The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 19, 1900, Image 1

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TIIK MOHNINO NKWB • •llitt - - In<or|.ralr<l I**h j 11 KSTILU l*r. 1.1. nt MORE TALK ON CANAL |,|,MTOH MtHKiW UTKOMiI.I |||. V<l< TM Till: lllll*lll It \ HIM.. NICARAGUA AND COSTA RICA. ".Illlt RIGHT* MUT 111. COYHltl i;hi:i> %yii hkhi'wtkii. T hf If Than ( oniprU I niii ii to He I onalrnrtor m .mill HnlluT Ili in l?\ p**c litll on ii I'rottf or %*la n itlnu•—Treat > lla*. rat fill lirral fir ilia In mill Mrn* r. k nn Miami lla* Intended 111 lierta l* Mi iirituiin lain wo I (.raant Kirlnthr • <•a* I rail af I mini. In.. ‘• *i Ib*c. 1“ Ren. tor Margin. . ufi of thr HrnaU? CommlUw* mi ’n • eartlc <‘anal.-, to unit h wan rcferre I rllmlnary report of tnr Isthmian ,i company, to-day submitted . t ir on l!n*n*on in conn** tion with the • :*> of Mgr* nidit * with (V,i li.* \ N tragua. relating to th* proposed , nhch WlT*' Submitted recently to ' ■'t r .at*-. Tin* r*|ort mvh th* state* . • *-f Hie Walker fommlaaitn ami the j *-aiisi referred to liav- a direct b*.i -; >tt what I* known an th* Hepburn i . . now *n the 8* nif calendar. ■ oil) I* a #le* la rat lon of the polh*\ , i iM*al Rt.ite*.'’ the report rudt, < af<iil iiul**r ih* control of thl? g#*v - < rat. li la ihe law of necessity, than the e\f* nation of profit *r . aiit .*.• to the I’nliwl Htil* \ that . <n u- la* construe:. own (in*l control a al through Owta lII* a .m l Mu * and the relation of * • -rale* tc our country. m**l th* pr*s * •' the Initial Stitt* among American • fins* ni.* point to us v ih** power that i . incur the expemHtwe and be In vent- h the authority to control ihe can a marine highway for ship* of a I r t tons. A th** ban}* and condition ami preoe . f t re- n -acnpli inieiit *f thl- grTa * f duty Ihe t'riled Sate** nus* ft ret )•• from Ooata files and Nicaragua. 1 * r * merit the r jcht to construct. 6wn. • and and manage the mnal In doing we must fully recognise their sover . Independence .•*! authority >%' r • 'untrl • s reaped I vely and deal with in wlihout any Attempt at encroavh- ; their rational rlcht* • report proceed.-*: **The acquisition * sovereign ownership of a tract of ntry, including the line of the canal. v separate Nicaragua Into two parte, •w# #* which the sovervngntv of the i State* would Ih* Interpose* I \ , i more fatal to her autonomy * n ho com**- vl, and If her g vern t li id the power to do th.*, in d**r her * Tuition which forhhi# any cession of t >ry to a foreign sat**. the severance - r terrMory by *u* h mutilation would . r v <• t# rrM rial Integrity and with republic. Such an effort I beyond I urn*-** of tin- House bill and i* m* - cv to* the enjoym* nt of any privilege * • right that r.|a* to the owner-hip. * <r>l or ni ui.g *ni*‘i tof the canal. ■ If th Senate shall nn’ur with the li* U'. n the passage of thia bill It will he n movement of mi eh force ns will draw ..‘■* r It the settlement of any internndon •Hrti iilti *• ‘hot may exi*?. wlthou* *ri i|rrn r dang**r to the peace and go***l that exist** between the Fnlteil S:u **.' 1 other nation-.** \; . *?.> f dlrect***l to ir* .ty b * a <}rat Britain nnd Nlcaragn.i that • ’ulnt* the provhdon# of oiir ■ mi. •• If chut treaty r**nntn " r*'po says, "Nli’.iragu * cannot gf *nt * th<* ownership. “ontrol and manage* ii f * a canal m her territory that I* ' • from all military Interference or con by ISre.*t Britain ’* TU* rc|>*>rt *H-- -of I* ngtli the operatkm of th*' <*lm' - In wer treaty, nnd refers to the pend. M tv-IViuncefote treaty ■ li* S iiiii- engage*! h> a nogntlattoa "hh (in at Britain, which may or n*S T**dt In an agreement, cannot affor*l to * * ■ to consider a I*lll so imior*ani o ■untrv as th** House bill N**. i rely to await th* pleasure of one-thlr.l * vit licsly. The Senate n- a pirl of ' e.?y-makliß power, has no m> r< right to susrrend b'gpstation Of thli< d*ct that the President. wo Is the • r part of that power, has to susp*t* 1 ■jiffon hv his or*l* r ** Tb* r*|ort save Costa HI. a and Nlm* • w r* not prohibit bv the Clay. • i Ftniwer treaty from *llsi>oslng of can.*? i 'ileyes or their entire terrbory. If th* lr I -r I** so ilesire. to lh* l*nlt*l St t*s * In kin other l*-\ver. for the reason •*.t they ar* not parties to that trea v -■uch whs the purpose of that treaty. • lied, not only for that reason, hut • * ?**•*•use It was flagrant usurpation * the pint of the great natb ns that made agreement *nl was condetnucd, rs tt ill l< r-pro *ate*l hy the morality of na* t OPS. ttlßDl.ll %\l> IttHHll’in Triple ( rlw*r anil I’rolmlilr |.>wclliß In %!tata!||l* \.t\ Orleans. IVc. IN.—A rpvmi from ’..ike l*rovidene.*. L*a.. wy*: The Belle *.f the Benda, which has or- .• and her* from Arcadia Miss., landing, rejsyts a murder and robbery at fm* PurnUy, which ft is thought resu t In a lynching of two negroes there to day. Two negroes from n neighl>orii)g levee * mp went to a trading boat kept at lb<* • oy a white man. killed him an.* wlf. anfl tKihy. They then robbed fh** it and left after burning the craft to f,< water’s wlge. T• -k*v the uegr*>cs were re onla**l hv property of the white family and r stml. They confessed, rind It Is sail, were tak**t Sn charge by a m*h. Ol It tKU UIMSTKHS. 