The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 20, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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THINK IT WON’T BE BUILT. Ml BKMKVK OK PRIIPOffKO IIKIANWII K ROUI. successful Prfplln of the Platt f„r a Mar Front HrnnanlcL to |4ratlnuhnm la Doubled—Pracfl rally a Hired l.lnr Hrtnprn the Titn CtflNi llrrady Kxlat*—llutlri* m Thronah Ihr Nrcllun of %la- Haata # ontempluferi 1% % er> Lm- Wunlil \ot Hr |trouchf Nearer ProdartUr Plrltla Than Savannah, \ rather general belief exist* nmonf Hrnah rUrtM<l man that the project for building B** Una from Brunswick to Birmingham will not hr carried out. fney have nothing beyond their expert r r and observation to prompt thin be but It l entertained, nevertheless., I few an be found who place Implicit 1m nee in the report ton within a year ~r ao the road will have been built and put In readiness for operation. In xpeaking; of the matter yesterday n • abroad man raid that he Is confident the plan will not be put in execution. The prmrtpal reaaon appealing to hi* mind an likely to prevent the fruition of the tv'p# of the promoter* of the scheme is that there la already a practically direct Ime between Birmingham and Brunswick, • •maM<tinK of the Central from Rlrtnlng h *m. via Columbus, to Albany, and the Brunswick and Western, a part of the Bant Kysiom. to Brunswick An Inapectlon of the map show?* that this line i* rather strntghter than the us ual railroad route, w hen It ie considered ♦hat It Is tiot operated by the some sys tem Any business there Is now between Brunswick and Birmingham, or along the j.rofoerd route, or that might develop I s thoroughly wTthln the capacity of the -•aid* already established to handle, it 1* ckilmed. and there Is re.ifly not enough in sight to warrant she n* w comitny in going ahead with the work of construe tion. The Savannah and Western, the line between Columbus and Birmingham, now a part of the Central, having orlgln.tllv '•een so known was not completed, be aus* of the great cost of construction. The rallrottd man declared that an object ieeson that may bo follow**! with profit by ambitious compsitlts can la* gained from tnwt experience, as the section is a very coally one through which to build. The good faith of those connected with the plan Is uol questioned, but some con era is fait as to their ability lo carry out t *e!r undertaking. It Is thought they may rot be able to get money enough for the enterprise and that It may fail for that reason. The opposition of established lire# too. Is looked for. and som* what of a n obstacle would exist in shat If It -aere encountered, However. and the fi**w company should prove surreeefuf In over mlng It. the public would probably have its admiration awakened and business would be thrown the way of the new com pany. No fear for the business of their own lines as a result of the possible building of the new road Is felt by Savannah rail road men. They believe but very little, if any, business would be diverted to Brunswick, as the greater Interests at Sa vannah would atill suffice to cause the movement* of product* to this port. No IMim. save on the Savannah. Florida and Western, a part of the Plant System, where the route of the propped road cut* a competing line, would be nearer to Brunswick than to Savannah. so that nothing for the former port would be gained over the latter. In the case of the Riant System, that company already ha* a line to Rrnn*wi< k and looks after the Interests of that city. RtYfllXG OVKB THK IIHIIMiK. fieorgla anil IlHlMiniM Train* %anln (in o*rr thr (aiimirhrr. Train* ar* again running: ov*r the Can nnchrr rlvar, the l?wrgl and Alabama Rallroarl having the bridge war lirm'riand, from which twontjr-aeven I>.l - 1 flat cara tumbled iaxt Friday. Freights and paaoengrr* were handled over structure yesterday, the foree of work men having: been busily engaged incc Saturday In repairing the damage by the wreck. Bupt. (VII Gabb*#t returned last night from the accne. having !>een there nearly ever since the disaster to supervise the repairs and push them aw rapidly as pos sible. While it was impossible to run trains over the bridge, the passengers of the road were handled by transfers at the river, which was crossed by th** jm‘•an gers afoot, a causeway having been con structed for their use. Mr. J J Griffin, commercial nent t G.dumbta for the Norfolk and Western Railway, was among the visitor* ih the city yesterday. Mr. <\ T. Airey. general agent at At lanta for the Mobile and Ohio. s|w*nt yes temlay In the city. Mr. Cliff Cowlm, soliciting freight agent In Atlanta for the Norfolk nnd Western Railway, was among friends In Haxannah yesterday. Mr. James Mann, traveling freight agem for the Chicago ami Alton at Atlanta. In tins city yesterday. The Morning News has received a very attractive <ni from the Queen and Frem ont. extending 4'hrlstmas and New Year greetings. The boys of the freight de pt riment are remembering their friends with the cards. Mr. James Mann, traveling freight agent of the Chicago ami Alton, with headquar ters In Atlanta, was among the visitors to the city yesterday. .. i KOVAL ARCH tlt4IV. tirnrula I baplrr Meld It* Annual t'ou vocation ami Election. Georgia Chapter It. A. M No. S. held Its annual convocation an.l election last nl(bt Th* following officer* were < |e< ted: K 11. P.-J. A. Tyson. K. K.—IV H Dot Huger. E. 9.