The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 21, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNINO NEWS T'ihll*hed - - Incorporated I*M j II EBTH.I., rr.Md.ut TREATY IS RATIFIED IMTI'.O ntTRO MAY NOW COB. (.inter imniitM iajau the VOTE STOOD 55 TO 18. i it trio* uf * t% u. DEiT vri:i> ~, „nlnr* lliicon nml Clay Noted o HMlIr the Treat> —nlijeet <■( | arlllmir Construction of Mil|> limal-l'riuUlnna of Ihr Treaty I. tlailr Nbllf—(anal May >Ol 11, I ortlfl.'rf. Nor I ard for n> Art \\ nr. Except That I mini Slain aim InUe Uraaarr to Secure Its own Defense by Ita n Force*.'tlnglon. Dee. The Senate .ton fum,,l an hour and ten minutes thl# af tern-von in amending nl ratify Inn us i, |..l thn Hay-I’auncefotc treaty fra -ni.allfl.-nMon of thr Olayton-Bulwer , Munition of 1850. Thrrr were six roll . . nnd several viva voce vote* All th* H-umdmeiita, exrep’ thoar offered by 8.11- i, ..r Foraker and reported by the Oommlt ,,n K.u'.dvn R.datlona were voted down ) majorities averaging about 19. The . . firatlon resolution wa adopt.-*! by a * .it., of .o to IS. Th< Senate wai In executive * melon for „ it an hour before the time for vo:lng „-rived. listening to speeches by Senntora T ireton. Qallinger. Wol ott mid Bard >x- Ii iatory of their altitude Tri. two Foreign Relatione F.immtTtce n nen.lmenl* were read Aral and were ae , ..pil'd without division The flrat roll eat! true upon Semtor El- I- .inn ndtnent. d.-. arlnc thot "nothing '.d11..1 In this treaty shall la- cottatrued to i-revent the Fnlted 8 atee from . tqulr- In,- at any time euftlclent terrllory and lanty over the same, neon which to I 1 I*l. manage. nperale. defend, fortify. 1 - eel ond control said canal, or for any . - purposes a* the I’nited Plates may .111 besr In Its own Interest* " It was lost by a vote of 25 to A3. utor Foraker withdrew Ills amend I Is because they were tho same as ’1 -■ rviorted by the Committee- on For . 1 Relations: Senator Penrose lit*, ne •* it was practically Identical with n.itor Elkins. an*l Senator BeWrMfe I; because it was covered by the second . ■ 1. committee amendments. The other amendments were voted down b decisive majorities. The vote on Senator Tillman’s amend rcnl authorising the defense of the canal • I the maintenance of puhtlc order by II I'nited Stales was 27 yews to 4.7 nays, treaty was then rein I The vote upon tic- treaty Itself, as amende.!, resulted ns V. as—Aldrich. AIUon. Ilacon. Bev • ‘.lg. liurruws. Carter. Clay. Cullom I'. Ism*. Dillingham. Elkins, Fairbanks, leaker. Foster. Frye, tiallinger. Hale, II .hum. llairabrouah. Harris, Hawley. II .ir. Jones of Nevada, Kean. Kenney. I.[ndsay. 1-odtte. Mcßride. McComus, Mo- Cumber. MclCnery. Mc|>aurln. McMillan. .Mallory. Morgan. Nelson. Penroae. P.-r --kms. Pettua, Platt of New York, Pritch -1 I roetor. yuarles. Scott. Sho.ip Hl-siner. Stewart. Sullivan. Taliaferro. T mrs'.on, Turner. Warren. Wetnaore. Will ott—Ca. \.*>> Hartl. Bile. Horry. HutU*r. • k t oil, Culbeiuosi. Daniel. HeltfoUl. M r;in. Million. Money. IVttlKrow. Toiler. Tillman. Turioy. V#l. Wt lilnKton—lH Tr t # on thr treaty vo<* '•• n** * wo senators for tin* treaty boliur I'.iiroil with one against It. in accoixfew • vnh custom: Drprw d*nl A*’**Ti for v\ 1 Rawlins against; Clark and Simon t with (’hllton d|iin*t; Ikjlllver an*! I’tkir for with Town** against; Ciiffery uriti p|.tt of Connecticut. for. with Jnn Arkiirja*. axalciat; Kyle wn** a burnt md unpaired. The t**xt of thi* treaty a* amended .itejt |ttf object “to facilitate the con duction of n ship con a I to connect th- A , iitui Pacific ocean*. an*l to that ♦1 il to remove any objection which miv >f out of the convention of April 19. commonly colled the Ciayton-Hulwer to the conatructlon of euch canal tler tne nuaplcee of the novrrnmmu of * • I’nited Stater, without impairing th • v; principle’ of neutrallnatlofi *• t.t..lahed In Article 8 of that conventlor.. he provisions follow Article I It la that the canal t-u\ be constructed under the auapices • Ihe government of th** I’nited states, ter *lrectly at tea own coat, or by gift • liwin of money to Individual**, or cor ! ritlon* or through aunecriptiofi to. or i trehaa** of *to**k or ehare. and that, s ihject to the provision* of the preaent invention, the al*l government ehail I iv* himl enjoy all the right* Incident to h conet rue t loti. n well as the exduelv* > of providing for the regulation and management of the *on.l Article 11. Tl* high contracting parties d-airing to preserve and miiliitaln the ‘ • neral principle" of neutra ligation eotah- I die,| in Article VIII of the c’laytor-Hul w. r convention, which convention I* her.*- '■ Miperaeded, ado|t. ai* the baece of au>‘h • utrallsatlon. the following rule*. *ur>- ! ' r liil!y a* embo*lb*d In the convention w*en Great Hr it Ain and certain oth**r >• Am*, elgticd at Conet.mtlnople. Oct. itAy f>r the free navigation of ihe > ■ t maritime canal, that la to eay: Hrt. The canal shall b* free and open. ,r 5 time of war n In time of peace, to •he v. -*e|* of commerce and of war of l nation*., on terms of entire equality. 