The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 20, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. Kl2\% § AM) \ IKU fIF THE DAI IN TWO NT%TI9N. hlnn Hfhlifd ■ml Thrown In Hirer nf Home— %tla nta‘ Minor fihen ■ Tote In onnrll-Many Candidate* for hapcr Infentlenl of boldlrra* Home—Northern apllallM* to Build Town In Florida—Bright Outlook for the Florida Induairlal Kmklhlt. A matrimonii! wave In sweeping over Walton county. Twelve marriages have taken place In the Hat few day* and oth er* are announced for ihia week. Hay Become Mate Katmii<ili>alat. Hrv 8 r R|>irgH. who ha* been serv ing the Christian Churches at Winder and Monroe for the |>*rt year, will preach I is lift aermon In Winder Sunday and at Monroe the fth Mr. *4|degwl hi* lren kwl lo accept the pli< of state aven galist. Ilaa rnrrhatMl Two ttramm, It I* understo**! on rood authority that the Georgia and Florida Navigation Com par v who** boat, the Three Htatea, burn •d at foiumhu* wharf recently, ha a bought the at camera Naiad and J W Hitee. which have been iH*>raniic oh the river under other management*. The Nata l will run on the lower river and the Hire* will run between Coluii. *u and Apalachicola. firta a Sorth nroiino Bride. At Towravllla.Vance ounty. North Car tiinti, Dec. 11. Mr. Jamea M Kdwarda, a well-known business man of Lomt**rt. Überty county, and Miss Mattie M Mor row, daugh er of Mr. i> 8 Morrow, were united In marriage Mr I*.mb<rt ha l*ecn associate! In the mercqntUe bUHlneea at Lambert w th Col. K P MUler f*r .i Mimler of year*. He and hi* hr'4k* will be warmly recclvul by friends In Liberty. Fine ||hi In Wilkinson. Mr I) J. Bateman, who live* near Gor don. In Wllklnaon county.l* demonstrating the fact that tli** farmer proapera who Uvea at home, ralaing all the meat and bread that ho consume# on hie plantation Mr llatemun ha* now in hi* lot eleven hog* that will weigh upward of 900 pound* each. The three thousand pouu I* of meat that he will kill from these hoga will be more than enough to carry him through the coming year, and he will, while eat |ng It. know that he ha* the l*t meat that money can buy. Atlanta'* Mayor lihe* a Vole. The Atlanta charter MU which carrlee with It lhe provision that the Mayor of the city ahall vote In the aider manic board In cue of tie wan signed by Goremor Candler Thi* was the final tep to tie taken before the bill became a law. Re cognising that tire ame Iment to the tma eure. offered by President Howell, wa* mode nernary *lrce the board of alder men wa* romtswi of an even number o members aiwl that the object of th* emefidmom w t Inaure * i*ffipetHion In the disposition of franchises, (iov Candler signed tho charier bill without heiltalluti Mhoj ( iiiml tln t * for Haprrinlrntl rnl. The position of of th* Bol'lier* Horn provided for to th* bl.l that trenefer* the Sddltrf 1 Home prop erty to the *tgt* U In great dementi. More than twenty application* for the i*>- coming from every part of the atat* and all from Confederal* veteran*, are on file In the office of the chief ex ecutive and the eonteat promise* to be a lively one. In addition to a aupertnlemi. ent. the Governor t* called u|*on to ai- Ivtnt at once eleven truatee* for the horn**, one from each conereeelona 1 dla trlct, and tiw>r* than enough npp.lcaiM* to i fill all the place* are already unnoum el for the appointment. Na remuneration la attached to the office of trjt*n of th liome and the pueition 1* .iltmeeiner an honorary one. hut aotm* of the iikwi prom inent veteran** of (horyla have expreaaed a wnilngn*** and denlre to aerve oi the hoard. In the aeiretlon of the true !■•* | Oov. Candler atated that he fvropoeed to appoint men not only of the hi#hem character. (>ut of recognise*! ability, to manage the attain* of the Inst Mutton. Hob bed and Thrown In lllver. Tom Mullock, a well known farmer, came near being drowned In the Ktowah at Home ttaturday night. Mullock'* crl** attracted the attention of Woodward Chandler, a foundry employe, who. on In ▼eeilgjtlng found Mul.ork help.eae In Ch Vlver with only hi* head touching tne liank. Chandler Imniedlatfly draggwl the half froxen man out and carried him home, where h* regain**! con*ciousnH*. Mul lock veemed dared, and at first Mut'd thart he did not know how he came