The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 20, 1900, Image 1

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the morning news r<;hllhl l*M. * - Incorporated ISS* J H. ESTII.I* Presldrßl GROVER’S WAR CRY ( ÜbVGbAND Minin* * RJOLVIXG %OTE VO/DCMOCRACr. OLD PRINCIPLES STILL GOOD. imrti m% i'oixowr.n rnutoD (iOUS I.OMi KMUdH. j, ( . HMlrwa Hie Error* an<l llrfraii <•( ibr I'arl) aud Their , mitra—b Time *‘ ,r Thonslil, 'loirrani l.anuanr and b ral. i oia ti nr In—THr •••iiliirr I* I'ull of lipportMl —Glee Ibr Until. and I ilr a i liuorr. tdclphta. [)’. I.—former Prraldrtil. i .r Cleveland, contrltiutwi to thl. .t a Inrue of the Saturday Evening 1 i of Philadelphia an eilandel article ... ihr piiaht of the Democracy and the r mady. Mr. Cleveland heslne by ravlear- I ;l- the hlntory of the party, and he dla , , It* defect* elnco I*** In detail. In t > n* tip the question of the preaarait eon (on of the Democratic l*rty h aaya t . the aucceee of the party In 1*92 wan , , ,|,.-trite and overwhelming that a lon* ~ I nuance of Ita supremacy waa antll j-died. Then come "the fallacy of free t iver and Populism." Mr. Cleveland proceeds an fol *>■: The co.mtnniton of Democratic woe V if ached When IU compact with there Democratic force* wan complele, and v -it onr runk and file were summoned i. .to laittle under hannern which bore i ini*e eymbolr, and were held alofl In 1. ' imlltar hand*. The renult of nuch u t 'trayal Ttas foreiloonenl. Thin übaiidoi)- n nt of the principle* of true Democracy, i . • , ontempitWMM dlnohedletfoe of l:a tra il ill*, nnd thin deliberate violation of • ■ law of If* strength and visor, were Ii decree tu. Inexorjb.e as tltoee of (at•, f..,lowed by the Inevitable punishment of i limit, et.iKitenne defeat. I'll.. .ll*.inter of 1*72. Invited by similar i, denture, was quickly followed by a re pirn to the profession* anil practice* ol i Democracy. Pul the extent an.l per i tv yof our wanderings in lSSfi Is lllun t at..! iii a most astounding way by the i rninarvl. Innuml on the duy of our route ev I disc omfit me. that u second battle , Id be fouaht on Ihe same field, with t =anu (nine war cries and Ihe same I. adernblp lhat had broiMtht us to the . rounding doom of defeat." Again he say: Thus In 1900 the lesson of IS9S was con i' piuotisly reje. ted, and every hope of l noc.ra.ito success was wilfully cas. n d' Again our long suffering rank and i ■ whose loyalty and obedience deserved better things, aver* sacrificed In a cause t eirs only In name; and again It was . rncnstioted. but more clearly than ever I fore, that the only forces lhat can win Democratic success are adherence to rec- I- I igid Democratic principles and reliance tjjwiti Democrallc councils, and leadership. Why should we not return to these mil In their name nguln achieve victories i > |e*w glorious and renowneil than were ii. In the ilays of courngemis a.lvoeaey of our lime-honored faith? Are our prln entire renovation, or their displacement by others more fashionable” There is not an I- licet Democrat In this broad land that will concede these things, nor I* there one who would not hall the prcs'.emutlon of I. • old faith with that fighting enthusiasm that foretokens Democrallc triumph As new condition arise, our principles it Ibe applied lo them; but In the creed has guided us trough a rentury of 1 itiy exit cnee we shall find the kejt li> • very such application; nor shall we need tii' lexicon of Populism to aid us In Inter preting this creed.” Mr. Cleveland touches In turn on free silver and Ihe federal courts, and believe* that true Democrats arc against condemn ing "the general government for proieel iag Itself in the exercise of Its function ■•gainst violent obstruction within a state." 1 Further on he declare*: ! believe no Democrat wIH have the hi nil hotel to deny that we have fought cur laet two campaign* In alliance with tihilemocmtic force*, and that thl* aill • w,t Immensely costly In defeat. I* * t no: Rood reason 1o suppose that • • n In succee* such an alliance would I ive proved unprofitable a tel dangerous?" Itetnrn to the ttltl Faith. lie preaches the return of Democracy to It old fattb, saying: Mincer* Democrat* of every condition find In every part of the land realise that the situation of the party needs repair. Reorganisation Is not necessary; hut a re ' ■rn from one wandering Is absolutely -ential. latt us be frank with ourselves and candidly acknowledge the futility of attempting 1o gain Democratic victories except in the Democratic cause and through Democratic methods. Reorgani sation Is worse thaa useless; and the ar rogatlon of superior .party virtue will breed only mischief. This Is a time for sober thought, tolerant language ami fraternal eounsele. We are dealing with t ie condition of a party that cannot be destroyed hy external foea; and since Its ruin can be wrought only from within, i* should be Imperishable. Above all things, them ahoukl be a manly renun ciation and avoidance of ufuhtc sectional control. Democracy will not operate effi "tly on sectional llnea. ' There Is much for us to do: and the future I* full of Democratic duty and op port unity. Our fighting force* will respond listlessly and falleringly If summoned lo a third defeat In a strange cauae; but If they hear the rallying call of true Demo cracy they will gather for bailie with o'd-tlme Democratic enthusiasm and courage. "If I should attempt to apltomli* what 1 hav* written, by suggesttn* • plan for *h rehabilitation and restoration of true Democracy, I should embody It In these words: ‘Olvs tba rank and Ala a thanes.