The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 24, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 COL LESTER HAD HARO WORK. B,o*o e#ft|o* ov HIVKRA AM) 11 AKBOHI € OAfAUTTKC. ftlembere of the ( mnmMirr Uuntnl to Ka<m llow If %%•• Aaaanali Arrtli-d Ao Murk Morr %ltnr>. •>( Tbrjr Mrra ITanlh t > ■ iUunn l IlNitng i'rtallr AAHh Hl Akl|i-übil4> BUJ—fttva ragua l mini Uglalaftra and otli*-r 4 iiiigrraatfinal Mnllrra f latrrral. Con;mumin Riifue K lseeter rtichn) the ■ it y ycaarday morning from Waih* J ii.glofi and mill epend the holiday* her* Me has* Ju*t fir.l*hd four we**k* of about Ana m>**t arduoun congreaalonal work hi* )*. had nine* b* began to re>pre*ent th* Firet I>-trlot Thla wi his work upon the lioua* C ommute# on Hirers and j fcore through membership on which he iki able to secure for Savannah th* ap- , propria non which mill secure the deep water to which the harbor is entitled. The sessions of the River and Harbor 1 t'oqimitte.* u gun a week before Con gress met. and continue! dally until last >Tlday night when the committee finish ed its* report The committee was In **o*- ulon every day from ! o'clock In the morning ur.t‘,l 5 o'clock Ir. the aml sometimes until Z o’clock, and It was the letter hour Friday when It finally adjourned. The consequence wan that t*on*re*-man lister like other members Of *he committee had little hn**e to at tend seuiona of the House. •'The House would adjourn every day." St Col lister put It. “and leave us there at work VV* had take up and dts- us every project from Maine to Tallfor m* and from Ml hut n to Texas It made no difference whether many of these Vrojecta were to secure appropriations or not. they had to le look**! Into and thor oughly considered and It required an enormous amount of time and labor.“ * Did you meet with any obstacles In securing the appropriation for Savan nah harbor’’” Col. lister w* naked. “Oh ye#; I had a iro*d deal to contend ! with. Juut as did some of those who fav ored other projects There ha> been more *han $ exftendr%l on Savannah bar bor." Col lister said, “and members of she committee wanted to know what ne nesalty we had for t*o much more money. The Carter trouble too. operated some what again*? us. though nothing was s.ild about It. and 1 think the members of the committee understood pretty well the -it tiaflon an far as was concerned. Rut a strong showing with regard to the ne cessity for deeper water at Savannah was jßared before the committee, and as has been stated in the Associated iTess re ports. we got what we asked for The committee gave the harbor 81.805.0*1 ud rilttonal and diverted the unexpended! bal ance of 1G00.588 to the new project for a & foot channel.” When asked as to whether ftavannih would have anything further to contend with before the appropriation becomes as sured Col. letter Mid: “The bill will b* reported to the Hon** Immediately after the holidays. It will probably go through the House without any materia! change, hut there Is no te|U Ing what the Senate will do. The Senate •has been In the habit of taking the river and harbor Mil. as It does with other measures, and tacking on amendments of Its own In the case of rivers and harbors, where appropriation* are requir ed. in order for the Sen at# to get In any of the pet projects of its members, it Will be naoMMUT for It to cut out some of those paused upon by the House This Is what we have to fear, though I am very hopeful that the Savannah project will go througn witnum nutu-uuy. gia has considerable prestige In the Sen ate. and there I* every reason to l*e hope gul. Of course, whenever It come* to the worst the hardest fight is before the Con ference Committee, but I am ho|>eful that it will not be necessary for us to make a fight there.” Col. I jester said that a great (!•! of work had been ec<*otnpll*hed In the abort time that Congress was In sees lon. but conikterab e of it la party legislation, and the Republicans are bent upon getting through all the "devilment" they can. as C'oi Lester said, before the Fourth of tMardi "B< r.stor-Jlxiun Ik mti'ttr.ii with con ■dderable opposition n hi* shlp-etibslfly srrheme," Col I,*sier *ald, ‘'and hi* bill Is In some danger of not t>* inning a law The truth of the tnattar la. Senator Hynn.-i rsa- |oi m nuir a part* snisirs oat of It or it cannot pass. The meaiurt* ta rifarly lalimtl to benefit a certain claw of ship owner*. and everybody. Including all lha Republicans. know* It. It will not benefit tb* vr*sr. which are to bo built a* It should. but thoao already oonstruct ail It I* slmp.y a proposition to (to Into Yhe treaaury and taka out money ami pay It *o owner* of vessel* who are mak ing money to-day I am confident that the rienaior from Ohio will have to whip the party Into Una If ha (tats the measure throuith. "The army bill was. of course, purely a party measure, and It la sure to |ra*s Ihe Senate practically a* It went through the Slotie** shortly after the holidays '' Col. Lester say* the Important propoel tlon that now confronts Nicaragua Canai legislation Is what will England do about the traaty. Site may refuse to assent to that section, giving the United States the right to fortify thn .anal In their discre tion, or ah may give In on account of the fact that aha has plenty of other troubles of her own. Until that matter I* settled. However, Col. Lester says the canal legis lation cannot b finished. Speak inf of the war cotton claims •which It was recently reported were be* ary pressed Ity the Southern member*. l 10-ster sakl there Is now s bill be fore the Houae wltn a favorable r.