The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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THE best company is the company wnion Doe§ the MOST GOOD. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. ROBERT F. SHEDDEN, General Agent. As an evidence of the popularity of this great company the following speaks for itself: LIFE POLICY. LIMITED PAYMENT. ? * No. J CL&.6 ; 3 c> The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Insurance on the Life of I Amount, $ \£~O.Q G O. . Date, - £ 9 _ 1900. Term of Life. Ann*! PPrenm n For Years, $) -mmmmmmmmmrnmm** STEAD ON KRUGER hi* cmmunroß ith hoer I'HCHIDKXT AT THE H Kil l* BOERS WILL NOT COMPROMISE rather i>ik tiiaa VIKLU Till;in IMH I'I.MirVT.. Mr. Kruger Wo* Derided Iff ft* Vlall to ftmfrlm—ll.i* Wot Aboftt rlonnl Hope of an-urln* Support of linfrnnrali for Arbitration. Hr .say* EnHah Are "mil'll Mar In Aooth Africa Like WnafM. London. Dec. ll.—Dr. William T. Rtead hap )um returned from The Hague. where la has ha<l a long conference ftllh Mr. Kruger and haa ascertained the view* of Air. Kruger and hlft counsellor. as to thr present situation and future pros pect*. •Mr. Hi cad haft wrWien thr following for thr Associated I’rese: "First of ah. nothing I* deckled about hlft visit to Atnerl'* at presrnt. Presl dent Kruger has not abandoned all hope of securing the support of the govern ment* of the civilised work! In his demand for arbitration, t’ntll the Lot govern ment refuses absolutely to soy a word In support of tho prlnctplea which they eol emnly laid down at The Hague confer ence. Air. Kruger will not partake In pop ular demonstrations. It Is recognised that If he cared to do ao he could shako the continent. The popular enthusiasm for him 4s unparalleled since Garibaldi's visit Ic London, hut until his diplomatic mis sion la eshausted an tipil to the peo ple cannot even be taken Into considera tion. Air. Kruger la emphatic In disclaim ing any desire to Involve other nations in war In behalf of the Boers. What he asks Is that the governments which at The Hague declared their determination to i so their efforts to secure amicable set tlement of disputes by means of media tion and arbitration should make a unlt • o effort to bring the verdict of the civ ilised world to Itear on Great Britain. “ The English. All Kruger sard, 'are waging this war in Buuth Africa like s.<v. ages. Tlrcy are burning homes, destroying dame. cutting trees, devastating fields and creating famine. Thev are unable 10 capture De- Wet but they are mnkins prisoner- of women and children, who are not treated wHp ordinary decency. Hundrerls <|f women .avs been confined In a prison kraat. naar Port Elisabeth with otilv one chair, and aevaral of them are **- peering to become mothers.’ "Aftr. Kruger avers lliat the provlakwa of The Hague convention and the laws end usages of war are trampl'd under foot, end be wants to know whether toe elgimtorlee of this convention have any thing to say on the subject ’The man on horselieck at this moment la not Mr Kruger, but President Bteyn. lifts Delarey and DsWtt are matters of the situation, having n better disciplined and more effective force than thaft which followed the Vlerkleur fflagl at the out break of the war. They have plenty of ammunition nnd replenish their stores continually from the British convoys. They have taken enough Lee-Meftford rrfTes to arm all the burghers now In the field. •■yueen Wtlhelmlna 1* kindness Itself, Bhe ha- displayed pluck. In remarkable contrast lo the timidity of many of her advisers. "I found the old man's spirits tinshsken by his reverses. He disclaimed any desire to humiliate England and said they only wanted their rights. ■'lt may Interest Americans to know tho* Air. Kruger's appeal to the civilized world would he received everywhere with unanimous enthusiasm were It not foe the deeft.rooted distrust and Jealousy of the dynasties of Hspsburg and Hohensot lem against the President of a republic If he were a king the courts would have been open everywhere But the Central European monarchs dread the popular on 1 huslasm excited by the heroic figure of the re|s4*llcan President pleading for "uettce. 