The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 20, Image 20

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20 YULETIDE IN MANY LANDS am ii:\t r%g%\ itniiT% HnuiJU) %V ITH i fill l*Tl % \ o|%i:h\ %\i KH. koperotl lion* of thrlalniae All 1 ItrlatlNti 4 Miinirlr* Ihr Tlr la one of 4• If• mnl Anrlrni 4)rlgiit of 4le **l ulr" 4 err raualm-ln Imbil, fta and l.ngla ii<| Keep 4 lo* *1 lo Ibr Ultl >orlli**r |.vgi'UU, U Lllr (lit* l atin < uunirin I'rrarrtr Part of 4h<* Mo nism l>MliiriiiillN>i urlotia llellel Thai Animal* Talk oa 4 hrlluia* Kar In llr Up*—4 Mwllur North Amarhan lii'llan *u p-r 1 1 1 u 4 loti. Owrua f Harrlagf anil llrail* *uitlil at llirltttia Time, c’nrls.mas ooMbrattoti* are drawn from divert* soun e hi.<l arf by no mean* >ll o t ClrlUlin origin l*> ao fr •<* llm cffi monies and fsctlvitie* ar* con*erned li, * * • l c>nar. In them. ai l i u N *•! l•- << antedate the re.igion of ‘ briar In the aountrira >4 Itomaaiv' <h *ii! Ih* Kotfian ' great feat iv a* in honor of the Homin God o? Agriculture Haturn. • be;, ted In old Homo every Dee cm * Children and siavea warn overwhelmed with pi'4Mar<ta, i*id merriment t*e *’ fVdy form for a wnot* week Southern Europe aid flpaiitaii .irof ro;Ui|ue'> Aner. I& a have retaind Cnrlstmm# r. **(■ nt aorltMuaatiaai f“'tl\*i. hut • "e, u ttont of public r*\)* ii.u while In the northern countries It* • *lrhru:i-*ti lm a more dome*.**- character It la . home and family fw*t The derivation of r '"j3, * , * ' 3 ' • 4: .* .• v ‘ ■ Btngeing the Boar, a Russian Observance. northern customs may be traced to tlie god* of the "TVkla," the gre.itewt source of northern nv*thok>fy. It* arlpuirts were found tn Iceland. The custom* th - rived from the Haturna’Ja and those from northern myths <rt> b>e and b\e partly amalgamated through the mixture of pecgdc*. hut still every country has Its own peculiar ceremonies of rhristmas The custom of 8 and ha via and Iceland rely most dk-tlnfj.y on he old northern myth* Tne calibration of the soiatic • was h great festival in oStV-n times. For • time l was bfUsvrt) tl Otood m 11. at trie solstice. W ith it be* lit again the reign of Freyr, the sun god The "Tulftlds" tne 1* aridl navi ana a I Christmas "Yul" means whet I T.e old In ha Itama of Scandinavia imagine! the aun to be like a wheel. "Yu's ’ otgnifle* the clapping of the wheels and U* expression ia atlil In us© for th mm nar In wnion the presents are distribute i In the north of Europe. They are thro* n Into a rtHm an<l packed In i mysterious Christinas Procession in Para (from an old picture). manner, so that nobody can gu what the contetue are. Verse* generally a * company each bundle directing tin pre *.• from one p< rsor to another. Tnf* P** ulisr qsage Is <k*rivd from the m>s fcrlou.- maimer In wbkh t;e sun god gave his presents, 1, e. the flower*, the green grass and the leave.*. Therefore the green decoration Is still in use for Christina Also the Chr luma'* tree is certainly derlv * i from early suit * . It is of right a fir tr*** because this rot- iin* always green. It symbolises eternal sprang. Christian* ap plied It to ‘he worship of Christ because through Him eternal spring began for hu manity. The • andles signify eternal light, which came Into th© world with Christ. The 9 <*andlni* % Inn Ywle Tide. In Hcandtnavta one ha*. I believe, the greatest veneration for "Yuleilde" of all countries The courts are closed, old quarrel* f r otten feuds adjusted. A pretty symbol of the spirit tliat reigns. I* the piM'dic* of pi icing In a row every pair of shoes , nen h 1. j* ©ki. o that during the yr the family will live In pe*c.- and harmony Candles are left burning to show the way to "Yule Trumpte," (the Chrlatmas rtpbl ) bringing the gifts One •eta a ■ • cf me 2! In h“ • © Cbriatms* offermg; for the birds a heaf of is pi.1 .1 on a pole t n front of each hou.e to provxie them wir food. Tb* fornlly regular meal on th* ih. although bak ing and • ooktng begin about four weeks before On the day of the celebration, at noon the whole household will assemble In the Irtirhi< ami dtp a pieoe of bread In th- hem broth Trv a everybody has to |r{.r i for th* Yuleklapp and | ► V M ft4NP fl Hume* are played Tb*v are usually It terrupted bv * knok *t the door Four or five by* dress* and n white enter. One car riea H e?ar-* up-d lantern and another n orMimerfid (fata box’ntr *r two dolUl, he Virgin afid the C'.rl* child fttlH CMrHIBU carol* After ward .i|t>e! maeked performer* who do trick* and play pantomime Ties Idea ft orv lnsvla and 1 cel and Eng land ha* moal faithfully preserved th 'imtotn if the “yule-1 $ It I* a m •*• aive pleee of wood uuil v the rutged j root of an oak. which 1* kept horning at j Chr* ttnas tlm* for re. • lev . A p‘***'e I B kept for the following year It was fit 11* li h a <r of the he ohen aun g*l. j then the cuatom wa* ’ran'erred to sig nify the Kte nal I : ht TANARUS elg I* drawn In triumph from It- re** ng pl*r ami 1 i ahout* of la u* i r ever, wayfarer dof* I tii4K hi* hut . I* p-se' Kormrrly the mlnatre'* htu. I with eong and nrne | Thta Is an exantp * of the old Yule aonv ‘ Part m i‘* h* kept wherewrh to tend. Th# t 'i.-ine log neat yea re. An ’ ‘ ■ f v kept the fiend f*ar i!o i.o mischief there.** Tn Ii gianl a v* v Important symbol of d* *t 1* t • e mlst etoe !• I* ciiatom a. y for <vt iy your.g man to tr> to trlug Ida below ! un *t the ml* let ie, wtvere | * t* olio aed to k- •* he For tMa eua- j torn w- are Indebted to S andjoavlu’ ] tttviht v TANARUS; • plant wa> delbated to] the < ;*•* kbh'H I* wuiM the em Uem of love hp i • \ who ie ed under St , received • k. vt. \l*l* on Informer in (••rman) In tome part* cf Germany and Auatria taidtva are **i **td nnd lights left Mirn ,ii* briahtly th** riulrt nigh that thi \irgln Mary a• and Angel w*o p,*- mav find ? rnethlng to cat In Germany Chii*t- ■ mat I* a great festival f*r vourg irtd old | T •• I king begin* many weekr before The "fftollen.’’ a very rich cake. la mode square Instead ‘.f round, the better to btiiig up the id.. of the manger The old English Christmas plea, mostly the larg* ni nee pie, hit I a!* that shape for the * n * r* a- i For weeks de rations for Ihe tree are pre|*ared and early on the 2<th tin Uertrun family begin* to adorn tl.* whole house and the tree especially Oi.e l*igo room. ft m ah n all except the mother are rigidly excluded, contains the tree and all the presents Many can obi- are Ht on the tre and when every th!! g Is n readiness n bell will announce to the anal >u*ly watting children and **t er members of th© family that the I’hiist child has paid Its visit Then all enter However, the Christ child la not KUpp sed t < bring any present* unless the "N kod who cotiie* on the 6th of TV cf*mber iKaritn Claus) has Vtn Informed that the children deserve presents. In Amerb'st. Belgium and H I land. Santa Claus comes to bring the preo nts. but In Germany he ha* only the task of re porting to the Christ child the oh.ldren’* cord net. He rarries a whip with which he* the had children; and apple* arel nuts tor the good ones. Nicholas B. uni'H olden times, the spH'lal saint of young girls and boys, which 1* a*erlt>*o to Ms youth when he broame Bishop ol .Myra There wo* tt medieval i uiiom of oho> ring a boy bishop on fit, Nicholas dty from aiuorig th# choir boys. Ills au thority lasted until Innocents’ Day, Dec -v This d.> w 4‘ formerly r >;.: .* and .1* tn* most unlucky da> of the whole year lo instill Into their tnlnl* . horror of Herod's massacre of th** Innocents on this day, children were sours! y w hln. J ir tlieir heib before rhiio: by their istrenis Bo ng undeserving of such punishment tin young folk wore thought to suffer Ilk** the innocents for Christ’s sake Hi. Nbhotes B esfieclal.y venerated In Russia, the Bmperors mostly carry hit n.m© in the rural Ilf of Russ. 1 hrlstmas eveningJs an important event. At sunset >oung and old assemble, form ing a proce**lou ami visit the village dig nitaries. singing carols and receiving cop pers. This parr of the ceremony te tailed “KoUrndo." which mean* lagging for monev or pfesrnts. A ma*4pi t a*)< fol lows In which the adult* transform them selves into cow*, pigs, and other animos ii of th** NtMlvHy In * rnanger. In the evening supper I* on a table roveri-d with straw The feast : begin* by dividing the biassed wwfer An I o*d woman, a mart and a boy sxcvitt* that THE MORNING NEWS: SI NPAY. DECEMBER 16, WOO. function The goid-brlatled animal • •>mbollc of light tn the boar** -)-ad wa* former.y an elaborate ceremonv tiring rh t hriatmiM l*ay repa* f at all mar • <*r ■* oi the w althy wue#t Victoria iu' ept up Wig ..Nii'r until todiy tn. r ap|ears on Oirlatmaa i>ay. wph i lemon id hla mouth, the o.d u®*w - f p.enty It Franoe we find a mixture of vartou* uatovn*. The up*to-!afe l ariatan divide* a* t'hrtatmaa dinner the * Kevebwn nto mart) -ouraea. taklrg each a 1 a nif *reiit