The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 18, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 £se Ulotnina s?rto£ ’ ruing * • liuitilliic tibfh U i 111 'im, rM i KMiim iv tUfiKtfitd at li.a roller a r ht .n ab 'f *Hi MN(. 'I W * til. + . t•i day In *fe >♦* st>*l •* r eJ ta # u ta# >. >. or •• i U*' nt • a To m>t a rr.or.i . H for t.i c tin, a* <1 MOO for OK ; fj' im: NoKMtii m;m* >y m-*i . *.t i nea a •* Sunday iftroa monta*. L . six nwnl , *<*• > r K 00 IHI UH HM n:w two A a oak <MonJ , ad Thu*>-ia>) by in# year s Jb. •• i:lpf om piysblf Ir advtn■■# U'* m.t by nwwv *rder chat k or rafflat#*#*! I'.tor. currti*> eer.t by mail *t rtsk of Trar. slant r’rer too** •parli) rrjumn, local or reading notke* amuoernenta auj cheap or mar t l rur. e r\ r # ) ->;n#‘-n lira* of • ate ’ p** equal to or e u h n daptll -4o tb* r:ißdrH of mMAuremrrt Contrac' ra a a'd 4i*e© .nr* nvie known a*. app 'lea ■!*>' a husir.a-s oFTI e Or flora fr-r delivery of the Horn Bt to either r#-:fl#rv* or rla e of t awlr e* can be made by rr II y tela r boi.e No 210. Any irr** Ur ty In dai;v erv ihouil ba tmmedta'eiv ?epr. tal U* and i<*ii'r<me a v *.ld b** ad dres ci tfORMNG 8a ar.nah Go EAftTMY om< *5. 3 T -rk R^, Now York city. 11. C F uikr>*r. XUnoftr INDEX 10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Alr-bi loOL* So 1. A A A. H Ft laifiyett* M 'lari* rmp. fJK, I", • * V . Hivannib Lortif No. Id. IV I*. O. Elks. f*!e< iai Hollrre— tr* I"w*t>?otn of y. trk Apji.'e, flanknift Suwunrc Hprirc? r.aier. Ship Not! *. Wilder A *©, .Yaento; it Flower* John \V*#lf rWilp Kotle, itirmrhmn A C , Coniuaneee. Notl<* to **! • (‘ourt Ju-fi. Btv.p Notice. J F. M m. a <V> . -.are*'-. A laenn He rr; rr. nar * for a Hudday (lift. lr M S hwl> A fv>r. ! Wlnw. Etc . G- or*# Bi kman. B;at* and <*©u/rt> Tie* I-a **f Not I. r.e*•• N * *—Warner -n amptune. H ir> So *mon A Bon S#*i<e Agenta. Frar.khn < taars. Htnr\ A4omon A So!. a**iSilver B?ar Tea. Henry Sol ft.on A Son. Yl'hoieeaie Distributor*, Ft em.*. Hunter A Van Keuren. I'uMiratlear- The Jumping Kancaroo Apple Butter Cat. WClunr. Phillip* A O . Netr York Smart Set Rsil-nafl Rorr -Su - Route. Soutlem f**. f\, Company Amue*-mer t —“ Nathan Hal*.” at Thea |e r, Dae 2L Have You Selected a Suitable Christ ina- pmuntf-byek Broa S'* m- |* Srhe-lule- V. . jn. tre and f*hfladalphle Sfearriehlf* Line* Fme WbUky In Bulk-Tho S W. Hrarvr b t'orni^ary —oii YliiSiila Cbrfoott. Whtidiy—-Duffy a Cure Malt Whlwkey* Yelion lawtrei \ Medial—Dr Ftv t i t’ompnny; Hood"o Harwothrill * Ayer x Twentieth * >ntur> At mane The <*reoi* Flair lie* **orer Horwfor T * A t T*hoej ! ;ite. n**p * . mu* AdvertUem i*ta—Help Vant*%l Em pit mem Warded; For Fi'-m; For Sale. E c . IVraonal. Mu * Uareoua, Ihr M mill r The indi "arkma for Georgia to-day are for fair wee!her. warmer in e.uitern por tion light noiitherly wind a: for Kaatern Florida, fatr weather. ISgtit to frewh rsor tti*i**efjy wteib It haa iecn ujw *td* *A four moelh# alDt-e f V- AnteriMKloiMil for e* entered Pe kin arl re leve.l the foreign legation* Tin negotiation* for a vtikm* !,t of tht ttoulde are not yet fairly under way. A New Jerrey aold rr now in aervlce In t l*tllipptne writei home that the . 11- mate out t tiara i ‘ heaimful and pleaa ent—for taosQUHoni. wnakca and alliga tor* ‘ He htf no! w**eti a gr-wt deal of native aoctety. lut he la itnpmmcd with t v* marriage ceremony, “eapectally that rlaowe wrhb h give# the wife the privl i -ge Of doing n much work • t*er liua bgnd de*ree Dr Parker, the Ix>nioti preachar wno |* Imluillnc K-V. Mr In n rffort t.. . (*hmitio Jally rr*.[wp*r, •m. tt> victim uf • pforti. Jok th* Mlwr .biv hi, ffTort. And. eodiy moufli. Ir. I’ irk.r got ntnl . , w.i >,.). iM I*<in i<mn<MK In thrkr choir* onil ntm-profan. t*rni, wiikh mlil ,i.r, hiin.ilm*. u* In .1* rtutir .nllon cl I ho*, who rto not think a* Ihrv do, Mirth farollna', " mural Institu tion." tha llp*niur. ha, prepared lor a mrry t'hrmmao ty ot lrilna jamunn north of ©n. two. throe ond four-X wtHattjr. hrondy. am. wine nn< beer. At tha tame lima UO . ..rlo.t<ls of hatf-plni a or | pint nark, wore ontm.l. The tlim penaary la pushins It* btislneaa. It tr rnuklne every mar. , drunkard It can It I* out for the revenue. Ye! It la called a temper*©. and a ''moral" M.atltutlonf It I* to be hoped that the military au thorities at Manila will cable tho name <>t that Intrepid Ninth Infantry titan who while aewrchln* for irtray mule*, invaded a Chinese town mat captured n niaihliw sun with S.isju rounds of ammunition and four masnalne lilies with ammunition. The Information state* that notwlth -lar.dlntt the natives fired upon him as lie left, the nallunt American did not return th* lire Any soldier capable of jierform ing such feats, while out hunting; mule*, detervc* to h ive hi* full name In the pa per*. ■ . For blind, ferocious mob rule, the lynch ing of the negroes Henderson <u*l How land, In Kockport, 111., on Suihluv. was a match for anything of the kind that has occurred In the tkuilh. The mob was inerellea*. Nothing could stay It, wrath, li wrecked public property, and butch rod Ita victims without compunction. It l worthy of note. In this conneotlon. that only the day before this occurrence a mob In tVeetvUle. listened to the lessoning of the gAoora of' UM law and , landoned It, punwsa to lynch a mur derer. Tha time la now past when the North oar point the finger of scorn at the Houth te- auae of lytK-htngs. There | iKrtblna In that, however, to I* promt of l.ytv tilntrs are w rong, and are to be de nuuucevi wherevar iha* occur. Htl till lHt: THKVTY. ’• ■ • d■>*' rei wbahr He. re; trp Hay H remain in the r .b*ret y tpe kenat* -•'Jcr -ie Hay-Patinoefote treaty. It I, 1 • > o lb- l*r • der.t—dhal s he t *. I'll I tle IT**..let.! that he did IMit *’* t p etfiHirras- him and th.