The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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j. s. WHEELER RELEASED. jl ix.B IMMBK M U>E HIH A < IIRIVT -I|A rBKBXT TO Hll UIFK V heeler Mu* a Mtwlifp of thf T>- ion llnml of < oM|lrnlora. on. tirinl at the Last Term of the I nllcd *t*f** IHtfrirl I ourt of l a in the Hall* to Defraad—Hi* \\m Srnlaarod tw n Trrm of I'walra Month* In Jail, of Which lit* fled Sine—Mr*. Wlirrlcr I r kril Her Appeal for Ihc Pnapra. • ion of the kenteacc With Entire MCCC*. Titer# will be on# nierrv Christmas. at jfnnt, out In Soreveu county thi# yaar. Yttterday Jmhtr K|*er commuted the on rtplred sentence of J H. Wheeler, one of the m#n convicted with J B. Tyson of a piracy o defraud through the ua< 4 ; the mall#. end handed the prisoner over to the custody of hla wife The cl nr um stance# of thin ca*e were gomewhnt remirkrtbli* and at the time of the trial much public Interest wan ex ited Tyson wan the bralna of the entire conspiracy, which waa carried out by |,.m. with the active assistance of W L. Jones and two men naine<| Hutchinson The others In the plot wer# mere tool. In the hands of Tyaon and partiritiatcd I-it very* little In the profits of the enter jmljm The conaptracy evidently Included large number of person* In Its opera tions, who were scattered through the ,-ountle* of Brreven and those which ad join It. principally along the lloy of the ilvorgut and Alabama Railway The evidence to secure the conviction of the men waa secured by Posit office lit epe.Mor Fre 1 Peer, and they were tried • the Inal term of the Idstrfct Court. Tvmti Mil l the othe* begun by making . herd right, bus under the weight of me evidence Introduce.! by District Attorney Krwtn. they weakened and acknowledged their guilt. They were sentenced to term oi varying length. Tyaon and the tw j Hutchinson* In the Naahvlllc penitentiary and the other# In the county Jail. Wheel er waa sentenced to pay a fine and aervr m year. He has already served nine months of his term which, with the ud dtdoual month he would have been com pelled to spend In jail 1n lieu of ttie pay ment of the tine, would have expired next April. Yesterday the wife of Wheeler was a visitor at the United State* Court House, where she *xprG a very earnest wish to see JudgM XShe wax accompanied hv Mr Willlttm Pease. Wheeler s counsel, bv whom she was Introduced to Judf > Bpeer as ho stepped from the elevator. In the chambers of the judge, where the conference between him and Mrs. Wheeler occurred, the woman bmk** down and wept copiously. as a sort of prelude to the appeal she designed to make Be tween sobs she trMinugt and to explain th i she w .mted to ask the court to remit the remainder of her husband’* term of Imprisonment. It H possible that this exhibition of fern Intne grief somew lint alarmed The court. 'My d-nr madam." he hastened to say. "It will be impossible for nv* to do any thing for your husband If you continue 1 • Mm I’m u • \ • • and Ingly tender-hearted man myself ami If you don’t consent to Mop I snail prole abl> be in tears myself. Then I .-hall nor !e able to see to write." Mrs. Wheeler’s tears and sobs etoptwv| at once. Bha explained to Judge sp-**r i" * f ber husband owned a good farm out In the country, but that one crop had b*-en lost liecause he was away in jail. If he were not released before April an other crop would be lost and she and the little Wheelers, of whom then* Is the usual abundance that obtains among the )oorer '*4 ass of country |eople. would suf fer very greatly. Parenthetically, she stated that her husband "haln’t guilty of doing nothing, nohow." Her eloquence sufficed Judge Speer sat down at his desk and wrote an order sus- t tending the unoxptred portion of Wheel er's term t>f imprisonment and present# I it to his wife. "I'm going to make you an officer o' the court,** he said to her. "and deliver ? our husband Into vour custody. It t a Christmas present from the court. Th*' court relies upon you to see he keeps clear of the evil commiinlcattona that cor rupt good morals, and that he does not get into mischief again." Mr* Wheeler accepted the trust with equal confidence and pleasure Bh* a-sur f'd Judge Bpeer of her gratitude and that of her released hinds*ml and wished him tin* seasonal hit suing* with a sincerity that will not ba surpassed by any of those who wtH expand him the stereotyped • Merry Christman" and "Happy and I’rosperou* New Year." Under the coder of the court Wheeler was release I from custody, and ho and hi* wife were reunited. The s< erw* was •in affecting one whet- they first saw each other, and Wheeler, a free man ug.iln altar nine months of imprisonment, embraced the good woman to whom he owed his release. PRESENT* foil PMtBITS. Klmlfriarlma tiavr the Old Polka ■ Christines Trar. A great gathering of klmlarwruiiwi Mk that ar the Kate Baldwin Free Kin dcrgarten No. 1, at Indian and Ami streets, yesterday morning. tha occasion being a Christman trap that a> given by tha little folk to their parents. In tm# respect tha anlertalnmant an rather queer, a* the condition* era usually r> vrnad, unit It la tha children who have the Christmas tree divan them All anlarrd with great enjoyment wito the fun of the thing, and the iwrent. and older person* pi earn: had quite as good * time aa the children Among tnoe present ware a number of tha young ladte* who are making a study of kindergarten methods. The ehtl Iren of the two free Kate Bald win kindergarten* and of that In which tuition Is paid were In attendance and all piirtlclpoted In the plMn for the reversal of the usuul form of entertainment and the grallflraion of parent* by