The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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review of the markets. toNDITION or (SENFSIAI. IKUHi Dl It IAO THE PAST WEEK. tM rgr Shipment* of Holiday Goods lu the Interior—4'otlon Market Ip | _l4|e. hale# 8M Rales—Spirits rurpeatlae Quiet al 7e— Hoaina ttulrl aa lo rales and Firm aa la dlbar Grades—New York Sloeka (etlxe aad Mroa* - Ural and lylegraphlc Mnrkela. Tha Morning New* Office, Friday. Dec. 21. The closing of the commercial week to .|y about witnesses the rounding up of and (ful Jobbing trade for tha holiday- *e order* from the country have been „ r4 |, and Judging from the number , ~1 by varlouo houaea alnce laat Sat i :Jay the country people either have money to spend, or the merchants are I to believe they have, and are preper * to supply their wants. In the whole ,,le (rull and candy llnea large ehlproenlr reported, one Arm elating their ahlp n i,-a to hove eacceded any for thla sea durlng their fourteen yeara In busi ness. In the cotton market there was ron .-cerabta activity, though trading was ~.*tly reetrlcted by' reason of the un .• led condition of tha speculative mar- But ahvee the Improvement In the .mrea market, aet In (he spot mar. ..t have ahown a heller lone, and are moving steadily upward. There waa an advance of l-16c to-day, and so It has toil along for several dva past. The demand Is moderate, and buelnesa sitla lactory. The futurea marketa closed bate ii steady to-day. with prlcea net, 22 joints higher to 6 points lower. .-pirlts turpentine He- lined during lha ei lire week, closing quiet to-day at 37j. The demand la light, and there waa ai>- jvirently no Inclination to buy In large M's The real strengsh of the merket j* not therefore fully tested No fu ture* have yet been sold The rosin mar k’-ta risled firm meet of the week. Water n-hlte went off 100 at the closing N-tv York stocks ruled active most of the v cek. and nothing In to-dey'a devclojs mpfita dls.-toses any algos of a let-up. The (("lowing resume of the different marketa will show their tone and quotations it i is closing to-day and their condition dur ing the week: COTTON. The cotton market closed steady to-day a ar advance of l-190 on all grades, with rales on the spot of sM bales There was some ilcmand, and the day's business was. en the whole, satisfactory. The seek ha* teen characterised by apathy to sum# extent on the jrari of holder*. ! ough the offering* have been fair at good prices. Sale* for the week. 1.308 up- Krnds and 1490 era Islands, and for the i-ason. 42,148 uplands and 32.119 aea Isl ands. The following wars the official spot quo- Isllone at the close of the market at the Colton Exchange to -day: | This | liM I day. j year. .uod middling 1 I-lIT Ml Middling j$ 3-16 7% lw mlddUng A 13-184 13-1( Mark*! steady; aalcs, KC. Herelpta Past Week. Receipts of Cotton— ' land IsftL ; Pp- | Bee Receipt* past week 31.0 K! 2.<119 Same week lat year j 30,227 3.420 i'artloulars of fleoelpts— j Central Railroad | 22.91 b 249 S F A W | 5.1*1 1,104 rtiar|e*ton and Savannah ...,| 6K 2 Southern Railway 36 River steamera | 112 carta I 7 it Beaufort steamers j 4 Seaboard Air Ltnu 2,299. 1288 Exports-- Rxporr* last week j 17,9tX> 1.912 s igie week last y*ar 27.723 5.1M8 Movement— Hcinewlok | | 200 Holt I mure j ISO New York ; 1.504 1.382 Host on j 4.531 PylladelpMa j 1,212 Inland ' 10 Liverpool j 6,240 3"0 Bremen j 4,393 Antwerp ; m Stock on liiitft) and snip# 113.797 22.836 Same day lasi year 119.111| 19.916 savannah Receipt*. Export* and Stocks. Heceived ihta day 4.321 lleoelved same day laat year 4 979 stun* day year More laat (.740 Receipts past week 31.(95 Sam* week last year 38,847 Same week year before last 37,934 Received since Kept. 1 (31.311 Received same time last year (13,6*1 Exports Hast Week— Exports this -lay. coaatwlse ..... (.5(1 Exports paat week, coastwise 9.(49 Inland ’ 3P Exports paat week, continent 6.198 Rapotas peat week. Prance Non* r.xgHs-ts past week. Orest Britain. 564* Tnaal exports paat week 19.312 Exports since kept 1. 1988— To rireot Britain 1"8.178 To France 21.''** To the continent 290,212 Total foreign 407,393 Total coaatwlse 114.(3* Total exporta 638.981 Exports Same Time I-ast Year— To Great Britain (1.9*1 To Kranoe 39.64s To the continent 137.194 Total foreign 1.7 W Total -neatwise 144.1*4 Total exports 415.491 Htook on hand this day 114.412 Block an hand aame day laat ywar 1(3.73* Keoelpts and Rimka at all Hurts— Receipt* thl* day 46,217 Thla day laat year *6,93* This day year befora last M. 491 Receipt* paat week 2(5.579 9ma days laat year 217.J84 Yier before last Jj*.S3l Total receipts elnre kept. 1. 14*9 .4.227.76* Same time laat year Samg lime year before laat 5,446,324 ktock at all pons to-day *•*••* Stock same day last ye*r Dally Movement# *1 Other Port*— Port Arthur—Net receipts, 1.588; gross. '..500. Galveston-Steady: middling. * 7-18; net receipt* 11,176: groat. 13.176; saiea. 650; stock. 2*7,212. New Orleans—Firm; middling, 9 7-I*. '*t receipt*. (.44*. grot*. (.444. sale*. 4.7341; erock. 379,337. Mohlle-Quiet: middling. 9 3-13; net re ceipts 7*9; groxa. 709; eale*. **>; a:o<lt. 39,103. Charleston Firm; middling. 9%. n, l re ceipt*. 1.409: gross. 1.(99; stock. 30.