The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 USHERED IN WITH A RACKET. I*SI 91. (JURAT ( l.iMtm 'I UIHI Il TIIF. AIIVKdT or CHIIIATMt*. Rrrrta Urrf 'I lironif**t hr Timor Ohn %V rrr O-I for All llir Rn Jo,- nirnl Thf > (oultl I’tnri—llruhton Mrrrl 99m, l*rknl br * llrnrr Mh, lor Krrrrol Hnrr4Mirriii tlona nnl lariilrnl* of (hr lrrn< C'ltrlatmna l> Hn> llr ).,•* l—llual ou II on ara nml I'utilli- Inalllullona Mill Hr lloaril. Tho uruol hljM-tuf Mir<- of Un hocna. 1 roar of Klutvf rra krrr, amt 4lt*eo*>c*rUn* j din of cow twit*, irhrrnl in < '(irtxtmai* May Tt** cllv no* nimoat convulucl with energy lt DUtftl, r*ubrrnre and rnthu- Btaxm Irutf In aliuinlmicr And marking ('hrlutnui* *ve A* tho nol*l*t time Savannah l*.* known for a year. Broutthtuft wtrerl oi> |>ar *xc*i;*m* thr irain of Ai'tlon. In faiT. thrrr an at fiuKh of .1 Don lhat ihr almoAt want bryoml the hound* und been**.; In active tnromrii iK(r immrnalty. There war a Jam and crush for hours, amt trend ing one * way through the dense mas*** of humanity *** * much of Job as one cared l*> undertake. llamileeaJy riotous In lit* enjoyment of the season that outstrip* all others in j the race for tho first place In I tha hearts of Southern people, the crowd, wore liubhllnr over with aol spirit principally of the mental sort, though there was shout the usual assortment of Christmas drunks to tie found. Tin po lio# were diligent and “ran In" those thit were eonsldemlily "to the had." but th ■ records at the station *ll*l not show that there will b an esrea.lve array of sober ed aid sorry Individuals to face Ibe Re corder when he h(riils court this mornln. at * o'clock. B. K. Morse w ill not be out of Icjs.imas, however, for there were enough a- voices stacking up against the rye to Insure him busy day. ChnstuiAe crowils were of the usual character. Heterogeneous m.*"** surged up and down the streets, while curious spectator,i. symiMthetlc and responsive to •.lie enthusiasm they saw on every aid*, or hypochondriacasi and depressed by evl dmx- of Ibe enjoyment of others that they were unable, for some reason, th*m eelv* s lo share, lounged against W'.ills nr In (ban Wavs amt watched the li ‘>' g throngs* Mere passed a merry roniisinv. half a ikarn boyn and girls of Ihc lomfring. roßt-king K*’ of sixteen or th< realsHil. making their Joyous luughler carry a* far a* it might In so raucous and punctuating it with blasts from homs. the detonations of clashing su phur m.irb*s or th*. lii" ‘ nee* ssnry to how a rolled-tip pots-r snake his full length Into the face of some startled passer by Then am*- llie workingnsin and hi- wtf*. p, rh.ips with IMI or ihreo of the children along all laden with the gifts lhat w.-r.- to make little ones happy upon their waking this nnsming Neat might l*e e**u the buslneas man. the lawyer, the *loetor, the banker, beta tod. perhaps. In their shoigitug ai.l only awake to the thought that Christmws sue at hand and lhat those deor to th*m aouM t* sorely disap pointed It something v.fy pretty were not forthmaung. Next might 1- se*-n th. drunk..cither of the gregarious or of the miliary iy|s They were usually lit flock*, for a Christmas Jag Is not wlrat it tt cracked up to b* unless It otn tie sliared by reaponslve hoot, companion#. Tbte was a Ml of the merry si'ie of It all. but there was another, as but a mo ment's ear to the ulmost drowned, yet plaintive, appeal of the email tsind organ • ~~s* * •" -hi io*o.< m*rulli jdnt or all rye for Hie sign asqustnllng one of the Infirmity of another beggar would demon strate. Christmas Is the time of all others when liberal responses are made to demands for charity, and the anniver sary of She birth of Him who sikt "The poor ye have with ye alwaya" Is observ ed by contributions lo the cause to Which He was devoted. Between t and 9 o'clock, perhaps, the crowds were densest. It was then that passage through Sh**m * oultl t>- w.*tt only by dint of much stniggllng. patience and del. rmlnatloti In this was a measure of Intereet for those who were bound upon no especial bualnea. but who had the evening so themselves with noihlltK to do of greater Importance then having a good time. Jlany Incld* ns* of th* evening would t>e Interesting, but all who were on the streets ha.! numerous ones within their ken Practically tn- .-mire ia*ui.*.'iM<t was on the street#, and there was enough to Interest all One occurrence lhat was of partk’ifiar Interest to one man was the fall of a pistol lull let. The fa*s of wuch signal moment to him In ibis connection was that It was by but an Inch that the leaden mls-lle missed ha* head He pick'd up the bullet, which had been fired Into the air from a pistol by some enshiuriast. and was exhibiting It to show how car.