'I hr**** NnmlnNtlnni Made Yesterday hy 9*reldent McKlalry. Washington. Pee. !s.— The President to* * *v nominate*! John C. A Irishman of Pennsylvania, now minister to Swl'ier* f>d, to he rnlteJ States minister to T>ir* Arthur and Hardy of New Hamo **nire. now minister to Greece. Roumanii *sl Her via. lo ho nlolltcri to Hwltger* <*.d rnirlen 8 Francis of New York, t fs p tntier lo Greece, HoumanU an * ttMVIA Siitninnalj ilUn niiuj ?Cno. LORD SALISBURY SPEAKS. > * War Vlust li- i arrlcd to 'in • rcssful Issue It Umpire Is l* lie Klisla ille|. lamdoti. In-/-, is At th** annual confer • i* e *f the Natiural It don t'onaervative A * "cs'Uit logo* *day. Lord Ha li bury, ai tud l a to the war, said if they tthe Con servatives! wished to sustain the empire *••*1 maintain th* gloiy of Kiiglanti n -tarmshed, irieir efforts must not Is* stock* *• until this •it’irprfc* ys.i- ai for oi: h’ i-- : thereof *!-pend • I th* glory and tally of the em* pi’ ii might requlr* a stienuous -ffott ai.* great self--., rifl.. Th. |*r. sent was period of som* anxiety. 1 "•Id the premier, ‘Mo not know x.ictly ha- taken plac*. We earn*a*- lv h °l*c the H-Uf may U> letter tluin he b* gimdng H;t hav to push It through. May lx* th**r* are ns*tiers whlcti hu\. not been •xpainc*!. aid when wx r4jiij*i It m*y be t m> übj*■*i of scrutiny •ia iota * st.’ u - n-’.y the jir*"**Tii r* - •nits have tw. a r.*,icheii Hill *• must s|oire m effort w h rby the glory and the rmtwi'iijiin*. of our empire mly le aohkved *• • H'llMs %%ltllOU KH4 ‘ % IK. It**rs H*l(l I'm > ermeetlag Utrr llrH.wli lletreiif. JoUinne btifg Muni !*•. 17 - D.4ails of the I feat of tin Brills i ot Nooitge da- ht ltd - it. ixit G-n Uh-mentx’ entire foree htwl a narrow e.-expe from capture. The Boer plans wen* Fplendldly laid Tf ti main Hr! ish column had tarried a bttle b*n. • • ft.** would have be*-* * complete mi >• for th* Boers, who ex tMvsed th. ms. v.s utidaunledly. y.lttng •nd waved their <rm Their rushes were only stemmed by urtlliery After the British ret r- • the Btwr-* h**l a prayer meeting. Their hymns <*ou!l le liear.l by the r.tirti.g BrltUh. All a rouna indicate a lie ivy Ber lo*. G*l I,*siff* exhibited splendid bravery 11* stio* five llciers with his revolver be fore he full with three bullets in his body. M 4 \p; 4 UMIM Boers In* tided British Territory at Tw Boinfs. Lor.d ll Ino i: "Ttu* lUe is nave raid • i'siN* (V>lony t ■ two s|etrute iiolnts. ote hundred util. > distant." says th* Uiw Tow n coirrspot dent of the Daily Mall, "i Ki.' commando advai**txl upon I alHpf*<own. U : wc* n Uolchl * rg and Kim berley. Tn- *ther. sup|*Os*sl to Is* Her ftcig'e e. mmundo. crossed the fhange riv er between Odcndaal Htroom and Bethu lie, northwest of Burg hers dorp, its o!>- J tlve ai>r*arerHly being Gradx k "Gcti. MaeMor.ald Is engaging the In vaders who have no guns, twenty mile?, mu (few* >t of Hurgheesdorp. The latest n* ws is that they r** being slowly for’. and ba k to th. Orange river, whore a witrm reception is being preparvtl for them." British HHNHe*I Ikilng Well. Indon. Dec. lA.—Lorl Kitchener, in a dispatch from l*ret*r a. dated Dec. 17 re port* that all t • BrltDh w -ui..l*d 'n the engtgement *t hove arrived there and are doing wdl. WOODWARfsTROUBLES. Itlnniß'a 'lrt.or Ntm *'— Trial ntt 'Tiara- of I'arr.lna I'nnr-al-*. %K-aiion-. Allant*. Ga., D-< I*.-A warrant iva- thl- afternooo -worn out agiint Mayor Jann-- fl. VV<H*iwar.l by Police man Ikohln- • h irKli a him with • irrjin - .1 eon—*lni pl-tol. Th- |p-r will h —rvi-il on the Mayor early In the motn ina by a city Court tail HIT. mtulrtnic a bond for hi- appearance In court to an -w-r lo the chance Mayor Woodwafl wa* arre*tej last •ilsht on Hioa'l street l>y Policemen Ooie bins atxl Kiwi on a cbarite of druni -n --m-. Ih miM .rrl*-l lo th- -talon house aid u’k-<l |||> in th- •let-ntion wanl ami hcl<l until *> thl* mornlna. when he wa- ralca-eil. after tctvliut 'a*li colla’eral of 15.7. V Win a It* trial H OM tf It -or lcr Broyles this afternoon th< Mayor w•* not present to answer The •Icpost: wa- fmfeiPil ly lh- It’S or tl-r, wtw after li-artny .lw lewtlmony of c -|t. Ball that a loaUe.l pistol coo, a 1-*1 w- 1* <ak-n fiian Ih- Mayor when loekel u|> s.ii’l: "To l<- —n the humiliation, that the Mayor’s conduct has already hronit it upon the :•>, 1 will not have him tsick to hi- court lull order you. Mr. Irolcoti* to pro —cl at once to the au thorities amt -war out a warrant ad In" .1 lines <! \Voo.twar.t on a chartte of -nr rvinc concealed weapons. The M Ivor left th- alatlon houoe thl nvornlnic In a *ot>er condition, hut cur-ini Ihe dav he wan In his oftl e and on the -tree: Intoalcatcd. Th- occurrence l ar-atiy r-ar-tled by th- whole city of Atlan’a and th- further pro.— dlrirv acatnnt the Mayor will be watched with Interest. kTvTT ii TTTh titiiT. ■ inpres.’ Fararllt Is Rent l.lreetor of lirnnil Ciinnell. txwlon I'ec 1* "It l reported from Bin Fu." -ay- th- Bh,inah#t mrr—tnd ent of the Standard, "that the real dl rector of the ararnt council l the Km press powia-r’- favorite eunuch. 