The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 24, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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golden rule and others. rHßiftT'ft %%n v rr.% i. I\U* %\ MIT 188 CONFOI\IIFI>. Much 'lorr Talk I* llmni Than Tli err l Prartlrr yrn of thr (•nlUrn Hair, llrrlarrd Dr. Jolttt 11. Jori Jan at (hr rim Baptist l aal Maht - rnnlmlion That tinldew Muir VVn llrrhnl From I nnfuctua In \% Ithoat Ihnion, tlir I’astor *all. lor That l.aa-tilirr'i In. juneflon \\ nn Yegaflve In || mar- Too. Una 1 rue of !••- rates’ Ha lea ■■ Other Hair of II ii im aii lotion tan ( omparr With That of I lariat. Thr Golden Buie wait preached upon last night at the Firm Baptist Church by K'< Hr John I> Jordan. his treat ment of his subject being such as to show that l is drawn from thr teaching* of Dhrhrt ami tlwit It is no ConfuMan dor trlnr. The teat was* drawn from Mat* thew. 7:12: “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do* to you. do ye even so to them " The text, the pastor said, is commonly known as the Golden Buie, about which .* great deal of talk Is heard, but of which very little practice is seen. Just a there Is much talk and little study of the old authors, so there Is much talk and little practice of the Golden Bult. Though Its application Is universal and It is Intended as a guide for all men. yet few follow It. Frequently," said Dr. Jordan. "we heat discussions of the origin of the Golden Rule, and €h© public prints con tain learned arguments upon the subject. Time and time again tin* question has l*en raised with great noise and loud lamentations upon the alleged mistake that 1> mode in according Ms origin to tne teachings of Christ. "Rome ol these arise writers declare that Confucius gave forth the Golden Buie centuries before Christ, but in th they are mistaken, for by no possible conception can the rule expounded by Confucius be confounded with the Golden Buie of Christ. Do not unto others th*u which you would not they do unto you' was the rule as it way given out by Con fucius. and it has about the same rela tion o the Golden Rule that agnosticism bears to religion. "That the world is becoming Confueian b* alien it is be timing agnostic la a < ialm that Is sot up by some learned gentleman, but ro such negation ns agnosticism can e'tape the be.ief of the world. Show me a man who claims to be an agnostic and I will show you a man who arrogates to himself an intellectuality that is superior to that of nil others While admitting that he knows nothing, he yet presumes to sit ip Judgment upon the ministers of the Ird and upon the entire community that engages in Ills Worship. Agnosticism is purely negative, but Jewua Christ came into the world so establish o positive re ligion." Socrates, Dr Jordan aald. had much th** same Idea of a rule to govern men In rheir relations to one another as Con fin In*.. his injunction being ‘That at whi* h you are angry when inflict.d upon you do not lo to others." This has the same negative ring as the Confueian rule So.rate* further Maid that men should behave toward their friends as they would like to have their friends behave toward them, hut the universality of the Golden Rule Is not approached by this advice, as the relations among friends ore all that ra touched upon Nowhere wa* there found the full sweep of the Golden Mme until const cams* t give it. The pastor drew several lessons from the Golden Hub* First was that of sub stitution. the facility of fritting one's seif In the place of another and knowing just what conditions might govern and what reasons might actuate that other Then. too. there is Ihe lesson of mercy, the quality that prompts dealing as falr )> with a fellow' man as one would have his fellow man deal with him Justice, too. in taught, aud men should be prompt ed to deal as rigidly with themselves ms with their fellow*, not treating them selves with that charily they are likely to show toward themselves and to with hold from others. * ulture of the conscience i* also nn blew that is advanced by the Golden Rule, and the cultivation of conscience 1s nec e‘-ary and cannot, without great danger. Ih neglected. The idea of a common fatherhood Is also suggested, for the Gold en Itide is from Christ, who came from Gu<l. and no teaching* from other re ligions can show anything to compare with that which should guide men In their actions toward one another. (I AKTEHft FOH t 11IUT8. I.wallun I* knunlil lr Wintering kella A liraj'a *linw. The Hell* nl Gray rlrrua nixy winter tn Savannah. Mr R Ht.HTord. represent ing the drills, has been trying to effect a satisfactory agreement for the uae of a ill* In the vlelnliy of the city, are! this morning h all) drive with Maj. G M Ryala to that gentleman's place welt of Savannah. Several place* hay* been visited by Mr Stafford In the hope of finding quarters that would answer for the show, but he has thus far been unsuccessful He bus found site* that would be satisfactory, he sayw, if she price* demanded for their use were not considered exorbitant The show Is now m Florida. If the quarter* can be secured upon term* s.ltlt lactory to the owners. It will arrive within fe w weeks. | I'ITI BREVITIES. A meeting of the local po*t of the Tra velers' Protective Association will he held this mornlt.K at 10:30 o'clock at the Screven House. A negro named Elliott Martin of No. Iftl Perry street lane. west. In a row wuh another negro Saturday night, re ceived a blow on the head that split the scalp open He was taken to the office ot Hr. George W. Ilcrlot, who closed tin wound with live stitches. