The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 nxniu or %tm. porhki.. Hiirnr In (hr <irvr h Old I'atitll? Tnnrlilni Vflir IYom th© Kuwn*kt Tlnv* (V.i . D 1-. Th© (uiwml ©r\icf of Mr*, f'rnmti* Bom*l, trlf of l>r I’rat. S r ro who dlfd • h*r h-m r*: n***r ih© cMy. on S.* urdhy l**' w*r. h* M \utt •!<*> ©I no it t’.* r I dwic* 1 , eoruSut !*>J by Hv Dr, W H. a of Ch*ij < N. C., for -o nn> yrr* th© • ' of S' John'* I-pl** ixipui Church it rhi* city, ;*ni Rev. W. K. Milton, th© ire!*rr4 tiJtor of Ht. John*#. Tiitre w**r preset* .*! t o *©rv* 1 # tn id* the mnv 4*l* f * rally t.p iPi of low o4or* 4 poofnt a 11^*1.k them Uiu:ty f -rvM-: >n4 > •* * rif* mho It* 1 r\er lof-1 thor *fre<rU..n f r t' tr m* r- .** The il **+ mr* form* r -Uv - m rto l. 1 rMurnnl to perform tr*• l*t n r>.cc in ih©ir j*'wer. Th©© t'n in* n. of th©ns old ikl l© mt l. Walk* 1 h • >;. *.h et *4)© of the h • th dl-tuvo of a tnt'W* <o the rrtvr' and Mf -.| the * *ik t to ti lo*t phu© Th© Interment m. *©une thjt t*.o-e pr<-©nt m il n©v©r f->:- itpe T* irr *ve wa* dus m tno oi l fm- My burying ground at ‘Oiklunii." tow ft** pnO*<**km r.f J AM- n IV:tp f t i.v, rnttuaiod In a yiuve ov rionkn c prelti©*! *m>a>p of larxl- ape o l fo iu V;rg oia. Here wit - raum *4 .. other Urge i.utnb- r of color©.] p©of>!© ♦ 4 xnju.y fr-cnd* of the farni y front th yt W'Mh un-'trver* <1 hf ;*<'*. un i" t < ! j- nl ]• *ky >f a p#*rf© t D- • rr.U r day. I4ey watrhert the fun. ral p.* '- , k h t **r mind* t!r.* -l withs ■ tn-* l> t e *'irhr of thu Cur p*i rut- f t e ' Oakland** home *n ah* ©lo. 1* t tv. u *1 the grave* of tho.*< whom tt boepda* • roof ha-l #h©!t* r©d \ *, “.‘tin© and In atorm, at rhadr f*et. Mr* S rrel w*** l* * hut one of the.*-* oMct oi e * vhua early Ilf* vt* epri ! v !: n -ar*hot of t Irravc-* upon the hill. The funeral Hi every |>a ti- ul.* an exact copy of that of Col. Eeftwar I Watts. At the rrav#- the aervl . grief Mta* K he! %>*.. > of N rfolk. a favorite of *Mr Sorrel, mhoee \ v i.^ KZ- gfiir 'jmmESßammmmmmm •o fnmliUr In ike, nanf "AbMr With* Me,” nod later, after th© ben©4llr*tkn wn prom>uiK<4, c'ol<r©! jeoi>l© in th© out er oirul© lifted their vot< m in that touen- Ing hymn "Shall V3> 31eet Beyond the lllvet’?" Thee: the dowers pere brought forward to be <lepo*itl upon th gray There mere roses and carnations and other vartrttra, all of the moai beautiful at band. It was but the recurrence of other ecenes witnessed there (Mixing those state ly trees, Stale ting guard, n* It were, over •II that la mortal of lhe-.- who lived in the days we of th# Southland love to r c*ll; yet to those of tha younger genera tion It was but a picture of which they had often heard hut had never even The old servants had come from new-found homes and ties, miles from their birth place there at "Oakland*." 31,■ inherit of it shuttered family once centered under thy shadow of the crumbling ruins do by. had come from distant places. To some |t was their last. Journey to the o|.| bom*- Few. row, w*l! want to com*, again Time changes, ail things. Mr* Borrel was lit* daughter of Gen. lvlward 3V,t!I who, after dividing the honors of Princeton Uollege with Horace Biddle, of Philadelphia, returned to Vlr glnkt, and was Heeled to the Ht.xte Ben •tc. of which body he was president He soon, however, retired, to manage hla e- - tine Hi* father was a prominent lawyef* and a member of tbs constitutional coti vendon ot lTv,. while his uncle was an olßcer In the Revolutionary war. and on* of the otlrin.d nie„>ir* of the Hx-b-ty of Clnulnnati 3lts Horrai s mother wa* a daughter of G, n. Breckenrdg,* of Hote •ourt county. Virginia, and she was re lated thrvugh her parents with most of Dm prominent families of the stale. Rha had several sister- and brothers One als ter married Col. Thomas 8. Preston, an other Hon. James P. Holcombe, another first Dr. Morris, ami after his death Judge 33’Hliam J. Robertson, of Char lottsville. Another nwirrlcd the late Col. George W. Uarr of this city. One of her brother*, after attaining early promi nence. died, and the other was Col. Wil liam iVfftt*. after whom the Confederate Camp of this city la named. XL* Borrel was twloe married-to Dr. Landon Blv*- :. of Albemarle, and after his death to Dr. Horeel. Dr. Sorrel la originally from 8- vannah, Cm . where hla father wa- one of the most prominent eitlxens; atxl he 4a a brother of Gen. Borrel, of Ihg street’s staff lie served in the Unlt-d States army for a number of years, and was afterward* pH-mlrent In Callforn a politics. 3Vhn the war broke out he re turned to Virginia and had charge of the IneprotU n > t the hoe; tall of the CVnf,l tracy. After the tsar he settled down IO the life of a country gentleman tn Roa noke county, where he hue since lived. Mr.