children rather than of children by parents. Borne 325 presents were given away. They were provided by the children, many of them having been made by their own little fingers. Industry, under the guise of play, Is one of the features of kinder garten work, and deft little hands some times make articles that ore appreciated. DOCTOR* tpgJtlY A mOKMI. A Hohemlnn P.Trnlsg Spent With an Entertaining Guest. The Georgia Journal of Medicine and Burgery gave at Its ofll -e, on Liberty •treat, last night a Bohemian smoker, complimentary to the physicians of iho city. The editors of the papers. Dr*. St, J. B. Qrahim and W. E Fitch, haJ pre pared an elaborate spread for the doc tor*. and during the evening many of them gathered and enjoyed the treat A feature of the evening was the pr erica of Dr. John C. Bundhurg. a physi cian of San Francisco, who has nude the circuit of the world two or three times, and who was for three years er more cental for the I'nlted Stale* at Bagdad. After leaving Bagdad Dr. Bund burg spent several year* In Europe, lie speaks several languages fluently and knows shout seventeen. Dr. Bundhurg has studied Eastern his tory and Eastern manners and the Sa vannah physician* are endeavoring to get him to give one of his entertaining lec turao before leaving the city. It * **- ported that some arrangement for such a lecture can be made. The physicians gath ered at the meeting were much interested In the .*!(- of lit* travel# fold by Dr. Hundtmrg. and the evening was most de lightfully spent by all present THB LITTU? i V. H A ATM. Operetta f harntlwgly Presented at Miss Itartrtdge'a Vrhool. An operetta entitled "The Uttle Vp grant* was given last night by the puptla of the llnrtrtdge School In the |rlor of Miss Hartridtfc'fi home, on Gaston street. *a*t. The gue:s, of neceasliy, limited for the most |*art to the near rdatives of the pupils, begin fo arrive soon after I o’clock, and in a short time every chair tva* taken. Before the evening was over, even standing room was at a premium Promptly at x .w the opening lairs of the "Poet and Peasant" overture, |Hayed by Mme. *or lain and Miss UornelU l<ce, was the signal for tdietHe to the eager and * X pec La nt audience A prologue, giving an outline of th* play followed. pies*singly rtclted by Miss ophelta Iknt, who Was received with hearty and well-merited ap plause. The ojierctta then begun. It con sisted of two short u tN the scone of shkli representing a forest In Southern France, presented a picture lovely to look upon. From the sides atvl the back of tin* tem porary stage to the Cftling the wmlls were covered with lumbo vine, hotly, cuMriio ur*l evergreen bushes a mound of gray muss towards the foreground, and to the right and left woody corners sweet with the odor of bay leaves, added to the ef fect. which was furthermore enhanced by lights leverly hidden behind masses of shrubbery. The |>arts were taken by Mis* Minnie M.ickali Mias Josephine Btevens. Miss Bada Stovall. Miss Julia Hunter, Mi-* Uiaudli McAlpin. Mis* Patience Barrow. Miss Mary Morel. Ml** May Kg in. Mis* Maoellne I,'Knglw and Mis* Uladys Uirardeau •Mis* Msckall, a pompous attorney, was inimitable both as to costume and acting, while Miss Stovall's by-play added great ly to the spirit of the performance. Knough cannot Is* said of "The Two Ut tle Vagrant*." Miss Joeejvhine Btevens and Mi** Patience Barrow, who carried out ever detail of their parts in a man ner worthy of more experienced actors. Miss M ' was charming In her role of innkeeper, and both she and M!aw Mo rel thoroughly deserved the applause they received, but among *o many, none of whom failed to carry out the parts as signed. It would be difficult to choose the most attractive. The chorus, beautifully led by Mis* [nag Tftadamao. vko with Mi#* Nina Bei. executed Home vary pretty and graceful steps, was omposed of some twenty chil dren. plrtoresqueiy attired a* French peasant?. From beglnnlrag to end there was not a single break. The naturalness and spontaneity of the children was one ef their chief charms. Actor* a.- well as those who trained them may well he proud of their performance. Th evening’s entertainment closed with the singing of a carol after which th children dispersed for a happy Christmas holiday. The cast of the operetta was a* follow* Lady Msrguerl e Julia Hunter Uonsinnce ..Bads Stovall Cockles, Notary Minnie Mackull Lniy Marguerite’s Children, or tbo Little Vagrants Patience Barrow and Josephine Btevens Llsette. Innkeeper...* Claudia McAlpln t'horue l#ea I. r Inex Ttedeman Messenger Janet Mensles Village children: Lucy Barrow. Anna Bell, Margaret Charlton. C‘ons4ance Ches nutt, Lilia Comer, Ha rah Cunningham. l,ouise Hearing. Ophalia Dent, Ethel Dun ham Nora Edmondaton. May Egan. Mary Eillott. Gladys Girardeau. Elisabeth K renson. Madeline L'Engle. Mary Morel, Eleanor Shutter. Elisabeth Phoxter. Annie Simkin*. Florence Steven*. Gertrude Sul livan, Augusta Wood. ■ Q. ! COLORED crriXßSft MEET. Indorsed Mr. Midllllon and keTcral tlilernisnic I andidatea. A colored nntl-adnilnlatratlon meeting waa held last nlglit nt Chatham Mall, on Montgomery stri'et, at which resolutions were adopted. Indorsing Mr. T. 11. Mc- Millan for Mayor. The ofTWr* elected w.-re W. 11. Morrell, presklent; Georga Burroughs, vice president, and Alonso Hu.