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension will give an entertainment In the Sunday School room or the church, Jan. 21, tor the purpose of ratsing funds for the work of the so ciety. The programme for she affair is In the hand* of the Luther Leaguo of the church. Saturday night a* Mr. C. B Wentcott was about to leave the city on a hunting trip, lie found a negro at the market dock In possession of a Columbia bicycle that probably has been alolen. He attempted to arrest the negro wno resided, and was only secured after he had been knocked down. Boih prisoner and wheel were sent to the barrack*. Mounted Patrolman Helgnan kick iiOSTETTEIfc n WOUTtl'lu tor •"> * lom ' i hfc STOMACH^ Troubles 8 s^r* * Minutes g otaoak.mir.nae %sr vkw w " h rrarl- INE washing, for every hour of herd rubbing with old-fashioned washing You save hn.ll the time. It'e easier. pleasanter, heelthter work. Soaking the clothes In PEARLINE end water loosens the dirt. You rinse it out with no rubbing. This soeking is absolutely harmless- not so with most soe.p-soe.king. r<i on hia In* by his horse while Iro.lmc tne animal out of the station house ata hle* yn.-rorilay morning Fortunately the 1* . not broken, but it wss badly bruised, atwl Patrolman ltelgnan was not able to do .liny during the day. St Mitt WITH THE roUCC. The \ of I'arrolmen ..n the street to He Inereasetl Use-tlsli. Yesterday with the police, while it eould no lw rslle.l a qule, day. was eomparatlvel}’ dull, considering the sea son. There were only fourteen arrests up to midnight, and they were nearly all on trivial charees. that of being drunk and disorderly predominating Jim Holmes, colored, was arrested by Patrolman Ferrell, charged with assault ing and cutting Peter Doing In lovers' lane Holmes also cut Doing's wife, hut neither she nor her husband was badly hurt H E Murray, colored, waa arrested and sent to the Iwrracks charged with breaking a bottle on the sidewalk In front of Kngln. House No 1. The arrests made up lo midnight, taken I together with those of Saturday after court had been held, make about forty* live prisoners that will appear this morn ing before the Hr, order. Beginning at 7 o'clock this morning the three reliefs In which the poltoe force is usually .lidded will be made Into two which will serve twelve hours each, until the trouble that Is usually Incldena to the season, ar.d which Is expected this year also, shall be over AT THE THEATEtt. / Hoyt's •* t tltrtnlghi Hell" the Chrtat mss Attraction. "A Midnight Hell.” one of the late lamented Hoyt's best comedies, will be the Christmas mat.nee and night attrac tion. The play Itself |e a most interesting story of love and Intrigue, developing the sweetness and fragrance of New Kn land life, and character Alice Rosalind will be seen as '"Dot,” supported by a ompany of twenty-live people. Including Harry S Robinson as "Deacon TtAd.” (•ua Tate, th laid boy, "Martin Tripe." ind lallie Lawson, specially engaged to introduce her specialties. The production Will! its old fashioned sewing circle.where all the women in the neighborhood con gregate to talk about their neighbors. Its church choir. Its chool house scenes, and the boys and girls sliding down hill. Its old fashioned country dance, will be seen here In Ms entirety. Friday night "Whst Happened to Jonea" will be the attraction The play Is well known and greatly liked here. Every hodv Is keyed right up to the pitch to fully appreciate ano enjoy an u\ .... trouble into w hb-fr poor Jones Involve.! hlmseir The presenting company la said to be a good one. LOCAL PKR SONAL. Mr. M C. Talbot of Atlanta la a gue*t of the Screven. Mr. H P. Martin of Condor Is register ed at the Screven. Mr J W. Moore of Atlanta t* reen tered at the Pulaski Mr John W Poe of Vtdaila I* regis tered at the Screven. Mr. II K. Pritchett of Dublin Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr. G. A Balaton of Brunswick Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr. C. M. Hammond of Seville Is regis tered at th* Pulaski Mr XV. T. Klder of Cordele Is regis tered at th* Pulaski Mr Thou Martin. Jr . of Bluffton. Is * guest of the •Screven Mr Alfred Foster of Waycroas la reg istered at she Pulaski Mr Jas H McKee of Beaufort Is reg Istered at the lie Soto. Mr E. M. Thor|>* of Towneend Is a guests of the Screven Mr. D. J. Gillen of Donaldsonvllle Is .-egtstrred ut the Pulaski. Mr end Mr*. S K Harmon of Lyons are guests of the Screven. Mr George P Wylly of Tlfton was a gueet of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. D E. Gamm.ige of Armstrong. Fla., Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr E. XV. Varn of Manassa* was among the arrival* at the Screven yesterday. Mr. A H Mcßae of Claxton was among th* arrivals at th* Pulaski yesterday. Mr. W. R Pittman of Thomasvllle was among the guests of the Pulaski yester day. Mr and Mrs. J P Solomons left yea teiday for Scot!