Fine <ood* for To-day, Drayton Gor* ery Company; Best M<ats, Scott A lavli The Old Reliable. A!. 8. Gardner; Regular Christmas Din* I dots. Sn Francisco Restaurant; Venison, J|| J. Joyce; On. Tan-Inch Hteam Shc*- tiun Feed, Btc.. Vale Royal Manufactur ing Company ; Cold Weather Is On. John Funk. Business Not lcew-~ Franklin, Ih. New Cigar, We Roast Coffee. Henry Solomon Ac Son; Cut This Out. The 8. W. Branch 4 *0 l< Notice*—J. h Jay & D. B. Jay Bankrupts. sp* ‘ta .es. tikisses. Oraptiophone*. Rec ords. Etc.—At Livingston's Two Pharma edes. Amusements—"A Rutin way Girl.'* at Theater Dec. IS. Mabel Paige In “Tom Sawyer" at Matinee, and “The Brand of Cain" at Theater To-night Mineral Water— Huayadt Juno*. Grape-Nuts- Postum Cereal Company. Whisky* Yellow laibel Whiskey. Cheroots—Old Yirginl.i Cheroot*. ‘Medical—Lydia l*lnkham's Vegetable Fills. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Warner's Safe i'urr, Dr. Hathaway Company; Tutt's l*lbs; Ayer's 'Jth Century Year-Book. Cheap Column Advertisement*—Help Wanted: Employment Wanted; For Hen.. For gale; Lo*t; Persona.. Miscellaneous, The tVrsthrr. The Indications for Georgia to-day are for generally fair weather, with iissht •iorth**aterly winds; and for tonl©ri Kim Id*. generally fair tuither, with light northerly winds. The a awl rail trust hae a protpwotP year ahead of it. Th announcement is nw*d** that already the truxt has orders on its book- for I.OOMOD tons of steel rails, to b* delivered during th- year lkui. A few day- ago It w a* announced by the advo< ate* of the *hip-*ub*fily hill th,H ex- Precld'Ot Harrison , tn favor of ruch subvention*, and In speech deliver'*! in 18X8 had advocated 4been. G. n. Harrison dimes that he occupies, or ever occupied, any euch paattlon. He declares that he lias never don* or said anything tlvat should lead any person o suppose that he lavor*<t the hifi-*utMldy litll. Whatever may be the case elsewhere. It ,mim that marriage is no 4 a tellur.- ki Canada, except in a very f*w Instances. 1 la#*i yti.r -i.ciMun the whole Dominion, only seventeen hili* of .llvorce were granted, and during the past thirty-two war, only 371 couples have been divorced in Canada. In Prince E-lward Island ; with a population of U'.tW'. there lo*s not j been a divorce tn thirty years. The holiday demand for new. bright 1-cart piece* Is taxing the rc-ource* of the government. The Phllodalphla mint baa fourteen '•olning m* hlne* workinc | overume In an efTorl to supply lh' ds inand. Th* rate ol coinage lately tia, Im aM'.OCU roins a day, acd an effort I lielng made lo Increase It t<v Mt).<**>. A feature of t!te demand this year t, that tn* Wsat and the Bouih. which formoily bandlrd few coin* of smaller denomm •- tion than th* nickel, are now calling tor uets The member* of the Georgia la-*ljliv tur* must be enjoying the current ,e,*ion immensely. During the first week or two of th* *• scion they wore comptimen *1 with reception* at all sorts of street and local fairs, with free rail rood possos and tree tickets to all of tlie attractions; and now they are winding up their work t oyster roast* and beer gussllng- For two houi* on Wedneclay aftetmoun a. cording to the lnfottnaflon In th* pub lic prints, the legislator* were the gue*i of the Atun a Brewing Company at it plsnt, where they ate oysters and drank beer to their heart*' content. Il Isn't often :hat a rwnk make* moil-y through being beaieged by ciciltors a.I m, xlous lo draw tlielr money out, but that l* w.vat has occurred In th* < o* of th* Harlem Saving- Bank In New York For mm' una oumable reason, and without any good excuse at all, a run upon the bank wus started a day or two axo, and several hundred depositor* wit i drew their money. It wa only • few days until ta* tim# for computing the k'trrest ot, <i< isjsitt. The bank pay* 4 per cent. on cuiwuint* up to Fur. and mi amount* above ttmt rum. By reason Of the withdrawal* ol deposit* before the ttro* Interest wa* due. tn* bank will save tsousands ol dot.era In ln.erest money. Meanwhile it 1* a* solid wa * rock. If - malicious person* star.ed the rume** Akrhia-h resulted in the ri ihej Uijuri t % sfrriltt l\ FOR THE CANAL. T . option of the Davis acueisiment to the Hay-Pauncefote treaty Is a s*t t: k fur the N aragua caiasi pro)* t. It I- admin I that If would hardly he u.-* to undertake the construct log of Lie cunnl without an understanding with Great Britain with regard to it. Theft- is no duuot ihat the CUyton-Bulwer treaty Is In full force. That treaty provide* i at neither the United Htat* s nor Bri tain will ever obtain or mstrit iin tr It self on> exclusive coatroi over the aid .'*dlp eaual" and that “neither wld ever erect or ruaintaln fortification ommuinl ing the same.** The Iliy-Pauncefote treaty modifies that trial) so ■* io |ermii the Cnited Htaies to construct the canal and i otuyol if. but iro^ •• - for it n utrailty m lime of war as well as In tini* of p*ace. The Davi- n change s this treaty so as to give t..