>t he wi. r ■ to r. ’lre to private life at iny tine It <r *he under,tandißg that il ■ I*re|. • t* *•— rot wish Mr. Hvy to leave th* There doe* not n*m to I any "•son whg he rtitwild. Th* rla>-rsuc. e. f.c* trsaty dor* tot lu’ .- . a reason. Tha- irrrtjf was not nsgorvited wfthiut > xmsent of the Freed, rv It probv.h'y had the approval ef all of the iw mbers "f the vabinet. Tha adoption of ta li.ivis in. nlm-i t to ih.- treaty wa* not ' °l>d* mr.uci. . f Mr lU>. NeMher - *id • refusal of th* Senate to rvilfy ’ 9 ”* *' ■■ !• nif •* t * brn -it it woui>l fir* mrtr*' u •!' mngtion *f biro thw.% of rrMtVm. It 1- hgrJiy * ♦ i * ■ * i•- •mn t •> PrsM<•:. wEo hai jut b n rr • 1 by major tv i*trg#T than that *’■ 'b b# w*g ilertid four ytcri agtx I' * ‘ DfYi nit ro # to g#*t any tTgty f * H '' k j 'if. n'^ntion r*Hfli ! Tt i’ton rrqulrrg twoghir<U % •!#*. I it seems it |c*t one-third nf the Senate is (**••>■ nearly always ready 10 vrr IV Itself against n treaty The Foreign It iilorif ('vminlilte .|>|ear- b. think ih*l t o treaty ought to h* negotbtir I wiiliout ir*i he -. i * proval. The raaw of** w i h .ire k:lc<l In the Henale out thl* vU>g. S** it or EaOw of i hu*#f#-, lO li n * till • ..f ihf Far*ifn Relation* Com mMKo . I#*,! th#* ngh? for tho Dgviii .irn-mi rot* Ff fit.'i * not im •in to think that Mr. Hty -I*l hi* work well. Still, h* r>ut 4 kf*Utn w *i riiur** BhotHrl h* • r -o 1 ** | ,f ih. s* rigo* tliouH thr Hi v-Pouik rfoto treaty, Tho country wart •’* N. ny u .in i built, gr. 4 the Clgyion-Bolwgr treaty BtanAi in th#* way *f H Ft may bo that * hog*' who ara a Mng wth linn. blFv#* thai Or* a? Firitairi Will ar -tt any am#*n<i Hoy-Paur trfd'y. Tkli h# !if*f may b#* bajM-1 lifirtk thr af.g.mj r . s fndtffircnrr of ?h<* govrnro*nt of OrgM Hr Haiti to ih# lavia Tfm#* la no r#*aon, howavor. why that govern irunt rhouM Not bar itaoif about f>avia iirn#n]nir>t until th* lime rom-* f.r it to Mf't upon |? Th/- i'nr of th I rm*h pr*w, bow ’ rr the ronrluxion that nrithrr ; h UaviM dm*rnlm#tii nor any other ! -tarsia th# Irtkt change of \ u\g .c* ♦“ptinl i by the lirftDh fov#*mm<*m. It look* th#*r#- | for** > if th#* Nlmr.ifa #-nal project I would l>** in juft altout the n me tirtwitia- , f trtory condition when thir ('ongr**y* aj- Jourru a- * vu mh#n It convenel. Mr Fl.iv refgn *’ion xvoiihl not h*lp *mt>r any There l* no ri-aaon for think jrur that htff mu''.** or wuhl be any more . j. - s*dwfu’ j n getting obtaciej out of the way of the Nl uragu* .anal proj-cl than b iota he#*n. The wy that would Im* th# mo t attc**#**fu!, probably, in g#‘t ■ it'.g out of th<* way of the canl tuch ob>twleg an mu*! b rvintncti by treaty, la fo tarn the work th; rtatr departmant j t ip- ted to do in Mach mutter# over to th Foreign i(> iHion* Committee. The "• i. it* tnirfhi willing to ratify tr tv iM gotiat# I by if. Taking into account the number of tr*-Aties turne<| down by the H**r.aj*' It ckoea atm if that l#ody iook^l upon the gta*e deiairtmrnt an of fit tie value. .EITI%<. HF.UII T(i IM\\ > ( NOKEIt fr l rather strange to see John C. Hi' #hn among th# reformers In New York it >. Ft Is amt much m#>r# strange •han \ * e> f-x-llena or Hill there. Both of 1 haoc* promtneva polttictans are e#*eklng tin- ov'-rthrow' of Mr Croker. That Is wqy they are <>|i*#*.rmg among the lead ers of Ihs anrt l-vice crusade. Mr Hill Mill thinks there 1* a chance for him to be President, and tiure un doubt* dly ii- Hut he must have the Dem ocracy *f the entire state of New York behind him before he cxn hope for suc ce*r* But befoe hr- can have the &ew York nomocracy at his b< k Is* must make a poUUcal corpse of Mr. t'roker. kr. Hhteiian has a *lifl!erent ambition. He w ait- to te|* into Mr. Croker’s shoes as the leader of Tammany, lie was one of th# !*d#T* a y*ar or 'O ago, but be aus*- ha revoired against Mr. Croker’* orders be has a U k seat. Naturally he has no Jove lor Mr. Croker. I is a at range #*ms.iiat lon that ! fight ing vice in New York city. In It there are some very earnest men. There are also a gotal many politician# who are looking for power and place. There are more thun 40.000 place liokkrs In the city *f N w York. With such simjUs In view tf will no! *• < .iifli uit matter to get up a formidable war on vice. The real re- I formers* don't ear** how many place hun ters In-ip them. The mote t lie re are in tha army of fighters the greater the hat*.* of success will be Hut Mr. Croker isn’t defeated yet, and it is far fr um cer tain that he will be, notw *h-tending the fact that there are many Democrats In I Ni w York city who are getting tired of being ruled by a man who has no oon | net*!on with the oily government and who j>* nda half of ht 4 tine in Europe. 1 I* laughable about that young soldier .*# aer, of Connecticut, who was sup- I**.