The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CHRISTMAS DAY IN ATLANTA. now %mi \\ 111:111. tiii: offtciai.s *rr.vr Tin: t>%%. <.•%. ( MMtllrr la Ml lnn<|Mi W I• It linn. Ilriiilnu ii. ilitlllKiiDN, rithlnß. \-arl% All ihr Nwaifroia Male imt- in la Went to Thilr for Ihr f ■ >—-It rp or tl t Inn I’. J. I’fldfr, I oriurrl) of lilwntn. I*nl Now of I urk, Ho* Fallen lo Rl.OlNMNNM'lllluMtlt Hold n Mrr|. lat<-4>f(irgr Klnu. Jr.. 'taken o ihr I'atlrnr Institute. Atlanta. iVc 2r.~<'hrl*im* day I* be- ; Inc observed by th* Capitol official* In the u* 11 it A majority of those who livr out of the city are spending the day sk 1 the r home*. Tht State House will la* d<**er’ed for pra th ally a week. and It will probably In* New Year's day before Hu* regular builnm l resumed Gov I’lr-lNr is at Tampa. Flu with Hon. Fleming ilulUgnoh. The chief ex ecutive left S ill day n ght In special car for Tampa and to-day he is prnimbly lunltng In tarpon, i-am. some caffl-h uiHl sheepth-ad and discussing lolltlrs with M: l iltlgn n\ who la old to b* a CHWIi date for Governor. A norm*) General Terrell li at hit farm in Meriwether county, where he ha* been f.*r levtri) day#. Mr. Terrell |a very fond of Id# farm and In ud lltion to Wine fond of It. he In a good fanner himself, lie will reiurn o Atlanta to-morrow to look after the Int* ?* • #of the a* while the Governor I# a). Judge I.title of the Supreme < *urt 1- in Columbus. Judge b-wb 1# at tireeii*dioro. Judge Hlmtnus In Crawford county. Judge Cobb t# at At hen?. Ju-lg- Fish 1? in Florida, and Judge Lumpkin i* In Idl ing ton Prison Commtaalonar Turner 1* **• Ka 1 onion. Gen Clement A Kvan- *• In Mexico, and Tnomae Ku.©n 1# at Mr liar t’omml>#loier of Agriculture o. IV St* v en# In upending the day at hi* home In Orfflln. Assistant Commissioner Wright t in Katonton. Oil I neper tor Barrett I? <tng the eight# in Augusta. General Wright. likee Atl • * la. and therefore, h** I* enjoying the holi day* In thie ritx Cap* llarrlaon I* al-•* remaining at home Mr. Robert Irwin i ahootlng snip# in the wild? of Decatur • ounty Treasurer I'ark ha-* gone t* Ms ton. Caps. C. T. Furlour. avcept*i an in vitation to attend .1 *!?*■• I fair In Amerl rue to-day. and he !*• the gueat of South Georgia folk Sterling Grime* Turner, the Siai- Hank Examiner, I* holding forth at LaOramcc. tier J W. Robert eon I# in Marietta As sistant Adjutant General Hytd. who *x l>w-tH to leave for central America at tcir/- future day. went to Horn*' yeeier day. Inspector General O’Bear I* aW* In Maeon. C. M HH* u of the executive d* partment. Ilk#-'- Qullnutu and he I# there 'Mlae Mary Nagle left Saturday for New York. John Candkr. has gone to Dalton. Major Warren I? In Decatur. Sam Steele, the Governor'# valet. w# rent to Mliledgovllle for a few day* Hrboo: Commissioner Glenn ha* gone to Rich moral to attend an educational con vention. Bol> Clarke is In Atlanta. Mi KNene Glenn I# taking Macon a* a plans to * petal the holiday?. Secretary of State Cook ha# gone to I-eewhurg. Roe Price l? In Macon. Flex* Posts!!. who uiutiHy make* headquarter* out of the Secretary* of State'# office. •# la the city to-day. IJhntri*n Brown r- Rwiiiel at id* nome in N' wiuti *11.) Mi Milledge. assistant librarian liat* clo#**d the library and gone home Judge Sp*n <*er Atkm***#- j# in Brurtewlck. T c Crenthawr. In OurtersviJie. W. C. Massey and J. T Montgomery. In Marie;in Mr. Kmmii! Irwin I# rabbit uniting In Merl wetner county. Ooodkoe Yancey i> rextlvu In Clark# comity. Entomologist Scott It* t tne state ( apltol. Logan Ble kley i# at Grant Port. 7. D 1? arrlson I* ns hom** John Graham i# in Augusta. him! Oeor#;e Stephen# I? a’ Hapevlll** It 1* reported in Atlanta to-day on ap parently good thorlty that Thomas J Felder, formerly of thl# it>. ha* fallen heir to t! dSMWO through the death Of Mr M J Murphey of Nashville. Mr. F. and r It 1* report•*!. ha- al#o been appoint# I executor of H:r rotate. Thl- I* ing a holi day. no |Mp r# are printed in Nashville ti Say. connequentlr the rumor cannot le verified, further than that the will ha* not a# yet l*en protiated. and becaue of tide the content# cannot le learned Mr. Felder wa* for mme tina- a real dent of 1 hie Ity, and wa* ropreaetitaMve of the Corbin Hanking Company of New Yoik. He w.t# originally from Amerlcu*. <>a and married a daughter f Milton H. Smith, president of tlie lulevll|e an 1 Na#hvllle Railroad. Mr Felder w.