-|rrt removing the statute of limitations from these claims, so that clatmanls might bring suM In the court of claims, and he lelt satisfied that It would he passed Col. Lester doe* not take an optimistic view with regard to the up|M>ititm<-nt to federal ofllce* In the Kouth. of negroes He said he did not believe the President would appoint any mure negroes to Im portant positions In the Booth, but he did not regard It at all likely that any of now in office would be removed during tlie next administration When asked If he knew any good stories about members of the Georgia delegation Col Lester said he did not. a* all of the members of the delegation are hard work eiw, and outside of that there Is little to say about them He intimated that h might tel] a good story on one of the INorth Georgia member*, but he did not think It would quite bear repetition. Col. Leater said he felt assured, a* has already been mated, that an appropria tion would be made In the nett river and barber bill for tbe contemplated Improve ment of Bkldaway Narrows. Col. Lester will remain In Bavannah a Ikmit a week Mr. W W. Bheppard. his private secretary, will remain In Wash ington during the holiday*. FIIKHAL Or KHltk J. BOHAN. Will Take Plaee I'rsis the Cathedral This Afternoon, The funeral of the late Frank J. Bohan, whose death was announoed hi the Morn ing News yesterday will take place at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon from his late resi dence. No 403 Hall street, east Bervlce* •will be held at tbe Cathedral, following those at the bouse, and will be conducted by Her Father Kennedy The Interment will be In the Cathedral Cemetery The pal! bearer* will he Messrs James Paul. Fred 8 Butler. Charles Park. Thomas J. Hweeney, Hobart Girvln. John C. tnuli, J F. Gear on and Geo. I'glroaovluh. a cub is bach corm. A a rlcnl wrs I ltlir That AA ill Help f* Wake State Fair a Ssereaa. Asa means of assisting the work of securing creditable exhibits from the • aunties in this section of the slate at the next Stale Fair, It has been deter* mined to seek the organlaatiotn of an ag ricultural club In each county of the First Congressional district. Mej U M Ityals is the father of tnl* new neme to aid In miking the fair a success. He said last night that sn ef fort would first b- made to get the farm ers in the several counties ttoemseive* to organize these clubs, siei that If this did not prove practicable It was pial jlv that *om one representing the skate Fair C-uninUtee would b* sent out to work up interest and assist In the organisation. , our object." said Maj Hyais. “la t> disabuse the mind* of the people of other teitton* of in#* state of the impressuri that this Is no* an agrtcultunl district. They have an idea that we don’t rate# anything of any cotisequence around Ha vmnnah, and w*> want to show them that this Is erroneous. We want to convince them that even from the standpoint of agricultural importance, once in a while thl* • *tion I* entitled to the fair. l*o effect th* ee objects organization .oivotig ttie farmers is e*s**tlaJ We wan: t* get them organized and etNhuaed and m a |H>**ttlon to make such .exf.lblis of ir.* *.*;;• ..iturzl cf their w"- lies .is will he altogether creditable. We t:links tia*t we will lie suocessful in arou*- ig their interest and sac tiring their co ol* ration in Savannahs plan* Thu way < ounty is regarded a goo*l 111 u . a>n of th* Igoorarv • tl f th* subject that generally prevails Nobody living In the Interior thinks f tins *s an agricultural coumy, yet 1 will %nture the assertkm that our agricul tural products are as valuable as those of any county tn the state We don’t raise much .otton, it t- irut, but we do rat-** torn ami hay and veg ot* tries, particular ly vegetables J touid not give anything like a turret estimate of the value of cut products, but 1 an confident 1 do not overstep the bounds of truth when 1 '■**' that tM* value is as great as the value of th* products of even tho-e countle^ i l> agricultural Maj. Hyais said that after the organize tton of *he county ch*ha It was the pur* ,f -tie Hi ate ►air <\>rnmtttce to ** the orKanixatlon of a district lu.> ..r so i-t>. so that tiier** could be unity of operations all along the ll|ie. if these p.ei are loasumnwtrti and ttieir obje- • lea’lzed. Mi) Kyels believes that the .igrlciiltursl exhibits from the l**lrst dis trict will serve to open wide the eye?- of tlk* farmers from other * tions who \lstt the fair. There is already abundant evidence that tha ne-mbet!