to fall In tne river He then Mated (hat. to the beet of hi* memory, he wa* with two men during the evening, who took hint to the river, robbed him and then threw him in from a flat boat. The men then left, itnd Mu.lock, finding the water only reached til* ne.fc. attempted to wade out Hi* strength failed hint a he reached the bank and he gave up Mullock admitted that he had been drinking heavily and was under the Influence of whl*ky wnen rescued. He > .aimed that he had been robbed, but the exact amount is not known. Mullock I* of the opinion that the men gave him "knockout drops." Which temporarily erased him. FLORIDA. GalncevlUe Bun: The fruit, vegetable Industrial exhibit to be thtd In Bt. Hetera burg beglnn ng on Jan. 10. promise* 10 lie a *Teat success. and we alncerely lru*i It may be. The growers | n that localdy are abundantly ftx.d to make a creditable exhibition, and w>- know of no reason why they should not do to. ■ Csssly'i Flaw Prsdseli. Volusia County Record: There le an acre of fine lettuce about ready to be shipped from the Btarke grove property on Lslfe Ueresford. An other w.ll be ready for the market In January. Mr Btarke auy* he will Itove two acres cf celery llu* winter. Ho lud one last winter, and did very well with |l. fie better understand* how to grow, bleach and market It than he did, and ex pects 10 do belter with this winter's crop Mr. Btsrkc *sys there are other Industries In Florida that the farmer end grower can make money, other then ihe orange In dustry. A Lively name of Football. Jacksonville Metropolis. After much Wangling over the terms for a football game between the managers of the Jack sonville I asm Infantry oral Rifles' foot ball learn*, an atmeab.e settlement of the ex sting difference* wa* reached yester day afternoon, and a match game ar ranged for Christ mas Hay The game wl.l be played in Ihe afternoon at the Spring field Fark. and will be the star event of the season, on the gridiron here. t>n ar count of the existing rivalry between the two teame Ibe game will be of unusual In terest to the footba.l enthusiasts and Ihclr admirers To tlnlld Sew Florida Town. New York. Philadelphia and Washing ton capitalist* will build anew town In Florida A petition has been filed fer e charter for the Jack son vllle-Spring (IcH Improvement Company, which starts with paid in capital wtock of HOfMWi George Shook of Washington. D. C , Is the Weddmt. The company has already pur- chased *lxty acre* north of Hpringfleld and will add several burnt rad adjacent acre* Nn-rtf will be Kr*i|(d in| |nnol. •••! laid *ff and a home built on evety i rcslUtnt lot. The town will tie equ|pf**d with rmwiern Improvement* rind the ele - tre- car *y*t#*rn will connect It by rail with Jt< kwonvillc The Idea of It* pro. footer* l* to make It n model town. *■*. i* • tally for Ka stern people who may want w.liter home* In Florida. A I*l AHA I*l*l .|; CANNKKY. One to Be v:ttlll*ha-d at Orlando to I aa Small Frail. Orlando. Fla., Dec. 19 —A company ha* ! Ju*t been formed here for the purpose of j establishing a canning establishment to ! I***! Up pmeappie*. It haw always been the object of the Orlando pineapple grow er* to produce the largest and finest fruit to be found In the world And this cfTort ha* come nearer resulting In com plete auiVe** than most undertaking*. TB* Orlando pine* have established a reputa tion until the demand for the fruts 1* far In eacree of the euppty. The !ndutry ha* grown at a r mark ibie rate, and the arre j ag* of pineriew ha* quadrupled annually for several year*. Only the varleti< I known to produce the largest and hleh | e*t flavored fruit are planted here Then I c,. h individual piinter endeavors. by In telllg*nt cultivation and liberal fertilis ing. to Increase the slat) ai.d Improve the j quality of hi* fruit. Htli., owing to plant* fruiting out of uni - #©n, or to tUKlffl, or so some other cause, there lh a certain (e-rcentage of under used fruit In each year'* crop Till*. If j ►* nt away with the big one*, would lower the grade of th#* entire output. It I* to utilise fhl* eecond grade fruit that this ■ enter prime f* undertaken. The gentlesnen j who romiioiw' the company nr<* pineapple growers. Primarily I* to make n market far their own small fruit that they have de cided to can It for market. Hut they will | purchase from other grower* the smaller fruit they may produce. lof It t* understood that thl* small j fruit 1* In no degree lacking In qualltv. ! It ha* the name distinctive chant ter of j the larger pine*, and when |H)t <>n the market will rank far ahead of the ordi nary mnM fruit. Machinery for the new plant will be her# In a few dry*. and operation* will begin early In the year l!