The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 20, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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GRIGGS CONCLUDES %m:NOiD n<a hkit n\ his unt OK THE ('ASK.. STATUS OF THE TERRITORIES. 91 tUVSTT TMOHOHiHLY UO\K fXTO H\ ATTORXBI OWERAL 'lfrriinrip* ll*p Only (orb niihli I n<kr Ikr ('nnatAtMllcin mm Arc t a ffrrrtl H> \rl f (oosrna-A Dlf- Irrrnrr llrlwrrn Orgoniard nntl I noruMiilard Tfrrllorlr*—Ki-^rv rrinry timy In Allrndmirr-I inrl Hoorn rrowdfd. Wa#hJr*Ctor>. Dec. 19.—Th? United Btt?* giifwdnf Court again wan crowd?*! in \\* full rafxichy to-day to hvr the #*onBul -tng •rffument* in the #-s*#e* involving the •#t\m of !\>rto Rico and th* Philippines*, vmom; ihos#* who m*# ur?d points of van* igo Hi the nreu r?*?rvc<l for the bar wa Jude* Day. who aa Secretary of State , jrin* the critical *.<*>* of the war with Spain, ond later ** head of the Amtrican who necol'stfd th# treaty peace at Pari#, wan one of the moat in r’uentlal factor* In shaping thr condition* now under dlsrumHon before the court. Former Secretary CartMa and other i romtnenl member* of the bar and of the •wo house* of Oongrw* were prewent. Attorney (iecMral Griicx* ••onduwle.l the presentation of the government ? caae. t ihoratlnf the potu.a he **nun#-iatHl y?a terday. One of th#-*** way th? <ll*tln< lion between oC|r*Tl4x*<l territories and unor x >rv.zcd territory under the Jur sdlctlon of the I‘nlted States. Jtmtlce Brewer had the Attorney General to make clear hi* \lrr* on this #)t*tin< tlon. Mr. Grlgc* took up territory after ter ritory. show tit? In each c**e that It came mder the operation of the law* of the United State* hv an act of <*ongreM ••pedflcally extending the law* to the ter ritory and not ex-proprio vlgore. He raid that while Khode Inland and South rar ollna Mood OUtaide of the I’nion they were treated a* foreign atute*. and when they ultimately aneented to the Union, t’ongr* ss‘passed a law extending the rev enue laws to them • In the cie of the Attorney General wait! that ill the de,-lar.itlon* of Jefferson were to the effect that In order t come under the o|#*nitkm of the law> e' the I’lilted* tho*e law* mu*t le < xpticitly extended to new' .leffereon select##*! certain act* to l>e Im nsdUttefy extended and other* to be ex tended from time to time a* might he found practicable The Attorney General directed attention In the Inwtance of ihe inquisition of Fiorl da. to the fact that three American ►tat#-mi n. Monroe. John Quincy Adams Aialrew Jackson, each of whom wa* elected President of the t’nited Brute*, i *ilt#-d In d#‘daring that the eon tuition di#l not apply of it* own force to territory newly acquired by this nation, bv virtue of the act of acquivlllon, but that *uch xtenwlon moil lx* .rccompilshed i>\ the action of t'ongTeee. Mr Gritcgt# al*o *pecitlc<l the territorial oiMtnixarbav of Oregon. Missouri. Mon f.ino and \V\otnltik' In each <*•*• ahowing that Uorutrfe* #perideally extended the •aw* t three territories. Flnallv a* to the extension of law* to the territories Mr. Grigg* said th it by act of Congress in 1971. Congress had ex pressly extended the ronztltution and fed eral law* to the “organised and to every territory, “hereafter organ ised " But the gr| wen’ no further than ‘ organised terrdorie*," and could not !*e lnterj*ret*s| to mean that expanse of coun try entirely unorganized. The Guano !*l in*le were cited In support of the prop osition that territory m.ty la*long to. or Ik* under the Jurisdiction of the United States without being h part of the United State* Over seventy different Island*, key* and group* of islands have tints I>e?n taken possession of. and made for such apectal pur | wise* the property of the United ♦Mater They enjoy certain privilege* un der the law and the United State* Su preme Court has recognise*! their statu*, hut they are not a part of the United State*. Justice Brewer and asked a num l*er of question*. Juwtb-o Brewer asked If the Attorney General held that a* Congress extended the constitution and laws to the organis ed territories. Congress also could take them away from the territories, Mr. Grlgg* answer#*! that this wa* a roost serious question, but he thought It safe to say that when th* law* were one? extend/,! to territories an Inviolable contract wan created anil could not broken. Justice Marian asked the Attorney (en * rai lo Male later on to what extent <*.