The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 25, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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MONDAYS MARKETS CLOSED. %<• m IIWI im. i> mi: mi il TRAUK (UCH ANUKR. 'i Or- Feature of aha- IHi > locution Clr. cl,-* Uaa liar nailing of alar Ktenm ■ hi|> Chatlaliuocbeu faar New I urk null tnwtract follow— la win Hr It *-o ila faar Official Trnalrr ahum I'rldm-Tka' I oaaain Huai Hr III*. .■ laaa rat rat. I and Wrluliral Before \ecc*aary frrtttlcalea laaa aar obtained laa Perfect alar Dell*. rr>. The Morning New* Office, Monday. Dec. 24 i\ hlle there *n a fair city Jobbing trade during the day, the llon e ehare of toe buetneee fell to the retailer*. Dur ms the iot week Jobber* have beam hlp 11ii* to the country, and hy Saturday iilght mo at all orders taeen tilled, so .1! tu-day'n buelneu* w mostly with the dly lrde. The a'otton lSxrhange was (lota'll and w Ith but few cgceptlona tellers and buy art were not on the street, except for a ,---t time In the morning The Itaanl of T.a-rc remtalni*d open, though very little wa> done further than iweiing pri es. There was practically no trading Tne leading commercial exchanges throughout the country warn doted, and for this rea son the Morning New* doc* not give Ita usual biographic market report* taanlract t aattaaa* faar Neat Fork. Tht •teamahlp Chattahoochei tailed for o York to-iitght with alaout f.tXi* bales nf lOitoi). consigned to New Yorkers, whit aaftl tender It against futures they sold lor Dacember delivery. As previously , ated In the Morning New*, the t*e < .muer option was run up In a way to t dlcaie that the longs were preparing to give the short* "hickory" unless they de >ied some wsy of •■scape It appear* that they have succeeded In doing this ny getting spot cotton there In ttm*- for ten at-r within the limit lor deliveries for t d* month. After the Chattahoochee reaches New York hurrleal work will no doubt t- done In getting the rouoai ready for delivers’, first II will have to be discharged and ltghterrsl to the warehouses, though the I, -• I.oatlble delay will b<- entailed, as me steamship people will doubt less have uhters In waiting to receive the cotton yomptl' In lha* storehouse the coimet will Iw Inspected by sworn Inapa-ctor* of . New York i*otton Exchange, who will nify to the grade. It will be welghol sworn weigher*. though It Is not un •teratood these are necessarily others of vie exchange Armed wbb the store use receipts, wtlh the certHlcate* ss *o the grade hy the Inspector* and as to . ght hy the weigher* attaelcd the unstgnees of the shipment will hive In .;r iw>ss>*slon whai .avstllutes an offl. , isi i.-nder for the cotton they sold t aaraacrw Itaaral to KRset. When It i-omes to cornering n proluct u.,t saiueeglng the shorts of It an asauc ance of success require* the most ac . lir.ate calculation. Intereat* that In \!glc peculaiora to sell something for future delivery which they haven't „ot usually adopt every precaution against tne jsassibillty of rushing the actual stuff te market aat the last mununi. Mr I’hll llji- of Chicago Is one of the recent ex amples of a successful manipulator, hav ing bought corn unit! he doubtless felt for the shorts who were selling It. Ac eordlng to his theory, which was a .-or ni t one, there was no possible way to get enough corn to Chicago to cover the s mri contracts. The New Yorkers evl deiitli had reason for believing that the shorts couldn’t get cotton there in time fur delivery, but there were possibilities which they failed to consider. a,.. .....I. •-,.i •,,n Exchange was clos ed during the day. It was not understood Inal any great amount of cotton was lo- Ing sold for shipment on the Nacoochee V. hl -h sail* to-morrow night with •■ot’on tir contract deliveries A f* w small lots w.-re sold, ami will tie added to that to t h!pped as a part of the Nacoochee’s c.i rgo. N tv At. XTOHRN RECEIPTS. v B, C *1 l ~..11 •> 1, 1 K 1 Si h 1 0 M IR V 1 45 N 2 IS ( i 1 SO W a 25) li I Si W W 2 Kecidpts Monday— Spirits. Itosln c It. ft # *** k P and s*B : *67 s a sw 2.n* Sc -3 ICxpuris Monday— S S. Clmtham. Hallo S S Augusta. New York .. I*o Nor bk. Tlkoma. Hull (••** !>il hk Aline. Venice 110 4.30 Nor S. H Juno. Bremen Naval Store* Statement— flplrlrs Rosin Stock April J. 1900 2.197 142.MX Receipts to-day I.IRX g.Oll Receipt* prevlouely 212.051 815,391 Total since April 1 215.434 963 9* Export* to-day 2H lo.^K! Exports previously T 73.712 7*9.999 Total since April 1 174.002 (M0,2X1 Stock on hand this day 41.41.’ Stock same day last year . 25.258 175.69’, New Orisons. Dec. 24.