* of the Kxecutlve Com mittee of tha Htaie Agricultural Society. iifKier the auspice* of which organization the State Fair is given, arc getting to work to aid the Havanneh men behind the enAerjHtee of next year. Maj Hyais has received a letter from one of these committeemen, who was n strong advocate of the selection of 8 \amtah at the recent meeting In Macon partly outlining a plan which the covn miteeman believes will add $20.008 to th* funds for the enterprise. Maj. Hyais May? shat the committeeman Is not given to chasing iridescent dreams, but Is n shrewd business man. of much hard com mon sens*. He thinks, therefore, that • here Is likely to be much in the plan, ind he Is going up to Augusta Thursday night to discuss it further with it* orlg illtar. At the same time he will seek io Interest the people of Richmond coun ty in the fair and endeavor to secure their co-opera4lon. M tv nt'PUSK MN. ADAM*. Mr. r. M. Oliver *ad to Bea ('nndl .ante (os t at# .iiistsi At the meeting of Council on Jan. 9 at sMi'h the election of city officials for the next two years will be held. It Is re- IKvrted that Mr. >K .M. Oliver will be a i andktate foe the office of city attorney a gal net Mr H B. Adam*, who has held that poettion for year* through adminis trations of troth |K>tlttcal factions, Mr Oliver, as la well known, has always been an enthusiastic suirporter of thaMd utlnlxtrailon side, and It I* under*loqo he is a favorite candidate wiyi many of the admit*!Stratton leaders for that office Mr. Adame also has much strength, and It I* predicted that Ihe contest between them If there slroukl lie a <-on tret, will Ire a close one, Among other candidate* for city unices who have recently appeared 4* Mr A. von Hberstetn, who desires to he harborma* ter. It Is said he has a number of In fluential friends at work In his behalf (lapt. John llellly. the Incumbent. Is an applicant. and Mr James Mcßrkle also desires the pordtton. About Ihe prettiest fight In the bunch. It ts wild, will he that for city marshal It seems to Ire a foregone conclusion, at least a mss I many think so, that this office will go either to Mr. H. K Dreeaop or to Mr. J. Rotrert Creamer. Mr John Power Is an applicant, also, hut Mr. Creamer and Mr. Dreeson are putting In some Irani licks, and both of them ap pear to expect It to rxMne their way. As lias been stated, there arc half a doseri applicant* for Recorder and there will probably be contest* over some of the other offices, so, altogether. It I* ex ireeted the meeting will be an unusually Interesting one ADM I MATH A TIDY TO RALLY. Will Arrange to Select . Aldermen Seat Friday Sight. k The administration mass meeting which will be held Friday night at Manoste Hull will be for organ lx* tlon purposes, (hough al that time there Is no doubt that the nomination for Mayor will h given to Mayor Herman Myers. The meeting will take preparatory slip* toward putting out an aldermanl, ticket, and It Is probable that a commit tee will be appoint!*! for the purpose o. taking this mailer into consideration and reporting to another meeting to he hekl, probably tlie latter part of next week The subsequent meeting will ratify the whole ticket and plaee B before Ihe people Mr. T. H. McMillan* ha* not as yet Indicated his willingness to lead the op position forces, though strong pressure Is being brought to bear upon him hy thr leader*. It la likely that It will Ire settled w'ithm the next few days Just what ac tion Mr McMillan will take with regard to the matter When asked about Ihe talk of his friend* concerning himself as a mayoral ty candidate, Mr John R, Young said yesterday that the first he had heard of It he saw In the Morning News He had never given the matter n thought, he as aertrtl. and he did not consider that there Mas any foundation fur the reported talk. FIRE II FI H A ACE HOttM. small lllase Yesterday Morning at Mr. J. H. Johnson's Home. An alarm of fire was telephoned to the stations In the southern section of the city yeMerday morning at 10;3 o'clock The firemen responded promptly and found the blaxe at the home of Mr. Jutlen B Johnson, corner of Hall and Abercorn Mreet* The fire originated In the furnace room the heating appartua having caimed (he ignition ot Inflammable stuff. The fire men put out the blase before any consid erable demote wax done. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1900. TO CALL REV. W. P. M CORKLE. FIRST PRBHHVTRHIAA I Ml Rt’ll *\W A AT* HIM KR IT* IVABTOH. The nerlston Mew eked at a * <>nre gailonal Mrellsg-Me r. Mr. Mr* l iirklr at I'rrarni In l hsrgr fa t tmrch at f*ratiani, %. t .—lie Will Me Heard Here Jan. Ft— The l all to Me Mailed Him Teolsy-Mr. Mr • urkle'i Forater ••astorate*. At a rnettng of th meniberi of the First I* re nby'teri an tThurch held after morning service vea terday It was decided by unanimous vote to extend to Rev. William P- McCorhle of Graham. N C . an Invitation to the pastorate. This action was taken In accordance with the r* > omm* relation of fh* I'omralt tee that was appointed aom** time ago to secure a |k**tor Two <f this crommlitre Messrs H. \\ 00l and K C. Way. were In (Jraham last Bunduy to hear Hev. .Mr McCorkle. .u was told tn th** Morn ing News at the time. Upon their return :bey n port* i favorably to theoth*-r mem* of the committee. Tin? following i*ajer which was a>lopted at yesterday’s meeting, was the r suit of tha* re|rt. Bavannah. Ga.. Dec. 23, To th* t'ongreganon of ** Fit Fr*-**by;.rii;; Church. Brethren Your ommlUre. ap pointer] at a r* •nt mewtlng to take In consideration th caliitig of a fiastor for our church, afTe*tlnnately beg- leave o refort the name