The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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JOYFUL christmas^meeting. ~*•> AND HMIHAUKI HU. iMTK after iukt vk.ah*. 1 unndN. Ewer nf Whom Were (troth*#*. '• Arm *f northern 1 Irglßlh. Have * HfnU WM i niKiTfd While I'urMln, for IVch Broody Diaria* IVnH.lnin. |jf ism, „od Kmwll Ohio (Vh ,rr Hr WU I'MHfd a Prlt. , „ #r _ Vnolhpr Wtlrd la 'Unit .tlpl After be W r ■ •rf ,®h. ft c -> **<•■ *> —Thlrty-aaveß rm four brother*. Thoma*,, Henry. - „ f .~ and John Webatr*-, and C. M from Bennettovlllr, Marlboro Ufrr noldler* In the Army of No i tji) Virginia and ft comrade*, al ihe brother* were private* and . r )y ml adjutant. Tliey have Juat h 4 d a rmnantlc Chrlotmaa reunion. after entering the army John w* i n.e*a cook. Young, courageou* and , .., 4 ie soon developed Into a firs;-class , _ r and hi* me*a eat one of the beat , 1 In the regiment. Everything went v until one day John heard that , .. . we* a at 111 In tji* neighborhood „ ~.. Kne peach brandy tea* to be had . taking. The temptation as not to !„t, and The weather ttai cold; ll wa* g Christmas of■!. and the boy* appreciate something on which to So slinging a half dozen can round him the me** cook atarted tig a good woodsman and having m 1 accurate Information ha located !iH,-ry and had no difficulty In flll e thir*ty cant*en*. ...,r * making hit way to camp, pl-*- • x . th happlneva hi* prize would bring . omradea, when a trapper by the , „f tha wnoilland road ordered him lo pit down hts load and get up b-- un The cook, thinking a Joke at* .- ayed on him. tried to remonstrate, the canteen* were filled with •"*) for the hoy* In camp But the , ii and officer wa* peremptory In hi* or ti. mount bahlnd him Jbhn, think l e* ;1 that h" wa* *pak!ng to a Pnn t t rate officer, aaked leave to lake one ~n to the adjutant. Then hi* captoe and aid told him he was a prisoner 1 could not *ee the adjutant -,n epenf hla Christmas In the Federal , and wa* aoon after *ent to a prison rhlo. wh*ra he remained ill! tha eloae i ~ war On being releaaed, the young fmuid hlmaelf without friend* or , <*,•_ . an he went to work a* a day bi rr He wa* far from home, and the <oi littona extatlng In hi* native aiate did . mpt him to undertake the long imp ri -k H wro*e to find out some . about hie brother*, hut received no end .ippnerd they had been kltled u*t desperate fighting, or. like hlm . - hid been taken prisoner* and ecat- The letter never reached Its destl tn Marlboro, for two of < . brothers and the adjutant there. The fourth brother, had got into n Mississippi Rrg ar-l returned to that etate after the 'ait he returned this week to *<-• relative*. The three brother* with adjutant were having a reunion dln t • a- the house of Thoms* Webster. , > erc of course, talking of war time* imentlng the fate of the ah*eait v ten there wan a loud knock on the Henry went to open It? Those t heard loud exclamation* ami on . r.n mw two old men tooked In each >i r m* ond kissing After thlrty of labor and wdndertng over t i John laid found hi* way bnck • old home Juat tn time to make the t i ton t-erfect. n ljutant wa* tho first to recover, ille.l for tho brarwly John had gone - for their Christmas In 1953. and then I tp|.| rl* *tory. * t >Kom>’* pROGnm. *u>nie Orlando Grand Army Watters. nfor.l. Fla , Dec. l<t_-Thla -Gate City ~ - ith Florida'* I* at it I feeling a etetidy, r- lev, loptm-rd, and no lea* than nix more new business ht>u*es have been * 1 here tha preeont season, thus gtv ' t.ew life to many long vacant and r te l *tor#s. Ilealdenccs are also In t i r demand, as lie* Plant System t i now change engine* here. This also t • extra work out at the shops of the ~'Ui,iny, where every deportment is Juat i. | hard pushed. e freight traffic uf tha Plant System ' r igh and from till* city J* simply Im ' * ■. oftentimes three or four freight go south or come nort h dully. tlf • -*e some of this la owing to fruit and •table shipment, but much come* from Mural Increase In general buxlnesa - In South Florida - Hyde river atenmer City of Jack -le brings up large quantities of ' i-ht* from their New York *team*hlp* goes south from here by the Plant m train*. In a few weeks the steam ’ red de 1-biry will be added to the giving a dully arrival of river pa*, err* and freight. be ImliiMrlal outlook wa* never better, palmetto factory' having enlarged, an- 1 - me factory steadily Increasing It* out *‘apt. Geo. H. Femald ha* extended water