—Receipt#: ltosln, •i ■ • Hit V GOODS. New York, Dec. 24 —The dry good* mar ket to-day wore quite a holhhty aipear nnce and the business reported was lim ited tn all directions. There was no change In the tone for either cotton or woolen good* nor any alteration In prices. Print cloth* were Inactive at previous price*. The market will be doted to morrow. All \fw York K*fliiifW Closed Im- Irnlt). Nnr Tori*. Dec. 24—A1l *xohng* hero Wrr* clow<! 10-day. Baltimore, Dec. 24—Holiday In grain and provblon* market. riKANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly up with the Mipply. EOREMN EXCHANOE-ll irket weak and nominal, fommerrlal demand *4.*.*%, elity .lav*. H77S; ninety day*. R77>; franc*, Parte and Havra. sixty days. 5 22**; Bwl*. slaty day. SW: Belgian, (>2444: marks, staty day*. *844: ninety days. KtV DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; I inks are buying al H rMaroun! and o iling a* follows: 125 and under. 10c pr— ■ ilium, 825 to *SO. 15c premium: t to *IOO. *>c premium; *IOO to *3OO 25c premium; 3.00, and over par. SBCmUTIES- The market I* getting a tlve all around. wMh light offering* Stocks. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R R -IIW IIW A Until artd West Point 125 ... •to* tor rent, certificate* It* •" A austa Factory M K * ■ liens Hank ■!** Chatham Bank 2*2 2’* t'l atham R E A I. 00., A M do do B *2 M Eagle and Phoetil* Mfg. Cos I°* 2m I dison Electric Ilium. Cos 1 >* Enterprise Mfa Cos ' fln 108 tp-rmanla Honk ian •" ■ leo-gl* and Alabama 2* “ '•■•orgla H.idrrnd, l ommcn 217 Oranltevllle Mfg. Cos •*> ,7rt J I*. Km* Mfg. Cos 182 *at rig ley Mfg. Cos 11* J CT Men banls' National Hank .120 *j* Isatiunal Hank of Savannah 255 117 MURPHY & CO . INC., Board of Trad* Rulldtng. Savannah *"■*• direct to New York. Chicago and N, w Orleana, tOTTUt, STUCK* AM) GRAI3. *?• York oftic *’ No ’ 11 ITuodway. ”<"** ln principal elite* throughout tht South. Write for our Market Manual and IfiMiuct'ont for trader* Oglethorpe Savings us) Trust ltd People - Havings *•*) 1-oan .. 14)1 list Seaboard common ... to II do preferred South weal trn Railroad Cos. .. in 114 Savannah Ga* Eight Cos 21 25 Southern Rank id id Savannah Hank and Trust ljn Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta hi II Savannah Hr-wing job ... Honda. c. - Bid. A *> t bar,. Col 1 Aug lot s*. 130). ...u 110 Chat. A Gulf R. R 5 per cent. l*t mortgage jo2 tot Atlanta city 4s. 1922 107 1419 Augusta city is. 1927 .... to*. 109 do tty*. 1925 M 8o 7*. 1992 107 $o 6s. 1913 ...122 Ala Mid Ss. 11.,1 and 1921. M & N..lut', PC's Augusta Factory. 6 per emt 1915.111 113 Brunswick i W, Stem . !93tt ~*! VS C R. R. A Banking collateral 6* 95 C. of G Ist moig s*. 1913 f A A 1M jJI r of Ok 3s. 1943 M A N 97 98 C. of Ga. Ist Income*. 1913. ~ 55 58 do 2nd Incomes .. ’ ’* 19 ■I 1 9 C of O (M G A A Dlv 1 5* 1947. J A J 97 yt C of 4) (Eaton Branch), ss, 192 X * 1* 98', 99*9 City A Suburban R. R. Ist 7*. . . .110 ... Columbus City 3*. 19f* 107 charleston city 4*. 194)9 HI) 102 ’ Eagle A Eh.* nix MID* 6s. 1928 In* 110 Edison Electric Illuminating Ca. 105 Enterprise Mfg, *. 1302 M 2 .... Georgia Railroad *s, 1910 115 117 G S AF. 1945. J A J 11l 114 Georgia & Alab ima Ist ss. 1915 t $ 107 Georgia state Sty*. 19M. J A J 110 112 do JH*. 1913. &| A N liK 107 do 4s. 1915 not, I*ll, Macon city 6*. 1910. J A J ...116 11* do 484*. quar.. Jan 1# 109 Ocean Hlcamshlp se. 1920 104 108 Savannah city s*. quar. January 1318 110 111 do ss. quar, February. 1909 10# 109'^ Pouth Carolina state 4*4*. 1933 . 117 111 H.bley M'g Cos. 6*. 13 102 ftoutb Bond 5* 99 100 8. F. A W gen mt’ge 6s, 1934 125 126 do do Ist ss, gold. 1934 113 114 do St John Ely., let 4a 1931 ... 98 96 MIWBI.UIEOI 9 vttXKKTY Not*—Th** quotation* ar* r*vt*od dally, and ar* k*pt a* nrar aa poaaibl* tn accord with th* prevailing whi>l**al* pric*- Official quotation* arc not u*d wh*i th*y dlaagr** with the price* whole saler* a*k t ii tin try and Northern I'rodnc*. Fori.TßY—'The market 1* *tea-1v Quo tation* Broiler*. 300350 per pair; half grown. 4505i)v thr**-fourth grown 5567 •0- hen*. 65075. . i >*<t*r. tosOc, duck*. 50075 c; g*e*e 75081 00 RGOR—Freah candied, 331734 '; cold *tor agi-, 22c. HI'TTF.R—Tho ton* of ih* market I* firm Quotations Cooking. 21o; Imita tion*. 23c, Now York state dairy. 24i,0; extra Elgin*, 27c. CHEESE-Market firm: fanev full rnam cheese. 131*014c for 30 to 22-pound average. 281130-pound average*. 13>8r. Hardware and Hnlldlna knpplte*. LIME. CAUCIt’M PLASTER AND Content—Alabama and Georgia ilmc m fair demand and sell at a) cent* a barrel, .pedal calcined piaaler. lit* per barrel, hair, 4tjsc. Ko*o9lv cement, 81300125. carload lot*. peda!. Portland cement, re tail 82.35; carload tot*. 82 0002.30. 4-1 'MMKit. F. O. U VESSELS. SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard ;*.. 