-. \ to l*e n*l#r sentence to be shot on Christmas day for sleeping st his pool. Many persona have wept bitter, salt trar* I * v.iu** of his imi**-idling Fate, aisl turned many soulful and beautiful period* In pympnthy with the parent! to whom the happy holiday would l*e tuin#l Into u pe riod of block b an*ft mourning be vAUse the cruel bullets would setter the breast of their ebar son on the niormm: vf the nativity of the Jt.ivlour of tlts world. It transpires that young Skinn. i r got drunk an*t waa seutence| to do time in the guard nouse. While still drunk h? imagined that he wa* under *#M#nce to i>* sliot on Christmas, atul pi>xur**l the sending of thnt Information to his pi** etita, and hence the lachr>mai exhibitions in aeverai quarters. Skim.* r was still in the guard house at last advices, anil iitt* probably forgotten all about his drun ken dream. Asa matter of fact no sen tence of capital puiilsiiment can bo car ried <>ut in the army without fh approval of the PresUtaot. ami he has wittih l*l hi* approval of such seiuences ever since the naafttfilng hi the Bpan'.sh war. There has u*an no inllbary e** ulMt of an Amen . ati aoldler during the recent or current rwetllttlee. There Is not the allghtest protMsbdky *bai Mklnncr will be ehet on r hrtMi*a. brt If ha get a out of th# guard hf**## it* *• utc ctobi* are uiat h wlil got usU-kwt THE MOKNINCi NEWS: TUESDAY’. DPXEMBER \K 1000. THE IsOOTHW. %t fekin. Aft bough Oe® Cbaffr#- >• letter, pmteet ’ ittg nfin.-’ *he otiiragrou* iooTifig at FVkir m.y not have met the approval ! of •’,# the r wnmar. ler-!n -hi* M the a;!h*d rr# p# in *hsna it ha* m*.i# hi* nvme me!* and fivoraWy known hroughout the whole nvljtxed woril It may te that the language wi* iot it ? ■•#;• 1 h-r court''ou* to the -n:m*iui l;r*£ ger.rral. but if it had been b * vlgorou h - letter w ul4 not have attracted as mid* attention a* it did, and the lor,ting. r tu h h< t ompUiacd. w• uM bavt suf fered no interruption The -er!ing of in# letter to Gen Chaffee by Gen. W i#r*#*e *rretei at tention at once The whole world was thum troprrued with the enorm.ry of the rime* of which some of the for*-nn troops at Ffkio wer# guilty. The Inter na* tonal I’nton. which Is composed of repr* r.tatlves of the culture ar.i P* grelv- thought of .t countries, luie taken hold of the matter, and has .msed us approval of cn C'haffee .•* action to b* -. nt so .ill ffjvernmeiit >*> that tha .\m* ri an g n- rnm#r.t s •*! J be espe cially commended for taking a stand drains* looting In China Thus far. in the estimation of tie bet tnlnkcrs of the war id. the Vntted States have got tn-ip credit out of the trouble in r'hlna than any out country. It wa fhreut i thc.r infl*ier 1 * tha* the 'iemands -f the Powers wre mollified, r¥l by tueir <ff -rt* tiiat looting w.s ehe* k#d No d*tubt the Chin* sc are taking notice of the spirit by which earh of *he I*ow* r> is nima'#*l. and art well aware which fill*' of them is -bowing them the greatest consid# ratio: . Their leading men luve or. several occh; ions mentioned Thai th* Amer .-an** wer# di*|>o*ed to trew* them fairly, and av* n gmer u*!y. w hile severs, of the <ither Powers seemed only anxkwis if get all they could This of the t'bineM towards the Atrieri ns ought to hav* the effect of strengthening the com mercial r iations between the I’nlted Htatcs atkd China, so That when the trou ble Is over and trade lias been re-estab lished r Istrger share of China's com mere* will wm# *• thin country than ever before. JIM4RY IIUIW^W. It t* estimated t>,al the dlvld* aU on Ameru n securities which will b# dis tribut'd at the end <f the pr<**nt > r * r for th# past six moot ha will be greater than ever lH*fore. The amount i* placed between lljn uuu.W and |1 V '•'■o.o'** It is a somewhat ult matter ©( (-ours# to k t the exart amount. >• *- met## are a good mai*y ►•'Unties whi > re i>ot list# > #l on ih#> .Stork Ex* cing#. I*, is probable that the foregoing amount, however, w aomewuere near the truth. It in known that the July dividend* approx imated ftfkom.nfih. For tlie prcvk*us July the amount was abmit uful a III ?k* more than D4.000.0U0 for July. lkW It will b*' aoen from these figures that there iutn b#rn * ~'eady lnrr#w* in the amount of dlvidemls (or the pat three years. Of course trie foregoing inrlude only stock* and bon*le. T#y have no connec tion with mortgagee. The reason that the xoftount will be so much larger this January than it was last July * that quite a number of industrial* will pay d*v vt< ffi*Vs Which **l*l not pay them on the bi*-? dividend paying lav. And It is said ri.nt there are railroads ilso wrni- h w*tH orne Ir :o the dividend paving list which have not i>akl any Lung on their stocks In years. There D a gool deal of speculation as * the amount of th** part of the dividend* that go to Europe. It Is known of coun*<* that a very large amount of our railroad securities i* held abroad. It s**ms tha |4#Y'retary tlage has made several vhdti to New’ Y'ork city with the view of get ting information that wouM enable him to make a statement reopectlng our secu rltles he!d In Europe. If he was success ful the fact not yet kpown Doubtless h st tt*‘ment will bo fonheoming on this Important subject in the near future. A question that ha* interested Ameri cans within the last year is whether the amount of our eecurltk** held in Europe mn lhie as it has been represent*.l to be The :ruth prokuOK is that the greater part of tbe b#t of ©*rr securities w*-r# sent home during the cnmiaign of lsfc. when there mas wpleaprt'ad fear that tn i'ountry would adopt the silver *m-l ,ri Sinc-c tlia*. time there has been a pretty heavy foreign buying of our securities, but it b a safe staiemmt that the