'This feeling It Is well to note I* not shared by Russia "The Boers will not gsten to any pro posals for a compromise They ape unan imous. Falling Imlependeriee or arbitra tion they will prefer to die lighting " NO HI IIXKM TH ANAt"r^. Senate Adlonroe Heeooee of Death of Mr#. Frye. Washington. Dec. H.-No business was tranaaried by the Benaie to-day. The news of the death of Mrs. William P. Frye, wife of the president pro tem of the Senate, was conveyed officially to the body end out of respect to her memory ad journment waa taken immediately until Jen. X, IW. Senator Fairbanks celled the hody to order Bev Dr. W. H. Mllburn pro nounced a beautiful Invocation In which he feelingly referred to the demise. The secretary then reed a letter from Senator Frye appointing Senator Aulr bsnk- presiding officer during hi* ab sence from the Senate. The reading of the Journal waa suspended end at *P. m. the Senate adjourned until Jen. J. IWI. THE tftfttt Til HONORED. GSM. Ciftfteef of Hoftftor at •*. ! ••• Rastnel. . l/nils. Dec. J 1 -Deecemlenl. of old puritan stock gathered about the banquet hoard honored the chlvsln of the ffouth to-utght at the Mercantile Club el the sixteenth annuel reunion of the New Kng -1 aisl Society of Bt. leoulft- Gen. Fltxhugh Lee of VlrglutM was tha gueet of honor, end hardly less dlsiln aulshed were the other gentlemen, who. with him. shored the honor of sdlreselng members of the wxSejf They were; fol La>f*yet*• Young of DeeMolnee. la.. Gen. John W. Noble of Bt . Louts and Hsv Denial Dorchester, D.D.. also of thla city The cuatom* of the f weie (ivntkeie.l with reverence and the ato. k from which the> were descende-l were dtecueeed xrtth all (hat ardor for xrbieh the St. Isouls descendants of the Pilgrim* are noted Gen. Lae aooke to tha toast "The Army and Lbs Ngvy •( the Luted States." THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22. moa ABE S GUCKENHEIMER §(s* IMPORTER. JOBBER AND ..Wholesale Grocer.. r*—FLOUR, liquors. TOBACCO and CIGARS—T* 217,219. 221,223 A 225 BAV STREET, WtJT, 2,4, 6A 8 JEFFERSON STREET. oictated eASG. Mr. CORNELIUS F. MOSES, Manager, MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, MY DEAR SIR: Savannah, Ga. It gives me much pleasure to hand you herewith my check for 81,856.25, in payment of the first premium on ray policy, No. 1096130, for 850,000, In your company. I beg further to say that before taking out this policy with the Mu tual Life Insurance Company of New York I had under careful cone Iderall on various policies from eight of the other leading life Insurance companies of the United States doing business in Savannah. The fact of my having placed this amount with your company le the best evidence that I consider ed the contract offered by you, through your special representative, Mr. M. Hyams, Jr., superior to any of the others. With kindest regards and best wishes for the continued success of yourself, Mr. Hyams, and the company that you have the honor to represent, I beg to remain, Yours very sincerely, CORNELIUS F. MOSES, Manager Eastern Georgia. MAY PUT RAILROADS OUT. st yti: mm* eytiuk coathoi. OF ATLANTA DEFOT l.cnrs la Railroad and Atlanta A West Point Helped to Erect Build- In* aftid ihi Have Alel Paid An> Mental—Stale Holds That Theft Have bo Ownership in Hulldln* nnd Must Pas Bent bike tfce Heat. Humored change of X., C. A ft*. L. tn a INvlaion of the la>ulavllle aad Nashville. Atlanta. Dec. 21.—1 t falls out that cer tain of those roads which have threaten ed to withdrew from the t'nlnn ilcpot. may not he allowed to do so. Instead, the stele may put them out. It has been dis covered that three particular roads ara not paying any rent for the privilege of using the ahtd. Indeed, they are dividing with the state the rental received from the Southern and the Beahoard, and Mr. Du rand. The state Insists that they shall pay henrefoth. and for some time hack. The rootle Insist that they Will not; that the shed Is as much their own as any body else-. And It Is likely that the courts will be called upon to arbitrate