The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 £be Hbrniitfl JCcfcog. m rolof Huildinc MtatMl. (in ognr % • *%TINI>%I. DFf rMIHAt 22. IWOO. *1 at th# Do* to flic* 1 1\ Stvanr ah ♦ . ■■"■•v ~ rr rill;: MOKMtlti MKWf |a i#ry day In th# y#ar, sixl **rv#j to **bac fibers m th* city, or arn* b>* rial, at 10 cant* a month, 1400 f r all month , and I* JO for on* year. THK HOH NI \€i MlWt ty nyl , *sl a w#ek (without Sun-lay la > th. w month*, II id. alx month*, *#.‘o. ‘#l# year fc> X). IMF WCKKLV %KW two IO j"i I weak (Monday aid Thursday) by ml , ona year. S M>. Subscription* rwyabi# In advaiy* R*- tr t by money order, rha. k or rfgut l lettar. Curran y sent by at rlak of *r d#r. Tr n*lent a4v#rtt#*mant#. other aparui coltimn. local or reading notices, am .-*roant and cheap or want l mn, 10 eante a line. Fourt#* * n IF#* of mrata typo—aqual to ore in h In dapih—l* 'b* standard of mM irirrent Contract rate* and di-count mvle known on application at bu*ine>* off! e Order* f r delivery of the Morn hk N*w to althar ratdar;(H> or place o' buxine** ran be ma-1# by mall or by tel# phone No 210. Any lrma In dol.v ery should be Immediately repo r to>l better* and tlamn* ahoukl be ad dretaed OHPIO KRWI," Ho amah Oa. KAftTV&R* OfTICE, 8 rrk Rar, New York city, H. C. Kiulknar, Mar a#er LNDIX 10 RIW AIHKKTISLULXTS. f*f>e Mil N>tl-*eo- ftuwar** ftp n*r* 'As ter; Pls*t#r#i' end Mason*' fhjpplte*. varnah RuiWMng Y CwnpHV: Xrna* Dinner, fkm Fmndwo Haineurant; Xma* Meat*, flcmt A ImvU; Fine Gobbler*, M ft Gardner. Th# lick, Jaa J Joyce; I Am rrepnred for AH Cotncr*. John Funk. Sa- Mimuih. Beaufort and <ii*rleerof. H’anmar niot Boy; The Plac# to Kuy Chrlstmae Good* To-day, C. A. Drayton Grocery < 'omieiny. Bustn#** Notice*— Franklin Clears. Wine* for the Hotnlay#, the 8. VV. Branch < To Holiday Bpecialtle*—The B. W. Branch t'ofnpwny. Amuretnenb*—’’The Bowary After Park” at Matinee and Night. Hoyt's "A MVi nlghi Hell** at Theater Dec. h, Matinee ar I NiKhf. Insurant#—The Mutual Ufa Insurance Cumiany of New York. Near Htmmloat For Hal#— Florida Hand ward rampuiy. ftteamahlp Be habile*— ftl# amehlp Company; Phil>ulelf*hl. fttearrvhip Llm*. Today * the Iy to Buy Juvenile Wheel*-T. A. Br> jhhi. \Vhl*key Yellow Whiskey. Mineral Wafer- Hunyadi Janoa. (hertiots Old Virginia c’herof# Me<U* al—Hood’* ftaras*apHrllUi. Feminia, ftiuart'* Catarrh Tablet*; Ayer's Pill*; Mother’s Friend. Ct*H Column Advertisement*—Help Wanted, Km|loytmui* Wanted; For Kent. For Sale; Dost. Personal; Ml*r>-tl*name. The Mritthrr. Th* Indication* tor Georgia ar* for fakir w< ather, warmer In (Hielhern portion; frosii southeasterly winds, and for Ka*>! ern FrUI. fair and warmer weather, Irish southerly winds. OsteupatJiy seem# to be having about a* hand a time in lowa aa In O-onda. Th* state board of medical aisnlMn of the former state has refused to give an os teopathist a license to practice his yro fgsiSotl. Those congressmen who are talking about abolishing the National Military Academy at West I’olnt, "If hazing can not be abolished," are merely "talking through their hate." And they know It, and the country knows It. Why should men with brain enough to be elected to < ongrets talk nonsense? The Rev. Mr., an Ohio proa her. reports that after b. lug bind for a num ber of years he haw miraculously recov ered his sight, through tile Instrumental ity of prayer. A number of oculists had given up his cast ae hopeless, but he con tinued to pray, and Ihe "scales" finally fell from his eyes. Congressional humor la not the h-ast abstruse matter that comes to pubtt 1 no tice orcaetonalty "Why Is a hen?" asked the facetious Representative Norton of Ohio the other day. “You had as well ask tne," replied Steele of Indiana, "why some Ohio men are went to Congress." In short, each query la beyond comprehen sion. Helen Keller, the remarkable deaf dumb and blind girl, contemplates adopting lit erature as a laner after she finishes her course at Radrllffe College. Will she he able to communicate to us !h# strange things that mud occur In the world of her brain, forever cut off from light, sound and color? It Is now heHevi and that the shin-sub sidy bill will be forced over to the next Congress The Republicans twill have tt larger majority then than they have now. and It may be that the Mil will then be passed. Meantime It la unquestlonnhly the fact that the longer action la delayed the weaker the bill becomes. Public opinion Is becoming aroused against the Iniquity of the thing. Ki-I'resldent Harrison, It la reported, baa Just received his fee of (100,300 which he earned as tha loading counsel of Vene sihls In the esse that was .leclded by the Tribunal of Paris and In which Vene suela gained valuable territory claimed by Orest Hrltaln. Ho long as they ran •am such fees In the law. there Is no question as to "wlmt shall be done with our ei-Preldent mT’ 'Dean Hhaler. of the laiwrrnce IVlen ti.d Hehool of Harvard College, uslonish d his hearer* the other night by a de fenae of slavery. To the average New Englander, there seems to lie no defense for slavery. Speaking or the while and black races fifty to a hundred years ago. be said: "Slavery was the best relation that could hwve existed between surh cul turad ami such uncultured poilm. By • : in -.