The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 24, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 jiljr iHormtifl Xctos. Mrw HuilHok MftVMMUAh. *•* n:i nißi.H 84. iuou. R-glatered at in* l*oeo*Ve m ha -iiw-ah i mi: mUIIM M u* 4 *.l •, r ■ day m tihe year. and eervad to e.ibscrlbers in tlse city. or sen- b> n.a.l. , jo cent* a month. MO* for at* month., and I*oo lor an* year. IMU WiNIItU *K* by nwll. U , weak twtthout Bunday <n,i. month*, (i j; six moiitha. *L®; l,n ' year t* wO. IMU WEthLI mm *. IW® laaua* a week (Monday anal Thursday) by an* year, I OO Sotacrlpt iona payable In adtasna# Rr* mil b* nonry onlar. cheek or registered latter. Currency *nt by mall at rlah of aendrr. t Trsn.lent advertisements, ®h# than ap*da! .admin. local or reading * tl. aa. aaieonirai) and cheap or warn* column, M canto a iln* Fourteen lino* of aaeta lypa-rqtal to ot.* Inch tn depth—'h • larslard of ra*a*ur*naant Contract nttaa arid made known on application at butirtra nth * Orders fur d*llv*ry of tha Moron* N*o • to altti*r r**td*nca or place of business can be maJa by mail or by trie l her * No 110. Any Irregularity h' daily, err *hould be Immediately repnrtwl Letter. and telegram* ahouiA be ad drafted "HOimtO Mar amah. Ge. Ktanißt umi'K. I-ark How, Van Tork city. H C. Faulkner. Uanaftr l>rtl 10 SE* iDVERHSEMLITS. hpecial Notice*—Notice. Sehtylules fo Tv bee: Richardson * Robbins and Gor don A Dflwerth • riom Pudding, A. M * C vr Weal: Notice to the 7-tibMe, 1.. p. Masters, Clerk City Mark** Choice Pressed Turkey*. J G. Nwlson. To House- Otitiirt and Real Ka'ale Agent*. K F. Broderick Plumber. Business Notice*—Franklin Cigar* 1 , He-No IV*. Wines for t’hn.lmat-The ft W Branch Cx Htram'htp flche lute—Merchant* 1 and Miners' Tranepor.atlon Compon;-'* l.ln** to Raltlmor* and Philadelphia Auction Rale—Organ, Furniture. Etc., by Savannah Auction and Commtaslon Company. Like 1900. It Won't I gut Always—T A. Brymc The Event of the Pea****— P-mlel Ho yan. A Wheel Will Fill Your Boy's Heart With Joy—Wm A II H. I.aatlmore. Washing Powder Paarllne. Medical—Caator la; Hoatettar'a BUten: Hr Hathaway Cos.; Hood's Pilla. Cheap Column AdvertlgrmrtHa—Help Wanted. Employment Wanted; For Kent; Fer Rale. Iced. Peraooal; Miscellaneua The %VeMfher. The indiratiorm fur OeorffiA !<>-<*• y art fur fair ctktor weather, U*tlt w*A to itortii wicvl*. aiul fur Kintwn Florida, tair • • - portion, #aiith to west wind* Sold lor* of the flpant*h-.Amerlran war are not roo|nitil at trttrant by thr , Muu, husetts State HoMt#**' Homo A pries:? of the tat* war spoiled 'here for irMimaM for consumption. and war re jected on thr ground that hr ana not a! of thr United Slate# army, lit In non dying In an almshouse The meenorl-ii fund for the lets Admiral "Jack" I'htltp. hero of lha TY*a in Ihr battle of Santiago. now amount* fo up wwrd# of H7.m it la propowl to cell*** :*.•> ho in-onto of which la to *<> !o Mr* Philip a* long *br Hvr*. After her death It la to hr 4. voted to tlto main nnatH'r of a naval bearu-h of tha* Y. M. C. A in memory of Admiral PhlU^ 9 \ f*pntrc* have brrtt vlanoi for the con struction of thr pew Capitol of Mleslsslp id. at a coat of 6*31 (Wi. It I* to boa mag nlflcrnt structure. Should Ih* 3axpyer* get their mate house for thr *um nnmod in Ihr contract a they would le extremely fortunate. In the caae of nvet treat public building*, like rapltole, the ulti mate coat generally amount* to very much more than flrat estimates. It I* eatlnaateal by the Boston Globe that about .t*a*.<t>ai adult male rWlaan* of the Cnlted fit a tee foiled to vote In the recent prealdentlal election. The majority of them were the regular st-ay-at home* but many of the other* were voter* who disagreed with the platform* and pro gram* of both of the great |artle*. There !K>n-voting voters cloaeiv approximate in pnmbor the total vole ca*t for each of the leading candidate*. David f.vtblu of California I* once more at the front with hi* propoatlon for the government to aubstdlxe the farmer*, lie base* hi* argument on the claim of the backer* of the *h!|>-*ubldy bill, anti aays if mere 1* good rea*on for a bounty to a hip-owner* there la an equally good one why he large** of the government should be given to Iho farmer*. Mr. Lubtn thinks that a bounty to farmer* of ITi.nhiOod a year would he about th* right thing. Mr. Cudahy of Omaha was required to pay pretty ntarly hi* son # weight in gold to (he hldnapr* of Ihe child. The 625,0(0 of yellow coin which he was required to give up weighed nearly ninety pound*, while (he hoy weighed a bit over MO. It Is a singular circumstance, by the way. that there 1* no law on the statute books •f Nebraska apectflcally covering the mat ter of the abduction of persons for ran som. It appears that the only charge that can be biuught against the kidnaper* of young Cudahy I# that of false Imprison ment. which I* not a crime, but merely a misdemeanor, subject to fine and short Jatl sentence The odd sight of a man rolling his wife In a barrel a quarter of a mile to a black smith shop was witnessed In Hapover. Fa., a few days ago The woman, who weighed 30ft pounds, was standing on the head of ths barrel trimming vines. The bairel has. caved In, and th# woman went with t(. Phe filled and fitted the bar rel #o perfectly that It was Itnposlble fer her to get out alone, or for her hua to pull her out He was. therefore, eempellMi te relt the barrel and the wo man a quarter of a mile tea blacksmith shop, where the Iron hoops were cut and the woman was relieved of her uDcoffi- wooden overcoat HKI K.l(\ %Ml IIKtfOIJt %< Y. Thri> li no mnflon of (iml In th© con otltut n of i;i** UltiUil Kiat©* Ro far • i Mtetrmd ho aih©lt or n infVll *nt*hi h v*- written th*- <l<m um©nt. Thrr- \*vt b©an n ar y • tt*tut;e fo hav© <R*l ir tfi. funJnnvoirtl law of III* Ifitut. but *o far >ach rffori* hav© nut n**t with *urcf. Not with*tattling lb Ia ••m.