*rtt from Atlanta to Naehxllle. where he tonw time a# preaident of the #'reet railway thet* From Nahvllle m* went to BaUlm>re. where be wa- connected with the well-known brokerage firm of Hamilton * Cos. Later he went to New York where he I* at pre-ent engage! In the brokerage hualnee? During hi# stay in Atlanta. Mr. Felder w. .1 greot ij\ >r- Ite In aoclal and buelne*# circles, lb* has m numb* r of friends here who w ill re joice In hi# good fortune. A meeting of the Populist- of the state was held at the parlor# of the Ja k-xi Hotel. ye*<er<ia> afternoon, for the pur l**#e of d< tdlng the tfourm* to be ptir*ue! by the purty in thi# #tat* in the futtin. Dr. S J. knight prerided Ahumui those who were present wera Th*>#. A Hutch lr#on. A. H Ikalson. R II Gaston, C. K Dodson and J H. Traitor. J A Bodenharmr of the DaTion Herald, and J. R. Irvin were chonu n a* represent * i* - from Ge>rglM *0 itt* Ia m* * ting of the I*otult#t# throughout the country that ha# been tailed by Joe A Parker to meet In Hi Mo.. Dec. 27. George E. King. Jr., the 14-yesr-oM eon of Gerjrge L Kiug. president of the Ling Hardware Company, was bitten by a dog. probably mad. last Tuesday morn- Itig He ha liwn carried by hi# father to the Pasteur Institute In N w York The accident occurred at Dccotuf where young Kf# h.** been attending the Ikn a.d Fraser High School Tuesday morn ing he went with Charier *>f Col. Albert Cox. *to the home of Dr. Ansley. in Decatur. It seema that a f- ■■ make op Hfa j lUjecome Jjjj l\ Womrat of trftnemw who regard healthful cooking Mi a paramount duty; good cuokt, leading duba and hotel chef*, ard cooking author ties ever* where rarnertlv recommend Wesson's Salad Oil at better value than | the moat delicately flavored Imported Olive Oil and cults very much lets. Send for book let, which contains esceptionai recipes, by Lida A met Wilba, National Food Writer, Lec turer and Demonstrator ; Mrs. S. T. Rom, Principal Philadelphia Cooking School; A. Manta, Steward and Manager Riftrnhouae Club, and ocher valuable information free. Aik ymir fnendtv grocer f t Weston's Oils and avoid unhealthful cooking fat. fDELICATE ENTRXES| I >n4 dflkiou* much Mwitr by M ■ U.IAf ■ HUM Ai l LIEBIG 1 T COMPANY'S EXTRACT oi Bed A vorlte log Mongiiitf to young <’ox hud been very violent for th* p. 1# f?w das - and hod been fighting other dog# not.l it; lega wera aerloueiy injured The iK>% < irrlHi the animal to Dr. A*i#U*y. who wa# s great friend of their# .uwl he iM>ut I up the injuries which the dog had re. cetvod. Whl.e they wer returning from Dr. Analey'# with •the dog in th iug* tne nolnsal hgan b pitifully -l young King stroked It soothingly #j t • h hl. In an Instant he maddened crew ture sprnng it t-i#- lad'# face and Inflict* I * deep wound on the lower J.iw I*' Ansley. wan first summoned before tne bid left l>ee iiur. bui in- could k> no mo appiv fhe usual r-mdi* Dr Scott Todd. th* *lbd In 1\ de f.imii) Dr. T-I*l r* f rre*l them to D* It > llarrb who Ia *.i . -la i*t on ani mal toxin#, ami other (ottn* f Inj: Dr flnrris. whll* a -ring the fam ily that Imrr w .l ■- in* Irnm* dia*. ci •. for apprehension, advised them to loss no time In getting the lad to the Pnteur ln wiltute In N. w York A cordlngly Mr King bft %\|th hi? m>*i fw*d *>- .<;<• Mi King h* wa- deiermine<l not to tak* n\ risk, no matter how slight and th. famil\ will r-avc truhing undotn to avoid serious develofimer.t* from tire accident The Georgia l‘.ist*ur InsiMute yester*Pi> dismissed .1 •vuri-d” Its first patient. l* was .S J Lovelace, ,f Mountvllle. <*. and he went home | H ?t night to #?e 1.1 t'hristmns. as hup|>\ n- ant man who will • r Jov the Yuietid* Tw**nlx-five tla* - .ig* Mr f*vr..i.c had a meeting with n mad •log in ihi road n* ir hi- home When ti wa- over Mr l.melu . hurried to Atlanta *nl entered th* institute fa th* ore of hydrophobia, w hich had Jtist ken •-.*>tabllshe*l. The dog w.