The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HAS NOT SIGNED THE BILL iMttnnxin still ti in i'c tmi: UiUIIUTIVI! APPHtIPKI XTIOXS. (ittirrnor ten Hnrniw In Pras prrilM l>r*rli nr •an Draw m surplas Sow In rrranM—^H # F luurd bp Adininni t.earral Traas fprrlng aaannnabi Vnlaateer t.narts I'rnm Infantry' fa Artillery liaflaflnn—Session ul legislature font flair, ITIM l.raa Than Thai of l-nat I rar. Allan'* Ga . !♦ ’>-fJot, Candler, 'at r.of >t aigt'J ih appropriation bUL H* • mah ng a careful atudy of t \ ary ltrm. 11l 111* l> i. af4 wyt 10-nlghl lha! If frlli hr Friday hrfore hr get* It r.sigh nlth II Hr -ad i„ nnlrliarr wi>i him i<hl N*ih Coftlrollff GkMfil W right anl Tr* k **ur#f Fa Hi ar4 it *• b*- !i*\M that !h. %* r,fflr#r tr.df r>W* to •n# Ga\*rnt>r that t?a appropriation* can all b# tn#t. jrer f'ark hti f.*urfl fat# w i* rtt# f'*-m aul *our %•" r#x* >car. |3,U0.83& wtill* th# genetmi an-1 a) it| (>r')pf call f*K |i ; ow;' •: a of $192,078. Hill th# (Jov #rr.<r M auth‘>n> to borrow tJ* '** or *.ar k'lf *on tte *urpsua of now In tM tn***ury, aw haw nlwayg b#an dona in*t th# tr#o*ury will. b# able to me#? all oUlfllkma without difficulty Th Oovacnor would Ilk** to araia #om# of i .r ppropri4tkir. but tn;# h cannot do I rutor the *mw he m jet *itber pprb\ * Hi<h item M it etand# ao tha thowe who are cCMet to him *rt c 4 *h# ofdmou that h* will allow ail approfWi.itlona to etand they are rather that) it off an> Item nttrel> An oedar was. t-mM by the Adjutant General thl# moenfrva tr*ntf#rrinx the bavaiman Volunteer tiuwrd* from -*n In fantry latullon ■ o a haatery of artillery’ The order wa* iriuel In arcordaacc with an acl Ju#t ptffM by ?he and whVh wm wifiieil by tha Governor laat rnvht Tba Guard* were at on# time an art ti lery ba'tillot). ar*d he member* have 4**- wired to b*> cdwmc'd bo k for a l mic while. The o’gasi xatton I# one of the oldeat and mn*t prominent m the •!** and lt withdrawal from the Kira; K#kl ment of Infantry wdl b* a big 100 to 'fiat . mmaF*l The r#nm#n* Will have to be reertjtfed Ncn'ri. are! )ut row II l* not known where the < ompenie* will emu# from to fIU It up. <lov. Candler ha* announced that he wsi; not take any of the compa rt I*# from the o*h*r reaimentw. *nd It will probably be neoetaary to recruit new (trnipa me# The other* of the Guard* wIM have thHr commietowi trinfmol *nl will have the wame rank n the artillery bat talion a* they held In th# infantry orran ttatlor. The ohan#* will he.ome effective •a poor* a# the order rear he* Savannah All the mrmier* of the to gether with the clerks and porter*, have drawn their per diem A large hole waa made to the aaeeta of the treasury but accordion to figure* given out at the treaaur> rtepartmen* thl* morning, the aesalon this year *i 37*H ch#ap#r than the one of last year Tti* #ntlr expanaa of the wb#>w*loo of the Hou* ar 1 tt#na?#. juot adjourned aniount# to PJ9J-1T fit, while tha wot on laat yjar cast K 9.921-71. The wxpenae* of the vario<ia commit tee a amounted to aa great thl* year Mr J A Perry of Gwinnett county heart the dlatlnctlon of being the only member of the L*|lrlstur entPiM to lb cent* per mile way Mr. Perry atated at the treasury v-fwr*rn f* hat he came to A* lanta on a fr#- pa*/- and returned the warm* tray, and If was not hla Intention to fake any mre money from th* treasury department than he wi ontltlad to It !■ tho cti:otn of |eglslwgrs to travel on pssaaw and then to collect mileage from the ataw mtm attohievi fight. MrHn Hank Ins •rri|i In ( nnnrll l hamhar Atlanta, Dec. 19 -A fight between Attor ney* Chtrlat Hopkins atal Marty Alat •taV* traitaal a atew In tha Cooti'il chamber this morning while the Commit tee on Electric and other Rail non ala waa hearlt. a the question of (rsm-hlse* for the Atlanta Rapid Tranalt Company. The difficulty aroae while Mr. Hopkins wa speaking in favor of the Una- pr;<>*~d on Forewt avenue Mr Alexander Inter rupted him an 4 said that a statement ha had )imi made waa untrue Mr Mopkln* walked over to Mr Alexander, and link ing him In the fare, ask'd him what he meant by hla *tafemem waa i.n true Mr At**,rider replied that he meant It was untrue, and