'o that there shall be no ugninet any nation or Ite clttsen* or sub- J* is In r**ef*‘ct of the (tondltiona or <narge* of tr.ifflc. or otherwlae H*conl. The canal shall never he Idnrk •*ie<|i nor shall any right of war he ex -1 ’■ I*hl nor any a<*t of hostility he com niltUMi within it. Third. Vessels of war of a belligerent shall not revlctual nor take any store* in in# canal except so far a* may be s rlctiy necewsary; an*l the transit of such '• >*el through the canal shall be effect* * and w ith the least possible delay, in ac • *rlance with the regulations In force. nd with only such Intermission as may t**ult from the necessities of hc service, lilies shall be In all reaps* t* iubject to •he name rules as vessel* of war of the belligerents. fourth. N*u belligerent shall embark or *’i -mbark troops,munitions of war or wei * ke materials m the cenal except In case of accidental hindrance of the transit. md In such case the tranelt shell be re * with all possible dispatch. Fifth. The provisions of this article shall npply to waters adjacent to the canal. wubUi Urea marine miles of cither end. savanna!) Ilarnina \ '***♦• le of w,r of 4 belligerent shall not remain in such water* longer than tweti* ty-four hours at any tim* *it ept In cas** ! ••f di!**rit?, and in sun case shall <!’ part ais kcoii y* p<e>slble. hut a vessel o( w ir of one bc;ilg*r?ni shall d. pa*t ! wrflthles jl wen ty-four hours from the de parture of h v*of w k of the other belligerent. It is agr**ed. however, t m none of tlis imnudiately fore^-tnu conilitiotts and t ipulatlona in sc* dot numiM-re| on**, | * n ° three, four and five of this artlcl\ "hnll spply to me teures which the Hnt t I St*t**s mo\ fln*l r ne. *o*iir> to take ttrtng ; j i o*i for •••ha *r * lense Of the rnlte| md th* null! t•■ 11 Att■ of iHlhlif* onler The plant *Ma-.ilshments btilH lhcs •••d all w.rk> to the con struction. m tinierttiiAf and *|e ration of th** carta! eh.ill Ir* deemed to be part thereof for the purpose* of the conven tion. and in lime <>r w.r as in time rf ;*• tv*** shall enjoy complete immunity from attack or Injury by belligerents and from o’ts calculate*) to impair their usefulness a part of the canal. > venth N* fot 11fi*-.1 |.| -. nhall b ere t !*i ' mimanillng the < anal or tiie waters •*■ *J * ’ at. Th* 1 niled States, however, 1 • ,M t 5 liberty to mnlflUilfl ->'h mill tary fwiUce .ihtu the canal a** may t*e necessary to protect It against lawlessn ss ani dlsorAler Article 111. Th* pr*nt <on vent lon s all b- ratihe*! '*y the President of th* l'nltcil Blat> b\ a i with the civic, and *■••*■• nt < f thr Se nate ther***f. anl by li*r Writ.limit* M.ije-t \ , and the ratification ! U exv luing* lat Washington oat lamilon within vix months from the date hereof, or earlier if possible. John llay. I'auncefote. MTI \T|o\ Vlini MllllUl ft. I'enra Ktilerislspd I lint llut*h 4>m |>allaler Will .Inin ln%nliug Mweru in i npe t ninny. Ca|*e Town. !■ 9>.—'The situation In th** northerii districts of Cape Colony is more Fully two thousand Boers have Inv.l 1 that section. Grave fears ore entertained Hutch sympathiser* will Join th*- rebellion and tlut this will spread. Although there is no f* r ns to the ulti mate result the lack of sufficient number *f mounted troops is felt by the Hrilish. The otiormous waMe of horse* in South Africa wa- never fully appreciated until now. A British fores followed, to avoid which the Boers turne l westward and occupl**l Ventcrstnd. I H hut they evacuated be town th* ime l*iy on lh* approach of 'he British nd marched in the direction of Steyn-herg "Th** Boers. how**ver, have been Inter filed and tin I difficulty In moving in any lireetlon, is Steynslw-rg. Burghersdmrp. Htorbcrg. Ilosmead anl Nauuwrrioort are j nil strongly h**l 1 by th** British, and the Orange river has risen considerably in j their rear. "Another J.nen Boers crossed at Sard drift, miking for <’ole*berg. but on :h*‘ ; dispatch of British fdree they- diverge*! and occupl.-d Phlllpstown. De** 19. cutting ' the telegraph wires between Phlllpstown and Houkt ktaal. Karlv this mornoig some of thes** Boers reached lloukt kraal j station and • ut th* line fhatU j "Considerable relnforr-menta have been sent to I)eAar n*l Hanover. an*i It k* ex- I pe<*te*l that further invasion will now be IStOpfH'tl. "Hitherto there has been very little i fighting. the enemy In every instance j have retire*! befor* the British. They •ook our garrison of twenty men at Ven- I terstiKil prtsonerw. but th* M ig*rsfontein I repulsed their attacks, inflicting heavy ! io> after some hours’ fighting ami a re fusal of a demand *<> surrender. "It is probable that of th** two invading for v* ihe former Is a i*irt of DeWet *omnianlo and the latter consists of wev • small commandos hitherto operating ! in th* a*-t nt Orange river colony, and ■ and a number of rebels." it'TIN ITt AT % I.DHK SHOT. inll-Brlllsh Ktellrmesi Reported Frm t olesliera Hisfrtet. Loiulon. I >e*. 21*—Considerable activity Is now manifested at Aldershot. A large draft of mounted troops will b*> ready to ;art for South Africa. Jan. 6. while oth rs have been notifbd to hold themselves In readiness for the destination. According to the Town corre spondent of the Daily Mall, wiring yester *liy, the treason court, fitting in Coles lx rg. was obliged htirritvlly to remove to rap*- Town with the record* of docu ments, owing to the vicinity of the Invad ing Boers. "Tiie Colesherg district,' ’’ says the cor resjiondent. "is seething with anti*British excliemnt A reengfescence of re , elli<* b i-*r cptible in the districts Immediately south of the Orange river Tuesday morn ing a tight w%is proceeding at l*h*Hi*s t*'wn. presumably with a commando which crossed at San Drift “ IIOItK HOI K INN Nbr.llt. Kitchener Reports Txxo Parties Have i rossed Orssir River. iAMtdon, D*.