-veral gene- .ti.u s they * war, when we broke the chains and gave them tha ballot, we made a great blun der." THK THU %TY ItATIFir.O. The Hay-Fauncefwte tre*v m out of the way. for the time being at least. The r*>|a in oppottton to Its raf!fto%ton was small The taily amendment* allowed were the two propoed by the Foreign Rela tion * Committee nfo of them bHng the famous !>\i* amen There I* no do;h>t that the treaty will <ome rearer hivliiß the approval of the public than it would If It had been ratified wlthou* the amendments. They glvo the Cult 1 ftt*es all of ih* ontrol of the canal they n**'4 for their own defcnc and for the m*lntr n*r. e #f public order. Will Great Britain agree to the trestv In If* amended form? The < barre# ir# she will Some of her tv w*|u|ef ( think she will rot, fait It • worthy of notfc# 1 hat the London Time*, wht -h i* depended upon to vol e * . r. flments of the govern man!, hid n*thlng to say on the subject on the mornli ir fo iwlng the ratlftrattocfc. The inform**# frc*m thl* l that the roven.ment may vee |*s way to •''ci-ptlrur the *n- tre-itv. p t me tnlff fertaln. and thst I* the’ the senate will not reMre from the fiofetlon It ha* taken. The f>avl amendment doe# not alve toe Fnlted State* the rltht to h rtlfy the t *nal. nd it ia a q e*?lcp If that rl*bt would tv- of any advantage to them The fw-nple wvll >*■ with what the treaty row --ive* the Fnlied S and they would not le satlshed with any thine else Great Britain forifb-d the entrance* of th Sue* ana] "for the protection of the Brllish bondholderwithout asking the right to do o frjm *n>t*rl>. She own-l the rtn jorlty of the nhare* of the anal, and she though* that wa* suffb lent authority for her a I. It may be that Great Britain will de cline at firs* to accept the amendtuenta. She will pruiahly pro(w a modification of them ftuch a proposition, however, would meet with no favor. It would not Is pordblc to get SiMtte to take a -•tep imckward. What Is there, therefore, for her to do but a ■ ept iho treaty, Ju-t as It ia? It la not probable Put *ho will undertake to resist the cornu mo tion of the canal by Intriguing 1 with the government* of Nicaragua aid Costa Kir* or by Insisting upon full compli ance with the term of th* CU.vton-Bul wrr treaty. She Is in no donation to m*ke an enemy of Mi# Vnlte<i State* She ha* atiout all she an attend to in iVuith Afri u The Boers are not con quered yet by any means, and before they .irs rotiqueral Great Britain wilt fe*H the fmaix lal srain to such an extwit thaK -he will nM risk having trouble with the greatest power in the world about *. mat ter In which she ru*a, at least, only a mlmr interest. It ts hardly probable that she will have a jrreat deal of u* for the Nb aragua canal. Bh* will con tinue to reach her po***e-sfona in the Far Fast by way of the Sue* canal. The chance* are all i favor of the ac e|tance of the treaty by Great Britain. She I* in a position to ae. ept it grace fully. She has said nothing since It was negotiated, a* to what her course would te In rase It was amended by the ften ate. Th way, therefore, 1* clear for her to strengthen tha pleasant relsGons U iween herself and the I nlied Htute* by agreeing to the amendments. \ FEAT! Nil <F THU 1.U.1* HI 1,1,. There Is a feature of the Bins Mil which Is pending In the legislature the bid .ail ing a constitutional convention which ought to bn given very careful considera tion. 11 la that one wnlh provides that member* of the convention shall serve slihouk comitem-allon. Home men seek election to constitutional conventions for the honor connected with the position, others because they believe they iwn do Ihc state good service and still others because they have axes to grind—th 11, Ihey represent some Inter rois which want certain provisions put In or kept out of the constitution. If the bill shouel pass In its pres ent shape, men not having ample Incomes would not seek membership In tbe con vention They could no* afford to leave lhir business.-* or professions. A good many really valuable men might there fore l- deprived of iha chance- lo serve Ih- niatv Hut the nn-com pen sal ton arrangement w.siid iiave one go**l effe. t. It would like ly keep out of the convention a lot of men who would OfbeS“Wte wsk 111* rnber shlp In It for th. purpose of talking them selves Imo notoriety, and It wou.d Insure a convention composed of rueu having something at stake. It I* r'l-orle.l that the sentiment of the legislature Is strongly In favor of a ttm atltdtlonal convention, i If that l Ihe rase. It I- hot improbable that the Ellis hill either In Its present shape or with some e lianges, will pass. There Is no doubt that the present lons.lttitlon Is larking In some very Important particulars, but the dut.ger of getting one that would he less favorable lo the development and progress of Ihe state ought to he taken into roil si. ter at ton In connection with the question of the advisability of calling . onstltuttuna 1 convention. Anew cn*tl tulion, framed along certain lines, wou.d be a good thing for the slate, but a con sdiuiion framed by men hostile to devei ,,|„n* agencies would be a bod thing Coffee, taken tn moderation, I* a go<s| thing, according to the verdict of the New York Association. II Is a cardiac sllmulwni. fine or two cup* of II a day, tiowever are all Urn! should be taken. Coffee, in moderation, qiil.