The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 25, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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TWO GRIDIRON STRUGGLES. nIU TAKE PLACE AT THE UOLTOV TIIKKT TAHK. .jb,- Football Tram and Ihr Fort Tran Will Ploy at II O’clock, and Ike Hlah school aad Cadet* Traai at 4 la the After. niHia-All of Ike Men In luiinl t un. dltloa, aud lloth Games Expected to He Good Oaen—The Men That Will l’la. There alii be two names of football at the Bolton street (round* to-day. The ltr*t will he at 11 o'dlork a. m.. between the Savannah Football Team and a team Irwro Fort Screven. Thera la no doubt (hat It will be an Interest Hi* atru**le ae Imth team* are In axceiler.t shape The pivnnnah team thou*h recently organised lias been strenitlhcned t>y many new play ers. and with the constant practice under <oach Sa ussy ha a been put In tlrsi-ciaas shape The llattery team Is made up of old p..iyer, the greater number of the men bavins played .on a team al Fortress Monroe, which won nearly every same that II played Two of the men. Brown and Jonen. played with the Savannah learn Thanksgiving day and gave an excellent mount of themselves. The sale of ticket* ha* been quite large, and there Is no doubt that all of Savan nah's football enthusiast* will bo at tbe game. The Ilr.e up will be as follows: Savannah. Buttery. Hicks center Vessel Or Munchen V ctnesky rlaht guard Shore j.'utch left guard Beasley Hewlett right tackle Colley .lohnson left tackle Bingham ttrnlth. M right end Burn.** Or Webb Lynah left end Fcrrlll . r Smith. O. Baussy quarter Brown Or Cope Sullivan, R right half James Or Krenson , Cordon left halt Jones Or Ronan ilußlgnon full Moore (>r Hull The Battery learn will also bring with them as "subs" the following men: Han shew, Hamlenachlld, Blbert. and Ivey. The officials of the game will he Messrs. Commons. Evans, ami Sergt. (logman. The colors of Ihc Savannah team are white and blue. Cenerul admission to the game will he - The second game, which will begin promptly at I o'clock, will be between the High School ami the Cadets. While these learns are lighter than those that will take part In the morning'* game, they will, nevertheless, put up a good game, as they have several excellent play ers on both sides, many of them from colleges, and beaidt-s have got themselves In splendid trim by constant practice for the last aeveral weeks. In fact many of the nun have had learn practice twice a day for some time. Again the teams are of almost equal av trage weight. Cnless Ihe unexpected hap pens, there will be a good game and a close score. roe color* of Ihe learn* are. High School, blue and whl'e. urn! Cadets, orange and blue. As both learn* have many admirers and sympathlxers, particularly among the lemlnlne enthusiasts. It Is very prolahi* that these colors will he largely In evidence during Ihe game The sale of tickets has been so good as to Insure s largo attendance. The line-up of Ihe teams will be as fob lows: man octiool. Cadets. Beckett center Robertson Hart ridge, A right guard Wells Hart ridge. E....left guard Holy Sullivan right tackle High:on Collins ....left tackle Heyward Alums right end.... Strong Kelly left end Rubens.*! J(m|i quarter hack Cubbedge Honan right half hack Pritchard Webb lert half lack l-auney K.-hoe full track Rernhardt Mr. Gordon Saussy will be umpire: Mr. lunah. referee, and Mr D. B. Hull, time keeper. TO HE STAMPED "ASHSSMENT. Ira Insurance law and tbe Effect It Will Have. There were some law* relating to tn ruranee put through at the recent session of the Legislature. to which in the rush o.' business, *uch as unending fairs and rarnlvals. little prominence was given Perhaps the lmt*or*ancc of the great At lanta dejiot question veil, and them some what from the public view as It did a number of other Important matters which were put through. Among the number was a law relating f" u-sessment Insurance companies. This law requires that the word "assessment" be *tani|ied In red Ink on all Ihe assess ment advertising card*. applications, |*od yes, etc. This Is to advise the public tnat li Is getting assessment Insurance, and Is a law which has been adopted by many states. A prominent official of the Anvil Com pany. an assessment Insurance company of this city, was asked about the matter yesterday. Bike many others he was un aware that such a law had teen passed "However. It makes no difference to us." he sakl. "The stamping of policies In our companies with the word 'asset-s --in • ut,' cannot affect il> one way or an other. All those who hold policies In our comitiny know Just what they are g. ltng al Ihe lime they come In. and they will, of course, know It Is assess ment Insurance whether the policies and applications are so siamped or not.” One of the most Important law. passed requires that a deposit of five thousand dollars l>a made by fralernals at the time of filing their