The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 24, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE KAISER'S TRIPS. SMfi.Mru 1; WITH WHI cm rwm liKIMIN KUPr.NOM IHA\U> Hl* Millioa-liwllar train - Hl* I arliu III* Amhimvlillhi *t*l ibr I liararirr of III* Stable# uad llr I~q ui t> • • Tram th* Jurkk: \l * Hi* Imprnai Micwt) tbe Emperor para II of i# t • *’ ' spev’a iar mdir : t. si lOarcp# ** > d * r bottling U IM* atvan ojot\ i t>• a tbtn hf y * M.i \% . • ,s er he 4rjvr f r pleas ure. renew# hs* j r tm on borwefcaok die* soot n lit * ■ *fiv jr< ■ ■ *->■# '*-ra or *.ravtl on h. eB #i*cuU :nut tin* K# •?■' * nvxMTdUcttm* trui* Thrr* I* man* a p-Utf m Europe that rtAno’ boiM the x ury of tbr K ai*ee f I# rt>- for hi# hr *e* at*! .'arr-e#** B#r- J, A* # matter of fa h# 'a* no frwet realm. and e*er> ©♦ 1* maintained m jxfffci ofJrr A.thiucfi b# #*J not tl* up# of the or#** lieu*n) tlKfrt# from on# }#ar*# od to titoth* r itlH t he> are al- • wsav# ready for in* ar** service Put r *?# f ?#*>►*- jut-id# the ■*H'-’a'. an ■'©mr-ar# • *h the r# tmgerla UNf* fn i wmcts oat too rmUto*• of dollars v* b and require .r ni*rr '.uir of •?#>• * * * are and#ar*- regarded > * Cu addition I a the ir<M>iurtl of t*w • ia. Bix ifu- interior i* ns me l#pmuri *i4& lb# t-xi#rio: The n*ra*> # , w :*ere there irr tw MVng *vartP—on# • iwiunivfijr for thf !<• of thr Kalee- *M f the Croon Frlac*, the ©*ber for the Ki • : •rrin an*! lb# younger hiktrviv Or. the r . \ ffcsv ar* *•" <cnm.tat’ r> for 27* , and there ir# ven few va #i,* ► r# * It* own hor*# b*#- Novhrrt am there finer or more a*lto* • *a’. Ne>f> under one roof black Trik- i I teier #tat tan# Hungarian# Arab*. Eng* : thoroughbred* Amerl ur. tn ‘ffi. the favor! e &a*t Pr --win#—#l! Otnkar | Sutftts. ir. ie‘w* *l# two wonderful *r -Imab r* r.t!> presented to the Kai*er by ’he f hah a* } er*i a browt ar.d * Hay. *a*her *n-* e*<i\jt*tt#ljr foroel *n. uala iuA tl * reartilr.c t© th# floor. The l#ur ha\ m or.4*t uoiP place to ib* m #*: e* b bv>r* In tne stable #*a* a hint blanket trla.mM wsta yellow and red ew- ora!t*J ’h a W and a rmwn Tb** ►tai * are bar* all tigniy pottfhfd. an-l them ** # faate the. give# the tame age and r* * gree *T ea h h r*e Th# horpep pet idh for txrluthe nr# of the imrertil 1 .•m- Ihr are In a by * bemeeive* are f© ;r of Nark* for the Kaloertn •It’e#- wh!‘* Hunaarlan* for the Kai*er three rob# that no one but h*n#eif ev*er drive* The #•#:-* run on fr It *r> TrlnelfJ## and all thow with Vt am caval* rvtnet* They wear re*l eatp nrhlte leather be*i#che* anl t urnover boot* Tf ***• vrbo*e privilege it i to attetwl per#ona,lv to the Kaher am of oour*e ppecUHy dm? wunjtPhe.l The rarriace hall i the mot remarkable jjwr* of the emabbthtwent It i* on * up per floor—a hug# wei -Hghted room THer* * not -riy the re?nark*Ny krt* •rd krfmanl a—giwew of vehicle# u##d by the and hi* famly but forftoM #*ate carriage# for all the reigning m©n •rob# of E jfpfe n* wei; # for the Shwh. of Per*k *r Ih# Km live <4 E*yp* The## latter *r# never ua#>d except when 'he gprrmrch to 'r- -m t hey are #*:*ne*l riiltl the Kai*er or wh*n an im*N*Mkr r+%>- *- - •*. I—r ’ > *.• *-* •* •- -►-* —■ term’otval diplomatic Iwteriar* Their coat vi enormmtP for rmy #m aaoat liauttftHf fartdvhed and de"*r*rwi*~i ' r, ~* panel# of the vetis well a# the dra per me. bear the different royal artn while In nearby glam hang tb# gold #n*^ailver mounted hen.*** belonging to each x* well * *h* I tftfie# of tht differ* eat cotirt#. Tti*r* *r *\9<> h carTta*** In Ih* rail*? t toft • fWrllo. Tl>.- m* war c#rrt*** and ih* h*vy by th#* <*r* nt are of) vt#w Th* bi* **t* rO#et*# which th# rtrrijf tontnift wWh the modern rk*'ona and f*h#tar!*i There i* also th* fftkl**n coach In which the K#t**rin rrt on *tnt# oerae’one. and In which whe made her en trance into Berlin th< n ehc w# married All Hohcnwollcrn bride* *i*nd the nUrht Wfore they are w••tilled In the < of Ilelle Vue The present Kmpreff rod** from (here to th. pltal In -i golden coach drawn by elwht coal-black hor*r and headed by forty outrider* In the old po tiftes enatuvne. Aitnoiitn me K**.er< •***— : Jlg’.ire to the f*'pk of Berlin. hl golri; forth h alwav* mode a matter of im portance When there i unuaual activ ity on the famoui Avenue t'nter den Un der when the poti*e bup tic the Plow going cub# to the right *IJ- of the gfreet *nd the !