and steam contract work Into cgla and la now doing u big Job at ' iveroa*. Juat south of our cHy I* th* " starch factory that create* an ex- Ive demand for cassava, while further ’ th we lava anew saw mill and a tur i ’ "no atilt, all of which help Sanford t- u! merchants. Our vegetable growers, • 'dally lettuce snd celery. r" coining m->oey. Mr. A Robbins, the claimplon cel 'T and lettuce grower, predict* a very !o#ltal,|e season, although th# acreage - 1 out Hanford has been largely tncreaaed j hi* year. "■•*! I'cimmander A. Robbins, of Oen i.rney lvt. Q. A. R., of this city, ha* •' .mad from Orlando, where hr wen: ' lrspool U. S. Grant Post, previous to *• annual election of olficer*. and re 1-rta tha: organisation In splendid con " n, 1* being no doubt the banner post 1 'he Department of Florida, l! occu rs an entire floor. Whipple Hall, and >e adjoining room*. library, ladle*' 1 m and reading room Th* meetlno ** largely attended and aplrlted ad ‘-eses were delivered by Paat Command ; Geopge H Greenwood, of Oeorge H. ■mas Post, at Dongwood. Inspector 'hhlns end Past Commander Rloharxls. large number of Christmas gift* were concert, one an elegantly framed ph * of Gen. U. 8 Grant In ck!s*n ' be*, from Mre. Grant, and anolbi-r in 1 'orm and mounted, from Bishop Whlp- Alao, several beautiful silk flag# etui °"r souvenirs from the Chicago Na '**l Kncampment. all of arhlcli will be I to complete the full decoration, etc.. ' be hall and room* of th* post mmander S. Herbert Lancey and Rrlz Georg# F. Foote, now In Waahlng ' D. C., declined a re-electkm and the 1 wing comrades were unanimously n for the ensuing year: Commander >k A Curtis of Orlando, senior vice lander. W. 11. Waterhouee of Mait- Jimlor vice commander. B T Hlli ''"inter Park; surgeon. Dr. Weahlnz- Kllmer of Orlando; chaplain, Rev I>r ' erhert Lunrev of Maitland; offi< er of day. H W. Munn of Orlando; quar iMr, K. H Bevey of Orl.tndo; officer e guard, D A Morrison of Maitland >k F. A. Richard* of Orlando; del and alternate to department cn -men-t, H. W. llunn ami 8 T MIIR. • rustee*. K A Richard*. 8 llertvrl v‘*y and P. A, Curtl*. social Ituatec.- Mrs H B Whipple Mrs Cbnr|. . || |f a ;i and Mr* J 11 Chamber of Maltlaml. Of the social member*, the presider: Is Htsh Of. Henry H Whtppl. for gent.eman. an.! Mrs Oen. f s Grant for the ladles, and thl* membership tncheb • j, Wneeier. Oen. Fred r> Grant, e-l J H Chandler Mrw. Oen. W 8 Harney Mrs KingsmUl Marr*. Mr* Julia C It Dorr and other distinguished ladle* ami gentSe i men. •YA \ HITKIt A I IIIIUHIN. tnfnrfnnnle Uoman Mtemplert sul- Irlrte by AHoottna. Valdosta. Oa., Dec. 21— It develop* here that an attempt was made recently lo blow up the residence of Joe ld>e. the j Fhtnaman. with dynamite, a sth k of and namlle wa* |>la- cd under his house and exploded. The shingle* were h.own from the roof, and tables, chair*. *tov#, #t< arer# turned over, hut no other serious damage was.lon. The police officer* went lo Investigate the explosion, hut Were un able to find out where It wa*. For some reason or other th* Chinaman and hi* family maintained a atrhk silence until a day or so ago Another Investigation l | the police officers to-day shewed that the loud report before day the other mottling aras at l-ee's house and saa the result ; of an effort of some enemy to boa him up. An unfortunate woman named Ruth , Hlappey, who came to this city aontr time | from an adjoining county, attempted suicide late las; night by shooting herself ! with a pistol. The bullet entered her breast (tear the heart and passed through j the body, lodging behind her shoulder ; The woman was regard's! as seriously ln t Jurert. though the physb lane do nos think th>- wound will prove fatal. Evidence In the contested election for Justice of the peace between Mr. W. R Frier and Judge T. M. Cook was heard in the City Court to-day and the case will be argued before Judge Hansel! *ontc day In th* near future. The case I* quite an interesting one and the result la being watched with Interest. There have been a number of wedding* In thl* county this week, one of them be ing solemnized at the realdene* of Mr. W. H. McKinnon at Hahtra laat night. The contracting parties were hla sister. | Mis* Minnie M Klnnon. and Mr. G. W. Rhodes of Wewahltehka. Fla The cere mony wa* performed by Rev. Mr Culpep per of Adel At While Springs. Fla . last night, Ms F M White. ..f I.ake lark. ami Mrs Jennie Powell were joined tn marriage, tho ceremony being performed by Rev. Mr. Reamy. of I hew place. The coup!