-k.ns the imagination and memory, dispels sleepiness and enable* one to .k> work of * higher quality. In . however, II Is declared lo he n poison, prwtucing all of the characteristic symptoms of al cohol kt isiisoning. namely, trem-.r, rapid pulse, dlelurbed digestion nn.l depression The doctor Who read the paper on coffee setting forth the nbove facts, told of an amusing case In his practice. He was called to ae* a prominent member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Cnlon. who was very til and etippOM* to be at the point of death from nervous troubles "I found her In very had condition." said Ihe doctor. "And then I found In her room o coffee-pot which supplied her with h doz.n or more cups t day. She was drinking coffee in place of rational food, and was fairly polsosie.l," While teaching temperance, the good woman was •dually Intemperate In th* Use of a stimulant which produces the eff.-cts of aioohol. The assertion that perpetual mol lon was a physical Impossibility was mad* before the Oreene-tlaynor case got before Com missioner Uhl. Ids, In New York. TTTE MOHNINCr NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. 10fi0. THR HRBM OF THK M4il It Is about certain that the majority re port of the <’ommltiae on the Census, fixing the membership of the House, will I# idopte I The report fixe* the manN r. *t JS7, the number there is mi prr. eirt Th House I* large *- issigh. To en larx* ;* every time the census is taken would result ,n an unwieldly tsyly. In fa t, the present number crowd* the hall rf It protviltha' rhare b nc* a congressman who <Fe* no* think there are enough representative*, but some of them who favor more member*, with the hope of getttng another member for ea h of their respective states. .Mr. Cthimpacker mule a repor* which had only one signer. *b*t mv* him •elf. He want# to have purished thoe Softhsrn state* which have suppressed the illiterate negro vote Ib |* the only mem - r of the committee who want* anything of that kltal done, end H Is doubtful it there i*re very many other munbrs of Congress who tympalhlif him in his desire. I. * r Mn>% the presidential election thr* have been refmr s from \Vahlngt)n tht G*e Republb *n party Intend#*! to p’inbh Trails.ana. Mis *l*sfpp, North Carolina and nth for suppressing the illiterate ne*ro X’Otc The.*.e reports have not n*ucd much un*-a *ne in the ftouth, •rd Jt ndtr pf ar* there is no f#‘ ial row** ti f r linen* tw o The report* nfijeir to have emanat' and from Mr Crumpirker. and a f**w* of la rs of hi* wav of thinking T ■ • h i ro' *ve ?h<- on of the r'il I'wd* r* of tile Republican party or rt any cof-|.b*nMe numt*er of the rank and file that party. The R publ* an fany Isn’t going to stir up the ra>c question by champlonusg the cause of Illiterate negroes It would be glad If It could get rid of the negroes al together In politics Its leader* are l*egtn-' ning to understand that It would stand a much better chance of get mg a good foothold In the South If the ballot were withdrawn from ail negtoe* There would then be no pressure to hold tl*c white voter* together, and there would at on*'# be n Republican party In every Bout hern :*te of very eondoen ble protorTions It can he accepted that the time is past when the Refwibllcwn party will bother itaelf to any eons.dera ble extent about the suffrage right* of the negroes. It I* a |wriv that looks out for the muln c hance, and them Is cer tainly nothing In th# negro vote In the ftouth for It t .s 'mkm> him . Th# river and harbor hill, as Ural made up by the committee, carried (Wi.onfi.OW), If the Information contained In Ihe dls isit- he* was rorreeg. The Committee on River and Harbor* has scaled It lo J*SO,- 009. fib • It will lav# to undergo a great dral more sealing before It will likely meet w-llh Ihe approval of Ihe House. As the country grows the demand for Ihe Improvement of rlversand hrhors ln cr. ase*. And the river and harbor hill Is made lo rover kinds of improvement* never even considered by Congress a quarter of a century ago. For Instance, the scdtVme that Chicago has Induced the River wnd Harbor Commit!** to regard with favor -the scheme of unloading her drainage canal on Ihe t'nlted H'l*s and of constructing a steamboat canal, havipe a depth of It, and perhapa I*. feet from Chlcwgo lo Bt Tonis, with the view of ultimately extending It to New Orleans— tvouid never have been considered for a moment by a River *nd Harbor Commit tee a generation ago. The present com mittee tuf* put (gn.gMl in the river ami harbor bill for a preliminary survey and report on the feaslhlltsy of the under taking. It looks Ilk-- tm effort on Ihe |*rt of Chicago to get the general government to undertake Ihe maintenance of her drainage .anal which she has constructed at th* cost of many millions of dollars. It Is hardly reasonable to suppose that Congress would undertake to open a ship channel from Chicago lo New Orleans. In the first place It would be Impossible to maintain such a channel nfier II *t opened. The first freshet would destroy the chwnnei. It.-s M.-s, If channel could be maintained It would be of no practical value. ll has been demonstrated on the Mississippi lhal #. amlsstl* cannot com pete successfully wish Ihe railroad*. At least they do not. The river truffle, once Immense, ha* shrunk to almost nothing, while the railroad* that run through the territory tributary ?o he river have a very profitable btielnr*. The work of reclaiming the lowlands along the Mls.l.slppk river I* being done on Ihe plea of deepening the river, and vast sums are being spent. Not much towards Improving ihe river's channel It being accomplished, however. Indeed, II Is doubtful If la>'>.