*., 8. C., to spend the hol iday* with relatives Bev. Hr. J. B Jordin and Mrs. Jor dan will leave to-day for Allensville. Ky.. Ur. Jordan's former home, where they will spend the Christmas holiday* Ml** Edna Strong Middleton and Mis* Miry H Bryan have returned for the Christmas holidays from the Georgia Nor n*l an.' Industrial College at Mll'-dge vlUe Miss Middleton Is at her home. No li Liberty atreet. west, and Mias Bryan is at No. 31* Gwinnett street, east. a ni HiiiiAK i% HER room. txpfrUnrf of Aooo* Lad y \ laltar at Cordelr. Cordrle. Oa.. Deo 11—This mortrng, about 3:30. Mine Marie M or* fort. who la visiting h*r rioter. Mrs. William Hran- Urott. was aroused by wmt on i**lng hta hand* over her fare. Mloa Mont fort immediately put on the electric light and In time to oeo the retreating form of a m-in through her window Mr It C. Harris was sent for and oulcklv responded lie Immediately vla tted Hlchwnod convict camp for .log*, and at 6 o'clock returned with the dog* but they would not take the trail. As yet no Clue to the burglar ha* been found. Ml** Moot fort could not say whether or not the Intruder was white or colored. Tnc discovery wrae made before any rob herj- of any consequence could be accom plished _ rt.MMt:H O* A Tllllt. Cleveland Parts to Take la Florida aad t aha. Bt Augustine. Fit.. Dec. S3.—The teach ers of the Cleveland (O.) public school* arrived lit this olty this morning on a special train and spent the day sightsee ing There are 110 In the part/ and thH la their regular annual holiday tour. The party will leave to-morrow morning for Miami and will sail from there Wednes day for Havana. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY'. DECEMBER 24.11)00. “IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME.” niMlnr IS. M Ht MHttV* F.H%104 AT W WM.r.Y ITU 111 M. lift* ir raifin at the F% rnln Srnlee IM>rnril the framing of Christ and ihe He a son \\ h > It Waa \ftl ( oltii lilrnt With tlie I rratlun i t lie V\ orUl ITir Mrnn of fteUatloa Wrrr l>*lovcl I nftl the World Waa Head % to Receive Them— l tiod !• I ndrr tihlluA t t*s to Catlaf) the Mind of lian f the Trvlha of III* Mrllulnn mid Me llaa Howe *o. Bishop K R Hendrix, of Kanaai City, preached un eloquent Christmas sermon tit Wesley Monument *1 Church last nlfht Bishop llendrlx a thoim was The Com ing of Christ, In tne KulHmm of Time " The t,u po war fully handled from the |hilo*ophi<wl view-point of the student of theology and history Bishop Hendrix began hi* sermon with a reply to those mho x'*rp ** the wisdom of the plan that set* Christ into the world so many thousaiuti of year* after the birth of the flwt man H.d the divine plan, he sakl contemplated that the sav* in* grace shot®*! come to a few individ uals or a fern nation*, it might have been mine that the nieini of eat vat on ahould l.ave been coln Id* nt with tho creation. It had a broader scop*. a wider purpose, than thlft "Uonsuler." said Htfthop Hendrix, "had ‘the glad tiding* of great Joy* come to the world during the time of the patriarch* or m those early day* when the world w Am young, horn' 111 the morid would have been prepared to receive them Wwh m hat difficulty and danger would th*\ him- l*een tra:**m:tte*l from one eavag** crit*e to another Horn flomdy and with what inflnlte pain* they would have oem ah**rt>ed by th*- nut lone of the earth in barbarous ege. "Nay Chrlat came in the* A>f time, mheu the grain wit rlp* for the harvest, when the m>rld was ready to receive him. When clrctimatance* mere such thAt proof of hi* coming anl of the faetn of hi* life might bo pre*erved. when It me* no long* lo*aibie for tne p oughehare of mar to obliterate hta foot print*. "1 ray it In all reverence, but voicing a deep vOm. tior. that God I* under >h ligation*! to Mitiify mind o? man. Ruch a* me are. he rink u*. and he ought to give u* such ptoof* of the truth of hi* religion as mil! remove from our mir*ls the last doubt o? Ha divine origin "This he ha* done Kvery fact of reve lation 1* an historical fact, our religion 1* a *y*tem on an historic tail*. If f he truth of theee fact* be disproved, then Ine -on*olation* of the t'hnatlAii religliti vanish wU'.\ them • Take the Anal fact of the resurre tloti of our lA>rd. I- I* the great teat of our religion nd If It cannot Iw* proved, then our hope* are vain But it can be A gr*a German theologi in. mho nw that ll held the crucial truth of Christianity and determined that if he could disprove it. Christlanlty would tumble o its fall. *et a trout the effort with All the ness and vigor of a trained *and educated mind "He tested Ihe evidences In support of the remurre*'tion in the light of every sur rounding circumstance and weighed th* m in the balance* of reason and experten c He scanned them to find a discrepancy or a contradiction, and for a time he thought he had *Uv*ieeded But in hi* maturer year* and as the result of maturer thought, he reached a conclusion mhl h he enunciated In this manner: ‘The res urrection of. Jesus Christ l* •** much an historical tact aa in*- ***■<***••• ~**• .