The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 25, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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BRITISH ARE SILENT Ml |!*Dlf'%TlO% or THEIR VIEW* OX THK ITY. NICARAGUA IS ALSO QUIET. NISHTBR DHTims* To ni*. THKtTY m’BOTION. look. U Ther* *l > B. Mnmpa thrxl for tk* Mrariaiia < ...I lo*rmrl—W 111 B- !*n l > HaJllna With .rr Britain anal Mraragaa llotta lllaaalialirtl. Washington. Dre. 14.—'The llritiah ltm.rnni.nt ha* not u* to thla util' ttlvon llw sllfttitrat Imltoatlon a* to It* purpoar on the .uueruie.t Hay-I*aun cafoie treaty, Mid It I* underatoad that the auhjeot kill not ho taken up by toe British c.bln.t until th draft of the uineialetl lumruineiit a(ut the advleea of the British anbaandor a Wash in*, on are rcclrsrf. The Rcnerai reaulta have I wan Jiriody *ummartid In cabl.s to the Don •ton authorttlea, but In n (natter of this inan!tu<t* they would not act until they were In pMMMion of all the data by mall. The Nicaraguan minister, Mr. f’otea. was aeked to-day a* to toe report that he had proteeted In behalf of Nicaragua agatnat the amended form of the treaty. He said ho did not care to ttterua* the mutter in He present state. But he point id out tb unUkeilhood that Nicaragua or Costa Rica would protest while the mat ter was one of domestic policy. Latter on If It assumed the concrete form of a prop .cation to he gubailtted to Nicaragua and < 'osta Wet, It would lie for them to say whether it wa* acceptable or not. but .11 the meantime. It was hardly likely that t .are would be any |>rotret or other action concerning a aubject still in Its creative stages In this country and in (• ten I Hrtt aln. a tel not yet beAtrn Nicaragua and Costa Rica. It also can be slated, not on Mr. Co tea * authority, but as a fact, that the, Nicaraguan government has not up to thla time defined Hs attitude on the amended document. Mr. Corea forwrarded It with full advices, but as the Honate acted only a few days ago there has not yet been time for the pipers to go before Presi ded! y.elaya'a cabinet. And eien then, ae Mr. Corea has pointed out. It Is doubt (il whether Nicaragua will assert her IsJsltioti In advance of receiving overtures as to the canal. It appear* to he the ac cepted view, however, in ''antral Ameri • in •Uptumatlc quarters that the Henate conflneil Its consideration to the Interests of the Cniteil States aid other maritime lowers, and failed to take Into much c -count lb, interests of those countries most vitally concerned by having th" waterway through their territory. THROUGH TWO CHANNELS. (• r*nt llrMain Will He XnllfUri of % ni*nl nt*n( to llhji. I'imi iicrfote Trmly. Wnsblnirton. Df. Sl.—The Stile Dc l irtiwnt ba 1 to send the v * nt# to thf* Hay-Pauncefoto treaty to li t Hrltl-h through twoohnu mil*. oiif* copy bcinj? tninamirt***) to Lord !*;iune*fo!*, the Hrittah ambatiador. and other through*.ior Choate at ]-• -ion, who will present tt to the for- Hnur office. It i.- the uiulerstandlnff that im- niKic mu iiiH.r ut, tr|. rc*.nation* whatever ** to the change* nude in the treaty; the Senate amend ments will be allowed lo speak for them •|v.", and the action of the department In notifyliiK them io the British govern ment win be purely formal A* the po rn r* leave Now York on to-morrow's mall steamer, they should reach London about New Year’s day. so that the ne >’lst lons certainty will lapse over Into •he next century at the very earliest It ean be authoritatively stated that there has been no exchange whatever, either In the shape of written notes, or • ■cal communications, between the Htstc Department and the governments of Nica ragua and Costa Rlcn, hat has develop ed a threat on the part of those Govern ments to refuse assent to the construction of s <• trv I In wlon’ of the. andjAn nf |K I tilted 9tates Hen.-ite upon the Hay. I’a uncefote treaty. Ail that Is officially known of the attitude of the two govern ment* mentioned Is that their represents •ives here, denotes Corea and Calvo, thor- II ighly approved of the !I a y-PauneefOi e treaty ita the basis for the canal construc tion Whether or not the changes made In that convention wdll affect their attitude Is unknown. The Impression prevails that not being rolled upon to cone to a de cision on this point until the British gov ernment shall have passed upon the den tate amendments, the governments of Nic aragua and Post a Htca will not anticipate that action by any declaration at this stags. THK McDOtIHUII I.At M HE!). Torpedo lloat Destroyer Given a Mnrl on Her Mission. Fast Braintree. Mass.. Dec 34—The tor l**io boat destroyer McDonough was launched at the works of the For-' Hlver Iron t’ompany to-day, amid the ringing of bells and the blowing of vessels' whis tles. Mrs. Lucy Charlotte McDonough Reade of Philadelphia christened the ves sel with chatntagne. The boat was taken down the river lo the Dulncy works of the company. ( ITEAHKH ANTILL A ASHOHK. •In (.rest ilss llarlM.r Bar, hat In No Danger. Atlantic City. N. J.. Dec. M.