p.ace and ree dng home for the •at ip of coffee at brwkfaet time The vngli .ft up of atocking. rhrle*na* night . a 'common Prnirh The children e ;\e their preeerita hidden jn fhrwe Ilk. •e ii trot. rnUdre*! a ( tha time of the The prover.wil* in tha *ouih f France venerate the Yule-log. ratted here “<“acho fb> * # Old 4 ndnmi and • n pertitlon. In Hernia the Chrl.imaa c laiom* are very urlou*. When the father bring* homo the Yule-log he mvi “Good even ing. merry Chr i 'mas A'l present reply May <Kd grant both to th-e. may eat thou have riche* end honor." Then they thr /wr over him grain* of wheat p •ntly. a young tree 1* pla ed upon tho ool*. wher. it rernaluo until morning, whs h la saluted by repeat. ! pBto! ah ts. Where a ne.ghbor iay a visit he first brow* grains cf wheat thr ugh the op n and... r crying. "fNirlat ta born." This# VenetuHa Women Singing Carols. upon whom th. grain ha. fallen anw*r. * He le born, indeed The visitor then enter*, and striking the k>g wtrh a pier. of Iron. adds. “For tut manv at come out Of you let there he ** many oten. horses, sheep. gaet and bee hive*" At length. the mistress of the house throws a veil over the a.e**mb) and euoats and the remains of the log are •arried nut Into the orchard The nsh.a are retained as they are believed to bring good luck. In some pka>e In Rwabia la it custom rv f . r m maiden inqii sltlve as to ’ her pr *jectlve lover to draw a stick **f wool out of a h-*p of Christmas fire log* to **•* whether h will lw> long or ebor , < rooked or otraighr. At other pacer in Germany one will pour milled led Into cold water and from the flgu * prognosticate tha trade or pmf*s to* of the future husband. If the girl she secs a plane or * pair of shears it signifies that h# I* lo In> i srpemer or ahoefnaket or tailor, while a hamme or a pi kax Indie tt* a b .< ksmlth or a com mon laborer When The maidens wish to ascertain which of them will flr>d become a wife, they form a circle end place In the midst a blindfold gnnder and the one v whom In* go*-* first will noon be a bride. The Tyrolese peasants listen to Chilmmaa eve at th* baking oven an i if Recelvt-* ClirUtmfcx Outi In Servta. the* her imirfc It slgnlflM n erly wel -but If the*- hear the tolling of belie it forebode* the deeth of the listener In the Swiss end Austrian Air* the pe collar belief obtain# lhal animals have the gift of language on Christmas night. Hut It b a sin to atlempt to play the eavewlropper upon them An Alpine stou ts told of a farm servont who did not" believe lht animals could speak To make sure, he hid In his master s stable on Christmas eve end Itotene.l. When the clock struck 1J he wax surprise.! at what he heard: "We shall have hard work '.■> do this day week." salt one horse. "Yes, the. farmer's servant Is heavy.” an swered the other horse, "and the way to the churchyard Is long." answered the flret. The man was buried a weok after this curioui event. In France the same belief that animals speak at Chrlslmas prevails There the peasants anv that one may leant from the cattle #i Christ mas eve where treasure ia hidden. If ore ha* anew born child on one's arm. The cork la aupposrd to crow with unusual energy and -wgaelty at Christmas time 10 scare off all evil spirits from the holy season The bees are said to sing, tha cattle .to kneel In honor of the inanger, and the sheep to go In procession In com memoration of the Angel's visit to the sheplu-rde. Howlson. In hts sketches • f upper Cunada, relates that one moonlit Christmas eve he saw an Indian creep ing cautiously through the woods. In r. sponse to an Inquiry, he said: "Mo watch to aes deer kneel. Chrlslmas right all de.-r kneel and look up to tlrcal Spirit In Boland It Is believed that on Christ mas night the heavrna are operwl aril the scene of Jacobs I.a.lder are re-en u led; but only ihe saints ore permitted to see It. In Holland the people enter thoroughly into the spirit of the Native v In nearly every Dutch town at 5 o'clo- k Chrlatmas morning, the >oung men assemble at the market place, singing ihe (lloria and other hymn- One of lhem carries a large star within whit h is a | lighted iwndle aloft on a pole This ‘a supposed to represent the star that guld‘-J i the steps of tho three Klhgs :o the stable at Bethlehem. south Smerlean Obarrvaaeea, Peru haa tta Christ mas playa whb h ' give gretit dedlghl to the popu'aee. The i processlone laet through the w-ek aid every night a acene from the Itlble pre - aented; the annunetatlon. Ihe exhibition o' i Ihe Christ child In Its crib. th> admira tion of thw three kings, the rtlghi to Egypt, snd other scenes. Over the hills Of Ihe Villages these pro e-fj..ns We >| their way. The clergy In special attire I accompany ii- a>>h>e. Carved I'., .r- •, life else and gowned In costly and any y I .'oi.Med clothes, arc exhtblred on ft -. twopio In tnelr Putvisy garmevit.