The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 20, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 SAVANNAH WANTS THE FAIR. MU. RVAU Oil MR. .%<K*o> o\# to m%*©\ to get it. City Ftrbanur Mrrllni % *-•! I nawt* mows I y Iw Fas or of It—There \\ mm a Tw o-'ldfdi ft>ti* wsiw. hat All Were A allows That the fair Me llelH Mere i Jockey f lob a Ihmhl Thlwg to Folios* After the fttate fair AaHserlptlons Report-d \i>auntnl to sll.o*o, hot the Are ■ siart laonat IV 111 Me Raised. Bt\ann*h trill lr-et on having th© Sta.r >'.r next year. Thia ws* determine*! at the of fboffe Interested, held at the City Excnang© fttuftfijr afternoon. t< and ia; mght Mo G. M Ilya* and Mr Joseph W JakM*r) left tfte cHy for Ma* m * (ordsr e with the action of the ra-etlng. to present Savannan case be fr< the Stole Fair t'omm;u which m* *ts :hert to-day. There j a tool deal of diicunlon of the matter such as wan calculated to give w.l present an insight into the prot> I m of holding the fair in thl# city, ftsn* u ir, <0 to a*k the l oir Committee for an • xr-ne *r. of time for thirty days, whn other* tn l the or< i#K>(i to talk up th - y dry * . ut. However, when the matter • am* to a vole • the pnHKallioi) of Mr aieorae W. OvM that Maj. Hyale sh*u4.J i* requested to a*k for the fa 4 r for Ra \annsh. insuring the commit t*'© Dost l. r- .iry fonls would be and that viluaM- prise* w>*uk! In* offered, t *©rs was not a dte©nt!ng vote When t* aye- arl rays were tailed : here a Ima) chorus >•*. nrxi nobody ven tured to pot in a vote against the motion. The meeting was called for 4 o'clock and was In semton until nearly € o clock There wers present Mayor Herman Myers, chairman. Mtr> G VI. K>a), Georg© W. Owen*. C. Garfunkel. ('harita I>vm. A. I/hwaM, I*. A Stovall. Jrwph Doyle. A. P. Doyle, M Drjrfus. 8. L. laixaron, Tboroa* Warwick. I. Collat. If K Dree •on. J K Mi autre. D. B. Morgan. 11. H Levy, C. 8. Byck. J. T ffhuptrin*. L Adler. 8c Krotwkoff. I. A ffolomons. Joseph W. Jack son. P. Confcla. A. A. Xlotwla. B. 8 1 /nf Max Hoioimsi, A W. Master son. D. G. Pur*/* W. W B*arr. George Hchwarx and I>anie| Ho gan. Th# subscription* reported amounted In rpuiwl ftnrw to $19,000. Borne of the com rrmtee# had • f-omHli'hpd little on account of the fact that It nan diairnl by those call Mot to subscribe to know definitely mbit ttu to hr done before they put their* down. Thetr reports. how ew r. wer** rot discouraging Mr Ft H. I**vy tated that ho had not any further, but that hi* oomrnhie. could be df|w>nded m for $13,000 Mr Levy’s I'ommlitee had re|>orttd s€.lsd. lie M il.I h#> w,i ready to ln< r*as<* hi* personal subscription from XTJu to sl.- 000. and he thought otiers would Increase theirs. Mr 8 L. laxaron reported |M sub scribed from the wholesale gres'ero. ami •aid he believed they mini id all come for ward If they knew that the fair was a certainty. Mr. W W. fttarr mmnted some Informa tion am to the past record of the Btate Fair. MaJ. KyaU said he had never taken any active Interest In the fair Is*fore, but that the fair had atoays paid art so far as he wa advised. There were cer tain thing* sometimes in connection with the fair, such as street railroads which, he said, would not pay out. Savannah however, lie considered, would give a real State Fair, and not merely , local affair lie disputed the proprwltlon that this m not a iruod agricultural section. It it as good an agricultural section, he said, as Fulton county. He wan satisfied that some of the most prominent men in the state, such as Gen. John It. Gordon. Con gressman Livingston, ex-Gov. North**n and others wuoid take a most active In terest In the fair here. Mr dtarr expressed rone* doubts about the matter He thought .Savannah would no* be able to get the one cent a mils rale. He thought, also a sufficient num ber of people could not Is* Induced to come to Bavannah. Mayor Myers differed with him strongly on both these proposi tions. J E. Maguire reported the subscrip tions of his iommlltee as more than doubled. Mr. S KrmiskofT argued that with the l>rop|* divid'd, and the cotton ami naval Mores men on the Bay opposed to the movement, the fair could not be made a success, no matter how much was sub scribed to It. Mr Jackson said he had no further sule scrip;ions, but that the theaters, hr* w eries and ice companies were yet to be heard from. He said they had been Some* what 1 staewarm only because they were doubtful whether the plan would go through. Sir lataamn thought the matter of or ganising the Jockey club would follow naturally and closely upon the Htate Fair movement, but the first thing to do. he thought, was to get the lair Mr. Owens at a ted that JLera wa no dtre on the part of Chj# Interested In the Jockey club to throw oold water on the fair movement. He referred to the old fair, allowing that It mss merely a local movement and that k lacked the ptesiigo the stats lair wouid have. The owner* of the prof#- egty. be said. atlll have theJr ■rupee? \ They did not actually kw© 3i\r money in running the fair. The prop- erty originally com SCT.OOO. but the gate rerripo war* used to I* y tn *xp#ir*es If the earn. ground* r* oak-cted h aM h bad no doubt that th* association will permit the* use of them frev of rent. Th* Improvement* put upon th* ground* would t>* of sufficient value o the members of 4 the association. Ha aatlstted that the auboertb •r* to th* jockey club movement would take up all of the subscription* and carry oo the movement. Mr. Owen* wa* satisfied there wee money uftl. lent In hand to go ahead and carry out the fair movement. However. If the fair people decide to dlaoontlnue he had no doufa* the jockey people would be ready to take the matter up at once. Th* question being naked a* to whether a number of votee had not ben icitn laed Valdoela and other place*, MaJ. Kyal* •eld be felt confident he could secure cer tain voles for Savannah. no matter what ha* taken place Mr. Jaokson referred to the Increase In papulation In Chatham county within the hurt thirty year* amoe th* last fair took place, showing It had grown from .