The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 APPROPRIATIONS TOO HIGH. GOV. FAXDI.RII utv HC.tM; OH VFTO SOMFI U' TIIKM, Kill Paeaed by I hr* l,nllMrf Would Cfflr H Mrll of ,%•>! kWO.iNHt-Tkr Governor Mill *old Ttl> If Po**ll,le. nod Will Cot Dimn or Col llnl dome of he Ap proprlnllnn*—N. Ultra Vrrrlon I* Elffrtm. Atlanta Dor 17 —Gov. Candler 1 not al nil aatuftrJ with th“ appropriation bill I I>****o on Bat uni .if right by the Gcnrral Assembly II k* raid the Governor Ihlnka the ap propriations aw entirely ion large, and tluii they amount to more than the reve- ] nua of the naie el l be for the neat two IMfl. It I* ina general belief that tlov. t’and- 1 ler trill si-xlf mime of the appropriation* ’ Too Uovrmor favor* a* low a tax role | a* possible, and during htr campaign lyr Governor In l*y* he advteoled Vow lax. ! During hit admin.siration the rate war lowerid exactly on* rent, and he had hoped to continue the reduction To bow thnt the Governor la rot reun ited. and that lie wants to know the ex- : a<-t condition the treoaury will l>e In be- ' fore he approve* the approprlntlon bll , j the follow In| letler was rent bv him Ihla morning to Con troll* r tleneral Wright: "Hon. tV A Wright Dear Bit: I heg to; requeat that you at your .orlleat pracli- j cable convenience. furni-h this depart- j mein in ok,* an ertlmate a poetlble of , the total net re i jcr from all source* of the treasury during Ihe next year, said es timaie to be l* I on taxation hxe>l In the tax art jut parsed by the General As sembly tHigiudi A. I> Candler, Governor." Directly on re- elpt of the letter Oon tnoiicr General Wright went to work, ami at U o'clock he rent th* following comm-J --nloation to the Governor, which contains the revenue which will be derived by I ix attori ami other source* In the next year: Stale's litllmslnl Inewiae. "Atlanta. Dec. 17—lion Allen D. Can dler, Governor. Atlanta, Ua.. My I>ear Htr —I am In receipt of your favor of even date requesting that I furnish >ou an er tlmate of the total net re elpts from all soon ea at the treasury during the next year, sari estimate bared on she rale of taxation f!xe<| in Ilie lax an Just pursed by She General Assembly . and the re ceipts which tirey be reasonably expeeted trosu sll sources during rtld year. "1 beg to submit below the Information asked for. Item z ng the receipt* for gen eral purpose-, n (tool purpoaes and under the sutklng fund set. sad assessments j beead upon the present essment of property In thl* state, amounting to 3435,- piMXst in round numbers. The net amount for general purposes at j Ih* levy of S.l mills Is Sl,2M.lift. The net | amount s- hoot purr-ore* ot sin levy of 7 1 j mills, te PH!*-hit. The net amount raised al 25 mills for the rink ng fund $161,138. Making a total from the taxes upon prop erty of $3 ?<*! 79* From taxer on rrofea aotis, esthnuted. s4<U*Kt, from other roure. es estlnucted, 31.363.057. making a total from all sour er of 33,567 sin. To thla may be added She tax at the above rale on the prohwh’e Increase In the value of prop erty for 1901 3M.153 Added to the above lotat thla makes $3,591,<U® •• Very Irutly yours. "Wm A Wright Controller General." As will be reett from the figures given the revenue to be expected will amount to .3M.(£3. The appropriation- ftr the next year are estimated In round numbers al 13.• 9t*UO) which would leave a deficit of nearly I*tooo. and would probably neces sitate borrowing by the state. No Kxtra Session I. lively. President of the Senate Howell, ami Speaker of the House Little, were In con sultation with the Governor for el.out thirty minutes thl* aftamoosi. The appro prtauon Mil war discussed, ami It <s said shat an extra resalon of the General A serntdy was talked of. but w Iren asked about the extra session the gentlemen twtkl there was no probability of one. Un der the oonatllutlon of she state the Gov ernor Iwr the power to veto any section of the a|u>rofiritlon bill, and It Is now believed that lie will turn down several of them The Governor will make known his Intenslost* when he receive* the bill. I'rirsds of Trek tstlsss. I‘resldent l.