-* are well known throughout this sect ion, Mr. While being one of the leading me diants of Daks Park. Mr. John W. Harrell received a tele gram frnen Center, Indian Tenltory, this week, announcing the death of M* daugh ter. Mrs 1-lzaie Wooding, formerly of thU City. Mrs Wooding trsi married ten year* ago, and has Mv'd In Indian Terri tory sine# Ineti. Stic leaves a husband and three children, besides many rela tives here, to mourn her death. TO HOI.II A COA VIC.YTIOA. Brunswick Taking Zctlvc Steps tn Arc arc H. A H. Railroad. Rruvipvrk k. ()•-, D#o. 21 —At an int#r *#ttnir liadny Of th# Hoard of "Trxtlr h#ll to-day. a mov#m<rt waa atarled to hokl a big lirunpwlck and Birmingham Roiilrojtl Con rent lon in <hl# city on #om# dat# fturing th# mantb of January. <'ofn m|tt## w#r# appoint#*) to *#t lo work at one# and arrange for Ih# convention It 1# Intend#*! to have town# an<l clti# iiiui <x>unti## #ll PionK (be rout# of th# pro po*#d rone! to ##rwl <l#l#aatlon# to the coot act 100. and op##rh## #tu b# ma!# by m.inv m#i promtn#nt In Oeoraia :nl Alabama who ar# lnt#r##t#d in th# road The Hoard of Trad# also went into Ale tall work on the omliifr National Mari time Congr#*** ick. be hell In Brunswick Jan. JU. ani la#u#d an official resolution Uenyintc emphatically that th# congres# la called In €h# interest of any special i gus tation. DKHKHYNR HIT FATft* N"gru llniia"il for llape (*alll) l Ulbrr Tlmllar t'rimea. RL'hmomK Va.. Doe. 21—James Ifolden, a n#*tv>, 26 yeara old. waa hanged to-day at Acromac C'ourt Hou#e for att#mp:M r#i# on Virginia Clay*ton, a little whit# girt near Parkaley, Va., ulx>ut ihr month"* a*o. ll# rofifepped hi# guilt nn*l sab) he ha<! b##n guilty of aiimtnr crimes belore. Th# Antl-Tra#t ( o>lumt*U9. 0., Dec. 21 —Th* Htiprenv Court of Ohio lia# dipmHrerl tho ca##* brought hy #x-Attorney General Mon nett, undvr thd* anti-trupt laws of Ohio aaaJnwt th# Bolar Heflmng t*oniiny, Ohio Oil Ootapanf. Buckeye Ripe ('amfaifiy. fKamdartl Oil fYenpeny, of Ohio, and th# Cominental Tobacco CYwnpany. F%-( tis rraama n Hrrtrrr lloml. Trenton, S. J.. Dec. 21 —Ex-Fongr##*- man Jihn M Brewer die*) at hi# home here to-day. Ho wa# a pottery manufac turer and a warm pergonal friend of Pr#a- Ident McKinley, with whom he peeved in <'ongret. —Forty-five alllgatora In a Milwaukee *how dl#<l of pneumonia one day rgi'ently. GOOD REASON FOR IT, Ths Success and I'npnlartty of the Haw Catarrh cars. Tha rsmark ibls success and popularity of th* naw cwlarrh our- Htiuirt’s Catarrh Tablet*, la largely becausa W not only curs* catarrh, but because catarrh suf ferer# who use the** tablet# know what thay are taking Into their systems; no secret I* made of what thay contain. They arc composed of Hydraatln, blood root, guaiacol and red gum. on pleasant to th* last# ack being dissolved in the mouth they takd Immediate effect upon the mucous lining of the throat, nasal passage* and the whole respiratory tract. The cures 'iat Btuart's Catarrh Tablet* have accomplished 111 old chronic cases are little abort of remarkable, ond the advantage of knowing Jual wliai you are taking into your iryatem It of paramount Importance when t Is remembered that Ihe cocaine or morphine habit haa been frequently contracted a* the result of using soct—t catarrh temrdles. as so many of them are well known to contain them Injurious drug*. Htuart's Catarrh Tablet* meet with the approval and cordial support of physi cians because their antiseptic character render* them perfectly safe for the general public to use and their composi tion make* them a common sense cure for all forms of catarrhal trouble With twwrly all advertised catarrh cure* p I* „ ryatter of guess work aa *o what you are taking Into the stomach, a* th* proprietors, while making all sorts of claim* as lo what their medicine* will dc are v.