- stand for hours no view the proresaton. In Chiraoaa. the .spiral of V', j on a Chrbtuoaa 111. In# peop.s ptome- Tic brought to your jg| v % uebigjSL^ COMPANY'S extract I j£3 prpard from £jf I I jyi the best parts gW Ly c j •t the best beef SJ H ‘ by the best pro-M - hJI nade* rm the idara Bonvar and !r. th# In full dr-e* Th** beautiful wo* | mat many <*f w fvam might nd a* a . . . l* r and war their mantillas' un t * r liead* brightened with a “Flor de Mayo* (Flower of May*, t • orchid which *r w - there in every yard It la Ilk#* * sprits festival At midnight, when church cell* ring the crowd g-ea to the cathedral, which is filled with srmke of lnc-na** On the floor fsnta i|< figure, knee. They are covered wfh veilings utder which the rl h colors of their garments show in wft undecided tints barely dlattngulalMible through the mist tluit surroursla trem. Everybody listens In devotion t the ot> mas. All mi o*i>e cr>*. a loud cry of a bah)‘s voice! A clergyman pie*r# with a tiny baby on his arm. a real living one The new bom Christ chlkl They g .ide ot their knees to see the little creature on the arm of the priest, to ki*s the little one's band*, to a*tore It as If It were the r<;il Christ child for which the people lake It. be.esvti.g m Its prvelatkgi on Chriaim-is night. Christmas #tay Is* cele brated with the greatest hull flgdi* of the year (Tara Rugs. HOW born. A 4 hrlstmns *4ory. By Prince T. Wo-da The night was a wild n\ Such a night and such weather a* only New England The dispensary was i? darkness save a Mghf which gleamed from the window* of the resident physician** room. The snow of the early afternoon had turned to rain and sleet and the street was for bidding to ped.atrtans. through slush Ice A #w>Utary gan lamp fit kered st the orner of the dispensary block and ex .pt t!;c light from the doctor * window* •he rest of the street w . dark Mr Browf.. he rei-ier,t physician, had mud* a bad day of It. tnmpllng through the snow, making his regu ar caMa on the *ck poor of his district Now he found ••mall omfort In his pi[>e a h* eat by hit iittle stove In the drear*. dl*penary r m He nm* a young man. som what ft;-are in build and of medium night. His b ack hair snow* Ia rather too generous w den -Ing of the parting n#wr th#* crown of hla id. biown. this Is your case. 1 shall expect you to finish It." head though the dodtor would have shown much dlep easure to anyone who suggsated that he was In danger of bald ness His eyes were dark and of that uncertain hue which a 1 tlmea seem <* rx blue and at others would be pronounced black Indeed, had he lacked that stu dents' sallow- pul.or he would have passed for avert good look'ng y ung man Juet now the d<-tor suffered from an attack of "the blue devils!" He had worked hard, this last year, for his de gree and after graduation had be*n chosen from among twenty app leant* tor the post of red lent at the dlaprns.iry. The position prtld In experience and gave a wide fled for work among the poor of the district, both ot their home- an I at the dispensary: the ssilary was chiefly in name, a hundred dollars a year and room reni free, not enough to cover expenses; hut It was the experience to be galnol that paid. Dr Urown had been brmrght up with great expectation*; up to the beglnlng of hi* senior year he had not known the value of money or the meantna of the w.i t of li. Jusl as he waa about enle - Ing on Ills list at the medical achool his father's business had he nme en tangled In a Wall at rest flurry and went down In the crash offal tires. Ilrnwn had eliher to etvc college and take a clerkship or work his way through to win his degree, lb- .-hose Ihe litter cour*.