* * Sdtnimuil] iUornino Mctos. THE RULES OF WAR. He Arthur Nollln Filipino* Thn( Thry Mim.l • nmply Ntrlfll) " Ith The*© Manila. lec. 19—To-morrow Gen. Ma Arthur Mill liu* a proclamation warning th Inhabitants of the art ldp .ago lhat hereafter atrlct f with the law* of war will iw required of rvon-<xxnt*Lanls • well a* combatant*. The proclamation will set forth ih prlncl|Nil lawn of war. It will refer to ru ent proclamation* to •tjfd by Insurgent totnmander* threaten- Ina tuulvrw in ho ar.* friendly to the Atmrl <’au forces and h!io to the orders Isrunl lo ihvtr Rifii to kidnap and HHMiMilnate resident* of town* occupied by Americans. Tle luaurKem leader* will lie notified that ■uch practice* If continued will put an end to the possibility rf their resuming normm civic relations and will make them fugi tive criminals. Resident* of place* occupied by Amerl the demand* of ihe enemy will create a presumption that such acta are voluntary and vnalldou*. They will alxo be notified thru pita* of Intimidation will rarely Iw* a < epte l and that where secret commit tee* are |r milted to exist In behalf of the Insurgents, even well disposed persons will l*e *xio*ed to the danger of being tiled a?* traitors The proclamation will say that In* %\arnlng* and requirement* are to apply with force to Manila, the "ren d* xvoua of the cmlsnurles of insurrte- I km.** Newspapers will be warned against publishing sedition not the proclamation wl.l declare that the rebels, who are no l pari of an organised force, are not en titled to tne prtvtteg*© of prisoners of war. adding that the fact that they have not hitherto been held responsible Is "evi dence of the solicitude of the I’nlted iifHtee to avoid t:*‘ appearance of harsh rs.” The prorl.mmtion will clearly disavow any recognition of technical belligereno The T.itt ('ommisslon la still at work on the tariff Other* here consider that the return of the volunteer* will necessi tate lltt.e .than l.u.nient of station*, and that Congress will provide an immediate Increase in the number of regular*. It I* lielteved th: many volunteer* will re enllat here if bonuses are o(tere*l. th*' amount to Is* equivalent to the ex pen*-' oi equliqung and bringing; out a recruit. THE SITUATION OMINOUS. Inxadinit lloer© Receive !.<cnl .As sistance In * si*** I oluny mid HrMAsh Forces liisnltlclenl. Indon. I)e<\ 2b.—Tho. War Office last evening could give no information regard Ing the reports of a Boer Invasion of Cape Colony. The oflldiils expressed the optrv. ion. however, that the newspaper accounts were exaggerated an*! that probably th© ti4>op* who hav© been employed In chasing <4©n. D© Wei W'UI be diverted to deal with the Invaders. Having regard to th© cus tomary methods of the War office, ihls can only be Interpreted as confirming the re|K>rt#. l*ord Kitchener, in the meantime, keeps i tight relit over the news, which in creases the public disquietude. There Is a liersistent rumor that he hna demand©*l heavy reinforcements. According io th© Dally .Mall, private telegram* received in London yesterday depict th© situation In Cape Colony ax somewhat ominous. It wem* that the In vading Boers ir* receiving i*on©ldemb!© assistance from the 10l Dutch and that the troops al th* disposal of the British authorltiag are not to ('oi*© with any serious si>rea*l of the military ojwr- Mtions. It I* believed that the government Lias st last aw likened to the seriousness of theslt uatlon flii*i i nDiking t utmost efforts to pro* .•!*■ LoAl Kltchenar with horses and mules. CiKV DE 11‘KT 9KII*A AAA AY. AAiley Hoer Lender Again Evndea •be llrltlsli. lo>n*lon. Dec. 19 —lt la reported this af temoon that Gen Knox has been forced to abandon th© pursuit of Gen DeWet owing to the situation create*! In (*a|ie Colony by the Boers crossing the Orange river. It Is said that I.Otn Hepuhllcans have en tered <*upV Colony and a similar number have reached Phllipstown. The reisyrt a*lds that DeWet with about 4JOO men Is northeast of Ladybraad and that an at tack on Win burg L momentarily expect ed. A Pitched Hattie Imminent. Krugersdorpi Transvaal. Sunday, Dec. !.—A pitched battle is imminent between the Brttish under Oen. Clements, who ha* been reinforced, and the Boers under Oen. Delarey. Itrltlsli l.ttsae* Were Heavy. Ixmdon. Dec. SO.—The British losses at Nooltgedacht. according to the official account*. were K killed and wounded, with 41 misting and still unac.