11" SWOII 0 , car nills, 812 500 13 00. difficult sixer It 'D *419.01); tnp stock. 816 <B*olß 00; sawn lie*. |S t®B.SO; heant 4iea. 350SSC. OlL—Market atandy; demarul fair; slg . IV—I Vl-eliiU hl—k 400,, Urd. 88c; iivalafoot. OOliTOi*; machinery. 16 U2sc. 1 inseed oil. raw, 766*', boded. 78',c; kerosene, prime white. 12c. water white, 13. ; pratt'* astral. 14c; drodotixnl stove gasoline, drum, 114 c; empty oil barrel*, delivered. 85i. SHOT Drop. 81.50; B. B. and large. J 1.75. Chilled. 1t.75. IRON-Market very steady; Swede, s'*c. NAILS- <*ut 72 *0 base; wire *2 60 base. BARBED WIRE—I3.SO per 100 pound* GUNPOWDER—Per k*g. Austin crack ■hot. *8.08; half keg*. 82.25; quarter keg*. |1 25; champion die king, quarter k. g*. 82.35: Dupont itnd Ha ran) smokele**, half keg*. 11l 35; quariar k-g*. 85 75; l-|>oiinil. canister*. 8100: lea* 25 per cent.; Trol dorf smokeless powder, 1-pound cant, |l; 10-pound can*. 90c pound. I*rull* and hint*. APPLES— Northern variety. S3 OOtfS 50. ORA NOES-(Fla • • BASASAMI 611.75 bunch LEMONS-Murk, t Grady. at SI SO. rOCOA NUTS- St 00 I>er lU> PRI NKS—to- to 50*. 10c; 50a to 60*. 60a to W*. 7' : 70* to SO 6'je; Me. to 10*. So; 50 to 100*. sle. PEANUTS Ample Gock fair demand; market Arm; fancy hand-picked Virginia, p-r poun.l. t'jc; hand-picked Virginia, ex tr*. to: N. C a**d peanut*. 4e NUTS— Almond*. Tarragona, 17r; Ivl-aa, I#*; walnut*. French, lie: Naple* llHc: pecan* Ho; Hraatl*. ISc; (llbert*. 13c; IB *t.rted nut*. 50-pound and 36-pound boxe*. lI’AC-! He con. Ham* and lard. BAGON-Market firm; D P C. R aide*. TV: D. S Kellie*. S‘,c (Raatern) accord- Ing lo average elae. D S heille*. Vmc (Western); tmoked C. R *lde*. *A)e. HAMS—Sugar cured. llMdfll'eo LA RD—Pure. In tierce* St**:: In 10- pound* tin* and 80-1 round tub*. compound. in tlerve*. tr; 50-pound tin*, and So-poun.l* tuhe. 'c suae-u.i.a (•:•(. FlSH— Mackerel, half-harrel*. No. 1. s*; No I. S7; No S. S$ 75: kit*. No, 1, 51 20; No I. St 10; No J. Be Cod!th. 1- pound brick*. c; 2-poun.l brick*. 5H* Smoked herring, per bo*. 17|ilc Dutch herring. In keg*. 1110; new mullet*, halt barrel* S3 75. ST RI P—Market quiet; Georgia and Florida *yrup. buying at aelllng at Jut)32r; cigar hou*c at 10#15c. HONEY—Fair demand; *tralned. In bar rel*. SMitSOc gallon High wine* baal*. SI 77- Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES-Northern. S2W **CABRAOE-M2- P*r head; crate*. 32 ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrel*. 32.73; crate*. SI <; fed. SI 50. Itreariatatf, Hay and Grata. FLOUR—Market eteady; patent. •*.; •t r .light. S3 75; fancy. S3 60. fkmlly. S3 O MEAL— Pearl, per barrel. II 50. tier rack, SI 15■ City meal, per Mark, bolted. SI 074 : watM ground. SI .124: cl tv grit*. **ck. ~15 pearl aril*. Hudnut*. per barret. I 80; per sack. Sl id; aunrtry brand*. Sl.i* ' riSANri 6I- F. A. Rogers & Banker*. Broker* and Dealer* In Stock!. Colton, or*in and Provision* you cAnn nt n.tSOIS. prompt Service, Liberal Treatment Write for term*, eptdal quotation •ervlee and booklet - Safety and Certainly In Speculation " 3* WALL ST.. NEW YORK. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stork and Bond Broker, AiaiSTA, Oi. Write lor Lle. I’HE .MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2.5. J9OO. CORN— Market firm: white. Job lots 63c; carload lots, 61V, mixed >a>rn. Job lota 80c: carload lot*. 58c RICE Market steady: demand good, fancy head. 4c; fancy. 64e. Prime 8 Good 4H4IHB* Fair 4 fN*, I Common 9% OATft-fco 2 carload, 4 : )•> ! 10. 2StltS'. white cm m J7c; Job. i Its* HR AN—Job lota. f&*': cerloei iota. 90c. HAY Maikrt nt-nav, No 1 timothy. j*>b, AV; No 2. c. Jt>b. 17V cmrm 'iUir A ml i oflrr. PITJAR : lui f < 22 HlAvnon*! A R *4 ! ?ru>hi <2* Corf*i ilontre* A f> fowtiered Whit* Katie C..ft-3 , .. C .5 23 OramilattNl ... ..5 HOoldon C 8.12 Cub*** 4.03 Yellow it 4 S Moul t A <l3! COKFE&- Moclu .. . *... c Prim* No 2 ....ItSr J*v 2< No 4 . Pew be try 14 nFair No 5 .10 c Fancy No. 1 ...UHcjOrdlruiry No *1 . Hyo Choice No 2 . M%e!Common No 7 9 . 4 niton IlnKUinu *nl Tire. R AGO 1 NO—Market flrrn; Jute. liouivl. 8V; lare lot*. 14o; nm.ill lot*, 2-P"un<l, TV; Inland bnKCinir. 12Hc. TlKM'andard 48-pound, .irrow. laifrw lota. 11.5D; emili lot**. %\ 32 Knit, ftllilen Anti Wool. I FAI.T-l'fmar i li> fair *ml the market steady; carload lott*. lOiVfKtund burlap Kui'k!* 47c; Mt-pound cotton **'k. 4ic; 110-pound burlap Mick?. 514 c; 110-pound rotton 82 V; 125-pound btirl.ip ack MV: 128-pound cotton *ack*. 594 c; J(l0-pounl burlap pack*. 91<' HlDES—Market firm, dry flint. 134 c; dry ►alt. 11V ; gre -n Mlted. c \V(H *\r— Nom'nal; prime Georgia, frea of nnd burn and black wool. 19r, black. It ic, burry. 