The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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14 \ Mr* Julius C. Lellanly delightfully enter tained Ihe Married Wororn u Euchre ClUb Tuesday at the m ond o t It* winter meet- Inga. The Cbrlßtmaa season waa ana*, a. ed In the pretty decoration* of holly and < aaaloberrles, which were Intermingled with palm* and frrns The room* w.-re I (hied with candies In t> antKul old allver candelabra, while the lamplight *i> aoft* rued by yellow c-repo chad' . Mra. W. W. Owen*. Mr*, Frank llattcy. Mra. W, G, Morrell and 4lrs. J. A. G. tars-iii rut lor the flrat prtxe. a Hohemtari glaaa bon-bon dish. wblrh (eil ao Mra. Owen*, while Mra. Caraon won both the acdond an.| the lone-liaud prlxea. which were a Wvdga wood pitcher and an Iridescent vase The member* and guest* present wera Mra. Itauera. Mta. Jatnea Dent. Mr*. Ilenry MeAlpln. ilr\ Jame* Sullivan, Mra. Itay tnond Demere, Mra. VV. D. Willing. Mrs W. W Gordon. Mrs Henry M Steele. Mra. C. K. Gillette. Mia William G Mor rell. Mra. Arthur M. (ilfcbea, Mra. Wright lluntcr, .Mra. liunk Ballsy. Mr* Cooper Myrra. Mia liamphai 1.. Ken til. Mra. Charlea Howell of Chattanooga. Mr*. Kd ward C. Mercer, Mra. Kill* .Mills. Mrs. T J. Charlton, Mra Frank Screven. Mr tV W. Owen*. Mrs, James H Hunter. Mr*. John S How kina llr. Ah U. Hul., Mra. J A G. Caraon. Mr* Denham. Mr* Howard Mrs H II I-altlmore, Mra. W. F Aiken, Mrs. Chari-* H Dixon. Mr* I. M Lellardy, Mr* John Screven. Mta. Ilenty G. Thompson, Mia Arthur M. Glbbee and Alla* Florida Hank* A beautiful entertainment of the i>a*t week was the supper party riven Filday evening by Mi* CllfTord Munnerlyn In h. of her guest, Mlo Mary Nellaon, of Elmira. N V. Twenty-eight yuut.ic people were preaenl, and *up,i**r waa served at tour table* In the Ulnlntt room. The largest of these, which sealed ten guest*, wo* oral With American lleauty roe, a ai-con.l with Nrphlio*. lit* third with lailianie and the fourth wlih white ro- -and ti.dei ■ in. o'vn- ei. marked by ■ ird- (aimed I v the h.i* • "*. mid each one I..ueitated the oe u,aitlon or favorite pursuit eif I * owner The Mnw, -It iu. r lot In-lam V. who air quit, celebrated a* *i*)#twomen, raid* ahowlng ecetie* from the chase, while for th*> other young ladle* equally approiilate nihj* A ">" dye ted. Iheri war a deal of anm dieiit over Ihe young mi,'s card with theit -tigg'-ilve (le lgl.a M> (lev. !>• ailed on! and the mini evening pc -* •'** delightfully. Ml*- Mura.'an Bu<*t* ■ r> Ml* Neu ron. Mb* Kiiaam th in Ml*# May duttlgnoti. Ml** Ellnd Taylor Mia* <lor- Ima- Mackad. Al.-* •*“ " ,**uer*. Ml** Fr. Id# Hauirr M'- Filth W arlleld, UK- M H M H i I' M May dulllgnoc. Mta* Wonora GaMiett. Ml** Emma Hugei, Ml J.anle Halite*. K. I- O. Hal" <*i*f 3tn, Mi*, lift jienrlir. Mr Hugh llerrl.-. Mr. David C Barrow. Mr. John Morrl*. Mr. <'lu'"n " F Cimuernt. Jr., Hr Jhi Haskell. Mr. C. S* a ley. Mr T I.h'd Gwent, Mr William Barnwell, Mr. llerrl. ii clo ver, Mr Savage Lynah and Mr. Frank Heyward Mr. Kdwurd Demere • and the second < uUlllnn of til- reai* n. wnk a *.* dan. .*1 at the Guards Hall Tuesday evenln* The chaperones present were Mia. Hau er*. Mrs \ i vai hr I! I-a w ton. Mra J, win H .-kell. ml Mr*. W W Gordon. Jr. Among the ilai .-era. were. Mr. and Ml* Arthur M G.bbew Mr -nd Mta fault- ta'Hardv Mi and Mir r.ion.ia .* \V> lly Ml iHi Ml 1 I •' Myel Mr and Mi- Ariaur Glbbr*. Mi and Mra. .la k Kinxte. Mr nd Mir onm.nd ftirong. Mr md Mr-. laiula Malone. M 1,0,1 Mra Hubert Duckworth. Mies Muni Ht.wldur.!. Mine Nan dultlgnon. Mr** May lieHlrnoi M-*lt" t so ..van. Al. It.dti t.m !l*bers>*m Ml— E.iaabeth Hutu r Mia* Anns ilu.ier. Mi 1* . Moymdo. Ml"* Anna Guerird. Mt*> l/i* Gadsden ofChtcag.- \l > Mary Wayne. M - Fk>ra Danev. Ml Id' Tavloi Mi- c.unine Mi-.