The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 26, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 IN GEORGIA ANO FLORIDA. XKW or THE TWO ITATBi TOIJI in far %<m CrrtMO) llualnr** (inmlm In (i#ur|l-< barters of Mnn> Tonna Amended by Ihf l.n* l.ruialnliirr. 4 *nni v nfllrinla Will Ho Writ to Flit* Their IlmnU nl Onrr-Ol| I'Ulmnimn lrn nril Ml %llnn>. Pnhln M| He I nnirporn I•*•!. The sum total of the r|>.<rlnfi of the Atlanta hank* to date 1* 9M.046.793.04 For IWK* the entire year—the evim was $33.- 0M.397 11 Thin show* an Increase for the year Upon of something slightly !•■** than thirteen milltmi oollars. with a week 'till to spare. 4 rnhe<| HeneNlli III* U H|im, Lem Herring, a former white farmer of Tierce county, was thrown from a four mule wagon heavily loaded with cotton, two mile* south of Hl.*ok-*hear. late Bit* unlay afternoon. Both wheel* of the wagoti pa*el ovi-r hie *he*t. killing him almoei Instantly. Herring leave* a wife and one child, CnlnmliHk' Nrw I nlnn Depot. Oolumbu* I* to have anew union de. pot The trade securing the new union depot waa practical!v clinched a day or two a*o when President Hgin of the rVntrul gave compliance to the require ment* of the common* commi*-toner* *f the city. The proposition accepted muk-* II ot>!tgaat)' upon the railroad for t?ie work to • ommcf pti- r to July * U fklriND I ollrar Idrl Mwrrlri, John Edge of Macon, and Mi** D anch* William* a student of \Ve even Female College, were married In Macon Hunday nlaht at the Fir*t Baptlat Chur- v . by the pastor, Rev J. U White The voting tody had left the college to go to h*r home in loui*iana. for the holiday*, but decided to get married Instead Shot l>ow n h> m Driinl~n Brawler. Mr*. Alex Stephen* wa* shot down hr a drunken brawler while ah** **vd at her husband's side on the front por.*h of th<lr home, at the corner of Smith and flub* hard ttfSits. in Atlaivftw Su it nifhl No possible motive for the hooting •an l*e assigned. It mav turn out to he mur der. a* the shooting will probably result futalH The shooting I- said to hav b *en done by William alia* "Hud ** Hank<tm He has rot yet hern ruptured The lull enteral the woman's back and pissed through her body. l i'uialHlii e Amended Ua n v I hnrter*. Seventy-flve per lrnt. of the bills passe,) by the last legislature were to ' amend the charters of the ettie* and town* or to Incorporate cities ard town* There were some 48ft hills passed, and the fact that such a large ter cent, of these were bill* related to charter*, will no doubt in** some surprise It I* not a* all Im probable that, at the next session, an effort will le made to confer power on the mferlor court* lo grant charter* to town* and to amend charters already granted W|w An Filing Their llomls. The tax collectors, tax receiver*, or dinaries. sheriff* and <broners of the *ev eral countle* of the state are elow in filing their official bonds with the con troller general. Only about fifty bonds have been received so far. The law re quires that the bonds be filed on Jan 1. or the office* will be declared vacant. ' Controller General Wright ha* announced that he would *otnply with the Mw. and unles* the ttondw of every official has* been received on the first of Januar\. those who have not been heard fmm will be relieved from office The announce- j ment. however, will probably cause the bond* to come In at a rapid r ite. The C renmerj ftnlne* Griming. H J Wing, dairyman at the Experiment Ptation, stated to a tJrlffln News reiKirtrr Monday that Athens would In the next ten day* es nhl *h a large creamery, and that the creamery at Bpr*a would t*e sup plemented In a very short time hv an ad dition of ISO cow'. Before the meeting of the Dairymans* Assocla ion the Pparta . creamery bnd only been receiving 7** gal lons of milk daily, bu# now tt is getting over 9.20 ft gallon*. The beginning of dairying In earnest In Georgia was the establishment of the lux e creamery at Griffin about two year* ago. and since thst time people from all over the state have visited it nnd seen It* workings and the consequence |* that creameries are be coming general In Georgia. %n 014 Fishertun n Ornirnril T.arkH Davis. an arvl ffxhsrman of Al bany. W>*t hi* Ilf#* In Flint rlv#r Satur day morning In nn offort to provM# hi* family tilth food. Davis llvsri with hi* family down th* rlv*r Thsy w#r* too’* prop!