The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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after rustler gang. ,it 11 <l % (•• %*K l ORTCSTI% K n:n IIOHIMH lUFI'IAAH. I |, r> %\rrr Hun to Frlh-Thr ~lrr mi Ihr les#crale •■ .nrliaff I rum Hl* ~ ~t Ilia % Icllm hml fieri Fight 11, niie* of , th# lo# Angeles Time# , ho ha* had probably at* many adventure* of H*t hort a* a human being • i.,i in J. V Brighton of 459 l ist Lo. Angeles, of I.* li© ui) aKtty from homo . the One Hundred alui Klf v Vuiunif* r Infantry, nervlfig o <1 niDtf tnMilhtt In the Civil ~ rviru* iiHn*hf being spent \ ilif prison. At till* close of . w.i* order# l from TennesM** < l i 11 ji tlhkhaigod there m * i in the winter *• D*s ii,i next nine year®.' said Mr. I wi* h rowl*oy In Texa. drfv 11ocxi Ban Antonio to Abilene, •o* my brother atsl 1 were llv- I n City. Kan Then was a hi* at tie rustler* there who were . Country man uiil (>llllll gany n. ivl <0 dl*|eiar Several of I, . ■ I Hful other* were given .t the penitentiary. 1 served a Mat# detective in Junction <1 looking up caaea of Illegal . ~u #nd tattle Mealing, arid n tthil .ftet wa* appointed to in th TmII*o( murder case ami ’M. days after I took It I had • . rmirdcrn two of whom I %<-rybtd> lurried m (inn. during the pnlmy days of Art- I v\ exciting time®, however. .v . tlic da>> when every rnati i ►in In lieu of 1 huttnnhoi* it J gav< a bull# in plane of a •tcing.' 7 was sent there by the ('attic Company of Illinois to I -old toward i.taking lip a desperadoes and cattle rustier# Up* Clanton gang My wife from iVius thitlun. Tex,, to a wagon, arid wont direct to h which war the gang .' head- The> wfe a tough net. who .Cher *>hiHt a man than atop to 1 ii'iestlon—ln#l e.j. it was 1 ustom *in\" to ’ ave a man for about six time* a week. ■' “ • r.i of operatic* we to steal • stin k (xople, who wore mostly and then run th* ittle down * where they would be dl-- f i with the gang without their who I wh. and assisted In all keeplfig In touch all the time • proper authorities but they • suspicious and laid plan* to , They held m** up on** dav at // o of several guns and u*ked i hnthally If i wa one of ‘thos* elves.’ (f course. I told them I V id they JIIIC To the core luslon t i . had been a little hasty. ?s time I wa* forming my plana -tp ure the whole outfit, and an • uity to iHirtiy carry out my plans v n h tenderfoot from the states ‘ • that part of the country an I t* -• •1 h ad of cattle and stirt • < 1 b. The lea.lets of the Clanton . to the (endsrfoiK for posi *h his outfit to look after the cat • refused to have anything to • *in c*ne lay they *mt lilm a him to call of their ranch, t a'*-|v. 1 th*'\ deliberately 1 man dead. Mitrted on the Trail. •eg fled to the mountains, an 1 v to g<> along, too. Iu? T ex *uf< I tying ! whs going ‘hunting ' f ’* for I jumped on my h.-rs. • . ’1 \ “. it. where I t ilk . pi in- ?o the “ eriff. lie wanted 1 1 |*o * * tart I • .id ! could and . i* i did however tak* one in f had been over th* trail. .•I . il *1 w 1 u member t,:a ro IVJlcox. and were tli t th#* gang bad fled to Meg i i.i'W tli*- was untrue, and on the b*>t‘*moiivllh I learned that ♦ tit ling In the hi!!* l near th^re i 10 th* sheriff of th* town and ! rn :• 1 ih gang w then* and •;> >f ?I * n who came t. town. I w *■ add’I r • my horse in the . | <>itler told rn* h#' had *# en # ta* (*hii>*oi hoy* In town that very 1 a th* •'■nfl of!V e g tting . k *-b**.l I ,ibo l**arre*l that ldrn>* : was - tough a nut as s (\4tUo’ n#l w. totd that tie r,* . . •• up ii and that several of .1* .i>i’ •' w*fe • tittle t‘ii- VvS .an I . I *.f ti • tmighest Iype. i- rind 1 Ml**| ij nnd rixk* .acro‘e a rl\*f and lav in the hills ill. I, ex * tn<> it 1 g w e struck the 0 <>%v .; ,ii iim il IVg-I.g V\ 1 \ %v iv !• kindling fit* w* heard * lattri of hot*.**' hoofs along the trail, dir Ing up wi* **w ’lke" (’hinton up ■ 1 . Millet hliuu item I up 111 *1 * . 1 iw nnd re- ogniged liini limit* - 11. wh**l and h# hot -• and unslung :i . -iif starting to ri*l* around 1 . r aid rd my rill# and covered him. 1 i nt thr same time to hold up • I *- and *0 halt Miller yelled •' Clanton r* • * hal . and 1 flrc.l m urn lilt tins .*l* r the .arm H* reel#**l In the nnd I gav*- him another which * * tn * catMie of the>l|e uid want i'sj> . 11• dropp'd, and wa* fi x • n up w* fotiral him ai* d* and n- u ’•1 (;ie of (he sang had beer* ' 1 u* and on** cf |t“ worst numbers Took III* (tools, me n>dv i*i hid hor-* we. con i on our way. und soon met two cow. wi.. !i* I|h.‘| u.s bury I'ltuiion'M tsslv w#n uUju* to p.a* • th* lx>l\ Hi v- I hiippnc 1 ( think that Clan ■ ' * * t!d me il I WM* pre •v 1 ■ never he 'tumel up hi.-* toes' to and |-ull off his boot* before li r M’d. hi* jm |l had often l • t in would b* !