-kali Ml- Edith W.irtleld. Mi-* Kali Ithuera. Mu Fmd.i Hauers. Mlaa tleor- I Emma Hugei Mlaa .t.snle Hallea. M> Denham Ml— Julia Hem*hart. All** Crutf afield of J-'u-.lerh k, Md.. AD— Murv Neileon of Klmli i N. V . Mias Cliffoi*l Munnerlyn. Ml- > Nannie llotid of Darien. Mr. A. It. !. ton. Mr W W. Oortfon. Jr.. Mr. Charles khearaon, >lr. 1-cWie Haskell, Mr. II Jt S’ntt i ’ V C'arei ce S Ander-no, Jr.. Mr. Ml ' Habersham Mr ltnn*>nd Builer. Mr l-eotofd Ah vand.-r, Mr. W T Johi>- *.,n. Mr. Kitten.lour* Moore. Mr, Norm Chi-olm. Mi John S'oddar.l. Air. Hugh flarrla. Mr D. C. Harrow. Mr. Al. !>• ar- Ing. Mr T Dloyd Oweita, Mr Si w-iri llmck*. Air Corn, liia Moses. Mr Hurry Healing Mr Charles helmoi -ion. Mr Charts* C, Sk-hley. Jr.. Air IHiah Hu rl*. Mr. lan Va' >. Mi *lmpi*m. AH. Charles duHlgnM, Mt \ Guarani, Mr. William Barnwell. Mr. I‘ulinyi Ax o<i Mr Coulter Carmi nael. Air. Cla-- ancs Cornu rat, Jr .Mi J hl!run Kops. and Mr. Savage l-ynah. The reception wan f.dkiwed the mar riage of Mr J*mr Sullivan Boiml and Me* Blkn- Guerard WedneedaV evening. Drought out the member* of the younger aoclety *et a* well as the relative* and || innate friend- of the young couple The residente o' Mr a-ul Air*. Augustus Gueiard on Park avenue was briUlan f> li, utvd u.hl .. era -1 for the entn - tainmetit. An urvh of tall polm* groi ■ I the tut ran. * hall, V. idle s ecieen of turn t>ou cost i-au'd tin muwiiana, who wei. atatloned iiiealh the Hallway. The hild i. h.i gruviii li. .Hid tht guiata In th- a fiom re fjdion room. Wihere Ihe decora- Hca* were of pmk and gretn The wkll* were lightly ilru|ic*l wiili bamboo vine arul tall>- wen pl.icisl In the r ,-ik- and cornet* ot thu room Alshtesi hah fern* vir - lasnkid oti the mantel* and In every nv ~i.a!de epai * were "lusters of hsuuttful j ink rosM* Rote* of k slightly deeper liu. were u*d In the second room, while in th< ■lining room the decoration* were • ■ green snd while The renter of the mule wu* occupied by a cutgiass bowl of wii'tv cartiatlor.a fiii.gid with malden hhi fern*. Hopes vif hot house am.lax id w hile satin ilblion were anii-d iriun t - four corner* of Ihe (able to the chan • .er slave where they were fas ened to areal hell of Htlde rose* In an up- lira loom the many lovely present* "ire exhibited and these Inclnh-d cut ghira. allver. hrl'-a-brar plcturs* and furniture, everything In fact that a young couple could des.rr Mr and Air*, lurnd. who ore now el theit* weddii g tour m liorkh, win reside on their return wliu the tirlde'* parents on Purk avenue Mrs Jame* Dem gov-Tj dellghiful aup- party Thumiay rvcnlnir In honor of Mra. Charles Miurlc** of J*kyl Iflan4. To** other rieii rtaln* l w-n M J Floranro Mini*. Mra Hduem, Mis W W. (loi'lor.. Mra Ilenry M Alpln. Mra. Lawli llaakHl. Mra I'hllllpa n<l Mrs Ilrnrjr Taylor Mra. Il.irrv H.*va corn pllmeniwj lh* hrlhmalila of tho Ron<l*ilti*riii nfvldlrK frith a rhirtn* Idk lunrhron Frlduy. Thr wu Ut orai'tl with annl.ix and ut Itlaaa va a of N>|hlo roa* m Th#* ku* ta \w ro Mi • laoonom <;.*#*!*• 11. Miaa Ann!*- Marl* an. M Lola CnU Uon of < ' Mlaa Marrlat lalllutt, Mian Jaiitila It van, M* v Ann i (2o rrU and Mlaa -Nannie lloid of Parian. * Mlaa llarrlat I* I; ft gave .1 in* little iur*i**r inriy lim rvenlnjr in honor of fhrao of th** non‘a d*ihutrtrM*-a, Mia* K:h*l Taylor, Miaa Mary Wayti arid Mlaa May dultlgnon Tt Uacoratlon.H of wMl* rwa. carnatlona anti rnn !#*n h.ilr ferna war© ra|*i*<’Uny pretty. M a Klllott'a other gtieata were Mr. li"nrj(r ilf ywant, Mr. (*osmo liuripe. Mr. Nortli Ch.ahoim, and Mr. Palmar Axaoti. An informal and thorotighly pleaaam occaalovi waa the tn**tlng of all the kin 14 BROUGHTON STREET, WEST. Ladies’ F"urnishings. Open Evenings. Our Ever*busy Store Is Still Offering Attractive and Useful Gifts. Special for the Holidays. Furs, Silk Waists, Flannel Waists, Silk Petticoats, Dress Skirts, Umbrellas, Kid Gloves, Neckwear. The holiday shopper having the above on her shop ping programme will find it decidedly profitable to crit ically examine above and compare