of Rev. William H. Me* Corlile. now pa tor of the church ai Gra ham. N. tv. for your ••ons I deration. Rest ing its Judgment upon highly favorable information obtain*-1 from minister- of recognized ability and from Christian >u**l neaa men whose high chara -ter it can not question, supplemented by re^s>rt of two of Its members sent to Interview him your committee believes that his work In this • barge as premiier and pastor would be bleared, and In a ordattc* with th duties imiiosed, recommends ttiat \ou <lu tall Rev William V. McCorkle to be pig tor of this church. The member* composing said tommli tee hereby subscribe their name* to this recommendation C. S Wood. B I* Quar terman. Mant Hood. W H Coney, 1. W Barnwell. K. C. Way. A • ornmittee tonstsilt.g of Messrs. II F Train. William Harden. J V. Nunge zer, grid J. K. Way we ippoin *1 to ••*- tend the cn'il of the church to Mr. M Corkle, and will ik> • to-day. This > •-! Ih signed, in addition to -the names of the committeemen, by Rev. I>. F. Sheppard of Daisy, who moderated the meeting, and also by Mr. W K Coney, clerk of the congregation. Mr McCorkle-will preach here. |: 1* ex- I tec ted. on Jan 13. He Is at>out 4> years old, and married, but h.i* no children. I|e was graduated from Washington and L- Cniverslty and the I’nloti Theoktglcil Bemlnary at Richmond. \’. Ills present pastorate at Graham he ha held for the i*a*t seven years* and previous to that heM a pastorate for thirteen year* at El Faso. Tex. It 1* thought that he will accept ♦!)* call of the First Presbyterian Church, but even should he do so it Is hardly likely that he will be able to enter upon his du ties here for a ftoonth or six weeks. * he will not only have to sc lire from the Presbytery a dissolution of the pastoral relations with the Graham church, hu will have to be received into the Savan nah Presbytery Again It | not probable that he will ask for the dissolution of his relations with his pre-enl charge until after he ha* returned honw from his pro |K*se| visit to Havnnnah Jan 13. Then It is by no mean# certain that th< Presbytery will readily grant the disso lution when asked. To prepare for sum a ix>ss!blllty the congregntexi yesterday elected Mr Walter Coney commissioner to the Presbytery hiving charge of the Giaham church, and he will appear orrore it and present the claim* of the First Church should It be necessary* Ml LI. HIfOOT Foil TIHKIim. Hlfle Association Member* to Con test on Isw Vestr's Hay. The Bavannah Hlfle Association's New Year's shoot for turkey* will Ire held at the rifle range next Tuesday week, anil It l* expected that nearly all the members sill Ire In attendance. The shoot will begin at lb o'clock and will be finished In hulll clcnt time to admit of those parlh uniting to gel home lor their New Year * din ners This Is an Innovation that shouel result In a large attendance, as on lormtr occasion* many of those who might have gone to ttie range did not. for the reason that they could not get hack In time for tlie enjoyment of the rich repasts to sard which they had been looking forward with no little pleasure. Turkeys will he the prlxrx for which the members of the association, divided Into classes, will shoot. The best scores will win the birds, and the shooting will be at the short range*. 2t<> and .WO yards After the tiring at (he Inanimate tar gets, the best shot* wilt Indulge In their customary competition for bird* (hat will l>e ihe trophies of those who can hit them The turkeys si:; he tied at n dis tance of HI) yards, with nothing but their hearts visible, strove (he butt. Corn will be placed wtthln reach for them to (reck at. thus keeping their head* exposed, and the marksman who topple* one of the birds over can e.aim It for his own. Refreshments will tbe served at the range, and every effort will he made to give all who attend a goty) time. An oyster roast will be a feature of the entertain ment. VI It.l. AH H I VE Tlt-MOHROIV. Hr. D. J. Mailer, President of Hrltlsli Wesleyan Methodist t ''inference. Rev. I>r. 1> J Waller, president of the British Wesleyan Methodist Conference and a distinguished educator and divine, will reach this city to-morrow Dr. Wal ler will spend some days In Bavannah, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J). Adams. The fact that Dr. Waller would visit Bavannah was announced In the Morning New* some lime ago. He comes tor the >|mul purise of Inspecting the scenes of John Wesley's labors on this conti nent. Dr. Waller's position a- president of the British conference corresponds with that of a bishop of the church In this coun try He I* on his way now lo preside over Ihe conferences of the Wrale'.ui Methodist Church In the Bahamas. A lltM-tor's I nusrral Pattest. A white man whose name watt found to be Bullock w andered Into the office of Dr. G. W, Herlol Saturday night In appar ently a daxed condition. To ihe doctor's queries as to his warns he was able lo give no coherent answer, and Dr. Herlot finally tried other mean* and by search ing bis pockets found that his name was Hultock and that ti- was from Atlapul gus. Ga.. and on his •[■,- to North Caro lina. He had him taken (o the depot and put abnnrd tbe train for his destination. Dr. lieriot 1s of the opinion that the man was suffering from some sort ot for mation tha( pressed on the brain, and thinks that he was on his way to friend* or relatives to be taken care of. A l Kaaiupaane Triumph. Unsurpareed and remarkable quality ol G. H. Mumm's Kxtra Dry Is cause of 109.