The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Image 1

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Tin: mohnini; nkwh iM.iblUlK'l IS&U - - Ininrporati'd ISS4 J II EHTII.U Pr<*ltl<-ni. TO SIGN JOINT NOTE piIM.HTBR COSRER WmiCTEO TO *iu* AORvannnT. WILL END HITCH AT PEKIN. 1,(1 \ AORBEI TO STEP n rrii bki.ktivi:. (trfrm ol IH Sot Entlrolr ••!>- rt-arnt liar Vlrwa. Bui B.*lcvril Will I'.uil ttulr * Sltnira m IVUIn. ■'malllra ImpHtul I pan l lrlno S rrr Hrrrrr-1.l Imti* I'haun • rlonalr 111—%rronon May Mr ituilr I'nhllr To-morrow. Washington. Ore. 21 —Tb D-pari , , ; ,t i.rsUiy liistrwied Mr <'unx-r ai I’rktn u* *lt* *• agrromont wm.-h, , ,ui <to Ivkln arlvtcea. alraaily has b-m flar.rd by all of Ih* otla-r mlnMtrra at Clilnrar capital. Tab* inatnictlon la rent with name tc- Installer, becauaa tha agreement a* * now Ftarala dorr not compb'lrly rvptracnt the of the fulled tOaiea government. Jtut It la believed to lie the most f.ivor , :.le cotnptornlae that could he re unless the negotiation* are lo b- drawn ~,( | 0 a .inngerous lettglh. for a.l report* , dnaio a growing rptrtt of iinreet In I tuna, owing lo the of any form •f native government In Chi IA, and the urtja.etit provinces. So the I'nlred State* accept* the "Ir toiocalke" condition imposed upon the Chin *e government, though, after all. thl* taptearlon i* rnlher maietrnf form than of substance, for diplomacy knows no such thing aa an "Irrevocable" agree- Bwnt. A* to the Brltlvh condition that the or i upstlon of l-ektn and Cht IJ t* to con tinue until China ha* given *ati*faoiory proofs of her Intention to comply wtih the condltione laid down In the agreement. It t* said that thl* will not affect the Hiatus of the fnlted Mimes. Mr Conger j,.,*. by direction of hla government, nott ... I the ot her minister* that tho purpose of o*cupatlon. that nothing more than a 1. . I lon guard t* to be tnnintalned by u~ n and the Power* have a. epted lit* rendi tion It therefore I* e*|ected here that the agreement will t*‘ signed before the tnd of tne current week. IMY'S ACTIO\ Inldnet Endorse* III* Inalrnellon* to Conger. Washington. Dec. 21 -Secretary Hav' action In Instructing Mr. Conger lo sign t:i* joint note was approved by the cabi net at the meeting to-day. The agreement signed at Pekin naming preliminary condltiona lo pence negotla t ora contains a demand for the *everet penalties that China ran Impo-e In the punishment Of the high olfl tats believed to Ih- responsible for the Boxer outrage* This refers particularly to the eleven l> eminent (Tiim *e noble* whose n inics )i • \-• been mentlone-l In the press dis patches a* those whom some of the na tions contended should he executed. tur g.vt rnment has persistently het-l to the I'O.-ltn.n lliat |>enaltles should not be In fi ti l on the Chinese government wht h ► tie wis unable to carry out. The de mand tor the death |H-nalUes was stricken out of the agreement and that for the severest |ietuillle* possible Insert-*!. The agreement probably will be made public t<>-m-> i row If word reache* Wash ington that Mr.' Conger ha* affixed til* signature to If. another hit* m at pkkin. I onttrr und ltw *i no Harry In Minn Joint Note. Pekin, Dec. Sl.—Once more there I* a ptooounced hitch In the proceeding The prwUmtnery Joint note ha* not yet Ix-et. tinned. Mr. Coniter, the United Slate* minister, nyi he ’does not believe that there are sufficient reason* why It should not be .igtuvl In the near future, and Sir Krneat Halow. the British minister, take* the same view. Hr Mumm von H hwurtaensteln. speaking for Germany, believe* that the exlstinif nsrwment will be signed (sooner or la'cr. The other min. Diet* also say that they consider Ihe probabilities In favor of signing Chinese sources of Information, how ever, say there I* reliable authority for the statement that there is very little rhaac* of the note beuuf slimed for soma time. Asa matter of fart, the member* of the start of Id 1 lunar Charts t-elteve that the note will eventually have to be drawn up either In Europe or America. t ., the la tier, beeause they claim that the Washington government has bad most to do with the existing modtn ■ allot at of the various forms of harsh- Ticks. . , ... a * ' ' ' 1 v ' ’ ' " " Sirin* to retain the Integrity of the l w r. se Empire The other Powers are re- Itarded as deslrou* of breaking It tip. with the possible exception of **“*•"• who, the Chinese think, merely favors o io**ipotHmcni In order eventually o secure a larger share. Grave fears nr# felt regarAllnir l* lieaHh of U Hung tliang. owltig to a severe cold that he caught on the day lie visited Gen. Chaffee. It l a*l thai be t* better to-day. but there Is fetr of pleurisy, which, at his advanced a*e. might be fatal. It Is generally believed that th Chi nese get their Information a to what I* don* at the meeting* of the envoy* through soma one connected with the Bus man legation. AXXIOI'S TO CRAVE XIAN Ft'. Accommodations Poor and Environ ment There Unfavorable. London, Dec. K.