The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Image 13

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TAUT TWO. The Haven of Present Seekers. ]. Boxes of Building Blocks go at 5c 1 and 19c Games at 10c 2 ; c Chairs and Rockers at „ 19c , 801 l Trunks at 5m Combination Banks at 25c 1 Iron Trains, Fire Engines and Ilook and Ladder go at 5 Dress Dolls go at 39,. 5: Blackboards and Writing Desks go at 69c *1 Mioo-F v, larire. well made, go at 59c I‘v China Tea Sets go at pic 5 e White Enamel Doll Cradles go at 39< J 5 Blackboards go at ; ly, (iraiul V alues in Shoes. . n's Felt Juliets. In R| and and turn soles. 11.CO quality, nt |l 25. i t a. new kooda. .Alien’ Felt T*red Bho*a with Ir tales. Itanil-tesul, at Si 50. en’m Kelt Slippers, Black. Red and T.r 11.00. iron's Red Felt Flippers. leather #. a to 11; new goods. s 11> to 2. $1.05. Queen Strip Ideal Kbl Slippers i • i Vl*'l K id. French heel, soinethli i * and nobby, S3.J>) quality, m> $2 A TRIP TO THE BIG XMAS TREE AS PLEASURABLE TO THE LITTLE ONES as 11)3 ADVENT OF SANTA Christmas Jewelry for Presents. 1 tmond Brooch** all tha very latest and beautifully •**!. enameled ... i work. sunburst* and a number of c 1 r *r ftylea. from $lO 00 io SUM> rr. r \ ('tiff IJnks, solid Kohl. Korun Li * n* w designs ID Diamond ILxrrlng*. In hinduomc cluster and lr:g> Moni! nettings, from $10.50 t f‘s la-lp**' Diamond Rings. handf-orm*. Dr*l . < cut diamond*. In solid goal Tiffany n*t;j.g SD.OJ A ' .<1 Une of Men’s Solid Gold Chains, •o f styles. In 10 and 14 karat, from 1.4 5A to s2*6o. d.M Solid God Lorgnette Caatns. *h pearl set slide . 17 50 S>,l Gold Necklace*. nlth heart p*nd r .V .HH -•1 *’ Solid Gold Brooch**. In every •:vbl# style, from $1.76 to sl2 and Men’s Holiday Gifts. Men’s Excellent Eiderdown Rath Robes, prettily trlmmM and well made, at $3.98, $5.00, $6 50. M,n' Fine Fancy Silk and Satin Suspenders, sterling allver and nickel buc l. pul up In pretty fancy boxe*. at SOc, 75c, SI.OO. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. M*Va All Fur* Half Hose. $1.98 pair. Men'a pretty up-to-date fancy Hosiery, fast colors, at ... 25c. 35c, 50c, 75c pair. Put up In ont’-ualf doten boxes. Men’s Nrrkwir, made up In tlte newest and nobbiest shapes. In puffs, tecks, i - in-hand*. Imperials, ascots. hat-wing*. butterflies and clubs, at 50c, 75c, 81.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. Men's and Boya' Fancy Sweaters. In blue, maroon and black, all staee, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50. Men's Fine Fancy Satin Night Robes, and i’aj.imsa, SI.OO, $1.25. $1.50, $2.00. STORE OPENED EVENINGS From Now Until Christmas BEST SCHOOL HOUSE IN STATE M.W THIftTY-KIUMTH STREET >ll lljima Ills THE DIfSTIMTIOS. h'll'-rli, ten.lent (Mia Ashmore in ' Umrlrrltri It—Anderson Htrert irliuol Hit a llnrn S HegardrU, Hu I Snprrlntrnilrnl Ashmore '?• tin* \f*vr Hu lldln it Una AitaaWl'* <tv.*r 11—Kx I erlnr la Imposlna nnd tin* Interior la splrnilltlly De*l*n ■l for Mehunl l*nrpse*—lnte "* It* t hief Features— 111 Me Mendf for OrmiuiH*) llrxt Month. *>.*■ tineat grammar school building In a Is rapidly neirln* completion In • nnah. The building ts <be Thlrty i Htr-et 8 -ho*)!, occupying Iha lt i ‘■•JUIh able of Thirty-eight. betwen •r>on and Montgomery streets. Mome 11 ■ text month It will he ready for oc tney. and tht> workmen who are now ; wing the finishing touches will have * -n way to the pupils who will be the ■ trs of the thousands who will prob tullow them in the use of the bulld r educational purposes -terday afternoon a Morning News erentatlve was shown through the 'hng by (Superintendent Otis As.insore Ashmore his assn In all the most lm tnt school buildings of the slate, and judgment la that tha Thlrly-eigtKh h irool will be tha moat compfcU iutemnah Morning JsctosS. New Dress Goods. 