The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 20, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 nmTVRKR \%n c\n*. \r*t Before Tiff %% 111 Hr Han ning l*oh H n>* Tli# materui for the work at Uve B* Mitinah. TlHiwkrholl M Itk <f Hope fujlw.V Oo*trv*nv or Harrtarl an* WM tdkrr gtreata I# arriving daily Ovnmtl 'hU’rtkxrr H M bofton Mhi i *f work on Ute 'to will N* 'om* n>N>rrd by Jar 1 art nhln Pin work* 1i! h\t brffi rr|*Rpl A# a* tht ■ hung## tiav# bwn mi 1* fh*- yf**ralioii of tr# **n ih# H *rrrtl *n*i •nd upon WMtaker afreet, in Hocordtit'** w • in#* *>ffnn •rranfal for. w*k U * AI • t the work ha* barn tint abed car* n iiun both v on Itarrwsr-i. in Meal c or rth - *t pro## ni They will •vi run facMh nay* on Whitaker * tract, Jrs - cad of oulv to’ith On iUtrixtnl trw-t, * ** *a> A horror n. thorn will he a tioubi* ! tr k, while on Whitaker street. which too narrow for *1 ibb tra k there will t> turnout* an t *tt ho He*i4#ntfl* who wil: hr* affe. re| i>y the . hnnitaa are look. formM to them with pi<o*tni are id- I- ,tior> **f the greater *<m%etuenc# they v ill affor l. it at i imhim < mih: T-nu. A Lively Time t hrilm Day at the T rnek. Mnnugfr A P Doyle will c;o*c ht en ti . fist for the <* irutmi-f harie ** ra e t- l*\ at 13 o'clock Owner* are requ*4t *i to make their entries on time. Min* v r Doyle b anxious to get out hi* print in. matter showing name* of starter* and th< .m— of event* for Chrurtmaa day Th* running events wtl close the day brfure the race Joe Edward# and J. K Hurreric* are otnltig from Tittnal coun-j ’ *i l wil hav* their runner* at the •rack by tv xt Saturday The favorite 1 eprlister, Perry K . and the fast half-mile I re* lialrl Fa- e, are in the party. ■ leaner Haight aho ha* had nu**h ex- I* rien* e | n working race track*, is giv *.g a ar#at deal of hi# time to the rolling a'*d * miring Of the Thunderbolt tvw k which h# expect* to have in splendid con dition for the event# on Christmas day j J It Hand hi* *hipi*d his stable of ruotters front Atlanta .*?;*! they will ne at the park to-da> JiiM.K w*:i:n m ay; ro-nn. fie WIH lMi*n I *e* for Trial in I nticfl state* 4 ourit. Judge Kmor> Speer will hold #e*slon# -f the I'tilted State* Circuit aid DiMrln Court# to-dav. for the purpose of assign ing a*e* for trial next month Judge bp**#*’ wiM prohnWy begin the transaction of thia hu*ine*e at 10 o'clock There are a number of im;H>rtant ca*e* to b* tried i th- next term of the ■ourt and Judge ftpeer it* anxious, doubtle*. that they should is* aligned in advame, *o that there will )•*- t*o fieecaalty for further delay. The case* to he tried are cither at law or in equity, moat of the bankruptcy rare* having been determined by the court at .Macon Judge tfpeer i* expected to arri%*e :hl* morning and will stop at the I*e Po#o dur ing hte stay in Savannah lie ha# no*. annoiHue-l to the officer# of the court here whether or not it i* hi* intention to pro* j long hi* otay after to-day UI.DOKD AT THU HKNOHHL Mr. 11. (•. Hatties Mini Mia* Molina < oolt In the Hh ltnda. Mr. Ilomoe C. flamey and Mi** Molina C, Cook wera married yesterday after noon at €.&* o lotk at the laawton Me morial. ft*-v. W. A. Nla bet officiating A nuttier of relative* and friend* were In ! atieodame. and after the ceremony the j hpf>y couple received the congrmuiotlon* j •xS beet wi*hai of all. They left during the e\suing on their wedding Jourtvy to j Florida Mr Ramey la tinokkeeper for Mr T. J j O ftrten. Hie re-blerw e In Savannah h;i# lieem for about year. hi former home j having been petereburg The bride it* a la igfeter of Mr f\ A Cook of No 1113 Montgomery sireet wnere the bride iixj r oom will mnke thHr future hcene. t HUAI TO OUT III;H I*o4 KfSTBOOK. Hirmiii Mi.fir Brfnr. IMtrk m l>rar* (n and Btrrrt., Mr*. Prtnfit w* aiwauliwl tal nlaht about * o'clock at Drayltm rxi (inMon •trarta by a i ngto who attPtniHrd to -r |>ur#r. Thr lady ar on h r way ttonx- at th* tlmi*. JuM about