In a Rash Mr Hupklne etrurk him Aa an aa he recovered from the aho k Mr Alexander at ruck hack Chairman Johnson rapped for order, and a rumter rtf rentlemen pulled them apart. Mr Hop kina then pro ceded with hla argum nt ■ oolly aa It nothing had occurred When he itntehet Mr Alexander rejoined In a five-minute ariuitent Afterward Mr Alexander approached Mr Hopklna an I atated that he Intended no offenae and de aired to apologise. not aa an alaoimni but aa a Mr Hopklnf stale 1 that he accepted It. and the matter ended THREE Kt'IIIIIA* \ BITKHOIY. Hnpremr ( narl never**-* Two Jada, and tltlrin, IHf. Atlanta. De< 19 - The Supreme Oourt to day reodtred decision* tn Ihe following esses; 179. Roberts V. GlasK before judge Bennett. Camden Btlpertor Court. Judgeanent reversed. All concurring, eg uept Fish J.. abeent. ID Heins vs Rsvantiah. Florida and Western Railway Company, before Judg, •pence De.atur Superior Court. Fish. J. This was the first grant of n new trial, and the evidence did not demand the ver dict. The Judgment Is therefore affirmed All oonr-utrlng JH3. Braxton vs. Candler Governor tre fore Judge Sparks, city Court of Bruns wick. Judgment reversed, all concurring except Fish J absent. IBCTIOY FONEMAY KILLKO. f amp be 11 MrSnsin Crashed toiler Heavy Timbers. Pensacola. Fla., Dec. 19.—Campbell C. M'Swaln. ervtlon foreman of fhe luls vdle and Nashville Hal.road, was Instantly killed at MoNno. whip eufierlntendlng tho unloading of heavy timber* from flat care. He was esugnt under the timber* and his head arc I body crushed and horribly man gled. He was to have been married Dec 34. THICK HIKIrt HTHIKE. Railroad fat Their Uvrrtlswr Five I rni, an llejur. Macon. Ga Dee !9 —Forty truck hands s' the freight depot of the Central Ratl ioad struck to-day against a reduction of 5 reals per hour foe their overtime They were all negroee They had boon getting 15 cents an hour, end the com pany cut them 4o 10 cents. The railroad authorities regard the strike as a Joke. TO CINE COLD IN OAK DAY. Take laxative Promo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money If It falls to cure. E W. Grove's signature Is on etch box 3Sc —*d. Catarrh The cause exists In the blood. In vhat causes Inflammation of the mucous membrane It is therefore impossible to cure the disease by local applications It Is positively dangerous to neglect It. because it alvays affects the stom ' ach and deranges the general health, and Is likely to develop into consump tion Utcr ha- boas radially aad r-rßaaaatly farad by Rood Saraapani’a it daaa>*< th* biaad aad baa a aarullar altrratia* aai toLt affarl R iy r.g California Jn'tloi. law* vritaa “ I had ratarrh tbraa y*a n. fait mi apaasit* and ouid not alaan. My baad pain ad n* aad 1 fa)! bad at! aaar i took Hood i £ar*apar:lia and now bar a a good appattta. •laap wall, aad baaa a aymproma of aatarrb '' Hood’a SarampmHHa Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise It Is better not to put off treat ment— buy Hood s today. WBILCn'* i till) DIM lliwhop Hcadrls <wthrrlwg Iwforma •!* at llrananirk Rrur.vwlck. Gi .D* It Bi-h©f H*n drl* of the Iktbolg* Cnur*h S'Mifl* •<romjafiif-1 by Her. K 4 Y Cook. rwtor of Wml*v Monumemal Church, tiavar.nau, arilwd here today, They ur* making a piignmige over the groundlw through which John Wealey, the founder of Methodiim. trod, one hundred and fifty year* ago While In laat year ft>ho| Hertdrix aecured the original Jour- I i<*l kepi by John Wtflfjr, arid aho tome record* kept by ifteven*. cokni;ii aecre- I f*r> under Gen Tbeae re - •jrd* and Journal*, projrerly inlerpretevl | throw n**w light on WeJey*a e>arly dav ♦urrounding*, ha love affair and hymn writing, and ke for the purpose of - unr.g reliable historical ljta thjt the | preaant *np i* now being taken. The pilgrimage Mimon * Island. Frelerlra, and other ha •ori* al potnta, ln< .