>nwn Hall of the Ttehno lcglcal School culled on the Governor this afternoon ami asked him If ho would approve the appropriation of $40,(10® to the Technological Bchssol He War Inform* 1 by the Governor that he could take no official action until he tecelvi-d she bill The Governor refused to say what he would do. Asa result Mr. Ilall and the friends of the Tech are uneasy sbou: their money from the state, as the large donations which will be given are on the condition that the s¥>,(• be appropriated by the state. AGAINST THR ARMY t AXTKF.N. neanlntlna of Protest by Methodist Misstate ra. Atlanta. Ga.. Dec. 17,-Thc Atlanta Methodist ministers this morning paose.l a resolution protesting agalnat the per petuation of the canteen In th# TJnllad Htatea army. The resolution was Introduced by Rev J. W. Quintan and was In the form of a memorial addressed to the Military Committee of the Senate and has already been forwarded to that body A copy was also sent to Senator A. S. Clay. The canteen laws have tor some time been regard*.l by a large class of people as hostile to temperam*. The laws per mit soldiers to buy Intoxicating drinks under Aprtaln restriction*, and It Is urged that they encourage drunkenness through out the army The action taken by the Methodist ministers Is significant, esp - dally since Ibe resolution was paiae-1 without a dissenting vote. The resolu tion was ss follows: "Atlanta. Ua., Deo. 17. 1 —To the Mil- Hary Committee of the United States Sen ate, Wwehington. D. C.: The MelhodMt ministers of Atlanta. In behalf of them selves and their constituents, respectfully petition and earneaiiy protest again*! any ■ mendnrrut of the army bill aa It passed th* house, so as to perpetuate th* can teen. J. 'V. Quintan." This action on the pirt of ihe ministers was brought about by Information receiv ed by Dr. Quilltan to til* effect that Archbishop lrelend of the Catholic Church had petitioned that the canteen be made perpetual In the army. The Archbishop wan of th* opinion that tht* would regu late drinking and he the best solution of th# tarn pci ince difficulties among the sol diers. FlHfi AT THR PRISON rAHM. Prison Commission Is Making aa lavrsllgat Ins, Atlanta. Dec 17 —The Prison Commis sion la making an Investigation of the re cent fire which occurred al the state prison farm at Mtlladgsvbio (Several new buildings, which were valued at tf.nOO. ware destroy*.! It is thought that the Sr* waa of Incendiary origin, and every effort le being tn jAs to ferret out the real oauee of the trouble. Th# farm I* located aoveral mile* from the otty of Mllledge vUte. and for that reason no assistance could he rendered by the Are department. TO Cl Nr. t rout I \ U4R lAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggists refund th* money If It falls to cur* E W Grove's signature Is on V eaeti box. *c -ad. The Stimulus of Pure Blood That is what is required by every organ of the body, for the proper per formance of its functions. It prevents biliousness, dyspepsia, constipation, kidney complaint, rheu matism. catarrh, nervousness, weak ness. faintness, pimples, blotches, and toll cutaneous eruptions. It perfects all the vital processes. W P. R*w ton Mead stork. Ala. took Hood's Sarsaparilla la make hit blood pur*. He writ** that h* had aol f*lt w*!l hut tlr*d tor ten* time Before he had fimtbed th* flrt bottle of tbit m*dl*ln* he Dll better and when he bed taken the teeond wet like another men - free from that tired feeling and able to do hie work. Hoed'* Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the premise. Accept no substitute, but get Hood's today H \ h villi: KILLED by mkk*. Frail Between llrothere-ln-Law Hit a Fatal Termination. Athene. Ga . Dee. 17 —Mr. John H. Hike* of winder, Ga , eltot and killed Mr leery Harvllle, a young man about Z. year* old, at B'.atbrm. Ga., Saturday night. Th* killing arose from an old fetal which