The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 16, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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THE LEGISLATURE Al l. MCXIHKI N(IT IETTUCD UO ovr.ll TO SIC XT aEB*IO*. SOLDIERS’ HOME BILL PASSED <M MADE I\ THE A I*l*llo - HILL fir II n*or II oli ml Dili* Mmlr (inul Ol.Jn llon to fho 4 ppr|*rlnllon* 11111, lli-rlarlni It W oiiftl route n lnrK<> Deffrlrwey—Kill# Wanted to ent All Alnn a the Line—\ utc on (kxldirra' Home lllll—Hill* Mlunrd t> the Governor. A j ;i , r. 15. Mr Itnrron of Jom t } r r i .<! a ion In the to rt *o eff* t that nil nuviiijre* not j . 1 urs>fi at adjournment of this >es . shmilU go over to the next #> ■** n. •• uuftnlslii <1 buxine***. The resolution adopted and transmitted to the Hen c \ ? ii: | i* P Of ChlttOOffa presented A n to create u joint committee housH-s to InvestlKate fully the * ir* and Dnanoes of the State Aad* ny f. tne Hliiid a M icn. ll Of llibb Slid he hoped the . r** n would lx* adopted, because the i of the insiltuMou had nothime • fj: Mr. Moore of Columbia favor-d • tion. He wa* a member of the < ii lluu- omnduee uppc4iiiMi to in > the affairs of the academy. rh- *rni4i.t :ee,” ho Mkl., "believe* tot aotnethir.a is wrong in toe expendl ti, of ii -y there.” Hr thougnl the i ~■ • r totild bt‘ thoroughly rlfieil. Mr. }j.., - .id u a other m ffht be In- l**wle# th® blind academy, rraolut ion was flisdiy adopted, and # nanrnltted to th* H siaie. Ar *• . t on of Mr. Clowrr of Coweta . appoint a Joint commute# to Invettl . . Ui' agri cultural itui mechanical dr ).. • i.t of the State Un.vera.ty was dt- Itlll* l'M*etl In House. i he Hour*- the bill by Hitudor A <ti <>f the Twentieth to amend the mc •m, of the code to the ainwhnt r • nt f executor*. \ HJI by Senator Allen, to Iniroduoe • rxt !•*' Ks on "Toxicology and Hygiene” 1i ih rjmmon schools was tallied. The <<i!ii*d to Ik? that the Housr did j.iO kt <iw u IkU was meant by the w ord i'ixi o|ti;\. <jn* member thought It • something to do with “Intoxicate," I ;k>|kd that the legislature would I* i .<t< . x-ni|ii from the operas ion of the it -houid it hrieii a law. Tie* much dlmnisred r solution to re -1• \ T. .1. Mitchell, an<l others was then . ms was also a rcsolutioi* by Mr r *rk • f tlreene provWlrig f**r the appolnt i m of i Jfwnt ooinmit tee to investigate f .i iitmciiU and .nstltutes of the \ t.jl by Senator Stone to authorlz* i - pxi-m or . i th ir capital stock wis |K*sscd. Iloiitt*- turrril to \ mm*nl•*••l. • lion.-' to-day a?Tee \ to the Bennie ini- i ini nt • th< approprlalioii hill, ii -tr* the alary of the special attorney I- • ti. Wi-stern anil Atlantic Railroad, > l a will continue to receive $.: *m r muner <tlon for bis services. In •*. . mi< appropriation# la-1 week the J> i- it the salary from I-. 1 >OO to H.w*. n *: . matter went to the Senate roni • ti . y s creed :o recommeivl that the si . pul track to U.'U* The 8-nuto • -\or.uily **n the r#iort, but whn nu*. r - aim up hi t' j* House to-day I tviatj.e llall wanted to i srllsh t| A trot detrate ensued, in whl?h n. v.i.ualde tim' was taken u|x Tie o; ;nmi. I.t> of tlii- fcaturo of the bill we e t -i, and the salary will remain at 1200. as fixed. A t • iti-n Introiuced In the H-use Tv Mr. Rower fot th** apt ointment of a cctnnid lee to confer with similar -omnilt- Ti# fr<-in the legislatures of other fUtli nUIVi to tin* lanflng of the onstitu lioc of the Uniud Htates, so tlat the I’resident, \T *- President and United E't -enntors may Is* electe<l by th* J l-ular Vote of the people. WAS l*a -®d ti u ? . an 1 or<lf •! sent to the 8* li sts Immediately. If Congress Agrees to • |n | tn tin election of the l*rcsld nt m l Vi-, I*i •si lent will lx* taken from th ' •h -torsi col lego and the election of sen , roai i n<* at*- legislatures and p. and directly before the peo|da. t||irn|HNliua Halt. In th ♦ Het.ato to-day the motion of Mr. Kins to reoon.-lder the appropriat on MU f. r the punse-w of cutting ail Mlongthe line w%ts taken up. It f.illd and the state I- left with the prospect of a deficit of three-qu.Tter?* of s million next O Ter, or tire an * fring* m m upon the pub h property fund. Mr HIM- mad*' one of the most notable s *eedhes of the eerloti In fav>r of reoon ■ ientlon He and Mr. Orantlwnd had been at the from of the rank'* *ut*port ng •p propria dens to higher educational In -’itutt* ns altuough uoither was agairst g>vmg the common schools their full an ire. Mr. Kills contested that while t;e had favored the appropriations ore by o> e. b cause he wanted to make no !n- VidloUH disUix tions. ye< when he found • hat the upt’flsprlatlona w<*re running eway with the reaervee of th< si to he Though! It time to cull a halt. Mr Holder n*ked whether Mr. Kills, v ho bad voted eg.-ilnsi the pass.ige of the ippropri&tlo>n4 bill yesterday would not have voted for It, If It had not leen *grred to Increase ths common schools fund. Mr. Kills said that was rxitrtly the ejae. tut t?utt when It was shown that tlu *k rt|ttc of the appropriations threatened tha **14410 with so large a debt he santel l*!- ■ippropriAted and If the Beimtor was honest In the speech he had made the day befor.