<m then, to 75.000 now. Thl* he consid ered, tn Itself, H great guarantee of the sut ceas of e fair here al this time Sir. Stovall tht-n moved that MaJ. Ryal* b<* authorised bo ask the committee for an extension of thirty days so that further time might be given to go Into the mat ter thoroughly. The object of the motion was to have the committee postpone its decMon foe that period. Mr. Jackson moved that MaJ RyOls be authorised to bid a sufficient amount as to prises to secure the fair for Savan nah • Mr Adler did not thtr.k Savannah waa prepared tr> go ahead and make a hid for the fair a* the amount of money ai not suffioSenl. Mr Owen* moved *# a substitute for other motions that MaJ Ryala b* author ised to request that th# neat State Pair be k*!d In Savannah. H* said that no guar antae wn required In the way of prises. Thera was no real estate speculation or Hr*t railroad scheme behind the move (Continued on Third Page.) wKnonii at (H.o rwmn. Miss Sola Hell Porter fleeotwes Mrs. W alter Dads. Avery pretty wedding took place last evening in Trinity Methodist Church when Vlis* Sola Bell Porter became Mr*. Wal ter Da via The ceremony waa performed by Rev Ba-otn Anthony In the present of many friends and relatives of the young couple The wedding marh from *'Lohengrin** was played as the bridal party entered the eh tire h. The ushers were Vlr J M Hamer, Mr. K. B. Ivy. Mr Arbury Bostwk-k. and Mr Rohm Ingram The bri.le. wtio entered the church with the groom, wore a handsome traveling • WNume of castor doth. The Grecian Mo** • v et-t of white satin with an accordion ideated tie of white . hiffon. The hat of s:or colored silk was trimmed with panne velvet and a lovely tiouquet of pink and white carna tions was carried. During the ceremory Mendel •antin'* w i*i Mr. W. N Cler The relatlvea *nd a few ntlmate friends of the bride and groom. gathered after the ceremony at the horn*- of Mrs. A. K Porter, on Liberty, street A rerepfkm held. Th- parlors were .••domed for the occasion with garlands of Uimbo vm* and presented s bright and festivr acene. In ih** center of the room beneath the chandelier, the bride* cake o< up|ed a conspicuous place. The elab orate dec***lion of lattice work surround ing .in anchor was the handiwork of the br;|e s nsther, and was as much ad mired ** were the ©umber* of beautiful present* received During the evening Mr. and Mr- Davis l* ft for B**.a 8 C . where they wl!l visit Mr and Mrs Fletcher Davie. th* parent* of th© groom Un their return to Savannah they will moke their home at 2M liberty street went, and there they v | in at horn** to their friends af:er J.tti 1 The groom, who i* the city grain Inq** * tor. hs mad© many friends since •ie • am* hero from South Carolina sev -ral y*nm ago. and I* to be congratulat'd on the lovely and lovable brkie he has won Among the w-dding gtionts were Mies I.ill i and Mis* Lutle Davis of B©r * . 8 Mrs N D. Mode •- hy. and Miss Daisy M.dei hy. Mrs Dykes. Mr William Davis Mr VI Murray. Miss Daisy Porter of Hldgeland. 8 (' . Mrs M M Mlngledorf. Mrs Dasher. Mr and Mrs J K Coop* r Miss Zulh and Miss Lucille Porter, and Master Myers Porter. MR*. n. A. HI IK KR, JR.. DBtn. I'tinernl Will Take Place Tble noon From < brief f hnreh. Mrs George A Mercer. Jr., died yester day morning at her home. No. ins Park avenue, cast, of heart failure. No severe illness find given warning of th** fatal attack, and her death was ths greater shock for the reason that it was ao sud den. When Mr. Marrer left home for his office, at the usual hour. Mrs Mercer was not regarded as seriously HI hut before he reached his office she w ti d*a I. Aid was call** ! from the home of her sister-in-law. Mrs. J. M I*ang. near by, but It m is found that nothing could be done. Kite died within a very fw min utes after the wlaun* In his bereavement Mr Mercer has the sympathy of .i wide circle of friends, who will regret the lows of one so universally a favorite. By her many lovable quali ties, Mrs. Mercer had made herself admired and esteemed. . ami to all the news of her death was a eho *k Three little sons* survive her. the eldest being wbnut ight years of age and the youngcat an Infant. Mr* Mercer was Miss Mamie Walter be fore hr marriage, the daughter of the late George Waller. Bhe wan reared in Savannah. and from her earliest girlhood had the faculty of winning and holding friends. Bne was graduated from th** Lucy Cobb Institute, and was married Siam after. The Immediate relatives who survive her are three sisters. Mrs. Henry Dun woody of Hrunswi k Mrs llotilns It Kamlolph of Atlanta, and Mbs Fran'** Walter of Atlanta, and a brother. Mr George Walter, who Is now at Poughkeep sie at school. The fuueral will tak.