charter. This. It Is b* llevad. will put a quietus to those or- Kanlcatlons which have no assets. With Industrial assessment Institutions a large sum must be deposited with the Insurance department ns security for the amount w rlfT-tn. The de limit Will no doubt diminish the number of frnternnl companies doll)* business In the stale. A bill requiring that the first of March fralernals shall tile with the controller general a report of their affairs In detail will also go far toward protecting Ihe public and the legitimate Insurance Itner < sta. Provision was also made In the Insur ance legislation for Ihe Ineorporatlon of • sesament concerns Into general life In e iranee companies One Insurance hill passed the Maps but 'is killed In the Senate This had rrf tcnce to a depogd required of surety < i mpantes. bo lire Insurance legislation goes Into effect and Ihe statement that there would lie some adverse legislation In this line proved wild talk. One obnoxious fire In ► U'ance law introduced was killed In com mu tee. Prrarnlril a Muonic Pin. Mr. John T. Waldrop. aaalatant super tn undent of the Industrial, Aid Associa tion waa presented with a very pretty Masonic pin yesterday afternoon at 8 o'clock by the employee of the company In this city. The presentation look place at tne association s offleoe. In odd fel low's bull din*, and was made by Supi. Langly. In Grandma’s Dag, Women were strnipht and strong. They could walk or work side by side with the men of the family. They lived under .L m Jf'] healthier condition*; fear* 'i-fflf.fjtS there was more aim wL ’’'ldPaH plicity and less strain. To-day it's difTerenß HTv The woman has all Hi'- the care of the house i|PH and the wear of moth |Al >i>H erhood with duties lJp-v/ C.jJM sujieradded which jP/t-'T m!* '■ were never dreamed J 9M of in Grandma’* Ikl‘\ wß] d"v. Asa naturql re nshe's worn out r ,dl "hen she ougl.' to be 0F 7 VtwU i the full beauty of 'f/y* X \ taJItJ mature womanhood. M i* \\ \e| Women who would and (Ikl'yl preserve their health ■ | l and strength should IrijM H Hky inard the delicate ifflnliiWH? womanly ongans. QRlVtl When these are dia ■tt\|V caaerl the whole body x I|h| suffers loas of strength fv'-TO ltv\\ beauty. Doctor [u E \\ Pierce’* Favorite Pre- Vv% %' \' scription cure* the dia — v I\.eases that weaken women. Inflamtna tion, ulceration and female wraknesa WIiWLTE-aLM promptly yield to the power of this great remedy. "Ihsri been* great sufferer from female weak ness for about two years," write, Mrs. Kmma Richardson, of Goss. W .vne Cos Kv.. "Could not lo my work pirt of ihe time 1 took lour bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and felt as well as 1 ever did." (UVORITE PRESCRIPTION HAMS WEAK VOMEft SHJOSG. SICK WOMEN WEU 111 "flop KF.ILKT’N I.ETfKH. IteSii In All Ills I Ini relies of Hie hlo reae of Savannah. Bishop Kelley'* letter upon the obaerv snee of Christmas nnd the U-glnolng of tho new cintury. read in all Ihe churches j of Ihe diocese, 1* Inlerentlng. not only to Itomun Cathodes, hut to people of all rcUgl.Mi* denominations: Benjamin Joseph Kelley, by the grais> of God ami (lie favour of the holy apoe to.k see. Bishop of Savannah. Bev. Dear Sir The collection on Christina* duy Is for Ihe orphans of our diocese. In com pliance with tho statule*. you will please announce It to the people on the preced ing Sunday, and Invite them to give gen erously to this worthy object. At no time during the year should such an ai* peil fall to move our hearts, but It comes with | ullar force at u time when we are commemorating tho Mrih of the Chrtst-chlid, who came to save us and found so urigia lous a repetition Me gave up every thing for us. nnd we can beat show Him our gratitude by caring for the little on- So completely does He Identi fy Himself with them, that He assures us: Whatsoever ye do for even the least of thes.. ye do for Me He orders th** Ut ile or-.-s to lie brought to lilnn *n*l the care we take of them will he recognized and rewarded by Him. With th mem ories of Bethlehem and the pitiful cry of the Chrlst-chlid fresh In our hearts, atai still ringing In our ears, lev o* ri ttismler the words of our lord: Whosoever shall receive! h Me On the 13th day of November. 