♦ I idled hlate> ire right io clote the <anal whenever they t..nk U <i vlsabl- t< k for their own •Uftne’ or the preservation of public order. l*nP r this imendmen: the United Slate* rniK it itot have tne right to fortify the :aual. but they would have the right to ■plug it up" whenever they < on •■dered It to do so for their own defense. At the ts'gln tiiiig of ta* present session of Congress It was thought that there would be very little dri.iy in h ginning wUK **h fit* Nt tragu ii a:ial. It was believed thwt about was out tjf the way ol pv >asy le*i“ iilon, and that h Altai bill would be pasrd teforf the end of the *♦ i. Now the . anal's pnitp*fcts are by no means promUiug tit'.it Britain u. > anr*- nl to the n Irri gation of t!•* CUyton4lulwer treaty or -lie may b to accept th* D.ivis amer.dmer.t to the lliy-Pauncefote treaty, hut II will take time to arrive at nn un der* tandit. with m*r In regard to either the tt ty or the amendment. T:v very gemrat o|lnPat in Washing on -** m- to be she will not be Willing to rnak* any more concessions than those which arc contained in th© llay-F**uncefote treaty. We can of course go ahead and bul.d the canal. J> t a- If there were no such thing a* the dayton-Bulwtr treaty, but tnat might mean • war that would cost several times u much a* the proposed tnul. and it might also delay the build ing th* canal for many years. It may be that the ciayjon-Buiwer treaty was a stupendous blunder, hut that doc* not l tcr the fact that it Is in exisieniV and in full force. The wiser plan would lw* to get it out of the way before there 1* any canal legislation. A* Io th.- tv!Adorn of tho Dvt, om.-n.l mtnt, thrro l a coiiMderiibln .llffpr. nr, of oi>inton throughout h<* t-ountry. Ih thoucht lim b.-t thrown out that much of til.- ot>iK>*ttion ,o the H.y-l‘Bunccfotc treaty In lh Keii.te is vtuo ,o the fact that Mr. Hay. Secretary of Ktate. neo tlat.'.l It without conaultltiir any of the Hepublicun leader, of tt‘a hody or sith vut .aylaa anything to the number* of Ihe Commutes oi Foreign Hetationa with regard to It. It can hardly he. however, that there i* any foundation for the •lory. Henator* would not jeotwrdile " gieai |>ut>Uc work almply becutue they (elt that they liad not twen ahown proje er conelder.itio 1 the ImtnUtrailon No doubt the vote on the Imvla amend ment wit hawed on the feeling that an I -ihim.iN .n . exelu.-lvely under the con trol of tho fnHed dtate* soukl be more In harmony with the m-tu, of th. Ameri can people. u 114:111. Tilt: HI. tHE ItF.9TW. From -ill we have sen In ihe public print* about the matter 11 etm to u ;hat the filaui fur the failure of the Ai antH .)■ :>t bIH to pa-* re-.* upon Ir.e llnriy legislator* who thought more of g'-tung their dinner* than of the iH-opt. , interests when the depot bill was put upon It* passage. If lh. y had waited uti til the vole wa* taken the bill would have passed the House, If statement* rel ative to the matter are to be cred ited. and. having passed Ihe liouee. It would -lave met With very little oppoM iinn procablv in the Benate. Thera w< te strong arguments In fsvor of the bill, ii*l, as lar a we observed, only one ngainst It. namely, that the state’* money could not I*- constitutional ly used lor suen a purpose. That argu ment was met, however, by the opinion Of tne Attorney General, who hi-kl that the money of c tie- stale could be used ns provhled tn the btli. By building a depot 'w ith the money that I* now drawing only 2 per cent, in slate depositories, ihe slaie would have made a very good investment, and. that too. without taking any n*k Tlie depot would have been worth all It cost, and more too, at the time the state money woukl have been needed for buying stale j ooiKts. iiti'l the stale would have had It* : money wllh Interest thex-on. Not ! would the state have gain'd a line depot ; proiverty, but the v.ilut of the stale's railroad would have been greatly In creased. We lo not think loose who opposed th* depot scheme ate to blame for :he cout* • they pursued, provid'd ihey aci'sl con ,ci> tind w. hive no reasop to doubt that they did. twit the people of the whole fiat have good ground for complaining of those numbers of Ihe le ;- irlutut. who considered their dinners of more imponan ■ than the fnte of the bill. The tiulleiiii of the Census Bureau giv ing In detail thr data ol |>opula ion lor Georgia shows that of the 137 counties tn tlie state, all but Itlnc have Increased In population during the pad ten years. Th counties showing the large,t increase* during thi- dread jll -Ituatc I m South Georgia, are a* follow-. Colquitt, hv> t | r cent.; Irwin. US; Tattnall. 99.1, tsiuren*. SI. Johnson. 8e; Worth, 85.7; Telfair. *4; Berrien. 817. and Montgomery. 78.8. The Counties which shovv-d a 'i’crca-c in |iop uiatiun weir all north **f the Imaginary dividing fine Hun run* through M ■ ton The average number of person* to the square mile of territory in (• orgla I* now 27 5, against an average of 31.1 ten years ago. Anew army * an.lal 1* *pi arvntly brew ing In the government storehouse at th • Schuylkill arsenal. Philadelphia. It i* si nged t hat many thousand* of dollars' worth of Inferior bLnk'is. shirts. Hous er* sad other wupplte*. which do not come up to the governmaiil : n lard, have passed the inspector*. !*?