-sy careful to keep It a close M cr*t ** to what they really contain. This Is one reason why Htuart's Catarrh Tablets have been so widely recommend ed because they are not only plea earn find convenient to take, but the patient also know* h l* not putting Into hi, stomach snythln* oftan injurious ehgrae "rh'se tablets are sold by druggist* everywhere In the United Btatee and Can ada at W cents for complete treatment snd probably there l no better remedy ever devised for the permanent cure of catarrh wheloer located In the head, throat, bronchial tube# or In Ui* stomach. THE MORNING NEWS. SATURDAY; DECEMBER 22.1900. This Tells The ■*ne*; One Opinion taktn from are' on* thoutand tothmonioli rocdirod from tko moit promt non! phptician* all oior tho world DATID WALSH. M. D.. C. M. Kdln.. fTiyalrtan to the Western akin Hospital Usin. England, writes •M have found llunyadi-Jino* to answer every purpoee and t Invariably prescribe It. partly bevauar it can he obtained anywhere and everywhere, partly because of Ita uniform action, and laat. not least, because It I* preferred by my patients " Runyadi Janos CURES Constipation Dyspepsia, Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles. No Medicine la the World hat received such widespread endorsement. LABEL ON BOTTLE is BLUE with Red Centre Panel. III.tiII.AMI TO HI I IIEVI S. The \i arid Ones laa a l.lvlag. Hut Get It Honestly. He Told Them. Philadelphia, Dee ll.—Former President Grover Cleveland 10-nlght delivered tho annual address it the gr.iduailon ezerclaes of the thtrty-tlflU class of th# Pelree B<-hool of liurtness at the Academy of Music. Gov. Stone prerhled. Mr. Cleveland said It was a good thing to start nut In life with tie- Idea firmly In one's mind that the world owe* you a living Tills must not la- ill a highway man fashion, nor be construed as giving license for all sorts of sharp practices. Involving work only with the wits. Thou sands and thousands, he said, are dally acting precisely In accord*neo with the verson of the golden rule proclaimed by the cunning borae-trwdlng, money-lending charweter portrayed tn a late popular novel: "Do unto the other fellow the way he'd like to do unto you and dr* It first.'" Mr. Cleveland said we hear a great devl Jhwt now In eondetnnntton and defense, of trust* and eomhinaiion* lie described a recent article opposlaig them, which first described a community of people show wants were supplied bv tradesmen and craftsmen ivhn were their neighbors, they dealt tngelher a* friends Interested hi each other's wnl'are and willing to yield something lo each other # circumstance*. "Thia description." he **hl. "was fol lowed by an prralgnntent of trusts and • omhlnwtlona that mono|oilxed certain branches of the business done tn th# com munities, nd then displaced with their stranger agents snd representatives the dealers end craftsmen who were neighbors and friends. Thera may be much or lit tle misfortune m such a change, but I muld nftt help feeling that the almpte. natural, healthy, live and let-live condi tion first described, was worth perpetuat ing. Of course In attempting lo win auc ■ ess you are In a race with your fellows* hut you need not run a foul race nor treacherously disable your competitors " Continuing. Mr. Cleveland said the world owes us Just such a living as we can gain by hard work, the exerctee of oil our mental faculties, a scrupulous adher ence io the rules of honesty, ami a never falling otiedlence to the dictates of en lightened conscience. The ex-Presldent emphasised the Im portance of self-reliance anil persever ance and said It was a vlelou* snd dread ful mistake to suppose that a little extra effort In favor of ihe work in hand and In the Interest of an employer passes un noticed. or that It will remain unre warded. "We must," he said, "promptly and fin ally exclude a* our standard of success, mere mom y-getllng for Its own enke. When we *|*>ak of life, we mean a life of decency and active usefulness; and when we spnak of suc.-ea*. we mean something that aid# such a life and makes It more useful and not less ileeent -aim. thing that itoes not smother con science or dull the sense of moral re sponsibility which no one should ailemid lo root.|)C. Id u* add in completion of our s’ .in-U rd of true succesa a constant example of patriotic love of eountry and a conscientious discharge of every duty of citizenship." H It’ll 1111 l A. WISH DBID. tirglaln's Hepuhllcan I nnarrasiuan Passes In.)’ Hs'lirnl). Newport News, 'Va.. lie,-. 21.—Hon. Richard A. Wise, congressman from the 8-cond Virginia District, died sudilenly at his homo In Willlamslmrg this pluming Ho lust long Ix-eu a sufferer from llright s disease. Dr. Wise was d<-fated for I’ocgres* In the last election by Hon Harry May nard. Ho w-ss a son of file late Gov. Henry A. Wise of Virginia, and for many years had been a conspicuous figure In pol iilcs. Dr. Him was horn In Philadelphia nt Ihe home of hi* maternal grandfather Hon. John Bera,-.m;. In IM3. He served in the Conf-drats army from the I-gin ning to the end of Ihe w.