duak. and a* cmaalna Drayton nrrrt when thr aaaault ma'lr Th<* nrro a a RK—t (lrtermltwi acoundrrl. ami made two or ffcr** attMßpta t< rt the i>ur*e brforr hr drtiatrd Mr. I’rlnalr hrlrt ttahl to l.rr monry, h*mrvrr. an.l tril to brat off brr aaiailant with her umbrrlla. Thr nun nnally vr up *hr attrni|>t to mi thr artlcV and ran away omr a<l on (iarton atrrrt Thr matter ha* bran rrfiortrd at thr har r'‘k, but no rrl hav<* t>r<>n yri Maaftnlr l.o.ljcr Klrrltan*. To-night ftoJomon'R I.od*r of Maaon* will hoid It* lath tonal communlt-atlon arat rlrrtlon. It lr*prrtrd that thr rrport* of the mrotary will ho that the lod*r baa had a too*, proavrrou* year. To-mor row niaht the annual communleatlon and < If-cUou of Latndrtun Dod#e will be held Operated on for kppentllel tta. Joe trlvlvlrh, 12 year* old. waa *ur.r f.illy operated on for|iprndlfttl* yenaentay at thr Dark View (tanltartum by Dr. W K. Fitch. Thla l the drift operation of ha kind performed In the raniianutn If you will return this coupon and three one-eent stamp* to the J. C. Ayer Cos., lxmell, Mata., you will receive in return a copy of the 2Cth Century \ ear-book. This is not an ordinary almanac, but • handsome book, copiously illustrated, and sold (or 5 cents on all news-stands. IWe simply allow you the two cents you spend in postage for sending.) Great men have written (or the Year-book. In it is summed up the progress of the 19th cen tury. In each important line of work and thought the greatest living specialist has recounted the events and advances of the past century and his prophesied what we may expect of the next. Among the most noted of our contributors are: Secretary oi Agriculture WiUon, on Agriculture; Senator Chauncey M. Depaw, on Politic* Russell Sage, on Finance; Thomas Edison, on Elec tricity; I)r. Madison Peters, on Re ligion; General Merritt, on Land War fare; Admiral Hkbbom, on Nava] W art are; “Al** Smith, on Sports, etc. A TEXAS WONDER. Haifa Great IHeeaeery. One rmai: bottle of Haiti Qraat Dla- Mvtrjt cure* all kidney and bladder trou Mar. remove* gravel, cure* d-abate*, aem Inal fti,.* ru. weak and lame ba-k*. ibeumatwnt and alt irregularities of toe kidneys and bladder in both met. and wd men. reguaale* n.adder trouble* tu ctdi dr*n If no! sold by your druggtet •** be uni by ttiatl on ■■acetpt of 11. ime ama. bottle ia two mentba' treatment, and wil cure any caaa above mentioned Dr. E w Had. acta inanafa. tuter. I*. O. Mo a st Louts. Mu Send for teaumonlai* bold by all druggists and Solorooo* Cos, bat an nab. u* Read Villa. Dothen. Ala July 11. IS* Dr. E tV Hall {■• l*>-j|. Mo-Dear K-r. e lave l-ren *e|llng your Teas* Wonder. Ha * rtreat Dl*fe>very for two year* and r*< ommmd It to any one vuf lertng wnh any kidney tmube -a bfdn* the heat remedy we ever sold. Yours truly. J R. TOUNO HELD t P AMD RilllltllD. John Horten -ay* That two Had Been Taken From Htm lost Might. A white rimn nameil John Bowen report- j ed at the harra> k* la*t night ttrat he | had ta-en held up about t o'clock on j Hive# *ire. . near Whitaker, owl robbed of I3 by a negro who had taken the j money afthe point of i pistol. He called ! at the barracks In tr*on ro make hi* I complaint. *r-I a letectlve war detailed to go with hni buck to the scene of the i crime *nd Irrv—ttg.itc the matter Bowen stated at the barr.n k* that the affair had occurred near the toot of Whit- i ake.l street Just to thf rear of the grneery store of M Ferst's Son* A Cos . arid r.twr some five or *lx cars, that he said were standing on the track there When taken hack to the scene he raid that thf' rote bery had taken pin e between Bernard and Whitaker stree a. and took the dciac- j five to the place, hut then It wa* found that there were only two cars In the neighborhood Bowen said that when th* robbery occurred he .