* Julius Caesar.' " In this manner Bishop Hendrix vindi cated the wisdom of th* divine plan of •a.cation He said that in the ages that have been God has had more than one chosen people The Greek csaaitMshed Intercourse between the nations *>: the earth and carried to Its most distant lands the blessings of education and the hnhtt of thought The laitlns were she .great road-builders and law makers. who brought order out of chao* and connected the nations, they conquered with their own weli-governed little city by th. hank* of th* Titter Th# Hebrew* hail the law an.l the prophexs. and to them wa sent th* Messiah, who wws to save the workl. The name of Jesus Christ, sine* hi* ad. vent U|n *arth. has been hsllssoluhly linked with every event In the history of mankind. The nations measure their rise and fall from the date of hi* birth, that date stands Mke a mountain range, from which high eminence the plateaus of the centuries mark the descent to the Chr st ami the world' They ore twined together." swld Bishop Hendrix "An well seek to pluck from th* emlii*it air a gleaming sunbeam and sepwrato the ray* of which It 1* composed, as to separate th# name of Jesus Christ from the history of mankind." The coming of Christ wo* deferred, said the Bishop, so that man might com* to nwliae the futility of all other syst-ms of religion and philosophy They have vanished frrm the world, these oi l pagan religious and philosophies, and Christian ity is triumphant. The people of the world ooom to ci*t ih.u <mt> Mm Is In the name ami the promises of Jesus Christ Bishop Hendrix preached at the morn ing service at Trinity, hi* them.- there la Ing. “I Am Come to Ho the Work of the Lord." It was a strong ami powerful discourse. € H 4lt I.OTTE's PtH’t LATHI*. Pol Ire t'onst Shows 37.752. a Gain Over t'ensns I east. Charlotte, N. C., Dec 33-This city showed a gain of over iO per cent. In pop ulation by the federal census, the city being rated at 18.0*1. The count was reetrleiod, of couta-. to the territory with in tn* city limits. The nw cotton mills end suburban towns built In the pad ten years Join the city closely, being divided only by th* corporate lines, ami while not dissatisfied with the i-ount of the governm-n' enumerators, the city authorities ordeted a police census, which would take 111 the enllrn city. This census has been completed ami shows n population of 27,7V-’ The police count Inside the corporate limits showed a gain of 1.811 over the federal census VBRMONTM4A DROWNED. Twss Lives by Aallhmat I apslalna at Tarpon Spring*. Tarpon Spring*. Fla.. Dec. 23—The body of W. II Bigelow. a wealthy Ver mont winter resident, was found In the hay to-day between the mainland and the Island, where he had been drowned by the capstklng of hi* sailboat One col ored sailor w* also drowned, but the body ha* not been found. —There I* an epidemic of old-fashioned mumps In Auburn. Ind . moat of the vic tim* being adults. Physicians say that never In their experience have they known of SO many grown-up persona suf. faring from this complaint. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought DU. Dt*c\* ritITMIM 1 I ID. Stricken With I'nmh Yeerd> Mnrnliift and Fml Bw pee ted. Dr. William Duncan Is A'r!tt< illy 111 at his honuf on Gad Ogleahorpe ivemie arm! practically no hope of his recovery i* entertained by his attending pfiyalcian*. Though for tome day* it has been known ihiit Dr. Duncan's health mas m'M pre carious. this announcement of h* desper ate condition mill cause widespread grief I}r Duncan has been for som* time .1 sufferer from Bright's disease and till* las? attack has been a particularly acute one On Saturday it weemed hi* condition had Improved Mtid for a little Urn** he m Miked about hi* room and his residence, Yesterday morning he m.s stricken m-ith paralysi* and hour by hour his con ittton beA'omc more and more crit ical. During the day he rallied for a, lit tle time hut the improvement mas only temporary. At an early hour this morning h m*i reported resting quietly and the end mas not Immetliately anticipated. No ho|w* of his recovery, however, is held out to his friends. ••%VH %T*k l\ % MMKr Two Winston t'hnrehlll's Meet for Ihe First Time. From the Baltimore Hun Boston. Dr 17 —Two widely-known young men. mho. because of a similarity of name* have kept a considerable num ber of persona on two continent* guess ing. met in Boston to-day for the flrat time These men. mho had heard no much of each other, who had lw*rrt reoeiv liwr each other .- malt, and mho wi* most ot th-* time separated by the Atlantic ocean. ,r Winston Bpencer t’hurclilll. Kngdshmin, memt*er of Parliament, soldier, war cor respondent and lecturer. Aged Ji yeats, and Winston Ghurchlll. American, author of "Richard Carvel," aged ? years Tb** young, slender, light hatred Kugltshman was in bed at his room at the Touraivie shortly after nost, when his leotur** man* ager. MaJ J. 11. Pond, arrived with the heavily-built, mx-foot American author, fttnonih-ahaven. dark complexion, having merry black eve* and with hi* stout form incased In a Raglan of dark grav "Mr Churchill. Mr Churchill. 