-sett. secretary. In addition to the In d<MMcnient of Mr. McMillan, the mending IndonuM Dr. George M. Norton. A 11. Knteltnan and B Krouskoff for aldermen. - to notify those Imlorsed of the a<ilon of the meeting. John Savage. AJonxo Has >ctt. James Haywoml. George Burrouglia and Joseph Haywood. •ENT TO THE I'HIIV GANG. Minor tlgrsilrra Were Psslshsd by .1 tnlge Norwood la City t'anrt. Judgn Norwood added some half dogen misdemeanor convict* to the county chain gang yesterday morning. They assumed this role upon conviction In the CWy Court of the ofTcrises with which they were charged and soon after were sent om to the gang to begin Its portrayal The cases were She usual Friday array of peity larcenies and minor assault*, and lacked the element of public Interest The holidays seem not yet to have demoralised the criminal population, for the amount of crime, as Judged by the number of ar rests, seems rather less than usual. Wild. IMPROVE RXTHMIOg. Budget Ha a aa lira* of gVkO for the Walks Around It. The budget of city expenses for IWI will Include an Item of 1500 for the Im provement of the walk* around the Park Extension. Thl* Information was given the Committee of Military Officer*, of which MaJ. W. I>. tlrayaoti la chairman, that MkUght an appropriation of 15.WR for the improvement of the parade ground. Mayor Myers told the chalrmati of the committee that Council did not have shat amount of money to appropriate to ihe purpose, but gave hi* assurance that not only the walk*, but fhe entire parade ground would be Improved and made more suitable for military use*. Handsome Masonic Ring. Mr. Frank H. Morse, foreman of the planing mill at the Georgia Car and Manufacturing Company will be presented this afternoon by the employes of the planing mill with a handsome Masonic ling as a testimonial of their apprecia tion The presentation will be made at the car works, and the speech on behalf of tho cmiHoyes will he made by Mr. James duller. Il Is said the ring In que* tlon is one of Ihe handsomest anti heaviest of Its kind that has ever hen seen in the city. I Hons Confinement of iis Pain i More child ran would be borne it the ‘ ! > be .are that the pem*. worr.aa and tribulation* of , • gestation could be avoided. -i ! “MOTHER’S FRIEND “ \\\ • (that marvelous liniment) l* unique la fulimrlMkM \\ \ : ; 1 mkvu’cisda favh i -- rrxt'xzr - <* 1 ■ .ago ■ i—ssaiawb. | ~11 sever s ■' ***- . . rk V;’ Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirini THE MOHNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22.1900. NEW CAR SERVICE RULES. • *“ I IHVihs |\ PHFtKUT 9YITKN will hi: i:m:rnvß j%\. i. Notices to 4aens and the Public Sent list by Manager Hnakell of the *•'•( lirstern I nr tenrlre As sociation l'ncknac Freight Aor ■(emoted Within Fort > -Fig HI Honrs Will lluvr to l*a> Storage. Mule* as to Placing t are Pri vate aiding* Will He Wtrlclly Un forced—-Other Provisions of rhe Yrw llwlcs. Important circulars from M inager J. C. Hssßell of tha Boulheastern Car Service Association relating to iwr service have been received by the agen.s of the Bovan nah Railway lines. They are of Interest to consignee* In Bavannah, a* radical change* are to be mode m present meth od* when the dew rule? become • ffectlve, which will bo on Jan. 1. Following are the circular*, in port; "All freight received for delivery Is sub ject to storage regulation-. When stored In railroad company's local warehouses t*r freight stations the stonge charges will be as follows "All package freight not removed b> owners from the custody of the railway company within forty-eight hours, not in cluding Sundays or l*gal holidays, com puted from 10 o'clock a. ni. of the day following the date of legal noth'* of ar rival. shall thereafter be subject to a charge of atorage each day or fraction of a day that such consignments may re main In ctfstody of the railway company, of 1 cent per MD pounds ier day. with minimum charge of U cents for any one package or lot for one consignee, but not more than $1 per <lay for any consignment not In excess of a carload. "Prompt nod e shall be given by agents to consigner* of the arrival of ah such freight, and said notice should show the time allowed for removal before storage charges apply. "Shipments detained be.-auso billed ’to order' ami awaiting Mk of lading, oi In as to dl*io*ttuhi shipment* held for want of billing Instructions, shipments held for inspection, change of billing or lor any other purpose. by owner or hi* agent, are subject to storage charge**, and If such shipments are lor warded to any other point, accrued stor age charges will be added to the tdlllng i* back charges. 'When due diligence used, agent* arc authorised to mak- extension of turn on such freight which cannot be removed on account of had weather, or roada, or distance to be totaled from *;ata*i. "Agent* will collect storug* charges ac cruing umb r thi-M* rule* with the *airv regularity and promptness a* other trans portation • •barge*, and wl in like man ner b hekl responsible for game. "It is the duty of the agent to require payment of accrued storage charge* b fore |iilvertng the property. "Agente will r i*rt collection of storage In warehouse* to auditor and to the man ager of the Cur Service Association, ex cep: Where railroad coin pant*-* engage tn •the business of public warehousing "Charge* collected under these rules shall not b* refunded except under au thority of the manager. "All complaint* that arise from failure to conform to any **f th* -c rules, or from in glect or dlscr-.i^fnation In enforcing the same, ami all doubtful and complicated cases involving any uncertainly as to th*- projier meaning arid application of th rules, must I** referred to tha manager for decision " The gecond circular road* a* follows "At the semi-annual meeting of the Southeastern Car Service Association, held In Atlanta on Nov. 30. lsnn. It was de cided. by a unanimous vote, that the rule a* to placing cars on private siding should le stringently enforced. The rule U a* follows: ” 'Beetlon 1. Cars containing freight to be delivered on team tracks or private sidings, shall le deliver**! on the track* designated on th way-Wlls lmmediately utwn arrival, or as soon thereafter as the ordinary routine yard work will permit. " ‘Sec. 2. The delivery of car* consigned or order#*! to private track* shall !