(86 Wilmington—Firm; middling. 9%; net re celpta, (27; groe*. -7; flock, 12.227 Norfolk—Steady; middling. 9 7-14; net re ceipts. 1,737; grog*. 1,7*7. aOlaa. 6*2; tock. 43.130. Baltimore—Nominal; middling. 10. nat re-elpie. 2.4*7. groa*. 3.4*7; itack. 19.966. New York—Dull; middling. W 3-18; net receipts. 1,502. gross, 5.813; sales. 170: -sock. 55.3*3 Boston—Dull; middling. 10 1*11; net re ceipt*. 7*B: gross, 2.0(0. Philadelphia -firm, middling. 10 9-I*. net 'ecelpta, 96. groa*. 95: stock. 8.011. PenseeWa—Net receipts. o*3; groe*. *2 Hrunswlok—Net receipts. 7.347: groae, Ml; slock. 3.*77. nuiy Movements at Inserlor Towns- Augusta—Firm; middling. 9%; net re eipt*. 1,3i9; gross. 1.8(8: sales. <*2; stock. 7.700. Momphls—Firm: middling. * *-!•: net re nix* 3.4 M); gross. 9,147; sales. 1.900. stock. 19.213. St. Louis-Steady, middling. 9-19; oat MURPHY & CO , INC.. Btnrd of Trad* Building. Savannah Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans COTTON, STOCKS AAD t.UAI.V New York office. No. (1 Broadway. Offices in principal cities throughout lb* South. Wrke for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for traders receipts, 2.010; gross, 5 3*5; sales, 110; stock. 71.*30. Cincinnati—(Dull: middling. OH; nst re ceipts. 791; grus*. 79*. stock. 10.54* Houston—Steady; middling. 9 7-I*. net receipts, 9,5*3; gross. 9.598, elea, 975, .toe*. 117,(32. Louisville—Weekly, firm; middling, 9%; net receipts. 129. gross, (2*. sales. 7*B; stock. 576. Newport News-Net receipts, 1,655; gross, I|u6d, Exports of cot ion this day— Galveston— To France. 10,W7. New Orleans—Coastwise, 37 Newport News—To (Ireat Urllaln, 1,*71. k-ivannah—Coastwise, 651. Charlcstois—Coastwise, 1.039. Fort Arthur—To the continent, 1,60) Norfolk—Coastwise, l fy. Baltimore—To Orest Britain. 2.r0; to the continent, 1,271 New York-To Fraiwe, 394 Fenaaoola—To the continent. 632 Hrunswlek—To the continent, (..'do. Total foreign exports from all ports ltd* day I\j Great Britain, 8,011; to France. 11,1*6; to the eminent. 9.611. Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this week To Great Britain. (0,- 1(8; to France, 19.520; to the continent, (6,195. Total foreign exports since Rigt 1. 19ni>: To Oreal Itrttain, 1.53".473: to France.T3l.. 62u; to the continent. 1.0(9.u30 New York. Dec. 21 -Spot, closed dull and Irregular at an advance of He; mid dling uplands, lOHc. middling gulf, 10 9-1(4. Bales 170 hales. H 4 181. (AD COTTOA. Prices about as follows: Extra choice Florida# 23 '<jl4 F'ancy Georgias 11H033 Extra choice Georgias 31 W2IH Choice Georgias 20 6 Extra fine Georgias 19 fi Fine Georgias K —. 11. - rar -~.-r tteceljus past week .........j TTl** 4.13* Exports past week | 1.913 5.032 Receipt* this season | 39,(27 M 339 Hales past week j 1.49" *.<M( Stock on hsnd < 25.H92 23,097 Charleston. Dec. 21 —Sea Island cotton Fully fine, 24c; fully to extra fine. 25c. Expert*. 68 bags: sales, SSB bags; receipts, 4*l bags; stock. 2.M4 COTTB.Y FtTt RE.e. The Closing steady With Prlrea 23 Feint* Ip to ft Point* Off. New York, Dec. 21—To-day's events on Ihe Cotton Flxchange were Interesting with developments In connection with the vettlenuvni of December short accoums, netting at times. There was no Indica tion during tha forenoon of any move ment to "squeexe" December shorts, and not until nearly mid-aftemooti did the storm break which carried December with q rush to 10.25 a* against last night's closing of 9.83. On the opening the market wjs quiet and firm with prices unchanged to 5 point* higher Dullish cables from Liverpool und Manchea*er, together with smaller port and Interior receipts than expected were responsible for Ihe rise, and a subsequent further gain of 24)1 points. Profit-taking set in and before the first half hour had elapsed prices fell sharply xtflO points. Room covering eliecked the decline. Boulhern Informa Hon was firm without Indicating special new features. It would be difficult lo de termine Just who started the buying In December, bul almost before the pit whs aware of It. that option was soaring un ward rapidly with shorts In a panic Offer ings appeared to have been entirely withdrawn and not until 10.25 was reach ed could holder* he Induced lo sell suf ficient cotton to abate the alarm of over sold room operator* Talk of 10% for P*. ccmher before delivery day helped to In tensify the excitement. The fact ttvnt spot < otton was advanced %c only Increased Ihe belief that there was no helj. for shorta In the event of holders deciding to aqueexe them At the clcae live market was barely stendy with prices net 22 points higher to 5 point* lower. Fl.f'CTl ATlOhk IN FUTUREA. New Yoric. Dec .-Cotton future* opened quiet nnd firm, and closed barely steady. Price* a* follow*: Open. High. I-nw. Ck>* January 9.(7 970 9.58 9*2 February .... 9.48 9.51 9.44 944 March 9.8 950 9.43 *42 April * 9.4.7 940 *37 May 9.37 *43 *>i 35 June ~ 9.39 9.38 9.32 July .. ...9.35 9-35 9,28 928 August .. 9.05 9.11 MX 904 September 8-49 8.43 8.42 October 811 XO2 803 December, 985 10.25 981 10.96 I.IVERPOOL (orniv market. Liverpool. Dec. 21. 4 p m.—Spot, small business, prices 3-311 higher; American middling fair 5-d; good middling. 51*-S2d; nili.illt g. 6'pl; low mKldllng. Sk-Rd good ordinary 116-I*ti; ordinary. 