prices and quality. HOLIDAY HOSIERY. We arc offering a special line of extra quality Ladies Hose, nicely boxed, four pair to the box, SI.OO. Holiday Flannel Waists at SI.OO. Holiday Aprons from 25c upwards. Gloves and Handkerchiefs are always welcome Hol iday Gifts. Women’s Plain. Hemstitched, Initial. Lace Edge, also Real Duchesse Handkerchiefs, in large as sort men L. We call direct attention to our CLOVE DEPARTMENT, 9 Which is well known to the trade of Savannah. Every thing new in Golf and Walking Gloves. Visiting and Evening Gloves. Try our celebrated Maggioai. All Gloves guaranteed. d.-w.r0.0;. l-.ui,,> n, n.H,n from jMo | ~f , h e grounds * - the Phl.or.ek kl.,J,r,„ur. on Mall , u p, >,d. and fro ,„ „* n .„| ► t .rot, eitftt. In‘ it i luinnit i.t wa-> ar- I i„ . ", . , ~ . I 1,1 Mri-covernl .irbur U*m wu* Hi in I’onor 02 Alth v\*!. v i, . vrtemn . . . ... tl . „ „ . , . I •** * * m an .turn* . Larrvl Thr kml* *iw if v:>;tiug S i\aimli. I ~, ~ , ii <*. , -hi tars- ri.M,- •, k ‘"';: r 'Z7. iSJ * i > the com-ra of the rooms. T.m thus. , rim ".,, of Lie Kale Baldwin Free Kinder- * , turh •**•*; 'hr Pals, gst-te... were of th. entertain- * , * ““T" J " 7 1 *'• - n.tnl and .too.) will. VI. W.-Im, to r. - L ...i , "i‘*o " " ' ,or "” *d by 111. four -it. P id* .it tho Phllbnek M' 1 * !." ~ the < omml tw Kindt rmrien. ai.J thr if < noon eoncluri- j ‘ ' ‘ ! r< * v ‘* k^G<m rd with •on*- /%,!■ lit up*-- Among tho-.- I t 1 " 1 " *** •K *- concealed in who wet.- M>- Spring. Mr,. ‘ '••“f ‘ ot mi l fruM Fred Myera. Ml, Julio Charlton. Mis* Awh " *' ' I'l'-. nt mill Ml Cartu ll.llr AXiron. un.l thr -rtilor atM ' r , Mr "* lr ' junior rtudont, of th* Train na . laa, ot h u.t HoNnwn \ll,. Itvtt. nh. rg of the klndergartan. f-ZT .J u> aJ 1 '” ”“ U ' ” f Charh.i.m Mlaa I-ann:. N. MIM ig. r. ,\||.- Th- Hoaton Tia I irtv glv.n yratrr- Kdnii l{nbin.i,. All,- js.rin i Nu-.-haum day aflrrnoon hy thr l.nutht.r .if thr of Bainlulog.. 111., Ki m • Stern. Mi— Amrrlran Hevolutlon pruvtil .1 gr.-ut ,11 • Ktla Roth., hi and. Ml,, Viola Kmnk. Ali- I-*., and the drawing 1 om- of tho Ogl- - In nr I'tilx, !, Mir, B,i-ile Traua. MI-, ttiorfi* on Hull a.rret, wore thtongo.l with Janette 11. inian. Mt- Juil.i Kp.i n. Mi vl-itorr Hefrrrhni. lit, were -erv.-d by a l.||y Traub Mim. H.nlah V\ 1. \||-. liia of > oui.a ui. 1 contliiM a! a Norma r kataln, Mlaa • w. - Alla, ; tiiinOM amtts In.-tw Mir* Oinniea I. Fr.da Tr.iub. .\rl- Ai!.i Khrll-li. All- All-, I‘huebe Kdlott, M Huger. Qntruih I'ohm, Ml-- H -ioh.lm Mi- Ml,, l.iiinia llngri. Ml-, Ciorll. Itaiili, Hourow Slern. Mr llerlx-rt Kavton Mr Ml,a Anr.ii Mai Iran. M,a Marti Hama- Wlllim Morrlmm. Mi .Max \, ulx rgrr 1 halt and All,* In nr VV liner,, ivblle little \, r KpMrln Mr Jerome Kpatrli. Alma Augu-ta Wood and Mtaa Annie Btni- Mr Oavhl War ,man. Mr tin- Mohr Mr llt lit In 1-ur.tan dree,, werr the door- gtg., Mohr. Air. Ja.oh Merman. Mr la-r kfPlirra. Korh gueai . .irrhd aw> with j | t ,,, lx>ven, ein. Mr. Leon Him, ,M r hrr a aouvenlr run and aair-er, and thr ' ,^ uU \a U herg,r Mr <1 I, Kavton Air 1 aftrrnoon ua p,ea,antly *i*nt by every jeeph Kl-tnirei, Mr Jiweph Holomon' Mr on* i>riaent. ; Jorrf.h Myera, Mr Alord llvfimn, and Mr. and Mr,, t'hnrle, P M.iurlce of -Air- Alorrla Meyer. Aihrrt*. I’a., who have been the a neat, M t „ Inea Ke der ha* returned 10 Anmrl. of Mr. and Mr- J fr'lmwn rMII, Mt ilf „ r v( ,„ „> Mr K. A 1 uil- Kiiday for their txlutet home at Jekyl j 1-land. Mlaa Caro Thcmp-on la vlaltlng relative* Mra. Thornton Mur< i.rr.veil trom * n Quitman. : Newjiori New, ia. week, and la th*- Mr and Mra. K.