>kting toe tree urw|*r which Wesley preach**! at Kraderba. To morrow tha pilgrimage wll. be continued, and K -ompaused b>- Rev. W. Y Hollings worth of the Pre*r>ytertan Church. nd C W l>aming rvtMiM|*r cor ie*f* indent. Hlsliop Hfgidrfts. Rev. Cook ami Rev. L)r Game will Journey over Wesley's missionary grounds on Jekyl Island. TO lit llaO NKW MTATIOh. Waahlagton. I). OL, Railroad* Maat Abollah tirade trMains*. Msihlnfton, Dec 19—The House to day. at the end of a spirited <onfe*i ex •ending over two day*, passed bills to vmpel ths Ivnnsylvant and Baltimore and Ohio railroad* to abolish grade crossings, to alter their route* into the city and o change their terminal facili ties An amendment was placed upon the Pennsylvania bill to require the road to build anew station to coat not less than Sl.SOMtt. The bills were vigor ously antagonized by a portion of the minority under the leadership of Mi Cow*her of Mi aourl, on the ground that they were to liberal to the paid* The Baltimore ami Ohio bill appropriated | fl 9X1.100 outright for the road In con j Mideratlon of the changes It woukl be compelled to tnak* MIIHLV H%D % RIOT. Railroad Force* In lliapnle at flick ory. B. C. Hickory. N. C., Cc. l.—nkrhi tho Houthern Railway attempted to build a track across (he narrow gauge track at the depot crossing here. A force of nar row gauge men interfered and a riot with difficulty wa averted The town author ities placed the lewder* under a r rest ari l Ntopj*d the trouble. It i said that the Southern f*arel th • narrow gauge had a depot built at Ches ter. ready to be ahipfw-d here and lo* *t* and between the track* of the two rjilr*id* J A Martin, director of the narrow gauge. |Mir up a tent on the dipfMjtrd ground, and annourv and •<*; he was read) *o receive freight, af>i warned the Houth *fw‘s force* not to interfere. Work ha* luen stopped and the matter will be ad justed by the railroad authorities. ihomiid urn i: iM iuittE. a — Police leant ot IlnMah Ualaeil Only Ttalrtyeone liver Crnini. Raleigh. N. C.. Dec 19.—The police ren aua of the rlly of Raleigh taken nn ac count of dissatisfaction with the reault of the govern nurd renaua, war -ompleted to-day. It ahowe 13.471 people In the city limits. or only 31 more than the govern ment enumeration The corporate limit* of lhe city have not been enlarged alnce IK*. and though no cenaua of the Imme diate auburba has yet bun taken. It la sieMeved that quite as many |oplc live In thm a In the city propel”, and the legislature, which meets here next month, will be asked to extend the clty llmlia ao as to lake In three thickly pop ulated auburba. INIVKR*ITV HULKTId. *eeond litnr to Make It* Appear ance, In Jssasn . Athena, (la.. Dec. Id.—The second laaue of the University bulletin I* now In the hand* of the printers, ami will shortly Ap pear. The bulletin appeara quarterly and thla la the winter number, the drat Issue I Iwlng the fall number. The bulletin con tains much Information of Interest 10 uni -1 veralty men, and Ita appearance early In January will he looked forwarded to by them and educator* all over the stale The bulletin I* somewhat of anew ,|e , torture, but Is doing eplr-idld work for the university. The other |>|on of the university the Ocorgian will appear on Jan. 10. (I.n:-W<KLMI Hll 11. Two Popular luusx People Married at tAayneshoro Vrslrnlsy. Waynesboro, tla . Dec. 19,-Prol N. 11 F. Oo*e. principal of the Waynesboro Academy, ami Mias Mary tu McElmur ray. were married In the Methodist Church here at 9 o'otock to-night, after which a large number of friends attended a racep llon at the home of the bride's mother The couple are very popular and received many handsome presents. •TATE FAIR CPiniITTBR Savaaunli and Aaldosta Appear lo Be Ike Only Bidders. Macon. Dec. 19—The Executive Com mittee of (he Biate Fair Association It her# 10- lay. Preetdent Pope Brown *ay* thaf Savannah and Vaidosta will be ‘.he only active bidders for the fair next year, and |n tds opinion Savannah is inclined to stand back for ValdosU. THF MORNING NEW?: THI DECEMBER 20.1900, %GAIh*T rOItTATBATION. •oft Tara •plwwer* of (he Wowth 14* rascr Prlres. Charlotte. N C.. Dec. 19—The okihero llogfsry Tarn ipkagfi Associatfoo held a meeting In this city to-day. Over 17<vGOu spindles wete represented f’hsrk* A<iam son of Cedar?own. Oa . Cotton OomiiKiny, preaulent of the association, presided. Tba meeting *s called for the express purpose of advancing prices In anticipa