*n paid for an I *re now stored In the ars'-agl. An Itv ligation by the department I* now g inr forward. If may he that a eongrcasaMial mvcatfgstton will b* deirvan THE MORN’NO NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER I>, UK)O. itor.H* i'll til. tit roar tif tt tit. 1? ii tn* purpo © * f thft British govern m-nt to make the lee r* bear a part of t m oo t •>( the .-v-'Utli Afrktl war It la not clear, tiowever, how they are *Oll ■ . • Hmm tot I- -5. ft • anotmo t*. A* *tate.l toy n Idle ral men, he, of I'.rlnmrnt It I ff’Hn 1 ” and the wor It not yet end- -1 The Tranavaal U not a rt.-h country Almiit the only tource Irnm which tho ItrttPh van get any Income from It la the gold mine#, and caplMllat* In Ku mainly In Kngiand. and itouth AlH c.i own them. Il will he a difficult mat ter to make them pay more thin they lltink they ought to iay II haa been pointed out trial they Will control In Booth Africa, and th.y will make it trou.Ue •om< for flieat Britain to collect rxc*- olve t *xe* fmm them. The Tranavaal government levied a rate of taxation on the mine, that aa regirvl e.l aa excosalve. That 4t one ol the cauae, which lrd to th. war. sfhe mm- - owner* objected to the heavy burden which the Boer government place.) upon them. If the Hrltli-ii government make* the burden Mill heavier It will have the capital!*4* io tight. a well a* the Ho rs The linanci* minister of the Brit) h government *ay* that It 1* not the pur pose io put heavier butden* on the lloora than they -,r*' able Io hear. The Boera. he ea>may not be able, for a year or two, to contribute anything toward liqui dating the .leht, tout he think* fney wll be a* the reeourecs of their country are developed li looka however, very much a* if the ltritlah |>eople would have to pay the dent, while the* wouWl reap the te-nofll of the war. t ill- ' a compromise of aome kind la n.-id* it la golnir to coat Orest Brilain an Imm-ii-e aunt to nailntaln it* authority Id -.e Tranava.ll. And Ihl* expenae will extend over a aerlea of yeara. Thl* cos: la one m*-nrla-r of Parllameqt i* eadmat ed lo be aa r.t aa IJi.OUc.O*' a year That la a* much a* the entire TTn*vaal government coat under Boer rule. Thl* autn ad.led to the coat of carrying on a government will lake about all of the rev enue that can t*e raised In the Tranavaal It la not. therefore, eaay to ■>• how- it will be pn*‘ble to make the Tranevau contribute anything toward the w ar deb: I'inler the cireumetancca, It la not atrange that there la a strong oenttmewt growing up In Ihigland In favor of making aicne aort of a com prom l*e with the Boer*. X MC\ Kilt. I HIKtiB There ha* lu*en *cime dlc<*e*ton recently aa <•> which I* Ihe wlckedeat city In th. I iuie.l Btati**. A certain New York city police nuiglatrate and other* have made ilumwlve* hump-ahouldered In bending over and conning stallalica In an effort to show by ligurea that Ihe blue ribbon for wlckednesa should Is* awande.l lo aome municipality couth of the famous Mason and l>i*on line. At thl* Juncture. I however, cornea the ofTi- lal report of Pres ident Frank S Ha-tlng* of ihe ln.ll.inap olia t.a* Company, which tn effect brand* lndlana|*di* a* b*dng a community of tw-raon* who unlawfully appropriate ihe pri|a-rly of other*, and are therefore. In vigorous Ktiglish. thl.-ves, Indlarvaivoli* is a city of upwards of 189.- I 000 Inhabltoixt* among Ihe number being included ex-Prealdent Benjamin Harri son, Own John C. New and a number of other* well known to politic*, together with a full complement of preacher*, law. ; yer*. doctors, teacher*, merchants, club | m*-n, etc.; nevertheless their are no ex | .-option* made by IToaldent Hading* In lavor of anybody. On the other hand hi i report speclrt'-ally alate* that "county building*, city officials, lawyer*, church**, minister* of th.- go*|* 1, physician*, *rvtot ted*, and *ont< of Ihe mo*t prominent r-atdent* and business house in Ihe city of Indianapolis" are among those who • have been rolvbtng the *a* company And i*o extensive have hen the robberies. Preaid*nt Hasting* assert*, that the coin. ■ pany ha* been compelled to pas* Its dlvl | .lends Indetinltely. Not only thut. but ' lher* appear* to be no hope for the bet terment of the condition of affairs, since. ! all classes tx-ing partle* to the robbery, there 1* little likelihood of getting the municipal coun.*ll lo jai- l.w* that will stop the evils complained of Indianapolis I* supplied with natural ga* by President Hastings' company. No meters are used lor the measurement of the gs. but charge* are based upon the number of burner* used, each burner be ing set to consume u given number of feet of *a* In a specified time. President Hasting* saya that throughout the city all classes of consumer*. Including those mentioned, have "bored out ' their burn, rr* so that they would consume much more than the number of feet of gas cal culated upon, without agreement with or corresponding return to the ga* company. The re*uk ha* been a decrease In the company'* earning*, a diminution in th" avaiiabl* supply of ga* and a decline in the value of gas atock in the market- In the face of Ihl* report, h seem* to be "up to" Hu city of Indianapolis to do or say something to show that President Hailing*' charge* are largely go*. A ludicrous "flag Incident" oeoured In the course of the capttui celebration in Washington the other *lav. In decorai tng the'hail of the House, the flag, of all nation* were used. It chanced that the British flag hung from ihe President'* gallery llepre-en at ve Reeves of Illinois mw 14 there before the crremonle* began, and Instantly Jumped to the eoneiuwion that some wicked und designing D. mo rat ha* put II on the President's gallery for the purpose of lendtnc color to the storw of an alliance with England. Hr <om rnnnl'ats*l hi* fe.irs to tipwker llender >n, who irrtrd with him. and ordered the colors tak-n down. There was no tune to remove them, so they were nastily cov ered wth an American flag. Then, when e:h<r Republican* come in and *w that every nal.on except Great Briyfin wit represent- 1 in the flat!