-“ The delay In signing the preliminary Joint note-" nay* the Pe kin correspondent of the Morning Post, wiring yesterday, "la due to an objection from Washington. Mr. Conger, however, ha* telegraphed hi* government urging B|*eedy settlement on tha ground that the foreign military control Is worse than Chinese management. "Prlncb Chlng says the Emperor Kwang Hu and the Empress Dowager are both anxious to leave Sian Fu, as the accom modation there ta poor and their environ ment unfavorable. Ha point* out that tha prlvata and government property aeiged in Pekin la quite equivalent In value to the Indemnity demanded by the (Powers Mr Robert Hart saw Prince Cnlng yesterday and advised him against dotty mg with the Power* la re**rd to to* Jlatewnal) Morning Wcto#. punishment of the guilty iMTb tal* Prince L hln* thought the • xc*utt>n of two or thn*> ami |* -sit ;> )u. umg impn**t#im nt of Prince To.m. quite certain.” I KHMh or THE POWERII. | I>r. MorrUnn C la Ires lo (ilve Nllpnla flow* if Joint \olr. I.onion, !>.*. 2i pr Morrison, In a 'on* dispatch lo Ih.* Tim.a from Pekin. •lai.l Dec. ?r, ft I v< * extracts from the Joint note. After a long preamble re counting and comb riming the outrage*. In proceed* to quote the demands, which ar. virtually Identical with Ihe ten set l*rth in the dM it h to the Apj*o land Bre-* from Tien Tsln, dated IVc. H, but not .* in the ,**♦ of that dispatch set ting forth the amount of the Indemnity. • Hoi ii nfori i im the clause referring to Indemnity pads ah foi.ow.M “KquHabD indemnity * to be paid to •'* *■>•. *> and individuals, and also i Chi’e*,- who have suffered injury on a •'count of thtr employment by foreign ers. China will r iopt fliiain wl measures a. mpiable ro the Powers to guarantee the pavment of indemnity and ihe service lot's.’' According to the Timew the note contains the following stipuU :i ns. in aM:tion to th*e t to the A w**!**, | p r , . 4 f rofn x?4ln Kerar.tlon to J.ijmn for the mur*ler of Sutflyama. “Kxpl(or> rromimentp erf*ctwl In all foreign .ame! cries where tomtw have been .fWv. rated. 1 he pa*-iiiiir <‘f a proclamation throuirh oi? ih< mpir for two years enumerating the punishments lnfli' t*d u|ion rhe itutlty ofllefals i.t| threatening .leath to any oih> joirdnir an anti-foreign society. "An imp- nil e.ii : to Im* lenued hoMliur vltrrovh md rovarnorn re.|kocisible for nntl-foreJKti outbreaks or violations of treaties. t **t‘!iliia fo undertake negotiations for a revision of the commercial” Ot Morri>-n *os on to say that In th*- dihcu - ft .f rhe translation of the word "comply” in tie* Hrtriah proposal not to remove the troops until th** nr motsis shou'd he satisfied, one mints*r suKK* s!e.| ii rep*e.” The it-rmun minis* ter "rempllr.** F'lnally it sr:*s agreed to use the expression "seconfor mera ” The ditifi-itch cofi' ludes with an rxjir*#- sln of at "the delay caused by Mr r < n>t signimr. in view of I*| Hutvg Chang * health ani ad vanced age. whleh cause much anxtet/.” f.l IMMN* |>:n:%T HO V l-Tlt **. Vnn \%alderee l(e|Mr( I’pnn \eflon of (•urnilrli'ii fnlnniß. Tt. rlin. I>ee. 2? A dispatch from Field Marshal von Walderseo, dst*d I'ekln. Dec. 19: "ftuentleirs column, marching from Shan Hal Kuan, successfully encountered a force of Poxers Dec. 14. at Tung iJng the eastern isiperlal tombs. Fifteen Boxers were killed ”On* thousand Chinese regulars, under Knng Do Ung, have i>een driven out of Du Tal. They to the northwesterly, on tiuendell s appro.* h.” 111 POUT A AT, IF THUS. Kwprrsr mill KmprrM llnwngrr *nll to lUip le*ft for Pekin. Berlin, Dev 21.—A dispatch Tien Tmii to the Frankfurter Zcitung. dated to-day. *•>*: “Prince China Asserts that Emperor Kwang Sit, unaccompanied by the Em prew# Dowager, left Sian Fu Dec. 13. bound for Pekin." ill <n%\<; of:m:d. Term Inn* of Tuition llnllnm Open ed to Trade. laondon. Dec. 22.—The Dally New* pub lished Ih# following from Its Shanghai correspondent dated yeatc*rday: ••Chang Chih Tung announce! the re ceipt of an edict authorising the opening of Wu I'hrtfK. opposite Hankow, to fur eign trade. Wu Chang I* the center of an int(M>rt.nt trade Miid the ulte of the ter minus of the t'amon Hallway. ‘•Chinese pap* ra aj*iert that the antl dyna-t> rebellion in the province of Kan Sula becoming *eriou and la likely to compel the court to depart." The Wolf to lie Presented Immedi ately. I/mdon. Dec. 21.