413-IM The sales of the day were B.IXO bale*, of which 30" were for speculation and export and Included 5.300 American. Receipts 7.00 holes, all American Future* opened firm and closed steady. American low middlina clause. December, i.3101.Kt1. sellers; Decomtier-Jamiarv. 5.23d. sellers; January-February. 6 Ml) 5.3!d, buyers; February-Mareh. sell ar*; March-April, 5 15QJ l*d. aellera; Aprll-May. 5 13d. st llerx, May-June, 6.1(W. buyers; June-July. 5.0786,09d. buyers; July-August. 6."6d, buyers; Augusl-aep iember, 4 54414 56.1. buyers Tender# for delivery at hvday'a clear ings were XXI bales new dockets IBCW OtH-EANA t OTTOS FLTLBE*. New Orleans. Dec a.-Cotton futures MHdy. Dcc*tnb#r. bM > 44 April 9.9009 51 Isnuary 9 3*9 39 May * 2a9 3* Tebruary .9 344f* >* lune * 384)9 ..27 March ....9 320* *1 luly 9.249.2S COTTOA LETTER*. New York. Dec. 21 —Murphy A Cos. aay: Liverpool futurea were very active to-day. closing al an advance of 3-*4d to 5-*4d. spot demand dull; aale*. 9.0"0; middling up 5 13-32d, We opened unchanged to 3 poims higher. The feature In 10-day'a market was sharp advance In December delivery, which closed la.-t night at 9.84 and advanced to day lo 10.15 c. The Im uroventei* was due largely to shorts cov ering Thl* also Imparled strength to laituary option, which advanced to 9.7 c. an improvement of 17 point* over last nlahi The demand for short* wo.* sup pit,.) from long* reellalng. The market ruled very strong during Ihe morning session The amount In sight forlhe week 395 568 against 83M2* lasi year. Thl* hsd evidently been discounted and doubtless llllle more than expected, and led to sell ing by local*, prices declining * lo 10 nolnto from Ihe best figure# of (he session. Estimated port receipts. 45.000, against *5,- York, Doc. 21.—Hubbard Bros. A To say During the morning a quiet mar ket followed the disappointing a Ivlce# from Liverpool, where the spinners' dIJ not follow the Improvemen# here. A cov FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, (tools and Btad Broker, AtdiaTA, 04. -Write 9*e **lB IHE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1000. erlng demand for December showed the absence of any cotton offering at (he mo ment and carried Ih* price of that delivery sharply upwards to a point which Induced some realising and enable,! the shipment of cotton here from nearby point*. Thl* December squeete Is understood o be for the purpose of Inducing shipments to this market. The remainder of the market responded, but feebly to ihe strength of December, though there Is a general dis position to look for a further Improve ment on the strength of Ihe nearby posi tion* which will undoub ediy cause a rapd Increase of our slocks. WKF.KI.Y COTTOA REPORTS. Comparative Cotton Rlatement. New York. Dec. 21, for the weeking ending to day; Net receipts at all United States ports during week 135,* Not receipts at all United State* pons same week last year 217T39 Total receipt* to this date 4.227,7*8 Total receipts same date last year. 3.711,36 Exports for the week 149 175 Export, for same week last year 149'At Total export* to this date 2.911,133 Total exports lo same data last year 2.390.554 Block at at I'nited Stale# ports... 9*4 573 Stock at all United States ports same time last year 1,119.225 Stock at all Interior town# 7(4.594 Stock at all Intctlor tonne same time last year 8"4,U9 Slock at Liverpool 642 ftW Stock wt Liverpool same time last year 7113. M Block of American afloat for Great Britain lll.OA) Stock of American afloat for Great lirllaln same time laat year ltasono Comparative statement of net receipts at all the polls during the week ending Friday evening. Dec, 21. IWO, and during Ihe same week last year. 1900-01. 1939-8" Galveston 1<W.03 46.(71 New Orleans 9.*8 **! Mobile | 10.216, 9.M9 Savannah 37.689 33 647 Charleston „ j 4 790 ! 4.1(5 VY,imlngton | 3.428| *.B>2 Norfolk f i 14.458- 17.1,46 Baltimore | 3.452' 4.230 New York '. I *152! 4.174 Boston .. .*. 10,114, 6.101 Philadelphia 617 1.28, Pensacola j 1.6 U" 13.708 Brunswick | 7.40 k, 2.376 Newport New* j 1.449 1,61* Arthur j | 1.163 Total ' - £17.31* Comparative statement of n, I receipt# at all the ports front Sept. 1. 1900. (o F*n day evening. Dec. 21. 19t9). and ftotn Sept 1. 199*. 40 Friday. Dec. 23. 1919: Receipts since Sept. 1— ~ 1900-01 1*99-00 Galveston ! use it: 1 199.88* New Orleans 1 312.337 *80.0*5 Mobile ‘ 91.823 IK.*5 Savannah | 616.907 619.615 Charleston I 17",0*2 183.174 Wilmington j 3t*,037. 204,991 Norfolk 229.8*1 218.351 Baltimore I 30,198 31.M2 New York ‘ 40.012 32.784 Boston | 91968 38,0*1 Philadelphia | 9.255 21.153 Pensacola f 46.9*1 62.067, Brunswick | 34.79" 251 C, Newport News 1 14.605 3.924 Port Arlhur . 6 551 “ Total .'..."...” . -.'. 3.M1.*07 3.711.239 Slock of Colton at all iwrts. Dec. ?|, 1900. and on Ihe aame day of Ihe week Vast year: ' Ports. I9UU-01 16*9 00 S' Itv 111 Jeans ' 379.237 399296 Mobile ! 39.1*3 3,.*1R Galveston ! *7 212 349.1*6 Savannah ! I***l2 l*H7 Charleston ---I 30,816 ‘A "24 Wllmlngtcai 12.237 2*.VA Norfolk ! >7* <0175 New York 6* 9*3 112 7*4 Other port* ! 