amount outside of this country is far laa* than It waa before the agitation of t.i# silver quratton began. The new French law which forbid* 'he manufacture and sale of absinthe In clude# in Hr “Index exi*trga ©rius" also tlioae “American mixtures known as th# gin fl*g, the cocktail and the sherry flip." A recent report of the French Academy of Medicine says, with reference to these "American mixture#. *• that "government permission to sell morphine and |>o(sonF in general, without reatri< ilan, ouM not pro*lu e ravages comparable with there compounds." They mud oerve *>me |>e* * uliar compounds in Franc# under the mme of American mixtures. A cocktail Is made of a dash of bitters, two dashe* of simple syrup, and whisky. A gin fix* consists of a little simple syrup, the white of an egg. a dash of lemon, n little milk, gm and seltier water. A sherry flip } an egg shaken In sherry, with x Httl syrup nnd milk There doesn’t seem to be anything terrible about those c<a< o - tions. further than they contain alcohol; which, of course should not be taken ex cepg upon the prescription of . physician. Darius O. Mill* of New Y'ork. million aire. philanthropist, owner of two big ho lets and a nutnlnr of other bonding*, is b**lrg sue I in a Nen Y'ork court for an undershirt, \alite seventy-five cents. The plaintiff . lawyer f the name of fon • i*<is. alleges thnt h# doptod at on# of Mr. Mills' popular-price hot#)*, and w bile th. giH-st of th* house, lost his un#l#r nhlrt He is now asking that tha court order Mr. Mills to reimburse him for the value of the shirt, and give him an In d mnlty for Inconvenience and woumhd feelings A lively flsht for the sucreselon to the seat of the late Senator Davis of Min nesota Is in proapret The contest !■ to ha virtually batween those eneml-** of old. M.nn*apobs and Ht Paul. Robert G lasn* is the audidute of the former, nu* Momi B. Clapp of tit* latter Both of the candidates ars lawyers. The elactioti will occur cat Jan 23. Fntll that time the can vass of the IrlciKls of Use caiHifdalea will be lively. A Taris dispatch way# "MiJ Rt#r hax> • r.ow a rwaged pauper, living on charity In a Eon bn slum. His wife is here gradually WHng Iter furniture, sil ver and clothes. Ir. order to postpone the starvation of five young children. The ( eur.• • - u> - on- of the moat b*<autiful women i, Paris before her husband# dow > in !)# Dreyfus scandal '* No ycnpA'hy wi : b wasted upon Esterhaay. !!#• i tn htm-c f to be an u r<- ru pu!ous \ iiam Meanwhile It l sail too* 4 woman an*l Innocent little children i should suffer through hint. Ar. inter# Ming third chapter hw been written about the unwarranted run upon th# Harlem Savins- Hank, in New York, the ottwr day. A M*p4cioi>* depositor dts rrgarded #he a irnrees of the directors tha* fr | r.k w **■ all right, and drew fait hi# a%*'gs amofinting to On b * a iv to natch n * levated train two burly f >*pi<i# deftjv laromel btm into u door t, and relicv* t him of his roll, small charge, aa’ h aral rf pit This wa in broad dayl.ght. in lull view of a atree* . wd-d with people, and ta> arrest wit made*. rEHUA %ls. —H:? Robert Hart * grade as marwiar r higher flmn fha! of LI Hung Chang himself lie is, how, ver. an unaaaummg man small and ln.*-lgnificant in appear an e and < arelcssly dre?#sed. The < iar of Russia has precepted to Admiral Alegieff :t grld-nv Hited sword Mudded wi:!i diamonds and ltve'rT*<l For the Successful Campaign In Chill." and a inn #r w-apon to <l#n <*roii#*koff. nrcribed -For the I\aeiftcatka> of Man nurla." —Toe ex*Empress Eugenia is almost too nflrm to go about at all. Hhe has sn owed and entirely supports the Benedic tine Monastery st Famborough. Hurray. ?vi there two tnonk.- are always praying fur the soul* of the Emperor and the FYlnce Imperial. —Baron de Kent Is the retiring Italian ambaador to England has been succes sively aide-de amp fo King Victor Em manuel. m#mler of DarUament at Rome, minister p.enipoterriary at Brussels and ambassador to Madrid. In the sixties he fc*ur>#ie<i tha famous Florentine paper. I*a Fanfulla. —'l ll- lasi descendant of John Runyan, i wiling named Kevmorth. has died at IJneoln a? the age fJW Bhe* waa duwh t#*r #f Itohert Runyan the laaf of the;# to i*ear th#* “Pilgrim's** nano#* and In consequence of Iw r death certain Idn > olnshlra properties are t, be sold under ioer father’s will, for puidic puri*e* . —A (’ape Tim* correspondent haa In ervlewed Mrs. leWet, wife of the Boer general. She **td “You Englishman will never catch mv husband. He is going to win back for the Free Htaters and Transvnalers what they have loat. Ho has enough food and ammunition to le t for three years, and that is juat how long the war Is going to loat “ BRIGHT HIT*. —•'Flow odd!" exclaim#*! tha table. “You dave only a !-mail cold bottle." “And you." retorted tha sideboard, "have nothing but a large hot bird." Whereupon tire table, according to its custom on such occasions, groaned.—Chi cago Tribune. x —"There Is on#* ihlng I’m afraid of In *onro* tlon with this Kruger crass In Paris." “What’s that** War with England?*' "No. I'm afraid those wild Parisian* will try and force the Kruger style of hat <*n the world"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. —"I like to have my husband go hunt ing " “Doe* he hit anything*" 'T don't think so; bat. ns T never ask *ny questions about the game he brings home, he always buys n# h handsome present of eom- kind."