10c. War. 25i*. tallow*, 34c. 1 Deer eklne. 20c llrit-il unit Ktapnrafeil Frulfa. Al*Flatßß Bavnporated. 6\<i7c; nun dried. * s'*r€ftk'- APlUCOTfl—Eva|orafed. 10 pound; nectarlnee. lIK KAIHINI4—L. D. 32 <K); tmp**rial t-abinct*. 12 75. krone. fitr-iMMirwl boxen. B\c pound PEArHEft— Kvaporated. pealed. 174 c; • unpealed. RiOtc. I*EAHB—Evaporated. M 4 r OCftCA* FKi:t<UITl. rOTTON—Savannah to Bopfon. |ei ewt.. 25c; to New York. p r cwt . 20r; to Philadelphia, per bale. sl. Baltimore, tl FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. 40r. ertiool. 4** . Hamburg ; Genoa, 60e. Barcelona. 88c; Manchester. 4**- ; Havre. 45c; Antwerp. 40r. Reval. 60 . Rolterdtm. 4ic; Trieste, 53c. INDIRECT- Liverpool. 3541 M-; Ham burg 40c; Gothenburg. 53c. LUMBER—By Rail- Freight* steady; to Baltimore and • aat ward. |4 ou to $5.75 per M imiudlng Portland LUMBER—By Hteam—Savannah to Baltimore. $5. o P. R It or B and O. docka. $5 50. to Philadelphia. Is2-Sc per * wr. <4 pound* to foot); to New* York. I‘ per M. $7.28 to dock, lightered to Boston. 1$ 50 NAVAL STORKS The market la firm; medium al*e veaaele. Roaln -Cork, for or der*. 3e uJ per barrel of 310 pound*, and 5 |er cent. primag Spirit* 4* SKI per 40 gallon* gro*s. and 5 p*r cent primage. vea*el*. ro*ln, 3; ep.rH*. 4* 3*3 9tam. 11c per 100 pounds on roain; f!4c on eplrlta. Sj.ei.oah to Boston, and on roain and 19' on *plrlts to New York Railroad K*rnln*. Tie Savannea. Florkla am) Wester- Ralltond report* for October: 19Ub 1999 Increase Gross earning* $126.43* 836D.988 P-- 171 f>p. rx|*n#e* .. 39*3*4) 249,844 48.465 Net earnings 8125.119 8111.110 |l7.'*)'i From July 1 to Oct. 31— Grogs earning* 81.491.115 It .293,368 $197 751 Op expenses.... 1.083.881 997 416 85.41 ~ Net earning* 84D,281 82T..946 1112.239 III*- tmflDKi ii.iittvdu * wM4|Mj #4L|**e. * for October -1900. Ittrr#*a* Groaa earning * .. $lO9 I2H $1*4.304 $25,121 G| Not f-irningF* DA.2UR $75,992 10.211 From Jan. 1 to Oct. 31 Grom <**rnitigH $1.438,NS $1,320,770 $117,522 Op. cxiiaiiitati . 990.94*f 900.25.9 M.Ok r Net •aming*. Tha Ahham.i Mitll.itai ltal)roa<l (’om pany rrportx for Octolar—• iswa* 1R99 IncrmM Groan ♦' trnSnie* slOl 247 sM.4t*s $14.7^.’ Op. expenact . 71.137 70.1M7 2sa* Net earning*. $30.U0 $15,018 $14,492 From July 1 to Oct 31- Gnm* camlnga ~ $314,417 $291,931 1. <BX|>p-na- • 246.902 2Jt*.U97 16,v<5 Nat earning?* tMHI\K INTKII.H.rXF. Maitrra of Intrrrat l ■thlpplng 4l**n (irarrallr, With few exccptlona to-.lav will la ob wrvoi a h*lil.iy of h**am**n of all na (lonalMlca rcpreacnlccl by the shipping In flnvannahV harbor. Ii I* ponHhie work will b* in loailng rom* 1 of tha foreign atcamahlp-8 in port at present. mi> every day count* for a great fleul. Hut all American station ,ire ur* to take a day off The British Fiaimrhip Wnetwater clear- yeatertlay for Mtncheater with a cargo of cm ton, acu Iriund cotton, pig iron ami other lending producta. Arrangcmema for calling were completed durintt Ihe day. and *hc will probably proceed out on the early tide. The following MuicrDtnt of t th- Havana <V<om House for the month of NovtKntx-r, 1900. ha* been given out for publication by the Division of In sular Affairs of the War Itepartment. I hiring November, 111 Vestel* of nil kin Ik of a total gros- tonnag of ttS.f76 ton* on* • *r**t| th** (fort of Havana from iwinln out slde the Island of Cuba; Ml vessel* of all kind* of a total icro** tonnage of 233.918 ions cleared from that port for forelcn ports; 147 vessels of all kind* of a total irromi tonnage of 23.1& lon- frMtrrd the f>ort of Havana from port* In the Island of Cuba; 136 vessels of *ll kinds of a total gross totin’.K-- of £|C tons clears! from Havana for other ports In th** island liurtng th*- month there landed at Havana 3.99 ft passenger*. of wlKtn Ww ram** from the I’nlted Ht.ites 2. <l7l from Hpaln and 326 from oth.*r coun tries; mmh pasesnger* left th** port of Havana for i>orts outside of Cuba; of thi| number 426 went to th** Cnlted State*. 19* to Hpaln and 262 to o her roun trle*. During the month l.faSo entries werr liquidated, of which 17 were free and 46 liquidated with an Increase of duty, the total amount of duties liquidated being 1970,661. ll* t’p to I>ec. 15 the records of the vessels built on 4h* chain of likes show that this year has been the most productive In carrying tonnaeff that the l ike region has ever seen. The records as • ompiled by the Commissioner of Navigation and •em out week by week, show that dur ing ahe year Just about to close twenty* eight vessels of Urge sise have been built, with a gross tonnage amounting to about MMHJOD. The Increase this year In the tonnage has been equal to carrying about one-lwelfth of the entire lake com merce. based upon the figures gathered by the government and other statisticians. This year ha* also seen the largest boats built on the chain of lakes that were ever set afloat on fresh water and some of the largest ever built In the world. Passengers t*> gleaansMpa. Passenger* by steamship Kansas City from New York !a*t night W. J Uaom and wife. T J Lynch Mi-* A M dhnn ahau M:a K. F Hullivan. W D. Bail iairg and wife. Ml** L Pearoe. Ml* E Barry \\ . C. Rankin and wife. Mr- E. A Klitflcdd. Ml** G. Terry. W t* Klak* *- iee. (V P. leach. M ** L. E. Hoff Ml** K. Hoffman. C. B Coburn. W T Elmer Mr Kill* and wife Iftenr> Kune nan, M*a It Lynch. Mi* F Kuneman .Mia* Fanny Kurseman. .