29.090 66*56 Total 9*6 379 1.119 225 ■IE'TBR'9 COTTON ST4TBNFAT. New Orleans. Deo 21 -Secretary Hea ter's weekly Cotton Exchange statement, issued to-day. show* for Ihe 21 <*ays of I)c.iernoer, an Increase over last year of 224,1fc; twles The amount brought Into sight during the past week has been 365.566. against IM.UB for the seven days, ending this dale last year, and for the 21 days of De cember. It lias beet. 1.272.04*. against 1,- 047,34* tost year. The total movement for Ihe 112 dev* of a*, season, from Sept. 1 to date. Is *,- u#l 197, against 5.567.004 last year The movement since Sept 1 shows re ceipt* t all United Btitie ports of :41.t,*8. against 3.716.867 last year; over lund acroas the Mlsslssifipl, Ohio and Po tomac river* to Northern mills an.l Can ada. *18.251. 7*2.853 last year. In terior alocks In exc,** of thoae liel.l at the . lose of the commercial year. 893.064 against 510.5*2 last year. Southern mill takings. 515.758. against 547,722 last year Foreign exjiort# for the week have been lki.ooa. against 175.213 last year. Northern mill takings and Canada dur ing the pest teven days, show u decrease of 33.89". aa compared with the corre sponding period last year. The total taking* of American mlils. North end South, and Canada, thus far this season, have been 1.517.521. against 1.888.354 las: year. Blocks at Ihe seaboard and the 29 lead ing Southern Interior center* nave In reased during the week. 128.(80 hales, "gainst en Increase during the corre -lundlng period last season. Including aloes left over at port* an.! Interior towns from the last crop, end the number of bales biought Into sight thus far for the new crop, the sujqdy to date Is 8.213.731. against (.115.902 for the same period last year. VISIBLE l PPLY OF COTTON. •New Orleans. Dec. 21—Secretary Hea ler's statement of the world's visible sup pi >• of cotton snows the total visible Is 3.900.224. against 4.299,327 last year. Of thl* Ihe total of American cotton I* 3.- 270.224. against 3.048.327 last year, end of all other kinds. Including Flgypl Brasil. India, etc.. 02t.(**, against 661.000 last year. The total world's visible supply of rol lon show* u decrease compared with last year, of 399.1ffi Of Ihe world's visible supply- there Is now afloat and held In Great Britain and coiitlnantal Flurob* 1.704,(X10 against 1.9U2.- fxn last year; In Flgvpt. 174.<n> against 190 - non last year; In India 24".uxi. against 245.000 laat year, and In Ihe United Btates 1.782.000. against 1.972.090 lasi year. DRY Q 43005. New York, Dec 21—The cotton good* division of the dry market has ruled Inactive to-day In all departments. Til" business m progress has shown no material change In prices In any direc tion, neither In staple llnea nor fancies. Linens continue firm with a moderate de mand. More inquiry for burlaps anl tendency "gainst buyer*. NAVAL NTOHIiIg. Friday, Dec. 21. SPIRITS TURPENTINE -The turpen tine market opened steady to-day at 17c, with eale* of 312 casks, and cloeed quiet and unchanged, with further sale* of 65. The market ho# not ruled acSlve during Ih, week colslng to-day. and business ha* only been fairly satisfactory. Most of Ihe demand came from foreign buyers, and II did not seem (hal even they were in urgent need of supplies. The approach of Ihe holiday eeaaon seems to hove ex erted a dampening effect upon the mar ket. and this condition he# been well re flected In Ihe price, which ha* yielded to the slightest pressure. The recelpta to-day were 6*7. end the export*. 311. ROSiNS—The roeln market closed quiet aa to pale*, and Arm as to other grades. In the afternoon Water White went off Me. Bales al th* opening were TIB. and at Ihe closing 2 344 There was only a moderate demand for cosine during Mir week, and at no lima waa on a very lively scale The recetpia to-day were I M and the exports MO Price* and receipt# and export* (tor tit* week at fol lows Quotations - At the close of the snarket to-day the following quotation* were bul leaned at the Hoard of Trade Splrlta Turpentine—Quiet. 37c; aale* of 447 cask*. Itotdn, pale* quiet, others firm Price* a* fullows A. B. C II 90 I II 40 D 1 ID K t A, K 1 40 M 1 90 F 1 45 N 2 15 U 160 W G 210 H 1 61 W W 2 ti Same l>ay Last Year: Spirit* Turpentine—Steady. at 49c; sales. 130 casks Rosin— F'lrm, aale*. 2.630 barrels A. B. C 11 15 1 I W D 1 15 K 16" E 1 M -a. F 1 N 2 *> G I 37, \\ i. 290 H 1 45 W W 360 Receipt* Past (keek. Splrlta Rosin Receipts past week 4 *69 39.671* Same wcelt test year j 6.424 31.422 Flxporl* last week | 531 9.989 Santa week last year | 6 818 2*.in" Movements — New York 371 185 Philadelphia j 99 295 Uelttmor* )*> Boston ...j | 25 Interior | 81 1.666 Liverpool ! 2.MU Buettoa Ayres f j 4.3*2 Total exporti | 531, 9.9** Receipts, ehtpmem* and stock* from April 1, 19n0. to dale, and to tlie corre sponding date of last year; 19nO-1901. Spirit* Bovin Slock April 1, 1900 5.197 142 -S* Received Ihl* week 4.660 29.879 Received prevloualy 306.310 7*l 866 TUI >l3 I*, *54051 Ex port#— Foreign 197 <C4 450 IX7 New York S3 <CM 90.015 Coast* Im and interior 42.n0* 341.423 Total 373,8*4 791.826 Slock on hand thl# day 40 582 172,428 1998-I*o Stock on hand April I. 1409 . 3 Me. 11l 3ft. ItecelvMl this week 5.444 31.48 Heceived previously 293.962 *2O 96. Total 292.9*2 983 Offl Ex porta— FVvrelgn 304 I*4 427 460 New York *>,615 18.273 r'oas'tslss* and Interior 8.1*2 326 784 Total 398 001 7X4 487 Stock on hand 24.991 176.538 Charleston. De*. 