•* con sidered to have been effected cither when such cars have lieen placed on the tracks dealgiuUed; or. it such track or track** be full, when the road offering the -ar* could hav< made delivery had such track* ternltted.’ "You are hereby notified tha* on and after Jan. 1. 1901. car service will Im* as sessed strictly In accordance with the above rule, and the manager desires to call your attention lo the fact that an agent will not be allowed to make delay in placing cars when ordered to private siding* ‘railroad detention,* Unless It can be clearly shown that the road has failed to give the customary switching service which consignee baa had In <he |*ist In oter words, consignees are not entitled to call for extraordinary switching ser vice beyond what has been th** custom and beyond which the road can give, with due consideration for Its necessities." BOITHKMVS FHEIGHT AGENT. C. B. Hell Installed at the Road’s Representative In Uavunnah. Mr. C. E. Bell was Inatalled yesterday as commercial agent at Savannah for the Southern Railway. Mr. Bell will not be gin active work among the shippers of Savannah, however, lor several days. His office will be at. HI Bull street, which ha* been used by the Bout hern as It a passen ger office for som months. The pa*, senger sort freight department* will use the quarters Jointly. Mr Bell was accompanied to Savannah by Mr. U A Emerson, division freight agent at Charleston Mr. Emerson came to Install him in the position Savannah is within Mr. Emerson s territory, and he will pay occasional vlalte to thl* < It) now that a commercial agent has been l<> rated here. Mr Bell romaa from Raleigh. N. c.. where haSsas flee of tho freight agent. He I* a young gentleman who Is well liked by all who know him. and hi* addl*lon to tho fores at ’ outside" worker* In Savannah Is wel comed. HOI.ID VV RATES ON. Christmas ••Trade” With the Rail* reads Regina T-duy. Holiday rate* on the railroads become effective to-day, when tho ticket* go on sole. Tha ticket* will be sold at one slid one-third fare# for the round trip. The final limit returning wilt be Jan . Par senger agents have la-eri receiving many Inquiries about holiday rale*, and tt i* expected that the travel will be heavy. Mr A. W. Buie, traveling passenger agent of tho Florida Bast Coast, with headquarter* at Bt Augwtlne. I* In Ba vannah Mr Buie t* putting out wmve h. descriptive literature In the shape of a brochure. Illustrating the st traction* of the Ikst \ot of Fkvrlda for tourist* and IncideifrtaUv li lustra ting Nas sau and Havana The lllustrathm* are full-pag* Mild of the highest type of Illus trative art The centra: page of the bro chure |* a map of the ftCaat I’oast Bva tem. and next to It are map* of th *o|f links at Bt Augustine. Ormond. Palm Beach, Miami and Nasaat Asa devlp live liook on the prlieipal resort* of th Florkla East t oast and the Bahama* and Uuba It has an Interest to prospoiqive tour ists and u ha* an equal Interest to peo ple who desire general Information *‘f th* Bout hern ixast. Mr Btaphen A. Williams has been ap pomtoit assistant city tFket agent of the Srrthoard Air line. Mr. T B Irwin, now of the Atlantic ('oaat line Railroad of Augusta, but ftr merly of this it>. was lust night at the meeting of 1 .andrum Lodge, of which he was formerly an officer DISCUSSED FRANCHISE. (Continued from Tenth Tage.) the <x>urse of his argument Mr Oliver had a Light ifT with Mr J 8 Uollin* Alt Oliver stated that he bud seen It siuteal In the iwfier that Mr. Uoilln* bad at one tine to develop the point at Thunderbolt, whereas iaw the Havhii nah. Thunderbolt atel Isle of Hop** llall wav Is engage*! m Ittlgaflon In or*Vr to reach that point Mr Uollin* mad*- an efnphatlc denial of the course attribute*! to him with regard to the transaction, whereupon Mr Oliver simply repeated that he qt**d the *tatment from the m w i>apcr* and did not make the asser tion htmself Mr. t'oUliw then present**! his sXle of tho w*e. iwlng followed by Mr. Walter O Uhartton, who also arq>esr*Hl for Mr. Collin* Mr. Oollins *tate*l that what be <l* 'lred to secure was an entrance to the city, and tlukt If H ware ne*'ewaor>’ he would be willing to use in part the same tracks with tho proposed line hv Mr l**% ter. or any other line He said tfavt he had twnaght flia old line to Thunderbolt *:<m| Dale avemic. known familiarly as the f’uree fine, and tliat he I wad entered Into a contract to operate w within a period of fifteen month* front tho time of the purchase t’apt D. 11 Purse con firmed this atttten*ent. saying tJat Mr ( ollin* had t> *ug t the roal on tlte terms ransi ami that tlw* Mar bant* it M . henic* Land Company require*! that it be opt rate<!. Mr Charlton then followed with a strong argument upott th** necessity of another roM.I to Thund.rboll Tht- . h' hM, hv <'His.n, who d*,lra to go to th. Varht t'luh, -pwldl)' on It I- w-ll known, h. Mkl, < th. pr.*- ,nl i" .• .to. Mt (ttml 1 wd,QUt< • ilon for th. trv.i ! wh Hnt‘ It. nl.o at tout lon to th. Motion of th. country hm thl. ruw.l will bulkl up, ami that Ih. Importance of th. 1 *•> ... Ilona to th. city h. .-ar.fully hv th. iri.mb.rd of Council. Mr. D. H. br.t.r follow.<l wllh an ar aum.nt a to th. aitvaiila*., of th. iln. that ho |iro|w—.l to hull*!, not a.d.rt—l that h. waa r.ady and willing to fiirnl.h any that th. ■ lt> mlahi —. hi to r.