The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 26, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 i£ljr iTWninfl JCrtns. Mrrulug >rw Huiidlac Kcvhdanli. (mi Ui;UM M>U, UlMmuiai SOI. 11*00. lugtstried at Ut l*o*tolfic# If: t^tsiinah l lift. MCH f* is pu 4) had every day lu the year. and nr*n to subscribers to tin- city, or sen' by mo i. at 70 itat a motiir U*A Jor ix month*, and t&.'.'O for one year. iii 4, NONlllb m:w* y mil. i* lilies iv *ek (without Hand ay t***). Him a ni nlho, |I.SO; six OOOlba, IS-'O. oil** y. a t it •*.' III* URKKU Ni:wi two Inure * wcfk (M i. W> tfd Thurati)) by mill, U> >e.*r, $1 00. Outecrlptlouii piyable lr. advoc# Re nt.i by money order, ehec k or regist Ted letter, Furrency eent by moll at H*k ot render. 4 Transient advertisement*, ot nor ttian #p* i*J column. l>cal or reading*w*. amusements and cheap or etui nol mn, 10 cental a line Fourteen lli-e* <>* typo—equal to cm ein h in depth—4 th ,x Itatid ir l <>( tii aiurenrnt OontraC ratoo •141 dlMSMinli made known on app.lo^tlon #t lu - ■ no!a oft. e Order* f r delivery of the Mom New# to either or place e? budiHva can be nu le by mall or by tele phone No 210. Any Img datll> In deliv ery mould be Immediately repot#* let tri and telegram# a touUS be ad dre##ed M W* Hw a< nah Ga orrit K. n Perk n-ai, New York city. 11. C. Faulkner. Manager IJDLX TO m ADUJIIIStMEJiTi Ma-tlnr—Clinton IxxVs*. No M. F nnil A. M Spo-UI Nottrc* Hum Rprlng* YV*<t:, Palma ni .1 Hoax*- Painting. Sa Tanniih Building Kupi'ly Com|tny ItuatnOM Nattwn-lartf Htnk.- Bmuklns To!m* co. Ilclirv ttokmiun A Son. Wholc- Mlr ISatrlhulor.', Franklin *inar. The New Yew and the Ota Hango—The Ga* IJktit romjwni Cerou. The Straight Front P N. Corset*. I'hrtitroo Trouble* Are Over Now laiMi.i) A Morgan. Juvenile Blcyeica. Stoves. Range-. Fur nace* —Win A H. il. Lei l l l more. lagai N'otloe—ln the Matter of I). J Hlarkl.urn of Ware County. Bankrupt. Herf—lJehlg * Extract of Beef Washing Powder —IVarllm*. Sar* <—Le a A Perrin'* Worcestershire Sauce. Cooking OH—Wesson's Odorre* Cooking (Ml. Mineral Water— Hunyndl Janos Hostetler * Stomach Bitter*. Munyoti* Rheumatism Cure; It R, R; Mother* Friend; Hr. Kilmers Swamp Root; Stuart * l>y*pi—la Tablet*. Cheat. Column Advertisement#—Help Wanted; Employment Want'-! For Rent, For Sule; Host; Personal, Muicellan.ou*. The Weather. Thw ind>. alton* for CnorgU to-day are fe: fair wonther, fre>h westerly winds, motnlnc variable, and for E*t*rn Klor Ida, lair w.athrr. wind* mostly fresh northerly. _ The expert* of the llnance department of the state of New York have pretared a table showing that the total cost of the Uw department I* twelve cents per cap ita of population per year. Two Nebraska men have lust engaged In an "egg-sucking” contesi. The winner gnt away with seventy-two egg* 111 eleven minute*. It would b. Interesting lo have a match between this ciiaaipton and a certain ek-Governor of Missouri, of whom one of hla former friends la quoted a* saying. "Ha sucks eggs, but he hides the ■hell*." When the l*>n<Yon corrs*pandwiK* tied j„- s; -Circe *nd dull they wrlle of the yuern s health. For about the hundredth time they are reporting tier to be feeble, almost blind ami generally In a bad way physically. Meanwhile It would hardly be taking any risk to predict that ahe U In no Immediate danger of dissolution, bot will eatend bar reign well Into the l.ew century. Itumm the *• fr d *>* #*• “**'* <,i “ paten.-* - contain lt.u -bout <* purnin* tu tltoth imitattoat ton ,- tauw at ctolta..-n* f..ttval* Atrto> two auoh iraedle luv. !■■*> reported Notwit helaieJin* in*-** •<* occurrence* irauapir* Christmas Christmas. aaam 16 train nothin* front thrtn, and Qumlnuo to dt<sa their children la> IPoLiret and uioat H.tUmnmU* materials and rt-nd I ham to Wa> ainldrl ll*med . e retire on fhrlatiua* tr*—a. tvJa.nd (I. Dean, iln' Bellevue Hospital nurMi who li 1 hattted In N**a York with having <•*• <hr diath of on* of hi* marge... an insane patient. 1* South Carolinian. Ho la ‘torn Bpartanbur*. whore Mm foroly la i>rorula-nt and hl*idy esteemed. Dean was for a tint.- a report er on a Charieaton new*|aper. Several Bpartanbuif! men. friends of the family, have K<Mt< to New York Ui '.;! Desui in hia defecate bi-fore the coroner when the care comet* up to-m<trrow. They say that the yotutK man 1* tmopaWa of such brutality aa ta charged asalnat lint •There la rone- rt aeon In the claim o( tree Weal Point t *h-!e that a little Ju- Ui. tour hakin* la often neceaaary to take the wtareii of conceit out of a nowunmer and make him know that he ia not above hi* fellow.. Mat V >oun* |.ri* wllh a lwilier Who ia rich or influential, or both, *oe* to roUvKe with a rase of eweile-l head He imagine* thai U** auae h* |e the • non of somebody ite ntuat he drum i to. VS hen cOtla*e men gel tiold of a care like that, what they do "la a plenty” to tiring the new arrival down out of the cloud*, ’laial. iiow* v. r, t. no ex use for brutality. Arthur White, a aoclety man of lllooro fl. Ui. N. J , ta a oli kl- In and a nickle out. He ta. or wan*, ait amateur "wrtsttrd/’ atvl to* other night < allowing a com pany of ft tend* .omc of hi* trick*. He told Uiem that he would balance a nlckle on hia lower lip and ranee it to dlaappear. Juat a* tie had It balanced a newcomer entered the room. Recognising the ma gician but not reailalng whwt be • up to, the newcomer gave him a friendly , ••**l' •*" the hark. The nloklr dtrappeared, atn. enough but not in the right way. P weni down While a throat. ia how It chancea that bv u • ulckle lu end -UUt out. IIHITIMI I. %< K OF FOHI.MOHT. In th*lr < ’hrlstma* editorials :!