tion of the February orders for fall gowis The prW of soft yarns w a*lvan'od from 17 rail*, basis of Kl'v. to 17H, with th* usual quarter cent rise for each number up to ffi. Many of the trem.oers sormd to alvtoc the price to UB oenl*. The question of a further a lvalue was left In the hands of a < •mmtttee. This association, which I* a distinct body from the tkMjthern <'ott n Spinner* A Vat ton. put Itself on record against the concentration |4an of the Utter as scKiatton about which so much ha* bean heard late!) The hosiery men. who ar• manufacturers of soft yarn- say trial they can serte their own purpose# tn-st by going It aioTM ard that <#ich Msaoclatlon should work out Its own salvation. Dr. I tiarle* J. O’llNuan Dead. Raleigh N. C . I>ec. i) —Dr. Charles JamK O’lftigan of Greenville. N. on* of the filirti arvf b*#t known phyvh Un* in the state dp i suddenly last night of apoplexy at his home in that town. Ft\i:Rla INVITATIONS. JONEB— I The friends and acquaintance* of Mrs Jane P. Jones arid family and of her atm, Oolpbtn Jane-*, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the Ut ter from No. 223 W .ldt irrg treet east, at S oclork this aftemoor. MERGER- The relatives and friends rf Mr. and Mrs George A Mercer. Jr . ;:re Invited to attend the funeral of the latter, at Christ Church, at B:3h o'clock to-day. SANDERS —The relative# and friend* of Mr ar.d Mrs Henry Banders and fam ily, are invited to attend tha funeral of the former from corner of Thirty-third ard Montgomery streets, at 3 o'clock. th.* afternoon. Interment at Bonavsnture f'emefery. THORPE—The rnUuve* and friends of Mr. and Mr**. Charles R Th>>rpe and f inv lly are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral of former from h.a late resi dence. 21 Henry- street, west, at I o'clock this (Thursdayi afternoon. Interment at Laurel Grove Cemetery. ■ "■ MEETINGS. .TTnO XTTTAT^r. The MttJi annual >mmunhation A of Bolonu ♦ IxMig* No J A V M will I-* held at Masonic Temple % o'clock this evening. Election of officers Members of s.ster lodges cor dially Invited to meet with us JNo W PARKER. W. M JA? R CAIN, tacretary. OCEAN CITV I.ODUR NO. .1, KNIGHTS or HOVAIi NH( H. The regular rn-< *ing of this wll bt held Dec. Si at K of P Hall % o clock p. ro. Election of officers will tnke place. H K. DREESoN. V. C. W F. COCRTENAV. Recorder. NOTICE. Savannah Bank and Trust Cos., H-ivannuh, Gsu. Dec. IS. 1900. The annual m . ting of the stockholders of thl# (tank will be hetd at the Hanking House In the city of Savannah on Fri day. Jan 11. I**l. at 12 o'clock m.. for the election of directors and the transac tions of such other business as may eome before the meeting. \V. K. M'CAI fJ9Y, Cashier. roi H I’ll IMSTRICT CM 11. Htvar.nah. Oa.. Dec. 19. 1900 A meeting of the Fourth District will be held at laibor Hall Thursday. Dec. 20. at *:fc o’clrw'k p m . when a club will be formed. All parties In favor of the preseng dmlni*tra:lon wre cordially In vited to meet with us Prom nem spoak •rs will be In attendance COMMITTEE SAVANNAH. FI,OH 111 A AMI WEST. F. HA RAILWAY CO. Annual Meeting of stockholder*. Savannah. Ga.. Dec. IS, 1300. The annual meeting of the stockholder* of !hb company will be held at the of fice* of the company In the city of Sa vannah. Ga.. on Wednesday. Jan. a. 1801. at 10 o'clock am, for the election of directors and ihe transaction of auch other business aa may com- before (he meet ing. R. 11. SMITH. Secretary. ■FECIAL AOTII l LAST NOTU’E. Stale and County Taxes for 1900 Notice Is hereby given that hc Tax Digest for 1900 will close THIS DAY. DEC. 30.. AT 2 O*CIjOCK P. M . after which date all unpaid laxe* on property, professkto* and polls will be collected by EXECUTION with coats and INTEREST at the rate of SEVEN PER CENT, per annum from said date. James j McGowan, Tax Collector C. C. DU IDWD MTHA Tha Cltlxens Rank of Savannah. Savannah. Ga.. Dee. 18. U* A dividend of three dollar* |>er share h is been declared by th Directors of The CUiacns Bank of Savannah. PAYABLE ON DEMAND, to stockholders of record this date. GKO. C FREEMAN. Cashier. NOTH I Til STOf Kllol.OKH* *4\ \A- A Alf HOTEL ( (IMP A AY. Suv tntmh. Ga.. Dec. 19. 