3 s -*n h S ii 1 1 n. In extra heavy wool mix lures, 7.1 hr It nr* < amelshalr, t’nevlots. Figured Canv l uir. all stylish nwiierials, M-tnch nll-n ol S lings, Garnet, Reseda. Brown. Castor. Myrtle. Pearl Gray, Medi um Gray. Navy Blue Gotciln Blue, 75c quality, for Monday. 55c u h All \V*i , Flannels for Shirt Wale*s and Dresses, all new dndraUe shades. *st\ Spe ial line of Sr-ltwh good*. SSc to WV I‘MIH' Ishalr. llalls. Fancy Mix tures. Storm 8* tk* . Henriettas, all at 25c yard. Ladle*’ and Misses’ So ld Gold Rings. rc**i pftirl and doublet < omhinatlons. In hatwlM)mr petting* $2 50 v’Mdreu - Solid Gob) Ch*>**d Band Kings. ai-u fan v *t>ne gettings $1 OD Gold I'lllul Brooches, with and p.ifl MtiltiK 98c Guff Gohl FIHM. with pearl sor ting!* .95c Hat Ihna. Gold Filled, plain and atone 0 Manicure ami r**k Pieces. S'erflng 811- ver. heavy cmho **ed hand*** chol*'* at 4tc Sterling Sliver Pureea. extra heavily em bossed top. with ring and cnain at tached $3-50 Sterling Silver Napkin Rings, hand snmely engnved . $2 00 Quadruple Silver Candlesticks, very fine finish and extra heavy sr. 00 to $7.60 Quadruple Sliver Sugar Bowl and Cream Pitcher, extra heavy, highly polished, $<S to $8.60. j In eVery detail, the most carefully finish ed ami the most carefully studied In It* special alnptatlon to educational urea of all. This In h distinction mat has been held by the Anderson Street School, but the n< w building Is regarded by Mr. Ash more as being even superior. There la a right difference In the arrangement of nmmUMI l M the advantage of the • there may he gs-ured that the very best accommodation* possible will be theirs. In Its exterior the n* w building la at tractive, and It will lie an ornament to thus section of the c*ty. A wile grar.iv II - hie sd.wnllc I* to run along the front of the bunding nd will add considerably to the effect. When the waik has been finished rhe building Will be even more pretentious In appearance tlmn now. Btucco work glvoa the building fho ap peuran . of having been constructed of stone but the mod noticeable feature Is the port co. where high Corinthian col timns may b- -cen supporting the roof. Tnese columns are fluted and otherwise orr- minted, and thrtr effect upon the irrnenU of the itrurtura • „ rp .,.| y ...imlred Two wtorles In h'ght. the building l without lofty floors to which children must climb to pursue their stud'e*. its 'vantage that Is define!. Arch! edural >*enuty. however. Is nos lost In thW cors deration, for no one la im pressed with a venae of squatness, the high! being ample for all aeathetic de mands- The Interior presenta a perfect expoa.- tlon of arrangement of rooms for a school There It little of ornamentation, though there will be a general enter scheme mst will be pleasing. A high wainscoting and other wood flnlshlngs m tb. balls ar. to be grained 1 cherry., SAVANNAH, GA.. SI*NDAY. DECEMBER 10, P.MK). CHRISTMAS ATTRACTIONS. Fairyland for the Old as Well as the Young. ST. NICHOLAS INSPIRES DEEDS OF KINDNESS. Christmas Joys, Like the Circus, Were Made for the Big Children as Well as the Tots. The Rendezvous This Week Will Be Around the BIG Christmas Tree. GREAT BOOK SALE. it Would Take a Page t * Enumerate the Many Publications We Have. A FEW SPECIALS: Hentv Books 25c Alger