\ 20,-Th- following <1!- paloh 1).)- been rvcHvi-(l from Orn. Kitch ener. d*t*'l 1-retorli. Wedmwtaj'. Dec. 1? "A |>arty of Rom. c*tlmate<! at from iA> to *m lia- cro-<i"l the Orange river ai Khenoat. rhoek ••A aecond h.m*l la report**! to hav* cnaaol near Siithl diift. "They ha*v Ken followwl I have rent a considerable !>™lv of mounted men. who are Betlliiß .irouml them "T!u* Rom from Hbennaterhock are Nlnß followed oloaely from Venteratadl. which they left at 3 oelook Vt-Pda evenlnß. Bolns In the direction of St. yne '•The Imporimt imlnts on the rtillwav on.l thr noUthlnrhoml are well xuwrled. HolTth.- hard will an n be driven noiAn ataln." or. ww* iTHUAU rout?:. Had .>• tlea H *."• •* rapture of DewetMor?. moemfonieln. Tuewlav. Dec. 1-Oen. OeVA-et ha l t.OM nun and horaea when he captured Dewetwlorp. accor.lliu to a entleman who waa Imprlaoned there The I met commander then declared that , ... ..ins to aurrend-r without a m. Th* ton".- !d. h *> la now divided Into three aectlona. Itrlllah l-roelatio **•'•*■* ,-*w ra.M- Town. De*'- JO-Martnl law haa fj,,, proclaimed In Die fo.iowlm ad*t "'•TDltalown. Victoria Meat. Richmond. Hanover. M array aburf. Qraaf Relnet. Aberdeen. Mkldleburg. Steynabur*. Ora dock. Tarka und ilolteno Caaaaaaillai Heard hear Kraaera lorp. Indon. Dec *e -A apeclal from Johan nrahurn. da-ed I>ee 19. aaya thal baary mnnon<Una waa heard Ihe muniin of that Ju>. north of Krugeradorp. SAVANNAH. GA., FRIDAY, DECKMBKK 21. CRUMPACKER’S RAGE wot i.n nr.hi ru ioitiia iikpiii- MONTATIOIk IN <ON4.llk>N. THREE REPORTS SUBMITTED. rnnHiTTßr nr.poßT mvt not ni MEMIIKMKIIir IT :t.%7. I Minority Heporf lv *l M*mler ■ ntori h llenil>erstil| of AM), suit 4 latin• Thai llu|orlly Heport Would \lorl% Iniustler 4 %r%vrm I Miiir*-I ruutpaekrr Fax or* i*7 • With Heilnclion of Hepreeststion of irvrrsl sin lew. Washington. I>ei*. 30 Bepresentaiiv chairman of the I’ommitte** on o*ll*ll*. to-day M I***l in the ll*use the ma jority report on the rcnpportionmrnt bill reported by hfei committee, fixing th membership of the House for the nex decade ut 257 K present alia'e Burl*nth of Main*, filed h minority report signed h\ *x m*mb**f in favor of a f|ou>*- to b< **inj** • i •*- memh*rs. and Ilepresentatlv** i'rumpack er of Indiana who signed th* Bur.dg.i report also tubmltt* I an independent re port in favor of r* diu .ng fh* representa tion in the Southern states. t the extent of t.e abri.icr> mnt of th* stiff rage. 11l ii*ie|iendent report favors a House to Is composed of 374 members. Mr. Hopkins. In the majority report, cite* many instances to show that the low* of veatv by at at ini under reapisirt ton men! bills wa- not mi vimmon M .i hu •etts tor inaiance. which und**r tin* third census hal twenty n*mi>*rs. was reduce*! to tan under the sixth, seventh and eighth, and Virginia, w hich had tw*ii \-three In the third, had hue nine und* r the ninth The report says tha committee follwd the plan adopted under the sixth census and followed continuously since. It has the sanction and apt>roval of sixty year* of national existence The pm t to livtde the constitutional ulatlon by 357, th** proposetl membership. The quotient. SUk.sKx is ihe ratio of representatives to pofHii.t tlou. Thi<* ratio to the p.i*u.iUm of each state will yield in th* aggr**<* a niimter som**what less than 357. the number determined upon as the member ship of the Houee. Tli** difference is made up b> assigning to the state having th** largest major frw* tiotts additional repre sentatives until a sufficient nuniier have been assigned to bring the total up to 357 , A membership of more than V*7. the re. port says, would make the Houe* un j w ield y. The minority report is signed by Q|cssrs Burleigh. Russell. Heat wol*. CTumpocker. Grimth and AVUaor. Referring to th* Hof>kins apportionment :lw minority r**|wt says: "The anomalous ch.ra*Her of this pro Ismukl apportionment n* w* II hs Its ob vious Injustice is clearly demonstrated l> tlw fact that H Is necessarily Ims*-!. |t> part. ut*on majority fraction*. i*l y**t t’olorado with a majority fracti-.n of 121.- 367. Florida with a majority fraction of BO.ttff and North 1 wkota with a majority f ran lon of Iflft.&feft. !o not receive a re|*r*-- sentatlve Imsed upon such majority frac tion. while every other state with a ma jority fraction receive* a represent At iv* for such majority fraction. • We believe that every state should b* ireate*! ulik** with inference to its ma jority fraction, as no Invalid reason has b* en or can lc assigned for the discrimi nation between th* in We also believe 11 • • in th new apf N ttonmeut no state should lose a representative. We therefore re (umnund a House consisting of 3w> mm bars. "In reaching thla number we have adopted the method need by the lannil(- tee, and tiave followe<l the precedent -a. tahltahed by the llou*e in 1572. when Ih. Houae added to the whole number of r.