1S our Holy Father. la-o XIII.. through a *k- ( cree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, authorised the celebration of mass at midnight on the last day of that, ami the present y-ur At tills mass, the Blessed Sacrament will Ih- exposed, and the faith ful may receive Holy Communion. The Holy Father has granted this extraordi nary privilege, in order that we in iy thank God for th* mercies extended dur ing the -r.tury which Is now closing, und tmpior* a continuance of th*- same In the coming one. While humbling ourselves In the presence of God. ami Imploring His mercy and forgiveness, k ! us not forget the multitude of our brethren, who. through no fault of il* ns. are -1- t-rlved of the Ineertillable blessing of our Holy Fulth I ret u* earnestly Implore the groat bond of the church, that He would gra . y hasien the day, when there shall l„ but one foist an-l one shepherd. Nor .an we forget In our greatful hearts and prayers the on*- lo whom, under God we owe th- >• great favors, our holy father the po|e. On the last day of this year be win complete the slxty-thlril year of his life as a priest. For fifty-seven years he has been a tilshop; and for three ami twenty years he has* sat on Peter* chair *n*l worn the triple crown. Ninety-one years mark the days of our father's pilgrimage. Though deprived of his i* mporal possessions by wicked ami ungrateful men h* ha* found home In ih.- m art* of hls loving aid grat- ful < hll dieii. and there hls swray Is umllsputed. \t no period since In*' greal s|ritual te m of the loth century hss the pres t-g.- of the Pap.u*v to*-.-ti so great, and Its moral 1.-thence s.. felt And nowr ,* th* close of the old ami the dawn of th.- n- w century, hls Inspired voice rings „ut from tie- Vatican warning the careless world that th*- great evil of the .lav *• nc m,ow Jesus Cnrtst. who Is the only way truth and life of the work! How subMmo a spectacle in this ug*- of religious Indifference! 1s t us In imitation of lie (*.,tholies of th- llrsl age pray whhoit c asing for our Imprison!-.! chief pastor. ,hut our gr.nt High I’rt. si whose vlcir h*- is, may preserve Iso XIII. an-l gram iilm life and make him upon earth and de.lver him not up lo Ihe will of hls May w<* predume to prayers alike of pastor* and people. Ihal Gwl would grin: to our unworthlneas Ills blessing and enable us to do His work tn • his portion of His vineyard assigned by Him to us, so that In all things ll*- may ho glorified, "Who hath choaen Ihe fool ish things of Ihe world that he may .-on foiiivl ihe wine, nn-l weak thln*c* the world hath chosen that he may con found the strong; thai no flesh should glorv it. Hls sight." (1 for I: 27. . Third We are anxious to *ec a greater increase among the faithful of the de votion lo the Ha red Henri ot Our Lord, ant! io IhU i*nd r farnr*tly that you Khouf.l in your power o #oni*r ami encourage Ihe league of Ihe Sacred lleirt bv regular meetings of Ihe pro moters by reading Ihe monthly Inten tion* by special devotions on Ihe lirst Friday; and. If possible, by exposition of H,.. twist blessed aacramant on Ihe liist ' Blessed Margaret Mary has told u* of this devotion: "Those who shall promote this devotion ahail have their names written in my heart." save our Ixyd ■ never lo be blotted out. And to us Hls priests, our Ixitd declared: "I will give them Ihe gift of touching Ihe most bard- God of peace, Who brought again from Ihe dead Ihe great paslor of the Sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the blood of the everlasting testament. At you to all goodness, that you may do Hl* will, doing in you that which la well pleasing In Hls sight, through Jeaus Christ, to - x III: E. C). * Given at Savannah thh. B*t day of De cember. Feast of th. Holy AooaGe. . Thomae. lu the year of our Lord IMtk Henj. J. Kelley. Bishop of Savannah. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2:>. 1900. '• p • THE DAY WITH THE FLYERS. 7 _____ I'UIM.H | WWK or HA( 19 \T Till DI.HRiM.T THAI K. lltirar• Will Kimt lltr Slurtrf lu Ihr Trolllnu 1.1%r1y ! I. of Iwulrlru In Ihr Hannlnn i lln*ru— Nomr of Mr. llnTa (rack j llonnrra In flir<— •* Thor ouu It ltr*| W 111 llrprrurnl fhr Uriicrn Trarki. Tim Thun<Wrbolt rnce* thl a/trrnoon will b rnlUnl it 3> o’clock. The harneiw evt-iu i (he first on the card, aiu! tho running race* will be rhim!niched between tho heat*. Manager Doyle ha good field* In all of the twee*. Five candidate* will nrore down for the word In the p**cUl hame** race, and every one of them can move done to 2:10. The three-eighth* taUft daah will brln< ] together even thort>ttghbrel*. and arionir I them Home of Ihe pick from the \V*tern j track*. Dutch Comedian and Troublo eome are horee* of note in the> running world, and they ought to make n fine race of It. Imperator, tho ttavannuh entry I* one of the beat tre<i race boree* in the country, anil If he I* at htmeeif | to<Uy he nil) iimko It lively for (tie winner. In the three-fourth* mile tlaeh the great race horao of the J. R. Hand viable will bt' *een. Holden Rnttlee la known to every homematf, and he 1* . h**ree of won derful *i>cei. Ttie following are tho starter*: H|kh tal Ila mere Race. Puree fltW— H. K. Kuck. Havannah. b. w Robert F. ti-orgo Haight, New York. b. ~ Holy wood. W. T. Bel ford. b. m.. filay Bell. A. B. Cook. Columbia, b. g.. .Adfniml T. I*. Wright. Savnmmh. h. g. Hloat* Bitter*. Three-eight ha Mile Daah, Puree. ITS— T. Illelt, Chicago. lU.’. b. f. Kanter. E. H<anr. Bi. Paul. ch. g. Hero. Jr. A. ('lark. Cincinnati, ch. g. Irish Boy. A. P. Doyle. Savannah, hr. *. ltn|a*rator J K. Hand. St. Paul. ch. h. Dutch Cone<l lan. J. It. Hand. St. "Paul, hr. g. Trouble gome. Mai Henderson. Savannah, b. g. Henry Gibb*. i Three-fourth* Mile l>ah. Purse, S7.V J. Hlett, Chicago. 