*. Bnrrc! wa* of that noble type of womanhood whom all honor and love. Her life was on, of d-votlon to her church— her gr, - test happiness that attained through acla of kindness to others 8h was on* of ih* moat earnest worker# of 81. John’# Church, of which she haa been a member alnee it* origin. Her family wa# one of the few in the community at that tlm*. and the growth of Bt. John's was 4o her a part of her life. From the building of the old church, now owned by the Trinity Xlethodtat congregation, to the d-dlcalion of the splendid house of wor shtp—the new Bt. John's—she wsa Identi fied with each step. No more lasting me morial could be Bugger ted than her In fluence In the expansion of the Upt*, apa! church In this city. Death came to her to her savaiity-first year. Mar last lUntra mi thi nr.l of a :<t g wl uiiful ll(a wi earth. 4.%>nti i:it ot r'u rut n;t i*%v* Itelemaed *n i ertlgemte That lie Ha 4 lirnuii* \i-urulKla. The lael of th*? \*<A\ y *hop proprietor? nidi '*-1 ml the Jure V rm ,f the Sui*tWt Court mud ant to Jail under aentenre* of 91.*40 fine and *!x month* imprieonmeni, a.ii reit.**d rday after Imvi’i* been n> 1 t-n i. j§ Ju.i*.** V. i I . t pu‘4i**i -<4 the tx- ' U.i n of the Jail eentene* dtir* a .*' ’lie prvetd t-rm of r"’;rt, pt ndtrut . -Pl-i 11ion tot e Pardon Iturd for It* remission. Tl • T kdtro man paid the fine of I', 'te* iiml i wiA . * •*?-e’* 1 arf’iinet him I nM ■?. to he term of impfgMMMTMNit Hi troulde i* chroni'* n**u ralirta ala! o* r ' Oaununt*. Tale U varathn frnni tlie phvei *1 lU* of th** i.t t pair * m-n* *in. iatly rviea** 1 from ■ P. inr, .hie mlth ore of *• .... t b iifa and * i*e of the to 11 - i. . t v< '-f t* . pr >h.tbi\ suffer fr ■ m ro,.| feet. , j..,r .*r i* anlM*r thre is* lanir r In than did h* ronfrenm 5 m *’t .u’< They were let out at t* t 1 of w* k, white le tw*n t* !i ,l\ I) h 1 Ol lit IJil? HI 1 111. 4. A %. liinunl Mretl** f *h- ll*nrl of lll rrrlnrt Held Yesterday. The tinrviaJ meeting of the director* of the Or r a ant Al;.hams Railroad was h* ; i % trrdnv aft< rnootk at the of Ma.’kill A* Anderson. g#nerl , mee-i for 'h r iu! The follomrir* df r tom mer. present: Mr. \V. W Markup Mr John Flannery. M: \V. fV>wtdl. Mr. W. W Williamson, Mr Cecil Oab -1,1 It of S .Vannuli M J It Holst of C— lumhu-* Mr. J. W Su itlel I of Amerlo**s and Mr J. D. Btetiu.n of Macon. Tl*e * -‘tloti --f * r* f*,r th* road re niiltid In the n-rlct,..n of the old huar-1 Mr J hn 11 S wrp. treasurer of th* v- HpanlsU fancy 3res*e*. board Ah- Line was also elected treae ur. rof tile G—orgia and Alabama. The following are the ofttcers: President —John Hkelran Williams. First Vice President—l'- II Gsbbelt. He. , nd Vice Prescient—J. 3V. Midden d*rf. Secretary- W. 33'. Mackall. i , ■ . —. $ 4$ WII.L Disitss FR AMHUEB. t'Htaena Inxlled to Atletnl Sprrlnl .Mrellua I'rlllai tflrrnoon. A #pe i.l meeiuig of City Council will is, held Friday afiertxsvn for the purpose of hearing from all Interested In or af fectsd b> the uppl*' at ions now be for Uouncil for street railway fiatt. htecs. The announcement of the meeting states that "a full end free discus-don of th* mat ter nt issue." Is desired. This. Is In acordan.e with iae report of the ('omniltt™ on Street* and laines mude st the last regular meeting, whtr.i designated certain streets as available fo, • reel railway purposes, and recommend ,d that the same be published as Infor nation. and that the public he invite,! Mayor Myers has stalest hi* Intention of oiling a public meeting to consider tin* matter all along. 1-4*4 Ms PIIRSONAL. Mr. F. P Baldwin was a passenger from New York yesterday on th* Kansas City. Mrs. J. M. Guerard and Miss I, Ouerard were passengers on the Kansas City yes terday. Mrs. p B Lester returned from New Y’ork yesterday on th* Kansas City. Mrs. E. C. Bp##r was a passenger from New York on the Kansas City which ar rived yesterday. Mr. J. M. Bok>mons and Dr. C. C. s- will !eov ar the Ct„trai row for an extended tour through Mex ico a (el the western part of th# United States. Mr. J. A. Johnson left via Ih# Central yesterday for Atlanta. Mr. D. F. Ju k wa* a passenger over the Central yesterday for Augusta. Mr. A. D Barm* left via the Houthern ! yesterday for Reldsvile, N. C. 31r D. 8. Blneialr of Darien Is regto- I tired a, the Pulaski. Mr. 8. M. Leßru of Crescent City la I registered at the Pulaski. 31 r J R. Preston of K Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. A Wind of Charleston la registered at the Pulaski. Mr. F. J. Perkins of Atlanta It a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Chat. I. Mcil ot Athens Is regis tered at (he Puhtskl. 3lr, L C. Powell aid eon of Malden Branch were among the arrival* at tha Pulaski yesterday. Mr. B right Campbell of Mcßae is reg isterVl at the I*ulakl. Mr. R. W. LUilott of Bapelo It a guest of th* Screven. Mr. A. R. Btesvart left via the 8. aboard Air Line yesterday for Columbia. 3!r. 33'.Ilian: Web haelbnum. a student of the Baltimore Uoll.gc of Ix-ntal Burgery. will re ( 'h Min- Thursday to spend ih* hoi days wtlh hla iwrenta. Dr and Mrs. ' j. Walehaclbaurn The many DlUids of Gan. U. iloilqr THE MOUNT NO NEWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER lfi. 1900. gorrel. mho h* leen qritt* 111 In N#W p.tic, w.l * *lol to learn inat he >• better and hi a fe* day*, mil: ha her. *i rout* for Utonarrilk, start h* w.U tperid eom rime In r.etiperstlng. The it* .