comes from the prosecution of Harvllle by Sikes, who Is his brother-in law. The two men m* at Btstham Sat urday afternoon and words quickly pass ed. when Harvllle drew hls knife and ad vanced upon Hikes. Friends Intervened here, hut at Hikes Jumped Into his buggy to go away Harvllle rushed upon him w Ith his knife. Sikes got down from hls buggy, drew his plstdl nnd watted for him. Harvllle rushed upon him. unl * he cut at Sikes, Hikes fired and Harvlll fell dead In hls tracks. Hikes gave himself up to the officers, and wired to hls attorneys, Messrs. G. C. Thomas and T J. Hhaekelford of thla city. The case seems to be JusltAable from all accounts. - a- KILLED OYLH LAND UAMR. One Yearn la Dead anti Another Is Faintly Inlnred. Colquitt. Oa.. lec. 17.—News has Just reached here of a killing which took place out on the Miller and Baker county line last Hat unlay night James cook and James Morris, two negroes, became In volved in a fight over a game of cards, which resulted In Cook kUling Mortis by shooting him. The killing took place In Miller county, but It was Just on or near the county line, on what Is known as the Whitehead place. The stayer la now In Jail Another negro wa* knocked In Hie head Ihe same night over game of cards at a festival at W. B Sheffield's place, three miles norlh of Colquitt, Jt is thought ho Will Ale. _ lIILLA SIGNED BY tiOt KHMIK. Measures Heroine ISlss s by Ills Offi cial Mgsalsre. Atlanta. Deo. 17—Gov Candler signed the following measure# to-day: An act to alter an s< t to establish tbs Middle Georgia Military College. An act to deAnr and regulate fraternal beneAclary orders. An act In change the name of the Re formatory Prison to the Industrial House An art requiring dapoolts of insurance and other companies to be registered. An SCI to create anew charter for tho city of Milledgevllle. An act to provide for Ihe ruling of mar shals and other officers. Dr. Beenes hi on*# < linrgrs. Atlanta. Dee. 17 —The Hoard of Police Commissioners held a meeting to-night to bear the charges made by Dr. Lawn O. It rough! on against Policeman Turner and Sergeant Moss for drinking and gambling on horse races at Piedmont Park. No charger were preferred. Reward lor a Firebug. Atlanta, Dee. 17-Gov. Candler to-day offered a reward of 1 for the arrest of the person or persons guilty of burning a cotton warehouse on Nov 12 in Mo',eras. Pike county, belonging to W. H Brooks. Atlanta's Water Ronrd. Atlanta. Dec. 17—The City Coma 11 this afternoon elected three members of the water board, via: Judge George Hillyer. Councilman J H Harwell and E. C. Pe ters. without opposition. Desperate tegr# Family Shot. Fort Valley. Ga.. l>er. 17 - Alfred New some a desperate neaio. while resisting arrest by Marshal Bplnk*. was fatally shot this morning. He was charged with at tempted murder at Do'.hiu, A. erEEMAi Y ci HR. h FAY. Tour druggist will .vtund your money If Paso Ointment falls lo cur* Ringworm. Teller, Old Ulcers and Sores, Plmptee and Blackheads on the face, and all skin dis eases. SOc.—ad. ______ (FBI i\l. NOTICES. LAW SOTICE- State and cotffrty Taxes for 1900. Notice Is hereby given that •*> *** Digest for I9t Will CLOSE ON THLRB - DEC. 7". AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M After that .Mile all unpaid taxes on prop erty professions, and polls, will be col lected by EXECUTION, with coals and INTER BBT at the rale of 7 PER CENT PRII ANNUM from Dec. 3<*. the time Axed by law for issuing sane J AH. J. MeOOWAN Tax Collector C- C. MiTIcK TO CITY CO CRT Jl HO** Those Jurors not engaged In the trial of the case of Dr Geo. Lelnuiger Chem ical Cos. vs. Columbia Drug Cos., need not apiiewr until Wednesday, December lth. Mu®, at 10 a. m. Hy orvler of the Holt. Thomas M Nor wixxi. JlkJk**- WARING RUSHEUs. JR.. Clerk C C. & notice to debtor*. All person* indebted to Mark Apple, Bankrupt, are required to make Imme diate payment to the Trustee, at th* office* of Alexander A Hitch. Attorneys, Clttsans Bank Bulidlng. Bryan and Dray ton streets. Havanoalt. Georgia. A. I* ALEXANDER. Trusts* Mark Apple. Bankrupt. NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship Armani*. IMw Hcearf. roaater. must be pieaepted at our office hy or before II m I this d*> December l®4h. or payment thereof will be debarred J. r. MINIS A CO . Consignees. THE MORNING NEWS TUESDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1900. <**t*F.