The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. Kr/Wft AMI VIKWI OF THE D4% I* TWO STATES. KfSftt Brniher* Ikff After Ur of N|irtlmn Atlanta Flr’ N# oof pta From HallroaSa JIMMKMI to lllinl tuVnonrr < aptafln Dronard af I ampa— Flnrl Man's * (petite for (•riling lari) Mraa hrrrlr* to Mnrkrt. Lvm a - Mornlnff N# f Mr. C, H ALiaif> of Murfrltaboox Term., who ha *l<i many hor*** •nd.inulfi here for \mr pant In hulllfnx a large a*i*a horr with th* rtpr latlori of kropin* a Mrtr-k of mu*** and horim.n on libimF At lart all new rant IWt-t* rr to lr built In tno town In the nmr future. Killed Ills Mater % oefrfen tally. Frank Hancock. *M 3f> yeara. ahot wnt kMM hla !l*)*rr-ol<i *t*ter at ho* horn** In Cava *rrmg* Humiay night. The your* man wan examining the ptatol. whan, in Pf.m# way. It Wan • Mentally <ttacharjre I th* bail anterlnjr th* child'* forah*n 1 kmlingr her instantly. Prank la a *on f ■%V H Hancock. a well known and highly r**pec(ed oil Urn of thia county. I natal t ompaay I'aya Athena Taa. Th* Pnata] Telegraph Gompanv hna paid •he tax aaaewred a gamut It by the it % of Athena, hut <Jld so unt|*r pr.>te*t. Mnvor Ptntth ha* remitted the fine of firt* Mr F. \V Andrew*, agent of the I'oatal Company at this p.ace. and held agalnat him only C!#, tha ront in the caw. The amount of the tax la lift). U aallhy Orrhrril Man Dead. Newa haul bn*n received of the death of MaJ W. r> MK'racken which occur red at Qoulahoro. N. 4“\ MaJ M<mVacften wae one of t *>e print'if Mil fmen of The Klberta Pea h farm rmr Mn-xnt and waa prew*laett of trie company. He ako had other Interest* in fhl* section and owned orange grmea in Florida He w n car>- StaJlat and was quite wwlhy, but kn*r*l to mingle with the peopla. Fulton rminty Will fief 1(10,000. Tha atata will pay pension claims next month and will dishorn* about in Fu.ton county. Tension Commissioner J. W IJruWy has announced that the stay was ready to make the pnvment for the Indigent soldiers, widow's of w*lllers .nd ( Invalid nr diahled poidiera in Fulton county, beginning on Jan 16 lie requent* that all |*eopl* who have profierly ap proved claims bring them to him on the ila>a i**m 1 and to get their money. Paying Military Armory Heat. Adjt Gen. Robertson Is engaged In get ting orer to the different com pony com mand* of the militia the amount due them from tha atare for rent. The al lows each company not exceeding $l3O a year for the payment of armory rent, and in this wav more than $12.0r Is dlqioset of Before any company In entltle| to thle allowance It must have a GO per cent, attendance at a drill urn* a month and must have oompliel win the regulation-. ftfftll Too 4 lup to JtMltce'M W. R rurrsnimn of DoK)b county ha<l the iiwlarlty to makn roncr.i t*nnl liquor within 300 yard* of the home of Jimlkc John 0 ntndlar, pr*#ldin|r officer of the D#KaU County ftuperinr Court, and about the aame from the hou** of one of the deputy onertfTa The *tlli wu lo cated In the baeement of a houee which Ftanatran rented, and wan about midway betwe*-n taro church*# near i>eoatur All of thle militated u*ain*t Flannaaan when he ana tried before Judge Candler. He wa* rent to tho public work* for twelve month*. Athena Nrhoola I !**• for Hhttla. AH the ediacatlonal Institution* of Ath ene are eloeed and the 00 etudent* le -longti to them at home enjoying the Ohrtatma* holiday*. The Norm al H. hool. with It* 2Th pupil*, dor* | \ViH'*ljy, and It will not npn until about March 3 The Bury Cob * Institute, which thle year ha* over nlxty-flve hnanlcr*. o-. yeaterda\ It will open Jan. 1 The Uni versity of Georgia closed yeetenkay It reeumea it* work Jan. 3. The university ha* had the largest attendance It ha* ever had in It* history before Christmas. 1313 atudenta having registered. Urrrk Proved \rry *erlona. Knimeer Klmore Vale*, who wa* *o had ly injured in the train wreck at Yam •Tandy creek. In Kmauc! county. Tue*d ly. I- d*unl. Dr. D. 11. Durham. phvalclan of the company* and I>r J. M. Nunes, who happened to he on the train, are seri ously. though not necessarily, fatally In jured. There were also two negroes who received aerloua Injuries. All the lnjurie* are the re*ult of scalding, which was oc* caskoned by the Injector* breaking off •*- cept thoe> Dr. Nunez sustain***!, lie I* not scalded, though serious* v mashod, having been caught under the tender, where he lay for nearly an hour until dug out. • Atlanta Fair** Rewelpta From flail* riNl flecrctary T. H Martin, of lb#* flntit It em Interstate Fair A urn** tut lon of A*- lania. ha* Juat rfcfivwi an ■ccountlnu of tickets sold from the Bcal*>grd Air Jsine and th* Houthern Railway. Th*- OoritiA. the Contra I of Georgia. the Western an I Atlantic anl the Atlanta and West Point will probably be heard from In a few day*. According to the Sea board's limti'd statement It owe a the Fair AtVKXMktlon Sl.Otv. 75. The flout hern* a statement shoot a balance to the fair a credit of M.