—J. C. Poatell. Treasurer—Henry 8. folding. Secretary—W. 8. Kockwell. C. II C. A. G. Blomqulst. P. B.—lt. Brady 11. A. *L—l|. W. Wltcover. i M. S V -J R. CnrgllL M :. V —William Uenharl. M. I. V.-C. 11, Gug*l Organist—F E. Kelllmch. Sentinel— Thomas Ilohln* Mr. R Brady who wna re-elected princi pal sojourner. hn* held that poaltlon con • Inuously for nearly thirty yeare. Mt'.l.D IT* FIRST HKCTIW. eaamltler nl Minister* Dlncwssed < liarlfy Prhcme. Th I'ommhlM appointed at Ih* rf.'mt tnvetlng of the minister* of the white churche* of tills city for the purpose of formulating a plan for an organise I char ity, met yesterday morning i the par eon* study at the First Baptist Church. They discussed the matter thoroughly, hut took no a -'lon. a* they consider mat the matter needs considerable study They will have another meeting Is-fori the meeting of the general committee called for Jan. t. j K• VSSKt Like a hash of lightning, sudden and startling, disease strike* down many a man. Yet there have been warnings upon warning*, unheeded. Food has lain like a heavy weight in the stomach after eating There have lieen belch mgs, bitter risings in the mouth, nerv emsnesa, sleeplessness and {(rowing irri tability. Instead of listening to then* warnings, recourse ha* I teen had to some of the nerve numbing palliatives that cover but never cure disease. Manv aerious diseases begin in a diseased con dition of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition. For such dis eases there in one medicine which rarely fails to effect a complete cure. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery cures ninety-eight per cent, of all who give it a fair and faithful trial. It is a temper ance medicine and contains no aiconol. -I W* afflicted with what thr doctors called nervous indigestion.'* writes Mr Tkos G Lever, of Lever Kirhlaud Cos S C "I took medicine from my family physician to no avail In look tng over one of Ur Pierce's Memorandum Book*. I found my ca*e described exactly 1 wrote to you and made a statement You sent me a descriptive hot of questions alao some hygienic rules I carried thoar ut as best I could, hut thought mrself incurable aa 1 suffered •o much with pain under my riba and an empty feeling in my t mach At night would have cold or hot feet and hands alternately. I vi< getting nervous and suffered s gTeat deal men tally. thinking that death would anon claim nr Alwaya expected something unusual to take place, wa Irritable and impatient, and greatly reduced in fleah. I could scarcely eat anv thing that would not produce a had feeling in *nv stomach After aome hesitation owing to my prejudices agninot patent medicine* I decided to try a few bottles of !>r Pierce Golden Med ical biscovery and 1 Pellets * After taking a** eral lottlri <jf each, found Iwa improving. ! continued for n month* or more, off ana on until I was cured 1 I>r Pi-rrr> rirawtnt Pellets ut a positive cure for constipation. AT lilt. THK tTISe. Ifenneaay Leroyle Made Fan In ••Oilier l'eo|le*a Hnry, M Mr Ifcnnetsy Leßoyle, assisted by a competent ompanv, pr * iuhl "Other People'* Money." a bright little comedy in three act*, it tie* Theater lust night. The audience was very small, but it *eem • I to enjoy the performance and showed its approbation by luughter and applause. Both Mr. Boyle and the piece are new to Savannah. and this, coupled with the fact that It followed "A Bunaway Girl.” accounted for the extreme *mai)nex* of she hots.—*. The comiMiny l* not a large one. nuniln ruig only eight people, but they are all fairly clever, and the show it not half bad. The Black Patti Troubadour* will be to-night’s attraction. The Black Patti Is one of the leading, If not the leading, singer cf her race. The balcony will be reserved for the colored patrons of the Theater. "Why. all the girls In New Haven fell In Jove with him and wept tear* of real sorrow* when they ht-ard of his sad fnte." Bo wrote old Dr. Eneas Munson of New' Haven In speaking of N it ban Hale over Pit years ago. It remains to bo seen whet Ik-r the descendant* of the *ynij* thetlc girl* will do the same when they witnm* the embodiment of this famous hero In Clyde Fitch’* iday. "Nathan Hale." that will lx* presented at the The ater to-morrow nigh# with all the scenery and elaborate costume* that were seen by New Yorker* during the run of the play at the Knickerbocker Theater. Mr. Howard Kyle, who wHI play the title role. I* s;ti<l to be strikingly like the young martyr, who died for his country at the age of 21. bath In face ami figure. The part of hi* pretty sweetheart. Alice Adams. Will be portrayed by Miss Nan nette Comstock, one of the most winsome of our younger actre**er. The company i* said to I** much beyond the average of supporting companies. Baturdny matinee and night "The Bow en- After Dark" will )©' seen. Terry Mc- Govern p’ay* the Bowery Hoy. "The Bowery After I‘ark" is a play with a moral It show* how the lower world lives and the scene* are true to life, de pleting the pleasures, misery and crime on the Bow*ry at night when the rest of the city is asleep and the Bowery Is In full blast. Jl STICK * tI’fSMTIY tU'AUPIBB. Begins III* Sixth Term of Olßee a* Justice of Ihe Pence. Magistrate Michael Namthtln. of the Third IMstrict. quallflel for hie sixth term of office a* a Justice of the pence hefo-e Jihlkc Perrlll. In the Court of Ordinary, on yesterday. With Jan. 1. Magistrate Naught In