*TU(* (IF OLD M AID*. New Fr*(ere at Harlea—lrrcgwlart lIM la ration. Darien. Oa De*. 17—Th# old maids of 1)11 rlen have decided lo hold a convention at the Court House, on or about the Aral of next month. The met ung s expected to rA-ult in much good lo the community, as questions of vast importance sue to be disrursed, principally the question of marriage All eligible bachelors, not over ninety-nine, nor under twenty years of age, are invited lo attend and lend thetr aid In aolvlntr the perplexities of the old maids, if railed upon. An admission fee wiR be charge.l all per'ons not members of the ronventlon, the procteds to go to the Golf Club. Refreshments will also be rrrvr.l at usual festival rates. The ItarW-n and Ridge Academic# nr* completing tit's week one of the most sueoevsftll fall se-slons In their history The school* will lake u holiday from next Friday, the 21st instant until Wedne-day. Jan. I. A large attendance Is expected for the new year. From the reports of twth the grand Jury and the county c ommlsa oners, there appear to have been * me glar ng Irregu- Isirtib-- tn the manner of registering voters In thl* eonnty. but neither tody eeneures the tax oolle -tor as he f<4low*t the loose method* heretofore pnictteed by tax col lector. xrd registrars. The Inverness and German Club bas plans for a mo-t enjoyable winter for Its members and guests. The e-a'on was recently opened up with one of the most successful german* In the history of th# olub and many others are to follow A Darien tug-boat < rew had the gratlfl natlon Friday of towing Ihe largest sill ing ves-el aAoat Into R rune wrick The ves sel was the American *lx-ma*ted schoon ar Oaorgt W Wella, and ihe lucky >tg was the Neptune, Cap;. O'Brien and En gineer O'Brien In charge It MKttORMM. Entered Into Rest. Aug. 5. ISAO. MRS CLARA M. BLUB. President of the Mls-lotiary Bodety of Christ Church. Asa society, we desire to put on record our grrlef at parting with our guide, cur counsellor and our friend. Wise In her Judgment. Arm in her In tegrity. sancUAed In her piety, for years she has pointed out lo >** ’be path In which we should walk—and now—she Is with God—praising Him In that kingdom which she so faithfully labored lo spread abroad among her fellow-men. Her InAuenca was deeply felt In the Sunday school. In the Bible class and In the church societies. In which she took a prominent par*. Her whole life showed that she lived very close to Ibe side of the Master and much ef her time was ei*ut In leading others Into the paths of righteousness. SIDNEY B ELLIOTT. Chairman. MEL i INOS A. A A- . H The regular convocation of Alpha Lodge \o. 1. at $Y> o'clock this evening. Mason c Temple, corner Liberty and Whitaker, DR KALB LODGE NO. 8. I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will ba held this evening t $ 30 o'clock. Members of sister lodges and visiting brethren cordially Invited to attend C. H. CARSON, N. O. W. W. OROBB, Secretary •AVANNjili MMB NO. IN, F. o. ' ELKk. A regular meeting of this lodge will be held thl* (Tuesday) evening at S;3O o'clock at Elks Hall. Visiting brothers are cor dially Invited to attend There will ho an Initiation. J. J. KIRBY. E. R. L. J MAXWELL. Secretary. LAFAYETTE McLAWN CAMP Mat, V. C. V. The regular mutiihly meeting of Ihe Camp will be hold this Tuesday evening, at X.l& o'clock, at the Knights Pythias Hall. cor. Barnard and York streets. By order of the Commander. A. K. WILSON. Adjt. SAVANNAH YACHT ILIB. A meeting of the elub Is called at tta Club llotaaa dhu-adav. l*th met. at $ unlock p. m.. to cotW4ld< r u recommenda tion of the Bird of Bt*war<lt to amend Ihe resolution recently itussed as to Issue of bonds. W. W STARK. Commodore. JOHN D. CARBWELL, Bee y. g.AVANN All. FLOHIDA \M W ET- EttN RAILW.tT CO. Annual Nrrtlua of atoekbnlders. Havannah, Ga., Dec. 15. DOO- The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company will be held at the of- Aces of th* company In the ci'x of oi vannah. Ga.. on Wednesday, Jan. 9. 