—Detroit Free Press. —"I don’t know what to get my best girl for Chriatmas." “Nothing." “What do you mean**' “Just what I say flhe'il be twful mid there’ll be a terrible quarrel, an*! then you’ll have all the delightful sweetne-s of a muking-up without It costing you a cent."—Life —“I suppose * said the man who Is al ways suspecting mysteries, “that a zr at • leal is said and done in politics of which the publl never hears." "Yes." answered Senator Rorghum “the newspapers aren't bi enough to give all of us statesmen the vnlnute attention to which our importance truly entities un." —M sshlngton Htar. CY BURST rOkMIWT. The New Y'ork Evening Tost find.) *oys: “Onre more the B#nata of the rnitcil States has thwarted the wUhe> of the jeople of tlie t’nlted State*. In its evtacenitlon *>t the Hay-Pauncefote canal treaty, as In Its dt*embow*el!lrig hi the Olne>-Pauncefote arbitration treaty. It has gone ar.ilnef public sentiment. A few nofay newspa|ers have cried out against the treaty, but the enormous majority of the press, the country ov *r. ha* favored It. The most alarming thing I* the evidence that we have tn the White House no Influence to moderate Hther this or any other form of mob pas sion. Was II no: Cromwell who raid. H** will go furthest who does not know Where h# Is going*’ Th#* peaceful and prayerful William McKinley has !*<*) us into one nee#4i#sM war; and those who now’ are restlessly plotting to get us Into a war with England, have In him a Pres ident who I# Just tne clay they desire to mould." Commenting on Benator Hanna * speech on the ship-subsidy WH. the Courier-Journal fDem ) says: "Mr. Hanna says the dec#done# of our carrying trade liegan with the outbreak of the Civil War This Is not precisely correct, but the Intent of it was to suggest that the decadence legan with the ravage* of the Confederate men-oi-war. These amourt ed to little until after August. I M 2, and they ceased In ISM The |oses were mainly paid for by the insurance com panies. and when not so paid were mole good by Great Britain The cause of the decadence wa- t rod! al change in the method* of shipbuilding, as everybody conversant with the subject know- and by a ta Hup* of Congress to adapt our mvacation laws to the changed condi tions as every other maritime country In th# world has dptu." The Indianapolis Sentinel (Dem > says: "The decision of the Ohio Buprem** Court :hut the P andard Oil trust of Ohio Is not a trust Is another of tiiose d#'tsion* that ctMise a loss of popular ccnflden* e In | courts. The vase has been allowed to drag siong for three years, during which an anti-trust aupreme Jude# has b#<*n de feated for renomlnatlon. #*nd now ths cat*- goes off tinder wn equal division of the court— three to throe." The New Y'ork W’oild (Dem i says: "Gen. Harrison hit off the sltiMilon in Houth Afrlcw—and toiddenlafty described oar |H>sltlon In the Phtlipfunns—ln My- . In* 'Great Britain has not caitied a state, she has not even pleased her own population; she has only sealed a de j nuuid lor more garrisons,' " tlaiM * Birthday Preaewi. * Ja-me#* cried little I’hii. drawling out the word with plaintive rising infl# Hon in his vo. e ' O Ja-rne# Hut what b four taut* huy^*' It wa# the day be lor mamma's birth day. says the Youth's *mi#anion and d-ar. p.urrp. Jolly i ttie I’hi. wants#! to her .* prebtn . but what he get with only four cents? Phli't papa ws aw4* ?#■•. end Phil and hi.- uroih#rw felt they must do all they roakt to mak** mamma's birthday a happy one for her by ca'h giving her a present. "I’ll tell you what." waid James and aftr whis{>er{ng ?gih**r most mysferi- O .u\ They 'arte.l of? down luu wth smiling ?a< es the four precious pennies carried ngntiy y laspcd in Phil'a hubby little fhT After • time they came radian ly happy. Phil very much ex tt#d and say • ing over and over again. “Where t* ak I hide if? Oh. where ail f keep it**’ At f he rar *o til* mamma with hl •west face .ill smiles, and holding up a big cigar box. asked: ' What's tn it. mamma* You tau t de- au*e it s u**h a Mg box." Mamma guessed, but no what •he guessed, phu and his brothers always b!ir>t out lauglTOig Phil ex 'l timing con tjnujlly, “You tar t d# -. never!’* Afi#r n whl.e Phil b’. am anxWau-' again, and Inrhte] upon hiding the “Mg box. The brothers suggested many p.a< es It might be put. ami finally Phil d# Kie l that “Wiy under the bed. mamma touldn t reach It." The next morning when Phil was in the mi lt of being dr#***'!, he suddenly re membered the precious box. and. slipping w.y from he ran to th# bed. plumid himself down upon the floor and wrtigbd hf* little (at body out of mght, and a moment la er cam* o plaintiff wail: "Oh. Ja-n#v de man’s cheated m< ! D y*s only one, dey’s only o-n-*!" The brother ran to h m. full of excite ment and laughter, crying 'last’s see* How's he cheated you? What has he giv en you*' One little leg and then the other came wriggling out from under in* bed Phil crying. "Oh. o-h!“ ms the hn\s. pulling •nl laughing, helped him our Then, scrambling to his i** t .and showing the mysterious present ta James, he cried •gain “He’s cheated roe! Dry's only onef "Why, no!" cried James. “They re only *fu /s Don # you t— *’ ’ "On, wd#y ls“* ex. Phil A hip py smile broke over his anxious face, and running t n.amma. who sat quietly wait ing. he •■aid. in hiw most satisfied way : "Dry's 'ticke l tegedder. minima, but •b y*s w* ally t wo*" And then- In h:# lll t**‘ hand lav two—what. Why. pastas* stamps, to ihm on letters to papa! \\ lint l Meant by F. It. %. "When you mention 4h< namo of John Reilly you touch u r< mini scent chord In th*- hearts of hundreds of the older rei dents of llaitiniore," r< masked a well known gentleman yes ter lay. says the Baltimore Sun. "John Reilly," he continu'd "many vear.H ago k* ft a -a! >m; on South dr##’ I think it was where the Hafe Deposit and Trust Company now i>. it w.