• Ixm tloti papers comment at tble lenflh on ih* rontllUon of affair* to Houtti Africa While they find #*lUfActlou In th.* fart Ui.vt the a;lMvai that rested Otk the Hfitlik |Mfipli lint I>i*tcm}er !• not no noticeable tbl# 1•* ©vnter they take ck. canton to remind the people that there are* four tlm**v a# many Houth Afrl ' tlier* were a year ago The* Htattdurd at <x>rdto* to th# dbquldle# inoratt/* - P*n th* etr.iiiK* lack # pr>lltlcHl fori*- oiahf r.rlujr tbr t hara* t*r and wllim of th* of*eratlon M4falnnt th** tloe rn. It hate Wn rnly ai*out tlirw- month* tha minlatry tumuunent Hint th* *ar e%ae* over .hat Ihrrv remain* I only a tit - tie o|mm it ion ant that that waa of a .A**rrtila characiar Ho c ertain a a th ini* tutr> that the* war woa over that Jx*r<i ltA>t***rtM wms alvei. p-rml**i>ri to retutn to l utui t • woik of brliiKlna ■ !ar*tM |uri of th** nrniy hnm iwgun In %t*%v of r* *nt devilotimente the* ailtitiM of th* Htaruiard n**e*mi to be* iua tl’Urti N(#f i!y hi' Hi- bring lute >f troop* iiotnr twin >*toi*f**<t, but relnfor.e— m**nte h> U ing rent lo tl ** *t• of . - that 1 i;l*e**l. It look* aa If Ihe H*#iih Afr .ti urr hal laktn on i.<* Uf*. The charK* haa k*n maU* that ttiv min* tntry ufwlrrtook to cr**et*Y the* Imi>r**-ulon that th* ever hmji over for the fairf****- of Influen* Ing the election. Th* |>oUtlrt] juiia kti li.hl Ju.t and there wje f**et| ef <Miit tUim to 11-ur* th** e*l mr i*M of a Parliament favorable to the irovern m*rit. # rte fovernment wn u^rJ* 0 •' by a very large majority, but no roonrr had It got th** tmkrt*f*K*nt of the people than It rronral out the ir n.- not over —that. In f i t. the Roern were uliout a** active a- ever and th.t It would require another and |*rbttps • ie*ater effort, to eatabllah Rrltlnh* authority. It In probably unjuet to the ministry to aruMirne tha’ II knew that the war wa* n*n near It- end -that It* furp*e*e In .t -•pitinK that It wan over wae to have lt ban*- 0f |*o\v* r *te|>*le<l It W*e mile| an to the M* tual • ondttkm of affalri*. an l that I* w nat the Standard mean# when It rail* ttendon to the Mraw U*k of p* foreoight legardlng the condl’lon of affilrn In South Afri a The Hr Itleh ireople fewl that ultimately they man b* run e*anful. They cannot ree how It Ia p loeihle for a handful of farm* r> tt rev*wt. v *-r> rr.u h longer, more than *i*.dM* traUieel Itrltlnh Mold term. 1: might be w**ll for them, however not to he too sanguine about th* final re sult There is undoubtedly .• chance for the Boer*, though ft awwHirs to be a very slender one. I’nAer the lemlershli* of I>e Wet they are doing wonderful righting And there is rii>*atl#faction In the whole of Houth Afrl< u Th** movement In favor of establishing a South African republic, which shall Include all of the republic* an*l colonies, leaving to Great Britain only a couple of cooling stations, 1* gain ing strength. Great Britain h.i# already spent over HtO.tOMBO In her effort •* conquer the floers. are! h**r taxpayer* arc beginning to grumble. If the war should continue another year the sentiment ftn England agutnat the w*r would be vastly stronger than It l* now It might I*e strong enough to elect a Eg filament that would treat with the Boers and *fTer term* of |* a*e they would b* willing to aacept. It Is sail that since the recent suc cesses of the Boer# Mr Kruger ha# be come stiff-necked He 1# not so anxious tor arbitration a# he wwe He seem* to think llvat the Boer# are capabl** of win ning their Indvpendactce. If l>© W*\ *ail> had a sutßrlem nuirtber of men to make a good-sized army h* would **• Justlfltsl in being stiff-necked. I'ndet tiu- circum stances, however, he would show wisdom, in ail probability, by not neglecting any opportunity of making favorable peace. fiKTait roHTI *B OF THI* i K\- Tt in. Among lh* wonderful thing- of tm* • •* tui, mIMZ tiering iir- M r. at for tun* -*d within u roaiparativtdy few yn. .Andrew Carnegie and Joint D. Rockefeller are not old mm yet. liul# *d they are in the prim** of lit#* and yet each of them ha a forum#* of etupendoup pro ißirtkovu*. U l* popularly believed that Mr. Carnegie's fortune to as mod i" 9U0.000.a00 and that Mr. Rockefeller** i* mort* than $80,000,000. And the fortune of each Is grow gig at h won<!erful rate. It nuui not be forgotten that neither of three mrti began with h fortune. Mr. Carnegie landed In thl* country from ikoUend when Mi.l a youth with only a Uw dollar* |n hi* pocket. Hr borrowed Du from mii uncle mKii which to im h New York. He hud talent, industry ai l great furor of character and hi* advance ment was rapid. He mid the foundation of the great eterl plant which bears hie name, and which now yields u revenue of S4<*.OUO.OUO u year, with only sl.2&*. Mr Rockefeller began us bookkeeper Being a far-sighted man hr early became of it* of ths chief factors in the t*‘ aiidarJ ou ttotnpany. He manage*! wUeiy ni l iovttited with judgment. Now he has a great U*l more wealth he know what to do wltlik He has too much to in* nappy. He is an object of envy of thous ands of pH>plr, and no doubt he Is impor tun'd constantly by many who are irs* fertunate fur •* snare of hi* wealth. Hi* •laughter Nftid recently. In tin Interview iu Vienna, that, notwithstanding her HMiiih. she was not happy. Riches d> | not bring dmppiness. There an hundred* of great forlune-t wui' i have been nw>i*' In the last half <entur>. Those of Mr. Carnegie and Mr Rockefeller arc specially mentioned hs< | c.iuae they sr#- ta largest. WUI