* he would jln him in an effort to hold down appropriations. Mr. Holder said In* was a* hone* as any man on the floor. Mr. Ellis did not challenge this statement, but proceeded Hr> give figures showing the serious finan cial condition confronting the state. He oontended that the lad no power to touch the public property fun< * which was sacred to the debt falling liie In 191 L, arvd yet It had already been Infringed upon to the extent of |l€.* ON. Hi, rtilmalMl la* collection, of the Hal.- next year would amount to 03.M3.K13 •'d the .{>|>roprlat|on. prop<e-e<l to $3..Vd.- 443 bt fore the IMU.ODO addition Tor rom tnoii school* was made yesterday. He dwelt at length upon the serlou* datt < lency ahead. When Mr. Holder aroee he *ald It a* the flr*t time tha* hla honesty had ever b en ntiestloned. tie hoped and believed that the Senator had not Intended to uueaiton It lie charged the friend* of higher education with being greedy, with • rylng to get an Increase of 61 per cent for college*, without giving the common • -hoot* any Increase, but conaldcrtng the l>'e„nt condition of the trcaaury he was ’"'tiling It. Join Mi Kill* lit culling down exremtve appropriation*. Mr Cobb contended IhiM all e*petn-c o-uld be met by lncrealng the tax rite to s.£>-100 mill*, which would mk> a illf ference of cnljr 3ft cent* per thousand dol ter*. and did not want the Mil recomdJ er.d. The motion to consider was reja ted by a vote of 33 to 17. Woltllera* Home Bill l'aaed. The Soldier*' Home bill p**el the l*oit aie to-.t* y * mid great nppfeatMe In which a gallery full of ladies took a liberal an i enthualaxtlc iwirt. The hill paa* and hy a rote of 36 to 10. Those who voted for Ulf dold.v.a UulBS are Allen. John T : Ball. H. V Boynton, J. L.; I anti. J Fcrrla; t—io;>, aI, t no." J ; Cobh. W. H RMa, Rt-and; tlrtmt tan, tt>non; Hamrick. W. I> . turdtwav, K H.: Harrell, O. Y.; It .y., ,! f Herr,.ion. U. z It. ~p, I; l > , , J C.; Lyndon. Ueorra; N.-w cat, Jjlm T Normwt I II , Kmith, W T ; Atcw nt D K.. Units, A C ttulll’atx I*. I ; f |ft, Thonl'ta M ; Tatum, ti. \\ M Walker W J Thoee who voted against the Soldi, r?' Home are Itaker, Harrvtut. l>-nfiar,t, Font, Holder M ‘Afee, dm.,ey, Hidnke 1 Wlloox and William*. Hilla klgneil t*y the (ioternnr. Hov. lay algncd the hill In troduced hy Mr llardln. rerulating the efty of Savannah, nltto the r olutlon petlllot tng Congress tor th, deep ening of the harbor at Savannah, and the MU pa***d by the House, changing the Haviinnwh Volunteer Uuard*' Iwt’alon from a battalion of infantry to a tatttaUun of heavy artillery. The Governor ulao atgned the following Mila: A hill -n am* I’d a leotl.yn of the code simplifying the wttestatton of died* by no ary puldtc outside the atute, by Mr. King of Fulton. A bill regulating the rules governing t*- dteratlons of Irstn-ani-e comprntea 'loaig bn* nos* on the aseeeament plan In the state. The Renate bill to amend the section of thl coda prgrMtag that a p*-r*,>:t mu- 1 b? illixen of a ot,nitty f.a- two tears twfore he , in be e|ectHl to till any oltlce In sail ■ v’unty, with an amendment that the act doe* not effect present Incumbents In of fice. A resolution by Mr Grei* of Wilcox, authorizing the aignlnlment of n } In! committee. on*t*'*lng of five, from the House and three from tlie Herat*, to con fer with the lessees of the Western cn.l Atlantic Railroad, relative to the erection of a union depot on the state’# proper*y In Atlanta said committee not to con sume mote than twenty dav*. with an amendment that n*> compensation he i-all the committee more than actual expenses DKATH OF t tl'T. .1. A. II tI.K. He Was n I,ending nnd Wenlthy flt lirn of Itnme, lia. Rome. Oa . He,-. IS— <’apt. James A Rale, one .4 Rome's oldest and w<elthirt itlzen*. died to-nsght a: 7 orlok His death came very unexpectedly. While hi., wife was giving him a ettp of coffee, hi* heed fdl back, and life was extinct when she kiid Mm upon the pillow. About ten days ago Capi. Rale was thrown violently to the pavement by a dog running against hlni. It su thought to-day that he a* much Improved, but the shock to his system proved fatal. He had never been sick a day before In Ids life. Oapt. Rale was t*orn In Greenville. H. j C„ In IV>. nisi had lived here !%*■ i He ’-rv ~l through the <Tv!l War. enlist ing In the Fulton lira goo ns, nisi at the *I-e of tin struggle is oinsnioury of ] the riecoed G.-orgla Rrtga*W*. Previous to the war h was In the mercantile butne>. In Atlanta t'lpt. bale was the first men In this section to manufacture fertilizers an<l his targe fortune was made In that line of buxines-. He leave* a widow aid ihr<e children. The funeral wi tbe held Monday morning. 1,480 H toll 4.x Fulfil KM>4. I Romper, Re-elected President nmt Oilier Olticcr# Vomcil. T.Hllxvllle. I>ec. Ifi.—Th*:* twentieth an nual convention of the American Federa tlnn of Iwbor a*ljaurne-l sine die to night after selecting the city of Scranton, Fs, for t ext year's convention. Th following ofllrer# were elected for the ensuing year: I'rcsUeut—Samuel Oompere. New York. .Igarmaker, re-elei-ted. secretary—Frank Mornaon, Washing ton. printer, re-elected. Tre isurer—John It. la-niKt*. 