—A representative of the Af*orlated I’rean w#w informed at the foreign office here to-dtiy that th# Joint note of th v Powera. w hich ha been aign r*t by all the minister* at Pekin, will be presented to l*rlnce Chlng aiwl IJ Hung Chang immediately. The test will be pub.ished no noon a* It la delivered. ri.KVKI.tM) <N M HUIUEA. Refers tn Something He Xald on Erne Whips Once Before. Philadelphia. Dec. 21 —The North Amer ican quotes ex-President Grover Cleve land a* saying In an Interview: "In regard to this projiosed ship sud sl-ly. I would refer you to my speech at the launching of the St. Uoula. I then said something In favor of free ships. I have not changed my opinions. "With our much-vaunted accession to a (osltlon among the world power*. I hope to see not so much. Instead of more, of that sort of coddling which a less proml- Incnt place In Ihe family of nations waa c'alm-U hy some of our people to excuse." . e*~ I telkphoar touFtn i. Western In lon I.aeea Ita Suit for • 12.0P1.P51 Mentals and Royalttra. Boston. Deo. 21.—Juetlca Colt. In tha United Htate* Circuit Court to-day. decid ed In fsvot of the American Bell Tele phone Company In the royalty suM brought by the Western Union Telegraph Company. The case Is know as the siork ticker case, In which the Western Union nought to recover 112.00,000 rentals or royalties under a contract between them and 4he National Beil Telephone Company, the de fendant's prede-bssor. made on Nov. 10. 1179. THE MOIXT 04W ALO. Ashore ®a4h of Miami and Cargo Being IMaehnrgred. Miami, Fla.. Dac. 21.-Th* large Engll.h ,tearner reported ashore last night on El bow Reef, thirty-five miles south of Mt- Is said to he th# Motint Oswald. It „ roa'-laden. and Is being discharged by wrecker.. The steamer probably will be saved A number of small wrecks are re ported elong Use coaae to-day. SAVANNAH. GA„ SATI'KDAV. DECKMBEIi 22. Ito. DE WET’S ESCAPE OXB OF BOLDEfT I\CHIF.\T (!' TIIH U \ It. THE BRAVE AND WILY BOER. M.U)E HK CfcVNT I. DIRH FOR U- Ul lITA . led Hla Foreew Holilly terno an Open Field In the I'nee of Ihe Enemr-Hrttlh Tkonght Ihe* Itn.l lllsu Hemmed l-Ms n Mnanllt oeni Musesier—llrtlh %re Ing Out Helnforeemeul*. Bloemfontein, Thursday. l>c.\ Th** detdl s of Hen DeWei n e- .ifw* fr an tie* •ficlrcllng British coiunms s!h*w that it was one of th** twllivi inc;*lents of the war. When lltuisiioek n itHiitnniwi J*wie e*i l*e\Vet Dec . 12. warn fifteen miles east of Thabo N’Chue, Hen Kn*>x wan only •ftliout an hour distant aisi the Bs*r situs tion spiand dcaporatc. But DfWst was eqtuil to tha o-msion Hsas broek westward to tihake u f.-lrit at Vic toria Nek. 1 ►eWet |r*nare 1 to break throtigh tlvii British -olumiv* at Sj*ting Haua Nf* pas.about fnair inline of broad, flat. unhr<ken gronl. At the entrance were two fortified l-oata. while artillery was to*ted on a kill east ward wai*hlnir the Boers. H d.lenl> a magnificent sp**'tacle wax prsent*d The whole lioer army of 2.6di> men at a gallop in o|*en ook r, through the ts*k. PreshhUit Heyn and Pelt Koufie Irxl the Charge and DeWet brought up tho r*.r. Tlve British guns and rifles* lxw>mxl and raitiwd us'essantly. The Boers first tried the eastward route, but. erv* oontering ar tillsry, tbe>* <tiverg*>d and gal.opei lo the front of the hill to the westward, where the fire of only a sing e poat wa* effe tlv. The whole maneuver was a piece of magnificent daring and Its success was complete, in spite of the loi.x of a Impound gu. and tw'enty-flve prleoners. The British force detached after Haxs hroek cam** In contact wdth hie comm ndo at tilghtfall The burghers were s ittered and Welsh Yeomanry galloped uiihmir the retreating Boers, using their revolvers am) the butt emls of their rifles with gnat effect. An Incident of the fight was the gallop of a British ammunition wagon rignt through the scattered IJcM*rs. the gunners using their revolvers freely. lilt ITIMI ARK RKHKOKriKU. Colonial Police to He Increased and Cavalry Ordered tint. De v 22 The war office made the following announcement la*: evening: “In view of the general position in South Africa, the following reinforce ments of mounted troops have bscn ar ranged. Eight hundred will start ne*t week. Two cavalry regiments have been ordered to leave hi soon as the trgnvporta are ready. "The colonial potl'v wrtll be inrre****d to tO.tmo. Detachment m will leave a a fa at aa they are formed. Further drafts <f cav alry will lie *ii>t*tt h*d at once. Australia and New Zea'atwl have h*wn Invited to •end further oonlingwflta. ”Thrre thousand eottra horse, h*jrgttjl the usual monthly supply, have been con tracted for.** GET IM HRtfni I*AT. Imperial Teamanr> men to Reeelve Five viillllnas n Day. Ijondon. Dec. 21.- The Secretary of Btate for War, Mr. William Wt. John Brodrick. announce# that in view of the prolonga tion of the war in South Africa, member* of the Imperial Yeomanry wl.l be paid 5 shilling* Instead of 1 shilling and 2 pence per day. Militiamen are promised prior ity of return over regulars. TIIP. MOTION DKFBATO). Ifrsstan Bvadewralh W 111 Tot Prs pour- %rhltrntlon. Darmstadt. Dec. 21.