tiu* com* i lug centur) wunwM the ut-cumu Ist loti of mjcli vast fortunes ie have tern accUßlu -1 Intel ui the latter half of this** For the ko*ml of the country it Is to be hoped not I**l*# week In Berlin a hunker of the name of Sternberg. several lime# h mil lionaire. was convicted of crime* against moralMy arid sentenced to two urxl a half year* In |>rtaon. It can he Mild for the law <our * of (J< rinany aml England nllkc that the possession of money hy a de fendant aeldum If ever Influence# their find!hk* In a case. Till* ha* been aeon In a number of Instances of late, (fan a* much be xald for the court* of our own country? We often *ee In the United lo brink a rich man 10 trial, and equally difficult lo * ecu re 111* conviction Our court* are not venal, of courc. but by ome mean* or other the very rich roan usually manage* to bp through the Un ger* sf Justice. THE MOHNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900. ITHLIt l%tl*lto \ I MI.M' l> r%\oit Thar** duo* not e-in t !*• nny do rot about eh* i* tf* I tie I4*vr r>*l Ilr -lior Idil and mtlally .1* It vmi re|Krt I ty the Kivrr ami llarlMr ‘’ommlttee IX* *-1* r. in ah Hit* rv*-w in the Morr ing N*%%e and or tw ago, threw out t>‘ that ** might t. change*l eo#ne |Kirticuiar by th* Senate, nnd ttra* !In conference commit**** ther** might t*' a <kpoltion to cut •w• v *m* of u • llt etna, in order to r*i'i** t?e amount ? - re.| trv the ht 4. but tner* !*• no re • n ’* f-ar that tin appropriation for Sava nah'a har*>r will be cut down. To* Rot ate MeUkrm reduce* any of the item?* D doer, however eomc tirn*— M several mil lion • to the • id In the effort to gratify individual eetiatora who w**#i’ <> allow thesr eon at ttiiervf 4 that t tey live aome infltien e in g< tilii# tt|proj>riation*. Th***- addition* often make trouble In the onfaren* •* eommltt* * with tae r* *tilt •' rauulng ti♦ m** originally put Into the ti! by the Houec to be cut Savanna . however, hap 1 good friend on th# Com mittee on Comtirri v in S**ritor (, lay. ll* will nee to It that the ( <*o for Savannah harbor 1 m not Inferf*rrd with in th* Senate While It is* true 1 .hat the | bit! provide* for the* expenditure of !*• acpM.i, irmly about 120.0/M> |** nvallal-h* 1 dtir.og tti< Ixl .M ' of t<* IS"- •Njri ooo ia npirropriatnl cm •’ontimilng con- ••#. and will not all be r|air. If It -i.oukt b- Hppr*f>riittcl, for nunilnr o' i venrn. It * m•* from .*-ome of the men* e> of the lIoUm ar* -aylng that it *voidd fa poe-t‘*le to 1 i*i■ — a River in I H irix.r bill r;y|i.g a mu. h lii#j*< • mount. Heprc*-< nt.tive Achc*on •' IVongy:vanla *# iuc#t* and ** -nying "We could pne'c 1 bill pproprlatmg tl&MOo.uju tor river and tiarimr Improve liventn Wn cMi.y 1- ii* ntlm*nt of Co* • * e **vw helming v In favor of liberal t • xpendlt ure* for rnprovc*m*nte of th!* , i *ra ter. fait the people everywhere | t roug* atilt the I'nited Suit*** or** In fa vor of tncn The epirlt of expansion and prog re# m U U)*on ui*. and nothing will b* je rmltled to st.ud |n the* wa> of our coiti rner. lal upbuilding and *upr* imo y. I have not the -i.ghieri doubt that publb o|*lii ioci waul I i>* |ui<'k to MitH'ain <*ongre#a in the appropriation of lUKMMMAR) for ! river and iiariMir Improvement#.*’ v The inference from thl# might be that I Congreip |.4 inclined to be extravagant und that before *he #e##!on 1# over there will be very little of the eurptu# left. It • k>e not *e*ni to ti** ttaii the lf<>tie>’# ae j tlon in the matter of th# River and Har \ b>r bill l# Indicative of a Mplrlt of #>- travagrtnre It j- be*er #0 #petal the pe*>- pie # ukot.ev in making improvemetita that , vvl.l a# lnt the * ounry # commerce than in pavm penvion# to fa'tk*gi# who an netter able tc earn a living than are I ’hou*- nda of tnoae who are taxed to ral-- money f*r fvetieloua tiii: nit** mit i <i hir.ii. Th** N# w V rk paper are full of a count# of a i*ryk ttedween Bos# Plait and Gov. Itoooevelf. N* w York R**pub!i can iHilltlc* I# of comparatively little In teres! in this part of the country, but this announcement of coldness between the Vic* President -eh.***! and th** lt**publi an dn tutor In New York b worth more flam a |Ms#itt|? notice, because of the fa t tha: It l# the quite general Impression tlhd Mr Platt brought mlksh the nom tuition of Gov. Itooeevelt for Vic© President In order to get ril of him In New York H was paid at the im< of the meeting of th** lb jHjblh an N itioiail Con vention. that Gov Roosevelt lid not want the vice presidential man inn tlon. lie want ed to be Governor of New York for another term, thinking that he would then stand a chance of #u* t * ding Mr McKinley a# President He though: if he Ihccwpied the vice pretiden'lal nomination hi# (sdithul career would Ih* practically nt an end whether elected or defeated. It seems, ♦hat he had to accept the vice presiden tial nomination. ar.*l ever - nee he ha# not been feeling very ktndly toward# Mr Platt. A day or two igo he removed from of fice the district attorney of Xewr Yprk county, and namul a Hry#r llemorrat to fill his place. Now It Is said that Mr Flail und all o( the I'latt followers are angry with the tiovernor. 