18)1. at 10 o’clock a. in., for th# election of directors and the transaction of such o:h> r business na may com* before the meet ing R- B SMITH. Secretary. srt.t I AL NO l M fcls. NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS. A dividend of (12.50) two dollar* and Afty cent* per share on the capital slock of Ihe Boulhwesteriv'Railroad Company will be paid on and after Jan. 6. 1901. to stock holders of record on the books of the com pany at the close of tußlnes* on Dec. It, 1100 Dividends payable at the office of the company In Macon. Ua.. and at The Cltlsens' Bank of Savannah, Savannah, Ga. The books of the company will be closes! from Dec. 19, I*K>. to Jan. 5. 1901, both inclusive. By order of the board. JNO. M. WALKER. Sec y and Trees. ELECTION OF 111 RECTOR.A, The Merchants Nalloaal Rank of **- vauuah. Savannah. Oa . Dec. 4lh. 1900. The annual election for time directors to manage the affairs of this Association will h* held on Tuesday. January *th. 1901. at It* banking bouse corner Drayton and 81 Julian streets. In this city, be tween ihe hour* of 11 a. tn. and 1 p. m. W. M DAVANT Oa shier. SPF.CIAL NOTICE. Neither th# Master nor Consignee* of the British steamship "CYCLE" will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. STRACHAN * COMPANY. consignees. I Savannah. Oa.. December 17th. 18*1. • FECIAL NOTICE. Neither the Master nor the Agents of the British sieamshlp "Carperby" will be responsible for any debts contracted oy the crew. WILDER 4 CO December 19th, 1900. Agennt. HOADS ERECT TED. By th# American Bonding) and Trust Company of Balilmor*. We are author- Ixed to egecut* locally (Immediately upon application*, all bonds In ludi.lal pro ceedings In either the state or Uni:ed •States Courts, and of administrator* and guardians DEARTVG * HULL. Agents. Telephone 524. Provident Bunding A TLXAS WONDER. Hall's Ureal Discovery. One email bottle of Hell’s Great Dle eovery curee all kidney end bladder trou bles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, earn Inal emissions, weak and lame backs, t heumailam and all irregularities of tna kldr.ty* arid bladder in both men and wo bit-ii. regulate* bmdder troubles in cid*- dr.n if not sold by your druggist wul be sent by mail on receipt of tl- On® amen bottle i* two montb*' treatment, and will cur* any cose above mentioned. Dr. W Hall, sol* manufacturer. P- O. R°* Hi. Louis, Mo. Head lor testimonial* Hold by all druggist* and golomoo* Go.. Haiannah, Ga. Read Thla. Dothen. Ala . July . Dr. E W Hall 8t lamis. Mo-Dear Bir We have been selling your Texas Wonder. Halls Great Discovery, for two years and recommend It to any one suf ficing with any kidney trouble is being the beat remedy we aver aold. Youra truly. J. R. YOUNG. SPECIAL NOTH IM. A LANTING REMEMBRANIY: FOR A HOLIDAY GIFT. Build Gold Spectacle sooo Solid Gold Eyeglass 5 Gold Filled Bpectncle 3 50 Gold Filled Eyeglass *SO Aluminum Eyeglass 2.50 Aluminum Spectacle 2.50 The above prices include the very beet lenses made. The par ty who receive* them can have their eyes examined and glasses changed to suit within one year Free of Charge. DR. M. >( HH AB * SON. 47 Hall afreet. GREER’* StOTtH WHISKY. Thl* celt brated famous old vatted Highland Whi.