-hlon ? ti#d | 'ii 11 •il HINUi arr filial, and rifliiijr, a <'hr tot tan nation All r* iigtori© art fr*- In thl* <Hnfry Kv*ry man it p*rmUtd to wor*hl| hi* *l*Uy #c(T(lli)g to the dictate- of hi© min coti kt knri*. The follower* of Christ no vast ly preponderate, bowtvrr, that tin* ir*fl a - His* i*o< hings ©re In w *il in mil department* of ih\ government; th**r**- forv wv art* a ('brlMtUn nation It 1* the oplnluii of thf lt**v. VVaHhlli*- ton OtbddAfi. however. tht tncrA I* not in the |f**v**rnrnAnt of thi* <ouni ry rui much of th* bpirli *f nliKion a.- thcro dMmkl b© to Injure lis |rmaften<t He leclAr*i* tha: rc|i|lon i- r.sirpr %ltal to the of a ikmtcrat y than of n autocracy Honuthingr Airrmurr than tht human wilt must hold the atstc tturctht-r. or It will fall In fragment*. Thor ai > utrongcr thing ts religion In ♦his country, howevtr, there or** mn> *!** <f ai< incr**a*lfig athni'm One of them Is tto> grwmg lack of respect f o ** lh< ‘ law . and no tviilency could b** more dan gerous. Not only cM*vn*. but oftlon, ig nore and viuUtt* the law. Thl* 1* **eei In lyn htnic*. in gamtdlng whi h Is not supprt ssed, although known of the au thorities, and In other fn-mn**r*. The law derive* He authority from the com-i-nt of the majority of the governed, but a mi nority often despises*lt. Would that be the case. Mr. tiUdV*n asks, if the law were investor wth sacredn*-**? The practical th*iam of our polltl s. he further says I* exhibited In the vio leuce .iiml recklev>e*s of our |aritaiiiiip Ther* is iiothing like brotherly lovo aiul forb* arance gmucig our ioliticlans of o|v l*ostng parties. I! there were any ***■• of (hi* present'# of tlod In theso human affairs, men c#uld not In' auch vlolem purtlsan*. always l**nt upon putting the worst i*>s*lble construction upon the ac tion* of their of|>oiem*, ami often exert ing themselvea to prevent th© doing of right for fear the oj*p<*elng jrty will get the tenef)t of it. Another evidence of the >a< k of religion In our government ia the facility, limb-r It. with which the strorrg may •** the weak, tireat aggrofu tlon* of wealth are permitted to daapotl th* i"*ple for their own pndlt ami ag* grumliienient. Ily corrupt means norey |ow* r* ar© able to la'rvert the government and control the law-making aih) law-<*xe< utlng deportmenta* These things, saya Mr. (Madden, are results of our failure to recogtilie l<xl in our rational life. • Belief In Hod ** the father of all men is belief that all men are brothers; and th*- attempt of *om to prosper at the eiprnee of th.- la a denial of th© fundamental article of the fhrlstian religion. It was u|on this txdief tn*it our democnscy was founded in the beginning, and not upon a th-ory tnjut a conseru of in<Mvldual wills. And I do not ix-lUfV* that *ur *l* tts>* racy an continue to extol unless this great truth • * - w- 4 .*e**l of tho brotnernuMu o* # - lifted up and emphasix*d a the conatruc ilve Idea of our national life.*' % TKMPK*T ix A TKIPOT. The school lard of the city of New Orlean* ha* eliminated the grammar grade from the public school* for colored children In that <Yty. A* one result there , I* a hue and cry. on the part of people | of the North, a lout what they term ">e , unwarranted discrimination against the colored rare. Some of them. Indeed, go lo the length of charging that this school change 1* a part of a political plan lo de prlve the colored race of ttie elective franchise under the new constitution which Impose* an educational quaint ra tion A* In most other Instance* of the kind, the erltlc* are not well informed with respect to their subject. If they what Ihev were talking about their complaint* would he apt to ceasr. The fact* are these: New Orlean* I* spending 0,0 M" year for the education of rotor--.! children, the enrollment ap proximating 6.100 Of the at tendance h' per cent, ha* been In the primary grades, and 10 per cent. In the grammar grade: notwithstanding which 33>* per cent, of the expenditure ha* boon upon the grammar grade The per centage* of at tendance and cost being wo out of propor tion, and taking Into consideration Ihe further fact that there are thousand* of colored children who. because of the lack of fund*, have not been able to attend ad tool at all. the hoard determined to abolish the grammar grade and devote the money thu* saved to extending the five tvrimary grade*. A* a result there will be tin additional enrollment of 1.500 children for the new avhool term As far a* the charge of political manip ulation la concerned, that I* all Ixwh. The •tiffrage qUdllflctalton a* *et forth In Ihe constitution provide* that ih* voter mu*t be able lo read and write, to write hi* name, lo tell how old he Is and when and where he was bom, where h* reside* ami how long he ha* resided there II going through llvo (trade* In n first-civs# pri mary school will not make the person able to do all of there thing* ca*lly. then neither grammar school*, nor college* can do anything for him. and he may be *el down aa a hopeles* Incompetent, totally unworthy of is lug permitted to take pari j In an election. The (school Ixaird'e action tn abollshlntr the grammar grade, therefore, eo far from being an evil. 1* likely to be attended by good result*. It will lake 1.5*10 additional young negro children off the streets and give them the opportunity