111., hr. f. Xebra. J. R. Hand, Ht. Paul. b. g. Chub . J. R. Hand, St. Paul, h. f. Golden Rat tle*. J. VV. Hunt. Charleston, b. h Arlon. S A P. Doyle. Savannah, hr. • lm|erator. Mat Henderson. Savannah, b. g Stamp n:\TH IL IH M llft-lßt LKS. inlck Hun \\ 111 Hi* Afforiled !*•• ■t-nger* to nnd From the Urt. The C'cntral Railroad I* arranging some important changes In Its schedule*, to take effect Sunday, Doc. 30, which will give it fast through service l>etwecn Sa vamuth. Augusta, Macon. Columhu*. Memphl*. Kama* City and all \V-tern liulnt* reached through those gateway*. Train will leave Savannah, a* now. al ! 10 p. m., city time, arrive at Blrmlng- I ham the next day at 12:3 p m.. connect ing there with the Kansan CTty, Mem i phi* and Birmingham * fast train, which will Dave Birmingham at 12:35 p. m.. ar riving at Memphis at s:<i6 p. m.. and at Kansas City the next morning at 9:45 Fast-hound, train* will leave Blrmmg | ham at p. m on the arrival of the KaiiiM* City. Memphis and Birmingham's f,,l * rain IrAm Vl.vmnhla -* * a*H - at Savannah next morning at 7 o'clock, rallroart time. The Atlanta train now leaving Atlanta at *:X> p in will be art ba. kto l*av* ta*-r*- at |>. m. Th* roal will continue to run a through al*-*ptng ,ar arrvlce t*tween Savannah ami Btr m Ingham. In a*t*iltton to th* Kan*a* City, M*-m --phlK aixl Birmingham connection at Bir mingham. Ih* fenlral will al*o connect In both direction** with th** last train of th* Louluvlll* aiul Narhvllli- from and to Naahvllle. lamievtiu-. Cincinnati. St lamia an*l Chicago. Thl* change of time <*tabllehee connection In both dlrecllona between Savannah. New Grleana and Montgomery. Mr. C. J. Aeonta. commercial agent x! St. boula for the I’lant >-etem. I* In Sa vannah for the Chrlatmaa holiday*. Mr A<-oMta formerly llv*.l In Savannah, and wa* chief rlcrk in th*- office of the gen eral freight agent. He ha* many frietni* hero who are atwaya gla*l to ee him. 11l 4 > K.tIT NKMMO*. Iti-rnrdrr Illsiitxara of n Hunch l t lirtstiMo* llffcMitcr,. To prevent the station house from be coming congested Iteconler llartrtrtgc held a session of court last night at 7 o'clock and disposed of all the prisoner, that had been brought tn up to thift time. There were ten of them. One a white man named WtlUum Bast, charged with wife I>• siting was remanded to the <Tty Court, and so w.*s a colored wianan Charged with robbing a country darky (rum Mardeeville of some raonej-; Ilk* wise a negro man <laiig**l with working a fflm-ffam game on Torn Bacon, colored, a stranger In town, balling from Morrison, On. Huron lost |l and hi** watch. t'horlcs Middleton, a colored employe of the Koyal Music Hall was up on the charge of shooting crackers in the street, lie acknowledged the ctairg*- and was lined *> which he (mid. Hastings Jones, 'white, arrested at the same time and fot the same reason was fined a like amount hut being unable to "come across" wus given ten days. Two other white men, one a stranger from Atlanta, were given sentences of $:, or ten ilujie. for tiring crackers In the street One of them threw one of the l*oppcr* near a horse on Bull street near Broughton and caused the animal to run :,way. but tt was stopjied before any damage was <k)ne. England's Body Taken lo Tensaeola. Home. Oa.. Dec. 24.-The body of O. T* England, a bookkeeper, who commit tod suicide hers In the waiting room of the Southern llallroad depot, srss taken to Pensacola for Interment He left a widow and four children. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret ofhealth is the power to dipest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it’s part. Doyou know this? Tutt’s Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers arc always dissatisfied—always trying something new—or something differ ent, as there always seems to be some thing wrong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old V lrgima Cheroots They are always good. • Three hundred million smoked this vetr. Price. 3 (or 5 cents. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. "V FKIiMKAIa. —-secret—of my being bl<> to sell I uly’s solkl gold watch‘S for s?i 79 American goid-lilli-d watch, la years’ gtutrwnti*. #7.k5; Atncruan silver lady* watch. W 29; diamond ring. sl4.7f*; gent*’ fold scat ring sl.#; plain gold rings. $1.50 and up. baby’s rings. 49* nnd up; gold apaotaclwi. *2 49 Frfiii, 2S East Itroughton. Ilalr. Jewelry and Raving Supply House; th place where hair, piatlnum. old sliver, okl gold and old coins are taken as cash. 1 BEE THAT YOUR ARPHITRTT OR BUILDERS INi’l.rmN ONE OF THE AUTO MAI HM'OCKH IN Hl* SPKUIFU'ATIONH. THE FIRST cost IH Tin: ONLY EXPENSE ATTACHED To IT B. E BRODEUB'K. PRACTICAL PLUMBER. PERRY LANE AND DRAY TON STREET. LILIES OF THE VALLEY MY own importations; In •‘okl storage; ready to deliver pips every Sjtunloy, leave or dera with J Gardner, agent. 