these conflicting claims. At a meeting of tho Railroad Commis sion last summer the commissioner* di|- ped n little Into the history of the depot. They learned, among other facts con nected with that celebrated and compli cated slru lure, tha; when K was erected In IX7O. tho Georgia and the Atlanta and West Point subscribed equally with the state r*vt to the fund which paid for the shed’s erection, under sn agreement to be allowed to use it, rent free. That was thirty years ago. and the slate thinks that the roads long since gut their money's worth. But the roads maintain that no agreement es to the length of time a- made, and that they still and always will have an ownerahlp In the shed, and that they have not and will not pay any rent. Now, (ha Leglslnture having acted or having failed ro art, wlMch la the same In effect and thereby cut the Gordian knot ao far aa the elate Is concerned, the mat ter will probably be renewed. There UMiu to be a dlvleton of opinion as to whether the lessees of the state road, or the slate Itarlf. should Inaugurate the ejectment proceedings. If they ere Inaugu rated. Prominent railroad men hold, however, that the stele l the proper party to act. They say that if the state road wishes to try and become the eol* rent-free user of the shed. It would have to appeal to the state to tie put tn possession: and there fore, that if the state, regardless of the withe* of thr Western and Atlantic, wants the other roads thrown out. or made to pny up. It can begtn action with out the content of the Western and At lantic. There will shortly he a .■emferaner be. tween President J W. Thornes, of the Western and Atlantic rosrt. and the slate officials, to (V ide upon whether or not action shall he begun, and In whet wa> That action will be begun, there seems to be no doubt. It Is reported tn railroad circles that important than*** will occur next July In the Nashville. Chattanooga and 8t Emil- railroad It Is wild that President J W. Thomas will retire from the presidency of the Nashville. I tie Me nooga and 8t lon I- Railroad, and that the Nashville. Chattan*e*ta and 8t Iseul* will tie made n division of llic Isnilavllle tn <1 N vlii I!. .-!■ iii. s nil l W ‘1 !iom as, Jr., as siipeftnt'-udent MaJ Thomas, It is said, will retire of his own accord, desiring to take some rest, after Ills long service In Ihe railroad business The an isiuncemeni of the * bangs# will probably cause a great deal of surprise in rail road circles. MaJ Thomas has been at the head of the Nashville, (" and 81. land* for a number of year. FOR OOIAKUK ATHLETIC*. Anwaal Afeetlu* of Southern Asso ciation Meld leuterdoj. Oxford. Mias.. Tec. R.-The annual meeting of Ihe Southern lnter-Colleglate Athletic Association met here to-day. lsr. W. L. Dudley, who hae been for many years the moving spirit In the as sociation. being absent on account of sickness. Prof. John Lombard of Cumber land I'nlverwlty presided, No changes were made hi the .onetltutlon Of the as sociation. It wee derided to hold the next annual meeting at the Cnlversliy o 1 North Carolina. The time of the annual meet ing was changed to the last Saturday be fore Christmas. It was decided to hold the annual field meet at Tulane Enlvers |ty In May next. The following officer* were elected; Dr W. I-. Dudley of Vanderbilt, presi dent; Prof W. M Riggs of Clemson Col lege tfl. C.). vice president; Prof A. la. Honduran!. Enlverslty of Mtenlselppl. sec retary end treasurer. Prof Patterson of the Enlverslty of Georgia, and Prof I arm bard of Tulane Enlverslty were elected member* of tb Ksecutlve Committee. llftgt till MEI.I.EHS LIABLE. Far Death of Aten to Whom They Kfll l.lqaor. Springfield. 111*.. Dec. SO—The Supreme i-,*irt looter rendered en opinion affirm ing Judgment tn the case of Hugh M. Shorn vs. Eutrlna Weber, tn which It 1* heal that dram shop keepers are liable for the death of a man who lose* hie life by reason of having become Intoxicated on liquor sold or given lo him by them. Dr. Hodge# to ftsreeetl llsater he- Loire. Richmond. V#., Dec. lE—Dr. J. Alll m Hodges of this city, formerly of North Carolina, has been elected presl dteit of the Enlvenstty College of Medi cine to succeed the late Dr. Hunter Mc- Guire. atorso and Meaty Soon fall. Newport News. Dec. R—A storm la coming up the mast. At Lrehal. only eight miles from Here, the snowfall to-day Is a heavy as anv ever seen there. Kft-liet. AA olcott Dead. Boston. Dec. It.