- and managed to win with a hun dred dollars to spare This, with th dis pensary |s>sltt <n and tush wind-fills as might come his way, would carry him through Ihe year of praoti • I wo k among Ihe isvir and then he mu*d find some opening to start himself in general prac- Nr** mi h a Kl 'omy outlook for a young bachelor—but that's whe-e the rub cams ,| , M , r ,-aus- of the blues. He dl l nut wont to remain a buebelor. When lie uad been a young man wbh exi~ tatlc-ne he had had design* (mi t -monfall on a certain dainty young la ly, and what hope was there for a p or dl - ~-i - .ry do. t‘ir- Only that morning the wealthy Ml Peabody, her pom [sms papa, had puss-sl Dr. B own on Wash ington street, and had return-d --ed Ins pollli ' g-asl morning" with a old look which to say; 'T 'hi not wish to know you sir." And Ihut. nio W.ien nut u fe years before the student Brown, with greut exjiectatlon.*. had been welcome guest Ht the Peanody on and had awtt it. n MM* enjoy. and * roovu •%*." Hoc lei y ha*l KOJMi|jie*| that tK>lly PeaboU nr.l Horvry Urown wouhl a ina? . Thori* tiTfll a miMUtfl Hiwlrfn*irflDis that whHi Harvey hal hia ther: he formal announcement Son It waa ill over. *kww xCar Um era* o ante Dr Brown had called at the Pew body House a* usual and had been giforin #d by the aiatel) aervard **The fambly s iMdit. air He had written once since t.iat to Miss Dorothv. and hla letter had been return ed to him unopened The Peabodys r<a*l mon# a'ifv*ai mit* l h** ha*l h<”rd no more C*f them untl. to-day. *vnen Mr Pea >ody had given him the cut direct oei U ashing ton street. Dr Brown w* young ha had worked hard all <hi\ hid had a bad caae a* .i .um tenement house that nftern#>on and had nils-ed hF supper at the boarding house. As he brood#*d over these things rma.i wonder that the "blue devil* * tor mented him The other interns had gone home for the bolldav*. but he must stick to hie poet for he could not offord a holiday trip home Devil of a night out," mused the dec tor. "Christmas eve, too’ Hope won’t have to cal. nu out for that new | r*rrl\wl to-ntght What an old duffer that Peabody Is anyway Wonder if DoF-. Misa Peabody would cut tne like that? Hang It all* A man don't f**el good to be frocen out Ilk* then Just b****tiw he ha* loat his expectation* 1 thought 1 knew Dolly daab it. i lo line Mr! Mo wouldn't throw a fel’ow over like that. Hut why Hang It all. but I do feel *mptv; pity that bearding house couldn't teep o|> ii for a night o • e In a wbll*. •nd I'm broke, too Well, there's no hops for tne with her pner, that's sure*" The electric bell over his head rang .lolently at*d Dr. Brown stepping to the speaking tube shouted, "Well, what's aned?“ "S*t> le youse de d'Ctdr 1 Deya a swell .;oke up de street wots ail smashed up iNey wants de doctor to get a wiggle on. me.* 1 A few minutes later Dr. Brown was stumbling through tie storm In the wwks >f the small gamin who had summoned tm. At the corner two men wers holding frightened horse, to which wa hanging he rertMilns of a broken hameaa A little further on was an overturned cab. sur rounded by a number of resident* who had turned out In spite of the atom) They had Just pulled from under the whee.s m elderl} gentleman, who** dree* had ♦lamped him as a ". v we.l" with the srnln. Dr Brown was all professional In an r M*nt and superintended the carrying 4 the Injured man to the dispensary, ••here h* was placed ofi the doc to Fa own ot. Tne pa tent was unconscious but Dr. Brown dd r.ot need to be told th.n •ie victim of a runaway rah warn the tm* Mr Peabody who had cut him on \t street the morning of that same day. Ir. Brown’s skilled hand* quickly re I , f-d it <lm#locn'**d shoulder and had dvar • *d the drewwlng of a scalp wound l>efore his i-atient had come to n con ciou*ne*M o’* hie surroundings. Then the lairient looked full at the doctor’* fa e ami with t start of recognition, said You. Brown? you*’"—and then fainted again One of the men had been hustle*! off to telephone the new* to the Peabody House The line* were down In the storm nnd t ie me**.nger was obliged to tramp through the storm all the way to the West *llde It was ‘‘hristma* morning before he nr- rived, and the aun h<l won a victory over the ?torm mhen the Foahodfy car* riaae drew up before tne <lia|Mi*ary door. In the do'tor’s room patient and phyai ian hud paused the night in snence. the •loctor dolQf ail in his power no soothe his patient, his personal feelings buried ♦eep 4 y undet professional xeal. In the morning Mr. IVal>ofly had made •n attempt ai conversation, but the dor tor would not permit It. The bell *as ringing again and T>r Frown hurried to open the door to Miss P* tiod> Hi and her father’s valet. "You, Harvey, you?’