&67.25. It ia expected that when the other road* report, the nggre gate moneye to the credit of the fair will he in the neighborhood of $•; 000 or $7,000. may he considerably more, making a total Income from the roads of SIO,OOO or $12,000 Atlanta Military to flare a Fair. The Atlanta Journal eaya: A fair which la expected to he the largest ever held In thia city wtfl he Riven by the military men of Atlanta next year. Arrangement* for the project are already tinier th* way and the separate detain will b*- com plena 1 a* rapidly as possible. The fulr will be Riven under the auspice* of the Regiment. of which Col. Park Woodward la the <twTmandrr He clotted n contract yesterday sftern rwi with Mr. Noble F. Martin, who hat taan the me * oesafu) manager of the Masonic Fair, and who make a bust near of organizing and oonducting fair* throughout the routs try He wae recently In Havannah. where tie made a splendid sucres* of the fair latter he wan engaged by the* Mason* of <'hattanoofcA to conduct a fair In their City, iind for them he raided a large amount. Ilrathera Wet After tinny \ i*ar. p.stnbridg* c>rres|iond< nee Morning Newt Andrew Monroe. an ok! colored man, $0 years old. ha* been living a: since several year* before the Civil War and Is now well stricken In age. He came from Virginia with hit former owners in tha daye of hit childhood, leaving In Vir ginia a young brother that he has not *een tlncW until a very few days ago. Hl* brothtr hat beer, living at Thomatvllle for seventeen or eighteen years under the name of George Washington, not knowing that he had a brother at ftalnbrtdge Hav ing ovation to visit thlt place, he was at once known by hie favor, stooped shotnders and gray beard. H* was car fiad to aae Uncle Andrew Monroe and after a lengthy conversation It wat fully demonstrated thal they were brothers Itoth were with the Indians pom** part of their younger ia>. and are looked upon as herb doctors. FLORIDA. The e led ion at Tim pa for the purpose of authoring the City round] to lauo 12.V>.0m0 of bond*, for the purpose of pur chasing or erecting light and water plant*, was a strictly one-sided affair No fight was made at the poll* on the prop, osltlon. and the men who are advocating the scheme bed things all their <wn way The vote ea*t was Z 5. with a majority cf 3M for bond*. Tampa’s large uitomi Krvenaea. The customs revenue receipts at Tampa Ust year were 01. being the sw-ood largest of any eruthcrn city Wspin News was fir-*t with 17*2 .VCM, and Key Weal third. w*h 1321.1 M 41. Taaipn's New llnilroml f.lne. lett•-rs patent have been granted by the Be- retarv of State for the uvorpora llon of ihe W*ot Coast Ttnllw.vy t'onipany, with headquarter* at Greenville. Fla. The comiwny 1* in 'wporwteri with ,i capital of j e.ii.. which mav be increased to fl*.•*•.. <a. to bulid a rah road fr>m Greenville and maintain and operate the same south wart through the roomie* of >1 idion. Taylor. Hillsborough, to a point on the Gulf .oast at or near Tamjsi. a distance of ‘s*s mile* The company Is empowered to build branch roe da. Illlwt! Sehonner < nptata ProSiml. The Tampa Time* haw the following account of the drowning of Capt. Hum phrlew of the achooner Wa u *•*.. Capt. Humphries better known si 'Tnir s.irn. ‘ wa> deprived of sight some ttme ago and lias |ft* v been runring his schooner h*- tween thki city and the West Coast. Ow ing to his blindness his position ha t*en M very precarious one. hut he ha hitherto ai accidens Vster<lay the s hooner was running along wi*h a fal lareexe on<l Cap' Humphries was stand ing n the deck of his boat when the main boom swung around and struck him on the head, slightly stunning him and knocking him over Into the water. The hn *t wi- immediately pot about, but the for *e of the Idow h* hn<l received ren •lered him ÜBable to .|o anything to keep above into It Is l that hr wa* e t< swim, and he sank la*fore the Isvat culd reti' h him A strawberry Factory st ft*. Aligns, tine. A. J Stone, at hi* p|a*e on Daffrrtn av enue. North City, hs in prrgrc'i an ex periment that promises succ***. it |* H . oneervatory f.r the cultivation of early strawberries One hundred UirrHe are ar ranged on swivels.and in each tarre! there aro altout fifty hoes, from which strawberry pktntH nr* crowing, some of which are already In bloom The plants are watered automatl illy, and. working as the hftrrwl* do on a pivot, they can be rotatis! wo that the plant* catch the aim s rays. Ity utilising th* a great deal of sf*e is saved, the roneervatory c*ov erlng a apsice of hut 20x40 feet. Iteing uisksr glass, the plants are protec tew 1 from birds and Insects, and the fruit can b forced by beat Mr. Kioru* ex|ects to l>e gtn pb-king b*rrb-s In January, when they ae|l for about $1 a quart. Heretofore the fruit has coenm.irutod this price nil through the tourist season, with nothing like a sufficient for the demand. PI KK (Ol M l %\ IIITFX AP*. Mr. Baker Tell* an F.srlting Mary of Ml* Ksperteneea. Griffin. Ga . pec. 21.—Hon. J P Baker of Williamson, ex-representallve of Ptkf bunty, was In the city to-day and telle the story of n whit capping episode which occurred on his plantation, which Is go ing to get someUxly in very serious trou ble If the particulars are Jus* as related Mr. linker's form 1* about three mile* from Williamson and on his place he em ploy* both white and colored labor, but work* thm so there I* never any con flict between them. and. consequently, no trouble. A* Mr Hakcr tell* the slorv. some time ago. Henry Alford, a negro who lived with Will Coggins, n it*-ignitor of his, came to him and wanted to hire, telling him that he was going to leave Will Cog gins. Mr linker told him to wait until h* had * full settlement with Mr. (*og gln* and come *< him and he would talk to him about employing him Thl* Alford did and Mr Baker completed the trade by agreeing to move him to hi* new home. Tuesday morning Mr Baker sent hi* wagon to move the negro, placing ft In charge of Steve I lor tor . a white man, who is in hi* employ Horton arrived at the negro's house and had loaded his wag on with fodder, when Will Coggins came ami ma le him unload the stuff, dairying that the negro was Indebted to him and that he was holding hi* effect* to secure what was due another party. Mr. Horton left, but returned and under the protest of Coggln* moved a lot of personal ef fect* end household g*od. Coggins be came very indignant and threatened ven geance upon th negro for having him. That night Mr. Baker w.