* i popular rerxtegvou* and always crow I* f It was tiien th** only place in the oily where one could get oM ale on draught, nnd his oysters well, they were Inde scribable. Hir frie#l oysters w* re savory enough to tempt . man to evil, the raw box was a continual source of delight, and the savory stews served drove away th* weijfbtiest of husin# ss i ares. "Reilly was a Jolly o|t man. full of na tive wit nnd sparkling wnh keen re partee. His place rune to be the favorite resort of the moel brilliant men of his Jay. "<>n one ot'c.islon Reilly had to Journey ! to Philadelphia n business If was In th** time of the o|., stag#- * oh< n* -. aisl Im* | made his wav leisurely along l’ion arrlv | Ir.g ther*. h# #gister#**l at one of th** | leading hotels. That leads up to mv story. "At tlvat tme It was customary for 4o kl tv tdelr slgnutures h title*# **r evidence* of dignity as they possessed. W hen Reilly )ook#*l over the hotel regi ter h* saw something like this: "John Jon#. LI.. D William Hrnlth, A. M. A R "Bamuel Johnson, D. D. "Seizing a pen. he Inscribed the fol lowing: "John Reilly. F R. 8 " Then he went about his business nd spent a pleasant and profitable afternoon * Returning to th# hotel at nlghf. he was met l*y a committee of l**a*l ng and learned citizens. They greeted him with great def* ren* • rsl expressed their grati fication that such a distinguish*! man should bo in tber midst lie was urgenl> requested to deliver a lecture be for# some scientific body during his stay. Y’ou eec. they JmVk* and from the mystic l**tters on the hotel register th.*t he vm* a Fellow of tie Royal Society, and had come to do him honor. ReU)v was a man of imiKveing person al Hi'{*ea*i . m-e. Ho m.xli* hlm—lf v,r> mrr-;ih!- to ih- i-omn)lt*. but could noi mnv iUi. for Ihr lc'iurr When they left him fricn.) asked th- rra.-on of the demon, l ralimi. \Vht do you mean by rllln Ihc l-t --trr. *F. It. S ' after your name, any way?" hr •' 'Well.' rolled Mr R-llly. wllh a mr ry twinkle of Hie eye. "they mean Tried ll.iw- and Stewed,' and I arrve the brrt In Baltimore ' ” taken by Sarprlae. •‘Had I rauaht my train that nlsht.” laugh* and the man who hao had nothing to do for a quarter of a century but lo .It and wulrh pine trees* grow lo swell his bank account, says the Washington Post "I would probably he a farmer now try ing to raise a mortgage and a few other things I had gone lo a little town In Lower Wisconsin to ec a colt that a man waii'cd to -ell. I was a good )udm> of no.'ll m*l pretty shrewd on a trade, but a greener country lad never broke Into a town I would have walked back to tha (arm after 1 had found myself too Ute tor tha train, tan 1 sow a handbill announcing a ehow that night and loullh’t re-let the temptation to aeo It. though It did cost a quarter. "In my hilarious appreciation I was more of an entertainment than they had on the stage, -specially as I was ulle-ly oblivious lo the fact that I did not look like any one else In the audience. Tow ird the end of the performance a huge fellow rams out. tossed cannon halls in the air held men out at arms' length and lifted heavy wetahts ' After this -howlng of his prowess he offered lit' to anv one whom he rouhl not throw Inside of two minutes. 1 w.s the crack wrestler in all our section though none prevent knew It and I felt as though the challenge was aimed directly at n> 1 turned hot and cold during a few ends of extreme silence Then I xptantr up and as I came out of my old blouse shouted 'l'll go you. b‘go*h.‘ There *v., a roar of laughter, and then -omc o' tho<- about me urged me not to go up there and h *ve my neck broken But rh. old man tod m<* to go tn and do my best. It wus a tough Job. but I llnilly threw the giant almost through the floor with a hlptock There was a Utile hsti. tsney a!*out giving me the 110. but the crowd rbouted until I got It "Th* old nun took me home with him and tn a week 1 had charge nf all the teams in hia lumber lamje* ]„ t | m< , j became a partner, and he cleared the way to make me rich. That was re.viy , match for a million " —ln the counties of Middle and Northern Pennsylvania, where the lands Lave been praetleallv denuded of their original for er: growths. *here has been su* h u rall urs of the ordinary water suppi, bring on conditions of absolute dtstrsa*- Th* w. ils and stream- have dried up a„.| the crop- have failed. The gr iae In me pastures and mea*towa la au dead as to necessitate resettling. ITtOM9 OK I ATE It EAT. I —TTie Danish shipyards which turned out the yacht Standard for the f’xar are nw #iigaged Ir the construction of an other ye ht for the Muscovite Emperor, wni* i wiille smaller te to far surpona everything as yet known ir comfort and luxury It Is to he used In the *#nx inland waters of the gulf, and e*p#*lgliy on the great rivers which tra vel se the rmp.rf in every direction. Divers who have be*n at work in the sea be ween Cape *M at span anl the island of Pori go. the an* I* nt Kythera report that they have seen status- and other ar* liaetdoglcaf objects. They have brought to the surface a hand which must have belonged to a great bronse fatu Th#* Grecian goverrmeut hats un do? taken the supervision of the further raeonreheg which will ie mad* —Thibet larger than Fronce. Germany ard Hpain combined, and has a imputa tion of a.0n0.160 it is ruled over by r*ilai 1. who acknowledges only r^omlrvai gJl#i;:ance to 'hiiM !!