-The Brit l*h steamer Anlllla. Capt. Montell, from Nassau for New York, with a general cargo, went ashore this morning on Great Egg hjr’.tor bar. She Is In no danger She carried but two passengers, boln af whom were safely landed The Antlila Is u A-olch built vessel of 5W tons. TO HKllltt: HATH BY COKE rhltndelphia l.lnes AVIII < ut Hate W Cents n Tub. Ptlisburg. Dee. 24.—Railroad officials tnnsuaes tha tint freight traffic man ■iiters of the initial road* leading out of Pittsburg have decided to reduce the rate <>n coke from the ConnellsvlHe region > enta a ton to Philadelphia and Balti more and proportionately to other points the eastern seaboard About one ■jurih of the entire output of the Con i.e’lsviPe region goes out East. i rnyi , . Iluying I p Closer Leaf Sloelt. Cleveland. 0.. Dec. 24.-A source of rail way Information In this city, hitherto reliable, is authority for the statement It at the stock of the Clover Leaf Is being purchased by heavy holder* of Canadian Pacific Interest* and that the Canadian Pacific will soon have possession of the rood. — I ’‘Dynamite” Driscoll Deed. Poston. Dec. M.—John D. Driscoll, bet ter known aa "Dynamite" Driscoll, died to-day o* cancer of the tongue. SCRANTON RAILWAY STRIKE. Striker* Hnrk % er> 4*fetly on >rw Rrn miml hut \rr> Kftr People Hlilr on (hr Cara. Be rant on. in, , Dee. 24.-The second day of the #tr*t car men - sirlk© passed off a * quietly a** the firit. Seven men Jm -I‘orted from gyracuse Joined wilt, the ifltntMiny’s * u|>©rmteudenl*, foremen, clerk* and three old employe* in manning: eiithl cars, end although they ran through *ll l>*srt* of the city from da> break until nightfall, not g dliikl** instance of vioietioo or even intimidation b reported The Hflktr# quietly went among th** men who were inking their pi* *• and Induced four of them to quit, and sue cmKUd in exacting promiM# from thr* other* not to go to work to-monow un> of th** mii, from Ryrgcusi mg pro I with transportation by the striker# mui re turned horn* Two other# turned in with tho Btrlker* In helping to Induct* the other •even to quit. Very few jierMMti rtxk on th** corn even after It became evident that there a" no danger of violence. Even aged women |ref red to labor along under a load of Christm.n bundle* for •wo or throe mil* *# than to Ih* *ee„ riding on the taiuocd cor. All sort# of aon and carriage* were pressed into service by the M very men to carry popl> io and from the suburb*, and th** fsteam road* up and tlown the valley ran extra train.** to (he -üburtsin town*, so by one mean* or another #ho|- |e*r managed io get into the ventral por il*n of the .ttv, uni bun me** w.i* .t **- rtouetv aft**- ted a** mu expected Hoy* placed rubbish and atone* oti the Green Hlilge track* during the afternoon, hut thi* wa* the extent of the Interfer ence The few car* that kept up trip* to the more important suburb* were • opprobrious epithet* *.# the wor*t the men on the ear* were called upon to en dure. General Manager Bllliman, after a con ference to-day with President Clark. *tat‘l th.*t the company b thoroughly satisfied with the condition# and pros pect#. m:*l propo#©# to continue |u |>ol b v of gradually Increasing the number of car# in operation day by day until all are running. Ml LEU FOR CONTEMPT. Michigan Juilir Order# (lor. Plagree to Appear In t ourt. loanulng. Mich. Dee. 24 On petition *>f twmlerf* of the Ingham county bar, Judge Wicst, of tno Ingham County t*tr cult Court, to-day ordered Gov. Pingreo to appear in court nit Baturday an 1 show cause why h* e not b** punish ed for contempt. The action I* ba-ed on an Intervi* %v which was publishe*! In the Detroit Tri bune Dec 7, pi whl h the Governor w.s terly#attacked Judg* tVi* t an*l Pro#e*'*i tor Tuttle of Ingnam county. Attached to the pet 11 eg) for an order |# an aflklavtt by the Tribune rej*>rter who secure*! lue interview, which affirms that jt was give for publication and that the following day the Governor informed him that the In terview ns printed wa* all right an*! commended Its fairme^ MORE VRHteiA l> TRIM BLR. Thick I'ox Along Urlnwsrr < au#e* Aevrral to tin Ashore. Philadelphia. Pa.. Ike. 24.—A • hick fog which prevalle*! along the Delaware river and the Atlantic coast from yesterday until noon to-day caused n complete ces sation of navigation and resulted in sev eral vessel# going aground The British tank steamer Phosphor, from this city for Christiania with a full cargo of p**- llUli'Ulii, i can i*(|ivunu •••*" t .4wtu|)* u .. *. Rolnl, Ju*t below this city. She is lying in an vgty poxltlon. It Is probabl.- that hrr rtirgo will have to be llicht<-rl The m-hoonvr tlertru'le U. Trutnly, from Philadelphia for Cardtnar. *routiJ*-a In the Shear* near the Delaware l,r<-k -waler, but wa* eubeequently Hote‘l An unknown tteliooner. lielleveil to he n email <Hatlng vessel. 