The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SHOULD FILE THEIR BONDS. T\% ( •LI.K4 TON AMI H t:< t-'.l % i:m * UKULI to in-: hit ok jonv • %rr i:ihtT littte Nnl > h 4 UHI. IHr lnw ltf uirlnu HniU In Hr Kllrtl l> Jun, I—Trunlrrn >ln% >l Hr %H|r lu o|m‘M 11 *• <mi l.rr’n lt|r f Hiln >—'• n* llmrr I i iat|* nn Ihr Vlt-lim l n MarUrr • \k*HNll Onr.%rmrf Wlillr 'lnn \rrr*lrl for %tnrr>lnt * Atlintt, Der. 77,—Th* question of th opening of the Owif*ilerut* *r*’ Horn* In shu*-ir* the Mount of Truilr - i.o little worry. I< wan tuouuli* ihut It woolit br to opH) tt or Jmi. If. (Srtj l^f■ birthday, but tt H now •rrn that thin will br fni|*M*ib|e unlrsm the veteran* irr n>o\.<l ,n before the h.* been thoroughly repaired. o I put tn a Tirtrtl l* covwlliluh Whether thin wi t bra tvlHhlt tr a quea tton that wilt hr drcldi'd by the Hoard of Trijwtrra All veteran* who |. ire io br.'oeiM inmate* ro request**! to '■oinm.i lilratr with \V 1. Calhoun !H lirown hut Minn when they will be given ab of the i<''mhiv information If tn • U|>enina h until .mother <lat< ,n • ntrrtatnmeiit will h given at the groui. t •ml ilintinguHihed Confer hr ate will l* invited to |ar*i< Ipalc in the opening exe.- dm. Thera are some eighty d.| •* roller ami reveller , who are likely to hav, lheir office* dMijmi v ant by Oo\ t a fuller nett week, utile** they iuh their lurnj* forward to • ontn>lr. r Oener.: Wright before Monday night. Ho fir oniv about fifty collector*' and receiver** bond* hava been filed with the oontroller gen rrwl. and under the law. unlet* me* boiule are filed by Jan 1 The Governor tnuai declare th ofth-e* vacant and order • nr* el* '(ioii Thr- will h# no i> mporislng. for tit. t)ffirl.*t* have li*a fair warning nA ther. for# the> bad |,. ,| Ih , mH|t „ r at once Many hate. no doubt Hle.l i(if| r booda with the ur.lnaries of h*tr r.-q*-. live 1.m,n 11.-. Ihji thf* hav, ntv.r 1.,n forward*. | to Atlanta so th.*' thf reel* - ora and collector* ro tn a itm-dhtti* [a a.tton. Ho far tho only tax collector*' l.mde tevelvod by th*. i.introlloi itenetal are ftom th*. followtna counlle* Bakor, Blt>t>. ** Bryan. Hult. Calhoun. Camv boli. Ontooaa, Ch.ittahoofhoo. fherok*.. Coffee. Itfi-atur. I Hmgherty. Effing*,., m Emanuel. lann n. Franklin. Fulton, tlla* , • < - k. Greene. Han. nek Haralson. Harris. Ibard. Jackson Ja*i*r Johnson. l.m r i*. Lee. Lit,roln. Luini.kln. McDuffie, .M* riant her. Mlllrr. M.lton Mitchell] Mortgomer,. .Murray. \>wton, <>g|*. thorpe. Baubling Ilercr. Hike. Bulaskl. Richmond. Hpahling, Stewart. Telfair. Towns. Troup, I'nlon, Walker. War*-. War ran Webster, Wilcox. Wilkes. Worth The following tax receivers hav*. ffled liond* Maker, Hr,*kr. ilryan. Bulkx-k frattn. Calhoun. Fampb* 11, Catoosa, c' hant. Chattahooiher ’h,rokef. Cla\. Cof .'ee, Uecatur, Kftinvhani Fannin. Frank tin. Fulton, tilaacbck. tirernc, Hancock. I llainlaon. iicar.l. Jackaoti. Jasper. John* •on lourens, Un<x>ln. I.umpkln. McDuffie. Meriwether, Mtll**r M.lton. Montjtomer*. Murray. Nrxvin Caul.liny IMcrc. Pike Pulaski. KtcnnuUMi. H< reven. Hi. wart. T*lfntr, Towns. I'nlon. l |aion. Walker. Ware, . Warren. Washlt nion, Wilcox. Wtlkea and Wialh For .-oinc unknown mot lye a mtmlcrous assault was made on Horn* r Thompson, a son of Police CaptHlh John A. Thomt* •on, about II o', ks’k lact night, on Bell- W.svl avenue Thompson says that his as. sailant was John Hlarkstock The young man, with m. tialf dogen frlen*ls. was on Ith way to a dance, that was to have been held at the corner of Hellwootl ave nue and t'hestnut street. The party got off the Marietta street car at ltell*,H>.