<iulrr, hut h. <l.alr*al an .tt' d..t -lon In the tuatt.r, a. h. nant.d to h,ln th. work Mm aa poaathle Aft.r a f.w rrmtrto by other rltlatiH pi .-..nt i'ounctl 'Wrldwl to ao Into th. caucua room un.l tl.llb.rato ov*r th. |.ro|.**itk>n In hand Ample op,>ortun!t> i. l.'.n ulv.n for a full and fra din ciiHHlon. ot.l ther. i> a >vl att.nd .r. w.r. cltl*.na praaant friar* all wo Ik.a of Ilf., probably to tha number of Hcv.nty-Hv. or a hundred, and all maintained d.tu Int.uwt In tha pro o—l- Infs. It Is nor no*ibl. to for.ct poaltlrHy tli. n—trlt of th. m..t!na A h l-tn Htatrol th.r. w.r. rtnnora la.t nltrht tha* Council had da-Idwt to *lv. tlu- frarw hl,- tc th. V.rnon Bh.ll lid ( omiwny. loit an Invnttlaailon of the*, rumora dav.l oped th. fact that th. member, of <'non ell had taken tip concerted aetlon on th. matter. A haa ataiert. in th. caucua naan, roumn .Imply decided that each member ahould writ, out hta vl.wa on tl.' matter, and nil of them will he prr ► . nted to th. reaular meotinc ri.n Wed n* adoy nlitht At that tlm. It Is |>rohahl u vote will h. taken and a definite con clusion arrived at. I.AMIHI M’M VVM VI, ELECTION. Mr. VV. O. Hrewer Presented VAIIh a Past Master's Jewel. I. l-odge of Masons held Its an nual meeting and election last night with the result that tha following officers were elected VV. M—J. A. Tyson. S. VV —N. J. Ackerman. J. W. W. T. Hopkins. Treasurer—C. 11. Carson. Secretary—W. c. Travis. 8. D —lt I.- Cooper J. I).—N. J. Gillespie h H, —George VV. Dwelle. Jr. J H. R O. Bfeven*. Tyler—Tlio*. Robins. Chaplain—Rev Dr. J T. Fair. Organist—F. E. Kellhach. Choir—W. A Reaves, George W B< i Wctt and .1. R. Cargill. Trustees—E A Cutts. H. E Wilson and George T Conn Mr George T. Cann I* the retiring wor shipful maste- Tire Installation was made bv Cap!. F D Woodworth. The report# of the lodge's work for the past year .hovel that R * up to tt usual good standard. Mr. J. A. Tlami the newly-elected master, has a busy year be fore him. a* In addition to hiding the position to which h” was elected .sat night, he also holds the position of high priest In the ehapter. Mr. C. II Carson. rP .elected treasurer, ha* held that posi tion continuously for fifteen years. At the conclusion of the Inatallatlon cere monies Fast Master IWringer. on behalf of the lodge presented a past-master * Jewel to Mr. W. G. Brewer. W ANTS A *ll IHE OF THE FRIXB. White Star Tovttug Company an Apptlrnnt for Idol* Prl*e Money. The White Btnr Towing Conmany fficl tt- motion for n distribution oAtha fund arising from th* bond given for he re. lease of the prtxe vessel Aduta Ist the l hi „..| fftaten District Court yesterday, and Judge Hpeer granted an order assigning tha morion for a hearing during the Jan uary term of the court. The Whit* Mtar Towing Company haa an Interest In the dutrlbutlon of the fund that 1* adverse to that of the others en titled to shares of the prl*e money. When he Adula wa# In the harhor of New York whither she wa* t*ken In order to fa, II- ItHic her sal*. he caught on fire and the White Star Company claims that It was due lo tha effort# of luge owned by It that *h* wa* saved. Th- company la rep resented by Messrs. Chariton A Charl ton. SHERIFF WH HEUTH %INED. The Sale of the Harkeatlae Pablo Enjoined by Judge Hpeer. Judge Hpeer granted a temporary re straining order In the United trial#* Court yesterday, prohibiting the sale of the harkentlne Pablo by Ihe theriff of Ihe City Court of Brunswick, under execu tion from that court. The execution ha# Issued upon Judg ment against Pedro Gonial**, the owner of the harkerdln*. In a suit In which Benito Padro**a was the plaintiff. Oon claim* that the suit wa* Improp erly instituted ami that Judgment should not have been rendered. The hearing, when Ihe defendant t# required to show causa why the Injunction should not be made permanent, haa been sat for Jan. 10. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall's <ir#at Itiscavcry. Ore small bottle of llatl s Grant Dis covery i ure* all klkticy and bladder trou bias, icmove* gravel, cur#* dub#t#*. arm inai fina idtu. wrA and lame back*. r bamnati*m snu ail irregularities of the kidiu >e and biaddci .n toth men ant #" men. teguUic* biahluer troubles in chil dren if not suld h> your druggist *i*l !*• xrnt b> mail on receipt of |i. i*ue small bottle u iso months treatment, and wilt cure any case above mentioned Dr. K. " Hall. s*>ie mai ufa turer. I*. O. !kx Ht Lout*. Mo. B*rvd tor testimonial’ bold b> ell dtuggiMta and Solomona Oa. Bavannah. Ga Head Thl*. Dothan, Ala July 13. I*9# Dr. U W Hall Bt Unit*. M. Dear Btr We have been selling your Taxa- Wonder, Hall’s Great pb,-ovary, for two yar* an*l rrvwnmn l It to any one suf fering with any kidney trouble aa being the ijoet remedy w ever sold Yoira truly, j k. YOUNG. CLASSIFIED AUVtKIISEMENTS. \ FFRBON 11.. NSUB ITTMN S oTVKBTIIE s*-orw< of my l*eing able to sell lady a solid gold watches fu I*7!*. A met Fan gold-filled watch. 15 your** guarantee 17 *■>; American silver lady*- w itch ll 25*. diamond ring. sl4 75, gent* gold seal ring. $1 *tf>. |!.iln gold rings $] .'•* andatp. baby's rings. 4* and up. g>M sje- la- leC; %: 49 Fegea*. 