* on hi* wav to a British h!p that Is lying across the river about ojdffelte Drayton street. The tie- i te tlve* sre at work on the ease \\ 1 1,1.1 %Vl* OtlKt TO FLORint. Iteleased From Jail on an tlrder ts. sued hy Judae Speer. O W M William* who wa* confined #n Jatt for sometime on a charge of vio lating the postal Ihww ha* be*i released on an orfter frotn Judge Emory Hpeer. and has gone to South Florida for his health. Mr B S Williams of Brunson. S C., hi* brother, v |-|—itcd before Judge Siiee* with the record from the Court of Ordi nary. officially declaring him Insane Mr. j William* also had letters from a nnml-er i of prominent gentlemen both in South Carol!** and In this city Mr William* stated no hie return that he was accord- j —I a promt* and m<t courteous hearing ! by Judge Speer, who. a* soon a* the , vase wa* presented to him. Issued an order for the release of hi* brother from j Jail Mr Williams returned from Macon . with the order, serured the release of his I brother, and sent htm to Florida, where j It h* noped that with good care. Ills heahh will he restored R'TIOHTAI % MBIT OF MM F.e. Rvrnins Pleasantly Spent in the quarters n1 the Cwmpanv. A pl.asliig dance an*l etitertalhmens wis given hy the Hepuhkcan Blue* In j their quarter* at the Itegimental Armory ' last night. During the evening the badges for sharpshooter* and marksmen won during last season were presented. Among the most enjoyable features of th* evening were the -ak- wulk by Mint Fowler snd Mr Bam T Bmlth and the i singing of Mr* M Ed. Wilson Refresh ment* were served by the company, and the affair wa- one of the most suceea*- ful of the many given hy the eomm-tnd. ■ ♦ . v While Sent to kuperior 1 ourl. In the Recorder's Court yesterday eleven case-, were tried. The principal ones were those of Albert While, who was vap lured the night before In Judge Robt Fe 1 - llgant's house, an.t of Jeff Jenkins, col ored. charge,! with burglary. Both men were reman-leil to the Bupertor Court on the charge of burglary. PtkK l.t V cril Ok THR HACK. Tortured hy Hospital Insaalty Ks pert* I atll He Confesses. From the Philadelphia Record. New York. Dec. IC—The Insanity experts at Bell- vue Hoepttal have taken an un usual Interest In the case of Janie* Mc- Donald. who raised a row In the Hoff man House Monday night because he could not find Dick Croker or the Prince of Wales. McDonald's action* were such that Dr Allan Fitch decided that he was sham mtng He was given a powerful emetM and placed on a milk diet. Next he was vacillated ami placed In a stratghtjarket. When he asked to have It removed an at tendant gave him an Injection of morphine and a* ofteu • he fell asleep the at tendant awakene-l him to take more milk Then electrical treatment was tried, and McDonald wa* shocked until he yelled for merry Then he was doused Into an Ice bath and wa* at rapped on a cot. To-day. when they talked of trephining him McDonald confessed, ami said that his tlahi name was Thomas J. Minna k. and asserted that he had been employed to lay hare the secrets of the insane pa vilion and the hospital* for the insane on 1 V- -ird s Island. Dr. got a warrant for the arrest of his patient on a < harge of disorderly conduct, and he will be arraigned in Po lice Court to-morrow Hu> Take* Whisky. From the Baltimore 81111 A snort, -tout man. with 11 good-naiur nl fed face, walked into a saloon th • other night Just after the Holliday Street Theater performance was over. He was followed by a little boy, who tugged at hie overcoat with one of hie little jgtndsi and wlt*-d the tear* out of hi* eye* with Ihe other No one in the ratoon reemed at tirrt to notlee the boy. ktepptng up to the twit the snort, stout man raid "whis ky." Then taking the decanter In one harrl and a glass in thy other he lilted th. litter up to the Itrlm. lint Instead ot drinking it hlmrelf he carefully took Ihe glass off the lair and. funding down to the youngster at hi* ride. said. In laren. tal tone*. "There now. my hoy—wrlll you be tiulet now that you've got It"" To the amusement of all preeent th* youngster look