- lesa and foo.lsh persons are who Insist upon turning their gun* loo** In th* air and how lucky be was In taring Just out of the way of th* descending pellet of lewd. To those who have followed with no great pleasure the course of the cbrisi mas sen son It would seem, reasoning from the amount of noise lhat ha# been mad* and net chronologically. that Christmas had about paaae.l, but there i* • hat in store for them that will cauie the oomplete a einrionicnt of such an un wise thought. To-day I# lo Is* not n whit lesa noisy than was iaat night. Here* will tha reverberations of the last cannon cracker of the night have ceased to din the ear# of the tossing and disgusted oc cupant# of the decide## Issls before the echoes will be set tiling by the first of Christmas day. and fuel will thus be ad ded to the wrath of tin* awakened sleep ers. Slumber will be something of which •he light sleeper will stand In need be fore the agony of the Christmas holiday* has passed. Small hovs rampant wilt Indulge alt ilav tops tn every excea* of nol.e that their own Ingenuity and that of firework* man ufacturers lan produce, while to-night the monotony will be broken by the b-a* objectionable feature of the Christmas eel ebratlon. pyrotechnic displays. For week* select coterie* of youthful ole. brattle have been employed In the hlghiv delightful occunatton of I-egging or 111 —i- Ihtr tuxes or barrel* for Christmas bon flraa, and to-filght In the Park Kilrmlnn they will Indulite In the tntenae rivalry of seeing which banda have been most eucceaaful In tratherm* the largest quan tity of li.flMmmabl* material. The boy* have been lona ktoklna forward to to tiiht. and It will be a eel disappoint men I to them if they do not have a* good a time a* they have anticipated. The day will bo aultably observed by nearly all the business house* ai*t public InslMtitlona of the city. Wholesale and retail dealer*’ atore* will be cfosed for the day. Only thoe of the latter char acter handllna *ood that are In eapcoiul demand on Ctorlalmti* ilay will lie open. The lank*, the Cotton Em liana*, the City Exchange. the railroad otTlce*. the )>oatoffice, the county official*' room* at the Court Hou*e and other place* where business la ordinarily transacted will not be open. Various means of spending the day pleasantly will be at hand, for the holi day wl.) leave crowds seeking some man ner of diversion, and this wa* appreciated by those who have bean managing certain forma of entertainment. This morning and this afternoon there will be football at tbe Bolton Street Park, while thla af ternoon there win be horse races at the Thun<b rbo.t Driving Park. (Many will go cast on hunt log or netting tripe, in fact, have already gone, while drives will be Indulged In bv many others, the weather being favorable. For those who de#lre to observe the (lay in the manner that U would seeen It ’wild U observed there will tie church service Bpertal programmer have been arrange*! for th*- l-Jplsoopal. Catholic and Lailhern Cburrhaw ( HKUTII.It MIHIIUBg TII-BIV. II 111 He ( elrltralrg s( a Number of ( Iturehes U 111 Special Waste. So u of the churches a# did not hold ihelr Christmas wervlco# Sunday will *lo so to-day. Among fhose that will are Ihc Cathedral of St. John the Baptist where masse# will be celebrate*! at S:Sh o'clock m when a solemn pontifical mas# will be celebrated, at 7. al S, at 9. and at 10:30. when high mats* will be celebrated The Sunday school will meet #t * o'clock. At th* 10.30 m ics will be given (he Christmas mu-i it programme as follows len-'entur Coell’* iMelvll). Mars In A IJohn AVtegandi. • ifferiory "Adesti- Fi.leleS" (Novellol. "<i Salutaris" (Petri). "Tanium Krgo" iH.immerel). "loiudat Iximlr.umchant. At S’ I'atrtuk's Church in * as*-* will be • • nr it'd at s oVlock a. m . at 7. at I'd *bl *f lO.ltn At the high notes, to 30. wltl ■■ tha customary programme if t rtrtniMS rrmrlr as follows: Marso # mass in O. Adssle I tiilrr," (Nuvello). At the S.e nrd Heart Charch three masses. The fle*t mass will be at (S " ... k the re. owd at 7 and high m iss a; >" Tne Choir wffl for the ftrsf time |n •bla illy, rrealer "Sle.irn#' Mass In F I n* offertory will I* “Arleste Fld*4*" be Nove.lo Itenedl fTon with the lifers* ,| S* rament will be given immediately af ter high mass At St Paul's Kirircnpal Church there will h. an early celebration at 7 9* o'rl >ck Old high ■ -lebi-adon al 11 o’clo*-k at wnP h the following muatc will be sung ITor***lonal. hymn J 7. Ventt* ft diver). Gloria (Nelson). To la-um lomdamus (Alzamora). J't >llale I *** (Alxamoral. Communion. Hymn g j Kyrle (Adlam) Gloria Tlt.l (Adlam). Offertory, "All I'rals* to the Eternal Uon).'* lin*<tlrtuf f.Mor!#y). \’ !.. .\ -1 j.ifii i g' <lorla K* (Hunt). | U* * >. 11ymn iT. At St John'* f’hurh th# v ro will a •H tuition <( holy onminunloti Hi 11 • k Thf programme of will In- mm follow.