'Hu* pwltwHi taken Is that Mr Platt ought to hav lK*en consulted. No doubt the latter would have racrmtmended the appointment of someone whc*m he could have controlled The fact that tlov. Roosevelt did not consult with any of the machine Repub lb uns scstns to sustain the story that there is not the best of feeMn* between thr Governor and the ls>e. and that Hu* boss did prevent the Governor from hav ing his w.iy In the matter of another term as Governor. The Governor, feeling probably that hs has nothing mort to giitn by respecting the wishes of the* boss, has apparently determined to respect the interests of the public during tile f*-w re maining days of hia occupancy of the Governor's ofllce. There is no doubt th* he entered public life with a determln. niton to Is* a reformer and to win a repu twtPMi for doing what he ballevod to Is for tlve public goo*l It would be interest ing to know how near he came to living up to hi* good Intentions. The general tro prrsskn is that he found the bos* a much stronger man than ha thought him nU tlsit fraquen ly he was compelled to foi ! tow u line of action In public matters | that disturlied hts and was ! rendemned by hts judgmewt The road | usually travelled by the successful polltl is on#* in which a good man rinds man> rough places. A special from liMibvlH*, Kv.. *■'# Ihat Hoberl Soake*. who teltlllrd aa.iln*! Caleb Power* ha* inalc an affljavlt in whh h he confesses that lie tesiilled false ly According lo Ihe story he lell* h wa* kept drunk until hi* testimony ** wanted, and then he wws given a certain amount of money for auch evidence a# the prosecution wanted. Tine make# a rather sensational newpaper Item, bu aupportlmt evidence will have to b* fort aconitine lefoce tt whl be iteiierally accepted. It Isn't reasonable to *uppoe that reputable lawyer* would undertake to deprive me#i of (heir five* on per jured testimony If they were bad nuiufa lo undertake eucb business they would hardly do o because of the risk of de tection Noakes must he a . anddiate for the Insane asylum. The love letlrr* of Victor Hugo arc now being published. No* long ago the love letter* of Itobert and Kllaaheth Krownlnic were made public, a* were also those of Bismarck The only way lo guard against the vulgar exposition of such private correspondence Is lo require the deetrtiotlon of the let let* a* they err received; or better, never to write them. An oJd #;lk- reported from th- fitjr of Mexico The beggar* are on ntrik* against a rree nt edict of the governrn-nt to the effect that *eglng will not be per mit *ed Iy who oatinot allow that iney arc* entirely without other mean# #utport. Mac. u* alley. al# well known 1# • ne of th, chief iiHliratrle of the M *xl an capital There are prcbatly m'jre b* g* c-ar- there in pro|H>rtion to ii. any . r city on the American *oi-:lnent I .'very - .urdi and pubii building lv infested with them, and the w* li-to-lo tourist find# life • burden le mult of them. They regard the govein rm-tifj* u'tion •* dire t -md vinwarrant *l blow at their |sen*onal Itbsrtjr. nd in.<mm matmr of M are being livid i to prol*‘*t again at tin* new law *’c#im la**i .rd von Blumeuthil who.“< *1- ath In It rdn w- rejwted in th* dl-• (• ihi) or two sgo wait th# oldest Me**l mar-tial In the Oerman army anl l>: Nurvlvor of thr mar hala w .0 • ♦•atcd the Germa Empire ll* wa up w mb* of m!*ty vear* old For f!fy In* took <1 prominent part In no of th* in itMrv m tlvdty of hi# country. 1 luring :c}| that unv Imwever, he nevei l-d in army in the field and lo ver fo igiv ( * batti* in hi* own name . bi*r he ko •m honor* *1 e*iv a*or and eo-o|..*r,itor with VN ilh tm I. n*l voiv \|*i 1 l-oug efore ol# d**.ith von Hiumvntaal ; *.♦#! n-c-n to th* highest possible rank In , ;he Gorman army. —• m ■ ■' Mo l*uk of iioter continue* to furr.iMh h*- New York newspaper* with I*ily Morlcf. Among the lat**t lu*m# of inter* >4 < one* ruing turn j* the that j ?il* f,ither-In-law. Eugene /.immnm .n of j Ohio, railway president and Standard Oil magnate. Ig# ju-t paid fbk*.oo of hh* debts j and given him a round sum of . aMi with ! which U> U'gin life a# .< married man. Another item is that th* Duke stands j m arly six feet high, weigh# 2US pound#, j ‘••“I - pound# of steak at a *ft:ttfkg. Many | r>**>n# have an Mb Ith i* | roost mode rn duke# .* hollow • heek I j i,r “l #|>!ndle-#hanked This young fellow* Hc-em# •* I ti c op|M>#lte. PElftrtOA IL > Th* German Emperor was at le*tx llngen >n D*. 1, when tli* census w.*# tak* ii uwl he till* l uo hi# own ear*l t’n •l* r the heading "profession. ’* h* wr*fe "Ge rnan Dm|eror. King of Prtisshi." Th** •'•il wa fr.*in* .I. and I# to # k |*t In the municipal archives of the palace, while a certlfieil copy ha# been rrta le of It and *• n in with the other cards. William Court Gully ha# been chosen #|H*.ik* i of th* Hou-i of Ccamnon# for a third i< tin The incumlient of thi# *m fortahie |Mvs|tlcm draw- a salary of tS>.O) and on liie reiirevnent from the office act# an annual |* nsion of |21,900. besides being elevated to the perag' A# #p** k -**r h* I# prov Med with .i line mansion lor entertain,ok on a large scale. --William McFadden. a Hardin minty tfihlo) f*r>cer. was severely jm Idled *t th** petit entiary becaus** Ike Insisted on wearing creased trouser# He demanded of th* guard that ho be suopiie I with fr*#h ct t>v**d trouser# each day. .•! U came so insulting herause he wu# i*m fur. tiishe.l with the dudlst! outfit that th stwrtl reported him for infraction of the rules. —Of th# nine member# of the t nited Htates Huprcm* <’ourt live are toba o chewer*. When the chief justice and as sociate Justice# visited the House to at tend the centennial eiehratlon no cu*t>t *lors had ie©n provided. Tbe llgnifle<d Jus:l •*** In their black gowns kokel around th**m several limes, but seeing none, they took turn# going out into the lobby and taking a chew IIMIGHT WITH.