12 Brough-! ton street, e u A <’ Oelschlg, nursoy opposite Catholic Cemetery ~KEE (’HUNO A CO. CORNER WHlf uk*r and IJlierty streets. h-ili|*iiirters for f*hlnee and Japanese fancy K*xsle. tea*, etc., at low price* Oriental and Turkish ornaments below coat price. Come and vUlt us I .HOLIDAY CARPETS. POR fleres. . e curtain*, and n thousand and ocie articles to gladden the g>od wife* heart. C. P Miller, agent. “TOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; St * rich and purt; try It. " ELEGANT BEDROOM n cMU Hi: dining rcsm furniture-, china closeta. sli ver cases, sideboanls. buffets, mirror-door wardrobes, etc.; our Imnienr** stH*k must F*e sH’ii to be iiipm'latiMl. C. P. Miller, agent CHOICE LINE OF AND cobbler seat rockers for the holl lays, at Teeples 217 Broughton, west. “can A Ritas and gold fisii" j Gardner. 12 Broughton street, east. Tam now located at~4i4 west Brougtton. ring up 11M If you want to have your furniture moved or packed for atoipment or storage. 1 guarantee price# the same io I do the work that's given fo me. A 8. Griffin. 414 Broughton street, west; matlresaea yud* to orler MGILLIS’ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. K! * N FARM MILK I I N surpass'd for richnega; delivery la per fect; phone. 2345 TEEPLE IS SHOWING A NICE LIVE of carpet • matting mga. . fc lino leum; cheapest in town. IF ITH lira* YOU {VANT. YOU CAN get them cheup*r from McGtlMa. GIt.T CHAIRS. TABLETS. COUCHES, coxy corner*, reception ehatra. leather chair**, an Immense anaortment at re aonable price.. C. I’ Miller, agent. WHF.N Yor SEE M GILL.IB BIXTY- Inch 99-cent rug*, you *rt:l buy thorn. Just can't help tt; will *ell In any quan tity. "FURNITURR MOVED WITH CARE." la a airt.ilty with MeGlUla. IMMMNSF. UNE OK RATTAN ROCK ***** fe.*m tt at* itn I** It! (' i' Miller agent. M' is our vr on Rt r.s nets lace ciirtaina, lumnurki. wrier eoolera. pli'owa, picture*, atave., b-.lroem aulli, onl furniture of every <t*acrlpilon. ~MIIeLKR'K HOJJDAY GIFTS FOR broth* re on<l other fellow.' brother*: you will have ta rail an.l examine our Immeni** line in ont**r lo thoroughly ap preciate the subject. C. P. Miller, agent. FOR A PRETTT REDROOM StfTT. parlor ami <lln!ng-room furniture, you should go to Teeple's. KHNBI NO TON FARM IS *)N AN elevation in the eoun’ry free from city dmlnagr ImpoMthle for ml kto heceine . ontsmlnsteil. by Impure odors: If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345. De livery prompt; setlsfactlon guaranteed. M'OILMS MOVES. PACKS SHIPS an*l store, pumue aid furniture, bett work only: no "Cheap-John" pit.-eo— no "Cheap. John" Jobe "MIDLER'S HOI.iOAY GIFTS FOR sister. an*l oaher fellows' sisters: toilet tables, ladies' desks chiffoniers, pleture. of all kinds: come and ***■ us: w* will help you out. C. P Miller, agent. TEEPI.E CAN SAVE YOf MON3Y ON atove*. steel ranges, oil hewers nnd hot stuff heaters. 317 Broughton, went IfITjJBR'S HOLIDAY gifts for children; dolls and toye of every descrip tion; chnlre, hahy carriages. n-**arts, velocipede*, tricycles, exprees wagons, pi trol wagons. C. P. Miller, agent. M’GIDDIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna pattern*— for *9 cents. xmas r low ens robes! iiya • cinth* and Lilies of the Valley; will b*> ready; orders aollelted J. Gardner. 12 Broughton etreet, east, agent for Oel schlg's Nursery. ■•HOTOGIIAPHY. ‘'for a ‘new tbarb" gift then*'# nothing nicer or more appropri ate than a lovely photo of oneself; for mother, father, friend or sweetheart, and Wilson's Studio. 4! Bull street. Is the place to get tt; you are not "too late;” sit today and I will guarantee It In time. If you wish It; crayon and water color in largements and frames a specially. M t-Vlw Wilson, proprietor. P. S- Why not have a photo taken during the nineteenth century, anyway: hurry! hurry! medical. BADIKtt: CHICHESTER'S ENOUSM Pannyioyal PUls ars Ihe beat. Safe, re liable. Take no other. SOnd 4c etampa for particular*. "Retlaf for Ustlti." in latter by return mail. Ak your drugglat. Chlchea'.er Chemical Cos.. Philada . Pa. HOW aTuTyOUR FEETt IF YOUR feet ere troubling you. call on me ond I will give you relkf. I cure Ingrowing nail*, corna and all dtaeate* of the teot without pain; charge* reasonable: can give the beat reteroncea tn the city; pa tient* treated at residence#: order* can be left at Uvtnggton'* drug atore. Bull and Congr-ee etrwis. ielepiiOftO S3*, htiii Davie, surgeon chtnopodiau HEI.I* U % vr;il— M \LE. WANTED. OFFICE ARCHRTA NT. youiiK man. Inal**. k<hl iw'imvin at (Utuiv* \tkli -j hiarlp, ovlih .*lk***, ;i WANTED. FIRBT-CLABB BAND HAW yor. on** #i* uiM4* a r*tanils x(hi( onIT.H in yellow |4i#; also an u|-t*-*ilato mill wrlirht; sm.v Ki\ift, r. ( t<n. •* ami w **. * A.kli. h * I*. . iiox No. til'itia. I’la. BALEBMLN WANTED TO HELL Ot II foods by Kamp!