>'-*rt A. Crawford have gueat of her nun:. Mr* lle. r) H. Jack t.lormd from Ihrlr brhinl trip a the oti on Koraylh l’ark North. Alla, Kli*abelli llaakell and Mai Sally Mlaa Annie Sanders lia- returned horn. Ila-kell rwturnwl Ki'iday Ir ,111 Charleston from At anla after attending ih. past where they have bwn the paa. lour month- with her oouatn, Alla* ten day*. Hrrrt-hel. at Inman Hark, -md Mlaa Mia, Mamie AVllleox |, exte-rltHl home Kami,eh .it Klrkwiiod -1 from New York Wedrerday Ml-a Nora A Wyilv left Friday morn- Mlaa K It* Cl .holm arrived from An. hig lot Fort Keel Fla., wher. -,e will der*Qn, H. < la,l evening and I, the ,pen.l th winter at thr wuner home of gueat of Mlaa Flora Imm-j Ilr r father. Air. George W, lUr and Mra. Robert i'almor Kelly 0/ Mlaa Gertrude Howell of Tall.i laraee FHtaburg, I**., w ill spend Chriatmaa In Fla., wlmj Is now the guest of Mra, Vl’. P. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER lti, 1000. dnvar.nah with Mra Kally a jarenta, Mr. and Mra Join-a Sullivan Mlaa .Mur? Clay arrived Friday mom 1114 fron New York after an m aewiai mont.ia from t ** city. In hop and Mra. Kuatn* U lleruirl* of Kftixaaa City ar th* o*-ta of Mr aim Mi- (i*orj(e II Waring. Jr., on I* irk •VfflUf II.M Nnr.| arrival Kr lay from Washington, V C . where rhe been ai**-ndina the aiKiimn Mr and Mrs Chur ire Howell of HOOK 4 arrived Xu**Uy fr*en N* w York arni a|*hi a few days with I>r. and Mm. Ciiarlton. Mr. and Mra Alt Sander Laurence have returned from 4heir hrklal ttnir aiul will ind the winter with Mm. JUymond De ni* n on ilarrie street. Mi k Kaa-itx th Gilbert returned yeeter doy frocn Andover, Maae , while she hsi been attend.ns < h o*. Min* Bal<!•*• kin* will arrive from her homo in Horn * fia . Thuraday. miic! will be ihe of l* r aur tr.. the Kol lo* k. on Furry anet. east Mr and Mra Clark HoWfll of Atlanta will apend ChriMtinaa in Savannah with Mr it. It Comer Mlaa Nina Cran*. who has l>een wpenrl Imt the summer and full at the North D rtpertei home Thui eday. Mr* A I* Wright of Thomuaville a|ent several days in Havanruii during the (am; w* ek Mrs Hobcrt A! ton of Atlanta is visit ing her parents. Mr and Mra. Fleming dußlgnon on i'erty atreet. Mi e lf*len la *spe ted home the litter part of the week from Chicago. Mr and Mr Joseph Hond of Darien have hewn during h*- week the rih of Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Luttimorc on l :rn rd . ir • 4 Mr. Un r Cole Bcott of Richmond spent h d*y or two in B*iv,inn|ih lust we* k n rout* lo ItlucktK ird Island. .\|.sd* Niftip arid Weill© May arrived la-4 night from |>emore*t. t4a.. where they hav* b*en *dtending the J. H Orreo Colleg* They will ttinain here during the holidays, stopping at Mr. C. T. Co*p r s. A unique entertainment of the past week was the Indoor pfe-nle given by th# V M. II A .Monday evening at Masonic Hull Great ingenu ty was dlapl iy* and in the d*-eort!on of 4he hall, which repre sented hh nearly aim- able a woodland eoene. Ifammocka and ruath hersciv# were placed in shady nookr*. an*l large plattirda pointed ©ut the various attr ic* Handsome* Linen Table Setts, $8.50 to $12.50. Last week hundreds of eager customers thronged our spacious store and risitod our \arious de partments. Hundreds are coming every day, for the attractions are manifold. Our house was never better prepared to help you in your shopping than this season. \ou can be sure of buying the light thing at the right price here. Some Useful Suggestions. A Haiklaoinc Hl'.k or Woratcl Drff*. A Be iiMirul D.imask or Tapcatry Tabic Cover. lb'<> Rurrau H"arf. Sklrbiiaril ami Tr.iy Fl-cra. E il. r loam vj ihta. Kk to sl2 60 Cotton Comfort* 78" to MOO HHnkol-. *c to 11300. Iluck Towel*. lov to 75e IVurn.i-k Towel-. 2ft" ,o "ft". I .allies' Funnel Walats. tl .00 to $lO 00. Alwnya useful anA acceptaUe. When In •louhi what to buy this -olv * Ihe ques tion I'hll.lmn* Intlal* Handkerchief,, thre* In :i neat box for only 25c. l.jill"*' Initial Hondkerclilefa, worth 3Se. at 25. Gent'r 811 k Initial Handkerchiefs, apian <ll.l value. She. I-oille*' H>-al Luce Handkerchief* SI.OO lo sls 'lt Ladle*' Fan*. Me to $15.00. lonhe*' Underwear, 25c to $lO 00 1-0 kulKKik-, Card re* and Rok*. Ita. lw in. wall visit Mm* Edith Stillwell nest w.ek. Alrr William F. May hi, ret iriied from a vl.