-p --reaentatlvea, a reprewenta: ive each for the alatea of New llaminlre an-l Flor- Ida. by reaaon of the fact that they each had almoat a maj*>rlty fraction after the whole number of representative* hiul been apportioned. "We take the computation baaed ii|on JSI reprenenlatlvea iiikiii n ratio of one representative for every 191.1a.’ of topu lanon Nebraska, with a majority frac tion of 57. and Virginia, with a major ity fraction of 106.M*. each lose a repre itentatlve an*! get no representative for the majority In either ca*e." Arkaneaa, Oaltfornhi, Color ido, Contwc tlent. Florida layutatann Maiwachueetta, Mt-*l*slppl. YlisMurl. North Carolina. North Dakota. Whlng:on. Weei Vlr glnln arid Wtseomdn gain on*> represent i live each; Minnesota. New Jersey and fvnnrylvanta gain two Illinois. New York anti Texas gain three. The Independent report of Mr. Crum packer goc* exhauatlvely Into the abridgement of th* tight of suffrage in Ihe Soutborn statoa. He quote* ihe four teenth .intendment to the coneMutlon providing that when the right to vote i* ahrMged. except for tan itrliwilon In re bellion or other crime, the representation shall l>e reduced tn such stole* in propor tion to *uch abridgement ••Congress In thi* matter," Mr Crum packer says, "must lake cognisance of current history nnd of facts disclosed by official records There I* not a mentis r Of either House of Congress who die* not know to a motal certainty tl>* by direct operation of law the slates of txnitsiana Mississippi. North Otrollna and South Carolina have disfranchised n sufficient •Himleer of citlsens to deprive each of them of several representatives they would Otherwise he etsltle.l to. to say nothing of the largely lev reared suppre*. s,on of votes caused by unfntr Partis in administration of the laws. The question Is. will Congress make an apportionment cf representatives according t.) the plain tequlrementa of the conatltutlon or will It Ignore those requlromtnls and act ac cording to Its arbitrary will Mr Crum-neker then tske*. up the con. •tit ut lon of Lxnitslana and adduces figure* to show that tn that slate *3 74 per cent, of the clttaena are disfranchised. The rep resentation should, therefore, he argue*, be reduced from seven to (our. In North Carolina, for the same rewrotv be figures that the representation should he reduced from nine to tHx; In Mlsslastppt from seven to four, and In South Carolina from six to four. The aubterfuge resorted to In th* South to evade the laws, he any*, marks the beginning of political demorali sation ond aortal decay. He then proceeds to • severe arraignment of the South In many loraltttra of which The trampling under fool of laws cakulatud to aware the rxrrx'i,* of pdltleal prl\ll* gee lo h* negroes, lias continusd for sv) .ottg r.iat it I.** Miowtnc Ike \ kci wia fruit* In the pr**> alence of mob taw ’ ll* dettouji* * * the frequssW resort lo lynch itaw uid Its un*i*k*hle horrors "These atrocities " fays he. "bespeak * deplorable ondlilon of | , %l4tUal mtirnl- Their frwjueni o< f urrence Is the legltt iTwt* res ut l *fa general t*Mi of disregard Of *-lection law •* " Th* scluUoi; of the •problem this **ondt tlon pr nt Mr Crumparker •* one of the ourning questions of the hour It 1* above iMirtistiin ship. 1* involve?* th** v**r> lift* of tli* government. ll** says lit con 1 union : "The measure T pr opose carries no rc e* ntnieut toward any state. North or South It is ne designated fur punish ment. but It simp v aims to ;*la • r**pr< -•■ntntion in th* lloie* uinin Its ronstl t.. t t - ai Ino state a Ju.-tly *vm pain if it b. *orded its full right** No c*>iti|r*>riil!M can !>•* made with wrong ’ SCOUTING iTTpHILIPPINES. • ilt|tn<* Snlitnll Plan f l'r*|*e*l Government In t *•• ml*l*|i**rs. Mini h. I*. 30. -'Bv* ry mountain tra*n in <**r Young > dtstrict, north of toe Ab? i river and Iwtweon tne ro.iet an*l I >oi*m **s. has be**n followed up by tie* Am* in • •>u: this mohtb A eimtlir mmetiutU ha taken jdace tn the prov tn * s of Fn4on. Beiiguet. l#elNinio hil that part of Hout.i I loco- which it**** south of the Abrn river. Fifteen insurgent* liav*- l***ii killed and tat than u hun • lied A-aptured Th* \ iliac* s are tUvay** abandoned b* fore arrival of th* am munition. but many bußdinc* that have been i • I as liar racks have been de stroyed Tie leader* of the projected autononi> party have again visited the Fliillpptu** (’•anmission and the pi.itform proposed wa** discussed privately ttid in m In formal way. The o*iiunlHsi*>n<>rv* silvie** the eitmuia i>n of a f**w minor features Personally they atquove th** movement .* forward step in th*- direction of the ultimate nicu-nire >4 self-government, e hich the ronunttte* haw already l*eei Instruet**d to endeavor to bring about. Th* 1 plan of the p.irty is lo form l’nlte*l Htues t* rritones Involving candidature for ultimate statehood. Th** platform de lurea In favor of a Sana!