%!*•* M E W *h burn. F P Nlchol*. E. C. Leodon. Mi** A Mr* Let-lon. .\li* A Hriitih. U 11 Elite Mi* M. M fll*4ery .1 A. Fuller. Mrs O. Howe*. Ml-* J L Klche. Ml** • *ora ii. L>avl*. Ml** R M Ludlnm. K M McLean. 1 .Mini* Ml** M 1 For ay the Ml- 4 * A E Dougan. S J St* Inn mid wife. V Kelicit. W W Pemble. Ml*- Murgar* t Koaehe. Mia F lultltnore. Ml - F Mr Fergtiaon. slu*ter I! E. Hoy. Mia* A L Roy. Mr -on. Ml** K A McOort. MPa M 1. flef fen*. C M Judd attd wife. Mr. fumm -a ind wife. M *ier (' \\ Low*on. M W Long, M. Jft A Graham ' E Si forl. J M Mtewart, W \N Phil lip*. Frank Roberta, Ham M. lutnleU. <1 F. Han for. I ami wife. Maater 1- Hanford. .1 Banter and wife. E Plummet. J Ed ward*. L An tier son. .1 Young. E. J Hapim. u Thompson. M Legmx. E. Ito kowlts. M* M Mudthk. NV A. DeGowvanth, J. Ol*en. P.i*eMgrra arrived lawi night from l|rmre oo iteamahlp D II Miller A A. Brown. Ml-a A Browi \\ It Ib-rmin H Fromlnirger. .Mr* H Fromburgt-r. Master Fromburger. MLa Fannie Rourke, Mlaa A Rourke. ML* Marie Rourke, Mr-. A A Brown K O. Rlchurdaon, Samuel Golding Ml** Muy WlLon. VV R K\wtta P.iaenger* arrive*! veaterdav from Phllmlelphi.i on llerkaliire Ml** Mary Maater* Ml** K ite New*o, Jo*rpit Weiaa. Mr* E. P Conklin, E P Conklin, Ml*a Mary McKenna. Ml** Jen nie Smith. Plummer lloleton. ML* llat tle Conway, WillUm Harman, Mi-* Ruth Abbott. Mia* Resale Ahlmtl ML* Mary Albertson. Clairle Parry. Mr*. Parry. Ml** Surah Parry. Ml** Elna P.irrv John J Albertson, Mr- Albertson. Mr* .1 It Parry, Ml** Morel! Parry. Georg* Ab l*ott, Mr*. Abhutt. Mia* A N Alter:son. J \V Horner. Ad.un Stafford iNvanaalt Ali*ait*r Sun iie nt 701 a m. and win at 501 p. m. High water at Tylne to-.lnv at 9 :/ a m and 10:25 p m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phases of the Kuun for lirrrmlier. Standard time— 9fHli mer D. 11 M Full moon ■fi 4 39 morn. Last quarter 13 4 42 eve. New moon 21 1 eve. First quarter 28 7 48 eve Moon |*erlgee 3d and 30th. Moon apo gee. 15lh. (HUH 41 4\ l I9EI* 4RTI RIA. Veaaela 4rrh|(l Yeali-nlay. Si , im**hip K rny, Fisher. New York—Ocean Ht**nm*hip Company. Berkshire. Ryan, rhiladel phla —J. J Carolan, Ag^nt. Hark Novo Scotia (Non. Halvoraen. Bel fart —Chr. G. Dahl A Uo. 4 eaaela 4 lea red Iraf^rfav. Hteam*hip Waatwater (Hr). Blephen Mane heeler—A F Churchill. Veaaela Wnf to lea. flreamt-hip Cuattnhoa ine, T*eal-. New York. hoovier Annie F. Conlon. Baker, Phil adelphia. *ltipi4njt Mraorandi- Falmouth. Dec. 24 -Bailed, rtenmer Heareth. Fernandlna. Ht Nrtx.iire. D***. 21—Arrived •t**m*r \ #>ra. Pon Tampa. ' ia Norfolk XTiiw.rn. De* 22-Arrived, ateamer Roaelb ld, IVneaoola. Hamburg. Dec 22 Bailed, rt earner Cheronoa (’harlenion. Apalachicola. FI * D-c. 24 -Entered, schooner William II fhlk). <lllc*. Boston. Phtladelphia. !>•• *4 —Arrived, steamer Alleghany. Savannah. H 4 Michaels, Dec 23 —Arrived, pre vlously. * •**tn- r Atlantlro. Hamburg for Savancsth Ifur roll). Charleston. S C.. Dec. 24-Arrived, steamer* Algonquin. I’lati. Jacksonville. and proceeded to New York; Navahoe. Johnson. Boston, and proceded to Itrun*- wl**k. Suited. Pteamey Newby (Br>, Ulnrk Norfolk. arhooner Annie D. Grace, Smith. New York IVrnandlnu. Fla.. Dec 24 -Cleare,!. t.ark Alkaline <Br). la-tilanc. Rio de Ja r.elro. It mill. barkentlne Ht. <‘rolx (Brl. lllne* Sieve and Bolomn. Africa. Key We*4. Fla.. Dec. 24. -Arrived. Steamer 'olivette. Hmllh. Havana, and sailed for Fort Tampa; chooner Wave. Cardenas: larulse Hastings, Albury. Mo bile. Ldverpol. Dee. 2S Arrived, ftramsr Alicia, P*nacola. Aat tee to Mariner*. Pilot chart* and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnlniied ma*ter* of v* gel* free of charge m United Slate* hy drographic office in diatom Hou*c Cap (all** are requreted to call at the oflli e. Report* of wreck* and derelict* received for tran*ml#*!on to th# Navy Depart ment. Foreign Ksltnef*. Per Brlt!*h *teamhlp W*twater for M*nche*#p-7Sn barrel- ro*ln SI .*36 I*l piece* p. p. deal*. SMS: 1.37 t hag* S I. cotton SKA.W; 8.716 bale* cotton. 