1* report-*! *hore at Ocean Clly. u tni>tiTti\ Dim t. a. Hall* and lleeeptlons af Embassies and l.egnttons. Washington. Dee. 21,-The Chrlslmus gaieties were Inaugurated this evening at the embassies and legations. The German ambassador gave a dinner parly limited to the members of the ambassa dor's official family. latter In the even ing nearly the entire European contingent gathered at the legation of Austria-Hun gary where the minister and Madame llengelmuller had a Christmas party with a large and handsomely decorated tree as Ita special attraction. It. If. COOKE PROMOTE!). Made Traffic Manager of ten York. Philadelphia and Norfolk. Philadelphia, Dec. 24.—At a meeting of the board of director* of the New York. Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Com pany. In this city to-day. R B Cooke was promoted to the newly established posi tion of trsffl- manager, with enlarged duties He will l>e In charge of all mat ters relating to the passenger and freight hostile** Of Ihe company. The appoint ment Is to tnke effect from Jait 1 and Mr. Cooke * office will remain at Norfolk. ANOTIIE.iI KAHTIIRI IKK. Santiago Get* tier .Second Shock Within n Month. Santiago. Cuba. Dec. ll.—The second earthquake experienced by thla district within a month, occured ut noon to-day. The shock* were at rtrst sear .-sly percep tible. but they Increased steadily, ami the last was the most severe known for many years in this region. Home damage was done In the |K>orer quartet, and one child was badly Injured by a falling tile. TO HELP Slot ND IBW ALU. W reeking TWgf nnd Barge* Gone to M*r Isalaliin^t Miami. Fla.. Dec. fl.-A powerful wreck dig tug with bargee left Key West last night for the strurwkd steamer Mound Oswald which went ti-hore three .lay* ago on Elbow Reef, thirty-live miles below Ml .ml Forty stevedores left here 10-duy on n steamer for the ratio- point. It Is lie- U**v#al !h* mf*r will H* Three Fatalities From Trolley t raah New York, Dee. 24-A* result of a. trolley crash near the Broadway ferry. Brooklyn, to-night, one woman wa* kill ed outright and two were fatally Injured. Several other persons were painfully in jured. Ereneh tussle Adopt# Amnesty Hill. Pans Dec. 24 -The this evening ~.tooted the amendment to the amnesty bill by a vole of 3)1 lo H- after an ex hortation by the premier to vote the meas ure and ’’deliver the country from the nightmare of the Dreyfus affair. EAT-WELL Salad Dressing Differs From All Other*. THE MOWN IMG MEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2a. 190(1 14>iciI' : y^lS!^7 l "^®V , and ||YeuowLabel WHISKEY | wet days a nip of Yellow )J J Label will often forestall a t __gtfßr y1 1 serious cold. A helpful tonic V - ‘ **| ** w^-g 1 Vin case of illness or indiges jj ) tion —and a pure Rye for those who (r want a pleasing stimulant. (It's the ■n average drinker’s favorite.) jit f 'all/nr it trhtrtrrr;food liquors are sold. “0 pf' if •• U# n t|f Xt>an# The dllferenee 1. great betweenlhlt t JjwLj, I 'li'lx ww €? wm ■ sud ordtbsry whUk*> to shim the dlflrrcaoa will M*nd you samplt bottle frc*. on receipt of r ‘ l " to *lefr.t\ packing, etc Addre*<* 4 CHAP FTTITTI %*T . F Rtm CTUmniAT* 0 ##•**># >** raw **!* PMH te SAMOANS ARE WELL PLEASED. Atom: THAN MTHKIHII WITH oik t.o\ i:itNHi:NT. tiov. Tilley A l#tt# 'I hem unit llrerlirt beMOßitratlon* in Hi* Honor and of the (government The) A#k for t ertnln ( hanwe* In Their l.oesl l.n vv #—Ain irmlh IN***# Not hern* to I ndrr#tand tli<* New *tnte of Af fair*. Tuiut.a, Hamoti, Dec. 9. (Corn t|#mdefi* e of the Assoetated Presal.—Gov. Tilley ha* gon* to New Zealand with the Abarcnda to get #upph h of cOiil and to have the ship repaired. Previously Gov. TUley made official visit#* to a.I the districts He was a *'omptttite*l by Ju*lge K. W. tlurr. s**cretary for native affair#. DHtrh t n*aat- Ing# were held at th* Ua*iiug vnt**re At these meeting a.l the native officials, na tive chief and t.ilktng men were present. Highest tribute# of isratm* am! thank# were unanimously given by th* i opt© to Gov, Tilley and to the United States gov ernment for the protection now affor*l*l th* m. At each district meeting the Sa moan# passed resolutions re< ommendtng to the government the iMiesage of the fol lowing law^: First. Th** raising of revenue# by tax ing th* Hanwwa* for native affair*. Second. Tlu af*nt*hm nt of the custom of presenting large number# of tine mat* and property at marriages and death* for dlttrfcbuUori among the friends attending the marriage or a funeral rite. Third Th*- prohibition of the custom of a whole village or district taking a Jour ney and billeting themselves on other towna and district# for an tiwietlnlto period. Borne trouble ha* been < tuned by th** difference# and dtsputus between the lo cal missionary societies, one of which i* the Mormon, it became necessary to cn i ■ ,i iw .i, i V.ii,, )t #• tti- ment <<t *1;- puie*. md a Sunday ordinance 1# now in force. M<a ifa of Upolu doe# not *een to realise fiait the German government hs* supreme control of tlu government of Upolu will Bavll, and that tlu United Bttiles ha# that of Tutulla lie has w rit ten u long letter to the chief* of Tutulla inviting them to attend a gathering of tha whole of the Samoan government at hi# place on Muiimtn, In Upolu. and to bring present# which may Ih, construed * tributes. Tim? Tutulla thief a have drongiy resented the invitation. The German government 1# collecting nil (he back taxes prior to th© hoisting of the flag at Apia. The money for the gun# surrendered ly the Mnlietoa and Mataufe faction* Is in Apia and the Hamoans are awaiting pay ment. but there are Nome dl.