1 *id the Major The man on the bed turnedsover on hi •We aid held out his hand "I'm sorry to And that you are lll,** said the Churchill in the Raglan, a* he cm ugh t the outstretched hand. "Nothing serious. I guess." sail the other "Been traveling, vou know. but. I gay. horn oame you by that name " The author of "Richard Carvel" smiled 'lt seem* that there have been Wins ton Churchill* over here fer a good many yeor.s," he rep Med. Then there wa* a little talk, and It was found that tli* two mm *e*med to b In no may related to each other Winston Bpon<4 r Churchill said he hod always |t-k*ii form aid with pleasure to a meet Ins with his namesake and the other Churchill said something tn the same at* a.n "I m*as interested muen I rerad your flrrt book." said thr young Kngdshmon Didn't think a great deal of th it U*k. but the i-ther on*-. *Hlhard I'arvel,* I mas milling to become responsible for that " "By thr may." said thr man on th iwd. turning to MaJ. Pond, "how ab-mt my msll”" A< soon a* hi* tram reached Boston thta mornina the Kngllsh Mr ChurchlU and hb manager had driven to oftlce in search of • |>* kage •“ mall, whl*-h had been raNrscttd from Htltl morr. The ywing JOnglishman. owing to the fact that he has an American n.m*- .take, and for other reasons more difficult to explain, ha* ihH received any mail since his arrival in this country It hod been held up In New York and Haiti more, and he was told at the Boston p* >* office Shat it had been sent to thr Hack 1 lay wtatlon to hr deliver#*! to Winston Churchill, of m Beacon street The malt. :H>w*ver. has not bean found yet I am afraid I have brrn putting you o • .n*ller-ble inconvenience." said thr young Amrrtcati to hi* new acquaintance "Not at all," iwoteased the other, "not at all. H Is your Infernal poatoffice sys tem." "Tou had the same advantage over me In lam.lon not long ago." said the author of "Blehard tNirvel " When 1 was stay ing at Pown‘* Hotel In Igmdon I found It ulmost Impossible to get m> mall They compelled me to sign for It personally. 1 .lew swha ha.l hash mllMt hv III*- lflll*lt ••*• Maj Pond having pronounced the young Englishman ready for his Boston lecture the American Churrhlll departed, hut not before an appointment had boen made for dinner In 'he Dutch room of the Touralne an hour later. After the Englishman's valet who had been watching he tire en gine* go by the hotel, end hsd been tell ing everybody In sight that they were "nothin' to the engines In Lunnon." had fixed up hts master's lip where a Boston ( barber had ha. k*d II early In the morn ing and dressed th youthful member of Parliament In a suit of gray, the two men of the same name met again In the din ing-room. where the manager and a voting Harvard student, a cousin of the Englishman, were also of the party. The pair of Churchill* sat for an hour or more after the others has departed ami there waa a running fire of talk all th* lime. The author of "Richard t'arvell* rotd about the hook on which he t* now at work and which will be a sort of Houth hefore-1 he- war-story, with some of th preliminary fighting of the Civil War thrown In. "Haven't got enough fighting; ought lo put more fighting Into It." was she com ment of the Englishman. L,*r they left the hotel together for the Bom.-rset Club. Damon had n semporary separation from Pythias In order to deliver hl lecture In the Tremont Tempi e at night They have promised to cultivate each other's acquaintance. wA hymn bonk which belonged to on* of CronJ#'* drivers and which had been perforated by a bullet brought *7 at a re cent **l# In Iswolon ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANOEB. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES o. all kinds. SEED RTE. SEED OATS. HAT. GRAIN. TEED. FLOUR. CHEESE. BEANS Pees. Rice Straw, etc. W. D. Kimkins & Cos. We Save You Money -ON- • Fire Works. Tos and dolia; *ea ua quirk, •phone oil DONNELLY DRUG CO.. Liberty and Price alrattt. @mE YOURSELF! l’< Blf for noosisrfcl ItS'fcSr***. rrlUlibti or uhsrsttMM >f nq r ai mißbrisMi. rsiaisss. smtS not , gotaeeee* Bald hr ■* was teas. >r et la Mon., by oiprua K>Nl.<, fee St on. or s n-.MI %. fa. Ctrcaler mi ea reqaaak CLASSIFIED AUVtHfISEMENTS. •’Fit *ON 41,. i:XPKNBKHTd —>ecret -of my being abb to sell lady * solid gold m at. he* for gv T l * American gold fill* I motel li> years' guarantee, F*. Atnerh an Ilvei lndv's match. 14 TV diamond ting. sll . gents' gl<! eal ritig $1 C. plain gM ring*. $1 *• ani up baby's ring*, lift an.l up gokl *|*ectaelr*. t 2 49 Fegeai* N h,*t itmughton. Ilalr. Jewelry .i*| Hbnving Hupply House, th* place m h**re tiair, platinum. * l*i silver, okl gt>ll an-1 o!1 coin* are taken as * ash* PCIIAFKR’H CBBKHRATKD FBI T CAKRH FOB CIIRIHTMAH; BFST \l\ Tl Iti VI CT RRANTP OUKANKD AND it AIHIN H HTFVMKD AND HTON’KD AT HOMF TH >1 S’ I WINi: AND UVRGH VA Hi KTY OF BMAI.!oAKF FYKIIY THING FIRBT CLASS oRDKU KARLY P MIAFIIH, 2I JLFFF.RBON AND !*> LIBKBTY LAST GIVK Ml. YOt'R oRDKRS FOR FINK Christmas poultry or for tin** nests Jtv* P'i l*. Krikfr, market Ph >ne* T> IF YOF WANT TIIK BKHT I*AI’NCH made, write to the Mianus Motor W>rk fc Mismift Conn . for tmilar nt*! price The Mianus launch Is fast, reliable at.-I p* onomn at. LILIFS OF TUI* YAl.l.l'Y, MY o*ll importation-- fn cold *to- ige read to deliver every H.turbiy. l*-rav* or deie with J Gardner agent. 12 Brough ton street east. A C ttels.htg. nursery opposite Cathoit Cemetery KEF. CHFNIV A CO ooItNKB VV IIIT aker and Idhertv straet*. heaK|uarten for Chines** and Japanese fancx good*, teas etc . at |om prb-ea. Oriental and Turkish ornaments below cost price C-m* and visit u* Hi lIAFKR S CKLKBRATKD HO.VIF MAD K MINCF MEAT PIKS FOR CHRIBTM Art DINNKR. ALL KIN 08 OF FRF IT I*l Kt* \l>4t' ORDER KABLY I* HtTIAFKB 210 IKFFEIt- SoN AND 120 LIBKRTV KAHT HOLIDAY BFGB. CARPETB I*OR tier*’*, la e (iirtains. nnl ** thousand and osir irtlc|S.H t. g|gd*len thr good wife • heart c p Miller, agent “TOP will LIKI Tlin MILK FROM Ppnngflell Dairy, it's rich nd pute. try it. FLKGANT BKDROf M FIRVITIRK dining ronnx furniture c.'dna closet*, si. v* r cases, sideboard buffets, mirror-door wardrobes, etc., our immense st*x-k mus* b*- seer, t*> be appre**tate*i C p Miller agent CHOICE LINK OF WILTjOW AND cobbler seat rockers for the tvH lav . ** Teeple a 317 Brotighton, wet. CANARIA AND GOLD FIMI J Gardner. 