*uril with hi* • n. and lie wi- i sinnv (hat "•re mistaken I pulled off his foot - ■ h-i*n* boots thiit cost Clanton $l - iiiliiij with si,vd etui* anl had i*n* of stiver spurs at the heels— tli**iii on inv own feet. ■1 I gos bi k t Spring* rvllh* o ' • was friend of f’i niton saw m** ’ '*eii*ed the I toots und u*k* I me I ► r hetn I 10M him 11 hatched • it he refus* and to iwii* ve it, and • *♦ r h.ivuig m ov**i Ih* C*nton was' uri all-around t*.l •• • ia Ia record >f nineteen kills to lit I saw him kill twq men my ’ -s for the mere ‘fun of th* thing.’ •Wed 11. • -ir'gcrvllle und Holomot.vltle were *1 e ft., two (otighevt towns 111 th*’ I fltate* without exception. -■ i(*ai * at,;: were 10 be ted I W ar for thr* shooting of Ik** Clanton. ■ lie on mv way to the fort told the who had charge of me that hi d*p x'er, all horsv thieves and all-rourd does. 1 was released aft**r six rnflr emr-ni wnd went to Solomon- li- re I met one of these deputies k‘d me if 1 had told th. -herlff his deputies w**re desperadoes I I hod dona nothing of the kind I ; • • more ihun once to save my Turning thr Tablra. ' v dle at breakfast (hi - sheriff who had •ne t<* th< furt Imppcned to rid*- Into 1 id the deputy went to him with my • 1 of his story. He crime tearing h* the r* "inurHiit an*l osk*sJ If I tuid Irlm tha hoi dvputlv* were all < i*lom. 1 said 1 had dons nothing ** kind—a Indd bluff, by the way *’ tne *ame time I jerked my gvn. and i the f.dlow by the nock shoved bwvk agaUust a teltgraph poly, b*an to maul h m over the hal with (ho butt of th* weaion. dome of the boys came rushing out of the viioon und grubbed m# and threw my gun across Ah* -trect. smashing the stock of th. weap.x< Then they held me while th. sheriff turnnl the tables and belabored m.* to hi** heart's content. wh, h tney let me K o and gave me |jj to buy anew gun. remurk tng that 1 would better be carefu what 1 l in the futurr ”1 started for Tucson and on the way met Judge C and told him what had bap- lie advlsetl m** to sw.- r out a war. rant for the arr*t of sheriff on the #hV of A“sult. and offered to h* Ip m* •arry our the warrant We rod# back to flolotnonv I2i oiml (oim.d ,I H , ti t a|e 1 ire th#* snerlff I was to enter into con* v * r.-ulion with him .uhl the judg* was to •no around th corner of the aals>n .*l. ih* proper time and *x>ver him with h shotgun, our plans worked to perfection. I found the man sitting out in front of hc saloon atom- with his gun strapped on (♦ idy for busitMws I sauntered up and • ngng* dln cetivrraallon. M nd at the mk nal the Judg*- p*>k*xt his shotgun around Ihe corner nnd yelled " Hand* up. you” I laughed, ‘put ’em up good and high, too.’ llrveniiiH a Oreisinn. •Thr frllow lnn la |h C Mk. n e.xl .m. h- 1 |hm (hr tr.HV on him, mvuik that h-, I want to I* <Mitmi to j.ill wnh n,r hr.i. rU-ti on an.l promlMii* 10 an , „„ n > irtmi lr if i . iak< ihrm off | dhl > and ala,. at. him luck hla K un aivl In krpt tn. w, M ,f Anolhrr dm, 4 dcaiwraAo who , a m.-ni!.r of Ihr oil (jn.intrrll who and -hurnr.l i.awr. n . Kan will, Ihe a anc waa a )u*tl ■< of ,•' l-<i • ,it Bprlnrrvlllr-n|,-r offlrr lor *,nh ,1 1 harartrr, warn I It' Well | ha I .1 law *ult iMfor,- him rrKanlinit .1 arttlr m-nt of romr illti h, a I w .ia having .luk 11, wa- vary ftl. n.|!y ,1,1 rln* thr Itlal ami wo.iM adjourn ,^ ur . with amatlna r, ,i- I ‘Hty to ko 0111 iml ink.- a dr nk with mr at .my ilm, At iilklil hr Jr, |,ir<l thr ca~- milnat inn an,l I waa ma,l. aa l k*irw "* .'Vrty on,. i-Im. ,11.1 that I shoul.l havr •r. n *lv.-n Ihr ,lr mton. Aftrr aupprr h . imr into th,. ..I on ami. rwuitarrlnit up to tnr, raid. 1 10 Vo. l .'.tippoM. 11 m.n, who w.ia with giiamr.ll anil burn.g i.awrrn,r. Kan., would aI v r a V .inker ihr decision tn any •;*•* ?** “I pul let 1 my gun on him and (o:| him to r*comddt t that < ~-* instanter Th fellow was H’ared at my bravado and promlsetl t* <l * the square thing. Th* next day h# fixed the matter In my favvr. "Ve#. shooting out th* lights and ’taking (he tow n* wer* common <kcurrem t*s in llm>9k days, and I have often seen eorm of tin*.-' half -d< Ullked d* *|’| u-tee*- ri#b tli**lr horses Into a saloon and jump the animal upon a billiard table Another trick k 1 • dolvar ani • I pinning on the Imt When the thing fell to the floor some oite g<n*roll> got th* • uiteiil- '* Mr lirighton wan one of the men who ware Instrumental in running down the famous Keans and Bontag gara in the northern part of the slate a few years ago. <1 1 If 1 VI ~c7ty government.' ommii iMtnt i:kdi\(.v ar rot >- til.. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 12. 1100.—The regu lar meeting of Council wax held this ••v ning at R o’clock. Present, the Hon. Herman Myers, Mayor presiding; Alder man George W. Tiedeman. vice eh drmm of Council, and Aldermen Haas. S* Invar*. Iloriigan. Mills, Bacon. Thomas md IIIXOI Minut<*s of meeting o' Nov were, upon motion, confirmed ;i< pub lished. liKPORTS OF OOMMITTKKS City of Savannah. Doc. 12. ikuo—The (’onimir*** on A ounts Mqmrt that they have examined ar.d found correct bills against tlie city amounting to tweny-two housand. one uundre*! ind fourteen do lire ami twelve cent- as per ar omjany lm: >*, - tied üb-. and recommend that the i*unn t iat 1 for paymeni GeOfge J. Mill# <!man Commitue on \ounrs. (22.1 H 12. H*<l#oi t received and account** passed for pavnunt Herman Myers Mayor. Hoard of Health- Time of hands | ’ 40 rime of hands —........ t "<• X. Harris 27-1 U 47 ( ’rcmatorl*e— James M !>ixon & Cos.. % (s n J !* Furlong 4ai W. II Peek 2a Time of hamb- . i#> a>— u* i \ pry Culture— J im** M Dixon A Cos ( 31 v H It aeon A Sons 63 (V> TANARUS!. laivell sS* h —.... *• 2*7 Andrew Haul* y Cos 1 lb .1 I * Fui long . Day roll W Time of hands 12f o** Time of hands 2H6 (7 ♦ Fire Depdrfment-- T A Ward. Manager ..I H.V \ r Karon A Sons 31 24 T A Word, Man iger .. 1" 2.'* Seal-Millard Cos PH Palmer Hdw Cos 1° E. INovell’s Rons 4 1" John G Butler . * <•’ M H Sk D A Byek .. 1# FI. N# Idling* i. agent .. 11 4T Leo Frank 7 > Edison 71* • HI Cos. 1 c C hen-K-din in Carriage ursl Wag-rn - **° Lttslsa> A Morgan v f>r. M. A Morrit- . 3T. Edison Klee Ilf t\> .... *> j \\ Norton, agent 4v> Mutual via L Cos .. 38.12 Ho. Hell T A T 00.. IW 4M Electric Hupply Cos. 2 3a I*. McUlHshan 12' \\.i AH H Mttlmore Titos West A- i’o 4 :> Jas M Inx#n A Cos M & Lippnian Bros •* T P. W rlfilM * W Mlngledorff a- Cos 1 T E. Hinlth. Jr 2 S. F. Hayward A Cos 6T * Herman Con! A VV*>od Cos. 3* It. 11. Figments * U al j II llenncssy 2 .'s' John P. Canty * * John Ito,irk, At John F. Camy * 1:1 W. B. Ward - J. I). Wretl At Oo *■'* ('olllnß. t!r> on A, Cos. .. •*** -1 1-4, r 11. N l> 3.SK p„> roii h i- umu j| 8 At D. A U.vt k ,i- -.*<3 *" ll,iu. I'nilnttK''. City— Ore an Hiram-htp Cos t <•' Tin rof h,.iM* '<•- # I unit, m*' Hl>r< lal M .lmrnanc— Pa, roll <-’ l# 00 llartwr an,l Wliarv-s John M Hellb'. H. M *2O Ou liK-ldrntalf*— The Oorrlr It,- Cos I IC We,tern l’, Tel >'o. .... W. I*. lUlley. C C •• I>3 ♦ Norton Frierson. Hr J So | T Elliott **" A C, Marin 1 *** K. UoveH'e Hone John .-tulilvan * j |> White * W AnJtew Hanley Cos. savannah Free* •* I-aimer Hardware t o U* 1., r I drove Cemetery— Tlmu of haml I 33 ® Tl,o Houlihan jo. Gold her* j Wm N Nichola J and) J„, XI Hiton At Cos t-ff* ,eor* J Harthelmeaa .. -1-j Andrew Hanley * 00 „ I -almei Hardware Cos 3 10— 3 Market— Sawney A W lleon * 1-ay roll. Nov. M* . a<>- ail |-a\ llear— Ch.<lt4.hoovbta Urlck Co...ROJO# THE MORNING NEW S: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1000. omvuu George Lehwald **6 90 J. K Emery hji Smith a Kelly Cos 3i ft) Geo W. Aden 33 33 Tim* f hands S3 35- 36T. O Public liuild.llgi— Mutual Gas Light Cos 9 52- 9 52 Police— Collin* Grayson dr Cos ...f 224 67 Pay roil ... 6 393 27 It F Doob y 6o 4S— 0,873 42 Printing and flkationery— (> S Ni hop s 10 f() Hu\ iinab Pr%*s 5 00 J W Fiimw’!l * go Jnu W Fret well 7I" Morning Jews 41 and Morning x *■> J W . V.. \ well 10 J \V Kr‘*well 1 30 W X Nich'd* , 2 (lo M N Nichols fi 9l 1* Park'* in*l Hquares— t Mill A Taylor IX2 Henry A. Droeoati 2 is K K Ch atliam 1 .-*• Andrew Hanley 7* Granville itevill fi <n E L. Neidlinger I* lit Solomon & Cos 1 2. P It Thomas A Hon 650 W illi im N N- ImU 2u James M l>lxxi a Cos. ... 16 <■> Hotchkiss A- Novlll 2m M S A D A B> * k Iw George J Barthelincs# ... ft . ■ Palm*r ll.trtHi or Cos. ... 9 62- 313 82 h a\* nger Department— A S Ha nn A S*mic $ 24 *0 James M Dixon A C 0.... frtHH M A Morris 1• oo Dixie Oil Work 7 40 K. laoveir* Son?* .. 5 2* Palmer Hardware Cos 9 <x J, K. Furlong 34 >* Time of haiiils I-'** Tim* of bait b 467 Iff Tim* of hand> 52 X - 1.153 56 | Storm S* w* re— Andn m Hanley (’o 1 Streets nl lames < hattahoo* iei I • Cos . I ICG (W x ASH icon a Son* 122 W D It Thomas A Son .... 22 '*• John SulMvmii 75 Geo Lehwald 2 Gil J r Brown I*> 00 M A Morris 15 W J \V. Fret well Henry Juchter l • Neal-Millard Cos 6 U 0 W W Ainiar Ar Cos 16 20 M H A D. A Byek l K. Lovell's Sons 161 47 Jas M Dixon A Cos 190 17 Andrew ILmley Cos 12 3*) Cohen-K u I man Carriage and Wagon Cos. 10 00 J F. Furlong 22 50 Time of hands 37< 53 Time of hand* 1.624 (2 Time of hand* l f| G 2S Si*lew alks— Georgia Hough nn<l Cut Stone Cos 244 lh Jno McGrath 21 Jno McGrath 32 9? J P llrown 101> D. T Elliot a 21 *> Chwttahooclie** Hr.# k Cos. 4.'*6 4< Plant Systems of .. x*2 K 7 Time of hands 112 75 3.965 51 Sink Department (O. K M.)— M S A D A Byek $ 75 Jus. M Dixon Ar Cos k if! Mr*. II II Groth i 4*< J. F. Furlong 75 It. o R*>g*r* Si Z.'. Patrick Bui timer 541 75 040 05 Waterworks— Savannah Press 500 M S & D A By# k 325 Herman Coal nisi W. Cos. 5 fin M.ngl* lorff A Cos. 6 (Cl Electrft< Supply Cos 13 6.* T. A Ward. Manager .... 1 25 A C Harmon 15100 \\ m. ksho# A Soil 20 o*l f.i-. F Furlong** 125 Leo Frank . 75 Palmer Hardware Cos S3 17— 261 &*• W network* Main**— Plant System of Ky* fi 274 Jm. M 'Jrmh 16 63 Kst. Tho* Halllgan tot** Owen I'ash 1- 50 George LehwaUl 1 *#d C of Ga By Cos ! 37 ,|. D Weed A- Cos S2 H. Mueller Mfg Cos 42 4#> A. P. Smith Mfg Cos 74 o; Time of hands 5! 