th* gltt** and drained It without a murmur. He then gave a sigh of relief and raid. "Lei'* go' The short, stout man explained that •he boy was hi* son. who from babyhood had manifested a great fondness for whisky •'Whether he got that taste from paregoric given him by some kind women friend* of hi* mother's 1 don't know, but I do know that to-night while at the Holliday Street Theater he kept raising the blgges* kind of n row tiecause I would not give him a drink of whisky, tin Just said he must have it, amt *0 af ter the show woe over 1 came around here and gave him ills customary glass." s ** THE MORNING NEWS: THEKSDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1900. OIH) MSB* or A niMHBI A (thr MrNrr #f th# Bar hmc Tli i nit * Bealtlr* Itaril 4 From in# Mil**uk** £#rnir*l KamriiiM* tbrrr r# fxbuloualy lifx* f#a# paul (o aciom*yp for xrrvt *-#■*• h #*#m triflirur in compjri#jfi but a i# onl\ *umetimm, not a ii)i. th? mi > f# * •r# (aid Thtt boy who * *I • .•i"t fo th# bmm who think# that aitbii. # >*ar af#r h# ' hn*CN out hi# ihlitßi* h# Will nav# a t>r.*.'iie# which will luxur# him - rompMtttct, will fliul thJt h i# ’.* •” an entirely iliffcrcns profo#itiot wh#u h# oti hi# t h **##* 4f t Bvm *h# okl iawy#r# do r#j always K*t #h f###. and latari## <f *|intr fc*-* that hav# I>##ri p4U<l Mliwaukc** law yer# a ion •• would fill a volufln# Bur*' loo:, farm produce labor of aii i* - xcrlfdtona <hmoa* everythin# Imagtna woukf appear >#. th# ll#t Th# #tory of m f#* toot ■> one youn lawyer I# one of me kml where a n ver doe# not like to have hie nartn m*n tlomd but It probably wam'l tu# fault A vieitor wa# in the Uarhelor'# d# of tie younx lawyer, wnen he noth "I wn en- Xraved apoon Manxinx by * ribbon #ome idiotoxraph# a# though it might be a relic of *om# ##ntiment#l vollexian # love .tffnir. "That #poon i# my fee for clearing a client one time," -aid th# owner of th# decoration "I hod that given to m* after Id fpmiwl 01l Bill Mralley, the burglar Bradley hid been *rr *tNi * barged having rob •*! . houee ,* in the ftahionabl# part of town arid among other thing# it wa chtcrt'd thar he bad made away with a net of #ll\ * r warF H# ##nt for m- and from the %% *' he told hi# atory 1 thought he wa# right xnd had not nmnl tip in the burgiar> bol Part of the |eot. "Well, he told me he h*d no money, but ald h# wtxdd make |i all right wit it me #ome day If I did get him out of hi# trouMe. ao I went In and worked har-i and fitially cleared him A few day# after he had thanked me and gone clear, without paying me. he drifted into m> .f fee and aald h# had I*e#n trying to * rape up #ome money for me. lait couldn't. Then he reached in hi# {m* k*-t and gave me that #p**oii one of ehe #et I had Ju* icijult’#*l him of #tealing If I took the tpoon back I would convict myeelf of having defended man 1 knew to be guilty, ao I left It there where you H 1 think #ofn**thing of It. too. - dally a# old Bit! wa# kllbd while etealing a ride toward Chicago ** few day# after ward "When I wa# pranking up Jtidg* W H Halsey, "I had a fee in kind that I appreciated a# mtirh a# I have pc fee# at other time* I had defended m old farmer In a gnall Milt though I did !#* expect to get any pay from him The •Ult w-a decided In our favor and the old farmer and hi# wife went home Some month* afterward th** two tm into my office with n rwickage I nd a bundle tied up in u handkerchief The pv*kag* wa# a roll of butter, the handkerchief bundle wa* haxelnut#. and from the old far mer # pocket# came two hig ro*y-cheeked apple# 7*h#t butter, ar*p*e# and nut# fee wa# a satisfactory to me a# any I ever received " John F Donovan ha# picture entitled "My After the f\irnlval Dream " whi*h wa# drawn for him lr the county Jail hy J Matt Aubrey last #umtnr The sketch had #om** typical carnival oeene# #tir rounded hy #ome of the type# the ortiet #aw Mr Donovan ha# thi# sketch framd at a real work of art, to represent the apprecimion of