-lt .0 .1 .laughter, Mra. Claud Ham nioiid In Moiugomery. Ala. .Mlaa Kid. Hhuptrlne left Thureday for N.-w York. Mr nud Mra. K E. Cheatlaam have re turned from tin ir Hummer home at Guy to ind it- ot 1J Jonr- etreet, e.-t. Alt,. S. I. Ilaggett of Norfolk, \ a., ... ha been vlattlng her mother. Mr, T. H. Chl-h'.lm on Taylor street, ha* returned home. Mr, C\ W Went, Jr., ha, returned from a visit to rotative* In OalneavUe, G.i. Air*. At. F. Itoßer, hna retunu'd to her ,ome to I’tmta Gonhi Fla., after a visit to Alts. At. A. Crawford. The aeroud meeting *>f the Hliwsure Club wa* In-11l Wedneeday at the reJl ltp, ~f Mr-. Samuel Etnsteln. ami the gi.-t, .uJom-I u bleu Iht aft.rno.Hi of eneiire j.layhig. I'dm- and rut How.r 1,1-rn.d the iKirlor-, und ihe prtxe, u ,k. l i lt.- and dainty vaee. were win i. Al-, Carrie l.i.lenthal asal by Mr,. /jj drone. Other gueat* preeent w-re: Mrs.' Arthur Well. Mr J..-im tVr,-. \li-. J M Sol-mi. n, Mrs. Anros, 1-erHi, Mi - J E Uutmun. Airs. Blnswanger. Airs! Leon Fuat. Mrs. Gutman, and Mr,. 1 G. 11. 1a,. The T. I’. Card Club waa entertained Friday afternoon by Mi*- Nina 1 I .*l r > All - * Atari llivl*. Mlaa Jane Shuptrtne. Ml-, Henrietta Turner M!„ Eth* I l-'r.-t --! ell. .11. I M - .Mamie Stillwell, were the KUct-n* prwiii. Ml,. W. W. GlOS* line returned from 11 visit to friend* Ir. Philadelphia. I’a. A liali supper ut P isinon leidge Ji imong th. mt.rtalnmenl.- Tuurjaloy el .11,mr. and Mr, - .1 Under atvl Mr,. ,Y„ik. i l. i|, toi.. .1 the voting people, who Mi— 1 .Hue -of AuRU-ta. Ail-* Mar ,ol, footer. All,- Ma.ker, Ml-- fh.mklr font Ml,* Gammon. Mr Reid Rweal. Mr. •A J Walker, Mr It A Sharpe. Mr. Henry Itotaruon, and Air. VuruadJe Hint 1. Aii„ Mlan.-ftr Ulimi of lasuisvlUe. Ky. - vialtlr.g her slater, Mr,. F. 11. I.eflter, .1 her home, fit Gaston mreet. east. Mr J. Miller ha* returned from New A’ork. Mb- Nuae.xnim of llalhbrklge Ape, Roaeuptatt of Clevelaiwl. O . and All,, li.inu . f Alim a were complimented will, 1 tun ,eou .it Hannon te,tge Thursday >th.r* In the party were. Mra. Sigmund t.ardnei Mra. Jacob lilrnbaum. Mi,. Charlua I’.v k and Allea Ehrlleh. Mi*. Jo-ei 1 Freid ha, returtivd home from New York Mrs. John Gray Stelnhlmer left yeater -lay to apeml the :11 ill*toy, jn A,hevllle where Mr, Stelnhlmer will Join her later. Mr* M F Roger,, who has lieen visit ing Mr*. Crawford, on Waldhurg atroee. haa reiurneil to her home in Florida. MONIMBRT TO %N APR. I'reNrh Town to Honor Ihe Memory of s I blHMisnsee. From the Hhllad lphla Time*. Pari, Dec. I —The Miini.'.iHil Coutu-H of •i-rnoble lira voted a large approprtntlon m erect a bronae statue of Ihe fnmou* htmpanxee "Chari, magne." who ha, J net lied ihen. Ho wa* brought to Grenoble by Explorer MarvtHSe, and for nine years laid enjoyed the freedom of the town, (wing allowed to eider every home and to I help himself to anything In the vegetable I and fruli shops. Charlemagne, who waa perfectly tame. I Ilk ,1 lat* far. though he preferr and ! to travel on ull four*. He u, .and to all wish the card player. In the cafes or by the | hshermvn ut the river bank by the hour, ooking lo be the w.mat and moet sedate crony among them. Five year* ago he rescued a child who had fallen In a well l.y going down and limbing buck by the help of the regie and ihe projecslur- of thi w.,P Nobody w,- bresent but lit* drenched civltd, who told ihe -tory. Charlemagne wax ulao a great favorite at the children’* Ho*pt<it. There he spent hour, playing In Ihe different wards with Infinite klndnea*. HI, funeral w-*a at • ended by she whole pn.iulatton, —A queen I, ,he. when tiorlng tea. Her subject,, all the swain, P’nllkr the weather, altogether, bines when sho pour* she relgng —Detroit Jo irnwL GUTMAN’S, IQ RDfAT ir.HTniM QTRFFT. W. J 9 BROUGHTON STREET, W. STORE OPEN EVENINGS FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS Nothing So Desirable as a Christmas Present as a Handsome Tailor=made Suit, Cloak, Cape or Skirt, Fur Scarf or Neck Piece. Ladies 7^ Tailor-Made Suits, a UStFIL PRESENT. A a per lal efTerin# Ihla week I- vVe have selected 25 Drea- Rt a lot of 20 Suita. consisting of ( . rM (no two alike), worth mouse. Eton and T.