1116.013: 3.393 Bftt pound* pig Iron. S2I *BS: 1 ton pound* eteel billet*. SI,8*0; 5 keg* rice, th) —Cargo vartou*. Hark Tlkoma (Nor), for Hull—t.*B* bar rel* ro*ln, Sl2.7oC.l6.—Cargo by H P. Shut ter company. Hark Aline (Hal), for Venice—4,33o bnr rel* rtln. Sll 13634; 50 barrel* aplrlt* tur penllne. 3840.73; *) ca*e aplrlt* turpen tine. SI.HO. Cargo by 8 P Shorter Cos. CnNßlalar S7*nrf* per echooner Annie F. Conlon for Phil adelphia—3M.Sß2 feet yellow pine lumber Cargo by Georgia Lumber Company. per *lnam*h)p Chattahoochee for New York—4.lßl bale* upland cotton, I*> ton* pig Iron. FOR CHRISTMAS. CANVAS HUNTIN6 COATS. HATS, VESTS, LECCINS, <tc. 11 1111$ Is. • 113 Broughton Sir**! We*t. W. ROSS GRAVENR, Manufacturer’s Agent, RAILWAY AAD MILL HI PPLIK*, rravMMM Bullying, Savannah, Oa Southern Railway. Train, Arrive and Depart B<Mim,h on 9Dth Mrrtdlan Tiom—On* Hour Hlowcr Than v’tly Tun* Srhadul* In Kff. t l<ac. 9. I9X). READ DOW N ~fO Till \ST | li AD UP No 3 N* (1 em a 12 55pm 12 .*> ink Lv ... Ar *>uiu 3 u>itii 11 a f | 4 34pm 4 23ani Hlackvllla .. Lv 2 57a<n 1 10pm • \ i 9 • LV), l tkam ll 2 tern in 9 Ar . Charlotte .Lv 9 56pm * loam U. 44pm 1" 2.kpnt Ar . Greensboro Lv, 7 lupin 8 iistu Ivpim,. At Norfolk Lv i 1 * u 12 dlAiii 158 pm Ar ..... Da > vliL 777777. Lv tl 6 lOpmi < Bam < whim 8 25pm Ar ... .... ... .. K himaid .. .... . ..... Lv 13 tlpfll It UOpm Ar Cyiu¥burg 7 .77.7.7*7... ... Cvjj 3 fjpm. 3 imi 4 •'< . Ch.irlH te.-v III* Lv 2 twpm.U M,*m 7 35am H fi*prn ,Ar Washington Lv ill 18-im| 9 •Dp ,, 9* 11 38pm Ar ~ lUUt in re l.v * 23am 317 pm H -un 2 .4.401 Ar Pidi td* ipbla Lv $ Mum, < Mpm J * 3am Ar . N York i tam; I p \i no * L - . No m To THE NORTH AND WKBT ” No la tOBTII TlllW ) II u —•H.jl.v "... lawJwiuifi K*[l 4 Sam (Ba.lai n Tun-’ 1 * l.v CahmHa . . A • H l.v HparlautHirg l.v lspm I *Wh l.v . . g,havll •■ ... . l.v J )l>") 1 -Vm Ar Hot 9>>nn ( . I. It 4 .in J•* Ar Khoxvlllr •■* i *•"' Ar UxtagM !.' * *•• • 6’. am Ar CtnetnMtl , v * 6 00pm Ar hi Bout* *■' >•*' 7 -*") Ar Uoulavtlla ' * ’ All train, arrtv* and d-purt from Hi.lTanl Mvat.-m Biallon. TIIKOUOH CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAIN'S O ANP M DAILY NEW YORK AND KtAJHIDA EM’RBBS Vaatl lirnltrO train*, with Pullman Dtawlng Room Hlrrpmg Car* l*tw*-ii Kavan. nati and Now York Conrr, tf at IVa.lilngtoii with Colonial t.(•(rtor lloaton. Pullman dl.-rplng Car- latvon Otari At* and Richmond ami Chariot!*, ata) Nar tolk Dining Car, B**rv* m*ila M*mi Hwvannah aid AYaaldngton TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAII.Y THE CNITEI) STATUS CAST BIAII. V.*tlhilh‘d llmlti.l train*, carrying I’ulimii) Dtawtnx Ittatm Sleeping Car* batwarn S*v.m oh and York Dining far. *cn* atl imat* b*tw**n Savannah and Waantngtwn Al*o Pullman Drawing Room Slemlns Car* hetween Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and Tha Leind of t a Skv " For romplete Information ua to r,P# •< hedulo* etr apply to P S GANNON. 81 V P A G M J 1 Cl’U'. T M W. A TURK. O P A. Waahlngton. 1> C S It HARDWICK, A**t Gen'l Pa** Aent. Atlanta Ga R C RI.ATTNER. Tl.-ket Axent. Plant Sy.ietn Sutton JAMES FREEMAN C P * T A.. Ml Bull itreet. Savannah Ga , Phonea 850 OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NEW YORK. HOSTON AND THE EAST. I7neurpw*sed cabin accommodation* \IJ the comfort* t*f a modern hotel Elec tric light* Unext • lied tabb- Tickets Include meal* and L i th* aboard ship. PASSENGER FARES FROM SAVANNAH. TO NEW YORK Flrat Cabin. tJ> Fins Cabin Ron rat Trip. 137. lutermedl ate CaMn. 81500: Intrrm-dtatr Cabin, Round Trip. 831 •*) Steerage 81* TO BOSTON Fir*! Catdn. 833. Klr*t Cabin Round Trip. 836 Intrrniedlata Cabin 117 Oh, Intermediate Cabin Round Trip. |3X m Steerage, 11175. The expre** ateamahtpa of tin* Ini* urn appointed to tall from Savannah, Cen tral (9Wh) meridian time, a follow* Mi tmit to m:w iiihh. NAI’OO IIKE. Capt. Smith. TUESDAY, Dac. 25. 7:3t) p til KANSAS. CITY Capt. Fisher, TIII'RH -I>A Y. Dr<. 27. 9 W p m. TALLAHASSEE Uapt. .\kln*. SATUR DAY. I tec. 29. ItaX) p m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. TUESDAY. Jan 1. 2d) p m •CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Capt. Berg. WEDNESDAY. Jan. t. 3pm NACOOCHEP7. Capt Smith. THURS DAY. Jan 3. 2 30 p. rn KANSAS CITY. Cap! F'lsher. SATUR DAY, Jan 5. 5 SO p m TALLAHASSEE Capt Asklns. Tl F7S DAY, Jnn. 8, 7 30 p. nt. CITY 01-’ AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. THURSDAY. J m 10. 