>n gress could Impw a tariff lo be colte, led again, t Roods coming from New Mexico. Arizona anil Alaska. Justice Brewer also reminded Mr. Qrlgg* that Oklahoma wa* not Included In (lie treaty taking In the 1-oulsl.itM anil Mexican territory, ami wa* an apparent exception to 'he rule tfifttort by the Attorney General Mr. Orlgge raid lhal Fongr**-. at It* la*l *e**lon. In effect. <ferlar*i| that the existing tariff law* were applicable again*! the good* ol I*ooo Rico. Thl was In Ihe act of last Mareh. remitting to Porto Rich certain duties collected “under exllng law." Thin, Mr. Grlgg* declared, wa* an a*or tlon by both branches of the prescii, Oon gres* that the tariff acl which wen the “existing law" operated against Porto Rico. Justice White a*ked *ho Attorney Gen eral If ha claimed that Congress could ►o exempt territories from Ihe liw* a* to give them privilege* not enjoyed by the st ate*. Mr. Grtggs responded that he did o • latm. lhae In fan the territories hal tieen for year* exempted from Internal revenue and direct taxes. The Attorney General referred to the celebrated ease of Loughborough versus Blake, whereupon Justice Harlan, reading from that decision, asked Mr. Grlgg* what Chief Justice Marshall meant In saying “The *power to lay and roller, duties. Imposts and excises, may tie exercised, and must be exercised ‘throughout the I'ntted State*.' " Mr. Grlgg* said “throughout the I'nlted States" referred lo the states of the I’nlon, but Justice Harlan |wtnti*d out that li refarerd also to the District of Co lumbia and the lerrwory west of the Mis souri. Mr. Grtggs closed his five hour* speech with a brilliant and eloquent peroration. Instead of seeking strict and narrow construction he concluded the power* of ihe executive and legislative branches hsd been so construed a* to give them o wise and safe discretion. o that the day would I— hastened when we might give lo these new peoples aelf-government and lo some of them perhaps ft place In Ihe galaxy of slates. . Mr Aldrich will close for Ihe plaintiff In the Philippine case 10-morrow and Ihe cases then will be submitted. Harvard's Hasehall Sehednle. Cambridge. Mass.. Dec. IV - The Harvard T’nlv-rally liaseboli schedule for next spring includes: April 13. Virginia at Cbartottasvllle, Va.; AftfU M, Trinity at Durbftft, N. C, MRS. BREWER RECOMMENDS PERONA ALECATARRH. The Homo of Mrs. Lizzie M. Brewer at Westerly, R. I. In a letfei to I>r cooremlnx the merit* f IV-ru-na. .Mr*. Brewer write*, .iinooii other tfit. WUSTKKIaY. B I *‘lear !>r. Harinvin I tin#! IV-rti-na • ■ure cur#* for all catarrhal affect lone **> otnmofi in thle i*art of the country, it cure* a cold a: once. There I* no couftu medicine that -*n it ill riual Pe-ru-fMi A- for la grlpp#. there no other ren rdv that can at all compare with IV rti-na ' I am amnns f;t# nick a great deal In our city and have aupnlied many In valid* with IV-ru-na. eimply bacauae I •in enthti*laetb' in my fa'th .<* ♦• It* rv *ult*. I have never known it to fall to quickly and p'**manent!y remove th demoralized state of the human ay*tent which follow* la grippe “In ail cajser of extreme weakne** I ti*e IV-ru-ni with p*rf#*# t mnfldenc** of i% zooi re*int in ca*e* of weakne** peculiar to my *cx 1 run *ure that no WOODWARD’S RESIGNATION. I* 4 malnz * onldrrlilr Talk In At lanlM->M)or '! \%lihlra* Hl* Healicnatlon. Atlanta. le. 19 The question of Ma>- o.’ Jamc* P. Woodward'* renutnation. wbloh wa* handed to Council Monday, and le now before the holy ha* been the mibjeet of eomuderable dlecu**lon. owlnß to the fict that the rerlgnitlon read*: 'To be effective when i#nl# re*l Rome contend that the city ie without •• Mayor, while other* ►tote that the rc*l*mati*a car be withdrawn If the Mayor j-o dealtea. aiMft he cannot be removed from ofh • without lmjHachm*nt pmcrellniM Thi* queation wa* a*krd Uit% Attorney An#|er*on. und he gave it a* hie opinion, withou. the leapt heoltatlon. that the re>#- iKnation not in effect. anl If the May or *•> deafred he could withdraw it. He cited Be f|>n 1T24 of Dilion on municipal corporal tone part of wnlch aectlon read* * follow* Re*icnatlon of municipal offi cer* “Acceptance by th‘ corjwir.itinn ► •v common S.ttv ncreN*art to a (-oi)umnn tion of the resignation. .nd until accepted by proper authority, the tenb'r or tiff* r to realjrn i* ravokable." If will lie readily aeen from thl* de cision that Mayor Wbo-Im ml |* rot only *t!ll In office, i>ut !*• aide to continue in '>fflw to the end of hi* term. *hould be *ee fit to the Council *tlll ha* th* pi|M>r in It* *ion. to I** acte#l on at the meeting to be held Friday, next. The Mayor ha* c#mti)unicHt#‘! with no one. and hi* In tent In the matter I* unknown A* a conaequence of M.ivor Woodward'# condition to-day. there may l*e no moot ing of Council Friday. Th#* Mayor w.** nor in hi* offl * dunnn the #!a> The Mayor'* political frleral* lelleve he *hould I*<* giv en a h#*arlnK of th#* re* Ignat ion. From the prevent indication* Mayor Woodward will l>e unable to make a atatement to Coun cil. an#l hi* friend* may therefore, pre vent any action on the re*ixn.ition by re malnlnc away from the mooting in *uffi clent namber* to prevent a quorum from attending. If the meeting l wiled to onler Friday it l- probable that the Mayor** friend* in Council will move for an immediate ad journment before the reeigimtiou I* c#mi tidend. It 1* already evident that the Mayor* |>olltlcal friend* will make an effort to prevent action on th#* fx|>er. a* the general *entiment of Council *eem* favorable to on acceptance of the re#ta na t lon If the matter should #*ome t*> a vote in the moating there i* little doubt that the r# jUßfMitton wou.k be accepte#!. It 1* po - *lh!e that Mayor Woodward will dem n<i a return of the resignation. It 1* generally believed in the City Hall that he can withdraw the paper If he de*irew. If. he !