19tn. The Board of Director- has this day declared a dividend iNo 5) of three (3 per rent i per cent, on the capital stock of this comiotny. payabb on and afler Ic. *> DUO. to atockholdera as of record of llils date, at the Southern Bank of the State of Georgia JACOB RACERS. President. W. E. GRADY. Secretary AOTICK. City of Savannah. Office Fire Department. Savannah. Ga , Dec. 10. I9W Sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned until Friday, lire. 31, for furnishing material and laying cement floor In new engine house corner Thirty eighth nisi Barnard streets. Plans ami specifications on exhibition at Ihe office of Ihe Are department. The Committee on Fire reserves the right lo reject any erd all bids JOHN K MAGUIRE. Superintendent ELItTIOI OF (TTY PHIBTRM. City of Savannah, Office of Clerk of Council, Dec. 15. mo. Vnder and by virtue of a resolution adopted a a meeting of Council held on the evening of Dev. 13 I**. an election for the office of city printer for Ihe y, ar not. will lake pi* e at Ihr next reg ilar meeting of Council, Dor. 91. lfnrv at I p ni Bids for same muat he handed in tills olllce on or before Dec. 33. 19UU. 13 m The city reserve# the right to reject any or all bids. WILLIAM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Coun<l look: Tha flneet line of Mantels. Tiling and Grates In Ihe city. Prices rock bottom Save money by eeeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Congren aud Drayton. Phone 519. m TheOneTblnx rv# fW> wuUff* day* ka*e cow*. 7** glo<iUsteUKe - to* Of jUv i%g b'>’su on 1 (K “ foimtnj capo. And jelly CkrUtm cAem vn And ths om lh:ag Jrfm llVtCk :: t: i WMn ° rr ** ° r u MURRAY Whj.kaa. It lapara and wboleaoroaacd • :an<la Itbout a rlaallD t:., trada JOS. A. MAGNUS & CO. CINCINNATI, O. •PKTUL NOTirBS. TMK PLACE TO HI V ml hThhIIiJ n a ooona. Extra Fancy Mock Indian Hivor Oranger. all die * Our Fancy Flarlila f>rargr SS c per dozen Fancy HaMwin and Ren l>avls Apple* cheap Extra oualltv Malaga Onper juat in. Our flne lot Rananaa In. We have ftiil supply of Tangerine Oranges Fresh lot new Focoanutr ic and 10c each. New- Shrid Coroanuta. large package k each. The bewt Mixed Xutr IF pound The t>e*t l urch Italelna lie pound Our Tall H'ifter at Ji-' beats th* town Extra quality No. 1 Mackerel. I'j poundu each. 3hc New lat>- He- per pound. Full e-eortment of Feek. Freau * Cos '* Fancy crackers jut In. Th* beet fare Cod Cranberrle* 10c quart. Netv Figs 10c. 15c and FV pound. You are cordially Invited to visit our store thl* week and try a sample of DIAMOND CONDENSED BOFP. which will he rerred to visitor* every dav. Quickly prepared, readily served and delicious. C A DRAYTON GROCERT COMPANY. G. * Van Horn*. Manager. t LAITIYO BKMEMBRANC* FOR A HOLIDAY GIFT. Solid Gold Spectacle 16 00 Solid Gold Byeglas# 8.00 Gold Filled Spectacle * 50 Gold Filled Eyeglass *• Aluminum Eycglaas *sb Aluminum Spectad# ' 250 Th* above prtcea include the very beat lenses mad*. The par ty who receive* them can have their eye* examined ar.d glasses changed to suit within on* year Free of Charge. DR. M. SCHW AB A SOX. 47 Hull Street. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Ga., Omce Clerk of Council. Dec. 19. 190r> The following ordinances are published for the Information of all concerned WILLIAM P. BAILEY Clerk of Council. FIREWORKS. An ordinance to permit the tiring of fire cracker* and firework* during the Christ mas holidays a* herein provided Section 1 Be It ordained hy the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah. In CWuncll assembled. That Ihe firing of fire eracker* and firework* Is hereby permit ted In the city of Savannah on Liberty street and south of IJlieity street (except on Bull street north of the parade ground i from Dec 21 to Jan 'l, both Inclusive, and the ordinance heretofore passed on this subject Is amended accordingly. Except a* herein provided, firing of fireworks and firecracker* In the city of Savannih Is fortddden under |>cnaliie* of existing ordinance*. , Sec 2. That th firing of firecrackers or firework* In. from or Into Forsyth Park l* hereby forbidden under the said penal ties. Bee 