** and a House of liepre-entativee elected from the lis trier- *f th* archlpeltgo * ording t* |**p ulation in |r. parltig a >iII of ngitta the I’nited Htates Conatttmlon Is utilized, w . h th** • x • ptlon of the feature of trial by Jury. A *ordlng to the plan, the governor general, .tp|Nilnted l*y ihe President. woull hav* h power of veto except in cases of a two-thirds vote of Hie legislature The L*-gielture would chooae live delegates to th** I’nited H atrs Gongres Tlie platform Opposes !he sale of the PhllippineM wlth otlt the consent of the legislature. It contains little regarding Judiciary or |or*al affairs In the mam It repeats the fea tures of the United fttste* Constitution The most Influential and honorable natives ar.* Identified with the movement. MR I'll ■*:■> TtlK lAM HldhTf. I'nrtv **f Tlilrd 4 main Has a Hhsrp Brush. WaxMiurton. bit'xram fri>rn Admiral Hfm**v, irtvinx an a omit of a sharp brush with Fhlplrm in ■urgent* was rs* tv**l to-day ot th* Navy D**t*artment "Cavil!*. I tar 2n—To Bureau of Navi gat lot). Washington. Flftrrn tro**p*rs, Fourth Cavalry and flv** of thr rrrw w**ri* larstr l fi*m tho gtintsiat Basro y**st*s -•i y nt laiuibwnrs. Cavite province Bur l*riM eighty insurarnts. aharp sktrrn!* i half hour; thirteen insurgent* klll*J, twelve rifles captur***!; large rmo<Nit .•*tur* d*-*troyed. one tvounded. “R**mey." FOR N \ N N N L AT NTION. 4 rut mrr Rr>klxt> • I’nwfffi fo tii t*lu Ray. Manila. Dee. 9i The I’nttefl gt.ifex eruleer Brooklyn will proceed next Bit uriay to Auidg hy. to c'omplete the amination of lov-alitlei* av aiiai*!** for a naval stntlon. The (’fitted Ht fe* cruiser Atlwmy, 4 *.*pt, J K. Craig, grounded on * reef in Bublg bay. !ntt 4xs flo.ile*l off •nd has r*ached Cavite. Gen Bate** reports thai a detachment of the Fourth I ’lilted States Cavalry, ns *p*ted by a gunboat attacked the t*wrn of Fantangan an*l di(enH*4 the arm**i oc*cu parua. killing thirteen. NKKO NT RF. RFTI IIM I). Riitlxli fioxerwoseat NNIII Re **Nofl- H**l" of N mend meat■. Washington. Dae. 30— Inquiry at the gtate Department aa fo the future of the Hay-Pauneefota treaty, j*t ratlfl**| with amen*lments by the genate. develops the fa<* f that contrary to the common under stnrwllrig. the documetit does not n****d to be returned, at this stage, to the British government, even If the President is of a mind to go on txßh the negotiations. Secretary Hay will await an Indication of the President'* wishes in that matter, and if the lat!* r. as has treen already In dicated by official statements, conclude* to give tin* British government an oppor tunity fo pass upon the amended treaty. sh**n th** State De part man t will forward lo that government, not the treaty itself, hut ihe terms of the amendments. In dip lomatic parlance, the British government will be "notified” of the amen*lments v It mui, then, acrordlng to the statement of the officials of the gtate Department, he allowed a reasonable time In which to accept or reject them As to what would constitute a reasonable time, no direct expre"ion was to he had. hut attmtton w ** directed to the fact that the Fnlted grates government had hod the treaty under consideration tor a year, and that •he amendments made to-day were be yond dl *pnf e, vital. * t ING I MF. I NITKIANNM. taunt Ron I < Inina Me NN mm Radiy Ilea It NN II h. Paris. Dec. 30—The suit of Fharlea Wertheimer, the London hrlc-s-brac dealer, against Count and Countesa Bonl de 4’astellanc. to recover payment for art objects sold them, began to-day In the first civil chamber. The total sum involv ed in the transactions Is 6.500.00 b francs. Count Castellano has filed a counter suit, rtemrndlng a full eta-cment transactions, claiming that various ob jects. admittedly authentic, were sold nt ucandaloudy exaggerated figures, nnd that inn nr srticl#-* were represented as nulh**n t. antiquities when they wera rtsaily 1m- RlllfHMN SHREWD OLD CHANG w KNOW** I \>3H 1 rtllNl. rtl%T rtM -II*.N lllNimiNx \i.llll ON. STORMY MEETING OF ENVOYS. I'UHOt.i: 4IF m*.4 iii < i imiAN'i si-71 M To lit NT. The |)eln> In 4 hltia *eem* l* Hr In ter nit un tle—Mtu || * r* Meet lo Sinn %iith*r Nie—W 111 Venn <lorr l <inf(*r*nri* and Further l. ln>. Minister Wit tall** *n Secretary llux to Talk Oxer Ihe xitiintton. Pekin. I*x 30 Yesterday - in*-ding >f the foreign *nvoj - w.*x protracted an*l i*un**wftiat stormy. **wliig t* the *lenlr* to ills.over wh dl-itM 11 t the Chill* >* wh*t rvirv minister has pledge.l l k* qx f**'*ret l.i lluug Chain- Invan.t > \ know** within two bourn of the dor** of u n*H*t ing wimt ha ha|*fienet. A nnetmy of the mlntMer* t,*-l*l to-nlglit t* nlgn the note, which pio mMj on H.iroiday. will be clellver***! I*n all tl** minister*- t* l.i Hung t img and Frln**** i’hiiig. with a r*qis*t that they r**ply soon as |sstlle. Tti** original note will h* written In Fr* A h \lr. tVmgi r aid Hr llrn- t S •ow will enclos* an BnglDh tran*-'latlon. whlb- a Chinese cofy will U- itta-iied. Four days win el i|*s* Im-fore a reply can be expected, owing to tin nece-stty of com n* union ting with ih*- Chin*-s*- *ourl Trw modltlixitlon pnq****•.l by th* British government was in til 4*hlna ha I prove*l that *h** Iru* ml* ! • implying w ith the terms of the no • ami tendering full satisfaction to the power*-, no h*q- could Ih* held out the *upailon of the province of Chi Id by all the for. would cease. The international battery firing practice In fffinting park to-day resulted very cred itably for the Arncjl .mi. SITUATION GROWING WORSE. %uti-l-'rrtain ttiilbreNkx l*re*ltetet I nless llelloHr kyatrsi *f 4*x rrnmenf I•to I lel in 4 liliin. laOpdon. Ih* 3* A lls|tatch to th** Reuter Telegram Compn> from Pekin, dated Wednesday, !