- abo .iptur*<| aid went to the institut* ?b was ll*- serted, two riihhlt* wer- inno* k ulated with serum taken from fh* base or it# brain, and on tin sixteenth day the-** ritlir were afflicted with hydrophobia and died • it Mi and Mi 1 bci m I hat the next Uni* hr arid a mad dog me* In th** road the and. will h- Hw*d th* right of wax without argumcni. mint riiik win* %i. %i>. Finer# lirlwtma# llnndlcnp to II!# R#rr W Ith Fe. New Orb at Dr . Imp Mint Sauce, who on Hiturdax pl. • I tix s.*.<#•* Cres cent City handi. p to the rredi: or bl ow tier. A. 11. Cow?er. 10-*l**> rather eas ily ad led ih<* $1 .hr) Chris*m# handicap *0 the score The English-bred gelding was always th** favorite, though his price re ceded from 4 Io r* (O ? to I*l in r* -;*ons* to j the play on Sir Florlan. who was hacked fr*m 4 to 1 to 7to . The other? had bu* trifling support Th. weather w flne j and the track fast. Summurle- Flret Race—One mile. Tom Olifnnre. !.*. .0 I. won with Bert D-vis May. 10 to I and 4 to 1. second, an I Itrown Vail 12 to I. third. Time |:2V k* •‘oml Race—Handicap si\ furlongs. Senator Reverhlge, vto r . won. with lao -I***l. 5 10 1 and 1 lo 1. *ee6nd. and Oal loplti. h to 1. third Tim*' LI6 4 Third Race— lialidicap, #i**p|. fia-e.full cour#e. Isen. even. won. with Donation. 11 to f and 4 for., se ond aid Terry* Run g**r. 5 to 1. third Time Iv, Fourth Mac* The r hri-trnu handhwp. one mile. Mini Sat; ■ r to 10. won. with dir Floiian, 7 t* 2 uml ev*n. secatd. and Fl*ew !ng. 90 to 1. third Tim.* 1:11%. Fifth Race- Handicap, on** mil** aiMi in .ghth. Hlr Gatlan. t to I. w*or. with Htrangest. .7 to 1 and even, * • on*|. mid Ibirdlx. i: to 1. third Tim* 1 .*• H xth Raoe—One mile Ben f'haece. 1. lo 1. won. with Hood*# Brigade. 4 to 1 and even, second, at id Fncle Hill. A* to 1. third. Time 1:12*4. \ 4 IIHPTM %* 4 \HM\ %l ViMerlra#* (irrst Max Willi I net* peeled t.xpl*?i*n of Firework*. Amertcu?, Ga . !•• 25.—Never in I*- hls.ory ha* Amerleu# known • uch . Christina? day. The street carnival at tracted thousand of visitor* her** and th*- streets swarmed wPh surging tides of humanity since early morning All trains brought crowd# of visitor* and the carnival has been In full swing. This afternoon the Queen and King made th*lr first public appearance In the Royal pnvill n. and were presented the keys to Ihe city by Mayor Fell ! T*e presentation • *dr-s wos made by Hon. William M Hawke* of Atlanta. Busine'* was pracdcelly stisp**n.!e,| ,nd the enflr** populace united In merry making To-night a lurid scene not down on the programme was presented on .1 ickson street, when half carload of firework*, belonging to local dealer* and displayed on the -Idew ilk, augh? tire accslcvyally, and exploded with terrific fore*'. Thousand* 4f skyrockets, roman onndie* and can non-ctuckers ware flre*l ?lmultaiieously nd the picture present* l *! wa* on** of splendid magnificence Carnival vtsbor# w*er' pelted w ith the fire lr:tn V. hut none w*re hur*. Prompt work of the fir** d*. IKtrtment prevent e| a jo.-lue serious conflagration. t 4%KI.K*TOV* 4 Nltl*TM% t|t IF. V. Three Fire#, hut \i Werlon# llnmaue hour. Charleston. 14 C. Dec. 2:*.-- Christ mis lM#se*l off here without a serious accl ! dent to mar it The weather was Ugutl ful and all business was. n> usual, sus lianded. Plate# of public amusements were crowded from early morning. The display of firework* to-night I* i*th noisy and elaborate Three small fire* haven-, enrred. but no damage of • onst*f|uen •• was done. mi., * tjufim 11 m:. I ~*■ ■ lit* lltirlllnK Howee nml I on lent* un thrl*lm Itm. Ix>ul*vllle, a. Wr. SB.-Mr. F A Fol i-lit, wh Hvm about llvmile* rrnin here hud thr tnlefortun.. *n Joq*e hit -lw linn inuw with nil Ar It* content*. hy nr* it bout noon to-day. Th* Hr* original* and from a defective tlovr flue. and when It waa dleooverral It had made auch headway that (hay were unable 10 extln guiah It. The I oat* la about 11.3*,*', with no Insurance. Mitr tiii: comiii no uohki tirr nil. ro(4>. Limllvi lirotuo yuiuin** cui# a oM In omi day. No euro, no pay. Price S cent* ad. am mi. aoTirm. MirriucrTiiwTnMrir^^ Prime Hoof. Muiton and Veal. Um:*, Pork. Mnichlr** Coined Hoof. Ilantr. f-i- -ito. Trli*. flawi Rreed*. Poultry, : I kin* •. Oam* *1 kind* Cilery *l'. My ■ 14. \ of Turkey* .* *Hm line A* al*o Rook* and Koala. California Celery. *.