**: lTo>‘"9Hional hymn (51), **l!ark! What Tlkmo Holy Volcf*?" Wnllf. old uh nt Tf ln*um < Atz irnora). JiihllatM Crhant). Iniroll hymn <:►!), “It Cam# Vpon thr Miilnlicht Holy * -omm un loti. Kyrl# uloimodt Hymn. “Hark! What Mran Thour Holy VcicwT' H'iaroi*o Rfffh Offrrtory, Chrlatmas hymn (Ailam* Blnierri. HiN'fMnloDal hynn (), “Anucla From thr It-tiilrn* of (llory.” Rrv. Charles II Stronar, rrdor. Ivlwyii K. Wiolhamn, ort(Mnli*t an<) oholrmiater. A! St. MichaH's < % harrl fhrro will Ie an i-arly rolebmtlon at 7:30 o'Hork, ut w hlrh tho Ijord'a au|p**r will hr adminl*- uml aUo the* nmial CnrUfemaii eer v|*r at 11 o‘rlo< k Th*r# will he *rvlc#i at th# IsUthrran Church of th# Aiu rnaion at 11 o’clock. t llHimi%A %T THR ISX4TI % \t*E. r*-ilaV Will flic ualet lint There Will JJ- Umblm eaa I’lW HIIIP Tli M To-day being Christmas the offices In the C%ty Exchange will be closixl. Hucn Is the tenor of a notice published In the Morning New# to-day It is rub* at the Cny Exchange to cbise up on holiday#, but the offices there are shut up p.irtk*u larijr tight when It cornea to Chrietnate Clerk of Council Itailey may iak* a siiorc turn around in that direction for a few minutes this morning simply to see th it the building is at ill there, hut few if any. other# are likely to put In an appearance. Mayor Myers and all the ofti dais wl'l :l - il -It Yfr ll i-• ' f ■ i" t nip -I the occasion there t* to be hwl. The ex change will open up for hueiness i*fimr row. hooi ver. as usual, and If It 1# not a busy lay there will be a busy night us Council will me* to tonskler a numlNt of ini|K> matters. In Mtbhtion to the matters mmiinned yesierda> to com# be for# Council to-mor row night there wUI iso !•* . |etltl>n fr*>m property owners living in the neigh* horhood of Holton and Eim lirontl afreet# protesting Against the holding of any eD- use# in that locality. Council will he u*k) not to permit any more #!tow# to ua# tho lot flier# on account of the an noyance to tl># roMldeut# of that section. Another matt#t will la* the |i*titlon of Eugene W. Anderson, colored. tiled through his attorneys, Messrs. Harrow and Harrow.for compensation for injuries received by Ids running into a limb of n tree projecting over the stdewnlk on Oglethorpe avenue near West Broad Anderson woe walking along hi the dark and the limb airuck him In the eye and face inflit ting a painful wound. H** claim# he ha# been unable to work sine# the accident and has had to pay heavy doctors' bills. CHARITY OP Till*. sllltmißl. flnunteon* Hoses anil llasWet* Seat tn Home* of Many Poor. Many homes were made happy yester day and last night through the benevo lence of the Mystic Shrinera. Their an nual ofTcrltigs to She poor W.i* a hnunteoua one and it will put u good Christmas din ner ot> many a table that would otherwise have been hare of the delicacies of the him son. The hoxea ami baskets were taken to the Masonic Temple at S:*) o'oloek yes terday afternoon, and within a short time thereafter more than 15) of them had been. received The number Incnased during trie afternoon until lost night more Hum - s > were collecti*l at the hall to He dis tributed In each box or basket was u bountiful variety of good food. Thera were chickens, turkeys, fruit, cakes, dour, and ail aorta of g.od things that go *o make up a Christmas feast. There wa* enough ill each of them to provide food for a emuil family for three or four days, and they will have a regular Christmas week. East night the Shr.ners gut to gether and with trams at hand went about the work of distribution them selves. Thev had their lists and routes made out, and the boxes went Into home* where they will do the must good. FIHEMEN <l\ THE STRCKTI. Careful Match I* Maintained for In cipient Hlone*. Christmas has been exceptional In that there* have thus far been no fires. It Is usually the case that the firework*, com bined with the extreme careiessntes of many who uae them, do not fall to cause half a doten small blataa before Christ mas day has dawned, but property own ers are favored this year by fortune, whose Christmas gift to them has been (Continued on Sixth Paged THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2\ 1900. KILLED ON CHRISTMAS EVE. WiLTKR J(i\M -TOKA k%t%IjIsV imßßfr:u h% Ton jt:>ki>v Ilia Throat fat mnil llr lllrt to iH-afh—Jrnkina 4 lalnis Mr %rlrl In *rlf-llrfrnar—>Thr Muhhtnic Took I'lnrr In thr Mrrrt \r*r Wlirrr Jour* la *alf In IMr KlllrH n %tn l.nat *>ammrr—lminral \% 111 Hr Mr It! Tn-fn>. Walter Jonm, colored, otherwt*o known •a “Tom.” dirtl nlaht at thr Oror *cu Infirmary, from thr r jult of knlfr woutids received at thr hard# of Thoma 9 Jmkina. Thr nrjihbina or' tirr# at Weat Itroal anl fTrsidr-nt atiout •> l‘ orloi’n. Jrnkin#' atory that hr waa |MJ*fdik alona Ihr trr#*t arxl pu*w Jortra • ommit* tlnir a nulaance and lo warn him that if hr wa* rauaht hr would lr fln and or imprisoned. Jonr* repllrd that It aa n<n- of hi# <1 bualn* **. anyway, and amoehrd him In thr mouth with hln ti*L, and l#o drew a knife. “Then.’’ Mid the prisoner, “not only Jonre, lut two oth*r m* n that wrrr with him, aiarted for nu, and I cut In relf-defrnae." JrnkliMi iikuir but one cut, that wa# enough to d*ath, for thr knife en tered at the lobe of the left ear and w* nt it# courier down thr neck #everlnK an ar tery. and caman*; and iti) frotik i'* of blood. Patrolman Collin#, who tame along a few m)nut*a after the affair, rent th# hurry call tor th# umbulan'e. and tried to help the man a bei* he oouhi. l>r. MorrlMn, who rami' to the #'*r.e of the ruttitiK tried to ataunrh the flow f blood, but It wa# u#eieM and Jonee imm pr< - ttraily br’foto Ik retiriird the In firmary. Alter Jenkln* rut Jmtn he ran down the atreet, hut wa followed and rap lured at the raJrroidl by Joikw* two friend#, both of whom #tate that tln born lid wa# unprovoked. Joiich wtr weli known to th# police, though ho bore no very *<*nd reiAjtation. A few month# hko hr r -r #te*l for lu Ihk mind up in the killing of another 4.e*cro at Httrrl#>fi un i We#4 Broad #tr*v-t# ufiiy a few feet away from the pI.K * where hr hinno-lf re ceived his death wound. Th# ctan wa# in* veetuintl by the Krand Jury but eveknee enough t* iMkl him (xnikt not I** aecurwd. Coronor <kxtt- wa# nodded of th# kdl ina of Jone# and will probably hold ai. K.qurst vome time to-day. .“HOT BEt \l HE It EJ fIU TED. I'ourieen-lrar-Olil t.lrl the Virlliu *f a J**alou* Diver. Tn*lla Oreen. a colored glri 14 years old was ahot lust night ul*>ut 12 o lo k by Coatiy Houston and wni probably di • from the wound. The shooting occurred on Harrison street, near 1-aurel. and. from the state ment# of the witnesses wan entirely with out provocation. The girl, ti seems, had been accepting the attentions of Hu*ton for several montu* but last night when he “claimed her as hi# girl” she denied the c;alm Tnls so ang A r<d him that without any further word# he shot he.*. The bullet, a 3R-callbre one. entered til# left groin Inflicting a wound wlil. so ber attending physician say#, prove fatal. WMIU <;Uv\-er m olored man who s.o n*ar th- seen# of the affair, caught th# na* and him over to Patrolman l>avi# who sen 4 him to the barrack W bile on the way there, he seemingly did not realize the gravity of his offense, but was perfectly cool and collected tw ex pt*asel no regret for hk* act. The glri was in ken to her htm< on Ann street, near Harrison, where she was when seen last night by a Morning News reporter. DID I P THE %% %T 4 IIHAII. Crowd of \eg roes Reseat Ills Inter fering With I’heir %ni naeuiput, Joe Hottertson.the colore<l watchman for Kehoe’s Foundry, was shot three times lust night about 10 o’clock by a crowd of colored rowdies that he tried to prevent slwtotlng off fireworks rxir the foundry. There were several men in she crowd and when Robertson remonstrated with them for endangering the property of which he is the caretaker he was told that if was none of his damned business whether they fired off the thing# or not. lie told them that It was his business and then they jumped on him. so many that Robertson was unable to say who or how many shot him. Robertson also has a wound on the haek that att> to have been made with a knife The victim of the onslaught was taken to the barracks where his wound# were attended to by Dr. E. 8. Osborne. About midnight Detectives Hiark, Mur phy and Wall, together with I’atrolman J Farrell, captured three men that are thought to h ive had :i hand In the affair, chough they deny It They are Black Alec, Bonvy Jim. and Robert Ralston. It 1# th<agbt that Robertson # wounds will not prove fatal. PlltE l> t 111 IK 1111.1.-g OITtIT. Hunted a Hooke*** and a let si Paper*. The flremen were called out at 1:® o'clock this morning by on alarm from Hox No. hut Hay and Whitaker street- I I* • W'.U , .1 I ' ' ’ •'.! li.'.l' ■ -•” In the Waidburg bulkling on the north able of Hoy street, next to the City rlx ehange. It started among a lot of paper* In a book case In Mr. Churchill’s private office in the renr part of the hul.dlng. Wiiehimn Palvey saw the light and turned In an alarm. A stream from n rhemlcal extinguished the blase before It had gained much headway. Only the papers and books In one side of the case ami the book case Itaeif were burned The damage to the furniture will not amount to more than a few dollars. There was nothing to whow. how the Are started, but I* supposed to have been from matches on the book caae. CHKIWTYIt* tilKTk EtH FIRRMKX. Assistant Chief Mourn and Foreman Tnahneh lleniemhered. Assistant Fire Chief Monro and Fore man Toshach of No. 3 Engine Company were each the recipient* of Christmas gift yeaterday from the men al the Ogle thorpe avenue station. The assistant chief wa* presented a* fountain pen and Forenan Toshach roller chair for his desk. Both officers are popular with the men. and the presentation was the occasion for an expression of the good feeling that exist* between them. t nder the Mars and Bars. "Vnder ths Star# and Bars; or Mem oir*of Tour T*rf Bsrvice With the Oglethdrpe*-of Augusta, Qa," by Walter A. Clark, orderly sergeant. Price, cloth. 73 cents; paper. 59 cents. For sale at Estlll’a "X**# Ix-jun, 45 Bull street, Su vaunaU. lie.—ad. WflX UHHK FOH Till-; FAIR. %m% amnmh OruiHHirra IMHir Tkem •rltr* to Ho All They f an. A meeting of Po#t A of the Traveler#’ I'rotertlve AMOciatlon wu# held yester day mornlna at the Bereven Hou#e. pre#- ident Max Kraut*# prr#ldlmr. Several m.