21—Turpentine firm. 38<dc Roeln firm, unchanged Wilmington, N. Dec. 21 —Hptrlts tur jtentlne Arm. esoK'j, . iscripts, 48 Rosin firm. II 3ngi1.25. receipt*. 300 Crude tur pentine Arm. 1130*12,10, receipts, I*9. Tar eisady, $1*1; receipt*. 903 New Orleans. Dc,- 21.—Receipts, rosin, 216; turpentine, 107. Export*, Oporto, ros in, 40" barrels. EIAANriAI.. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. BANK CLF7ARINGS-The bank clear ms* during the past week were 96.532.516 17 against 91 9*4 139 .74 for the corresponding period l**> year, and 81 239 949 57 for the corresponding period of 169* Clearings by Days: Saturday 9 *91,875 1 Monday 1.146.900 61 Tuesday 964,95.". 7" Wednesday 973,303 73 Thursday 996 438 89 Friday 757 248 46 Total : FORFIGN EX' H \ N,; E- Market weak and nominal. • ‘ommerelal demand, 34 92H, sixty days. U 77k; ninety days. 94 77 I*. 1 *. francs. Parts and Flavra. sixty days. .7 22S ■ Swiss, sixty day*. 5 IS: Belgian 5.94‘, . marks, alaty dsys, 93\; ninety days. 93H DOM FISTIC EXCHANGE - HMady; hanks sre buying s( >6 discount end selling e* follows: 126 and under. 18c pre mium; 925 to 950 16c premium; 950 to 1100 *>c premium; IKK) to 23j0. 25c premium, tl", and over per SFV'UBITIF;*—The market la gelling active atl around. Ilsakt. Rid. Aak. Auauata and Savannah R. R ....112 113 Atlanta and West Point 135 do* per cent eertlfloate* .189 Augusta Fsetory 94 XX Clltsen* Rank 18 .... Chatham Hank 112 113 Chatham R K. A 1 Cos . A 57H U% do do R 37 H Flagle *nd Phoenix Mfg Cos 102 106 Edi*on Electric Ilium. Cos .107 110 Enterprise Mf* Cos dOD 1(8 Germania Bank 131 Georgia and Alatnama 8 29 Georgia Railroad common 318 219 Oranltevllle Mfg Cos 180 170 J P. King Mfg Cos I2 105 Langley Mfg. Cos ...US 117 dlerchanfs' National Bank 119 190 National Bank of Savannah 151 167 Oglethorpe Savlngiftand Trust ...113 People 1 * Savings end Loan ......101 ltd Seaboard common 10 U do preferred 29>i Southwestern Railroad Cos 113*8 >U't Savannah Gas Light Cos 31 25 Southern Bank !0> 1(1 Savannah Hank and Trust I*l ... Sibley Mfg Cos.. Auguala 65 ** Savannah Brewing 103 ... no ii 4*. nw) Auk Char, Col A Aug lat 6s. 1900 100 110 Chat A Gulf R. R 5 per cent, lat mortgage 102 104 Atlanta city 4*. 1922 W 7 109 Augusta city 4*. 1927 108 109 do 4%t. 1505 HI io 7*. 1903 107 to B*. 1913 123 Ala. Mid .6*. Ind'd 19 M A N 101% 102% Augusta Factory. 8 per eesst. 1916 111 113 Brunswick A Western 4s. 1938 .93 86 C. R R. A Banking collateral 6s K C. of G lat motg. 6*. 1945 F. A Al HI p. of Ga. con. 6a. 1945. IL A N.. 51 Ss C. of Ga. Ist Incomes, 1945 55 56 do 2nd Income* 17% 11% do 3d Incomes. 1945 6 9 C of O. (M a A A Dlv ) 6s 1947. J A J 97 98 C. of O (Eaton Branch), f*. 1928 J. A D 99 97 City A Suburban R R Ist 7*...110 ... t'o'utubus city ss. 1909 107 Charleston city 4, 1909 100 103 Eagle A Phoenix Mills *, !9 MS 110 FVtison Electric Illuminating (a 106 Flnterprlse Mfg. 9*. 1903 103 Georgia Railroad 9*. 1910 116 117 G. S A F . 1948. J A J 113 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist 6*. 19*5 1"6 107 Georgia state 9%e. I*. J A J ■ .110 113 do 3%*. 1913. M A N 1* 17 do 4%*. 1915 119% 139% Maeon city 9s, 1916, J A J 118 118 do 4%a. qtiar.. Jan I'A 108 Ocean B'esmshlp is. 1990 IM 109 Savannah city 6s. quar. January UK 110 111 do is. quar.. February. 1909 ....109 100% South Carolina state Mbs. 1839 .117 119 B.blev Mf* Cos. 9s. 1903 X*3 . Bouth Bound 6# 99% B F A W gen mt'g* 9*. 1954 .126 131 do do Ist Ss. SOM. 1964 113 114 and, p- John Sdr.. Ist 4# :94 ... 99 M RONEY RVHKKT. New York. Dec. *l. Money on call ■needy #t 54*8 per cent.; lasi loan. 6 per oant.; prim# mercantile paper. 4%<J5% per -sft- Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on KMh Meridian Time—One Hour Flower Than City Tune Schedule In Effect Dec. 9, 1900. ' ' WN II to tmß"ijurr. read i r ~ • • I .djim 12 Jus lu I,V ', Sav'atiivab . Xr 6 (Stain iLastem Tua*) | 4 144*11 4 21" m IIU' kvilla Lv|, 3 67am| I 10pm ( "dmi 9 o'am Ar Columbia I.v I 15am II Js*m 9 Apm 9 45am Ar Charlotte I.v 9 5.7 pm * lo*n> il 44pm 12 23pm Ar Oinenaboro I.v 7 10pm| ft 49ani ooam“ Moffett I.V I oopm d|W|jAr Don yllU Lv , in. i Stem * **sm| ( MBmijAr Rick me* Lv, 12 o:pm ll osp* 2 40am J 42pm Ar Lyncbhurg levl, > s>prn i 98m 4 36oni 6 32pm Ar Ciiarl." tesvUl* Lv; 2 o*i"il2 64pm 7 35am I Mpm Ar W.ishlnglon Lv jll ttsmj 9 lupni 9 16am II 36pm Ar Baltimore Lv ! I 2him 4 3pm II 35am 2 Hgm Ar Philadelphia Lv|i 3 50n>t 4 96pm 3 U3|>n> ( Sam Ar New York Lv; 12 10sm 9 96pm * 3than J ft<pm|Ar Lv<| 4 90ptn;lu luem *< il wyihS'Nort h WEiftr ' [i no 35 (Central Time) j| 17 Jrtam Lv Sevwmiah l,vil 5 94am . _ II (FTaator n Time ) || 3<v*m Lv Columbia Ar I Mxi H Siam I.v S|>arlautmrg Lv 6 BPW 340 pm I.V Ashe ville I.v| 2 06pm 4 OepmjAr not Lv 111 (sn 7 30pm Ar Knoxville Lv 8 36am 6 10am Ar Lexington Lv | 10 90p.n 7 45 am Ar Cincinnati I.vj 9 pm ( ftipm Ar St Louis Lv|j 9 <*etn 1 60am Ar laniisull* . Lv 7 42am All trains arrive and deiwrt from thaPlanl Syalem Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAINS S3 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YO lIK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl billed limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleejang Cars between Savan nah and New York Connects at We hlngton