- of tirti Sorr* l e iLn H i M* 4<l m . ind re.-* ived in U*' l**t <’*m|Mlgn *M*te he was shot t irough the 'ung* t' .*• IruiMi.g til* brigade lit a ciiargc u|r>i the enemy, II % Itflt. YITIIC*. J.xlge Kai leant yesterday * k >polntetl lAlpt. It. ' lark u snnv-rrlal notary put>> ik* for a term of four yar*. (I*w?ld Chapter ot Royal Arch Mason* mill It-* aiitiuai • !<-* tlofi ut th© Ma son. ila.i lodge r **ti \N *-Ji * *<lay night Andrew Gasyiarun. * suUJset of the Kin," ror of Aiutrln. nuout** *- ! hl<* alle giance to that |oter.*.ite anl ail other* in i let |hi;a<rU>r < *. t t y - ir: •*>’. t **S t.ue usth of a*i* girfi 4*1.4 imi:i made a t ill *n of the I nlHd State*. Ti * S> iU.'-i'h A*imjdxirutl'-n Club. *f uni Thoma- Hui ty i* president, will t Its quarter*. Heynd avenue at>d Whilak* atr*- t. <<ti Tu day night to lf*• ttor?e Mayor Slyer* for another teitu anl tran*M( t other burin* *. Mr M K mn, mno W <#t way from reveti *'.unty t‘> %V*ycrv* with to negro pipauiera 11 at at- matiud In ftu la? .r p'Tay*-*! ovtf'in Suviu tdlh lart night, li* |Mil id* primmer* In the l*r ra< kit for nafv- k*i4ig bul not them <*ut tnl* mornttvi; and continued on his way. In the Httporl-u Court y**terday. Judge Fslllga in pitNem] an order In the case of Annie Durrh im airaJust William J Dun luan, prwvkhng that the defendant pay th* plaintiff fT *r month ns t*mjv>rar>’ alimony and IX * attorney * fee# l*he ground* of the pending -uit for alimofiv are d* -ertiun o/.d f>m-support. gupt. J. I*. Merrthewa annual repairi of ihe operation* of tie Cot ton !■ v * in* - f-*r the trade year Aug, 31. aid fir the fl.w-al year ended (K*t. 31. is with i• Morning News for publl- Mtior hii-I will r *>r l*e ready for di trlhutioti. i!nat cute has been exercie* *1 In the pre|aiatam of tne varioua i/*! hat oomprise the annual report, so that it %\l*l e of utinauni value to members of >#> Cot'on lixcharige and other* who re ceive it. s or TIIK III# %t K ART. In Infereatlna lot of Ohjeets In th** \stlonnl Mupnm. From the Washington Post, A ©oil* tlon is now being pls ed in the National Museum that carries the his tory of medicine l**< k to the day* shrn the bin k. r T flourish'd and c terms were suppoe* I to efr< t more cures Than doc tors. It is wonderful how sunn* tnugiral formulas /iiiinel year© in’ > tire still al most un# hanged d* sj : <* the advance of the physi tan’a art and > <*n \ That the rule* of sorcery i*- varid ac cording to lot-Mtiun is proven by a small card attached o the rinut forefoot of a rabbit, which lie*! - om© to it.* by being hastd down y . lank yellow hound of the Virginia t>i*\ .m l which, accord ing to .iu inscription, i-oei the coil©''to.' five <r*s in tn© ' miter Market. The tiaditlonid * hlit foot of trie country mouth of the Mason aid Dixon line stip ulates chat the charm of a rabbit's foot ii**s In trie iu i of its ts*ing the left hln*l foot, and that the rahhlt shall he caught ir a graveyard in the dark of th*' moon Hut a* tills may not \h { Imperative, It is •Imply a rabbit s foot that charms away rheumatism nnd keep* off the w hole cat egory of **\,| s|>irits Its charm U* well ertab.lshid down (loath. The belief In tile rabbit's foot doubtless comes from that <>f some of the will tribe* of Australia. They Itelieve that a sorcerer. b> elmpi: creeping near (ic tn :eep. ,#m Icu lt , him to death ny mer -- ly isiinting a; him with the leg tone of (t kangaroo; or he can steal sway his kl,l nay fat. W'herein the i.atlvea believe a man's power dwells; or a mightv sorcerer can get a hick of hair atxl roast It with fat over the lire until with Its shriveling nwav the former owner of the hair die- The Illustration* ot the herb treatment are man), at.d among the other unique remedies In an Infal lble ore for curing nose Meed. To a neat rani Is attached a skein of scarlet silk thread, long enough to lx* worn about the neck, which ha-< tied In It nine <LlT*r*rt knots Both th# red allk ai.d the nine knots nra Impera live. Another that Is equally good, or better, I? a rusty nail It 1 used to soar Ify the gums until they bleed, when, with the bl o*l still adhorbur,, the call is driven Into n wooden beam tint I only the head I* visible. Blood poisoning m. y ensue, latt that t* of minor Importance. A peony ro,>t carried in tlx, po< k,4 or strung Ike beads and worn alxsit the neck will prevent Insanity, or Is equally ffliraolmta In curing Ills ‘n children Is an old pr.u'ti' c auxing tx-gro mammies in Mirsis-uppl ai.