* Then, blu-hing Ilk** a rose. "Harvey take me to papa " In another moment she was at her lath er’s hide. Hut Dr. Brown was happy. She had said "Harvey!" Her eyee. well, only Dr. Brown knew what her eye* said. As the patient was a-sisted to hit car riage he said "Dr. Brown, this lx your w-e. I shall expect you (o finish It, air I’iease call this evening. Before the sound of the wheels had filriy died away the bell was sounding again, this time It was Clancy. That afternoon, hr the un lighted up the western window* of a small, clean i*droom of an Kant Side tenement. Dr. Brown wns bending over jhe bedside! Merry Christmas, little Miss Clancvv ,: he paid “An’ will you be doin’ me the honor o’ namin’ her. sir?" said the mother. A smi c played about the doctor’s mouth ha he remembered what t ad tome to him that morning "Call h*r Hop*. Mrs. Clancy. * ha said, "for Hope was born on Christmas Day." And Mrs. Clancy wondered why there were tears In the doctor’* eyes \\ly \ lAttt• Helps I onaunipflves. Barker Murphy, in Albany Medical Annals. The splendid result* of high altitude In the treatm*m of tubcrctCoAls have no: been due to any curative eonstltuent of the atmosphere or any peculiarity of tem perature, but .-ntlrely to deerraaed barom etric pressure upon the external surface, compelling a greater expansion of the cheat, opening up a larger >urfa< e for the Inter ha fig* of gate* an*! con#t**quently a greater nxyx siatlon of the blood It te A*':f-evldent then that the forced disten tion of the lungs and bronchi in tho? who live in high a:tltude* alone confers immunity Mgainat the disease. The ex ercises available to produce better respira tion ate very numerous ami varied, but the underlying principle Is simply to bring into more vigorous play the mutate* which expand the thorax and at the *s*nc lime excite dee-p. full and free breathing -- ’o bring ih* \iuU furua ml ua I*o-4 | |t maxim aim MILLIONS FOR TOYS. (.RbtT OI TI.AV row THF. HATS HIU. WITH WHICH TO ULAD UEA (TIIL.DUOOU. ►'•rtorl-. Host lb* Vfar Aronnd l®r Hi- linn* Trd*—ff'orm-rl All Our Toy, Comp From Koropc, bat \o Our Krtrl ur|Mi,- Ihr I'orrliin I'roduet In Hu-1 1.1nr,. 00. l Thrrr I, ■ l.,r|r and Uronlm K porl 'lrnd—Tho laolirr Doll. Hoomh, I* Mill un Infrrlor ln dlldual. uort Amrrlrun Johnnj and HI, ,l,lrr -u- Will lla.p An Waf'hlti-.Madr %o,h’. Arl*,—-llnl In M-lal and Huhbrr Rnl—k-Knark. Inrtr -am I, at liar tlrad- NVw Turk. Drr 14 —Th Am-rlcan prn pla will ftn<i over OH—n million dollar, for Chnaima, toy* this year The total ante of toy* for the year ha* been r*tl tutlNl at twenty million* Of thl* sum ahoul eevemy-nvr per cent Is spent be tween Deremhar l*t and 24th. Absolute figure, hve been compiled, but a careful canvass amon* nianufacturcr*. Jobtxr. and Importer* approximate- the nun plven Fully three-fourth* of the money •pent for toy* rasse* throtiKh the blit department stores, which of late year* have practically abeorbed tha retail trade one firm that ha* house* In two different dales sell* In It* toy department over four hundred thousand dollar* worth a year The*- sale* are made up principally of amall sum* and repr.aent the handling of million* of piece*. Yearly sl*a ran- Ipr from on, hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars are effected by score* of hi* retail concern* throuxh out the Tolled State*. In large cities few Important toy store*, pure and simple, still Survive. In Chicago there are none at all. There are any number of small place* that <-ll toy*, noslon* and sm t.onery. but they make up a very ml! proportion of the total sales Until recently newriy all the toy* that were sold In Aniertcw were mad- abroad The manufacture In th. United State* was Inconsiderable. In the last ten or twelve year* all this ha* been d.ungrd. so that to-day less than on*-third of Santa Clwu*' offering* to the little folk* com* from Kurope. The other two-thirds are made In the New England States. Pennsylvania and Ohio, and tn small factories here and there In some o? the other tate New Kng and !* the givnt producing center. The distributing is .lone chiefly from New York city, where a wholesale toy district ha* grown up which Is almost as dlsstnct **■ the dry g.sils district or the shoe district So gr.