1.1 IJen Vuenr. who wa# erroneou*ly r-p ried d-:id la-t April. H- I- r— pon-lhle for Ih- general .onfusion and Indecision Hl latest -uwe—tlofl la that "to ® rt -houll procnsl to Nankin. tieo. Tuna Fu 11-iamr I- -aid to .till m Plan Fu. An decree au tori*- the governor* of the provinces of Phan SI and Shell 81 to —II Htl— and decorations for thr benrtlt of -ilfferera fiom famine." t'rearl, t mars Is l;(ll %dofilri.. Pari- l*e*’. • • m. —The Chamber of D-puil-n. after an al!-nlaht adoptnl the aimu'-ty Mil by ,< vote of !M to The henetlle of the meuwurr e*tnd to offense* cornrctnl with *trike*. mihile mi—’ina ’ of **Ocl*t|nn* and th- trouble. In Aiaerli in UK-’*. In addition to caeca arising out of the l>r-yfu* agitation. % a—iilemcnl Itermed I nllliely. London. Dec. |!*.-"An experienced fin erai with whom I converaed to-d#v." ay* th# I*ekln corrwepondent of the Mornln* poat. wlrina Monday, consider* a aettle met by next -prlna iutprobnbls He fore- S—, *om- d.iua-r of the complication* here that Will disturb the prae of tu roi*." SAVANNAH. GA.. WEDNKSBAY. DKCEMBEIt 111. I’.kmi. WILL NOT ACT NOW lll\i:il %M> H.%11114111 BILL TO M ill %\\ llllilL TOO MUCH PRESSURE NOW. BI T *%V A\\%H 4 %I*|M(4>|*||l %TIO\ IK U.I. M 14.11 I l. (• it*** ||<itte nml 4 In. In lit** KRMRIr %rr l.Hii.inu tiui for Ii —M. J*liii’** Hivrr fa ll** 4 urc.l for. 1 I (••••rulHii l Hrlnni f-'raai I * 1.111 |t | 1 1. i-B-Mr*. 4 all U Inn llcr Halt. Waahingiot!. D lw 14 —<\ntrar> to th. til l *xir!•! f tu mem brrn of ch** Bivors anti H t ">ra Couimi*- j ?*•*• ih** river itfal harbor l:.l wiii not .. reporiwl to thr ii*>u* th* hoiblay I i4x**sh Th* prvßßur** upon t;- .oninpi tr*** from in4llvblu.ll ui*mb*'rß of la* Hoofta for *|><ia| h.-irlnk- in b* mU of | \ ark>Uß projiN-tH han I#. . n .uffb'irtt ly Ktn to i. lay Anal work a thr bill While it s ira pope lMe ( taie w riling t.. in* rrtaifi th** *xa.*t oinouii Ihe bill wli. j < arry in b-nu|f of F\ itumh harlxH, th.* • Ht.-m.-n: may m it.*rate.| tn *. t’oi Leatrr h*l p.oiir.t 1 Uhrrai afM*roptii 4*n f.x carrying out the r’* tumn.ia*i.m of ihr chief of *figire**f •* b\niig h foot channel to the o< . ui Reprea* ntative HjMrkman of, who * m m*mb**r of th** < ommitt. < 1 1 w >o i* working in.lupirionply for .1 lai - appropriaUtMi foi 8t John river p. (oly. that he Vtotvifeel no co-lflhu e |i, ptafing that the *<mmlft- will r-. n m. irfi that the Hv John- river proj*. be pla .-I urxter the continuing eoatraet eye lrm *** a|pn|>ri t|..o f,. r the flp* al year villi be gen croup M hen .i“k* t whai th. •'ommittee i* o p**ee- to rlo for Havar.nah harlN*r, he r plieHl "Savannah w ill i H ell take . , e of p4h, ‘ *' h< valuabl. and Ii fl ,e a! min on the committee fCo! and r to kok after her Intereata ui.l ahe wilt r - reive treatment In the hill." Sa vannah |p not only fortunate In having a loril representative on the llous. ,om mltfee, hut Phe |* to b. congr.itul .e I u|-'n having a <i.*orgia e-nator i*tutor <"iay on the (’omitirm. Oommltt*. hav ing charge of the I*4ll In the Semite. S.*> ator Clay Ip In entire ar. orcl with **j. Lexter, regar.ilng the Imf.rov. nnnl of s im vannah harbor, and he D pref<r-l to re inform all ihat Col l>*ter m.v do in the Hotinf. and. if urge ucii additional apprrpGaGon a- may te i nulred to carry out the proje-** -u, r ...* | fully." Through the influence of Reprtvefi‘atlv* Fleming. R B. Baxter Jr., of S*.rta <!*.. memfxT of the llopidtal Co:p-. I S. A hap been relieved from further luty in the Phtilppinee. and mu perve out th** balance of hi- eißiPtment -*t M BU. r*<m Kirracka. Atlanta Young Baxter .a nineteen months of ictlv** rvl . in lie Khlllpplnea in the lloxpita. t vrts, and w.ip then ptrl.-ken 4>\\n with f. v.*r He wap furloughed home and pent to the hop- Fltal at San Kranc|p<*o. He ip now ct>n valep, nt, and .p he h.*p but a f* a mom 1- n. r. to oompbf. hia if w.ia .ieemexl Inadvlonble to - rid him a 1 t •• wa> back to the Philippine-. ID wap not anxioup I o go. and it I- more agre*ahie to him and hip friend- to hive him por tioned at McPhemon barracks The ca e h*• t ng |>r*Pent*vf to the War I>partment offl* I*l by Mr Fleming, the order *f transfer from San Fran. i * to M.-Pher -1 pjn harrackp was ipued to-day AIrP Call, wife of for*.*r Senator 4*a|l 1 of Florida. w.p to-day awarded *lum- in her suit at not a local hotel for | t!e retention of her trunk- and other |**r ~pmtl proparty. Tin* j ir which iM-ard the testimony award and Alts <*hll the p*pm-p afton of li*r trunk- an. I S3O and * mages. The other j property pued for whp foui ix>XtP. Thep*-. huwever. the jury by Hr verdict awarded to th** hotel company and in default of their dahveiy $1) a- dam ages. The property In dispute von re tain. *1 by the Normandie ilojel >mix<nv an a lien for a tMiaril bill ll *r*-d to h> ow*d try Mr Gall .*n<l his wife It was claimed by th* hotel company tha Mr. Call wa- indebte*! to It in the PUm **f aliout s4.m for Iw-ar.i for Ivimwlf and Mr -4 'all. It was shown at the trial, however, i iat the property coniaine*! In th** bx*p wiich had been withheld by the defend ant belonged to Mip * all and i.ot to Mr Call. PLANT SYSTEM UPHELD. 1 11 ™ .lnla- l.unikln l(ul.-s Thai stair Hast .(—•*lsl*,i f llonril of IrkllralhtM. Atlanta. D-< IK.