* u-ed In the dc o'u *lOic-. they con lud< I at once that the wicked Democrat* had done the thing In order to make It appear that the admin istration had deltb* rutt ly offered an af front to the English government and peo ple. A discovery of gold In tne *e.i sand* of New Jersey Is reported. This reea.le lh* (act. by th' wav. that a year or *o act I man of the name of Rov Mr J. rnlaan announced that he had discovered gold, he' In the sea sands, but In the sea wa r of th* Massachusetts coast, - m i -a method tor getting the gold oo*. ,r.d he s.ioeeeoed In selling large bl - is of "fork In a company he formed lo many cduiou* Investor*. TftlE STATE FAIR. Il will b*- Md from an Uiurview wifh Mr. John K. YiHiim. which w. iMibJwh this mornlnic. that Va t. If very drslr out of havmg tht rtiat© Fair another >ftir. Trial progri ntl 4 . ** An 4 tnrlviOu - Georgia city, at area* e*i©jr to her*lf, ma*k a ju< .©a* of the lair th*© yeaf—a very not. -hut. owing to th Utgf outlay for buiklmiKft on other iu ptoveciiftrta, hi*r receipt* wire not quit© nufUoicnt to n**t all of .icr ex penaes. Bh*- now ha* the ftilr groun*V?i anti buiklingH. and another fair uoimal i-rmblft her to pay her outstanding obU g-itiorj’* incurred this >**ar end natu* so*n n turn to those who have given tne fair th*- neeceisftr.y financial support. Would il not he h enerour action on th* part of Savannah to witndraw from the cont*t for th© fulr for next year with th understanding that she wll; make an effoF to gei it the fo .owing >car? It seems s> to us. We .lo not know how th* commit!** wilt, h ha* the mattsr in marge will feel with regard to this suggestion. It has don* considerable work and has been quite su .eesful tn soliciting subscription*. We are surr however, that If the suggestion Is .ippravn] Savannah'* cour*< In she mat ter will be appreciated by Valdosia and the itouih Ueorgt.i counties wnlch I ccntiibutrd to th* succes* of this year a I fa.r Savannah's Interests are so inter woven wttn tiioee of Kouth Georgia that | she take* almost a* mu- h interest in th* nflwtr* of oth, r Nnsh tj,s>rgta towns a.- I In tier own She felt a prbb- in Valdosta - |* with the State Fair th.* year, and she feel* sure that If she gets the fair another year she will make a still greater suct-cus of it "The representative merchants of New York." say* the World of that city, "atV strongly in favor of a parcels-poet sys tem ' tjulte naturally. Tney are the proprietor- of Mg department storea, whose mall order dt part meals would be immensely iiencflted o> the parcels po*:. But the represenlatlve merchant* of the country—the merchant* of ttie smaller dtlea, towns, village- and cro*s-rxads. who outnumber Hie merchants of New York l<s> to I—are not in favor of having tlsmselve* taxed by ho government to supfiort a parcej*-pu*t system whlcn would operate to take their trade away from them. At present there 1* a large annual deficiency is the Po-toffice I>e partm.nt which must be mod* up from the ruhh treasury. The postal service ought to b made self-sustaining l*-fort there Is talk of still further Increasing Mb cost; and then a large and patriotic por tion of the |Mqiulalton ought not to he taxed for ihe support of an institution that would Injure If not destroy their means of earning a living. Philadelphia I* now making arrange ment* fur establishing a line of fUiorn hlp* to New Orleans. The movement tn favor of the new line is receiving much encouragement from Philadelphia mer chant* and capitalists. "This has been brought about." says a dispatch to he New York Commercial, "by the gr-at success attending the line betweeu Phil adelphia and Savannah." IM.IIMVXAL. —lt has alw.i-s Iveen the custom In Del aware for the Governor to take the oath of office on an old Latin Bible, now so sacred >■ keep aka that It is kept In a fire proof case In the stale library. But Gov.