of securing ths foundation of a common s hoot edu cation. With that foundation th*v wilt b* belter prepared for the responsibilities of Ufe. and to take up industrial pur suit a. Harry Y'ardon. the English, golf play er (professional), has sailed for home, af ter an exceptionally successful season It ts said that he took with him not less than 110.000 Ho charged 6*50 for each ap pearance on the link* In exhibition games and had no difficulty In selling all of hi* lime at that figure. Golf seems* to be a fad tlvat Ms devotees are able ami willing to no- liberally for Thre* foolish burglars the other night tried to break Into (he state treasury of Nebraska for the purpose of looting It. Had they been smslble men they would have got thamselves elected to the IsCg •stature, when they wotfid no doubt hive found the task comparatively e**y. THE MOKNINH NEWS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1900. PNRK r>;i.i%Eio i^Mcr-ieg POST. Tie tleneral for an ap propriation of |i .<•.*> for tha e*tense n of th* rural free mail deliver} Hl* !*••* li* v*d • t tn* Jtntvonl sill i * forth- -fil ing The rurai free delivery ha* *"•* found |*oi-.;lr wherever It i a* b* *n tr and. and it l~ the i*ur|e-< .*f t • d'lurtm-ui to *xle|d It ihrougitout the ruunfi y sh* r- ver pneslhle. Should the ff-e* df \e> *|g*roprlation go Ittrmig ther* © utl - “in* it ©>• * n demand for t?i- pat.**-)* in 4 word*, that the government carry par *l - mer- handtse in the rnaila. s well a* Pit*rs, i.i'W*ia|ier*. magailn*-© nnd not. bundles *at present End* r th* exist mg las parcels weighing four pound .-ach may n© went through t* mail* f"• pr<*|s>ltton is that th* limit of weight r-hall le mi-id say to ten, fifteen or twenty pound* l*ruler our postal trall(r tr© are at present oblige*! to carry i*• k ag**w weighing eleven pound* to or from foreign * am tries, while w are litn lt*d (< four pound* for our own p*-o pP It i* com* nded that thl i* an In just • whl-h ought, to !• remdled. The op|H)*ltlon to the parcel* pected fo corns from th* country mer chant*, (he country newspapers and the expre** *bmpanles. la h *>f t.ha*e Inier et* woul<l seriously affected by It The parcels to*t w*u <1 j*u tural *hot* fs-r* lu dire* t . omnium aiion with the gr*'it * lt> *t>r* - n> *i nottilnwl -ost for trafixportatlon of purchases, it w>)i!l le prive the country newafmper* of the ad vertising which they now get from tfw village and town stores, aril it woii.d cut the express rtmpnn!ci out of carrying small pi kag* abov four pour. 1 In weight-quit** an Imjeirtint coni*lrtion Jt is easy to wet* how the ini reels port would ** ate in th* interest of great ag gregation© of w*lth, against private en terprise and agalns# individual* atrug gdng to tnako a living in trade. The gnnt deiartment -tore* of the ditla* would fk>*d th© country with their price h*s- offertng go<R|s at pries* with whi di j'rruntry merchant© wo*ild find It Impos sible to ccpifH-te A* a * onscqucnce th* country inert-haul wuUl have t*i go out of business, ex<*ept for th© sale of nalh*. molasses and o few other gross and henvv articles which could not la transmitted b> mail He would have lo quit welling ribbons, dress goods, shoe©, shirts, under wear and Ilk* articles in whl h be*t prof its nr* to found Asa consequence h*- would have to atop advertising In the lo cal papers, for the reason that he would have little to advertise except nail* and mo)a*e* And the express companies would have to Increase their rates on the heavier merchandise carried, or reduce th© pay of their employes, for the r a son that the mail-, being In compalMlott with them, would deprive them of a con siderable part of their revenue. The pa reel, po,t. meanwhile, would be a ureal thtnft for the hla elore, of tin c|tle,. it would enable them to undrrceU Ihe country merchant In hi, own ferrl tory. It would jive capital an Immense mlviintaße over Individual enterprise The New York of ChlrhßO retail tnerehantti, buylnc ln v oarload lor, from the faetortee, could deliver article. In the country six or eljhl mile, from a country town at prktea that .wild not be met b> - the mer chant* of those town* In their own *torrr, on account of the frelchl* and the ne cessity of purchasing In amaMer quanti ties. The p.arceia (io*t. In short, would put the government into competition with pri vate enterprlae as a common ctorrler. at the same lime afford aKerecated capital it great advanlaite over Individual* In the distribution of artlelrw of merchandise. It Is to he expected that there will be u lively content over the matter in Congress before a great while lonizer. A PI.r.TMOR t Ob’ 111 Kl'.t. There aeem.-v lately to have la-cti devel oped between English duke* anti the l’n|- tHtatr# MlKkUt Ui Mmr mTumy i iKts (Mil; Ihut l*. the former opp-r fixity 1 cateti on. Notwiiht,intlini? lii* fact that wo imxhmo of the t’niteil i* - *t**. in kerpinfr with our national rode of polit ical ethlcu. Affect to tksplw lltkM, >ro net*, coat-of-arnjH mul other Wwljrnlii of nobility, mihl glory in the equality of mMtkliul, wc “dearly love a lord,'* ##p#* dally an Koidlfh one. u la made evident by the warmth with wm u wo greet each titled nlnromi*io| a# he comes over, mul th# celerity with which our h#lrf#Be# rouge them#* Ive# In line to he inspected by the aforeimid tilled nincompoop* with it view to beat owing their and for tune* ujon them in mama*- There are ut present no I#*# than three KtiglUh duke* in the country, with sev eral other# hua.ling iU>ui “Jeah oi l#un non*' and el#e%*hero to rai#e the itumii* to take their coronal* out of |u*wn In an tl< Ipattun