—Jutlftf Lumpkin. In the Superior Court, ha* <l-t 11-<l that the *tate i of Georgia mu*t uceoju (lie award of a hoard of arMtnttn- ami allow the Plant B>fltm of KitllwF to |ty (heir take* a • -ordiriK to the Mini return* >1 ly I hi* heard, or about %hf> Otl I— titan the orlitlnol return of th- ra Iway oßt< lal*. ! Till* -*•■ ha* attracted c>n*l’l>rohle al | tenUon. Thr Plant B.vetem official* re turned the taxe* imi their nacka*e It. i tieorxla Imt the e-ntroller iceneral of the . slate refu-e.l to aerett the llxure* and made an a*e**mtnt him-*’lf. To thl* (he I tallway olrjecletl and lioar lof arbitra tion. which wa* an>olntl. rettirne| an .ipse—inent lower thv tha ortitinallv •u'.imltlrd by the I’kint Hy-nm The r n- I iroller tfeneral asrntn otjostel. I”>S JmlK- Lumpkin before whom a writ of man damus In th- matter wa* argued, ruled •igalnst the state. WKTTt.RO TMK I I.Kl*. Moorish fio.rruor Pay* for Mnrtlrr of t-'.saauol. Washington. l**< IK A m —age from I‘nlted State* ('uoeul flummery, at Tangier*. Inform- the State Bejsi rtm-nt (hat the Moorish government had se’tl.d the claim of (he United State- for $S.’*J) indemnity on account of the murd-r of Mar us Kot iral a tm’uralsed t-l la-n of the United Stale*. In Morocco last eprins. A a (it, *a*t Flrr at Jaehfon. Jackson. Mis* Dec H —The plant of thr Brookhaven Lumber and Mnnufactur iok Company and ten freight -ar* of tit llllnola Central IlnllToad were destroy, by Are here this morning. Th* lorn is about Mo.OtW. A SLIGHT MUDDLE. \mllmir \iw Igrrtd mm.l thr W onl •/Irrrx *M*wlle" llrmßiM* lw thr Jlw4 loir. l/oni)n, l>* IX Mr. (Hioilf, Iht* |*nl **■! Hiui-p um Niaclor, hit a long cou f*r**nv lii te* af.crnaon rrjarlitig t .•*• Chi n****- aHuatkai wiHi th* rrtary of H:a* lor foreign affair* th Mar|iiip of Di> • l.wtu, aiui >l(*x4U-ittiy .Mr Hern n While Murctury oi th* United tfixi. * ctnbappy, |.n. a vtnlt to ti* foreign of fi< • Tim greiitiPt werwy ia maltitglne*! w* to the out'time of the*** eon mil tn Hour. an* X|) iUuilih how*ver, %%a* e**t'. ered by a r<‘|wep**ntiiilv*- f thr Aprocmi jt i I’r*--* of th** ex:r.*.mllu*r> I.ingle In wh*ca lll** Chluepr* tn c itfatpai* have re cently lawi fiiuihi uj. in *1 mxiu m.*kn elt iat ton o' the contradictor) telegram# that have emanated fiom I’ckin nip! va rbHjp Kurop**.n pital. It ii|(Nui* tlmt o\* i a w• **k ug> the I* wi r.M .im* tn rr ag T*mut to e| ( the. word "irrevo* whir.' frcmi the Joint not. T ift*, when it w believed Unit 4>\ery thing It a* I bell P*ttled object!**!*** w*r- ralP*d. nml *rx*t Britain. f*r the ak* of harmony, although much agauiat h* i will, agn ti t* r* in** rt th** 1 irrev.wa bb*" clause In itup. it ih b-lleveil aha wa.** mipported by the Unlle*! K(Mn> <up— more ttu . int note termed ot ib* v• ri * *f h.gciumire. wn* n m n*i -uiKl r atanding ar< .*-e It*' Ivkin Thin ixml’ueeil t..* government ami fomu-Kl th** aubjnet if the dißp.itch from rteeretnry lla> M • h*> i tr in-initt*l |< ( • Marquis of i. i*w 11 •• io-du) V the r hut! of i!c Interview Mr ( hum lus arm a bam cabh to Secret,r> Hay, in whl*h he aUr.but* Bit* lat. : m,RUiaJotNtatulltig to an • rur In f<irwarilng ii*!*tru* tU>nh an • rror which *p utr I i*r* .inatl> through th** • b company, and whicli railed Mr 4’.*n-—r and ,*-ii Krtnsl Hanrn. the Brltlah ininiater in ii kin, to ink* opposite vi*wa <illh*e>gh tbe.r fftona governnieit:- vtmtm pt rffurtly agreed. 'Th Ur. Bed State* rtnlniiay while itun* ccmniHial. h*-|*e- that to-day'R c*>n!er n* e* will i nr up tit*- roudile and luiiig abcvui a 'igi.inw of (tie Joint note in l'ekai with* m few day*. Th. Bri i-Mn forelm .ffi ** |v not quite Rs imi -fill OfflelaD there profeß* •* i>? ratic r at a* a a< to whether th* oondb 4 nnn :■ n* it* be Irrevocable or otherwise, llelb-rlloivH |h* nt lo their le ing irrevoc able. Br:teh ofllcuila n*lmit that (bey gave ai : r protest. ii I witli n dlatlnct run* erv i a>n Ibai. ist-ough the |. maneb* ar# lrr voi i!le. t ils* in no way n*k vnßat-R an etiforeem**nt cf the demand# by Fat tr*>(ip.<* T* ftucii a course 4ira( Hr, tn <an.t and will not agree. *on- quent y, ompHance wtth tha "Irrevm* • *l* clatiae will t*e a* mew Imt of a for * on the part of Great Britain, and this feature of the rape become# more |ti (cresting when taken In conjunct!*** with ' e'4tem*nt nuthorftatively rwuh' h#r ’ .1 Britain ami *h* United fltat*** *c In die same boat m the Joint note ne~ gotlatl*nß. J4l|\T ItiTK I4;hi:|J) TO. 4.real Hritnln'a l*r>p*ed %lterntlona • *raetleNll %ee*-||e|. law -lon. Dee IK.-'Nlrwu Britain’# prr l> ) *1 aliera l.ut- in the )*r* amble of tho Joint tote have h* **u practically accepted in til .bo Bowers." ways the B**kln corre iffMmtient of the Dally Mall, wiring Mon day. *!i :h ItUHRia and Japan. ho p wa.- re.itnld aa *ioubtful. have agr* *d.* # The at tit ufe of the United Btatiw re main* .n* yet not clearly *leflne*l. but the a I•-• eiioe >f America |* anti* l|Ml*d. aiwl it |s pr*#babie (hat the joint note will l* signed aid delivered to the rhlnm" p.fik*oien;iartes* within thr*** or four day a T *• 4’nrnwn minister has warmly sup ported the BrPi-h |nu|*on,l. lilt IIHN4. I 111. \% 4|tK. %on Urlilitm*** bblrirt* tn UiliiNr! Me|ireaenlnllv •*. Pekin, !>*• P fount vatt Waldernee ha# homed an orl. r u -eignlim various • >t:i ts In til** of Pcktn for .