25 Time of hands 2* *4— 591 69 Total 1,4 12 The Committee of th* - * Whole, to which u r#*ferr#d he following application* to nfll liquor, beg to report favorably thereto. G ‘° W ,\ ting Chairman Commitie- of the Whole Adopt i**l ■ Andrraoo Jowph K.. No. S# namlolp.i Anylu,. Thoa , No IM Hryaii ytr.ot, west. „ AN-1. Cha* southeast corner Bay and Abereorn streets. ii# wan. J- 0., corner Bull and "'nadrnhoop *■ •#.. No. S3 Welt Ilroad, H. N. C.. No. 115 l-kw>i Ilroad * Cannery. C. P.. No. IV> ##t. JulUn *:rc-el. w—t Denmark. J M No 1 F' m *' r Dtrrkr W. A . No SJ* Whltak-r DuyiP. M. J . XtnrkM Skiunr-. D r*t. G*or*e. 7# Wwl l!ro.l -trr-t, ln,. r . William, cornrr IJtr ty .nJ West llroail Bnttlinan A II No 71S E.<H RroaJ ,iri'<o. , orn-r Gnlnnn •treat. Btchhot-. K,. north*,t comer Überty ■ tree! lant arnt I-msi Hro •*! etreeti KloMiol* S--IHC. No 10)2 Cemetery etree! corner WulJhur* rlrret line Grove*. W C., r,orthct romier Harnanl onJ ltryan etreels. Olldea. Nell, No. 170 Urouliton Mrect, * f*t . rjillna. J A . No 9 Dra- ton street. O, ffken. Ilurmar, H . No. tn llroughton .treat, eart. Helrnkcfi J- H.. >iitliea*t eomrr IJber tv at,,l Whitaker etreet,. Hart FraneK No. 11 Jefferaon alreet Heilman J. F No I’re aider, t atreet. Hermann A Herenthler, No Barnard trrot Klein*. Herman. No 13* Bryan etree . vveet. Kelly. A T . Bay lane, lif*r Bull iret l.yon. John • Cos., northeuet corner Brouffhton nnd Whitaker elre.ta. larn> N . No IS Broughton Mr—t. at levin. Chat 11., No. 11l l’onrera ,trwt we! Xleln, kt, P a.. No. SS3 Bryan atr—t. tv, M XI inr Inr P . No Bay Mreet. raft Morrieon. Bamh. No on 9 Oglethorhc avenue, ea.t Meyer J. F., No Ml Him. atreet McAlptn, T E , N„ 3* Prl e .treat Nell, into W No 4 lirougnton .tree:, weal, _ Uh.iek. Crtaa., aotithea.i corner Of*- thorre .venue and Reynotda .freer,. Oh.tek John, norlhea.t corner Bav an,> Waat Broart airveit peter.. Fre*l. nor-heant < orer Bur tretyh* and Park avenu* Reilly I- l Bryan .treet are.t. Roentiieh. Martin & Cos., No IW Brouah ton atreet, weal. Iteyoreeraio. A. C. & Cos.. So 111 Bry an ,treet. wrt. Hehm I. C northat comer Jefferon and Alice .tree!.. Henke John No 2! Drayton tr,ei Rocker. J W. Hro .outhar—t corner Weat Broad nnd Jonc* atreet- Itaakin, 8.. corner Wen Broad and Owtnnelt .treet,. Sanunton. P.. 302 Bryan Mreet. weat. , 8. narari. <Jeor*e. 117 Crn*rea atreet, west Sieinman. 8r0,.. No *1 Weat Broad "Steffen*. Harry, Ea.t Broad and o#le thorps • venue. gchwarx. Georg# C.. corner 1 ongreaa and Whitaker atreat*. Srnnaars. H. J . .No 40 Wilaon atreot. fic.lull era, CL. No 1H Prlca atraol. OFFICIAL. S**herer, J. 11., No 177 West Brood street S.ahmer, John, No. 524 Hrvaci atreet. west. Tout saint. Cha* , No. s<c Ogb'thoriv avenue *wt Tiankan. Fred J., No. CM Liberty street, eot Ell No 42 Barnard street. Vo Hera. W southeast, corner Taylor and Weat Broad atreet. Welt*. H . northwest comer Rut Urvoal and Harris streets. W illiam A Grice. No. 340 West Broad atreet. The committee of the Whole, |*> whhh wa referred a lie petition :*f J- M Hr nan). Jr . rumm(a*ioner of ptloiaa* sub milting the lollowing tul# al* i*t*l tv the {maid and asking (he ipprov .* o' -am* lMg tx report fav*rahlv thereto and (••* oaniiit nl il* a!*pr<\> G*o. W Tietlemar A ting <*tialrman Committer *f th* \V d* X*!**!*'**"*! Pilot m t iking steamer* oit o! "etij** '-ball station a man at th* *nd of flu pier to nee that the river I- * .*-. aii-l when m In forme* I ma> ~it hi* *ld| anl at the same ilm* shall give one lotif con tinuous blast of th#* w tilsll* until It#- en ters the fiver.” ’‘Masters of towUwit* wnen leaving # “slip," shall ixuiform (' tlis unove ml* ex eptlng tiiai they wil i.i b# r**iuir# l t -tniton a man .( th* •< l >i th# i c i unlcHg lhe> bav* a vs-*#* I tn low The Commute* of lh* who* tn Whl b wa** referred the |*-1 1( lot of K <’ W> announcing the death of * x-Fireman J II <ia\ which occurred No*. i !•■. md asking that (he mount of rise dollar" <s- per immth paid to M< Gav by t • < it> prior to his death Im continued lo lit* wif** and children. turing the pi*** - ni administration and further asking (hai the i(> isi \ the hot tul expense* of Mt Gay. amounting to IV*. (*eg to report fav orable thereto Geo W Tl.Ml.nian. Acting Chairman Committee *>t 4i* Wh*)c Adopt# and The Commit ire on Finance, in w hich wftM referred the petition of It A Ytcut skl. Hk‘r>s to be t.|h-v*i from a tin* 111.<Xi itniwv'ii u|on him In me Polka Court, for tailing to like out lt# * n # for k>ing bull new.'# during the y# r flkw a a shoemaker, i*eg to reiiort favorably to same. Geo W. Tied*man. Chairman Committee on l 1 nance Adopt wl The Commute*' on Finance to whl- h was referred the petNton <f Wm W Cornwrell. relative to tux fi. fas and ask ing that tin* said execution* 1* aiuellid. petitioner represent* that h* h* no |< i son #I prop* riy wuhje* t to taxation, beg to refiort favorably thereto. Geo. \\ Tl* .|. mat f'hairmun Commlttev on Flnan ■ Adopt* and The Joint Committee on Street* and Lane* and Opening Streets, to which w.