* awaken*! by Mr Horton, who told him to come and see what was the matter. Mr Baker at * • e followed. When In abou: 10a > rd* of the negro's house he saw* a man lit the doorwa\ aval r#* < the fare and figure of another neighbor. Will Patton, who was standing with his gun leveled at the negro wno was in the house. Will Coggtna was Just a little hack of Patton, in a stooping posit ton. with his gun at ready when Mr. Baker discovered them Baker iygvped up. and drawing a bead on Patton, demanded to know what w t* th> matter, to which I'.ittnn replied. ••Noth ing." and lifted his gun to his shoulder. Mr. Baker then stepped uf) to and tried hi* best to find out who lie was. at the same time calling to the ne gro (Henry Alford) to come out. While the negro was coming from the house. Mr. Baker told that he Intended pushing he matter against them to the full extent of the law as they had Uhl th maolvc* liable to a very serious ctmig*. but to this they made no reply When the nqrro came out Pat ion mode a step forward, <nd made a motion a* If to us* l* gun. but Mr. Baker l*-ing on (he lookout, got the lrot> on him and con tinued to hok! ll until lie ha*l backed off about 50 yard* In the dirk, carrying the , negro with him to Mr. J C. Hale's, where It was discovered tlust his hand had been j 20 YEARS A SPECIALIST. During my profewhom 1 career of twenty year, I have devoted mv.elf faithD.l - to th, otudv of ?h-we rhronlc dlaeanea of men and women with which ~ manv tare ami,-ted A, a result I iuive perfected a ,yt,. m of treatment by which 1 have cured more cose, than anv ten other physician. In the South. Kverv form of chron ic disease, no matter how obstinate or complex. I* fully understood by me. and the proper treatment to promptly oirrece It, Influence upon the,y,tem I, given, a, well a, to cure the disease Itself. No physician Is competent IO (rat *•• Of Manly A lgor. Stricture. Varlmeele, Rlond and Skin Dltraiea. Kidney D4,ea ,ee. Rtr. ,nd other private or chronic disease, of men and women •vho ha, not devoted htme!f exclusively to their study and treatment. This I have done faithfully, and m> re markahla iucmm prove, my unegualed ability. My meth od, are strictly up-toolate and I raly .oleiy upon the j..iri„. n. iiiw.j.a i. discoveries of science, combined with my *lt!!i t do not roeort to any fraudulent "free sample" schemes so commonly practiced, but deal with my patients In an nonorable professional manner I extend a cor dial Invitation to consult me. either at my omre or by mall. All correspondence •trlctly confidential Office hour,-* to IS, 2t05.7t0 *p. to. J NEWTON HATHAWAT. M D.. ' Bun.lay, lv a. m. to I p uk TEA Bryan street. Bavannoh. Oau ' THE MOKMNG NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1900. badly whig Drs Ayeock and J (' Beau rtmmp wsre *ent for and found ampuia i t!on tv is*ary Tbe negr< i* *llll with Mr. Il*kr wto i* taking rare of him i and jr>j>te< tii g him Both Tat ton an<l ('■grln have left, and Mr H*kw baa plarsd warrant* for Ihdr arrrsi in the hands of Sheriff MUnvr They will he ar. raalwd as sxxi a* they an be located- NEW €TT\ 1.1,14 TU HltL The law Uhlrh Will Govrra the Afnal*4|at Kb*riln, The naw Nil rrginattng davaimah’a city clertlona 1* balng j idi noiuly s'udlM by both faottoVMk A copy of the bill has been received at tha City Exchange. It Iff understood that the antl adrnln.Mr*. lion force* recently wrote for a copy of the bill. The first pert lon of the new ra qulrew that vaierw In the city of Savannah shall ia\e auch qua kill catlorwi as are re quired by the a I ai*i \ y tha atata conali tut ion. Th* second potion requlrai the tax eol lef-ior of the county to prepare the list of qualified voter* ir. the county up to and Including l>ec. r., mHksiyf thr-e llffte ea*h for th k'lrst and Fourth <M*trlct*. and two each for tha Second and Third. Th*-** lists nr* to it* bale all •b'talls altoul regls voters Tli* t.ix lector Is also r*- qulfcil by lha third aertlon to place oi poalte the nime of each voter the amount of state and county taxes du* The fourth aretion r*<iu4e*s ih* fumtshlng of iheia* lists tie fore tha hour at whteh the haiku, ing tieglns. to the election manager, and l**rmlt* the voting by any who may ex hibit receipts for state and county tax* - sulkaecjuent to the making up cf wi*-h IB'* Trie fifth sec4lon of tha act provides for th* (Compensation to the tax collector of tlvc r*nt f<g each name uton the limp so furnWhe-l. to he jkaid out of the treasury of the city of Savanv>ah. The c|erk of ('oumil la required, unde ' sixth section, to io'ate the ballot boxes for the respective militia districts three ; days l*efotv the election, and to prepare | nil the riereaaary papers In *onnew*Tion i with the e> tksi and furnish ihc neces i Miry l*ooks and stationery', the same to | Is* (laid for by the city. I Five days he fora the election, a* Is re quired by the seventh sec Mon, the Judge of th* Superior Court, the Judge of the (’lty Court and the ordinary of the (Ounty, must appoint six managers each for the hi't irid fourth, and two cam for the sec ond and Third lustricts. This section re quire* (h a ( | n ao f ar tt * |,osslb.e all can didatis for M.i>Tr shall have refwesenta tlon it • k'li box. Kach of the managers so apfiointed Is entMled to a clerk or keeper to le appointt'd by hlme;f. Se.