* U|> tv I** on • th* military repr* s *ntatlv s of the various Powers. The order any# that th* extent *to which the co-o|nt ti*,n of the I'rench and American troopu can I** d* l ui ial up* n Is a matter lo be determined by grecu*’nt* m*le wtth the geneml* <vsnmin*?.tg Giese force#. Under the p|.m th* United States troops wnl supervis* the* district southeast of B. kin from th* read •* Tshatig-Tsimiig to !b<- road extending from Naku-Krln ti 110 HI Wu Count in Waklerse# says h knows ♦ hat there Is a conalderabl# force of Uhl - •*. under * Jen Ma in the northern port ,t th- t fOviiM* of blian Hi. and another outh of TshMOg-Tshang; but. lur u# th# •severe wint*-r Hint now set in, he floes not expect any aggressive Chinese move* ment. On the other iarvl. wherever the allies leave ii district for .toy length of time, bands of robbers and Bonr* will congr**- g;*t* For tills rssMtn tne He'd marshal th* •O“oi*emtion of all th* allbs to cov*r the various district# with strong latroli. It is now understood that a m*et!ng of ♦ Im* fon Kti envoys will ba* h* Id to-mor* row. 4ITI %TIO% *4*T IHI’IIOVKIt. Tang I nli Kins# low Dictator nt 4 hlna. fxindsti, Dee. 18.-A Pekin *Bsrstch to the Ball M ill Gazette, dated Dec 17. says: "The sftuNtion has not Improved hy lh* representative# of ilia Power# iwving ra* b-*1 an igreement. a# the leopt of (he n**go(btlots Is limitd and the effect in n# titr llsed Tiie allies have neglectßd to * *cc Hankow and Hhanghul an*i Irave failed 4o chck the transmissirm of supplle# of • n•munition to the Chllieae. Tang Pub Slang thus has very oftortunlty of raJ tv ng and equlpp ng Ids urmy. |le has se cured the p*tUtoti of dictator, terrorixe# •Ijc Kmpcess *sl controls the wlwle uiowaix i t of #r*ors. It will be ncoersary give tin* military operations of the allies a wider are# " Fra nee Mill Mefwrn Properly. Baris. Ihm lh. The government ha# de, *bb I all ©tale Is, urde*- material ot w r. Mlii h have been eelxed or shall 1,,* f.* r. and by ihe French exiedltPTiary for*** In China '•hall be restored, whether p, ,n<.ng to the Chine#* government or to irl%'#te Individuals. Ministers lo Meet To-day. Rome. D#c 18.—A Pekin dispatch dated tn-dsy. soys the minlatees at Pekin will tr.ert to-morrow when probably a final sgre#m*-n: wli be reached as to ibe text of the Joint Chinese note* CITIZENS OR ALIENS VI %II • OF PKOPIJ: t| * 4 411.0M1 4 Diet I wai'li. LIMITS OF THE CONSTITUTION. I UMMiNTD Blll'lNl OPBlk|\4. V 114.1 VII \I v. %** Kbit* l)BrS%l<in of tile 4|lirt|Olt il l**u* l> %llriiey (•iiitml (•rlaas—He bud IM** the viriuilnu f Hi** iVrm **l Nilr*l WfNlea,** nod 4 ,*•- l<*n*l Ibn f l* tpl* of 4 i tit •! or 4 o o*4 tiered I rfllor tfipitrr %• Itlgliiß I odrr 4 onafllntlom I o !**• |l\|trrk| t Uvlcodcd to I hi'iu. Washtrnrfai. !*• lx Th** h* am >■ *f arguniK iu In ts. I’otto Rico Bitflippiue c.i'■•*-. mv< Ivliik 11 • • • latus •( ♦'*-(• ’Mi tiles w ith rdatloti to th* Unit**! Ht ties was rcsumcKl in th** United Htaler Hu pr m* 4’nurt to-day itoih #M s au unit trd aig uiici Is. tlKt fir th* I HIP and F * beltm mb l\ Allied v tlcneral Oi iggs f-alward < B- rkio . nb*r *ui. >iln th Porto Itl'-o cti.-*\ who H|N*kc btri, mn, dud* I the orgunicdi h* b* gvin vc-tei •lay. Mr iVrkitt* • I t!at tlu *bc*rine that Ute tn**Utui tin did not c\i ml lo th** ter ritories was bast and on the kl* . that the < ontMutton w im . fulin! ni' **. a N**ri of I’hattcl wbb h could l*c moved alMiut here liicr* ,e Oongres’* haw fit, rather than -otnetl mg lw*|U*X4thed to * by >ur •no ii rs It w., be id a >rl of ’’irwn- aubtantlaticn of th* <*naiilti lion." It wh a content on tbot tlm* con stitution could im a get Info h territory unless Uongre#* placed it there. If *l** tiled hat the (amstituti n tn *d to tin* t rrttorlc** by and that It was an iiwaninMtte ul*#tn* lucking th# powtws of kvonutt ion. Juatlce WJilte a#k*d a series of twin ted question* of Mr. I'erklns Justice Whtt* Mk*d If Mr Parkins* ••oo tentlon wotad lead !ttn> to I • -•< bi bs that irmn*-xliMt iv tt|*>ai the making of th* triy ceding territory • tin UnttiM States. rv#ry p#rw*>n loi*n in lbat terri tory after th* date of (T4nn ic am# lp*o Jure n citisen of the Untied H’nte* Mr, Perkins an*werl that unbubt* < I , y ;ci>or*s lsn In th* t'-rriiorv a tier tn cesfUan and subject to th* JuriMcibn of the t!’nM#d H at* ', were cithu ns of the Unit#*! .Htstf *> Mr. Perkin said th# I • mi'a* on* of hi •nswer w# Intended to cover *p#c al dreumstgne##. relating to Indtans uni tin civilised perrons. "Th*> peo(>ie of th# United |tiot in and hy the constltulkMi." Mr. Perkin c*>n clu*ie*l. "organised *nd erected >n* and th# same government ••( defined and lim ited powers for all people who rniglit m brtblt within th dominion of th** nation. The whole purpose and theory of the cun sdcution Is Hi# establishment In a |# r maneiit form, unalterable except by the iMHipl** themselves, of fundamental i>rln triple of gov* rum* nf applicable In all lime and in every plate. "Th** (power to govern the fxip! Ini ate King th** territory of tn* nation, whbh is d**l* Ktcl by the constitution to < *n gress. is limited and deflnel by the con stitution and Congress cannot transcend the limits im|R*#'d. The constitution limits the |*wer* of Congress to lin|s*>e (:v.