*f ter# of Inter* #t to the Pout were brought up for dW'tjsdon and action, but chief in Importanee among thore considered w# (hat ttf the ikate Fair. The following res olution wa# offered and adopt#*), the drumrm r gladly ohliiratlllff them#elvea to do all In their power for the #ucce #f trie fair: “Wheren* h* r||y of Havannah. In con formity with the eijr*#ed delr# of her people, backed up with the hard cath. ha#, throuKh the pathnt effort# of her faithful representative#, been aw.irde*! the next annual Slate Fair; therefore, be It “Hesolved. Flrat: That the membership of Post A Traveler*’ Protective A##oc!a tlon f Ami*rl n, an orKanlaunon com- IMksed of Th* drummer* traveling out of Havannah. rrtognlp this .# . iroirr*##lvc step In the direction of trade expansion. “S < nd That wo commend th# enter pr e exhibited by Havtinn.ih on thl# oc ranlon. iind are In hearty symra:hy wdth the undertaktnr “Thlr*! Tha# we pUdire wjr best effort# to create enthusiasm to talk Fair and advertise th*- Fair In our travels; am! will in our humble w.y, strive to promote and contribute to M- success In every w#v poasble. "Fourth. That these resolutions be -pread upon our mlnue* and. aoon after ortranlxatlon. a copy be han*!ed the chalr n;m of the Ht.te Fair Executive Commit* t- \ Tin: M % lit IT% OF llilbbl . Tree at the f onnty Farm U#■ fgunrded hi n tonslet. There has been an unusual #* arclty of holly this year It has been In ureat de ni *ml for ornament, and In some instance# for Christina* tr*-*e. Many I idle# have *lriven out on the country roads during the hi t few day# In search of holly bran hes, an*) sometimes s*-* klmc entire trees If they could in* found. Many (V risitn.i h, howevr, have depleted the supply of hoi y In the womis. and holly t’hrtstnwis trees thl# year are few and betw**en. Many have faiU-d even to !*c ure small branches of It for ornamen tation. A iady drove out one of the rood# the other <lay aearchlng everywhere for ho ly. Tho only tree on the drive from w hich a refimm tuhie brunch could hav# is t n secured stood Just at the entrance to the county farm. It wa* much admired, but a convict stood guard over It. a trusty who was instructed that it wa# not t* be touched Appeals w**re in vajn. The Founty < *omcnlsalouers evidently have an *•>*• for beauty, and obey w*re determined r.ot to ►**• their dl#ffa:ured. Hence the • onvirt was put there and told to sav lo all comers that the tree wa# an orna ment of the county farm, and so It was to remain Perhai s s* v*ral others had the same experience, ne\-erthe'es.H the commission* or* preserved their pretty tree, and those who drive out the Montgomery * ‘row* Rond will see It smndlnjr there to-day un lu*U)bhol and unharmed. A WRLt tMli: IH.tNNt GIFT. Mrs. Morel H'***!vea the Woodmen's Insurance on Her late Husband. Mrs. Mathilda 8. Morel, widow of the late J 8 Morel. Jr., will receive a Christ mas present to-day in the shape of a $3,000 check from the Woodmen of the World in (Miyment of the Insurance uimn •** l*#. rxt hop lt* tiiiKj*rt(t wtiA WAtf killed by n railroad train near MUivdg*- villa a month or two ago. There was Rome difficulty ami de.ay In obtaining the proofs of deal h, but when these were re ceived and forwardM to the headquar ters of the Woodmen It took Just ten days to return to the clerk of the eainp in Savannah the check for payment of the policy. Mrs Morel, who is nt Wilming ton Island. was notified yesterday that the camp is ready to pay over to her the amount of her busband’a insur ance. Aeconvpanvtng the check was an order to erect a monument over the grave of the dead member of the society. The promptness with which the policy was paid af<or the proofs of death were sub mit ted is characteristic of the busln*ss management ut the mstmen’s order. The 13,00 win be a welcome c'/iristmia gift to Mrs. Morel. The Woodmen s pol icy was the only insurance Mr Morel had W ITH fllbt bit W ATER RRRVItR. Mr, H. M. lotion Was Prevented h) iliilurmru and 4 oiiduefors. General Manager 11. M Jjofton of the ffavannah. Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Railway, was presented with a handsome •diver water service by tbe conductors him! mot or men of tbe line. The presenta tion took place yesterday at noon at the oflice of the company on Holton street. Mr. J F. t’olllns. starter of the ears, made the presentation speech, expressing the esteem In which Mr. lx>ftot is held by the employes of the company *nd wishing him a very happy Christmas. The handsome token of the regard of the em ployes was received with titling atknowl edgment by Mr. la>ftln. ME A Til OF Mil. hat UIIHKMtI. Farmrrly a Sstsnnsldsn and geere tnry of Central llaltrond. A telegram rreelvrd In flavanitah yester day ennoum-e-l the tleath of Mr. Edward Workman In New York on Sunday. Mr Workman will be remembered by many ttavunnahlans. He wa* private sec retary for the lute Mr. H. M. Corner for scene eight years, and waa for several year* secretary of the- Central Railroad. At the Inst annual meeting of the oom t-any he failed of re-s-lectlon. and noon af terward* left for New York with Mr*. Workman and their two children. NO ENCAII RlfilXU CHANGE. Hr. W llllam Hnnean Is hull tlesper ately 111. The condition of Dr. William Duncan, whose desperate Illness was announced In yesterday's Morning News, cmitliuMa ao serious as to warrant