*eof|e make long linep down th * middle of the thoronghfm and on the •tdrwatk the Berliner will tell the trang e- that the Kaier Ip comm* Far up the avenue 4 tem of white horwee l* rapidly approachlne The Ber liner amHe# end *•>*#. "I*er Kaie‘r kommt *’ for he know* that the F.ttip*>rw rarely appear* c-x •p; with the whit** Hungarian* The Kairer 1* alone, r I he wear* a light gray overcoat a tel a hel met. He light* m.iny < igurette* but only take* a puff or two of rack be for • gr j cioixvlv toeping them away for the >*eneflt cf boy* who wildly *• rimb.e for them The coachman I* Kracsy Janoech. the Xataer * favorite driver anl ne w**n the dark court livery with a broad )*vhl • f silver brakt shout hi* hat indit iting the princely Miv| of th* o>* upftOt of th carriage B#it* the coachman iit >1 jaeger who belong* to u regiment wear ing th# typhwi green hunt-* roan# uni form The Km stress ride* only behind biack iomep and there are two outrider* to her fourdterte team, only one outrider I* aHowed to other prlnecs and prlnceapen Only the member* of the Imperial family ride in carriage* of -bill# with silver trim going*, all the other court carriage# are lacquered In brown. tV<mf timo their gfajestle* drive behind four hor*< with* nut a coachman, th*- off home* being rid den by Jke key* Verv often the Kairer I* driver In true four-ln-hantl pi vie, with out ootrwlerp On ordinary unoiolu ill hor. •r> used, the off one* l—lng ridden. tVhm there is mason for very *rr.n display • Ukt homes draw Mia Majesty. The pok pair are nsanaced l>> a t'oachnwn on the ho*, while he other* are led by Jockeys on foot The <*rrla(* and the homes* are rlehly decorated with silver and Sold The ca.-rla#' home*, and hoa of the postilions as well, wear a head-dress of eitemlle and ostrich plume* The liver ies used for these very treat functions ere so adorned with braid, bullion, loops, cards and taaoels that the cloth Is bare ly visible For a head covert n the at tendant* wear velvet Jockey caps trim med wtth silver On* would think that with such owlr rlllcent horses and carrtuire* a man with TS ••shies would s art) to take up M pro sale a thine as an automobile. But the Kaiser Is very modern In hla tastes, lb demands the very newest Inventions, and particularly Is this true with retard to anyth!ns that perolr to locomotion If •-•mv should Invent a practical airship It Is reasonably certain that the Itap-ror William would be the first oyere(jm In the world to own one lie Is meteoric in Headache Biliousness. toar tUimtch, conetlpa lion and ail liver ills are cured b j Hood'* Pills Tba uanlrrtUtfn* cathartic. Prim cenls of all druatlrt' or by mall at C.J. Hood * Cos.. toU. Mast. h.e temparamem Themiara, the fa. t that V *n a?>d ma* an *utotivtw)e at c* a#h r. rx> *urp. i-f It is egually natural that • an* kS nau been bat it uader th# ti.feo' , .o of The ww office at 4 ■** of k tf whb ft i* a pretty 'cj* price #v#n far a royal auiottw^tk Th Ka ei xlaai* like* :• run thing* hi.T#e*f an*: he v o#r of the mat *ef xMtfldeat m-*r tn ihe world Hm #er*aitlh> 1# tru.v wonderful He l# ar. rxcedeiM chauffeur a# the call tkoee irtio orera e tmver rarrtafr* H* rltn ha jet to *■ e Tht Ka** ,= r • hT* • .u-nu : .lr t* it dur ;ng the rece nl artn 1 * ffttevrery rear ffteata he v# *n tit# ma sne alm%w< oaaHaaUy Po** .> * i; #a* the A#r#lt\ #f the thing rta* attracted mm *r>d pooPtbly It *a> vsm he foun>l •hat I.- VHild gc# about C-. r It It reaUy aut*l the arm' off 1 . er. be % %.*#* j i heretofore Ha Ma c*:? had xlvi'i ieea | fvveKi of Appearing • r#* sx. a The au •omobTe that ih K*!v u#e.l as fftedttn arigh# imurd* It i pmifwlkd Hx a t-r,j * motor ar I *r rrAXe about :h;rt> 1 m.i-rf an hour Hr ha* yarrhaml other! motor carriage* *itxe thee., ard wilt proH. j ably taee *hrrr fur i c eev..*♦ dr,i sxa The Kmier * t>i n<--- many bcvit* , a* a# k*p carnage* Th*> ’ aag- from the imperla! ' acfcT H.>ber.aoi.err. which 1* ( r* • > a gx*ol *t*e*l man-of-war Aawn to I • * .aur he* aad rowbu** He h#)* I two ff P<eass yxciit# te*ldr the H>- } fcengailrm gad ike raring cutter Mcfew mil'. T> uadee the name of Thi#?ie. com- t V,lf >r -be A met **mp tn Tffff? Hlf j < f w paintwd # dark Mik and • r#w of ter nor.sorwsl offi. er and prv- n I ' . • - N •< • Kai***r ioeariaby ••eer# Mnaae.f )u#? a# I he in#l*t* utvrari nar.gatfng the Hokenao - j tmrtk Ovtlv th* mewsber# of hit apodal crew ar# <i -*-! t* tau :.v gig #r. they w**r # rowc embroidered ir. yrUo • cr 'He l#ft tleev- to dl*TlngiJ|jth them The Moherxoflem 1# on* at the fir - *’ *nd coethnet yacht# tn tb** worM, but it 1* HnSv fair (0 .impure .vr with other l*ea#ure .raft y. jue *br I* •* war Ik *• the Kai*er hitiueif. and that I# about tn# limit Hn*“ i* mxgniflcen!’