—8 y the president’s <•#*ting of his vote, the second chamfer to-da> defeated a motion to instruct he Hessian representatives In the Bundes rath to propose the assembling of the for eign affair# committee with the object of Initiating a proposal for arbitration be tween Great Britain and the Transvaal. Twenty-two votes were cast •a* h way. All the antl-Bcinltes and Social Demo crat# favored the motion. The represen tatives of the government left the House before the debate on the motion. HI! %ft ATT TO TNK FHOTT. Preßseh alri tn lime Boated 2.7 MM> Harrs at Thorndalr. Cape Town, Dec. 21.—Oen. Brabant, comm.indsr of the newly raised colonial division, has been ordered to tha front and will start to-morrow At Thorndale. Gen. Fremti has routed 2.500 Boer* with four gun# and a pompon Thorndsle Is slsteen miles northwest of Krugersdorp The fight conk place Dec. 19 The British had fourteen wounded, and the l!.*ers fled In dlsonler. with about fifty killed. The Hoes who Invaded Cape Colony had. In most cases, pack horses in addition to those they rode All were In the pink of condition. They comm indcered all possi ble clothing and stores at Venteratad. CAr 13 COLONV IM REVOLT. Moera Soccrssful In Rallydag Bark reentry notch. London, Dec. 22.—" We understand that private reliable advices have been receiv ed In London." says the Dally Mall, "to the effect that virtually all the districts of Cepe Colony In Ihe vicinity of the iffangc liver are In more or lees open re volt and that thero la likely to be sharp lighting, on a rather large scale, before the Invasion Is crushed The tactics of the Boer* In rallying as many as po-lble of the Dutch In the back country to their causa are proving successful." THE BOER INVADER 9. Aa E.ftrao.4 I'oerestretloa af Troop, to Meat Them. London. Dec a -From Its Capa Town correspondent the Dally Mall has received the following: •The second Invading force wu design *4 *o occupy Brit*town; but, being gbeck- e*l by the DeAaar trv*ops. It has li-ap peared into the Ceaderbeig mounialtis "An enormous concent ration of trooj*s In U*n* made upon the veldt country otvu* piei by the trtvsdera. but It is not likeiy that the iue.rx will offer battle In numbers. There is a ren<*wet Jfiimn.l f.r the wnie ti. prs iamatlon of nnit tial law.** Nrltlali ITorlsim Martini law, <Tr- Town, IW U Martial law wtll be pro Ulns*l tu \\ om-stff. Wellington **isl H; .entHke*-h. Heavy reins re general, ami several rallw.iy washouta delay the naivem*'uis of tnaiv ||terw liof the W sot of It. Job inneebiirg. IVc. 21 —The llopr* at ta k.xl Zisnfun • In IM*. IS. but beaten ofT bmAsi. Oec. 22 A digsitch from De- Aar. <'ape Cokmy, sayw that the yeomanry lWve drtvet* the C**ra on# of, the enemy retiring westward. Datlra-foarll start* far TVanaxaal. Oape Town. Dec 21 Tin lla*len-Powell will start for the TVanavaal t>-morn>w' Tie Hosts deralb'd a tr.Un at Barber ton. nn insieetor atsl otliers. subsidies. (•rent Vlrltlnti’s Wealth In Hhtp building la In % eaaela *#e •talld* for Other t onntrlew. Philadelphia. Dec. 11. Charh-s H Cramp, head of the Cramp Bhii*bullllng Company, apjs-ared Irefore the Industrial Commis sion to-day and gave i im# Inferewtlttg tes timony regarding marina ar .-hltecture. Mi Craim* eld tle reason why American money does not seek Investment in trans- AtiHUtk ani Paclflo trade Is because It <h ■ not pay and the peofue are not edu cated to ih** business. He strongly advocated the subsidy bill ami asserted Hint some Americans are buying caal-off British ships at bargain prices and are denouncing the subsidy bill because thev will not benefit by It Mr Cramp said the cost of operating for eign vesse.s In k*es than that of American •hips The opposition to the aubaldy bill, he said. .me from numerous sources, one of them being certain Wewtarn rail roads. which he “have lo)re<i the Fnlted H ate* treasury through grants of land.” < ii* reason why this country should hav* more ship- Mr Crump mild, lx the steudilv de'Crwastncr coal <f Ku nge Kventually. he said, ail Murope will cone to this country fur cowl Concervi- Po* th** rumor of a combination bet worn the Cramps and the l uiglish firm of VFk ers Sons A Maxim. Mr Crimp said the * stories • nm# from his endeavoring to en large his plant In the ho> of building a warship complete. “I have asked people here arvi people abroad to help w in tn reaslmg the capacity of our works Fn der the law Vickers l*ons A Maxim • attnot cfimhine with us. The American ■ ontrol of the plant will net be .