3. That all ordinances and fwrt* of onilnince* In conflict with DM* ordinance are hereby repealed. (tpllnance passed Dec. 15, 1307. BONFIRES An ordinance to permit bonfires In the Park Extension or parade ground during the Christman holiday*. Se-tlcei 1 Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah. In Council assembled. That (he building of bonfire* In the Park Extension or para I* ground, from Dee. 34 lo Jan. 1. both In clusive. I* hereby allowed. Sec. I. That all ordinance* and parts of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance pussed Dec. IS. 1*97. Mr Andrew Hanley: My Dear Hlr—l have returned home from Savannah, where we stopped for three wteka and from St Augustine three weeks, after being at the Suwanee Spring* Hotel, and while In those places and now at home drank and am now continuing to drink the Suwanee Spring water, having It sent to me i(trough your esteemed agent*, the "Kallsh Pharmacy" In New York, and as a result 1 want to *av that 1 have l>e*n greatly benefited and 1 believe will be entirely cured of the painful bladder trouble from which t have suffered since last August 1 congratulate you upon the curative value of the Bo wanre Spring* water, and hope It will lx- a n> other* as tt has been to me. Respectfully your*. JAMES C. RROWER President of the German-American Bank, Brooklyn, N. Y. * Quincy street All you ran drink for 5c at Livingston's. NOTICE TO DEBTOR*. All persons indebted to Mark Apple. Bankrupt, are required to make Imme diate payment to tha Trustee, at tha office* of Alexander A Hitch. Attorneys. Cltlxens Bank Building. Bryan and Dray ton street*. Savannah. Georgia A L ALEXANDER. Trustee Mark Apple, Bankrupt NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor con signee of the British steamship Wast water will be re*|*>n*tble for any debts contracted by the crew TVM STEPHEN. Master NOTICE. All bills against th< Norwegian steam ship Juno must be preserted a! our office before 12 o'clock noon this day, Dec. tn, 1900. or payment will he debarred. BARNARD A Cos , Agent* IS IT ANY ADVANTAGE to pay $lO for a pair of glasses that we charge you $5 for. as we fit and fill your eye prescrip tion. and guarantee every pair, for one-half the price that others charge. , Graphopliones. Records and Supplies. Kodaks. Cameras and Supplies. Pocket books and Card Cases. Perfumery and Cutlery. Everything we sell is the best. Livingston's Pharmacies, Bull and Congress. 309 Bull Street. SOUVENIR WEEK. SAVANNAH STUM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 •P UL NOTH'Bh. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of S.vanr.ah, .erne* Clerk of Council, (/ D* - IS. I** Th following r*port adopted ! a met ing of Council h*M D*c 12. l here with published lor th* Information of the public; Th* Committee on “Streets and to wrhich wa* referred th* petition* of th* Vernon Shell Road Company and of the Savannah and lal* of Hope Hallway, asking for atreel railway franchi -e. he* to report that they have *!*■ 'ed the following streets a* being avails Me for atreef railway puri*o*e I-rice to St Tlioma* to Plant, to Habersham, to £>- till avenue, to Hull, to Twllll.. t<, Mor’ g.vmery to 8t Jhtiafl to Barnard an-l Hay; that the tame he |,ubllhd for the Information of the puh'l and wc f irthar recommend that they be gtveti a hearing In accordance wllh Ihe |>tovl*loa;s of ttre above report, notice I* hereby given that on Friday -fternoon. the Il*t lnt at ♦ o’clock there will be a *p*"ial of Council held, at wthich tim- all port I * affected or at Inter**! arc Invited to be present for a full and free <Ucu*Mon of th* matter at l*ue WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. GREER'S tfOTf H WHISKY. This celebrated f.imoue old vetted Highland Whisky I* imported direct from th* distillery by us This Greer Scotch Whisky I* guaranteed to be bottled abroad and Is consigned to us from Glas gow. Scotland, and la in bond In th* United States Custom House In this city Thla grand old Greer Scotch Whlaky Is beautifully mellow and mild to a degree and Is soft to th* palate as one could possibly wish, and there la a nuttlaass about II that Is especially