-ai Is th* demand for toy* when the holiday season come* thst she factories generally run until mldnlgnt from the 4th to the 3Cth of IVcemher It w* formerly the case that imirw-dtately after Christina factories and jobbers both shut down tot seveial months, but now the toy tra-t-' has grown to such enormous proportions that work for the following yeas is begun as soon as Ihe rush Is over. Toy Making Meg In, Nearly a Year In iiltMiirf. The mein ftockx ar# all before July. The 4l rummer* tak t>e rue-I lmie in March and eany In April. Long before that time, in Janurary ami Feb ruary. buyer* have etar##sj for Europe to ft elect the foreign ateckft These coneiir almoat entirely of the cheaper grades o Mouh n ioy. tie* nxore expenftlv* raechan leal toy*, the chenier fteta of china itlsheft. great flo'k? of wooly an maK ami doll?* The Importation* rim from five to sevei million* per year and of thl* sum thru ar.d a half to five millions goes f<*r dolls Nearly all the doll* come from Germany T te French at one time had a mononol) bm the German* have learned to mak heads so cheaply and *o well that th‘ people across the Rhine have been pra< ttcully put out of hualnes* Only th* very expensive dolls are now bought it France. America, so far, has been ui able to produce any sort of dolla exee; of the very cheap kind Several concern In thl* country have gone into the tna tng of doll*, but th#dr progress ha* be* •low and very llUle headway is promlft* One conrorn in New York has a fair ou put In dta** with Indestructible cofnpo tlon heads and cloth bodies The pro employed there ore generally forelgr er* Machinery ha* arabled the Am*ri in other lines to drive out the Eurof* manufacturers entirely. This is notai true in tin and Iron toys In the branches develoomant on this able h baen so great that a comddeiable exp trad* ha* been built up. Fire engir. h>ok aid lad.ier trucks, trains of car patrol wag ns, ambulances and scor of similar things are tuned out by ton. They are highly finished and aim - indestructible Th* iron toys made 1 foreigners are flimsy, cnide affairs at. when brought into competition with ot* ! own productions stand no show*. A Mix 1 tariff has kept the American out of tl toy market in Germany and France, b m Russia. England. Italy and other Hu ropean countries there Is hardly n rto.. to-day that does not carry at least . >mad lin* of these ingenious production nearly all of which come from (."onoertFu and Rhode Island. Domestic Outffta at Mlrroaeil Prices. In the pewter tovs. too. America hs made much progress. Switzerland at ot time sent about all the pewter toys mu l In America. Thla continued until the do mestic manufacturers Invented stamping machinery, by means of which they pr duce sets of (wwter furniture and dish©** at ftgur** that defy the cheap labor of Europe, ll is onf of the marvels of the trade tnat an entire set of pewter dtslv comprising six piece* ami packed In a pasteboard box. can be retailed at flv** cents. It the manufacturer ab ut two cent*, ami this, though the first pro cess, the catting Is done by hand Ttu rough casts are made In *teel and brass molds and passed to the machinery for ftnnl shaping and polishing From a mere handful, tha workers engaged In making the toy* in America ha\ grown to an army of nearly twent> five thousand. Their wage* comiwrc with thoae of the toy maker* of France and Germany are almoiw princely. On th* other side most of the toys are made In the home With the entire family erg tv and In Ihe w'ork. ihelr united earning w !l average from three dollars to alx dollar* a week, the latter sum only where the family I* unusually large and exception ally IndUfltTloua. Here the toy makers Trunks as a Christmas Gift Is no doubt a good idea, as it is use* ful as well as ornamental. Y( u can buy them right from the manufac tory at the right price for th 9 lest Make. SHOW AND SALESROOM. Jl4 AN I> JIS BROUGHTON, WEST. FACTORY AT 420 TO 420 BAY BTRK ET. EAST. SOUTHERN TRUNK FACTORY. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SA VANNAH. GA. earn from three to flfteru dollar* a . „ oidi Th- boys and if tis who do thr ; * Ing are f*pr**tnti Ives of the |3..* while those who make as high n* |-j , arc expert machine workers. America* toy* are made exclusively t f.v torn except in isolated car*--, w iere a lut;.* haiid work ia done at home. Tiietr cw*e* arc to few and tns!|rtufk'tnt that thr> are not ronaaiarad in the trade a- all. a small colony of home-working toy rtfi men is to Iw* found in \\>at Hoiot r \ J They are Frenchmvn who have a<yt!ri over here and produce n few .|oHi Jr Willlamftburg a action of Brook’yi ar a number of German families in w , the women and h ldren make a f**w * . hire each year about h iiday tim#*. JO chetlng gorgeous frocks of worst* l a), the wllin* forma of rhiiMl dolls a* t- , of these dolls ore aold for am little a- i.