no valid hope of his recovery. He was In practically a tomatose slate all of yesterday, ami though last night he was reported as tp l-arently a little stronger, the Improve ment ’ as not of a character to encour age the holies of his friends. <•Kiy.CH THKIIi FOCKBTHOOK. Two louns laaillea Hohbed on Park Avenue. laiat night, about o'clock. while the Misses l.ebey were on Park avenue, he tween Bull and Whitaker streets, a young negro, that Jt seems had been follow'd them for some time, rushed against them, and. grabbing ths pockstbook of ons of the ladles got away with It. The matter has been reported at the barracks. Buy It. Try 11. Tou will never change your brand. Cook’s Imperial Extra Dry Champagne never falls to please. -ed. M'MILLAN MAY BE IN RACE. HKI.IIoF EIPRKNKD THIT HI. HII.I BNTtn ( IrtTKXT. 11.-I*r(, H.rr ( urrrn( )*•(*• day • ■ li.lh IMm That Hr H*l l**ldr.l to Hun lint Mr. Mrttillan *•)• Tl.rr*- trr (lihrr )t,tl,r. Klr.l ( h* ( ax,l<l,rrd—••)■ Hr Will HgUr a W 1(1*10 ** l(> r Two- PnlKle* W ill lot Hr Tolh**l To-ilot. 9pw Candida** for Hiirl**rm*l*-r. Mr. W rlli* Will Not Hun for lld.r- Man. It Is believed that Mr T H McMillan will enter the race fr Mayor on the antl .nlministration platform, wketiever that platform Is ailopt***) It re|s>rtetl yes terday from several llfferent sources that Mr. M' Mllian had practically consented to make the race. Heveral mcmls-rs of the anti-administration faction stated th t they believed Mr McMillan would c*i iwtu to the us* of hi# name. A number of those on the other side s.iid they had heard II positively stated that auch would be the case. It may be said, however, that as yet no authoritative #(ap-meH has come from Mr. McMillan as to whether h- would or would not run. l\i view of the many re (Kjrts around the streets lo the effect that he would make the race, a representative rff the Mornlna New# asksl him ;>oinf -■l ly alout the matter yesterday. “1 am not prepared now to make an> statement,” Mr. McMillan replied, “as ihere are several matters to be tak*# Into consideration before a decision t# reached 1 will be ready within a day *r two to make a statement one way or the other, but at the present time It is Impossible for me to say anything definite.” It Is understood that Mr. M Mllian wrlli have a further consultation with hi#friends before making a definite statement. To day being Christmas, then will he no |*<- HI lea J conference of a purely business na ture; hence no results ure expected un 1 to-morrow or next day. It is tacitly un derstood that fiolltlcal matters will U droplet to-day and any arrangement * that ere tA lie made or conference# that If* to be held will go over ui.tii UMBO row. It I# believed that If Mr. McMillan makes the race, the afkil-admlnlsinition faction will put out as strong an aKh-r --(iMiftic ticket as It is po?-#tbie to secure. tv*n with the election of two or thr* aldermen, this faction would have an .<) vantage in future contests which both sides know well how to ap(ireciate It J* Iwdlsved to be due to this fact that many of th# present city officials, some of whom were former Uherwl Club sympa thisers, will continue to hold their po-l tlono. Th# race for th# o4t> offices goe warm ly on. It was stated yesterday that w w. practically poalfive lhat Mr F M Oliver wouid oppose Mr 8 H Adams for dty at torney. The Morning News at a ted yeacer day that Mr. Oliver would pro.abl> be lu ch race. # Anew candidate for harbormaster n shied his castor Into the fing. # tl* 1# Mr Farcy Lae. at present In th# employ of the t’entral KaHroitd. Mr. Dee's friends say mat he wlil have eight votes. Mr Jam* - Mcßride’s friends insist that* he has *4ght voiea for the want# pie*lHon, ami tho-* supporting (’apt. Reilly and Mr. vor. Eberstein Insist they cannot beaten. Mr John Bower's friends say that in th* fight between Mr. H. E Dree son and Mr J. lirdjert Creamer, he will be able to lam) (gain in the city mar-hal'n office Mr Dreeson, 4t is makjng som* w hat of an independent fight, whll# Mr. (’reamer is supposed to have ih# support of many of the administration faction leaders. Mr David Wells stated to friend# yea .**.x•• tHm-i k* witia noalitvfiv not .) the race tor abierman this clrm*. Mr Wells, it will le remembered ha# been count'd on as one rm-mler of the pres ent ikb rtnanlc Isjard. who would be on the coming administration ticket. His determination not to do so leaves only three memi>ers of the present board who will be on the administration ticket, namely Aldermen Dixon, liacon and Thomas “KKKP THE FI.BIMJ.” \ew In flic 4'n tit |m Ik it Circular Line. II it her a striking little thing In the cir cular line was Issued yesterday anil ex tensively distributed among the colore I people of the oily during the morning. It is a concept of Toni Golden. a trader of the administration forces among the mem bers of his race, and as a campaign doc ument It Is a pearl of great price. "Home Industry!" It Is headed, In large black letters that extend across the top of the |*ige, and "Home Industry” I* re peated In letters scarcely less black on