#* and thslr provision* wtn about nxhaualad whan Saturday morning oim# i Thay had enough for a scant breakfast, i and Davis loft about ■ iavltxht to fl*h hi 11ns*. hoping to gc‘ from them the fam- I lly’a dinner Whan Davl* did not return hv 1 o'clock S*' 1..-rung hi* wife* began to arow un*v Pinner time r'am* a>d wtlll h*r<l had not return*.). Going out to search for him *he found him at the foot of Comm a row *reot. Ill* lest and legs were In he but hi* body and hla hrad and ahotiMar* w*r* un der the water Pavla had leen a suf ferer from hwrt disease nnd I* supposed to have been stricken a* he waa leaving hi* boat. FLORIDA. It I* probable that Pablo, the beautiful Mttle city by the **•. near Jarkaonvl'le. will l>e given # charter by the l,eat*la ture that meet* next April. The question of the charter la considered a very Im portant one by the resident* of Pahlo and Urn dtisens of Jacksonville, aa well MKC AN AHMY RYK'AMPNICYT. Mow the Orange iJronfn at t'wndler Protect Their Tree*. Candler, Fla . Pee -Any one travel ing over the line of the Plant System through thla place would be likely to wonder what army rorp* I* encamped here, as on every aide nothing but tent* and triangles of lumber from alx to ten feet high greet the eye. The orange grow er* of this place are determined to nave inetr trees this winter If such a thing In posslbls. Ths tents cover the tree entire ly, and when the thermometer gets dan gerously tow a lighted lamp 1* placed In side. and being air tight (prickly warm* up The triangles of lumber are so con structed that the o|**n end I* protected by a fire built on the ground, and Un heal generated I* draw n buck ward tM aOSTETTEfiv Hl# MimiTii *bt for any atom* ™ gch trouble | ThlP Constipation Hillousncs*.. Kidncv |% tTOWACH Trouble*. ”iTTER* Try u snd •* % s. • I I ||l f convinced. < $ Minutes jg ' i ia of soak and rinse with I*l. AH L INE washing, lor every hour of hard rubbing with old-fashioned washing. You save half the time. !t‘s easier, pleasanter, healthier work. Soaking the clothes in PEARLI.NE and wster loosens the dirt. You rinse it out with no rubbing. This soaking is absolutely harmless- not so with most soap-soaking. ■— mmm—m—mm -ssssasSM upward and utile** the mid I* very severe, the Ire# i* saved not even* losing 1 its leave* This I* growing oranges under diffl< ul tU s, but there .re many grower* here who arc * poring no pain* or exten*e to save the tr* • Ten t ar loads of lutfiber have been us and to construct the triangle-, while the amount us*d in the mammoth ' sheds being built h> the Heaver Fail*. He, roni|Mfi> represented by J Y M ! Kinney aid that of J Frank Hhields of j t*hr*trr !* . is simply enormous. Thou sand* of * hr*! nr- have been Invested at this place this winter for protection to the orang*- tree* The groves aie Iteautlful and anti next season will *e ihe itpmrn? of large quantities of j fruit A 4*. Harvey, who laid out the princi pal i*irt of tn- town of Wra Imfavette, In 1 and who is a large bolder of realty there, ha* rri\e*l with hi* family to *lend th wnter at hi* winter home her**. Mr ll.irvey Is a writer of great t..lent. ind done much for this p)a<-e *•% Ins writings for the newspaper* of hi* Tourists and winter resident* continue t>. arrive b> almr <*\ every train, and not i man> yvar* has there been such a de mand fr*r room* and furnished house* THE WEATHER. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: Georgia and South Carolina: Fair Wed nesday and Thursday. fresh westerly w Inds, be iifnifig variable Eastern Florida: Fair Wednesday and Thursday, wind- mostly fr*<h northerly. Western Florida: Fair Wednesday and Thursday; fre-h somberly wind* Yesterday’* Weather at Havannah— M iximum temperature €l degree* Minimum temperature AS degrees Mean temperature w degree* Normal temt*erture 54 degrees Deficiency of temperature 2 degrees A umulated deficiency since Ike. 1 3ft degree* Accumulated excess since Jn 1 2?A degree* Rainfall ftft Inch Normal 1! inch Deficiency since Dec. 1 37 inch Deficiency since Jan. 1 7.53 Inches River Rep ri The hlght cf the Bovnn nuh river t Auu-.t at * s. m. (7Tth me ridian tlm* yesterday was 8.2 feet, a f ill of 1 2 feet during the preceding twen ty-four hours. Observation* taken at the same moment of time at all stations. !>*•<•. 25, 1900. 1:00 P m . 75th meridian time. Nsme of Htation T f V Rain Boston, clear * 42 ~f 14 flft New’ York city, clear 4ft J? jDO Philadelphia clear ..... 