hi# service# that one client felt •ls l mbrella Mended Free. "For ten yearn I have never paid to have an umbrella mended." oald one lawyer. “The rich landlord of the story bonk at via wanted the store the obi crippled umbrel la man wa# uing for a shop and atartcl to force the old fellow out. I fixed him so that he was allowed to stay and ever a I nee that I have taken my rain shield* to him for free mending That wa# all the fee I received for that raise too " "I had the secret# of my own lodge of. to me a* payment for a servi* * ,** said one attorney who belonged to several #ecrei orders. "I wa# sitting In my office one day when a well-dre#ed woman came In and wanted advice. Her husband, to whom she was hut recently married wa* a member of a secret society " ‘I th nk !*• perfectly horrid of him too.* *he said, 'to hive secret# and no* to tell them to roe When he married m he #akl he would share everything wi.h me. am) the first thing I ask. ilmoat, he won’t do C’an't you make him?’ *T a#kel her to lodge he belonged, and #he told me the nanu of an order of wltkb I was myself a member. Th* i wnt on " ‘I tell you what If you will make him tell them to me I will tell them to vou. to pay *ou for making him do what I want. T hat's fair, sn't it? I shotih) think you would like t< know- such tiling# Need them In your business, you know ’ *‘J didn't accept that fee" %ecepied a %\ a'a Offer. *'l had n good offer from one woman, that I did accept." continued thi# attor ney. "for It was too good to refuse, al though it wa# not In cash. I bad repre sented her in n action for divorce, and after the suit had been won she want'd me to accept port payment In hand-mode luce. The # imph-w of lace she eho Wed me were exquisite, so I told her it would be all right. She gave me about ten yards of the lace, and it was worth every cetu of what was credited her for it ” "I was paid In washing for a divorce I secured." said J. H. Paul. "A woman GOOD REASON FOR IT. The Rare*** and ropularlty of the hew t atarrh t are. The remarkable success ami popularity of the new- catarrh cure. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. Is largely because tt not only cure* catarrh, hut because catarrh suf ferers who use these tatdets know w hat they are taking Into their system*, no secret 1* made of what they contain Tney are composed of llydrastln. blood root gualacol ami red gum, are pleasant 1C the taste and being dissolved In the mouth they take immediate effect upon the miK-ou* lining of the throat, nasal passages and the whole respiratory tract. The cures that Htuart's Catarrh Tablets have accomplished in old chronic cases are Iktle short of remarkable. ml the advantage of knowing Just what you are taking Into your system if of paramount Importance when it Is remembered that tlie cocaine or morphine haWt ha* lieen treuuenlly contracted a* the result of using secret catarrh irmedtcs, as so many of them ore well known to contain these Injurious drugs Stuart's Catarrh Talaet* meet with th> approval and cordial support of physi cian* because their antiseptic character renders them t*erfectl> safe for thr genenal public to use amt their i-otnnoef tteu make* them it common sense cure for all form* 0/ catarrhal trouble With nearly ail advertised catarrh cures It Is a mutter of guess work .c wb.ii )0U are taking Into the stomach, a* tie proprietors, while making all sorts of claims as to what I heir medicines wilt do, are very careful to keep It a close stcret as lo what they really i-onlain This Is one reason why Stuart's Catarrh Tatrlsts have been so widely recommend ed. because they are dot only pleasant end convenient to take, hut the patient also knows he I* not putting Into his stomach anything of an Injurious charac ter Then* tablets are sold by druggists everywhere In th* I'nlted States and Can ada at fin cant* for complete treatment tnwl probably there I* no better remedy ever devised for the permanent cure of catarrh whether located In the head. Uuoat. brouUUgl tubes pr lit lb stoma-, n. EI t /VriTATiOH CUi is Guaranteed to ni** one tlm with tale of woe a bout her bus Kind and w ntd me to get h divorce for hr R-ve sail that she didn't want tany work <tone for her for rorhing hut tnm eh* wa* not able to p,s moiir■> s.