— M.b# l That near-sighted Mr Wheth eri-o actually asked me on (‘nrtslma* loght If the wreath of wtntergreefi In the par lor was mistletoe. Alt - What lld you f.*ll him? MatH*l Why. wiiat could I?-—Brooklyn Idle Mi-. Btarvem How d< you like the chit kin Mr. Jo.ik*<mith? Mr. Jouksmith: oh' ths# reminds m- I Iniught a hook that was to is* sent home to-day. !>td it com* * Mrs Btarvem: Yes; hut why should the chicken salad remind you of It? Mr Jouki-mlth: Well, th* hook Is half calf Phlladtlplds I*res —I jea* keeje* trillin’! B*#*ms to gie Is alrout as triflin' as 1 kin l>e. 1 ttitles dc minutes all away An' den 1 trifles f’um day to day, rum week to week an* f utn >#*ar (o year, l>e way 1 trifles is sumpin* queer. I starts to work, but befo’ I's through liar's alius some triflin' I's got lo do. An' I sometimes reckons It's dta here way, W# was norn#*d In le wuiT an' we had no say. An' M)nu > was choosed fob de work, you oe#*. An’ some fob de triflin' -jes* like me —Washington Btar. -a- l I HHF.ST ( OMMKXT. The Hartford. (Conn t Times. (Dem.) says: "The imperil#lists say they will abandon the Philippine* if the Hupreme Court shall so decide. Hut that Is more cavil) said than done There are pcbple who isk what iower Congress or the President and the Benate as the !r*'ty rnuklng power have to cede territory which ha- been acquired by treaty t# any country or It off from the I'nited Btates. as an independent nationality. Thus at every turn wo tire reminded what a piece of foolishness It was not to have gv>fw Into this whole matter careful!) le -fore agreeing lo buy th* Philippines from flpalru*’ The ('hi ago Chronicle, (Deni.) way* "We may venture to hope that (Jen. Plli hugh l,ee express** only his Individual opinion when he declares tba* there I* no Intention upon Die part of this gov ernment to give up Cuba lo Ihe Cuban* A rriHjdlatton of It**' solemn declaration of Congre#* would Justly render this na tion in objece of lontempi for the rest of the world What J* more, an attempt to betray the Cubans would Involve u in a war who**- end It would he Imposslbh to foretell We have all we can attend to In the Orient without undertaking new military campaigns In this hemisphere." The Cincinnati Knqutrer, fDem.) ways: "Senator Igidge Is now explaining the 1 la> -Pauncefotr treaty as It stands amend ed but he declines to express an opinion as ta what the llrltlsh government will •lo about It. The chances are that there will tie a* long a pause 111 the construc tion of *he isthmus canal a* there was In tile building of the Washington monu ment.’" The IXHilsvtlle Courier Journal. fDem I says: "A resolution In the Cuban Con stitutional Convention proposes to Indem nify the American people for lltelr ex penditures In sscurlng the Independence of Cuba. The bee* Indemnification that Cuba can offer la to prove that she Is worthy of Independence.'* , % U#SsrtM#st-iMsrr ld>l. "It did me good Ju*t to see ihcm.’‘ IV stout saleswoman said to the fitter a the two mot tit the drawer where they were (jutting way things, i our ding to ne- New Yoik Dost. "See who?" the fitter replied in her Ire#! English That couple that w#sit out here Just now Yuu must lav# f*otte*d; # big awk ward oountryman and .1 girl tg*#J out in (’heap feather# nd row? ribljwn. Had a S.ileuiel with tnrlii Jiede ve 1 Jid e ■ them." saal the lit ter "A bridal pair?" "Going to l* About the first e>f the month. I think. He 1# helping p. k out the* brtd.d outfit. The* girl wanted a vel ve*t # loulde-r cape, but sm* coukln’t g * ov*r si* She wanted Jet trimming. lae\ *4 g 1 . | an t i one w- hovc—that 111 lot—an*l was de lighted witn It. The groom ilk* and it too lie* to.d her she luukd like* a peach In It. arsl praised hrr up ao that oh* turned nil colors. He* oven asked my opinion a# to i **w it iejoked However, she pulled 1 off st once when she heard the* prle*e, but her face fell ar*l she* luuke-d nearly re-ody to cry when ghe* said that after ail per haps a 10. it at pi would be inon* useful tlain the* cape-." Will, so it would be more* useful," ■‘•lid t fitter, putting her pin# in Utie n etjuai distance from the* irm üb* of a garment she was to liter. "led g**i a ceiat?" No. -he got the* egp.- and I'm as much pleased a bout H * mcu I#. That le*.iuw sla* 1# to marry f# a nuiking down, but he hse a heart and a# nurli le*li a* y a# h duke*. Wiwn the girl took the cape off inl lM>ke*l st* titsappolnted. h** ns :i**n,d te us behind her back, hokhng out a $2 Mil. aid then said , M it loud He re, mi# thai the loweat you tan take for that garment ' Hue # tiought two dressea and -•in** sho*.- and handkerchief* *k>wi stall#. Hid it #<***ms to me* you ought •* make* her a Muter figure than that. The c ap** ain't worth a cent over s'• ’ "I 1*r"..h.i..,| t„ „ | U tR. ar-j JK ihoujtli 10 <H>n-uit 4m<- Th -" white Hi, *lrl P* Jm . lturiK Hi, < for the- fifth or ~ui|i limr. an * 1 a screen hanging up * om ' >mk. hi- .-am., and savo mo th * *l>oii’i tel h-r know.’ hr whla ■'* ***** ‘ 1 *'•■• -r lakr II If ah>- Ihouaht I hr*lf>. -1 10 |*y for It. Bui ll'a hrr •<■<! "Hilt: aitr, anil I want her Katlatir.l,- Thrn I fold Ih. Klrl that It wax the la-4 w. ha.l of that rpr'lal kind, so I would 1. tlt no for $y And you ought to have -'••11 lor far.- wlirn I told tor! Stir Ju-t 111 >i|> ull ov.r Ilk., a sunburnt, and went ofT a. iirme the rap.- nr |>roud a- (hough it war -Ilk vrlvrt Instead of velour, and a.t. Hind with real silk. Instead of lltmsy -alln. They have gone down to the res taurant now 10 act lunch I il.hjl.: If the Voting fellow lias much money, but h. *s as tender of h.s sweetheart as If she was mad. ..f . rystnl and likely to fill to I’l’ -'S In his hands al any iniiiute." "I <l(i like to see teal lovers.’ said the titter as sh. turned |> the coat-sleeve she Held Just three-quarters of an Inch. *'lt’s lunch lime now. you think if w. w. nt .iown 1 lumpily we’d see them eating to gether " hho ildn't wonder,” was the ansa, r "Tlte> are lu town (or Ih.) day, and Judc ing from th. way the pocket book* I<h>k- .1, I don’t think they’ve g<a much more sbot>- I Ing to do They will probably tak- a goon while over lunch, nn.t then sit round In the ladles' parlor and llslen lo the music until train time." The Merit f Itrlg IumIIC) . Iti some wavs Mr Denkle was eminent ly cons* rvatlve, jpiys t!#* Youth lV>mfian. ion ll# had no ppr**<'latloit of the new won an; It*- even faile*|. his w ife tliotiglit. t* do Just •■* to t‘ie < aiMldlltles of Hie oid This was the more annoying because Mr- Ihuikl* w.*- a person of acknowledged faculty" and pre-emin* ih in the field of cookery. It was over one of her Is st dinner*, to which he was loii*? ample Justice, that her nushand unwisely h-d th*- dls#-usslon to that very i*olnf "Now, there's cooking." si <1 h#*. Iw-lp* Inc himself a seeon*l tlm#* to chowder ‘ Women * an cook, but the trouble is they den’t Invent anything. They Just cook ths -.*nie old things over nn' over. Takes a French felk>w in a pa|#er cap to invent nything new to eat." "Then It mus, !h* a matter of ration al tv.” mIiI Mrs lienkle, sarcastically. **Ok. no.' said Mr. Ifccukl*-. "Over In Fiarue th. men don’t mind cMkin*; over hr re tbev and We'd <tuk as well as the Fret hrnen |f we ever It tnt • ir heads to tr> Why, I’ve had original I*l* as leys* If aU*ut putMln's and pt** and • v\ . I I < • took. Ann e; Hist rate, although you woukin’t invent anything new betwe**n now .m<l doomsday-'' 'No,*' said his wife, "I wouldn't. Hut I don't want to stand lit your way, Thomas If you want to try mhu<- of these id* as ul yours • I'll lend you the kitchen any time." 1 "I w*#tild only for the bakin'. You've ti!wa>* owned It takes m sight of cgperi • ne* to manage a cook stove right, and 1 don L lav claim to experience." Avdhlng you'll mi* 1 11 takc *’ said Annie. It s the anniversary of our v\<-- dln' next week, an' It'll be a good chan# e for you to Invent something new for din ner by wav of celebration." Thomas hcwlt.vted. but he saw no way l decline the enalli nge without humlli - tlon "Very well." h** agreed at last. *1 will. You shall have a bran’ new w *l - day pie ” Within a day or two after the annl versary, even before Mr. Denkle was out of led and the doctor ha l cease#l coming, the lf*udey people had begun to Inquire what Thomas Denkle had put Into that |de. "Nothin' harmful." Annie told fhem "T wouldn't have let him do that. Hut rt h! Gcod lan<i! One bite wife enough for m* Mr Denkle felt kind o’ spunky about It I s'|iose, for he ate a whole piece and tri#*d to **at another Iwfor#- h#* gave in." "What kind o' pie was It?" asked a neighbor. "Well," said Mrs. Denkle. "It was a sort o' custard pic; custard flavored with va nilla Thomas go* It stronger flavored than he meant. I gueos. Then It was a fruit pie. too—’’ ••Wlial!" cried the neighbor. "My wiix!" "Oh. yes. It was a fruit pie— moot I y cit ron Thomas 1* fond of citron, and h* put tn big slice* of it; enough for hull a dozen loaves o’ cake Then he had raisins and currants jnd little r**d candled , berries sprinkled In between. An l then was a meringue on tofv—at least 'two* meant for a meringue, but it wan rather runny, ami the dans o' currant Jelly all melted in and mad** It pink If g**l ma terials made a goes! pie- but they don't. Yes. Thomas Is bettor, thank -you. oh. of course, he wan disappointed some; but then, as I told him. he needn't feel bad about It; for there wa’n’t any doubt ’twas a bran* new. original pie. •' he tnveiu !cd It." lie (io# some Work lo Do. "Prisoner.” said the loarned Magistrate ta a l*y fellow tiefore him, according to Tit (Bits, "tills In the thiol lime you've been here.” "Dot, your Honor/’ pleaded the prison er. ’Tv* been trying to gel work and couldn't.*’ "You wouldn’t work if you could get |t.’’ "Y'es. 1 would your Honor.” "What kind of work?' "Anything, your Honor, so long as and was honest work." "What aid of wages?" "Wages Is no object, your Honor; ail 1 want I* work, with food, and clothing ami n shelter.'* "And you’d work If you had Hist sor o' a Job?" "Indeed. I would your Honor; only try me." and the tears actually came pita hi# eyes. “Very well." said the Magistrate, kind ly. "we'll give you a Job. with shelter fond, and clothing combined. Six mo lithe .hard labor. Nest cate.* ITEMS OF IMTMHBAT. —Vernon county, Wisconsin, offers a tsjunty of .’b cents on every dead raltle .hake brought to any town chairman. Frequent Injury to persons and stock In •lut **•! thin lion. —This killed ami wounded In Lairakm’# streets during the >car UW numts-red, of whom .*l7 were killed. No h-iltic f the Kotiih Afrl. an War ri'suliol In #uct) h list of casualties. —lmmlgratam to the I'nlted State# wa-* larger In the last fiscal year than It h*# been in any year aince IWC and th.- won* <f It J# that many of the immigrant# are the moat tie ha.-* l who ever set fool on the Whores. —The probbm how to itrike a cipher on the nil a|gtehou#e hell In Phalldalphla. * Indicate the itn unilig of ha# been solvxi by a plan which omits striking It. The bclirli g r will make nineteen atrok*-#. then p.t.i • ami then strike one* heavy #lngl* stroke. —T* xa- txced to ha%e n atate geologist, hut hit* oflim huh abolish'-d In IW. An effort 1# now being made to have th** |#>- siifton rei'stabllshed. though the Texas Ausltniy of Si* ri v ha* kne juucn to explore and pub.lsh the mineral and geo iogi'al rewotiti* f the state. Th American Historical Aaaocla'.lon I? to hol*l Its sixteenth annual conven tion in Detroit and Ann ArUir, Mich.. i*e gii.nlng !