- elect Huinin is a Quaker, and wtll only make affirmation. —"lt wtll insslbly startle Ihe Emperor William," saye the lavndon Echo, "to learn that he has ticcu found guilty, by an Industrious enumerator, of the deliv ery of no fewer ttv,ll 7)W spec ie * in the course of the lasi ten years, Thi* works out an average of nearly a speech .md a half a week of the decade and Is a de cidedly liberal allowance, even for a sov ereign whose extraordinary fluency Is said to la* moie embarrassing lo the ateno grapherw than it lias occasionally been to his ministers." —"Holger Drachmann. the Danish poet. Is ouo of the most attractive pc;sociali ties in Scandinavia," says the laHtdun Chronicle "lie I* unusually lull and of striking appearance. and bus. In spile of his fifty vear* and his white hslr. kept his soul young. He can still loathe and love a boy of 3>—a. Hue vagabond. rov ing spirit, who never tamely submit el to the laws of man. Ha has always hid ihe courage of his opinion*, and ha* suc ceeded in spite of them—much to the dis gust of Mr*. UrunJy and her family." —Mayor-elect Poor of Haverhill. Mass., is a genuine workingman—a shoe-cul er by trade, who has worked for years at the lien eh. and has saved a little compe tence from his ea ntng-. Hi-I-ve the town of Bradford was annexed lo Haverhill, he ma'ie a re**otl the. e a* selectm tn for up r.ghiness and Ju lament The funny th ng at out hts election Mayor Is that the tinrlalisl* attacked him a* not ladmi a • ntilne Lboringman. ivoau,* h<> doe, nut belong to any labor union, although I e has for year* worked in the sann- shop and UI her precisely ihe same conditions a- Bradley, whom the Socialists ran for Governor. 4 4 Hit ENT 4'4>MMKVr. The Norfolk (Va I Landmark (Dem i *.i>*: "If England were an easy Island 10 invwde. sb< would long ago have been overrun by continental irmtc.-; for tin-re Is no question that *)>•■ has been cordially disliked by Ihe other European nation* for the better pari of th*- last four cen turles. Some day the continental powers may combine against Great Brttuin and ovei whelm her by main force, hut there Is not one chance In a hundred that any single one of them, or even anv :vn of tnem. could do It now Talk like Gen. Merrier - a is very cheap. The French armv was ‘."tixtne with It when laiuls Napoleon m.i'b his disastroti- attack up,n I'russia " The Üblladelphi i Time* 4ltem.) says "Con*re,- my os well save Itself lire trouble of discussing how to reduce the turpUis. Tho simple answer to this qu. -- tion 1* like thot r.lven to the smu i lo> who bes|HTke the cor* of the ap.'t--: 'Then ain't giiln* to be no core.' The various spproprlsilon bills provl-h that then li 'd "■ no surplus. They fool up J7r... ~ki -XV). or *STWU*o m-ire than the lll>erai appropriations of this year. 'Til's do-■ not -ount either ship-canals or subsidies. U ms iule prevails of passing the appro priation* •* rci-orted. ths problem will he not to rsdine th' revenU' but to In crewse It.” The Houston (Tex.i Post (Dem.) says ".Senator Towns of Minnesota wtll be In the Senate long enough at any rate to vote against a *hi|-*ob,ldy bill ami a big army-o record tvhich van always be pointed to with pride." The Greenville (tt. 0.1 New* (Den; ) say*. Mr. Brian I* In favor of fighting 11 out on the same line if it takes th* whole ot th* iwsoUeik century." Why I lark Wall IMajlu*. once upon a time Senator Clark of Wyoming was a baseball fan He atilt re members when he played upon a nine tn opposition lo the famous Forest CUy Club of lb* klord. 11l . of which A G. Spal ling was the pitcher, on the same nine wera Horne*, who became the great shortstop of the Boston*, and King, who ntode a reputation In New Orleans as a catcher Senator Clark has not. however, played hail for many year*. Thereby tang* a story. He wa piaylng bull one day, shortly after he was married, and his wife was watching the gam* fiom the grand stand Clark lilt u foul, the ba.l went spinning Into the grand stand, and by a most remarkable eolncUlence, hit Mr* Clark, not <i,inarroui>. but enough to give her a severe brui-e. From that day ■o thl- Hrrvator Clark lia* never had abut in his hand. He spoke to the € narl. “An old darky's ceiemonlou* politeness broke up ihe dignity of an kiaxtem Shore Court In my younger days." said Mr. Alonso I. Miles, counsel to the Hoard of Police Commissioners, according to the Baltimore Hun "Judge Goldsboro was on the bench at the time, and one of the lawyers engaged In the case was the late John W. Crte rteld. for many year* one of the leaders of the Maryland tar Tn old negro-one of the picturesque and exceedingly poll:* ante-bellum darkles— was giving hi* tes timony, and while talking turned his back on the Judge and addressed himself to Mr. Crtsfield. The latter noticed It. and in a quick and rather peremptory way interrupt'd the old negro nr.d -a.d " ‘Hpeuk to the Court, Tom. speak to the Court." "Turning around, old Tom mad* a low, courtly bow to Jt*!ge Goldsboro, and susi, In his politest tones; •' 'Good m.■ wilin', Court "Then he turned hi* back to the bench again, satisfied that he had 'tone the pro|ier thing In the proper manner, while the Court and p< ctaturs roared. Judge Goldsboro delighted lo tell the story to ! the day of his death." Her Art Mss Wasted. "Talk about copluroy roads." said a young actress who played here lasi week, reports the Washington Post, "Just let no- tell you shout the Jolt the rhumb# - maid dealt me thl* morning. She his been letting me overdraw tny towel ac count right along so I felt that 1 was due to show my appreciation, and 1 gave her a pass to the show. She h>J a seat juwt lo leeward of the orchestra leader, .nil I copped her out for my bull's-eye the minute 1 came on I don't want to give myself a curtain call, but 1 do get them g.dng the minute ! cut In. tn that part, and there'* something doing the wh -le ; time I am on the stage. I worked over - | time last night showing that chmlr- I maid Ihe rea; tldng I war I wa* the whole programme with foomotes 1 made | the hit of my life. This morning 1 met her In the hall. "Did you enjoy the performance last night?" 