| avenue, atal Thom|a*on remained -otue distance behind his friends tn ask ti 'nuna lady, whoe h>une ws near by. to go to the dance with him As he walked aking he paas*-.! two men. lut thought nothing of them. One of them ma-li- a alighting remark and the other one grab t>ed 'l'h*imi-on and stalibe*! him In the hack and eel* Itoth men then tan, and Thompaon'a friends, who were aliout u hnndMd fret ahead returned to him at his i all. The wounded young mull was taken In a street car to the corner of Kr*atd and Marietta streets and there pla*ed tn th> hn-pitai iimhii.alic and takl> to . . I! ... u ' . • ill roe was John !2la. kalock We Inn. always tarei, go*. I frt>-n*ls, and I can't un derstand win he ..II in. ] t 4mm without a word of w irning. and 1 hud no way of defending myself.'• sail voimg Trnanpaori. If the lire department makes ten runs tn the next live days It will li* the record. The greatest number of runs made In one year was tn iwa That year th*- depart ment 43N call*, about twenty-live more than were ans were* l during any pre vtoua year In lire history of th. city. Because they got married a one-annex! wlille man and a good-looking tnula’to girl were lock'd up on suspt lon by the police about 1 o'clock towbiy They had u license Issued by ordinary Hulsey, uni say they were married by a justice of the peace whore name they *lo not know Tin man's name Is Charley Johnson, an.l the wcanan's Eleanor Moody They hall from Itorm- kTorn Tilt: rovitH van tvnnKi orr THIS (OLD. La tail v* Promo Quinine Tabli cura a roM In on* day. No cur*, no pay. Pries > cants —ad. jk uikuok. Ttfloa Burglar Hn>*rn llinni g.MMt In Ualrhrt anti Jrnrlry Tlfton. On., Dro. *7.—The window of Jeweler J. K. Cochran, In Smith'd drug ■tor*, wan burglarised night before lari b*lw**n ten and eleven o'clock. The More ia situated on the principal business street of the city, and lit* window vat filled with a Christmas dlsiduy of allver and holiday good*. The burglar broke the plate (lan window with lron rod nhd took the food* of mod value that were In reach About twenty watchee and lx • tween Sh'rty-llve and fiwty gold rings were atolen The In** I* eatlmatrd nt t'on. although It may far exceed tbl. The city aulhorlilee and Hr. Cochran offer a re ward of 17.'. for the Hireri of the thl<f. AitMFtST I IK KOI* tM*l LT. laiu \rgro Attempted to Assault Iraro Woman. ttHfiit. (la.. Dec. 27.—Ian night Will Harris, a young negro man. attempted to assault a negro woman named Caroilnu Jones The woman fought him like u tiger ami he became alarmed ami ran. He was captured ami carried to jail to await his trial, on the eharge of nsaaMlt with attempt to commit rape. -* - t •I. A. Inm.isr a llaakrnpl. New York. Dec, 27—M A. Seymour of this city tiled a peilllon In bankruptcy to day. Individually aid ar a member of ill* former brokerage mm of Seymour, John* aon A Cos., with liabilities of HWS.MO; as eeia, 750. CK. Tonight Just before retiring. If yonr Hm tf sluggish, out of tun* and you feel dull bilious, ivnsllpgled. take a dose of Hood's Pills And Ton'll be ail rigbt In the morning, j FIFTY TONS OF CANDY Have lleen eal to Our *ol<ll*r In (Hr PHHfpplae Klnnl h> IHr <•<% rrHßirnl, Fifty tb>* of c-aiMly haw be.-i *4vt to the *ol<lt#r In the I’hillpplne l.*Un<l* by In om.n.HPMry ,!• ,nririi'jti 1 kf h<* army during the lunt three month* and lant * • mount* to the *olUr* In Cuba urul J'or to I? 100. This I* upon miJi iff of tbr malkfll •!t #-r* of the *rm>, tvmuw it t ■ phy* vioioak'Ml fm*t that 4 modrrutn eonum|* w* of confectionery promote* h*;iltb and *attM)e* h natural r ravin* of the *tom *rh. Candy wa* never futni*beil to th*' flitt ed, dtate* army Iwfore althoixh it ha* b-en 1 ommonly .v* a ration •>* the French an*l Mritlrh troop* In the tropics Thl* theory tha *wei* wr‘ Injurious 10 the dl|etlv oru m*. while • moderatt* ue of aweot* 1* actually iN iw-fielal # Very fee thin** ar* mjuriuu* n*l th** food crank- who advocate the ir. of lew grain* a ui veetablet and d(*< 17 the u*e of *we t* anl no af are In error. * 1 wholeaoou- variety of meat anti ve***- tatble 1- ihaolittelv n- --ary for the maintenance of tin* h iff bent condition of health The b#*et rub* t# follow I* fo f'A> a hat th* 1 appetite uial If there |* any dim nmfort or tr>uble In diffeaHiac newt .iriil earetv, the difficulty can be readily c vercome by the r> u*e after meal* of pom* t-Atr tllKrullVp *mjwer, of | M fi *ln nd dlaatae* which mill mwl*f the *tnnia h by iner* a-lna the ftom- of iraatrlc Juice and furnl-h the natural |>e|tom* la-kln*; In m<ak etiaia< h* The be** preparation of thl* kind Ik isr<>bibly Atuart * ly*fep*i. Tablet* m hl> h may be found at nil dm*; -tore* Year* of !**• hove demonstrated th* value and effe* tlvefie** f Htuart * Uy*- i iut Tablet* in all caae* of ImiMlrc-l diaeetion - - --■■■"■■ ■ ■ 'lll.ll tin or 111:11*. GKORGIA lirUHAltfl Troop A, let !<• k 1 t'rtv . <ja Voi* . Havannah. Dec. A. lb" <>rder* No 4A The troop will at* < mlde *t the armor> a *■ I * k thl* afternoon (full dr* uniform). ntountel io |wi •• • • Mf t.- j her Dr Wm Dun. m C A I. OFNNINUMAM Fli*t IJetiteiiant < 'ommun.llng Mattery A. Klrot Mattalion Heavy Artillery. G. 8 T . H.tvann.ih. ti 1 . Dec. ‘iK. Hn The Mattel y !i#her*t ori*r#'*i to as*em ble at it* armotv .it o’clock thl* l Fri day > afternoon, fully uniformed, armed and equipped, to |mv the la?*t tribute of respect to the memory of Honorary Mm b**h William Dun an Hy order of JAMKgH M ROGRRfI. t’aptaln <*ornmuillna KPtK'UI. NOTICE*. \OTII K. Savannah. Ga , Dec. 37. IfYO The firm of .Way A Washburn ls this day dissolved by mutual consent K. E. Washburn withdraws from the firm II W Way takes all the assets ami assumes the liabilities of the 01l turn an-1 will continue the mn-in, - under the name of 11 W. Wat II W WAY K K WASIIIII'HN Savannah. Oa.. Dec. 37. I*> MITII K. Savannah tla.. In. . 77. IMh Neither the master nor consignee* will lie responeltdr for any debts consrorted by the crew of liuich l>rl* Admlraal Tromp • HH (I. DAIII. * TO. Consia nees WKtlll. MITIIK. Just received from Naphe, Italy, a large iionsignment of suitt'rlor Macaroni and Spaghetti. to Is' had by the |K>und or lox Come and see me to be thoroughly con vinced. I*. CAFIERO. Hourhwesi corner of St Julian ami l'rlce rrtreets. 11l Y IDEM! NOTICE. The Chatham Hank. Savannah. Dec. 3ti. "so The directors ol the Chatham Hank of Savannah tiave this day declared a divi dend of throw dollars tier share. iMywble on and after Dec. Ji Inst., to (stockholders of record this day. JNO li. Dl LISIN. Cashier. lilt IOK Ml NOTH K. Savannah Hank ami Trusl t’r . Savannah. Oa.. Dec. 13, Hall. A semi-annual dlvliteisl of S3OO per per silare lias been *1" iai'-. 1 Oil tie- capi tal stock of this bank, payable on and after Dec. li* to stockholders us of record this day. Trunsfer Issiks are closed until Dec. 2* W. F McCAI'I.K Y, Cashier. The Butranre Spring* Cos.. Huwanee Springs, lit Gentlemen 1 am pleused to say that I I was mts'it berohted tty a three waa*ks ao ' Journ at your #|>rln,. When I went to your springs I was nearly run lown with 1 general debility, and was suffering with Imy kidneys. I was much Improved In * tioth rrs|crte, anti ulth*>tgtt I have now tieen away from the springs iwo month". I slih feel tlw* beawtlcial effects or the visit lam persuadul that If I eouUt Have remained with you foi .1 couple of month* I wreuhl have fully regained my former health. Y'ours respectfully. LACK A T 17-LAIt Hlackvlllc PC. All you can drink for 3c ol Livingston s. MK\tld.ini: IN (.IKK i:hik. OX GELATINE. OX TONOI’E. BULL DURHAM TOBACCO. COW peXs. CALVES' FOOT JELLY. lIORBE RADISH MUSTARD. FOSE iu\ BR HI TTER. (•111, KFN B * PIG IIAMB. EAGLE MILK. PIGEON PEAS CAT AND MOUSE MATCHES. w> h<ve no Whfti Klophant A M. 4k C. W. WEST 1 Georgia Phone No. *4*. Bell Phone No. 341 W. f . FltlPP A t'O. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Ileal Estate Isyugm and sold on ratnmli ■long and Henla collected. Hcpreeenllng Travelers Insurance Company Ufa. Ac cident and liability Department*. New York Undernriter# Fire Ineuranc* Company Greenwich Eire Insurance Company. Th# City Trust. Sale Deposit and Surety Company. Issuing Bonds of Surety to contractor*, administrators, guardians, etc. FAUkf F. 4FB. KE9TAI H (XT AMI OYkTEII ViOl'kE 43 Bull Street Blue Points. Little Neck Ciams. received by every mearner. Native oyster* in aU Myles. Chops and steaks and game In season. Everythin* ibe beet. Just received, fresh lot live lobster*. M D. ABRAMS Prop p. 8— Hot lunch from 11 to 1 every day. i LAND TITLE*. Abstracle Ol the recorded land title* of Savannah and Cnatham raunty (tom the settlement of Georgia to date. Money loaned at low ioteresi oa city real calat*. BECKETT A BECKETT. THEMOKNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 28, 190a tl IRIII IUKI. Bi'AKItOKOriJH fcI.KINH- Murrlrst. gt the horn* of th* bride's parents. ll< von iUlc iirxl b> ttw llev. II J. Arnett. Mr. t' K. H arboruugh of till- city to Miss I os* Klklns. No <wr*ls. FI M il tl. 11l ITtTlort*. 1)1 NI'AN —Th*> trleisls aral a.quatllt ati Sof Hr William Duncan. Mr. A. M ■' Dut. an and Mr. James It. J4in. slon are to xntml tlie funeral services of the former at Hie Independent Brest))'t*rlan Church to- la) l I o'clock, p. nr HTOCKETT The frtusls and gcqualn of Mr and Mr*. W. II Htovkstl. and of Mr and Mr* ; . Bryan, are In \ ttc.| to attend tin- funeral of the former, from hi* late residence. H Htate Itreel cast, thl* ifternoon. at 3:*i o'clo*-k. Internum at larurel drove. Illallimore p.iper pleaae c*)|>> > TI'BKBDV- The relatlv*.* and friend- of Mt. Fatrick Tuberdy te InvltMi ro his fumtal from Ihe re|ctne of hi* *langtiler. 'lrs. I*. A. O'Btall Mont gomer) street, at 11 a m to-day. Inter ment Cath.*l*al Cemetery. MKRTIMiI. HIM MJ:im\o MASONIC HAI-I* FRIDAY BVENING DEC 3 AT :. To endorse candidacy of HON HERMAN MIKRS For Ma \dr of llavannah. and to take steps looking Io the nclocllon of AN AIaDKRMANIC TICKET PALESTINE dOMMANDRRY WO. T.K.T. Allrnilori Sir Knights A teg con iave of this a a ery will be held thi ilrkl.tyy ev enlng at your asylum. Mi son c Temple, at 3:11 o'clock. Order of he lied Cross will l>e conferred, j Visiting Sir Knights are cordially Invit ed to attend My order of H E WIUION. Eminent Com. JA It ROCKWELL. Re order ANCIENT I. % \ Hit Alt K LODGE NO. 2.11. F. A A. VI. A spetial tmntura. at lon will be Ty ternoou. 2*th. at 3 o'clock, to pay tel the last tribute of respect to our deceased brother, Pastmwster Wm. Duncan Members *i sister lotlge* are Invited to meet with us U. E DICKINSON. W. M JNO. H GAINER. Secretary y.KHI Hit VI*KI. LODGE NO. in. I'. A A. At. A -pedal communication of this lodge will tie held lids iFrldayl afteriioon at 3 ookxk. for the |tur- ' 'r' —pose of paying the last tribute of re tgM'ct to our deceased brother, W. 11. blot kett. Memlter* of sister lodges uiul transient brethren are ■ especially Invltrd to at tend. Ily order of I A. SOLOMONS. W M. W A. BISHOP. Be rciary (IBORRU MUNI Alt MCIBTY. The officers ami member* of the tjeorgia Medical Hts'ltty ure respectfully Invited to attend the funeral ** of their late brother memlter. Dr. Win Duncan, at tiie Iridets ndotit I’resby lerlan till* afternoon, l>e. -1, at I o'clock. Its order of Hit President. T P WAKING. M U. i'll AS H. LANNEAP. M D Ks Set ’y. Member* will please meet at the office of