-mmte l for Tllttl IMHSHtI. KiI.I.KD. Ureal F.aeltement In Mississippi Town and l, aching Probable. New fUrteans. Dec. 1* A special lo the Picayune from Hull Port, Mtsa.. aaya: This evestf’tg about 5 o'clock Albert Lewis. a negro, became Involved In a quarrel with Marshal W. K. Riehnndson over tile arrest of his nephew. During the altercation the nephew shot and killed Richardson Instantly. Three shots in all were Ore l, the first shot striking the mar shal* hack, ranging to the front through the heart. After firing thre shot* Lewis and his nephew and son ran westward along the railroad. Blood Inland* from Bi loxi were given the trail. About two hun dred men are following the dog*. Orsat excitement *l*'* and a lyn< hlng I* thought Inevitable If the negroes are cuught. _ riOMTIMI IY t M>MIII A. Illoody Victory for the tiovernmrm With IHMt Killed. Washington. Dec. I#.—The Slate Depart ment has received a cablegram from Culled Stales Charge d'Afalres Deaupre. st Bogota, stating that a great battle ha* been fought at Oirardot Point. Magdabn* river. Colombia, which tested two days ar,d resulted In a decisive victory for the government. It ts reported that MO were killed and many hundreds wounded. Other vtetorlee by the government foreee of the utmost Importance have been an nounced. The government le celebrating the victories and eonelders Itself greatly ggrengthvned by the suocee* of its arms. SAVANNAH. GA., THL’KSDAY. DEC'EMBEK *JO. I‘.mh>. THE NEW ARMY BILL MUMIt M *TItK\GTI OF OHfiIM f.ATIUN TO m: IM\4HNI MKl# A COMPLETE REORGANIZATION SEW ITR COMMITTKE 0\ Mll.lTttt\ API AIIIN AlHirtbli HHIMtHT. The mil ••ro%lle for Fifteen Iteal menta of ( alrr. Twelve H gl menfa of Arlillery. anil Thirty H* ailment* of lnfntr>— Fillpln to He tirsnnlsetl mm Troopt-Brer to He hold t Canteen*. VYoahltigton. Doc. ll.—The full Ben ate Committee on Military AfT Ur* lia adopt ed the army reorgania.tion hnl by ita auH-<,*oinmUee this afternoon Tne miixlmum strength of the army I* to be 140.000 m*n. The bill 1* >• complete sub stitute for the Mouse hill, and walk* much of the language |* the SMtir a* ttwt Of the House meatmie. there are numerous cjiatigo* The bl.i wlljjbe refiorted to the Senate to-morrow. W Probably the most important change nf feeta the artillery arm. The sub-commit tee recommends the retention of the pres ent reglmefttal organisation of the artil lery. and do‘a not give It* assent to th corpw’ organisation ptq>o*c4| by Hecretary Hoot h I*l accept*n| by the House. In the matter of ap|>ointm<-nt of staff otfl. en tl Mil follows largely the line* of the recom mendations made by Secretary Hoot, but make* some change* from flu- H ►*■ hdl The House cm tec a provision wi amereled ao a* to permit the sale of be< r at th* canteens. Thlw exception w. nuid • by omittiiHC the won) ''beer’* In the |>ro hlldtc*! article*. Aft tmc|*i't the paragraph mull ah fol low h: "The sal* of. or dealing In wine or any distilled spirits by any person in any army poet. exchntig** or canteen or army irons, port or upon any premia#** need for mili tary iur|H.<** by the I’nlted State* is hereby (irohiNiHi Th# MrHry of oar in hereby directed io carry the provision# of thla section Into full force and effort.” The provision of the bill regarding the K‘nera|f organisation and *■-ope of the array Is os follows That from and after the approval of thin hi.l the army of Hm* United Btate.4 Including the exUtli.g or ganisation*. sh ill consist of fifteen regi ment* of cavalry, twelve regiment* of artillery, thirty regiments of Infantry, ora* lieutenant general, six major generals, fifteen brigadier general*, and adjutant general's department. an Inspector gen eral's department, a judge advocate gen eral's defiart merit. a quartermaster's de partment. h subsistence department. o m Ileal department, a pay deportment, a cort** of engineers, an ordnance deport* ment. a signal corps. the offi cer* of the and pension office, the chaplains, the officers and enlisted men of Che army on the retired list; the profesoor*. corps of ca-lets. the army eer v and bond at the United States Military Academy; Ir.dlnn *tiu4s a* now authortged by law, and such other officers and enlisted men a* may herein after be provided for: Provided, that when a vacancy shall occur through death, re tirement or of her separation from active service m the office of storekeeper, now provided for by law In the Quartermas ter's Deportment and Or Inane* Deport ment. respectively, said office ahull cease to exist. The cavalry regimental organisation to consist of a colonel, o lieutenant colonel, three majors, fifteen captains and fifteen each of first and second lieutenants. Two veterinarians or** allowed for each cav alry regiment. Of these officer*, the cap tains and lieutenants not reoqlred for duty with the troops are to be available for detail as regimental and squadron staff officers and olso other details under the low. The President Is authorised to Increase the number of privates In each troop of cavalry to 76. "but,” the provi sion continues. *‘th# total number of en listed men authorised for the whole army shall not at any time be exceeded.” All the House provisions In regard to the artillery ar* stricken out and a pro vision substituted continuing the present 'regimental system and giving each regi ment a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, three majors, we van teen daptalns and the same I number of first and second lieutenants. Twelve companies of ‘foot artillery are allowed to each regiment of artillery, and three battalions are provided for. The President la