- 331 cases Imported to Dec. 1. 1900. or 11,109 more than any other brand. Special at tention Is called to the re marks trie qual ity of Hi* Kxtra Dry—ad FMIII STM IJI THKK FOB I4IMNBB. I hose In Pori Will Me 1.1% en Pree rno h> bailie*' Auxiliary. Prewnts will b* given to more than 2ho aiiOrs at the Bethel of the Savannah Port govAety next Thursday night The Li# An liary of the Port Ho lety will have presents for 3ts sailors in the event that many apply, hut It is thought tha applicant* will not be quite so numerous For eome \-rs the ladles have been ac customed to remember the sailors in port with such an entertainment, and It is ex - peeled that the Christmas tree thl* year will no .es* IMJ> cessfUl than tho* the jast Ticket a admitting the sailors to the chapel of the Bethel where the Christmas tree will be held will be issued by the •upertntend#nt of the building. Mr Iver son, r*d every care si.l be exercised to prevent those who may not be entitled to recognition gaining admission. For many week* the ladle* have been engage! In the work of getting the pres ents. Many of them have knitted woolen comforter*, wrial band*, mufflers. glove* and or .r warm articles of <iothtng esi*ec tally alttfvted for the withstanding of the extrenru-ly 4-old weather sailors have to face ttie sea* at this -eoson. Reliance t-olely upon their own handi work ha* not be* n necessary, as the la dle* have le-en <l*‘lighted with the re ei*>ti*cs tnat have b** n made to their ef fort* to raise funds for tin* purenase of presents for the aal’ors Api*eal* iiave teen mod< fren all ttie |><iptts in the city with a suc<*esa that has been grantly apf>rwiaied. The pastor* have announced th** excellent work In which the ladles are engage*!, saying that l£ cents from anyom would mean a present for a sailor The r> Nponae* have ts*en very numerous, and the funds gathered from thlS k *oure. It l* thought, togerher with ihe means ;*l - nt hind, will *ulfl<*e tn giving a* very auFceseful entertnlnment Rev W F Watkins of the Christian t'hurch will nddrt -* ttie sailors Just be fore the distribution of the present* After the article* have been given out refresh ments will lie served the sailors MIMIATH AA AT FONT St KKYfcI.A. < lilldrrn of Tybee Will Have a Tree and Feslltal To-day. Probably for the first time In the history of Tybee I>land, the children there will to-day have a Christmas tree, und festl \l. It ha* been planned by Mlficv Bue and HI Isabel h H henck, dat>gbters of c*n p* Be henck of Fort Be re van The • arncstnese these young ladles have shown In preparing for the entertainment assures Its sue ea*. Th* mess room of the officers' new quarters will be uetd. It is large enough to accomodate all who have been invited. Many useful gift* hava been bought for the Utt'.e ones, and candles, nut* a ltd other like delicacies will be distributed While there Is a general exodus of vis itor* from Tybee at fhe close* of sum mer season, many make their homes there throughout the They are mostly fishermen, and a large number of them live on Little Tybee. in making their preparation* for the treat, however, the young ladle* In charge have gein rously avoided distinctions. *o the children of the offi • rs. privates, fishermen, and all will *haro together the p:*a*ure to be de rived from thl* festival. *1 Mill SCHOOL t IIHISTMt* THEE* Many Will He Given This Week In Incnntiah < hnrrhee. The present I* (he season of Chrltma* tree*. Wednesday night there will be one at the Sunday School of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension. Frllay night aV - kenM A# Iha IIIPI • win %. ■*(!*. I— ... Sunday School children of the First Bap tist Church, and on Ihe same night one at the Sunday School room of ihe First Presbyterian Church, also for the school children. The tree for the bcnefll of the Sunday School children lhe Cathedral of St John the Baptist will. It Is expected, be ready on Christmas 'lay. The presents with which It will be well loaded will be distributed either on Chrletma* day or the day after The tree will be In the basement of the church. W VAT MI LIT AIM 'lll All*. ■ .allies Think I ornpnnles Mr out.l show More Interest lu the Ball. tsifiso among the military command* In the military ball that la to be given at the Guards' Hall on New Year's night hy the Savannah Chapter of the Daugh ter* of the Confederacy I* not as markrd, the ladles suy, a* they would like It to be. They would appreciate greater ac tivity among the military on behalf of (he ball, which is lo be given by the chapter lo raise fund* that are needed for expense* that have been Incurred In various ways. The ladle* feel that they are not re ceiving more than that to which they are entitled when the military men aid them, ns they have so often aided the varlou- companies In their entertainment*. Appreciation of the assistance of the la dle* In the past may Induce the military to display greater Interest In (he event, push Ihe Mia of tickets and attend tht trail In large