#mm.#ld It he may or may not get It. The warrant *worn out by Patrolman Dobbin* agnlnat Mayor Woodward, on a charge of carrying concealed weapon*, ha* not yet been served. The matt# r rent* In the discretion of the *herlff and nr will probably wait until the Mayor'* condition improve* before having the pa per served on him n n ion khvk. Main. #m,lor'> lnira,kr lift* Ho. Ml- 4 oil—(orolil|.. Waohlnßton. Dor 19. Th- appoint m-nta mail. In 4h. MoWlf <'o l-otorltlp to-(lay domonatratoff that It piya to hr namort after • prominent man. capwlally If that promlm-nt man hap jans to hr alive anrt to have a i-lo*- 1 Bn, on 111* appointing power. The fact that Cpt. William Frye Tli)la>l! of Annloton a, a prominent factor In thl* conteel was Ural tau>d In these dlspalehe*. To day Capt. Tibbett* was giver, the plum for which half a dozen or more leading- Alabama Republicans have been reaching out their hand*. After a protracted strug*l* the various candidate* killed themselves off and It was again an open light free for all. Congre*man AWrUlg, hn been par ticularly strong In favor of Roprweniatlve Dean* who I* one of hi* con*tltutenl*. but seeing no chance for him. ho brought out ■ apt. Tlbbett* of Anniston The captain I* a native of Main,, ami has lieen a resi dent of Anniston for several year*. Ill* ehlef ability lay. however. In the fact that h, was named after the present PresUlcnt of the Senate. William Frye of Maine. A* soon a* hi* candidacy was brought to Ihe attention of Senator Frye, that able, as tute gentleman began gelling tn his work. He llrst got Senator Hanna who was In clined lo favor Mr. Walker to hold up ac tion Then he got next to Senator Mor gan and found that the Alabama Senator was not averse to his namesake. Then he got to Ihe President anrt the result was that to-day Ihe President cut the gorillan knot of Ihe complication, and appointed the man named after Bill Frye. The old line H-pubß*'* l ” l of Alabama who have thought they ought to monopollie all these offices are sor, over the result but they have to grin anrt bear It. Capt Tlbbett* will lie promptly confirmed * WILL Itt-'l il' MSt THAL. Santa Fs Railroad len Will hot .lota Operator*. Chicago. Dec 11.-The commltlc* repre senting ihe engineers, firemen, conduc tors anrt trainmen Of Ihe Santa Fe Rail way system. Iseuert a statement to-night that they would remain neutral In the strike, and regretting that they were un able to effect a settlement belweetJ the company and the Jtrikcr#, • >—- THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECE.MREK 20. 190a other rented) an ap|r<*a hln g'# - *d re lt“ the action #f l’# -ru-nM It meet* all the had mmirtofn* to w hich t> male* ar# aubject. The In cgularttie* and ner vou*m**. the dehiiuy and miaerto* winch afflict more or le*s the wocnen from glrlhiWKl to change of life, arc ow nihl nil met and overcome by thi* ex * # Ueiit remedy I wt*h every young Inly in our e||> could read your book “Mr* l.lszle M Brewer” IV-m-na will cure th* woret OZIM of rMrrh la gr.i p l* acute efddemp* catarrh, for which Pc-ru-na la a *p#- clflc Mr* J W. Reynold*. Sow U*bon. th.o. ufT#'t#‘d for many >ear with • hrnnlo (dtarrh of th** lung* head tuwl throat; contlnuou* cough; many phv*l cl.u.s fullixl to < % tirc. permanently ur and by Pe-ru-na. Thoti*an!s of teattmontal* h* pr>luc**l \ valuabl#* treat I** on catarrh *ent fr#**- by The IV-ru-na Medicine Untilpany, Columbtia, O. THE NEW ARMY BILL. (Continued from Fir*t Pag#.) th# rank of major, twenty iti*i#*ad ##f twenty-five with tne rank of cniualn The giwd * of paymaster .n| deputy puvmaetet are etrlcken out In th** Kiitunl Oorp* there I* to he only one • nion# l three major► and nine m*t'i I of nineteen, each of ciitain* and flrzt lieutenant*. Th Benate bill provide* only for the appointment of volunteer officer* to the grid#* of **cotid Heutermn* In the r*gular army The head* of the Ordnance De partment nd of the rtign.vt cr>rp* are to le brigadier* The maximum *trength la tixe#l In the fll#wtnir provblon a the clow of the 1*111: That when In hi* opinion the condition In the Philipp no I*l*tide Juatifv auch ac tion the President k mu horised t*nllM native* of tho- i*land* for wcrvlce In the army to be organized a* *'-outs with *uch ofllt'er* m he ehoil deem nece**ary for their proper control, or a:* troot> or com li nl# . •• author?sad by thta act far ♦he regular army Th#* Prewdent I* further authorised. In hi* diaoretlon, to form com p.iiHea. orgati z#*s| a* arc componle* of the regular army, in gquadrony or boitalkofi*. with officer- and non-c#*mml**lon#d ofh err* corre* to similar organized lon* In th* cavalry and infantry arm*-. The total number of enll#t#d men n *.