Books 55c arrou* Hooka for Bovs. hv the moat popular writer*. A beautiful boo*. ..50c A Grand Rook (tilt top. fancy binding, two hundred titloa, a beautiful glft..3Cc Three line® of 1< mo* to select from, all are exquisitely bound, and are the prettieet of gift books for men and women -• and 29c Precious Thought Series. UPo titles n book to suit every one In this M -16 c Ft NICHOLAS 1905-An Illustrated maguxinr for young folks, handsome ly hound, two volumes. pfl<e i**r a* t 7T XMAS KERCHIEFS. Children’* Fancy Boxed Handkerchief* with colored border*. 3 in a box. Special per bo* ,n<l 250 EXTRA BFECI Alc-laidle*' all-llnen Hand Embroidered Initial Handkarchlcfa. >4 doaen in a box. at per box ** Men* Fancy Border Silk Handkerchief#, special at *&c and 2So Men'a Fancy Hemstitched Handker chief. at I*. = • nd * Other Hamlkerchlefs. In real and Imita tion lace, from Me to J 15.00. Ladies 9 Cloaks, Saits and Furs. SPECIAL. —Ladies' Hlack Broad cloth and Venetian Skirts, per- ftQ Eft fectly tailored, latest dare OOiwU 25 Ladies’ Tailored Suits, coat silk lined, all newest cut and ft Iff Cfl and shades; were $18.50 UlZi JU 20 Ladies’ Light and Dark Oxford Suits; were $8.50; coat silk Special Sale of Furs in Animal Scarf Collarettes, Capes, Stoles and Storm Collars, in Stone, Martin. Sable, Krimmer, Seal. Persian Lamb Mink. As trachan, Blue and Red Fox, Moufflon. See Broughton ft| Cft ffCj) £ff street window. uliuU U|J 0 J Ji J J while the same acheme will prevail In the various rooms. There will bo twelve rooms for classes, six on each floor, nnd four for other purposes, these, too. being two on a floor. An office for the prtnrSpal will adjoin the room In which he will tnetruct hla grade, the Seventh, while on the same floor, the first, will be a room for the school eupplles. Above the principals of fice will bes room for the teachers, which will be fitted up for their comfort and convenience. Such a room Is useful, as It serves for pupils who may be taken 111 end forced to retire from their grade rooms. Above the room for the school leg will be another for tha s-honl library. In which books of Interest to children will be kept for circulation among them Th* Hoard of Education has In dorsed this p.nn for school libraries, and ll In already followed with beneficial re stilt* In some of the grammar achoo.s. From various sources funds are secured for the purchase of hook*, end these are , taken out by the children who attend the schools. On* Is Impressed by the sin- of the school rooms. All twelve of them ere SS by 24 feet, end a perfect flood of llgnt pours through the several large windows of each. The arrangement of the plat form upon which the teacher Is to sit. and toward which the pupils will face Is th same in each room being such as to have the children looking always toward a blank wall. This Is of advantage to tbelf eves as the light falls upon their work from the best direction, snd pr~ vents Injury to th# vision through im proper lighting In each of the rooms, too. there ere seventy lineal feet of alato t j blackboard, ao that there -will be no lack i Dili HOOK IIF.P gItTUKAT It % \ lit it % hi n hook nrotti; ami woitrn lot it ivu'Emux. Ai t. TUB LITE ( Ol*% RIUIIT9. A oompleta line of Bible# and Prayer Book n. 10,00 m Christ me a Cards and Calendars, at U \ 10c. 16c. Or. up to $1 50. Ala rye line of Juvenile Hooks at 3* . 