numbers. Company flags arc desired by the Dec oration Committee of die ball for beau tifying the hall. Some wf the companies have agreed lo lend their flags for this purpose, and others may do so. HEY', t Ill’ll I It .1. SMITH** MEETIAG* Have closed in YY lecoaeln hut YYIII tie Continued In West Yimlnln. Rev, Arthur J Smith, former pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, has. since he left here, been conducting meet ing* at West Superior. Wls. In a letter written to a gentleman tn thl* city, and which was received yesterday, he my* Ihe meeting* began Nov. 28 and closed Dec. 16. and were unusually successful, probably a hundred person* having been induced through them to begin a Chris tian life Mr Smith Is now at ht* home at Rich er, t-i HIU, 1. I . where he will spend Jhc hull.lay- Jan. 2 he will go to Morgan town. YV. Va., where he will conduct meeting* and Jan. 39 to Decatur, ill.. where also he will conduct meeting*, for which fourteen churches have united Mr Smith’s many frienda In Savannah will he pleased to hear of his continued success. , AT BUT I> LAUttKL liltOY'E. Mr. t baa. A. Dentscli's Funeral At tended by Myrtle l.rrdge, K. of I*. The funeral of Mr. Chas. 8 Deutach took place yesterday afternoon at 2;3t> o'clock from the home of Mr M. H. Ecbaul, No. 8 Hull street, went. The cere monlx* were conducted by Rev. Dr. I. P. Mendee. and the burial was In Laurel Grove Cemetery. In addition tp a targr number of frienda that attended. Myrtle Lodge. K. of P„ thirty-five strong, was present at the ceremonies at the house, and also at the grave. The pal! bearer* were Messrs. Warina Russell. Jr , John N Davis and Fred Einsfeld of Mrvtle Lodge, and Messrs Julius Perllnskl, 1. Victor and M Lem hergrr. Numerous florsl tribute# of rari Irswuty wars sent by sympathising fi tends. MAHERS BEFORE COUNCIL MBKTOStt fibIHHIPII \UiHT WILL ML A \ IMPORT A> T OAK. Caaaall Will Zettle Ike Street Hall road Fraacktae About AA kick There >• Hera So Mark Talk, aad for AA kick Therr Are Two Appll- WNt-The lludgei AA 111 Mr l*a*cd AA>ttk tuwr lui|Mrtrtn ( ltsnra. bat It AA 111 Hr Soar Smaller Than leal Irar-Tlif Tax Ordinance AVill Also He Passed. The meeting of City Council on Wednes day night will be one of the inort lnter sting of the >ar it will he the last regular meeting but one to be held by the old board, and at least three very important matters wUI be seif leal Th* budget, the tax ordinance and the dls lOfltlon of tfte ztreef railroad franchises which is being sought both by Mr. D- B Lester and Mr J. 8 Collins At the special meeting of Council held last w*ek fur the purpose of hearing from the public with regard to this franchise t was decided that the ijuertion should le voted on at the regular meeting thl* week. Both applicants for the franchis* are anxious to have Council vote upon it and settle the msttrr without delay. Af ter .I! the arguments had heard Council decided In Committee of th* Whole that each member should wrrtte out s summary of his views with regard to the matter These will be laid before the meeting and aflw brief discussion th* vote will be taken The Vernon Bhell Road people who wish to build a road to White Bluff and Into the ilty around a bell on Pri •. Buy and Montgomery street* are most hopeful of the sue* css of their appiLat on. It seem* to be the opinion among many that they slam! a good fi n< c of -•'tir ing what tlwy have asked, with certain minor modifications, which may be mad* mcissery wt.h regard to certain portion** of the line on Bay street Many citizen' desire to see a line to White* Bluff con structed and they believe* m will ben* fit a lurge* section of th* county that will contribute much to the city. On the other hand Mr Collins Is hope ful of neruring an entrance into the city for his line which will run to Thundcr loh along Dale avenue. Mr Collins h* a contract to open up and operate the old Purse Railroad, but tn order to make a success of !t an entering line to the city is an aiaolute nece sky. There ha* been some talk of a compromise arrangement *o that both line* oouki get Into the city, but Just what Council will do on this line will not be determined unt.l Wed nesday night. The budget I* another Interesting mas ter with which Council will have to deal. ,it Is said that the Budget Committee ha* itot yet completi*d Its labor*, though 1: I* about ready to present its report to Council. The Morning New* published several days ago the figures showing what the leading city departments would secure, and as stated by several city offi cial* at the tlm%* they were about 4*or rect. House drainage will get JGo.OO). which I* Ixdieved to be suftbient to com plete the system, except in some of th* le** Important localities It 1* sail the fire deportment will gel about $50.00). which 1* a *onatderable Increase, on ac count of the new station, which !* to be rnanneil and equipped at an early date | Waterworks will get about s3o.s* an l | street opening s3T>.<*s>. practically ail of I which Is for the purpose of im.vhtg up : i*ote* that are due. Mayor Myers stated that the budget reduction would be somewhere In the neighborhood of la.OOU Thl* d**cr*vie, however, will not be large enough to war. rant any redu<*tlon In the tax rate, which will be 145 a* last year. The city’s in - ----- —*% *••* l tar K* IV r*n account of the Increase In the value of taxable firoperty by some $300.