*- would V> my tv ashing for twenty hv* week- -though, if I wou'd (rm be* fa m bet hue mmd rthe refused to tet m* . t n ' h-trity for her and a* - t . wanted d:\or-e o that she crniM : all . mat I a* - seed her offer ' * away, literal.> her mar nog. th- " 1 and tell \.u of one of my fees." said V. K (a* it I wa* •ieferwllng a man who w#s cmarged with having kiile-l a on in (‘oitunaiH eotinty The first action brm*gh against him w* defective, and wh i* the p-amilfT * counsel wa# vrit ing t.tu u n w warrant 1 pmk nv man to n* d*t*." and tuid him to get o' of the ounty—the Justi '& office was on the x>r • iin ♦ ju k > ne could In mv urt >■ to get mm out of the county f forgot to rolie. my fee and I never -aw him again."**| of 4,niii In KnaJnnd. Ton. Fharb A. Ro*. In the Nineteenth Cen tury. On my return to English life, after a rvict of thirty-five years in India, from to fh!*h. what tirikcs me most I# th cnormou# and general Irw rease of wealth. The < -Mintry gentiernen and h*- country clergy have, no doubt, suffered severely, and ir* much worse ff than when I left England, but all the other rdasees have pr'*pered gr iti> 1 do not refer to statist teg to #hnw what has i*een the gen erul r -n wag*#, or fall in prices, or the decrease in pauperism I merely give my own general impreaelons. and the*e are 4hat. although there Is. no doubt, a large amount of destitution and misery in our t tk# the labor ng closse# are g*cterally far be-ttf housed, clothed and fed than they u**#l to Ite But the Increase of wealth In what mnv be cuHe*l the tqtper mbidb cla##e# rerlke* me §.-i still gr* *ter than that in the work ing Ha#*e> It biy youth a man with s!,<*# a year was r. nrddered well off. now he Is considered a poor fellow, who cn Imrely provide hhn*< If with the neces •■tirirx of life. This i# not locauie the price of real n* . h;i risen, but because the list of supposed to* esasrk's ha# hftfl so greatly •*nlarg4*dl The great In r a*, of w ißb In *Sm higher pr '• - ntl ami ind j trial ■ liutM b * natut illy revolutltMilx* 1 what Is gab led • ety ' by -i' tilutli -a rrvWia* bit*ls for the old * c*is <f birth, cum ft* t<r ;tl flfluence or ligl In ell adual #oQlt vte i Th * old social dlvisiun# of cfb nohllHy. gentry, the learned professions, tradesmen and artisans re still *et forth ir "i#* ragi n' ;*# forming the "order of prec##l nee among ti>en," hiwl they 4*llll exist In a modified f >rm in the rural p*rt# of the country. Ilut In society generally Mammon i# king. Men with money, how ever acquired, but with neither breeding nor manners, are not only tolerated, but are court*#! in circle# into which In former days they would never hove been admit ted for a moment, whlb the par gentle man I- put aa'de with the remark. "Poor devil, what ir the good of him? He ha# no money No doubt the old social ev#- tem was fat be.*mvng an anachronism, and could not have stood long against the advancing tide of democracy: there w .s In it much that was absurd and even off* ntdve, but with all its fault# I am in cline*! to prefer It# rule to that of the Golden Calf. 4 lift nip 4 lark trresst# for llefeaf. Champ Clark, the roaring orator, who represents In Congress Mark Twain’s old home In Missouri, ha# found out what xtruck Bryan on Nov 6, says the New York Tribune..“lt w i> mules." *.ld Mr. Clark, in Missouri h>*igll#h. "That Is." he went on to say by way of explanation, "it was muh# and this ail-fired alliance with Great Britain that the Republicans have got u# Into. During last spring and > ummer the British government bought 30 4O> mubs hi Missouri for tiw nmnatroua w.r In Botith Africa. This demaivl ran the price of mule# up from s.’