<>: mo have your order* a* early a* por -Ible lo se-ure (election Jt'HN FUNK. Both Phone* 657. Clly Market THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900. .% A IOH % I.T V rOATWT. Hama P. Wiaral Will • oaatr.l lh irirellnu (II Doula. <>•., Dw B —Tnr ov.r th- mayoralty •l.i'tton m Mil pi • hi fully tjf \rlup-'l. Warrm I' War.l h r-rvi><l noih of r"ntrt ui*n tli* -I* Hoo mamut-ra. and alto upon M tyor-cl—l W W M Donald. Th. hvarlnft I" t for FrWlay. rh- 'h Inal.. 1.-fof lion. Thomas Voumr ll -wn-r 1101 • of h*- d-fiot-d ahl. rm-n hov- J*dn-d Mi A' ‘rd. who wti, il.-f. ,ii-d l.y two vot. h r Mayor. tin Wedn.'.'ltiy rl* tt 11 irrand -nianaln mnt will !• Klv.r at th<- toll. ft- iiudl i .'turn l>r W F Hlbh-tl will .(-lid ihr holi day, I.l'h r-latlv-a it. th old North Hi.*tle col and Mrs J W Qur;r > will |o*nd I • * it Lakt ■M■ Ja-|M r nd rdh*r Florid * pofnts. Kill* i> m? 11 x 1 1 mini % N*-u (inn llrlnics ll*Mtli to l.ntil# llrnne. Twllotton.*Gi I'*- 2 Lip Carter nr* dentally kilhd hi* half brother, l-oul# Dri>*. !*( night ju*t a ro- Flint river, tr, Fp vi *ur t> lh#th parti**# are c4lored ctd w*r> I- r in’* < - II * Jn'>n T I’ark t-i - pin • ** ,ir lratt#burg They #***• r tumtng frm Tlc-ma-ton where Lip j, id ptiit hesed a r**w g:in an.l wa** #how lrg ,f to Loir w • u i.• cldentally di* harg* I killing Lmi * instantly After Dinner * Tn astiUt tliacti tun. r-li-v- <lltr-M after -t!wr t.r drlnklni! '•*> heartily, U< prevent roiifllpatlcn. take Hood's PHfs e. 4 „*.aa O m ,a-tk a I t %l. IN \ I I %TltlN#. DAVIS Tii* r*. alive* er-l fri* nd# of .Mi#*- Hue (’ Davie aval of Mrs. K Davf# arc reepectfully retjuestel to tt*i*l the fun* ral of the former from 21< street, w* I. at 12 o'clock ;o-d> lnt*r m*n: at Liurel Grove. (Charleston at#l Walter *ro <4 *'. papers please opy 1 MEETING*. t LINTON 1.018.1 NO. 4, L %M> % I An annua mumiinb <tion of thi pN ml* *W • In*vcnli.g .> • r #r' H o’clock. The . ’*c*lon of oflic.iN will ’*e held Members of sister Icslge# and visiting brethren ;ir <ordlallx Invited to meet with tu* \ h. cohen. w m W ARING RFHBKLL JR . .S. r*tar> 0v A \X \ XII FLORIDA IM) v\ 1? 1 Ell N II %11.%% !! to. Annual thrtiuH of Mock holders. Savannah, Ga.. TKs: 15, 1960 The annual tneotlng of the stockholder? of thl- cotri|Mnx will b* lie|d at the of fices of the company In the city of Sa vannah Ga tm Wednesday, Jan * 1901 t 10 o i 10. k a. in., for the ele. tl.-n of dire*'tor# and the transat tion of such o h r l>u#iite?s a# may com** before the m ot tng R R RMITH. Secretary. MCI Ik ifl It i£ NOTH |T^ Neither the master, owner# nor con signee of the British steamship Lynakler will b* respcnsihle for aay *l**bts contra* - i ted by the crew. WARING. Master NOTH E. Neither t? ** n -ter. owners ia>r (*on #igne* of tli** British steamship Fydna will le* responsible for anx *lelt* con tracted by the crew. J H. <*R4>SfILKY. Ma ter THE #%\%NN%H I*MEI* INATORI xt HOOI., Ml LIT %t V, Harris and Hamatd streets, thmond H Htroi.g (t'ornell). Head Master. Greek laAim aal English; It* v B 1’ Johnson. A. M (lhlncetonj. lately **f ?*t Mat thews Militai > A* a*Winy. Hhtory. Oeog taphy ai.*i Modern lau.g iage?; Jolin Hi* Ixcr, A 8.. Mth m.*tics and Chem istry. Ga. Telei hone 1911. \\ V. 11 %\ E Till* FINEST line of Box rap* r IVrfumery. Pocket- Isaik-. Lap Tablets. 81? or and 8cl?- n . . %* • W .- 1 -lie. • 1 WWl* ' e 1 - i#i av wa m * . •••••. - -••** (lent,’ Preening •'• ever Ihown In thl, rMy. IMea.e t-.ill rarly nnil leave your or der. for lU YLKIt S CANDIES, in l>xket, hose, and ruckage*. SOUOMKNri COMPANY. ■ik uni nF 110M1:*. iionii.s *mi IHIMMT %1.. H 11.- It ever orrurml lo you that nearly | <me-hall >oir life rpi-n( inltt-d? The mu tr.-tw i Ihe nw.,i abueed ariU’le of furniture, and- tould ti. well made a it-1 of kou>l. clean material. It should he pick ~1 mid leunaesl a: least once each ttir w.ra Wc make net* one. to order, anil have Improved maehbiery to rlcan-e and pick ol<l one Our mechnnl wl work, lln • of licking, and material for flltlaig flr die Med! ft!.v| Pie am n-novntlon of Finther* Hair ere NATIONAI. MATTRESS AND RENOVATINO CO.. Red Phone 1134 331 Drayton PHIX MIPTIOV*. IV.crlpiton. ftlle.l any alme of day or nighl. The only u|eto-daie pharmacy In Soirth Savannah. PARK Aid: I'MARMACY. J l. Hranan, I'rop., •’or. Park Ave ami Rarnaol Phone 11. i ni; UOBUUI*. civr. DM u* Fine of nil kinds. Krlilla and %ul. for I lirlOmn- Fancy lircirrrlra. I.el ana* knom haa >nn naanl. I'kMat 3ft. *• a. <4IHDAKII. I. S.