*ll na tive org inflation* shall not #-x* **d 12,‘#*. and th#' total nht i force of the line of the army, together with such native force, shall nut exceed at any time lon.ono.” The field officer* for the native troop* are alt to b* American* for th* present, tiut whenever tin Filipino# show tltnea* for command the Pre*ident l* authorised to make piovlslonai oelection# from among liM*n f#r the gra*ic* of first and second lleutentint*. A native regiment of Porto Rican* al*o 1* authorized. Folio wing are the provlfion of the new bill: "That to fill vacancle* o*'curring from time to tim- in the aeveral organization* serving without the limit* of the United Btate* with train##) men. the Preeklent I* authorize#! to # nils! recruit* In nunilter* equal to four per c#nt. In ex#*e** of the t#*tal *trength authorised for euch organ isation*. “That the Presklent is authorised to maintain the enli*;cd force of the *everal orK'inlzatlon* of the army at their maxi mum strength as fixed by thi* a< | during the present exigencies of flu* asfvlce or un*ll auch (Ini# a* Uotigre## may heieaf ter direct. "That nothing in thi* art shall he hel#l or con*trued *o .#* to #llchargc any offi cer from the regular army, or to deprive him of th* commls*ion which he now hoils therein.’* The meilltoii *h'p.irtm#>nt provi*kon le the *am# a* that of the I louse bill, except u slight change a* to qualification* for hsad nurse. The proviaion In, th# Hou#s bill rcgar-l ing ataff t romotua). 1* changed and ex ten!ed *o as to rea#l a* f6l low* "That *> long a* there remain* any officer holding permanent appointments In the HVJutant general's department, th * lnsiector general's detriment, the quar termaster'* department, the xubaintence depurtmetit. the pay department the ord iun< • department, and the Hignal Corps th#v shall l>e promoted according to *enl orit> In the several grade*, a* now pao vMed by law and nothing herein contain c#l shall be deem#*! to api>ly to vacancies which can le filled by auch promotions or to the period* for which the offlesr* *o promote#! shall hold their appointment#, and when any vacancy, except that of the chief of the det*artment or corps, shall occur. It shall be filled by letall from the line of the army and no more permanent appointment* shall he mad#* In tho*. de partment* or corp*. Huch detail* shall tie made from the grads In which the va cancies exist, under *u#*h system of ex amination a* is now prescribed by law or a* the President may from time to time prescribe. "All officer/ *o detailed shall serve for a lieriod of four year*, unless sooner re lleved, at the expiration of which time they shall return to duty with the line, and officer* below the rank of lieutenant colonel shall not again be eligible for ►*- leclktfl In either staff department until they shall serve two year* with the line/' I’IPAAO IHIt NOT 1 NAIL. Italian’* Attorney* Hsnags lo Keep III*. In Thl* country. Pensacola. Fla . Dec. 19 —Rafaelo Plm im, the Italian sailor who recently killed Mate ftcotto on hoard the liark Pleta. Was to have sailed to-day on the bark Scllllu as a prisoner to he tried for fhe crime In Italy. Just before the hour for sailing attorney* applied lo Circuit Judge Max well for a writ of habeas corpus to pre vent the Italian consul from sending him from fhe country The alternative wrl: was granted, nn.l Plr-ino was taken be fore Judge Maxwell, who refused the peremptory writ. Meanwhile Ihe Rrillin hid sailed. Thr prisoner was remanded Application will be mad, to the Federal courts to prevent his being sen: to Italy before being fried In Florida. THF, Ml AL ATATIOT. Naval General Raard Now Passing I ~,.n Thl* Vfnlte*. Washington. Dec 19 —The naval general hoard, headed by Admiral Dewey. Is now holding one of It* regular periodical pas sion* at Ihe Navy Department. One of the principal topics under coneldsratlon Is the j lending propooal relative lo the removal of the naval station at Port Royal to Charleston. 8. C. Thl* matter is In the hands of a special board, beaded by Hear A.knlnil Rohters, but It Is deemed proper to have the general Isyard pas* upon Ihe atrataglcal wisdom of *ucb a mov e before Sturt action la mkon. ■—^ THE GUARDS BILL SIGNED. iU*\ . UOIM.KN AFFIXK* Hl# *IG>%- H RK TO TNE MT.AfI UK. Umrrnnr %!• t|N IUII Proildtna f ieri* for t tiunii Treaaarer— A I'ariluN for H. 11. V\ Ntitlrll—lir elsion* ltenlerrl by iN|irnnr t ourt 1 (•ktrritNi—t Irrlft Hoftfeulllei nnil Hl* \*klnuu •!#•% Unroll in* Hills. Atlanta. De. It.