<l Loul-iana. atxl 1 rif, to-day If It falla It Is lx cause th* remt is too old. or was not worn In time.or. may be, was (art dug In the dark of the moon The cures for rheumatism are leghxi The mu,, u% has Ulus; rated th, mag of the horse-, Iwxtnut. The card attached anrtOlinc, a that the , hestmi, must be eith er begged or st bn. and When tide lrt of the pieserlpllon is obaerved you tiave only to carry the cix stnut In your |xx k st It may seem ,dd. but Washington has ■a number of statesmen who faithfully follow this magical custom The Ind.,ins believe that rheumatism is caused by the spirits of alaln deer, ar.d hence for the cure the medicine man of the redskin In vokes! aid from the K*l Dog of the East, tlx, Blue Dog of the Norti:, Um Black lvog of ihe \3'est, the 3V,:lt lig of the South, retch reached liy separate prayers Whl.e playing the mail,me man rubs the sink ted parts with a biinei: of dried fern roots and at tlx, end of each apix at hi,me once upon the aflilcted purl. In lira.'ttre the Itxllun mreUetnc man dons a wooden mask, grotesquely shaped, and IxiUitrel In rrel, white and blue, with i small grinning face upon the forehead and eliher cheek. While dreaslng up in till* mask he uses a further remedy, con slaltng of a wooden rattle, lo be usrel In the ceremonies of exorcism. The rattl* la covered with buckskin hi representa tion of a turtle. A clay Image of th mountain lion 1* the foun.lation for a Zunl ietlcb. The sample shown In Ihe mutuum resembles not a little a three rent roll set up on toothpicks but It 1* mighty. The hunter pray* to ihe indwelling spirit of th# Image for as sistance In securing game, a* well as for protection against th* dangers that beset u hunter. A remedy for whooping cough Is given upon one of Ihe neat white canbi In the case with these other cures Thla tlm, ■i lock of hair la to be cui from the head o? the child having (he disease atxl put lx tween two pieces of bread The aund woch la then f*xl to the family dog. and If he cats It all Is lost. If he coughs while eating It the child Immediately recover* Few dogs ran swallow thla imuall.v Is Infallible. IVrhsps the beat known magic aside from the rabbit foot, horse ehestnut <411,1 the potato in the pocket la that of tha famed madatons. It* interest ing history Is that when rubbed upon Ihe bite It absorbs the |l*on. thereby cur ing or preventing hydrophobia It i* aft erward soaked In warm milk and water to remove the virus, after which It I* ready for the next unfortunate. The poor peasants of Europe carry a magnet In th* pocket to ward off rheumatism, but In America—and t-day—some |xx>pie Insist that wearing a galvanic belt will bring Health ands long life, toough an elec trician will tell you that start: a belt ha* no power to kill ot core a fly, Brsyer Is an old medicine, while song* and in, nutation* are still practiced In all tstrts of las world. An instance given 111 the museum Is a magic >ong re com mrtid'd by Cato the Censor for the cure of dlx o, utton ll runs: "Huat. haunt, Ista, pLts sista, damlato damtiauatra." An oka (Aire tor ague, to ire Mid by th* Holiday Qifts w in in -AT- Wests, 11 Brouahton St,. West. OUR USUAL IMPORT FINE FRENCH BISQUE DOLLS, READY MONDAY. oldest female member of the faml!> on St Agnes* -v* . tuns thus. Tremb.e and go. First Mil shiver ars<l burn. Trem.-h- and quake; keoint d.\ shiver anl learn Treftibl' and and . This day never return. A. "ther .re for nv 41 a‘ if; ir. i.- t , at ®Tr Irg to a ft: l off the dis'Nise: Aim A* ADABRA Hit ACA I>ABKA. ItACAI AIUtA. AUADABHA FADAHR A A DA Bit A dab k a AHII A. BltA Or e of the most pathetic cu- .mi- that come m der th- head of magic Iu allng H that of th* b.ind Japam -. m’--••ug* r mho g tbmt ih* liwts of J.i >an-files n.l vita*. j now, Jut as has bt©n the custom for hundred* of years, announcing hfs wh< rc;iNuts by blowing a low , mourn ful tune on a himboo whistle. Ills tr >t ment Is wonderfully nslstd by hf* blind io-s. though bf in‘‘thesis ore like hve of a ina m ur of this countr ‘I wouldn’t b guilty of d*>ing a favor for a man. and tiien In .% day or two ask ing him t* do me one " "N. ih r I; Id him right ntralith’ . i • cool.*' fnd!iina)*il* Jourar.l. CLASSIfIEiI AUVtrtfISEMEmrS. rFItaO.Y % L. EXTENSI H (TT IN THE —s.*crrrf— of ni> I#, n able to sell la fy a soil I gold wat. ies for 9.T1; Aim i *an gi|.|-f’.ll*l watch. 15 years* guarantee, t7K"; American sliver lady's watch $4 *3. dtamand ring, 914.7a. gents* g./id saf ring, 9 'V-. il.iln gold rings, 11.34) and up; baby's ring*. 4‘> and up. gold *p* ta • J.'.49. K**gea> 2H East Hrough’on, Hair, Jew.lry and ftnavlng Supply llous* . the pi ice whore hair, platinum, old (diver, old g*4J and otd coins are taken a cash. MEN S CHOICW \ MAONIFICKNT lOvkvl with hm.r fixed Inside ly the lleor* g u hair expert. MEN S CIIOICHr* A FINE WAT* II chain, made sub the hair of a cheriahed urie. -MEN S t HOICK* A WKI/'OMi; shaving mi; noted men shave. Hair Jew elry and Shaving Supply House MEN S CHOICE" WALKING *'ANK. with monogram hands anely eng uvu and. Hair, Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. MEN'S CHOICE" A FINE HtiUD gold seal linger ring, engraved with t*r.p **r motto. Kegi*. ‘is East Brv>ugh' -n. Hair, Jewelry and tfiiaving Supply House. The pluoft* where vn the tiniest purse can find something suliubb-. lasting ami welcotn*-. AnVKRTISKMEXTS PIT IN C'Al' ITAI.P WI 1.1. UK PRINT HD IN I'KAA aiKIKII ADVBRTIUKMENT COLUMN KOI* TWO CIATC A WOIII' NO A!