6c. 10c. 35c, 35 and 49c. POKTICAL WORKS beautifully bound In pnlde I leather covers, full list of |*>p uUir title*-, each book boxed, each. H9c. ■■is FOR XMAS GIFTS. of facilities for this valuable Instruction. In the basement of the building will bo the furna- • from which the steam Appara tus will derive Its heat. The boiler for this Ms arrived, and Is being placed upon the lot ready for the workmen It la exted that they will pM It In without loss of time. The plumbing ap|Nratus. too has been shipped from the North and Is expected dally. Work wUI be com menced upon It as soon as It arrives, and It is thought possible that both the heaf tng and (lie plumbing work can be com pleted by Jan. 1. Usually It Is found to be the case with su<-h large buildings that some elays ate required to get everything In shape for tneir use. even though the work may he practically finished This. It Is though’, will be the case on Jan. 1 with *h# Thir ty-Eighth Street School. A few finishing touches may remain, so that It is proba ble that the bulletin* will not be use-1 for s-hool purpnoeo until later than the ( lirst of the month. A lot of considerable dimensions la on ■ three stdt<# of the building, and Is lobe In close-1 by an Iron fence. As Is customary, the boys’ playground will be dlvbleeJ from that of the girls. No te-aoherw for the new school have yet been selected The Hoard of Edu cation has not decided tn Jia*t what way pupils will he assigned to U. That la a question that wi.l be considered at th# nest meeting of the body. It Is proba ble that one of two plana win be le tded upon. The board has bad th# sug gestion for the transfer bodily of one of j the two Chatham schools to the new bulld •rg. those schools being now compelled to I hold afternoon sessions. The afternoon I sessions were necessitated by the partial WKBFTKns URIR DICTIONARIES. nice print, 1.3 M |Htges. Cloth Round 7kc Calf Hound .11.19 'Tltrtngtown * the IMk* " a tub* of ftorthertmM Kentucky hv J- • n I'rt Lloyd with IlliPtr I ;> b* ,i .1 r>.bHMi ers' prl* • $ . 5o iur |>r 1. • l 1 * “The lane Thai lisd No Turning. *' talcs •nd sketch* * Fr i>< h I'aia-ti.m ,If* by Oillicrt Parker, handsomely Inmiihl. Pub lishers* price $l o our price $i 1,. LAlgUai. h\ Kilmohl it * taud. a six act play, te w being printed in New York by Maud Alai’ and IVnianlt Cloth •"•util. iHi.ill!. *rs pi $i , our pn $ 26 HANDKERCHIEFS Pur* IJnoi. Ilem.-fltched m. i Embroidered. unlauiklered, plain r |< (rlmriKsi l olloped and embroidered I*awn Hund xerclUt ff, regular 250 value* Kn h —l9c Men’s t|>.ineac 811 k Ilandknrchlef*. plain ami Initial $1 00, 75c, 50c and 25c. Women> nl linen, embroidered and hem stitched hanJkerchiefa 36c ladles' and Genta’ Initial handkerchiefs, i.l linen, laundered. ** and l-Inch hem 6 In a box. $1.50. Each 26<* la* dies' and Gentlemen* Plain Hem stitched Handkerchief*, In lane*- and bei tltul variety 12’tc to Gdc 50 Misses’ Heavy Kersey and Fancy Mixture Reefers, box coats,trim-ft ff *7C med, values $5.00 to §7.00 Wui I J Ladies’ White Lawn Aprons, l>£p ten styles Zdll Ladies’ Eiderdown Bath ftQ QQ Robes.ail shades, crochetted JU Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing Sacqti's, crocheted edges, satin bound col- QQa ars, very full .*... dull Ladies’ Colored Petticoatt, mercer ized, in helio, cerise, black and ft| Aft other shades. Special iJIiJJ One lot Ladies’ Colored Silk ft 1 Q 1 Waists, were $5 to $6 50. jL J J One lot Ladies’ Colored an i B ack Taffeta Silk Waists, evening and ftC street sh ides, value $8 50 to flO .... Q J destruction of Chatham Academy, wht h occurred one year ago tola mornln< Another suggestion 'hot has n made Is that the wotting list uf pr *>-!