4ft A } T W ishing'on city, clear 4ft pj an Norfolk, clear I ,v f, } no Hatters*, clear | fid j 14 } on Wilmington, clear 44 * oh Charlotte, clear f 44 | % j hh Raleigh, clear 144 j p oh Pharleston,. clear j 52 1 4 | ftft Atlanta, clear | 41 8 j on Auguta. clear f 44 { I, Oh Savannah clear * fi* 4 (no Jacksonville, clear j .**> | L no Jupiter. clear 44 12 Oh Key West clear | 7* j 14 00 Tampa. clear f r*4 | P 00 Mobile. clear | M f 4 Oh Montgomery, clear f 54 j 4 1 m Vicksburg. clar * S4 j 4 | m New Orleans, clear j M 4| no Galveston clear 40 j 4 uo dnrpu- Christ!, j>l eldv. 42 ! 4 no Palestine, c ear M j 4 J Oft Memphis, clear 44 4 on tTnctanatl. clear j 24 j lh | T Pittsburg, snowing f 24 | 12 f hr, Buffalo, snowing j 24 I J) .0* Petrolt. snowing j 22 ! 14 U 2 Chicago, snowing | 14 j 14 I T Marquette, ptly. cldy. ...! 22 ? 14 | 04 St Paul, cloudy | m i r j t Davenport. Hear f 14 | \ t | no St lentil*, cloudy 1 24 calm fd K*n*a* City, cloudy ....| 24 I. to Oklahoma clear | 44 I |, oh I*odge City, clear j 34 j \ t | <n North Platte, clear | 32 Ift { ,w> II R. Roysr. Ls>cal Forecast (Official 1 CiEYII t OF pmucc. Untight a Typewriter, and raid for If %N If Iron! Coating Him a tent. From the New York Time* "Do you see that young man over there?** said a man on a cable car. Indi cating a y ung man reading a paper In tha -eat opposite. “He's one of the greatest financial geniuses In the country. 1f little thing* are any indication of a man'a ability and character. He’ll be a million aire before long, or I’m no Judge of peo ple •• The young man's appe*ranee did not seem to Indicate that there was anything out of the common about h4m. and hi* u Imlrer’s cm*mnton said so "Well. I'll tell you how I came to dls co\er hi* genius." said the man who had spoken first. “When I tell y<*j what he did I think you'll tgree with me He se cured a typewriter without paying a cent for It. and without doing a stroke of work for It. and he did It In a perfectly honest and legitimate way. too. In fact, he act ually made money on the transaction. I only discovered how he did It by accident, and I’ve been wmmlering at the genuls and simplicity of the scheme ever since. He was formerly employed In the same offl.'e with me. and We both had to do . good deal of writing One day he rum* up 40 me and proposed that we should hire a typewriter together. •• *\Ve can bite a typewriter for $t a month.’ he said, ’and If we split It lie. tween u* It will only coet us 50 cent* a week each. We can do 4nat all right, be cause we wouldn’t be using It at the same time, anyway. If you give me $2 tow I'll go up to the office of one of the typewriter companies and have them send down a typewriter. I’ll arrange the whole thing so a- to save you any trouble.* "1 agreed to this, and the young man went off with the 12. Fvery month I paid him t 2. and we Iwth used the typewnrltet with perfect satisfaction. About a week • fter the first payment I learned that my friend was not peylns anything for th typewriter, but was actually making a little on tt. lie was hiring It out to a man who only used It occasionally, and whom he persuaded to pav him SO cent* . week for the use of It. 1 thought that this was rather clever, but I didn’t re . a Use the full measure of my friend’s ability until a year had expired Then I Warned from a man who had called to ollect a narment on It that he had ♦greed to buy the typewriter on the ln - oilmen? plan, paying 4 a month for It. Tha man was calling for the last month ly payment cn It at the time, and the vpewrlter la new the property of my friend It took him a year to pay It oft u 12 s month, and he was receiving 50 I <enta a week for It all the time. I never j ♦ -rk the trouble to figure It out. but I can see that he mint have been making little on It while be was paying for it." THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1000. - THROWN WITH DEADLY AIM. IlffAtY t.OHIJ/r Idll) OPE* JOE lURI It t SCALP TO THE IKIIX. Maker link bad a SAt-rrhawl of Hi* Match Monday Night. Wa* Arrest ed and Nrleaaed. *a a I’rnmlir • heat e the t'lty the Next anil Itrrrhftl Himself a *erli Wound In the lornna —Magg le O’Neil AN n* AN Ith Him at the Time. Attempted IlnmlHilr llrrurrnl In House on At onticomery wtreet. Joe Maker, alia* Joe \l ,\lllUn a man well known to the police and who*# re cent return to the city, after a pr-dongel