>**'. 27 an*l onumjti.g lhrw days. Addresses will U* made md papers rad by a Urge number of learned |>roft*sa*'r in Eastern and \VcM**rn colleges atii o tilers. —The new Indiin lands that are to be open and f*r settlement are Heild to on** f th** ri best tract** in the world. The Apache, <’omiu che. Kla wo and Wich ita re#* rvat ion#, which are to b** opened, contain at*out acres of laid, of which iwc-thlrds |> available to white settlers. # Bom* at I* ist of the redwood j tre*s *f t .tlifornia will be preserved, the -fate luiving recently come Into po##es #lon of u'*oul M' acre# of redwood forest I hrough th* will of the lat#* t’ol. J. B. Arm 'roii*: at Clovenlile. Sonoma coun f tv. Th* Ua t 1# lo b* livid a# a publi t*ark. —The Minneapolis Board of Education is agitating the matter of Introducing the #tu*ly of ngrtcultur* lm the publi schools. Th** Id* i i> to parstie a sonit what. pra'ti al study *•( the subject un der skilled teachers during th** summer month#, but whether ouukl* of the city or wi:hin I not #t i and. —South Dakota stockmen from the re gion w* t of lit** Missouri report that a movement i* on f>ot among big cattle men to have a bill pa##**d at Pierre this winter having tor P- object the crowding out of small rancher#, retiring the past few > * art* a 1 irge number of men of mod irate mean.** have gone on the range*. —About mile south of the Michigan it** line and nmr Cedar laike. Ind., I# a small spot of land upon which vegeta tion absolutely refuaew to grow Th** i surroumllng soil, though apparently the same. I* very |>roduclive. The spot Is I* # than twenty f.*et In diameter ami I# located in a grove which tradition de cUr**# to hav** b* n ihe torture ground of th** Itawbee?e Indian#. The shipbuilding Industry in Maine ha -l < n very active during the past year and j i emima * 1 that the new tonnage turned out nt the shipyards of the pine tree state will amount lo about 66.000 tons by Dec V, -1e 'w#i tons In e xcess of the output for Ith Thirty-three schooner*, most of which re of very* six#*, have been launched thl- year and the outlook for next season D very encouraging. H irvard's flnatudal s'atement of ath letics. which Is doubtless representative, shows that the m t profits loiMbaii last season were 142,969. making good the deficit in other branches of s|ort, en abkn th#* exfiendMur#* of more than tn jm rmanent Improvem# nts. nn*l leaving a n*s bulancr* for the year of $26.- BW. !t •■bn 11 cleared s.lllO and t**nni • rid la cr**ee cam# out slightly ahead. T!ie Winnebago County Itoanl has adopted a memorial to tlie Wisconsin Leg islature asking that lsiy to prohibit the playing of the game of football in the state of Wisconsin on the ground that “It D dangerous o th* h*ilth and to tlie life of the person* playing It. os It i now played." The memorial was introduced by Supervi-ur Ncihh of M*na-ha. whose l-g was broken tn a game of footbsll. "W# are g**ing to quit making fun *>f the eruditbm un*l precocity of the Bos ton people." eavs the Kansu* City Jour nal. "Tne other ky a farmer quit plow ing ni In Smith county oral came |n to tell The Plow • r that he had plowed up ‘some efinods Honglng to tl ial**o*olcor mesooole age, as well a* some Silurian trllobltes an>l bntehifgxlt*." - Th** erection of the William Btack memorial tower, on Duart Point, in the Sound of Mall, Is rapidly proceeding. Wh#*ti •!#• structure shall have been #m pb ted a light will plncsl on top of It. The memorial light, acting in conjunc tion w :h the lisrrg>re light. Is to inlic.ite the route for v# >.hvJs passing up or down lip* Firth of liorne. It Is expcct*l that the two light* will odd to the security of the s*iway, which it# one of the most Im port.thl on th<* w*st MSt of Beotlarnl. —H. W. I#iwards of I’rovldcnce, It. 1., tins brought suit against a local harness maker claiming damage# of 110.00). I|t demand Is based on ttte alleged fact that a wet of harness whloli he purchased from the defendant was not titled properly, because when complainant's horse was going down n hill the harness allowed the buggy lo slip forward against the ani mal, causing U to run away, Plaintiff was thrown out and badly hurt, the buggy wa* wrecked ami the horse was seriously Injured. —li D known that many deep-sea ani mal* ate phosphorescent in a high degree, and C. C. Nulling, discussing this pho none nun In the AmcrlAtn Naturalist, maintains that the quantity of light emit ted by such animals Is so great as to supply over definite an-is of the wea bottorn a sufficient Illumination to render Vtslbb the colors of the animals them #. I#. - Some i# phuio|iod* are furnished o'ith aptNiratn# which reflect# hc llglit from their phosplt orescent bodies upon the •ca-iHitlom over which they float. This re 11'■ ling apparatus Is spoken of us "an efficient hull’s eye lantern for use in hunting thlough Hie gbyswi) darkness.” "I'lli--# tli*. present style of trolley (sirs mould ao out of vogue." save a go sl|N-r In The New Orle.m Times.Dem.