*)l. HI JIM. T 1 Hl'KVriJB UJIM. TimhrruifH Fll< liib >n\itl Morra %l-n In 'l*n lln In Tallfthaaaee. Fin . T)c. 1* -Th# Nival Btnr* ln#lu*try. which limp Itccn prooecirt* *al In thin flection for wev#nil yearn, la brKtniitng to glv#* way to that of lumber I! M Cate, of Raleigh N. G„ rejjreaent- Ing the Myrtle Wood Lumber Ci>mp*n\. in buying large trait* of turpentine Li ml* from the Cay Hroe. and 1* prepar ing to eatahiish an Immense waw-mtll on the Si Mark* Railroad, his teen mica tfouth of Tallahaawee. 11. V\. lirH>kH, alfo of North Carolina, ami a m*ini**r of the Brook*-1 >avld*o> Kumtwr t ointmny. in buying lands from Capl. H. 11. liutarloh. Thl* romrwny will tnKtthllah a large Maw-mill alnwit !lfte-n miten aouth of Tallahaaaee, Mwren the (\. T. Ac tj„ .inti St. Mark# Railroad Tta* Plant Sva.em tnd flu* I..ouo*vUle am! Naahvllie It lrtNid < V#ni|Ktny have agiycd to give free tr.inaportalloti t* tie t• > Tallrth.isH, •• for the in.ugur*>- ilon of Gov. - elect JennUnc* on Jan. 8 j,4pn WttUama, oolorrd. dicharg ed from the opttotxwd oil mill *t 8 o'clock Monday morning. A* 11 o'clock he re turned to the mill with hi* gun. abused everybody and everything about the mill, and mode dire thr at* agalnwt a number of parilex there. W 1 lama wan arroKtd, tried before Judge WhlttWH. and Quad $U> At an early iHiur y*terday morning, a negr> woman, Mary Cnnty, w fouitel • had on the Ward plantatkxi. four mi.**# ■Mm of Talkihaaoee It la aald that ahe waf hot and klße<! by a negro man on the place named Thompson, who la Jt tar*#- Ir J H. Hunt and Mia* Suele Boyett wer#* married Sunday evenftttg at Cra% for.lvHU- by Rev W J. Gray. M*"( Minnie J. Wi Him me of Amerlcua. is<l Mr H. F Strohfeker from Macon are giieat# at the home of Gov. W. D. BioxEim. MOLLIDV Y-Mt>t HF.It. t Fort talley llrlle Marries an At lanta Man. Fort Valley, Us., Dec. 19 —Miss Leola Greene Houser, a reigning belle of this section, was married at t o'.lock this morning to Mr, George Henry Holliday, Jr., one of Atlanta's young business men. The ceremony was -rformed In the Meth odist Church here. Rev. George W. Slathews officiating. Immediately after the cer-monr the happy couple left for an extensive trip through Florida aial will extend their visit to Cuba. Refreshments were served the bridal party last evening at the home of the hrld< s i>arenss. Sir and Mrs. Franklin Caldwell Houser. The presents received were unusually beautiful and costly. Florida's lusiignrsl Hull. Tallahassee. Fls.. Deo. 19.—Tile commit tee in charge of the inaugural ball to Iw given on the evening of Gov -elect Jen nings' inauguration, to-day ilsutd the following announcement: "There wUI be an Inaugural hall at the la-on Hot.l in the city of TnlW.hase.-e, Fla., on Tuesday evening Jsn. X, Ifni, mid .- cordial Invitation I* extended to alt who wish to participate. No special invlta tona will bo issued. The cltls.-ns of Talla hassee will give you a heany welcome end do all In their power to contribute to your enjoyment.” The memt-era of the commit toe are la-win M lively, chairman; J. W. Hen derson. J. A. Kdmondson. George B. 1-erklne. P. W. Wilson. Fill AT IIIATRMT niUIHEII C'Lt 11. ttraanlaed l.asl Mxkl and Will Hold a Hally Rett Week. The First District Colored Club met last night at Dorsey Hall with n good attend ance of colored voters. The following officer* were elected to serve during th* campaign Chairman—RV. M Ch s-lm. Herretary—John II Tuomi-r, Treasurer James Dorsey. Th" club adjourmsl to meet at Dorsey Hall next Wednesday night when a rwlly of the voters of the district will be held. Despondent Women. Years of experience In treating diseases peculiar to women, during which time I h.i\ - given each case my -• -t siuily and attention. to promise tellef to llie thousand* of women w j are constant. Italian: suffererr Kvery woman owe* ■ of them fitsn u sense of false mod- -ty continue lo suffer 'i In slience rather than take advantage of expert, aktlltul V treatment, which will restore them to perfect health. M\ p.ittenta are among-thr !