—Fan Ike Irmler. HBLHKKHI CAMS, IJlnri) and Whitaker. The faahkinable cale of Savannan. Within a block of III* lh o**i * Kvery ,htng in aeaaon Pal mm* Freeh oys lera. Private |*arilea— d.oners. Phone <46. KALAI I. IAI E. RKmiRUT AM* OYSTKH HOlii: 42 Bull Street. Biue Point*. Ldille -Neck*. received b> every elvamer. Native Oyalera In all Mylas. Choi** and ateak* aid game la •* ason Kv cry thin* die ts-et Jus; received, froi. lot live lohatera. M D ABRAMS, Prop P. S —Hot lunch from U to 1 every day lull BMW* On 10-Inch Hienm Shot Hun Feed. 22 feet long: ono HIM Oactllailna Steam Nig ger, * Mtel in-Inch cycllnder*. only used about thirty day a: one Picket Machine amt ore Nr icy Uuhie. airo a l*u of Circu lar hoa* (rotr. in to U Incise* diameter, from the ml.I of H. P. Smart a* Pro lu Knanutl county. The above for aale by VALB ROYAL* MFC. CO.. Savannah, Ua. LIVER PILLS. Dr lUdwiy * Cos.. Nsw York Dear Hlr#- I hav<# sick for nearly two ypsirs. and beau doctoring with #*#n# of th* most ex| rt doctors of th* t*si Hiai* - I have be**n srhlng in a>* *ltlnk!r*g hot aaler at the Hot Hprliur* Ark .but ii m- m*d everything failed tu d** me gK*l After I *aw your advtrtlaißHXit I thought 1 would try your pills, and have nearly used two box**#, been taking two ■ bedtime and on? after breakfast, anl ti?*x have *W>n* m* more good thati any thing Gms 1 have use*i My trouble has t**en wiih th* liver My skin an*! eye# wer. all yellow. J had sleepy, drowsy f*el felt iike s drunken man; pair rlgh* above the navel, like it If It was bile on top of the stomach. My bowals wer very coatlva M> mouth and tor guv nor* tn *?• of th# im* Appetite fair, but foo*l wool! not digest but settle heavy on my stom ach, at and ome few rmwjthful# of • *wn ii .* nn. ! douk! only eat light food tliar digest# easily Pkawe srnd "Book of Advice Respectfully, BLN ZA I*oo Hot Springs. Ark DADWAY’S n PILLS, Price. 25* .t box Sold by druggist* or sent h> mall Send to DR RADWAY A CO . 55 Elm street. New York, for Rook of Advice *i*eti a noth n*. HO! %L Ml wit II, 2!‘-2IN llroughioti Street West. Home of Hurl*squc. Drama. <*otn*l' n I th* Moving Picture#. New A> #. New Fac**s New Pictures. First i| 11 **'iti<it>‘ • of THE FAMPRKLIJH, t’om* lx Hk*-t*h Artist# Fourth it ml last weak of ROBERTA ami BMI LAX atirtl their trained hull <kg B|>ort. In new act#. F.rst it thl# house of MISS GR \<*L HKS4 tn ew and Special- I ie. S*< ctid week and trememiou# success *f MIAS FANNY BARRY m and MISS AGNES LEHMAN In fhtr ;•• taltl-?. S*.oml week and great sucres# of MISS JESSIE HAYNES, the Goon Bhouier. Continued guccees of HAPPY BILL FAMPBEId. THE LA ROUTS In new Sk-lche- Daneeia. et*-. (>Mitlnii*#l success of MISS ETHEL FIS* HER the Sweet Singer Moving Picturea The Great Haver truw Tunnel Sene and many other* KNIGHT** riIIRUU Y, fiper, at Night Perfume Atomisers 25c lo 92 Seal, Morocco and Fancy Leather Pock elbooks . s2se to |s.(*o Mcrschfium Pip*# s**. to 515 Hair Brushes 10** lo 55 Tooth Brushes tguarxnte li .35** Rogers & Gallet’#. Palmer’#. Pinaud’s Foudray's. ('oigaie'* Tol'et Waters S**t*s Pow.lers and Perfumes i* prh es !ha will |.*a#e # KNIGHTS PIIAUM.D’Y. lk>th TeleplKHies. 53.*. Georgia Ph.*n No 34k. noil Phone No 348. U . 4 . FRI I*l* A CO. INHI RANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Estate bought and -*dd on c'ommis slona, and livid# collet ted. Repretenltng Trawer* Insurance Company lafe. Ac cident uwl itihihly Deparirnenls. New York L’ndeiwriter# Fire lnatirance Company. Greenwich Fir • In# trance Company. The City Trust. Safe D*'i*o?it and Surety Company. Issuing Bond# of Surety to contractors, administrator? guardian*, etc. EIKSI4IHT in PHIIELKS*. The MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY nws added mu optical deportment to their e#tahll#hntfnt and are i.ow prepared to correct errors In refraction in nil It** dif ferent form# t> the latest n> hod- known to science. All ex;ert graduate optician is It way# in attendance. S| * (w• t* - md i*:> ••glas-es mad u> or der. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guarantevsl l Eyes t-st***l tree of charge. Huwance gptlngs Cos., Huwanee. Els. Gentl*men Having; leen a resident of this and adjoining coonth > for year#, tin Ia ir dtctrg | r?l lan al>ou| thirty, have had a favoruhle opiiortuniiy of oh-erxinx the effect* ol your spring as a remedial agent 1 - -r cheerfully say that for certain clause >f diseases 1 haxe v , n some miraculous ires xx Rheu matlsm. kidney and bdulder Hff*clions, skin disc.iv* s. vronlc dyspepsia, etc. The water ha* a tine tonic and alterative ef fect. a? evinced bx the magic increase of appetite, tone lo the system, etc. 8. T. OYEHBTREET M P.. Live Oak. Fla. All you an drink for 5. at Livingston # I AM The laix* m grower of Oil F **w - m at l M) Fowei# are ill# Fin est Grown. Htrong talk hui the i# easy —er<! me your order .101 l \ WOLF. Grower of Fine Gut Flowers. lAfl’tlßTF.l* aHHRHIKA. Okl Family < i.oroeo. Spain; Rurguti die*. Pori. Old Tawney, old Taragoni Old Turn lln. 01*1 Holland Oln. French Cognac. Vintage I*l*. Rhine Wine. Clar et* *iurt* ami pint* A.I lm|>rt* I Wuersburget 110 l B u-u llei on draught ami hot Ilea GEORGE liKFKMANN. Phono 7l*t. I'*->II M nttaker St pit npclItv nwtißßi. If you want your plumbing work done rraaonable and up-Uwl#*. call on the former plumbing Inapeclor, COSGROVE. 123 pray ton atroet. In tear Lutheran Church t’AIST* AM* HIM SIC PAIVriMJ. We handle nothing but the VERY BEST grade* of PAINTS and OILS, and employ the very be*t painter* to be had. Allow ua to make bid on painting your hotte. SAVANNAH BEILPINCI SI PPLY CO.. Fonier Oongre** and Drayton. PIMM MS I) A VII* LANK. lit JelTeraon. will tin up the okl furniture for you Hake* It look coral a* new. What he can’t do lo furniture la r*o4 worth doing He make* the beet maltrae* an earth. He make* price* right, too. See him. AAt A Tit Fl'.k. our ta*t *hl|.m**nl of the Kumrni* M i Ire Spruce Tree* arrlvrd thl* morning Call early Monday and make your eoler. tlon*. ItEMLER'B. Cornar Drayton and Liberty *treet*. LA All* TITLES. Abstracts ol the recorded land line* of Savannah ard Cna.Ram county bom t e settlement of Georgia lo data. Mot ay loaned at low Interest on city real ealata. BSCKJCTT * BECKETT. Humboldt Cigars In Holiday Boxes of 25, Suitable as Gifts and Convenient for Travel. LEE ROY MYERS & CO., Savannah, Ga. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYBODY. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. [Full line of DufT-Gordon Sherry and Claret Wines. BELSINGER & C 0„ 43wh ** rSt ’ 01*954 I \L KOTICDI. MlTirtC. City of Savannah Ga . Offh-e Clerk *f Counoll. IW 19. 19hr The folktwing ordinance* nr** published for the information of all ooticerned. WILLIAM P BAILKY Clerk of Coun 11. IT REWORKS. An ordinance to permit the firing cf flr*“- erackcr# and flr wirks during the ( hrl.t ma# holidays as herein provided. S. • tlin 1. B it ordained by the Mvo and A derm**n *f the • ii\ of S#vannah l;i Ctam. il assembled. That the firing of flr<- cracker# and firework# J# hereby permit -4. 1 in the city of Ha vannuh on ldih r v street and oouth of Lli*erty street (ex ej.; on Bull Street north ..f :he parade ground fiotn Dei 21 to Jan I. iwih Incla-lve. and th** ordinance heretofore |*a.-s**d on ttii subject i? amended accord!ngl> Kxr* p 1 ai herein provided firing of fir.*w*>rk? anti firecracker# in Hie city of Savannah i forbidden und* r peiialiie* of existing ordinance*. 8* * 2 That the firing of flrecra ker# or fir* w ork* In, from or into Forsyth Park is hereby forbidden under (h** said penal ties. . 8 3 That all or llnan *? and iwirt- of ordinance# in •■•mflici with this ordnance are hereby reji*ale*i ordinal! e p;iS'B‘l D** 15. I^9, HONFIBK* An ordinance to iermit bonfire# In he l’.rk F.xielision or par Ale grouixl during the Chrtttmaa holiday*. Be*'tl’i 1. Be i( ordHine.l l\ the Maxoi mul Aldermen of the city of Savannah, tn Coun il ajta-inuiwl. Tint the building ot iionfire# In tt- l ark Kxtenlofx or para ie ground, from I>** 24 to Jan. 1. both In clusive. is hereby a -lowed. Bet. 2. That all ordinance? an 1 part* of ordinance? in < onfllct wiih till* ordinance arc hereby repeal*?! Ordinance pi'-d Doc 13. 