-ir, giving up his studies at William snd Mar)' College to enlist. To th* close of th* war ho had attained the station and rank of Inspector general of Wlsa'a brigade. An derson's corps lie was afterwards grad uated from the medical college of Vir ginia in lMff. and became a member of the JTacuity of William and Mary College, tilling the chair of phyaiology and chem istry In 1*95 he was siecsed lo the Htate I.legislature Dr War zvii* a member of the Congress for tho last two term*, receiving the of fice (*> both occasion* by vote of the Re publican majority In ths House, he con testing the seat of W. A. Young, who was returned hy the electoral board each time. John 8. Wise of New York, la a brother of the deceased. Ogl.V TWKXTY-FIVE MIBITKB. l-asf Session of Hoose of Represen tatives Very Short. Washtngxon, Dec. 21 —The House wa in sesslorw only twentydive minutes to day. when It adjourn'd out of respect to the memory of Representative Wise ot Virginia. Mr. Jones of Virginia, who an nounced Ihe death to th* House, offered the customary resolutions, which were adopted, and the Speaker appointed the following committee of seventeen to at tend the funeral: Messre Works of Michigan, Aldrich ot Alanama: Kahn of California. Rot>erts of Massachusetts. Minor of Wisconsin, Brick of Indiana. Jones of Virginia. Swanson of Virginia. Otey of VfhpnJa, Rlaey of Virginia. Hay of Virginia. Umb of Vir ginia. Quarles of Virginia. Rhea of Vlr. ginia, I-aeeHer of Virginia, lioyd of Ml sour! and Gaines of Tennessee Then, at 12:25 p. m.. as a further mark of respect to the fgmory of Hie deceased, the House adjourned until Jan. !, 1901. — •— -r- LYNCHED IWOI IAT TRURO. Murderer of Marshal Hirhardsua Has Tot Been Caaght. Gulfport. Mis*.. Dec. H.—Henry Lewis, th* alleged negro murderer of Marshal Rkhardson. has rot hern caught. The negro lynched ymterday. It appear*, waa a cousin of the alleged murderer, and was wholly Innocent. Millhrieera to Have Fiber Factory. Raleigh. X. C , Dec. 21 -Gustavus Mllt helser and Clarence MUlhrlser of Rich mond. snd Bam,lei F Pat'erson ef Balll more, to-day obtained a charter for thr Rosemary Manufacturing Company. The principal buslnesa will be to manufacture material* from animal and veg Mable libers Th# capital Stock authorised t, PwU.MO. lll*KN UOMV %IHIKId Ol ► . I*rcldrat Dolphin lianra Orders fr Ita lUßroiillrnwnrt- Tof>rka Kan . Pat f1 Prarulatit In>l phln of I Im* Ordrr of Halt*a) Trl*rjo|bh *r. ho* drclurad th# Pink# of tho oppro tor* oi ih- Hama F# off All th# atrrti taK operator* htr# roo#lv#d orrt*'’* lo i.ijb .it from l’r##ik*#fU l’olphin that tho nr Ik# woulit ontimir no loim*r. Tlm Tp#ratoiH ar# b#glm>4nw to *p# mi loc# aa io wh#ttv#r thov will b# r#ln *tai#<l In lh# rmidoy of ihw rompinv. 'rt#y havn now Mt* prnnupton of th# or io work If !h#y aocuro It f#n#ral Manager Mud*# w uii*l not • pmn an opinion a* <o nrh#th#r lh" man would b rs rmplGV.Hl or not Hr Mil. how* vrr. that lh# rl#r of Rollwpn Trip araphrrp wotibl nol b*' r#cognl***d ui#l<*r th** pr*##nt m.innjrnirnt **li#t th# oprrMtorr g#t n#w *fll#rp.'* he paid, 'and then we will talk to them.** THB ommis IINCTUII. Operator#* i OMwittr# Twlk# I) to Mrftkera. HouMon, T#* . l>ee. II —The follow irg 1# the official circular ivatied 10-nlght, by the Rtrlkera' <*omtnltfee; "OwUenton. Tex . 21.—T0 lh# Mem ber# of tbe Order of Rai.taid Tl**grapb •r and frt**nda of (ha order. Gulf. Col nra<ta him! Han?a Pe Kaltrua*! After a moat careful and earnent ronaUleriiion *>f the entire actuation, your tmmltiee ft>w that it U imeirna io continue furl her h ptruggle inaugurateil on (ha line of rti# ilulf, <'o|oralo ami Homo Pe road With the cauiM*a leading up to th#* nm#t Mub bern fight over known in in# hieiory of our ord*r, you are familiar; with tha con duct of ife larnpatan you have been kepi faithfully a# the plan# of your oAnmi!ter woul 1 permit, hik! if we have failed In our desire to keep you in full (ouch with the fdtuatton it hax been from lack of tim and facilities, wot Intelligence We have done our beet and only regret that your effort and otirp have not brought ua the victory which we feel wap deserved The lopp of ii battle or of a rampa'mi doaa not imllcate that the rau*e was wrong Hip ton* Ip 4&den with Juat u#h events and out of our defeat Ip may ne there ahall come a victory for right and humanity, which fho*e who ootne aft*r uh ahall enjoy and Mep* up for noble atartd we took. l**t no man look back with regret “In ooncluelon your committee pimply