- referred the |* litioti of A. H Eut* l.nait isking the extension of **-w'er on Hal! street, 300 feet east of l-iast Hr ud street. petitioner in * Mi*tderaiion of said extension 4* willing to otojii up that tart of Hall strata, or Hull street extended from East Htoa*i t th*- Bavan nah. Florida and Western Railway, beg to t* commend that the projiosition <*• h< ■ * *pt-I. deed to Im* di.iwii by Hie • lt> at torney. Jam* M Dixon. Chairman Joint Committee Adopted. Th Joint Committee on Street?• und Larva und Drainage. to vhhii was referred th** petition of H. Kheftall. H KrM*k*>fT and other properly owner*, representing 1 <** lets tn the southeastern part of Savannah, and asking that the ditch running from HrtlrtTshum street, east to \\ .iters road. )M*tween Eighth and Ninth • treet*. in covered and sawerage plja l*il lM*g leport adversely to *an*-. th'ie being only i * *.QO feet of the llt?h in i nest ton within the city limits ami tied is-log on private property. Jam** M Dixon, Chairman Joint Committee Adopted. Tn< Committee on Biiml* and l#an *. to which w s referred ie fietitlnii #f sundry merchant- lolng buein***s on H Julian street, west of th* h mark* t asking the I’aving of th* sai*l street be tween Jeffi'i *on and Montgomery .vit i %it i Hied hriv k or other suitable material beg to report by ordlnon# #. Janie* M Dixon Chairman Committee on Btreet an i liliieh, lt*N t ived us Infoi matin. The Committee on Hired* an l Lino to which was referred the petition of o. Kulinan, president Antb* pile Hr am Company, and others, asking that an electric light Im- pin* I lit th** corner of W.-si lltoad n*l Williamson str* * ;*. Ik c to r* i*oil adver • ly to sam< . In the judg ment of the committee anottier liglit on W illiamson -tr**t 1 iirn#*c*ai v Jam# M Dlxoi . Chair man Committee cm Hlr**ti anl i.anes. Alopt< !. The Committee on Afreets an*l Lane*, to whh h wi** referred the |* tit n *f th** Vernon Hind! Road (Vnnr>an> n*l the Die of Hoin* Hallway Cum|My, !• . to report that they have .-elected the follow ing streets available for -ire* taiiw <v purposes: Dri- e. S .Thuma- l’la< 11 als t •ham. Kslill avarnw*. Twelfth H .Bt Ju I in. Hainan) and Hay. und that thl* retort n* published for tlw* Information of th* t*uh li', and we further recomm**nd tiiat they in* given a hearing. James M Dixon. Chairman Committee on Btreet* and lame* rp*ni motion the report wi- r#*-lved as information and or*ie *•* puihinhed. The Commute*- on Public H*.l h. t# which was ref.-rr* 1 the iKHltfon of it D Itosenbrook. ••“king perm to build three privy vmills on lot*. D. K. F ls*w ward, petitioner to muk<* *• w*r con fic tion to the new liouse sewerage sytni a# soon a** avallabl#, l**-g (# r* |ort fa vorably to savn- J G Jarrell. Chairman CoininHtce #rg Public 11 •-It• Adopted The Committ*< on Public Health, to which wws referred the petition of Tho* ItefKb raon Sons, for |>ermlsf*lon ♦<* trnr. fer lot No. 2H59 1-uurel Grove Cemetery to Palward T Alahaney. I-g to repor: favorably (o earn* J G Jarrell Chairman Committee* on Public Health. Adopted. The Committee on Public Health. which wu* referred the ietlt!n of Rich ard Waring, f r peimDGo-. t* *1 g t* i •..mb at the corner f Ninth and Harden streets, bag to report favorably th* **t#> conditioned upon connexion l*ein; made to the new sewerage system a- soon a ■vvallaM*. J ci. Jiit-ii, ChMliman CommHtff oci PuMlr H*-ltt, Ailopid c'ommlH— in I’uhll,' to K -an r, forrl |a>ti(tcm of E>l war,l 8 tantiri'j’- akln,- iwrmlr-1., i,. tr.*nnf,-r lot No W. l-i'ir.l m-. torv, now nan'l o* m tn- nm<- ■ f Frwnri <■ Ki.MKnc, 10 hlmaalf. |a,llilon < iwln* th<* onl livln* *lr. I*K to rr|,ri favor ahly lo J. O Jarroll, Ch4lrman CommMtee on Bubllo Hvwkh. filed Ttio Joini rimmlltw on Bubllo llrulth and Fit,an r. fo whlrh > roforrod tin ,ai|||< of Wm II Wallweo. aklna lo rallavrd from th pavrnrm I bill ,and |i for , 1.-aiitrK privy vault a' No. 1 liar tow ward, Ik* to roport idvinly triere i(,_ (Mdltlonrr fallln* to connection until nfr the par-aiK,- o' the orrtinanc'. reqotrln* the pro|irt> owner to fy tor , leaning and ttlllnw vault* and to n.ak* rower connactb n J G Jarrell, Chairman Joint Committee. Adopt #d Tbc Jo.nt f’ommbirr on Public 11. ilth and Flnwrcc, 40 which wa rrferr,-.! the (K-iltlon* of Mr* M K Houlihan and Mr. Catherine ftto. aaklmr the refun-l log of *!•>*> each paid for Wcanln* and filling up a nkr at No 2 Rrppard ward alid No 70 Mercer ward, t>eg to rejmri favotablj thereto J <J Jarrell. Clwlrman Joint Commute* Adopted Tha Joint Commktee on Public lleolth aod Finance, to which waa referred th* Dyspepsia Graybcard cured me of Dyspepsia. Nervous Dyspepsia. I did not sutler continu ally, but had four or five attacks every year. At such times my suffering was intense. I almost de spaired of life, thouj-h the doctors did what they could for me. Last spring I began to take Graybcard. I improv ed from the first ami have had but one attack since— that was the holiest I ever had. Graybeardis the only tiling that has made me feel like myself. Mks. S. L. Ci.aky, Greensboro. Ahi. *> m bottle ni drug stores. IUAITAi Dill U CO., Sole Owners. OKIKI Ale. (m* 111 ion of J G. Butler, MMkiiiK to !