of an American trip. I a otic of the#* who has largely attracted tln most attention 1* the Duke of Manches ter, w tw> ha* had tbs good fortune to cap tivate and marry the daughter of an Ohio ratlroad millionaire. The young wo man. It seeing. Wti- devoted to dogs About every picture of h*-r that ha* yet I found lie way into the publli prints ha- I dtnwn her In company with, admiring or i [telling, a <k>s Indeed, a picture of her | without the ae> omiNtn) Ing .log might on I band be pronounced spurious. Well, li. i Duke of Manchester -rented to me.,Mire I 1 up to this young woman * Ideal notwith standing hi* dcliie and hi* debaucheries. I and so they were married They were re | cently in Cincinnati, wh*re they were ! lionised by the populace white they munched lien Davis apples, the wedding present of the grand | father of the brhle. The next duke on the list Is he of Yarmouth who by courtesy. I* said to he an actor tilling an engagement tn New Y'ork Kxcept for hi* title he would hardly be permit ted to carry a spear a* a "aupe" tn n twrootormlpg company; nevorthelne* It I* sahl that hi- k> tremendously popular, anil may shortly marry an hslre*#. Tit* hit**: addition to the string is Hn (•race of Newcastle, who has recently landed He I* much Interested in <dturch work. It* la n strict ritualist and wtil ) endeavor to advance the cause of the high I'hitrrh tn this country, tncldentnlly h will splash nround In the social swim of Ns* Y'ork. and hunt alligators tn Flor tda Meanwhile he will Inspect, through hi* monocle, aueh American girl* as have millions of dollera and would like to aharr hi* title. There will, of course, be a plentr of them on shew. An officer of one of the largest locomo tive work* In tha country told the Con gressional industrial Commission the oth er day thnt from quarter to a third of til© company's output was exported. Hale* In foreign • •unifies are readily made, not* wllhelamlir g It costs more to deliver a I*# timotiv* • *iy fur foreign service than ( 10* to deliver a similar locomotive in leis country Export locomotives have t< i *• ink* i <i-*r md j‘ k<l for shipnu-ns • '*l medur is h.v* to te sent ©broad wwh them t* put the m.M hlnrk togfther Tue offb lai did not think duties on foreign niotlv* -wre ••• * ry to prevent lm jk r'ailor, Is Ii not strange that we can eompet© with th** world In th* matter of r iilw.iy ♦ngines. and sen*l mechanics abroad to ***# th**tn up. without govern ment prof * tfton *r bounty, and at the irne tirn* ire not able to build ©hips In competition with Ktirop* without all sorts of prr4* -f, Mild i iril* > ’ liOve-making rs a -ource of Income h© teen pra* th e<l Hv a New York man who I* now wanted by the police for several years i r . It •** *m* tiuit th** fellow made spe< l.ilay of wldow. with what degre* • • ant i t- shown by th*- fad that he i* • ngnjsed to b* married to not less than tw*-ntv of them, under almost as many alms*s. lie would be courting three or four of them at once, showing fhat he must have been man of some Intellect ual (ibtltty to kep his various names and appointments airtight. It was his favorite scheme to r* present himself as retired < apifallst. make ardent love to the widow, beeotm* engaged to her. write will In h-r favor, iwd then borrow all of the money that eh* was wilting to let him have It is believ*sl that from his twenty-odd widow* he has r©rllx**d quite a nea< little sum. I'tCVt XOX %L. Senator Hale, who In a general way has hlh*rfo lw*en lo*k*-d upon a an ex emphir of what Is proper In male attire, horrified his colleagues the other after noon by appearing among them wearing a high bat and a short coat -a combina tion supposed to be |M*rmlasiblo only *n th*- east side of New York. —At n dinner In Washington the other evening ex-Preeitlent Harrison gave an other evidence that he i© not overburden *-*1 with veneration for th- present fed eral administration t sn* of the I>emo rats present said that b© was prepare*! to supfairt H.innn f*ir the presidency In ltsd, as by that time the Ohio Senator would have b 1 eight years' experience In tue office Mr Harrison laughed hear! Ily, and evidently enjoyed the palpable hit. Queen Wllhelmlna la ©aid to be rapidly converting her nation to temperance In the matter of drinking Drink Is o©e of the course* f Holland, and the Queen's f.ll her, her ir**d* • rsor on the throne, was a counted tb* champion royal drunk ard of Europe The young Queen's most notabla convert Is her Intended husb.nd. Henry of MedUenburg-Schwertn. He ha© lx**n known as on© of th© moot <*onfinn ed drinker* in the corps of young offi. -r* Queen Wilhelmina tiever touche* any al coholic beverage*. I HUB IIT BITS. —At the Seaside.—AmbitloUß Mamma What did you catch thl, morning? ■ a flounder and Mr. B.rsh fleld—Tit-Bit*. —'-When I get to Fart*. i>ap, t want to know Juat how much money I can have to buy clothe* with. ’ •‘Well, my dear, how would, say, a thousand do?" "Now, papa. I know you don't want me to go about In rates '—Life. - A Reformer Bat On —The Fair North enter. I think it's perfectly harbarous the way people are lynched around here. Southerner; 1 think so myself, ma'am, hut after the laal lynebln', when I sug ip ted that we chip in an' buy an electric chair, the boy, darn near lynched mu'— Fuck. —Otic of the Real Victims.—“ There * no doubt," said the aubur'>an!ie hvU5--?vc!d -r "that we have been needititj hutleriitc leg islation a long lime. It waa only lib other day mv grocer sold me some old and rancid country butter for good but tortnr 1 made bint take It back, too quick!"