will begin hi* twenty-first year of office. He received hi* first commission from Gov. Colquitt, in IW>. Thin was ae Jus lice of the peace of the Pourfh litstrlcf In IM. he was .omm.sslon.Hl Justice of Ihe Ptrst District, by Gov. McDnnlel: In ist Gov Gordon •■omrolsslonod him Jus tice of the Third, and. after etch election, he has been commissioned by the Governors then in office. He received his commission In 1*93 from Gov. Norihen. in 1MI? from Gov. Atkinson, and yester day was handed his commission from Candler for Ihe next four years V Ills official career has extended over a period of time much longer than thai of any olher magistrate Hi Ihe city, arts! dur ing this long term of years he ha* con ducted the office with entire satisfaction in his constituents, who have successive ly elected him at each election. A Tltr.K f I*ll liHOWA I I’ POLK. One Mill Be Given to Parents by the Kindergarten 4 htldren. The children of the Kate Baldwin kin dergartens will combine to-morrow morn ing at Pree K.ndergarten No. 1 at the corntr of Ann and Indian streets, giving a Christmas tree to their parent*. This Js a unique arrangement, being altogether different from that usually prevailing. a ...t, n arc accustomed to t lng given, rather than giving, Christmas tree*. The children of the pay kindergarten and of Pree Kindergaten No. 2 will all participate in the diversion and M Is expected that a great time will be enjoy ed. The entertainment will last from 9 until 12 o'clock, and the public Is Invite.! to attend. About ST. presenta will be iMslrlbuled to mother* nnd fathers. The recipients will be very proud of ihe present* they receive, for the reagen that the article* are all Ihe handiwork of the ehtlflren. They are things the little folks have been taught to make In their school*. M%V las: BSTIM KtTITK. .lodge Kerrlll tiranled Order Permit, tins tionrdlnn to Do So. judge Ferrlll granted an order In the Court of Ordinary yesterday author lain* Mr*. Susan Mulligan, guardian of George O Mulligan and others, minor*, to expend Ike entire estate of her ward* for their support nd maintenance. County Administrator Jordan F. flrooks filed a petition for letter* of administra tion upon the estate of Michael A. I* ahey. the late keeper of the city pethouse. THK MORNING NEATS: THUUSDAY. DECEMBER 20.1900. SAVANNAH WANTS THE FAIR. (Continued from Tenth Page.) ment, he declared, and no one had an ax to grind. Mayor Myers considered that a splendid showing had leeii made. tpetlly in view of the fact that the cnnvaN* *o far made was very incomplete He consider ed that the city would fa- very safe in ex tending an 1n vital lon to the commit tee to have the next fair hen*. Mr. Dryfu* left eat! stud that the com mit :eu would succeed in raising ronxal erabb* more money He spoke of the agencies of the big meat concerns, which be said would, no doubt, give UnA each, but they had to write first to heodqu-irtet * and get the authority. "There** no dou • we can give the fair." Mr Dry ft** said* ’ and by ill mean* let’s have it." There was some further dis< use ion on hoth sales of the question, during whlc i Mr .Starr took occasion to talk in te half of the Jockey dub. He considered that race* wouki he of vastly more value to the city than the fair, lie thought tor flat reason the Jockey club qmwtion should he an important part of the de liberation*. TJie diwcusxlon ended Mayor Myers an nounced that the question was on the substitute offered by Mr Owen* to tie effect that M J. Byal* b* requested to vls • Macon, attend rne meeting of the State Fair t'ommlttee, and Invite the committee •o hold tne n*xt Hiun Fair In tfavannah Mr. Owen* •.t><l that MaJ Heals should h*’ given full power The motion being put In that shape a unanimous ave was given, and when the nay vote was called there w w* silen< Mr Owens' motion was then hired carried unanimously MaJ B.v.ils th<n culled attention to the fact that an Important duty had been Im |a| ujton him, and suggestc*! that he would Ilk** to have someone from the meeting accompany Idm to Mo on and aid iti the work of securing the fair The name of Mr. Owens was suggested an l applauded. Mr. Ox* nn saul he would gladly go wen It not f*r the fact that the 1 tilted State* Court meets to-day and he I* obliged to Ih* present. Then Mr Jo -epb W. Jackson, another ardent advocote of th* f lr. was suggested. Mr. Jock.*on HMtkfH) off*r*d ai txc* to wkl h th meeting woukl not hear, and he finally consented to go. Just before tlelr departure MaJ. Byal* nn*l Mr. J t'ksnn hell a brief conference with Mayor Myers at the I>e Soto, and the ft toil details were arranged. Th *e gentlemen have the pow Fer to make any offer they think necessary to secure the fair for Savannah, and to get It here t* the object of their trip. A\ RYK\I\(; #>s* fIM3 GTICf. , \\ a (olven by thr *evnnnali Xebool of l*hvlcal Training. The Savannah S*’hol of Physical Train ing. conducted by Mi** Charlton and Miss Sellg, gave Its annual exhibition at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium The programm* of exercise* was a most Interesting one and wa* witnessed by between three and four hundred H|M‘oiutors. friends of the pupils. Twenty-three pupils, nineteen girls and young ladles, and four lioys, took part. The full school i* much larger than thl* number would indicate, but many of the pupil* for different causes were unable lo )•• present. The exercises, conducted tinder the di rection of Miss Charlton, consisted, first, of a grand march aliout the gymnasium, then of figures und after that of Immlv hudding exercises, which were interesting and well done. Work on th- German horse, consistlr.e of vaulting and Jumping came next, an*l then somewhat similar work on the "buck.” The full i.