dentres to add that we Individually have felt honored by the vteadfaet courage in l unwavering loyalty you have given u* “A!ay Ood prosiwr ea h of you Then fore, from and after 12 o’ckx k noon. Hn urday. Da# 22. Ih# Order of Kallroavi Telegrapher# will cea#e to b# in a #fa* **f conflict with th# <SuJf. t'ok>rado and Hunt* Fe Hallroad Company." VIVVV MIVOH I HMUEI VI WM,. souilicrn Hallway's 1 lan.lHcalltin loKiMltl".' Srawiwa y.n,1e,1. Norfolk. Va.. Dec. 21—Th# Southern Railway’s Classification Committee which has been In session at the Montlcelio Ho tel daring the past w,ek. iOnrluded K, labors to-day and a-ljourned for th* quar ter. Thta committee, which I. made up of forty members, practically comprise* all th* railroads and slrainshlim engaged in Southern frslghi traffic, and their de liberation* had to do wall the classifies tlon of freight. The subjo i matter of their discussion Using largely of a technical character, (■oases*** little public Interest other than Its general effacl on trans|mrtatk>n of chasatlled freight. While many- rbianges, covering luo different subjects, were made, the ganeral classification of !9lx> stand* Mr. P J. McGovern Is th* president of the i lsaalfluallon Committee. ITRDBMIf; FUt 911 GUILTY. Gera,an Millionaire I oavleled of I nnameable Imasoralltle*. Berlin. Dec. 21.—B:ernb*rg. the million air# banker, who has been on trial for a long time past, waa found guilty to-day of unnameabl* Immoralities, and was sentsneed to two and a half years' Im prisonment. with loss of ctllsonahlp for flv* years. AT THE THKITGH. -Vathss Hale” admirably Prraral eg—Bowery flay To-day. Without ths prestige first given hy an Introduction by such stars a* Nat Good win nnd Maxine Rtllott, the play of "Nathan Hale," which waa presented last night, would not have been successful. TAIi does nol mean that the perform ance was not pleasing, for it was. And mors than that, Ihe audience seemed to be particularly pleased. If the number of curtain calls and Ihe amount of applause bestowed waa an Indication, and It ought to bt. Th* play la by Clyde Fitch, and ta In four acta. There la little comedy tn the piece, though what there I*, is in a most delicious vein. Th* audience would glad ly have seen more of Angelica Know lion than It did The action of Ibe play be come* almost melodramatic at time*, though there wo* a finish to the presenta tion that made on* look beyond these tendencies. That ths play was exceedingly wetl done Is unquestioned. Mr. Howard Kyle and Miss Xannette Comstock, who divided Ills stellar honor*, were both admirable Mr. Kyle he-I a fine conception of what the part seemed to call for He was glort at and dignified, yet strong and forceful Miss Oomatoek, in the role gf Alice Adam*, waa splendid. Her comedy <* -n*-, tn the fleet two acta were delightful and full of charm, while her emotional acting was of the moet artistic and telling sort, entirely devoid of ranting and outburst Ml** Antoinette Walker waa eacelleot In an Ingenue role, and Miss Procter, Mr Webber. Mr RuswAl and Miss Bisson are worthy of commendation. The play was admirably staged. "The Bowery After Dark" will be *h* attraction at to-day's matinee and night porfemancs*. "Th* Bowery AJter Dark" 1* said to be a* Interesting as ll Is ex riling. Th* plot la aaid to be thrilling, the scenery all special and true to life, and Ihe cltmaxe# hatr-ralaing. One act show* a flowery dive In full bloat, an opium Joint with real Uhlnamen and fiend*, a atreet scene which lays claim to being correc* representation of Ih# Howery, and last, hut not least, the snake pit under th* opium Joint. HM 11,1.1 (Vf BOilil, r.VFAT. M#rrla# t Heldavlll# of Uiaa H#a lh naerri and Mr. I'#. 4\ ('olllna. Reldavllla. Oa. Dw. 21 One of (he moat brilliant aoi til event# of the aeaeoti #i Keidpvtde wa# the marriage of Mi#a Heulah K Roger* to Mr K. Clyde Col iin# at the Methoritft ( % hurch at 710 o'clock yeaterday evening The wi*Wilug marck w# exv|ul#ltely rcndeml by Mr* l A Keppird *jhi the ceremony wa# Im luv naively |>erformc| b\ Rev. IV. U Oelger The church waa arti#(icully perorated In palrna f **rna and other br'unung flow er# and foliage. The maid of honor vu Ml## Mary C Ueptuird of Flemlngton. Mt A A Recikard nct**s| a# lieat min Th** other attendant* were Mr. (5 F. Con ley. with Mip# Neill# Kennedy. Mt Jer conn* J Batemor* with l*ctla McCall, Mt J M Ri'gcr*. with Mkat* Walton I-a tiler . Mr Claude R tVUlup ond Mia# t'ad dle Oreen Mr 11. J. lioget* and