with Colonial Empress for l< ton Pullman Sleeping Cara t>*tween Clmrldt* and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk Dtnins Cars Serve all meal* between Savannah and Washington TRAINS 35 AND SS DAILY. THE UNITED STATKH PAST MAIL Vesllbul'd limited train*, carrying Pulinxm Drawing Room bleeping fare iotween Sivanoah and New York Dining Cars serve all me*|a between Savannah end WaaMt g'on Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car* between Savannah and Clnclnnall. through Asheville and The Lend of Ih# Sky." For complete Information a# to rat-*, schedule* etc apply | F" S GANNON. Id V P * O M J M CULP. T 21 . W A TURK. O. P. A, Washington. D C. ft H. HARDWICK Asst Genl Pass Agent Atlanta. Ga. R C Ht. ATTN FIR. Ticket Agent. Plant Svstetn Station JAMES FREEMAN C P *T. A 141 Bull stteet Savannah, Ga Phones (SO cent Sterling exchange steady, with act ual huslncer In lainkers' bill*, a: $4M' for demand and at II 8"5U4 "Ni for sixty ■lavs, posted rate-*. 14*1*9 •'•* rom ' merrlal bills. >• "*'♦ Silver cerltfl '••te*. . bar stiver. BPc. Mealcaß dollar*. 60c. Government Imnda Irroaumr; State Imidß Inactive: railroad bornla Ir regular. , II4AK I I.HtfllMlf. New York. Dec 21 -Total bank clear ing* at the principal cttlra of the lulled Btatca for the week end,*! yesterday, was 92.279.1*1.399. an uu reaae of 0 1 l"r cent, over the corresponding week last >"* r Total outside New York City. 9748.3 K . or 16 per cent. Inoreas*. STOCK* AND HOADS. No Interrapllnn In Rlee af Ihe tien rral Hsrkel. New York. Dec 31 -There w* no el leratloti In Ihe character of the slock market. Trading continued on n very large scale, and Ih# tone waa strong Possibly the Interest was s trifle less broad than on some previous daj* of the week. The buying showed a tendency to < oiigsatlon In certain stocks, and Ihe spe cialised strength of few stocks was a dominant Influence In sustaining jvrices The expectation waa relher general Mi tt a movement to take proltts would develop ■luring the <Uy. The taolonged contln notice of the rise and the Imminence of a holiday both suggested the likelihood of a profit-taking movement SpectSatera a* a rule or* ovens* to leaving their money tied up in the stock market over a pro longed holiday, and loons made tn-day carry over until Wednesday next. The 1 iondoti market Mil* morning showed de pression on the eve of the holiday, and thl* emphasised the Impression of yes terday's rather sharp eelllng movement near the close here. Professional opera tors therefore, fell upon <h* motket at the opening, but they made ac.or. ely more than a momentary Imjwesslon I’owerful support waa forthcoming a: the decline, and before the end of the day Ibc tide .if price# hod turned strongly upward again The existence of o ebort interest formed yesterday afternoon had some thing to do wilt Ihe resiliency, an lue 3v*ars were very timid almut leaving ac counts o|*#n over the holidays. The con tinued ease of money In spile of tho car rying over of loan* until Wednesday, and Ihe favorable forecasta of the nank state ment. gave lha final ftllp to the market, .nat It closed anlmelwl and atom# *t snout the lop level. Ihe late profll-lakln* saies being confidently absorbed Northern FM'lflo sold es-sHvldrnd and recovered strongly from yesterday'* I*l# reaction, but the top price was S4. will, h nai abort of y<*lerday a price by a half- IKjint. The extraordinary speculation In Norlhern Pacific le based on the benefit to accrue from 4b# retirement of the pre ferred stock, cancelling Its privilege to share net earning* In excess of 4 per cent, on the common This called attention to various other common stocks, whose preferred stock* are limited by Ihe term i of Ihe Issue In their dividend rights. Atch ison common end Denver and Rio Oratid* common. Union Pacific and Boufherii Rail way were thus affected There was # renewal of the advance Iri Bt Paul and Bouthern Pacific was lifted above It* former record price to near 43, Huger boil Its period of atrength. ami Brooklyn Rapid Transit rallied strongly after early wciiknese on account of the atatement of earnings for November. All of these movement* were more or less manlpuli live, tail the apFculatlot! showed the lame readiness as for *om* time to fob low quickly any marked leadeshlp. The indications are that ihe movement of eurrseicy this week hne turned strongly In favor of New York, mid the estimates of the amount received on balance for Ihe direct movement by express run up to over 92 mu.OtXI In luldl.loii Ihe hank* have gainer! 81 8!2.0tn on sub-treasury op eration* The bar** outside of New York are known to have continued to lend heavHy on the stork ex. hang* during Ihe tvrrk. Thl* gave rise lo the belief that th* bank statement to-morrow will show another heavy decline In deposit* ** Iho outside bank* In placing loans her# draw on their drj.o*ll* m New York honk, \ decline In Ihe dereoMl Hem would of course result In shrinkage or c—-cv requirement# lo the benefit of the sur plus. The bond market continued active, but there were some reaction* on profll-tak ing Total sales, par value. 11.190000 Unite! State# 3*. old 4* nnd 5a declined % per cent The new 4s advanced %on the last call. To-day's sale* of stocks were 1.272.20) share* int l'tdliig Atchison, 91.200; do pre ferred. 