> n??e.* of omne, and very fleet The tmprnxl tr.*ln 1* in k"jung with the other grah)ei.r* of the kateer * po**e •lon*, and It I* the moit remarkable no} lection of code he# In exutenre. Th. r* ’ not wi A neie fn it r!S*■ #yuai 'if oane-l by Dr deward W#ob. formerly the j preaMen: of the Wagner Car Comjui ' but there i* n© train that •omiir** with the Emperor Wltttam • It to *hr e , year* :n buidling In the govemmonl raib wa> •ifw-i*- at I’ tr km. and it '•et wotne thlng more than a million do j lara cxwnplet#. it t'oriai#’* of twelve car- including numer • are it u-x Hill) it t* ma* up of 1 mor than #tx or strati On# ear iw need j a# a •.on It t a*Vvmed with fine o. 1 yuiiulg# and etatuary. In advfition to th* ueual furnishing* o? a private ar Ther m nie*. • part of cat fitted U! a* a g'in r.iMum trsd another th#t ha# # mu! room and many other thing# to r#Uev the tedium of h railway journey Th. trwtn ha* one feature that If unique—a treasure room corsstru- ted 00 the *afe h*posit principle with two lury burglar-proof -af* * There I# slway* % •pectai ftwril watching over thn* n>wn Whenever the K.ik*er travel# he carrir wtth h:m hi# order# aw*l decomtton* which are worth an er.ormou* #um be •*V.i h #.*vit of present# arid lari amouia of money Then there ire #tate paper* to be carefully safeguarded When he tnsvel# by train the Kalwer i# acootnp# jed by hi* ve-retarte*. hi# per sonal adjutant# the b>tuehOf<l phy#i. Un •r.d a large r. imber of servant*, includ ing the Imperial barber, the Imperial valet, and of course, the Imrerisl chef itop Tin: roic.ti tiu works orr THE C OED. lautr Brotno Qulrin* -urea '©VI In ore day N > no pay rn e S v#* -art RI 1.H.101 111) RONIM Ikey Iff laaeparable. *ay* the Pope. Front l*op** leo XIII s I-te Bnrycdi 1 Letter on Jesus Chflat, < Hir R. Uemer " Ood akme Is life All otler thine* j#f t.*ke of life, but are not life , hrl*t from all eternity and by hi# very natur is "tb* Life. * j t#t a* He w the Truth b-* ause He i% 4 So.I of ikd Kroffi Him, as from its most sacred source, all life pervade* an- ever will pervade creation Whatever Is. Is by film whatever live* live# by Him For by the Word **-ill thing# were nnh and withmi* Him v\t# m.tde nothing was made ‘ The whole object of Christum *1- trine and morality is ttiat ‘we t ing dead to sm. • huiUl live to justice " 11 }**ter 11. 24 *— that is to virtue and holiness. In th** consist# the moral life, with ih# certain hope of h happy eternity Thla justice nj order to be advWnTigeoiiw to sa.> ttlon. t# nourished by <*hri#tian faith. "This ji njan liveth b' filth’ (Oaiatian# Hi. 111. Wlthiul faith it is impeible *o <iod (Hebrew* li. 4) Corse •juently Jme Christ, the creator and pr •erver of faith, also preserve* and nour ish#* our m>tra! life This he does chlsfly by the ministry of Hl* Church To her. in His ww*e nr*! merciful counsel IP ha# entrusted certain agtncl## which en gen I* r 4.. e supemoTrtral life, profw't ar<l revive It If it should fall. This generative and conservative power of the virtues that tnake fm ski vat ion I* therefore* kiat. whenever morality is dls ►ocialed from divine faith A system of morality b4*ol exclusively on human rea -on robe man of his highest dignity and lowers h;m irncn the suiwrnaturoi to th* ro* riy natural Ilf* Not hut that m.i. is ulde by the right use of imton to know r. t to obey certain prtnctjwv# of the nat ural law Hut though he should know \ them ail am! keep them Inviolate through life-amt even this Is lm|>oe.*iM without th# aid of the grw** of our Kcdeetner— -till It is vain for any one without faith to 5 worn) re him#* If eternal sulvaticm. *‘lf any one abide not In .Vie. he shall be >-ast forth as a branch, and shall wither, and i they *hall gather him up and cast him into the fire, and he burnerh" (John xv.. 16> “He that ftvcih shall not U# condemn ed” (Mark xvi.. It.) We lute but too nuh rvubwv of th* value and result of a moraitiv divorced from divine faith. How le It that. In spile of a.I the seal for the welfare of Die mass* f iwittmi* ore In such strait* an.l even diatrroe. and that the evil 1* dally on the Increase? We are to and that society Is quite able Itself, that it an flourish without the assistance of Christianity, and attain It* end by It* own unaided effort*. I'ubiu administrator* prefer a purely *ec ular system of government. All traces of the religion of our forefathers are dally dl-upt"aring from life ansi ad •nlnlstrwtkHi What bllndne-w! Onco the Idea of the niHhority of God a* the Jtalgc of right and wrotur I* forgotten, law must nes-esmrily loee It* primary nuthorlt.v an-1 justice must pertati ami these are the two most powerful arsl most necessary bonds of soviety. similarly, once the hois* and expectation of eternal happiness It taken away, temporal gotsl* will b*- irreesl lly sought after. Every man wilt strive to secure Ihe largest share for himself. Henceforth arise envy. Jealousy, hatred. The cooaequence* are eonsplia.y. an archy. nihilism. There I* neither peace at-fead *w secutitv at home Public life I* stained with crime So great Is this struggle of she passions uni si, -.ri.