*n cents, the #*irn nirs of the people make their dreraea ore naturally n*.* . - v impoftlng. Th* r. are pe.hapft a d.*zet f 1? Hie* In Wlllianiabttrg among wh*.- trade at MI survives. They are only because of their plcture^queri. An atiempt has ieen m In - . the manufu'ture of "Wooly toy- - n Vmericn but so far t met w ♦ ; %m*'\ te-'ess The miMerial* * lit as cheap on the other ski* n* • . here, and as the na umllv r •I'.lres nil hand labor Amer in mak> •* i the ntvant g* Fe\ *ni other lines where they ran emf • \ rr rhfnecy. For the nm# reason Am • continues to dr tw h* r supply of \ ark* from Kutii*pe N- machinery M *•. • t*ern Inverted that can produce h* ;** liar atrmigh’-legged roars, and and > .• t horses ami sheep and the unt tthat m-ik* 4 up the #*q’ilpnv ■ • *y Cj#*rmnn ;trk. Thene things ire all rr; tied bjr hold by the German r>e.:>a r >ta and the dwellers In the smail tom r ~ y , work ala figure that defies Am . , 4 r rom petit lon. Here aid there n Am- t , manufacturer haa turmvl out ma n made ark habitants hut they have *, ~ \ to th# approval of the *l*. . of decision, the small boy and hs *•!- . and always remain dead s*ock Aa a uo: aeqlienee, the toy fa torle* have tur el their intent on o the mor** mitaitanfial wooden toys, such as wnab a#*t furni ture. etc. They have produced such w-'.: finished and perfect ar#i le* in th**s. lm 4 tiiat they now control the mnrkei to t exclusion of the foreigner. In rubber tov too. the A met leans with their adv ,r . I mechanical appliances have taken <0 trol. and pr*nlc*lly every rubb#-r toy now is made In the* t*nite<l Hiates. I'HN FOR fICOI.niYG IXKK9 Jeweled Grey Hound*. Flying Hare* and 4pmys of Flowers. Neck chains on*l hack hair brooche don’t lose a bk of their value In nine eyes as time goes on. In the pr *p*t process of modish evolution the round t*ack hair brooch ha* been replaced by the long, narrow art nouveau < :<mp c t from shell, or made of gold that Is Jewel studded or enameptl A spray of tt quieltely ennmel**i flower* 1* a prertv freak with which to tidily catrh up ad make fust the rear wild liairs. .1 1-Ketn nv-d dragon fly ii another admlr#d motif, while a long, slender greyhound of dia monds. the Jeweled head of a hare s*' on a l*ar. or a rabbit stretching his little topox set legs as If flying for h! Ilf are among the devices <hat m.tks tha ring* of pearl* and the circlet-* of monds look very commonplace Imbed A pin measuring two nches anti a half in length is not a bit over , na. just as chains that wind thr*'#* time, around tho neck and then rea* h in an Jewellwl pins for the hair. ')* loop to the walM line have not k to spare. There la a vlval of the quaint fine gold hsin*. .inctuuted with golt tassels, tluit were rn In 1?.V) and !*M Long string- of ummy lx<ads that may te from tbs •co faultless hrout of Cleopatra, just t your capacity for credulity may de . le. are ~ncl among the novelties, and etty too, and over from Venice thev r* sending soma exquisite beads slip on chains. it Is a matter of no moment xt aH chether you hang your watch or your •ange purse or your short handled jgnons on the end of your chain. Minuts ejeweied watches are made to string l)n ek chains and hang free, that I- m't 1 kid Into she front of the jc wn or nade fast to It In any way. It goes with lit that there Is no timekeeping ntelllgence behind the fact* of such a vratch; lnstao<l, the back of the bauble springs open when pressure 1“ brtMixnt bear In the proper jdace. .and a little <istrumnt Is dlsclosl which is * •P --■i M*d to be aide to measure Rmß''' l1 '’' By looking at the back of her m- >r<tne ter a shop|K*r can tell whr*her her vita ty is sufficient to !M k rmlt her to < tinue the f isc ln.ulng twsxlme of measur ing ramp>les or whether she Is pla>**l out entirely and n**eds a cup of tea *t once. Wotnm who don’t carry neuronv tera on their neck chan* hav** tak* n ’ 1 •v aring small en imeTcd or jeweled *t£P itches, which they u e to *irr-* tu** ins of their authom biles. These i*‘ *re called auto-meters and som* of tu’' m *<re decorated with winged wheels * In rwl enamel. —Mlsa Alla Rockefeller, daughter John D. Rockefeller, whose name ha* lU ured In late dispatches breauw of her fortunate lefiess. I. In spite of t trouble, .an expert jginalclan. od p ay* ‘ ‘ 3 piano, vlo.ln and guitar with equal *ki