-UaviUhed o long aa Ism r*>*u*octad with the com pany.” Mr. Cramp said: •'Great Britain a source of wealth In her shipbuilding is In the vessel* she build* for other countries The shipbuild ing interests there are assisted by the goverrm*eit either, directly or indirect ly. 1 wuni lo compi* with England.” Mr Crarnp |">k'- of the enormous profit on armor paite In bulhttng wagahlps for Russia, he onWt hi* t ompany was com pelled to pay the foil rate of pyn n ton to CirtNVlr for armor This, he #alJ. was one-third the coat of the ship. ~lf I could get the profit on armor [plate.” declared Mr. Cramp. *T would build warship at coat.” SCHOONER TOTAL LOSS. * nptnin rtnil Two Me* Drowned, lln* Other. Reamed hr lh>.pr. hft* Work of l.tfe *.irr. Cape Henry. V., lec. 21.—Hy telephone from Dum Neck Mallon It I* loomed thai the .chooner Jennie Hall, which stranded eight mlh * south of C*p Henry at 4 a m. will be a total loss. The captain and two men are drowned The bodies are not yet recovered. Four nearly died from exposure, but were res ell..l In the breeches buoy One man still clurtK *o the uilzxen cross-tree. Two life saver* went off tn the breeches buoy to save him. but twin* a large man and be numbed hy cold they could not lift him Into the buoy. Notwithstanding the terrlff.- atirf, cpt Burro and his crew then launched the Itfel>oat They wen alongside ant ptn two men. lb.ratlo Drlnkwaler and John O'Neal, on tioard the schooner. The life boat shen came ashore, leaving the two Ufetaivtws on the wreck Drlnkwaler and O'Neal auec ieded tn getting Iho Bailor In to the buoy c.nd he was hauled safely off. the two llfesaver* following. One of the aurfment was washed out of the lifeboat, but wa rescued The weather Is rainy with light for and a northwest gale blow ins flfO mles an hour. hath jar a ted the hoi mb. In Uhlrh Edward I'edaby, Jr., Was Held s Prisoner. Omaha, Neb.. Dec. 21.—The result of twenty-four hours' work on the part of Ihe police of Ihe city and half a hundred detectives has established the location of the house In which Edward Cudahy, Jr., was held a prisoner for nearly two ilaya. The house Is locotcd four miles from th# city and In a place of easy access, but so situated as to allow the deeperadoes am ple opportunity to lay and carry out their plate without m- lestatlon from Inquiring neighbors. Pat Crowe, well-known to the authori ties here. Is suspected aa one of those con nected with the kidnaping and Chicago police officials say he left lher<- for Omaha about two weeks ago. and that several other well known chsracsera In his set arc known by the Chicago police to have gone to Omaha. !MAJ. Cl ID NET PtMHHEO. (liven Mlvty Days t'onMnrment for Disobey lag Order*. Pwrls. Dec. 21—The minister of war. 0.0 Andre, has Inflicted ni MaJ Culgnet •Ixty day*' confinement In the fort. That Is disciplinary punishment for disobeying Gen Ar<lre' orders In connection with disclosing to s deputy M laisles, a con fidential document, grid In writing direct - |v to the Premier to accuse the (Minister of foreign affairs. M Dslcasse. Of false hood. thereby < ranigraastng the regulg -11 The Chamber of Deputies to-day. by a vote of 109 to 198. decided to postpone M motion to Interpellate th# gov ernment on the MaJ Culgnat Incident un til all Ihe other orders of the day are disposed of. thus shelving the National -Ist a:lack definitely. THE2B-FOOT PROJECT V%\ \h>AH QR'D Ft Id. Allot AT Wkl.l) I OH. 550.000 FOR MAINTENANCE. P.MNI.OOO AA % 11. % III.EX At 111 t|| 17.1.t> fOATR At T Al.tNNi.tMNi. t tmlrimm Itnrton Uhr* >it a *tate mrHl of the Hilt—lt t series ISNI.iMHi A pproprtall •* • Senate Allll Frobably Iserease This—lllll AA null! Ilsir Hi t'll Itepiirted Irs ferda* Hut fr Heath ol Represen tative Wise. A\'a*hingtm. IV** 21 —The river ami harbor bill wih •xvinpleted to-night ami Chairman Burton gave a statement show irtg the atiKVunis appropn it* 1 The total Is aptr<xlmntel> of whl*h hlkui S2TI®,OOO Is in direct appropriations, and about $37,1n the authorisation of contra>*ts for continuous work *‘>mi>are*l with former river add harbor Mils the present one Is the areovtd largest on re ord. and after the .H* u.*te hits added atl>endments it Is exi<c:d to be well up Tlie Wd of 11M carried sE9&s,igs. and (hat of lE7. which was the largest on record, carried #T2 IU>. 9S4. The api*itpriatlNis an l contracts over faX.flflO include the following: t Yn llarbors Cash, (rarts. Vug! no# Norfolk harhor f Norfolk, removal of hos pital p >Uit t L 53.9&? Middle Ground bar, New port News 10.00 31f.,0fi0 Houth Carolina— Clvarleston ft'.W Georgia— Brunswick He. 700 Havannah Mavannnh, new project ... ... l.utl,onu lliuiiks h'K. colter bar .... 2> r *.u*i Fkrfidtt Apiiku hicola Isay 41 lyiuwcuts Tu.iisi Key West. Improving eti tranee to ImrlMr 2 HiM'boro hay 1 •“,'* Fivers Virginia— JnM*e river 250. Wm Yl*i|Mhanno< k river 35.000 North Carolina— Cape Kaar river at or be low Wilmington Homo Pamlico and Tar rivers . 2f>.‘nii Huith Carolina— Ashley river £>,<*<> Georgia— Chattahoochee river. Geor gia ami Alaliatna below Columbus If'.W Flint river £•.'**> t 0*..