81-*omlng ton. 111. lal’or. re-elected. First Vice President—James Duncan, lioeton. gr tnlte * utb-r. Second Vice President—John Mitchell. Indianapolis, miner Thin! Vice President—Jsmea O'Connell. Washington, machinist. Fourth Vice President—Max Morris Henver, retail clerk. Fifth Vice Preskient—Thomas F. Kidd, 'hi ago, woodworker. Hlxth Vb-e Pn-sblent—Dennis A. Hayes Philadelphia, glass bottle blower. These olflcer* will <-ompo,e the next ex eeutlve council of the organization. 1.6' 41,1 K OK Ml' % ll'll* 41.ITIKH. • llßrers 14 err llleclcd—Next fwwveii tlnn al Jamestown. 14. V. Charleston, 8 C., Dec. 16.—The League of American Municipalities, which has been In se-slnti here since Wednesday, concluded It* business and adjourned this afternoon. The next eonventton will be held at Jamestown. N. Y. The following officers were elected: President—J- A. John-on. Fargo N D. VI -e ITeeldents— Mayors Ashlev of New Bedford. Conn.; Smyth of Ohartes'on. Stephens of Rost Hi Ixnit*. Secretary—John Me Vicar, former Mayor Of I>e* Moines, la. Trcasurer-T P. Taylor. Bridgeport. Conn. Trustee*— Mayor Head of Nashville Tann : Aldermen Goodman of Now York and Mayor Weakley of Florence. Ala. A paper was read a* the morning ses sion by Mayor Jone# of Toledo on "Ob stacles In the Way of Municipal Owner ship." Several other Interesting pipers were read and discussed. SKA lit I 4 Hl* NBOIC-Ut MEN. Association Adjonrned After Hirel ing iMMccrs. Weldon. N C.. Dec. IS.-fTbe meeting of the flea hoard Medical Association of Vir ginia end North Carolina cloied here to day. Nor foil*. Va.. being selected a, the next plat* of meeting. The following of ficers were elected: Dr. J Rmmett Bebrell. rourtlaad. Va.. president; Dr. H. T Baes. Tar boro, N. C.. first vice president: Emerson laind. Oceana, Va.. second vice president; I>r. Joel Crawford. Yale, Va.. third vice pretl dent; Hr Albert Anderson. Wilson. N. '•. fourth vice president; Itrael Brown, Nor folk. Va.. treasurer; J. R. Hagby, New port News, Va.. secretary; A. K. Taylor. Washington. N C.. orator. PKAIHOA HIM. xm4 P.4SM6O. 44 licit*, the Deleirtxte From llnnsll. \\ nn tworn In. WssMnxton. 15.—1n th** Hcmis# to* day the pension appropriation MU. carry ing *143.14*'.23ft. was pisxed In exactly thir teen minute*. Robert W. Wilcox, the delegate ftom Hawaii, wa* sworn In Immediately after the approval of the Journal. After the oath had been administered many mm !*r* came lorward to congratulate ifr. | Wilcox. _ Itontlnr l Seoiitt-. Washington. Dec. li.-Only routine bti-i ---ntas wax transacted by the Senate to-day in open session. At 12: o't 10. k tlte Huy Paunc fote treaty was taken up In secret serslon. Ttio Senate adjourmul at 2.43 o'clock. 4nll-4‘lrr I rtisutle In Paris. Paris. Dec. 15.—The purification of Palis hy the police continue*. During the last two night* *7 arrests were made. A few ag Uts piieoftem were released* THE MORNING NEWS. SUNDAY, DECEMBER IF>. 1000. SIX DAY RACE ENDS KtsKß* %M> >lcl‘\nUKD TOOK OFF THE KlKvr HE I EE. FELL SHORT OF THE RECORD. I)E%T THE M’l’OMl TB.HI HV A IVIIEM.T I.FXfiTH. I liry lloilr Mile* nnd *e*n|i—l'rt-nt It I t*nm Mn< Only n Tblrtl uf i% ln| lltlitnl (he Win nrr*—*\\ Inunr* Gut Trmn 11 ,(HNI Mini the I-rent*kitten fMKKllliirra Kryi Ip ■ WnJd*iiitt l*n **t* Ml llt t'losr. New York. Ik*'. IZ lief *rr 4 t **arly 30.000 |MH>|>le. jimiin*.l into every available cor ner of the* tlnnleii. Harry K V •** of Cllen* Falls*. N V and Floyd McFarland *f Juae, Cal-, the Anei*l an team, won the aix-day*' Inter natlonal bicycle r.i by a a his ; * length (rood Uurixa l*lervf uf H" oc and Aichl# McEachern Twrwii'.o. the C.iiiadUu learn t'a-'*ar 94nmr cf Fari- nn-l J* n Ctougoltx of Montt? Carlo, tht French Uan. aert* a thtnl of u lap T;* tj.kUm ‘o covered by the winner* w* 2 *wllt miletA and aeven laj;a, thi* being I'M ar t aevan lap* Lkmiwl the recurd of MiUer amt \Naier ina<k> l*rt year. Karl Kih i himl Frit* llysrr of lu rltn, the (Jfnn,in team were given fourth plare with l ndie#, mim| four Up* to their tiny having retired frucu tite ti k • bout two iiourv. before the cl owe of toe ra being <4!*hc*l that they could not ixuwibty i iv<r the forty-two milt* arvl three la;w ; tat l> between them and the leaiinif team. Michael Frederick of Peri* :m! Jean KlchT of lari* took fifth pia-e. with Vj mllea. The> fir* run al 7 o’clock to night. Frank Waller, ltuatuo. and W. C. Stinson of Hoe tot <. gave up Ju#t Ixfoi* 3 oViock thl* morning content elxth poaiiion and their 2.. M intie* aiul one lap O. \ . Italx'OAk of New York and lsoui* Uiviun of nttwburg, who after the h*cA den e •> their partners, rode o< for an in dtvM :it score, were by the managerm r.t to withdraw fronv tho inrk this afieria or. ita *x k li i then tnwd‘ l.aO'i miles an I one lap, Mx mile- ahwd of (ilmtn. From fourteen starters the rare has par row**d down to three ■ onteetints for the Ann. spurt at the TI to were hut four trsme left m the track when the crowd* b<*garr to pack the Garden to-night By 8 o’clock the main floor M*at and Aral balcony mere black with people manned there and alone the tailing of the in the center. There wr nrwrty 20d> packe<l Inside the irrwat hulldlmc. In