pleasing. W* are glad to let the public pur chase ae small quantity a, they with, even one botlle. for th# pur pose of Introducing tha beat brand of Scotch whlaky extant- UPPMAN BROS , Wholesale Druggists. Llppman s Block. Sole Agents for lha Graer Distil leries, Glasgow Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies. f AAF. HAVE THE FINEST line of Box Paper, rerfuinery. Pocket books, Lap Tablets, Scissors and Bela son Bets, Manicure Sets, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Case* aver ghown In thla chy. Please call early and leave your or ders for HUYLKRB CANDIES. In baskets, boxes and packages. SOLOMONS COMPANY. HE Alik "(IF homes. HOTELS am MOSPIT ALS Has It ever occurred lo you that nearly one-half your life Is spent Inbed? The maftrrsa is the most abused article of (urnUure. and should be well made ami of good, clean material. It should he pick ed and cleansed at least once each three years. We make new ones to order, on l have Improved machinery lo cleanse and pick old ones. Our mechanical work, line of tickings and material for filling, flrst claiw Medicated Bream Renovation of Feathers Hair etc. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING CO.. Belt Phone 1131 31 Drayton. ~ LASH TITLES. Abstracts of tha recorded land titles of Savannah and Chatham county from tha •sitlenient of Georgia lo dale. Money loaned at low Infereal on cliy real ealate. BECKETT A BECKETT. SPECIAL NOTICE. We are now giving special attention lo house painting, kslscmlnlng and paper hanging, etc. With a corps of only first class workmen and a competent super- Intednent we ean do your work promptly aid satlsfacforlly. Gel our estimate on anything In house decorating ima and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. Till: tv AI li> CLEAR i IRFETI, The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken cars of for Ihe summer |s to turn the Job over to the District Mesaetvtiei' amt Delivery Cos telephone 2 or cab at 33 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coot of the work Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture and ptsnoa C H MED LOCK. Supt and Mgr I AM Tlte largest grower of Cut Flow er*. and My Flowera sre the Kin cat Grown. Strong talk, but the proof l* easy—semi me your order JOHN WOLF, Grower of Fine Cut Flowers. BONDS EX Ed TED. By the Amsrlcan Bonding and Trust Company of Balilmor*. We are author ised to execute locally (Immediately upjn application), all bonds In Judicial ccsdlngs tn either the state or Untied States Courts, and of admtntstratora and guardians BEARING * BULL Agsnt*. Telephone 334. Provident Building. IHfIYEM YOTII B*. BRANDIED PEACHES CfRTICE BROS . bottle Tic GORDON & DILWOKTH. bottle.... ♦! Oft GORDON A DILWORTH. bottle....*l S BRANDIED CHERRIES, pin:* £c CHERRIES in MARASCHINO, pint* .She CHKHIUES In MARASCHINO, qt....71c MALAGA RAISINS In MARASCHINO. (delightful for cocktails) 80c PICKLED LIMES, bottle >V SWEET PICKLED PEACHES. bottle .SOc BWBET PICKLED CHERRIES, bottle <V n s. i ih ci. Broughton an<l Whllaktr. P iiono* 7i. ihi mpu m srm im. \ 903. ar# b#*t #xpra**d In a prartlr*! way 3 our equina fricn*! w ill give you h grate, fill ey# ar.Al lh* il.ul bnd," matophorlc !ly rqseaking. if .Santa ('liuf bring* him a l ine \ ehlcle, n-w w l of lUrnna. or l**t. but not Bull, a nice warm Blanket, from - OOHK.V-KITMAN CAHBIAGC AND WAGON GO.. Bavannah. Gx. I / r at dies I diamonds Silverware The selection of llct day Gift* he com pleasure in a storo llkf thin when qualities are known to \*f‘ uew|- wrvi arhere an almost endless variety of unique styles Is shown In every line. hunter & Van keuren. 