the president at northwest corner Hull and Liberty sirens at 3:!KI o'clock p m. AA. AA . OSHIINVK SOI Til SIDE AIL niMvrn ATioN i.i n. All members of the W II Osborne Bouth Bide Administration Club are earnestly requested to meet at Becotul avenue anti Wltltuket street nail on int* (Friday! evening, tree. 2*. at 7:34-o'clock sharp, and march to the gtan.l rally at Masonic Temple F. M. CONNELL President NOTH l\ Members of the Bouth Sltle Club are re quested to meet at their hall. Becond and Wlitvaker streets, ibis (Friday), evening ■it 7:30 o'clock sharp, to march to the M • sonl Temple to grand rally W T HI BBKY, President. NOTH 1.. Member* of the Bouth End Polltl.ul Club are requested to meet at their hail. Klfih and Whitaker stree*-. this (Friday ! even ing al 7:i o'clo k sham, to march to the I Masonic Temple to gran,l rally. • R II CLEMENTS. President. NOTICE. Savannah Hank and Trust Cos.. Savannah, Us., Dec. 13. IKS). The annual meeting of the stoiktmlders of lids I"Ii:k will he het at rh" Ranking House In the city of Savannah on Frl day, Jn 11. IMH, et 12 o'clock ro.. for the election of dire,lor* arvl the t nans ac tions of auch other buslnew# as may come before the meeting \V F. McCAI’LBY. Cashier. •A VAN .YAH. FLORIDA AID WEST ER A RAILWAY CO. Annual Meeting of Murhholder*. Savannah, O*.. Dec il. I*<o#. The annual meeting of the stockholder* of this company will be held at the of fices of the comtwny In *he 4**y of Sa vannah. Ga on Widnesday, Jan. 9. IWI. at 10 o'clock a. m.. for the ele.-tlo of dlre<‘tors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meet ing H. U SMITH. Secretary. *PI-t I \i. si. lit t. FUR SALE. On* 10-lnch Sienm Shot Gun Feed. S3 feet long, one lltll Oscillating Steam Nig ger. Sand 10-tnch cycllnder-, only used about thirty days; one Picket Mai bin* and one Neary Guide, also a lot of Circu lar Saws from Hi to 30 Inches diameter, from the mi l of II P Smart A Pro In Emanuel county The above for sale by VALE ROY AT. MFG. CO.. Savannah. Ga. THE KATANA AH PREPARATORY SCHOOL, MILITARY, Harris and llarnard street# Ormond B Strong (Cornell). Head Master. Greek. Lath, a,ol English: Rev it p. Johnson A. 31 (Princeton), lately of Hi Mat thews Military Academy, History, Geog raphy and Modern Languages! John Steiger. A. 8., Mathematics and Chon, Dtry. Oa. Telephone 131 L ma iu soticsi. \tITICK. City of Savannah. 'Jg-. om. e Clerk of Coun. II D*< 1. I® Th follow mg ordinary *- r* publlahed for the infot motion of all core eroad. WILLIAM P. BAILEY Clerk of Council. FIREWORKS. An ordinal te to | trail the firing of fire, crackers aral flretaorks during the l hrlst max holiday* a* hereto p*ovld*d Bn non 1. Be R ordained bv the M.yor and Aklermen of th*- oily of Savannah tn Council assembled, Thai tne flrlng of Ore cracker* and nrework* I* hereby permit ted In the rlty of Savannah on Liberty street and smith nl Lihetiy street <e*. ept on Bull street north of Ihe imrade ground) f/oni I" -I lo Jan 1 both Inclusive, and th*- ordinance heretofore passed on this subject |s mended accordingly. E' P aa herein provided, flrlrig of ffresrorks and nr* , ra kers In the city of Suvanmh h forbidden under |nallles of egtating ordinance*. Sec i That th# hrtn* of llrecracker* or firework* In. from or Into Forsyth Park is hare by forUddan under the said penal tl*. , Bee. S That at! orllnan cs and parts or ordinance* In conflict with tbio ordinance ore hereby repealed Ordinance paarwd Dec 15. IW*. BONFIRES An ordinance io permit bonfires In the lerk Extension or parade ground during the Chrlstmae holidays. Sc-tlon 1 Be If ordained hy th* Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah. In Council .