the vsst crowd iht? riders I and foreigner* received lo**s of encourage ment. It was American, French, Cana* •dan and Oermin, the one ABainst the other. Every Jump of a flier brought the >rreat crowd of people to their feat, shtmt tng. nud cljccjliig thatuselvea bourse In their exciteinenL lliiler** Maddening l*ne. For t • final spurt .VI Farland rellaved Kike**. Pierce relieved McK* hern and <3ouß>ltx tw>k up the track fr.m Bimar The men were -'basing on another around the b ar*i. seemingly as fresh as on the •lay th# started the ra<* . none daring to try to m urt for fear of tiring lilmaaif for the final lap. Three minutes before the hour of the e!oae of the race the fdatol announced the time for the flnai effort The three were riding ckwt-ljr bun hed. f>ugilt* was firs* lo bhool out ahead. Ho set a terrlfle pace. McFarland was but a wheel's Ungth behind the Frenchman and almost scraping hla rear wheel was Pier K In thU pomtion the throe kept a hurricane I*tt e for the whole of the List mile. When tho g ng sounded tha end of the eighth lap Pierce ma>i<‘ a tlesjierate fT r’ to spurt aheml of McFarland. He was ua suceessful. although he closed up th* Kip slightly (JoogoU* was gra-iuady be ing overhauled Inch by inch. On the last lop LK'Far hand crept ahead with Pierce after him and th# two of them passed over tho tap* in that order, the French man but a fraction behind In the race. There was no hohllng the great crowd and the people howled themselves hoar*** during the final splritetl sprint, Jumping t 4 their feet, waving hats, ouuts, any thing the men could get their hand* *Ol. while the women frantically waved their han lk< rchb-fs. The three rnrn continued rhl.r.B around the ring amidst th* great est xcltement. Bikes Mini McFarland got ll.fihO In cash, atii) tin* world * championship; Pierce and McKwchem get 81.0U0. Slmar and Uou goltx get |Hw, Kaser and Hjraer, I'M, Fisher in-l Frederick, S3"**; Waller and HHnaon. I2'>o. liabcock and Aronson. 1150. in ail f 1.300. in addition to this a con siderable sum will be distributed as bonus money to thoee who made a serious con t *s: in the rsee. but were obliged to with draw on account of accident or other good cause. WI-CAPT. PltlMß ACQUITTED. \\ n* on Trial In Aoefolk ( barged With Murthr, Norfolk. Va Dec. 15.—After a full w#*ek of legal battling th* trial of Michael H. Prince, ex-captain of the Norfolk polio* force, for the murder of Charles J. Can non. on Aug. 3, ended this afternoon with a verdict of not guilty of the charge. At 305 P- • th* Jury retired to tha Jury room and after being out an hour and a half, returned with a verdict As the Jury filed hack Into the presence of the court a deathlike stiUn#*** pervaded In the room The court ordered the prfa oner to stand up. He ros#. pule anti trembling, and a* Judge WaddtH aked the foreman for the verdict, the reply came. "Not guilty.” For a moment there was silence, then the court told Prince he was free. A* he did *0 the great crowd In the court room broke Into cheering Deputy sheriff* ami court offi ljla tried In vain to restrain the outbreak. As Prince left the courtroom hundred* shook him by the hand The gn<rtl ex pre*lon Ir one of satisfaction at tha ver dict The crime for which Prince was tried wa* for the open killing of Cannon on Aug. 3. In the areawajr of the t uiiom hot*c building. Evidence showed that Cannon had been Imlmate with Prince's wire It trai Cannwn'a wife who first told Prince of the Intimacy between her hus band and his wife. SAHIUBTT II %ft EMIHVFsD. Mill Leave the h<ntla-ra and Lo to a llonil. Atlanta. Dec. 15— A private dispatch re ceived in Atlanta to-day Washing ton. D, C., announces the rc.-lgnation of j h. Barrett, general superintendent of transport a tk>n of the Bouthern Itallway. Mr. Barrett will leave th* J-n. 1 and will Identify himself with an Im portant Northern line. Monument to Virginia Hero. Washington. Dec IS.—The Hou-e Com mittee on Library Unhy reported favor *.| the bill ot Representative Otey of Vlrglr 11, ft r a monument to <ln. Andrew Lewis, continental hero, to l>e erected at or near Roanoke county, Virginia, •ud 33.vm) to€ tha aam% F VKE f \FH HKD Tllli lIt'HHT, I here \ta* a llcsv) V rack lint Wsil IlHi-e* at >r* Orleaa*. New Orleans, I>ec. 13 H and D 11. Morr.s, who won the Crescent City derby last *4ri g wRh Print# VeW>ui leruled the preliminary derby tMi after noon with th* Utit'us-Ne ronutis # colt Fake Tlw stable was represented by two oandtdatee—ClKd'< u.d Fak* aial tlifush strong repoite of tlc latter colt's goiul work were abroad, tlw ring tuettd liberal odd* uf it to 1 age net th* * try Thu wa reduced M 5 at pu*i tm Totllnim back ed from .• to 2 to t ,V wa* a etron,” fa vorlte. The weather was fine, but the track waj* h*a\y. Buitimari< Fliet Rac#.-f?lw furlong' Charhe o |trl ti, b to w on, wah Mv*mni. 3 *o •' aiui 4 t > • - end, ami Acuwaia, .2 to 1. third Time 12 St'oond Rac* —Owe mil* 1 a*t a •txteenth Sui.kv m. 9b to 1. w- it, w dh Indian, 10 t 1 and 3 to 1, ** and Rtighl Night, 7 to I, thin] Time 1 • V Third Pa tlathli ap. eepiechase short course TVriy ltenger a t** 1, warn, with Prim**** Mcrfthy. • to 1 aid 2 to 1. *e end and lli,;l’ Adi.iiral, lu t< l, third Time 23* Fourth Ita.'