authorised to Increase the privates In these companies to ft& and those in field batteries to 135. but not by o doing to Increase the site of the army. The language of the House provision for th# Increase of the artillery la re tained. A veterinary Is to b* allow#*! to each artillery regiment. The Infantry regiments are allowed the same general officer* as the other branches of the ser vice, and the provision Is made for detail In all cases The President Is allowed to Increase the number of privates In In fantry comjainles to 127. but the same re strictions a* In other cases la put on him as to the liKdreas# of the total strength of she army. The enlisted force of the corps of en gineers ts to consist of a hand of three battalions of engineer*. The appoint ment* of chaplain* hy the President is authorizes! at the rate of one for each regiment. Including the artillery rervtoe Poet ehaplalna are ahgllshed The new hill continue# the rank of major general to Oen Corbin so long a* he may serve as adjutant general, hut reduces the rank afterward to brigadier general. Provision J* also made for assistant* In the adjutant general's office and for the Inspector general*, the Judge advocate general's, the quartermaster general's, the surgeon general's and the subsistence de partment. There are to be flve assistant adjutant general* with the rank of colonel, seven with the rank of lieutenant colonel, and fifteen with the rank of major. Vacancies In the grade of eaten In In the subsistence dopsriment nrr to be tlll<* t by the President from officer* of the vol unteer army. . , A female nurse corps Is provided In con nection with the surgeon general'* office The House provision for a separate vet erinary eorp* I* stricken out. In th* quartermaster general's office there are to be six Instead or seven quar termasters with the rank of colonel, nine Instead of eleven with the rnk of lieu tenant colonel, eighteen instead of twen ty-eight With the rank of major, and fifty-four Instead of seventy-two. with the rank of captain, mounted In the subsistence department the num ber of commissary sergeant* Is made the same as under the existing law Instead of ICO. ae in the House bill. There sre to be three Instead of four paymaster* with th# rank of colonel, four instead of flve with the rank of lieutenant colonel, nine instead of twenty-nine with on Fifth Paged COLUMBIA’S HEAVY LOSS. Jerome Hotel *ud Several kt are* Destroyed It 9 Kirr—lou About |M2.4NtO. (By Associated Press.l Columbia. 8 C., Ik*c. 14—To-nlfht Co lumlka wiui visited by the mo*f il*4*triW* tire In twenty >*etr*. The Jerome Hotel ami three large net. ant tie establishments on Main *tr**i ami four smaller ones on Assembly street were destroyed. The to tal estimated loss la 1142.0U0, Insurance IM.twjo. The fli* started at ft o'clock in the rear of YanMater's futnlturo store, a i.tmp bovlng exploded A livery stsbie and hay warehouse adjoining caught In almost a art-ond's time and the tire *t.irtsl to burn ing through to M.iin ami A--iui>iy •iraets, ckurlng * verything until stopped by an al ky dividing the square. The Jerome ha* been political headquar ter* for the state for years. The build ing and furniture were valued at $7 insurance fjOther lue*** are J. M Van Meter, two store building* 11a.400. stotk tfurnlturei Uu.uuu; Insurance sJo.*iOi>. M. McCrany. stock of groceries and iiouse h*dl effects, D‘WO; Insurance H.UUO. King raeket store, stork. I* *s>; in*ur.mgs |A,out. V *ya slaides, contents, II.UU). Insured. B. F. P Leap hurt, two brick store build ings, h.'O); Wl.liam 11. Lyles, store build ing*. Insutance The tire wa* under control at midnight. In the aggregate of kiwuci*. ColumMu suffered *;ie ha* not don* the city was burned by Sherman’s army. The chief lots I* In the destruction of the Hotel Jerome, one of th* newest aud be*; hoatelrte* in the city. Although there woe no wind blowing, the firemen aeetned unable to make any Impression, the flame* working east and weft, rating Into the hotel one side, and the carriage factory of Vand) Myeraon on the other, gom* through from Mdn street to Assembly street. YOUNG CUDAHY MISSING. Htlllonaire l'si , krr'i ©on IMsnppenra nnd Is Hellexed to llae Item H I*l nn tied. Omaha. Neb.. Dec. i‘ Edward Cudahy. Jr.. 15-year-old son of Edward A. <‘u.lhy, millionaire pa* k*.*r and h ad of the (*uda hy Packing C'omisiny in Omaha, Is miss l* g from his hm In (his city and his pa rents b**lleve he itm* b**en kt(lna|e<l. The enire police aiul detective fore# of the city and half a hundred men employ ed by Mr Cudahy have been scouring the city ar*l country throu#rhou< the day In hopes of locating the toy or securing a clew which would bad to a knowledge of his whereHhouts, tun without success. Business at Mr. Cudahy's packing plant In 8ou(h Omaha was practically suspend ed to-day. nearly the entr# force there joining In the search. The boy's parents are detract'd at his die ipearun**e and the f.ither has offered lo pay a substan tial reward and no quest lons ak©d If his son shall L* returned to hi* home An anonymous letter has been received at the Cudahy home suhetanttatlng the fears of the family that he has hern kidnaped Young <*udahy left home at 8 