* place this after noon at 3:30 o’clock from Christ Church. TAI HOOKS WILL (’MISi: TO-DAY. Interest and < osts \\ 111 He trifled to Taxes Hereafter. This Is the last day ujmmi which the tax payers of Chatham county can pay their state and county tax*a for 19(*> without paying also both Interest and costs. The hooks of the tax collector will close at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Yesterday there was a long line of tax payers In the corridor *f the Court House aml it Is expected that the rush to-day will be even greater. The approach of the municipal election ami the necessity of paying stole and county taxes In order to vote at It add# Incentive to the taxpayw'i desire to get square. After to-doy the amount that each one on the registration list owes the stale and county will he marked opposite his nano* and he pay* It. with Interest and the sheriff’s costs of collection, he will not be entitled to vote for a mayor and al dermen. It will be necessary for http to pfbsent hts receipt from the tax collector to the managers at the box In order to de posit hla ballot. SEPARATION OP THE It it'EM. Street Railway Director* to Consider It la January. The neat meeting of the board of direc tors of the Savannah, Thunderbolt and- Isle of Hope Railway wilt be on the sec ond Tuesday In January, and II Is then that the matter of Ihe separation of the races on the Thunderbolt line will be brought up. the committee from (he Sa vannah Yacht Club having aectired the promise that th* board would consider the question. During the summer It Is solved by having the colored passengers occupy Ihe rear seats of the cars, bud during the winter, when the cars are closed, there are no rear seats. It would be a considerable Item of ex pense and trouble to the company to run separate car*, and the outcome of the re quest of the Yacht Club will be awaited with Intercat. The matter, on the whole, I* a delicate one for the company to han dle. ,* t t NO |l OTATION ON MI*:H. la I.tkrly to tie Posted by Savannah Cotton Eaehaage. No action has yet been taken by the Savannah Colton Exchange toward regu lating the quotations and sate of cotton seed and Its products. Whether a com mittee will be appointed to look Into the matter remains to be seeo. It Is not un derstood that any request has yet been made to look Into the matter. The South ern Cotton Oil Company Is a large buyer In Savannih. end there Is considerable seed bought for export Action he* been taken by the Memphis antTNew Or eans cotton exchange* t n this matter, both of which have appointed commtttaee on cottonseed and Its products. It Is understood these committees will quote prices on teed th* same as other committee* do on th# staple. Cook's Impede! Champagne—Extra dry and extra quality. Dry pungent, emlsa delicious aroma and hag lovely bouquet.— •A- THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1000. MAYOR MYERS IS NOTIFIED, (OhRITTMC OP* *I\TKR> ADfIIEO HIM OF iidorh:rrvt. They Met Ut Ylght at the Ik %t. The Mavnr Thanked Them for the Fpre*aln of t eaUdeare awl 'look the Matter of a Reply Into # oaatilerafion There la Little llouill That Ilia Inisrr Will He In the Affirmative— Aolblng IN*lnltr Hone With Regard to Velretln* nn Aldermnnte Tlrkrt. Mayor Herman Vlyem was notified at the De Soto last (Oght by committee of sixteen, representing the a*!mifustraUon force* of the four militia districts of the city, of the unanimous action in the sev eral districts on Monday night lest, indorsing him for the oftl-e of Mayor to succeed himself. Mayor Vlyerw m-t the commlttea In room No. IC. nnd th c nftren 't iast-l ar>out an hour. Only those directly in (•rpt*tl W**re prewnt. The members of the committee of sixteen present, were J. W. Matthews. Frank VI lermott. Waring I turns 11. VI. Naughtin. J Robert Creamer Alex Mend. I. J A Reiser. Jam. M - Bride. 8 L. laisaron, it Kirkland. A A. Lawrence. James Maguire, Richard Wickham, C. It. West colt and ex-Police man Bpencer Braxell. Mr. W. W. Os borne waa also present. At the -on'lusion of the meeting the following *tatement with regard to the conference was given out: ‘The committee of sixteen representing the four militia districts', called upon the Hon. Herman Myers at the De 800 to notify him of the unanimous action of the several districts on Monday night last, .n Indorsing him for the office of Mayor of Savannah to succeed liimeelf, and to request that he stars) for re-election Toe committee further assured him of their • irnest and undlvidyj support.