* t people of this city and state, arc) no woman need hcrltste to place herself under "w- tny treatment tindestanding thoroughly her delicate or k'^)P'■ tn as 1 do. 1 have perfeected an entirely new and ■f a----- original method of treatment which has proven unlform ly succeasful. even In the moet stubborn cases I have sgoul tne•> a specialty of tn*< diseases for taenty year*, end F tin give th* best profeselonal and fliMnclal references, l J.Newton Hathaway.M D. ® on or h V letter. All correspondence contldemUL S A Bryan sireet. Savannah. Ga. , Office Hour*—9 lo U. 2 lo t. 7 to 9 p m. Sundays, 10 i. id. io 1 p m. THE MOKMNG NEM\S: THL KBDA Y, DECEMBER 20, 1900. H~’ Grocer it s “ the same as.” "as good as,” etc., gives you a poor imitation ol the truth. To get a little more profit he’s willing to give you all the dissatisfaction Sierisk. If you want an r. less wearing, more eco shing than with soap, noth- o I* Pearline. Twenty years of use have proved what it will do to save work—and what it won’t do in trie way of harm. * * Don’t argue the matter—use Pearline. THE WEATHER. Forec*t for Thumday an<l frl4y: Georgia: Rain Thursday Friday fair with colder In caetern portion; fresh easterly Kind*, Becoming northwesterly Thursday idht Eastern Rain Thursday. Fri day partly cloudy, probably rain on th en If coast. and •■older In northern and central portions; (resh cast to south he. am In k westerly Frtdav W. sirm Florida lUIn an I colder ThtfltiMlay. Friday fair; varlalslr wind*. |a- iimlnn fr<*h northwesterly winds. South Carolina Ram Thursday. Fri day. fair iiiidrr. freali easterly winds, Irt comlnc mirtliw— erly Thursd-iy nlaut. Vestrrday'a Weather at havannah— Maximum tcm| raturu 2:15 p. m degree* Mlnlnmm temperature 5:50 .. m. ■. degree* Mean lcmicratur- 52 d-grres Normal temperature 51 d* gress f£xi.s* of tem;eriure I degree A umutaled Uen y ln.-e I>c j 63 degree* A' . umutaled exceae since Jnn 1 2M degreea Rainfall .... 00 Inch Normal ..... U Irwh ItelUlency since Dec. 1 55 Inch lieflclency sln.e Jan. t 7.T1 Inches. River Report -The hlght of the Savan nah rlvi t at Auusia*at 6 a In (75tn me. ri Iran timer ye-lerday, was 7.2 fret, a fall of • foot during the preceding twenty four hours. • rieert ations taken at the same moment of time i all —tatione. l>ec. Ik, lkW, 5 p. m , Tath meridian time Hint of Station T V Rain 44 Now York t'lty. clear .... 42 8 j .Oil I’h .adetphia, -.lear 48 i L j .00 \V *ahlngton <*lty, dear .. 40 L { .00 Norfolk, cloudy 1 f2 Y* j .00 Matt ••ran. clear J j 8 j .00 Wilmington, cloudy \ U | L j .00 Charlotte, cloudy j 4* | 6 | .uo Raleigh, cloudy j ah J I# j .00 C'harleaton, cloudy j U 2 | 8 j .00 Atlanta, raining { fo j 8 j .10 Augup'a. clotgly [ o 4 j 1* j .00 Savaiirmh. j f*T j 6 .00 Jai kMonville. cloudy j 81 j 8 j .00 Jupiter, raining 88 j 2o j .82 Key Watt. clear j 72 j 12 j .01 Tampa, pt. cloudy j tw ; j .no Mobile, raining j 08 J 8 | .38 Mtaitgomery. mining ....j 64 j 14 | .32 Vickftburg. ( loudy | 64 ! 12 j .84 New Orleans, cloudy ~..| 80 8 j .23 Galvegton. clear j 68 | 14 | .00 Corpu* ChrhMl. clear ....} to j X | .in) Paleatioe, clear f 42 J 12 J .00 Metnphl*. raining j 60 j W ' .50 Cincinnati, dear J 44 calm .no PiMaburg. dear \ 38 j L# j 00 Buffalo, clear 3ft j 14 j T Detroit, clear 38 12 |no Chicago, clear j 38 | 18 | .no .Marquette, mowing {32 j 10 T St. Paul, clear 32 ) 1* | .00 Davenport, clear | ;w 8 I .oO S:. Is*>uim clear j 42 j 10 J .00 Kanaa* Gty. clear j 44 L} no Oklahoma, clear j 44 j 14 | .00 Dodge City, clear j 40 j L J .00 North Platte, clear | 3ft \ L j .00 H B. Boyer, Local Forecast Official. ♦ MvGHO SHUT 111 A FtlMt RRfAN. Thmialil in It.- n Hohher and Told to Halt hat Only- Han tbe Faster. Jack Mite, colored, was shot early yea terday morning by Patrolman Bandtford. The negro was seen by the officer rlwMng away hoards from a warehouse on Ihe old Baltimore steamship wharf When the officer reached him he tried to escapr. He was called on to halt, and three shots were tired In the air to Induce him to do so, but Instead of stopping the shots caused him to run the faster, so the offi cer sent Ihe ofher two bullets In his re volver with Ihe |nji pose of stopping his man by hitting film In this he was successful, the last hill taking effect In Mli.