> is th< .la-i*er* invoh 1 iji.p we must either anti ipate ultimate rutn or seek for an efficient remedy. It Is. of course, both right and necessary to pun ish malcfacTor* to edueale Ihe masses, and by legislation to prevent crime Ir. ev ery poasihle way; but all th s Is by no means sufficient. The salvation of the nations must be looked for higher. A THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 24.1900. power greater thaw human must b# called •r. t# teach mcr. bear's awaken la them th ##ai*e ~f duty, ami mae t?,em better. This Is he *-*w*-r #Tjl h owe** before wav ed the wor wi fnm destruction when grwamng u< ;er much m r* terror **vtl# *v - rns*\ * all Mfftedlmem# and **U#w •le Tirtstvan sptrM to nrrtie and grow s rv ng m • nat on, ard that nation wiil b** h* et The •Ir\t* between the cla**e* *t 1 he masses will !le away, rmiiuil right* wn be raapacted If Christ be !iste<oed 1\ Noth rich and poor will • heir p.i* TT.e former w .11 reabxe tbs? *• > rr -*1 Nervs )i> ■-e . *'l ?.r*' J‘ * latter self-ro'ratnrt r.i>l mcderation if ls> k are to be r.ived. lv*mes 1 life will be fj*vw etabUshed by *h# aalulary frar of dod as the l4Wglv< r th* sarrw way th* pre:'-*pt* of 'he tat r*l w whFh *t.-tales respe * for lawful a ,>nt) an<l otr k- ce to the )ir> anil e their inf!’.e#we over e people Isktlfl#! a rvl con*pracle# w ; esse Wherever Christ anlty rul s over ah without let or himlrance. there •he o- **i * rrovi ik r. r i (>retrrt •! and b*dh secur*iy and prefpsrUy are the happy rtNurlt The <*om m • welfare, then urgently demand# a rt t r* to H m from wh um w# show Id nev er ra\e gi . astr.i> to Him wto a the Way. the Truth, and the lift guff thl* , trv jnri r.oi 01 > of In llvdual# hut f s*‘ iety a* w . 1* We must restore (V.*’ to thl* Ills own rightful sMn All element# of the national Ilf mh ma le ro irink wn th* life wht h l -ore*eth from H‘m -leg station poHtb .il tnsMtut t *. • dura'on. mrrl>'g*- ard fsm \ ’cfe raj *t#l and labor Rvwy one must e th*t the very gp*w*ih of <(Vuit4tion wi'hi- *0 ar|entl> desired *lenenls -r a#'.\ - since It 1* fed and grows nm o imKh bymateriat wealth and tirottemr. #• by the #|*ritual qualltb*# of morality and virtue. ;t \. • last, the Ist day vear of oar |*onl heare 1-eo XII.. Poye ~THE WEATHER. Kprw**t for NWxrd.y r*<l Tuvwtax r r olitrr Mr.'l.j Tu.'ly flr. Ili west to north winds. (AM-rn Fujr Mm*); rnoi.-r in -*tr-tn portion ;*rtly clou.Jy . !lbt ><xith lo est !n*l WoMrrn Fion.iii Fair Mood.) -nd Tn—d.> li*r rl to north lnd r>-'Uth t'-rollna Flr. .oolrr MorxUy. Turwlo) lr frh iuth to wt oltvU Y—tordov YV.attMr at K.ivannah— M iiimum untF-tatur* * P tn. 7< d-*r—a Minimum trmp-mtun- 12. U *tn 13 d*r. a M-an trm; raturr .... d.*ro, a Normal tmp>ratur' Hdtir^t Kir.ii of lotnprraturr Ml drftMl A. um !laod .laflct.nry lnr* jo, j >1 d**rra A.-oumulat'd rxrraa alnca Jan 1 2Kd*r*a Rainfall !n ‘ h Normal 11 h IVtlrlmry atnr# lnc. 1 ** * nrh Daflckanc) atnea Jan. 1 i.Slnchna Kivrr Kr|>ort- Th. ht*nt of tta_ Savan nah rlv.r ai Auau.ia at a m (75th m'- ridlan tlm.) y.*t.rrt)r i 11* f**l. fall of 0 foot <lurln th. pr.cdln* tw.nty-four hour* Obr.rvotwcia iak.n at tho unit mo rn.nt of ttm at all tath>r*. D... 23. !*>. .v t. m. *sth mrldlan ttm. Nam* at Station T V Boston, .loudy j 12 I H .00 New York city, raining 50 2* rhl.adelphla ptl ckly 52 13 *1 W**hirurton city, ralnlny k t* !®* clear t *2 1* Hattara*. clear f <U | M i 1* Wtlmtrufton. ralnln* 64 4 .04 Raleifh ** * ! T ■ harl-'ton, cloudy t *♦ a ! ! Atlanta, rear to t .9 Auu#la -koudy *> * I -®? Savannah cloudy •( 12 *1 Ja'-konvllle. cloudy *4 A (• Jupiter ptly cldy *4 1 I. •** K-y Meat tear 1 T* I • I •* Tampa, ralnln* *4 ; * "I on Mobile clear “ *> 1< ‘ ( 'J MontFoanery. clear 5* I. T Vi'k.bur*. ,-iear 52 i | w> N* w Orleatt*. dear *2 L ® Galveeton. clear 5* 1* 1 * E -p. Ehrlatl. clear eMI •• "- * # M-mpht. clear 44 12 • Cincinnati, dandy 4i , It •> lit -burr *nr 5k I. T Buffalo, ptly. rKvudy 60 It *t Detroit cloudy > * Ohlcajfo. enowms 2t 3k AC Mnrquette. ralnln* ’ 3 * k ! I# A* Paul. *nowln* I h* 2u ul J**vent*rt. enowln* 2t 30 02 St levtrt*. cloudy * *> St T j,.. ... .