** liey.w.d this nn#* of those present would discuss what took place. It was stated tout it was simply a conference nt which no definite was taken beyond that j given out In the foregoing statement. It may b* state*! positively, however, on goud authority, that no actUMi was tak en with regard to the matter of selecting an aider manic ticket. There was a report that something on this line would be done, bus. while the matter may hav* tasn in formally discussed, such was not the case The committee simply assured Mr. Vlyen of the earnest arwl undivided support of themselves and those they represented, and pl-dg<d themselves to support such tkket - might i*c nominat‘*l to run with him. Mayor Myers thanked the members of the committee for their Indorsement and their earnest assursrt 'es of support. While he took the matter of a reply under con siders* ton for the present. It is freely stated that there is no doubt of his i* - c-ptance, but It will probably be affer the unanimous action of a mass meeting wht r n Is expected to be held about the first of next month. ‘ There will he some surprise* when our aid* rmanl>• h*ar*l Is announced," r*n>;-.rk •vl a prominent member of the olrf*i nisi ra tion faction yesterday. "There is no doubt tiuit at least four nvemlsrs of the present board will be on the new ticket. They are A Mermen Wells* Dixon, Bacon and Thomas. Another member of th© prospec tive board will be Mr. K A M Schroeder Beyorai that I ran tell you nothing at the pre-ent time, but I c n say we will present to the people one of the strongest tickets that tins*'ever offered for election In the city. Of the other members on the pre*4*nt board several absolutely refuse to run again, aitd others we are not politi cally Inclined to put on th© ticket. I will reiterate however, that there will be some surprise#.'* Tiie chances are that the political field will quiet down considerably with the hod d.iya and tl- probability 1- there will b litti- else doing, so far At least ns th adminlstratinn force* ur concerned until after t*hristiMs. A rally of the administration supporters **f tho Fourth District will b- held at laiiior Hal) to-night, when a Myers (Tub will tv organluxl. Mr HILL A% %<• %IX INDORSED. Second* District Clsh Will Ask Him to tlua for Mayor. The Becomt IHstrlct Democratic Club was organised last night at a meeting held at No 211 West Broad street. The organisation of the club was fol lowed by the passage of a strong resolu tion indorsing Mr. T. H. M.-Mi liar* or the antl-ndministration candidate for Mayor. Blgty invitations were sent out. and fifty-three of those invited, attended the meeting. Organisation was perfected by the election of Mr. Edward J. Wheian as president. F. 8. Van Glesen, vice presi dent. and John Coleman, secretary. Bevcral s|H-eches were made by well known mambars of the anti-administra tion foot 100, following which resolution* were offered and unanimously adopted in dorsing Mr. M< Miiian for the mayoralty. On motion a committee of five, consist ing of Messrs. K J. Whelan. Ebb Hom ing. Bam Davis, Clnlro Benton and Thom as A. Folllard wns appointed to cull on Mr. McMihan am I notify him of the In dorsement. ami request that he allow the use of his name as a candidate for Mayor. The action t*kn at this meeting was similar to that taken at the meeting* held the night before In the First ami Fourth districts, and as In those cases the art inn waa unanimous. This committee will call on Mr. M< MiUun this afternoon prob ably at hla office and notify him of the action taken. It ts not expected that Mr. McMillan will give an answer to these district com mittees for several days yet, but the gen eral opinion is that there Is no doubt about his accepting the commission to make the race. All Indications point to the fact that the contest will he between Mayor Myers and Mr. McMillan and a warm contest It will no doubt he. ('OUlHbll VOTE Hi INDORSE HIM. Candidacy at Mayor Myers Meets With Hearty Approval Pram Them. A muse meeting of colored voter* was held at No. 11 Farm street last night, and the candidacy of Mayor Mycre for re election, was enlhualaetlcally Indorsed Andrew ratterron acted as chairman and J. K. Kimball as secretary of the meet ing. The following committee was appointed 1 1 wait upon Mayor Myers ami notify him of the action that had been taken: T<m Oolden, J. E. Kimball, Andrew Pat terson. Joseph White and Jacob Wright The committee will iwobabiy call upon the Mayor to-day. The secretary of the meeting stated that there were seventy-five registered voters present, "by actual count " The meeting was the first effort to organize the negro vote that has become apparent a Inca the agitation for the election began Snnese and lllaw. That I* what you muat do when you have catarrh In the head. The way to cure thl* disease Is te purify the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. This m*dlc|na soothes and heala the Inflamed surfaces. rabulMj th* delicate tissue* and permanently cure* oatarrh by expelling from the blood the acrofuloue talnte upon which It dapthd*. Re sure to get Hood's Th* non-lrrttatlng cathartic—Hood's Fills.—Wd. home row mi; holiday*. %avananh Hoys ami tlrl Mho Arc %%vay for RMsPSiinM. Savannah has no Institution for hlghe eduentioa for white hoys and girls, an) the result is that all who get a codeglat training are sent nway for It This there will be many absent stu.leuts. tw* an<l girl*, returning to sp©*l the holklays aim the folks at h**ne. as. with nffMi of the lnetltutlona, this Is th© last week of the fall term. A number of those who have been away have already returned and are enjoying their stay at home a* vastly as they had hoped. Among ihoe** who are away al school* colleges and universities, and who may or msv not return for tho hoiblaya. are the following At Athens attending the I niv-rsity of Georgia, Mesars. I s rai. A b*m While Lindsay. Gordon Carson. Ral|h M klrim. Faul Jette. tJonlm, John Monahan. Dan McMillan, Ohariie Russell and <'.imi>t>el| Krenson. at t;e Tc i ologi- al 8 hool at Atlsntu Messrs. Wll srii Bnllivan. 