>• re fiiMel v i tin* -urn or fi.; #io i*ai • i f#r ing an*l fllling pilvy vault* or mill G of lot 3 Ilarr> bard. Lvg to r|K*ri favor ably thereto. J G. Jurrell. • ‘tiatrman Joint <*ovxifnlttM*. Adopted PBTITIONB AND APPLICATIONB Tho follown ;t ippll# at>ri" to r*'iail il •juor #i.ini ft U#* '*mj- 1 *.♦ * I x*re r**u<l iiil referred to th*’ t’• ininlit* ** of the Whole Klenj* ■. F., N* lira West Hroii#l street. Holey, M 111 Ooigr**s etr**et, w*-*t |tookti#K>k. I' li Hay stnet extension itul Fair str *a HrinkniAu. II (* . 226 81 Julion str.e* w #'St. Ucytifh, Tim* F . No. 325 East Brornl Ktffei Hernstein, J northwest • om* r Ht Ju lian and Barmin! j treet#. Brown Hro* . rerner Awh rfon anl East Broad #tre t ('.tin Julia, No 64'. Hay a(r**#t. Wrsd, Fkl#.•**■ f*y, Davbl, wurthwest *:oriu-r In- Haii and Ann *ir**(s fannies. John F , Montgomery street end Whitley avenue l*:*ai J J No 311 East strref i:#k*lr>t\ W. If., We -1 Broad ami Wayne street Enright. J . No. -1? Prl# • street. Ent m.# J F No 6ii Lito tty atreet, east. F' tir. nk imp. Henry corner Bay street extension • 1 F# i *• re* f Fu!i#il. M A . Hay nd Ltimls-r street#. Gtimtnt J F, n* orrter Rn -*k>lj*h and IJherty stree.* G*o<linan Hr#*" No. 43 l arrn street Giirtlenian. M II . Randolph nd Ogle* thorp#- avenue Grlnim. John II President an l Dray (on 'tr* l !^. G**rken. ll**nry Ag* tit. No. 715 Wheaton - treet. Grimm. Alb* it corner We-t Broad anl Thlrty-*ec#*nd streets. Hoh hki-s * Neville southwest corner Hroitghton and J* ffer*in flnH Horne* \\ A No. 411 Tattnall street, fferxfeld, 11 #n*. 5.6 llrouglijon street . orte-r Houston -treet. ID Pm b<’ ii .E. Broad nnd Bryan str* els. Joy# e. Jiimr J N 214 East Bmiul ♦•tree*. *, (Jeorr II 1&* Wct Brnail #lr- ' John-on M.irtln. No *3 Rynol<l ■tred. j.„li,n. F 11 ,'AJ Fin, etrcct JemlgTin, 1: <>. , orthweet corner I.tim- Ik-t it I Hul.l\ rlr, •t - jirkwit. Aiwlr . No. :* WhMnker mr< e(, Ktick Join;. No. 112 Dmyton -treet. Koneti, nn <’ II TCI Firm -treet. tl-v. rk 8 No 17 Biy • reel, eort luiiik N noli,.- No 3 ltatnr,| ulreet Motion l-.-t*-t. M in.l •r. 312 Broughton street, eusft. M#>u -■ #s, c H eornei Hall and J* ffer *>n tr*#( Murkm. Dot>t Mm . Thiiii<lerliolt rnml lollgitte. Ferry. F I. Cos., Bull anl lllvrr at reals. It,tint* F W 11.. WI Indian mr.'-t, Itaniln. M A Btti. fongr, -* hikl Weal llrou,l atreet a KllverMeln. pnH. No. 232 8' Jultaii vtteet W-vt K"httr, F corner Amlerenn anl \V hllaker - to* S, hrtidor, Georg, •oiithe.i t corner Wo( llrtaul ~n,l Waldhurg -tnet (11..,,, J |>. No. .?< Jone treet. weat H' hlotclhurg D, comer Price and Hall streets. Smith. W T K t'2 C ngrew atreet. we*t 8 ifidsrs, Ptiillr cor s; Bull i I Twelfth •.. i 4 - Blccr, Jt F Nn 11 East Broad street. 8 lJ#* r A #t>rthw * comer J<- k*>n and R ynohl #tr*ets Blnter. J (* . Congress and Jefferson streets Tholken, Geo II . 172 Arnot.7 treUa Tnylor J K northwert corner Ogle ihorie- nvenu* <l Frl e-eetr. Tletjen. John T 2T. W-at Broad atreet, Wlntei AMI 111 Barm r I atreet Wallace, W M •*> H'ew ,rt atreet. WeHbtwk. John F Jeffer.on atreet. Vhat ei Fug■ na D . Bay trc t. eat. PatltlOn of fiMt a li"-’ Fainter* aid p a p,., Ilangrra' A—orlitlon. relative to t,x ordlnimec for llfll * * te-wl an.i r~- f.ore.l o the Fommlttee of the Whole. petition of a in Try aiMtloneera, n-klng i rrductlon of th*- preecn' 11, en e of un to IM" a tl art,l referre I to Iho (’umml'tie of tt>,‘ Whole. l-etltlon of the Utile Slater* of tho F'K>r a-hint to Ik- te!ie\e/| fntu the |tay menl of a Mil of W7l for cur'.lng the al !e ,1k In front of ,n,l abutting 'heir lo No !t> Uaaher ir<l. a rea,| and re fet tel to the ( niml'tee of the Whole Fetllion of William l. Grayaon, ,h,lr tie,it, ~.minin'" officer* Flrat K.gim-nt Infantry. GST a-klr>g at aoprop la /.a*’ " f 1 ” ’ ■’ 1 ’ ’ vt ,tdlt;c : i:i e .1, I |. ,t . ’ ' '"l’ 1 eonatriKhli,* walk through th- Park Eg lenaloe, ar.d otherwlae putting It In condi tion for th- it- - fot Which II u Intend 'd tha* of a military parade ground. w ,ea and i*ferr<d to the Committee of the Whole, Potttlon of Mra H. J Eady. a-klng per mlaaloet to dig dry well at premlso* cor ncr We* Broad and Eighth gtreeta, wa* OM-iritl,. read himl ref-rrcit lu Cht* Fommlttee on I'ubii Health. lb-tit lon of Mrs R Kady. asking i#*r ni"flon in *itg .i dry well at fs;l Eig ith --ft* •- 1 . mis km-I ufid ref*rre-l tu tli# Fom IDlttee (ill I’ubii Ibulth I*•**l l ton of Mr*- Mai y B*>gnler, *kl |M*rmi."Bioii t* Dan fei lot No JH< laurt-i Grova Omelet) to Mrs. 11 D Piiiiilp . wa. !• ,ii nd referred to the Fommlttc* on Puldi# Health. Petition of Farrli Rheli king to be MfmunnaUid In th#* *ni#Mit of fl.i lor .ar<let* •- drstroye.l by nrdvf of Um* liealtii authorities on a# . Kint rtf * outaKtou <ll#- ♦•#• waw rea*l add referred to the Joint t’oittmlttc# on I* utr li<* Health an#l Pi nonce. frRDINANFEB (in ii first rending By Alderman Dixon An ordiii.tii'c f.