-ky Is Imported direct from the distillery hy us This Greer Scotch Whisky Is guaranteed to lie bottled abroad and h consigned to us from Glas gow. Scotland, and Is in bond tn the United States Custom House tn thl* city This grand old Greer Scotch Whisky Is beautifully mellow and mi.d to a degree and is soft to th* llte as one could possibly wish, and there Is a nuttlness about It that Is especially pleasing. We are glad to let the public pur chase aa small quantity as they wish, even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand of Scotch whisky extant LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists, * Block, Sole Agents for the Greer Distil leries. Glasgow. Bcotland. and Dub lin. Ireland, for tbatr Scotch and Irish Whiskies t FRY’S ENGLISH CHOCOLATES. Tacked In various shaper, handsomely decorated. Very many other ottraettve good# ault abie fer CHRISTMAS boxes, which we will ba glad to ship for customers. A. M * C. W WEST. TO TUOkF. AFFLIC TED WITH IIHKI - M ATI9M. I have been a sufferer for thirteen years of thtr. dreaded disease, have vis ited the Hot Spring* of Arkansas, and been irrated by phywkian* all over the South, only obtaining temporary relief. Sir Ben. Smith ot Suiidersville. Ga., ad vised me to try the water* ot Suwant-e Spting*. Fla., end li affords inc pleasure to slate that after remaining there for two months, drinking of and bathing in Its waters. I have obtained a permanent cure. T. W. JACKSON. Sandersvllle, Oa. All you can drink for Sc at Livingston's. PLANTER ERV AND MASONS' StP PLIES. Cement. Lime. Plaster. Hair and River Sand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 519. MipoH'i ed Minniur* OM Family Oloroso. Spnln: Rurgun dles. Port. Did Tawney, OM Taragon-i, Old Tom Gin. Old Holland Gin. French Cognac. Vintage 185. Rhine Wine. Clar ets. quart* and pints. All Imported Wuerihurger Hof Rraeu Beer on draught and bottle* GEORGE BECKMANN. Phone 710. 112-111 Wnnaker St I AM Th# largest grower of Cut Flow ers, and My Flowers are Ihe Fin est Grown. Strong talk, but the proof Is easy—send me your order JOHN WOLF. Grower of Fine CMt Flowers. ELECTION OF’ CITY PHINTKH. City of Savannah, Office of Clerk of Council. Dec. 15, 1900 Under and by virtue of a resolution adopted at a meeting of Council held on the evening of Dec. 12. 1900. an election for the office of city printer for the year. 1901, will lake place at Ihe next regular meeting of Council. Dec. 36, 19U0, at 9 p, m Bids for same must he handed In this office on or Id (ore Dec. 38. 1960. 32 m. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bid*. WILLIAM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. THE WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way lo gel your carpels prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken cars of for the summer. Is o turn th# Job over to the District Messenffer and Delivery Cos., telephone 3. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and <hey will make you an *gn rrmte on the coat of th* work. Prices reasonable They a I*-) pack, move and store furniture and piano*. C. H MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Fire Department. Savannah. Ga.. Dec. 10, 1900. Sealed bids wi:i be received at th* office of the undersigned until Friday. Dec. 21. for furnishing material and laying cement floor tn new engine house corner Thirty eighth ami Barnard streets. Plan* and speclffcatlons on exhibition nt the office of Ihe fire department. The Committee on Fire reserve* the right to reject any and aM bids. JOHN E. MAGUIRE. Superintendent. HEATERS. BARLER OIL HEATERS. ALUMINUM OIL HEATERS. The Special *‘B” AIR TIGHT HEAT ER. burns woed, cobs, chips and trash, 18 inch, 21-inch, 26-inch. PALMER HARDWARE CO. IJiWEST PRICES. IS IT Ml ADVANTAGE to pay $lO for a pair of classes that we charge you $5 for. as we fit and fill your eye prescrip tion. and guarantee every pair, for one-half the price that others charge. * Graphophones, Records and Supplies. Kodaks. Cameras and Supplies. Pocket books and Card Cases. Perfumery and Cutlery. Everything we Hell is the best. • Livingston's Pharmacies, Bull and Congress. 309 Bull Street. 111 SINK#S NOTICE*. Fine Whiskey la Bulk, DRAWN FROM THE W. OLD AND MELLOW. CALVERT BAKER R >*’ 0r, &.*.0® WILSON p -"&r,e,.®. Robinson County Sff: t3 COLORADO N. C. CORN PU u#llon *3.00 We guarantee the above as represented in all cases. No extra charge for pack ages. The S. W. Branch Cos., Cor. Broughton an] Whitaker. Phones 7*. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office clerk of Council. Dec. 15. 19U0. The following report, alopte<l at a meet ing ol Council held Dec. 12. 19(10. Is here with published for the information of the public: The Committee on Streets and Lanes, to which was referred th# petition* of th* Vernoei Shell Boa,! Company end of th# Savannah und Isle of Hoi*- Railway, asking for street railway franchise*, beg to report that they have selected the rollor.lng stroet# aa being available for street railway Price to Bt. Thomas, to Plant, to Haheraham, to Es ttil avenue, to Hull, to Twelfth, to Mont gomery. to Bt. Julian, to Barnard end Hay: that the same he published lor the Information of the public, and we further recommend that they be given a hearing In accordance with the provisions of the above report, notice I* hereby given lhat on Friday afternoon, the 21*t Inst., ot 4 o’clock, there will be a special of Council held, at which time all parlies affected or at Interest are invit'd to he present for a full and free discussion Of the matter at issue. WILLIAM P BAILEY, Clerk of Council. WE HAVE TIIF7 F’ISF.HT line of Box Paper. Perfumery. Pocket books. Lap Tablets. Scissors and Scis sor* Bets. Manicure Bet*. Ladles' and Gents’ Dressing Case* ever abown In thla cMy. Please call early and leave your or ders for SUTLER'S CANDIES. In basket*, boxes and packages. SOLOMONB COMPANT. HEADS OF HOMES, HOTELS AND HOSPITALS Has It ever occurred to you that nearly oei.i-half your Ilf# Is apeiil Inbed? Th* maitreea l* the most abused article of furniture, and should be well made and of goes), clean material; it should be pick ed and cleansed at least once each three vears. ffe mikt new one# to order, and have Improved machinery to cleanse and pick old ones. Our mechanical work, line of tickings, and material for Ailing, flrsl ,-law Medicated Steam Renovation of Feather*. Hair. etc. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING Op. Bell Phone U 36 331 Drayton. LAND TITLES. Abstract* ot lb* recorded land title* of Savannah and Chatham county from tho aottlement of Oeorgla lo dale. Money loaned at low Intersil on city real estate. BECKETT A BECKETT. • FECIAL NOTICE. We are now giving special attention to house painting, kalsominlng and paper hanging, etc. With a corps of only first class workmen and a competent super tnlednent we can do your work promptly and satisfactorily. Get our eilimats on anything in houxs decorating ;m* and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. iHiiiM CAPITAL, S3SU.OOC. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited Savings Department. Interest paid quar terly. Safety Box** and Storage Vault* for rant. Collections mad* on all point* at tWld •enable rats*. Draft# sold on all th* chief cities 0 f the world. Correnpondtnce Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED President JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vie* President w. r. mccauley, cashier. I RIHINKM NOTICES. THE COMPLIMENT* OF THU 4KA •OX. •<* -pv ■ 1 o*a T are best expressed In a practical way. Your equine frlcn.l will give you a grate, ful eye and ihe "glad hand." me'ophoric lly speaking. It Sums Claus brings him a Fin# Vehicle, new set ot Harness, or la*(. but not least, a nice warm Blanket, from COHEM—KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO.. Savannah, Ga. PRESENTS Thai will be appreciated; STERLING SILVER. CUT GLASS. ART POTTERY. Hunter & Van keuren. WATCHES. CLOCKS. BRONZES. SILVER NOVELTIES. VASES. RUSSIAN ENA,ILL. DIAMONDS. FRANKLIN CIGARS. HENRY SOLOMON & SON SOLE AQENTS. HELLO 14*. GEORGIA and BELL, Silver Star TEA Regularly Sold at Five Cents HENRY SOLOMON & SON WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS. FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Werner’s Champagne. HALF PINTS. PINTS. QUARTS. HENRY SOLOMON & SON SOLE AGENTS. 