■>..!*> would be sqlflctenl to accomplish what Chicago ha* asked Congr. -* to do. Awl yet It would not tie at all surprising If the Chicago scheme should l*e accepted and the pr,>|a.s.-d work undertaken. Th** of th** kMnaplnir .in*! rtn?<>m fnjr of younK r*utlahy of r<*4d Hk a romanci*. It wan a hold .md *ucr*Miful of work on tho rnirt of lhf> crooki* It may be doubled, by tho way. ttvt the publlf iv irlvr n to 4h** matter will be ron ducive to itihd rowullw. What the feel lnr> of the fwther of the boy must have been undrr (he rtrrumptances ran read ily !• under(Mtl. He wan willing to pwy any prlc* and undergo any tn< onve nlenre to nave hi* child from p<ianlbie uuf ferlmc or even d<4h at the handa of hW and operate captore. At th# ume time it | impoexlblo to lom afght of the fact thai Mr Cudahy*a ready compliance with the demand* of the kLlnttper* may powerfully stimulate that brnneh of criminal In bu rn The theft of a < hlkl I- mu h easier than the theft of a purae or u piece of •liver plate. Almost any rich man * child, who I* permitted to go on tbe atreetn una4teud (l by .m ad , .! , t. would be liable to be picked up by bold kidnaper*. ahouUl It le found tlat Ihe enterf*ri<*# la profitable. Having reeured ihe relenae of hi* child. It I* to be hop*<l that Mr Cudahy will devote him*elf to the Mpprehen*lon and punishment of *he abduetor*. Burglary, areoti and man*laughter are not much worae than child *teallng. A few 'lay* ago a werlou* rtre occurred In th# Paliimore l m\er*ity Hoepltal. It wa* n#c#**ary to remove th# patient*, many of them being carried down Are eacape*. Several wrer# *uppo*ed to have suffered dangerous hardships. The phv*t> clans ar# ho*rev#r, to find that the panic fright ha* benefited nearly every one of them. I*ra* thwily all of the sufferers were better and brighter the day after the Arc ihun they imd been lor some time. The aecret sessions of sh# foreign min ister# In Pekin very strongly r#s#*gMr the secret session* of the I’plted BiitW ftenate. In that little whl-h occur* In the •*#slon is sctutly kept “ ret. every executive meetinK of the fWm te the newspaper* print varything that w* vi I and done behind the closed dfjors. and it Is said that within an hour after the n isiey* in pekln have hell a secret t****i'ir> LI Hong Chang knows everything tnal has taken plv e. Then what 1* • e of adhering o the antlquj! -1 J leu of -* r -ch.unt*er statecraft ? Why i;ot tr*>'jct public business op* nly (nd above-bowrd? Bom*- ststlstlcs) *rank ha* figured out ♦ hat the f’hri-tm*f dinners In the t‘n:fei ft ates next w.*k will represent th* '"!• lowing expenditures: For turkey. S - for cranberries. $509.00# for mi* e pi j! ror*oro Why the st.ttistklan * have stopped his calculation* of extraor dinary expense# *t that point •wnno? be told. He might a# w#*.; have gone on "•* estimate the number of after-dinner p K ti e am*>unt of fep*ln an<l the dod'-r Nil* tnat would billow the dinner< ar. thereby add some hundreds of ? • -i b o # rlollut- to trie < ihl . Ost of I- rt flona: Christmas dinner Orr of thi meanest trust* reported #**• l\ has been d#Veloped In Bakimore * r - Inr the |a*t week B h*n n**r*-l h*- turkey supply, a* and will levy an extra tribute upon wer Christmas dinner t * b in the city. Many of the poor, ir I* • 1 win have to take lt fish a* their Chr -* mmi turkey. Gov Plngree of Michigan ref* r- *o • jtulKe* of the ftupretnr Court of hi ‘ m# •■people Afraid of the Car*." Pinr< Imagines that tho railroads have go? Mi higan by ihe s* ruff of the re^'k. FLUM>N %L. --gen#tor Llndsav, of Kentucky, de scribe# himself and Senator Osffary. of IjOtilsUina. a* "the only Democrat* re maining In the Senate." Ex-fte retary Whitney and other prom inent New Yorkers are interested In a project for restocking the Adirondack# with certain wild animals that hunters and civilisation have driven out. They have effected! an organlxatKm under the unique name of the "Association tor Re storing Moose to ihe Adirondack*." -Edinburgh I’nlverslty i> to lose r o - trian president. Hir William Muir. Who i* eighty-one. will WtlW btfßT* tha new century shall be nftny months old IBs public service dates tm k to the Indian mutiny, through which he w.m in charge of the InteUigsn* c department t Acra He bessn life in the service of th‘ until he became n rnemler of the GoverMir General’s Council. The only wonitn with the rank of lleu tenant In llie army has resigned, nays the ftprlngtield Republican. Dr. Anna New comb .MflOw, daughter of ftinusv New comb, the astronomer, was appointed i- t ing assistant surgeon in the I’nlted fttu’es *rmy In August. lKm. to aid in the selec tion and equipment o< • orps >f army nurse# for held and hospital work The anointment ■ srrled with it the rank of first nontenant, and ih* rigid to w* *r the shouUtsr-stmpa and uniform of an ofticur of tha? grad* a right <f which ah# dl 1 not avail herself. The work for which sh# w.* appointed having n*w bern fairly tr ganlx* and. Dr. M- ae haa resigned, and no aK'cesaor will be named In accepting lar resignation, Burgeon-Genera 1 Iftartibarg has compliment#*! lrr. Mcil## highly upati me services she ha* rendered. HIIIUHT WIT*. Missed Ihe Spread -Tarson Prlmhoae -How waa it you didn't have a lurkey dinner tht* year? W eary W rsgales—'C*uae dls wu* de furst Chris mus I dldn * spend on dc Island.’