** an*l 17.'. to $1?;* ind li.'O. These prices completely ex hausted th.- available supply of mule# In Mi.-souri than fifteen years old and r re than fifteen hand# high Missouri, vou know. 1# the greatest mule state In the Fnion. and a# the price of mules vent up the Democratic vote went down. If we hadn't carried in Ixml*, for the fi#M time in national election. I verily believe w* would have lost Missouri—an* 1 then wouldn’t our tarty In a terri ble fix ' If the British keep on fighting there I# no telling what will happen In Missouri in the next election " —William Marconi, the inventor of wireless telegraphy, was only nineteen year# old when he first conceived ht# plan for the transmitting of message# without wire*. He I* ikot only 25. ORANGES. Hs<lQuartr for FINK FLOItIDA ORANGES FIUTTB AND VEGETABLES o. All kind*. SEED RYE, SEED OATS HAY. GRAIN. FEED, FLOUR. CHEESE. BEANS. P*. Rk; Straw, etc, W. I). Hi in kins & Cos. DUCRO’S CKKk Alimentary Elixir !• hifliif iwumwulwl • a naw4f for luuk and M l ’r r V ,'V Tr '2£ tychoiU. BuUanal ni all kimla <f Urnl*. *C. lo*rr * € •.. WorU JOHN G. BUTLER, —DEAL.EKB IN— ralnl*. Oils and Ulasa, Sash. Doom. Blinds and Builders' Buppliea, ruin and Decorative Wall Paper. Foreign ad Do mestic Cement*. Umc. Plaster and Hair. Bole Agent for Abeatln* Cold Water Paint. IB Cor***** street, sot, and It St Julian atiect, wc*L \ Dyspepsia Graybeard cured me of Dyspepsia. Nervous Dyspepsia. I did not suffer continu ally. but had four or tive attacks every year. At such times my suffering was intense. I almost de spaired of life, though the doctors did what they could for me. Last spring I began to take Graybeard. I improv ed from the first and have had but one attack since— that was the lighest 1 ever had. Graybeard is the only thing that has made me feel like myself. Mrs. S. E. Clary, Greensboro. Ala. IM a botflr at drag atom. itraftPE** dhi t* ro., lol* Owner*. i vo This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware: that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for our artistic brochure "Artist and Artisan:’ 1 free H.H. PEEPLES & SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST., WEST. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed nd Fertilizer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for "home-mixed" fertilize.-. The rheapet and moat concentrated on the market Send for pertUulara. HAY, GRAIN. t (l FEED. BK AN, BTC. SEED OATS AND RYE- ' T. J. DAVIS, •Phone 223. 11l Bay street. wat BRENNAN BROS* U MOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. HAY STREET, We*. 1 Hap boots**- Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors I Have been laid In many of the com fortable homes In New York. Boston and other cities More cleanly and eronomti al than carpets. Plain and fancy floors laid and polished complete pver old floors, making solid and beautiful Improve ment Having a number of floors to lay In Ra vatitiah this month we can quote close I figures t'HUtlogu* and estimate* may be 1 hod by nddreastng J XI ADAMS. tSi N. Chattel* street, Baltimore, Ml. OFrm AL. LIQI'OR LICENSES Chy of Suvjnnih, office Clerk of Coun cil. Savannah. (ia.. Dec. IT. 1900—The fol lowing application* to retail liquor dur ing the year 1901, were read at meeting of Council Dec. 12. 190 ft. and referred to Committee of the Whole: w. r nAii.EY, Clerk of Council. Blenjei, F . No. 1119 Went Hroud Ft reel. Holey, M 129 Congrem. atreet. wet Hookhook. F. H., Bay atreet extenalon n<l Fair atrcee. Brinkman. H. C., 226 8t Julian atreet. west. Beytagh, Thoa. F , No. 325 Eaat Hroud atreet. Bernateln, J . northweat corner Bt. Ju lian and Barnard atreeta. Brown Hroa., corner Anderron nd Eaat Broad atreeta. Cain. Julia, No. 6*6 Bay atreet. went. Cloheaaey. David, northweat corker In dian and Ann atreeta. Cordea. John F.. Montgomery atreet and Whatley avenue. I-awn. J. J . No. Ml Eaat Broad atreet. Kakeitor. W. 