>- VKRTISKMKNT TAKKN KOR LKSS THAN IOC A Hl'.yl ANY ONK WHO WAR .1 mcDihiT of lh< IM Ultki!. I'mi fr.l.nilo Arinv. ilurlni: Ih-' !<*■ civil War. will <lo m.’ >• fuvor by r.illiiiK ai 110 BuHnlrrrl. WHUam l’w. WHATKVKH I-RKSKNTB VOIT BCY at Wlletisky'a, i-ornrr Btouitht.m on.l ItarnarJ arr wi*rat tal free of you tlur ln tie bolblaya. C P. MILLKH. AOKNT. WILL UK main often every niirbf Ihle week nmll 9 o'clock for Ibe benefit of holiday ia.irt.ii* 3J7 Ilroukhion. we*!. ALL KIN HA OP PIRKWORKH. Jit Weet Brouirhlon -treei, I AM RRADT TO HKPAIH IIHATBRA alovea, rancea. furnace*, enatnea of ill machinery; I*n hoimeh<>l<l rr iNtlt* iwomplly afteivle.l to, J. F. M - Au.iffe, 49 Drayton etreet. KIX CHI NO A CO.. CORNKR W HlT ok.r an,l liberty atreeta. hfuJquartera lor chlneae nml Japaneee fancy .ale. |raa etc., af low prCea. Orlrtnal an.l Turkl*h ornantenta below .*o*l price. <*ome an,l vlalt ua. bi'rn jklijco coal and toi; will have no trouble with llrra. A. 8 Cohen: telephone a. THE FURNITURE EXCHAN '.E. IH Ifnrnar.l afreet, buy* and eil* all kind, of aeeoncl-hand furniture for caah. HOLIDA Y 11108, CARPETS. POR Here*, iace curtain*, nnd * tliouan<l nn.| one article* to gl,widen the ao-*i wife', heart. C. I*. Miller. a*ent. YOU WILL LIKE THE SULK FROM Springfield Dairy; If* rich and pure; iry 11. "fJLKOANT iVuDROOIM FURNITURE Alnlnx room furniture, china doaet*. ail ver ca*e*. aklebourt!*. buffet*. m!rror-,k>,.r wardrobe*, etc.; nwr immcnae stock mut he *een to be appreciated. C. P. Miller agent. ' KIRF WORKS OF ALL kINTDC Ml W’eal Brouahton mreet. "“A HORSE. A HORSE, MY KINGDOM for a horac" that ho* shoe* on that really fit him. A horae thua equitipeti can t> dtpend.*! on. You bring the heme unj I w.ll gunninire the ahoa* and the tit of them, an.l charge no more than you would poy for poor Job. Mouahun, the Horaeahoer and Filter, JcScraon alrv*. near JLbvtiy., rnkioi *!.. tl YUt EVER C.IMH OR BRUSH \. - t !r If . . . Wlicnekl . cor and get s nice ellver-mounted comb and brush and .1* ur-ite >"our head with ih* *mit of one of Ut* fine nock, tier, call on the girl with your preaent < HIUBTMAB TREKS rHEAT SEND your , iiiri,., to I*. ii Box IL3. and we w 1,1 I for your o,de. TO HAVE A CHE .’RFI’L EIRE BURN Jei.ico co.vl A 8 (-oner, telephone . QO TO JOS H. BAKER, IN MARKET tor fine meats, poultry, same brain*. • wtelhrcad. tripe I’hirie —- "Tin: AMERICAN BOY. " A GOOD monthly, at.d Xna* cut ro.e. at Tarver r Old !i.*.k Htere ~l;UY YOUR < ANDY AT C. E llET teff . e n-ar WhlMker. o;,|c.s‘.t old Poetcfllc* For the wi l give ju , il.--p,uil trjx ot in,• !'r> uch j*. A i*>utwl box hand* tnaiie rtrsttu ai.d ,'t.O. ullt. - f,i . A also mixed | < On p "nd i*>x of n! e -at on* -pound b.x of cream* and -rice . .. e m *<■*! Imc Very tin* o-n.i>. I prUlsl tKX. Ot,*’ fsiufld box best a>- ,or ed chooolalea . .uw-fuund la a “- rorted cr>>u!Mz' and fruit IV. Oi.e-potn.l box rh. dee or ginger A>- Home-nmde candle* freah aivl delicious )**'. ' .itei* - from 310 ic. Souvenir l"* •*- Sn.all cornucopia* HH-d with i-otsly lc ~■>) r..ndy to>* for the Chrtauna* tore R s.ich C. Iledterlch s. Hit B'a>te street, neer Whitaker. RAZORS M.VNUFACTURED IN BA vai.i.ah. Gu ou of the be-: Cie-.fCit *x- Vri and '■peci„| steel, pauot.lac l.otue .n --dustr> razor- and safety razor* ooncnve* and ..o.low ground chit: cry of all kinds and hair ■ and e , trie cllpjer* atruu.u ..|*e sharpened aid ho and nnd tuna w. taaor* aid corn knive, mode ordered hardier put on raz- rs ami iar. a.r |. for sharp edge*, a.-h r<sri*ter* repaT.-d ami replete*! otd r* lhr. igh fH.-tofn.e . ii dellvary and put >o.r nima na address on vadr r# or l<'• ■ o ,b>r* at J. • M, Aullßo * general r. |>alr shop. No 19 Drayton street. Robert McDonough, ha viiuuih, Od. CENTER CRACK. 8 . Qf'NRTER crack, and corn* are some of the Ills thm las, f. et are heir to. and If not give pr mpt attention result *crto :d 1 rml o.dy tit Ilia shoes proper y. hut < - thm ih>- feet are In coialttlor to l>r shod Give me a trial ami I guuran sa’lafncHon and lh< saving lo >ou of W*l! r*. Mnon han, the tn>! -c shoer and iiiler, Jefferson *;reet. n.-ar Libeity. LADIES HAVE YOUR HAT MADE wi Mr* f* Brltlofl: hala. feather*, vet vet*, silks aivl all the latest novo.tie* In trimmings: latest atvlew ir. re.d\-to-wrar bate; trimming JSe. 13d Barnard. CHOICE LINE OF WII-IDW AND corb!."- * -it nicker-- for Ih* kolilgjfa. a’ Teaple e 317 Broughton, west. r am Now LOCATED AT 4 WEST HrougMon; ring up 11** If you want to hare your furt.l.ur* moved or parked far shipment or •tore**. 1 guarantee pr: e the same a* I do the work that * gl en <o nr,, a 8. Orim... 411 Broushton rtrsat we*t. matlresae# made to order MGILLIS' LACK CURTAINS WILL hautlfy your pa'lor. KENSINOTON FARM MILK 19 UN eurpaaa I far Gchiie*-: delivery 1* P*r f -ct; pnon*. J-TIS. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT YOU CAN g them cheaper from McGi ll*. GILT CHAIRS. TABLES. COUCHES. ,-oxv corners, rc-eptlon chair*, leather hairs an Immense assortment at reu ■on able price* C. T Miller, agent. WHEN YOU SEE M OILLIB SIXTY- Inch 99-cent rug*, you will buy them. Jut can't help It. will sell In wny <s>t*n tlty. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." la * specialty with McGlllle. TREBLE IS SHOWING A NICE LIVE of carpet* matting, rug*, shade*. Its* leum; cheap#,! In town IMMENSE IJNB OF RATTAN ROCK era from 11.13 up to slf*. C. B. Miller, agent. M'GILLIS IS CHEAT ON RUGS. NETS lace curtain*, hammock* water cooler* pi otv*. picture#, *tote,, bedroom suits, end furniture of ovary description. "CANARIES AND GOLD FISH J Gardner, 1! Broughton rtreet. ra*t. EVERY MONTH ' A MUSICAL AND literary nutgailne; Xmas mimlxr fine; see It. at Tarver's Old Book Store. HOW ABOUT Yftt'R WINTER clothing" let u* put It in shape; II pe* month Sterling Pre*-un* Club, 19 York, w TuHOIJITERTNG; JUST IN TIME for*: aee Fo* nt on* he won't dls aigioliil you. 714 Whitaker. IF YOU WANT NICE HOME-MADE min e m*.it idea for Xmas, leave orders . arly at Ju *>b <Julr.'s, H 7 Duffy atrect. east. THE CHATHAM TRUNK FACTORY. Broughton wnd Abercorn. sell* and re latlrs trunks tuM umbrellaa at usd. rat-- rate*. DON'T WEAR READY-M4DE clothes when you cun get a suit made to order ftom US up. e'ega' I pant? H. at A. • let*, the tailor, at Jefferson and State; also cleaning and dyeing. DON'T TRADE OFF YOUR OLD sewing machines; I can clean, r.pulr an! r. r.ctr them nicely and chewpCy, either at your residence or at 211 Jones siree'. eaa'. twenty years' experience In the buslne-a A. H. Cloodwlii. FIRE WORKS’ FIRE WORKS! AT 313 Went llroughtnn. MILLER'S "HOLIDAY GIFTS FOII brother# and other fellows’ brothers you will have to > ill and examine our Immense lino in order lo thoroughly ap pro-date the subject. C. V. Miller, agent. HATS. RIBBONS. PLUMBS AND feathers ot H Broughton street prices hst dyed and remodeled; feather* dyed. leaned nnd curled Mies C. D. Kenner, 117 York. welt. FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM SUIT paror and dining-room furniture, you should go 10 Tseple'a. HOW AROI'T YOUR WINTER clothing’ let us put It In shape; (' p-r month. Sterling Pressing Club. 19 Yofk. as KENSINGTON FAUM IS ON AN eleratlon In the ccun ry free from city ,carnage Impossible for ml k to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey m Ik. phone 15 De livery prompt; *otUf*et|r,n guaranteed LADIES-SENT* TO-DAY FOR MY free monthly regulator; never falla; some thing new Mrs. F. Beard, Olive street. leoulavllle, Ky. M'GILLIS MOVES PACKS SHIPS and stores planoo and furniture; beat work only ,no ••Cheap-John” price*—no “Chaup- John" Joha KOR TRUNKS BAGS AND TELE- S' opes iee the Chatham Trunk Factory. Broughton, corner Abercorn. LILIES* OF THE VALLEtT MV own importation*; In cold storage; real.- to iteltver pip# every Saturday, |.ve or dem with J. Gardner agent, li Brough ton * met. east. A C. Oelachlg. nursery opposite Catholic Cemetery. MILLER'S HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR sister* and other fellows’ sisters; toilet tables, ladles’ desk;: chiffoniers, pteturr. o* all kinds: come and see us; we will help you out C P Miller, agent. TEEPLECAN SAVE YOU MONET ON stoves, steel range*, oil h<- era and hot stuff heater*. Jl7 Broughton, MILLER'S HOLIDAY GIETB Full chllJrer.: doll# and toy# of every desertp tlon; rhalr*. babv carriage,, go-cart*. vel.M'tpedea, tricycles, expreas wngona, pt trol wagons. C. P. Miller, agent. HOW ABOUT TOUR WINTER clothing? let ua put It In shape; J p. r , au‘mih. bterUng ITvsalug Club, 13 York, W. Sensible Holiday Gills, What would make a tietter Christmas present f or father, mother or the children than a pretty pair of SHOES or SLIPPERS? Young Men's Pat. Kid Shoes, swell Walking Boots for girls, • man fashion” shoes for the small boy, and Christmas Slippers for Everybody. Men's Morocco and st>4 > warm felt and quilted satins for ladies, elegant] pat. kid and beaded SANDALS for evening wear or dancing. EASY SLIPPERS FOR HIS. I Qf, n *> r*„ SIYLISH SLIPPERS FOR HER. | WODe ,3noe punsox %l. iu,n n ch rug* ■ —Bm>rn* patterns—for 3 ernts. XMAS FLOWERS ROBE* HYA itc* .. I lJllc* ot th# Vallay will b ~f t itrtl J Gardnar. 12 OrxmghUwi ':r*:t, vast, agent for Oal achir* Nursery. I'lllll OI.RAPH V. XMAS AND NEW YEARS PHOTO* , . , |f you go t.t Wiliion h r,. 11 Bull street; hn emi>lo'.. 3h>, l,t:. -t .n:l iu.t yomp.'tuit fur,.' In city; i||- ;n:. ,t V try .It moat ruMHtl hP.. •• ■ oti'i wl'h r t h ' m a handoomt' Xmuit an,l Nt w Year's card; a auitabi- pr-*' nt f. r father, mother, lister ur your "boat girl." M. Ist. Wliaon. proprietor. MEDICAL. DU U GUIIEE VISITS ANY PART ,~v ji i*h, olTlce treo;m#r.t, K per rii t .t.i. mediujtit furnielied Coimopoitutii ; l)\gt ,i#nr% IdiDerty and JUaco*} atreeta, paoii'% 545. _ i \N Kit CURED AT kT i.N tcrnal treatment, no knife, plaster *r pain : Ihok ar t tet m -nlaia mailed free Can ,r Ins I' Its. 121 W. Forty-second aireat, | N*w York. 1 HAVE FOUND A POSITIVE '"URE ' for drunkent >*; can be given -remit J atl, gladly 1.11 you went It Is; and. n't *e and ir.or ey Mr*. May llawklna. 