-Lestta'a Weekly. —The intimate Cause — "Hut why Is It." asked the thoughtful Chinese, That 1 may go to your heaven while I may not go to your country?" The American missionary shrugged Ms shoulder*. "There a no labor vote In heavenV said h. -Puck. —Little Johnny—Mr*. Talkemdown paid a high compliment *<’ me to-day. Mother— lU.l she, really? Well, there's no denying lhat woman hu* sen—. What dWt she say’ I.lttle Johnny Hhr sidd sh- dldn I how you eme to have such a nice lit tle boy as I am.—Til-Hit*- |ror Conscience Wasn't Troubled.—lf any people call. Sorah. be sure lo tell 1 hem I am on'. Wish are you waiting for” It doesn't disturb your conscience, does It'" "Oh no, ma'am. I'm h.ftened lo It. I've worked for society Itar* before, ma'am "—Cleveland Plain Dealer. —Scandal."She seems to me one of the most distinguished-looking young women m Hratnn They sell dreadful slorles about her lnde.lT' "Yes, they say. for instance, that Ihe lenses of her spectacles ale plain alas*, with no magnifying power whatever!" —Detroit Journal. -A Cruel Blow.—Mbs Flypp (tearfully)— I think Mr Huggins is real mean. Miss Fosdlck—What has lie done? Miss Flypp H- ask.-d me wont I rhough: would b* a nice Christmas stlft for a young lady, jnd I 101 l him diamond hrooch. <>f course. I supposed I was the young lady he allu.let to: but what does he do bill g.t and buy II for lhal perfectly odloue Julia Tracy.''—lssue's Weekly. > rt HiiKvr l oiiHUt r. The Angus** Hi* ) Herald (Dem.) say* -So won.ter lhat the Intelligent progree. sive men of the Haul., are ImnoHenl an I apieuir to he repudiating Democracy. It l* in fact. Hryanlsm and silverlsn and Populism and insularlssn lhat they re po.itate, hut something must be done. |f ivc would prevent th- Republican party from talung advantage of their righteous iidtgratUn ind absorbing the progreoilvr Uitelllgsn." of the (Southern |*rople. T solution of the problem, so far as our finite fit ultles r >n apprehend It. Ik**, led In any *pe,-iflc reorganization, called with a blars of trumpets, but In a steady, conservative .ompatsn of education A condition pre cedent shouhl he to eliminate Mr. Hryan from all further consideration a* a i>r:y leader A one-Oleaed man 1* Irresisti ble w ten tha! Idea t* right He I* equally (Opel.-** when it la wrong." Th* larulsvllls Courier-Journal (Dem.) says: "There Is a floo-l of Ignorance and buncombe In Congress n.av about forti fying the Nicaraguan canal, a* If there err.- any advantage in that, or any prob ability that It could he done. What would be ihe Justification of spending t fortune In forilfylng a canal passing through another .-ountry, which If w could not fully fortify with our navy would b* aheohitely Imiwssahle by the ships of an enemy ' Indeed, what enem. would be so kltotl.- ft* to attempt to send lie through a canal nearly y*> mile* long, compteisly controlled by u?'' Th* gprlngfleM (Mass.) Republican find.) says: "Hharet of the Hian.lar.l Oil trioat have made new high ro.-ord* In price this week, one aa!. having been rejiorted at gCUt. the par value being SIW. Tils represents an advance Miner Ihe elec tion of abo' tno a share. Is It a* a ben eficiary of the ••ending Hanna subsidy hill lhat tnl* stock la now being viewed In the market?" HstsssifS at a Tea* Game. Man hat fan p 0.4 a game that has been known els#where Cor s#\*rl year*, has at list struck this town say* tha Wash , gum ivrtf *;>o>krs< • of the P!tt*burg patch I* threaten* ?o divkk favor with the fo*l far collecting Indian blar ket* and *# drive gout hem staresmen into a masrta samrflitng akin to \jrui#nce to that w d’h afUtcts the MKklle Wwt on V uhje-■* f Belgian h• * "basing a a pool M 1 up an alle> anil #Ttng it Will | knock amwn r one mt# a hole numtemi JO, ito*an t appear to t# the bagllWßtig cf ar* absorting stort but it * Judge *r* in th* Hws* of Repr* -entstive*, the man who ha Ia bod -throwing argumen: with Repre**r>t#nve Hrnmm *f Penney.* ama several years ago. is th# expert ! mvang the stat -men He krxw* all th# t* ar.<l phrae tj. -sarv* to 'oax the r , H | h | into h** *■* hs-ket. called the iiltn gar tier and the whit# on* Into th<^ . • hole, whFh make* t * bl# count. Made Hint Hear. % cer t:n Mark* * street merchant Ms M te|epi< rear th# front door. *ays t e < attar.**ga News Not long ago t hr,l rw' ird the merchant asepp-*! to thr phere i>.l *cok down the trana muter. -( : ,( n orr.. ..• • farmer msr cime * and fri'i .. r e*l U I I . . * T*u ry rchvn*. , ’*• :j *n getting the m'"#*** said to' *r* p k ! *n't near and gaged iMni ’eHv *? the countryman, b.ii- (.* h.s vidce. the stranger shouted W* t i buy any aig**" fttlfl Intent •inon h# m*u' at the other end of the w ■ the nrr hiin said, petulantly: "Oh. I < hear a word you say." man #r om North Georgia Inflated * -* r.d ilftc-l up hi* fairly j trig t u xyf, while everybody wttMn , k thought the riot alarm had t>een I you want ter buy any a-l-gs?*’ he shouted No If ur 1 you. no"’ shouted the rvr t**nt. dropping the telephone arvl kp|ng bis hands to hi* outraged ear* You i.* * t at -alse,! htm.’’ remarlusi t v * c;g man to Ms p*rr*ner ae ;w walked out and 'limbed Into hi* wagon *T never ——i . >!