-putt* a# to the manner of paying out. The German government wishes to do th© whole through their treasury, but there are many natives now under America's'pro tection who are to receive a considerable .share of the money. THE NEU ORLEANS HACK*. t our Winning Entorltea In Y ester day’* Running. New Orleans, le<\ 21.—Belle of Elgin. Lady Contrary, Gen. Marl Gary and is katuck were the winning favorites. Sum maries : firm iiuce—One mint, srimtg. i'asiiiis. 3) to 1. won, with Eltholin, 1.7 to 1. see ond. and Domadge, 12 to 1. thir.l. Time 1 See,aid Race—Five furlongs, selling. Belle of Elgin. 4 to 1, won, with St. Bluff, 2 to 2. second, and Elsie Del, 10 to 1, third. Time L<J3. Third Race—Six furlong*, selling. lonly Contrary. 1 to 2. won. with Dlsga. 3 to 2, second, nnd Kiss yutek, 13 to 1. third. Time 1:16. Fourth Race—Handicap. one mile ant seventy yards. Gen. Mart Gary even, won. with Annoy. 13 to 1. second, and Alex. 3 to I. third Time 1:4714. Fifth Race-Six furlong*, selling Saka tuck, 6 to 5, won, with Early Hlrd, 30 to 1, second, and Mordelmo, •* to 1, third. Time 1:1. Sixth Race—Five furlongs, selling Ep. 7 to 1. won. with Educate 6 to 1. sec ond, and Syncopated Sandy, 3 to 1. third. MUTTON U IIH-: MWE4YER. I nnrl I'nts Him In Charge of Econ omy sattngs Hank. Baltimore, Dec. 21—Judge Stockbrldge, In Circuit Court No. 2. to-day appointed Daniel L. llrinton receiver of the K ono my Saving* Rank, which closed Its tloont on Saturday. Mr. Brlnton furnished I east In 1230,001. In its answer to a bill of complaint, (lied by depositor*, officials of the bunk to-dgy admit the justness and correct ness of the claim, that It was un able to pay to depositor* the amounts due them. They deny that It wa* Insolv ent. and allege that the failure of the American National Bank, of whlrh it w is a heavy depositor, h is rendered It unable lo realise on the money It had there For this reason the hank official# say It Is unable to |>ay claims. President Hartman saya the hank has 3.1*11 depositors. De|K>*lts amount to £413.- 00t>. STEEL PLANT HI HNED. Hiit t ar Works at Joliet.*llL, Badly Damaged by Eire. Joliet, ill.. Dec. M.—Fire to-day almost completely dealroyed the plant of the Fox Pressed Steel Car Works, one of the most extensive manufacturing institutions in (hi* city. The cosily machinery con tained In the factory was severely dam aged, and ih** total loss Is estimated to be above 1100.000, with only M.MI insur ance. The Institution belongs to the gleet Trust with branches In other locali ties. nnd It i feared that the plant will not be rebuilt here. Two hundred men will he thrown out of work. Fgyorahle lo Miss I ondK-Smltll. ' Washington. D*c. 24.-Assistant Secre tary Spaulding to-day took favorable' ac tion on the appeal Of .Miss t'nndlt Hrr.llh from the action of the customs authori ties at New York on selling her trunks on her arrival from China. THE NEW STEEL TRUST. AA 111 Have g.VMMMMMNI 4 apltal and m New Jprfy 4 Harter. Uhiladclphla, Ihsc. 34.—The l*reaa will ray todnurrow It U* undr#tiKMt that the long-finding ncgottatl<it* for the reorganisation of the Uennsylvania Steel Company ha\* bn • -iMedudisl. According to good autliority there will la* anew compan> formed with a capital of su4H*K>,ajt. to tak* over tho old property and conduct it# busine*# In tle future. The cluirter. which wa# is sued by the elate of New Jersey. U said to be very liberal and will afford an op portunity to take up all the lines of busi ness in which it is tiwtmry for a hum!- eth iron uud steel plan, to engage. The capital stock of Rn.wiMJQg will itm sist of fJG.Uuu.(M) • oimtuMi and |3.tM>.AiU preferred stock, for which the present holders of Pennsylvania Bteel sharo** will have an opponuttlty to tutis'ills on a bast# which It 1# expected will yield a pctMlt. 'l*hers will He a large amount of this stock retained in the treasury of the <*om i#s.y for Gw various pun*usea of th** rom. pany. Th# sto*k will b* fully pud up, am! will not be aiu**<witl GERMAN ( LAIMA nid i). Pay AAanfeil fr |.mi#v Ihirinu pnn tah-Amrrlcau AVnr In 4 uim. AVasliington. Dec. 24.