*hl-Klln* f rom ft* no u> ftio 00. on sale this Jacket*, worth. 122,0 nut week al $f 5.00. $5.95. Some Handsome Presents. Ladies’ Silk Petticoats, up to 527.60. Gents’ and Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas with Gold and Silver Handles, $3.50 10 S-2. SO. Our Millinery Department. Will place on sale this week some new creations made to sell at slo*o0 V but the price is 56.37. SOME WASHINGTON GOSSIP. A \ KAJOI ABLE Hill It-MIA TO NOI AT A NOV The Her,nil* W ho I'oiiipoaeil the l’i eurslunlala— A 111,in,-r ,0 the Hart* Fair I itminla,ln„era— 1 oiwiuen Is ou the Heath of Mra. \A n-liliialon Me. I.enu— A Word Ahoot Waahlnglon liehulantra—Nome Other Mot,era That Are AllrnellMi. Attealloa at the National < apilnl. W'aahlnirton. Dec. lt.-The week ha, been unusually croaded with luncheona and dinner-portlc. In honor of bruli-a-elecL debuntanto teas and fa. illor.ul.le wed dings; and In the midst of the gay pro cession came ex-Preddent and Mr-. Har risen, closely followed by the I'ntt and Hl.lies Commie,loner, 10 the Paris Ex position, whore arrival waa the ,lgnai for a yet more brilliant aerie of entertain ment, In Inaior of ea h. Never ha, the White House presented a more nliraotlvt- app-wrance thin when the omclal gayetlea of Iht, season we.e Inaugurated by a state dinner cotnpllm*’n l iry lo America's rep:e.-entatlves at the French fair. Parlor,, orrldoi, and din ing-room were beautified with lalt l-eui and tropical tr*-es, and the apftli of Chris! mu ,-tid.-. close at hand, waa ex - preaned in star-like b1..--um of poln-ettu. flaming at every turn. Pink wan the pre dominant g color of the table, iatrb-1 ou: In l.a France rose, and curiously beauti ful flower* from the White House eoner vutoiies which nobody had seen before. The confcotlun,. remlni-cet. of the ex position. w.*ie also In rose color, and Ihe candle- burn. I under pink shade*. Next morning came -.lit- nip to Mount Vernon, given by Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa F. AVnlah —a gracious hospitality lo the former-’ colleague.- at Pans. All. Walsh, the re|i resentative from Colorado, and a weil kasva Ulllonglre, chartered the "Ma - h I eater" for the trip; and a- the hlg wnlle il.ara-r plowed her way down the Poto mac. Hug, rippled f. ..11l Iter -lulKlal.l- he -ulon and cabin- were gay with flowers at;, tint-- and ill U- 1 with u happy com pany m ,t prominent In the social wo Id ol AAa,hlngton To tho, 1 who never math the titp la-fore—und atiangv to ray. there wire inany-whe excu lon to the American Mecca waa sum. ililiig more than a pleasant outing The following ulternoon a monster recepdon In the Welsh mansion waa an iinpottunt ft,, ure In the brll knit round of function. In honor of the Comml„ In all these entertainment, ex .President and Air, Hariimn dlvld. i honor* with Mr*. Potter Paimcr and other notable. Though there arc still a few friend, of the Aral Mr- Harrison who 1 -mt her husband's early marriage i another and "lake alui-" with the disgruntled son and daughtir—social fuvor ha, naturally veered around to Ihe living. It la go much better to lie on top of the earth, you know, ami cosnuwrgtlvely young, good looking ami Irlumi liant. than to be lying In one’s grave, how. n r on. .• beloved Last night Mr. Justice ilarlan rn ■ nam ed a distinguished company of g.