-a river,between lusne and tastlmoil bridge .... K.fW IT4.A4H Florida— Hi John* river from Jacksonville to ocean ,. J lVi> ffA.onn Ht John’s river at Grange mills Iktß .T.nw Alabama—Harbor: Mohlt* *>.<> AI'PIUM'III ATIONN 1% IHITAIU ttornlss trni I .rrr*,.ftilrnl Give* Earther EUrnrea. Washington. Dec. 11 -According to an authotlsed s'abemen* from the Oommtl ta on River amt Harbors, given out to night, Savannah harbor Is to receive 11,- XS it, the trill to be prt-eent-d fo Ihe Housr Of that amnnvtf 41.flnO.Mt Is for the new projrct. and the **).(> Is an unexpended balance. Charleston borbor twelves jm.nnu to con tlnue the work now on tiand Tha commit!* baa < ompletol the <xwi atderaiton of tha bill. arl It would have been reported to the House to-day, hul for the early adjournment on account of the sudden death of Repreaentatlv# Wlaa of Vlntlnla The provtstovi* tn the bllla for Oeorria and South Carolina and contlnauoue atatea are aa follows: South Carolina, Harbor* —Charleston, South Carolina. River*—Great Ptedee, Eo.sno, Santee, Warearnaw river. North Carolina and South Carolina. . Wapftoo Cut. Ik.dtJ; Wateree, E.&hO; Con icaree. I-It tie lee.)ee, ll.trrt; Beau fort, *2.000; Ashley. Ca.ffiO; Great Fedeo river. upt>er portion. *12.0m. Georsrla. Harbor*— lirunawrlck, *125.700; Savannah. *60.000; Savannah. Jtew projer-t. *1.000.000: Darien. J15.U00; IMtiftJ’ Bar, *20,. Out; Brunswick, outer bar, *16.000. Ger.rxln, Rlvens—Altnmaha. *10.000; Chat tahoochee river. OeorKbi and Alaham >. below Columbus, **s 000; Flint. *3r..000; Oco nee, *ls,wt; Davwnnah river above Au gusta. *1.000; Cooaa river, between Rome and railroad br|de. *59,000. cash, contract. *174,046; Coosa liv r htwen Wetumpk > and railroad hrkl*e, *16.000; Ooatenauia, *6.000. * Florida—Harbors: Apalachicola hay, *41.000; Pensacola. *70.000; Key West Im proving entrance to harbor, *26.000. Char lotte harhor and Pease creelt. *!,oOO. dredge for river and harbor Improvement* tn Florkla, *29,000; Sarasota, *6.)0; Hills boro, 1fd.oo0; East Paaa, Carrabeile har bor. *20.000 Kkirlda -Rivers: Apalachicola river. In cluding cut off and lower Chlp-da. *O.OOO. Calooeahatchee river, Punla Rassa to Charlotte harbor. *6080; Choct iwhatchle river. Florida and Alabama, *l.; Ea camtda and Conecuh rivers. *6.000; Mana tee. *6.oftt; St- Johns river from Jackson ville to tha ocean, *25.0n cash; contract. fKAOdO; Suwannee. *6.000; Volusia bay. *46.000; Oeklawaha river. *3.QW; 81. Johns river at Orange Mills FUats, *30.000; An elote. *:> uoo: Upper Chlpola, *3., Cryw tal, *lO/00. Oraage, *2.500. Another gchtraaer la Trouble. L,e. Del- Doe *1 —An unknown three-mastad schooner le riding at anchor In a bad position near Hens and Chicken* shoal off Cape H.nlopan. A severe north east anotvstorm has been sweeping the coast, the wind bowing tlhrty-Ava miles an hour ROSE FINISHES ARGUMENT. If Hefeatlnnl* Are Ant (•Nitty, Atari**## Erain. a Mnnuwrnt sh*tt He VSreefeit #* ( ar#er New A:k. Dec 2i Abr im J. R'V" continue*l his argument to da\ before T*ni te*| H'atis* CominisMoner lfitiei*is, in hi# effort WidUnt *1 m.l l. II G iytvu n| 11. m Juiit n D. Green* who are accused of *> #*plrac> (. defraud tin govemnnnt Hi *'tine. ;ton with the lmpro\ ement In H#- vutinah horhor. done under the direct ton of Oherltvi M Carter who is now In prison, to the Jurisdh I t.n of the t 'nitr| States Court In tbxirgia for trial. Mr Ito* ji ted that all the proof wnt to a how that there no conspira y o defraud the governmetit, and that • here no evkleii. e to show that tile government had b*en i|efraude*l In con tusion he ejlid (hat the Integritv of the work d>m '> the •'OnlmctotS had been tatnbllshr I Itexond all qm xtUUi District Attorney .Marlon Krwln of the (kuttiarn District of Gs*rgia spoke for the prosecution. He said at the opening that if these defendants were guiltless that a monument h'hmiM he erected to ('apt ’#rter In Ctimi’erlnnd fkiutid h rls>r He argue, | at great length that the de fendants wre guilt >. snd that they should be removed to Georgia for trial He will (ontlnua his argument to-mor row. macarthufTto receive. AA 111 Hold a Formal Reception an Ae#r A ear's Hat lmprOnnal A olunlerra Alas He .Went llnmc. Manll i. Dec 21 ‘An order of G n (Hi* found mlllt.ii \ governor, has again lasi* promulgated to the effect that memU-rs cf the volunteer for*e inipi Done*) for mil itary offanse* may t*e r i**ase<l and sent home in the discretion *f the cniotiels of tbelr respective regiments, provided they have not bcm dishonorably discharged. All military and civil dutiea have l*H*n ordered HUiqa'iided for Christmas day and Now Year s day, with the exception of nece* #ry guard and field dutiea Gen \la Arthur announces that he tr|!