*-emitted. That the building of bonfires In th<- Bark Extension or para l# ground, from Dec. J 4 lo Jan. 1. both In clusive. Is hereby allowed. Sc !. That *ll ordinance* and parte of ordlnanees In conflict wllh this ordinance are hereby repealed Ordinance passed Dec 15. I**7. uHRF.N't aroTrtt whisky. Thl* celebrated famous old tolled Highland Whisky Is Imported direct from the distillery hy us This Ureer Scotch Whisky Is guaranteed to he bottled abroad end I* consigned lo us from Hlat gow. Scotland, and Is in bond In the rnlletl States Custom House In this city Thle grand old Greer Scotch M hlsky Is beautifully mellow and mild to a degree end Is soft to the pal., teas one could possibly wish, and there la a nuttlness about II that la especially pleaaing. We are glad to let the public pur chase as small quantity as they wleh. even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand of Scotch whisky extant LIPPMAN BROS.. Wholesale Druggists. Llppman s Block. Sole Agents for th# Greer Dlsttl lerlee. Glasgow. Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whlskloa I A LAKTIAti BEMEMBH AXfU FOR A HOLIUAI GIFT. tlolid Gold Bpctacl# D0 Hoi Id Gold Eyglas Gold Fill#.! p#*'taci* 5 30 Gold Flll#d Eygla * Aluminum ByegU#* *>** Aluminum Spot tael# Th# abov# prlros Include th# very h*et lens#* mad*. Th# par ty who r#rlv#s them <an hav# their eye* examined and glass#* changed to suit within ona year Free of Charge. nn. XI. SCHWAB A BOX. 47 Rail Street. AAF ItAVK THE FINEST line of Box Paper, Perfumery. Pocket books. Lap Tablets, Scissors and Scis sors Bets. Manicure Sets, Ladles' and Gents’ Dressing Cases ever shown In this city. Please call early and leave your or ders for HUYLER'B CANDIES. In baskets, boxes and packages. SOLOMONS COMPANY. II I. All* OF HOvtl HO It.IS NMI HOSPITALS lias It ever oc urred to you that nearly one-hall your life I* spent Inbed? The mu tress I* the mot abused article of furniture, and should be well made and of good. Clean material. K should be pick ed nnd cleansed at least once each thr a veara. We make new one# to ortler, and have Improve.l machinery to cleans# and pick old one*. Our mechanical work, line of tickings and materia! for filling flrst clsas Medicated Steam Renovation of Feather#. Hair etc. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING CO. Dell Phone UM Ml Drayton. look l The finest line of Mantel*. Tiling and Grate* In the city Price# rock bottom Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere SAVANNAH BI'ILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Corner Cangrraa and Drayton. 'Phone Sl*. THE WAY TO ALLAN CARPET*. The only way o get your carpet* prop erly taken up. cMened and taken car* of for the summer, la to turn the )ob over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at M Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work. Price* reasonable They also pack, move and store furniture and piano*. C H MED LOCK. Supt end Mgr I AM The largest grower of Cut Flow . er, ami My Flower# are the Fin est Grown. Strong talk, but the proof t# easy—send me your order JOHN WOLF, Grower of Fine Cut Flower*. IMPORTED "HUHHIK3. Ok! Family Oloroso, Spain. Burgun dies. Port. Old Tewney, Old Taregono. Old Tom Gin, Old Holland Gin. French Cognac, Vintage UK,. Rhine Wine. Clar et*. quarts end pint* AU Imported Wucrxburger Hof nraeu Beer on draught and bottles. GEORGE BECKMANN. Phone 710 ID-114 Wnltaker St. RIDS WANTED. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Works. Savannah. Oa Dec. 37. iwn —Bid# will be received at Ihla ofltre until Monday. Dec. U. 1* at 12 o'clock noon, city time, for furnishing feed a* follow*: No. I Timothy hay. per !