9) P m NACOOCHEE. Cap* Smith. SATURDAY. Jan 12, 10 30 p m •NOTlCE—Steamship City of Mlrtnlngham will not carry pasaengera. Steamship City of Macon. Capt Savage, will ply Iwtwsvn N*w York and Boa ton on the following schedule: Leave New York for Roaton (from Fieri L*nve Rostnn for New York (from Lewis' 85. North River, at 12:00 noon). Dec. Wharf) at 1200 muon). l>ec 28. Jan 2. Jan. 5. L. 19, . I R 33 30 Thl* comtiany reserves tne right to change It* aalllng* without notice add ttlthout llaldllty or acciwintablllty therefor Sutllng* New York for Savannah Tuesdays. Thursday* and Saturdays. I p. m. W G HRFIWER. city Ticket and Pa*eng*r Agent. 117 Bull street. Savannah. Ua R O TREZBVAMT. Agent. Savannah. Ga. !' E I.EEEVRE, Manager. New Pier 85. North River. New York. McDOi\OUGH & BALLANTYNE, W Iron Founders, Machinists, *•' ■ t.. m •• • ••■ <• 6■ . i,1,i,,, i,... ..f n...11.... HaaHOHBBB •I . I .... I. I . t i'n I". * i erl I, I I, ~.) I HMi. i, In, I ,•>■■ 'till, "iifc-lr 'Mil *•> it * Hi.- ilia lim k I’III Ie . i Ml- TELEPHONE NO. 123. I 1 OFFICIAL. LIQUOR LICENSES. CMy of Savannah, office Clerk of Coun ell. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 17. 1900 —The fol lowing apptlcaUone to retail liquor dur ing the year 19UI. Were read at meeting of Council Dec 13, 1860, and referred lo Committee of the Whole: W. P. IIAII.EY. > Clerk of Council. Ulenje*. F.. No. 1119 Walt Broad utreet. Holey. M., 128 Cong rate* atreel. watt. Hook hook. F 11.. Bay atreet eiten*lon and Fair atread. Brinkman. H. C.. 2 84. Julian alreet, weat. Beytagb. Thoa. F . No. 315 Eaat Broad atreel Bernateln. J , northweet eornrr St. Ju lian and Barnard otreeia. Brown llro*., comer Anderfon and Eaat Broad atreet*. Cain, Julia, No. 846 Bay atreel. weat. CMieaaey. David, northwest eorner In dian and Ann alreet*. Conle*. Join) F., Montgomery Greet and Whatley avenue. Egan. J J . No *4l Ka*t Broad itreet. K*kbir. W. H, Wert Broad and Wayne Greet*. Enright. J.. No. 212 Prh-e afreet., J F.. No 614 Liberty atreel, eaat. Febrcnkamp. Henry, corner Bay atreet extension and Fair atreet Farrell. M. A.. Bay and Lumber atreeia. lirtmmt J. F., norfheaat comer Ran •lolph and Überty atreet*. Goodman Bro*.. No. 43 Farm atreet Uartleman. W. H.. Itandolph and Ogle thorp* avenue. Grimm. John H.. Prealdent and Dray ton atreet* darken, Henry. Agent. No. 715 Wheaton (treat. Grtmtn. Albert, romer Wt Broad and Tblrty-eecond afreet*. Hotchklaa A N'evill. aouthwrat corner Broughton and Jeffer*on atreet*. Harre* W A.. No 44 Tattnall atreet. Herafeld. Han*. 526 Broughton atreet. corner Houston Greet Heltmnu, C. H . Earl Broad and Bryan atreet* Joyce. June* J„ No. 316 Boat Broad atreet. Jane*. Georg* H. 138 Weat Broad atreet. Johnton. Martin. No 4! Reynold* atreet Ju. hen*. F. H . a* Pint Grcel, JernUitn. E. 0.. north weal corner Lum ber and Zubly alreet*. (( Jackwm, Audraw, No. 67 Whitaker atreet. Kuek. John. No. 6tl Drayton Greet. Kor.emann. C. H., 383 Farm Street. •CITY OF BIRMINGHA9I Capt. Berg. MONDAY, Jan It. 12 00 noon KANSAS CITY. Capt F'lsher TUESDAY, Jan. 15. 12 3n p m TALLAHASSEE. Capt Asklns. THURS DAY. Jan 17. 2So p. m CITY OF AUGUSTA. <lept Daggett. SATURDAY. Jan. 19. ton p. m NACOOCHKK. Capt. Smith, TUF7BDAY, Jan, 22. 6 00 p rn KANSAS CITY. Capt F'laher. THURS DAY. Jan 24. 800 p m •CITY OF Hilt Ml Nr IH A M Cap! llerg, THURSDAY. Jan 24. B:t*r p m. TALLAHASSEE Cap! Asklhs, SATUR DAY. Jan 26. 9:30 p m. CITY OK AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett, TUESDAY. Jan 2*. 12 31 p nr NACOOCHEE. Capt Smith. THURSDAY, dan. ai, p m K. W SMITH.' • ’•adrai ting Freight Agent. Savannah, Ga. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent. Traffic Department 221 W liay Hi., Ja. kaonvllle Fla. W II PLEASANTS. General Freight and Paaierrger Agent, New Pier 85. North niver. New York. Landaverk. S. C., No. 17 Bay atreet. eaat Lang, Nlcbola*. No. 18 Harrmrd atreet. Morton. Peter, Manager, 213 Broughton atreet. eao4. Monnee*. C. H.. eorner Hall and Jeffar *on at ret.*. Morken, Dora, Mr* , Thunderbolt road, near Hdlgate. Perry. F. L A Cos, Bull and River atreet* Raima. F W H.. 601 Indian alreet Itanaln. M A Son. Congre** and Weal Broad atreet* Htlverateln, David. No. 333 St. Julian atreet. weat Schnanr*. F., corner Anderaon and Whitaker atreata. Schroder. < temge. aoulheaat corner W’**t Broad and Waldhurg atreet*. Stem. J. D.. No. 538 Jone* atreet. w**t Schlotelhurg, D., comer Price and Hall atreet*. Smith, W. T. K. 613 Congre** atreel, west. Sunder*. Philip, corner Bull *nd Twelfth atreel- Slater, J*a. F., No. 11 Eaat Broad Greet. Sielje*. A. north weal corner Jn kn and Reynold- Gnat*. Slater. J. C., Congre** and Jrfferoon Greet*. Thotken. Geo H . 171 Arnold Greet*. Taylor. J K . northweat corner Ogle thorpe avenue and Price atreet* Tletjen. John T 226 WV*t Broad atreet. W’lnter A loplh. Itt Barnard atreet Wallace, W M . 