<- tlon 7 also itrescrlbes th • lulls* of thr*e cl* rks and comiwnnadon for them of |T> a day, to he paid by the city. The ninth section provides for filling the 4ki ** of managers who may become dis qualified. and also for their pa> at slv h day. The tenth section, an Important one. prescribe* that the ele. Hon for Mayor and aldermen aha) t held at the Court Houm there being three ballot boxes for Ihe Fir-t and Fourth Districts and two each for the Second and Third The voter must vote m the district and division of the* district to which he belongs The man agers have the right to swear a voter when there u any doubt about his quo li ft cat ion* The eleventh section pro*rrlles that the t , f " r -'<Vor und Ald.rmrn oh.ill !• h.-ld on the k. oii.l Tin—<lav In January nn.l lh.- hour, of votln* .hall t K . t>-t- n i oo|o<-k lo lh- mornlnK and orln kln th- afi-rnoon. Wh-n tho halloia ar.- coum-<l nm mor- than iwo r-pr—mail\ n< a.-h •■onl-n.tlnir faction .hull b- al lowed to he present. Th- manaK-r. ar- rjulrd hy th- t*nth action to .-ourt and <-- r tlfy to th- vot 1n !h-lr r-sp-ctlv- box— lo pr—nt on ropy of th- ron-olldat-d r-turn to th f b-rk of th- Bu|>-rlor fourt. thl- to In . liid.- th— vot-rs- llt and all oth-r mp-r --.onn* t-d !rh th- -l-rtlon and a ,an>v of th- return* to th* clerk of Council, on the day followitur the election. Th- man akcr* are al*o required, upon Ih- conciu ’ on n{ '<■ count to publicly announce th r-.ult at -a< h Imx Th- man rwoivlnx ih hlKh—t number of yot— for Mayor, and the twelve nn-n receiving the hlahext number for aldermen -hall he declare 1 elected. T lie ballot- anil paper. d-|melted with Ihe clerk of Ihe Superior t'ourt are in !• kept by him unopened for the -pace of thsrly lay-, and then de.troye.l wl hmit • H-inß opened provided there I- no ronies. If there I— a .-onf.rt he murt keep them until railed for. The fourteenth -notion require- all can didate. for mayor and aldermen to file no the of Intention to he a candidate with Ihe clerk of Council at |ea,| n V e day- pre- Vloti- to Ihe date fixed for the election ■i in- flltamtk non puta th< p.^ foree under control of the M ivor on |. c. thm rlay. Hint prescribe, the duties and limitation, of ihe police a. to Interfer ence with voter*. Any election manaaer who -half use hl poslllon for the purpo— of atdln* any candidate I* n he held minty of a ml* I - Any party who vote. |||e aa!ly will also he aullty of a mlsd-incanor The eighteenth aertlon provide- rules for keeping all part|e- away from the hallot hoxe a distance of fifty feet, except sit h ns shall have a rlxht to lie there Bec'|on nineteen prohibits any dlscti-slon of the election within fifty f-et of th- ballot box e. A violation of this section whl-h ap. piles especially to man.ißers ami clerks, is a ml it mnnor The foreaolntr are the provisions In brief of the new law thal will govern the ilty election on Jan g. The- Smart Set. Mr Sam H. Ragland, the traveling cir culator of the new mag.izlne, the Smart Hot, 1, in the city. Rerhaps In all Ihe history of maga atne-maklng there has never been a more phenomenal success than that recorded In Ihe short history of the Smart Set. Mr Ragland will tour every state and evlry large rlty In every ,tale. and then In uil pridnhlllty go to England. "How ,)o you account for the wonderful hold Smart Set ha* upon the reading pub lic?" was asked. •Well. In Ihe Hrl place. 1 should say We arc the hert advertiser, of any maga xlne firm of publbher*. We alien,) m the business of circulation In *urh a a ay „ lo cover every nook and corner of the country Then the content* of she maga are most carefully e,llted. the stories are witty and . lever. Smart Set ha, an editor, .Mr Arthur Ortwnm who I, not Htirfaisse.t In hi, line hy nnv other He ha- surrounded himself by a competent aa?T and what more could he required for success -■ replk-d Mr RaglamL MARINE lATKLLHiRKCI. Mailer* of Jatereat to Nhlpplag Mea GeneraJlr. The pteamhoat Pilot Boy. which was rarntly ptt on the run between Savan nah and Charleston, brought In a Urge number of passengers yeaterday from wjy larding*. Moat of the visitor* c-itne to town to do their Christmas shopping Owing to the delay incident to shopping, it b i-nMblr (’apt. Phillips will not leave to-day at tha time advertised, hut will leave at or near 12 o'clock. The Pilot Mo> gmw to Charleston via Beaufort, Naval Htatlon and Port Royal. Capt. If C. Daggett of the *t*amaM <*f Augusta reports he p* *.**ed * h*oner Rilward Btewart of Bangor at M'P m. Dec 30. off Cape Roma In Wind, 'outbeast, very light; heavy southeast swell. Harry fUen> agent l*#t yesterday for Apalachicola with tlfte*** sailor*, who will be shipped on an American schooner and the Norwegian lark Alert. Four of tha crew will go on tha schooner and tha others on the bark. The IJght house Board urgently re<om m* i nd* the *Mtabll*hment of a first order light at Hillsboro Inle\ Florida, lo om pbte the vNtem of lighting on the South Atisntic f*a>t by filling the long g*p be twe*n Jupiter Inlet and Power itneks A n*w light v* *se! |a ek'd for. to be lo* #tod at (’hi*.. laokoul Rhoalji. North Carolina: a light vessel for the Pa-Iflc; • light vessel for Peuhtifco Reef, Green bay. Michigan, a at**l steam light vessel for Mortltts Reef. I-ake Huron, and a steam light vessel for Blunt's Reef, off Cap** Mendmtno. on tho Pacific. The boar 1 h!m> re *mmenda tha construction of six new tenders. Mvannih Almanac. Pun rises at 7 <JO s. m and sets at 4it p. m. High water ar Tyhaa to-day at 7 4b a m Ntid R.dl p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. I'haiet of the Hooa for December. Standard time—9oth mar. D. H M Full moon • 4 M morn. Last quarter -kl 4 Cava. Naw moon H 6 1 ave. First quarter 3* 7 4* eve. Moon perigee. 