-s left th** hall Mft**r the work on the buck bad been finish* *1 and a smaller class consisting of eleven young ladles gave an excellent sior! wand drill, which was one of the most meri torious and enjoyable features of the en tire programme. This was followed by Jumping, in whh h again, almost the whole class t*>k i>arl In this Miss Lena Hchuthafer. Miw Ora Adams, ami Miss Eunice lJ|>pm<in del the best work, that of Miss SdlUlhafer indtig particularly gnd. After a relay race, in whi>*h two teams of seven each t<ok part, there followed dimh-bell frill of the Junior ehwa of gfr!.-. which a!e* was ex<*ellcnty given, nnl won for its partt*'iH)ts a generous npplaus* . The next and closing i*art of the pro gramme was the game of basket hall - tween the Blue-Whites, und th* Red \\* ' The lino up wa* a* follow!*: Illue-white*. Re*!-while*. ora Adams .. Rita Falk Nellie Halle llax* I Haas Mini Charlton Ktla Uovenatetll Glady* I*lj*;*mau Eunice Uippmun Aia Solomon Rita Gutman The game wan won by lh* Illue-whiti-H by a m*ore of f* to 2. Ml'S* laoveiwtein I* the only one that stTorwl for her *kk\ while for the liltie-while*. Mint Haile •cored o*k p an* l Mix* Otarlton twice. The playing wum epireted on both xlde* hut the game am m whole wax not so lively a one ns that playe<l la*t year owing to th*- new ami modified rule* that will not allow In terference with a player holding the ball. The RftJ-white* attribute their defeat to the fact that their o(>ponenlx being xhort one player, the vacancy w-.a fllie-! by Mix* Cliartton. Th# following are those who took part in the exhibition: Senior Claim: Ml**** Nellie Halle. Ora Adims. Hazel liuas. fCunlce IJppnian. Glady* IJppman, Rita Falk. Ceclk* Solomon. IStta l>>venwtein, Rita Gutman. A*ta Solomon nni I*ena Schulhafer. Junior daft*: Marjorie My er*. I>orlx Rtppman Dalxy Smith. Dorl# Smith, Guile Garrani. Rtta Well, lilanrne Sternberg. Marguerite Well, Marc Cohen. Manntc Gutman, Frank George and Mil ton BMi Kofo-nf*m * orchextra furnlxherl the gen eral music, while x|* ( piano muxic for drl)lc> waa played by Mix* ilopklne. RRIDKOIIU IMItl Ilia Fl* 13. rieadet! Guilty of Yana nit With In tent to Murder. Prince W finiflford. a negro, wan aen tenced by Judge Falllgant yexterday. to pay a fine of ISO and couta or oerva rlx months on the county chain gang. The fine and costs were paid by the defen dant. 1 trad ford was Indicted by the grand Jury for assault with Intent to murder and a few days ago entered a plea of guilty, to be punished as for a misdemeanor. He wax sentenced yesterday. Wife Solus for %llmoor. Mary Scott hied a petition for perma nent and temporary alimony against Thomas Scott, her husband, in the Su perior Court yesterday. The plaintiff charges that the defendant has cruelly treated her. refused to make provision for her support and finely abandoned her. She avers that the defendant I* amply able to make provision for her mainte nance and asks the court to require him to do so. Mr. Dent kaya, "Oraybeard ha* well nigh euretj me of rheumatism from which I have been a great sufferer the last fifteen years." Mr Dent's postofflec Is Si. Simons Island, Os. Rev. John Christian of Pierce. Ala . M ys: "Oraybeard ha* cured Mr*. John Childress of Baldwin county of rheuma tism In February before she began to take Oraybeard she was glvrn Up to die She la now sound and well.” Oraybeard la made only by Respes* Drug Company, soJe owner*, ami aold by druggist* for 11.00 a bottle. Kvery family ■houtd have a box of Oraybeard Pilia and Oraybeard Ointment.—ad. "■■■ IB mammmmm \ Y°° ee ' like this irj> thelmorninq if you drinhifci; Yellow Label W||lsw^r ]v You’ve experienced that “awful heAd" ' 1 or *be “splitting headache?” Young, HMHHMaaM harsh whiskies cause it. There are m no “after effects” with Tallow Label. It’s mellow, old and M smooth gentleman’s drink for sociability. flfiH AH Firsi-dasx Placrs Sr// It. VVP I TDFAT The difference i* great between thl* and ordt L* j I 1 tvt-ri I • Mrv whiskey to xhow tte niftsrso •• "111 'end 'wj, */ H| yoti sample belli# free, on receipt of ueu t defray packing ete. Addre**. cx*i ■ ptxitxxa 00, r: x.m st cnreixHATi o.r-HW—•vTiLvS I ll . .111 i ■ m-ai—-i _ . WW FOI It IIFIJI Fttlt ( OKTIIUI'T. \* It roe a l*er*iated In IliaKlng Sand From %l*%lpl lilnhil Four negroe** an<l a flat boat loaded with sand figured in contempt proceed ing* that were Instituted m the Huperbn Court yesterday. The negroes bad ben tilgglbg the sand from what Is known a* Al irsh or McAlpin Island, in defiance of n restraining onler granted by Judg Fniligant last August. The island 1* claimed by Messrs. A C. McAlpin and Henry M> Alpin and other mem)*ers of that family s h-lr property. It appears that the negro*** livtng In the vicinity have not seen fit to a* km>wietg this ownership mud for it uumlter of \* irs have t* ai (•••custome*! to going upon the sdaml. tligging sand lMlmg It upon flats and selling It. for building ui<l other imrpoees. In th* city. The Injunc tlon Hk<-d fr b\ the plaintiffs w i u prohibit tins treepas* It %%* directed t* \te Cross. Tom Cross and others, wl h their agents, employes and confefforatss. Yester*!.