#*—The Pr. Iminary' Derby. •*x furloiige Fak 5 to 1, won. wu Tontcum, 8 to ait*l * to 10 aecort, •*• 1 Motirymuw. 1u to 1 thir*'. Time 1 Fifth Ilace—Hevm furlong- laocue; Blow* *m. 2 to 1. won, with Chi Mine. 4 to I ai *i H to 5. second a*l Tori Ollmore. L’ 01. t/iird Tim* 1 V\ Hlxth llaco—4,im* mile. Dick Furber, II to 7* won with Uh! r*. 5 tr 1 and 2 t<* l. ssctuid. and Mien lawetta 10 to 1, third. Time 1 Z-1,. •A\ FIGHT WAS A FAKE. ' lili'ngn Sports Convlncrd I# We* m l lo il I | AfTetr. Chicago Dec. 15 'The News to-day says: Chicago’s sporting fraternity I* now iOirvliitHd that the ttan.*-McGovern tighi was one of the geatt *; fake* ever off In thiit city. In connection with It II Aniiolt, a * ‘turn corpora:! n aKomey, public the fd!oa,ng to day: ’’last Tuernlay a man came to my of lice with |9 oxl In greordvA' k“ which h f-ffered t> at s to 5 on M -io ern lie w* • Ctdocoxi warn I tier **d w * ti*i* * T!on*l him. Finally I * said tliere w.* an agr#sr-mcm out tha' Gan- was to unit he for© the fifth round lie *i*l he had seen it in writing lefor lie would rUk a cent.” Assistant <*• rpooitlon Counsel Arthur, it the r*|Ue*t of Ald rmn Patterson, to day drew up n resolution severely con *!cmiiirig prlif-flght!* and cailli g upon the *l4y ••ttl -iiiiS to supprewa all kit d* f Ivox ing In th* city. Thl* w.U tw* present#d to the Cour 11 at It* meeting Monday night and 1t am* said around th <Mty Hall to-day thut there wag 1,0 doubt of H* puaaage. ami.rk 1 a roTTox is m in Farmers Went llighrr Price*— I The < omlni ( nrnlval, Go . D*c J?, Wl h this wek the eollh.g *f Ci#r.*Una cotton pr ctlcally er.ded, and what remama In the war*r house* w.ll be held for advanced prices Htorkti here are nmoii mailer than at lha *ame ia*e laet season, whll it i* rvj*rted that the cotton comtr**a here ha* full#* behind 7,00> tvaJes as c>mt>re*l with re eipt* this tnv a year ago The farmers In this section are not dtspoee 1 to a-U at present price#. Gov. Candler and rhe h jU-v officers to-day o^oep#ed an Iwl ntlon to vslf the Amerlrns street carnival, lasting through Chrlstmae week l>i*?lngufhe t vidt >r* will arrive Friday. Military Day. whe 1 tt is e*|ected twenty companle* * f the Sec ond and Fourth regiment*. H *e Troo;.* will be here tlreat prapavwtlon# are In progress for ihe carnival, and a splendid success 1* a#*urel high snnm v at aikew. Whitney and ln> Other I'ronlseat !S#w 1 urkm There, Columbia, B C.. Dae. 15.—The season has opened at Aiken. which will be one of the popular wintering places this year. The Aiken Club was thrown open. It I* a bran* h of the Knickerbocker Club of New York, the £omen<et of ll*atou and th* Newport Heading Hoorn, and ! ephvid dlv etjulppt-d. lion WllllAm C. WT.ltnfy I* praaldent and C. B Wallace secretary an treasurer. Mr. W hitney and party arrived to day In hi* private car. and arc living on Easy street 111 the r>Aity ware Mrs. and Ml** Bend Mina Dorothy Whitney, Harry Payne Whitney, Alaxcndcr Gunn ami J. Durden, Jr. Aiken will cat h tha cream of New York society thi* reason ALUBUiai W MITEf API’KII*. tnlla Rrought Igalnst Them hy Ag grieved Partlr*. Atlanta, Dec. 15 —Because. *0 they al lege, they had been taken from their house m the nlgiK and beaten by White cappers. H njamin W. Evans and Mi** Emma White to-day brought suit In the Federal Court against elexen prominent cltlsens of Hart county for damag*a arnoun’lng In the aggregate to |l"o<M>. Each of the plaintiff* auaa for QO.tdO. The dcfetnlanta are Agnus L. Alford, Florence M. Carter, John A Dickerson. Solomon M. Hobo. Samuel W. Peer K Berry B* norm, J D Harold M Griffin, D A Parrllt, L. K. slcre<llth and John H. Bt evens. Evans, It seems. Is now In B aith Caro lina. One of the defendants Is a bonk presi dent. several are merchants, and some farmers. BAD OF fKITIHY SBHVIt’E. Every Arrhhlshop and Hlshop In In Itel Hair* to Officiate. Wa*)angtun. Dec. 13.—1 t Is learned at the papal legation that coincident with thf dose of the Nineteenth century, evary Archbishop and Bishop In tha United Btatea. a* well as elaewhera. Is expect'd by pope Leo to pottincut* publicly at a midtright service In his cathedral, pno vtded there are no lmted.ments to Inter fere with the programme As some of the American sees have two prelates labor tis In conjunction, it la ex pected that while the Archbishop of the DtO'-cse officiates at HU cathedral !n per son on this s lemn orcasion the cogdju tor prelate or 4i*slsani will a similar service at tha church which he governs as pastor. Women las kerap. Two coloreat women. Mo’dle Blierry, and Estelle Heard, became Involved In a chfh rulty yesterday. >a*3ause. as Moll|e sail. Fstetie triad to break up her happy hom.‘ by telling false talea about her conduct to her husband. With this a* a grievance uh* went for Estelle with a knife, and •* nous I > disfigured her face before she got through Estelle wa* prepared for her assailant, however, and she. too, did m*' r• •* w. k w ak 1 ■ **• m. of her cuts, however, on skull. Th.** ffherry woman was arrested as b#*- ing the aggressor. Her cuts were treat'd last nlgbt by Dr. J£. 