-mlem. n at dinner, in honor of Ihe ix-I’residvni: while Mrs. F 8. Gran, performed the same <lr lightfi|l service for Mr, Harrison. Jus tice Harlan’, other guest, were President McKinley, Chief Justice Fuller. Justice, Gray, Brown, While, Brewer. AlcKenna iui Hhlrasi the secretary of the Interior, Rptaker Henderson, Henator, Frye, lloai, Morgan. Hpoonei. Fairbanks, and a few others Mr,. Grant Invited the wives of most of the aforesaid <0 meet Alia llurrlts-n. betide* Mrs. Hlor.dun Mr. Allies, her daughter. Mrs itartorl*. and her niece Mi, Pettit Ear’lct hi the afternoon A1 ■ John AA Foster, wife of the ex-Scrtary of Stall nave a reception to Air, Har rison which wat. very largely attended. Justice and Airs liiown al-o give a aplin. dm dlntiei for the ex-Prexidem and his and Invlied to meat them the cabi net ofllcara and their wives end the mem bers of Ihe Rupreme CViurt circle; Mr and Mr, Harrison leave to-d.:y f r lu ll m aijolls. Thi druth of Mr. Washington M. lwaii. widow of ihe firmer own r of th# Cincinnati Enquirer, whose name ha, baeu *0 often rornuonsd In theae column, in connection with btlUUnt function* in her ever hospllathe home In thl* <St not only lean a much-lamented vacan y 111 the aiK-lety which her urn. lou* tleure adorned for uo many years, but also ■ 10-e Severn, other sell-known house* Her ilauaiiter. the wife of Admiral Dewey, had hexun her Saturday "at home.-” for the winter (In the beautiful house presented by the people lo her lUetingutahed hus band and now owned by George. Jr.) and, with the yet doilna Admiral, would have taken u prominent share In the season* enierlalntna. Air. and Air*. John It. Alc lo>an' splendidly ho-p|tah|e home l also put In mournltiir. a* la thut of Ihe .qher daufthter, Alra. Ludlow Mrs. Washing ton .vti-la-aii waa a Kentu tdan by birth and a more . hnrmlriK w.anan never lived. Hvr charities were numerous and her sympathy with those In need always too* a pro .nal turn most useful to the un* fortunate*. Annul* the il .iutante teas of ih" week, perhaps tile moat luahlonahly conspUu oua was that Rlv.n by Justk.. and Mi AlcKemm lo mirk t!)i- "comlnk out" of .'heir i, daughter. Hiklepard,' Tie young 1, w iio has spent each nchotastic term nt the Oeoryetown Convent since tire reai.h-nce of the family In WaaiUiuao) bloomed aini,f ~ very Harden of How. r; tin tributes of a.lmlrlmr -rleisla. It w.i I.'nv.-t her firs, yllmpsc of ;he hrilliont ms ml world In w iich she soon to prom- Inently liuure by reason of her father • ,*0*111011; and, thouKli ", imparlson* a.e islloic-. R la universally com eded Ilia' sin - th. "" inly, par .-x a llencr. of th. >"r Tall, and fair, with splendid eyi •Hid air, her Inins ence and winsome per .-anality arc yet her Kreatewl charm Tin in tv Al Kin.i.i r. i lcnce on Rhode Island av.iiin- w i- de.-orated for tin occasion, and th" debutut te. In dtfferen to the unwritten law. was auwned in alrl ,sh white Next week Mrs. gurus, wife n tin attamey saml. arttl Rive a t.-, to pr.sent n r third -laUßht. r. Allas con finn* * <trlgg. I h*' H©v. Doctor Tulrnag*- nn.| hit* tvif. v !$. ha\• rtturiifd Ir*m 1 1$*•!r fong truvu) "hr,-Id. hav. r. .ysm-j ~,eir Wa-ldi Rioi. fa .nit. aid. l.i*| evening, entertained i • -tlnß company. Dr. Talmage'a social ndnurcra—and they ure many auy linn he Is even more Inlere-tinc n i host man In Ihe pulidr. The same wns mu- in lirge degree of ihe late Cos!. |n- Rersoll Thouch able ,o *w.iy vast au d ence* to smile* or tear* and hold them .urban ed with 111- eloqueise. ,hos. who anew and leveil him heat ihoum,; him moat charming In the home circle A fe.iiiire r.f s,.e lal lnterral next we k W "J ' “ ll,e marriage of Alias Beatrice Far quhnr. daughter of Hear Admiral and Air* Farquhnr, lo Dr. Garron. U. 8 N The ceremony will be performed In 8, John's the Old. St and most fashion.,bl.- Episcopal oso" L ' V ' 1 ' l 'loi,ion. Mlaa Town.