** to and retail tra<tr. #*• are iho largest an.l only mant ufariubm In our tins tn tbs world, liberal salary paid AildruM, i’n-D**x Mfff Cos., rfllef, Board of Trade Bulldinc. Savan nah. Ci WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; r>m|Mira lively n* expense; sr weekly prill men after only two months with ui; new field for wt* fur nlsh steady prarilce. Instruction-, lec tures, diplomas and posMions. Apply by mall to-day. Molcr Barber ColUkv, Ht. Mo 1111.i* tv # WA NT El >. tSoVEUN I *-88 FOR GIRLH w* ! tl\ inct *| in llterarx *xmij . and musii'. will * iunK* rsfsrvoii’v J. II <Ma rry. Wllbroo lin . a I'MI'MH HI.IT W %%TEII. AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER WILL pay liu. for Information i**Mns to hls employment, lot tin, French and higher math* malic*; have state lleense. Address, Teacher, Cameron. Ga ~MAGICIAN CAN BE ENOAGED F<lt eiHertnlnmenl* *■ I children's parties. If 8.. Mo min* News. COM I* K TENT DOC RLE-ENTRY |m~k>kk* , *‘|K*r and Office man wants p >sillon; retomnieaitl.itlofis and Irhi.l *l\en. Ad dress Cornie;ent. care News office l - —- U INTHO— lt S. FOR CABII. DOGWOOD ami persimmon log- K-'Uthern llaidsool Company. I*. O. Box SJJ*. Charleston. 8. C. I ‘IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, eand, manure, etc.. fi#* of charge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Drown Bros . corner Anderson ami East Broad st reels. IF YOU WANT OOOn MILK. GET IT from Hpringfiekl Dairy; It s rich, pure and whnleamn* ADVERTIBEMFNTB HFT IN “CAP ITALB WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AI V E RTI HE M ENT TAKJDN FOR LESS THAN 30C FOB HKMT'—IIOOISS. rXio ITAJJt Wild. BB PRINTED IN ctMS BIFIED ADVEIITISK.MKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CIiNTS A WORD. NO AH VERTtSEMKNT TAKEN KOIt LESS THAN SOC. i ■• ii BENT—HUVSBS. FOR RENT. COMFORT All LJS HOUSE. No 3)7 VVaidburg stieei. eaat. between Abercorn and Lincoln. Itrsl-class order and condition: avary convenience rent to right tenant Ratate Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. Utlt KENT. THAT tIKSI U.Mtl.l. ItUS l*lence No 2*o < *gluhot|e* avenue. *st, near liarnanl; immediate (Me*-*.salon. \|,- piy next door, or J. C. Pootoll. 12 Hay. east. Foir ItKNT SEVKRAI. ~ DKttllt ABLE residences, thorimghly renovat*-l. Apply A Wy4y, agent. 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RtWT—STORK*. THE HUH,DING NO. 9 HAY STREET, west, third <loor from Hull street, oecu plcd by C. B. Stulls A Cos. This building Is must destmtily located anil i. well suit’d for *it tier store or office pi,Raises. UosSe.strs, con be given Immediately; moderate rent. Apply to J. 11. Anderson, No. 5 Hull Street ~ FOR RENT. THE TWO M* >ST DE strable stores tn tktvannoh: situate corner of Whitaker, State and President str**ets, opposite new Postoffice. W. XI. fk W. K. Coney. FOR 111. VI —*ll V I T.I. 4X4.01 X. "TXiitnr^vAirrrrtuTbF^AJHrTjFpdct; EUR RENT. CORNER RROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS: F*JR MERRY OCCUPIED BY THE HAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. P SMART ! “advertisementr SET IN CAP ITAIaS WII.I. BE PRINTED IN CRAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COI.UMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKBN FOR RE SB | THAN 30C. •THO lit*. ■ STRAY Elk FROM 4t HORTON street, eaat, one bey hors*-, fifteen anil half hand., high, od shod, slightly gray mare, wore collar buckles; reward for r | turn, or Information leading to recovery. 1 W R. R. Ilooerts. 1 ~ BOARDING. IrtttKD table Ixwrd 311 Jones street, eaat. PRBASANT ROOMS WITH' GOOD board, 14 Oglethorpe, west. [GOOD Positions fva-ee ECURED ! I tj’ Wide tunlf bHi . Young Men I^Kij^’d'KtoMEN trJJgk'Rusines (oilrse ipmoNoj j BUSINESS 1 j COLLEGES.! j I’OH StI.e—REAL EHTATE. FOR SALK. BUILDING LOTH. IHTTB - IL Cain, Boanl of Trade. FOR SALE THOSE I.OTB ON NINTH etreet, near List Broad; have only been * il to first-- lan |*artles. who will m ike K’l nelgtiljots. and none others can hw> The terms are very easy and thav are !.*.per than any other* In the vicinity C 11. Doreen FOR SALK. A LOT FOR TWO HT?N dred dollaresv term*, on Ninth etreet, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. II Ikfrsett FOR HALE IvOTH ON NINTH STREET near East Brood, no city taxes, at IlOj each; twenty-five d> Lire ash. and easy monthly payments. C. II l>or*ett. FOR H \LR. LOT® OS NINTH NEAR East Broad mt D* ea h will soon !*e idvanc*d to s*2T>. vs t en a lot has been (wild for 1 can arrange to get a honia built. C If Doraett nmIDRNcS \vi Si ilding lotii for sale all over the city. Robert II Tatem. real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. ADVERTISEMENT# HUT IN CAP IT ALB WILL MW PRINTED IN CLASi BIFIED %PVERTIBEMENT COLUMN FOR Ttvo CENTO A WORD NO AD VERTIHEM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN *>C • *Ol4 a U.I. IHMt %. A FREE SAMPLE OF BEN/.OIN Balm for chap* and rough skin, given to an> lly tailing at iVrsae’a drug stores, Henry ainft Abercorn, Taylor ami While ker. IF YOU VI! GOT TWO LUNGS 'LEFT. Bov Rem will cure your rough, a dlkir bottle it uar an let**! to * ure >r money re fui>t|*d IVrsFi i* drug stores THE AUTOMATIC* STOP CiM K WILL HAVE YOU TEN TIMES ITS ORIGINAL CGBT IN ONI WINTHR 1 F BR4IDBR ICK PRACTICAL PLUMBER. UERItY LANE AND DRAYTON BTREET FOR SALE. WALNUT STANDING and. -k ten feel long. Apply Charlen E Ht trite A Cos. FOR SALE. HALoo.N’S OUTFIT. FINE counter. 