11., Weat Broad and Wayne atreetr. Enright. J No. 212 Price alreet. Entelmun. J F.. \'o 614 I.lberay atrset. eaat. Fehrenkamp. Henry corner Bay atreet e*tenlon and Fair alreet Farrell. M A.. Bay and Lumber atreeta. tlrimmt J. F.. r.ortheaat corner Ran dolph r.d Liberty atreeta. tioodman Hroe No. *3 Farm atreet Uartleman. W H . Randolph and Ogle thorjie avenue. Grimm, John H Preeldent and Dray lon atreeta. Oerken, Henry. Agent. No. 715 Wheaton atreet. tlrlmm, Albert, corner Weat Broad and Thirty - aecond atreeta. Honhkle* A Nevlll. aouthweat corner Ri.atghton and Jcfferaon atreeta. Harnei. W. A.. No. 444 Tattnall atreet. Hergfeld, liana, 526 Broughton atreet. corner Houaton atreet. Heilman. C. H., Eaat Broad and Bryan atreeta. Joyce. Jamea J., No. 21* Eaat Broad atreet. Jonea, tleorge H 139 Weat Brood atreet. Johnaon. Mnrtln, No 42 Reynolde atreci J.ichena, F. H., 533 Fine atreet. Jernlgnn. E. 0.. northweat corner Lum ber and Zubly atreeta. Jackaon. Andrew. No. 42 Whitaker atreet. Kuck, John. No. 412 Drayton atreet. Konemann. C. II . 3XI Firm atreet. Landaverk. 8 C.. No IT Buy a-reet. eaat. Long. Ntcholaa, No. 39 Barnard atreet. Morton. Peter. Manager, 212 Broughton atreet. eaat. Moneee. C. H., corner Hull and Jeffer son atreege. Murken. Dora, Mra . Thunderbolt road near tollgate. Ferry. F U A c O .. Bull and River atreeta. Ralntg. F W H.. 1 Indian atreet Itanxln. M A Hon, Congrem and Weat Broad nThPtu Sllverateln. Davtd. No. 32 Bt. Julian atreet. weat. Schnaarr. F.. corner Anderaon and W httaker etreeaa. Schroder. George, south east comer Weat ! Broad and Wahlburg atreeta Stem J D., No. 539 Jonea atreet. wet. Hchlotelhurg. D.. corner Price and Hall atreeta. ; Smith, W. T. K.. 412 Congrea* atreet | Weat. Bandera. Philip, corner Bull and Twelfth ro#4j, Blater, Jaa. t,, No. U Ea*t Broad gtregt. Carbuncles J. W. Williamson of Cairo, Ga.. writes: “I thought for some time I would write to let you know what Graybcard has done for me. I was troubled with risings or carbuncles for eight years and notk would do me any good. I have lost as many as 35 days with only one of these boils. I had a bad one when I began to take Graybeard, and two bottles stopped it, and I have not had one since, and this has l>een 3 years ago. The last year I had one, and before 1 began to take Graybeard I lost a third of the year from it. fl a tolll* at drag Mnrei, ItbU'RM VMtra 130., w . £ole Mnnrri. -* Jt Z%, t A . north wc*t corner Ja kw and Reynold* *t refits. Staler. J. Congrw* :n<l Jefferson street:*. Thoißpn. Geo H . 172 Arnold atreeta. Taylor. J. K.. northwest corner Ocle thorjx* uvenu- and Price *r*‘**t*. Tletjen. John T , 226 Weat Broad atreet. Winter A !oplh. 144 Barnard atreet Wallace. W M . U* Stewart street. Wellbrock. John F 524 Jcffer.on atreet. Ybanes. Rtigene D.. 106 Bay street, et. KEEP OUT THE COLD BY USE OF WEATHER STRIP. ! Ill'S * 11 v Itroutfhton Street. West f"- Sunset Route. Ri suasn V '&L7I SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. The Favorite and Beat Houle Lille To LOUSIANA, TEXAS. MEXICO CALIFORNIA. and all Points West. STANDARD PtM.LMANH on ail t™** ls dally, EXCFRBIDN PALACE PIILIiMANS dally, except Monday, from Now Orleat to California ami Oregon point*, at 13."" ler berth. FREE CHAIR CAIU* dally. New Or leans to lullat, anl all (Middle and Northern T. xue points. DAILY THROITOH I’FLLMXNS ■• Mexico i'lty ami Ban Franclaco. Th.- Famoua BFNBET LIMITED, ever Monday, Thu reday and Saturday. Nee Orleans lo Hon Fnancleco. For all inform.ilhat. uddreaa CLARENCE W. MURPHEY. T. P. A . IS East Bryuu Si . Savannah. On. —i. ii SCORE YOURSELF! I’m DU • for unnatural Ihrhnrae*. lotUratu.ti. tut. or ult.r.n oe ,( nuret* meKta.oee- I’amlM... and not aatrue grot or poieooow. atota by Ur.ff ,, t*' or aeat la, wr.Fper, hr mm. em*H tot ft m. or s bottle. . Circular -—t an rwrseat W. ROSS gravenerT Manufacturer’s Agent, RAILWAY A!*U MILL SCTPLIB*. Frovtdtnt Building, Aavaacoh, O*.