** <’tlve pupils that Is kept hy the supertu’eiwksn be partially relieved by the assignment of sonic of the chtlur-n t the new ** •> •*., The school could to* additionally fllb-l hy tha assignment of pupil- of the e ston tn which the new building stands who now attend the Anders, n and the lien, y Hired Schools. That would mean that place# In the And* rs**e and llarnsr 1 Street Schools now held hy sue!) pupils could Ik. filled hy others who are on Hie waiting Ust This plan would mean the adm.aslon * f many of those who ate n w on the list and the accommodation of rhlldren of the Thirty-Eighth Street School section nearer at liomo. ’resellers for the new school will f-rotw bly le secur* and from those applicants for posltkms wbo-e n-mes are now on th* waiting list T err arc a number of th* •*’. a fat no and fflculty w-ti.d I* found In •'- Hi g a good c r, - It Is sis * pr*h*h|e < it the opening of the n- w school will m.- in that some of the teachers In tha system will be promoted Diamond In a Sausage Grinder. From the Philadelphia Press Hancock. Md . Dec 10 -Thomas OsWh er of Hancock Station, killed fo*ir hogw that has bean fed on refuse from a rail road dtntng car. and while he was mak ing sausage a hard svibstanca stopped tha grinder. When removed the obstruction proved to be a beautiful so’itolre diamond ring The ring was sent to banknote. where It was learned that Uta diamond alone I IB 11 Jp PROBIEAI How to Make a Satisfactory Christmas Gift With a Very Few Cents. Stroll Into Our Basement and Look at That 19c Table. The Agonies and Anxieties ol a Slim Purse AraThen D ipallad. SALE OF FINE FRENCH KIO GLOVES. Trefousse KM G ov. nil the new sh <l es, a <, bln- k iin*l while, all Mites $1 76 Courv Isier n>* •* genuine un its* mhh*;nl with trade in.trk All ,1 •>(• ‘Uilt’S 411-1 11-40 Tamp* popu ur glm*‘* is taking the I*4ll of it ! other gk\e* at the price. V\ i at 1 v\ ■ I pn* I l* n* * * tite de mark is In color nrl sixes .1150 Avery pretty and us. ful present Is n pair of Kd Glove** We have them fr dill 1 1 • i M •* Mini Hoys, alw* f- r Men and women Christmas Furniture. Shmikl l- In'ip'n-lee. ueeful, rluraM* and thorowahly m*l of It* kind Notlilw* •n.ik.e n f,t<r,< ■<•■ ,> an.l :.|lnir Impr'a-lon on tti* reclpk nt ihwn an niH'nn'fiat* t’ l " - * of Wo make *|i<-.-!l rlTort to<-o for you th- very U-t. In nele.-tlon of rnilsh an,l l>l>\ that 1. poaalbla. and (uarantaa every artl. 1. aold trlolly >a repreaentad. or >mir ne.m-y let k If |mi want. Our Oran.l Itapld* aaloctUHW at* la-rfeot. IIOMK r>ESKS M.tylee In Itlch Full Quart'rea Ouklrn Oak. Bir.l-Kya Maple, Genuine Mahoganv MOIIRIB CHAIUB- 3D •tyiaa. with tha new Improved makes (none with the am fn> Mooed n,.1). In rich Velour. Bas-Ud eßecta. alo flaurod aiul bio rftfh'd g.KV 1- DAVCNPORTB h style* C I stlal 1* th# predkwntnatlng design tr * ea*on. > e have *oth the extremely pain snd the maaslveiy carve<l TOILET TABLEB 26 tyte. In the new <dd eh.ij>e. ehftppsndnlft being better n.luplnl IO Ih*e ll*lil piece* '• have thn In M.ihoany. birds-klye M-.t’l*' and Holden Oak. COMBINATION HOOK CAHKB— IS *iyle. In all flnlhe. GRAND RAPIDS ROCKERS: A Corner for Gentlemen. Gents’ Fancy Vest, double breasted, with or with out collar, silk and wool mixture, something very nobby, the latest thing out, worth $5.00, at $3.50. Gents'Smoking Jackets, the swellest thing ever shown in Savannah for an exquisite Xmas Gift, in all the latent fads, at $5.00, $5.00, SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00. The nobbiest lines of Silk Hits ever shown at just half the pries you pay