- tb*n hy the mandat* that all do!lee tin |M**t# and excise.*, snail Ik* uulfuim throughout the entire doflMifi of tin Unit ed Slate " Mr Harmon of counsel for afqteiiant In tiie Uhiiipt'itic caw. nrgu* <l "By the tnaty of p*ae b**:w*efi tie- Untied Htates and Hi*aii, tie* Bhilinpßrea becam** n |Mrt of tbe United H4atea; the government and tl.e dtlxens of tli* Unlt ckl States h*#th enter said islands under (he aUihorlty <*f the ruuikt ulletl with tlwdr rcapectlvc rights d**- ilne*l and mark** I out; the former ou exercise no i-os**r over th# j*crson or lroi#Tty of u cNtxen of the United Htat* a bcyoral what that instrument ionf#rs, not lawfully deny >' right whioh it has re s#rv#d. ■ Being a pur! of th# United Htatos tha Bhiliiidn# Dar ds are subject to lh#* pit* Visions of ckaus - I. (tertian 8. Artirl* I, and of clauses & an <i. A* ctlon 3. Artl#l# I of th# lonalttutl- ii of Hi** Un.*4#d Huttes. And as ther* is nothing differ* nt,y *t*pu late*| in th lrwi4y with i#f#ct t*i com merce n be- .isn<* instantly bound n*l prlvll#g***| by lh# laws which <\*n*res had iMissed to raise a reveuu* from tiullti on Imparts td to.nage "The Brestd#nt of th* United Htai#* ha# Ho legvdnflve power. Tti*' imposltbjfi of customs duties upon commerce be:wren these Plan is and other fiart- of the t/niied Htates aft* r t;•• treaty of p* • •• iind Ft change of rwLlb-*tions by * xecutivo order Is without lawful authority, an 1 the sGxui# of th# ivrai-* ty of th# | Main tiff In rn>r. a dtlx#n or th Unltrtl Htates. uieier such pretend# l authority. constUttta a taking of his pr**perty wßhoul due |ro- C4*#S of law." Attorney General tirigg b**gan ills ar* giimmt Uvr the gov#rntn nt Die (bis af ternoon Me froquendly #mph lit—d his potwts with rOOU*l4ng knocks on th# laid**. The afiorncy general co*it#ndt*l that th# Unlit*! Hi*!es ha* the power lo acquire terrlrory; fhen to govern I!: tha dmir.l*niil n corurtruction, <on*rr‘#ioal aifd JmclV I**l |.r* c-*d**tit nfffrm that everv port In a ce*te*l country is properly r#girJe*l as foreign untl ;wns ar* #x tend#*l by Congress to the new posses sions: that the Claus# of the constitution of th# United **#* rl- Drlng *iut e* uni form !hr ughout the Un #d Htates is not (•ladlcobl# r**w pos###4on. and that 4h# constiiut on not extend of It* own force over n*qulrel i rrltory lie liibl h.wn *s *si4bish**d th w • fo!l**w in* proi*o#ltlons: (1 ) Tlwtt in# tar.ff act of 1487 was |n tended by Congress to classify as foreign, all countries not a part of or lialonging tn the Unttssl a f Bb© !m# of its passaxe. and the subsequent evasion of the Hpsibrh Is n<!s to lh# United Htates. did not operutte to a tank imioris from island# free of *li*ty, under that ,aw. (8.) Tnat the tariff act so construed and nforc#d vio.ates no conatNational rule of uniformity. * a* * i#r# was no doubt that n was th# Intan tain of the Parte treaty not to ante the (Continued or* Fifth I’agr.J VOLUNTEERS 70 RETURN. f'ltiri)-srv #Mli \ lu*lc-r It **• I•*e*l Will Brain llie >lurmrnl *n \r % rr’ Ils> . Manila I **vt* D Meiil. II L 1 *n •X the Kuf!yfxirili Voluutet*r Infanlrv It* m, with fifty m - •*•' k* I Dv. 12. M'vml hutiikid hidotneti ,i I flliv lin-airvine armeal wit 1 * rifles <H up>li:4 •*• > lytr*n !**! |aaHl*n ai Tuiunlt:nt died .if Cebu. Th* Ainert cam* had thr*# men wund***l and th* enemy I t twelve mm kUlcd ami many WOUISX'I. Th# volunteer regiment w 11 proed t* tiie Uni * and* s lo b< tnu* c?**d out u | r i. (i- ally ib im* order as th* y ar rive 1 n th. Phtlipph e Dl m l Th**y will Im* ly nauFir', |*rvl*le*l t> the army bill. The Thirty-Havetillt YMuntc*r (•. lie lit w .hi' |. 1" 4 ii- h tic and nu>v nwni b> t fiibjiikln* *• \ Y r * day. will Im* broughi fr*n (he Laguna de Lay district ail will sail on the trail#- p*rt S'" thi in. The wonon .and dek sob diets who were l *iU hi the Sherhtm w H b avi* # the Warren HatUhln The Kieventh whifli I* io follow lb# Thirty Bev**ri i Y4ufMeer regiment, will D* transferred her* from Cuinaeines pro viiti <* ami will #. 11 ! Jan l’ on th* M Mtl*. T ie Thirty-slxlh Regiment which te’Ka.i •ervlee the rliet. in July. lx! l '.*, is •►• lit the prmim * >f Iloeos, iut wiil b* ♦r i ‘i-* and hei* f *<*n ©Tn* *m •' *< ti • regui u artiD Lokiui*.- cmmi*lon?* In VelUltte. ii. Will I* *M.4ll< l In th*; *m* anl tun * r ttb •tw h| eeokl duty wi:l **• relicv'd only **n Ho* a itriorliy f headquarter Arm antntti nil ton e*iil(une stores oml animal* mil I*** tr irr .| to Mvll*n headquai ters, 'X 'ptinft t* htat*lre*l title**, i hun *!r***l cartridge Im*|(s ai*l &.•* r*Hitle **f • mriiuiiliiei j* * r- fthn* ii Tt n#n will retain their hav*i a. ks an*l uienalis \ olunt#K*r# itedring to leave the servl * and remain in th Plwllppinr** will b al . w*sl :* v* i*ii iiuosltd t atlv* will be *1 #■ barged It |m bf*,ieva| that the (ettipmary *Wple •si nf mi'M {R'l-t# id lh# r'.ie ktnm q* era Hon? wiii result in refiewe*! in# urgent acilv it v Tl* iniK in .'cment this nfterftoofl of th# early commencement of transportation •m* of volunt. .i- caused surprte#. ton Hindi. r* ,-**ris tha 2i •*> kM-roons In th* island of Uanav liave eworn al!