-, of rhllaoe.j..' ~. will is- makl of honor, and EleiiJ An hlha.'d Davis, I H wj!l wait u,>on the groom. Hrar Far. quhnr I* In command of tho South Allan tl" squadron, now For, Monroe, and many oflh. rs of the squadron veil! atteikl the marriage nnd -ulwiequent reception ut Holiday Goods VERY REASONABLY PRICED AT jg BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, *"**St. Julian and Whitaker Sts. (• av i’i n ,ttn*'* ##; oa, y Thi * Season’s New Goods Shown, and You Save Money on livery Purchase. Pictures, Medallions, Manicure Sets, Dresilng Cases, Shaving Sets, Military Brushes, Colognes, Purges. Handkerchiefs Neckwear, Men’s White Sbiris, Linen Col ars, l nderwear, Hosiery, Garters, Blankets, t- m breuas, Sun Shades, Ingersoll Watches, &c., &C. Far Neck Scarfs, worth $4.00, This Week, $2.50 ram doves, So well known are here In all eMnr, a-xi * and |er.*th*. Thl* we*k our ftl * Clove for Jl an. Hen • mher stir* can be ex"han(ed after the holiday* If not correct. DOLLS of every description are here In nr.dleee variety Doll* that walk and dolls than sleep. whHe other* are too had lo sleep I,reused Holla from 10c to sl3 50. Hl-que Doll*. 2ft.- to (ft on Kld-lloditd Dolls, 25c to $1 24. READ ON. Kubher Balls, 10c ,o *oc. Woolen Gun*. 10r. to tOc. The "Daisy" Air Rls, *oc. Drums 2&c to SI.OO. Uelluloid Noveltle*. 2ii: to $4,00. Ebonold Toilet Set,, 98c to $ Sterlin# Sliver Noveltlaa. Sc and ÜB wardr. the Farqahnr home on N street dent McKinley and Admiral Pew.y are -X|,. led guest,. g lpu , hp ,whine, „-i prominent om-ri of Ihe arrm AVedd nv 1 Ift, aro (aiuilng In from all part- ot th. country, as well at from abroad. In. Gartnn will b station* 1 *i t ... tv*, Ingtoit navy y ard this year, and Mra Far qutior. mother of the bride wll r. •.(. with th. m while tl Adm.iat U away w. hie w inter cruise. On the principle that • all , h e word love- a lover" considerable interest 1, fel ,n w a-blhglon. ah-ie the ( .rile* are a., •tally known, | n the recently annouib and 'iiK.ii. rn.-nt of Alisa Clara Longa.,:tl. t in. innaii, to Ccuiu Albert d ‘ hambrun The latter la t. .. ,-ourse i lirorlur of Pierre Marquia dv Chambru Who, Wir,- wa- a daughter of Alt- im Htnrre He Is a lleutei . t , mariiic artillery and I, now .11 ctr. mmt The young ptotde mot In Fran- , wh.r M Isingworih w-a, vbitlng h, T .., 1 i*- Al rqufse de Ctaimbri.n. H. ir. e' ut'l In the public eve '* the engigem. ’ I M.-, Hhelagh Cornw-alll, AA. t 1 . (Mike of Westminster— .... ■" 1,1 upa and <i..w'ii- .1? * - man’s Wo-ang would Qll -evetnl quire volitmea. Tile i„, kP fl|l , ovl . K| , vomg society beauty while hla „• ■ tuttier w ,s yet ahovc gTOund, aisl proud old wag -n Incensed it 'he Idea that ho sent hi, .-hr r. S'*j- 1 Aft a, i< court death IrrxKxtd of : „ American girl However, exactly a, -1- novels Which English writers .Al .i 1 ;he grandfather died Joel In ttic n- 0' ut' -in I the young Duke r.-'lll-110-1 !< r. ■ ume hi, wooing. But h found a form: • *' rival In the fteliK— .1 capta.n of -he Itritlah army poor, but otherw.a .1 that n lover could be. Hack n to Afnr, rushed the Duke, but .. IV woul t have It, rival wa, kitle.l tur nw lie of the lira* battle, of Ihe Bci A\..r Even the siege of Pekin w .a not altf ■ out lla element of romance, according to the announcement of the eng gemen "f Mis- le-ne AA'oodw nil to Lieut. Ercd'-n k lltsniarvk. gTundajn of tl.e tat. <;■ me. chancellor. Th.- IK-utenant 1, a:> ,t* of th, German lig.itlon at I’ekln. *J AL-, Woclward and her mot he ,-rs guest* of Alra. (longer 11 the Am,; 1-.0 lcgaklon during the dreadful time of th* siege The engagement h said to Am or curtcl before tl. gun 1 were sllcnc ' W,, A the proviso of a moat uncertain "If." tlarrliiina Fxpeet ktork From the Philadelphia Record. Washington, Dec. IS.—Kx-Prestdent *nd Mr*. Harrison left yamt-Tday for thelr Ir dinri,r->llf lionu*. where they expect * v '* ' from the atork shortly. AThtle here the Ger.eral'a devotion to hi, wife wa# noted by ail friend, lie refused an Important law oa--. s:* 11 a large fe.-, ihe day before be left 'A '*• Ingtoti became It he aid have take run to New York, w-.t Mrs. Hainaofi wouH have been oblige* lo return to Indiit.- spoils alone.