1-ok Box: I, li 131. Grand RipUl*. Mich. j LADIES! cllictlESTEß S ENGLISH Per,- :o? || Pllla ar the heat Hufc. re liable Take r.o other. Send 4. stamps for ( art! liters. "It* Lef f*>r Ludt-a In letter by relutn mall Aek your druggist, j Chichester Chemical Cos., Philada., Pa. MORPHINE. OPIUM LAUDANUM •e air* '.ab't myself cured; will Inform \ ■ >u of hanTiles*, permanent h etie cut,. Mrs Baldwin. Box BIS. Chicago. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF Y<>UR feet ate troubling you, rail on m and I will give you relief, I cure Ingrown,g na.l*. corns and ell dl*ea-*s of the fret will oit p.iln. charg* raa, na le; .an glv. t e h*-s* r-fert-ncea In the cpy; iw tierts United at realdet :e. order# ..n be left at Llv.ngston's drug store. Hull ; aid Congress streets, te’ephon, 2M l.ero Davis surgeon chiropodist. HELP ii tvrKn-MALE. BLAfTK sml'h. hor*-shoer <nd wheelwright; state ‘ age aid bxist salary exp l 'ted. Ad.trcs* Vulcan Smith. Morning Newe. WANTED. RAPID AND ACCURATE j 'tonographer. familiar with general offlca work; men only nc.d apply, laock Box lit WANTED. COMFETENT BT’TCHF.R; must t>, aiding to work heap. Apply Monday morning 6.?'\ 911 Burn trd street. WANTED A COMPETENT WHITE ltakrr Apt l !'' nt 221 Whitaker street. boy wanted to do general hnu .work. Apply 197 Broughton, easi. WANTED. SIX RELIABLE COI.ORFn? 1 lax>k oanvii-e r*. male and female. Apply M. nday, C. T. Johnson, Montgomery and Fourth atreeta. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR goods by rumple to wholesale and retail -ode. • ure the largest and only man ufacturer* n our lln* In the world: llbe-al salarv rld Address. Can-Deg Mfg. Cos., cfllce, 23 Board of Trade Building. 9avan rah. da WOODSMAN WANTED. WHO CAN furnish good reference and plenty of tur pentine htinds. Apply at once. R J Bishop. Eldrldge, Fla WANTED. IN DUST RIOT'S MEN AND women In every town to work for tie at their home* no canva**lng: we will sen I work any distance; we have aevertl lire* of work lo give out, some of wh'co re quires no experience; If you can't d-vo 1 " th* whole diy to out w rk you can e.irn 13 or F. a week by working an hour or two evenings Address Sianduid M.m. fa. tur irg Cos. H 2 Weal 23-1 street. New Yotk SALESMEN TOR CIGARS; NEW plait. qul.V salve, good buslnrea, big money. Consumers’ Cigar Cos.. 634 8 Tlh *irv*t. St. I*ouls. MECHANICS. ENGINEERS. ELEC trlcluii-. lir. men. etc. A free scholarship In engineering will he awarded to a few well recommended app.nanta American School of Corres|n.drnce Roaton. Mass ENERGETIC SALESMAN; SCHOOL supplies; country work; SIOO salary and oomml-don*. It O. Evans ft Cos., Chi cago, 111. ENGINEERS. FIREMEN. MACHTN- Is's and electricians; new 40-page pam phlet. containing question* asked by ex amining board of engineer*; eent free. Geo ge A Zeller, publisher, St. L’Uia. Mo. WANTED. HONEST GENTLEMAN OR lady to travel for us; salary IIS per week and expense*, position permanent; abso lutely no ranvasalng; enclose aelfad dreaecd (tamped envelope. Colonial Cos., Chicago, WANTED. MEN TO TRAVEL ANT) employ local representatives; sl2 weekly and all extern-.-* to start; advancement if aitiafaetory: reference#, addreeaed envel ope for reply. Manager Ultlla, 3IA Dear lawn. Chicago. WANTED. SALESMEN FOR FINE Kentucky whiskies and wines; barrel and case gcods; salary or commission. Tha li. M Bye Cos.. Igntlngton, Ky. SALESMEN. A! MEN; SELL MKR chanta only, new lines; quick sellers; L 0 week; simples free; both exclusive and aide line* Kdgewood Cos.. 1024 Marktrt street. Philadelphia. LA DIBS' H ATH—SEVERAL GOOD traveling sales meg) rcprreentlng reepon siWe firms to sell from photographs, dur ing 1101. our line of laches' trimmed hats ami counter hats, as a side Ibis, on llh eral commission; references required; note territory raveled and lln* now car rlnl: correepoi.denre confidential. Baro ford ft luaweon. Lvulsvllle. Ky. WANTED SALESMEN, m<n PER ton tor selling white lead; fully guaranteed; experience unnecessary; save* dealer* IM.oo ~r r lon Merchans* White Co.. Suite 1005 Fullerton building, fit Loul*. Mo. MAIL HELP WANTED—RELIABLE men to sell ..ur line of high grade lubri cating oils, grra-. s paints and varnishes -oar) or rommK*lon. Address F. H. PenOeld, Cleveland, O. WANTED MEN TO ADVERTISE and Introduce our soaps and specialties, tn k lgrs. distribute circulars, samples' steady work; 112 weekly and expenses Marvel Mfg. Cos., Uhl.ogo. 5 uwro u.vutYwhere, iiui. tlera to tack signs. .Hstrlt>ute circular*, samp. (*t, et< .no canvassing; good pay. Hun AdvarUslug Bureau, Chicago^ MEI.P 11 tVTEb-qtu WANTED. FIRHT-ulash4iECHawJo In every town to eeil our tool* fpon, logue. we handle every kind * ni! n , 4< your