* <f man y#t wrwtt I couldn’t iprfke her when I put on all my MMtn " V'onnd a Sympathiser. Y'* I went to New York to see If I could get word of my brother." said the man in * e -mok r g • omportment. accord ing to ! Washington Star. *He w’ent or* a voyage to Japan In a sailing ship, and I I • ir i thu? tne ship was wrecked and h I hand* lost." Vi I *;:d It rum out to h# true?" wa asked. Not .together The *hip wav lust, hut three or four men were saved." "And your brother?" lie w is saved At first, but after the boat had drifted abotit for Weeks some* one had to die to save the others. They kt- *f.l It fell u(H>n my brother. Boor Ben'" But the survivors apolocixe,) to you. of course*’ They they were sorry to * **' oidig* i• e*t your brother?" "Oh. of .Ourse. Ye*, they ex* used them selves and seemed to feel for me. These t'*.ir' I*k use excuse me." "tvrtatnlv." rf>lied the other. "I had a grandfather scalped by Indian*, a fath er tarried off t>\ * yclone, a mother ai cn by n alligator, a sister lost In the quicksand, and two brothers baked ** :•- sotud and devoured In the FIJI Islands and 1 know* how you feel and can excuse you. I'll leave you alone, and you can xi\e your cm.#i.ns full |\ Knack In Fitting a oaf. "I remember an in’eresllng Incident." said a man alsyut town, ac.-ording to the Washington Htar, "wMrh ts-cm-re.l 00-e at a convention of merchant tailors In Cincinnati The subject for discussion *<• tin* cutting and lilting of garment*, and i testy old S. otchman had the fioor ll.* said in effe* t that If a c<s*t were cut •o set right upon tbe -l>-1 told muscle that the wearer would always find It com fortable ami well fitting 'ln fact,' said he. 'the deltoid muscle determines the fit of a coat.' " Will lire gentleman state what and * la-re the deltoid muscle Is” asked a cutter on the .ether side of the chamber "The Hf-otrhm,Mi turned on hgn sharp ly. " Hit,' he sold, angrily, do you claim lo Is- a cutler and not know where the d.-kold Is Treated ? Don't you know, sir, that a know-ledge of th* hu m.m anatomy I* os iminrtant to the tail or a* It Is to the surgeon? Dr> you expect to cut a garment to tit an object whose every Him and curve you do not know' You might as well Iry to 111 a plug to hole wlrlwait knowing the Mae of Ihe hoi. No, air, the gentleman will not stale what an*l vlwtc the deltoid muscle Is It Is your duty. sir. to know the deltoid ihi <-|e; not mine to Mat rue t you." "The discussion ended there, slmplv because there was nobody present to car ry tt on. for l don't believe a nan in the place, except the md fellow, knew any thing about deltoid muscles | know I didn't, bo: as sen as I got to a diction ary I looked It up latter I gave the tm. ter suns study, and I found that the Bcotchntan was right " The fhrlallss* Doll, Folg~r McKlnsey In Haltlmore New* They have clothed my figure In silk and la. e: In a window where all may see. They have sod me up In my dainty grace For the -hreng- to look at me I wasch the thousands that hurry by. The wistful faces that peer With longing glance*—Ah! hear them sigh. And whisper, "How sweet!" "How dear!" There are drums and-toy* and a hundred lights. Bpan*les and blocks and books. But what does she care for the other sigh; s The sad Utile girl who looks At Ihe snowy lac* of my dainty dresa And Ihe wax of my crimson cheek. At the careful curl of each golden trees And my lip* lhal seem lo speak? I Ilk* her better than all the rest, Who stand and Man* such day; I long to lie wHII my head on her hreost And hear what her heart would ray; I trun th t* the fare* have reen her. too. Her rlory of longing read, And will carry roe unto Iter armr *o true Dome ruehi In her pauper be<l! I know she wilt look with a clad surprise In ehe mom when rhe awukes. That the joy of her heart will glow In her eye* For a thourand ehlldren'r rake*. And the run will ahlne In her aunlera horn** A It never har shone before. While her dream of the fairy, the el? and Kttotne Will ring to her o'er and o'erf You may fancy It dull for a doll to be Drerred up In a window fine. With lac * and rllk and a smile of glee In her eyee with Ihetr glassy shine You may think la a bore for a doll to pore Where thousand* of facer peer— Borne with the cheek Of the damask rose. And some with the rtaln of a tear. But. oh I It tr rweet for the thought M brines Of the happiness 1 may hear Some morn to a lltlte wad bundle of thlnes Asleep In an attic hare; Of the Joy and the bliss and the love and light The giver who gives me may Semi forth In the beautiful dream; of Ihe night To bunlali her sorrow away I ITCMt or IfTCRKfT. —War vessels ar# more **tonnah]e" now than they wer# only a few years ago Nel son required one man for every four tons or burden In h ships. Modem machinery enable* vessels of to-day to *lo with tne mat. to every seventeen ton*. It 1* said that owing to the mysterious diaapepamn • of relics at th“ Naval Mu seum. Boston Miss.. Rear Admiral ftompson has ordered the place clewed un til suitable arrangements can be made to protect the property on exhibition. —lr. Holland a law making vae< Ination of school children rwn#njl*ory went Into effect in H?3. Frlor to that Im* the average death rate from smallpox was etght>-nine in every IW.OOh For the en su.rig sixteen years the average w.u aev t n in mow. —A report of Fr ink If. Hitchcock, chief Of the division of foreagn markets in the Agricultural Department at Washington, say• that. mhJ# butter Is the most valua ble export of the Danas, "they import a good deal of butter of th# cheaper sort from the Fnlted Slat**#.'* —The Coltimbu.