*•*. leer . . X k T Oklahoma, clear f ♦' L • <* lod|te City, clear > < ®‘ North Platte clear ! Jt 12 .00 II B. Boyar. la>cai Farscaai official Milwaukee •-ount) WtooondO, i* to hav#- .1 home for lawyer* ami their wive*. Candy Esculetts Carts PILES or ilontv KefnndcU. WHY SUFFER? Bold under guarantee at fo lowing ilorn Kowimeki *. Jon-. Masonic Tempi*. Haight’ ►, H F. Retd’e. Miflo* * CVva- I, Donnelly 8. nd W. A l ■ iUvaiiMli Us. UFFHAN r.ROS , Savannah. O*. and V F liKlli. Savannah Gn . Dtatfibutoea y|*l .1 I \l. HOTICW. To-morrow bvirtß rhrlomo. the F W. |{[MKh Cos. will be closed all day \onrr. • All |wmH ar# hereby cautlowed against harboring or tnuttlne n>- of the crew of the Norwegian *bwm*hlp Olsf Kyrr-. Poison. maMrr. from PMlwlelphta a* no debt* of their contra.-tin# wtU b* paid by master. owtiera or by W W WIIAiN. Aecrl Consignee fki in. tone*. Hour- owner* and roal eatnte arwu protect vocreelf aseUiet the bursting of water pipe* h- utng the automatic abut oft valve Can be ei in operation at Pe#y lane amt Drayton street E, F. HHODERtCK. ITumbbr. IHFOHTKn IHHIIHIKI. Old Family OUtroeo. pnlh; Buritun die- I’ort. Old Tawrey. OM Taraon i f>l<l Tom <Hn. <)W Mollar.l Oln. French Co*nac, Vlntaire JBT>. Rhine Wine. Clr eta, tu r '* *"'* Pll All Imported Wuenbnr*er Hof Rraeo Beer on drttmht nn.l bottler OKOKOR BFCKMANN. Phone Tib WnMnker Kt •rr.t lAI. viru k. Wa are now rlytn apecia! attention to home patron*, baimminln* and paper han*tn* etc. With a corpe of only flret claaa workmen and a competent auper tntednent we con o>> your work promptly and eatiafactorily Gat our eatimate on anythin* In houae decoratln* ;m and aavo money, ANnjtFW ItANI.KT CO. 1 iMi 11 ruu, Abetracta ol th* .ecordod land tlttee of Savannah and Cbathan county from tho -attlement of Georgia to date. Money loaned at low Incereii on city real estate. SEJCKi-TT A BECXKTT. FI hKN.tI. IMflTinOM*. H<>HA.N -Th. r!,itl*. *nS fr.-4 ■ Frank J H<l->n .tal fami.'- and Militant M Booan ax. 1 fam ily. ar- Invitatl to att..A th. fun. .t*l o( "ha lurmu from OB Halt tr* t rail, al ito o'clock Monday aftrr>o.w Irt.rm.ti: in t’alh.dral t'*lrf. iirrTiMia. tlv*nut h< IMI'MIAT Mi 1. I. o. at. . A r.kular mo'iintc o." tni. .n aniftir.' ot a ill t- h-id tola .x.nluit Tat fn-mh. r ar. .arri.tly lnti*.l lo at'n.i Th. Royal l'urti laiw aid h. on -r-,1 c. A If MIMNi JAS. VAN BEIUk HOT Sc rib*. hOTUtC. tAavar.rvtb Ji-uik ami Truat fo, Savanoah U* Ihr It. !*" TANARUS). annual of tbr *to-kho|t!rr r.f thi. Uir.k *lll 1. tirF al thr Rankin* Hour- In tlx etty of Savannah cki Fri day. Jarv 11. I>l. at R o'clock m for Ih. -Irrtion of <1 r- "rtor- ami th. tnanaa-- tion.- of .u-h other bunnrM ar mat com. Mur. th vr K MK'ACUnr. Oatlr atitmii. h.iihiih tin i,h n it til tv tv ro. Annual Mr.tin* f Mock hnlH.ra Stvannar. ha.. D-c 15. I*oo. Th. ar.nttal m-.tttie of th. okho! it r* of thi* ocmiaiiy nlll h. 1 -al at th. of- Bc. of th- oonfiii) in th* city of ~a vannah. *.a . oa Wwlotrtat, Jan * Ibil at IC o'rlo k am, for th. tl. ilon of d|t. or. inti th* tranracllon of auef. o"h-r huatnraa a. may com. in for. th. m-at tn R H SMITH Secretary. aria i l tomn. MOTH K TO Till. I’l Bill . To-dar txlnit Ohrlirtma. .**. th. Otv M.trk.t will keep op< n till 1* o'clock a: nlcbt * U V MABTKRS. tl.rk of Market ( unit ). mniMKii riHhUit KSrKOIAIA.T FOR i HUIMTMA* BOMF7THINO EXTRA FINE J G NEI .BOX. I'hon. W! Bay .tr**t M llimn ttITIIT. Th. f-lUamr Rank of H.iatuinh Savannah, f *. . It. ■l* MW A dividend of thrc dollar, per .hare ha. declare.! by th- Tt r-crtor. of Th. j rifli.n. Hank of Savannah. FAYAIU.K ON UEIIANO. to atockholilcra of record thla date GEO f FREEMAN. Oa.hl.r l>l\ llty.Mt Ml. 22. Th- Germania Hank. Savannah. Ha Ib-e. 3D 19SV The director* of the Germania Rank her. thl. day di- lrv.l a; dividend of three ilollar. r .hare, paya ble on and after Jar. 2. 11"" JOHN kl HOGAN, (‘a.hlcr ■KHAR(MON A MOMIHI' *AH omiDIH A ini.kttllTH". I'M *i ri mmu. Si*e 1. 2 3 and 4 pound*. Gordon * Dilworth Plum rmkltnK Sou-". Fruit i 'uk. In 1 and &-lb Hnaee. Mince not. . . 13. Fine.t Olive Oil for Salad. I latnty tavar- of r-onfcctlon. Raker'. Vanilla Chocolate. Whl'mar'a lrcSiltAnniui Choolatr. F.rri. Morr-li*. and Gold Ran.l Ham. Pretty boa., lmponej Chocaiatea. Kindly leave your order, to-day. an we will not open our .tore on Chrl.tma. day A M AC. W WEST. Suwanee Spi n*. IX, Suwan.t Fla.: Dear 81r>—-1 am lit receipt of your ee . i-eni-d favor of the lklh Inal , and In re ply be* to aay that not ha'f he* ever heen told of the valuable pmprftte. of the water from your beautiful aprine. and ; I feel that I cannot .