—The following bill* were elgned and approve#! by the Governor Candler to-la\ An act in provide for th# reoraanltatkin. • Helpline, enlistment and protection of the military force* of thi slate, an act t> convert th* Bavannah Vol unteer Guard* from a volunteer com* of infantry. Jnto a battalion of heavy #rtii lery. An o*'t to tmpower the treasurer o' uhathatn county • employ a clerk an t fix compensation of *4ld clerk arid t au thorise the commission# ri #f Uhatham county to pay hi* salary out of the coun ty fund*. A* act to appropriate $1 lo th** Georgia Sanitarium The Governor to-#lay ordered t th*- term of imprlaonmem of II II Wanddl sentence*! in 1597. from Uhatham county Httperfor Court for hoise stealing l>c re dtH'*d to & yenb The KoiroliUig Committ#s of the House of Repicsentattve* m *llll at Work at th** capital C**rk of the House. John T. Ho If#* of Ik* ti with hi* aaslstan . ar- busy enrolling *ll the bill* which were paesevl. am! i* sending them down to the Gov erns* to *tg. *e fast a* po*bie Every bill pa*ed by the House a*d Nona I e ha* to b#- enrolled with ihi and tbk t>\ the t-ierke and for this i♦*• • takes quite . while Th* Enrolling Com mit tee then haw to compare th* copy with the original Ml in order to see that it I* correct. t'lerk Norren. of the Benate. also haa # number of MMsHtantM at work * opvhim bills The work will prolwCdy be finished up by to-morrow or Friday Speaker l.iftle and Presidtait of the Net ate Howei] are a# the caiHtai every *la\ for the purpos#- #f starting the Wile when the\ arc completer!. When the ■umatur*# of th#* Governor Is attached the bill* b* >me law*, and are sent at once to the printer for pubit-ration IdJN. LKF. THR til R*T. Lalrrtslne.l hy Kansas City's (out raerclnl tut# Kmiimh City, Dec 19 -Gen Fttzhuffh I**#\ lOmmHnder of *th' #lrpj#rtm*nt of Mteeouri. Aim 10-night the gnext of Imhi or at the (inn iel banquet of the Uoromer #iei Club, given in t omni#*inorl#n of the eignlng of the John Jy treaty. Gen Iwee. accnni|##aniM hy hie xlfe ni l datighter #nl • l.rff arrived in Kitimm Uliy thle a/ter noon on a special train In h-ir*' of a kMI re#*eptlon commit le#* that had gone to >vnahA to set ► escort. A reception follow.*.! an*! to-night the banquet, ehere Hi piate* at#* laid, wa* the most elabo rate ever given by the Gen Lee r|M>n#le| to tte t*l*t “OUT i’ountry,'' *f#e,*king ex tempore tieotMly. other t•#•*t* wee# re*|K>n.|ed to f#l lows “The Ktaio of Mmaouri," ex*Oov. W, J 81 one. The ftt.ite of Kanen*." Uharle* 8 Gleet! Tofndt.i “The Mot oriel Prosperity of a People and th#* Inielk-t-iuei and Moral Gain of the Individual.'* Rev. Kdwr#l K. Trefl. Omaha. Among other guest * were Lieut. George M Lee, Capt. Janie* Herwln atxl Uapt K L Michl* of Omaha und Mn). D K McCarthy. qu#rterme*ter t T nlted Htatee Army. In ' , fwirge of the Haiatruction work • t Fort Leavenworth Kan. tJen l.#ee will remain In the city until to-mororw afternoon, when he will *ot tlnue wlvh hla steff to Jefferson rlty, to Inspect the barracks there ♦ > ORB! 819 9UUAIH Troialiles of French Military tlfficers >ot let Over. Paris. Dee F. 4 9ft a m —That tne Iron We* inridental to the Dreyfu* affair are no! yet over In spite of the passage of the amnesty Mil I* evident from s letter of Gen. f’uignet in Ihe morning (Mi|iers. asking the assistance of the min trier of war In an action against the Slecle. which has merged him slth for gery. A(art from thl* MaJ ihilgnet arx) Gen Chamoin twive !een summone*! to the ministry of war In connection with the confidential statement read In the t'hatn ber of Depul fe# to-nlghl hy M Jos tansies, aim Semite le(uty for Uondon. assening. on the authority of a letter written hy MaJ. Culgnet that M Delcaas# ministe r of forrlgn affairs, had told th* ehamher an untruth when he sal*l that MaJ. t'ulgnet iipprovad the interpretation #ffi* tally placed upon th#' famous Pannlzordl tele gram. v%v% .% num\n ihhool ( hlraan’s nail l €• In \m% ) Tralalna Mitpa. Chicago, Dec. 19.—The United Stares Navy, by agreement wMh the Juvenile court here. Is lo become a reform school for unruly Chicago hoys. The John Worthy School, accordingly, will lose a score of the older lads sent there for cor rection. Uoye out on probation und un der the supervision of the officers will he picked up and future candidates for the institution of correcton will Im* sent di rect to the government's training ships. Th#' navy plan will hold them In check for a term of from three to five year# and under fhe best of restraint and under In fluence likely to produce she best results. ( (indentnet! Southern Hnnafar tnrera. Washington. Dec 19.-The Nathmal Fed eration ol Textile Operatives, before ad journing sine die this afternoon. ##ioptel resolution* caking for a .barter from the American Federation a( Labor and con demning th# manufacturer* of the Kouth for alleg#-d attempt* to deny the operatives th# right to organise and urging the Bouthern operative* to continue the agi tation for th#* paesage of laws reducing the hours of labor. ♦lrsmer Larrliiszs In Dlatreas. Hamilton. Bermuda, Dec. 19—The Brit ish steamer Doming## de I*arrin #ga. Uapt. Gibson, which left Liverpool Nov. 29 for lort Kuda, La., h.t*# arrtvad here In dis tress During a gah* D*c. 13. h#*r mln stesmpipe burst. ktEliig three firemen and •raiding other*. a Tear for a Pain Oaly aipsctant mother,, or those aho have boraa T l^^gg ealldre*. kooa the lull Me, nln* ot the*# word*. Evtry woman thould Mil every other womaa about / ••MOTttava rtuemo that wonJertut lint- W ' (WjK, ment flui dlmpml* all pmtn Inel4*t to ehikthirh, L, Ther, It aothlac Ilka It C INO. . MO*Tait,*, If. e, ani' *9k > v yWAmV hs ...a Is •> >th~ • F—4. HM*aJ ssi. *— NjJ• - V knl., Mn rnt<m> ... IS l.