o'clock lust night to take soma books to the resi dence of t'spt. ftusrin. about two blocks dMam and that wan the last seen of him As midnight arrived aml he .lid not re turn. the police were violifled. end two detective© were detailed to work on th© dase. It was not until nearly 9 o'clock this morning, however, that ih© matter began to assume n really serious nape t. At that hour a man on horseback rod© rapidly by the Cudahy mansion, and as he |m-©ed the front gate threw a latter Into (he yard. In suhstanc© reading: "Mr. E A. Cudahy* Your son Is safe. We have hltn and will take good car* of him and will return him to voti In con sideration of the payment of IK.fIOO Wo mum business "Jack." Th** remainder of the note th© |*>llr© refuse at present to disclose as they xay It relates to th© plac© where the mon* y Is to b© left and where the kidnapers ar© to leave the hoy In rase Mr Cudahy com plies with their terms. The servant who saw the matt on horseback was able to give a good description of him and thL Is ih© clew vpon which the pollc© are working st present. FOR THE OCONEE RIVER. Citterns of Dublin In \t sahlngtqn. Other Htiuth Georgian* In 11 nshlnnfnn. Washington. Dee. 19 —A delegation of prominent ettisen* of Dublin, consisting of Representative Stubbs. Dr. R. It. High tower, and Mr. Simona, a prominent cot tdn buyer, are In the city, and to-dev had a talk with Chairman Burton of the River and Harbor Committee about the Oconee river Improvements. They went over briefly, the advantage* to be gained by the liberal expenditure of money In per fecting the < tconee as a water way lo commerce, and had the satisfaction of knowing they made a very favorable Im pression upon the Chairman. H |s piohably 100 late to bring about any Changes In the bill a* I) will be reported to the House, but they believe that thetr talk with Die Chairman will result In future frlendllmw* toward their project. The committee has given the Oconee jl.ynnn which I* there than It has ever had In the |si at. ami Senator Clay hopes to is- i Sic to secure ar. Irdn •*<■ up to the limit of the engineers' t J|rrm. which la kniOO when the bill 1* before the Senate Commerce Committee, of which he la a member. Hon. <J. W. Jourdan. Jr., of Pulaakl Is In the city on a pbwsurs trip. He came up with hi* friend. Hon. L B. Rtubb*. of Montgomery county. Another well-known tieorgtan In tip city Is Kdltor Morgan of Hoganavtlle. who Is here with business before the postoffli-e Department. Congressman Livingston was busy to .lay getting In shape the papers in the Atlanta Postoffio* matter, he having been assured by Chairman Mercer, of the Com mittee on Building* and Grounds, that the Atlanta bill will be given a hearing immediately after the holiday*. Wade P. Calhoun was to-day appointed Post Master at Dong Pond. Montgom-ry oounty. In the place of C. W. Holmes, who has resigned. Moslems Killing Christians. Dondon, Doc. *O-A dlspslclt to tbs Dslly Express from Vienna report* recent Moslem ex asses against rhe Christian population In th* central province* of Turkey, where two hundred Christians hav* boon Uliod MR. GAGE ON FINANCE SPF.KI II AT \F.%V \UHk IIANKF.IIV IM \ > lilt I* AVI Mt.ltl’e NOTE OF WARNING SOUNOED. AILYKH. I I III4FAt A AMI Till VI m KfriO.Al TUI t llKit PtIA. Currency Byatem lint Faintly llelntrd 111 \rrj* of I OMaißHltt-AsW t on* tr||*t In Price of llond* In AAnII Strret—Awair I iibm lalaHor % Nc ult of Ihe Present Kyulfm-t nton Hel%* een Industrial Idfe nnd I'nli- I•* Flunnee* Kntlrrly lon ( liur, New York. Dec 1 Th** annual dinner of Oroup VIII of ihe N* w York Htate Bankers’ Association, comprising all the leadittg tsanks oml hanking houses of >i*ft New York City, was held at the \N*id*rf~ Astoria this evening S*mir i;* memlter* and gu*ts attende*! Col. C Marne*, preshlent of the Ar:or Place Hank and * hairtnau of the gt Hip. presale.l Al tu* right *st Lyman J <Sage. H-. retarv of tho Treasury. r*tary Long, of the Navy, won to have attended hut was obliged t decline. Secretary Gage's *ldres reviewed briefly the history of question* rclaiing to puidti' rinarx'CH since the close of the Civil War. Many of th* -** quMi*>i* must yet M* considered a* unsettled Particu lar attention was dlre-Ve*l to th* great intimacy now apparent between the af fair* of the treasury and the general !►- eratton* of the huslnes.- which dll not ex ist ot the close of thot war ”\\* have or %vli| -mm have suhMantl ally six hunlii>i tuition of silver or paper representative* of stiver whoso parity with gold value tho government la under obil garlon to maintain. The ulniiMite m*a sum of this obligation Is the difference l>e. tween the n'nmwrrial value of the money metal and the face value at which It rlr <mlat s This difference Is not far from SSOO.IOU.CM). "Wa have a system of hank not** cur rency whose volume I* hut faintly r*- Ute.