*y un opjdi -atlon for attach ment was made by the plaintiff* in the in junction proceedings Judge Faldgunr w*s petition**! t> have Tom Oros*. Ivl Wdlbimson. Paul Bennett him! Aleck <r*- bam arreMed and brought into court, to aiwwer for contempt These are the men who dug the sand find loaded the boat. Chief Deputy O’Connor found the four on the flit, which had been tied up to a wharf in the canal They were *irrest*l und brought Into court. i* th only on. of the purty who w** a party to the injunction proceed ings. but in response to a question from Judge Fulligan he Klutiil that Ihe other three were aware of the fact that the restraining order had been Issued and was still in force. I.l'os* said he had reee.v. I In-tru- tkn* to <lig the sand fnm Mr W It. I'uder. who. he expkiin**l further, bad recelvwl hi* "commission” from Mr. 11. I*. Smart According to ('rows, Mr. Smart clulma to own the lower iwirt of th* l-land and |t w m from this part only that sand In I bt*rn dug. With the concurrence of counsel for the plaintiffs. Mcssr*. \N It. Htutdi* and R B Rlehwrd*. Judge F,l!lgant release*! th** four m n on thetr own recogniwnce, with Instruction* to appear in court on to morrow* morning *nd -how eau*e why they -hould n*t Is* punishe| for contempt If what Cros* saul ts true, it t* exf*ected that Mr Kmart and Mr. Puder will also !w on hand then. The real defemlanta in the e;*e sem never to hove lwen discovered. It is gen erally under*!*>od that the negne* hav** acte*| only as employes of onother isrty. w lio now. seemingly. Is Identlfled a Mr. Knart In cas* he Is made a party de fendant the question as to the own* rsldp of the property can he adjudicated r.\rm:x* cmr%\Y hiky. \n *n*on of the Year llrlnct* It Hrh m Hukli a* Tills. Tills Is the season when the Southern Kxpresx Company has more buslm-x- than It can ham He without taxing the rapa* it y of ail of Its employes to the utmost. In fa* t. It lx necessary to put on additional men, and even then great difficulty Is found*ln luindling the great rush that lx always an accompaniment of rtirlsimag. The Christmas ira i with the Kxpres Company o|*ene*| up last Moielay. w hen th** increase In the numlrr of *cka*-x received for shl|*trw-nt w perceptible. it wo- greater and >< sterday It was even greater. It will continue to grow until i ex| M**n*lay. when Ihe worst In th* way of receiving package** for hlp meitt will hsive (Missed. The ikty lie fore Christm*u* wilt lx* by no meana dull, but the rush will h.ive fallen away. Distant |M>nts have app* ur-l npon the pnrkaifi that have been shipped up to this time. Th** farthest corners of th** FnH*d Htatex have l**en addre-x**l. Ha VsinnahUnm having friends thousand* of miles away whom they dewired to re mem h* r with Christmas presents. Several days will be n-qulrid for the packag*** to ranch their <!• situations in such rases. and It was for this reason that they were sent mi far In advance of Christmas day To-*lny and to-morrow the Kxpress Com pany will t’gin to receive presents for 8 ivannahl.inx, hut Hunday an t Monday will t>e th* busiest !•>** Ih<* agency will know. All day Humlay the wagons will deliver freight, and stops will Is* mad*- at nearly all the horn*** in the city, there an* few In which som** member of the houxclMM] chars not Tecelve a remem brance from a distant friend. The shipments from flttrinnih will prob ably be at their hight to-<lay and to-mor row Many have friends, relatives or >w*etheart* to whom they desire to send presents. an*l they will prol*bl> decid** to express them in good time, as, with so many pa It ages * hand.*, the rom might fall tt get all through with % It I* difficult o compute the number of package* that enter and leave Savannah by express during the Christmas ssason, hut It Is great. The numter leaving, however. Is greatly In excess of that OOfll- Ing In, for the city Is a dt*trunning cen ter, nnd many shipment* ore ma le to the surrounding territory commercially. Re sides, Ihe express people say. a great number of Jugs go out to the neighbor ing counties where ihe sales of liquor Is prohibited. At Christmas tlm* indulgence in fjif'luirs of the rye lx by no means re stricted to the wet counties, nnd the dry ones must have some source from which to obtain their supply. Pl t’l ll OK Jl DII S C. SIPPI.B. Well-Known < Ifisen of llldgelenrf. %. C„ rmiaftl tni<). Near was received 111 the oily yesterday of the death In ipe early morning ai hi* home In Rldgeland. ft. C.. of Mr. Julius c Slppie who I* well known In Savannah. Mr. Sipple's death w* due lo a compli cation of dlseaaes Irotn which he has been guttering for some year*. Mr. Sipple was In his Soth year, and ow ing 10 his 111 health had practically re tired from the mercantile business Which he bad. for eo long a lime conducted .it Rtdgelund. He also gave some attention lo farming. Mr. Slirp'e is survived by hi* wife, fout son* and seven daughter*. All of hi* son* live at present In Savannah. They are M*sr*. C. 11. Klppl* of Young love * Sipple, Julius C. Sipple ami W. C, Sipple with M. Ferst's Sons A Cos., and Kdward Sipple, a young non who la here ut school. Hl* son* here were notified yesirtday morn leg i>y wire of the death of their father and left the city lor Jltdgo .and on the noon train. CLASSIFIED AUVLKIISEMENTS. mi\ it. sT:STt*tm iTi vbb tiif. —*'■ ret •( my l>elng able t s*ll lady's soil I gold