*K, t~< (n.l,*i..i V @*¥‘'✓'.'3Xl , IWs Is Osisf wtssOMly ■ |K.> > to • Mwthar', Frosft' __ UimWIMRSIM <• nfcfSJl .r-O'lM nulj W,. WSU Ow t r/lgy St gB/i //,/ I i,\ s* M WfwtWU, ///IV # thi: ntutioion c ©.. Atiaata, ft* - r w, aw. we •• BOUTELLE PROVIDED FOR. (ffilete*! * awgresaman riarerl ns %avy Hetlred Mat hltli Hank •f 1 ■plain Washington. !>#-• 19 —r*ongre#H# has an I tttoriaed the ‘fhesfdent t#r s|pdvit Rente •enlatlve ChaHsa A BouteUs of Maine | to I*.* a captain of the United spates Navy j <o the retired list To-day. without a *>>rd of optnattiof). or even of comment, j the Renare passed the House ceeoiuttrw suthorlatng Mr B#>uielie' retirement I* is exiMS*f*d that the lhreaik4ir wil, ap tome the resolution and in aoordsnrv* niih th#* authorization, nomlniite him I a captain ot* the rettrwt list of the navy Mr Houtetle ts n memtier of the prefer#* j Mouse <,f Hepresenfattv** an.| a member • #*lect of the next Hour* li a assunvit ‘fist nr will immediately rrsigt# his mem bershlp tn the Hiuse The inissage of 1 seventy -one private bills woe th*- | only feature of business In th-- ojien *#>s i *ion Mr Übandter in *#le iitother effort I to get (he resolution, and having the com mtttee on Privilegee and FlecGotlS to send r and |m(iere In tne Montana senatorial Investigation case, hut failed Mr of Georgia Introduced and oh talned Tie imnasgr of .* resoflitlon calling upon the soureisrv of to transmit to Ihe Aei.ate the report of Abraham I. f-awshs giving in derail the result of hi* investfgatlon made under ttie .Hre-tinn of the M ar Kpsitnisni Into the re# l|d* sn#l expsiKlirures of the unban funds \ i-solution was |a#se.t dire, tmg the • mmlttee on Foreign Itelatbm* to ex nmlne th*- oinitn of Henry MeOoy and re in I whether the # retar v .#f 8’ Ate - mild •## directed to pa\ the aiun of money oJmliii*hJ by Mm out of the awsol In the hand* of the (Bate I *etarin th#' tnaiter #if the hetagou lias Itlimed |*en *ksi Mils iNseeed In# i#e!el psttskm* of B#i <i nxxitli sacdi to the wkt#w* of Gene John A McUla# nan*! and John I.VI Palmer The urgent defl.-iency bill wa* reparted with two minor am# ndmef t* ami i#a*Bel wlttrout delate Th Bmate then want Into executive *e* slon to '•mailer th* Ilsy-Psuncefots i rsat y. The *es*mn den*#nstrated that Ihe #en ate k ready for the vote to-morrow, a* no eanator evince*! a desire t> |#eak or# the rait) Mr asked the Bsnafe to take up the treaty with B)ialn providing for the #*sskm to the United Btate* of th* Phil tppins Isis# if 81 Put u and Ungsy sn Zulu at*! their dependence* in considera tion of h* payment to Hpain of fKW.Oyg Objection to this requestUai gras msds by Several senator* including M#ssr* Hoar. Ws’lirigton •b#! Bacon B##s.aror sxpiaine#! thai the Isl amis are comprised tn the Philippine group anl said they w*er iip|KjM*d to have best) •*<*ded by Spain In th** ratis (reaty Inle#<l the UnMel State* had taken possession of the Island* under the ■upi’O*:t’ofi It w;u oon foural. however tlia* ♦!#* leflnlte lin#* <*t our acquisition fixed by* the treaty cut hat-hof them out. It 1 a rule of law*. h* explained, that s dell nlfe boundary de/rrtpiJon always *ii|*er •eiles an Imleflntte dm'r ptksv. Hence, the treaty for the cession of the#** island* ha I bean negotiated and he tiell*ve#l that the United Htntee would ha saved much *ro#ible |n rh<- future by I'Onsuinmatlug •he lartrain He chrr*prl##l the proceeding* #* in ihe nature ##f a title quieting procss* Mr I>*lge als> rail**! attnitkNi to the fact that one of the !)and* I* directly on the Mne of r#>mnvmlcatloti with Borneo, and the atralt* and drew the conclusion i i#i ♦ might soma day b Important a* a ca ble station Senator Hoard maid be would like to have more tim#* to con*Mer the question, and Senator Be*on eitkl that notwith- Mtandlng he ie a member of the Oommlt t*e on Foreign itelattons, he had not bean present when a report iifsm the treaty wa* atuhorited He would, therefore, ap predate further <p|iortunlty to go over the do# ument Senator Wellington mift#le unqualitbd objwlon. Ac.-onilngly the !raiv was for the time laid askle an#! at 2 # p m.. ihe Senate a#!journd. Mil THMRN*# NBW MNR. t hanges tn OfN#*tals Made for *t. I.nul* IMviston. Ht |otiia Dec 19 —The Republic will say to-morrow Th# Important i hanges to he made by the Southern on assuming control of the Uoutsvllle, Nashvlll#* and fft. Louis have been agreed upon, (hough no official an nouncement has yet lasn mads. WlMiam II TtylOf. who h teen as sistant general twssenger agent of the Southern, with haa#lquarters at l<oul*vllle, will la transferred to Washington. D C., and become 'ontUh nsial ae*Utant to Gen eral Passenger Agent W A. Turk. one of the official!