—The German ettv isay ha# laid before the Htat# I apart ment the claim# of n number of German subjects for damages to ihHr Interests in Cuba, as a result of the B|nl#h-Am**r iean war. ami the lnsurre**tioii which I***l up to th** war Itself. Tht# raises a moat important issue, ami the department lias concluded that the United Hime* govern ment cannot accept responsibility for th# claim*. They are regarded a# practically th# same in principle as the claim of Porto Rico, against Cuba, for on ac count of a war loan Although in that case Gov, Allen of Porto Rico represent ed the United States government In pre ferring the claim, that government was oblige*! to deny Its liability, or the liabil ity of Cuba under present conditions. The answer to the German presentation will l© based upon the reply to Gov. Allen recently made. It I# known that other government# be side Germany have claim# aggregating a very large sum, all based on the Uuban insurrection anl succeeding event*. They will not be atttndoned on account of the attitude of the United Btatw# government, hut probably will be held In abeyam# until such time is the Inland shall hive become independent, when they will be presented directly to the government ot the (Miami. \\ AffHINUTON SEES -SAPPHO." Secretary t.sgr and Ollier Officials Witness Performance. Washington, Dec. 24 Mis* Olga Neth ersole appeared at the National Theater to-night Ui ’'Sappho" to a packed house. Including Secretary Gage and istrty, and member* of the French and Italian em bassies, and one of the Japanese legation. Her rendition of the part was warmly ap plauded. There has been such a demand to see "Sappho" that the mating -men! has postpone! until Saturday night tbe pro duction of “Magda." which Mis* Neth . hod '■* to V produced by her In the English version the last three day* o fthe week, for the first lime In this country - . Ot T 42IGHTV-ONE DAT*. The Itrlllsti ship Hattlidoivne Feared to Have Item larat. Tacoma. Wash , Dec. 24.—The British hark yueen Margaret reached Tacoma to-night, flfly-one day* out from Hong Kong to the Cape, having encountered severe gales. The British ship Hathdowne sailed from Yokohama a week before ihe yueen Mar garet from Hong Kong. The Itathiiowne is now eighty-an. day* from Yokohama Being lightly laden It I* feared that tbs ship wert down In some of Ihe terrible storms which have been raging. I IMiLICE FIND SOMETHING. Omaha Poller Have Laatern I aed ta Flaa Mr. Cudahy. Omaha. Neb., Iks Dt -The only devel opment In the Cudahy kidnapping case to day was ihe finding of the lantern with which Mr. Cudahy was (tagged on hts drive Into the country last Wednesday night carrying the IKW) with which to secure the return of tils aoti and oilier paraphernalia left by the robliern In their hurries! departure This confirm* again tile story of the drive and assists the po lice In rinding the methods employed by the bandit*. 11l HIM Till ST INt Oltl'OH ATED. Wilt Maaufneture and Deni In All Kinds of Bobber Goods. Trenton. N, J.. Dec. 21.—The Internat ional crude Rubber Company with an nu rftortaed capital of $30.CM).000 was incor porated here to-day to manufacture and deal tn rubber good* of all kind* Of the capital stork I* to lie preferred with < per cent, cumulative dividend*. The lucorpomtors are all of Jersey City. f APT. W II.StiN MIING. Master uf British Ship Thought to Have tom milted suicide. Astoria. Ore., Dec. 14.-Capt James Wil son of the British ship Inch cape Rock, that arrived to-dev from Shanghai, wa# reported missing freon the robin on the morning of the 2Wh. A search of the ship failed to show any trace of him He had been complaining of 111 health for two weeks and It I* thought that he .-otnmlt ted aulclde. President Ha#’ New Secretary. Montreal. Dec .25.—Mr. R. H. Ingram. r etar) ar and treaaurdr Ut Vermont * to Mr Charles Hays, presldem of the Hotithem I'aclfle Railroad. It I* under stood that a nurnt—r of Grand Trunk of ficial* will join Mr. Hay* when he as sume* Hi* presidency of the Coast Lino. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesdays Georgia, Booth rurollrti and Weal am Florida; Fair Tuesday ami Wednesday, light west to north winds. East Florida: Partly cloudy Tuesday; probably shower* in central portion Wednesday, fair; variable winds. Yesterday a Weather at Savannah— Maximum temperature 1 p.m £3 degree# Minimum tetnpenMur© * p in Ml degrees Mean temperature >t**gres Normal t*injH*r.ture ..$4 degrees Excens of temperature and degree# Accumulated deficiency since D•. l 2K degree# A cumulate I excess sine© J*n 1 '::a degrees Rainfall ©ulnch Normal 0.11 inch Deficiency since D*c 1 e; Inch 1 H*ticlem y stneo Jan. 1 7 42 Inches River Report The hiitht * f th** Bavatt tiah river at Augusta us * . m ?:h •**• rklsati time) yesterday w** 9 4 feel, * fall of 2l> fe**t during th* pre etllng twenty four hours. Observation* tak*n at the #Atne moment of time at all stations, Dec 34, 19M0, fc Ot* p m. 7i*th meridian time. N • uon T \ Itoston, clear M k i Ou N* w York city, clear i'* Jt> • l'hilM'b.phia, clear ...4 5J 1, On Washington city, cloudy . at U , .00 \'*rf*ik, ftl) t idy. io , *• llatterus, clotaiy J .Mi {• JO (D Wlitnlnglott. dear ........ ;* t* 01 Cliiiriottts ch ar .2 A ’ It• 1 lelgh, dear .'m* 1, si Uharkwton, fitly. * ldy. ... r*t* | *i ! .