(i) When the house drainage work ha* been fin | 1-hcd. It I* expected that there will be a considerable reductiixi In the tax rite The tax ordinance will also be passed at Wednesday night's meeting Thl* or dinance Is practically the same a* thai lof last y4?ar with the exception of the j license on music halls which ha* been raised from SHW to 9200. There lias also ' Uen some talk of changing the license rax on iawnbroker* and on hacks, but neither of these nutter* has been decided and it may tie that nothing will be done vilth rrgsrd to them j The only other matter of interest to ! come before Council at thl* meeting will | be the election of a city primer HOLIDAYS IA THU UOIRTS. Little Disturb Ikg Ease of the ■asyrrr During This Week. Thors Win he Utile done In the court* tills week or. Indeed, until after tho New Year. In tho Bufsrtor Court Ihe Jury has been discharged until Jan 2. unless sooner summoned, and there I* llllle prob ability that It Will be dlslurlred. The hearing of the Injunction case of Henry Amho* against the Savannah. Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Itotiway. I* still In |irores* and will be continued to-day. There ts every chance that It will Inst out the greater part of tlie week, as the evidence 1* apparently Interminable. In the other court* there will be about aa little hapiK-nlng. The members of the liar will be |rrI vllegrsl to enjoy the holl <iay* as they see lit and many of them will lake advantage ot the opportunity to make hunting trips to some of the nearby haunt* of the deer, duck or quail. Your Best Work Cannot be done unless you have good health. You cannot have good health without pure blood You may have pure blood hy taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now. You cannol realize the good It will do you until you try It ltegln taking It to-day and see how quickly It wilt give you an appetite, strength and vigor and cur* your rheumatism, catarrh or ecrofula. All liver Ills are cured by Hood's Pills. 25c.—ad. HttIGIIT THOSPHCTO. Trek's .Second Term. Beginning December .'list. The recent unusual good fortune of the Georgia School of Technology will In crease Ha efficiency. No entrance examina tion will be required hereafter, and stu dents entering wMhotit sufficient prepar ation for the lowest class will be advanc ed as rapidly as possible. Sludehls may enter at any lime, but are advised to enter at the beginning of (he term. Dec. 31 Applicants for admission are requested to write at once for particulars. Address Lyman Hall. President. Atlanta. Ga.—ail We Keep Open Late This Evening. To afford every one an opportunity to select Diamond*. Watches. Jewelry. Sil verware, Gold ami Silver Novelties, Fine Cut Glassware and other sottabl* Christ mast presents from our Immense sml beautifully varied stor-fc. Price* mot rensoGablr Sternberg A Co—nd Spend Chrlrtnai YVlth Tone Friends and Belnllvea. And see that your tickets read over the Plant System, the line with per fect passenger service; low rate tickets told Dec 23, . M. 35. 30 and 31. 19W. Cso Jan. 1. 1101 'Phone 23.—ad. A High-Grade Institution tor Ladles Shorter College. Rome, Oa. Write for catalogue.—^ad. rLBUEO WITH Ari*M*TKVr. <Mr,.n>ahlan Ulad l ldr.rfti ( Nra.n. Turk nl Mr<!w*-k. Kvry rJlirod mini In Savannah wto kno' Mr S H Hardwick l hriy * v ‘ r hi, promotion lo the position of general p„. UK. r usenl of ao great a line aa the Southern. Nor l thla natlnfaction con fined to railroad men. for everybody tn Savannah wlto know, Mr. Hardwick U gratllied lo know that he waa chosen •, Mr. W A Turk', aucceaaor. T)te Jlapaich In the Morning Newa yea tnr day giving Ihe Information of Mr Turk'* advancement to the position of aaalalant iraftlc manager and Mr Ilard wtik', advan.i nvent to the position left vacant t>> >lr Turk waa read with gen eral Interest noth Mr. Hardwick and Mr Turk are greatly admired and ea teemed here, and no more sattsf.ictorv a . hot e so lar as the public la concerned could have been made by the executive official, of the Southern. Koth Mr. Turk ami Mr. Hardwick have been vlsftor, to Savannah of late, the eatabllahmenc of their passenger office here demanding their occasional vlatta. Mi Hardwick ha* been here more often than -Mr Turk, and hi* renewal of the old friendships he made while he was located In Savannah a* general passenger a* nit oi tne Central Railroad during It* opeia thm by the old Klchmand and Danville wa* pleasant to all concerned. Two Rgilewad XDVolntment*. Mr. Jeswt Youngblood, who he* been yardmaiter at the Plant System, ha* been promoted lo (natter of trains. Air. Thomas Taggart, who ha, been nlgat yardma,ter. ha, been appointed to Ihe position of yjrdtnaster. < eniral'* llarnlna*. The namings of Ihe Central of Geor g.a Railway for the week ending the ~(ond week of December were *153,701. Ig.iln*t II.W.Ww for Ihe same week of last \*or. showing an Increase of *33.711, atwl Si.iC3.H from Jan 1 • o the erwl of the secoml week, against *5.44b.374 for the cor responding twrital of last >esr. The freight traffic department of the Plant System has remembered the Morn ing