81-lney Ry.b Waiter lityssni. Grover IWulsen. Clif ford Btuits and Frank Bek, at Yale. \l' oi - Seine v Hlubb-. John. II untnoiwl. Grata lK*nt and Antonio Waring, at Co lumtM*. Vl’>srs. Dan Hopps, laiwreruu* Le* arid Willie Blurt; at Hewanee. Har ris <\>p*. Percy Huger and Belrna Gor don. Jr., nt th- I'niverslly of Vliginia. Mr Tom Devsaiark; at Fmory, Mr Tom < a varus ugh; at th* I'nlverslty of Mary land. Mr. i’raig Barrow; at Lawrence- Mile, N J . M< ssrs. Wayne Warfield and Jam* - Waring, at Taft’s, Messrs. Lester and Edward Knrow; at Watertown, t’onn., Mr <;trge Baldwin; at Miss C orris ns miol for Young Lid its. in New York. I lull and Miss VI * At Mr Cam©© in New York. Miss Kdtth t'avanaugh; at Smith's College, Miss Marian M lean; nt the Andov-r Acad emy. Mins Elizsi cth Gilliert; at Wesley a n.vMiss lail-ah A*!;ims; at Converse College. Mi** Marie Cheatham; at Green vi le, 8. C.. Miss Myra Wilcox; at the Lucy Cohb Instiiute. Miss Fannie Mel •inm. Mlm Annie Russell and Mi-s Edith Flmer; at Georgetown. Mis* ftuen- Brouk * and !lhi Stella Bailey; at th© Ba •rn Female Mias Marl- Bco vllh? and Mine llattie Bell Bul ard. PLAOTKH FEI.L tiA A |*| I*|L. small Portion of felling Dropped nnd rnniril n f iiintotlon. Rome three square feet of plaster fell yesterday morning about 11 <Bclock in th© room occupied by Fifth Grade B in the West Broad Htreet School, colored. One of the pupils, a boy. was Injured slightly by the plaster, which fell on his head. His hurts were such as to send him home for the r**st of the day. Quite a commotion was excited by the fall of the plaster, the scream* of the hoy who had been hurt and of other pupils who had shared ids alarm. Many rushed from the rxxm to the sires©. Nor was the commotion confined to the one room, for it spread to others, and nearly the entire L hool w.s In a considerable up roar for a minute until the matter hod been explained. The excitement was then allayed and the school went onywith it* work, an intermission of some ffve min utes having been caused by the fall of the plnder. wot i,d ii %a i; t it im i ll the *now Related Member* #f Miin i *wny Girl Cos. Got n ©perliil Train. Five mem hem of the Runaway Off! Company were left behind yesterday, when the remainder of the company th© Central train tat Augusta. They were very much worried over their predica ment. ami appealed to the Central Road for help. The raid also received a tele graphi • message from the manager of th© company, saying that unle*s the left ovets could l*e got to Augusta It would be Impossible <o give the show Ibore. The resourceful passenger men of the Central put the hvc Inflated actors on a special coach which was run as far as Four Mi!© Hill and there attached to a fast freight that put them at MUlen in lime to catch a train for Augusta. I\ IM.i: VI %\ IDOWI* PKMAIO**. Blanks for Application* Will ttmn be In Hand* of Ordinary. The indigent widows of Confederate vet erans. who are entlth-d to gienslons from the state under the |rovl*ione of the act passed at the last *-s*lon of the General Assembly, will shortly ho In a position to make out their applications. Judge Ferrill, of the Court of Ordinary, will receive a full supply of blank* from the Pension Cogimlssloner within the next few days iiml these can be had by ap plying to him. li st ructions #nt out by the Pension Commissioner require that these blank# he filled out hy the applicant by March 15 and returned to the ordinary. They must la* In the hands of the Pen sion Commissioner by April 1. In default of which they will not be considered until I*l2. WILL HE FIMMIKU 11% J %V 1. That I* Now Thunglit of Thlrty eighlh Street School. It is now thought that It will he hut very little. If any. after Jan. 1. that the Thirty-eighth Street School will be com pleted and rawly for occupancy. Th* heating and tne plumbing apparatus Is all on the lot. and It Is said that it can he put In place hy Jan. 1. This was the question that had been concerning the Miithortties, hut they now see no reason why the school whotikl not be formally opined soon after the In-ginning of the new year. At the Tea fttarr. Needed Halslas at Cast. Ten (eats a Paand. These raisins ore thorougitly cleaned, steamed and seeded by new process, reody for Immediate use. Our business la tea# and coffees but we handle a great many fancy grocery epe* Ultte*. Note our price* A. A P. seeded raisins Htc, A A I*, cleaned currant* 15c. A A P. spices, all kind* 10c. Mixed spice* for fruit cake now ready. 14 |H>unds best granulated sugar 11.00. 17 |>ounds best soft white sugar II no. Fancy Elgin Creamery butter *c. Rio Coffee, per pound 15c. Me. best 26c. Java coffee, per pound ffic. 10c. best 15c. Try our Java and Mocha, 1 pounds 11.00. Tens at cargo prices. Oolong. Young Hyson. English Break fast. Gunpowder. Japan and Ceylon teas at 40c. 40c. TV. best 11.00 a pound. Drink Thea-Neclar pure Chinese tea, 40c per pound; a special present with every |*>uml I's* A A P. Raking Powder, tic per pound, a large enamelled sauce-pan given with every pound this week. The Great Atlantic aid Pacific Tea Company. M 4 Itroughton street, west, telephone <l4, H. T. Wilson, manager —ad Holiday Rlhbowa at KroaakafPs. Just received at Krouakoff. a fid! line of Satin Taffeta and Fancy Ribbons, also wash ribbons, at price# lower than else where.