Mr At Jatne** B Alexander were ia*her# rha bride anti gtvKrn enter#*! tie* *hurch preteded by Mttle Nellie Hugvtn* a(*J Mortal Humlre linn, who scattered roaen In the (Nath of lie* happ\ |ialr. Tm bride waa bautlfull) gnwtM**l In a co#tor brown t*llk. trlmmetl in tur|Uolae blue chiffon, and la e applique, and carrt*d a Mwgrdfl* nt ianiuuat of roae> After tli*- oeremoitv. (be hridoi iwrty fepalr* 4 *! to th beautiful h*an* of Mr# Ka(# M. where an elagwiit rnpep lion wa# terwlereil them Tfw* many beno (Uul nnd coptly present# rarafvad teat*- fled to the c**t*eiu In which (he young couple 1# held by (heir many frtende Mr. •nl Mr#. will make their future hqpte m Reldevllle. A COATKIIT IN willin'. (nllrllor f Wnyria* (ih Cowrl Ha# Op|M>*ltlon Wgycrops. da., l>e 21 A conlewt I# promised here over tire pollcltorehlp *f !h# Cltv Court of Waycrop#. For #. veral vwar# J. I* Crawley hue accapr.ibly filial the poeition. lie ii* a riping young law yer. and ha# been very vigilant In look ing after the #late‘p |ntere#(** In the City Court It perm#, however, ttmt Mr Cmwley la nor to remain tn nnritPtitrhcri |w>p**e#pkai of hi# oftl e The friend# of .1 Walter Bennett are puwhlrig (hat young man to (he front an • prominent applicant for the place. Mr Bennett 1# n lawyer of no ni**an wblllty, ami he# a powerful fo|kwing of friend# Will nee every honorable effort to e#- rure hi# appointment Already a ntimer ou4v plgned petition |# being ’lrcula(ed in Waycrop# a#kng Gov. Candler to recog ni*e hl merit# and give him (he place. Mr Crawley and hi.# friend# are nol aale**p It I# over a year Iwfnrc Mr Crawrlev’p ierm of office expiree, and there will ba plenty of time f*r the men to get in pome grMtd work. The Governor will make the apfedntment **me time between now an*l next November, and the l*egl<*laturr will a*'( on the nomination at it# uaxt eepwlon. Former Keeper *f Homl %cndem# Head. In>lon Deo. 2*—Mr Rlrtiard Rlohsrd l"lcksrklll. the palmer who ** keeper of the Royal Aradetny from 1572 to IW7, la dvad. He tn born In Ixmdon In U3O ITOPI'I'G * UnmoTHB. tthy the *imsi rsssirt he hnt O* nnd the tlr-Orakea tppllrd In- From *tie Bprin*field Repnhlloan. dome Interesitn* testimony regarding the handling of a locomotive wa# given hy engairera In a recent trial of an acci dent case at Kansas City, Mo. Among !ho*e who lesttfl--! was "Handy" Bald ridge, who ha* been an engineer on th* t’lSon l'solfbi thirty-one years, and la known lo lilmost every traveHng man me the road. Mr Baldridge tiwtlfie,l that a passenger tmMi going six miles an hour uuld nol b-- atopt-ed within fewer *han from 150 to 17T. feet, going 10 or 13 mile* an laair. 2ur> to 225 feet and at a *|-eed of IS or y> mile* more than M 0 feel wonkl b. reiulreil. "It usually t ikes the J- ngth of about six coaches." he sakl "The coaches are M feel long. ,o Gist would la- 312 feet. This, of course, is In an emergency, where we are rot **x|>erttng U> make a stop. Where we are anth lpntlng a slop ws ran mak* it In aliorter time, be,out, we prepare for It. We shut Ihe speed down to about eight miles, say. some lime before reaeh- Ing the stopping point, maybe a mile off. and allow Ihe momeiuum and the low pressure together to carry Ihe train with in a lmrt distance, and then apply the sir, when she momentum has about ex huiisted'ltse.f. I begin lo slop fullv mile before reaching #ome stations Usually. In pulling Into Kansas City, I begin lo stop one-fourth of a mite away. "There are various thing* which pre vent an Instantaneous stop. In tho first place Ihe throttle must be closed The steam does not cease Its work on the same Instant that the engineer shuts It off for the reason that the point at which he shuts It off la 91 feet from the cylinder heads, snd a 91-fool pipe, sla Inches In diameter, full of steam, must empxy Itself through the cylinder heads before the steam Is exhausted. This twenlv feet of steam exerts Just s* high a pressure as any other twenty feet, and works the pis ton rod* for an lnatant after the throttle Is dosed. "In the second place the air-brakes, while they are an effective appliance, are not nearly m> effective aa the general pub lic aupposes. The operation of releasing the air. of producing a vacuum and of opening tho valve# that finally pres# the brukeshoes against Ihe wheel*. 