ab*ence. had et dted their wall-Justified apprehensions, was strut k In the head withs heavy glass last night and seri ously injured. The story of the trouble In which Baker figured as the victim, rather an unaccus tomed role for him. Illustrates well the darker side of Savannah life The goblet which struck him ma* thrown by a *vo man known a* Alberta, in a disorderly house at No. $ Montgomery street In the room was Maggie O'Neil, the widow of th man whom Harry Sweat killed on her account, aid around whose life are woven half a dosen stories of the hor rible and the tragic. A pHjng Broughton street hu*lne man was roi‘U-'l of In- watch Just after leaving his store Monday night He reported the matter to the poller, with such Informa tion of tin commission of the crime and such a description of the man who was guilty, n he could furnish. The case was placed .n the hind* of Detective Wall. Wall Jumj*e.l t* Die conclusion that Ba ker whs the guilty party. * the detec- . lives hkd been watching him since his ie< *tit return to the city, and the rot>- Ir y look. llk. a piece of hi- handiwork Baker wu* arresttd yesterday mornliut and. after a little urging, gave up the wat.-h |iecau*e the notoriety attendant upon the trial of tlv ra* would hav. been tjtudcw-ant to him. the owner of the watch t-onsenied to Hak-rs release from ius tody, on th distinct understanding that he should leave town at ofw- To this Maker agreed, hut he did not k’**p hi* agreement. He l addicted to fh‘ use of morphine, and show**, in fn.-e and manner, the baleful effects of the u*e of thl* drug With such additions <0 the morphine dream a* whisky could furnish he started oui upon the street* and In Ihe < ondltion h* then was naturally drift erj to the house ill which Maggie O’Neil wh* living The woman say* she had seen him on the preceding day and that after linker was released from the st t ion house ?bey were together yesterday and last night. \\ ha h*pi>encd t the time Raker re celved the wound Is a matter of consid erable doubt. ** hi* story and that of the O’Neil woman nr*- rot from striking evidence of partisan bias. Furthermore they were so full of morphine nil the lime they were talking that It was hard to tell whether or not they themselves understood what thay were saying. Maggie O’Neil said that ehe and Itakcr were pi her room when Alt>erta appeared In the doorway. Hhe said that *h* had been taunted by the.other women In the house and neighborhood. Alberta especial ly. with the alleged fact that three *r four of the men who have etijoyed the doubtful compliment of her close ac quaintance are either dead or in the penl tentUrv They had otherwise abused her she said According to her account of the diffi culty. Alberts begsn it by striking hr in the face. She did not re#ent this blow and H iker struck her because she didn’t. All of this time Alberta was standing In the room and at this Juncture let fly wbh the heavy goblet of pressed glass she had been carrying in her hand. Hhe Intended to hit Maggie, hut the missile flew wb’* of It- mark and struck Raker on tiie right temple. In 1 *♦- iund he had Alberta by the throat, and kl -ked her unmercifully until he hlm-cif fainted from the loss of blood There wns a gash three Inches long alove his right temple and the tem|N>rul artery was severed There was also 11 slight fracture of the skull. The O’Neil woman dragged Baker out of the house and carried him to Duke's Pharmacy, where *•*♦* attempt was ma le to dress and iMinduge the gaping wound. Then ha* was carried In a cab to the office of Tr. Ueorge M Norton Hr. Norton was with a patient at tha time he was summoned and it wv> pos sibly half mu hour before he could be reached and could get to his office In Ilie meantime Raker was a pitiful. If re pulsive. object. As long as he would keep stiii. tne bandage a'nout his ns*d serve! to check. In part. the flow of blood. but he could not lie quiet for two minutes at a time. The morphine he had taken had com pletely shattered his nerve*, and. In an exaggerated degree. he was In the condition of a man who has reached the eftmax of a long debauch He was "see ing ihlngs." and every little while he would make a wild lunge to get at one of these ap|Mrit|on*. Then the flow of blood would recommence. In the meantime the woman, who had come 10 the office with him was In seml hysterh** She needed another Injection of morphine ami