3d and 30th. Moon apo gee. l&th. ARRIVAL* AND DEPARTURE*. A esse la Cleared Yeatwrdsv. Bark Brema ([Gar), Drees. Rotterdam— Stru< ban K Cos. Aessels \Aent to Sea Sc* amdiip City of Birmingham, Rcrg. New’ York. Steamship Allegheny. Foster, rhlladel phla. i ri hooner John O. Schmidt. Norbury, Philadelphia. Freight* and 1 barter*. Schooner R. J Moulton. Baltimore to At\annah. coal. 9f cents. *hl||inu Mrniorsmla. Port Tampa. Fla.. I>ec. 31.—Arrived, bark Adelaide, Oa< el. Ht. Ban rant*. Key West. Kla v Dec. 21.-Arrived. *t earner Miiaotte, White, Port Tampa, ami railed for Havana; a’hr Hollyhock, Bonaeco. Hailed, steamer Cocoa. Miami. Kernandina. Fla.. lx* 21 —Cleared, achr Fred A Small. Thompson. New York Bailed, schr Raymond T. Maul, Smith. Philadelphia. Bremen. Dec. Arrlvad* at earner Ash riel and Charleston. Philadelphia. Dec 21-Arrived, schr* Harry A. Brown. Brunswick; Dinah C. Kaminski. Charleston. Algiers Dec. lg.—Arrived, at earner Bl- Umy. Pensacola M.irbeila. I>eo IS.—Arrived, steamer Thyrlby. Savannah. Baltimore. Deo. 21 -Arrived, steamer D II Miller Savannah. Bulled, simmer Rebecca. Savannah. Charleston. 8 C.. Dec. 21.—Arrived steamers Thornhill (Hr). Ann Ison. Iqulque; George Farwell. Ireland, Norfolk; schr Thomas A. Wanl, Byman. New- York Bailed, steamer Algonquin. Platt. Jack sonville; * hr* Victory <Br), Munro. Kingston. Jamaica; Hlgbee. New York; Georgetta Ba wrren‘e. Rollent. New York; S. <>. barge No. *#. Philadelphia. In tow steamer Atlas; V. B. steamer Blake, Por to lUco. Port Tampa, Fla., Dec. 20.—Arrived. ct\r James W. Fitch. Kelly. Philadelphia; Olivette, Bmlth. Havana, via Key West. Balled, m*,*mer Mascotte, White, Ha vana. via Key West. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic Infor mation will l*e furnished musters of ve* -e|* frew of charge in I'nlted States hy <lt •►graphic office in Cu*tom House. Cap '.ante .ire request**! to call at the offV e Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. Foreign Kipnrta. Per German hirk Rrcma. for Rotterdam —rt.W barrels rosin. $17.773.At; SIN casks spirits. 0,010.0; TO barrel* rosin oil. s.*.- IAV3I; 300 barrels pitch, $1,057.76 Cargo by 8. P. Sholter Cos. t a*twl*e I'inort* P. r steamship Alleghany for Philadel phia—l.Mft I wile* upland cotton. 254 barrels rosin. 60 barrels turpentine. 167.845 feet lumber. 681 boxes oranges. 2H> crates vege tables. 10 barrels rosin oil. 90 barrels cot ton seed. 73.1 sacks clay. 210 package* mer chandise. 176 im ckage* domestics and yarn, 2T hab* llntcrs. 100 sacks rice chaff Bchooner C. C. Wehrum. for New York —281,010 feet y p. lumber—Cargo by Coon ey, Kckstetn A Cos. YFA4KIA IV FORT. •Men in.hips. Ardava (Rr). 2.012 tons. Smith: *dg. for Uverpoul.—A. F. t.'hurchlil. Carperby (Hr). 1.344 ton( Thomas; Idg for Bremerv-Wilder A Cos. Cycle (7tr). 2.227 ton,. Ising: Idg. for Bre men—St rachan A Cos. Juno (Nor ). 1.M7 ton*. Trencrt; Idg. for Rrval.—Barnard A Cos. l.utse t(ier), 2,t00 ton,. McKown; Idg. for Bremen. — A F. Churchill. Wastwater (Bn. 1.113 ton*. Stephen,; Idg, for ManeheMer—A. P. Churchill. Ships. Harvest Queen (Rr). 1.942 tong, Forsyth; I Idg. for Rio—Master. Marla Ratio (Ital), 1.309 ton*. Ramon do; Idg. n. Strachan A Cos. Barks. Aline Jltal). 77* tons. Giacomo; Idg. n. a.— Strachan A Cos. Avtemorc (Nor), 1,043 lons, Sorensen; Idg n. s.—Chi. O. Dahl A Cos Ilrema (tier). 1.277 tons. Drees; cld. for Rotterdam—Strachan A Cos. Attilio Dapftto (Ita:). 440 tons. Bertolotto; Idg. n. —Strachan A Cos. Frlsiad (Nor). 915 tons. Jacobaen; Id. n. , —Chr. O. Dahl A Cos. Kotka (Nor), 957 ton,.. Erlkaen; Idg n. a. —Chr O. Dahl A Cos. Kampfjord (Nor). 743 tons. Sorensen; old. for Buenos Ayre,—Walter Coney.> (Swed). *23 tons. Anderaon; Idg n. a.—Master. Monte Allegro M. (Ital). 60S tons. Fldelo. Id n , —Strachan A Cos. raoia Madre (Ital). 1.03* tom. Schlaffino. to Id. lumber —Btrachan A Cos. Rtnghorn (Nor). 5*9 tone. Krudaen. Idg n a -Chr. O Dahl A Cos. Tlkoma (Nor). 75* tons. RJorge; Id. !). a.— Chr. O. Dahl A Cos. Union (Nor). 515 tons, Aaroaaen; Idg. n. ! g.—Walter Coney. Veronica (Br), 1.068 tons. Bhaw . Idg, lum her—Master Let Ixl* (Bal). ax* tons. Ueboffe; idg. and. a —Btra< ban it Cos. Irhooarra. James Boyce. Jr., 626 tons, Allen; to Id. lumber.—Master. J. B. dußignnfi. 4 iß tons. Turner, Idg lumber.- Master. Anna R. Bishop. 426 tons. Bowen; Idg lumber - Master. Annie T. Pulley. 3*o tons. Findlay; Idg lumber -Master. Annie F. <’onion. 519 tons. Baker; Mg. lumbar —Muster. Blanche Hopkm*. 506 tons. Hopkins; Mg. lumber.—M aster. B O. Haskell, .V ton*. Praasy; Idg. lum ber-Master. Maggie M Kcough. ton*. Tilton; Idg. lumber. —Master. Montana. 337 tons, Booye; cld. for Ha vana- Master. M*rgar t A May. 458 tons, Grace; Idg. lumber—Master. Charie.H E Mitchell. 51d tons. Waldron. Mg lumber.—-Muffler. Henry P Mason. 583 tons. Frost; Idg. lum ber—Muster. Edith Oloott. 1 146 tons, Dotheday; Mg. lumber —Master. Charles II Valentine, 536 tons. Jayne. Idg. lumber —Master. Rebecca M Walla Ml ton*. Little; big lumber - Master C C. Weh rum. 374 tons. Cavallr; Idg. lumber — C. w Howard A Cos. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Raturdav and Bunday— Georgia: Fair Baturday and Bunday; warmsr In northern portion Baturday. fresh southeasterly winds. Eastern Florida and Wastern Florida fair Baturday and Bunday; warmer Bal wday; fresh southerly winds Bouth Carolina: Fair and warmer Sat urday and Bunday; winds shifting to fresh southev>terly. Yesterday's Weather at Bavannah— Maximum temperature. 345 P m Si degrees Minimum temperature. 9:30 s m 47 legreH Mean temperature 62 degr e Normal temi**ruture 53 degr- •" Deficiency of temperature 1 degree Accumulated deficiency since Dec 1 44 degree* Accumulated excesa *4 nee Jan. 1 342 degrees Rainfall Trace Normal ail in'h Deficiency sin. e r>ee. 1 o. 19 Inch Deficiency since Jan. 1 7.35 In *hes River Report—The hight of th* 8.4 van mh river at Augusta at Ha. n me ridian time, yesterday, was Il.n feet, a rise of 3.1 feet dunng the preceding; twen ty-four hours. (ibservatkmw taken at the same moment of lltn* at all station*, Dec. 21. 19Un, |* in.. 75th meridian lime. Name of Station | T. | V. Rain Boston, cloudy J 32 12 n New York city, cloudy ..' 32 ! 22 02 Phlladelplvla, cloudy j 32 10 .16 Washington city, clear 3) L 02 Norfolk, clear | 34 12 tw Haileras. cloudy ; Sa 36 f Wllm.ngion. clear 38 I, T Charbtile, clear | 44 | L .02 Raleigh, clccr *8 | L | .tu <"harlesion. clear 46 L j .<•> Atlanta, clear 52 , I. .> Augusta, clear j 62 1, 1 .4*l Savannah, clear 60 ; L | T Jacksonville, clear 62 | L n Jupiter, clear \ 60 I 6 ; t Key We.t, clear 88 I L I ti Tampa, clear j 64 | L 88 Mobile, dear | 62 | L | .<•> Motugomarj' clear |54 | L on Vicksburg, clear | .56 | 10 ! .00 New Orlntns. clear itt | 8 in Galveston, clear | 62 | 8 t on Corpus Chrlstl. clear | 62 14 in Palestine, clear | 6t> L o* '.Memphis, clear .....j 50 14 no Clnrlnnatl. dear | 44 8 , an Pittsburg, cloudy | 36 | L I <lO Buffalo, clear S3 8 , no Detroit. Clear j 34 | 12 I .tt Chicago, isirtly cloutly ..j 44 36 ; .ot Marquette, cloudy 38 14 nt St. Paul, dear 36 | K tin Davenport, clear 46 16 ii St. IsHits. clear | 48 | 14 tm City, clear j 64 | 14 ot Oklahoma, cloudy | et 14 nt Dodge CAty, pt|v cloudy 50 | L ' .0) North Platte, cloudy 56 f 16 II B. Boyer, Bocal Forecast official. HOHICTMK AFTKH THK C IRC t V. J. B. Graham Charge<| Midi the Mur der of \% rle> Wlntha. Dublin. Ga.. Dee. 21 —This morning Mr J. B. Graham, who lives on the east Vide of the Oconee river, was arrest-*| and brought to the city, charged with the murder last night, near Brew ton. of Mr Wesley Mimb*. Yesterday quite a number of people from the e.-iat side came to Dublin to the circus, and last night they left for their home* about dark. Messrs. J. B. Gra ham. John Holme*. John Hall and Wes ley and Will Mimb*, going along tog* <it er. but in different conveyance*. Near Hrewton. according to Graham, the Mimb* hoy* and Holmes began quarreling and stopped their buggies to tight. He *t*te that desiring to act In the capacity of a peacemaker, he got out of hi* buggy to (Hit a stop to the fists !f possible. M* admonished the men not to fight, when Wesley Mlmba caught hold of him arid called to his brother to shoot him Just at thm time n pistol fired, the ball graz ing the left temple* of Graham, and strik ing Wesley Mimb* on the left fide of tha face, ranged upward and coming out at th.- buck of his head Graham stair that he did no: know that Wesley was hit and immediately went to hl home after the shot was fired He bit terly denies firing the pistol, and charge* that Will Mlmba or some out? else * the murderer. law: night a coroner’s Jury was Im paneled and an Inqueet held over Mimb# body. The verdict was to the effect that Mimb* came to his death by wound caused by a pistol, in the hand* of J B Graham. • Mimb, was shout :i year, of age, ;t I, probable thai the parties lo the offm, ,rr all drinking. WHITES WOK *1 |<> 5 . Final (laiar of llaaket Roll Seri-. Me I’layrat Wrxt Week. The basket hall game at the T. M. C A. gymnasium last night, between the While, and the Rede, resulted In a vie. lory for the Whites, by a score of 11-5. The girnc wa, marred by a number of foul, on both Miles. Hast night s victory of the Whites made them tie the for first [dace In the league The , . grime of the series will be played between the Whites and the H ue* irext Friday night Thl, game t, to rie ,), , n . series and 4he championship of the league Candy E^puletts Cares PILES or Money Refunded. WHY SUFFER? Sold under guarantee at following si ora.: Kowlinskt'.. Jonea. Masonic Tempi. Knight's, W F. Raid's, Marlows Cievftl land's. Donnolly's. and W. A. IMgman a Savannah. Ga. UPFHAN BROS.. Savannah. Ga. and W. r. REID. Savannah Ga.. Dlainbutor*. Bellow Label ySSiili. WHISKEY Sold in "homoeopathic doses” wherever iB pood liquors are aispensed; and to he had \llll in bottle for the home or the sideboard. fm °f dealers in genuine whisk mm iitmuTtiT STIMULATING-INVIGORATING wai STRENGTHENING-MELLOW - OLD ■DRr%>„aCr\WeMl Treat. vOKSktl' jPi. whl*ke)t. to ho th-<tflretv-e wlt|k..|iil Vl I sT * Vv pte bottle free od receipt- t I-. - (igj/ylt y... fray pwkioc,ate. Ad(tret> V. r'ilhniffw ' > Sm.u. We' 3P a Cos.. S'flßL ' V VllffiSHl .. \ 47 t*am St., ooinnar . o y\ v.V r v.- v.\ e /iM,/ . ,V *A\ Prapilaton *f 4k* Eitil ■ J' * j *■■ uu * llu - TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. (ronttmiexl from Ninth Tatte.) I’-| teri<l j.MWntte Kxtr* C. ( NXXX |low'd .. (i.oaiKxira C S St tii .1 nut.ted 5 V <iolden C 5.13 <j "" Ycttowr, ...'. 