watetic* for h?. American golFtUh*d witch i: years' guarantee. IT v., American silver lady's w *t*b. 14 29, ilamon*l ring. *l4 7:.. gent- gold seal ring, fl *%,. jsi.iiii gold ring $l Vi> and up; rink- r> and up. go)! ;jw • tacles. $-.49. F**k* a 2$ Fast Broughton, Hair, Jewelry an* I Shaving Supply House, th** plaG* *vh*r* hair, platinum, old silver, old g*ld in*l old coin* are taken as cash. ADVFBTIKI MKNTb FKT IN CAT IT A IjK WILL MF Pill NT KD IN <LAK PIKIKD ADVKBTIFKMKNT POLPMN FOB TWO fKNTH A WOIID NO AD VKRTIFKMKNT TAK BN FOB LKS THAN 30i* givi: mf. vorn oiidicrh fob fhstb I'hn-tnvi- |MHi)try or f-r tin** neats. Joseph |{ Baker, mark* t Phone* 22H ~ALI. KINIK OF FIRKWORKF,~~SM Wst Bn>ughton -trer# KKK I‘III’NG St *O. COIINKH WIIIT aker an*) Übertv *tr** t*. heatfiquarteni for (Titnese .i*l Jupane** fan* y g***ls. teas, etc., at low prices oriental on*! ’l*nrkl*h ornaments Ih-Jow rwt prl.a . Come and visit us. holiday itrai*. OARPKTK. IHIB tier* I *, iace curtains, ami <t thousxn*! an*! one or!I- lew to gi.tddrn th* good wife’# heart <* P Miller, agent ~Yor'will LIKi: TIIF. MILK FROM Hpringftcki Dairy, lt*o rich and pure, try It. ~RI.BG ANT lIEDROOAI Fl’ BN ITI’HR. dining roni furniture. ;dna cl**et, sil ver cases. Hitfcdsoiirvl*. buffets, mirror•l*tot wardrobe#. etc.; our immense stock mint fv seed to U- ap|H*sMate*|. t* P. Miller, agent FIRF WORKH OF ALL KINDS 31! Weat Broughton street. “oiobt: link of jvili/iw and cobbler seat rock ere for th* h 11 lay*, at TVeple*. 317 Broughton, west. 1 AM NOW LOCATFD AT 414 WF.FT Broughton; ring up 11M If you want to have your furnburs moved *r packed for shipment or storage. I guarantee prt<-ea the same i I do the wotk thsl’s glvwn ome A 8. Griffin. 414 Broughton street, west; maitresers made to or*kr M GILLIH’ LACP! CURTAINS WILL beautify your pertor KLNHINCJroN FARM MILK Iff UN surpassed for richness, delivery Is per fect; phone. 2346 TKUPLF. IF BHOW!NO A NICB LIVB of car|M-t- matting, rugs hade- lino leuni; cheapest In town ' IF TTB Rt’OK YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlills. GILT CHAIRB. TARIJ9B. COITCIIKA. cosy corner*. *<•’•*• lon chairs, leather chairs, an Imrnens* assortment at rea sonable prices. C. P Miller, agent. WHEN YOU BEE M GILLIS BIXTT- In A 99-cen’ rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell In ar.y quan tity. ~ "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CAR*, 7, Is a specialty with McGlills. IMMENSE LINE OK RATTAN ROCK erw from $1 4! up lo sls. C. I*. Miller, agent. M GTT.I.TS IS CHK \P ON RTOS" NFTS. lace curtains, hammock* water coolers, pillows, picture*, etoves, b*drom suits, ami furniture of every description. “r.iNARIE344 AND GOLD FISH. J Gar*lner. 12 Broughton street, east. FIRE WORKS! FIRE WORKS! AT 31$ West Broughton. MILLER H ' HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR brothers ami oilier fellows' bro4herw. you will have to call and examine our Immense line in ord**r to thoroughly ap priN'late Ih© subject, C. P. Miller, agent. FOR A PRKTTT TIKDROOM RCTT [iwrlor and dining-room furniture, you should go to Teeple’s. KENSINGTON FARM 18 ON AN elevation in the c-tumry. ?r#*t from city drainage Impossible for mtik to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you mi purs Jersey 4> !K pftMM 234& Do ll very prompt; sstlsfactlon guaranteed. MGILMB MOVES. PACKS Bill PS and store** pianos end furniture, beat work only: no * Chcap-John" prices—no "Cheap John” Jobs ~UUKS OF THK’ VAIdsKV; MV own imimrtatlon*; In cold storage; read*.* to deliver flip? *v**ry Baturrlny; have or* d**rv with J Gardner, agent. 12 Rrough ton xtr**et east A. C. Oelscitg, nursery opposite Catholic Cemetery. MIGLFRH HOLfflliAY GIFTS FOR *iier* sn*l other fellows* sisters; toilet tables, ladies* desks, chiffoniers, picturs o' ill kinds *>m* ;*nd see u*. we w ill hslp you out t* I* Miller, agent. can save roc monmy on stove*, steel ranges, oil hegi*rs and hot stuff heater*. 317 Rroughton, wat MILI-Eli H HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR children; dolls and toys of every descrip tion; chairs, baby carriages, go-carts, velocipedes, tricycles, express wagons, pt trol wagons. C I* Miller, agent M’GILLIB BELLB BIXTY-INCH RUGII —ftmyrna patterns—for W cents, XMAH FIJOWKHft. ROB KB. HYA cinthx and IJlbs of the Y'alley; will b* ready; or*b rs solicited J Gardner. 12 Rroughton street, east, agent for Oel schlg'x Nursery. IF YOU' WANT GOOD MATERIAL •ru) work, order your lithographed and prlnte*! stationery and blark liook* from .Jdorrdng News. Bavannah. Oa. PHHTOfiH AI*HY. XMAfT"AN.TNKWYF.Aits” filliro graphs; no: too late If you go to Wilson a studio. 11 Bull street; he employs the largest and most competent force In city; the Sliest work at moat reasonable prlcos; one with each doaen on a handsome Xmas and New Year’s card; * suitable present for father, mother, sister or your "boat gift," M. Id, Wilson, proprietor. ■cmoAh. DAI fl KH' (Hlf 11 Ktcr KItHK N< U.I HII Pennyioval Fill" *re the besl. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Pend 4c stunt* for particular*. "Relief for Lwdle* " in letter by return mall A*k your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Phllada . Pa. HOW Aiu: YOUR FRET? IF YOUR feat are troubling you. eall on me and I will give you relief; I euro lagrowlng nails, corn* and all disease* of the feat without puln; charges reasonable: can give the beat referancea In tb* city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can b* left at Livingston's drug store. Dull and Congress streets; telephone 03. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. * HEl.r %v % vn;ir—%i %lr. WANTED. FI FTKKN OR TWENTY' gm*| wood cutter* Appiv at Thonvui^in * ilarvcy'a wvmml yar*L 310 Harris street. West. \\ 001 KM AN WANTEDT WIIO ~CAN furnish g***l reference ami plenty of tur petitine haiMl*. Apply at once, 14. J. Bishop. 1 Idrldge. Fla. BALEKMKN WANTED TO FEU. goods by sample to wholesale and retail rrade; we sre the largest ami only man uf.t turer* In our Itn© in the world. Itlaral salary iwld Addrc-, rti Dei Mfg office. 2$ Board of Trad© Building, Savan nah. Ga HELP WANTED— FPHI 1.10. WANTED. A CH A XIB FILM AID AP l*s\ at H. KrouskofT’a < ~ Se venth ami Aher'orn. AIV E RTI SEMENTff BET IN OAF IT AI M WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAI 81 FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO GENTS A WORD NO AI VERTIffEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IF. w o n:i>-MiM i;i.i.iMini a. WANTED A FEW FRACTIONS. HKf rnd m*l Thlr*l Ontral Ravaiinah and New York Issue* J H Wool A Bra., t\>t(on Factors, Savannah, Go. A HM'OND IIAND CENTURY Dic tionary. A.klr* hi; R roitant. 41$ Il*iry ■treat, east. WANTED. ONE COMBINATION HAD* die and buggy Is r-e Address, stating price. Horse, #bls office. WANTED. FOR CAfffl DOGWOOD and ier-imtn*>n log* H*utnerti Hardvwtoi Oompaity, I*. O. Box 529. Charleston. H C. EBTATKH M A NAG ED lIoUSIX rented, and rents coUfCtwl bv IPdif. 11. Ta4cin. real *state dealer, 7 York street, west. IF YOU WANT A PLACE To DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc free of charge, just at city limit*, hauling over hard road writ© or telephone Brown Bros, coiner Anderson end East • tre Is. IF YOU WANT OOOP MILK. GET IT from S|w’l Dairy. It a itch, pure end wholesome ADVEBTIBEMENTF SET IN CAP IT AI *8 WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN DC FOR NEWT—ROtma. FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM. IIS EAST Harris street. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, southern ix|n*sur*‘. us-L-rv* convtb nlences. 310 Jonee, oasrt FLATS nut It 1C AT. ~*FO|ThWNT feTT nlshet, 3 room* ami kitchen. 213 Charlton street, west FOR REST—II OP BIOS. FOR RENT; COMKORTAMIS lIOUHE. No 317 Waldburg street, east between Aberrant and Lincoln, first eiaae order and condition; every convenlenee Right rent to right tenant Estai© Salomon Cohen. Writ Broad and Broughton etrsetw FOR BENT THAT DESIRABLE REv idence No 3H§ gl*'ihr|H- avenue, west, near Barnard; lmme<lmt* possession %i ply next rt*r. or J. C. Poslell, 12 Bay, east. FOB BIJNT. HANDSOME FIV-RoOM detachisl cottage %s < |Mr month. ('. Men del. W East IJlsTty, FOR RENT OR SALK. THAT MAG* nlflccnt residence on the southeast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard street* |. D. La- Iloche. TO RENT. THE NEW 2-BTORY house, Rj Thirty-eighth street, west, near Maritar*!. furnished or unfurnished; will be rented for a year, or term of years, to a good tenant. II ha* a pirior, dining room. kitchen and storeroom, on first floor, and three bedrooms and bathroom and water closet on second lloor. Also hot anti #*old water. a. conking range and gax stove A large yar*l. with fruit tree* Kent with furniture and fixture#. >y* per month, or without, s3j per month. Apply on premise*. “FOR RENT. REV ERA L DWIRARLE res|d-n -e*, thoroughly renovate*!. Apply A. Wylly. agent, 1J llryan street, east. ■ 1 ■: ' FOR HEBT—msecLLA kMOt a. LARGE WARLMULBE AND OFFICE FOR RENT. CORNER II HOUGHTON AND WEBT BROAD STREETS; FOR MERLY* OCCUPIED IIY THE BAVAN NAII CARIUAGK AND WAGON CO. 11. P SMART. THU ganl farm, four mile* on the Augusta road (pavedi. containing two hundred nisi three sqres, fifty <f which are under a high state of cultivation, thero ara on ihe pises three dwellings, two ktrgs tarn* and packing shwl a fine arteelao wall; everything in tlrst-class order; two rall roads run througn the land. 1. D. I-a- Bocha . ADVBUTIffF.MKNTff SET IN CAP ITA!* WILL BE PRINTED IN CI.A*- BiIMKD ADVEUTIBKMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKHN KOR LEHB TIfAN '■ FOB * ALE—HEAL Ear % TIC. ADVER'ITSEJdENTM MET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLA9 81 FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKRTIBEMKNT TAKUN POR LESS THAN MC. FOB HALE THOSE loth ON NINTH atreel, near Eaxl Broad, have only been •old to llrai eUaa |wrtle. who will mike g<d nelghhora, a rut none other* ran buy The term* are very eayy. and they are Cheaper than any other. In the vicinity c il. Domett. "FOR HALE, a IX>T POR TWO HttN dred dollar*; eaay term*, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsal I. FOB HALE IjOTB ON NINTH STREET near Earl lirond. no city taxea. at T-Do each; tweniy-llve dolma caeh. and aaay monthly paymenla. C. II I*>rbtt. FOR BALE I.OTB ON NINTH. NEAR Eaat Broad at IPW each, will root, he advanced to 1221. when a lot ha* been pad for 1 ran arrange to get a hum* built. C. H I>oraetl FOB HALE. THE UNDIVIDED HALF of the plantation known ae "Htmron.” sit uated nvr mite* from city Court llouae For term*, particulars, etc., apply or ad ore,, it B. Richard!, Southern Bank building, city. RESIDENCE AND ni’ILDINO LOTH for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tatem. real eatata dealer. No. 7 York street, west. "■advertisements set in cap- ITAIJt WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN *OC. BI AIAKS* t HANt KS. ADVERTIHKtMENTS SET IN OAP ITAIX WILL UK PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TIfAN SOC NORWOOD’S BOOK. "MOTHER GOOSE CARVED.” For Ml* at all News Stands in Savannah. for im.