- s tight thigh, and bringing him to .. halt. He was sent to the barracks where hi* wound was dressed by I>r. K. 8. Os borne. “Is the lllble Truef” Savannah. Dec. Morning News: The above heading was the aul*- Ject of a recent lecture In our city, by Mr. J. C. tk-arboro. of Statesboro, reported In Ihe columns of the Morning New*. It Is Indeed a live question and worthy of great consideration. How many persotis are dally answering this momentous question. In Ihe affirma tive? "Thousands!" cornea the quick answer. How many persona are dally answering this momentous question In the negutlve? lteluotantly conies the answer again, "Thousands!" But how many persons.hanging on to the promise of eternal life, contained In Ihe lllble, yet remembering these words, "lb-part from me. ye curaed." Matthew, xxv, 41, as Ihe subject of many a ser mon heard In their earlier days, hoar many person*, on being asked "la the Bible true?" say: "We do not know. We are taught to believe It to by true, we want to believe It. but we do not under stand It, It seems so full of contradic tions. II troubles us.” Now why this diversity of opinion Fan someone explain? Ik> Ihe ralnlslers of the Uo*|el ls-lleve Ihe Bible aloodutely from the beginning to the end" Do they understand all its teachings, all Its state ments? Do they believe blindly whar they do not understand? and can they ex plain away all seeming contradictions? I>o they prove dally the trulh of the Gospel? Philanthropist. ntHUK IMtai.lliE.HX Matters of Inaerrat o shipping Mew lirnersllr. taut don. Dec 19-AH attempt* to float the ifrltlsh e.earner laxura, Capl. Yule, from ftavannah, via Norfolk, for Bremen, ashore on the coast of Holland, near Pet ten. have been unsuccessful. Note—The latura sailed from Savannah for Bremen Saturday, Nov. 24. She load ed general cargo, conwistlng of cotton and other product*. Stra. han 4> Cos. were the local agent*. Another use to which the sea-going harge In to he put le that of carrying car gos* of fruit from the tropic*. Experi mental attempts wilt be made In a few weeks lo bring banana* from West In dian and Central American port* to the t’nlted States In barges, towed astern by fust sicwmehlp*. which will also have I heir hotde full of fruit. It I* claimed the absence In barges of heat, which Is al ways found In *team craft, wilt allow the fruit to tie landed In a better condition, beside* saving at least one-half In the cost of transportation. The harge Atlas will leave Boston In a few days. In tow of the tug <’ W. Morse, for the Wat In dies for the first run. Should tugs prove to he of more use than steamships for towing purpose*, the latter's service* will be dispense)] with. Both wtU, howsver. lie tried. Thla will be anew departure In lbe trull trade. The six-masted schooner Oeorge W Well*, which re l <ently arrived at Havana from Fhtladctphta, In the quick time of six and n half days, has been chartered to a cargo of .Vi.tku ties at Brunswick for New York. She Is to receive 15c per He In freight, and It Is guaranteed that list.(Uo feel shall tie loaded per day. The vessels built In the United Slate, and officially aiumbered from June JO. 100. to Nov. 30, I*o, were 485. of 149.953 gross tons. Shlpma.Mera are being notified of Ihe change made In the International code of signal* by uving larger flag* and the addition of A. K. I. O and V to the code, which romp let ea the alphabet. The Hrlt- Dh Hoard of Trade announces! that on Jan I. 1901, m new and enlarged oftdt of signal* will come Into use for speaking with signal station* From the Ut of January, 1901. :he new and old code* will be u*ed concurrently. Veaaeki u*lng the new ixwle wtU d< note their doing eo by the hoisting of Lhe cole iiennant with the fly tied #0 the ha.liards. having above R a black bad or fthap* reoembling a laill From the li of January, IMC. the new code only will be used, and Its distinguish ing sign wtU thenceforward be the code pennant hoisted in tha ordinary way. The Norwegian bark D. H Morris, from Belfast for Ship Island, put back to GhrJst lan wind leaking and with her pumpa choked. I'naarngrra by Steamship*. F > due to arrive on steamship Alleghany. from Philadelphia —Mlse K Mlrne. Mis* K. Newton. Miss N. Newton. P. D. H-adly. \V H. Rtddnson. H. C. Brooks. Henry Martin. Mrs. H. Martin. John Horne. Robert Hams. Charles Gowrle, J. R. Weacott. Savannah Alaxanae. Sun rises at 6:59 a. m and sets al 4:58 p. m. High wafer at Tybee to-day at 8:15 a in and 6:34 p m High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phase* of the Mona for December, Standard time—9oth mar D. H. M Full moon 6 4 38 morn. Last quarter U 4 42 eve. New moon 21 6 1 eve. First quarter ....