# at Washington v nose name has not tieen announced, will come to Hi Ijouh# an general passenger iigcnt of the IxHjisville-St. lut* dlvisbm It A Campbell, who has been g*neral freight unt |#ass#nger agent of the lamis vide, Kvansvlih* and St. I*>uis. will he the nsslstanr general freight an#l passen ger srent of the new division R .\l Alien, who has lieen assistant general passenger agent of the old Air Idne. will be transferred to lui*vllle. as district |*aenger agent at that point. General Manager Mmith will make his headquarters here on Jen. 1. and not at Loutsvllk. a# was staled In some papers. A •TKKI. ( AM WORK*. Illrmlaaliaai Is tu Have riant With Nnnaal ( nts,Jl> of tl.tHMt ( ar*. Blrmlnnham. Ai.. Dec. 19—A contract wa* cisnert to-day by l*re,|di-nt J. XI, Ellloil of the!) Car and Foundry Company, with Ihe Tennea*e Coal and lion Company, by whirl) th, former com pany If to erect • preumt sleet car work/ here with an annual rap-#. Il> of S.flrt) com plete car, Kvery portion of the cars are to be conatructert from f+ie ateel and lion product* of the Rirmincham dlsliict. The car plant I* later to b< enlarge! ta make passenger car* a, well. A VI t STKRHIt n aMtIOTINfi. John knytler and Wife Rut la Fatally Shat 1.a.1 Nlgkl. Chicago. Dec. 19 —John Snyder *n<l his wife were found fatally shot to-night at 4,22 laike avenue The man with two but te, wound* In hi* head w* in ht* bed room a lot the woman similarly wounded was In the dining room. They are not known to have quarreled. It ts not known who tired the shot*. Jeffries and Hublln Will Has. New York. Dec. 19—James J Jeffries and Hus Huhlln to-dny signed article* of agreement to box twenty rounds at Cin cinnati. Feb. IS. FOYE & ECKSTEIN. NKW kll> GLOVES. Just received for Christmas. Fine kidsat 7S cents. 'File ILst at SI.OO. Extra (.hiality $1.50 tn tila# k. White at*l <>el>rs Expert (zlove Fitting. VALI \BLK SUiMKHTIoNrt ’iNn;|tMN(.: UHRtST.VfAR The chief point i* this, "Titer** i* no other Mock of Uhri*tmas Gift equal t' Fo\e A K ketcln s. Mr .# stimulus to our alrr T i> #a|ev bv some UiMler-prirrd odwlrm lie memo* r quHe aside from business conatderettona. It a your interest to \ islt this Nt*w Bt#wc <lurtng the Holiday season This *t#re ha* one to he **n# of the sights of B.iv innuh It* uhnetmas spirit I/ on ejcnietit of puitke life. You •: e cordially Invtted Handkerchiefs Dainty. Clean. Bhear Linen M n lk#*n hi< f* m a \arietv usually fo’m#i #>nlv lit .\lstrop>lllin Htore* lt*atitifnl Kmt#roidere#l te*igns at 2.**. •o**. and fid! 9*me cx|UlsMe firwiHii |i . %I an*l L Klegant e tlumlketchief* just opened f#*t the l|n||tay* Handkerchiefs a* low as .1# ic.very good linen !*•, lie Men's I’ufc 811 k Handkerchief a in *llte hemstitched wMh inltiale.als*> linen HI HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS. W* will itutkc i . lean sweep on HolMay Goods and will Bkn>ghter them regardless of value Now Is the time to buy Toilet Ogees. Manicure B#t. Mhavtng H#*t*. Glove an! Handkerchief lUx*e. Photo Frames Musical Album* Tour Isl Uasrw, Ink (Hands, Uigur Jars. Gilt Mirror*. Music Boll*. Necktie Uaae*. Gold Belts. Neck Ruffiea Itenaisoenc* arf*. Hofa rillow*. Tin UushkHi*. Evening Fan* Tocket iKKjkK. Coin Purse* and other nk e things rtllL IVsat I in Praeenuetlon Bozea. B|#e .l Price s;.•** #lnvrter for llkick and Fancy Hilke and ltla k Dress Goods FOYE & ECKSTEIN. HAZING IS COMMON. (Continued from First P#ff) entrapment In F. bul si the tud gained weight Cartel William Davis of l|*orgla *ald lie h*<t been subject-d #o homing 111 '* lie had to go ihrouxh ogeretso* aiel was frerfuently ttre.l liy bis effort*. "DM you ever drop from rxhaustton' sske.l lieu. Clous “V**, | itroptied. hut I. was not eshwu*t eit; 1 only pretended to le "Wht el*e were you rei|ulre.J to do'" •*1 had to sing song*, . limb up the ridgepole of I lie tent and /-now like n mo.ter " *ld die wtltie,*. much to th. smusement of Ihe wunifn In Ihe gallery Cadet Benjamin F. Miller of Virginia knew Mihsi before they went Into camp In ‘fft Hot candle grease had tieen dropped on his feel aml Ihe same was done to Boom It did no hues. ■Were ><>il based in camp In 1*?" “No, sir" This was the first cadet out of all Ihrao eKiim.ncrt who .aid he was not based and the court looked surprised Continuing. Miller, with his face wrreath ed In rmtlss. sold “You #e# I rsitl. from Annapolis, and as I was supposed lo have got II there; they ■fon t generally give It to a man twice. WILL ALftO INVRWTKJVTR. I (lagresslanal t iisinilllrr Will Vl*.. Probe Moo* I sse. \ Washington. Dee. 19.