-Former Gov Roger Wolcott died 1! his residence In this city to-da>. He had been Ml wttn fever ter Hvtril weeks. R. G. DUN & CO.'S REVIEW. IIOIJDAY 111 *l\FJ** THOWS Fill. THFM INPIIfIVKIIIK^T. \n I.nil Im Iron nml Mrel MRnnlm fnrinc Thin Irjir-MIIU nul *!• rr<m il‘<l With Ori|pr Which %% 111 Tkr Thrm Montha to I'llM I Urrllnrd SR Oats m. T-a-Mlm of VI not % cr? Hvirf—f otfMi Firm ly Hr Id l>rapio Urgr Fori %r --rlmU. Nrw York. I>cc II —R G Dun A- Cos, * WMkty Hrvlf*w of Tr*<sc to-morrow will B*y: Hrttrr weather condition* on thr At lantlc rroiftoord and pronounced activity In dtPtrllnitlon of oil atopic Horn of mrr < Imndioo at Houthcro dtlow hare Impart ed a Nightly more nggrr-rlvr* tone to *eocrwl tan-me** iMNIn-tlvr holiday tni*- lnc*, wftioh at thin period of the oeaaort mean* retail dlatrlbutlon, haa xhowu fur ther troirmpin#rM no rc*ng>lalnt la hitrd from any quarter, while tha jewei ry trada la much nv*rt active than for irveral yrara part. I't* hanged conditions In the leading manufacturing Industry during the last week before the hot Id eye mean much At this time In otdinary esrs furn'-et done down In large numbers and dullurt* la general at mills and ehopa where Iron and steel ara handled. Instead of reduc tion of working force or cone reel <me In price thla year, however, retort* from the principal eltlrei Indicate the existence few soles era made at level, despite (ouch talk of cheaper ere next year. Fuel declined about eem* a ton recently, but this I* as far as the cost of the raw material he* been reduc ed. Ill* seldom inaalble to secure prompt delivery of partially manufactured f 'rtne or ttnished product* and each week tirillgs more orders from abroad, while Ihe No vember statement of British exports *how another decree** numeral With last year In these product*. Tin again dropped Sharply, taking Ihe price nisei! 10 eenls below the top end altrnwt to tits level prevailing a year ago Other Industrie* exhibit the same In difference tt> precedent Instead of holi day quiet In the wool market the last week s figures of *•.** at the tnree chief Eastern market* amount to l.iU.nti pound*, against ,7K.*K> in the preceding week, and \MI.Ut two wesks ago while a year ago the aggregate had fallen to 7 Sl2.W' pounds from an average of over li.nco.OUO pound* Mi the two previous week-. I’rlcss are steady hut show nu recovery from the recent decline ami man ufacturer* purchase only raw material to fl|; outer- Another decline appeared in hides at Chicago, teamg the average back to the level prevailing two months sgt. leather v* leo easier, but the finished product was well sustained by ahipment* from Boston of fto.Bft cases, which 1* by far the largest movement in recent week*. New order# are fewer In number, but shops tiave cuotracl* for montha ahead Lo. al jobbers nave accomplished much more than wo# espedsd. Cotton Is Itrmlv Iteld. despite arrivals at iftotithern |>ona far In esceas of last year and little encouragement received from ftpln&grt, Crop tpucguaoa point to m cAeUXf * the MFBf,MOTS’ NATIONAL BASK ' ~ _ 1 _^^ . a yield about equal to Mr. Kllloon'a rati mat** of rrowtr‘m**r>t ■* Whtm ia quirt. r atr*>iratlfiir AiJ.TW boafertft In-t y* r. Ailantli* r*|ara wrrr 2.7**1.411 buah rla. flour InclifM, agalttat 1.2JG.1M In th** ustnr wppk of t**rn *l vmi'H N|Mln to alrut 7 cent 9 above* laat vrar'a Irvrl. without lmr>or tan! tiiWc Thr nHv**ni‘*it I** mu h tip v -irr. for thrrr wet-kH of It mlrr r*< ripta •HVMintrl to 14 7*2.2T7 NlihrN, 9 PH.IOM. whilr Atlantk* r*prt< a>rr IS.* 244,7‘J0 laihi*|p. agamat 11 ii-./JIH In IWr.