% 28 7 48 eve. Moon perigee. 3d and 30th. Moon apo gee, lath. ARRIVAL* AMI limilTUir.t. Vessels Arrived Yesterday, Bark Letlxln (Itai), Reboffe. Barbados Chr. G. Dahl * Cos. Arrived at fjaaraattne. Schooner Thomas F. Pollard, Jarman. Pardenaa. V easels Cleared Yraterdav. Steamship Armenia (Br). Bcearf. Ant werp via Bremen —J. F Minis A Cos. Bark Kampjord (Non, Sorensen, Buenos Ayres—Walter Coney. H.-booner John U. Schmidt, Norbury. Philadelphia. Vessels Went to Sea. Bark Oaaeile (Br). Green. Rio d* Ja nlero. Bark Victor (Nor). Otsvlk. In low tug Wm F McCauley from Tybee for Wil mington. Schooner Fred Jackson. Hatt, Dart Hast ings. N. 8. Schooner John Rose, Yamaman, Phlla delph la. Schooner Milll* R. Bohanan, Smith, Bal t tmorr. Schooner Uxxle B. Willey. lUvers, Boa ton. Lighthouse tender Pharoo. Anderson, In tow Fort Jackoon. Freights and I barter*. Steamer VlmeVla (Br), Near York to Havre. Schooner Three Marys. Fernandlna to N-w York, ties, IS'j cent*. Schooner R. J. Moulton, Baltimore to Savannah, coal. 95 cHs. Hark N. !< Morris. Savannah la Mar to New York, logwood, prtvata terms. Whipping Memoranda. Apalachicola. Fla.. Dec. 19—Cleared, hark Ashkiw. 1-arkln. Montevideo Jacksonville. Fla.. Dec. 19. Rntered. British schooner# Sarah E. Douglass. Cameron. Nassau, am) Wil iam N. Albtiry, Russell. Nassau. B W. f.; steamship* 8. mlnole. Hearse, New York: Roanoke. Juy. Philadelphia, and Westover. Johns. Philadelphia. Cleared, steamer Iroquois, Watson, New York Fernandlna. Fla . Dec. 19 —Arrived, schooners Bylvanta C. Hall, FsMtenherg. New Haven, Conn.: Charles L. Jeffery. Thrall. Polnt-a-Ptdre. Guadaloupe. Cleared, schooners Raymond T. Maul!, Smith. Philadelphia; Greenleaf Johnson, Woodruff. New Haven. Conn. Sailed, schooners Helen L. bfartln. Fountain. Washington; Austin D. Knight. Header. Bridgeport. Conn.; Florence A. Strout, Curaeo. P. R. Key West. Fie., Dec. 19.—Arrived, steamer Concho. New York, end celled for Galveston; Olivette. Smith. Hevane. and sailed for Port Tampa for Havana, schooner Charles E, Batch, Crocker, Phil adelphia. Puma Gorda. Fla. I>ec. 19—Cleared, schooner J. R. Teel, Hansen. Baltimore. Muryport, liec. IS.—Balled, steamer Kor aat Holme. Savannah. Huetva. Dec. I#.—Sailed, steamer Hast- Ingden. Charleston. Ha.eimorn. Dad. U.-Balled. ateamer Florida. Savannah: arrived, bark Jennie Sweeney. Fernandlna. Charleston. Dec 19— Arrived, steamer Helmfleld (Oer), Klsfeld. Hamburg; V. 8 S Armerla, Rulon. New York, bound to Savannah. Cleared, schooner* Nelson E Newbury, King. New York; Pasadena. Hlgbce, New York. Spoken. In latitude 32:55 north, longitude 55 50 west. Brttlsh sailing ship, showing letters L 31. T. L. hotter to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished musters of ves sels free of charge in United State, hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tains ar* requested to call at the ofll e Reports of wrecks and derelict, received for transmission to tho Navy Depart ment. Foreign Rspnrtn. Per British steamship Armenia, for Antwerp via Bremen—For Bremen 4.39 J bales cotton. 3215.972 for Antwerp. 2ui round bales cotton. 11.970 32 ; 700 hales cot ton. 333.045. 1.7 M tons phosphate rock. 321.- 435—Cargo various. Per Norwegian bark Kampjord. for Ruenos Ayres—4.3(3 barrel* rosin, $13,510. —Cargo by Walter Coney. Const nlar Fxuorta. Per schooner John O. Schmidt, for Wil mington. De 1.—37,1.073 feet yeikvw pine lum ber -Cargo by E It Hunting A Cos, Per schooner Margaret A. May. for 8a1tim0re—227.753 tim0re—227.753 feet yellow pine lumber Cargo by E. B Hunting A Cos. MISHAP AT JEW Ultl.FAV*. Harvey B. Fell and ills lltder Slight ly Injured. Now Orleans. Dee. 19—In the steeple chase to-day Harvey It. fell after the fifth Jump and C. Johnson, who rode him was hurt slightly. Princes* Murphy and Batiber were the beaten favorites. Sum maries: M First Race—On* mile, selling. Judge Magee. 