she had to leave him while she went to t drugstore and laid In a supply of the drug When l>r. Norton arrived he *{ltched tip the gash and placed tight compresses about Hitker's head. In this manner the flow of blood was stopped and the man o fixed up that he could be helped Into the cab. He drove away with the wo man Hr. Norton thinks he will get over It all right, but to the lay mind It seemed that he ha I lost enough blood to cause the death ox. !l colored him red from head to wo Ist and it was spattered all about the room. The matter was not reported to the po lice and no arresis have been made. Raker said he did not want to have the woman arrested, probably because he did not want to put the authorities on notice that he Is still In the city. —An o'.d legal paper ha* been unearthed In the prothonotary's office In Wllkee hsrre. Pa It was an affidavit of defense prepared liy the late Jay Could In bl* handwriting and hears the date of IWT. ,<fou'id was hen In the tanning business at Oouldsboro. Pa* and huJ dtfft■•ally with hi* creditors. In his defense he claimed he had built the largest tannery In the world, and Instead of being hound ed by his creditors he thought he should receive encouragement for developing the resource# of the country. A Word to Weak Men. The tlr*t tmlh ntlon of a loss of manly \Utor the *:iKhtr*t wtvnkenlnar of yoitr manly fum tlotta—la a warnltik wtilrh shothl be promptly heesled. I oAnnot too sironitiy Impress ui*w> you what illstrvsatnc rontllUon* HljnMf are *ure to follow unless you take prompt step* to cor reel the sluthirnt Irregularity of this kind Bpot* before • * your eye*, falling memory, pimples, weak back. etc.. S are sure infllentlons of appr ( s.vhlnit weaknea*. which ftjlASw a?" * result In conu>iete |.* of mantiood. I have curwi more ■ ” t Ik weak men and reatored them to the foil atrenkth and vlyor of ihetr youth than any ten other phyatelan* In V *s’*'' '• the South. I *lve each caae the careful, thnmuiih atton ykVT' Hon neeeasary. aixl my u eaiment never fall* Cos effect tjJ, „ * perfect cure of you nk. ofl or nu l lie-a(t*J men, I treat with perfect auccesa all Chronic Disease* of men and f * 4 t.Tl ■-- women, such a> Stricture. Vartcocel*. Blood and Skin At CU**<a remal* W#*kr*e* ate I Invlt# everyone <0 eon- PU,t m * fu,ly *>out their eae. or writ# me for aymp- ’ torn blank* I will also send my new M-nage book, which , s .-■ M n la fan of wlslh facia that evry man should know All I N.wton Hathaway.Sl.D strictly confidential. Office hour* toIJ a m and Jto Sand J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M D., . no S r is Suiday* 10 am to 1 p. m. w A Bryan atraak _ . U Pmi< iQztyUvp rcoaii for (edioa. * " ' l*t|MC EAi.AN Ft 11 t.HT tONIHtTftH Tlie 'Troulile tleeiarretl on a AAhita- A lively row- that emled In a fight oc curred about N o’ckK-k k**t night, between Patrolman Dwyer of the police force and Z < Morgan, a conductor of the WWt aker-Abercorn belt of the Havannah, Thunderlolt and il- of Hope Railway. Ac fording to the story told by the con ductor. his car w * in the southern part of the city, when he noticed that Dwyer, who wa* a passenger, was sjdttlng on the floor, an m a that was very dt*gre<ahlr . the other passengers He remonstrat •*l with him. and this led to When Dwyer finally was off the car he railed hint a cracker , and he then went for him and gave him a beating. lie said that Dwyer had been drinking Dwyer could not he seen and his side of the case could not be had. tme of the pri*er.ger telephoned the matter to the harra. k* shortly after the occur ren s', but so far as is known the police nave taken no action. An official of the railway who war seen by the Morning N.-w* re|orter, stated that complaint* of a similar nature have lieen made against Dwyer before, and that this time it Is the Intention of the con ductor to prefer charge* against the l|r<*.man to Mayor Myers. ♦ FA Till AN NEAAN NOTES. AAill lie ItrrHvri Monthly I All Over the t ountry. Mjt W T Leopold, grand keeper of record* and seal* of the Knights of Py thias. he* received from the supreme chancellor of the order. Ogden H. Feth ers. a short resume of the current news item.