11. Osburue. eaey ax* not ssrioua- J RRUNSWICK TO BIRMINGHAM. "HtdMMIMO OF Ttm IBM LIME •14* MI’IA rilMl'Kl THO. C. Mauhea t ba*en l*r*'ldrnt. Other iMB-rrs Fleeted— %|| of ihr gt4.7R4l.tKHi S|o4'|% 14a* Iftrrn sl • erthfd Preparation* Mhl- to Ite *• the Preliminary W nrW at Osee-tlarveiora Are t nni. From , >e%v lurk to Wap lnl th- l.lne. Rrunswlck. Ga . le<4. 15 rtie Bruns wick an*l Hirmliig >arn He Pros 1 <’mpanv was m**! her* to-day. The offi eat* are: I C Ms'hen president: 1' J I4u*h nel! of New York, vice president, Georg" It 1 v 1 in of New rk. secretary; f? . l** m:i,K of Hrnii>wi*'k, *-idstan* aec re ary; II H Goulu of New York trcaa urer. b> 4llr' **r 1’ II Mason, vice p-e -klent of the National Hunk of Hru a wl k; J. J. I*ptt f Itt K I/iN wb*4e *4 ui.M'n, Hrunswhk. C Mi. hen. lv 4’uflve FotnmlMee. E. (\ Mur hen pre ui**nt and es-offlito chairman, Ge-Tge H (Vovlan and C J Hichnel) of New Yo. \ Ir.'.krpnratore, C IJownlng. Fl A.ken. M A l\ N I .mutt tel. J J Ia tr Kl - K. lirotierlaon. T. Newman, 11. 11. M all pnamiiK ni bankers, eaiwrtera an*l wht'doaic dealers of Brunswick; W <l. Hrantlex, congresaman fnm !V E 1 vcn’.h district, and I. It Aiken, nival •tores uperator uit<l a m .iltiiy ililtcn of Mount P easant Wax tie county. Georgl i. Tin *-n-atii**tUm w.* perfected at a meet it” of the stoknoMern and ln**or porit.ri .1 In V* • Pn-.1-nt Mu ons offi. * at the Nuti4>nal H i 11k of Ihin ->wik k II Mn-ni 1 r*-ian 1 beside- the lncor|*crator> T*f*sefit were ♦he*di**ld era an*Uattori * ys, Bimtika A Twitty and Dutiwody A Atkin* *, local cutMiscl for the iati:o*d \II uf the Sfneh ftih*erlte|- Every ><tit of th entire p;.7.<004) worth 1 t ;e capital sto* k was aula rtbrd. T*n* Ineed Ing wa# mtupoc *1 oft preventative* of Hruii'At ki loninin*• tt and financial work!, wrho had rev ived to invest heavily iii 1 " proi<osed ruilroad, Im*. ottae of thrlr confi*ksf>*a in tile nollliy of 1 oi. E. O. Mac hen, the promoter, to buikl It. Kepn*** 1 ted at ! H * (lng Were some rtf tlia hading flnanclcre of the New Kng * ! i‘4 etatrt* mi *1 lh#*e with Ihe larx#* lium iier of lo*‘al subscribers to the mlork llet. ccmpietel Ihe eigire subscription without leaving the room The temporary organisation was per. fected by tie election of K It Mason, halrman. and <\ \\ Demlng. >m ndary ‘V W. Demlng was elected hy the kicor porators as l: dr ag< tit In < elve the stock * u Use rlp< tone, the entire capital stock having been quickly eubacribed. >ha.*'h!ders then went Into an #l#*dlin **4 officers, who will serve temporarily tin t.l |m‘miafvM.i organlaat.on Is |*rf*etnl at tu *‘ nr!> ohniml meeting on the aeconi Wednesday fn January, next. VNlth all .> st*> . Milsaerlbed ami fem pomry orgwnlsatliKi f . rfected work will ttegln on th*- preltmin.ii y survey at on*.'# The englneertng corps leaves New York to-morrow for Bransivlok. and will com immediately laying „ u t the route Through a Hick • oantry. This rout* will be tha moat dtrwot line frucu to Birmingham. A’w and go through a counfry only partly de veloped. The rich counties of Coffee. W are. Wayne, Fierce and rmnv r oua other* in the wtrograss se*' t ion will be on the rout*, and It la cont mi l Med to put a large form of men at work on r.ich end of the line and in th# middle Just an soon as the survey Is completed miml thus push the work st tip-top r|M*d until 4h entire ¥t> 0.1.1 rnllr-s I, L.iH<4ti <ii4<‘ ItSf tuns from oonlr#..lors mij ol h.*rs are pourin, into :dt|uhrler. here from sit over the I 'Hiirtry. Rn<l #ev er l Iti. iiß.n.l men run lie r... 11 r t] at once for the Krsitiim Ten thoußuna tons of eti'i-t roll hove fen nm **,< i.| for to I# delivered as fast •* Kmdtnir I# completed Hnd tho,.- Ifehiiwl the r.d liupe to have 4i:iim K' lt.K Hlrouch from llrunswlck to lllrnnnximm In twelrn months' time. t't)6nmmi st \ suiofri. Interrsttnx firrll,, of the Africa# 4lethnill,fl. Vsldo#A, <1.1., Dec. 15—The <leorxl:i Confet'ence has been In im ■Melon for four •!•. Rev. J. T. Thorn# -of WayrrtWß preached the antiiial mtiiioii Thursday rdght. it woe #n able one. Many person* oume forwar.l for prayer, and two per iwaxß Jouied the church, llcv. K. II Brown conducted the divine eerviem. usutsied by Reve. Ila ley mihl Rom. l>r. J. T. Jenifer ot Baltimore. Md., secretary of the Preacher,' Aid amt Relief As# <-,.itlon of *he A. M K. Church, mane a very mitertwting adirr The Preachers' Aid A •> #io>n wax oi(.inls and some time #xo Its object Ir to mr IM s.rk nui later, nnd insure Its menile rx. It wiir lntor-e.l by the ,ieisl conference in Columhue, 0.. last May. mid Dr. Jenifer was elected ,e r-tary. The prectv rs. a# a rule, are Jolidiut the umuctirilan. The disciplinary quest ns werw then taken up. A number of IlcentlaZea wer, Ins ructrd to Xo lie.'ore the commit tew on first y-ar ItM.iot. Turner mad, home very mi*>r .int deciatona, as re rards the wtnndlnK of local preachers, etc. Heveral t rethren were I/rd- red to go before tlw i-omml tee on sevono year. Mr*. 8. J. Duncan, hy request, Ran* a missionary hymn i vmpssl by Itev Wl|- lam I) Jnhnron of the BoUthw. at <l"OT*ta Conference. Mr. 11. A. Ha*ler of the 8.- vanmiti (P.settn wis Introduced Hon. W. If 8 ylc* w i" mto dn.