*r the Improvement of the tor I lon of Bt Julian an! Montgomery 1 1 cut a herein M|># < iflea| un*lei 111* term?* a (Ml provision.* l of nn a* I of tin la-gila tif* of Georgia. <#( I. IM7 He# tfoil I Be it (’(dallied h) the Mayo! and Aldermen of lh< •!!> ofilivamiah. in Foiincll As#embl*vl. un*ler the terms and provlsHnis of an a* t of the D gDla'lire of Georgia tpprov#-I (•!. I, lxx7. that tile Director of Public w’orks f#*r Die # lty <*f Bx\anvtaJk nti#l Die ('oromlttra on Btreet# o I Lnn<" of M.ii city Im- and ihev r* hereby authorised ai I dlrectstl to bxil#l an*l construct on Bt Julian *tr**#'t. In the * Ity *• f Savniioali. frn the West il* >f fsffi rson street to I lie e mt side "f Frank tin •juar* and on w< much of Monttfoinery street is Is HI ml* tho siiul suuare on tin* < ust. a roadway of* and iti< k. the ►aid roadway (*i H Julian street to b* fifty-live ( ... feet li*l six t‘ Inches Im twa ii the rurlw ind on Montgomery str* t <iround Dm iuare thirty t.s f-#-( and to inclose said ruuiiwiy witli stun** ctiridnjr. and to do all tlie work In th** way of ar.cling. th* pin ing of eaich It,* In r'num * **#s drains ami all oDie# tiling# ill* kjert# to lie const ruction ami completion *>f the aii#i n- itlsjv, S* 2 lit- it furtiicr or# Ia In*# l tha? a street railroad < unpwny iiavlng tia'k# running through th# aid iwirtlons of 8f Julian ami Montgomery street* to be Im proved under till# ordinance I# her# by r*- Uired to pa\e th*- width of Its lra> U and iwo feet on each sab* of every Him of tr • k" of the #nl*l rallrood company with vltrlfleii brick as said work rr>- grh.hi h, and, in th* event (lii# I s - is*? dons by the said (Mfnpuny. Dm- j*k.l Die*-# tor of I’ublic Work# .’•! the said lOfiimli lo shall see to Ils iM-iitg dolie at til# el- P* n * of tlic said company. 8* 3. He it further ordainetl, Thsi ufter fh total coat of the sold work, ex clusive of tl it dotw ly, or for, a r nlroa i company, shall have (s en os* eriatra and one-third of such total cost shall Im* pall ou( of th* city inaaury and th** other two-third from tM- persons owning at, the date of Die olopt Oti of (Ills ordin irii*- the r*al *■•? te lihutting on said |Krtlon of Ht. Julian and Montgomery street- to I**- improved uinler thl-* (rdlp*n* # , H > **tdln •o froidag* . nl ihe pi< rala amount of th* f'Ont of such wrk is hereby I against the Mil.l abutting real estate arid ita owner* as aforesaid, according to Die fror.tng** The frontage of intersecting str *4* and lan* b hsw Mt*#l as r*-4l es aiHHtiiiK upon sakl iiortlon of Ht. J*- llnii nnd Montgomery sirest* to Im- im prove*!. and th# Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Havannah sliall Im*. for all the iipeittH and purpose# of tills ordinance, the (.wrier pf ili- real # k tate so hhutting. are! shall pay from the c*y treasury It*. Just pro ratu a such owner of the cost of wild work according to frontage. In ad*tltion to ita one-third #*f the entire cost uh hereinbefore provkled. H* 4 |4i It furtii* oi#l.j|n*d. That after the Improvement herein lie fore pro vided for ha* lesn (VKnfdeted the direc tor of public work* for ihe city of ftavan nah. and Committee on Btreet# and Lmcf shall prepare and submit to the Council of the city of Buvannah a state ment showing the cos* of the im|rove ri. nt herein provided for and ai** an *- , roll showing # to iwn-ih rd of the cost to tie apportioned. liow It Is up port.(Hied um- fig the • veral atuifting par •*!*, Including the .-tree* and lane Inter sections, and giving th* sum chargeable to rairh parcel with th* name of the • derail *(• . option of said statement and #*.-*m*nt mil by (h* F-un* II of the city of Savan nah it shall then be- om# the duty of the ity treMtirer to send to th* nhutib g !#ro|*rty owners their proper bill for the warn* a# H may be aarertg'ned by th* City Council, and If such bill so sent b** not pit id within thirsy (30) day* after th** pre sentation or wending of (h*- um" It shill then become the duty of the Hy tr# -- urer to Issue an execution for (he ,im*njnt, together with cost#, agslns? ?he person ard property afor#*#ald which execution shall he made and levied out of Ihr prop erty described therein as are execution# for city taxe* The *ald statement and assessment ro-l shall also show the amount payable bv the railroad company, and Should *tM*h mm puny fall and refuse to pay a hill for the -am* thirty t3O days after the presenirtion or sen#hng of the um' i, -hall be the duly of the city treasurer to Issue an execution sfiti*t tlie snUI compwny an*l property for the said hill, together with costa, which shall I Carbuncles J. W. Williamson of Cairo, Ga., writes: “I thought for some time I would write to let you know what Graybeard has done forme. 