| hold a formal reception on New Yeir’s day. The nu mbers of the Phlllppiite com mission. the Jiidb lary, the ak hblmtop the a;>oafl|c deb gallon, the consuls, Ihe officers of the American and foreign im vies and armies, and th* htools **f the ciivl bureaus and <f f'OmitMH’Clal. civic ai.d religious bodlH. I*getjier with the general public. r* Invited to attend. Army officers are directed to appear In the order of rank A bMM I'll IITOIMI2I HKCKIVEH. linrrirmi \alli*al Hank of Halil* ni<rr la a Hal Wmy. VYaahlngtou. Dai*. 21. Th controller of the currency to-night appoint**! Mr. J. Frank Aldrich tempor*ry re<Hßlver of Ihe Amertran Nklional liank of Baitlmore, Thfi batik, tt ie gtated. ha* eufferwl a large enrltikage |n lieltN. uial ha* u*4aiticl ti*vy l**eca whk h hpv# involve*l it* capita) and eurplua. and r dm*d gr<Atly it* resource* The rot*l tlon of It* a**e:* W* *uet that Ihe ke** to |e|M>iior* prob* *l> will la* mall At a meeting of the cl* irlng tKu*e of Ha*‘- rnon lht< after noon. It wn deck Sad that lu view of the comlltton of the ttank. to further credit could eiteiHk**! to It, and the controller being **tl*fi*l of a condition of insolvency a receiver mm appointed. The laHt statement *f the t*nk, m*d* (o ih*- -ofitroiler Oct 2f*. how* it condi tion a- follow* Renource* l.oins and I’nlted Htatea lond him! laemtum, 1106.* ‘JHO; real e*tate. $57 7f*Vs7; due from hank*. |7f*.4lM <*, other Item*. 8K.517.17. total, 51,- Olti.tfn X UanlllMe* CpMr! *tock. nurplu* arw! tindlvl led profit*. 52*CM2H71; < ireulattng note*. . due hank*, $25*.711.73. de po*it*. etc., total. tl.hin.3sn.M. HAD tihm \T laainai*••!. Maay hiwiroe* llaatored la Have Hern Killed for Triple Harder. Provldetu e. U , !►’ 21 .-—Varlmi* rum or* have prevailed lately up and down th • river, relathra to Ih* lynching of the ne groes <h*t took place at Arcadia. Alia*., on th* 12th Inst., for the killing of a trad ing kjitnaii r fhe name of Thompson. ht wife and ohlkl. t A* many a* seventeen negroes were •aid u> have been brutally riaughtered hy the mob A* there I* neither telegraph nor telephone ntattona at Arcadia, It wim ImpwilM* to ascertain. T4w|y, however, a citlgen from Arcadia said: "Three negroes have bgen • apt ur*d. but only two have been lynched; after they iiik) confessed to the killing of Thompson, hi* wife and child * GAIJC DID ig|li:%T II AGIO. An I nnsually alarm In Ike North of Grr-nt Urltnln. Domlon, Dec. 21—The g.l ha* done great damage generally In the north of England and Scotland. A Glasgow corra* spondent sriys: “Not since the storm which destroyed the Toy bridge has such a gale raged In Hco 1.-md High walls have been wrecked In Glasgow. At Doathrkige, ten mile* east of Glasgow, several people have been killed, while a# numerous other place* roof* nnd chimney* have been destroyed and person* injured. Borne of the build ing* of the Fnlverslty of Aberdeen have been *erlou*ly damaged and everywhere telegraph wires, telephone* and railway lines are Interrupted." MM*. FRVM* *1 DIM:* DK %TI. Wife of l’r**ldent of Assstr Die* of Ncort Fallnre. Washington, I>ee. 21.—Mrs. William P. Frye, wife of the President pro tempore of the H-n*te. died very auddcnly at the Hamilton fMal this morning Mr*. Frye suffered an acute attack of Indigestion last Tuesday and had since been very ill. When she arose this morning she seemed mu h Improved, but the end came soon after breakfast, heart failure causing the dewih The body ws* taken to tha fam by home in Maine this afternoon. Cruiser Albany %raud. Hut Float. e 4 OF. Washington, Dac. 21—Th# Navy De part men* received a cablegram from Ad miral Remey this morning, saying that th* cruiser Albany went aground in ftubfg bay. but har been floated off The el* tent of the* to lbs ahio la not ltte4. * DAII.Y I* A YK A It. : FKNTB a copy WEEKLY 2 TIMKN A-AA lIKK.fI A TFAR MR. LODGE ON TREATY NIAAAt llUrm AEA ATtiK A81.% liEFI ADA AEA ATT.’A RTlliH. NO HOSTILITY TO ENGLAND. a ai: in Ati.vr* Htim rimTßfT lllt.lira OF THH rot*kTßY Air I 'Ml*f Hrvlret ttr Senate's Ar il”" In a < tear, I *aleal Manner, Ahnalns the Intent of Knrli A me*d m.<nt—The Arnsts a l*nrt of Trealr-tlskiiis t'lini-f—Mslti Ot*- Jeet of Are Treat> A\ to li len) AVtth # Is#tn-Uslwrr Treaty. W* Mi button. Dec 21 -ttenat or I,odge. w la> had charge **f £h# lia> I'auncefota treaty in tn‘ Mctiaii i mioie the fol lowing statement: Tho Heuale’a actions were not lictate*| by hoaildty tow aril Fkigiand and still baa were ihe) In ati\ degree a reflection upon the rte. fetary f Htnte. The amondmanta were made by the Heiiate solely b*u*ausa In Its opinton they were necessary for tha Interests of the Fnlted Mates, for tha nvoldan e of any question as to the con trol of the canal and *oti#equently for tha sake of peaceful and harmonious rela tions with the real *f the world on that subject in the future The vote b> which they were adopted shows this. ‘The first amendment Is a simple dec la rabm that the Clayton Hulwer treaty lo exist msl iw vupr ekd by the llay Baiinrelota treat j. The ob|e*r of I He latter wa' to remove the former as an oi*stacla lo the (onstru4 tU>n of tba isthmian canal. "Liutw Artl. Ik 11 af th<- 11./ I'sumw ft. tvraly a. It Wmal. wk war. Wnsrly iuuntl. if .nni,t in wr. to iwi-mlt a t h.uik fl, *t. if it H*ir.’Kp<tKff tn swting tn !