—Chicago Tribune. t I HHt:vr COM MIC NT. Tho Halt Insure Sun (Detn >, In discussing the argument of Attorney General Griggs, ou tho rights of the dltiens of tin- recent ly a* qulred Island*, ssrys: "Hut ttu* most Startling a Bin nation of Mr. Griggs was that t'ongres* hns a right to restrict the personal rghts of elltxen* In the terrlto ries Ho affirmed this atnaxlng doctrine In a single word In responae to a question bv Justice Harlan The logic of this con tention l that the people In the terri tories have no right* which t'ongrea* Is bound to rewpeet When the ttuprenw Court r<luctantly (leidared In the Dred fpsilt decision that, according to the law a* It then existed In the t’nlted tttate*. the negro alaves were In that unfortunate plight, the radical peotde of Ihe North de nounc'd the Conotttutlon as a league with hell Now Attorney General Griggs Is an nouncing that Iks trine with regard to the mllllona of pi-ople tn Ihe late Spanish Isl ands and Alaska The Constitution guar antees to the people of the Untied States the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, but If It ha-s not extend to the colonies tlHsse people have no such privilege, be cause It Is not a natural right and can only I*- acquired by law or constitution Nor have the*e [setipls the right to trial by Jury nor to the common law They hitM no exemption from ex post facto laws and bill* of attainder In point of fact they arc under a government of-un limited and unrestricted power r*i>osed In the hands of a body not olioseii by them -elves and not knowing their language or custom*, but resddlng In tho case of the I’liUlppioes at Ilu Anilp-lc* ftom them." The New Y'ork Journal of Commerce (1n,1,) **>>: "AAterlcaat shipbuilding ma terial* have tcn going to Belfast and the Clyde in driblets of Iwoor thre.- thosuanri (on*, but now a Glasgow dispatch report* that rt-otch builders have |>!acr*l order* here for ISO <**i tons of plate* on which they save 62-VHW This 1* the most se rious Inclib-nt for Great Britain thut ha* occurred In lls com|iet!tion lih ths steel business of the United States It la diffi cult to see what tln end will be: undoubt %tly there will Ire a rearrangement and the British Iron Industry IM proceed on som I taste. lon there Is likely to be a heavy loss to caffital amt labor la-fore the rearrangement Is completed. Glasgow re iwris acute depression In the steel trade, ihe stowage of fourteen furnace* at the end of this year, and talk of Indefinite closing." The Hi. txml* Republic (Demi says: "If the Itanna-iPwyne-Frye-*(aturd-Oil ship bill 1* passed at the dtetatton of Mark Hanna and President Me Kiltie) It will tax the American people 69.X.n a year for twenty year# for the enrichment no benefit on the taxpayers. It will proo abi) !•• pa seed, the President and Mark Hanna being determined upon the grub To this complexion has It come at laat tn this country when an tasue ts raised l/t --tween the American syndicate* and the American people." ( ban's Urrat bark. haii Chung, (he King of Hiliuw gam bivt *. who hs 1 * made- more than H.UCo.'Xs running,game* in Ban E'ratuiaca. is a man of more than ordinary intelligence, pay* the Chicago Inter-Ocean. He ha* n code of morals quite different from thut of Occidental civilisation, and there for* he doe* not consider that hi* for tune im© been msd* by •ibhonorabu means. Since the death of Little Pet*. the moat notorloua (Tilnaman of hla clas. the I'aclfix coast. Chan Chung has had gif-al atweeps in lu reating t> in* *ii *. although within the lost few months h has used six fn-tar> gam*w and two lot teries. ('nan ( hung I© th© ib*sc**n*hrii of a wtaithy famuy Ills father and grand father were I'Ugar king* :> t'hinu and owned thirteen factories When h*’ cam* to the I nited Htatea Chan brought SSO.* ••• with bun. find mat formed n fiucli u foi the fortune Hint h© has a Inc© then ■ .mulntei H*- W studying American •-undltion© and institution? and U l© hi anibtiiofi (o return to China md eng ag in secret political work. In talking about hmi*if b© sabi recently: "I been here in mis country twenty-six years I have lots trouble, but 1 gcJ along I mak|‘ arwl spend lots money. I spend mayb©| more than million dollan* finding out your haiku and . ustoms. Find out all what you do, bow you lo bus lns a* in *Hirfs how you run your government; how >oi trade and live; how you ilo In your home* I have big bo*k that thick ail atmot Cnltoit States. America 1 am going back to China eighteen months from r*/w and ik* book along for *•< r**t us-- • nly ('hinnrnn out of 4Oh.OOO.tJUU very * r©t Just like secret ©oriety. Htme-by—l think two year©—we nr* g -ing to have meeting. Only otu* kh.r inerting In 4.000 years; that was K.O year* ’ md than whol provtno ©d over in ©nr night, and ini manv, many *cop|*r kllld. IN liolt- empir* turn over. "We have very, very secret society Hard to find man you < an trust. Not om man. probably, in 100.000 Probably my head go oft, my money all go—l no car© I care for my own name. That * the kind of man 1 am. "I com© San Francisco and stay on* we* k Then go San Jose and May four >*wrs Ho Into dry good© business. I make plenty money. Send 140.000 I nun© i> my mother. 1 come to Ran Francisco br k. M> mother she sent m* S3O.UQO. F*r long ttm* I imd two sometimes three, stores 1 have three good store* now “About fourteen years ago 1 first open up dub I first go to my people ami i.iy ’What fr you Ik* highbinder* and kth each other In United State©" What for you no go work?’ I try to teach them ©otnothlng They say: ‘No can go work; nobody want us; you start up club and we gu work f*r you.