* relative to the order, and similar lists will ha sent out each month. In this way the chancellor expects to have the different branches of the order keep in touch wTh each other, and promote an Infarct* that will In* helpful to the order as a whole. In the Information that Is contained in the letter for this month Is the state ment that 4.VJ in w amdicatlons were re ceived by the Kn.lowment Hank during the first fifteen days In Dacemler. a hand some vain over the same parb>d ui No vemlier; and that 1319.735.46 was paid out in ben* tit* during October, NovemlK*r and to Dw. 15. Another statement that will be of in terest genera My is that the fAupretne, lavJge has |wld in full the $20,000 barrow ♦si front the Endowment Hank in 1W I IIHHUT*A* WITH JACK. The Day Spent by the Sailors In \nrlntas Ways. The day was quietly observed by the seamen in port They were not fortunate ir being entertained with Ctirietmi* trees, but those of the same nationalities got together her* and there, and miv aged to get a* much pleasure out of their day * leisure as others who were pos sibly more favored It was a day of gen eral quint, all work being suspended from one end of the harimr to the otner. Flugp flew* from many steamships, which gave the river n holiday appearance. Dur ing the night mnnv of the visiting sea men wandered about town, and enjoyed the various pyrotechnic displays. city mtia 1 Tit:.*. Clinton I>*lge of Masons will hold Its annual communication and election of of ficers to-night. The employes of the Bavannah. Thun derbolt and Use of Hope Hallway pr*sent v| Inspector M* ldrm a handsome gold watch and cfcwln ami a mackintosh yes terday Among the arrest* made by the police yesterday was that of two white womin. Fannie Myers and Flora Hudson, who were sent In by Patrolman R W Wil liam* on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. The Myers woman Is an old offender In this respect. LOCAL POItMHAL Mr. W. B. Orlflln. Jr. of Btone Moun tain Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. J C. Smiley of Tyson was among the arrival* at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. Walter A Norton Is spending the holidays with hts family. In Bavannah Mr. Norton Is now studying medicine at a medical college. Mr. J. r Dobbins of New Orlaang. an uncle of Mrs. R. M Thomson, of this, city. Is on a visit to Bavannah. lie Is registered at tha De Soto Lea- Pewrjns’ gWT RfWARE OF IMITATIONS No matter how well your Meats, Ftsh, Soups and Salad* are prepared they will be im proved by Lea dc Perrin*’ Sauce. HUM T ••BAD Dr. Walsh Na>s Nature AAill t ure Them If AA e l.ef Her. Dr. J. J VAalsh In New York Journal. About every thin! person one meet* r this changeable season of the year has ♦ cough or a cold. Ab>ut every second on * of the sufferers has some infaliihle rem edy for the afll.ctlon. that he, or egpecia-- ly she. Is ready to contble to friends. Meantime he or she. by a fortu Mtr thspeitsarlon of nature, continues to ccugn and to stiecse for :hi* regulation {•erlotl, quite ws long as the unknowing 3bre*. Tbe ttrlncipal advance In medicine in these Inst fifty years hay been the acqui sition of definite knowlcdg' to Iho normal course of disease. We know notv rhat unlesa taken very early, hi I even liien only exceptionally. It is not poasibn* to shorten the course of Infectious dis ease* Io what we will, pneumonia wt I last five or seven or nine days, till the crisis come* and nature overi'omc* the l>ot*oi in the system. In the sain* way, typhoid fever runs Its <!eftnlte course of •ilout a month. Smallpox !*■* it* four period* of shout three days et* ‘h. .. .u -matlsm take* Its ow n time, somewh it mmliiiel by the coniditon of the IrslivUlual when the attack set In So do scarl * fever and measles and woooplng ci*ugi no matter how much this may Interfere with the plan* of mice or men. t olds Are I n feet ions. Now. though tt i* not generally realised, so-called ordinary cold* ore infection* dr*- ease* quite a* much as those mentioned <*olds are not as contagious as most kf the other*, though It must no! he forgot ten that rheum.itiem and colds often spread In families or schoo.s or harr.x k* In a way too? s.iowr* that they are es sentially contagious disease* in*r na ture. An ordinary cold 1* a catarrhal Inflam mation of some mucoi* membrane pro dta'ed by the invasion of some microbe. If the mucous mem!>rine ufTe thaf of the nose, it Is called a cold |n *be head. Ihe symptom* I* a running front the rose The material which thu* flow* out was formerly thought to com* from the brain The Lathis called the . % * n \ cretlon pltulta. ami there Is a little ov l !