(* pound*! best quality feed bran, per 140 pound* heat quality ••bin. per bushel I wet quality mixed oats. To be weighed at rh,' city lot. Envelopes to lie marked "Bid* for Feed." The city reserves the right to reject any or all bid* Bids to be opened In the presence of bidders. GKO. M. LUkUBDEN- Director As Good as Currency Tells the Whole Story. Humboldt Cigars LEE ROY MYERS A: CO. o (fleomolile It is with extreme pleasure that I am able to an nounce that I have secured the exclusive agency for Sa vannah and vicinity of the product of the LOCOMO BILE COMPANY OF AMERICA, the largest manufac turers of motor vehicles in the country. Mr. C. A. Benjamin, special representative of the above company, will be at my store for a fews days, be tween 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., and will be [leased to explain to all the general excellence and practicability of the Lo comobile. Mr. Benjamin is accompanied by Mr. Wm. H. Birdsall. one of the most expert operators of automobiles in the country (late of the New York Fire Department), who will be pleased to give all interested a ride. Call and make an appointment. Catalogue on application. R. V. CONNER AT .34d-348 Bull Street. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYBODY. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY I! Congress Street, West. gPFATAL NOTICE*. PROPOSALS VA ANTED. "City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Works, Savannah. Ga . Dec. 37. ISO!-Sealed pio|to-..'s will be re elved at this office until Monday Dec. 31, uws at 12 o'clock noon city time, to furnish the city o( Savannah with supplies until Jan. 31. l*i,l. All pro:,osill- must he made on official forms, which can lie secured it this office on and wfter this .late En velopes to be market! ‘‘Proposals for Sup plies." The city reserves the right to in ject any or all hi,ls. lllds to lie opened In the p react!ce of bidders ODD. M GADSDEN Din ;or SPECIAL NOTICE. We are now giving special attention to house |uln ting, kalaomlnlng and paper hanging, etc. With a corps of only flrst ciats workmen and a competent super- Intednent we cwn do your work promptly and sattsfaceorlly. Get our eetimat* on anything In house decorating tin* and aav* money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. BOND* EAEC VIED. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. hi ar* author ized to execute locally (Immediately upa, application, all bond* In judicial pro ceeding" In either the atat* or United States Courts, and of administrators and guardians BEARING A HULL Agents. Telephone 334. Provident Building. No. I*4o. Chartered 1141 -THE- Hit Mill It OK SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. EtOJ.iagt SURPLUS 3140.000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY J. A. Q CARSON. President BEIP.NE GORDON. Vice President. W M DAVANT. Cashier, Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received th# most favorsb'# terms consistent with safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BULDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IS YORK STREET. WEST. 5 PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand, interest credited quarterly. 6PEK CENT, per annum showed on deposits of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods. GEO W. TIKDEMAN. President B. H LEVY. Vie* President T. W. BELL. Secretary. C. G ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer ' OI.D NEWSPAPERS. 300 for 35 cent* at BualbUS Office Morning News. BUSINESS NOTICES. tHE~greaT Main I pn one stock ilnrlng the week past tins Hern fully met by sen shipments. We ure nhle to offer a Itcnu l lful lot of j presentation Nil* eru a re. Ten Sets. Snlnal Sets, Pltrhrrs. nail other pieces for household use. Oar stock ol Diamond Jewelry is beyond com petition. I'enrl llronchc*. Sleeve tint tons and Silver Noteltire In ■ rent variety. THEUS BROS, After Breakfast Try a FRANKLIN CIGAR. Contentment in It. in I wm Piste. For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Fold, r; will fold aheet 37*42 It la in good order price LOO. It cost originally 11.100, but w* have no ua* for It and want tha room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, kavaaaah, fla. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. J|L Perfect Feet. Ctv} No Corns, No Bunions, \nr\ are the results ) < wearing our m Foot Form JM, Shoes. Broad Toes, I 1 Broad Soles, 1,1 and plenty of oyLidrw room in the uppers. These shoes are design ed especially for men look ing for comlort and ease. Lace or Congress. $2 to $5 fOOTCOYEfiZfiS'- MAHX/ND. THE CHATHAM BANK, savannah. LEOPOLD ADLER, President, C. B ELLIS, Vice President. JNO R DILLON, ( ashler. HAKRtIN CARTER. Asst, ('ashlar. Solicits the a, counts of Individuals, firms banks, association* and corpora -1 ions. Liberal favors c*tended to correspond n.c tMpk a* our unaurpasacd facilities foi ollcctirg insure prompt returns. MVS AND BELLI FOREIGN EN HANCE WRITER LETTERS OF CREDIT AND 188 FEB HANK MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE IN ALL PARTS OF El ROPE ''■ ’ ■ ~(, p- r .-I •! : I-" • • nr ,V • ■ ■ SAVINGS P.EPA RTMDNT Safety Dcpoelt Boxes and Vaults for rent. The Citizens Bank OP SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Trnnsarls a liesersl Hanking lIbIiBPRS. Solicits Acconafa of In,illldnal,. Merchants, Hanks and other Corps, rations. Collections bandied with safety, economy and dispatch Interest, compounded quarterly, allowed on dcpoalia In oar (tarings Department. kafrty Dcposll Host sand Storage Vanlla. H DTIKY 4. DENMARK, President. M11.1.k It I. t YE, V ice President. fIRONOB C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON 1., I.HOOVER. Aaat. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK ol die* nun’ ui Ueoifut. bu.-piujo and undivided |>roAts DEPOSITORY OK THE BTATE OF GEORGIA. R'.pcnor facilities for tran**rtl„g a General lii.nkmg Ruslnest. Collection* made on ail points 1 aslbie ihruugh bank" and banker*. A count* of Ranks, Banker, Merchant" a,*i other* solicited, bate Deposit Bo**" for rent. Department of Saving!, interest payable qu.inerly. Sr M B erllt g Exchange on London I and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. H'ihaek a, crane, Vice President JAMES STTLI.IVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO FLANNERY WM W GORDON E A WEIL W W. GORDON. Jr. H A ORANE JOHN M EOAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FKRST H P SMART OIIARLEB ELLIS EDWARD KELI.T JOHN J KIRRY THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, UA. Capital 3V** Undivided profit# BMW Thla bank offer* t. service* f 'OTp,ra tion" merchants and Individual*. Ha" authority to act a* executor, ad ministrator. guardian, etc. leuc" draft* on the principal clilea In Great Britain and Ireland and on th* Continent. Interest paid or compounded qwar'erly on d*|K>"" In th* Saving* Department. Safely ! M,xe* for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO W TIEDEMAN. Vice PreMent JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN. A*'t Car hi*'. Hlllli CAPITAL. $330,000. Aceount* of bank*, merchant*, corpor* tlon* and Indlvlduala solicited Savings Departuient. Interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vault* B rent. collection* made on all point* at •* •unable rates. Drafts sold on all th* chief cities of lb* world. Corrcsponderca Invited JuSLPH D. W LED. president. JOHN C. ROWLAND, vice Preeldent W. F McCAI’LKY. Cashier. JL.. ..J. ' ” ~ IF YOV WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work order your lithographed hd printed stationery and blank >okh fram Morning News, SarantnU). Otu