28 Fast llroughtoti Hair, Jewelry and Shaving Bnivplv House, the place wh*re hair, platinum, old silver, old gold and old coin* are taken' mm oast'. IK YOU WANT THF 14BBT LAINUII mile. write to the M!mu Motor Workr Miami* r®i n . for circular a*d price The Mlanus launch Is fast, rellahl*- and e onomical. M*m*RFß BTI’DIO. ALL PHOTO graph* taken FHdav and Xnturda} b* nm*hl for Übrlvtmaa, If daatred. high class w*rk only. John 11. Moor#, UT7 Rtoughtor. w e*t tnvK Mt: Yot-R onoßiui pttß rtsv| Uhiistmas |>ultry or fr tine meats. Joaeph II Baker, market Phone* V! “ALL KIM’S or FI REWORKS” in Wert Broughton street. KlT'iirvi At ro , CORNER WHlT aker and liberty at reels. heM*tr|uartem for dilne*e • i>•! Japane**- fancy go,ide. leaa etc at low prl< #a. Oriental and Turkish ornament* below cost price. <>>ma and vlMt us "“HOLIDAY I4UGB UARPETB. POP tier* *, la e . urtaln* and a thonan<! and nti# articles to gla!den the g*H*l wife's heart <* P Miller, agent. “YOU WILL LIKF THE MILK FROM BpnngfUll Dairy, it’s rich and pure, try it “rIFGANT BEDROt UM FURNITURE, dining room furniture, china close*, sli ver case*. piiMwinnk bufTets, mirror-duor- etr our immense slock must be seen to be appreciated. (’. P. Miller, sgent FIRE WORKS OK ALL KINDS, IH West Broughton street. ~CHOIUE LINE OF WILI/>W AND cobbler *<■#• r>ckerH for th* h'll!ays. At Teeples 317 Broughton, west. Taii now iJocatbd at hi west Broughton, ring up HM if you warn to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or et *rag#. I guarantee pri ea the same *i I do the work that’s given to me. A B. Griffin. 414 Broughton slresl, wrest; mattresses made to order M’OILLIB* LAU CURTAINS WILL beautify your iiarlor K I NB!NOTON FARM MILK IB Off surpassed for rlchnegs; delivery la per fect , phori#. 2345 TEMPLE IB SHOWING A NHTS LINE of earta-t*. matting rugs. shad#*, lino leum, cheapest In town TP ITB RUCN9 YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from Met Hills. GILT OH Alllß. TABIjRB. COUCHEB. coxy corners, reception chairs, leather chairs; an Immense assortment at rea sonable prices, t’. P. Miller, agent. WHEN YOU BEE M GILLIB* SlXTY inch W-cent ruga, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell In any quin tttj """FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." las apeclalty with M•< ilMIs. IMMENBE [.INK OF RATTAN ROCK erw from >1 4N up (o sls. C. I*. Miller, agent ““M’GII.LIB IB CHEAP ON RT OB NETB. Iscs curtain*, hammock*, water coolers, pit'owe. plot urea, stoves. btroom aulla. and furniture of every dascrlptlon. CANARIES AND GOI.D FISII. J Gardner. 12 Broughton street, east. FIRE WORKS! FIRE WORKS! - AT 31* Weal Broughton. Mil JEWS HOI.I DAY GIFTS' FOR brother# and other fellows' brmhem. you will hive to call and examine our Immense lino in order to thoroughly ap preciate the subject. C. P. Miller, agent. FOR A PRETTY RFDROOM BUTT parlor and dining-room furniture, you Should go to Ter pie' e. KENSINGTON FARM IB ON AN elevation In the country, free from city drainage Impossible for ml k la becotne contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2115 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M'GILLIB MOVE* PACKS SHIP* and stores pianos and furniture; beat work only, no "Cheai-John" prices--no "Cheap John" Jobe _ I.IUKS OF Tin; V 11.1. KT MV own importations; In .old storage, read, to deliver pipe every Saturday; leave or der* wltii J Gardner agent 12 Rrough lon *:r-ei. east A C. Oelsrhig. nursery opposite Catholic Cemetery. MiI,I.EBB HOlel DAY GIFTB FOR sister* and other fellows' sisters; toilet tables, ladles' desk* chiffonier*, picture* o' *ll kinds; come and see u; w* will help you mil C. P Miller, agent. TEEPEE CAN SAVE TOP MONI'.Y ON atoves. steel ranges, ell heater* and hot* stuff heater*. 317 Broughton. wsgt. mTemsr* - holiday gifts for children; doll* and toy* of every descrip tion; chalts. baby carriage*, go-cart*, velocipede*, tricycle*, exprtws wagon*, pe trol wagon* C. P. Miller, agent M~GILLI BKt.ES BIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna patterns—for R cents. XMAS FLOWERS: ROBES llYA c.nths and Mile* of the Valley; will b~ ready, orders eoHelled. J Gardner. 12 Broughton street, rami, agent tot Oal schlg's Nursery. PHOTOGRAPHY. X NBW ”y" IA H H I-iToTO. graph*; not too late If you go to Wilson * studio. 11 Hull tr**l. he employ* Ihe largeat and most romp-tant force In city; Ihe finest work at most reasonable prices; one with each doxen on a handmme Xmas and New Year's card; a suitable pres nt for father, mother, slater or your "bout girl. - * M. Ed. Wilson, proprietor. Ml.DIt IE ~ .tOW ARK YOUR IF VoUR feet ate troubling you. call on me and 1 will give you r*lPf. I cure Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all disease* of lha feat without pain; charges rc.sonalde; ran give th* beat reference# In lha city; I*- llent* treated at reside ores; order* caß ba left at Elrlngaton’s drug siora. Bull and r'ongrea* street*; telephone 293. Eem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. FKATB Frill It BIT. FCRNIHIIED or unfurnished. suUabla tot bouaakeep* tog. lit Boat El bail/. -v HELP VV O I'KD—NAME. vTantfdT^TvhcT^can furnish g<Hxl reference and plenty of ttir penttne hand* Apply st once, R. J. Bishop. Kldt idge Fls. * ANTED. GOOD MIf.KERB, WHITE or tvli>rwl, Vale Koval Dairy. WANTED. BALHBMAN FOR FTNE Kentucky whiskies and wines, barrel and •** go*d*, salary or commission. The II M Rye (V, Is lington. Ky. WANTED MEN To LEARN BARBER •rude comparatively no expense; IIS weealy pail men after only two months with u*; new field fur gr.oiuatc- we fur nish steady practice Instructions, lec tures, diploma- and position* Apply by mall to-day, Moicr lt.trber College, lit. I amis Mu. SALESMEN W ANTED TO SELL OUR gcode by sample to wholesale and total! trade, we are the large*? and only man ufacHirers In our line tn the world, libetal lar> paid Addre**. fan D** Mfg Uo., ofiire, 2* Board of Trade Building, Savan nah. Oa HELP !V tRTKD-I Kkil.K WANTED t'APABLE WnM AN T* cook and *k* general hem-, work. HrMHthtofi street. aal. ADVERT! HAM ENTS s’St IN PAP WILL ME PRINTED IN CLAS SI FI ED ADVWRTIHBMENT (’ALUMN FOR TWO ITCNTB A WORD NO AD VKRTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR I JESS THAN bn*. w irmMMiirkMdinni i. mu.l persimmon log- Bout hem llatdwoo-1 t'ompany, P O. Box 52* Charleston, B C. FHTATKB MANAGED. HOUSES rente*! and rents i-olle*t***i by Itotu 11. Tatem. real estate dealer, 7 York str*el, west. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure. er free of charge. Just at c!ty limits, hauling over hard road write telephone Brosrn Bros . corner Anderson and East Broad streets. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. OtTT IT from Springfield Dairy; It's rich, purs and wholesome. ADVERTISEMENT* HUT IN GAP ITAIAt WILL BE PRINTED IN TIJIH BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENT® A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKfcJN FOR LESS THAN IBC. FOR RRNI-Htll UA ’^rrm v 7r? r NT^v\7srruirrA^ No 217 W oidburg at reel. east, between Abercorn and Lincoln, first -daw* ord# r and condition; avery convenience Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets FOR RENT OR BALE. THAT MAO tvificent residence on tlie *oritheast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard streets I D I*s ltoche Tf KENT* THK NEW 2-BTORY hwi*e, 215 Thirty-eighth street, west. nr It trnaid. furmshuh or unfurnished, will la* rented for a year, or term of years, to a g*n*i tenant It has a pttrlor. dining room. kit* herv atid storeroom, oti first floor, an<l three Itedronma eml bathroom arvt water closet on wecoew! floor Also hot end <*oUl water gas. cooking range and gas stove A large vard. w-Bh fruit tr-es Bent wllh furniture and fixtures, s;{* per month, or without, S3O per month. A|*plv on pr^nitnes. ■“FOR RENT. BKVKKAL DESIRABLE residences, tliormgbly renovated. Apply A. Wvfly. agent. 13 Br>an street, east ADVEHTIBEMENTb *ET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKHTIBKMKNT TAKEJN fOK UKBB THAN SO*' FOR HEAT—M** ri,I.%AKOI . ‘^xnrriT~vv>uG : -Horßt?^tf<D~uFF^^ FOR RENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WKHT BROAD HTREKTH. FOR MEKEV OCCUPIED HY THE HAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H P SMART _____ "FOR RENT OR HAKE. THAT ELK gant farm, four miles on tha Augusta road ipaved). containing twa hundre<l and three acre*, fifty of which ar* under a high state of eulllvntton. there are on the placa three dwelling*, two large barn and packing *h*l. a tine artesian well; everything In flrst-clasa order; two mil road* run through Ihe land. I. D. 1 Ji ll och* . U VEHTIBEMF.NTS BET IN CAP ITAIX WILE BE PRINTED IN CI.AS HIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN aOC. Foil lII.f—HKAL ESTATE. "TofTIMEirTHOBEToTB~O>r7^ afreet, near F.*t Broad; have only been •old to first-ctesa parth-s, who wIU maka g,ssi neighbors, and none other* can buy. The terms are vary *ay. and they are Cheaper rhan any olhare In the vlctalty. C. H. Domett "FOR SA EE. A !>)T FOR TWO dred •totlars. easy tyrms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, ao city laxatloa. C. 11. Dorset!. FOR BAKE. IvOTB ON NINTH STREET near East Brood, no city tales, at *2OO each; twenty-nv* dollar# < sah and aaay monthly payment*. C. 11, Doraetk FOR BAKE. I.OTR ON NINTH. NEAR East Bio, ,and. at Ron each, will aaou be advanced to 122*. whan a lot ha* been paid for I esn armng# to get a home built. C. H Daraett. lil'uni|.N''E AND BUILDTnG LOfil for sale all over tha city. I’.ob rt 11. Tatem. real estate dealer. No. 1 York street, west. “ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAI.B WIKI. BE PIUNTED IN CLAS HIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR EBBS THAN BSC. FriN HIKE— MIHt Et.t. IHBril 9. ~A Fit BU~ BENZOIN Balm for chaps and rough akin, given lo any lady calling al Persee'a drug stores, Henry ami Abercorn. Taylor and Whlta- Mr. IF YOU VE GOT TWO KI NGS KEFT. ft.>v Rem will cur* your cough, a dollar tail tie guaranteed to pure or money re funded Persse's drug stores. "FOB HAKE. AT TOUNOKOVS A SlF ple' - stables, small combination marc year* okl. fail, a beauty; M 6 If eokt at once. ‘ COWB/WITH TOUNG caeveb. FOR sale Call 171 West Boundary street, sea tbrm. F7RE PROOF BAFBB-WB CARRY A fine line of Are proof sales in stork al all time* The parties can sea exactly whai they are getting Our prlcca ar* •* low a* mat.ufa- turer* sell 11, wMh freight add ed Parties Interested, who wish a good fire proof safe, will do well to Inspect our stock Elppnsan Bros.. Eippenao blo-k. agent* for manufacturers ADV r: RTISEM ENTIB~ BBT IN CtAP ITAIJt WIKE BE I'RINTED IN GKAB- BiriED ADVERTIBEMENT CGEtTMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR 1J589 THAN 900 MM i t'i *Ol >D. l/tSTf 111. hound, whit# bla*e face, and tipped tall. Reward for return to 3W Duffy •treat, earn. HI vim < It a ME*. ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAP ITAIJt WILE BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO 'AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN TOR LEcM THAN tOC. snunm Sth'\ vV:I . HIMCK mXre S(B2A from SH Joff-rwMi itrrat. pan* If rtlumal AT KA nor> INTO MT ATABU* >.Mrk min- own-- con ha. a mm* Ur par tn* aiprn.. - a,at prorln* mma. la Mr of <3n Hr on* h, on, waat. # ***< RLUSHH. 1101 ali* AND "hot" W ATOSuT Tt.R, Al>H lIRATKB AND PARTS Pl'T IN AND RKPAIRRH P H KIBR NAN I* ATATr. ATHKF.T WMT, KIRKIVOHKB AT HT PHISfcS A# r.-rrualaln a. SOS Wm! l*rouhrn -'rM* vorn DOI.UR IV U.t. HO AH PAR alik u. a, to. ugv—har. Im; a full llat af .Torkory, llnnara. atovaa, ate . on aaa* term- A. C Prl* A Cos., Bull and Jaf frraon. 