*) Atlanta, clear 14 14 no Auguaka, char M * j Bavunnsh, cloudy Rs j 1, I .<• Jacksomllle, * Uudy o 1, j ,12 Jupitar, t ioutly ; 72 6 **2 K*> West, dear ' 73 ; * j 04 Tampa, raining { l, M*b||>, clear r*2 •' Montgomery, clear < M 5 I, no Vt*k#birg . a-ar , r 2 j ♦ | .00 N. OritaiiiD. -I,.tr ,V. I I, It Galveston. dear | To* j H j ,o* Gorpu* Uhrlstl, cli*ar .... 61) lo .©* I'alcsttne. clear ~| SI J 1, j .<■* Memphis. 11 .r ...j 4* 14 .00 Ulm innatl, clear ' !,' , 00 Pittsburg, kmdy je f j ,(• Buffalo, cloudy :*A an j T Detroit, snowing j ;jo K | T Uhl g*. .dear 1 20 30 j T Marquette. ruwing 2 1 13 { .4*4 Bt Paul, clear . ........j 10 s i anl IMv• iqor 1, snowing jIH Kj T Bt lamia, snowing j 22 to j .04 Kansan (Nly. OlOUdy ..... 24 l© 01 Oklahoma, clear j 44 wlrn 00 1 x dg* City, rknr | 34 1, North Platte, dear 32 I, <jq H. B now. law*l Forecast Ufflclat. IMII.EY'I* NEW SHOW’. Is Prelinrtna t.i Organise Another ’•Grentest Show on Rsrth." New Y.irk. In*. _>i The Herald to-mor row will publish the following Mr James A. Bailey, the famous show man. made an .6iiimineement yeeterdav that he I* going to organise an entirely new show for Amerh a. lo be called "Bar num & Bailey'* New Greatest Bhow on Kami." Work will begin at once and Ihe enter prise will is l ready to open on March 15. IWI2. at Madison Square Garden, in this oily. It wilt rrquir. all (list lime to get ready, collect animal* for the menagerie, bulbl age* and .harlot* for the street l*ii ad.► and the .nr* for Its ti in*|ajria tlon over ihe country and to construct the big lent* In which It will la>exhlWtl. Altogeth.r It w|.| .ost mure than tbo.OOU. Mr Bailey came to New York from Eu rope last Wednesday and he will sail to- af. n v... b. THE NEGIIU IN THE SOI 111 Victor Smith AA rites Ahonl Ihe Atat ter 4 r.nn t arterav llle. From Ihe New York l'res* U<ep.) t Yirtersvtile, tla.. Dee. 2U.—Lynching bee* tontlmie popular In the Houth, and *o do the negroes. The other day they hanged a colored scoundrel for the no me lee* crime In a place |e*a t istti forty mile* from th<* doorsl.l* of Rev. Bum Jones, A few years ago they came near hanging another In sight of Ham's front gate. The ts arc always humming for the Uul "nigger," bin for Ihe good negro there Is nothing but sympathy and affection. While ihere urn a gun ami a rope for every black criminal.* the woodtdlc mi.) chi' keti roost, tire whisky Jug ar.d the pantry, the coal bin and the pis-ketbook, are always ,nn for the colored brother who leans on the while folk* a* a de pendant. Keeping Open House. The foremost citizen of North Georgia an* to me "When things get so l,a.| that I've got to lock my doors and win dow*. I’m going to move to some other country," He would •- as quick with gun or rx>i- aa any father or huidiand In Dixie In defense of the chastity of the wtuie-ti of ilia family, yet there Is not a negro In ail this region but love# him as the Slaves used to love the kind, gentle itstsler. Not a key ha* been turned tn u lock In his house since he occupied It Not a wlislow nulled down. There |* not a w.-a|sm of any kind on the place— rut pis tol, no rifle, no shotgun. There Is a hull .log to son re off |av,wler* with his honest hark There are no trap* In the chicken coop, yet nvr <k>* n fowl mysierkwisly ■H*apfa-ar It Is God’* country. No AVork After 4'ay. This contented rltixen permit* himself THE ONE SURE WAY. To • are Alvrry Form of IMles. The only sure way to cure every form of pile* I* to use a remedy like the I’yra. mid Bile Cure, which 1* applied directly to the part* affected, and Its wonderful hcullng effect* ur< apparent tram the first application, because It* medicinal properties .ir- rapidly atmorhoil right when- netsled, by the delicate tl*ue* ami sensitive membrane* of the rectum. The cure I* natural nnd easy and almost be fore the patient I# ..ware of It every trace of pile* ha* left him. Thl* Ut one reason why Ihe Pyramid Pile Cure has been so uniformly success ful. \ It i* In suppository form, applied at ntght directly to the <tlaca*ed parts, where It is moat needed and not by the roundabout way of the ctoruach nor the harsh, barbarous methods of surgical tgeiatlon. Direct application* to the hisi of dis ease 1* the only common sense cure, amt this i* fully accomplished by the Pyramid Pile Curs. If the voluntary testimony of thous ands Is worth anything then no sufferer should delay In giving thl* splendid remedy at leas' a trial, aa It coat* but ID cent* at any dtug store amt t* guaran teed nloKUuiely safe amt free from Opiate* or cocaine *0 icemnonly found In so-called pile cure*. Nearly every' druggist bas some favor ite pile curt on which he can make a larger profit than tie can on tbe Pyramid and oftentimes to substitute, but when M is rcmcmiiered that the Pyramid Pile Cure I* the only remedy for pile# that has a national retaliation and la sold by every druggist In the Lulled State* and Cbnada, it mean* something. It m.*t.