v.Htorl unity, gtasia gu* r .ii.e-o' Lectio Uitxc. Haidwarc Cianf>*r\ t Clark street, Chicago; retail , L years; references. I>un and Bra ! t* . , WANTED MANAGER FOR RKaN. it off. v> by owl established mr. .f„ uri houae, salary 3133 per mot:in atl xtrs oon.mlszloi.... muse furnish aatMSMaty reference* and Vico caan. Dlstri i j[ % , uger. Johnson building. Cincinnati n " SALESMEN. TO SELL IMF .RTQ. ntvd domestic liquors, principally one k, r lucky whiskies and blends ere* „.,i n,,'. rel good*, to Joldwra and sohor , g.Kid chance to the right man. *a;* ry < onuulaslou. It. 8 Strader a, H, t wr at 1 71 bars; Writer etreet. Lexington kt MAN TO PERMANENTLY ItFTRf sent us. managing local branch. a.ary |. t per week and expense*. Manufacturer"- 390. Cation butldlus Chicago MEI.P W *ATi:i>—l KMALt WANTED,< APARLE GIRL FOR •ral houeawork. UK Broughton aaet. WANTED, CAPABLE GIRI. TO Do housework; reference required Apply en Monday at 425 Bull street. WANTED. FIRST-iT-ASP HOI 8H •••rvant. 19 Wart liberty street WANTED, HOUSF3GIRL; GERMAN preferred. H. It liuziger. I*l3 Oge-ciss road. WAN'TKDTa “PLJUN COG4C. APPLY at *22 Gwinnett slrc-ot, east. rot NO GIRL WANTED. TO LEARN mtUlnsry. Address Millinery, tnto om.~ WANTED. A GIRL TO DO LIGHT rooking; give reference. Apply Jhf, w... Gordon street WANTED, A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework Apply Monday morning sl ier 9 o'clock, at 334 Duffy, wear. WANTED A NUMBER ONE CX>K, with referencaa. at 4U2 Ogletlaorpe avenue’ went. wanted: A respectable and rsilatde white woman, without children, •• t o itek. cp*-r Iteferencea required. Ad dress H R. C., care News CIAtAESLADIES WANTED; MI .ST PFI quick sml accurate; ulse write plalnb Apply Monday. 9 to 11 a m. F M Klrhy ft Go.. 10 Cent Store. 123 Broughton, west WOMEN TO DO PLAIN SEWING AT home. J1..7) per day; four month* eorlt guaranteed; work sent prepaid Herd stamped stklrereed envelope for particu lar*. It. W Hutton ft Cos. Phi.adcisnt* Pa LADU;- 8 . 1 MAKL ij | WAGES AT home, ar.d want all to have she rum- op portunity. The work Is very pioasant. and will easily |iay *l* w..-kl> Tt.l* i. no deception I want no money and aril! gladly rend full partihulart to all seed lug stamp Mrs. H. A. Wiggins, Benton Harbor. Mich. WANTED, LADIES TO DO PIE.T work for us nt home; we furnish tl! m- I, nals and poy 37 to Jl2 per we lt b-el stamped envelo|>e to Royal Cdtn|< y, It Moniue str.-et, Chicago. ADVERTISEMENT* SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C, AGENTS WASTED. CORSET AGENTS THERE IS ONLY on* heat—that's the Hygc a. the standard of the century for service and aatlafac tlon. For iMirtlculara address the W#'.- ern Corset Cos.. St. Louis. Mo PELF THREADING NEEDIER FOR weak sight Thread aprlngs In th# eye perket ms I led 10 cents, 1 for 33 renrs Agents eatnlogue free, ('has Marshall, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y. B’ANTED. AGENT* IN F3TRY county to sell ’’Family Memorials;" sued profits and steady work. Address Camp hell ft Cos.. 333 rium street. R'gtn 111. WANTED. AOKNT* TO BKLL PUT deod-perlng California oil stock* Ad dress John Shorn 511 South Flower wtreet. lav* Angeles. Cal. WE DO NOT WANT HOTS OR !/>AF ers to write us; men of ability only: H** 1 to 6VB per month; sale-men and genenl agents; salary or commission: *pe-*l*l Ir ducemrnts. Racine Fire Engine ant Motor Company, Racine, Wls. AGENTS EVF.RYBODT IS MAKIVU money; are you? We have something *• ceptlonal; write for particulars, workers guaranteed No weekly. Addres* FvrleW* Dept.. 44 Murray etreet. New Tork. JtOO MONTHT.Y. NEW PATENT Me tallic bread hoards; sample free. E *• I Forshee Cos.. Clnclimatl. O. AGENTS- SPECIALTY BACKED R T absolute guarantee to straighten ktnkr negro hair. Nearly all profit and se t* sight. 3Vrite Boston Chemical Cos.. R!' 11 - mond, Va., lot territory and parßculsr^ RMPLOYMENT WANTED. KX pretence In all branches, wishes work to hotels or in prlvaa* plscea. Addrtss t. i Congress at reel. YOUNG 31 AN. AGE 21 YKARS WANT* ' a tneßion ns boookkeeper for sums g**j I firm; can furnish good references dress Z. A., care Morning News . WANTED. BY YOUNG MAN * year* of ago. a position In an off -own give best of references. Addres# Clcrt*. rare New*. MALE STENOGRAPHER. years' experience, deehe# to change I tlon; can furnish all referencee dr* Address Change, car* Morning New* YOUNG MAN OF GOOD would like a powitlon can furr.* 1 ' reference. Answer R. O. P-. c,p * delivery. - ; WANTED. BY A YOUNG YiAN'. ' situation in a dairy ; a good milker, dress H. Mounet, Nrrwa olßco WANTED. POBITION AS c;©rk or In whol©**!© dopurtmont. or . I ellivg drummer; beat of references • dress Wholesale. P. O. Box M. d*' Qa. YOUNG 31 AN WISHES 000 l l \_'l?ii , 4lor as atenographer and general off . slat ant; experienced, and can class reference. Address ' Rn rt *' care Morning News. —- WANTED, TO TRAVEL territory for whoteasla hantw*?-' , small aslary and c nunlssion: 1 f ~at erences. Addraee Hardware. ** DlW*,