—KrouxkofTs—ad. Misses’ awd Girls' Watches Chain* and charm*, new and novel design*, at Sternberg A Co.'* —ad. A High-Grade institution for Ladles Shorter Cell***, Hume, Oa. Write ter catalogue.—ad. SOME UNWRITTEN HISTORY. T %liia of thh nomu.M vri; A IV V TOLD HY C. Lt'CTKX JOXBS. Hr ©poke to Bartow (snip of ©on* of • onfrdrrair Irfrran* laat Alltht—The I woc*e**ful Expedi tion fpr the Relief of Ike Conletl ernte Prisoners nt l*olnt losikHUl. Ilrarribeil. nnl the H-naon* lor It* Abandonment Given—'Til© ITof llnd Hren llHeot rretl—The < rul*e of the Tnllnbasser—'l he t omioeree De*t roper* That Effrrtrd Thlrl> three Cnpturea In Five Daa. Bartow Camp of Bons of Confederate Veterans Inaugurated last night the se rif* of special meeting!* It will hold dur ing the winter and spring. Tho camp was addressed by Vlr. C. Lucien Jot*s. who told of some of the rxploi** of the Confederate Stales Navy, a subject of which very little is generally known. Vlr Jones was introduced to the < amp by Commandant YL Laws, at the ronclu- Gon of th© business eensinn. lie Is gan his remarks by saying tht he had n Impressed by what Gen. Evans had sold on the occasion of the last reunion of the state division of Confederate veterans at Augusta, upon the necessity of the vtL erans tsunemittlng to th© younger gen eration such unwritten history of the War oelween th© Htates as wan in their i*j*- seselon. Therefore, it was that h© bad accepted with so mikti p.eafur© tli© Invi tation. extended him by Comni indant Me to address the camp. Two principal subjects were embraced within the scope of his r-tnark*. one the unsuccessful expedition that started from NVtimington to r©lease the Confedenie soldiers confined at Point and the other the <omm-r * -1-stroymg cruises of th- Confederate steamship Tal ah.•**—. Vlr Jones was a number of ih Hr - * ex pedition and on officer of the Ho was *p- tally detailed ns i*y maater of the expedition and attended to the preliminary work of providing cloth ing. rations and arms for men for G* weeks. This was In the summ-r of 18W. and t ths time it way far • i--*r t* un orders to provide what was itec-vsary for an expe<llilon of thl* six#* and char acter than It was to carry these order* into exerut on. Mr. Jon-s said that he remembered very well that on this o a slon he pressed Into service two barrels of apfde brandy, for which he paid IT ••• This, of course was Cmife lerote money, at that time at h small dls*’Ount. The exp*lltion was commanded by Commander John Taylor Wood, th* 1 naval aide of President Davis. Two blo.*k de runners, the Florle and the Letter B. were prassed into service and were provis ioned and arm-d under tin* direction f ; Mr. Jones. Oommander Wool way in j command of th- Flori- and Lieut. W. II Ward of the L tt-r 8.. Mr Jon-* b- .n attached to the former vess-1. Th- ves sel# w*re offi-er‘d and manned by !•:.u h menta fram th© Jam©* River Squadron of th© Confe<lcrate Navy. Th** crews u re especially drilled In boarding veseel*. Before th© vesaels were ready t* sal! there Joined the xpr**lition a num!*-r <f t’onfe<lerate Army ofli'-rrn of high ta k. among them leing Gan. CustD L * Tiio object of the ©xpedi'don was known only to the higher officers, non** of low* r rank being entrusted with the secret. Possildy !<me cotre**t conjecture* of the purpo.-e ! for which the vessels had been G111•*I on md manned were made, when stands >f arms were transferred from the boll of a vessel that had successfully run the blockade to the holds of the Klorie and the Leter B. In order to get beyond the squad ron of Wockadera that guarded the approaches to Che baroor of Wilmington, it was necessary to select a dark night, w hen there was r.o moon—the darker, th * better. On such a night tbc two vessels started ourt of the harbor, but thy tkl was too low ami one of them stuck n\ a shoal. They had to drop hack to the mouth of the river and await a more favorable occasion. •*Tle next night," said Mr Jones, ”w started again and the vessels got over the Itip and nearly over tne bar W. (bought we were off \hn a signal wis hashed to us from Fort Fisher, ordering the vessels to return to their anchorage much to the chagrin and disgust of all on board. The next mortnng the vessels returned (o Wninington ami the officers and crew# to their Motions, except about a hundred officers and men. who later on became part of the crew of the Talla hassee. "It was some tlnv after the point Look out expedition was abandoned be fora w* knew It*4 |.-tJn.ilton and object. In th.- Naval War Records, Vo!, lu. poge 721, I# • ontahud the only hiatorical mention of the ex|edition with which 1 am acquaint, ed. There I* a telegram from Col. Wood to Hi# President. dat'd July 9. 18*4. saying. 'Will try to gel out to-night.' ami on the ?*ame page, dated July iti. a telegram from the President to Col. Wool, stating the object and destination of the exjxiitk>n had been found out by the enemy and ug gestlng calm consideration and compari son of views w ith Gen. I©©.