#- • r.i; they will develop n rate of lef:- ha tided motorrmn. If you will notice the motormen next time you k<h on a car. you will observe that he keep# hi* left hand on the crank which con’rol* the current, and his right on the oti" connected with the brake. The reason for such an ar rangement l- that the brake crank re qult'w < otisldeniblc mor. strength in r nuinlpulatloi). hut the < urr. ftl regulator comes into play ten time* i# often, and has to moved at much greater s|*-. and A- a matter of fi t. the operator Is con tinually stiiftlng it to and fo. for the pur pose of Increasing or decreasing the power, and a sort of dial, over which toe handle moves, lell* him exactly how much .1. trteiy he is ■cal,let into plav at any given moment All that demand# ► pc. tut alertness nnd attention, while with ■ 1... i.rak. „ i. merely ~ matter of* straight pull. The natural consequence of such an unequal division of labor is to transfer the dexterity of the right hand •o the left ami with many of the mder tdea it bw* already bewiu* uotlcytble," A TEXAS WONDER. ((•IF* Ornt IMirorfry. Ons (mail botite of Hall a Uraat PU cover>- cum all kiduey and bladder trou blw, rtmovn (ravel, cure* dutbcun, aetn. Inal emlasiona. wruk ami ltuns back,, rheumatism and all irre(ularltlea of tlia klJncya and bladder in both men and w,j rueu. regulate, bladder troubles In ctUi dren. II nut auld by your druggist wid be aeut b> mail un receipt of II one amah buttle I* twu ntontbs' ireatment. and will < ure any case above mentioned. Ur. K. W. Hall. e..|c manufacturer, P. O. Bos G3, fit. Bouta, Mo. Mend for taatimontals. Hold by all druggists and Bulotnooa Cos. kavannab. Ua Head *l*lla. TVrthen, Ala . July U. Dr. F. TV Hall. Si I axils, Mo-Dear Sir: We hate been selling your Texas Wonder. Hail’s Great Discovery, for two years and reoocnmrtid It to any one suf fering with anv kidney trouble aa being the beat remedy we ever gold. Yoire truly. J. R. YOU NO l U I. Of HOPc R f AND G. I l R’T at IlhUI 1.8 For lale of Motitgomery. Tbundar holt. Cattle Park and West Bod. Dally except Huudaya. Subject lo cnanga wliuout notice. IHL.K OF HOPE. I.v, cay for I. of 11.| Bv. lata of* Hop* ~ ( It) am from Tenth | 600 am for Holton 7to am ftom Tenth | 0 Oh am for Tenth S h am from lento j 7 uu am for Tenth li am from Bo.ton |itih for Tenth lo 30 am from Tenth (10 to am tor Tenth 13 uu n'n from Tenth |U uu am for Bolton 1 IS pm fr..m Bolton 11 > am for Tenth 230 pm ftom Tenth i 2 uu pm for Tenth 33u pm from Tenth | 1 4U pm for Bolton 4JU pm from Tenth j 3ou pm for Tahiti .’. I.’, tan Iran ; lot too 5 pm from Tenth !tDO pm for Truth S3O pm from Tentli j COO pm for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth ; 7uu pin for Tatab S3U pm frutn Tenth *ou pm for Tenth 30 pm from Tenth ; uo pm for Tenth 10 JO pm from Tenth (10 on pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. L. . Ity tor Mong ry , Bv. Motttgomary Mam from TV nf) :;i am for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth lIS pm for Taatn a3o pm fioni Tenth jou pm t u , Tantk CATTI.E PARK.. Lv city for Cal. Park j Lv. Cottle Park ~ *> am from Boituu j 7 0) am for Bolton i M am lKm. Bolton j a uu am for Bulton 1 uu pm from Button j 1 3u pui fur Bolton 2 Jn pm front Bo;ion j 3 tx) pm for Bolton 7 or pm ftom Buliou | 7 *u pmt for Bolton 1 w hm Hum Bolton j * JU pnt for Bolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves Holton street junction |}t s. u. and every thirty tnluutcs thereafter until it Jut*, m. t ar leaves Thunderbolt st 6:00 a. m. and e\ery thirty minutes thereafter until 12 00 mMulght. for Holton street Junc tion. IRE lO 111 AND I*ARC K L CAR. This car carries trailer for passengers on all trljY* and leaves east eld* or city market for Isle of • Hope. Thunderbolt and sll Intermediate points at 9.U0 a. m., I. p m. 6On p n i.eaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, City Market and all lnie**medtate points a* *i 00 m m . 11 to a m . 2:40 p. nv WR6TKND CAR. Car leaves west side of city market for West End 600 a m and every 40 minute* thereafter during the day until 11:30 p. m. Leave* West End at 630 a m. and art ery minutes thereafter during the day until 19'N> o'clock midnight T? M T/>FTON Oen Manager MercfismsS Miners Troasporiaiion Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket, on Sl to All Point, North ,n>l W eat. FTrat-claa* tickets Include meals Mid bertha Buvanneh to littltimora aad Phi * dtlphta. Ai'tuimiiul,] ions and cutstna unequaled. The steamahln* of this eoanrutnjr are ap pointed to nail from Savntmah as follows (Central Hundaij Ttm<): TO HAI.TIMOIUB. n H Ml I,l,Kit ("apt. Patera, THl'llß - I>ec Tl. at 10:00 a. m ITAWA (apt nillmw. BATPROAT, Dee. 29. 1:90 p m CHATHAM Caret. Kaater, TUEBDAY, Jan. 1. 2:3U p m. r<> I*IIII.ADKLPH IA. AI.LFSOIIANY. Oa pi. Foater, BATPR* DAY Dec. at 10. wp. m. BERKSHIRE. Caret. Hjan. WEDNES DAY'. Jn ;. ’ p. n;. T.cket Uftlca No 112 Hull street. J. J. CA HO LAN, Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Traa. At- Bavut.nah. Oa. W T TVRNKR. (J. P A A. D BTERBINB. A. T M. J. C WHITNEY, Traffic M.mairer. General Office* Rahtmore, Md. IT'S 0 CEBTfIINTY THAT Smilh'sChill Tnaie A J— '" TRADE MARK. , WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, Intermittent. Malaria, And All Forms of fevers. Al.I. DRCCIOISTS BEIX. IT ON A GUARANTEE —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., savannah, oa. TURPENTINE FARM FOR SALE. Floe well riuj|prd Tnrprnflni l Farm fh iirUatr rnlr. on arponni ilralh of |Mrtiifr*. Thirty crop*. I.ahor nntl roiyiil timber plrnt*. tan hr ltouahi *la it rrt barßNlii. %ddre or % lit MANSHIP CO., Ntchol.m til*. Miller County, da. MII'iGLEIX)RFF& CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOIL. BUM AKKRA Telephone Ml. UO Indian street, Savannah, (JA