*•• 111. *ays ih- sltua twn thr<>ughut the provincial is rapidly growing worse nn*l is ('aiislng grave anx* leiy. The dlepntch a*lds tlsai unless a definite system of government is *|*eedtly Installed a recrudeyet-noe of the antl-for etgn outbreak** is eonfldeniljr predicted. The pressure of win tor tiegins to he felt by the people, who are also stiffering on account of the blackmail levied ty the na tive employes of the allies, for which ihe foreigners are blamed. A number f lies prrailoe*. imprisoned at tho Ru Ch*>w Fu by Oen. Mel. whom the Germane rel**as*l. are now hurrying #** th** t*hl Id Hhang Tung border, burning house-, murtl* ring and pillaging. (.t int %NX M Nil 44> IM * I Gaining a Worse It epnla • lon for xrirrlp Than the Mns*lan. Ifidon. Dec. 21.—“A1l the governmmtM have MpproY**d the BritUili amendment.” says th Pekin oorrespomtoit of th* M**rt ing IWt. "and th* <lnuisM will hr* pre sented to tho 4Tillies** plenl(otenilMrl**w witlwuit any suggesibm *f an alternative “On many groumk* tt* Herman* are gaining a worse reputation for severity than thi* Russians ever hn*l Tlie oun try Is pia< ilcally in a defenaeb-ss state, moreover, beeatis** 4’ount von Wael* rs*- will not allow Chinese Ir*sgs to do any thing and tin- f rHgn tru*ts are absent or eng.*g*l In kioting. “!t reporter! !lat five days ago the German troops visited Lung China and shot sixty imperial troops who were **• g igrd In suppressing Hour* .tttd also kill ed thirty other Chinese. Including thre* convert*- They took prisoners, in cluding thirty ns! I veil ut; ached to the An* glh*un nitSMun. "In consequence of an appeal from the magistrates, however, the prisoners were lllierate*!. In r* turn for Ihe payment of XMXjO tic* Is This punitive expedition Was In defiance of the un*l*rstan<ling !hat no such m*si*iires should Ih* taken pending the negotiations. The Germans are said to have l*?ited lb** place.** I MF. JOINT NOTH MUNKI). I*ihl>mll-s VII ll 1 ill ll m Drm qil ,1s f tisnsaat sail thr I’nnrri. Herllli, lire 3>-Thr COlaffttri, In an artlrlr -loMitiqt w|ih thr Fbinrsr altua- Don. anioutKrs that- all th* mlnlatrrs sUtnid thr prrllmhwry Joint notr to-ilay iThursitHy) an-l that thr not* will hr amt imiw-illately to I'titnr < tuna ami 1.1 Hun < hsr u It also ilrclarr* tliat fir notr inliOiltra the prtinlplrs of thr min.mum .Irmamls of Ormanv. ami tlw Fo> r an-l Halt It waa a-xr.'-.1. oi tlir i-r-.(K,s*l of Orrat Drttain. that until thr wrrr sat laflrrl tberr shoulff la- no withdrawal of thr troop* from Ivkln ami th* provUnr of CM 1.1 CAl.l.i:i> •' **-< MKTiRY II *Y. Mlnlslrr Mu Wsnls Inforraaltoo as to U hat Hill M ill Hr. Washington. !>-•■ Minister Wu e*!l --,.),i the State Department to-ilay to folk over thr Chinese situation with Secretary Hay. It Is u rulers torsi here that the o*ree ntent Ui its pres.-nt form As-* not ram any ape -Ills- aum or sums to he palil by the Chlnrsr government an Imlemklty on amount of the aupprnssiot) of the Boxer movement in-l the ilestruciloei of foreign missions, but that question Is left to settled by negotiation* b*twe.*i the min ister* an-l the Chlnrar plrnl potent I* rlrs. with provisions for It* referenc* to Th* Hague trhunal In the event of failure through that means Ministers laala (Ir.-ldr on Joint Notr. Dondor.. Dec 21—According to * dis patch to the Rs-iter Telegram Company from Pekin, dated Dee #, the ministers hsve again derided upon the .erms of the preilmlnar)’ Joint note. The dispatch saya It la understood that they have adopted certain British anendmant* which wIU r*- quire the approval of the various govern vm-nts atul that pr.*'*a r *l\ tnirn w-eks will elniNH he hire nega!t*itloii* commence 4 ape 4 tiltiiM In* nmldii XpreNltiiu (’4|h> T* si. IV. j The InuNidn of t'il|N 4~'oU*n> l* spre.ttMng It t* r-port* and that !*• ll4H*t b ix*** ***cu|g*d Cn>*biirg -Htiith of PhUit>p**i**dis aivt near th** 'rang* River 4'obtn> frailer Ttie jM-rsde •m* - ai. ilia r i dbt uritsd A mixed of l.rte men was dl-tatche*l north yestet I<* \ ev cnlnn Great Britain < 4 onirol lluMhs*. !>• *l**n I• 31 lard Linslown# s-■ ■ r* ix ot slat* f*r foreign affairs has ! <>i>-hhl. Ii • gottaihvi* .it > orling to the Dally Mail bv w h Rue* in will. Jan 1. give Ureal Britain entire control *f t lie rails., s from Pekin to rihan II l NO COMMENT*FROM BRYAN. tlnnk anil File of I’hHi Fxpresnetl Tkemselxes In I wiiil nml IhOO, Me Ssfß. Atlanta, Dec. A lion \V. .1 Bryan tn a telegram to lay to the AHhiila Journal declines t rxpt* a himself U|sui Mr iTevelan*! ** s atem**nt to Is- pul>Hnh-*l tn die Balurdu> Kventng P**st. an I which ipptird iht> morning in n*-w 'j*sp* r. re • eiving H>r dispatch*'* of Ihe Associated Prt* Mr Itryan sa> s "Your Inquiry received. I’ntll Mr tTeveland rets forth and finitely what h** considers ’Demcs'ratli' prliudples* then* Is no necessity for comment. Th* rank and file of th** party • xpressed thenvelve* In IKV. md tn UW. and I b*\*' no doubt they ttf’ill continue t** expre themselves on Is rues as they art-* . \V J Bryan “ A DEMOCRATIC ROW. I linn.tlrr Ulitl TlllaiiHn ttkchidlur Plraunlrlra Ih tl*er Alotilni.M • \Va*hinto>n. D***’ 3) - 111 lh# *f**n —a •lon of lh Hoimto to-iloy Mitlo buai*mi waa tran)M<*ia*l. A aplrlla.l !.