the line below “It has become necesaary.” the circular proceeds, "to call a meeting of the colored voters of the four city tnllltla districts, to come together once to secure protec tion for the colored eltlsens of Chatham county, and who reslly need the s> m|*u thy snd protection of all nation. "The meeting Is lo be held at Ogle thorpe Hall, comer Itay ami Humber street*. tVedncjelay night, lec iw. at * o'clock sharp. Speeches will he made by prominent colored Cttlsena and all vot ers will have an opportunity to give vent lo their feelings as to the coming cam- IMlgn No elttxen will he required to sign anything at thia meeting. "This Invitation Is extended by Presi dent Golden of the Oglethorpe Club, and his desire Is to have every colored gen tleman who Is Interested In the best wel fare of his race to he present. All preach ers. doctors, lawyers and mechanics are cordially Invited to he present ami each one of them will he made welcome." The circular Is adorned with a cut of the Btar* amt Rtrlpes. beneath which Is the motto, "Keep the flag flying " The exact connection between home In dustry. the necessity for the protection of colored eltlsens. the coming campaign 'ami the flight of the flag ts not explained In the circular, but doubtless at the meet ing all will be made clear. The explana tion. It Is likely, will come In the form of an Indorsement of Mayor Myers and hts administration. fTIEIUL or PRANK Holm. Bervlrea at Cathedral Attended by Many People. The funeral of the late Frank J. took plsee from the family residence. No, >/ Hall street, east. a J;N) o'clock yes terday sftemoon. The services at the Cathedral of Bt. John the Baptist were conducted half an hour Inter. In the pres ence of a very large number of the frlenls and acquaintances of Mr. Bohan and his family. The funeral services at the Cathedral and at the grave In the Cathedral Cem etery were conducted by Rev. Father Robert Kennedy, rector of the parish The choir of the Cathedral rendered a number of beautiful -acred song- and hymns while the services were In prog ress. The funeral was attended by the em ployes of the Plant System shops at B. vannah. of which Ur Bohan was assist ant general foreman at the elms of his death. In a body. ■ • * Th* b*t protection *v*!ntt fvrs. pneumonia, diphtheria, ate.. ! In building up tha with iluod* SarsaparlUa. —#4. \i tauc uiu;d mhiiitai ti hrrv* l .ll.m, Klrrlrlr lllnmlnailna Tb.'* I.KI (n 11, Each of ti* *mrlo>'* of th* Eritxoo Electric Itluralnxtmg Comiuiny r-ccivcl laet night with th* coniptl m*f*(*. It lx *tual Chrlatmaa pr**nt Tl>*- marii**l men r*c*tv*t lurk*)' and * t ’°* of candy while th* xtngt* tn*n w*i* glv*n mi .Ia twx of h.*i**lK*rchl*f. Khort*y eftcr 9 o’cio*k th* ne-n. hftF two. in number were invited into the rH>m of th* Katr Bit lain K*nd*rgartrn B)-*- t* m n*ar the Ki- tric C.anpany'x wora*. and tier.- ~*llr.--..t *> Mr A. 1* I'rum manag-r of th* .omi'any and Mr Georg* J Haidarln. |t pr**l*l*nt. Mr. Baldwin nu. 1* quit* an lnt*r*!*tlng talk telling th* men th* vatu* of ,y -t.miii. *rwl conri'i*nttou work. atl an -urine them of th* cMniainy'a apprecia tion of it He I*l,o cho** thl* occaxlon of notifying them thal at a r*c*nt m**t- Ing .f (h<- to. khotdera of (h*- company tt had h en deeided that taginnlns with next y*nr * >.th * mfrioye of th* company will !>.• given name time .luring th* year a hoi..t.iy of i.l. day, *t full pay. Thl, tnnotin-< ment w.i, gr*-etcd with a hearty wpplauflc. M- (iearge O. Httaecv *xpre,**.| to M--,r, Ballwin and I>rtim th* .*t>- ireetaiion *ri 111. <'hrl,tma* gift and (lino cf th* hotkloy. Th* pr. ,en(* were then liatrtt* ilcl by M* -r, I*ttun and Keck, an,l Mr, Baldwin, who gave out the randy. MHII (19 9 9| 99 lit 9T. i based. Ileaf nul Cornered a Arum, hat Mas lrl%en Oil hy Police. An unknown i, r came near being klil-ti last r ight on Whitaker short ly before 10 o’cks k. He t*came involve*) in a qusrrel with a whit# man on Hull street, and struck him and ran. N'>4 only the man that was struck ran after him. i*ent on vengeance, but tho chese was Joine.l in I y others at every step of the way. so that by the time tho negro :runcd .* -• on Broughton streot tliere was bowling mob of possibly l£n or more lent on nkliHt vengeam*# for they knew not what, on th# flying negro. TTw* m<tn iul h raping cut the b. k of his hea f fr*m which the blood was flowing mj fr* \ that it spattered tho sklewalk as he ran. When Whitaker street was reached he turr-i to the south and ran for a block, and entered a small shop In search of i*afel> TTi** proprietor <f the p!c# t see ing his plight, cose*l the door, but the mob w.i9 P nt on g‘ttlt.g it quarry, and nroke in live <ior and woukl probatjy have killed the man Nit ftr the arrival of l*atr.lrmn tkslbold. uli ditpernd the crowd and escorted the fugitive a safe distsmre on hi# way home. PRETTY AHOW IVIKDOWI. fhe Hestanrants Make a Tempting Display. The show windows of Hicks* restaurant are attracting • great and al of attention. They are gratefully festooned with green mil filled with l< mpting * atabl*s. A lupous sucking pig with an apple In its mouth, cooked brown, alongside of a fat turkey, with every imaginable trim ming at.d dressing, fid one window. While Mumm's Extra Dry, with a tempiing lay out nil the other. Mr Hiidts has the reputation of mik ing the prettiest window display* of any retaurant or hotel In Havsnnah. He has not fallen short In the display of The San Francisco restaurant. 