1* #o com plicated that It takes ar appreciable mo ment of aim# to apply the air All that ihi engtncsr does. Is to awing a small lever half-way around. This might he done with one hand while the throttle la dosed with the other. After that Is done If there I* any time lefthe sand can be applied, too. tout as .a usual thing acci dent* hapt—si so suddenly that the sand Is never reached." LAXIIWt *l9 08 BAHTM. Too l,a*y to Hea,ove III* Hand* From Hl* I’onltofa. From Ihe Nw York Work! Louisville, Dec I*.—All the record* fer lazy men pah* Into Insignificance vise compared with th# feat of Calvin BnilkL who kepi Ids hand# In hla pocket# until hla arms were paralyzed. Ha lias long been called "Canft Meva*' Bradley because of hi# known dlelncllna lion to use hi* hands. l4t evening h** ert#rel Dr. b drug atore to borrow money Of couraa his hand* were lo hi* pocket*. Dr. Norhand offered a nirkel. Bradley moved forward Then suddenly a look of Hie most awful pain spread over hi* taco. He Jerk'd hi* body about and con tort'd In various ways all over th# store. Hla hands remained In hi* pcs-ke-I*. The peopie In th* drug store thought he wi* crazy - "What # the matter'.'" shouted Nechand. "I can't gl the nickel My arm* won't mova.” cried Bradley In an agony of f##f • Than Dr Nwchand remprehandad. H* got down hi* gahrantc battery, and after fastening Bradley down to a chair appUed It to hi* "funny bone" at either elbow At Aral them was no response Then gradually a look of Ineffable Joy ami peace spread ovw the trump's face Then hi* hand* came out from his pockets with a Jerk. and. howling, he tried to rts* from the chair. Later hi* arm* were again paralysed. An Expensive “Tip’* is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor in making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and vet every man who buys a cigar cuts it off and throws it away. You get ali you pay for when you smoke Old V lrgima Cheroots Tkree hundred million Old Virginia Ckerooli smoked tku year. Ask your own dealer Prtce. 3 for 5 cents. t Jf Tfc T limping j XBfMr I langaroo Jy A w lt ‘ Bu>tcr Cat ' ** JOHN VV. HARRINGTON. Cm* Prngm Rtdmct* • 1 "A dainty and amusing volume of animat stories, pleas ing to young and old, --nd just the thing lor a pretty Chnstmaa gift." —flew York Commercial A<h:erliier. t - | 48 illustrations ami cover (iciign in two colors by J. M. Conde. Rvo. f 1.00 m iMqyitr op vova * 01 warn to McCLURE, PHILLIPS & CO. Publishers, - New York ■ ; . d'im mwmm® mmmm ®<m • mxmm> rSANTA CLAUSE WANTS TO KNOW Are You Thinking and worrying yourself over what to get for i min ■? for your sister, your cousin, or your aunt, or your broth* er, or your mother, for your husband, or your wife, or even your sweetheart. Take Santa Claus’ advice and come right straight to Lindsay & Morgan’s, who are headquarters for the nicest and most suitabl* things/that you or any one else could suggest for a Christmas present. We will take the liberty of giving you A Few Suggestions and we think out of the number of articles mentioned you will certainly be able to please yourself and the person for whom you are buying it. Our goods are all useful, and will last a life-time. Remember our motto, "Not How Cheap. But How Good.” Our stock consits partly of the following, all of which will make a suitable present: Sideboard, China Closet, Chiffoniers, Smyrna, Axmlnster or Hair Rugs, Shaving Stands, Writing Desks, Dressing Tables, Lace Cur* tains. Portieres, Table Covers, Leather ('ouch, Rattan Rocker, Gold Chair, Book Case, Leather Chair, Parlor Table, Silk Mantle Drapery, a handsome Carpet, Brass Bedstead, with a Per fection Mattress. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, Th*> regular price hat hern t2i6o Wa lav, AQx 1 9 Wool Smvrna * Ru * ,or 11 a ,h,t b ** t * th * ra •**- n vv *—'* Uj ll lel have , n many gwod thlnffi that we ai l n„. <COn 1,11 you • bout ,h *“ bul warn you te IvUg J>ZU. come and for ymtraelf, and wa ara aura you will be pleated. Animdl We h * v,> " thlpment for I'hrief* A AM 111 Hal mar price from 11.’ 00 up to IJI.QO each. f~) Tou muat lie mu re t> w (hem. Don'! for- 0 # rxllgs get thy, the lime la ahorl. and the food Afiaon (•}(• • thing* are pi' bed up Aral. Wo want you IgAWAW 0 0 0 0 <d be flret Won’t you? AaSS U ®@Ki®€xSxixD®§ • • • • f ® McDOAOUGH & BALLANTYNE, %T Iron Founders, Machinists, tile. V.i.p111.. II ,1 I. r ... L era ur* . 1 11 >• r ... f "HaMuii. err end I’nrlnhle I \ertleel end Top Itnnnloii U„ mill Mill end ''■•'"on I’nUe-. Mr. TELEPHONE NO. 123. t T IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH* OGRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH. GA 7