11l nog, licet pip*, faucet#, wal nut table.-. < hairs, at Seventh and Bull streets. Chap Heller FIRE PROOF BAITS WH CARRY A fine line of fire pi oof safes In etork at all times The parties can see exactly What they are xettinir Our price# are a* kw a l * manufacturers e* Il it, with freight abt ed Parties Interested, who wish a g**l fire protif safe will do well to inspect our stork l.lpptnan Bros . Llppmgn blork. agent# for manufacturers FOR SALE GROCERY AND BAR A IpKKI •tr *1 MMft Ml * : i: . Bit NfW COW’S WITH YOUNG CALVES FOR e:le Call 471 Waal Boundary • tract. a*c them ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN OAP -ITALH WILL BE PRINTED IN SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJfigt THAN *>C LOUT %M FOI M). I JOB T. YKBTKBDAY AFTKRNOON. rt## pin; rowiird. 122 H#nry, *oiit. 111 iim.## chinoei. ADV Kin I HUM I NTS Hi.T IN OAI’- nAIaH WILL BB UHINTKD IN CIaAS BIFIKD ADVBBTIHKMKNT COLUMN Foil TW> UK NTH A WOHD NO AD VKRTIBKMK.NT TAKBN FOB LBM THAN 20 C. HIM KIaIeANBOUI. KBS. AleSo GRATES AND. PARTS BUT IN AND RKUAIRKD I* II K 1 Kll- NA N, 10 STATE STREET. WEST YOUR DOLLAR WILL GO A8 FAR with dx mb (mi #ny#rh*r* a full iin# Irrim. A <*. I’r! *- A Cos.. 8l it* #nl J*t fpruMi. I’homo* 4&H WB ARE IIRADQUARTEIIfI FOi a**wer T'lF 1 . brt<-k. Are clay, oils ant varnishes, give us a * all Adams Paint Company DON'T TKOUrtl.r TOURSERF ABOUT moving your lurnlture. relaying your car pets or matting Perry * Benton wilt re lieve vou of all that trouble. “our ready mixed paint Is i.l*l under a guarantee; have your house painted with tt. A*l *ins Paint * oro pany FIREWORKS: FIREWORKS’ FlKE works. a larg*- stevk of firework" at re duewt prtca* s Barwatelß. Comal itraugh ton and Jefferson. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR mante.s. from 10 cents to 35 cents; your old stove exchanged for anew one A C Price A Cos., State and Jefferson street a. ‘phones* wS. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned bard rash at th* Southern Grocery Company, lit Bernard street. PERRY A BENTON IS* STATE street, west, will move, pack ship or atoie vour furniture at short notice; also ren ovate your old matirtsisea at twtla coal. Ilrll 'phone IIJI “WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUN. gry people *1 ihe Hotith.rn Grocery Com pany, 114 B.rnard street DRUMS' DRUMS’ DRUMS' HMAI.R and lirg*, drums nr reduced prtcea S Bernstein, comer Itroughton and Jeffer son. A NICE UNE OF IIAVIEAND AND French chtna cu|* and saucer* at aaerl ftdng prices, S. Bernstein, corner Brough ton anil Jefferson. IF YOU WIRE RET US ESTIMATE on your plumbing work you will Ih* con vinced that we are cheap*r than any on* else. A C. Price A <’o.. State A Jeffer son streets. 'Phones 65S A FUtile LINE OF GRATES JUST received will sell any of Ihe separate parts. A,l.*m** Paint Company, 101 Oei grnas atreet, west. REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSE* by Investing your herd-earned hard cash with the Southern Orocory Company. U 4 Bemsrd street NORWOOD'S BOOK, “MOIHER GOOSE CURVED.” For sale at alt News Stands In Savannah. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for ’home-mixed" fertiliser The cheapest end moat concentrated oa th* market. Bend for partlculara 11.4 V, CHAU, COW FEED, IIHAS, BTC. SEEO OATS AND RYE’ T. J. DAVIS, •Phone 222. 11* Bay atreet. west ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA GRANGER FRUIT* AND VEGETABLE* o. all kinds. •EED RYE. *EED OAT*. HAT. GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR CHEESE. BEAN*. Psa*. Rtco Straw, tic. W. D. Himkins & Lo. ■HTTIOH MI.KN FI TI RE D %Y 9. 'EXECUTOR’S SALL PROPERTY HITAKKR HD YORK. C. If. Dnrsefi, 4 ii<*f lonear. By virtue of an order of the ordinary of Ifinb county Georgia, pasned at tha I December term. lfun. will be sold, bafma the Court House <kmr of Chatham >unty, Georgia. In the city of Ga., cm it Tut lay In Jaau ry. inn. tween the legal hours of sale, (ha follow* In* drrfitted real estate !