12 Broughton street, ca t I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton ring up 11M If you want to have your fumlmrs moved **r packed for shipment or storage. I guarantee pri ea the same as I do the work that's given to me. A S. Griffin. 414 Broughton <tr*et. west, mattresses made to ordrr M GILLIB* LACK CUBTAINB WILL beautify your ra-lor KLNrtINGTON FARM MILK !R UN surpassed for rfehnegs; d< livery is per fect. phone 2345 TKFPLK 18 BHOWINO A NICR LIVE of carets matting rugs, shades. Ino leum. cheapest tn town IF ITS HI GH YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper fr< m McGillls GILT CHAIRS TABLES. COtTHE? coxy corner*, reception chairs, leather • hairs, an Immense assortment at re* sonable price*. C P Miller, agent. WHEN YOU SEE M GILLIB* SIXTY inch 99-ceni rugs, you will buy thpm. Just can't help It. will sell In rr.y qu.m tlty "FURNTTURF MOVED WTTH CARE. ta it atxaclaltv with M^iliill. IMMENSE LINE OF RATTAN ROCK era from up to 115. C. P. Miller, agent 'M'OTLLIB IS cheat ON Rt ns' NETS l*r curtains, hammocks. water muster* pll'ows, pictures, stoves. b.dro*>m suit*, and furniture of every description. MILLER'S HOLIDAY GIFTS Koft brother* and other fellows' brothel* you Will have to . all and examine our Immense line in order to thoroughly- ap preciate the subject. C P Miller, agent FOR A PRETTT BEDROOM SETT parlor and dining-room furniture, you should go to Teeple's. KENSINGTON FARM 18 ON AN elevation tn the country, free from elty draipag* Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk. phon 2345 De livery prompt, satisfaction guaranteed M'GILLIS MOVES. PACKS SHIPS and store* piano* and furniture; beat work CTssT; S;. fbr*<*M*—nn *'i ‘Kfon John" kba ~MILLKRB HOI g!I AY GIFTB PO|t nintara Mill other fallow*' alntars; foilrt tub!**. Unity**’ d#**k* chiffonier*. picture* o' ill kind* n- inl li- w*> will ha!g you out (*. IV Miller i^nt. TEWPLE CAN HAVE TOT' Mt>NKT ON ftove* *teel rani***-. oil h'gier* and hot atuff heater* 317 Broughton, w>*t Ml I*l.Kit H HOLIDAY CJIFT£ foil children; doll* and toy* of #v *rv derrif> tlon; chair*, baby carrluge*. go-ngrt*. velocipede*. tn>le*. i'*itrrf.4 vmiviiii, pa trol wagon* C. I* Miller. agent M'OILLIB BELLE H!XTY INCH ftUQft —Smyrna pattern*— fo? F* rents. “XMAH I’I.nWKHK ItOBEE HYA cintfis nnd LlU** of tn* Valley; will h* r*ady order* nollcllM J (lontner, 12 Broughton at real. cast, agent for o*l - Nursery. !*• YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, orasr your lithographed and printed *tfitl<m*ry and blank books from liomSns Nswa. Savannah. Qa t*n<)Tosi ii’ii y. FOR A NEW YEAR* GIFT thWs nothin* nlo*r or mnr#* appro|>rt t* than a lowly photo of 'or mother, father frlrn.l or atxl WHftofTfi 8!k11o, 41 Hull fftro*t. th* lUro tn *#*t It; you urn not "too lato;’* fit io-*Uy n*l I will guarantee It In t If you with It; crayon and water rotor *n larfemniti •<! frnmcH a apcdally. .\f. E 4 Wllnon, proprietor IV B.— Why not have a photo taken lurlnr the nineteenth century, anyway; hurry! hurry! MRUII’U. feet ara troubling you. call on me and I mill give >ou relief. I cure Ingrowu.g nails. <orna and all 4looi of tha (e#i without pain; charge* reaMMhlt; can glvr tha beat pfertncei In th# rltjr; i*- tienta t raw ted at realddncea; order* call ba left at Llvtncuton'a drug tora, Hull and f'ongre** trata; talaphona 2W Lem Davt* nurgeon chirofOilli Htti.r %v % vrt:D—ham*:. WANTED. OFFICE AMTItTAKT. young man, '-Ingle; good penman Quirk at figure* Addreui Earle. Orhwalkee. <;• “WANTED BALSAM AeV WITH KB taWl*her| Botthern trade, roptract Jan I for 12 month*. Addrea* till* paster. HEM* W.l % TKIL-YKSA LR. WANTED. (JOVKRNTJIB RY)H OIHLH weß-advaixed In literary onurae ami mualc; will egf hanga reference*. J. t). Oberry. Wlllacoochaa. G*. RSPMHMRIT %V%YTED. MAGICIAN CAN HE ENGAGED FOK emertwlnmana* and children * pwrtle*. H 8 Morning New*. “competent double- BNTRY bookkeeper and office man want* poaitlon; recommendation* and bond given. Ad> 4r*s Competent, cara News office w %\tf.ii—Misrp.i.i. ivmit 1. houses rented, ami rent* collected by Rob’ If Tatem, real estate ie.iler, 7 York street. west. WANTED FOR CARII DOGWOOD an*l i*er*lnui*>n log* Rout hern llardmood Company. P O Boa *•?? Charleston, 8 C. IF YUU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, rand, manure, etc fie* of barge Jo*t at c?ty ltmtt- hauling over hard road write or telephone Itromn Bros . corner A tide? son and Last Itrvrad streets IF YOt WANT OOOf MILK GET IT , from B|iringnld Dairy . Id rich, pure and wholesome. ADVERTIBEMENTR IN CAP IT V I*B WILL RFLPRINTED IN CLAR 81 FI ED A DYE l’ nHKMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENT® A WORD NO AD VI'RTDK M LNT TAKIIN FOR LESS THAN FOR MIVT-NOOMi front room, all conveniences. 30C Ulxerty, east. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED room, business center, rent moderate 410 Bryan street, east ' \l*Vi;|t riSLMLNTb SET IN CAP VTALft WILL BE PRINTED IN CL V 8 BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKRTIfIE VII. NT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN m- FI. AT* Fill! HIIH FLAT THREE liOOMH FURNISH I'd* or unfumirb*d, auttgbln for housekeep ing 111 Last I Abort). .