1597. GULCH# M OTI II UIHSKY. Thl# re **br#t#d famous old xslKhl UlgMai and Whi ky Is importad direct from tlie distillery by* u* This Greer Scotch Whisky ! fruoram*-* •! to i e bottled abroad aid is • on-igned to us from Glas -otv. Scotland, and is in bond In (he United State# Custom House in (Id# city Tills grand old Greer Scotch Whisky i beautifully mallow and miid to a degree and l soft to tne (■•elate a# on# • ui 1 pcs#ib!> wish. anl ther !# a nuttli#*# al>out It that Is especially Pleasing. We are glad to let the public (ur chae as small ouantlty a* they wish, eve i one hot'le. for the pur pose of t.’tr during ih** best brand of Scotch whisky extant LI PPM AN BROS., Wholesale Druggists. Li ppm ais * Block. Foie Agrn s for the Greer Distil ler let. G.osgow gc clatid. mid Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and lrl#h Whiskies 4 A LAST!MI BEMKMIIHAM K FOB A HOLII* AY OIKT. Build Hold Spectacle A* OS Solid Hold Kvexla** *■<*> Ookl Filled Spectacle . Gold Filled Eycglae* *. Aluminum Eyeglass 2.50 Aluminum Spe.-tacle 2.50 Tne above price* include the very beet len*e* made. The par ly who receive* (hem ran have Ihelr eye* examined and glasse* changed to *ult within one year Free of Charlie. lilt. Al. SCHWAB A t*V 17 Dull street. SPECIAL AUTIt fci We are now giving *pecial attention to houie painting. kalomlnlng and paper hanging etc. With a corp* of only first* rla* workmen and a competent super- InKdnrnt we can do your work promptly and atlfae*orlly. Get our estimate on anything m house decorating line and eave money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. UOVUS BIKCLTKD. By the American Bonding and Tru*t Company of RaUlmore. We are autho-. laed to execute locally (immediately up u application*, ail eorid* In )udk-ia* pi - reeding* In *!ther the rate or Uni;e.l Statee Courta, and of admlntatratora and guardian* REARING * HVI.U Agent*. Telephone 224. Provident Building. Oo you sutler with Diar rhoea? If you do, Stoat’s Vegetable Bitters will ab solutely cure you. Mr. \\ U. HolMifMtn. Banker, Gftln**. vllle. Fla , my.* “I have !*•* ufffritg for ten with fhronl- fMnrrhorti. nn<l have h|m t h'lndrewle of dollai*. tioth in ihlt* country and BuTOfw. *eHUug u cure. wBiMNII IlfahiiK -uliv- it l s nbcuf to irive up |n v. !wi S.<sii i \ e* table Bitter* wa* r* amn* i,.1 1 to me 1 mu *t • •inl bought mix l* of anx-. little thinking Si wouM <U m* any good, and, to m\ grrai uriri* after (diking the moittl bottle, I l*ecan to feel a* I had itot in \-ar- nnl to-tkiy I take this* opportunity to expre*** my ih.tnkx for the cure and great relief it ha* given me" MM).%T lllto**. M%\ %\N %||. UA. THE GREAT DRAIN I |ion *ur stock ilortna the week lnt lm hern full* met by new shipments. We are able to offer n beautiful lot of presentation Mtler%are. lea es. *lt Sets, Pitchers, anwl ther pieces for h>usetioll use. Our stock of • limommiil Jewelry Is beyond com* petition. Pearl Brooches. Mre%e llutlon* and *4l%er Novcltfea’ In Itrenl yarlety. THEUS BROS, Lucky Strike SMKISC TOBACCO. HENRY SOLOMON & SON WHOI.K.SABE liIfTTHIBI'TOItf). a Magnetism in It FRANKLIN CIGARS TRY ONE. GREENE 6- CO~ m Whitaker. N*a* Japanese pteturer. N**w Mounting New (Joo>, Polite attention to your want?. <’aJl and see u** MiTirm. kTkitioy or iTn“rM7vrti!r C!ty of S.tvannah, OH! <• of Clerk of Council Dee. 15. I**). Under and by virtue of u resolution adopted at a merlin* ~f Council held on the evening of D*-. 12. lan, nn ole t|, for the ofTlee of city |>rlnter for the year 1901 will tiiki Pla, e at (he ne X 1 meeting of Coimell. I>o. ,*t. lauu , t (• p m. Hide for rane mmi e hin Jed in th|< office on or l>efore I)e. 3S. two, 1* m city reserve* ihe right to reject ny or •u bid*. wiixiAM i*. bailey, Clerk of Council. ■ UH WAY TO < Id. IT | % 14 1*| i . Tha only way <o get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken car* of for the Minim r. la • • turn the job over to the Until, t Messenger an.l lie. 1 very Cos telephone 2 or call at 22 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work Prices reasonable They also pack, move and store furniture snd pianos. C. H MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. KIRK