* ’ All right, I *M*rt dub. I put man in work f**r nu make him work two hours a day first week, then four hour* ©acond week, six hours third we-k Blme-by. when man been thare about eight weeks I make him work fourteen hours a day Then I ©ay to him ‘I have to give work to aonio other man; you butter go work on farm.’ He say: AH right; you get me pfaca.' I writ© (o foiemun of farm and he give him place--work first t ight hours day, then, next week, nine, next week ten, because If man work too hard am) too lung at firm he quite ami go back to Is- highbinders and sioolpigcon*. In this way J make good men. in IK tie while I have several club© All imk- lot© of money sometime©; some time* not make much “I do not know how much money I mak*- any one night. My tookkeeper, he knows that, rkanetime© I no g*j near gam*-© fr two whole wewks. If I mk* si.M* riiglH I can’t ©ay. If l Itave big limit l can’t **\ If game have IIOU.AQU money.* is limit for any one play; if SiO.UUU in money. sl.ud) 1s limit—always at tout on#-tenth. "My iercfcntage— what you call 'house percentage -tw p *•#•* . U K v. ™.t and all the tie©; for fan-tan It i* 7 !*•• cent and for th© tic©. I lv* over fifty men work for dh\ 1 no ali*w' any man amok© opium. If he do 1 dr*- him. 1 no gaml<le, except play small poker, maybe ten cent© ante, or shake dice for flftwfi or twenty-five cents or half a dollar, just for fun. 1 no amok** opium and 1 no drink much. 1 ©ay If man go every dv and put helf dollar in box for awfe-keep- Ing. he I© big winner by Christmas. “What I wen* 1* to nik© myself 'been vun* all ©ame Confucius. In all China in 4.(Cij years only 2P good notnc©. Nam* never die. Hlchea may go away and body go away, but name never dlt*. *T Ilk*- ©♦•© Emperor of China In pow i and rule whole country. He make goon law© for all pe**tle. If otlur nations cut up minx tn n little while they will light among themselve* and there will be war all over the world. **l run KwmhUng business here. *© 1 mak© money o sis-nd for Information, so I do mv country some god 1 -think ..*i. riant ir. United and maybe trouble here. I think, in live years This country l© like ugly woman who fiowder© her face and looks pleas ant. Too much sham. What w*- call in China. Thing hoom hm. or make pretty face to make believe. Kieh man too much ©•lueexe poor mar* here." how Will Yoa Smile f Mr* Kendal ts nothing If not Impulsive ly genial, and the Imperturbability of cer tain character* has often a curiously Ir ritating effect upon her. says tho Phila delphia Telegraph Phe was one day at certain will-known stores, and having completed her purclsises. took leave of the assistant who had served her with a friendly "Good morning" There was no reply. In that hunt work ing -tampers busy career th--rc was no time, probably, for the minor geutlenease* of lif-- Say good morning an-l smile'" ex( lalm-d Mrs Kendal. Impetuously The girl Stare.) tn mute amagetnent. "Then I shall remain here until you do," said the gnat actress, tn the most persuasive but yet In the firmest tone* This win too much for the girl. "Good morning." she said, and burat out laughing. Prom that hour Mrs. Kendal# appearance at the stores In question was me signal for an outburst of geniality. safe netting. A Durham farmer was traveling to l/wi den to consult a lawyer, when the fear struck hint that he bad left certain im portant papers behind, say* I/>ndon An swer*. Hr made a hurried search of hi* bag *“ .. . •If t did leave those papers, he re marked. "I'm a fool " Tli# #*rch anti a tnotnofu lat*r h# Mkl; •T believe It'll turn out I’m a ton,. Just os he was examining the laet bun dle of lUpcr*. he exclaimed: "1 believe It’ll turn out I'm a fool! ' A man on the other side of the rom partm- nt lowered hi* newspaper for a mo ment and sal-1, slowly and deliberately "Oblige me. sir. by laying a Hltlc money that same way for me." < hrlstinas stoeklaa*. A street urchin stood peering Info the window of a toy shop one evening Just be fore Christmas watching a prosperous father buying presents, says the SyracUMc N.-ws. Digger amt bigger the boy's eye# grew as the purchasing went on Finally, when It was all over and the man left the store, th* tad sidled up to him, and with great dlffidertcr asked: "Wui all them fhlng* you bought fer nne hoy. mister'" "VY'hy. >a —certainly." said the man pa tiently a* h* turned away with his bundle. under hie arms The street boy # eye* grew tagger yet. "Gee whig"’ ha whispered ureter his breath. "Rich men's boys must wear big stockings!" —Half th# Work Done—" Are you through your Christmas ahofSplng. Mr*. Tibbs*" "Yes. hut l haven't begun chang ing things yet."—Chicago Record. ITRSM OF HWiRIAT. -The pulpy* mas* called l*©we**e which Ij bft after the sugar can© ha* t>e©fi crushed and squeezed dry of Its saccha rin© matter, and formerly was burned and got rid of as a nuisance. Is now used for the monufeoturr of paper The amount of unsold lumb r on the docks at the head of the lake© (Duluth, fhiprrtor arvl West Hupcrtor) Dec 1 was 1Ji.972.0kU feet* a. compared with J7.437.di> f**t in IX9U. on th same (kite, 72.751,(80 feet in 1W .n*l IR,ffir>.ol> feet in IK7. —Ex-Renator Jam*** W. Bradbury, of Maine, who. a( !*6. 1© Uc oldest former United State© Rene tor, ha© never tasted liquor or tobacco, and is to-day able to attend u his considerable correspond ence without tin* aid of an amanuensis. —No police of!! *©r In Kokomo, Ind., can ba iirtiu* • J to w.