1 asked, giving her the cue to hand roe out a few well-chosen testi monial*. •* o, ye,.' said she. T thought It was lovely!' " Did you- I asket. getting ready to how my thanks. •• -My. ye*.‘ "he went on. ‘I liked It ever so much. Th* scenery was Just per fectly grand.' '* linn ii" Didn't Have l r Fare. Two United States senators, one many lim'-, a millionaire and one a rich man. Sjys the New York World s Washington special, demonstrated to strtet car full of people the otner day that great wealth •toe* not necessarily mean large sums up on the person. They hud but three cents In cash Iwiween them. sh rotor Hanna gut on an F street oar on the way down from the Capitol The conductor came along for a ti* ket or fare. Hanna fumbled In his pocket*, looked sheepish, fumbled some more, and then said a strung' wont or two. The conductor stood with his hand out stretch*.] and said, tn a very bored way "Fare, please." Hanna fumbled some more. It was evi dent that he had neither ticket nor change. "He look'd around Ihe ear. A gool in ii,> of tht passenger* worn sniffing his predicament. Just ns he was about to give up he sp4ed Senator Platt of ''seinec tlcut al th* front end of the car “111, Piatt!" he shouted, "got a ticket?" ibnator Platt awoke Horn his reverie and unwound bin long b-gs. He turned bis vet pocket* inside out. bui found no tickets. Then he went 'town Into his trousers pockets, and tn the course of time thrc pennies dropped lino Mr, Han na's outstretched hand Mr. Piatt's meth ods are very deliberate. He searched aome mete and then said "That's all I've got." "Fare, please." said the conductor somewhat testily. Mr. P.att searched again. Then a broad smile bruke over his lace. He fished up a car ticket and handed it to the conduc tor with the remark: "This gentleman will ride with me." Mr. Ham.a looked relieved. He sat down he*."* the Connecticut Senator and they discussed the surplus until the car turned In*o Fourteenth street. Thr \Y lnd. From the >4yrocue Post-Btarakird. 1 am the Wind. Just plain, ordinary Win!— I ha" plenty of o;her names. The smart reporter Falls m, "Old Bores*." When I waltz through Ihe pines I am the "soughing wind." When I agitate the honeysuckle) I am the "gentle zephyr.” When I cool off the shirt-waist man I am the "welcome breeze." When I pi k up houses tn Kansas And dep sit Hu m In the next county I am Ihe "howling cyclone." When I upset the pleasure yacht 1 am the "treacherous, choppy wtnj," U hen I moke the skipper* Chase fir shore I am the "gale of great velocity"— All the -am* my name Is Wind. And don't you forget thl*. I am ii-eful. yes. Indeed. Why. what w uld a so:moo Amount to without me? Would the long prayer* In the symirogne "ic.ich" If it were not for met? Coukl you pump up your tire. Menial ot ruboer, without me? I don't think 1 am In the stock Of all tlie trust*, i 1 elect Presidents And Governors. Llkewl-e Congressmen. Alsu member* of Assembly. I was In evidence Ihl* fall From the rear car. Also, from the platform. Bryan used a l>-t of me. I also di l som- Uu.-liu -* With Marcus and T ddy. The teii u and soprano Could i.'T commit murder On the high C' i Without me' I squeal In the bagpipe, I rho-tle In the ,-orne!. 1 profuodo In the buss horn, I wall tn the fiutp, I "poom-poom" In the trombone, j ''lf It were not for me How could ihe sweet girl graduate And the *ppy senior. Torture the audience With their ewsayn? Just tell me that A bout the It *t of rveember I go to Washington: i am In e *a' ifi tnunl there All winter In C\ng os*. Don't turn up you: nose at me! I am Wind, useful, busy 1 WUkll -E. C. D. |Ti:s or IATKHKST. —Seven lumber firms In the Boyne val ley region, near Petoskey, Mbit., have reduced the wage* of their men from IN a month and hoaid to lI.K per day. with cn.irges for boarvt and tncldmt!.i!s. which will leave only *l7 40 per month. It I* believed that other employer* whl follow suit. —The white helmet worn by street cleaners In New York, have been made by non-union hti*r*. and in compliance with the urging" of organised labor Commissioner Nagle ha* decides! lo do away wltn ihe offensive heidgear. At the first of Up- year brown hats will he substituted. —Win lon-Sale m, N. C.. is to have a ne gro hospital. The building is to cost llO.tkW), of which sum K. J. KeynoUls. a wmte clllxen, i-onlrlbiited A'l.ono, while the negro** of the community raised tne remainder. The heapnal will la- operated in connection with the Slater Industrial School. —A movement la on foot In New York to have the city buy Faunce's tavern, the sole revolutionary rede in the down town district. It ai there that Wash ington ba<le farewell to his offl • rs, Dec. 4. 1783. the one hundred and seventeenth anniversary of which ha- Ju*t been cete btaied in the historic edifice —A few day* since at Flint. Mich., a United States patent, da led April 17. 