HOttkt. We are headquarter* for Eire Work* Cut; .i-sortmrnt all kind* I’l.i , yojr o.tiers ailh u before the rump HARDEE A MARSHALL. Phones SK. THE CHATHAM BANK. savannah. LEOFOLD ADI.KK. *re,l,l*u. C S ELLIH, Vic* I’reMdwit JNO. R DILIAJN. < hirr HAKRON CARTER, Ae*t. C*,hler Solicit- the •■■tcMint* of lixilvl.luH., firm, iMink.. a.McMtlon* and corpot* tion*. loiter tt l favor* e,ten<Je.l to correnporwi ,■ ac it.,nk. a, our unmirpanaort Urllitic, for coll*cflrif in*ure |>ronipt rMurn, ni’YH AND SELL# FOREION E.V CIIANOR. WRITER LETTER* ok I’REDIT AND MWI BB HANK MONEV OHDER* FA V AISLE IN ALL PART* OF Kt’HOpE Interest eompounde.) quarterly on ,|e. In Die SAVING* DEI*AHTMENT S.ifetv Depcalt Boxes owl Vaults for rent. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts a Lcnrral Uaukla Business. Hollrlls Arrosst. of Indllalnal., Merelaanls, llaaks and olker t n,„. rations. (•Ilrctlons handled with, eronon,j and dispatch Interest, compounded qaartcrl,. allowed on deposit* In oar k.rlu,. Department. safety Deposit Hoars and Slorads Vaults. tIH ANTLKY A. DENMARK. Fre.ldeal. MILLS 11. LANK. Alee President. OEOHOB € . FREEMAN. Cashier. GORDON L. OROOVER, Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK ot tits Biots ot Ueorgua. Capital ..|dOO,ouj Surplus and undivided profits ... Hoi u.i DEFUSITUKY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. * per or fscliltle* for transaetlnc a General Bousing ITustneas Collactlona made on all noloti - essible through l...nßt~and banh*ra Aicounts of Banka, Banker*, lisroltants anal others solicited ttafa Deposit Boita for rent. Department of Savings. Interest payable nuurterly. fr I Sterling Excltange on London O and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HOKAf-R A. CRANE. Vic# FreeldeoL JAMES sriXIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY WM W GORDON F A WET I. AV W. GORDON. Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M. EGAN. I.EF Roy AITERB JOSEPH FERST. H P PM ART CHARLES El-LIB. EDWARD KEt.LT JOHN J KIRBY THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ua. C.ipttal WO-"* UndlvldeiT profit* *.W Tht# bank offer* Its service* to corpora tion*. merchants and individual*. Ha* authority to act as executor, ad ministrator. guardian, etc. Issue* draft* on the principal cltle# In Great Britain and Ireland and on tbs Continent. interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Ravings Dcpartmeo‘, Safety boxes for rent. HENRY RLI'N. President. GRO W TTEDEMAN Vice President. JOHN M HOGAN Caihler WALTER P. HOOAN. A*t Cashlar. lllilliHCt t AFITAI.. gljo.uuv. Account* of bank*, merchant*, corpora tlon* and individual* solicited. Savings Deparlment, Interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxe* and Storage Vaults for rent. Collecilon* made on all points at raa •onable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cltlea of the w or id. j _ • Invited JOSEPH D. WEED. President: JfiHN C. HOWLAND. Vic* President. W E MeCACLET. Caeltler No. it*, Chartered im. -THE— Mis Noiiomi II OF SAVANNAH CAI ITAL. Isuu.-ou. SURPLUS HOO.OtW UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. O. C AKRON, President ISEIRNE GORDON \ ,ce President. \V M DAVANT, Cashier Accounts of bank* and bankers, mer chants and corporation* received upon the most favorab'e term* consistent with safe and conservative banking 10 tenor Piste For aale, a Forealth Newepjper Polder; will fold sheet 27x42 It I* In goal order, price 2190. It cost originally 21,190. but we have no uae for It end leant tha ream 11 occupier. It will tie an Invaluable a*l)urtt lo *O7 newspaper office. Ad<lrene MORNING NEWS, Savataak, Go. The Chatham Rea/ Estate and improvemait Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND IDAN ASSOCIATION. li YORK s'KEET. WEST. jU SPER CENT f>*r annum allowed oa deposits, wi:|d**iw*ble on demand, lntereet ere*Bl quarterly. i E.VIJ i>vr -nnum allowed on drpualts of fei* huiidteda, withdraw able at ar.taal period* GEO W Tl If'EM AN, F re* I detlt. 11. H. LEV, Vloo Free idem E. W. BEI.f. B*cretary. C. a JR.. Trramtrtrr I CITY OF -44 ASSAM POCKET UA.’, .11 VESTS EACH. I'ltlSfl2U IS TWO COLORS. KICKI.V liH.AU IS CLOTH ASD star da* is cuui os hue Pee Sale by TUB MOBSISG RIWA