4.9S klniikt A UJ COKKKB— Mo, i ( .i • . I* c Prime No. * ....Vt,c , X o'O.iod No. 4 IfH,r Peaherrv 1* e-Falr No S 10 c Kaiw No 1 .. tlHr: Ordinary No. < . >4c Choice No 2 !044r!Conimon No. 7 ..9 . I ..non IlnKiiinK Tie*. nA<TC.INO— M-ket firm; Jut*. H - poun l. larxe lot., *Ve; email lot*. 2-fV'und. 7te; l.tand haxsrlnx. 124 c. ” Tfl'S— n<l*rd. 45-pound, arrow, tars* lo*,. Jt.SO;! lota. |1 3S. Unit. Illilri and Wool. SAI.T— I>emand I* fair and 4he market *t, ady . carload lot*. 100-pound burlap • ks 17c; Ku-pound cotton iwrka. 4c. 11 (H.iind burlap ockr. SIVc; 110-pour.d cotton m< ki>. 52Vtc; 125-poimd burlap „ 1., ;j,'xc; 12Vpound ootion *ack*. &9<,c, .’"•i-pound burlap rack*. 91c lUDKS-Market firm; dry flint, UV*c. ,lr\ -lit. ll'Y areen waited. c. WOOLr—Nominal; prime Oeorala. free of gird bur* and black wool. 19c; black. 1. , burry. 10c. Wax. 25e; tallow. V*c. I>eer rklne. 20c. Ilrte.l and Kvaporated Krolta. APl'l.K~Kypor*ted. O-'.fn,'. aun dried. JUtiOo. A I'ltlCOTS— Evaporated, 10c pound; nectarine*. 10,. (l AISINtA | a . L. . J.‘oo; imperial caNnet*. 12 7;.. looee. &it-tiound boxeg, RA., 1 pound. f’BACHKfI- Kvaprrated. p*a.ed, 17Vc; unp*.!!**!. W9c. I’KARH— Kvaporaled. A'.r Hardware and llulldlUß Anpplle,. hIMK. CAI/'ll'M. PLASTER AND Cement —Alabama and <leor*la lime In fair demand and *eil at KO cent* a barrel. *l>~ la! calcined plaster. *1.0“ per barrel; balr. t>, c. Raee.lale ,rm,nl. *!.2OA|l 2S; carload lot*. peelal; Portland ,-ement. re toil *2.25: carload lot*. *2.00(r2.X. LI MllKlt. I'- O. . VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard *i**“. (lo.ahjll 00; car *ill*. |l2.&' 't 13 W; difficult size*. 14 00 ~18.00; ship stock. $lO nr,; ts uo; .awn ties, *<ii.(o: hewn tl*. Idi3*c. OlL—Market nteady; demand fair; *l*- nal. 47dt80c; Writ VtrKlnla black. ltl2'; lard. 5*,-. neat,foot. 00-070,;; machinery, 18 tlZ'j, , lit seed oil, raw, 76 1 c; bollerj. 7*Vic; kerosene, prime white. 12c; water white. 13c; Pmtt'* astral. Me; deodorized stove gasoline, drumt. llVc. empty oil barrea*. delivered. Be. SHOT—Drop, ILK); B B and lar*e. *1.75; chilled. *1 75. IRON Market very steady; Swede. 514 c. NAILS—Cut 12.20 base; wtre, *2 80 base. BARBED WIRE—*3 SO per 10“ pounds OENPOWDKR— Per ke*. Austin crack shot, *4.00; half kexs, *2 25; quarter keg,. *1 25. champion du 'kin* quarter ke**. *2.25; Dupont nnd Hazard smokeless, half kcR *11,3.'.; quarter k *ir. *5 75; 1-pnund. canisters. *l.o* . less 26 per cent.; Troia dorf smokeb -s powder, i-pound cans. *1; 10-oound can*. 90c pound. B'ruils and Ants. APPLES -Northern variety, *30093 50. ORANGES tKla.l J3 007i3 . r O PIIfNES—4O- to 50-. 10c; 50s to 80s. BVY; 8“ to 7' - 7 . 7<t* lo 80c. S‘,c. 80s to 90s, 8c; 90 to 100,. s‘sC. R.VNANA tl. I-’i11.75 hunch I.RMONS \l<rk-t itoady. at C3O. nmiANi'TS <•<! |r 100 PF.ANt'TS Ample Mock, fair rnnkrt firm l.m y hand-plrke.l, Vlrglnl.i. p. r potm I t l , haiKl pl'krd A’trglnla, r%- trn, t ; N. C. ,<.r<l iwnniil,. 4r. NVTB Almond,. Tarragona, 17r; Ivl"ag. lft ; walnut,. Frenrh. Hr; Naplo. int ; Bragtla, lie; ftlii-rt' ~a^ •airtad nut., nj 25*pound boxes tla.*on. Maiu. anil l.nnl. RArflN M.irkrt Arm; D. p r. R aldra. 7 v , I. H Halite. ■ Ifkigtrrn), arronl- Init to nvrragr ,ix<>; I>. 8 boill—. 7r, r (Wo,lorn); stnoko.l C. It. ,ldo,. s%e. IIAMB Sugar curod. IIljl!V. I.ARD—Pure, in lloirn*. giio; In 50- POUftda tin, and Iftpauall tnlw. coni|a.ii).| in lloroo,. o; jO-pound tin,, and SO )>ound. tuba. ,o. Hl-t Kl.l. A Uilll I. FlHll—Maokorol. half-h.irrol*. No. 1 5V So 1. |7; No a. t;7i; kit,. No l' *l-0. No. 2. *1.10; No 3 R- Codfl,b. 1- pouml brick.'. Ik. 2-pound brloks. E'V* Sniokod horrlng. ja-r tx. 1719 r Dutoh In r i k. tn kiK-. tl 10. now mullet,, hair barn la. W.7i. BVIUI-—Market n'llrt; Owirgla and r lorlda gyrup. Imylng at 2*a3oc; soiling . .far 1,. 11,. at loQISr. HONKV Fair d.mand; atrained. In bar r*la. s.’.'uWr gallon. High win,, hu,.,. *1.27. OCSSAh ft*HEIGHTS. ! COTTON—Savannah to Boston. pet ! cwt.. 25c. to New York. |s r cwt., 20.- to Philadelphia, per bale. *l. Baltimore. *1 FOREIGN DIRECT -Bremen, 40r; IJv •■rpool. kv; Hamburg. **<•; Oepoa. 60e; Barcelona 55-. Manchester. 40 lltvre 1 An-werp 40r; Reval. SO.-; Rolterd .m' (•> nifnif, 33c. INDIRECT l-lverpool. 35®3*.-. Ham burg 40e; Gothenburg. 53e. 1 LI MREH—Hy Bull- Freight, steady; to Baltimore aid eastward. ti.So to *5 75 per M IneltHlltig Portland. lt'mbi:i: n y ateaffi Savannab to Baltimore $5; o P R. R or (j hM 0 docks. 5,..*i; to Philadelphia, 16 2-3 c pet ewt ,4 [winn-1, to foot); to New York Bo?fe£ r * M M * “ < ‘° rk ' llKhlere<l lci ! NATAL STGRER-Th. m rlcrt , s nrm : medium ,lxe ves-ei* Ro,ln-Cork. for or ;.er,, 3, t,l per barrel of 310 pounds, and " r ' ,n< prlmnge Spirits 4s 9.1 per 40 gallons gross, and 5 per cent primage Lorre vessel*, rosin. 3s; splrMa. 4s 3d Steam. 11c per 100 pounds on rosin; 2lUe on spirits. Savannah to Roston. and 9t*c on rosin and 19c on spirits to New York CW IIY, l*llo\ tfTC*. e Y ° rk -, , ‘ o '' - ! ‘ Flour reglecte.l an.l more or les nominal, closing steady fl .T' r ' or,lv " i,, " , flr,n - fR to good r ho '" D1591.50. flour, steady; *2 lftjj2.3u Ruck wlwai. atom In*). <%>mm*#l. Neatly. • Hye, qulfi. Barley, steady; barley malt. dull. ®f*vt. steady. No. i red. 7*t,c. Option* after a steady opening on Eng lish cables, reflected sul.sequent depres slon under weak Ft. nch markets and af ternoon business on rather small North west receipts, ar. export demand In the Sou.hwatt and goo.l flour hualnesa re ported at Minneapolis deed steady. Tt May. l>rc*mbr. 77c. Corn-Spot, easy; No. 2. 