7 to 5. won. with Cast me. 11 to 6, second, and Brown Vail, 13 to 1, third. Time 1:47],. Second Race—One mile, selling Gra cious. 3 lo 6. won. with Valili-X. 25 to 1. second, and Menace, 5 lo I. third. Time 1.43’,. Third RaceHtcepl,chase. handicap, short course. Isen, 12 to 1. with High Ad miral. 6 to 1, second, and Dan Cupid. 3 to 1, thin]. Time 4.24. Fourth Race —Handicap one and one eighth miles. Monk Waymon. 3to 5. won with Hood s Brigade. 5 to 1. second, and Beans. 4 to 1. third. Time 2"2 - Fifth Race—Selling, one and one-slx teenth mil,-*. Chorus Boy. 7 to 1. won, Sauber, 10 to 1, second, und Henry of Framstamar. 3 to 1, third. Time 1:55. Sixth Race—One mile, selling Ren CTiance. 3 to 6. won. with Sun locks. 7 to 1. second, and W. B. Gates, 7 to 2, third Tltuo 3:49. 1.01 Al, drill! Ml VAR. Mr R. Y. Dane of Butta Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W C. Oliver of Lyons Is a guest of the Screven. Mr. J. A. White of Atlanta Is a guest of tha Screven. Mr. W. J. Regers of Sparks Is registered at the Screven. Mr. J. R. Malloy of Howell* Is a guest of the Screven. Mr E. R. Clark of Albany 1* a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W. J. Walker of Thyre Is registered at the tkteven. Mr, W. E Huggins of Oliver Is regls at the SiTvven. Mr. J. F. Cowart of Arllngun Is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr E D. Kell y of Denmark is regis tered at the Pulaekl. Mr. 8. F. Garland of Augusta Is regis tered al the De Soto. Mr. S. W. Palmer of Mlllen Is regis tered at the De Soto. Mr. J. Dee Ensign of Worth is regis tered at the Do Soto. Mr. Charles Patton of Atlanta Is a gueot of the Pulaski. Mr. W. W klackall left via the Central yesterday for Atlanta. Mr D. J. Pearson of Pearson was among yesterday * arrivals at the Scre ven. Mrs M F Cummings of Manassas - among the arrival* at (he pukiskl yester day. Mr. R. D Perkins of Halcyondalc was anetng the arrivals yesterday at the Pu laski. 'Miss Fannie Neuberger and Mlsa Cohen left via the Southern yesterday foe Au gusta. Mr. E. B. Cornell was among the pas senger* of the Plant System yesterday for Washington. Mr. U C. Fletcher was among the pss aenger* of the Flu ret System y.atiiday for Montgomery. f Messrs. O. E. and J. 8. Richardson were among the passenger* of the Sea board Air Dine yesterday for Norfolk. The frier Hi* of Mr. and Mrs A. Pope will be pleased to h-wm that the latt r was reported yesterday a; the De Soto as somewhat Improved. She Is still regard ed, however, as dangerously 111. CITI HIIK IT I US. The St. Andrew's Society will hold its December meeting Iv-iiliM at the Hus. aar*' Club. Mrs. Margaret UoubUng Held, w.fe of the late Rev. William Moultrie Reid, and mother of Mrs. J. W. Cttundlcr of this city, died at her home In St. Charles on Monday night. Mr. K. F Jackson, nuuiugcr of the Fi delity Mutual Life Insurance Company for Southern Georgia. Is sending with the company's compltnvnts the usual hand some derk calendar Issued by the Fidelity people. Hugh F. Brady, elected Justice of the peace of one of the country districts at the last election, qualified before Judge Fi-nill. in the Court of Ordinary, yester day and was han b'd his commlss.on from the Governor. August Nord, a subject of the Caar of Russia, took the oath of allegiance In the Superior Court yestrrday ami arts trans formed Into a rttlsen of the United States. Nord ha* been In tl** country for nine teen years, but has only recently come to realise the advantages of ctttsenshlp. A circular has Iteen Issued from head quarters of the First Infantry, giving tte tlce of the meeting of officers that will be' held to-morrow night at the Regimen tal Armory at *lO o'clock. The organtsa tlotl of new companies to till vacancies in the regiment will be discussed. Other matters of importance are also to come up. Candy Esculetts Cores PILES or Money Reloaded. WHY SUFFER? Sold under guarantee at following stores: Rowiinskt s. Jones . Mascnic T-mpi* Knight's, fV F. Reid's. Marlow s C.eve- Isnd’s. Donnelly's, end W. A. Ftgman 'e Savannah. <sa. Dll'l'M AN BROS.. Savannah