| to the need* of the community which a pro|>erfty const rue ted hank currency m*st *x>u<jmically sarxes. It I* now **on trolied as to \oluroc by the price of Inter est-hearing I'nhcd Btat'*a londs In Wall street. "<>ur Independent treasury ahorhs the circulating mwtlum when active business most requires Its use. only again to lls burse It when felling revenues, the effect of Industrial duoness. bring about an ex - ce* of ex|>enlltures. Industrial activi ty In- rear*** the puMlc revenue, but Is checked. If no* throttled, by Ha enlara ** contrfhutions to the Idle funds In the puh lie treasury. "It Is Iheae Influerxes." ssil the oar re tary. * which have bmughl out IndustiLl and commercial life Into a t<m> dangerttus dep>ndency upon our public finance# Till* marriage between th**a* two whom Ood did not join tg-ther. ought to be put a*under. Hut not by any hasty Honh Dakota divorce inetliod Is the e‘pa rat km to be a coon* dished. The children of tils wedlock must not lie dishonored. Tim*, attention and great care rnuwt he exer cised.” In closing, the He** ret nr y *all "If th* rourw of trah- with foreign na tions which has marked the last three or four years Is to continue, we ar.* to iMUtn*- not long hence a nnamlal rela tionship heretofore unknown. In the hmg past we have been under iritMjt* of In terest for the use of capital furnished from abroad, the promt*** Is that we shall a**>n become recipients of Interest chi cap ital furnished by us for use abroad. A* our horlson cx|iat>ds w must Iw* ready to meet enlarging opportunities and to oc cupy wisely and well ihe broader field where our powers are to # be ex err toed. ‘‘H*t© at home the connolhkitlons of capital, the centralisation of Industrie*, excite new and serious Inquiry .t to the ‘•one* quen< e* him! effects they may carry In their train. Ar© they the natural and healthful unfolding of a true econoMD movement? Will they carry beneficial fruits which will find an equitable dis tribution (..rough th© body |iodtlc as a whole, or will they prove to be engines of power by the aid of which the few can exploit the many? “M>* faith la strong In the first direc tion. but the real meaning and future In* tlners'r* iX these modern pbenomefiti shoukl be stulle*| ami mad© dear ro the general compwHunalui . Grave consaquen ces dcpersl upon It Two dangers are ap parent. On© Is that through prejudice and Ignorance we may block the f M th of nat ural progress The other Is that the for*-.* and power Involve*! |i ( t e-. r*it *rrvanl x.itiona !>* utilise*! for of*pr*sslon and robbary.** PACIFIC OBTS TAAtI Dlatrlhallun of t'ansrraetlun of Ire Uar A easels. Washington. Dee. 19,-The Board on Naval Construction to-day completed Its report. By to-day's arrangement, which will he submitted to Secretary Long to morrow. the Pacific roast get* only two ship*, both armored cruiser*, one sheath ed, and the other unsheathed, and these to go to the same bidder, the t'nlon Iron Works. Cramp holds on to the numlwr allotted to him yesterday, one sheathed cruiser, one unsheathed cruiser and one battleship Newport Nears also maintains her quota at yesterday's standing, one shea t hed cruiser, one unsheathed cruiser and one sheathed battleship. The Fore River Iron Work* of gulncy, Mas* . ts scheduled for two tmehaathrd battleships, and Bath I* set down for one sheathed battleship. Favor l.oss Term Treaties. Berlin. Dec. 19—The Association of Herman Colton Yarn Consumers has ad dressed * petition to Count von Bin-liar, Imperial chancellor, asking for long '*rm commercial treaties. Fourteen special tex tile association*, representing 9to Urnu. have signed the petition. • a< To Take t harge of the Strike. Birmingham. Ola.. Dec. 19—Jntnea M. Lynch, president of th- 1 International Typographical Cnton, arrtvrd here to night lo take charge of the strike now on between several of th# leading Job office* of th* city and th* local union. Another < oltecior nominated. Washington. Dee. 19—Th* President to day cent to the Bennie the nomination of Asa Roger* of Virginia to be collector of Internal revenue for th* Seoul Dis trict of Virginia. TROUBLE IN VENEZUELA. Flttht lletween Itlsal American At ptialt t oiMpanle© Knamtlru a Me* olutloa. New York. Dec 19. A cablegram receiv ed this afternoon by Vice President A D. Andrews of tb*- National Asphalt Com pany, from Caracas, concerning the revo lution which has broken out In Vee*u©la, inserts that the situation Is extremely desperate as regards Americans and their pr*H*erty In the StMith American republic. The me-sug©, which was sent hy a rep resentative *f th* Natsmal Asphalt Com pany. which ha* extenslva Interests In Venetuela is urgent In It* for Immediate action by th© l*nltel Htates for the protection of Americans whole |l\ #*s Mini properties are Imminently en dangered. A general attack, the cable gram says. Is being planned upon all Amcrl in lnter**sts In and If siH'cor In th** prmnpt dispatch of warships by the l*nite*l Htates government Is not forthcoming at one© the result a may pruv* din**from The cablegram soys Ihe revolution ha* been engendered hy th© fight between the N * local AspluiM <’ m|wny an*! lt rival* f-*r t tie posi*. ** i noft he Mermodel asphalt lake Tlie lake is situated twenty mile* fr.wn the coast of Venetuela am! contain* extensive an l rich defasdta *f •"plwlt It has b* n In the po*s©aMon of the Na bnal Asphalt Com|Hny. ir Its constituent com piny, the New York and Hermudea pany. for over twHvt years. The company's conceoakm* i* operate th** lake were can* * llad by ITwsldent Cas tro ©nd