'Phonra A’a WK ARE Hi: Ar>QrAßTf''nß eon .. Rlpa. Hr a hnrk. Hr. .J<i all* aPI vamlah*,, *tva ua a rail Atlanta Paint Company DON'T TROT'BY.E TOYTRH*I> ABOUT mnvln, your furnlturr rvlayui* your car -I*l. or inailln* Parry A Brnion will ra- Uava you of all that tronhla. Ot’n fJKRMAN READY inXED i-ulnt la a.>l*l un*l*T a *uarant*r: have \oa htJ.. ilntr<l alth ll Alain* Paint Cats pany DOLLF. TOY TEA BKTB AND DRTMCB 111 h. 3b3 West Brought nt sSf-eet \VF. ARE MKA DQUA RTKRB ~ FOR mant** * from 10 cents to S3 r#ta; ywur old stove eii-liauged for anew one. A. C. Price A <*o.. Hiate and J’dVeraon streets ’l’none* MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED‘ ENTI In every 'leHtr f your hard-earned hard rash at the Houttiwra Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street. PERKY A HENTon 13# STATE street west, will move, park ehlp or atom vour furniture at short nortre; also ren ovate your old maitreween at IMtla oast. Bel. phone 1124 } “wanted one thouband hi nC gr> (teople at the Southarn Grocery Oncn* pany. 114 Bernard street ■ tfrvr STI’I'V HEATERS AT SSI* tT. Bernstein. MB West Broughton street IF YOU WILL LET US BBT!MATH on your plumbing work you wl.l bo con vinced that we are cheaper then any one A n < < 1 ffer mm. streets. 'Phones MM a Cm.i. dink or (!Rat:h juhV ra*lv.l will ,#ll any of tha ..fmrata IMrta Allan.* Paint •'nmcny. Ml f>- ,raa* atraal. aaal. REDtff*B TOUR t.fVINO EXPENHRH hv Invaattn, vour hanl-*amMl hard caxh with tha Hmithara Ororary < !14 flarnanl atraat NORWOOD'S BOOK, “MOTHER USE CARVED,” For sale at all New* Stand* In Savannah. MORAL. MiTli KA Georgia Chatham oouww.— Mis Issoftsw Murken Is, Applied to tha Court of t trdlnary for a I waive month* support for hersalt and minor eh Wr, r oil! of tire estate of John Uiairn. de ceased Appraiser* have maria return* allowing same Thus- are, therefore, to elt* all whom It may iwrtcem to appear before said caw; to make objßcAlon on or before the flrat Mmstay In January next, otherwise same will be grants*! Witness, the Mon llaaapton L. FerrtH iH,hnrv for Chatham county, this lha 10th dav of November IS* FRANK E KKIKRACH. Clerk Ct Ortly., C. C. GEORGIA. CHATHAM CorNTT Whcreoa. I.nvlnla William* baa ipphed to Court of Ordinary for letters of admin latnatlon on tha estate of Amelia Lockett, deceaaed. These are, therefore, to cR* and ad monish all whom it may concern to be arid appear Ih fore said court to make ob jection Of any they have) on or before the llrat Monday In January next, other wise sold letters will be gnuttrd. Wltnea*. the Hon. Hampton E. Ferrlll. Ordinary fig- Chatham r'ounty, this the Mh day of November, 180 FRANK E KKIEBACH. Clerk <>. Ord’y. C. c\x G BORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Where aa. WHllam M Davldaon haa op piled to Court of Ordinary for leftam of admlnla*ration on tho estate of IBahord Turner, deceased. These ar**. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and appear before aald court to make objec tion Ilf any they have) on or before th# Aral Monday In January next, otherwise said letters will be granted Witness the Iton Hampton L. FarrtU. Ordinary for Chatham County, Glia tha 30th day of November. l*oh FRANK E KEIKBACH. Clerk Ct Ord'y. P. Cos. NOTICE TO DBHTORB AND CRETV. ITORII. GBORGIA-CHATHAM CVH'NTY-Na tjee Is hereby given to all teraona haring demand* against John Murken. late of Slid county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out. within the lima prescribed by law. no a* lo show their character and amouet; and all par-ona Indebted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment to me. MRS. DOROTHEA MI'ItKEN. Executrix. Savannah. Ga . Nov. tS. 199* GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas Euxenla F Sweeney haa applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of admin istration on the estate of Michael T. Hweenay. deceased. These are. therefore, to elte and ad monish all whom It m.iy con cm to be and appear before said court to make objec tion (If any they have) on or before lb# first Monday In January, next, otherwtaa said letter* will be granted. Wltnea*. the Honorable Hampton L. FerrlH. ordinary fur Chalham county, (hi* Ihe 7th day of December. IMS. FRANK K KKIERACW. clerk ct. Ord'y. C. Cos. a R. WHATEEY. Petitioner'* Attorney. TTfoROIA. CHATHAM COUNTtZ. Wherea* William K W.sfcdee haa applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of ad ministration to Issue to Jordan F Brook*, county administrator, on tha estate of John G. Carter, deceaaed. These arc. therefore, to elt# and ad monish all whom It may concm to be and appear before said court to make objec tion Ilf any they have) on or before lha lirst Monday In January, next, otherwtaa said letter* will be granted. Wtlne*#. the Honorable Hampton la Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, thl* the JMh day of November. t*t*. FRANK E KKILBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord'y. C. Cos. 7n~TIIT WPKRIon COURT OF Chatham County. Georgia, March Term, I*ol—Halite 1- Washburn vs Robert How ard Washburn. Klbat for Total I Uvocea. To Robert Howard Washburn. • Icndant: You ar* hereby required, personally or by attorney, to b and appear at the next March term, 1901. of the Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia, to Is, htdd on the flrrt Monday that being the tth day of March. 1901. next, then and than* lo answer the plaintiff on Ihe merit* of the foregoing petition, as In default of such appearance tha court wtll isweed a* to Justice shall appertain Witness the Honorable Robert H'slligMtt, Judge of rat.l Superior Court, this gth day of December A. I) 1900. AEEXANDEIt * HITCH. Plaintiff 1 a Attorney*. JAMES K P. CARR. i_ Clerk ■ C., C. C., Ua. 3