* lelqutftlatlon In roffrr *auord a hravy vol •inir of option IranaartkHia and largely In rrraard ratlmntrv of thr nrai Hraill *mp took No. 7 1110 down to thr lowrat prtrr of thr yrar. whlrh la 3 irnt* tr-low thr top fiolnt. Thr prrarnt flgurr la atilt morr than a rrnt atmvr ian yrar'a w*akrt a|M)t, and rrcrlpta art* 2W*>i>* largrr. Kallurra for thr wrrk wrr* 2M In thr rnitrti Htatra. ngalnat 23* laat yrar and IN In Canada, agalnta % iawt Mnrr Napldan Hn Urnwntl N>[iort Nrwa. Vm , lrc. !l Thr Chra4|rtikr and Ohio linrr Itaptdan wrnt agrtxind tr* Hampintt Roads ymirrday aft rrnoon. but floatrd lait night at high tidr. and prmrrdrd to IJvrrpMl Thrm la no fnafh In thr rrport that thrrr la a battlrahlp agrouial Thr Gaahoat %nnapulla I loaf•*!. Norfolk. Va.. Drc. 21 —T>ir 1-nllrd Htatra gutthoal Atm.i jh>.h hl<h ran aground oppoaftr Umtwri k fVrfnt rarly thm morntng. war ftontr<l in thr Mftrrnonn by tug*. Thr vroaH la not thought to b Injurad. Fig ( klrago Firm Ifeamaard g.VMNMt. tlikafo, Drc. 21—Hrara. fUK‘Mi-k A Cos ' flvr-atory warrhouar at 171 and 179 Wrnt Ad.imr afrrr?. war tlirn*-;/*d to thr rstrnt of by fire to-day. Holiday Specialties. FIGS - I-arge. rich, plump, sweet fruit An exceptional Bargain, 1-lb. box 10c box... .25c RAISINS- Imported Milage. 5-crown, 1-lb. b0xe5....30c NUTS ell absolutely new; guaranteed good and eound. Pound 20c (> pounds... SI.OO THE S. t BRANCH C 0„ Broughton and Whtiaksr. , J'uonr* 7*. WILL NOT FINISH THIS WEEK. HAVING lAftftl 111 % TO fORTIXn FOR AHHII.E MiVdlH. Outlet Keller Tells of His right \A Ilk Hon. —( odet Hlttlsoo Throws l.lftihl on !, the Trookie startftel. I edrts el thr Point derm tn Ito n liuod I Sen I of Flgklldf—Mhlsg Mo Fnr. HftSdPf, to Skew Ao ft Mrs fat Practice* at the Aeodeftny. West Point. N. Y . Dec. X -The mlll tsry court of Inquiry Into the nlleged brutal rases of basing, which are us St to hove caused the death of ('shift Book end Brelh, will not be able to finish tls work this week. The remainder of the testimony prob ably will tie secured by the end of next waak Tco-day thr rtory of thr fight brtwaan Keller and Boo* In Fort Putnam on Au . im. was told by Keller himself es well as b> some of the seconds end the sen tinels wlsi were posted lo wstch for f- Ix-er* who might MUertere Theftr account did tuft differ fnwn those of the other writ (esses. w! said Boos laid down without is-lng hurt Heversl witnesses lesltfled to ft he teik of mental vltahty posaeeaod by Root and Inetructor of MathetnutlO* l.ieut W. F. Cm said that his mem at nu dities were Insufficient fto enable him to pass the necessary evsmlnettone, with the Infereueo that H was uti thla accouftftt that Bone resigned rather than he fsund ileAi lent. A letter wai in court from toe Rrv Ur Allison of Bristol. Po. It '*o vrl*4i In >*pi)f lo th* on* published from Cad*t Burnett. presMent of tbs Toon* Mhii Christian Assoelatlon *1 the acad emy. I)r Alliron mu that Boos was not t, non to mil novrlr hidden In * BUM#. t- Ba l*t Prentice test Hied to-day ih*< he Into* readmit • |MP*r-h**ll llt hid den li.std* Of * HI bio, but ho could not toll Mi* name of It- CtArt " It Umilmm of Kentucky who upok* t.. Mom when the latter was loin* work, rorroclln* hint for noi cot ,rir* his poet property. w*s tailed. in t<> Men Brook*. B*tU**n askwowt- l ß .il that It was * viol*Moo of tho r**- llion to talk to th* man on *u*rd and ai-> Mist th* n*ht la-tween Boo* and K*l- wui the out com* of that inerferemro. ip-n Brook*, .p-akln* vsry ancrtly. tohl Betuson that h* h.iri no right to plao* Boo* In that iwsltlou Cadet Krrd U D**n of T**as, who, B t„.n a ■ in th* academy fought .til up|i*r floss man. and wsa only beatan after rtthtln* dHy-*t*ht rounds, wo* 000 of tn* last witnesses* Urn In* th* tnvee tutsMon It wn* said by som* wltne**** that U*n hsd Iv*n toha*.o sane* to I loo* lain said h* did no. n member bavin* don* so. but h* mt*bt hav*. How - .vr ft* was poattly* that no fore* wa* used on Boo*. ll* said h* took pity on Boo* nd wsnt*d him lo bro** P • thht he would f**l oo>l. Nothin* addin ml n th* evidence to-day showed that the** was any brutal basin* lira*tlr*d at th* academy. and th* trend o' th* evidence went to show that neither I too* nor Kreth wan t*o*#**sed of the necessary meet*, rapacity to *o through tl entire count of s.udiw n.cary Car graduation. 5