**- KiaiK .* to the United Htates NINE UVErWEBEToST. I oplNlo <f % 1 1*ItN r*k Ift iitin I 4 nurse nml Wm#l Him \ reek ed. \ anctmver. I! (*., !>#< 18 Late details of *h# of Hi. sfeiimef Alpha, with the los- of nine lives. Indicate that H>e cause of Ho* dlwi ter was primarily iii# id taking nn utiuaiMtl count# into tn conitre statsm at Union bay. Kncont t* ring lierre soutiieast gal. whii* stramtn# lit* Hi# strait, the captain decided lo take w hqt Is know n m Ih# In -Id** h# io Intel bay. and k* pt on the In side of Detunivn IsUand. steaming up the ha mi* I kixiwn .%■% Bayne’s mmiihl. at the head *f which rfan*ls Yellow Island llghl houw on a rocky Islet, aksiut am fe* t across. The light from lids light house Is #ait * c .and ils warning reflection only low the notih aral east, the recognised bavlgaticn channel. The Alpha steaming up the channel at a ten-knot sfa*el. with half a gale •*f wind behind her, add lug greatly to her speed, did not perdeve lh# light, and. au l denly, before a voice of warning from her I.H.kait or for want watch was beard, she ran her br*w hfgti up amidst the rocky reefs stirrnandinging the Islands. The wind, which ha*i been Increasing In force all Hie af un noon, was now blow ing a gab*, ami seas re|M*aielly broke *v*r Hie vessel. Bliieky seamen volun 4##re*l lo swim ashore with Un* . amt lhr*e were thus made fast to fhe ma n land By mtana of these norm* twenty* flva memtterv of the cr*w were ind .l on the sno*l! siirfa*-** of Yellow Bock, but the captain, -ngineers i**l other*. wh were lat* r drowned, deckle*! to stand by their vessel and HsiMVOt Ui prevent her becoming a total wreck. Their effort* only resulted in Hi*- sacrifice* of lives. Th# K*U lucre i-.<l and fearful seas swept over the vessel Boats, bridge, pilot hou*e amt manta were • arrled by the hoard, and with them perished th*is* who ha*t stay ed to fight their forlorn hope. H*#at sl.l|*'s d* •ks were rliqie*) o|>en and th** rr**w e'.imiinft on the unprotected tv v< w idi*d i-l* t. heard anl saw Ihe. w*i. * ( aying havo*' with the cargo In the v##* st"* bold • Hufeluy rooming k*wer| with a peace ful sky. n*l showed the wreck to lie under w rat even low Md* on*l beyohd r*4>j**9 of repair Tiie # ilpwi ••• kcA r-w wer. r* a si to reach the mulni wd at h p m. on H^irslay. % TH %I % IlhllllKH'K at llf>B6. Draws the Keen lalgr nf a Knife %era*s Ills Thronf. New frrtean-. Nov. Ik— With a g<t|kng woun*l In (hr back and another In the left wrist Inflicted hy the |k>Uc*. (’harming 11. Hsrms. train robber, drew (he keen edge of a hunting knife across hi# throat, In a **wamp near this city t*-di> and rnd**l his career. Ills huly te>re two hut.'#! wounia~aNie In the liack, the other In th# wrist. In the po#*ket* were fv tt <1 the wach of the conductor of th# mail train. m my regisieretl burrs and a quantity of dynamite. Th- body was brought lo police h adquar rer** and Identified as that of unarming B. Ham##. wlh manv abases, who was wante*l for part Id rte ting In th# daring KoM-up f the f Hnols Omni! ex press irsiln at WlrkHffe. Ky.. hist July. P.IRKHH ATTAt k \% ILK 4, l*r#acH#r-Fl!tnr %mym Brlnce Xhntilil \o# Ha## Horses. Ijrvndon. fV*c. 18 —(Union Associated press| Rav. Dr. Barker, who Is editing th# I>ally Sun after the ptyte IntrodUMl hy R#v. C. M h**l*loii in hi# <*ondu-( for one week of the Tojnlu (Kan.i Cap ital. haa created quit# a -ensation. In to day's issue he makes a bit;* r attack upon the Prince of Wales. Am ng other things, he says th* heir of the throi# should not race horses. The plainness of Dr. Parker * attack has astonished Lon don. Yerkes* Aptmlnlarsi t nn firmed. Washington. Dec. 18.—Th# Senate hvx conilrme*! the nomination of John W. Y**rke* of Kentucky (o tie commlesiooir of internal rovenuw. DAILY 84 A YKAII : i r.NTS A 4 ol'Y WFFKLY riMKS A W KKK D A TEAR DEPOT BILL’S DEFEAT riMin iikitaii Timm BTIO\. WAS IN INTEREST OF STATE. t tmui iTi i hi ITYl>d leal r.P IT ?*t %11 mi xr, %% ml*l II %*■* llrrn I •*•*1 1 n•l A I • %pprprlatr talk’s Money f*v **n*li a Parson*' nnl U oiilil llne and lalat* *1 \%*ll vrtilrd Bailey at X|nt* N**l to I iihhhp In Ownership of Braperly—Those I • irrrtt*d In 11111 t hnrgrd Milt* IvrrplniK M llvea *f lt* Oppou*ot from the Bo Mir. Atlanta. Irc !- T* untitHN l • f Bvc Mppchu.d bn fh t* lrt\ -l*l ivw-nthgra i Ihe Geort4l > lion . *f It. i. . nts:yoa to prepar* a defep**. of t’ fllHNJter|it£ whbb they IndulKi-l in to defeat tic .!. ,*• ii ha -r In *■• I. In At* lanl* f#*i th** past two dav* n*l to*l.y finished Its Work Tl>* • umnltt*' ■ I* eovn|** ,M *l of J If. Mali nt Hi t. T \\ H inlwl k of Wa h lnglii. I'in*lren \llt< h* and *)f Thomas. b\ W rofieland of Walker nil IV. II Tlt>ius*>ii *f lastly who w*re most pronv Incut In th# isir'.iamentar;. tNi<t|e that blocked legi‘ii;l* n In the lions** for fully • w•* k #>f the Irt *t sessioii. This #*om initte. held final m*etlng to-day. nnd gave out the fo.low tng igned staiemeng to the press: Atlanta lla. I >e. 1* Ipm To tr> B**fde of (IfMiral* At the presmt ****ion of Bn I*li Im ur*‘ there was Introduce! a hill, which had for II # fmr| •**• tin* con* stru< tlofi ly the state of a passenger de ls *t on piojerty owned hy it in the city • f Atlanta Till