*y 100 anuch for a water which ha. !en*thened the !tf. of inv father, and relieved m. of the .ever, ca.e of Jaundice, with which 1 wa. mf f.rln when 1 • not. lo you. Tru.tln* tbnt you will aoor let every one know what a tteaur. you have In thewe uealin* water., and that many will avail thetnatlvea of their power and your kkid 1 tuunut.Utv 1 am alncerelv tour friend ROBERT kl HLU. All you can drink for i casta at Ltv tnvton'e. WE lI*VF. THE ITU'.VT line of Bo* Paper. Perfumery, Pocket | booka. Lap Tableta. Bctw-or* and Bcl.- | nor* Bct. Marlcttre Set., Mcdtea" and Genu' Dresein* twee, ever ah own In thl* ehy. Pleaae call early and leava your or der. for HITLER'S CANDIES. In tiaaketa. bo*e and packa*e*. SOLOMONS COMPANY 111 VII* OF HO ME. HOTEL* AM> •loariTAL* ilaa It ever occurred lo you that nearly one-half your life 1. Inbed- The tnaitrrea 1* the dkmi abused article of > furniture, aaid .iwuld be well made and of *o(.l. lean miterfal. At .hould be pick ed mul clean.ed at lea.t one. each three ! year* We make new one# to order, and have Improved machinery to clean*. *id pick old one. Our mechanical work, line of Hek!n. and m fur tll'.tne, flrsl -la* Medliatad Steam Renovation of Feather* Hair etc NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING CO.. : Bell Phone 1!M >3l Drayton I AM The largest grower of Cut Flow ers. ami My Doweri are Ihe Fin est Grown Strong talk, but the proof I* caav—send ms your order JOHI WOLF. Grower of Fine Cut Flower*. TUI! till TO 11.1.AY CARPET*. The only say to gel yout carpets prop erly taken up. cleanid and taken car* of for th# summer, is to turn th* Job over to th# District bl-sseoger and I'eltvery 00.. telephone I. or call at IS Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on th# coat of th* work. Price* reasonable They also pack, move and •tor# furniture and ptanoe. C II MFT*LOCK Bum and Mgr. hoy I** linn HO. By th* American Momllng and Trust Compunt of Holtimore. W* are author list to execute tocaliy {immediately u|>n application), all bonds In Judicial pri~ reedlng* In olther the state or United Plate* Court*, and of administrators and guardlane nFYRTVG A irrt.T. Agent*. Telephone *?t. Prcrldem Pul'ding WALL FtFltk, F4ITH H4XUIM. W* carry -omplete assortment of latest atyl* paper*, and employ only beat artist*. Pee our gasods and get our estimate be fore giving out your work Our prlcoa th* very loweet BAYANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY Ca. Corner Drayton and Comgreoa. Ebon* ill. FOR THE-' Holiday Table AND SIDEBOARD. Plum Pudding. 111. Hil Hil i-poofki. 3&c. 2-poumi. lAg. J-pour's!. 7&r Shelled Nuts. \i i. m\ im soi m Walnuts pound fVcgfMi. pM i.l Almonls poor! ... Fruit Cake. .:>! t\t Hlf ti <>i li •'.%.i.i*h In 1.11 and 10-pound *ite. i-er pound h tin Ttraai. New Nuts. %l l. HI s|| Tills lIAH * ( HOI’ i.i iHiirr.ii) ytr pound. f> pouniD for '•* Riasins. i:\m% KAM 1 .%( HUH 1 1-pound box Xk 'Hr pound box. S 2i. Mince Meat. S-pound Jars (0 A D >. ...Tie b- pound bucket (Atmor# #) :.v (Armor#*#) Si 2B Soups. F'ran -o-Amer! an. Anm Green TurG- aid Terrapin 75c quar' All other* Ke. 3 .an. (or E k> Vegetables. Fr#m h !’••> (extra flu#) p#r can J4e French Mu#hroon. agn . . Aspnmgus. quart jar# v. Aafwragui* pin? iwtr# The S.W. BRANCH Cos, Corner Broughton and Whitaker. Phone 76. IAL *OTICm. " vnTMil Cltv at &i\,tnu>i. • ;■ Cffire Terk of Council IS. ;9fl Th- f*l!owtng or^lrtan.■*•# are *>a•*llfh 1 for the information of lii ootirero** i WILLIAM V HAILKY Clerk of Council. FIRKWORKffi An orthntnet to permit the flnor of fire cracker* and ftreworks during th* Chrl*t m.# holiday# •# hereir provided flection 1. He It ord#ined by the am) Alderman of the city of f*avtnn#h In Council aoaemblel. That tne firing of air*— cracker# and firework# )# her#b> permit ted In the city of Un mnah on !J r*v jstreei and ao ith of Liberty street (ex-op® •J— ••-• -- • •* -W* k e*F >ka rewilu) I from Dec 2 to J#n 1. both inclusive, and the ordinance heretofore passed on this aubjeti Is amende*! •< ordlnifly Ez(**-pt s# herein prm’ided, firing of fireworks and firecrackers in the city of flaeaanah is forbidden uno*r peuaiiie# of exiating ordinances. Bc. 2. That the fifing of firecrackers or fireworkf in. from or Into Forsyth Park is hereby forbidden under the said ienal tie. flee S That all ordinance# mid pjirt* of onllnanoes in eon flic! with this ordinal. *• are b reby rsteal*^ (ordinance p#i l>e.