*. ARKRCOKN STREET. FOR RENT, i flat, stmt item exposure, fiirulshe*!, or utt I furnishett. en suit** or stngi* I'ltH NKM-lllllHA N* 217 V\ aid burg *tieei. vast, between Abcrocrn and lAncoln, flri<iaM ord-r ar.d condition; every convenience Runt retd to right tenant Estate<*m *n Cohen, Weet Broad and Broughton itreeta ' FOR RENT op. HALE. THAT MAG nifleent residence *n the fOtilheast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard *;reeia I D La : lto**he TO RENT THE NEW 2-STORY house. 21'* Thirty-eighth street west, near Rirnar*! furntsbe*! or unfurnlshed will b* rented for h \*-ar or term of year*, t a g*'*i tenant, ll has n parlor, dining t room, kitchen and storeroom, on first floor, and three he and bathroom and water doset n werord floor Als j bor and cold water, g*s. tooking rang* j and gas stove A large yard, with fruit trees l(en# with furniture and flour** fc ier month or without, 130 |*er month Apple on preirtiJ**--* ~rrß RKNT, !-RfK>M HOt'BR. Itll* timr -k. near Burroughs. g 7 f<U per month j c Mendel. €?A East Liberty, j To RENT IN MARI/IW, A DVV'KLI, Ing containing five r*om. a dining room tnd kitchen, five seres of land, a barn j ,nd stable Apply to VV T McConnell. 1 Marlow. <*e roll RENT THAT DEBI RA RLE RES ! I dance No <tglefhnri>e avenue west near Barnard, immediate pnesewalon Ap ;*ly ne*t door, or .1 C Postell, 12 Bay j east ~FR RENT SEVERAL DESIRABLE J re*lden< es th<iroughly renovgted Applv A Wyily artnt 12 Brvart street, ea-^t FOR RENT. SIX ROOM COTTAGE. Twelfth an*l West Itroad, slh montli, go*l locality, good tenant wanted Apply 4.Y 1 1 * west Mrs E F Tip pi ns FOR RENT. 213 IIALL EAST * roomr, ho# and cold water, also 71* Haber sham, all Ir first-*• lass condition; imm* '*• A rtr>l 1 VV VV Sainton. Thirty-eighth street, east. KOn RK.AT-MIV KUetAlsOt *. nii oin-'u’K FOR RENT CORNER UROUQHTON AND west broad streets for merey ocrrriEP by the savan nah carriage AND WAGON CO. If I* SMART FOR RENT OR KALE. THAT EEle gant farm, four on Augusta road (pavsd). containing t*a hundred nd i thraa arras, fifty of which ara under a High mat* of cultivation. th*re ara on th pi*cp ihraa dwellings. tw large lwrn in I parking shod, a bn* iriMUn wnll; avsrythlng In flrst-claas order; two rsiil roada run Ihrnugn lha lanii I D. I-a ; Rorha . ADVFRTIHF.MFNTS SET IN OAP I ITAI4< WILE BE PRINTED IN r LAd f aifIRD ADVEJRTIBF7MENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO Al* VERT! BE M ENT TAKEN FOR LESS j TUAN MTV I nit *ll.l -UK 41 I v I 4 I I TniI’KXTINT. LAND I.AROK 1 tract for sale. Gifford A Cos., Jackson ville. Fla. FOR HALF TIIOBK LOTH ON NINTH atreet, rear Hast Broad, have only been sold to first class parties, who will make good neighbor*, end none others rati buy Th# term, are very easy, and they *r* , cheaper than any others In the vicinity C. 11. liorsett. “fob hale, a lot fob two hitn dred dollars, easy term*, on Ninth etre-t. near Last Mined, no city tsiailon C. II Dorset! FOR HALE IXITB ON NINTH STREET near East Miond, no city taxes, at *2*o each; twenty-five dollar# - ash. and easy monthly payments. C. H Dorsett. FOR HALE, MITS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad. *> 1200 each, will soon he advanced to 1225. when a lot has been pnld for I ran airing* to get a home I bulk. C H Dorsett RESIDENCE and BUILDINO LOTS I for sale all over the city. Robert H. Talem. real estate dealer. No- 1 Tork : street, west. “FtH-R IIHICK - HOKSBB. EAST Broad, between Hull and McDonough; two frame. M‘lamongh renting lltsi p-• month; price M.Wto. atlso residence .112 Oglethorpe east Apply 3111. ADVKBTIHKMENTS HET IN CAP ITAIV WILL BE PRINTED IN CLA SIKIED ADVEBTIHEMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENT* A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR 1J533 THAN IOC FOR SALK—m.*€'Kl.l.AhnOt t. A FREE HAMBLE OF BENZOIN Balm for , liaps and rough skin, given to any lady calling at Berne's drug store*. Henry and Ahercorn, Taylor and Whlta tMT. IF YOU'VE GOT TWO LUNGS LEFT. H..V Rem will cure your cough; a dolkir Bottle guaranteed to cure or money re funded. Persae'e drug stores * WOOD WOOD. WOOD; ALL KINDS and sixes, reasonable prl-c, satisfaction guaranteed Brown Bros.. Anderson and East llrond streets FOR SALE CHEAP. BOYS', OlHldt'. gents’ and ladle*' hlcy les. *ho|>worn; practically a* aood aa new $lO, 115 !2>> ami 125. al> full line of I9n| mrslels I have the flnest line of Wcyc'.es In the ‘ cky. I sell cheaiier than any otlg-r deal er. Come and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. C. B. Westoo,l, 410 Bull, cottier Jones lane. Tfor Sale, sai/jon h outfit, fine counter. Ice oox, beer pipe, faucets, wal nut table-, chairs, at Seventh ami Bull | streets Chas. Heller. “fire proof safes wk Alt by A fie* line of fire proof safes In Mock at all time* Th* parties can see exactly what they are getting. Our prlcsa are aa low as manufacturer* a*tl It. with freight glid ed Parties Interested, wlttt wish e good fire proof eaf*. will do well to inspect our st or k. Uppsnan Bros., Llppoaon iMock, agent* for manufacturers At mos TMf DAY* We ft| J Jell rtf 11 Ii m l'miio, origin a I *osf MO, Ma •*•*' St HMHUR Organ, only |u uee two months. Fine Oak Fine mile |*. Silverware, i vamps. Table*. Kkleboard, Hewing Machine. Carpet® HAII B<a(s. toadies' Aults anl !