*•! nglng to the estate of Henry G. Cutter, late of Bibb county. Georgia, de*-eased, to wit: A o*r tain tiact of land situated In tiiveimah. G • known by pan of wild city • lot ! I ".Cheat# war I owinirnt’lng at point of Interaae tlon of York 4nd Whitaker streets and running down ihe line of Whitaker street, due south, ninety (90) feet, thence due west sixty <* feel thence up tha line of lots four (4) and five (Si dua north ninety <* ) feet, ihence down the Una of York street sixty t# feet to srartln# point Slid above described real estate I* to be •old for the purpose of paying the debt a * f -dl Ihnn (l Cutter, deueaged. and for dis*rlbuilng anwing the l*g.iteaa tinder hls will Terms of sale One-fourth cash, ona foiirtli one, one-fourth two yearn, and one fourth three years. Intereat at th< rate of -dx (• per cent. 4 per i*ent par annum on lef. rre I |avmett. Purr ha sera t< liavs- prlvlleg* of imvlna all cash. THE MACON SAVINGS BANK. Exe u tr < f the List Will and Tewfamoltt of Henry O Cutter deceaaaA, llv 11 T POWELL PraaMML * ■—■■■■■ 1 - 1 lll 3LgJ LKOAIi KILRt. BALE STATE OF GEOIIGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—Under and by virtue of a fl fa. liiiued out of Chatham Hupertor Court In favor of Hurras and KJopfer vs Loula t'ollat. I have levlerl upon the following deacrlher! property of the defendant to wn: •even (7) lota of land known In plan of suMlvlslon off irm has. eight fit) ami nine (9 Morris ry thing Pereira I ward. 4' tun. ih drawn - ItUh known as lot# two (2) and fmtr <4l Block C: lots six t* <*4ght (•) ami tan 4K) Him k S lots twelve and fourteen (!J> and <l4). Block Q also lots leveri and thirteen < 11> and <l3) Block D l>etng parts of lots six ts> and ten <I0) Tldrd tvthlng. Anson ward. Bahl aliove described prop erty te!njc sp uate. lying and'being In tha county of Chatham and state of Georgia. And I will ofTer for sale ut public out cry before the Court llMse door of Chat ham 4‘ountv, In the city of Havannah. Go. on th** first Tuesday In January. 181. the said above described property of the aafd defendant, during the legal hour# of sale, to satisfy -a 1.1 fl fa. gold at former purehaeer* risk. Term* cash, purchnoers paying for til lea, T. J 8 WEENY. Sheriff, C. Cos. i.kuu Nimcn. rTTT-rTT-K OKOKOIA. CHATHAM COOTTT.— All persona nr*" hereby forbidden to liunl, IlKh, or otl>rrwle iresiuiss on thoM> por tion* of < ***uhaw Island, in mi|<l county Hinl slate. known a* the North nn<l Houth end*. h, Inc the linals now awnnl by tho undersigned; the North End. known a a the Walerbury I’Uer, mol containing twenty-one hundred and ttfiy-fivr u-rra of hlxhl.ind ntnl twenty-four hmnlreit m l forty-tlve arrea of marsh Unit, the Bmith Knit, known an the Koaera Pl, anil eontalnlna twenty-five hundred arrca Any perann huntlna nr otherwise tras lai-lo* on any of the lands ahova non - ttoneil will he prosecuted W. L. NKVIN. Dee. 4. IWO. NOTICE TO DEHTOHR AND t'RKDI TORI r;"''r.r::a. - • o--4 a , Not lee I* hereby riven In all peraona bav ins detnancjp attain*! Alfred Kvana, lata of anlil eonniy. ileeeaaeil, to i .resent them to nu, properly made out, within tha tinta prescribed by law. ao as to show their character and amount; and all peraona Indebted to sab I deceased are required to make immediate payment to me. Havannuh, On.. Dec. I. Il K. It HEPPARD. Adralntatrator. OEOROIA. CHATHAM COt'NTT— Not U-e Is hereby riven that I hava made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for leave lo sail the east ern portion of lot of land Number 17, O'Neill ward. In the rlty of Ravannah. havlnc a frontage on Walker street of S feel, more or Its*, and a re.tingufcir depth of M feel, more or less, toxsther with tha Improvements Ihereon belonging to estate of Kllett Morgan. de<-eoaal, for the pay ■ a Jakta -*.-1 41-lait-..t I—— *- a*a*-sil set ••• *#%ee seaaaa tts itt, satt Hint said order will he remind at Januory term. I*ot, f sahl court, unleaa objections are file*! thereto. M A. OIIYRNE. Administrator. NOTICK TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT* ORS. fIKOROIA. CHATHAM COCNTT- Nor Ice Is hereby riven to all persons bav ins demands against Moses R. Otn ken lalt "I said CO.inry. deceased. U> present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. so as in show their character and amount and all persona Indebted lo rslil deceased aro require*! to make immediate payment to me. LEOPOLD ADLER, Administrator. H.ivannah. Oa.. Dec*. J, IRXI O BORO! A. CHATHAM CWNTT- Whereus. Thomas K. Voumans has apptlad lo Court of Ordinary tor letters of ad ministration on the estate of Hugh J. Potty, deceased. These are, therefore, to cdla and sdtnon lah all whom It may concern to he and appear before said court to make objec tion (If any they have) on or be for* th first Monday In January next, oiborwlaa said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton U Fer rlll. ordinary for Chatham county, Ihla i....... and • , I !: * -1, h Idl.liACH. Clerk Court ordinary. C. Cos. ►ABBOTT’S * ; EAST INDIAN < Corn Paint: • Cars* Cora*. Itnisas aad Warn 4 . (peediljr aad Wlthsat Pal a. > FN SUf IT IU ORU66tSTX . J UPPMAN BROTHERS, < I Wholssels Drsgglats. ! ' Llppmaa's Iloek, tavaaoab. oa. f MINGLEDORFP& CO. MACHINE* BLACKSMITHS AN* Bi ■!. .tCi'iM AKERSt Telephone MI. SlO Indian (treat. Savannah, Oa. I*r TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL* and work, oraer your llthn*rtphed and urtntsd stationery aad blank books trows Moraine News, Savannah. 3