-ar badge No. 3, and It has been abolished by the hoard. Him c the organization <f the department nine >•*• r© ago every No. 8 officer has died within a year after beginning to wear the hoodoo badge. —L T. Davl*. a farmer living near Weal Union, W. Va„ had his throat cut by a corn stubble and almost bled to death be fore assistance reached him. While haul ing fodder he fell from his wagon, his throat striking th© sharp-pointed stubble. A tearing gash was (he result. —Among curio*lties disclosed by th© i ensu* is the fact that in forty-eight of the Jif Kentucky counties no whisky is sold. Htlll more surprising Is the cir cumstance that thirty-on** of those coun lie© ar in th** region where moonshine liquor I© *iif>p©ed to be the regular fam ily beverage. -~Ro far the bed emergency ration i© oned* vl*< and by American army officer*. It consist© of one pound of raw lean beef and one pound of bread, seasoned with salt and red pepper, eaten dry without cooking. *>ne pound of the mixture sus tain© a ©oldier in good condition for twen ty-four hour*. Hir Henri Joly, the lieutenant governor of British Columbia, with the assistance of th*- Natural History Society of that Pfovtnce 1© taking -©ps lo import large quantities of song birds from England and Eastern Canada. It is believed that they will t* rapidly accllmut**d and wdll thrive in British Columbia. Rhode Island and Connecticut turkey raisers have concluded their flocks are coddle©! too much to he healthful and th*4r plan now 1* to give them a fre© rang* * Hie bdand In the im*ftdlc of I>on{ island sound u* devoted entirely to the turkey business. The bird© are f**d. l*ut left othertels© to car** for themselves. —A publishing house In Ht. I'aul ha© leased a club building for Its 450 employ©* The dues are 1> cents a imkith. entitling a m* mber t< all the privilege* of the club Refreshment© are furnished at cost and stor age for bicycler* I* provided. There 1 a smoking n*m an*) billiard room and a gymnasium 1* plam<cd for the Uutcment. While ©marching through the basement of th- Kenosha I’tmloffice the other morn ing Postmaster FVantz found ©lx bags of mail which an* supposed to have lain there for about a year, an the bag© con tain many t'hristma* present*. The d**- IMrtment in Washington ha* bfsti notl fled and the mail deliver©*! to the various addresses. The big tunned on the Great Northern Railroad, in the state of Washington, 1* ready for ns© a month earlier than had been anticipated. Th* "Iwro" 1© 13.221 feet In length, one of th© longest ever made, and it mas taken throe years to .%unni~tf it It ha© made two towns. Caa* cadi* atal Arllngton.**on opfioaiio sides of the mountain. —Caroline L Jons*, a servant in the same rb*h Brooklyn family for over a Jueen years, died last week, leaving W.V/o, which ©h* had amujmulatiMl arut made in ©mall ©p-©ulatlon©. Rhe left It all to her aged • mployer. Capt. William It Hilton and n*w relative© with whom she never tould agree are fighting (o obtain po*©e©- Hion of her Having©. —According to a Bt. Petersburg cor respondent an imalid who hen reached the remarkabl* uge of MU year© is now lying In the hoxtrttai of Tomsk ll*- still ietn**nlM>r* Catherine II and talk* of hav ing buried liix wife lU> years ago and hi* ©on ninety years beck. Ilia record was murly Approached by u Georgian who died ix few days ago in Tillls at the age of 135. New statistics regarding the greatness of grcajor New Y'ork have Just been mad*- public. A student of muntdi-al ma chinery says it IS coaxing every man. wo man and child t-'-S- a year to keep things moving. The police department alone costs 13.61 per citlacn. while the average -iebt p-r la-ad Is 673.31. On the other liatsl, the per capita valuation of every resi dent is 61,611.97. —The chief fire engineer of the hew Or b-ans, lai , department Ist* figured out that the relative running cost as between a three-horse hitch engine of the first class amt all electric purer engine Is 6*l" a month for the former, and 137 for the same period for the latter. These figures show a clear gain of 633 l"'r month, anc 6t-e per anriuni In round figure* for the electric power engine. —lt Is a popular impression that Alaska 1* a fruuen zone utal that the soil is bar ren and worthless. This Is a mistake. The sun Is hot, ihe snow moistens ond en riches (lie earth and the soil tn the val ley* Is fertile an-l productive. YVheat. corn, oat*. liarley, buckwheat, flaxseed and a considerable variety of vegetables and forage plants can lev successfully grown In many |urt* of the territory. —The Russian authorities have always been aware of the usefulness of their Cossack soldiery In quelling outbreaks even In Kuropean Russia, says the Paris Messenger Forty years ago these wild soldier* of the Dieppe* were sent to quell the Insurrection In Poland. The horrible butchery which then ensued In YY'arsaw and other Polish towns forms one of the blackest pages In Ihe history of Russia. Only eighteen months ago the Cossacks were let lose In Ihe street* of St. Peters burg to restore order among the disaffect ed student* of the University. Hiding straight Into the bands of sttslmts, thr Cossack* Dished right an-l left with their long cruel rein*, loaded with lead and Ihe students were literally driven Into sub mission. - The northern third of France and half of Belgium arc to-day more Teutonic than Ihe south of Germany,says the London Ex pr.-a* This should not occasion surprise When we remember the Incessant down pour of Teutonic tribes during the whole historic period. It was a i.aistant pro ri--don of (loth*—from all points of the compass— Franks, Burgundians and oth ers France was entirely overrun by the Frank*, with the exception of Brittany, by the middle of the sixth century. Ali through the Middle Ages this port of France wa- German In language and cus tom- .