N- ws with it# Christmas and New Year greetings. The card tenders Ihe compliments of the season from the offi . ials and c lerks of the general freight of fice. The last number of Sunset, the magn tlne published by the passenger depart ment of Ihe Southern Pacific Railway, contains an Interesting account of the recent trip Iff the (Irau Ofiera Company over the line The tour was under the personal conduct of Mr Clarence W Murph-y. iraveling passenger agent at Savannah. Mr. Murphey Is musical him self. l-elng the author of a number of song, and compositions, and his associa tion with tne singers was very pleas ant. MITICK. .Schedules tw Tybee. tin. Tybee trains schedules! to leave Savan nah at 3:00 p m ansi Tybee nt 5 30 p. hi. (city timet slally will be annulled on Dec. 35, Christmas slay. J. C. Halle, ad General Passenger Agent. ICleaant Christmas Gifts. Ijstlng gifts are the wisest souvenirs Presents for Gentlemen. For 1 Girls, Boys and Children. Fine Diamond Rings. Dtamsatd flltal*. Diamond Sleeve Button*. Watches. Chain,. Charni% Silver Novelties. Sterling Silverware, ijraitMN imwiso, RU'h Cut Glaes. Arvl htiiwir**!* of other appropriate arti t*U** for present*. We are still buying oM irolii.—Strrnberg A Co.-ai Low Muir* Darina the i hrlitmaa ltll*ln%a %la Plant Xyatem. On Dec. 22. 23 . 24 . 25, 30 and 31. 1900. a)s<* Jan 1, 1901. the P*ant Bystem will cwII round trip ticket* to nil iioint* at very low rates, before purchasing your ticket* •'all on tl'ket at Dc S*>to Hotel, or depot 'Phone 73. —a*i Elegant line of ladles' and gents' um brellas Just received,. Call mrly ami make your selection. Sternberg & Co.— i Holiday Italea via southern Rail way. Ticket* on sale to all points a fare and a third for the round trip, on Dec, 22-23- 24-35-30 and 31*t, 1900. also Jan. 1, 1901. limited to Jan. I returning In addition to above, sludents holding certificate* signed by superintendents or principals of schools or colleges will lie sold tickets commencing Dec la and limited to Jan. 8. Jas. Freeman, city i*i*-enger and ticket agent. 111 Bull street. 'Phone* 830 —ad Holiday Hates vis Plant System. The Plant System will sell round trip tickets on Dec. 22. 23, 21 23. 39 and 31. 1900. and Jan. 1, 1901. Call on ticket agent for full Information a* to rate* and limit* Ticket office* al Ire Solo Hotel and de pot. 'Phone 73 —ad. Convert Your old Gold , Into Chrlntma* present* to-day. Sternberg & Cos. allow full value for all that you may bring to them, and will exchange for new good* or pay cash, as you prefer —ad. Holiday Hates Y'la Central of Georgia Hallway. Ticket* will be sold at rate of a fare and a third round trip on Dec. 22. 23. 2t, 25. 30 and 31. !M>; (Lo Jan. 1. 1901, final limit returning Jan (, 1901 Ticket ofll'Vi 107 Hull street and Central Tassenger Station.—ad. For Over Fifty Years. Mr* Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething It soothe* the clil.d. soften* the gum*, allays ail pain cure* wind colic, and I* Ihe best for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle —ad • Christmas Decoration*. A. C. Oelschig, Thunderbolt, offers dur ing Christmas week at lon prices, a beau tlful collection of palms and decorative plants. There I* nothing prettier than an Arwu carla. Saga. Arecas. Kentia, Latania Phoenix. Dracoena. etc. He has also a splendid assortment of cut flowers, aa rose*, carnations, nnd hya cinths. He Invites the public to visit his nur eery, which I* the most extensive m th* state. He ha* 23.000 feet of glass If you want roses, cut flower* or with which to decorate, call him by elth-r I ~ or Jnrob <lr<lner. agent ! 12 Bull atreet, east; 'phone 10.-ad. I | Appreciated Present*. Gold spectacles, finest lenses jjoo Gold eyeglasses, finest lenses "... s<w 1 With rims or without same price. Panv receiving same can have their eves exam- Ined and lenses changed wlihln one year fres of charge Dr M Schwab A Son 4? Bull street.—ad. ' " A Christmas Bargain. Sterling Silver Pursee 32 ki while Ihty hut. Sternberg A Co -ad, A Wheel will ii 11 your boy’s heart with Joy to morrow morning. We are offering them low to-day. AH Juvenile wheels must go TO DAY.! WM. & H. H. UTTIMORE, Went Congress Street. The Event of the Season —AT— Hogan’s Excellent Chance For Christmas Shoppers TO BUY FINE FURS and CAPES At Actual Cost These good* are all this season's style* No back numbers We have too many of the shove garments, beside* the season ts advanced. | Come early and get the p! k. Daniel Hogan, Corner Broughton miA Barnard sts. LIKE 1900 11 Won't Las! Always. Juvenile Wheels But If You Hurry Your Glrild Can Be Made Happy WITH A Bryson Mit Bieicle. THE ONLY KIND YOU HHOI Li' PTY At the rate we're selling, our stock will be gone b 'evening, so COME KAKLY. W'e'll feel sad If you get too late. Open until midnight Monday and hall a day Tuesday. T. A. BRYSON, iHiIEHEXTI. gAV AHY AH THKATKK. CHRISTMAS DAY, DKO 26. MATINEE AND NIGHT LAUGHTE't EVERY MINUTE. HOYT’S "A MIDNIGHT BELL ’ with ALICE It OH ELAND as "Dot." and an excellent supporting company, in cluding I .line Lawson, Ihe Utile spertslt queen; Harry H Robinson as- "De.icoc Tldd;" the Village Choir, and plenty ! muetc and specialties. PRICES— klalinee. 75c. 50c and S Night, 51.00, 75c, iav and So THE THING