113 Bull street. Ga Phone l. After Breakfast Try a FRANKLIN CIGAR Contentment in It. SHIRTS, CUFFS AND COLLARS. I Laundered h> ti- surpass everything thla side of Troy. New York. * - ••• • ■FECI 41. M4PI K u*. IILF On# lh-Inrh Hiram Shot f* U n Feed 33 feet long: one Hill Oscillating Strom Nig eer. 9 amt 10-lnch cycHnder*. onlv used about thirty duvs. one Ifickrt Machine and one Neacy Guide; also ~ lot of Clrcu -1.. r Saws from 14 lo SC Inches diameter from the mil! of H p Smart St Bro In Emanuel county. The above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFO CO., Savannah. Ok IMPOR l t;i> *it Fflft It IF* Otd Family Oloroso. Spain; Burgun dle*. Port. Old Tawriey. Old Taragon. Out Tom Gin Obi Holland Gin. French Cognsc. \ image IMS K„ ln , W4ne ets quarts and pims Ait tmpor|**| Wuerxburger Hof Br,„ Beer on .Iraught ' GEORGE BECKMANN. I hone 710. lU-U4 Whitaker At. THE CHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. LEOPOLD ADLER. Pr,„|<|e rl C 8 ELLIS. Vic* Pre*sw- JNO. R DILLON Cashier BARRON CARTER. Aatt c.- .. Solicit* the account* of mdiv, firm* bank*, asaoclationg and curve * tlon*. T*>ra- Llheral favors extended to correa-*-*, Ing l*ank* a* our unaurpxseat la uv (or collactlrg insure prompt reium, * * Bt-YS AND FOREJov rv CHANGE. WRITER LETTERS , u CREDIT AND IStß'Efl BANK ifovp ORDERS PAYABLE IN ALL apTa OF EFROPE ‘ARTS Interest • ompeunded uuarteriv poelt* tn th# SAVINGS DEPARTur-v? - Safety I>epoalt Boxes and Vault,",- rent. The CitizenTfiai OF SAVAJm AH. 1 CAPITAL 5500,000. Transacts a Ueaeral Bat-. Baslaesa. ** Sollell. Aeeoaal, of lodl,| d , u Merehoats. Bank* aad athe* to, ' ratfaaa. ' Callaetloaa handled will, eeonomy aad dlapatrb la tercet, eompouaded qaa„ r , f allowed on deposit* la Savlo*, llrparlnrai, Safely Deposit Boxes and Storaa. Vanin BRANTLEY A. DENMARK.,.,. MILLS B. LAKE, Vie* Pr M |g„ t GKOMOB C. FRF.F.MSN. Cashier OORDOS L. f.HOOVEg, Ca.hle, SOUTHERN BANK uf the Slate of Georgia £•#*•! Surplus and undivided profits DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting * General banging Bu*:r Collection, made on all ooini# a cea,ib|e thru ugh bank, and bankert Accounts of Bankirßanker*,~iirer and others solicited. Safe DepoHt R .get for rent. Deparrment of Saving*. Interaat payabA quarterly. Sell, Sterling Exchange on London il and upward* JOHN FLANNERY President Horace A crane. Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FT-ANNERY WM W GORDON E A. WEIL. W. YV GORDON. Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES E1.L19 EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KTRPT THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital Cflo.u* Undivided profits M/W Thl* hank offer* lu service# to corpora tions. merchants and Individual- Has authority to act a, executor, ad ministrator, guardian. t*e. Issues drafts on the principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on -h* Continent. Intert paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In th# Sivtngs Department. Safety boxes for rent HENRY 81-UN. I're-ldent. GEO W. TIEDEMAN Vlea Pre>Feat JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F HOGAN. Asa't Cashier. Siiiiiiinci capital, Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxea and Sloraga Vaults fer rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of tbs i world a a A . Correspondence invited. Joseph D. WEED. President. ' JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice Prestieot. W. F. McCAt’LET. Cashier. Na 1*49. Chartered IML -THE HIS Mill Ml OF SAVANNAH. I CAPITAL. Luu.uuv SL KPLtJB UOOOL CNITED BTATEB DEPOSITORY. J. A. O CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President W M DA V A NT. Cashier. Accounts of hanks and bankers, mer chants end eorporattons received upon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative hanking. THE GEORGIA STATE BIILDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET. WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credit'd quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposlte of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods. GEO W. TIEDEMAN. President R. H. LEVY. Vice President. E W. BELL, Secretary. C O. ANDERSON. JR. Treasurer To New PuDlistiers. For sale, s Forsallh Newspaper Fold'f: will fold aheet 27x(2. It Is In god order price LOO. It coat originally L.D® bJI we have no uoe for It and want the room It occuplaa. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office, Addi ess MORNING NEWS, Savannah, On. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. IF YOU want GOOD MATKRI Al and work, order your lithographed a* l printed stationery and blank beaks ft* Morning News, Bargpnab, Ok