4#4c. Optlona market had a Heady opening on email rati'^L h r T r f ° r " r *'“ ""Tfs and •tiaap polnuug 6* port demaoX Closed easy, at ; mJVic net decline January c.,. May. 4l T ,c; December, 48e. tlats—Spot, steady; No. 2. 27 , I tlons steady, but Inactive. Reef—Kfrady; 111 tAerat; beef k *19.50ft 39.50; packet. *KMMh 10 50 . M \ 9ir. pickled shoulders. b~tC. pi kl> ; t I H'.tlfr. lat rd—Nominal: refined. ei|e -1 pound. 3 7 ,tjOc Pork -Steaily; family. *ll •> 1;, Clear, 141f17t . me**. I2*il3c. Butter—Steady; creamery. 17 f, : tory. llVatJ-ISc. | Cheat Strong; fancy larice. f , , j, I IH. WO live: fancy tmtall-made, ll>, . I fcirke—Steady: state and lniis\ ~ ~ i 244x38c; We*iem. rejular pack;. mark. 20ft23A,c. Potato*'*, quiet. Tallow, Arm. Petroleum, dull. Roeln—Quiet, common to Rood. *.75, Turpentine-Dull; PAjbtlc. Rice. firm. Molasse*. eteady. . . Rosin, steady. Eabbage. steady. Cotton, by steam to Liverpool. I> Sugar—Raw. steady: fair retlrunk. ,e ; eentrtfttxal. 9K-ieat 4Ne Molasse* Sivtir 715*,-; refined qui t'offe*. Bpot Rio ateady; No 7. It.v o**c; mild qtiiet; t'nrdova. A;.J il: 4 t'offe.. future* opened steady and ,t. ehaiiKfl and followed a narrow 1 day. with |>e,-illation light, foreign rn kt*t now* of bearish average an | . movement heavy, leading to llg 1 , , selling In late session. K4ropc and I months near the oloee. S|*>t dem.ti I .. tarn*' and the feeling wa* beatish. 1 1 easy at net unchanged 10 5 p in, Total sale*. 14.250 bugs, Including I her. Ait*-; January. 5.50 c; May. 5so■ Ju.j l 6.90,-.; September, 6.95 c, and October, ,1 B.ooc. POTTOA SEED OIL New Tork. Dec. 21.- r Co<tton *c**| | practically higher on prompt oil an I g-n. erally steady In tom- with less pr. *,,; pt sell lYlme crude barrel*. Tf prims summer yellow. 29Vrif3t>c. off -un • . low. 2S-; prime white. 34Ji3f, . pr m>- wit ter yellow, 3C4f37c; prime meal L.'. 4 HICAUO NIKKITM. Ehlcago, Dee. 31.—Wheat was ht -|y a • five 10-day and Alay under t * ..can tng Influence of firm, light Are ; tine shiianent*. mo-lerate r*- elj , ,l ■ heavy Hour ilemand. closed '* I ghee Corn eloeed from 1 , 'i ' 4 ,- lower In Mav '1 down In December. Oats cl,. I ur.- cltangcd ami provision* 7%<i'<r d*; **-■.!. The leading future* ranged a* f, Opening Hlgheit. Lowe-t , Wheat No J- Dec 89% - l Jon TO'aQTIMt 7<t7o', May 73 •9734* 73%ti73% 72 1 * 7’. Corn No 2 Dec 39%-Sin V. 40’ 4 St " \ Jan 3*B, May .... 36 <Ef36>4 30>. IV, 3ST. tJ, Data No 2 Dee 314 *l'x 21>, Jan .314 31% 11% T'a May ... 23% 33%823% 23% - * Mess pork, per barrel— Jan. *l2 91 *l2 2“ *l2 2“ *72 2' May .... 12 124 12 12% 12 W 12 ', j Lard, per 100 pounds— Dee 7 90 7 2“ 7 17% 7 IT j Jan 8 85 fi 874 * *2% * K'g May .... 890 69" 690 8>• Short rib*, per 100 pounds— Jan 6 30 8 30 * SM * *# May .... 635 635 625 fash quotations were as follows: Klouf quiet, unchanged; No 3 spring wheat, *>-$ 704 r. No. 2 red. 71%b74 l 4e; No 2 , ernj ■ . No Sj• ikov . om. SSI No 22%e: No 2 white. 25%425*-; No, r. wh ' . 24 , t4i25%c; No, 3 rye. sW,©',lc. fur it choice milting barley. 524989 c; N'o I flao seed; *1.58; No. 1 Northwestern. 5! prime tlmoth> seed, *4.40; roe*- pork. |l barrel. tll 128MfH.25; lard, p.T potto , I*l 924d6 95: short rib* sbk's tk)os<" 5 6.50; dry salted ehonkier* (hoxedt 6%e; short clear *ldes (hoxedt. pi sfAt' i whisky, basis of high wines. *1 27; ?ii6 r ( clover contract grade. 10.008! 10 25c. K tt’KS AT %KH OHLKAA*. First Wing and tbo Winning Fnvorlle*. New Orleans. Dec. 21 —Fleet W ing •" Midsummer were the only winning I lira. Summarlrs: Klmt Raoft—On* mile. mSllimt. Domods 17 to 1. won. with I'hlena & to 1. ■f"" ’• ntul Ml,, Horetta, 9 to 1. third. I:4k ly. Sorond Raoo—Six furlong,. Floet W■" t 2 to i. won. with Alglo M . 4 to 1. or. i. arid <V>g,wo||. 12 4o 1. third. Tim, 1 Thin* Hai-o—Balllng. one mtio nd aa olghth Phkllaa. sto 1. won. with h • lion, S lo 5. tflrond. and Flfi latatl. lo 1. third. Time 2:fle , y. Fourth Race—Handicap, otio mile, fbo ru. Boy. 9 to 1. won. with Moron J. 7 ■> 2. aeooml. and Glen Lnkt. 7 to 2. ti Tlmo 1:47. Fifth Race—Seven furlongv Kmlgro. 4 to I, won. with Reducer. 2. aecond. and Judge Mageo. 7 to 1. thlhfc Time l-.3Z%. Sixth Race—Three-four the mite, aelhnr Mktaummer, 7 to 10. won. with Douetert Wlvel. 7 to t. ,eoond. and Sc-rlvener. 3 I* 1. thin*. Time I I*4, 4 Ilia P011.*,. On page 5 of thl, Imue of the Mow ing 'New, th. Mutual IJfe Ih,urtb Company of New York ,ho-- how , pj ley for *50.000 look,, also r. . tie-k (• the premium and Ihe letter of tho t*af ‘* fled holder of Ihe polley. The Mutual IJfe. through It Bavamti' repreeenlatlve. ha, )tn written a td for Mr. Abe 8 Ouekenhetmer for F Thl, la one of the large,! life poll j carried In Savannah and the fa. t Mr. Ouekenhelmer. who I, n preti> ‘de> btialnea, man. aeleeted thl, eompohV; *’ do huvlnea, with ahow* tn what •“'l' 9 he held It. HI, cheek for *1,454.2.'* In ’I ment of hi, flret premium ha* Ju“' lurnnt In to the eomtieny through H* *' clal repreaentattve, Mr 51 Hyant- Mr. 4'ornellu* F. Mores is the mi" 1 resident manager for Eaatern Oeot U. and It I, owing to hi, energy and al ’ that the Mutual LJfe' hualnes, ha *t " to uch Immense proportio*i* in this !*■ rltory. The Coorl of Urdinary. In the Court of Ordinary yeaterdai id tern of admlnltro*:lon upon the eet, f the late William Sullivan Schley granted by Judge Ferril! to John S > van Schley John R Walsh, a, tr | F of Margaret Walah and other,. We I*" bond he waa dlr*eted to Ole by Jm%i Ilgam In the Superior Court, an.i ** bond was approved bj’ Judge Kwrtl