-hati waa pradiAtatcd yvar tha raaolutlon of Mr, ChanAlrr i> <lli harw- llta ('ommlttra on Conttniim Ki-nn from furitiar •<- aklarntliHi of (hr raaolulloto Hiilliorl/.tnit an InvaatlKatlon of th- Montana ,rt) Itor lal raa*- Ttw* aarhanxaa laiaam tin* *i■ voimtaa nt-l m|Mn-tita of th* raaolntlona took m |M.llltral turn -in*l raaultaa! tn Itvnly rolkxiulra No action u|>n tlir r*-o -lutlon wir inkan. Tho arm> raorfantsatlon tan waa ra. portwl by th* foanrolttaa on MllMary Af fair* ani S-imtor Haarlay nnnounoaA ha aon hi ntova to taka it ti| If |)Aaaa<! It will ha rant to a oonferanca cr*ntiutta of tt.a two lloilxa* In tha tllacuaalon of tha fhandlar raaolu llon Mr Jonaa of Arkaiwaa protaatai! that tho resolution waa a rabuke to tha rant mlllr.- Mr i'handlar rat.l no polltlra hat! attlarail Into lha cnmniAttaa'a conaldaratton of th.- <■.- It.ah Mr Clark an-l Mr SI 1*1111)1* .-ra In-iniH rata an-l lha nnaa tion Itivolvad tha aanltn* of ona Damocrat or another •'lf thla la purely a Ilamorrattc rpmr ral."<-.1 Mr. Tllttiatn, "than tha Sanalor'a Intaraat In tha matter la rathar aktraordlnary." Mr C iandiar rtkorlatl facatintialy tht lhcr> wrra not now anouch Damocrata In lha Si-nata ptopar.y aral full to praa.-nt D.-mra-rat) • print Iplaa ai-.l napoutwl In-ni .wr-itlc .toctrlnaa. and It waa lhouht that anotltar mint* t- Ittvan a aaat ItafariiiiK lo tha praaanaa> <at tha rommlttaa of Mr Jonea of Navada. an.l Mr Jonaa of Ark,in aaa Mr Chandler raid th< arirumant of lha opponanta ot tha raaolutlon waa that An. fh-nata had placad Itaalf In tha htuaK of thn Jonaa family, ntu! that It could not ant out avtai to datarmlna which of tha tlamocrata waa antltlad to a aaat In tha body. Mr Chandlar aald Jhirt lha Montana aanatorkil Invaatlaatton comluctatl laat ratwlon had <oat Iw-twaan ttnon tin.l MO-- tan ■■Amt what ttanaflr w.m tlartvad from |I7” ItMinirad Mr. Tillman "Tha vacancy of ona of tha —-nta of Montana la (lia unawar," raplltd Mr Chandlar. “fm," raaponda.l Mr Tillman. "buA In tha raoant nlartton Montana want Itatin cnMle. and n ftamOK-ratlc aan.itor from that atata la aaaurad Tha frutla of tha Imaatlsatlon are tad no sweat an they were anpaclad to l>a " At t. 46 p m tha Bcmita ward Into aa acutlva M-naioti. titv! at 1.25 p. in. ad- Journatl ROSE RENEWS MOTION. Now Arguing to Have Cn.-gplalat Agglnst tirerne A tl.tsnr In*- sptrgtore fllamlssed. New York, Dec 30 —United Ht itrs Com mtssloner Hhtrlde t*s-rly llstmisl to the closing argument In the proceedings to secure the removal of John F., W. T. ami E. 11. Ogynor and Iteiijamln D. Oreene, am-uaed of <-on*plra y to defr tud she gov ernment In connection with former t'a|t O M Carter In Ihe Improvement work In the Bavanngh harbor to the Jurisdiction of the federal court* of (leorgla. Lawyer Aiiram J. Rose, for th* de fendants. renewed his motion lo disnilas the comprint. He said that there was so much testimony nnd so many points had been raised that he would sum up the ease chronologically. This he did, giving a complete hletory of the pro ceedings from Ihe conviction of Carter to the present time The conspiracy charges iigatrirt the defeipiuhts were then taken up by Mi Koee lie argued there was no such thing known In law as a continuous conspiracy as charged :n the indictment It wu* a principle of law. he said, that when nn agreement hud been entered into and an overt act committed. Ifie crime was theneontimmated am! the statute ot limitations began to run He ■lerlnred that there wua m>f a charge ill the |ndi< tmen that wo* not burre.l. un der the coni-piracy charge.), by Ihe stat ute of limitations. Mr. Rose did not finish his argument, and will continue It to-morrow He will be followed for the prosecution by Fni :ed States District Attorney Marlon Er win of the ftouthern District of Ueorgia. Another t uusplrulur lu Trouble. Darts, Dec MaJ. fuignet, who ffg ured In the Dreyfus court-martial at Rennes, ha* been arrewed and imprison , ' ■ M • Vaierlen w er. awaiting a trial h> court-martial on “w< charges First, of aiming M Delrwer minister of foreign affairs, of having told t tie < hamt- r eJ Deputies an raw ruth, ami, second, of disclosing a oonfldanUal doett menu t DAII.Y )> A YEAR, f, ( ENTS A < OPY WEEKI.Y 2 TIMES A H KKK II A TEAR COLUMBIA’S BLAZE BI HAT IIDTHIIT rIIFArATA IH. MI,HIT.A tITRAHtArS, HOTEL MAY NOT BE REBUILT. ■——— ■ tlitermiii .1 % Wlllts. Uhllf Trylag l** Help Fireanew, llsd a Narrow I x**B|m • ruin IG silt —IT rostra petl lllsir In 'lime t Ssve m l. 4 *r qtwrrshli* old xhsslles. i •dumb).* s < Iv.- jo I'oitmihiaa hut nt *i it r pr nt-* an unsightly xfs pear in * f*> d.i\ Th* • i?* getter 4. rsgrat that ilic Hreftwil, liu.ihls •.. n wve rate of th* Is-st bfc k af but! ting in town, suc caade*! in stop|>lng ih** flam- just whso they re.trhe*) the n--t f hll*ous and in expetislve shacks on A* -tn’>!y str*-e4. For • hr* ••!