10 News Doper Piste. For sale, a Foraalth Newspaper Folder; will fold aheet 27xC It Is in good order price UOO It cost originally 31.108. but w* have no use for It and want th* room 11 occupies. It art 11 b* an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, SsTaaaab, Go. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. Have You Selected A suitable Christ mas present fop Mother, Sister or Daughter ? If not, come around and look at a pair of our ROMEOS for house wear. Quilted Satin, in all colors, at $2.50* We also have them in Felt, Red, Brown and Black, at £|.so and $2.00. They have the noiseless leather soles. BYGK BROS. Open Evenings. THE CHATHAM BANK. savannah. LEOPOLD ADLER. President. C. S. ELLIS, Vie* Preahlrtit JNO. R DILLON, ('ashler BARRON CARTER. Aes! Cashier Solicit# the account* of Individual*, firm* banks, associations and corpora tions. Liberal favor* extended to corre--,on.i lug banks a# our unsurpassed faellitir* for collecHrg insure prompt returns BUYS AND BELLS FOREIGN EX CHANGE. WRITES LETTERS OF CREDIT AND ISSUES BANK MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE IN ALL PARIS OF EUROPE. Interest compounded quarterly on d*- pmll* In the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Safety Depoait Boxes and Vaults for rent. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Transact* a General Banking Bmlneaa. Solicit* Aeconnta of Individual., Merchant., Banka and other Corpo rations. Calleeflnaa handled with safety, economy anti dispatch Interest, compounded quarterly, allowed on deposits la oar Savinas Department. Safety Deposit loin and *r ( . X'aalte. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. Tre.ldeal. MILLS B. LANE, ties President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. A**t. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK of m, ma.e of Georgia. - Capital isoo,out Surplus and undivided profits RU,IM DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. S'. I* '.or f i Unit - (or tia- *a Mr.* * General TTuslneal. Collection# mad* an all oointe accessible through banks end bankers, i Ula „f Hank*. Bankers. Merchant* and other* solicited. Safe Deposit Box** for rent. Department of Savings. Interest payable quarterly. Beils Starling Exchange on London *1 and upwards JOHN FLANNERY. President- HORACE A. CRANE, vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY WM W GORDON E A WE7II. W. W. GORDON. Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KET.T.T JOHN J KIRBY THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga. Capital Undivided protlta Thla bank offer* Its services to corpora tions. merchants and Individual*. lias authorlly to act as executor, ad ministrator. guardian, etc. Issues drafts on th* principal cllle# in Great Britain and Ireland and on Continent. _ Interest paid nr compounded quarter y on deposits In the Swings Departman:. Bafelv boxes for rent. HENRY 81-UN. President. 080 W. TTKDEMAN Vice Pres Meat. JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. As*i C*b!*r. No. IM|. Chartered 1 -THE IHIfS Mill M OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, kes-.wv. at.itPLUS *IOO,OOO UNITED BTATEB DEPOSITORY. J. A. O. CARSON. Praeldent HEIRNE GORDON. Vice PrealdenL W. M DAVANT. Caßhlrf. Accounts of banks xnd bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon th# moat favorable terms consistent with aaf* and corner, stive banking. THE GEORGIA STATE BLILDINa AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET, WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6i i.K 0.. M. per annum allowed on deposits of *v*o hundred*, withdraw able at annual periods- GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B 11. I.EN'T. Vie* President E. W. BELL. Secretary. C. G. ANDERBON. JR Treasurer SPECIAL AOTIII3F FOR SALE. On* 18-Inch Steam Shot Gun Fa**- ** feat long; on* Hill Oartllatlng ger. I and 10-Inch cyetlnders. only us®- •bout thirty day.: one Picket JfacW” and one Neacy Oulde; also a U of Cic lxr Saw* from 18 lo H Inch** dlni>' from lh OAll) of 11. P- fltrvart k 1 ‘ Emanuel county. The abow* for sal VALB ROYAL MFO IXg Savannah, oa.