- that no remedy could do thl* unless It pOsSeaned positive unmbdukable merit. The Pyramid Pile Cure bas cured tlejui nnd* of sufferer* from the different form* of the dl*e**c, whether Itching, bleeding or protruding piles. A WONDERFUL STORE That’s what everybodj’ says of the new store of Foye & Eckstein. Scarcely four months old—the infant lias grown very fast, and has developed into a Powerful Factor in the Retail Trade of Savannah. THE ENORMOUS SUCCESS lias been made possible by the liberal favors and the encouragement from our kind friends, to whom we return our most sincere thanks, and Improve this occasion to wish them all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS The march of improvement is steadily going on —the shortcomings natural in anew store will be corrected. We mean to make this “Tha Favorite** store of Savannah—Good in Every Sense. FOYE & ECKSTEIN, At). I 4110. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Merchants National Bank 01 Savannah, At Bnvunnah, In th* Btat* of b*orgia, at h m do#* of business Dec. 13, It* ItEHOURUKB. 1 t<>an *nl discount* 11,21ft,7tt 13 Overdrafts, secured and 11 use cured I*lo*7 U. B bonds to secure circula tion ... 100 Wot U 8 bonds to secure U H le posits 127 on OU Pieinlur?*# on U. 8 bomb . 4.177 hi Blocks, securities etc 32,217 4'i Banking bouse, furniture aid fixtures 18,0*0 €*o Due from national hanks (not reserve agents) 31.04* U 8 Due from state hanks and (tanker s 12,40 b 43 Due from spprovsd rsserva Mgriitn U 1.473 27 Internal revenue stomps •* 73 2.* Note# of other national hank# lo.tsnuo Fractional paper currency, nickel# and cents 154 33 1 atwful Money Reserve In Hank, vis s'lmk'lo 11#,3M) 00 Legal tender ntxes.. 3u.t#A) MO — 53.20 b 00 Redemption fund with U. 8, Treasurer (5 i"*r cent, of cir culation) 5,000 0b Due from U. Tr* i#urer. oth er than 5 |er ceot relernp tion fund Total $1,765,41* 40 BTATK or OKOHOIA. COI’NTY OK I'IIATIIAM. • —I. " M I>AVANT. t ht.r of itw .bov.-n.OKHI <lO twl-mtily .tor lift th- .hoy. Is Iru-to th t.i of my knowl.'.lir- .tut !•-It-f W. M DAVANT. C miiisr. fluhKtlbfd .11.1 .worn to brfor, me. Ihl* Blit •*>• of !W '-mt'-c, lWt TItACY O. HUNTGIt. Not.ry I'ubllc, V. V. Hi*. C^)"*cf—AUe*; SSMSUst. ..<...^>o. K IIKUM AN. < AISK f tJI’f’KENHBIMBH. DtiwuM. to Im* lm|>o*ed on itvsi immercifully by the aged and Indlgeril .larkles who he alsiut I'e.klng for odd Job*. One veteran so bemoaned hi* fate that he was Indulg e.l with a quarter la-fore starting In >ai the cord of wva.l whl'h he hs.l been en gaged to cut up After chopping one stl.-k he sent word to the euod wife of hi* employer that he reckoned he'd go home and rest, as he wa# doing fioorly. etc. She. Wees her knowing nothing of the advance Installment ot quarter, said she supposed he wanted his money, now much7 lie figured out that 15 cent* would lie about right, and she entered ihe house to get that sum of her lord ' W ''F the grand old scoundrel"’ the eon'enied - tainted "I've already given him 23 cents What do you mean by de manding more motley of my wife when vou liaven't done a tick of work and Iva already given you a quarter?" l>e a.M-*!. orlstllng up to the darkey Aery humbly cam. the reply: "Hies* yo wail. Ah •alu’ 'inandlo' er axin' nothin . Ytf wife *st me ef Ah dMn want mi money, en Ah lowed Ah wux lettln' her down e*y when Ah sed 15 cent*. Ah hope. **b, we .iln' gwlner qnawl ’bout dat, ah ~e got the 11. and never finished the Job. The Solid South. The solid Houth 1* rapidly disintegrat ing. this contented eltlsen declare#. What agency Is at work? rroaperßy Every I sinker In Atlanta voted for Mc- Kinley with the *lngl# exception of one. who control, a Democratic new*|.ner The name might Is- *ald of (sinker* tn all ■mri* of this state The richest •.Minty In the otate went for Bryan by a ma jority no snsill that It will be In the Re publican column In 1404- Polk county, hitherto Democratic, went for MeKinle). Think o 4 that! An.l all this wtthont eo ercion The leading Democrat* who quit the ranks of Bryan Ism and either votcl for McKinley or did not vote at all. ay: "There 1* no more solid South. Northern sentiment, a* we can get at It. tell* u# to go ahead and <lo aa we dam fdease with the negro question, and we are doing It. That question taken out of national poli tic* will break up the solid South, for the douih t* only solid against the com mon enemy—the meddling Yankee I*> I tlclan." Sechina a Victim. tn the single coach on the Rome Rail road wen* three women, a gtrl of year* and four men. Not far from the "Hill nty” a band of masked men held up the train Just about ihe tlm.