•• is the head of Lau,. in which t> th oldest ami strict est s# t of Buddhism Near v all M>n go'U is of th* religion of the I>-lal limn of nol an aroMtious man tn the r4a'e <wukl nuik* trouble for *Tiina. —WKhin a few we*ks tne tunnel under the royal j alac* of the qiifrtml at Ftome will be completed. If wIH place the Oider part of ihe eternal city n d.n t and level anmun itlofi with that r• r. qur tar of cr*n ted i*i< e 19N bsyoad the qultinoi. It is to be brilhantly light- by •I* tn tty and will b#* c.*refull> wat .#• by he poll* e. wnn ore in dre.| lest It might erv<* some anarc hist plot to blow up the palace above. —There has M*rn great progress In the aiic of electrical machinery since the dy namo began to N an Important factor In Industrial affairs. Twelve years ago a machine absorbing fifty h or--e-power amp* was eoii rl#rl very large, and m.*- * hii * -of this i*- were the exception rniher than th* rub. New dynamos of 2. (Mb and ?. *i* l>ore-powcr are usual slxe*;. w hile h iumi*er of tiwchlnrs of .". • iiorse power arc working at Niagara fails —A thoiough search is being made Just now among the ruins of the Church of Ht. Hpriion. in Mis* longhl. for the urn In which Rvron’s heart was contain ! The towi w is long ago de-troved lv the Turk#, and not until this year has an at tempt l*een made to rebuild the chur h. If the famous urn can be found the au thorities wish to place It in r prominent position in the new church. It I# thought unlikely, however, that It will be dis covered. -The ditor of the Fairfax. Mo.. Forum Inserts this i otoe In his paper: "W. H Hamtotugh. J P All kinds of marriar*s I**rformed while you wait Magastnc* and old hooks bound in the best manner. All long-standing a-counts—except those against ti.l- paper—collected in rag tlm* Orders for good printing • xc uted prompt ly. Inlormataai on 1*• matters im*.* rt •! at cost. Subscriptions taken for tin best newspaper in the English language Tr\ our triple-knot marriage ceremonies Hatl*fa.tiofi guaranteed." —Calcutta is the first port In India, nrvl hen * the report of Its trade is #*f great interest In IHO9-1900 the foreign trade of Calcutta was no less tnan f05.828.00a. tl • imiM>rts being and the export* <33.21? or 12 |-r cent an*l 9 per cent ff .|.s- fiv* y above the figures of IV##- op More than two-thirds of Calcutta trade is with Kuro! but comnurr. wnh oilier continents is growing m*>r#- rapidly in proportion. Thus the trade with America was i,". aSS.COO In I#W-!!•#. as comp.irel w ith P.CX.dW in —Peach tre## in the vicinity of Ht Jo seph. Mi* h . are threatened by more dangerous enemy than #h** ye low - !>*■ ai growers < all it “shot-hole iore " little while inserts with red heads, invade the or aard- ami cover the tre •* w ith tmy holes, the sap leaks out from th# **- bole* and the trees *lie for lack of nouriehm*r.t. An eg|ien lo* *1 fruit grow* r was eur prised when nottAel of the aupposed ti* of this disease. He says: "It !• common In Van Buren county but 1 Ihi*l not beard of its rpreading to Berrien.'' —Revelations made recently regarding Bombay municipal election* show that Hindoo election grnt can excell the wildest achievement* In Europe or Amer ica. It In dHoovered to be a otnmon lractice to dr*** up lads to Impersonate* ra#*payers, who are eltfur dea*l or ar#* reluctant to vote In many other uses women are hired to represent su h voters. Personation by m#-t of nutle vot ers who ar* dead or trav* 1- too m -nei to excite remark The most amazing discovery U that there i- now a class of men who call them.#* Ives “professional vote brokers" and openly undertake to -e --cure vote* at a fixed price a bead. —The era hi lull of wonder* of protec tive 'Oloring and form and there is one real -h irneleon In It—namely, the cn - meleon shrimp. This, like its land coun terpart. changes co.or from minute o minute—now* green out in the sunlight, new yellow on the sand, an*! again dark brown under the #lark shadows of won* projecting rock There i- another quamt little Ash whlh haunt* the weeri-tru of the Gulf stream, and there btilM* it* nest and lays its eggs like . bird rath r than n hsh. This an.mnl -the antenna rius—is not very easy to see owing to r similarity to its surroundings. It imi tate# in color the weed It live# :n. *ud. like the chameleon, constantly changes its color. Hay a* well as cotton is put up now adays In cylindrical bales a standard round hay hale being 18 Inches In dlarne- ' ter an*i 3t in he# in length. sa>s the N*’w York Huu. Hull a bale |ku kui at the pressure under which it would b put up for domestic use would weigh about 2 pounds, as pack# i for export such a bale would contain about 27'. pound* Ther* is put up for army use a bale of the same diameter, but only l Inches in length, which contain* approximately itu pound* of hay. In the cylindrical hale A given quantity of hay Is got Into lees than half th#* space that It would occupy in a square hale; and there nre n-*ert#.l for it other advantages. Including free !om from mould, preservation of the *w < tness of the hay and greatly rextu r | Thousand* of tons of hav in cylindrical bale* have been shipped to the American army In th#- F*hit!ppine>. nd large quantities of It have been u*#*J I by the British army in Houth Africa. —.V New Orleans electrician sayw he ha - Invents.