-. O , . o,|ge of Elk* asks all members of th# onier to discontinue the use of elk- #e**th as emblem* of the order. Tb price of tusks ha* ri-cn to such a figure that hunter- are killing the at trnal* for th# teeth alone, and exter mination of the creatures Is threatened. —The Japanese Mdl report* that the Forean court ha* gone Into mourning for three iay* because the portraits of ‘.he lm|*erlal an • store w*re de*troy*d In the conflagration. All ofßcialdom will robe :: • A MM th# palace* will wear sa koloth and fare roughly. —Central Amcri a I* the tramp*' Tliere nr** many "hoho<-H" who drift down there and not* who * ome hi k. Ir. Ni 1- ragua or Fosta Rica. f>r example, all they have to do i** to marry .* native Wife and settle kwn In some little banana or co coanut grove In the Interior to a III# of pea v and no work. —An enormous bed of coal, which can he Utilised by the Russian navy, has been discovered at a small place called Ochefisk In th# Caucasus, about twenty mile* dis tant front Ihe se*. The Kail extends cn * r an area of about thirty miles and the quantity of fuel in on** of the dlstrlci* In vestigated is reckoned at about 73,UW) tons. —''When all other method# of controlling wild beasts fail th© keeper has only to employ wn iron rod Which has been made r** 1 hot at one end." says ' old elrcus man. "Lions and tigers will cringe la fore the heated poker, aisl no mutter how restless and fretful they may have be.*n the *iKht of the glowing Iron Immediately bfinga them to their bet of animal ecn ae*." —Omaha capita Mats propose to tunnel th# great continental divide, eighty miles west of Denver und twelve mile* south o? | Georgetown, and rate an electric rood through it It will start at the base about fourteen mile'* from Grant ami terminate wt th# headwater* of the ftnake river, will t' 7/* feet long arl l.?w feet det p The object is to facilitate mining oper ations. —lf one may safely .beige from a verdl t Just returned by a Jury In Valparaiso. Ind.* tlie cltlxcn# of that town put an unprecwlenteilly low *timate on the value of a wife a affections. Dr. Claude 11 Thompson of Athens, 0., sired Maurice IjOW'ioMeln <*f Valapralco f*r winning away th** love and regard of Mr*. Ttom|e son. 'llie doctor sued for $1.'..00t. the vet. diet was for *lO and every wanan in Val paraiso Is furUai*. —Afr*WVof-Omi4. a Crow Creek brave .f 73. has Just >een granted a divorce at ’h.imherlaln. ft. D. from bis spouse, known as Mrs. Iron-Nidl-Faee-Afraid-of i*ioud, aged M. The lefen*iant fulled to ippr-ar In court an l de* went by de fault. plaintiff having shown Butt his wife, whom he mart ♦*•! two >e*rs ag*. re fused io live with him a single day The ray old brave intends to make another— hi* fourth—venture on the matrimonial sea. —A New Jerseyite with a wife who Is n church member ami holds orthodox views wanted to see ine sight* of N- w York. H> took a trip and saw them, but w hen be finally reach*.! home h<- found i.a> wife had left NOW she has <-on resurd to return, .eit only after forcing him to issue a public document In which he announces to all whom it may con cern that he will never smok. drink or -wear agnin and will b* at home at 10 o'clock each night —l,or<l Beauchamp's fai'.iire a* Governor of New Health Wales Is declared to ti i /.* been due mainly to the fact I not he wu unmarried. Australian* .lo nor like bach elor Governor* mat have tn the |ia*t ;M> emphatically manifested this dislike Ilia* caml.ilate* for Ihe position have been known to qualify by getting mirru-.l in a hurry. The society women of the .-atony want more ' .loings" t th.- capital than are easily- obtainable with a tsr.-hel.vr executive; hence Lord Henuchamp's Ag ile. —A movement for the relief of over worked store eniidoyes has le'en organized by the I* tali Federation of Woman's Clubs. The following rules have Iwen adopted Not u> shop or market on Sa - tirday afternoon: not to shop or market after 3 o'clock; not to Insist on isr.-kagcs being delivered on afternoon of purchase; not lo delay Christmas shopping until last few days before Christmas By observ ing these requests (he shoppers will re lieve employer end employes and abol ish (he necessity for late hours, over work and Humbiy delivery. —F. J Smith, the well-known politician and ex-sherlff of Emmet county. Ohio, Is dr.Misting a petition to-day lo clear hit record In the Civil War which reveals a romantic statement of fa-t*. In the early ■•. * his older broth* r. Garrison K Smith of • CRilr, wu* en!t*l*d In Company H, Fourth Volunteer Infantry When he was to start, his wife was sick unto death and Flavel J , by consent of the officers, look hi* place, served and was mustered out under the name of hi* brother. Garrison E Smith. Ills petition i-k* that the record be corrected to carry his name. Perhaps the most thrllfcr.*; of Jamas M. Wardner's hunting experiences Is that re lating to his killing a ts ar In Its .ten, myH Forest and Btream Wardner tell* the Mory in a very numer-of-facl way. He '.racked the bear In the mow to a ledge on the point of Loon Laks Mountain, nml *• here it had disappeared In a dark revlce under the !