Ga . and W. F. RJUIr, Bavwcnah an., Dietnbatorn u Satisfaction v is unusual with " Fivc-Cent cigar smokers,’ ’ but it has been the every day experience of hundreds of thou sands of men who have smoked Old Virginia Cheroots during the last thirty years, because they are just as good now—in fact, better than when they were first made. Three hundred million Old Virgtnu Cheroots smoked this yr. Ak your own deiler. Price, 3 for 5 cents. •-"SANTA CLAUS WANTS TO KNOW Are You Thinking and worrying yourself over -what to get for i fins m for your sister, your cousin, or your aunt, or your broth er, or your mother, for your husband, or your wife, or even your sweetheart. Take Santa Claus' advice and come rijjbt straight to Lindsay & Morgan’s, who are headquarters for the nicest and most suitable things that you or any one else could suggest for a Christmas present. We will take the liberty of giving you • , A Few Suggestions and we think out of the number of articles mentioned von will certainly be able to please yourself and the person for whom you are buying it. Our goods are all useful, and will last a life-time. Remember our motto, ‘‘Not How Cheap, But How Good.” Our stock consits partly of the following, all of which will make a suitable present: Sideboard, China Closet, Chiffoniers, Smyrna, Axininster or Hair Rugs, Shaving Stands, Writing Desks, Dressing Tables, Lace Cur tains, Portieres, Table Covers, Leather Couch, Rattan Rocker, Gold Chair, Book Case, Leather Chair, Parlor Table, Silk Mantle Drapery, a handsome Carpet, Brass Bedstead, with a Per fection Mattress. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, . _ . _ . The regular pries has been $25.00. We havs A 9x12 Woo Smyrna w - J have so many good thing, that w. ran Rlld l *''* you “'’‘S** ,h **h all. but want you i > * ''“‘o K P / ~ .* eome and see for yourself, and w< are sure you will be pleased. (® Animal ' Ve ***''*“ “ special shipment for Christ- /fit) r „ c-1111l licll ma ,, prloo from $12.00 up to $75 00 each. (• -C, D. |oo Y °u must be sure la see them. Dofl't for- # • (m m m 1 H"' fhn# the tlm.- is short, and the good /KVm m ww things are picked up first. We want you V® ® * (| | | | to be flret. Won't you? • • • # OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NEW YORK. IIOSTON AND TH|; EAST. Uneurpasl cabin accommodations All the comforts Vf a modern hotel Elec tric lights. I nexcelled table. Tickets Include meals and berths aboard ship. PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. NK £J‘V <K - K,r ! t t * bln - **: Cabin Round Trip, tC; Intermedl ‘ ,‘b n US-00; Intermediate Cabin. Round Trip. *21.00. Steerage. 110. swZ (, e B i >BT ‘^ -P,t uY* b t' tt2i Kin " Cnbln '>und Trip. OC Intermediate Cat n lli.di. Intermediate Cabin. Round Trip. IJai. Steerage, *11.75. *fP r **?.! ltrllln * t>| PP of this line are appointed to sail from Savannah, Cen tral (Fith) meridian time, as follows: SAVASSAM TO SEW YORK. TAI-UAHASSKE C.ipt Asktns. THI'KS- NA<MrtCHKB, Cnpt. Smith. TUESDAY, DAY. Dec. X. IM p m. Dec. 25. 7:*o p. rru '‘fc'rrt.av RM ‘ N, * HAM r,pt B * r ‘ KANSAS city Capl. Fisher. THUKR FRIDAY, Dec. 21. 3M p. m. DAY. Dec. 17. ODD £ m. r, “** U ' TALLAHASSEE. rapt. Asklns. iATt'K s.m RDAY. Dec. 2. 5:00 p. m. I DAY. Dec. 2J. 11) p. m. •N*< 'TICK Steamship City of Birmingham will nor carry passengers. .„n S HT hI f n"’T° r ““Ti Cm ’ Sava * < '' *‘U Ply between New York end Bos ton on iw following schedule; f °l M rl on <fr ° m P "‘ r I *>■"" tar New York (from Lewis' K. River, at LOO noon), Dec j Wharf, at 12:(W (noon). Dec. M This company reserves the nght to change Its sailings without notice an I without Mobility or accountability therefor. ** Y ° rk f ° r BjV,nn * h Thursdays and Saturdays. sp. rr. W U. BREWER, City Ticket and Passenger Agent. W 7 Bull street. Savannah. Oa. R O. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah. Oa. P. X. lefevre, ~ Manager. New Pier *5. North River. New York. ORDER BLANK BOOKS FROM TH E MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH. E - W SMITH. Coneracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Oe- WAI-TER HAWKINS. Oeneral Agent. Trafflc Department 22t w. Bay St.. Jacksonville. Fi w H. PLEASANT^ General Freight and Paaienger N#w Pier *5. North River. New York.