( well. The very name of Ih. coun try Is Teutonic. It has the same origin a* Fram-onia In Southern Germany In 131! the Council of Tour*.away down south or .kilned (hat every Bishop should preseh both In (lo- Romance and (he Teutonic lan guage The Franks preserved their Ger man speech Wt year* after the conquest. Charb-m igm . a German Hi* cour tier* were all Germans. He )| V ed an d governed from outside the limits of mod ern France. The Abhe gleye* uMered an ethnological truism whoo, in the course of the French Revolution, he cried out against Ihe Franeh aristocracy "Let us Fend them back (o their German marshes whui': woy came!’* The Quakers Are Honest People. §Tb> Quaker H-ra Tonic la not only , I4<ml purltter. but a fair. Weak and blll wro ’ nur Moot), ll art, a, tonic. It reguiat-a • iltsv.tion. cure, <ty.. I>ep,ta and Ind, Mrciucth and ton. to tha nervoua ,v,t.<t>. It la a raartlcln* for cuk woman. II la R purely veßctable nirdlrlno and taken by the moat delicate. Kldnry Dt niM'i, Khcumatlem and all tjiaea.ea ol tho Blood, fionia It and <>erve aoon ,uccumt> lo lie wontlerful effwl* uioti the human .ym.-m. Thouaaod, of people In Gaorgtj rcrommend It Price |1 00 QUAKER PAIN BAIOI la the madlrma that tha wuakcr liortor mado all o( hit wonderful iitfick cure* with, lt’a a aew and wonderful mllclue for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache. Hheumainms Rpraln,. Pain In Bowel,; In fact, all pa n can be relieved by It. ITI<W Kc and Soc. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated aoap for the akin, ca!p aitJ complexion. Prico ltk a cake. QUAKER HEALING HALVE, ave”. table ointment, for the cure of letter, . zema and eruption, of the akin. Pri a U>c a box FOB SALE BY Aid. URUGOIPTR l l S I. Of HOP! M IND (I SI RT HUkUILk For Isle of Hope. Mu.>to<n< ry. Thun.lar boti. Cattle Park and Weal End. Daily except Sundays. (Subject lo eftaa ntltkout notice ISLE OF HOPE. I.v City for i ot Ii Lv 1 W of' Hope ' *> am from Tenth iOO am for Holton 730 am from Tenth ouo am for Tenth *A> am from t'eotli 7uu am for Tenth 916 am from Hoitou | uo am for Tenth 10 30 am from Tenth jlO tv am for Tenth U® n n from Tenth |ll U 0 am for Holton 1 16 pm from Holton 11 JO am for Tenth 2Jo pm from Tenth j 3tW pm for Tenth 33u pm from Tenth jJ lo pm for Holton 130 pm from Tenth | JOO pm for Tenth 5 i’> |*n (r an itoitou | i> 3u pin Tenth 100 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth , iuo |>m for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth J 7Ou pm for Tomb I) pm from Tenth tou pm for Tenth J3o pm from Tenth , 9id pm for Tenth 10 X pm from Tenth |lo (lu pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY D city for Mocw'ry l L* Moot,ornery J 0 am from Tenth | 7 16 urn for Tenth J 3u pm fium Tenth i 1 L pin for Tenth *pm from Tenth J ,oo pm fur Tahth CATTLE I'AKK Lv city fur Cat.Tark, Lv Cattle Fork ~ S At am frmu Button , 7 00 am tor Boltoh 7 At am ft out Holton j J wu aiu for Bolton 1 hi pm frum Hoi ton j 1 Jo pm for lioliafi r Jv pm fivna Bo: urn | 3 uu pm for Bolton i 00 pm from Bolton j 7 3u piu for Botton uo pm from Bolton | I 30 pm for Button TIiUNDiUIBoLT. Car leaves Helton street Junction S 3d tn. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11 3Up. m. Car haves Thunderbolt at 6.00 a. tn. and every thirty mlnut. ■ thereafter until 11:00 midnight, for Holton street Junc tion. FREIGHT AND PARCEL - AM This car carries trailer for t-aasengere market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at 9 00 a. m , I.OU p. rn , 5 'JU t tu l-#ve* Isle of Hop* for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate point* at 6:00 a. m.. 1100 a. ni . 340 p WKST KND c ill. Cnr leave* west side of etiy market for West Fnd 6:00 a m and every at minute# thereafter during the day until ll:k> p. m. Leave* West Knit at t 30 a m. and et ,ery to minutes thereafter during th# day until tj oo o'clock midnight H M T/TFTOV a* n Manager. Merflionts 8 Miners ironsoortotiwi Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore &, Philadelphia Ticket* on Sale to All Points North and Wes! First-class tickets Include meals and berths Savannah to Halttmor* and Phila delphia. Accommodation# and culaina unequaled The steamship# of this comrany ar# *p pr.lnted to sail from Savannah a* follow# (Central Standard Tltm-P TO HALT! MORE, TF.XAS. Capt. Eldrudge. TUKSDAY, Dec. 25. 7 a. m. D It MILLKH. Capt Peters. THURS DAY, Dec. 27, at 10:00* m ITASCA. Capt. Illlltipe. SATURDAY, Dec 29. 1:31) p. m. CHATHAM ('apt. Easter, TUICJIDAY, Jan. 1. 2:30 p. m TO PHILADELPHIA. BERKSHIRE, Cnpt. Ryan, TUESDAY, Dee. 25, 3 p. m. ALLF/JHANY. Capt Footer. SATUH- I>AY' Dec. 29. at 10:00 p. m. lIBRKHHIKH ('apt. Ryan. WICDNEHk DAY, Jan. 2. 3:30 p rn. T.cket Office No U 2 Bull street. 3.3. CAROLAN, Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN, Tray. Agt Savannah. Ga. W P TURNER. O P A A D STEBBINB. A. T If. 3 C WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. General Offlcea. Raltlmore, Md. TURPENTINE FARM FOR SALE. Fine well equipped Tnrpentina Farm at private ante, n aeeoant of ■tenth of partners. Thirty rraps, In lMr and runnd timber pleatr< (an hr linught at a great hariala. Address nr vlelt MANSHIP CO., Nicholaxvtlle, Milter County. Ga. Kl.fioo Ir. /e Awarded at I‘arla / Quinn \ fLAROCHE) l WINE COR DIAL \ 'tc#mmndnion> for cart of P#me# | 1 of Blond, Stomach tronMe and <if nr D*- # \ billiy. UcrcaMA the n>tltc. Kircngthtnn // \ the nerve* and build* up the entire aystem. \ 9*d m Oiuuet / \ PARIS / \ K. FMtrer* A C*. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Malastw Uugsheads fa* ■Ala by * C. M. GILBERT & CO