- when a pot-bellied tourist from the North wa* •pouting valonsisly on the subject of lynching Rumors were In the wind that a negro was being pursued by the vigil antes, and our fat brother was de nouncing the boasted civilisation of the Booth A* he ambled up and down the car he sukt: "Now. ladle*, don’t be wor ried I will not permit you to he fright ened. There I* not one chance In a mil lion (hot our train will lie molested, hut even If It should be you shall have my protection And I should like to toke the part of that unfortunate colored man against the mob One good, strong arm I* more than the equal of a lawless gang " A* the train s'opped the door opened and In filed about forty-five of Rome's "best rltlsens." fully disguised. Horn- had on white *Hk handkerchiefs, with holes cut h r the eyes, while other*’ face# were covered with linen bandages, butcher muslin, black alpaca, black satin, etc. There was no other concealment. Ally one acquainted with Ihe member* of the "bee” might easily have recog nised their hat* and clothe# a* well a* their figures. Every man had a cocked pistol In hi* hand. The A let Ita'* hamplaa. The women, notwithstanding the val orou* > ivsmplon from tb North, scrcome | at sight of the lyncher*, but were quickly reassured by the loader, wtio said: "L. die*, we are your pcoteetors. *r*l you know It. Don't be alarmed. You know 1I ARIDITIES. U.ipjtsl stock pad In.. ..... $ fifth ono 0* Surplus fmsl 100.0W> Ou Undivided profit- less expenses and taxes pnid 33.133 7a National bank note* out#tan*l- Ing la.snoo) |)ii to ot tie 1 national bank*.. 3*. 4*3 *6 Due in state banks and tuiiik ers 1.311 sl* Due to H tvanrtah Ulearlng As soc Hat bin ~ ...... 44,547 0* DiVldeads unpaid 33* W Hidivdual dsposlts subject to .hack 870,741 1* <*ertkte*| checks * •*> United Bttiles depoalt*. sL4*# 75 Deposits of U. B. disbursing oftb ers ... 41.*00 fl Notes and l>ills roll outiiwi.. 43.000 W BUD payable EMWI ** K Total $1,765.41* E wtwon w seek and why* we seek him. We are here merely to search the car. Roys, look Ulster the sea to." While ihe search was In progress I lie Northern . iauigHan of Ihe Victim was In a slate of canpteta nervous prostruliiai. Ilia big body (ram bled and quivered like a jelly roll, while reeking with cold par apt ration When spoken to his teeth chattered. The negro not lacing discovered, the wouhLbe lynch, er* l*owed to th women, apologised for I heir Intrusion nid retired to the woods. Whm Him Iruln reached Rome the fal champion, wls* lied made plane for a nesiill's Slay, ruahed to the *l*llloll to find oul the earliest possible moment when ha could start for Massachusetts. Her og at sag. Inasmuch a* lyncher* are the "heat clt tsen*.” the men elm realty care to protect hearth sis! home, they are of nweitUy known Mr, In this cane. Many wara ac quainted with the women on the car. and When 1 lie latter arrived In the GMy of tlm Rrven Hill* (just like ancient Home) there were strange confounding* At a reception the very next evening one said to s thriv ing young merchant: ”1 saw you ysatar day on the car with that terrible crowd of no t " "For God’s sake don't tall about It"’ h*- exclaimed. "All of us thank God the vllllsn escaped Our hands ars not red with hi* blood." What became of him”* "laird only knows." Ml MtlNyt inn* NO EE A ER. ’ soldier* In aba Try ta Take the Disease by lx fret lon and Fall. From Ihe New York Run. Havana, 1<- DO A Inard of physlcisng In Investigating yellow fever at Mariana* and the member* are much pleased will) the result* thus fsr obtained. Many egpe. rlmeiws are being made on American sol diers, who voluntarily submit to Inocula tion. It I* understood that the Inard Is practically certan that the disease Is pm pagnted by mosquMoes. Four case* are now under treatment, the patients all being soldiers who wera bitten by mosquitoes which had previous ly bitten persons suffering with yellow fe ver Th.- board ha* found that a mos quito. after having bitten a person effect ed by 4he disease, needs fifteen days be fore it Is able to trnemll It, If It bites a non-lmmunc in less than that time ha will not develop the disease. The fanr cases under treatment developed the fever in about three days after la-lag bitten. Five soldiers have been living and sleep ing In Infected clothe*, lied* and bed clothes for twenty dsys nnd have not de veloissl any symptom*. The tward think* 1 list ihe discovery is most valuable, as by keeping |ier*on* suffering from yellow fe ver protected from mosquitoes the dis ease will not be propagated. A dinner is to tv given to Dr. Finlay, the originator of the mosquito theory of propagation. —• w 1 —Dr. Him* made an attack on heresy trtala at a meeting of Ihe Nineteenth Cen tury Club In New York last week, in stsnctng thoee of Dr Hrigg* Prof. Henry Hrol’li and Prof Wing fn the cam of Dr Hmlth he said that Ihe ministers de cided to expel that divine hecauec he thought that there were two Isaiah*. "One-hall of the Judges,” he *ald. "knew nothing Of the Hebrew and little of Isa iah. yet they pot it to a vote. ’’All thorn In favor of one Isaiah.' said the presiding officer, ’raise their hands.' And *0 it went on. Rut they might have gone further and voted to have an eclipse ever) morn ing " _ —lt Is propneed to place In Winchester Cathedral it stained-glass window to the memory of Isaak Walton. This Wtadgay;. will b* *0 placed a* to overlook Wei ton's grays* 5