*• Mr. Jones said the telegram to Cos!. Wood ami another to Gen. Lee, on the same subject, which had been sent by the 1 resident, must have reached Fort Kisner after llre vessel* had left their anchorage Had they arrived but a short while later the vessels would have le-n beyond re os.l and. with the plans of the expedition In the possession of th* enemy, the exp # ture or destruction of the entire tittle 'force would have been a certainty and nothing would have been accomplished ly the sacrifice. "At the time thl* expedition was got up” *ald Mr. Jones, "there were some M.OOO of our soldier* prisoner* at Point 1-ookout, on the Potomac river, guarded only by two small gunboats and some ur llllery. Our cruise was to go there and board ami capture the gunboats, land the arm* and place them In the hand* of the prisoners. Then Gen. Lee and the other officer* of the army were to take com mand of the prisoner", thus released, and march them through Maryland to Wash ington and co-operate WMh Gen. Early, who already was threatening Washington on Ihe other aide of the river. Tire cause of the abandonment of the expedi tion was that the enemy had found out k* object and destination, the two small gunboat* were removed and replaced with larger veas<l* and the prisoners moved from Point Lookout and sent farther North, where their friends and comrades could not help them." From some of the member* of this ex pedition. the nucleus of the crew of the TaHahawee was formed This vewel was commanded by John Taylor Wood, and on tta first cruise, extending over twelve days, raptured and either dretroyed or bonded thirty-three of the enemy's v*s *rl*. These vessels were found between Norfolk and Halifax, and the actual num ber of days consumed tn their capture w is live, giving an average* of over six a day. Mr Jones was an officer of the Tal labnasee on this cruise. During thl* time forty vessels of th* United States Navy were searching for her. bid after the Morkadlnx squadron wae passed on the outgoing trip no hostile sh.p, aavs those the Tail.ihaaoe* raptured was encountered until the effort to pass again into the har bor was successfully made. Mr. Jones *wp plemented hi* own story of th* cruise hv reading extracts from the personal nar rative of ('apt Wood, which was printed In the Century shout two year# ago "I cannot close these remarks" he said "without referring to the feet that the laat gun fired In defense of the Nouth ant our cause waa Bred by the navy from the deck of the Confederate Star** Cruiser Shenandoah Thl* was on June a IM4 In th# Arctic ocean, two months after Gen Lee had surrendered, and It was not until November, IKS. seven months after den !***■ surrenderee!, that she was turn ed over to the British government at Liverpool, by her eaptdn. James L Wad dell He h.*d been Informed on Aug 2 of th© downfall of the Confederacy. and had then ord-red hi# crew and ship to tie disarmed and his guns dismounted ” vif Jones' talk was on a subject upon which there is little gueral Information, and it wS* gr*.tly enjoyed by the mem ber* of the -amp. At It* •‘onduilofl a rising vote of thanks was tendered him. After the meet log light refreshment# were served. HE YTH Id' t HIHI.I’A H. THOBHV MIS Kusrral Ulll Take Place Thl* Aflernonn. B<rirt. Chark* B. Thorpe of th, Ocoan Htramahi{> Botlco. **>* t •>' home No ;i Hnr> <et. yeerdy morn in*, after w> lllnew of wverel wrote H. t funeral will mhe pl.e from the reel.ten e nt t o'.'te'k ttil, afternoon Tho Inter num will I>e tn laiurel Grove Cemetery. y,.|.i T'-orpe waa a native of ......nil lixl <• about 60 year* olil H h.i.l tu .li for eeviTel yearn a member of ! (i, .an Btearnnhlp illoe force, n'hl „) a loneclenltoue. fearliwn anil faithful other. He leaves wtfr. two daughters aiol one son. , GUI AT JOVI K’S. l.lvely Time Arnnn.l the Green Grocer. As usual James J. Joyce, the ree*i Eiooer at Abercorn snil IJlerty streets Is anion* tiie hrst to decorate, ansi imt his store In holklay attire. lie rails the street In front of hla store Avenue ‘'J." On one eklo he haa built a wall of evergreen, holly, cedar, pine and smllax. On the other he has built „ u ill of g.itne and mental, fruits and v.-k --. tnhls.. wild turkeys, wild ducks, venison, (jii.i.l. done, sailte- The arrungement 1* novel and !i*s nttrarted the attention of jK.le.trl Ills who pars in the nei*h!orii.ssl oi Joyct*> Th- wii.‘Ww* arc <lr-*sed with Xmi* goo*liew—niM* of nil kinds, raisins and I fruits, anti conf-otion*. T!i- *tor- In© recently been renovated ami repainted, arwl is one of the prettiest in the el'v —L I *niii•n —nl ©ale of Far* at Krouskoff’s special values, terms cash. Krouskoff’s—ad. Kwtchea. Spl-n*id variety at Htcrnlierg & Co.**.—ad. 1 onilasment *ale of Y'ar* at Kroaskoff**. Krouskoff © have received a of fur* from on- of til© iesllng furrier© of th© country, and are to be sold imme diately. terms strictly cash, positively no fur* to l>© chxrgcd al this sale; the lot comprise#: Bable. Fox Mir. in Mink. I* t - in Limb Red Fox. Coney. ftkunk. Skunk Opossum, imitation S.tble. Imitation M.nk. Electric Seal. Chinchilla. In collars, cape© and collarette*.—Krous k off's.