\ li. Ifli. BONFIRE* An ordinanee to (•ermlt bonfires In *h* Park Extension or parade ground during th# Chrtftmts holidays. fleotioci 1- Re u ot'lamed by the Ma>or and Aldermen of the city of Savar.nah In Council assembled Tha: th' building of bonfires in (h*- i#rk l-!itsfidori or p.*ra le grouno. from Ie 24 to Jan 1. both In clusive. U x*ereb> allowed fle* 2 That all ordinance# aid |*art of ordinances tn conflict with thl'* ordlr.anc# are fiereov ref*.-!**.i Oixiinatice J Dec 15. IW7 GIICKII*fI SCOTCH WHISK V. This ce* bra(#d famou# old vatioi Highland Whisky l* imported direct from the distillery by u This Oreer flcoich W f hisky Is guaranteed to le ledtled aitroad and J- consigned to via from Glaa e*>w Sootiand. aid is ifi bond in the Fnlted fliate# Custxm House in this city Thla grand nll Greer Scotch Whlaky I# b a Jtifully mellow and n..d to a degree nno is soft to to# palate as one could poaslbly wi#h. nrl there is # trattlnen about it that Is e#c*eoUHy pleaaHig. Wc are glad to let the public r*ur chas# a## small quantity a< they wrlah. even or.e bottle, for th# pu*-# pose Of introducing the best branj of Scotch whisky extant LJPrMAN RKOff., Wholesale Druggists. I*ippman‘ Block. Sole Agent* for the Greer Distil leries. Glasgow flcotlaitd. and Dub lin. Ir* laud, foe their Scotch end Irish W hlkt##. l I LASTIM* HF.atF.MHIt tut: I 1H I IIOLIIIAY GIFT. Pol Ml Gold Bpectacl* feo Solid Gold Ey-ttlas* i.tsi Gold Pilled Ppeclaclr * Gobi rilled ryegies* itn Aluminum Eveglaaa 150 Aluminum Spectacle tin Tne above price* include the very beat lens** made Th# par ty who receive* them can have their eyea examined and claxsr changed to trait within one year Free of Charge. nn. a. et'HMaii tox, 47 Bull Street. KUtlTim OF CITY PWIYTKIt ~ City of Savannah, Office of Clerk of Count**! Dec. JR im Under and by virtue of a resolution adopted at a meeting of Cuun- II he!d C n the evening of I>e< 1J !WV an election for the office of city prtater for the y.*r I1 will take place at the next re* dar meetli a ot Council, Dec. A. lbai af p m Bid# for earns must be namiad in tki office on or before Dec. JA Mn u m Tt,.- city remirve* the right to reject an y of *ll bidk WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clerk sf Council Champagne. Champagne. Wc.tern plnta i ircat Weaten quart* ## Rhine Wine. h:i.K4 #TO K Nl#r#t#lv‘r qiwirtp * \* iattUi r.h*‘niF innts v 4^ pint# . Pr.indenburu* r. quart# ' 0,1 fti#'l'sh#lciv r quart** .. SHERRIES. bottia I# AmaroMi 1. -He '• tlloroer, ltii ' p Mrnaitilll. I>lilc liu Queen Sp ul bout* S CHERRIES. In Drund'- hot:’** Ir Marxiw Mno qnn ” ,tr In Mina- hlno. pint •<* PEACHES. I\ HE\>E*H BIMMH. " Huntley & Palmer’s Biscuits DIRIXT sll*%l NTa JtT OlKli:i> Fir v <'hri*?m* !># or#ol T4ox# baniiiiom* st **v#r show n F#<*h li —• Tor ••am Cbr **:map Box*#. ach... sl.2*. Arti? t'r.iv#rxl Box *. ♦• ’ 1* Opera #ml Hufxr Wafer*, pound. SALTED NUTS. fn •;!## J*r* flomethlirg New and Far- ' f Alao>.i* |Jsr Walnuts, l*r Jar P#oar.a p r jnr JELLIES. • ; a D Currai • i t’.ir't - Hri>. Apple *•' furl ice It ro. Quince tut *E%mvr#. CHRISTMAS RACES %T— -THUNDERBOLT DRIVING PARK TiMvm, ish:( ‘-t.A. Trotlr# Facing and Riinninx ( RAVE AT TIIF. PARK W T k e b* •• can) of me var fl*-e <isx*l s- papers for lisi of efitrlea Horr* * . i )#d at S:fl ( n # neduie by car line. M. A. DOYLE, Manager. HI siHFflfl NOTICES. Take Home a Box of FRANKLIN CIGARS and be happy to-diorrow. THE MATCHLESS HE NO TEA FREE OF DUST. In Ih. >t. ffti anl i-. k.xgcp BT AI.L DKAI.ERS, V The laundry that will make Savannah famous. {(■ •/ > {aum/#u. Ofllc* Bull Street. Phone- TOO. Pfi<l %I* PiOTIt w*. JrmTT \utiTk! <-||y of Savannah. OH'* c (*i*rk of Court- 4. Dec. IS. I*oo. Th* following report a.k-prori at a meet log of Council held Im* jj, 19ft), |a here with (Mibllh#.l for the Information of the public; The *'ommit*ee on St'e t* and I*ane*, to wrhich *a* r#f*rr*’d t*i* petition* of 1 the Vrrnoti Shell B, ad ’omp4t' ami of th Savannah uiu) !*', of llai*e Railway, taking for -tree! railway franchisee bo* to report that I hay have *elec-ed th# following tree4* a* b#in available for ! ra*l*Ay pur|xr>*fe Trice to fit Thom..