886 Stewart atreet. Wellhrork. John F. 624 Jeffenon Greet Thane* Eugene IT. 195 Bay atreet. eaat Contractors' and Bulldors' and Mill Supplies. Caatlng*. Steel Beam*. Column* and Channel Bolt*. Rada. Weight*. Tank*, Tower*, etc. Steel Wire and Manila Hope, Holering Engine* and Pump*. Jack* Der rick*. Crab*. Chain and Hope HoiGe Ca*t every day. Make quick delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUP PLY COMPANY. Auguata. Ga. INJECTION A PERMANENT-CURE of the meet ohetlnate raar* of Oonorrhaa *od t.oet, ivanntaed I* fruai S lo S day* i no other treatment required Sold by ail d-u**i*t Plant System of Railways. Tialna operale.l In *ah meridian nrn*- On* hour -lower than etiy ilna. In effort Dec. 8 !9uo. All train*. l.v Havannali Dally ArSavanntb. B*t•'in 1 38 am Savannah (I! I* aar . 10 am w a verne* I 1 Bn am * I* am Ja<'k-4invtll* tin at am *li I’m • ... and Florida 11145 pm 1 Wl Pm p. lira ; 7 On pro Betweon ’ * m Hav4iitili 2 85 ra * *•* ' ni 4'baririton 7 50 sm and Eaat BB pm l.v Rrunawl k At BiiuuiWnlk. Betwron. lit nn*w it k | I flCi m * ** !• JwMtip < 25 pm R-iv .inrsh twl i 7 18 J ieksodvtile | A 35 |un Uonn tkii it Port Tinipn wRh Fenlr ‘u ir .nitl ti I-k-ms| strsrnem l*svtng for K*v West ind Havana Mondays, TTiurw dalv* ini Maturdav*. ||<|i p. m at Tit ket ufflie* for further In for* mutton. J It rOLHFMTO T P A WAKI) < I*A ItK City Ticket Agewl* I Hutu Hotel 'l'lmns 73 B v\ WRENN. p.i-*rfiger IVafll Man aver. Hsvannah Ua 0$ \ GEORGIA r yco. y Kchedtlte Fffcctlve Dee If. 1991 Tranig sriivt wt sn*4 depart from Contra I Ktatlon, West Broad, font of lJlirrly atreet. 90th Meridian Tim <n* itnur slower than tj tine lesv* Arrtvo Bavannah- Savannah: Augusts. M) on, Atlanta.l <’ovingtoti. 3li4irdg*viii** *4 *pm isi*l ail lnt**rm**Mata polntaj iAuguata. Mimn Atlanta.* |At helm. 81.mtg*nrr y. < 'o-' •f Ofpm lumkiU Itlrvninghaiii Am4*(niin jerl. u*. Eufauia and Tm> J |4 oopm! Dover A * •<-<onmculation ||7 team 1- 00pm Guyton Dinner Train {§4 50pm •Daily lElcept Sunday IIKTWFEN SAVANNAH AND TTBCT 75th sl* rkitan or Havaimaii city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Da by 9:30 a lu . SOO p m ÜBAVR TYBIOK. Dally 10:35 a in . 5:30 p. tn < omipctMiH nisli' at terminal poinla with all traiup Northwowt, West and Bout tl west. Sleeping cars on night frame between Savannah nud Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham I’artor car* on flay trains between Sa vannah Ma'on and Atlanta. For complete tnlormaiton, rate* and connect lons H|plv to W G ItREWKR. nty Ticket and Fes sengcr Agent. 107 Hull atreet or W R Me I NTT RW. In pru Ticket Agent. .1 f* IIAILE teii#nsi Uaasenger Agent. E II HINTON. Tram. Manager THKO. D KLINE General Suparta tendeni Savannah. Ga Double Daily Service Th* abort line to Norfolk. Waehlngtgs, Baltimore. Philadelphia, Nate York wad th* Kaat. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS FROM No 27 North and leal |OO am No. 33 Iwnmark and Imcal Sta flona 10 38 am No II North and Kail 13 19 pm No 44 Jai'koonvtlle and Florida... 1 A, pm No 73 Montgomery nn.| Weal I > pm No 74 Helena and laical l*olnt*... 846 ant No 66 Jacknonvlll* and Florida...l! 80 pm DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FOR No. 27 Jackaonvllle and Florida... 5 6* am No II Ja-kaonvllle and Florida...l3 |g pen No 44 New York and Kael 1 5* pm No 34 lienmark and AugoGa...... 3 56 pm No 71 Montgomery and Wedt..... 7 35 am No 73 Helena and local Station*. * 30 pm No 88 New York and Eaat II M pm Magnlffc-cnl Pullman buffet ! .-> ping oar aervic# lo Waehlngtun. Bultlmor*. i'hllo drlphla and New York, alao lo Jaokgan vllle and Tainia Dining ear* from Savannah In Uaaatot and Itl< hmnnd to New York. RuffG parlor car* Savannah to Most gamer) For additional Information apply to Ticket Office. HuU end Bryan Groeta. Phone 29 Sunset Route.|^ SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. The I avorltr and Be*l Route Line To LOUSIANA. TEXAS, MEXICO. CALIFORNIA, and oil Point* Writ. STANDARD PULLMANS on ail Ire In* dally. EXCURSION PALACE > t ELMANS dally, except Monday, from Now Urlaaae to California and Oregon point*, at SS.N per berth. FREE CHAIR CARS dally. New Or lean* to Dalian, and ail iMtddi* and Northern Tex** lAnt. DAILY THH4 )COH I’LI.I.MAN'S to M< xlcw <Tly am) •*“" lYanclacoi. Th* Famou* SUNSET LIMITED, *v*rv Monday, Ttmrelay *r*l Saluntay, l >r!"ani> to San Franoleco. For ad Information, addre** CLARENCE W. MURPHEY, T. P. A, 15 17aG Bryan SI.. Savannah, Ga. BRRNNAN BROS^ SMOLRSALS FralL, Produce, Grain, Etc. >33 SAY gTRBBT. Weak IdOkotltk JOHN G. BUTLER* -DEALERS IN— Paint*. Oil* and Ulaaa. Sa*h. Doom Bin and, and Uulldara' Satvdieo. Plata and Decorative Wall Paper. Foreign and Do meetic Cement*. Lime, floater and Hair. Sole Agent for A boa tine Cotd Water Palat. • Congre** atreet. weet. and 18 St. Judaa atreet, weaL 7