114 Dray ton street, has a graceful and tempt display of good things to et and drink. IIHMiIIT IMtonl’Ht TW. Troll’* **rrn<l Term. Ilrginnluft llrt rIRtM t HI at. The recent good fortune of the fteorgl * S hool of Technology will Jn crvmre ii *ffb*U ncy. No entrance examina tion will 1h- h*rraft*>r. ami et dents *ntorlug without nuftbient prt f**r aiion for the low • >i da** will be advanc ed ns rapidly <* possible. Htudenta may nter at any lime, but nr j<lv!ml to enter at the beginning of he term. Dec. 31 Applicants f*r ndmlMlon are requested to write at on e for particular*. Addres* Kyman Hall. President, Atlanta, (la,—ad. Hrnndia ftulwon, ‘.’l* Ilrnajch Inn **frrp|. I n*t. My friends and pitron* are Invited o join me this morning with the flneat cl. a of egg-nog in the city, between the hotirr of 8 and 12 o’clock. You will have to "hurry,** If you want to nee Peter, for I will ie closed after 12 oViork noon. Peter Morton.—ad. xitick. •Ichednlr* to T> bre. (in. Tybee train** scheduled to leave Savan nah at 3:( p. m. ntvl Tybee t f:3u p m. (city time) daily wiU he annulled on Dec. 25. Chrlatmaa day. J C. Halle. a*l.— General Pa Merger Agent. Mr. Drnt +n y*, "Oraybeard has well nigh cured me of rheumatism from which I have br* n a grwt nufTerer the hint fifteen yearn.** Mr Dent’a poMoftire t* St. 81mon< Inland, Qa. Kev. John fhrlHtun of Pierce, Ala., says: “Oraybeard has cured Mr*. John Childress of Baldwin county of rheuma tism. In February Is-forc she bt-gan >o take Oraybeard she was given up to die She ts now sound and well." Oraybeard Is made only by Hrapes lirug t'om|sny, sole owners, and sold hy drugglt* for 81 <*> u bottle. Every family should have a box of Oraybeard I*lll* sod Oraybeard Ointment.—ad. Holiday Hales via Rontl.era nail may. Tickets on sale to atl points, a fare and a third for the round trip, on Dec 22-2S -21-23*30 and 31st, lHflr, also Jan. 1, 1901 limited to Jan. I, returning m addition to above, stu.lents holding certlflcales signed by superlntendents or prlnelim’a of schools or colleges will be sold tickets eonunendtng Dec IS and limited to Jan. 8. Ja*. Freeman, cjty passenger and ticket agent, lit Hull street. 'Phones BSo—ad. angered S.l I earn. ••oraybenrd cured me of catarrh from win. It 1 bed iiiSdul 'holy-five years Nothing on earth so far as I was able to obtain gave me relief since taking Greybeard I am as well a* ever 1 t,ad catarrh of the head. Mrs. It hods Dean Ballinger. Tex. ' limy heard |* made only by Respess Drug Company, sole owners, and Is solj at drugstores for II a bottle.—ed. Holiday Hates Via Central of Georgia Hallway. Tickets will be sakl at rate of a fare and a third round trip on Dec. 22. ss -4 S. and 21. IW>; al-o Jan. l, nn '.J limit returning Jan. 4, IT: Ticket office 107 Bull street and Central Passenger Station —ad. A High-Or.-de Institution for Indies Shorter Coilsgt. Rome. Oa. Wrt,. ,~ catalog a* —ad * w —’’What kind of a man la Dougiesp faZ,*'"l'V** W ‘" *•“ • ""'-ll favor, so he can come around next da* and aak a big Uvgr.’-Chlcogo IW-oid. FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS “GIFTS” —GET ONE OF OUR— HANDSOME LAP ROBES, HARNESS or SADDLES Congress and Whiiaker Sts. LEO FRANK. The Event of the Season —AT — Hogan’s Excellent Chance For Christmas Shoppers TO BUY FINE FURS and CAPES fll Actual Cost Thox* Rood* arc all this wnjon'* xtylc*. No back mimlcrx. We hove too ir.any c.| Ihc a hove garments, t cil.a the season It advanced. Come early and get the pick. Daniel Hogan, Corner Broughton and Barnard t HARDWARE Oil Heaters. Air Tight Heaters. Stoves and Ranges. Fire Arms. Ammunition. Hunting Coats and Leggins. Abo w our lino of (TOOKI NO UTEM -811-8. TINWAKK aikl CITL.KUY. H I PEEPLES i m, :r. CONOR EBB BTREET. WEST. We Save You Money —ON— Fire Works. Toys and dolls; see us quick. "Phone 678. DONNELLY DRCO CO., Liberty snd Price streets. J. D. WEED fc CO AAV AN BAH, aA. Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Hose Agents lor NEW iUUK UL.LTLNU AN Li PACKING COMP AN X. AMI BKMK.NT9. §AVANN.AH TIIKATEIf. CHIURTMAS DAY. DEC 25. matinee and night UUOHTER EVERY MINI'TE. HOYT'S “A MIDNIGHT BELL’’ with ALICE ROBEEAND at "Dot.” and an excellent supporting company, In cluding IJIIIe lutwson. Ihe little spe- laity queen; Harry S. Robinson as "Deacon Tldd;" the Village Choir, and plenty of 1 tnusie and *|*-eialtlea. PRlCES—Matinee. 7.V. Me and Xci 1 Night. ll.U), 75e, Guo and 3Ek’. SAVANNAH THEATER. FRIDAY EVENT NO, DEC. , Farewell Tour of Droodhurat’s Furiously Funny Faroe, “U! HfiDDened to Jones.” By OEOROE H. BHOADHCRST. and presented hy the Broadhurat Bros.’ No 1 Company. OR EAT CAST! FCNNIEH THAN EVER! **ats on tale. Plicae—gum, 75c, *oc and