his council on Dec. II The con cession to operate the ooncoaidon known s ’La Felh'bkul,” wss then awarded to a rival syndleiit©. which carries the alleged right to w©*rk a tract of l,iO acres wliii h oomprlscH about iw< thirds of the lak* This tract, the National A*t*halt Company claims a© Its exclusive pnqerty. The head of Ihe syndicate whbh ha* ac quired hl property, under the title of Fellddod." comprises th© following C\ M Warner of Hymeun* an.l V It. and P Htilllvaii of Philadelphia. Th** concession, which whs first granted in 1*47, was appr,le*l by the National As phalt Company ami a decision rendered in Its favor. Thl* decision has been up set hy President <?a*tro and his council. "Ia Felictdad" Is said to l now Wurth twenty times Its alleged |Nir lias© prb e Of 440.401. JOINT NOTE AGREED TO. Not Mute Public* del hut an Idea (•Iren of Terms to Which fifet nese Hast Submit. P#drn. Deo. ll.— At a meeting of the foreign ministers lata this evening every thing In regard to the terms of the join note was agreed to. Including the Hritlsh modifications The ministers refuse to disclose Anything In connection with the matter believing that the home govern ments should give the particulars to the public. It I# it rale ret oo*l the preamble to the Joint note will not contain the word "Irre vocable.” Th** Chinese peace envoys will be given n reasonable time within which to con sider the detrain*ln male. and then will follow the formal negotiations for tha settlement of the peace terms. Off Mala here still decline to make pub lic the toxt of the note agreed on. but It Is b-||rved the following pilnit cover th* essential features of the agreement: The punishment of the officials guilty of th#- linger outrage. The imyraent of Indemnity for the wrong* Inflicted by the Movers to She person*, cor |mh at ion* and societies which have suffered. Th#* rsvision of commercial I resile*. Sobs reform In the Tsung II Yamen so that the ministers having business with the foreign ofli- n<y transact lt*mor# exp*<litloualy and with a responsible hwl A monument to Huron von Kettrier, the Herman minister who was killed In Pekin, and the appointment of n prince of the bloo#t to proceed to Oermany to make for mal |>oly for the crime. The rights to keep • hgallon guard In Pekin if this Is dendre*:. The exclusion of candidate* for sisml rv*lons for office for a <*rtaln number of years In th case of thsie who may lie guilty of anti foreign activity. An Interdiction of importations of arms Into China and of material to Im* used ex clusively In th** manufacture of arms The taking of measures to prevent fu ture troubles. Nome modification. It I* halleved. was made to the profsmed dismantling of the forts so that hereafter there will he noth Ing of thla character that will prevent ready access to the legations In Pekin. MlttKt OF THAI MKUitASg. Many Missionaries wad < hrlstlaas Saved b) Hasslan Troops. Brussels, Dec. 19 —The following dis patch. dated Vladlvoatock. Dec. I*. has been received at the headquarters of the Mr Aleut missions here: "In the district of Pin* all our Inter ests have been entirely destroyed, except the Episcopal reeldenc*. The bishop, nineteen Belgian niDstanari#*, four Chi nese priest* and 3,M0 Christians were saved hf Russian troops arriving In heat* In flve column*. "Commander Kletx. with a flying col umn. arrived first. Oct. 3*. and made an heroic defense for flve daye. During the tertlble siege he lost In dead and wounded one-third of hi* tare*. Although twice wounded, he refined to leave hi* post un til the arrival erf reinforcements " TWO PAT ALLEY UUIADFI). Frank IlnlMnee Deed and Ills Brother lb law. Winston, N. C-. Dec. 19.—Prank Muffin** anel hi* brother were shell and mortally wounded at the Home of thetr father, near Oak Rielge, Oullford county, about ( o'ckick ibis mesrnlng. The stunting was done hy Deputy Sheriff* J, W. Mcmn-y and J w Waller of KernerAvllle. They wnr deputised to arrest the brother* on warrants charging them with being two of th* parties who broke Into and robbed a barroom, near Kernersvtll*. Sunday night. IVlun the officer* want to Hufflns*' horn* they were fired upon by th* broth ers A number of shot* were exchanged, hut the deputies eecoped Injufy. One of the wounded men died this afternoon and the las* refort from the scene of tha •hootlrg was tha other on* was dying. DAILY. A Y FAR. fl FKNTB A COPY WEEKLY 2-TIMKH A-WKKK ft A TEAR HAZING IS COMMON BEM* TO BE (d.NHHU I V PR AC TH RO AT AA EOT POCBT. TESTIMONY OF THE CADETS. 1A ITAKAAKA Ml THE IH F.XI*F.HI F.y F.A AAF.HF TOT HER Mil ft. Four lb < lass Km Mr*|iitrel to Ita All Sorts of Manta •> Their Sen iors— Inkrs th- I oncett Oat nf Them hhl Nliii©* I ll.*iu That Rich Hen’s Moms Are No Heller Ihsa Anyone Else—Bojrs Had a Hat Pasvrsl. West IVHnt. N. Y De.