<fclv at the base of the brain called the pituitary body This ** doubtless the rea son for speaking of u nasal . <*.. * m th- h.J. tnil or h. nxillon of ihr iun| ihupouh m-mhriri •kw* not -pr.'.cl to th> hmln. Th- .n— -of fulnp.. 1., tho h..| |, to thp pn tarermom w,th hJoo.t of %rv rtt'v- Mrnotiir— within th- no,w-th ■ • nrhlnotr ho.llo- If <hr <*l4. that I*. hc ctnrrhal In flammiitkin. attack* !hc mucou* ,vcrtn* a,™ , . * ,on ’ lmi * u Pf-l'i'd with •lim.-.ilty of swallowing ir the |.,rvt, '*• in neon* [*' ' nrtl '•orrf*. hoarsen.-.* .r --• nlt*. If the Inner llit|n of the Inn-, then the *ffeetlon I* mile,l hron. hltl* microbe* thtt cause the .vtnpl.un* of , cold m.t> Attack the mucou* tncm!'r4.ic of the stotmeh or Intestines, and i|, en gastritis or diarrhoea results. Whenever microbe*, a foothold In the tissues, nature endeavor* to throw them off Hence the Tlr.t symptom* ..f a col.l In the hcad-that I*. In th. nose la repeated nee*| n Whenever an Irri tant louche* the naxl mucou* ntembrim a *necae reault* This I* a convulsive ejection of naval accretion for the |, !Jn . of act tins rid of the Irritant In the *ame way affection* of the pharynx, that tv the ha. k of the throut, the larvnx and th.. hmnthial tithe* lead to cough Cough far from helng harmful. I* ideally hene flclal. The he*t thing for a cough I* coughing The ronvulalve forcible expj. ration aweep* from the mucous membrane and Carrie* with it the offending mate rial whose presence kee|* up the ca tarrhal Inflammation If nature u hut given a proper chanee she will *OOll cough up all the source* of the trouble. '"•li Mixture* Harmful. Mo*t of the ordinary cough mlxtur< *0 popularly used do harm by limiting the cough. Thle always make* the cold last longer. There ore circumstances un der which the physician may have to choose between two evil*, and tu.iy de lltserately eleet to limit the rough. Where a cough will keep hr patient and per haps also Trlends awake for a good | mr( of the night Its suppression miy he Judged advisable. This Is not difficult A little opium tn almost any form suffices to accomplish the purpose 80m of the preparation* of opium form the principal Ingredient of most of the ordi nary cough mixture*. In oil people particularly, the suppres.lon of the cough and he consequent re enlion of Inflam matory ap-rrtion that should. In the ord- Inary cotirse of nature, be thrown off )* frequently productive of serious results Healing Is delayed and chronic bronchial affecstons follow Another part of nature's protective mechanism Is the fever that occur* with cold* Whenever microbe* Invade the body the lemtiemlure .•* tip. The rea son I* that the cheml it I n.-tivltv within Ihe body I* greater at the higher temoer nttire. The tt*u>* live f*ter for n while nnd are better able to rc*|*t mi crobe Influence*. Kever I* an unhealthy —Ate. however. becAuae It |* exhausting The tlasue* are putting forth a special cf. fort to conquer the enemy, but thl* ax tra effort cannot be kept up for long If work, especially In the cold air. I* done during fever. It call* for greatly Increased consumption of energy. To keep isn pounds of material at a temperature of dogrees. when th surrounding air I* much lower, requires constant burning of tissue elements, that Is. th# oxidation of carbon-containing substance* H**t Is ordinarily rroducod t-y carbon oxidation even outside the bedy To keen the hu man body at a temperature of live de grees higher than norms! requires the burning of much more csrhonaenour ma terial If muacular work Is ealllng for 6U aurriv of energy at Uu game time tSm JB' THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Thu iijMtor* on errrj bottlo— JOHN DLNCA.S'S SO.VS. AgtaU, New York CHRISTMAS TROUBLES are over now, and we are ready again to take up business in the legular channel. A SPECIAL OFFERING IN RUGS. 9xt2 Smyrna for $20.00; regular price $25.00 3x6 Brussels for $1.25; regular price $2.00 These are big bargains for balance of week. LINDSAY & MORGAN, Trunks as a Christmas Gift Is no doubt a good idea, as it is use ful as well as ornamental. You can buy them right from the manufac tory at the right price for the Best Make. SHOW AND BAI.KBROOM. 