39.200: Chesapeake and Ohio. 28 800: llurllngto" 3.300. Rock leUwtd 14.100; Den ver and Itlo Grande. 13.100; do preferred. 5 900; Erie. #0 900; do first preferred 23.- 700; Louisville, 11.700; Manhattan. 27,400: Metropolitan 00". Mlnsourt Pacific. 37- 100; Mlssoutt Kalian sod Texas preferred, 23.8U0: Norfolk and Western. 9.599. North ern Pa Ifle. 75,700. do preferred. 11.300. On tario and Western. 12.VX); Pennsylvania. 8.700; Readmg first preferred. 17.900: Bt. Louis. San Franeiec®. 1.900; 4. Louis Southwestern preferred. 8.909; St Paul, <3,100; Southern Pacific. 133.900; Boulhern Ratisray. 25,390; do preferred. II90S;' Unioq Pacific. 48.400: do preferred. 5.700; Wabash. 4PI0; Wheeling. 16*00. Copper. 9,116: Steel end Wire. 9,00); Tin Plale. 19.900; Tobacco 17 X). Brooklyn. 74.900. Uontmrntal. 8,90": Federal Bteel. 12.000. People's Gas. 9.58 ft); Sugar. 127.900. Tennessee. 8.190. New York Stock Islet. Atchison Pacific 7Pi| I M 77V do do pref .... *~,v ” * n ... *',:Wahsh j.,54 _ do pref 8 do |wrf 344. I '•*" Pacific ... xg Wheel A I. 1: iv* ! ' Boulh 57 1 * do do 2nd pref S|t* l ; *V • 111. AVIs, u.-ntral . uvt, thl Gl. West 15’y fl'hlrd Av. .117% '. 11 , * y IKn.lAmal Copper.. 93 ' nt.. Rid. A L.. 27 (yl Alta me Ex .... 150 I*"/ 93HRm. Knires. la. C? * • 941*1 W-F Ex .. IK thl * Norths' l*K jAtn <\t Oil ... 25" **' * *, p -•' i do do pref . 91 ,L. * **• L 718,1 Am Malting ... 5 Ooi South *, t( , )o ,9„ do Ist pref 43U. Am B. AK . <*■> -tel pref ... , u , „c Del. A lltidaon 1234,' Am. Bpulls 3 •* * IV ..1,9 1 Jo ~r rf , 7 1 a" ? u (l S* I Am. Btcel Hoot* KB* do do pref .... %, .j. 0., .... , 251*1 Am Kfeel A W 4Si -l a,!* prrf " rt do pref ..117% J. Xotth. peer lug A1 Tin Plale. 13% ! i l.'"* 1 " ,4 'i Oo do pref .. . Jlo. k \ alley . 41(4j Am Tdhm-eo ...111', , i <ft m U - •• Ai- Mtoi .in . dodo pref .... 47 , lrook R. T ...*•% I* K * "> 49% Ogl. F. A 1 614, do do pref .... m iOon . .. s J* i do do pref .... 92 M * S . W 56! Fe.l Rteel 63% •V" *' • 112% go do pref .... 7% ' ‘ Ry .-IWiiOMi. ,.!Ki Me* I miui 141.1, Bluar .4# Allnn ABi L •* ,Ui do pref .... *3 lM 'to pr*f a...Hr.'\ lflt’K‘l ... 24*i Mo V* \(\c •* do d6 prof .... 72 M. A Ohio 47 ; laidede Gas .... 73 M '. K * T 18% Nat. H tor Hit ... 61% do do firef .... 44%| do do jwef .... 90% N. J Central . 146% Nat. 1-ea.i , I*\ N. Y. Central .142% Not Tub* % N. A Western. 41%, ,io do |iref ....103(4 do do ptef 62%1 A) do pref 93% N. Pacific xx% N. Y A Broke 18* do Jo pref .. ns :N. American . 19% Oot. A Waal... 8% p. (Notst f>% Dr* Ily. A N .42 do let pref . do do pref .... 78 A. and pref ... 88 Pennsylvania ..HP, Pacific Mall ... 43% Reading 34% p.ayple'a Gas ... **% •lo Ist pref B#% I*. Steal Car .. 49 do 2nd pref .38% do do pref ... 11% It. G Western 87 'lhlll Pal Car... 381 do do pref .... 91 ,B. Rope A T 6 SI. L A B, F... 23%: Bumr I3K, Ai do lt jiref 78(4! At pref 118 do do 2nd pref SQ4|Tsmi. C. A f . 63% 81. L, Hw 17 |U. (4 leather .U% do do ptef .... 40%i do do pref .... 74% 1*- Paul 134%|U. B Rubber .28 do Ai pref 191(4] do do pref .. . 79% Hu I*. AO— ,126 West. Union .. . (3% ft- Pacfflc 44% IL Iron A Hler| 18 8 Railway ... !l%! do do pref 82% do do pref .... Tl%ip. r. C. A Bt. L 56 T. A Pacific.... S%i Bonds. V. R. 2* ref M A O. 4a .... #B% r*g I< |N. Y. C. Ist ton% do roup M6* N, J. C. <F. 5* 129 do 3*. re*. .119 North. Pac. Is. 71% do 3s. op ... 110 j tie Is 105.% Ai new 4a. re* 1% if. Y , C. A Bt do new 4s. r'p 139%; I.oiMs 4e .... it do old 4s, reg.ll6 iN. A W. C. 4s 99% do old 4e. c'p ll* jOre. Nv. 15t..11l do 6*. reg. ...113% A 4s 102% do 5# roup ..113%0re, R L. 8s .129% D. of C 387#.125 ilo con 6a ....]!B% Atch,. gen 4*. .102% Read Gen 4 . 98% do djl. 4h .. Mt% Itlo G. W. lei 10l Can. Bou. 3d...108 >Ht. L. A I. M C. of Ga. con con 5a 114% 5* 97 Bt L. A H. F. do I*l Inc 57 gen 8a 139 A> 3d II"' 19% Bt. Paul con. ..180 C. A O. (149....M4 ]Bt. P., C. A P. do 6* li% I*l 130% O. A Nw. C. 7* 13*<,* St. P., C. A P. C. A Nw , H. F. i 6s 123% Deb 5* 123 Sou. Pac. 4a ..HR Chi, Ter. 4 . 94% Sou Ry. 5a 114 Col. Am. 4s ... 9.7 ,B. R AT 9* 70 D. A R O 4* 101% T. A P. Ist 114 Erie Gen 4* .8# A. 2d 95 K. W A D. C. {Union P#e. 4# .107% lxt W>% Wabash let .. .117% Gen Elec. 6# . 145 I do 2d 14)8 low# fen Ist .1165, West Shore. 4* ..114% L. A N V. 4* 101% Wist Cen IM 9% M. K. A T. 2d. 75% Va. Cent, bid 9* do 4* 94% New York. Dec. 21 —Standard 011 *2l 918 New York. Dec 21 —Consolidated Ga* closed 191%. Seaboard Aeewrlflea. Baltimore. lee 21 -Seaboard cammon. 10%11; Km board prefererd. 3*%<f2X', bonds 4* 72%. Uarpby A 4,'u'e Block Letter. New York. IJee 21. —The lamdon mar ket was fractionally lower, with the ex reptlon of Denver preferred. Illlnot* Cen tral Northern Pacific and St Paul, which exhibited small giina. The Northern Pa cific readjustment rumors Were union firmed. In the street the view prevails that a fins opportunity to run In tha shout, here and at lomdon was taken advantage of Forty-three railroads for Ihe second week Of December show net Increases of 7.90 per rent. A fairly troo.l bank statement I- expected to morrow Investment buying in the market I* said to be responsible for a deluge of busi ness In railroad stork transfer offices. It Is now requiring several days to get slock certificate* out of transfer. Th# mark** opened Irregular thl* morning, with tha dealing* again In heavy volume Exceptional strength was ahown by the pacific stock# and Augar Bugar opened a t a substantial gain and Mlasouri pa cific in the iqwnlna trading moved up sharply The Granger* Were firm. Among the tradlona. there was a tendency to wraktu-sa. end litis feeling ox tended to the Reading*. Th# activity noted In Northern Pacifies wax cafitinuet} to-day. Plant System of Railways. Train* operated by 90th meridian iliqq— One hour slower than city nine, in effect Dec. 9. 