1 was troubled with risings or carbuncles for years and noth would do me any £Ood. I have lost as many as 35 days with only one of these Iniils. I had a bad one when I began to take Graybeard, and two bottles stopped it, and I have not had one since, and this has been 3 years ago. The last year I hail one, and before I began to take Graybeard l lost a third of the year from it, fl m bull I*- a ( dm# ainrra. IMi I(4 (>. | • M*lr Owners. I oi l 'll I % 1,. ' i : i iilqcmi for ' II y Ui* * H* M* It further ordained, That all ordtuaix *•* und part* *f or<llumi**n In con flict with fiil* r lin,ui<. rr* hereby re pealed. <n it* first reading liv Alderman llot rigon- An mdlnwitre to amend eecllon R7O of M* I >oneir* rode of SR\4imh, to bo found on page s•>l thereof H* lion I ll it ordained by the Mavof and Aid* rroen of tin < lty of Havunnah to •'r ur.f-ll • "*♦lll hied. Thai r**-ctlon 77* of M < I <**-ITi* **m|c of t It** city of flutantwih, to !*•■ found or* t iklHf of th* wld code, be tint Ho* name I* hereby no .itnetided 11* •t. hercufte ih** i!l m* * tton /*hull read tin follows to-wit •All |M-r>oii'* t-nßitiri and in the huirino** of II;! lit* rim,. or otti* rwl** trno*<torYln. • Mum, hay. Mthi nr *ther Inflammable m* rehandle** tnuvul store* nrcptMl) on tto* ftavonnuh river, or other water* with- Ifi the Jurn* I etton of the M vor afld At drrmcn of tl* city of Hatannah, lie and the* are hereby reiu|rc*t to cover the r me, while on lighter* or other . raff* with ItipHUllnH or other more pMtnanmi and oil#* taut I'll material. anl to keep th* • I n* it h.irolt • *•* rai'frwt until the •ml in* r* hun t* hue be *n a tuajly re ttiovitil from lii** said tijrhter or other craft thl* obligation to continue whether the contru< t of lutit *rlng lute treen com lilef* I or not. ,ii wit|iHit regard to the <|i.ration of .1 teehnbal delivery of the merchandls* and until nil of the -dd r*-rebuiltHue baa twen actually and In lailnt of 'art token from the mid lifhtar or other craft Kuril failure to comply with thl* m - fton nr my i*irt thereof, ahull be considered t vlol.itlon of tht* or dinance Jimi *• punish* <t. upon ronvi-tlon Iteforn I h< I’oll ♦ t’ourt of the ilt> of ttu vanruih. by <♦ fin* not to exceed ona hundred flPo dollar and imprisonment not to ea< hm! thirty tho day a, • liber or both in tin discretion of the court H* 2 lie i* run *• of kitmel. That all ordinances and purb of orilinaira In conflict with tin- ordinance are horeby r* al**d IIKHOI.I'TIONH. By Alderman Thomta lt* solved That during the aiuonce of the Mayor, the chairman and vice chain* iii hi •,( Council from the city, Alderman John Ik*tiware iw d#--ig noted to act <*m Mayor pro • *n. Adopt* and. Alderman Tledemon Kraolvad. Thai th * i y muratial he and he I* he retry authorized dial dir** ted t*i aell at public outcry, before the *o*rl 11 oil Me. on Tu* -Jay, tin fcth (by of Janu ary, 1901. the same >• lug the a* ul Tuea ild) in the month, during the Irani hour* of -ale. certain lot.** In the city ot tiavan known ue lM* i-. M ut*l 27 lloliaftn ward. •obtaining &.&> ju| ftrt, th** prof ally of th- <lt > of Kucuriiiali. Tle -Jill ail** diall !**• advertised not l*rW than four time In the ofTb 1.1 ora*tn of the .ii i l*eit bulder who ahull bid not leimi than 14 cwiitM a Hipaire foot, mM 14 cent a a Mjuare fuot lu-ina hard aw the minimuaa price. Ad spied Aid* I null Tlek-man— ii.roU* 1. Tout th* i*omrnlMee on City l*u l- hereby uuthorm**! inl tnatructad t> u ertain ti* retaiira *ry. re u*# of onlir ry *1 ay and r.ntural arai and tear, to the property h**Hei to Thovnaa foolcy. on die! *rn corner of \V.a (iron*l and lliver streets, utwt to ha\'e Much repairs made. Adopted. My Alderman Tlrdemuir— Heaolve*!. Thoi the clerk of Council he Ifi-tnU'ltd to atverti* • *u elation for . Ity |rfitcr for th* >• r lk>S. to tak** pla o of the next regular meet in* of Council to b* hH i on ihc evening of Dec. 2* IWO Adopt e*|. By Alderman Ila**~ It having been reported to the Fire Committee that fltoinn n.t#h*dt Im a physical wre k he now ein* an inmate of th* John- Hopkloi HoMpitil *t Balti more nd report# r** elv*d from thwt Ifi atlfiitlon linlh at® said IMatahek k* *ui In . , 4f , \ t nvwtld invest Igw dona by the Ki** ( ommlitn reveal the fact that aakl lvi i*k l In deatititta circumatoncet *i ~ ~ , ordM of th* department show tha h< was appointed April k. U*. whan the . Ml fore* wm organised he having aarvwl the department previoua to the organl satlofi of the coll force. He h.o aervtd continuously, with the exception of one y *.ar. wild during thla entire time he has Ikci. > faithful and efficient fireman, therefore be it Reaalved. that the city treaaurer la h< reby anthorlaeil and directed to havi (mid to j-aid Platihek. tha aum of S9O i*#r month for . |wrlo*l not excrcdlnx Jau. 1. nos. MiaCKLUANEOt’B. Kedgnation of Malcolm MucLean a a Park and Tree Com ml aalunv r. to take ef fect at any time between now and tha first day of January. ISM. wan read and accepted. Count'll expreaelng It# thanks and appreciation for ‘ fliclent i*a*t aervt**ev There bring no further buetorfM, t'oiinctl took a receaa nubj* • to the call of the Chair. WM P. BAILdffT. Clark ef CcuncJfc 7