-o.! and m.d an In teres in* a.ldreß. Rev. W. H Mryarvt of lh<- M. K. Chdrch, Hratth. was tritroilneed He made an tn l red n* address, and bade 4tic conference ■nd speed. The ..aslon* ire quits enthusiastic and Interestlnx Ttl•• ant Uni educational meet- In* took last i brht. Rev. J. M Hen derson. D. I>. pr silent of Morris Brown, addressed the mceUn*. Rev,. Curry. Taylor. Hadley. Epson. Wood*. Hose and Mttrholl are >mi( the prominent minl-*er pnaen*. 4*lle*e for >rro t.lrls, Jackson. Miss. Dec. U.—The hoard of trustee, of Ihe Alcorn Arlcultural afhl M< hat I- al Collere an lfi,lltut|an support. ,and by the state for the education of itesroe#. to-day det ldel to admit ne*m Kiris to the college. This Is the first Ml that has te< n ttuide In Mississippi j to xlxe a practical edu atlon to fema es j of Ihe ra e. A dormitory Is to be erected for their sc ommrtation. —The medical faculty of the University of Heidelberg hae made a very Interest in* report on 4he efTect of incandescent Mailt on the eye#. After havln* carefully Wclahrd all the 10-OS and <ons of the question, the verdict Is that the Incan descent ll*ht Is not harmful. Kor llaht m larae halls or places of entertain ment electric ty Is esje-clally r- ..rranetid eu from hyLnlo points of view. A Noted Judge Saved by Peruna. Had Catarrh Nine Years—All Doctors Failed. HON OEOItaE KEIUTTEN OF CHICAGO. lion <:* -Kg* K* r*b ii. <i will-kiuTWti Jiiatlruof tlie I'esc* of "hi'Wgo. a ays. ••I wh* ii til 11* t '<l with iNlnrrli for nliir )pri. 4|y raterrh win lie. ralrt rllrtl> In ni) b* ail. I IrlrO ioun> rrmnllr* without avail. I o ifil Iril t a several f ortor*. Int Ihr * wrrr not ablr to rnre m*. I !< ami'll of the rrwir*lv, IVruna. thr*gh tbr liniljr urntpifpra, %f --trr iniilitM thr rrarily fur rlghtrr* werka I win entCrelr rwreti. I eM*llrr m> rare |rrmanrt, a* It baa krra two anti a half yrmrm ■ Inr# I **a* rnrrtl."—tirorgr KrrMfS. r ill; Gmrrttor f Or*g<n I* ar<lrnt • admirer of Fwrui.a. ll*- ke#*p It voti tlniialty In the hour*' In a r*v*nt l*irr to Dr Hiiitmut) he say*' "1 have had to u*r vour IV- I runs madidne In my family fr roiiD, | himl ll proved to l** an ex talent reitrtl>. | I )uv# iwa !>ml r* - w* l for : other ailment* ” W M l*ord. • Vruna ktu>wn frim th# Atlantic to the Farlflc. Letter* of congratulation ant • i■ 1 I * h Im&jlf ,\ larth I I -lrffl r e iwirlrK in 1 rn A ‘ ? **’ * Dip B/9y If art mat. t* ~. Ag receiving h‘i dreda ot auch Mr Jatuea Morriooi. |ett*ra dally •W K. 10th atr**#f, I’ater-i All claa •e * •on. N. J.. soya: "I have write the** given FeruiMß a fair trial I*tt r*. from and I find It to be Jtlnt tt>e hlghrwt to fvhat %iTfi v aim it to le the loweat 1 cannot praia* It im Any m• n IfTMM'b I have need two who wish# jttott’eo In my family for i*rf*ct health I'olda and everyth ng must b a en imaginable I rxd<l Hot I Irrly fr er jb# without It. 1 recam- from ontarrh pind#d It to a married! Catarrh i* tefaier of mine who au* well-nigh uni Itiiwaya trouMed with vernal. alim>*t • oUla Bh#i wa>* It la*.-* o tnn 1 present |kne more f<M* h* r tls**n Peruna la the any doctor con'd I can only absolute • felv say that vour *afe -guard /nediclne le the ie*t 1 know n. A |iave ev r u*el ”—Jne> gold I* the be jMorrlaon ginning of ca vent cold*, to cur* colds, la to cheat *- far iii uui *4 ita victim* IVtlina not only cum catarrh, but prevent* It. Ib-rnerd Klivg of h* National Mili tary llcane. J^eavenwrwth, Kanaaa, aDo '♦ay*' "I will write you a few )ln a f4r publication to make known w iiat |# run ilone for ine. I took a aeverw cold, which 1 neglects. It developed bu*. Ohio. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Butlay a,ul Mon>ty: • ti'crzw ami Bout.. Carolina—Fair nn<l warmer Sun.lay #ml Moislay, fresh north easterly wlmbi. Ha,tern hVorlda—Fair Hurwlay and Mundajr: warmer In northern portion Mon ■lay; tight In fre,n northeasterly winds. Western Florida Fair and warmer Bun day and Monday, light east lo south winds. Y'esterday a Weather at Hxvanrial:: Maximum temperature 3.3!) p. m M degree. Minimum temperature 7:4i a. rn 37 degree* Mean temperature 44 degr-m Normal temperature 43 degrees Deficiency ol temperature .... degree, Accumulated deficiency since Dec, I M degree. Accumulated excess since Jau. 1 2.V1 degrees Itstnfall <M Inch Normal .. 10 inch Deficiency since Dec. 1 10 Inch Deficiency since Jan 1 7.34 Inches River Report.—The Idght of Ihe Ba vannah river as Augusta, at 3 a. m<7Mh meridian llnwii. yeaterday, was 11 4 feet, a rise of 3.3 feet during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same moment of time at ull atatlona, Dec, U, 4 pi m.. 74th meridian time: Name of Hlatlon | T. j V Rain Boston. • dear It 4 I .00 New York city, fitly Cldy. 24 10 | (> Rldladelplda. dear 24 I Oft Washington cay. clear... 24 1, j HO Norfolk, clear 32 i 3 j .00 llatteras. clear .......... 3 , o# Wilmington, clear [ PI j 4 , Oft Charlotte, clear I 3* | i, . at Raleigh, clear j M L j .00 Charleston, ptly cldy J 42 | 13 i .00 Atlanta, clear I 44 ; W Augusta, ptly cMy j 43 ] I. j .00 Savannah, cloudy | 44 i Si .00 J.icksncllle. clear t* lo cm Jupiter, clear * | 13 ft) Key West, dear tut j 12 ,<0 Tampa, doudy *) i 6 .