* a phonograph without a cylin der or diaphragm, a phonograph that sim ply *‘rlngs Its re ord- on . piano wire, .* you might file so many written sheets of imper. When you talk over n leie- Phone the vibrations of your voice send out a series of delicate electric waves. In the new m.tehln. u telephone y. •.ected with an * which Is sxolted by the little waves .is they trav-| througn It in infinitely rapid succession, and at the same time a long piece of piano wire Is drawn past l:s two pole*, very tiewr, but as the magnet itself |- contin ually varying In power, owing to the v|. brations, there Is a corrieponditig varla -1 ‘on In the effe, i it produces T.iat is. the Wire |* m.ignenged ttl differ,,,, glees ull along Its length, a* If it w re divided into millions of y-ry thin disk* ach of t aeparate magnetic power These dfk* ar* the record. For reproduction 1 rol!d eiectrb' current le sent through the magnet, and the >■% wire la again pass.d in front of the poles The lrre*. cl.iriy mnyitetfxei) wire breaks the cur rent Into exactly the sanir kind of waves that were orlg.naliy ou( from tele, dujne. and w..en ordinary receiver Is eoaneeted with it you h. r ■ repro dis tton of the voice. Just wa you now hear it over th , Ul pbono. aTbe One Thinr Needful^As, Thf fkeery utatrr , kae# e*uw#. The jtadd’tiaj iht f, r . O/ to; iny bouLt an i /morning mpi, And JO,:, ChrU— , WHJIIII chef.. An# tba one thin, JfiA HYyW netdlul to .* t KSyXbkTQrKlf - >1 I", hr :. . Or as. 1 lit. t °cc**on 1. MURRAY HILL Mf CLUB Whl.key. It I. pure end wbolenm*.->4 • sand* ithotit a rival lo the trade MARK JOS. A. MAGNUS & CO. CINCINNATI, o. I l 81. Of HOP! R7M3 C U ITT < m.m u; For Isl- ot Hope. Montom-ry Thur-lsr- Ml. Cattle Park and West Ind. HaU,- cacopt judays. Hubjrct to ■ .art w ltttuUt noll e ißlk or Barm. t* City for I of H L.v l,le of Hor-a" I TI am fiom Tenth j Wam for BoXon ( 730 urn from Tenth , t* am for T. n:h * *> -*lO fr m I'eotn | 7uw am for 9U am frost BMMa in am for T< th | lo 30 nm from Tenth 110 00 am for Tenth 00 nri from Tenth ,11 (,) am for Bo on , 1 li pm from Bolton 11 Ham for Tmth ! 2> pm from T-mh 2() pm for Ter.t K i 33" pin from Tenth Ito pm for lo ion 430 pm from Tenth 100 pm for Tnrh 630 ym from Tenth 00 pm for Tmh 030 pm from Tenth 00 pm for Trt th 730 pm from Tenth 700 pm for Tap'll t 3*l pm from Tenth t 0" pm forTentn 93" pm from Tenth ,900 pm for Ti. - n 10 30 pm from Tenth Jw 00 pm for Tenth MONTOOMERT 1 •t : 31 mi I > 1... Mui'icomer. *** from T. nth ,f| m for Trntn 1 :>■ ptn from Tenth Ili pm for Tenet l " n f,om T ' ,,,h i*Oo pm for Tenth Osman i AHk. for Cat.l’ark Lv Cattle F.rk _ * am fruen Bolton , 7 00 jm for" Bolton . M um trom Hotton , ( uO am for Bolton 1 w ptu from Botton , 1 pin for Bolton .: 3v pm from Cotton j 3 00 ptu for Bolton 7 oo pm from Bolton j 7 30 pm for B<>:ton tOO pm fiont Bolton I3v pm fot Bolton Till NLtKItBuBi. Cor leatr, Bolton atreet Junction 3 3* a m and every thirty minute, thereafter until 11:3Ud. m. Cur itavt > Thunderbolt at < 00 a. ro. and e\ery thirty irduutc* thereafter until 12 00 m.diilght. for Bolton street Junc tion. FRICkTiTt AaVb i’AJU KI. CA It This car carries trailer for passengers on ait trip# artd leave# west side of c.ry market for Is!** of Hope, Thunderbolt and all ln?rrm*diatc points at S* 00 a. m. f 2 0i j. m . ft 00 p m Leaves Die of Hope for Thunderbolt* City Market and all Iniemediate points at < 00 a. m . 11 a. m . 2 ¥> p m WEST END CAB. Cnr leave** west side of < fry market tot Went End n m and every g* minutes thereafter during ih# day until 11:30 p. ro. Leaves West End at <3O a m and e/- ery 40 minutes (hereafter during the day tmtll 12 on o'clock mldn'ght. ?1 M. LOFTON Gen Manager MMsiiuinpofisiiCo Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Hale to All Points North and West. First-class tickets Include meals and berths Havannah to Baltimore and Phi*a dtlphl.i. Ac orumodatlon# and culsina un* quaU *1 Te.c *!# imshlr# of this company are ap pointed lo sail from Havannah as foliowa (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. P It 3IIIJ.KR. Cpt r<rtr*. TUB*. DAY. Doc. I*. 3:30 p. m. ITASCA, Cap* Blllup*. THURSDAY, fire JO. f. p m CHATHAM c.tpf Kastor. SATT'RDAY, r*r IJ, * p m. TKXAS. Copt. EMri-diro. TVESDAY, Dec 2f>. 7 . m TO I'M IL % DELPHI A. AP.I.KQHANY. Cup*. Fosttr, FRIDAY, D-‘-. 11. 5 p m. BERKSHIRE. CVipt Ryan. TI'ESDAY, r>.(\ S p in. AI.I.KCII ANY Cap(. Footer. BATI’R KAY. I>v 3. a: 10:00 p. m. Ticket OMc* No 113 Bull ItIML J. J. CAKOLAN Ascot. NEWCO3ID COHEN. Trav. A*t Savot.nah. (la. W. r TIRNF.H a. P A A D STEPHENS. A. T M J C WHITNEY. Traffic Manasr- O-ncral Offt.-ea. Ralttmor*. MA. KEEP OUT THE COLD BY USE OF WEATHER STRIP. II ill! si. 113 Brough ion Street West. Contractors' and Builders’ and Mill Sopplies. CaHtlug*. Htacl Ileamr. Channel Bolra. Rmte. Weight*. Tanks Towera. etc. Steel Wire atvl Manila R r ' [> *t Hoisting Knxtne* and Pumps. Jacks, tfff* rick*. Crab*. Chain an.l Rope Cast every Uny. Make quick delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SEP PUY COMPANY. Auidieta, Oa. w. ROSS GRAVCNER, Manufacturer’s Agent, haii.way ash miix UW#<#■*• Provident (SuUdlnc, aavancah,