-The *pocl*l com mittee *ppo!nt#rt hv Rpeaker Henderaotl to Investigate Ihe clrcuei** connected with the death of Owftr U Moo*, who I* alleged lo have (Met# a* a result of In juries received frusn liamliig while • cartel • I We*t Point, held It* first meeting to day aml deebtert to enter upon the In vestigation Immediately after the holiday reoaas The .xannktte, ha* determined lo protie th* Boo* case lo the Iwtinm V New Llfththonse HrrssnarsSrS. , |.. Tin aia. ,*l l I i'."l .at in . I .wli a’"' Board urgent!) re<-omm,nd* the estahllsh menl of s final order light at Hlllahoiu Inlet to complete the system of lighting on the South Atlantic coast hy filling tue long gap between Jupiter Inlet and Fowey Rocks Anew light vessel Is asked tor to he located at Capa larokout shoals. N. C. To Have Joint Selling Ig.srf. Pittsburg Dec. ll—On the first of next year Independent window glare manufac turer* with |>ot capacity of from 9no to t.qrvi will open office* In Pittsburg of a selling agency company to be oper ated on the lines of the dissolved Ameri can Ulaas Company. ♦ s • Inhuman llnnasslinrlass. From Ihe London (Hole It Is extraordinary how Inhuman human* Harune cun be In seeking lo gain their own end*. One of h Journal" devoted to the very excsrilarit. If Impossible. Ideal of banishing from the rarth all pain and all suffering (ofnlttlng. we *up|Sie. the lioth a, he I rater* to what It Justly calls ' new terror” that haa lately come lo plague lady shoppers In London Thi* new terror la a woman Imbued with the notion that birds' feather* In hat and bonnet ore to be condemned on the score of cruelly to lha bird* fio strong.r does she ItoM this creed, and *o deiermlned la she lo rouse Ihe aiumJierlng conaclence of England, that ah* waits outald* large London shops and. a* ladles come out. ilastwa up. seises the feathar* In thalr hat*, drags • hem forrti, and then disappear* In the crowd before arrest Is tss#ble. After narrating with Mime graphic touche* tha story of thta creature'* misdemeanor*, the humanitarian Journal to which w* have referred conuludoa: "She lias our full approval." Where proaalytimm ta ooti- Men’s Fancy Shirts. ♦mmii*' F.l# Btvl#z $1 61 #n<l 91 W) Men’s Silk Neckwear* All th, ne* Bhape* st S5, ami IWr Mcn’s Kid Gloves. M#*n'K lIFAt Linen Uollare at HV Men's Silk Suspenders .-•rned. apparently. might la right; hut I whal wmikt humnnltarlane *ay 1 f the great majorlt) of determined In enforce Ihetr opinion* by fore* on Ihe crank* ami f.oldleie who hold contrary no tlona? Imagine Ihe pair and fluttering vegetarian for.**! Into a chair. and dosed Mill with lln* roast beef of OM Knsland' or Ilia hliie-ribhoned lowtahr compelled to drink ae-veral stoops of Vl*- orooa Brttlah beer Ihe henetlt of the health an<l the welfare of the exchequer. iiontKtiiora. mii mu ititi hkt Trlhtiie l*alil Ha the 1 Itr of for Two t nlifenllfetl Trarmrata. from the Igmtlon Mall. In one of thoae remote ami well-high Impeoetratrle faetneaeee with which the law Courts hull.lln* abounds w.ra holden yesterday, at Hi in the afiernoon. a cer emony of exceeding solemnity and vary grave Import Thl* wax no laaa than the laynci't s>y the .-orporatlon of tha etty of lon lon of the tiult-rent eervlca quo to the crown In reaper! of two tenementa. the I'orce ami Ihe Moore. It la many yeare ago now—eeven or eight hundred, to he prertee— that Henry HI granted to Walter !a> tlrun. the black aihlth a piece of land In the Strand, with perml>*on to bulk] .a forge thereon. Wal ter. In return, tiring a poor man and <yult unable to provide a troop of horae or any thing of that eort. octet render .amtoal aervlce of all horseshoes and sllty-ono nalia for ihe name. The Moora were 9 little place In flhrop ahire granted by the crown to another mediaeval gentleman In return for two hatehete annually of which one wsa to be good and the other not ao good In courae of lime both the Port* and Ihe Moora paaaed nflo the lianda of the corporation of the city of lemdoti Both are now hopeleaaly loat. But tha eorpor .itlon. In very teal of lionamy, Inalata that the crown rhall not be the loser for that. Iteatdea. Iron It a good deal cheaper than It need lo he. The hatchets, and vary fair to gee. lay upon Ihe table t thvloualty. one waa good. The other eeemed to he not quite *0 good It waa. In fact, a marc Mllhook In tlie Immediate vicinity lay two of the thlnnnet f.ggotr that the world produce*-these to try tha tamper of the hatchet*. Six prehletortc horae - ehoe* of rnormou* proportion* and a hrletllng pile of slxtv-one nalia of the tat et imtented pattern completed tha col lection The Queen'* remembrancer. Master flenrge Pollock, explained Ihe Importance of the ceremony, for the benefit taw ha said) of the ladle* preeent. Tha clerk read from an ancient book. Then "Perform your eervtoaP* thunder ed the remembrancer. t'p rnae the etty solicitor, and. raising aloft hie good hatchet, atnote upon a fag got and revered It at one blow, and tha piece* flew about all over Ihe room The billhook liming not ao good) naturally re quired two or three blows. "Proporely done," eatd Ihr remembran cer. . The solicitor clanked the dephantma ehoe* amt counted the nalia In tan*, and one over; the while every eye waa riveted Ihere and every face waa aet amt stem. "A good number." aaid the remembran cer. Then he got down amt explained whet bl* horae* they had In ihoee day*, and how valuable these nail* had now be come PIES ANI) TARTS Ark “Pison” Arts. EAT WELL. is pure and wholesome. 5