* to Tlant. to H il- ertam. to Ba j till avenue, to hull, to T*fth, to Motit* gomery to & Julian to lkirnard an t Hay, that the *ame '■*+ i iMl*hed for the information of the puhli an.l w- further re. omm* nd that th*> h givtt a hearing It* 4ceordaiKV with the provision* of th# above report, notice i* hereby given that 01 Friday afternoon, the r*t Inat.. at 4 o'-lo k there will he a •pe.cii me-t.n* of Council held, t which lim- all par.l** .fleeted or at In ereet re Invite) lo be preseni for • full ami free die ue-lon of tbe matter at laaue WILLIAM P. BAILfcT. . Clerk of Council. FOB %i.K. f>n lb-inch Seam u, 10 . ,- un Krn| feet long ore Hill Oe. It!t|-i* -,* m x lf . *cr and 10-lm-h cy<-.lmiere only ued lTnc. v r,> Vu K,t Machine T*e T y *•*> • •->< of Clreu rL ,k fro,r ;* ° S* "- h- .Uameter. rrom the rn of H I* Fmart A Rev, Kaaat.uel ,^, y Th . for .. \Alrn HOYAf* MFO. CO.. Aavarnah, Ug. 1 THE CHATHAM BANK. SAVANNAH. LEOPOLD ADI-Llt, C. S ELLIS, Vice Preatdeai' JNO. K DILLON, faahler. BARRON CARTER. Caahl.r SollcMa th* account* of Indlvklua.. Arm. bank*, aaaoclationa and corpora tlona. Liberal favor, extended to rorre.pnno its hank*, a* our un.urpaaa*.! facUttw* for coll.cttr c ineur. frompt return* BITS AND !*KI.U* FOREIGN yv CHANGE. WRITIX LETTERS r,y- CIiBDIT AND ISSI'ES BANK MOM ORDERS PAYABLE IN AU, PART OF EI'ROPE Inter.*! compounded quarterly on* in the SWINGS DEPARTMENT Stfety Dcpewit Boxe* and Vault* fo. rent The Citizens Bank op .tvA.vvtn CAPITAL $500,000, Trananct* a General ilaukla a Btiilaraa. Solicit* Arronnt* of IndlvlUaaU, Merchant*. Hank* and other Lorpo. ration#. Colleetlona hatifllrd with #of#(, c economy anil lf|ntr!i Inlerrai, rnm pou mi ad nnsrtrrli alloxx rl on Urpoaila In onr flowing* Drpiari miphl. flnfrty Deposit Hitea mil fltorag*. 1 anil*. RKAATIaTI %. IIFKMARK. HILLS 8.%!.%>§:, %(*> I'rraldent. OF.OHCIK < . FHM:n %fl(. f ORhlee. (ton IH)\ L. (.HOOVLH. Aaat. Cockier. SOUTHERN BANK wa (lit. Bl4t< tft (Jevl #•. Capital XAA".<r*, Su plus aid undivided pr .tils Hui ■ DEPOSITORY OF TIIE STATE GEORGIA. Si.per,or fa.-lllGe* for Iran.actlnc a General il ui.m* itjaliir*a ' oll.ctlon* mad. Oh all I.unta a . * ..lid, through punk. a:.d l>ankata Accoui •- oi L ink.. liaiikr. klclch*t’ , * .rvl other* .ollcited. Safe Deposit Box.* for rent. Dtpacmcnt of Savins*. payatc* tiU.irterlv .-'**■ I- S er!|n Kxi Imn*. on la"ndon B and upward. JOHN FLANNERY. Pre.ld.nt, HORA'T * BANE. Vice FttaldenL JAMES SULLIVAN, let DfRECTGRB JNO FLANNERY MM W GORDON E A VEIL " W. GORDON. Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN IEE Re*V MVERS JOSEPH EERST H P SMART CHAUI.ES ELLIS EDWARD KELLT JOHN J KIRBT THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, ga. Capital Undivided profit* .k> Thla !>ank offer* it. aerGc.e* to corpora tion*. merchant* and individual*. l!a- i'lttiorlty t* a t n* executor, *d mlnitrator atinrdlan. etc. I.ue draft* on Ihe prln> tpel cttlm 'n Or-at Brttaln and Ireland and on "he Continent. Intercut paid <*- ronamind*.l quarterly or In th* Savins* Department. Safety lioxc for rant. HENRY RLDN l re*ld-n'. GFTO W TIEDEMA N. Vice JOHN M HOGAN. Cn.hfer. WALTYTR F HOGAN Anl Cathlar. CATITAIa. 93M^UO. Account* of banks merchant*, carpara Hone and Indlvi-luala cohered Barlnfa liepirtnienl. Int*ra*t paid guar terly. . Mafety Boxea ami Slorage Vaulta far sent Collertlone made on a!l polnla at paa *onable rater. Drafta eol.l on all lha chief cltlea of th* a orhi. + Correspondence Invited JOSKI’H l>. WEEI>. I'resident. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice Praaidaat. W F McCAITLET. Caehler. —r— ———— ——— N.. Mao. Chartered IMb -THE- Minis iai at OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, 4-av cw, C KFU'B ro,*> UNITED HTATES DKFOSITORV. J A O CARSON Pfwaldent. BEIHNF GORDON \ .ce I'r-wMent W M HAVANT. Cashier Accounts of oank* end banker*, mer chant* and corporation* received upon iha most favorable term* consistent wits safe and conser.-at've I nnklng THE GEORGIA STATE RLILOING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET. WEFT. - PER CENT, per annum allowed on O depo-n*. withdrawable on demand Interest crclli.d quarterly. 6 I’Llt CENT, in t annum allowed on d-poslta of cveti hundred*, withdraw aid* at annual periods. GEO W TIKDE.VIAN. F real deni. B II I.EVY, Vice Freaident. E W BELL Becretary C ■ - ANIO-HFON. JR Trs-irkT iriSTiiS For eal, a Fotaalih Newspaper Folder: will fold a.yeet ZTxG It la In (cod order price lice Jt r-oat ortglnally *:.M >it we ha.-a no nee for It sad want the room It occupiee. It will be an tnraluatle adjunct lo aay newspapar 018 e. Add re U MORNING NEWS, Savnaaih, r.#. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On treasonable Term?. CITY OF sit AXX.Mt roCKBT It a. J cm EACH. Fmrrr.ii in two colors. RICHLY lillYO IX CLOTH 4jm *TAHr: ix iiou) on iiu, Fee Sale by vne momiso (tewa*