31* AND 31* BROUGHTON, WEST FACTORY AT TO 4M HAY STREET. EAST , SOUTHERN TRUNK FACTORY. • hen Indeed the systemic forces are rap idly drained. tlrwf flic f lire. For a cold th** first best thing Is r**t. If not <'C*njd*-U*. tb*n as much a * poi*- xtbhv MiifM’ulHr exertion must not la* In dulged in while there Is fever, ami the I chilliness on expnaure to th** air that ac (ompan fH It Th** >’ough must te atimu -Im?*-| a? <1 RoftsimL not treachefoualy lulled All th* s**cr**tione ami exert lona of the body mutt I*** rendered active. They carry off toxle material from the circu lation When t* refdratlon It* free, cool * ponging sind goexi rubbing Khould pre edo exiioaure to the cold air. for the re laxation f the ou amou* tlxxuea bring-* blood to the surface This will l*e chilled, and Internal contceatlom*. with complica tion* of the cold, result, unless the little arteries near the surface are stimulated into activity. In u word. It is Judicious rare of the details of daily rife, no? special remedies, that ir ng coughs and colds to their s|M diest ending 1 hon i'm n:\nibitt H<m a Negro hanet Ills llea Abotif Tlielr Heapeetlxre Weights. From the Bt. Rouls Republh. "A pound am a pound howsumever yer look t er." This statement was poalMva tv adhered to yesterday by Jerry Talbot of No. 1311 North Ninth street. To-day he would doubMes* dec.are hlm- M*lf different \ Yesterday he was In duced to try the world-famous experiment of dropping a pound of lead and a {tound of feathers on hi* toes, to determine their r e*|*ective weights. He used Iron Instead of bad. but the demonstration wns Just as effective. He Is now at the City Hos pital with contusion* on his right foot thm will require medical attention for sev eral days to come. j*rr> Is • *-ameter, and yesterday he war loading ;\ lot of s.'rap iron upon his conveyance at Kighth atul Riddle streets. A friend of his hap|Mnrd by and engaged him in conversation. Rrobobly the .Iron which J*it> was handling suggesdod the theme, bit at any rate, their talk ranged Into .an argument as to the weights of various substances. They differed on several point*, and Jer ry's friend wanted to wager that he wras correct on each of them. Jerry would not wager, whereat the otljer. probably as a Joke, made the ha kneved proposition 1 •'l’ll bk t you what you like a pound of lead ts heavier than n |*ound of feath ers’* Jerrx replied with his n**ertlon about a nound being a pound under any clrcum xfSlices. The friend then xuggexted the practical demonstration. A mattres* maker, whose shop wa c we by, agreed to furnish the feathers. a?w| a piece of Jerry’s Iron served In place of lead The trial was made. Roth materials wen- dropped on the negro's toes. ||e admitted that the Iron was the heavier. Candy Esculetts Cores PILES or Money Rtlonded. WHY SUFFER? Bold under guarantee at fo lowing atoev ftowlloakl'a. Junta T-mnl* Knight's, VV F. Held's, Mai low a c<tva> land’s. Donnelly's, and W. A. I'lgman 'j Bavannah. Ga l-ll'l SIAN HROS.. Bavannah. Oa and vs F ItKID, Savannah Qa, Dlanbutore @CVR: YOURSELF! ffsS^Jsusssst rr mtioM or ulcerative *SM fcy Orantoia. ssssig Cooks and butlers every where pronounce It an indis pensable requisite to the Culi nary Supplies. The Wedding. Presents Store IS HERE, Because we ore selling ot A GREAT REDUCTION On Account of Closing Out Our Business. Bv*ryhotly knows th* stork .-arry— th* h#.*t that's pnrrha.-.ibtr. ‘•tit Class. Whlllnv's 8..1M Sllvrr. Fir* China .xtM Tra 8. is. I.*mps, Brio. A-Brac. an.l hosts of other think* rurtljr Aflnptrfl for pr-srntil Yon aAVA bin monay. nn<l bityinc ettrh KOO.I* At our prr*rnt prtrrs Is Ilka pur. rhaMit* knkt floli-rs at a discount. GliO. W. ALLEN SCO. STATE ANl> BARNARD STS. ——— b h Ni*t. rr Mutt so Vice IT.x deit Bxaar Bt.p. Jr Sec y and Traaa KEAL-lIILLARD CO. Builders’ Material, Sash, Doors anJ Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Class and Brashes, [ULCERS' HARDWARE, Lime, Cement and Pistet. • •'- Xkllakt, streete. ■AT Akg AH, it iyyttttttttttts r'lftiiywi Bone Meal For Chicken Fted and FWtlllaer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for “home-tilxed" fertilUa**. Vh# rheait and m -at concentrated oo the market Pi*n4 for particular* IIAY.GHAIX, COU KKIU), KHAI, BTC. SEEO OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, 'Phone SJ. 11l Bey street, wtet Hot Air Furnaces. We make a specialty of repairing Hot Air Furnarte Vaur orders will racelve prompt attention. E C FJCETTI A BON. Phor.e *4l. jg) Whltakf Empty Hoqsheads. Saspry Uataaaw Msgahnas fee aalt by .+ *zt C. M. GILBERT & CO. .*