1837. xu filed for re ord. It Is written on sheepskin and beat* ho signature of Ptcs ident Van Buren. Tho value of Ihe land patented tit present Is only Hit). Asa souvenir of the past the document Itself would probably bring more money. —Harry J. Kemp of Beading. Pa., has organized a company which will establish at M' Knlght's Gap. near ihe city named, a farm for Iht roaring of fur-bearing ani mals. The promoter* believe that there Is good money In rearing raccoons. o|sj sume foxes minks, musk.ats and skunks, thr skins of which find a ready market. —The Russian government grants suo st'lleM tor the pur|x>se of helping new set tlers. This money Is spent In eneouiag- Ing farming and fruit raising Subven tion* are given for Ihe first six years. During Ihe fol.owtng ten years these sub ventions must be reiwiid in yearly pay ments. Hlnce ISM f3.W5.a00 has been spent in that way. —ln Southwestern Connecticut the trol ley corporations arc planning to constiuct lines reaching from ten to fifteen miles I into the intetlor, away from ihe railway. Thar are t" be built a* to 11. IS. |s-aslble for the farmers to ship tneir milk and farm produce over these trolley lines, | bringing them to the freight yards of the I railroad. —After working as a locomotive engi neer on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for Just hut a century. Joseph We t of I Cumberland. .Md.. lias been retired on pension at the age of 75. In all the years of his employment h>- never receive I the slightest Injury, never had a wreck of any consequence and at no time was a man of Ids crew killed. Six Indian* of the Ponca tribe, from Oklahoma, went to Wichita. Kan., to at tend the State Convention of the Young Men's Christian As- latfcui They w> re only spectators until solicited by she sec retary to Join, when all six of them sign ed their names to ihe pledge and put on while rlbb.m* They are nil young full bloods with long names, —The cows In Belgium wear earrings. This 1* tn accordance with the law. which decrees that every of the bovtnc spedes, when it has attained the age of three months, must have in Its ear a ring, to wnich Is attached a metal tig lieirtng a numl>er. The object m to preserve an exact re -ord of the number of animals raised each yesir. —That Senate customs rarely change Is shown by the two oIJ-f.iahioned snuff box'-s in that chgtoils-i. They are care fully filled to-day as in the days wh ti It was the fasnlon to "snufT." Few of the present mem bars use the b.x,?. though occasionally rwie of the older Southern members will go up. take a ‘ |<tnch" and calmly await the sneexc. —New statistics regarding the greatness of Greatly New York have Just been made public. A student of municipal ma chinery says It I* cost in*? every man. wo man and child 533 93 a year to keep tilings moving. The police department alone costs $3.61 |>er citizen, while the average debt per head Is 173.21. On the oilier hand, the per capita valuation of every rcsldem Is 8.61L97 —The De Haven claim has at last been adjusted ut Washington. This < !aim Is ha'ed on a loan of (.iO.uuir made by Jacob De Haven of Susquehanna. I*u.. to George Washington at Volley Forge In 1777. Jum prior to the civil War It was all but set tied up. but the outbreak of tk>*tilUie* In 18*;i prevented payment. One of the claim ants Is Mrs. G. W Mooney of Hunting ton. Ind.. whose share is <xi>ectcd to be abount B,ono. —While loading logs In Menalten town ship. near Gcttyxburg, Pa.. Charles Woodward broke his left arm and started for the house, two miles away. He had taken his gun with him in the morning In hop* of getting u shot at some game On his woy home h*> caught sight of a young doe. whteh he shot Then, load ing the dead deer on his shoulders, he car ried It lo his homo and had bis broken arm attended to. —While workmen were drilling on oil well In Washington county, Pennsylvania, a chain broke and fell Into the hole. All sorts of plans were vainly tried to get the chain out, and finally W. G. Phillips, a slender youth, had rope tied to his ankles and was lowered he 11 foremost He managed to attach another rope to the chain and it was hauled up, but the rope around hts own ankles almost slipped off while he was being hauled up. —The prairie dog will *jon follow the buffalo out of existence. The Agricultu ral Department has found that the dogs kill the glass and ruin goed grazing land The department s chemists hue, put up a compound which the little beasts will like, bdt which will kill them no less sure ly for all Iht plsosur# that Is claimed to go wllh the process. IPnceforth the deserted rattlesnake will have to live alone. —Seventy ramble* of Boer refugees arc to form a settlement between Hlcksvllle and Syossct. In Nassau county. Long Isi mid Thl- project l twicked by the |to*r Refuge Aid Committee, composed chiefly of members of oM Dutch famllle* In America, who hay* relatives among the Ik-t fighting men and officials. A traet of land which will permit the allotment of tram five to tw.atv-flve acres to each or the seventy famines has been pur chased. —The yearn experiments In tobacco growing In Ireland have been very suc cessful. and the re-ults Sam to show that a* good tobacco can h grown there as In the north of France. L ist summer a half ton was harvested, and I- now being man- Ufa Hired. The experiment wo- carried cn under the