#pea. Men** Hulls atut Pants nvenowts. 1 Lwdy'* Hieartts Wheel, orlv used twice, 1 Man'* Da vton Wwahhurn MnwMki Savannah Auction and • -mmission Cos., II! Whitaker Hr A Wlnerlght, AU'*fton*gf After utirtmu we will sell wt private aaie balance of the day 1 •*n * v 1 1 xt I*. . 1 xxnot a. F^Tr^uTL?r^THSTJ^EPrY^AND ••*"! stand Vl*lres* G. 8.. are of Newra. row®, with YouNdCalve®, rot *** Ca.l 471 Weal Boundary arrest. *eo them It I" >-Kill NT* HKT ITAtrfi 'VIM. ItK rRTNTKD IN CUAtt *lKin> AnviORTHirMKNT -OI.tJMK yon T\\n ITXW A WORI> NO AD> VIRTIHKM! XT TAKKN TOR I.E.AS THAN • - lll ■ • XJMH !.<< I till I Ol>M> U>Hl .-"MAM, WTIITK PfW! WtTK I* i k h-Ml .1.1 IxU.'k on leff •<*s*. | k*l* rati ears not dipped Rewtird f? P* tire*l 10 J L Vrcher. Provklent HulkL ing “dm NI * LIVER AND WHITB |s*int* t .loir in <’am*len * ounty. *ienrgla. wier * it* hav. ►*!>• by proving i*eop • rt\ ami |w>ing exitertsew. 4*. care Morn* Ing New a, FIM r V I IOA u. RTVIH-lNTt* <>N' ' ROM, OF HONOR” for th** third s . 1 tt< rnmth. axeragso 1 *ver per cent In conduct and enidlea: Edgar Burg*- Barer * oil Ine. Edward ! Kessel, Wit ler K*- *e|, tll.bert la#ng, j George ll laiitgv Ralph Metggcr, Frank Met agar Taliaferro. Principal XU | Hull etreet H> 4MIIIM*. UfM *, large room, w ttji board, at 113 Jones, weet, PLEASANT ROOM*' WITH GOOD Iwtini, 14 Oglnthorpe. west. . ■■■■■j HI lIM M f| AD\ ERTIHEMENTB BET IN CAF ITAIiH WILL PE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENT® A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN TOR I ACS® THAN SOt* ■fSSH—i | HIP kI.UIROM. < rn r xrvrriuik ir I Mil*. AI-M.I OKATW* ANI PA RTS I*l T IN ANI* RKPAIHKD I* H KIER v I" STATE (.TICKET, WIWT VOI R IMH.I.AR Wll.l. 110 A8 far wltli us as ten anywhere else, a full ltnw •►f erockery. tinware, stnvee. etc., on eaay term#* A C. Prl ** A 00., Htate and Jef ferson 'Phofiee K# WE ABE HEADQUARTER* FOli sewer pip*-, fire brl<k, fire clay, oils a*t 1 varnishes, give un a all Adtama P lng I t'um|n> DON'T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT i moving your furniture, relaying your car pets or matt tag Perry A Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble. OUR GERMAN READY MTXffiS iraint l wld und-T a ginrantee; have yo#lr House (minted with [I Alkali Paint (’oi®* * *®ft| FIRKW<RKB . FIREWORK®’ ETRE i works, a large stock of flrewrorfcs •• r#M I need prk’es H Bernstein, comer Hough ton ami Jefferson, WE ARK HEADQUARTER® FOR mantels, from P* *uhd to 3& canft. you* .*i,4 <nvfl earhwnged for a now one. A. r price it Cos. State and JefTeraott streets 'Phone* iM> " MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED * ENT® in every dollar of your hard-earned hard cash at the Hputhern Grocery Company, IM Barnard atreet PERRY' A RENTON IY> HTATfI •tieet. west, will move pack ehtp or *tora xour furniture at short nolle#; also rsn ovate your old mattrensew at IHtla cost, Beil ‘phone 1124. ■'WANTiib ONB THOtAD *ry pmrl> at th* Bouih*m Oroctfy Com puny. HI R.rninl airml I.Rt'MS’ I.Rt'MR' r>Rt’ MR' DM At.!, ...vl lra, at rodu.-wl price*. (I. HrriMlrln roniro Hrouxhtnn and J*lT*r, aon a vi.'i: i.iNi: or iuviund’ and Krrmh rhtnn nip* n4 naucara at aarrl •lr-ln* j.rl.-ro 8 H,rn,t*ln. iitmrr Itmuch* , ton atnl Jaffaraon. I IK vor VIM. I.TTT t'B KHTIMATB ..n your iliimttf>x arork yoi will b* .xtn i ..... ...t *hut .. aro rh.iwr than anv on* ,l.p A r IMm A i’o . RUU A Jaflfer mki atrroti*. 'Phonro *M A m,I. t,INF, OF ORATES Jl’i*T r*,lvnt will a,ll any or Hta- -".parot* lairth A l im- Palm > omianr. Ml C..0-|in* |in* air-*i. w*t. nriil 'T, TOUR I.IVINO PkTKNSU hy lnv*atln( your horo-*arnMt hard . a.ty with tha Hn.itharn Orocary Company. 114 Barnaul atraat NORWOOD'S BOOK. “MOTHER GOOSE CURVED,” For sale at all News Stands In Savannah. .. , LKbAL NOTICK*. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notlre Is hereby given lo all fwrsona In terested that the estate of Joseph 8 F • Harbour, deceased. Is unrepresented and that In terms of the lew administration a 111 he vested In Jordan F. Brooks, county administrator, on the firs* Monday tn January, neat, unless objections arts hied thereto. Witness, th* Honorable Hamreon L. Ferrlil. ordinary for Chatham county, tills the *h day of November. I*oo. FRANK K KKILRAOH, n*rk C. 0.. C. t*A “■TATE OK GEORGIA. COUNTY OP CHATHAM Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Or dinary of Chatham county. Georgia, fop leave to sell for the purposes of distribu tion. an undivided one-naif I merest tn three stiares of the capital stock In th* Aug'is'a and Havannah Railroad, as per certificate No 3IK dated Jan. I. lk*4. Is sue,t to John tiersven. guardian for Lila M and Martha R Hcrevatt; said undivid ed one-half Interest being the properly of tn# estata of M B. Wylly. late of sakl county, deceased RaUl application will t. heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the ffrst Monday In January, Hg|. This loth day of December, I*oo. A C. WYLLY JK . .1 Administrator u|>on the Estate of M. R. Wylly. deceased, ;d;iM MI.\(iLEI)OKhT &■ CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITH* AND ROn.EKMAKBRS, Telephone 553. . 510 Indian atreet. Savannah, Oh. J. D. WEED 9c CO •ayaabam, aa. Lfatbtr Beltlas. Sim Pickin 4 Hose Agents <* NEW YOKJC MUBUKh lIk.LT4.NG and VAChJLNU CUBE AN L 3