1900. Ail trwlnia 1 Lv. Savannah Dally. Arßavanash. fir! Ween 3 25 ami Savannah ........ ill to sen ' 1 " B eycruea j \ (a am 1" atti| . .. Jacksonvtlle. ]in a# am * * 4 and Florida -.... ;13 45 pm fttsipm ... pnlnta 700 pea Htiwpfit 1 5U a"> Bevumah j 2 66 am * '5 an" 4,'hartestun j 7 60 a<n t or. pm and Rest I 4 65 pm l B tnawlck Ar. Btunstvlck. Dninnwl. k | 9 CD itn * ‘ **•" * 2S pm .. tl*YAfll 111 dUal .... 1 7 1 f UckWHiVllle* , S Id pm ('annf*i|on* at Port Timpt with Pnlfl *wUr i l o itVnial lovfn|r K*-v \\ r i # iui Havn M n lßy*. ThurM h*l> <n I S4tiirJjiy. 11 00 p m. Gail t Tl* kM <jfllrr for fiirthr motion J. i po/aiii:\irti. t v a IVAItl* IaAUK Ticket AgfmU Io rtuti Hotel Phono 7X It \V WKKN'N rm<Qfrr TYufllr Man* 4 %+r, Hivinn ih (}. mjaiOßOiA Schedule Effective Dee 19. 1989. Prams arrive at and Apart from Central Station, West Broad! foot of Uherty atreet 98th Met Mian Time On* hour slower ttvaa city time. !<env* Anrlva Bavitmah' Savannah: tugusta. Macon. Atlanta | ♦4 45am t 'o-. Mllladgavlllr *8 n*pttn atal all Interrnedlat* potn'aj | AugiMta, Maeon, Atlanta.; {Athens. Montgomery, <’o-{ •9 otpm iumtHia. Hlttnlngbam Am •( fiOatn jertcus, Eufuuia and Troy.| • ii Dovet Arcommedattea |7 4gam |2 Obpmj Guyton Dinner Tram. ||4 50gm •Dally IFlx. ept ttundayf BETWEEN savannah and tybeb. 75tb Meridian <# Savannah city time LEAVE SAVANNAH. Dally 9:38 a m . 2:00 p. in, LEAVE TYHFift. Dally 10 26 a. m., 6:99 p. m tYmneciion# mada at terminal points with ell trail* Northwrat. Weet and Southwest. Sleeping cars tm night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon. Atlanta and Illrmhigliatn Parlor ars on day trains between Sa vannah. Hauxt at"l Allanta. For complete in formation schedules, rate* and coonacthm*. apply ta W G IIHF'.WEH. city Ticket and Pea seuger Agent. 107 Bull etraet. or VV R MeINTTRFJ. Depot Ticket Agent. J C. HAILFI. General Paasenger Agent. F5 II HINTON. Trafflo Manager THEM D. KLINE, General 8 u par la lendent. Savannah. Ga Double Daily Service The abort Itna to Norfolk. Waahlngtad, ltalllnMev. Philadelphia, Now Yark aad tha Mat. AKHIVAI, OK TRAINS FROM No IT North and Kail 100 ant No. n Icemnark and local St a *oa W am No, SI North atul Rad II M pm No 44 Jar knon villa and Florida .. 1 If) pm No. 7S Monlgomary aad Wnl ( SI pm No. 74 Helena and Irral polnia.. •41 am No M Jarkxsivilla and Florida .11 W pm OBPARTtTM OF~TRAINS~ FOR No. 17 JarkaAnvllla and Florida... I M am No SI Jarkaonvllla and Florida IS 1| pm No 44 Now York and Kat ........ I M pm No. 14 Denmark and Augtiata...... S If, pm No 71 Montgomery and Waal .... 7 SI am No. 7S llalana and latc-al Station* * ar> pm No M Now York and Kaat .11 Id pm llacnim <-nt Pullman buff-t elerplna ear parvica to Warhington. Baltimore Phila delphia and New York; aiao to Jaakanii villn and Tampa Dtnln* rara from Savannah to M a mint and Ric hmond to New York. Bulfai parlor rara Savannah to Moat gamin' For additional Information apply to Ttrkrt Olllca, Bull and Bryan eirneta. Phone S HIM KIXtJROI * market!**. Note—The** quotation* are revised dally, and ar kept a* near a* peoidbi* In accord with the prevalltnc arholeaal* price*. Ofßrial quotation* are not used when they disagree with the price* whole, •alera a*k. i oiiotr) end northern I’red see. POt'LTHY—The market I* steady. Quo tation*: Broiler*. JOQU* per pair; half crown IHfWr. three-fourth* crown. M> *c; hen*. *TV, rooster*. Mc. dock*, Vmnr. M*Yl * EOaft-irrwt candled. OC2t<. cold fttor a(r. Bc. BUTTER-Tltr ton* ol Ih* market la firm Quotation*: t’ookln*. 8c; Imita tion*. 8c; New York *t*t* dairy. Mfer, eatr* Klein*. Tic. CHlfiEflE—Market firm; feney full ertam chertr. lJ\*Uo for Sh to C-potMd • vrratr. 2MJ**-pound averages, UMP- Karly Venelahles. IRIHH POTATOES— Northern. tj.oo •ick - CAEBAOB-MMc per bead, crates, COO# I S ON IONS-Yellow. In barrels, ttlll crate*. ti.M; red, SS.M. nreadelad, llay sad Urals. pOOi;R—Market ateady; patent. HI; tralcht. II Tt; fancy, 8 o, family. Ml* MBAlr-rPmrl. per barrel. Kk: per sack. It II- city meal, per sack, bolted, tl 07t*; water around ll.Ulh; cMy cm*, edrks. tl *; pearl crlt*. Mudaot*. per barrel. j_. *>. per eark. tl 8; aundry brand*, tl It. CORN—Market Arm: white, job lot*. C3c; carload lot*. Me. mlied corn. Job lota, Mr: carload lot*. c HirE—Market steady, demand ood; fancy head. c; fancy. Mho. Prim* • Good IH*** Talr I •** Common Mi OATd-No ! mixed, carload. Me: Mb lot*. XiQMc, whit* clipped, oar*, tic; Job, I6c. BRAN—Job lots. Me; carload lots. Me. HAY-Market ateady, No. 1 timothy. KV. Job. No. 1 Me; Job. I7\*c cats. la**r and latte. SUGAR— 'iII loaf a t iamond A Ift Crushed AM,Confection#**’ A SM Coattnuad on Kl(tath fa**. 9