* t< Very Intar eettng testimony was brought *ut to-slay hy the court of inquiry wtuch Is Investi gating the alleged nosing of * udets at the Military Academy here, in ament tori with th* recent doath of former Cadet Bo*ut Thirty-five cadets were exanuned. OH© of whom was the brother of JJ*ut lUch mond P. Il Kn of Mcrrlrnn•* fame, an kher was ih<* son of Gen Phil lAtu rldMNt. and third Mark Hnwik** of P*mtsvlva nia. is a nephew of Gan lirN>ke, who Is th© presiding officer of the court. All thre* told of the baaing they got .turuig the encampment of W at the time Oscar L. iLwi was thetr cafstnair, an*t no; one of them paid that the treatment they received, or the things they had to do. were either brutal or !egraling. linhaon m worst ordeal was when h© hod to stand on his h* *d In a hnth tub In which there was about ten Inches of w ater H* said he wa partial \ sir angled, hut was all rigid In a f*w mlimtee. Ha dl*l many foolish things 4 the bidding of upper *lase nen. Among th©*© thtngw wrer© climbing a tent pol©. telling funny stories and trying to sing. Young Phil Hlierldan was made to rtda a hmomatb k a long th© mniw.nys stroat In commemoration of hts Illustrious father** ride arw! he had to keep shouting "Turn. boys, turn’” all the time. ll© did not think this was humiliating, he said. Although h* .h i not relish th© task. H** saw nothing brutal In any exerdsee which he was put Ihrough, only they were tire some Young Brooke said that the only man he had heard s|s>ken f In any sense for being religious was the president of th© Y M <’ A . who was called "Baintly Mitchell." Thl* was not done In dLr©- *lect. as the wttneos said ©v©ryone ot tho cadet* looked up to him and llk©d him. Banwiel fYankttfVWrger of Wot VlrgUdi, a Hebrew, teal Pied he had b©n h.xe. i but In no harsher manner than that ex perienced by his *dassmates and ho. too, •aid thar© was fw >rutallty. jt(Nx> part-tits claimed that their son ha<l * otnpialn©*! of hriitai treaiment at that time Frank**nlerx©r sold that If Hoox had leen treated brutally he would have known of It. Iks*'* tent mate, Albert, was also a Jew, hut Krunkettberg*’! *w<jre that AI tier t was an unooiiipanlonatde man and was consequently dhiik* *1 by hia classmates. Jotm K. Herr of New Jersey, who wu one of Hooas s**conls In his fight with Keller, told Ihe story of tin* encounter. In will h In* cii l "Boo* Just kind of kdd down.” Herr (old of how Itoog rt*f>ped down without sufficient cause and when h felt the last time, all hough counted out. Herr mn! Boos was rsrt knocked out or winderl. tin of his actiona In th© fight, Herr aaWl floo was looked h|mv hs % coward and nobody likted him afterVard. Ilerr strenuously d*ru©*l that Houi was roughly or brutally based. <v*let Charles M. I.hy of Pennaylvsnta gave a detnlle*! description of Ihe differ ent mode* of tiaxlng whk*h lie had under gone. He described "bracing." "Wooden Willie." "footlsill.” "©Mating.” "hanging on stretcher" and several other form# of exercise’* which h* had xoo© through. If© never snw a man faint from exhaus tion during these ndeals. hut told the court that he fdmaelf ha*l fclgnod a faint white "©ogling.** Kty gave an exhibition of iroclag. M which Is a* Mom pi I shed by pulling In Iha chin and drawing back th© should©!** while standing ©rod. H© said this wa# an ©xaggerald form of a soldlrcly po sition. None of thesn ordeal* was brutal, ha declared, and he never knew or heard of anyone who had suffered any In conse quence of being put through them. In nearly every Instance the witnesses said that all these forms of haling were obsolete and while "bracing" waa *llll practiced secretly, |t was against the reg ulations. and If anyone were detected vio lating these regulation* he would-be sum marily dealt with and severely punDhed. There are ahnut a score more of Boob's classmates to be examined and as there ar* several of the first rluss m-n to Ito heard from, as well as some of the offi cers. the court may not get through th* taking of testimony until Ruturday. Hiram M Cooper, a cadet of tha second class from North Carolina, wtien asked If he had been based oa a fourth class man. maid: •"Ye*, on one occasion I ws* In the bathroom and waa compelled to take a cold bath ” "Was It In winter?" ashed Oen. Brooke. "No elr. It was In summer.” replied th* youna man. Cadet Herr, of New Jersey, said tha* many fourth rtese men on their arrival wife conceited on account of wealth, ao rtal ft.indmg or superior Intellect awl had to be treated In this way to show they a.'* no better than anybody else. Cadet Troup Miller, of Heorgia. told f his experience aa a fourth class man In '9l and th* hating to which he waa sub jected. It# had to radio poetry or prose from memory He had to do exerelaaa, braelng sitting up. ami while he did not enjoy doing them, they had Bo 111 effeqt on him. li.*hy D. Yalllant of Arkansas, said he hid taken pari In pillow lights and a "rat funeral " The latter woe held tn hi* tent The body at a dead rat was placed on top of a box and * towel takt over It Pour lighted candles were placed on the comers of th# bo*. The high priest was appointed who read from tha "Black: Book." "What t* that?" asked Cspt- Dean. "Tn* regulations of tha military acad emy, sir." waa the reply. Continuing. Vallum said flowers wees placed arouml the body of the rat. Tbo services lasted about half an hour. Sev eral upper clsos men took photographs of the proceedings, aftsr which tha rodent vra* burled. Cadet Harry L. Hodges of Virginia sold that he. as well as many fourth cloaa men. lost weight at tha beginning of th* (Continued on Fifth I’ags.J %