—ad. A I lml-1 Inm Office i 'lock Is an appropriate and practical Chlrstmaa pr*senf. Sternberg & Cos. have the lati( and b*'*at ad. .. ■ ♦ • Florida OrMDgra. ©litpmcots for Christ mas. Orders for line Florida urang-s anti grapefruH, to Ik* ship|H'i as "Chrtlmas Prei'cnta" may now be placet] with u. and will have our usual careful attention ©nd prompt dispatch. W. D. Himkin* & Cos., ZU and 215 Bay street, west.— ad. t onsigument ©ale of Y'nrs at KrouskofTa special values, terms ca*h. Krou • k off* s.— and. A ©peelal I lirlsiotas rtnle. A* long as they kiM. Blernl>erg St Cos off-r a handsome line of sterling silver purse?* at |2.s) each. Better hurry if you want on© —ad. Holiday Hlbksas nt R rouakoff's. Just received at a full line of Baiin Taffeta nn*l Fancy Hlblmns, also wash ribbon*, at prices lower than else where.—Krouskoff’s.—ad. Old (told for t lirlalniNß. Gather up your broken, defaced or an tique old gold and exchange It at 8 tern berg A Co.'s for new good* or cash at full value.—aid. Holiday Itatea * lit Southern Ball- W#y. Tickets on sale to all points, a fare and a third for the round trip, on Dec 22-23- 24-25-JO and 31st, I*. also Jn. 1. 1901, limited to Jan. 4, returning, in addition to above, students holding certificates signed by superintendent* or principal* of senool* or colleges will be sold tickets commencing Dec. 15 and limited to Jan. 8 Jas. Freeman, city |*i sponger and ticket agent, 141 Bull street. ‘Phones 850—ad. Holiday Millinery hale at KrnaskofT*. Children's Trimmed Hats, worth $1 am! $5; sale $2.43. Ladies' Trimmed Hats, worth $10; sale $5 Ml sags* Trimmed Huts, worth $8; sale $4. Children'* Silk Bonnets, all colors; $1.48 $1 x. $2 5o and $3 on Biby Paps, in silk, all colors; 48c to $5. Imported lilac* Velvet Pattern Hats, worth s2>; sale $lO. Walking Hats, till colors; worth 98*\ sale 48c. Mexican Hats, all colors; soft felt; worth. 98c; sale. 48c. la* lies’ Finest Wu.ility Walking Hats worth $2.50; sale $1.23. Indies’ Finest Quality Brush Felt Hats* worth $1.80; sab* &8c Readv - to-Wear Hats, all colors, from to $1.98 KrouakofTs, the milliners-, ad. There la No Cot Glass I.ijie Sternberg A Co.'s matchless collec tion of fauttlesa cutting and new design* -ad. Holiday Hates Via Central of Georgia Hallway. Ticket* will be sold at rate of a fare and a third round trip on Dec. Xt. a, 24. , M and It. 1100; also Jan. I. l*oi, nnal limit returning Jan. t, mi. In addition to the above, tickets will be sold to etudrnts of schools and col lege* on presentation of certtneat#* signe t by superintendent, president or prlnctnai thereof, on Dec. U to a. tneluelvi. flnli limit returning Jan. I, ltoi Tiekat offloe 10? Bull atreel and Central Paxsenger Station —ad. Const ora airnt *•< of Para at Krouskoff's special value*, term* cash Krouskofts. —ask FOR “GIFTS” —GET ONE OF OCR— HANDSOME LAP ROBES, HARNESS or SADDLES Congress and W Maker-Sts. LEO FRANK. Hag? 1 2?|9©wffffkH)Ssf’!!#: •SSi J/EjL' It Is THE BEST and the largest a dent insurance corporation for (’on tiie - dal Travelers In th- work! W© have 4 m-mbrrshlp of over 21,fid. Wo have .1 r serve fund of over 114.*.*W). No commer q traveler can afford to be without the pr t- Mon wt give him \\'ri # Hm s-- who will cheerfully give all Info mat n 11 D. BIX LEY. EDWARD TRBVKTT. Fresldcnt. Sec. A* Treas. Contractors' and Builders’ and Mill Supplies. Casting,, Htt'ol Ht-am,, Columns an. I Channel Boim. Koria. Weights. Tank,. Tower*, etc. Bl*r | Wlr* and Manila Ropr, Moisting Engino* and Himifw, Jack*. Der rti k. Crnl>!. t'hain ar.l Rope Mol.t, Cast every dny. Make quick delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SVP PLY COMPANY. Augusta. Ga. MINGLEDOKPF & CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOILERMAKERS. Telephono K3, 51 Indian street. Savannah, O*. TMOSE Juvenile Wheels that wc told you about Sunday are MUCHLY IN DEMAND. .They are he wheels the CHILDREN WANT, bc 4 ;iue they are lik* GROAVV FOlaKH* WHEELS, and are MADE T> Ul’U ORDER ami adapted to OUR FINE TRADE. S2O and $25 are the prices, and $35 and S4O the values. Our wheels *r ready for your inspn tion. They can be delivered to-day or Just when you say. l>otTt forget A COLUMBIA when yon nre looking for a nice presen:. It’* the ,nup of the season. S4O S6O for and for Chain Chainless COME TO-DAY and select the JUVEN ILE WHEEL. * T. A. BRYSON, COLUMBIA AGENT, JO Bull Street till UCXI.MI. £\\AVVAH THEATER. —TO-NIGHT— •'Get Y'our Money'* Worth." THE WORLD FAMOUS BUCK PATTI TROUBADOURS Greatest Colored Show on Barth. Rlack Patti and Ebony Ecstasies. A bunch of fun anj melody. Thl# Is the original company, which ha* mud* one of ih* most popular hit# In Ihe annals of Amerleun amusements. Ilolcony reserved for colored patrons. SAVANNAH THEATER. Friday. lumber 21. Th© i© ftrrat dramatic ©vent of th© year. The repre*©nUKWc American pUV NATHAN HALE, > With Howard Kyle and Nannette Com stock. ami an excellent comjmny. With all the original scenery, coatum*s. properties, etc., ns seen at the Knicker bocker Theater, N*w York, embracing : CARI/iADS OF SCENERY. Seats on sal* Wednesday. Pr(f#s R -* 1 - lI.MO, 7ac. Me.. 25c. gA V AN\ ill THEATER. SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT, DEC. —. “The Bowery After Dark.” A thrilling melodrama of New York life. Introducing terry McGovern. Bantam Feather and Ught Weight Cham pion of th# World. PRICKS- Matinee, adults Me. child"" Me; night, 11.00. 75c, 60c and 15a