(lk ttiK hrKt mtlH sonn. to imw timno- Ik.lkA thnnstli ih** ratwl If we meant to keep It then M w ,u> a promlw no nw tUai uuttltt to ituiko If we know that wo ftltaulti tail k* *t* n In tun,* of war then It was only honest on,l fair to relieve ouriM-lvm of the nlAlaatliWi In the Irtalr lt.etf This was (he ptirpo.,- of the toxstd Hails amendment, whleh mtlrely dts of any stteh pramlae, ami which follow, exactly in iwincti,!,'. not almost exactly In*. Article X of lit. Hues ( (Kwentton, w hich re.crvtwt similar riahts to Turkey, whose intereat In the Hue* canal I. trivial * miiimti i| to o>irs In that Itroioiaed In,l "Tha third amcmiment strikes out Ar ticle HI by which Wc . njrasol to In vita other nation, to adhere to the treaty, and thereby bec.mie |ktrtle of It. Had there been no ('layton-Rulwer treaty wo should have negotiated with no one ex cept Coits 111-.1 and NlraractM aa to bultdfiur the canal. "It la well re nenlxcd hi Internailonhl law that when the condition, tindar which a trooty has been ma te have radically chanffed and new conditions and new de mands have arleeti, title fact Is an ample iriStixl for ec-klnto an abrogation or mod - Iftcatton of the ortatna! Instrument. The American people desire to build, and mean to build and control the lathmlan cwnal. They wish to remove all nbatactes to it by amicable arrenyemen- In a atiltahle and hecomitiK miitfli-r The Hay-fhsunoOC-rta treaty was framed for this object. The Hecate Is part of Ihe treaty-making power, and treaties, sent to It for ratification are not etrlotly treaties, hut projects for treaties They are still Inc boats. Tha Menatc, continuing the negotiation begun by ilr Hay, offers three new pmpod tlons to England. They aak her to omit the clause Inviting cstnrr nations to ad here. which does not touch her at all; to agree tn unmistakable language to the auppresalon of the Clay ion-Bill wer treaty h> the llaj-l'auncefote treaty, which Is the whole purpose of Ihe negotiation, and finally to accept the reservation of rights In time of war which she granted to Tut key |n the Rue* convention, and of which, as the present |sscer>r of Kgyirt. she la now herwelf Hie beneficiary. England* Intereat In having the canal hull!, be tt great or small. Is second only to ourw. We agree that all vessels of commerce ami o' war shall pass through canal on the same terms ns mtr own and In war between other I'owere, we agrea to pre serve the neutrality of the canal toward all belligerents It* deference lo tha _ wathes of Nicaragua and Costa Rica In regard to this treaty, amt not to any. w* ttwy hereafter make with them, we relin quish the right to erect permanent foril- Orations, and although there la no need of such fortifications the right fo erect them Is an Importm! right, and Its re linquishment anew to the last verge of concession. The vast expense and main tenance and defense of the canal are ours and the Amerb-an people will never permit a canal there which they do not control, itecause the defense of tha Uni ted Rtatca overrides every other consid eration." YEAR'S RAILWAY EARNINGS. firose Earning* of American Mall* way. Nearly g 1 .AtIO.fIOOJIOO aa tIMI.dOO Miles of l.loe. Washington, Dec. 21.—The preliminary report on lhe Income account of railway# In th# United Rtalee for tha year ended June X). 1900. prepared hy the Interstate Commerce Commission, contain# returns of operating rallaay companies represent ing 190.100 miles of line. Their gross earn ings were |1.1.*73.0fe1. or 17,77* per mile of line, of which t398.M1i.7*0 wan passen ger and 11.0W.2W.*75 freight earnings. Operating expenses for the last fiscal year aggregated 63M.Ui.143. or 66.406 per mi;# of line. The net earning# of these roada were 6*21.*64.912 for 1900. or *73.110.747 over 1*49. The total Income was tM4.6U,<U. The total deduction* from income were tn> The amount of dlvldeeuis de clared was 6100 100.147. or 627.566.1 M greater ithan 1*99 The resulting total surptje Wits 679.323.4m*. Tit. XetuKMirr Skinner Stranded. 1-ewes. Del.. Dec. 21 —Schooner N. H. flklnncr. Cap 4. E Wheatljr, with .umber from Wilmington. <N C.. sirandad early this morning on Cape Henlopen. Tha Lewes and Henlopen life saver* rescued t Ita schooner's crow of nine In the breeches buoy during a severe haltstorax. Zelw.r and Holden Sentenced. New fork Dec. 61 Recorder Ooff to day sentenced Henry Zelmer. ona of tha Leads of a fraudulent divorce bureau, to ten years In state prlaon. and Jams. Hol den. alias Frank Wilson, a orofesetonel on - r.ipotKixt. t, to three year* la state at!