supervision of tin Irish Ag. rl'ulturai Organization Twenty-five Plots were planted, all the seedlings being supplied Irom the same nursery Theta war* not available until B month af.e r the best time for planting, o the sue,-*** of the experiment Is regarded as all Ihe mor. gratify Inc Next year operation* , will t corried on on an even m're ex- I tensive sea . and. If the same u • ess I* had. ths question of providing al uwist one new Industry for Ireland will have been zclUcd. A TEXAS WONDER. Hull's Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall a Great rn*. covsry curq* all kidney and bladder iron, files, removes gravel, curs* d.afiete*. sem inal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities oft„ kidneys .md bladder in fiotb men ana wo men. regulates fi.aimer troubles in ctui urtsi. It nut sold by your druggist wi.l be sent by mall on receipt of il. one amah bottle is two months' treatment, and will cur* any case abovs mentioned Dr L. W. Hall, sole manufacturer. I*. O Box 839, Ht. Louis. Mo. Bend for testimonial.. Hold by all druggists and Solomons Cos, Havannah, Ga. Head Thla. Dothen, Ala.. July 13. 1599 Dr. 11. \V. Hall. St. I-out*. Mo-D .- Kir: We have been selling your Tex.i Wonder. Hall's Great Discovery, for two years and recommend It to any one strf. Icrlr.g with any kidney trouble as be;; the liest remedy we ever eold. Y<> irs truly, J. R. YOUNG. till OF HOPE in UNO C J l R-f at UMJI i.x. For Isle of Hope. Montgomery Thunder bolt. Cattle l-atk and Wast Lnd, Dally except Sundays. Subject to cnanza without novice JHDE OF HOPE. Lv t'lty for 1 of H , lv. IGc of Hop* ~ BAt am Tv n;tl j 8 (k> am for B 7 30 am from Tonth | BuO am for T u b *kt am from fenwi 7vO am tor T. nth 3 lo am from Bo.tou J 8 w am lo; 'l ni l 10 30 am from Tenth jlo oo am for Tetuh 12 OU ti n from TANARUS, nth ,U uo am lor [{..non 1 15 pm frvm Bolton JI 3r am for T-n-.h 230 pm from Tenth | 2 00 pm for Tenth 3Jo pm Horn Tenth ; 2 4u pm for 80l n 4 pm from Te.itn | 300 ~m for Tenth s*' pm fiom Tenth | 400 pm for T mb 6Si pm Irom Tenth , BuO pm for T >ii 730 pm from Tenth 7uo pm fot Tec h 830 pm (root Tenth ; t 00 j/m for Tenth 9jo pm from . opm for T*mh 10 30 pm Horn Tenth [lO 00 pm for Tenth |U im for Tenth MONTGOMERY f't M“g rjf Lv. Monigomer, ' JO am from Tenth | 7 14 am for Tenth 83u pm fiom Tenth , 1 lb pm for Teen 83u pnr from Tenth , 800 pm tor T* ta CATTLE i'AUhL Lv city for Cat.lark| Lv. Cartle p drk ~ 8 it am from Bolton j J Ur am tor Button 1 M am from Holton | 8 Uu am fur Bolton 1 ufi pm from Bu.tun | 1 3u pm fur Bolton i Ml pm from Bo.ton j 3 uu pin for Button 7 on pm from Bolton j 7 30 pm tor Buiiou uu pnr irom I token j 8 so pm for Bull n 1 ill NDLHBULT. Cur leaves Button street Junction i U a. tn. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11 St' m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 8:00 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street June lion. FREIGiIT AND T aItl'FL r'Alt This car carries trailer for paseengera on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at Ou a. tn 1 .oo p, m.. 5 oo p. m Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, City Market and ail Intermediate points at <4l a. m.. 11:00 a. tn.. 2:40 p. m. WIT* l .Xl) CAR. Car leaves west side of city market for West F.nd 600 a. m and every *v minutes tlierenfter during the day until 11.30 p. m. Leave, West Knd at 8:3) a tn and e/- ery p> minutes thereafter during th* day until 12:00 o'cloek tn'dnlght H M. IrOFTOV Gen Mnnsger Mercnonis s Miners l r ansporiaiioii Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & PhjSajslphia Ticket* on Sale to All Point* North and West First-class tickets Include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia. Accommodations and culsln# unequaled The steamships of this company ar* *p pdnted to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. TEXAS Capt Eldredge, SATURDAY, Dec. 15. 1 p m. D II MILLER. Capt. Peeers. TIES DAY. Dec. 18. 3: P m ITASCA. Caia. Billups, THURSDAY, Dec. S' 5 p. m. CHATHAM. Capt. Easter. SATURDAY, Dec. 33. 6 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan. MONDAY, Dec. 17. 3 P m ALLEGHANY. Capt Foster, FRIDAY. Dec. 11. 5 pm. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan, TUESDAY. Dec. 25. 8 p. m. Ticket office No. 112 Bull street. J. J. CARuLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agt Savannah, Ga. W T TURNER, U P. A A D. STEHBINS. A. T M J C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager General Office*. Baltimore. Md. IT'SICERTMNn THAT Tonic A /D CO\ TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Bangui, Typhoil, Intermittent, Malaria, Aud All Forms ol Fevers. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Wood Mosaic Co.'s Parquetry Floors Have Ik en laid In many of Ihe com fortable bom. s In New York. Boston *c' other cltle* Jlur* cleanly and econom' s than carpet. Plain and fancy n°° r * and polished complete over oM making a solid and beautiful Invpt . ■ „ q.. ll.idug a number of floor* to lay m • vatinnh thl* month we can quote > figure*. Co'alngua and *#• Itrat', m 1) had by nddr.*lug J M ADAM -827 N. Charles street. Baltlnur*. Empty Hopslicads. Uofclirfttl* ,§> Ml© bw C. M. GILBERT & Cl