-xtu ni i.iynirk A FREE BA Mli.B OF BENZOIN Haim for chaps and rough akin, glean to any lady calling at Persoe*** drug atore Henry amt Abevrorn, Tayior and White ker. 1 wo i.r Ndiilfß oov Rem will mr© your cough; A dolAaff bottle guaranteod to cure or money re funded. Person's drug str©. "nmn WITH YOU NO i'aiykTVA ©.ile. Coil 471 Weal Houmlary atroot; we them. nnn phoof ratw w r. CARftf fln* tin* of ftrn proof Mf In Mork at all llmr, Th- partlaa can r— asactly arhat lhr>- ara ir!lli. Our prl<- an* •• kM •• manufarluroni #-II it. trlth fralirlit a*M nl l-arilra Inlrr—tod, who malt a amf tiro proof aafo. atill do wall lo In.petit our *tork I.l|*(xnan Hroa.. UppoMß htrtrk, aaonta for manufaoturarn. *vm NAIJ-:, A MAI.I* 917. H~TtfC t|*ai.l ropirtor to |*orfool orrirr: aoM for no .'.iwo; will ho ool.| vary roaoon ahla. Apply at on.', to 111 It. Ryrk’a iir tor. tin.l. r I'utankl llouaa, corner Hull aixl llryan APVKRTIRKURNIVi HI-IT IN CUP ITAIrf* Wll.l. HH r*ltlNTKr> IN ru Ul- SIFII'I* AHVISRTIHKMBNT COI.ITMN Foil TWO <’KNTt A WORD NO AD VKRTIBKMKNT TAKBN FOR IJ9 THAN Stk * mht imi ronn. '77u*T IUNoT H<jrAß onami-lt l -ottlnx. Rrtrard at 223 Eait Gaston street. !# %NlltYll. BOARDERS AT JK OON gt*- str*et • *•! • -4* f*r rent, tins stable; mom for six bonus. HIM BLLA3BOI a. i;RB. AUK) GRATES AND PARTS PUT IN AND REPAIRED P 11 KI KB NAN. 10 STATE STREET. WEST. FIREWORKS AT CUT PBB'ES AT Bervuitein's, 3U3 Weat Broughton streat. #YOi:il DOLLAR WILL Go AS FAR with us as let* anywhere else, a full IBs* of crockery, tinware, stov***. **tr,. on easy termw. A Pri,t A Cos., State and Jef fers4>n. ’ Pi*on*'s a.** WE ARE HKAI>QT'ARTI9RS FO.T •ewei tiipi • r*- brick, fire clay. atl ant varnish**. gt\© us a call Adwins Paint Company. IW>N T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, t* laying your car pets or matting Perry 4b Menton will re lieve you. of all that trouble. .OUR GERMAN READY MIXED paint Is *>ld under a gu * rants©; have your house painted with It.* Paint < om pany ~ I OLIJ4. TOY TEA SETS AND DRUMS dosing at cost at Bernstein's, 3d West Broughton <rset WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR nmrtiels from Iff rents to 36 cents; your old stove ©ldtanged for anew one. A. C. Price A (’a, State and Jefferaon streets. 'Plumet* 665. MORKTHAN ONE HUNDRED * ENTS In every d4lar of your hard-earned hard cash at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard etr*%t Ll* MRV A BSNTON 130 STATE •treat, west, will move pack ship or atora your furniture at short nolle©; also ren ovate your old niattreoM* at IS tie coat. Bell *pftNMMI 1124. _ ~ WANTED, ONB THOUSAND HOK grv people at the Southern Grocery Com -1 -*rnnrd s'reet ““hot STUFF HEATERS AT BjO" Ik riisleiri. 30S Went Broughton street, I! YOI WILL LET US ESTIMATE on vour plumlilng work >*u will be con vinced that wo are cheaper than any one else. A. C. Price A Cos., State A Jeffer son streets. * Shone* 6TA A FIT.!, I,INK OF ORATES JUH* rf***lvHl, will *!l any of lha ■••{tarMa parfa. A.lama Ilalnl < om|> my, 101 Or*. ,rraa alrrat, waal. itr.nucß tour TtviNO kxpknnra by Invrallnß your hard-aarnwl hanl oaab with lha Hnulharn <trocary Company, lit RamaM siraaL ' GoodPositionsl ECURED ' By'AcfnfeVuk AWk% ,ji-Young Men WoMEM V j||K^AiottkTourpM r t,ul V . Busii\ess (oiJrse pICHMONOfe | * "BUSINESS' COLLEGESC SmHtrCwkktyafi [rfutnJMmkSfm/ | LfCtiAL noriCßl. ITORB. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COCNTT Nolle- lx h-r-by Rlvrn to all prrwma hv liik <lmandii mmiiiM Earn II K-nl. luia of *IJ county, deepened, lo iirenent them to me. prufp-rly m.i.le out. within the time lire*. by low, w, • to abow thetr < horxrter Hinl xmotint; nnd all |<er*ntia In ■lrlne.l lo wild 4*c.'hn.-1 ara required to Imm.-dinio iiyment to me. Bnvannab. <!•., Nov. 11. IW' EDWIN W. CUBBEDOB. Kxpeutor. NOTICE TO DEBTitUB AND CREDIT ORB GEORGIA. CHATHAM COCNTT Nolle* I* hereby ttlveii to all la-raon* hav ing tlnmanda ax.iln-t George. W. I’arlah. lam of mM county, deeeaaed. to r.nwtit them to me. properly made out within the time |wew-rllH-<l by law. |U aa to allow thetr ehararter and •mo.ini . and all peraona th debted to paid deeeaaed ar> rerjulPad to make Immediate payment to me MBB A MCE E WAIAtER. Art mlnl Ira I rlx with the Will annexed. Care of TWIHGB h OLIVER. AUorneya nt Bavannah, Oa. Harannali. (I . Dee *. IW. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORB GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTT HJoIIr. I, hereby given to all pereona hav ing detnanda axalnxt Mown 8. Guekon n.qmer, late of Mid county, deeeaaed. lo ptcrml them to me. properly made out, within the tlm' prescribed by law. ao aa •U ,hn their rharacter and amount, and all perron* Indebte,] to will d.cea*ed am required lo make immediate iwymrnl to me. LEOPOLD ADLER. Admlnutratar. Bavannah. Oa.. Dect X. IM>. We Save You Money -ON Fire Worka, Toy* and dolla; am ua quick ’Pliona *7*. DONNELLY DRI'G CO.. Überty and Price iirtati. Empty Hogsheads. BwHf keiaetn Mogahanda In ante by C. M. GILBERT Jt CO. If TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, oruer your Hthnxr*phd and printed statlomry and blank book* from Morning New., Savannah, Oa, 3