elsewh *re, $4.03, $5.00 and $6.00. Gents’ Dunlap Style S.iff Hits, in browi and black, all siz -s, at $1.63., See Bull street window. Children's Fancy Embr. Blouse Waists, up to the minute, in style. Sizes 2i yjars to 8 years, At 50c to $3.50 Each. Pretty Umbrellas. HANDSOME LINE FOR MEN AND WOMEN FROM $ 1.40 to $20.00 w.hi worth a: least *> The ring wet mutilat'd, hut the stone was unharmed. (IIHIMTMA* AT kIAKI.KR’f. A Dance of Priests and a It ais Flesh Hsaqael, From the Hondon Exnresa. Though 1 was not lucky enough to reach Addis Adaha In time for Christmas. I hoard full details of the festivities from those who were. The most Interesting feature seems to have been the dance of priests in the presence of the Emperor. The vestments wars very gorgeous, In cluding yellow and purple and brocaded velvets richly embroidered, and green or yellow silk coats. All the moat magnifi cent crutches were brought out. Incense win swung from copper censers, and gra - ful crosses of pierced mctel work display* and Perhaps the most striking part of the spectacle was the forest or colored um br* Has green, blue, red, purple and hla- k which the priests pul up more a* a pan of a ceremonial display than to k*-ep off the tropical sun The Emperor, tha two archbishops and Tapi. Harrlcg*an were alone seated while the dance was In progress This dance wa- really more deserving of the name than *i*e gymnastic exercise which I wit nessed at morning aarvlca at Trinity Church. Addis Abaha It was quiet snd etately, a sort of quadrille figure and mln t-at step The iwiesfs advanced In two sections, the first of which I .owed to th# King and withdrew to a certain distance; the tec PAGES El TO 24. GIFTS IN RUGS. A beautiful line of Axmlnater Ruga .....12 40 Fur fluga 1215 Pretty Port terra 53.00 A PRETTY PRESENT. A II and soma Pair Lmo Curtain#, !tenal*!*ee effe t if r.uo section did Ihe same arid the figure was reformed Two rows faced each oth er with a couple of pilosis at each end to form a square. Then sot to i-artnera end right-about turti In fact. It was not unlike the famous dan- *- of the Helen choir boys. In Mev K i ’at’*-lrsl with their plumes and cast*. * Each dance proba bly had a similar origin. * When Menrlek had had enough of the performance he sent word to the priests nnd bade them stop, much as I remember Ferdinand doing when a Pope went on preaching too long bef*re him In a llulgarlan church. The priests lead ing the way, Menelek followed on hht gorgeously adorned mute to the lunquet* Ing hall In tha nature. Them were two dinners that day for r iays of five thousand people. Oxen are kill'd outside and brought In with the srill quivering. There are no tables, but fhe feaster* squat about on the floor In groups The servants hold out a Joint of raw mr it to each grouts, whereupon everybody draws hla sword or dagger and sit -e* off a piece, exhibit mg himself as an expert and amaalngly rapid carver. The easing of the raw meat Is done very daintily. The whole place la held In tha hand and raised to the mouth, when the sword or dogger Is used to slice off a mouthful quite close to the Up* As thla la none with quite a majestic wave of the weapon, the wonder Is that no one slices off his noae. An Engllshma who was present told me that the whole operation was rot al all iinplesa.r ' *■* nr smell, as mlxht be Imagined, at close quarter*. To the great annoyance of ih Russian* ar.d F-crrr.. the British agent wet# *h* only person who was given a scat except the Emperor at the recaption which fob lowed this Christmas dinner.