<0 Mobile, clear 34 j 0 .(4) Montgomery, clear M j < .no Vicksburg, clear 44 | I. .DO New Orleans, clear 32 t 00 Oalveston. dear M j L j .• Corpus Chrtstl. doudy ...| ft 10 ,t Palestine, clear |44 I. ft) Memphis, Clear 34 ft# Cincinnati, cloudy Pi * T PMishurg. cloudy 23 I. j T Buffalo, doudy 14 10 08 Detroit, cloudy 3ft : T fYdeago. cloudy 34 14 : T Marquette, clear U | M j T !. Paul, doudy j 2* | 12 j T Davenport, doudy ja* 10 to Bt. Louts, clowly * L j .10 Kansas City, cloudy 34 | L .OU Oklahoma, raining 43 10 T leolgo City, ptly cldy M i * ,C 0 Not Ml rt cite. Id V ■ 11v... 34 L .00 H. B. Boyer. Loral Faracasi official. • m —The average age of th# prevent fresh man class at Yale Is nineteen years ami , two months—eight montha more than the average age of new students at tha New I Lav etc UcetiLullau (at many Jetere* lnt..iMnrrh *irwl twrmrhltlft. In a whart tlm Itfiriiiir rhr<nl<* "I tri l **\rrythln# I MW •• itch fIWI fn- i Kotwl * *riw thw ffMt tnl< (IVniTwl I toucht nr\A bolt!*. I fot.i -I mywlf no murh better aft**r UktitK It ihut ! wrthte you t or kl vlor. wrfrtrh >**u ki. lly t onMnur 1 to gtv# m* frff of rhnrcf* for flv* month*. “Now | m hfi*t>y to inform you nnt the pul*li i af In rur#<t of *larrh aivt Nr.eii.’MtK 1 mkf> Ihtu* no'iit lit bop*- im( Mn of mv • oto rfuln will **+ It in*l l*i bfVWfllMl th*rt by l> II for la; Ml w s Miller of rrll>r>*. , ' oM ’ l i ,\ll*i town. I'eiiMdft cough*. .* n '• vanla, Witte* "I h 4 •limatl , M . vpr> . Jlw ,. k „ f 01 tarrh. at and after Mi- Wlnler. •'''l utitailoua with t>d ,h * r '' i* „ prt-acrlpUona fiocn four no other all „irll. en I i>h)Hn incut* In the yuU( , nK ,j k ane km rec oin ir> •nit •<1 to m* At families h dally L '‘l°. W*. y u>n* *t.l. a cpPV ~; rr. -.lona 1 wa. of lr. Ilart-, cu red. I do !"*?" ~f | iiTa then-fore recomtnsskl ’ r.-riuia to any on. •' Th ." loW *‘ h turrit. r n l>* lawk of **ven leeiurt* on catarrh ** arlH-N delivered at the Hartman Hittl taritim. It contain* th* latest Informa i ton on h.- trimmer.' of atarrnal .luea.c* Addreao Ir. Hartman, foluatt- t rallied by au Iceberg. From the Bon Francisco t'hronlcle. A thrilling atory i‘f a VaOaet * en-'OuntOf with all l •t* rg la to I by Fapt ''heatac. of Ilia achooiu r Klwoud. Whlla the schooner wa* on a falling cruise In the northern water* fapl Cheater sighted an Iniinenae leelierg apparently faat on a roef known lo exist Just oIT lloonln. "Il'a a lucky lli*lV thought the captain, a* he headed the Klwood for the brrg, that h# might nil the hold with Ice 10 prtsfrra Ihe flnlr he eapected lo catch. When the achooner wa* within a few yarda of ihe Ix-r* the arv hor w.i* .Iropped. The ve* el -wucg around until ah* came alongside the bvrg. lo which abe wa* made fait with line* Tire tide wae at the full, a gangplank *:u thrown over to a ledge on the Ice and the men t-egan breaking off chunk* of Ice and hoi*ling them ahoard. All ward well until evening, when thirty lona of Ice had been stowed In Ihe hold. Metnwhlle Ih* falling tide had cauaed Ihe berg lo aetlle on Ihe reef and to tip toward* the *lde oppoelt# Ihe veeaal. The gangplank roe* In Ihe air and had lo b* mad* fast lo a ledge naarer Ihe water to keep It horlaohtal. (.'apt Chester, auapecllntr that all wa* no! going to be well, ordered tha craw ta make rail. Before they could man tha halyard* tha Iceberg, with a grinding roar, ru led off the rsf and atarlad la I urn over. A fagged apur of Ice. which had formed the bottom of Ihe berg, rue* on lha alar hoard aide of the veeeel and beneath It. The Ice atruch Ihe keel, and Ihe veaeel, lifted out of the water, rented In an lea cradle. Cheater ordered hla men to get Into Ihe boat* and out of harm'* way. (’titling the line* that held the achooner lo the berg, the men pulled to a aaf* dla tance an-! waited The anchor held fast and (he e hooner tugged Hi Ihe chain The tide dropped a few mor* Inchra, tha Iceberg t sreened aim funher, ore! the Klwood roae higher, Thl* proved the achooner'* *alvatlcn. The tendency of Ihe Iceberg lo roll over and ralee the teasel brought *uch an enor motis *traln upon the anchor chain that something had lo give way. Something did. and to Ihe Joy of Ihe flu hernia* It wa* rot the anchor or the chain. The Iceberg lurched, and tha w-hooner wa* een to slide several f*et along the crevk-* In which It rested There waa .in. Ui- r lurch and another vllde. Then tha vr**ci lctl a downward grado, and in* next Inafarl ahot off Ihe Iceberg and into ih. eea. bow* on. like n rocket. She shipped a lie ivy sea as Ihe re*till of plunging her no*e beneath the surface.but quickly righted, and after atumb Ing over her anchor chain and tugging viciously lo gel away nettled down to her original etale -f tranqutll'y, to a!! appearances unhart. —Vnlted States Vice Consul General Hammer, at Frankfort-on-Main.< lei many, who haa been very active tn Ihe col lec tion from hi* compatriot* In Oe many of fund* for Ihe relief of Ihe victims of tha (lalveaton calamity, m kes acknowledg ment In the VOngllnh and American Reg ister (Nov. Hi of Ihe receipt of a total of *t,*i mark*. Mr Minauer wa* aaalwled In hi* benevolent work by several other United States consular officer* Is Uer- 9