property was a part Of tn* state road which wa* trn years ag • I*’* #*l to the Nar-hvtHe, f haltaixsraga .in I 8t lands ltal!rN<l ***mpafiy for a terui of thirty years Th** hill did m** propooa to et*-. t u lef*ot for th- use of the Mate's railroad, us It way oois **d*d that tho present (aissenger depot In Atlanta waa suftb lent for all pur|a*rs of that road. Tin* hill wnen first lutrodt* * and ippr* pr iatod tin* sum now In the state treoa ury srising frm tin* sale of property owned hy the slate. It prv \ I*l* *1 tluit tha date was to receive * |>. in ut, upon the am*int ai tually |nvt *<* and by tfie state aa rental for ttds tcf*ot. Th* brat queatlou 1 hat presonted Its* If to ttw msmiars of th*- legislature, waa tla* right of that tMhly. ac. ng uiMier tin* * omwiitiMbm, to appropriate this nnatey for BUs |*orp*>sa, • t any ttver the pavim-nt of <tta I iwndisl *lei*t. f the state last tt ha I dearly undhMNwl, a* wa* aald above. dat th* money pro|oad to ho used.or<jea • ntirely from the sale of the property of the state ' H* ctlon |. isiragraph I, of tile ( .rwti. tut lon deelnr** fnt th** poocreda of tha *aie of any pioperty wned by the *t>it, shall Is* a |iftil* l to the payment of th* lanMled debt iii l i'll ill tsrt Is* few any other purpose whaieevr, so long aa the stole has any tionded debts. The atata now has au outstanding IvotsUai debt of nearly p *n*..i* The advo‘.t#s of this maasure rarog nta*' that under the ai*ove jrtvtalon of t lie copotitutlofi. this iiios>> could not b rlliecytly appropiiab-d to carry mil thia • In me an#l In order to evade the eonstl tin tor a) provision, they r* sorted to a f*e < les of Iryahllw l*werk*m.*4n to accom plish lrstlre'tly that which they were for. bidden to k directly. This scheme waa to apply this fund to the imerest of the itofftdrd detus. which they eiHtm**#! was a jwrt of the #lebt. and that therefore, tills money could h* r#> an#l the money now In the treasury add rrow being ,(• lected for the j iym* rrt of |nt**reat upon tit#* publh* l*d*t, could lie used to tail hi fh diftof liven If tie* means ould hav# been provide*! to have • arriad into effeflt this scheme wftbln the limits of the con *tlttKksn. we H#l not twlleve that the beat Intm-st* of the people #*f this atate. Jiis !M this hglid.itioti It vl *ltad the wall settled puldl<’ jsdiev of the atale that had been established since the people re gained control of their government after the rtooflatruration xertod ’'lCxieriencr during that p#*rlod na l demonstrated that the state’s owneratilji of property, or the state engaging In any private enterprise waa disastrous, and this l*ollcy of taking the atate out of the own ership of property, other than that re <|u!rc#l for the support of the government, has been since that period steadily pur sued The history of the slate owner ship of this same railroad property dem onstrated the truth of the U>ve pro|Mief t|on The I* *'** # hound Ifeelf to hnska all Improvements on the road, and at the ev| of the lease th*- roa#l was to be r* urn*l to the state without charge by the lea sees for those lrnt*mv# ineuts Tlw lessee comfsmy has falle#| to keep Ihe jarsaengep defst In Atlanta In th* *<m*lltlon required by Its leaae This bill. If pass t have relieve#! them from tbl* 1 obligation# that they are now under. It would hava Inurod directly to the benefit of the Nash ville. <Tiattanooga anl Rt. I sails Kail ra id Company, the lease*"* of the state road# and Indirectly to all other railroads en tering Atlanta. In furnishing them tho ip ach-dealrod terminal factllllo* In thai city at j*ractlcally no cost. '•This large Investment f the sfato on Its pc*>terty situate#! In th** heart of At lanta would also have benefited *ome few* Individual* who own valuable property In the Immediate vb bitty f th*' depot by In creasing the value* of their property. "For the**e reasons • large number Of th* mem tiers of the House of He'*reiie na tives thought It their duty a** representa tives of th*# peOfde of this state to .ppoae -ii ><l defeat tils legislation, which they thought .langerous # the best imerosla of the p#ople from any point of view. Many of ua felt fully Justified na your represetitat Ives In resorting to any legßi mat*- mean* placed within our power hy th* *#ontltutlfi of *hls state or rule# of the Houae to dMfi f H w have prepared this statemeof b reference lo this :* glslatlon In ori*r lhal the |# ■**$l•• may *ee th- reasons that rv trailed u-. amt the mativea that actuated *. In iHirsutng the course that we .M*l. lid a It seems to be rhe thirpoor of tnoaa |rtcreated in the insseage of thl blit# that the reaaomi which controlled the oppo* nenta of It should not tie given to the pu die. many of those members of tha Houae of Represent;!fives who were op. posed to It request ml the under signed te prepare, arsl give to the public this state, mem A#*tin for ourselves and for them, w*‘ submit <h atve anl foregoing state ment to the mo! and sober ju-igmer K wf an impartial publb. Confident that wIWW the facts are fully undtratood. our courae will be indorsee! and ommended. J H Hail of Bibb. T W. Hardwick of Waslunglcfi. Fonderen MtH'heli of Thomas. F. W. Copeland of Walker. \V. 8. Tii'.auoa of