*. K (his i: rutigttfare is UiwmS , all ft >t *■•*i**r> *huiitlv . .n*l although m*a€ . / them ar* oil a* i* I but If of w<od, they j hav* immunity from fire (hat is wonder j ful j There Jm much si* * ulation as to wheih • r t ie Jirxmie Haiti will t>* rebuilt. Mr* I Thomas Fagan, the present owner slid propt is ikil t htgc; in *ti by prefer * • i n*t b* lng advanced in years Is ua , 'Hsjas** *l to enih.irk In tle businesw. but (be hotel which sas built by his brother '■t ago, b.iM always be*n a very l*eotttab. invetainienf anl will .xmtrol pay ing patranagM if re bulk 81ti. It was built the lan<l ot t itpted luts nsire than <li>utne(l hi \.*lu. . and the ?it. is one of th*- h**s| • orners in town If thi land txn Ua Knight front Mr Fagan thera will be ilva i\ ttkblirig It t an Mdmiraiiia pta**e, • liber for an offi* hulkltng or bank. All tin- rest f the butnt district will iv r• ■ ••H it in '* <i it sotin ah and \u •*, ,i instance in* buihltng erectad will is* an Improvetiitrit on the old. J A Willis, an alderman, and tiw* Urg *’** maiiufa- Hirer *T engines AnaJ farm ing machinery in South Carolina, ha Ia very narrow *eo*ti from daith In tha hotel He hod managed p sears ago. when i* fir'*! opened, aid kivowtrig tha fialls. led *wne of the mor! verpur sum* tlnvnen to a *p*> where they could tight ib- rtn t* advantag* on the third tl*a. Thes extlngulshetl the Mr* where It was visible. lan In tin- tin a awhile It burst • hi? law ween th* party and the exit Tha firemen Went down on *• ladder, and Hr. VYiil.s aftrtupttd to galu th** *loor. Just then the llgi.ts were t'ut *dT. find tha whole up|*r ffiW fllle*! with *l* m*e smoke, ft was tln k *s n;ght, an*l Mr Willis got lost Hi cried for help, ht tiw r Afing ot the flames ir *wtied all mxtnd of vo ce. M was overcotm au*l f* ll tmc<Mis**tou, where the fire was scorchit.g his fair A fireman w ho had heard one call of "help," was taw hug along **n hands and kvwes, anl iwrhel tfie han*t of the fallen man. He dragged him out >f the building Mr. W'lllts says ft will he the last time lye will play hi* mum*. I’he traffi' managers of the chief rail roads In Bon tli Carolina are endeavoring to get the railroad commission to lorrstM the rates on cotton see*l. making them ••li:*l to those maintained In other states. These rates were reduced several years ag*. when small oil miile to**-led immu tng n n*l liave red oktee *een iih-reused. They are much below the rates in every ether Southern state For a haul of 3*l miles, the rate tn South Carolina b* 16 cents; In Georgia $1 S. for li* tubes, tiie .South Carolina rale | SJ.S; that in Geor gia. 12 40. aid the sain* *lisproporton ex ists at other difttnnciße. Th#* commisakm la considering the peti tion. also one asking that the minimum rate per t4g e fertilisers In carload lots be fixed at 1& cent a. instead of 10 cents. It Is reported timt l*>iglish < apltnlists are buying up min* rnl land in York an I Cherokee counties along the waters of King creek and Bros*! river. Negotla* tins are no%x tinder way for the purchase of the Flint Hill gold mine property cat It rood river. The towti Council ot hop au thorlxed the Mayor to draw an ordinance dividing the city into wards, and has aim d**-tde l to mark the afreets and number the houses Mrs William Carter died of smallpng in t’nlon. under unusually sad condition*. Hhe was married Just a year and wm only 3n years *>l*l. Hh* leaves a baby iwo wa-ks old. f>r James Bv ins. chairman of the fltato Board of Health. re|g>rts to the Governor (bnf the smaliisix • -orwlltUitte In Hpnrtan tturg have Improved. The public school* • lose*l there two weeks ago on account of fiie dl**mw. are! that occasioned conal.l - alarm Because steamboat companies, like rail roads. must get their charters from tho leqrislauire. the secretary of stats has refused a charter to the Cbsrlraton and i Wilmington Bteamkoat Company of Georgetown. This company of George* town men vacantly purchased tho lies Is of the Carolina Bteamhn*t Company. HIVKK (Mi IMIIHOH HIM. !•- ommlllrf I’ (hr Hill Ihmu JMI >Z(MMM>.(MK(. Warhlngtnn. Dec. -The Houee Oom mlitw on Illverw an<l Harbors to-day rom tdrtrd thrlr bill. Thr total usvrtgirlallona carried by It yesterday. Including ronlln ulna ronirai-t*, amounted to about |*u.- ijoi.onu. A eub-rotnmlMee |Mrl thr bill down hint nl*ht to about I**"',<101.000, Norfolk. Va . rwrlvrr Sm.uV) and New nort New* 1325,*> Thr Mu project for Cleveland, O . thr honir of Chalrmaa Bur (on, arhlrh war In thr bill for morr than It.nonon), war reduced to about (3.000,010. Thr project for thr Routhrrn Para at thn mouth of thr Mlralarlppl war reduced U.ori,n Thr spprof>rl.itlon for thr Drl awarr rlvrr war rut about half a million. Thr Hprlng rhannrl project for Raltlmora | provided for In thr bill. Oalvraton will receive 11.000.00 for Ihr rrrtorattoa of ItO Jetties. THII‘ mMHK.II tOHimK. Hreakrra Manalaa tliuh and Hill t’rol*nh1 1 Hr Total l,n*a. Miami. Kla.. Dec. 30.—A large Kngllsh tramp ilramrr wrnt aahorn thla aft, rnoon about forty-flvr ml Ira aouth of Miami She la laden with coke. Thr brrakrrs hava brrn running ao high all day and to-night that thr crews from (hr wrecking station hava not as yet been able to reach her or get sufficiently dorr to aecrrtaln her name. The (framer la lying badly to night. and every Indication la that ba will be a total loaa with a ieaa of tha cargo. < olnmblan Revolution Crashed. Caracas, Vrrnxuela. Dec. to, via Hay tlen cable.—Advice* received here from liiimna. on the OuU of Cartaco. nay the Colombian revoiuthMi baa baen crushed.