-dg. His brother and he bad bean hunting In company, but the brother had gone around tire other ►lde of the mountain, snd War.kier war unwilling to take the time to summon him He fed lowed the Irear m under ,he rock In total darkness and traveled on his hands and knees upward of sixty fret Ire fore he located the wiMmal by the sound of Us breathing Drawing a Colt's re volver and placing it beside him on the ground. Wardner lay down on his fa-e and leveled har rllle partly by the leading of the walls of the den and parttly by the sound of tire hreaahrng and tired. Drop ping the rifle. h* instantly eelxeri (he re volver. holding It before him with tire In tention of firing It the moment he felt the hear's lardy In Its outward charge He steed art his m*J to pull quickly, for If • It- I rear < anted the revolver hack In He .lash over hi* holy he mlgh shoot into hi* .rwn heels. Fortunately for the hunter however, the firstJ shot killed tire hear and the revolver wls not called into play. The Quakers Are Honest People. §Th* Quak-r H.r, Ttonlr la not only , Wood |>urinr. Nut , Bloat! Makrr f.,, p(*. Weak and Do, tdiltated pcupi, wh, have not trer,rt, nor blood. II art. a. a tonw, it r*flulata dKe.tlon, cures dy. papel* and lendt rtrencth and tne> u tha nervous li la a medlrlna for weak woman. It • , purely vrieltM* medlcllle airi can b, taken by the meat delicate. I>ia ease. Rheumatism and ail dlaeasea ol 111, Blind. Rtomach and namea toon succumb IO It* wonderful efTecla upon tba human system. TneKiaand* of people In Georgia recommend It. Trlca tl 00 yt'AKKH PAIN BAUM I* tha madV na that Ihe Quaker Doctor made all of hM wonderful quick cure* with lt'a anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache. Backache. Rhenmetlam, Sprain*. Tain In Bowels; in fact, alt pa:q can ho relieved by It. Price 3Sc and QI AKKR WHITE WONDER BOAR, a mcdlpnled aoap for tha akin, sea p add comfilexlon. I‘rtca 10c a cake. Wl AKKR HKAUNO HAM R. a vet-, table ointment, for Ihe cure of letter, ea. *ema and eruption* of the akin. Pr.-a 10c a box Foil HADE RT ALE nRI'OOIRTS. J, l 11. Of HflPt RT UD G IS. RT •IHkUILaC For Isle of Hope. Monlaomery Thunder bolt. Cattle Bark and West i.nd. Dally cxci pt Sunday*. Subject to ciwkn without notice. ISUC OF HOPE. Ev. City for I. of H , Ev Die of Hop* ” *> am from Tenth j *) m for Bolton 7no um from Tenth | OO am lor Tenth *At am from Teotti Jou am for Tenth k lit am from BoKoti ; * o am for Tenth lu *> am from Tenth lou am for Tanth 12 t*> ti n from Tenth ,U at am for Bolton 1 li pm from Bolton ,11 Ju am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth , 200 pm for Tenth 3 3o Pin from Tenth | Ito pm for Bobcat t3O pm from Tenth | 300 pm for Tenth 530 pm from Tenth ; 400 pm for Tenth 6:t pm from Tenth 00 pm for Tenth "* pm from Tenth j 700 pm for Tan’h 030 pm from Tenth <OO pm for Tenth *3O pm fr.,m T- nth . OHO pm for Tenth 10 30 pro from Tenth )w Ou pm for Tenth IU 00 pro for Tenth montgomkrtl 1 city lor Kooirnrj Ev. Muntromerv * 3d am from Tenth | 7 Ham for Tenth IJj pm fiom Tenth 1 U pin tor Tanth t> 30 pm from Tenth | Oft pm for Tanth CATTEE PARK. L * '■■■•• >■ i'aik, Ev. Cattle Park 6 Ji am from Bolton 1 7 00 am for Bolton 7M am from Bolton , ou ,im for Bolton 1 w pm from Bolton | 1 > pm for Bolton r m put form Bolton j 3 Ou pm for Bolton 7 uu pm fiom Bolton j 7 lu pm for Bolton pill fiom Bolton Ito pro for Bolton THUNDERBOLT: Car leaves Bolton street Junction S:M a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11. Am. in t ar Intel Thunderbolt at 6.00 a. m. and e.ery ttility minute* thereafter unill i: Mi m.dnijfht, for Bolton street Junc tion. i HKioirr andTarcee car Thl* car carries trailer for pa.eenccrt on all trip* and leavoa west aide of city morket for Isle of Hop*. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate point* at 3:00 a. m, 1 fO p m . 5 ® p m Leaves I-le of Hop, for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate points " '• a ri . II Wl , m . 2 40 p m. WEST END CAR. Car leavr. west rldr of city market for West End 600 a. m and every to mlnulea thereafter diirlntr the day until 11 JO p in. Leave* West End at 630 a m. and art ery to minutes thereafter durtny the day until 13:60 o'clock midnight H M. 1/IPTON Hn Mansree. Merenanfs S Miners TrDiisprtolioii Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Polnla North and West. First-class ticket* Include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia Accommodations and culalna unequaled The steamship* of this company ar* ap pvlnted lo sail from Savannah aa follow* (Central Bfandard Time): TO RAI.TIMORE. CHATHAM, fapt. Krister, HATCRPAT, I>- *2, 6 p m. TEXAS. C.tpt. E hired g*. TUESDAY* T>ec 23. 7 a. m. D 11 MILLER Capt. Pater*. THT’RS* DAY, Dec 27 at :<*> a. m. ITASCA, (apt. Btllup*. SATURDAY, Dm: S, Ip. m. TO I'lll I, ADELPHI A. BERKSHIRE, Capt. Ryan. TUESPAT, Dec. 23. * p. m. ALLEGHANY. Cap! Foer, BATUR“ DAY D*- 2*. at WOO p. m. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan, WEDNES DAY. Jan. I. 3 *0 p. tn. Ticket Office No 113 Bull atraaL J. J. CAROLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB * OHF.N. Trav. Agt. Savannah. Ga. w r TURNER, O. r A A D BTEBBINS. A. T M J C WHITNEY, Traffic Manager, General Office#. Rattlmors, Md. ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA GRANGER FRUtTB AND VEGETABLES •• OB kinds. BEED RTF, SEED OATS. HAT. GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR, CHEESE. BEANS. Pea*. Rlc# Straw, ato. W. D. Hinikins & Cos. BRHNNAN BROS, BMOLESALB Trait, Produce, Grain, Etc. S3BAY gTRCBT, Waffi. laabowMk J. D. WEED <i CO uvuua, BA. Leather Beltiog. Steam Packing 4 Hose Agents far NEW lOJUt ÜBktH Bk.LTL.NG AMD PACKING COMFANV. t* IF YOU WANT OOOD MATKRIAb and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* fron Morning Hew*, ffsvaungh, tig